#roblox pressure hc
ashersbraincell · 1 month
Sebastian headcanon: if he was willing to console/comfort you, he’d DEFINITELY do so in a way similar to Husk in the song „Loser Baby”.
(Bonus points: many lines fit experiment oc’s!)
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sin-simps · 2 months
-bangs pots and pans- come get y’all Sebastian angst/silly
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archiepelago · 19 days
Oughhhh chonky Sebastian (I crave more)
Ask and ye shall recieve! (wip :3c)
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mauvecosmic · 1 month
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Took a smoke everytime your expendable "coworker" died because of something stupid
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ghastigiggles · 2 months
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get yoinked idiot
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gaeultyullib · 24 days
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Sebastian Solace headcanons because I can.
I hope you like it, if so, ask for more :D
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— He hates being touched. Even though he sometimes wishes he could be hugged or receive the comfort he remembers from his family, now every time he is touched he remembers the hands of scientists on his body...and the pain ofc...
— Whenever a teenager goes, he lowers the prices and allows them to stay there longer. (How can they send a practically kid to something like that?)
— He doesn't remember the faces of his brothers or mother. He blames himself for that.
— He casually communicates where the lobby is (as we've heard him speak several times) just to make fun of Urban Shade.
— Has scars from the first times the turrets attacked him.
— He's always around the expendables, usually so that they don't steal some important file (That's why if you touch one he always appears and YYOINKKK)
— He was always afraid of needles, and now for obvious reasons he is terrified of them.
— He had a crisis when he read his documents and saw how they never told him about his innocence.
— Many times when he was on the verge of fainting from the pain of all the torture, he could hallucinate his mother/siblings.
— His legs had to fuse, stick together at some point and it was torturously painful. Yeah, think about that.
— He tries not to sleep because he has nightmares about all the experiments.
— They are just waiting for him to weaken from lack of sleep and food so they can kill him.
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vinestaff · 15 days
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denis-local · 2 months
Something that I uploaded on the Tiktok page and decided to share on here too.
Not my proudest meme
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My interpretations of the main five node monsters featuring my ideas/process for each one!
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I was trying to make Angler look as much like an actual angler fish but I for some reason couldn't no matter how hard I tried and ended up just drawing it exactly the same but with fog.
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Very disappointing on my part, but I got the hang of it for Blitz and Pinkie! For Blitz, I really leaned into the aspect of him being a viperfish n' all, differentiating him from the rest with a longer and thinner torso. Pinkie's design I think I like the most; I drew her to resemble a wilting tulip or rose 'cause. Lady. Pink :]
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Froger and Chainsmoker is where I truly focused on coloring and shading, hence why this drawing turned out to be my second favorite! I drew Froger with this very bumpy skin to make her seem very frog-like, and gave her frog webbed feet instead of fins in an attempt to make her seem like this literal frog-fish mutant.
Chainsmoker being a blobfish and all, I made it that his actual skin was more slimy-looking compared to the rest. I tried giving him this big and ugly angler light to fit in with the rest of the gang but it just looked so...off, so I left him lightless and I'm honestly so glad I did.
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thebekashow · 2 months
human Sebastian because yes.
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(yes I hc him as trans.)
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ashersbraincell · 1 month
You know, everyone always focuses on the visual aspects of the DNA species Sebastian has when talking about redesigns and stuff. But what about the things that aren’t visible to the eye?
•Anglerfish-some lie half-buried in the ocean floor waiting for prey, this could be used for cute burying headcanons for Sebastian! Like how he likes to bury himself under items/blankets etc.
•Blue Whale-Huge potential for the low frequency vocalisations, only natural predator is the orca, so might be scared of oc’s based on these?
•Great White Shark-again with the orca, quoting Wikipedia „larger sharks dominate smaller sharks, females dominate males, and established residents dominate newcomers”(doesn’t have to be in a sexual sense either), „generally very curious animals, display intelligence and may also turn to socializing if the situation demands it”, said curiosity if exentuated by brightly coloured items which they have a habit of nibbling to get a better sense for what it is, „Skin dosed with adrenaline would turn lighter, with melanocyte-stimulating hormone causing melanocyte cells to dissipate thus making the shark's skin a darker colour”, „have also been known to eat objects that they are unable to digest”, hunting behaviours include immobilisation/waiting for prey to bleed out, enhanced sense of smell, have toxic blood
•Silver Spinyfin-can see in color in very low light conditions
•Mantis Shrimp-live in burrows, so further fuel for the burrowing under items/blankets hc, use hands to either grab, smash, or spear prey, territorial and frequently in combat, can see ultraviolet, „can learn and remember well, and are able to recognise individual neighbours with which they frequently interact”, for all you shippers here’s a cute extraxt from wikipedia: „the mantis shrimps remain with the same partner up to 20 years. They share the same burrow and may be able to coordinate their activities. Both sexes often take care of the eggs (bi-parental care)”, can detect neuron activity, „Mantis shrimps have been observed landing blows on each other in what is thought to be a ritual fight to test each other’s speed and stamina. The shrimp will deliver blows to each other’s tailplate called a ‘telson,’ hugely tough pieces of armor that protect them from having their shells pierced” (from https://www.indoyachts.com/the-mantis-shrimp/#:~:text=Mantis%20shrimps%20have%20been%20observed%20landing%20blows,protect%20them%20from%20having%20their%20shells%20pierced. )
•Sea Snake-deadly venom, seriously I’ve not seen anyone talk about him having venom bevause of being a snake, like ever,
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hydrahound87 · 1 month
Hc that Sebastian can open his mouth reallyyy fuckin wide and has multiple rows of needle-sharp teeth due to the snake and anglerfish/shark dna
(i do Not have time to draw it.. maybe)
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mal-zero-solo · 8 days
Hello Pressure fandom
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Yes the first thing I did was make a HC that Seb to be a tad bigger
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lucian-is-high · 8 days
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The hcs for this merman
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ghastigiggles · 30 days
please spare some tickle headcannons for Sebastian I beg of you 🥺 hes a snarky ass fish that needs to get his shit wrecked
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stupid fucking fish that i hate
if you think you're getting within wrecking distance without a considerable amount of trust buildup you've got another thing coming
even then you're on Thin Fucking Ice and pushing your luck is inadvisable. but if you fall into that very minute miniscule percentile...
This fish is stupidly ticklish.
A lot of places he didn't even think could be ticklish actually are (his esca, for example) and he hates it, actually! thanks!
very prone to violence. cannot control his tail at all and is very quick to try and grab anyone who tries shit.
doesn't laugh right away. grits his teeth and tries to pass off the smile as a snarl. he's gonna hold that shit in as long as he feasibly fucking can...
when he eventually does break, his laugh is actually quite bright and a little wheezy.
"If yohohou - ghh, hah, if you dohon't - motherfuHUHUCKER -!"
good stamina but no patience. you have one chance to stop when he says he's serious or you're sooooo totally fucked. sorry.
you fucked up.
you fucked up so bad oh my god you're so FUCKING DEAD BRO!!!!!
see the problem is he has three hands AND a snake body AND he's bigger than you. so uh. moving is gonna be a thing of the past for now.
oh no the claws. haha. uh oh!
he's an older brother and still has that stupid uncanny ability to just hone in on bad spots despite all this time away
won't stop making snide. snarky comments and teases the whole time
slow and meticulous. he has time to kill. and expendables, apparently.
"wait - you actually like this? pff- hah, well that explains a couple things! in that case, i'm sure you can last a little longer than this, can't you? no? hmm, let's find out."
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astray-anomaly · 23 days
I still don’t understand the whole shipping thing with Sebastian
The whole drama is dumb. I don’t support either side and I sure as hell don’t want anything to do with Sebastian being canonically married to his co-creator cause that whole thing seems very ick, and seeing fanart of it is even more ick. I refuse to feed into the unhealthy obsession so I am going to sit here in my corner and be delusional while I pretend that Sebastian is aroace and actually has a platonic husband. Who is the husband? No idea. I might draw him eventually or may not
That or he isn’t actually married and the ring he is wearing is a bracelet he found on a corpse and he took it cause shiny
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