#hazel angst
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justaz · 6 months ago
amnesiac!percy being super, super, super protective of hazel to a concerning degree but he brushes it off as maybe she reminds him of someone from his life before. when percy explains his plan of drinking gorgons blood, hazel offers herself up to drink the blood. she’s died once before, she can do it again. percy has something to do, he has people to find. he can’t risk his life for something like this. hazel can do it. chances are, with the doors of death open and thanatos locked up, she can find her way back as a child of pluto.
percy refuses. he won’t let her get a word out. she insists. he refuses. their argument crescendos into him calling her bianca. its draws them all up short. percy is confused, he has no idea whose name that is. he has no idea why his chest hurts so bad. hazel does. hazel knows. its her dead sister’s name. nico’s real sister. the one he lost years ago.
she knew that percy and nico knew each other, nico pretty much confirmed it but he refused to elaborate on any of the details. percy must’ve known bianca. that must be where percy and nico knew each other from. she has grown somewhat used to nico calling her bianca, she had been a substitute, a consolation prize from the underworld. nico couldn’t find his real sister so he settled for a shadow of her. she had thought percy, someone she had grown to think of as an older brother, would be different. yet here he is, with no memory, calling her the name of a ghost, someone she can never hope to live up to. someone she can’t compete with. someone who will always be better than her.
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1800-lemon-boy · 6 months ago
Friendly reminder that just like Nico had to learn it’s okay to be queer, Hazel would have had to learn that it’s okay to be queer, a person of colour or a woman.
Hazel was born in the 1920s-1930s and we don’t talk about that nearly enough-
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1800-lemon-boy · 6 months ago
Hazel levesque they could never make me hate you.
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hazel defender for life btw
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bunnieswithknives · 7 months ago
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As much as I love angst I think it would be funny if he just didnt give af
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helpallthenamesaretaken · 10 months ago
that feeling when you've recently come back from the 1900s where violence and disgust towards black people was prevalent everywhere and suddenly now your white best friend points at your black mom and says that she looks beautiful like you:
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THIS MOMENT IS GOING TO HIT SO HARD IN TV ADAPTATION WHEN PERCY WILL LOOK HER IN THE EYES AND TELL HER "she looks like you. she's beautiful. my gf's black too btw🥰
(percy would not mind annabeth being black in the books, he would still find her beautiful, so why should you?)
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toonsforkicks22 · 6 months ago
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This Rita Ora song reminds me too much of Cosmo 🥲
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milkatusa · 7 months ago
Hiiii! Can you pls draw Hazel comforting and holding a crying Dev? I could really use it rn.
*(love the art by the way)*
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Another sketch!! I’m little lazy for finish this but I think it’s okay
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wormyyzzworm · 6 months ago
Dev and Hazel: Part 1
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super-un-stable · 6 months ago
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Things kids do sometimes (I did this once sorry dad)
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kozukensgf · 6 months ago
THE JEONGHAN ONE WAS SO FUNNYYY AND CUTEEE DAMNNNN, the menace and you wrote it so well as well
Can I ask the same overslept for woozi version? but and maybe, slightly angst fluff version??? 😭 idk why I have been loving angst too much these day, have a great day!
thank you!! here’s woozi ver and this is my first time doing something new. i hope you like it,,,, thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
bf texts with woozi!
character: woozi (featuring hoshi)
genre(s): fake texts, smau, angst, fluff
she/her reader x woozi!
note: keep track of the time in the text 😉
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taglist 🫶🏻
@worldpeaceforyoongi @sunooslover @forever-atiny @qockiestt @mystverse @blaycke @jaslwr @weird-bookworm @clownprincehoeshi @aaa-sia @http-mewchuu @heeseungthel0ml @toplinehyunjin @aervera @arkynz @Hawshiiiii @jenowithjaem @chhnc @gyuguys @dunixxd
join my taglist here (make sure your mention is on!)
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razrbladekiss · 4 months ago
MAPLE HAZEL | Joel Miller — Part Three
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SUMMARY: joel’s misery is palpable. you’re oblivious to it. until you’re not.
PAIRING: no outbreak!joel miller x afab!reader
WORD COUNT: 5.9k, you are welcum.
WARNINGS: angst. reader is an eagles fan (do NOT come for me, they are my boys. go birds 🦅). F L U F F. mentions of reader’s dad. tommy and joel are jerks, but joel redeems himself. tommy can suck a fat one. i kidddd <3 this is probably the angst-iest this story’ll get because im addicted to the fluff so. enjoy. 🤞🏼 not proof read or edited, i cannot be fucked for that.
TAGS: if you would like to be added for future installments, then let me know besties!! if i’ve forgotten anyone that’s asked to get added, then please slap me. @millersleee @goodvibesonly421 @j0elmlllers @scorpio-echo
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Joel’s hands seize the steering wheel of his truck—the same one that’s presently stationed on your driveway—knuckles turning sheet white for the hold that he has is completely unforgiving. And sore.
He’s irascible. Livid. His anger is sheathed by shame and hatred for himself as the way that he conducted himself this morning was unseemly. Even for Joel, it was appalling. And though you didn’t appear to have any reservations, he knew that he bothered you. Your face didn’t allude to irritation, nor did your tone or mannerisms, but Joel was more than conscious of your internal hurt.
He just knows you that well.
But now he’s sitting—legs numb and cheeks charring red—striving to conjure up an apology that’ll help to shirk any ill-feeling that you may have toward him. Because he was a fucking jerk this morning.
And it was all because of an Eagles sweater, believe it or not.
9.42 AM
Birch Grove is bustling. It's considerably brighter, this morning. The doom and gloom that enveloped your small town yesterday has now dissipated, leaving nothing but small puddles of rainwater and grit in its wake, and it’s beautiful. A sight to behold when you’re leaving your house today.
You avoid the wetness on the road—hoping not to muddy your shoes—and bounce onto the sidewalk, admiring the oil slick that blankets damp gravel on your way over to Joel’s. You swear that there’s a divot in the concrete that holds semblance to a heart, but you’re not sure if that’s just a delusion from lack of sleep or some sort of sign from the universe telling you that perhaps it’s time to find a significant other.
Nonetheless, you take in the scene. How yesterday—in the midst of a storm—not a single body littered the crosswalk, therefore leaving Joel’s little coffee shop completely empty. But today—now that the air has cleared and rain almost dried up—it’s like nothing had even happened, and the entire town is out in force. Like they always should be.
Joel watches in awe as you make tracks across the street toward the cafe—wondering how he ever deserved such a buoyant presence like you in his life despite the fact that he’s a perpetually miserable middle-aged man—and busies himself so you don’t think he’s been ogling you this entire time.
But then the bell rings, Joel’s eyes flick up—against his own will—and you bound over the threshold with the biggest smile. He swallows extremely thickly.
“Good morning.” You say, as happy as ever—clearly on a high from your not-date—and pad through the room toward him. “Can I please have a—“
“You’re late.” 
One of your perfectly tweezed brows raises. 
“For work.” He elaborates. Joel clears his throat. “You’re late for work.”
“I got the day off.” You remind him. He vaguely remembers you saying something about this elusive break on Monday, but was honestly too distracted by his brother attempting to use the coffee machine. 
Joel nods, taking your favorite mug off of the shelf. You smile at the sentiment. 
“Ah, you’re going shopping. Right?”
You nod. Your stomach gurgles when your eyes satisfy the gaze of a perfectly plump cinnamon roll. Not too thick, not too over-done, and the right bun to icing ratio. It’s sitting—alone—in one of the little cake cases.
“I am.” You reply, taking the glass dome off of the top. Like last time, you swipe the sweet treat right from underneath Joel’s nose. Only, today, you slide two dollars across so he can’t complain. 
But he wouldn’t anyway. Not today. Because he admires the fact that you’re ungovernable, while simultaneously respecting him. To an extent, anyway. 
“I can get you some fall decor.”
“He needs to spruce this place up.”
His eyes roll when he’s pouring the frothed milk atop your latte, hardly going unnoticed by his larger-than-life, sometimes a bit too overbearing brother. 
Tommy acknowledges you by saying your name, and you grin back at him. It’s nice to see one of the Miller’s with anything but a stoic expression slapped against those rough, rugged features. Though there’s something about Joel’s that seems rather superficial. 
Despite being perennial at times, you feel as though you’ve cracked through his tough exterior and. You’re certainly able to decipher between his real and mock revulsion. Last night was the first time that Joel’s guard had truly been down, and it was wonderful. 
“Get him some pumpkins. A wreath—“
“I don’t need no pumpkins. And what the hell is a wreath?”
The youngest brother pulls a stool out next to you, and bumps your shoulder as he sits. He looks at you as if to say get a load of this guy, and you laugh. Joel passes you your latte, and you think that you see a hint of a smile tugging at those plush lips. But you won’t swear to it. 
“A wreath is what Mrs. McKlaren has on her front door for each season.”
“Yeah.” Tommy chimes in. He pulls one of the Birch Grove Gazettes from the pile beside the cake case, and opens it up. “But you knew that. You’re just playin’ dumb in front of—“
You elbow him. “Quit teasin’.” Further defending your friend, you say; “it’s not his fault if he’s not too polished up on the names of things. He’s not pussy-whipped like you are, Tom.”
Joel chuckles at that comment, thanking you with a nod. A man of few words, though you get him. Down to a fine art. 
“True.” He flicks through a few pages, before he’s turning to you with a grimace when you take off your jacket to reveal one of your dad’s old Eagles sweaters. “Oh, God no.”
You frown, putting it to sit on the seat next to you. 
It’s common knowledge around these parts that there are two teams, and two teams only that it’s acceptable to support. Unless you’re flaunting the badge of the Texans or Dallas Cowboys, then you’re basically committing a federal crime.  And the men of Birch Grove take this very, very seriously. 
“Joel. I know you’re friends with this broad—“
“Watch your mouth.” He grumbles, appearing from the kitchen. He has his head down, hands full of cutlery. 
“Sorry.” Tommy says oh so quietly. “But—but look. She’s wearing the mark of the devil.”
Your eyes are rolling so hard you fear that they’ll roll straight from their sockets and into your coffee. You just know that beneath the green flannel, Joel is donning an Aikman jersey.
“That’s so dramatic.” Arms are being folded over as you speak, and he still hasn’t looked in your direction. “It’s just a football team—“
“Woah.” The two Millers harmonize. Joel eyes you directly and turns his nose up as soon as he heeds the shade of green that should be classed as blasphemy, not midnight.  
He didn’t know that you liked them. Tess liked them, too. But you know that. You’re not fucking stupid. 
And perhaps she might’ve aided the disgust that percolates through Joel whenever he hears someone utter the name Brian Dawkins, but he can’t help associating them with her. That same way he thinks of her whenever Fall rolls around, or whenever you step into his little cafe. 
He has such strong feelings for you, but needs to put them aside. He needs to bury them deep for fear of the past repeating itself because he isn’t sure if he can go through that again. His guard goes up, and eyes go down. He busies himself with cleaning. 
“Sacrilege.” Tommy spits. “It’s not just a football team, woman. It’s Irreverent. To come in here and wear that is absolutely ridiculous.”
Your jaw rolls and you look down at the faded logo. 
“I respect that you root for the birds, I do. It must be hard to support such a shit team—“
“Language.” Joel scolds, a little heated. “But, I agree. Can’t go wearin’ that ‘round these parts. It’s almost as bad as you comin’ in here wearing a Steelers jersey.”
Tommy grimaces. It’s not quite as bad, but it certainly sucks. 
But, to you, what sucks is the fact that these men—grown fucking men—are chewing you out over a sweater. It’s child’s play. 
“They’re not a shitty team. They’re great.” You defend your guys, watching Joel try to control the bitterness threatening to bust right out of his lips. “I’ve always loved them. My dad is from Philly—“
“Explains why you have such crappy taste.”
You blink at Tommy. 
“Anyway.” You clear your throat. “I’ll always root for the birds, because they’re my favorites. I also, believe it or not, enjoy the Cowboys when they play at home, or against the Giants. It’s patriotic. But they are a pretty shitty team—“
“No, they ain’t.”
“They are.” You uphold, making direct eye contact with the youngest sibling. “Remind me, when was the last time they went to the Superbowl?”
Tommy’s jaw rolls, and Joel can feel himself slipping. 
“Ninety-five.” Begrudgingly, he says. “But that don’t mean shit—“
“Kinda does.” 
“No it don’t.” He growls. “When was the last time those damn birds won the big game, huh?”
Without missing a beat, you say; “twenty-eighteen. They beat the Patriots by eight points, Brady sucked and Foles was the MVP. I tailgated at the stadium with my dad and uncle—“
“In Minnesota?”
“Yessir.” You tell Tommy before taking the last sip of your—now lukewarm—coffee. “I’ll also be heading to Philly to see the Eagles v Steelers game.”
Joel scoffs. 
“Got somethin’ to say, old timer?”
He grinds his lips together before saying; “just baffles me s’all. Don’t get how someone—Dallas born ‘n raised—can root for a team from Philadelphia.”
“Just the way it goes. But I did say that I enjoy them from time to time.”
“Shouldn’t be that way.” Tommy interjects. “Texans are meant to support Texan-made teams all the time. Not fuckin’—“
“Tommy.” Joel gestures to the customers, scolding him again for his crudeness. 
You pull cash from your purse while the two of them bicker, putting atop the counter before Joel can even refuse. You shrug on your jacket, too, promptly doing up the buttons so the tension can dissipate a little. But it doesn’t. 
“I’m not arguing with you two morons over football any longer.” A little meaner than intended, you tell the two of them. You turn to Joel, brows furrowing. “And I know why you despise the Eagles; I’m not an idiot. I saw her walking ‘round the place with her scarves in the winter, ‘n the occasional jersey on football Sundays.”
Tommy looks between the two of you, sensing some friction. 
“Don’t project Tess’s shit onto me, Joel.” Blunt, you say. “I’m sorry that I was the reason for her leaving, but it ain’t my fault we have the same interests. You can’t pussyfoot around forever, and I don’t appreciate gettin’ admonished for a fucking football sweatshirt.”
“Don’t.” He warns, wrenching a dish rag between calloused fingertips. He knew that last night’s conversation was deep-rooted in something more than just you being curious. “I’m not pussyfootin’ ‘round. I just don’t wanna talk about her.”
“I know.” You say—realizing that you were a little too hot off the mark—but you don’t feel sorry. “But there’ll always be people who like the same things that she did, or say the same things, or remind you of her.”
He looks at you. He knows what you mean. He knows that you know that—in some kind of way—you make Joel think of her. You’re so strong, like Tess. So outspoken, exactly like her. But you’re caring and kind, and don’t get jealous over the slightest little things, and you let him speak. 
You let him tell you about his troubles, not that he shares too much. And you’re not pushy. But now, it feels like you’re being exactly that. 
“I’m sorry that my mere presence as a Goddamn Eagles fan pisses you off, Joel, but I’m not going to be able to change that. You’ll just have to try and detach those memories—“
The dishrag is being hurled onto the bar along with his fists. “I’m not gonna detach those memories! I ain’t gonna forget her just ‘cus you think you know me and my relationship with that woman so well! You don’t know shit. All you do is come in here ‘n drink coffee, rant about crap that nobody cares about, make me listen to your stupid fuckin’ problems—and I’m sick of it!”
You blink back tears as you stare at him, for the volume is intimidating and completely unwavering. You’ve never been yelled at before—in front of customers, by Joel—and you want to be sick. Everyone is staring. Some people are even leaving. 
Has he always felt this way? You wonder. Has Joel always thought that your ramblings are pointless, and that your issues are facetious? You’re sure that he’s just spewing nonsense at this point, but it still stings. 
“Get out.” He looks down, hands gripping tightly the wooden countertop. He refuses eye contact. 
Tommy gives you a weak smile, immediately regretting setting foot into Joel’s this morning. Quite like you, really. 
“I’m really sorry for bringing her up, Joel, I know how—“
“Go.” His eyes lift to satisfy your gaze, hurt written over his features. “Please…Just leave.”
“Okay.” You nod, lifting your purse from the stool. It’s a quick bye to Tommy that has those damn tears spilling as you walk to your car, not even looking back to wave or smile at your friend like you usually do. 
You fear that this’ll change the trajectory of your relationship with Joel. And his brother knows that. 
He knows that if he doesn’t say something—at this point, anything—then Joel will just let this sit and fester, and become something that it has absolutely no business being. 
His brother knows that you’re the only constant in his life—aside from family—and if he lets you go, then he’ll be considerably more bleak. He’ll have his patrons to keep him company, but he won’t have you. The girl that has—unbeknownst to her—given Joel something to look forward to every day. 
The girl that Joel can’t help thinking of, or talking about, whenever he gets the chance. And despite not always showing his admiration, he’s besotted with you. Infatuated, perhaps. His fondness so clear that everyone can see it. Everyone, aside from you. 
Especially after that.  
“You’re a fucking jerk.” Tommy chastises. “She shouldn’t have mentioned Tess, but that was horrible—“
“I don’t care.” Through gritted teeth, he tells him. “She took it too far—“
“No, we did.” He admits. “She probably wouldn’t have brought the bitch up if we didn’t tease her for wearing her dad’s fuckin’ sweater.”
Joel swallows the lump in his throat, refusing to admit that Tommy could be right about this. 
“You need’a get a hold of your emotions, brother. Can’t be sendin’ her away like that when we both know you’ve got feelings for her—“
Joel grumbles as he rounds the counter, polishing a few tables in hopes that his sibling will go and leave him to it. But he doesn’t. 
“Can’t let Tess be the reason you two ain’t talkin’. ‘Specially ‘cus she ain’t even in the state anymore.”
Fuck. Off. 
Tommy watches him feign emotion, knowing deep down that his brother wants to beat himself to a pulp because you didn’t deserve any of that. 
“She’s right, y’know?”
Tommy says your name. “She’s right. If you don’t cut ties with the things that remind you of Tess, then you’ll never be happy. Always be comparin’ shit to her, and makin’ yourself miserable. Or miserable-r.”
“That ain’t even a word, dipshit.”
“True, though.” He says. “Joel, you’re so in love with this girl, you can’t let her go over a Goddamn football team—“
“Not in love.”
“Bullshit.” The youngest spits. “You get literal heart eyes whenever you look at her, and don’t even try ‘n deny it ‘cus Maria notices too.”
Joel blinks at him, wondering how he’d been so openly vulnerable. He‘a confused at how he’d unintentionally let his guard down enough to display his feelings. The ones that he wasn’t even certain about. 
“It mightn’t be love, Joel, but you’re mad about this girl.” He says a bit softer. Quieter. “And you can try to put these feelings aside, but what’re you gonna do if she walks in here with another man? Or she goes on more dates and finds the one? You just gonna live with it? Just gonna be jealous and miserable for the rest of your life?”
Joel walks to the café window and just stares for a few moments, secretly hoping to see you stomp across the street to give him a piece of your mind. But you don’t. 
“Think you’ve done enough wallowin’ in the past, don’t you?”
He supposes that he’s right. Joel knows that there’s some truth to what is being said to him, and so he turns the Open sign to Closed, and gestures for Tommy to get the remaining customers to leave. 
“What’re you gonna do?” 
“Make things right.” Joel grabs his jacket from the coat stand beside the door, and throws the shop keys to his brother. “Close up for me, will ‘ya?”
Tommy shakes his head. He gets off of his stool and goes behind the counter, grabbing one of the aprons from the hook beside the kitchen door. 
“Turn the sign back ‘round. You might’ve just lost your most loyal customer, you can’t afford to fuckin’ lose no more.”
Joel just nods. He has no fight left inside of him. He does as told, and storms across the sidewalk to his truck. 
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He’s been stationary for the last fuck knows how long, just mentally preparing himself for whatever bullshit will spill from his lips the second he sees you. If you even want to open your door to him. He wouldn’t blame you, if you didn’t. He gave you shit, and kicked you out when you spoke your mind. And the truth. Because, that’s what it was, wasn’t it? As harsh as it might’ve been, it was the truth and it was what he needed to hear. 
It’s been two hours since getting a verbal beat-down and, strangely, he really misses the sound of your voice. The oddly dulcet tone. The sweet, honeyed rhythm that slips from between two of the plushest, softest looking lips he’s ever bared witness to in his entire life. And even though some of the words that fell from them were harsh, he no longer cares. 
If he doesn’t apologize, then he might not get to hear you speak again. And he’ll take several scoldings if it means that he can listen to your beautiful tone. 
“C’mon, dickhead.” He tells his reflection in the mirror. He eyes himself, wondering whether the hat should stay on or off. Because if he takes it off, then his hair might look bad, but if he keeps it on then you mightn’t be able to take him seriously. 
He’s overthinking it. 
It stays on when he’s lugging his body—warm and palpitating—from the cabin, and onto the gravel of your driveway. He minds the flower beds when his boots hit ground, knowing that he’ll have hell to pay if he crushes your blooms or kicks up any mud.
His breath is hot and heavy. It’s like he’s just ran the Boston fucking marathon, not sit in his truck for the better part of twenty minutes being too much of a pussy to knock at your front door. 
But now he’s strolling to your porch, and can’t put it off any longer. He doesn’t even know if you’re home, but he guesses that you are. The wreath that you got today—golden leaves adorned with acorns and berries—is hanging proudly against the wood that you’ve painted sage. 
He laughs to himself when his hand comes up to knock, number eight. It’s almost comical how the number of your house coalesces with the number of his favorite ex-Cowboys player. But he’s not going to bring that up. Maybe another time. 
Joel takes a few deep breaths, heart only stuttering when he hears your footsteps approaching over the suspended wood flooring. The one that he actually had to help you sand down just eight months ago because you always felt that they looked too dark. Depressing. 
He smiles weakly. It doesn’t last long. When you swing the door open and your face falls, then so does Joel’s. 
“Hi.” He whispers, internally kicking himself for being such a wimp. He clears his throat. “Nice wreath.”
You fight a grin. Your disappointment outweighs any semblance of softness at this very juncture. 
After a few hours of mulling it over—and rage shopping—you’ve come to the conclusion that you were at fault. But Joel certainly didn’t make it any better when he kicked you off the premises after his hurtful monologue. 
“Thanks.” Your cardigan is pulled tightly around your body. Cream always looks so good on you. “Is—uh—is there something that I can help you with?”
Joel looks down for a split second. It feels like forever before he’s looking directly at you again. The thumping inside of his chest hasn’t once subsided since appearing at your street, he’s never felt like this before. At least, he can’t ever remember feeling like this. 
And it’s because of this—feeling—that he’s struggling to extrapolate his inward thoughts. You heed it. You know him like the back of your hand, apparently. His face is sullen—almost remorseful—and eyes hazy. 
Has he been crying? No. He’s probably just really annoyed. He looks like that sometimes when Tommy’s pissed him off, and he needs to vent. 
You shift aside, gesturing for Joel to come in. He hesitates for a moment, before he’s stepping over the threshold and into your beautiful home. The home that presently smells like a mixture of Sandalwood and Lavender, but Neroli and Bergamot in the summer months. 
What the fuck is Bergamot? Why do I know what that smells like?
He takes it in. The subtle scent, the fall decorations that make your cozy home look even more appeasing. It’s cute. It’s put together, clean, and inviting. It’s so you. 
You shut the door behind him when he takes a few paces into the entryway, just watching him. His broad shoulders swathed in soft, green flannel are tipped slightly forward. He’s not holding himself the way that he usually does. 
“Is everything okay, Joel?” You break the silence, shuffling past him through the hallway and to the kitchen. You hear him follow behind. Those heavyset footsteps make your heart ache, for some reason. 
Even by the way he walks—slow, long strides—he seems down. Remorseful, perhaps. And though he doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve, it’s always easy to tell how he feels. 
“Tea?” You offer without turning around, taking the kettle that’s just come to a boil on the stove. “I have chamomile, green, or English.”
“No coffee?” Your head shakes, pulling two mugs from the small shelf above the counter. Joel sits at your kitchen island. “How come?”
Two English teabags are being lifted from the carton—he didn’t specify, you just guess—and plopped into ceramic. 
“I don’t make my own coffee. Don’t taste the same when I do.”
His heart aches. After skipping a beat, of course. He takes a seat at your kitchen island, watching you potter around, clearly not prepared for a guest. 
“Tea is a little more warming, anyway.” You gesture for the sugar and he shakes his head. “Don’t enjoy coffee when I’m on my own. Only when I’m with someone.”
“That why you always come to see me in the mornin’?”
Faintly, you smile. Your head bobs a little bit, hanging low. 
He says your name. You look at him. “Y’know, if you ever want a coffee outta hours, I’m usually at home. You can come ‘round, if you wanna.”
That strange gnawing sensation returns beside a debilitating thumping. He feels the same, but you don’t know that. 
“Same here.” A weak smile tugs at the corners of your lips and you bring Joel his tea. The white ceramic is festooned with acorns and leaves, and he swears that you’ve just given him one of your best mugs. 
You sip quietly your warm beverage, standing opposite to where he sits in an uncomfortable silence. A lull that neither of you realize lasts an entire minute before you’re clearing your throat, and Joel is still trying to find his words. 
“Listen.” He sets down the tea—the best he’s ever had—and shifts a little bit. Joel tries to avoid eye contact with you, but understands that this is one of the times that he needs to show you just how important this is. It’s not just a casual conversation at the coffee house, anymore. 
You’re facing him fully, now. Eyes wide, lips parted a little bit. 
“I’m really sorry about earlier.” His tone is honest, wreathed with a hint of genuine sadness. “I had no business being such a jerkoff to you, kid. I said some hurtful shit, and I let my mouth get away from me.”
“You were a total dick, Joel.” 
He nods. “I know.”
“And I know that I never shoulda brought her up, but I didn’t think you’d yell at me. In front of everyone.”
He starts to cringe as he remembers what he said. How he said those horrible things. You’re such a sweet girl, he can’t believe he flipped out on you that way. 
“Do you really think that what comes outta my mouth is crap?”
“No, of course not—“
“Is everything I say fucking pointless?”
“Hon—no—no, of course not.” Joel fumbles his words a bit, just glad that he didn’t refer to you as any other embarrassing fucking pet name. He's not even sure that you caught it, what with being blinded by such a haze of anger. 
You do, though. You just don’t acknowledge it. 
Your thumb loops through the glossy handle, and you look into your mug. 
“I choose to start each morning the same way; at your café. I don’t do it because I want to come in and ruin your day by ranting, or spillin’ my guts about shitty dates and bad friends.” You refuse eye contact, still watching the tea slosh around as you move the cup ever so slightly. “I do it because I like you, Joel. You’re a great guy, and make my days a little bit easier. I’d even go so far as to consider you one of my friends. But, if you don’t feel that way—“
“Hey.” He reaches out for your hand. He’s surprised that you don’t pull away when his tan flesh meets yours so suddenly. Joel asks you to look at him, and you oblige. 
It’s so sad. Your eyes—so full of hurt—now locked on his. Soft, warm fingers wound between his thick digits. He frowns. 
“Listen to me.” Stern, though soft, he tells you. “Of course I feel that way. I tell you shit that I ain’t even told my own brother, ‘course I see you as a friend. Probably the only person I’d even wanna spend time with, if I’m honest.”
“You’re just sayin’ that, ‘cus you hurt my feelings—“
“No, I ain’t.” Joel shakes his head, trying to ignore the fact that he hurt your feelings. “I’m serious.”
“As a heart attack?”
He chuckles. “Yeah, kiddo, as a heart attack.”
Eyes roll at the sentiment, wondering whether there’ll ever be a time where Joel doesn’t refer to you as kid or kiddo. He tells you that it’s because he’s a lot older than you, but you both know there’s not even a ten year gap between the pair of you. He’s just dramatic and wishing his life away. 
“I’m—uh—I’m no good at this shit.” He looks down, a little curl poking through the back strap of his cap catches your eye. “Feelings, ‘n all.”
Instinctively, your thumb traces over the skin of his hand. You nod. You know. 
He's not the most sentimental person—nor does he cogitate  with his heart—but Joel is one of the most thoughtful men you’ve ever met, and these last few days have you feeling a different way about him. You can’t say that it’s a crush—crushes are for kids, is what your mother often tells you—but it’s certainly something. 
You’re just worried about the fact that he can’t let go of Tess. 
“Don’t gotta explain feelings, sweetie.” You tell him with a smile, reaching for your mug. The tea is cool, now. A little bit easier to drink than when it was piping hot and burning the roof of your mouth. “Just gotta feel ‘em, that’s all. Explain once you understand.”
You take a sip of the drink you made a short while ago, hands detaching. Joel almost feels weak without your touch, now. But he supposes that had it lasted any longer, he’d crumble. 
“Always know what to say, dontcha?”
“I do.” Conceited—though completely satirical—you say. He smiles, and so do you. “But in all seriousness, Joel, I know that you appreciate me. And I know that today was a complete one-off, but I just gotta know one thing.”
“Go for it.”
You suck in a breath, hating where you’re about to lead the conversation. “Did last night make you think differently of me? Y’know, when I asked those questions and pried a little?”
Joel’s heart thumps. Again. He doesn’t know how to say yeah, last night changed everything. But not ‘cus of what you asked me. 
He supposes that he can’t lie to you. He’s as transparent as a pane of fucking glass, at this point. 
“No. Definitely not.”
He nods. “Really. You had the right to know. Nothin’ has changed.”
He’s looking at you with those big fucking heart eyes that his brother teased him about earlier, and he knows it. He knows that he’s smitten. Truly, Joel is more than conscious of the fact that he’s falling—or more appropriately, fallen—for you, but he’s not at liberty to say. 
“You can tell me, y’know?”
He nods. “I know. There’s nothin’ to tell.”
“Okay.” Your tone is skeptical. He’s lying. 
He’s also been sitting here for far too long and is in desperate need of a long, cold shower to wash away the day and shirk any feelings before they come to bite him on his perfectly round ass. So he gets up—pushing the seat back beneath the island—and smiles at you. 
���Left Tommy behind the counter?”
Joel nods. “Yeah. He’s probably cussin’ me out right ‘bout now.”
Your laugh is genuine. Hearty. “Best get back then, hon.”
Joel’s mouth goes dry when his lips part to speak. Nothing materializes. Not even when he’s walking to the front door—you’re hot on his heels—can he figure out what to say. 
He’s opening it before he’s even certain of what he’s doing. 
“Miller.” You say and he turns around. He can’t help looking directly at your lips. “I’ll see ‘ya tomorrow.”
“Yeah.” He coughs. “Have a good night.”
“You too.”
He’s about to walk away—and you’re about to shut the door—before he’s leaning over the threshold and letting all rationality dissipate. Joel’s left hand meets the doorframe—mere inches from your own—and his breathing grows sporadic. 
Well, now or never, I ‘spose. 
Your fingers tingle, legs weaken. It’s only a split second, but it feels like an eternity that Joel is just standing there; staring at you. He’s waiting to make a move, you’re almost certain of it. 
“You gonna do somethin’?” You taunt, tilting your head a little. It almost snaps him out of his anxiety-induced haze. It eggs him on, if anything. 
“Fuck—shit—yeah.” Joel steps forward so that he’s no longer leaning, and the tips of his boots meet your toes. He’s careful not to stand on them. It’s sweet. 
He’s sweet. 
“C’mere.” He’s telling you when one of his calloused hands meets the nape of your neck, and both of yours are instinctively pawing at his chest. The soft, white  jersey beneath that customary flannel is like satin against your fingertips. He draws you in closer. “I lied.”
“‘Bout what?” You whisper, letting Joel’s hand shift to your cheek. It’s hard not to melt into his touch. 
His thumb brushes over your skin. You wilt beneath it. 
“Last night.” Your eyes are locked. “Everythin’ has changed.”
You nod. You feel the same way.
“And I dunno how to go ‘bout this, ‘cus I can’t do this whole lovey-dovey crap, but I do know that I wanna kiss you.”
He pulls you forward so that your faces are almost touching, and your hands have no choice but to rest atop the peaks of his glorious shoulders. This is something you only could’ve dreamed of. You and Joel in this position—on your doorstep—like something out of a fucking romcom, or Gilmore Girls. 
C’mon, man. Kiss her. 
The man’s heart juts in his throat. Two noses graze one another—when Joel angles his face so that he’s not pushing too firmly against yours—and you can’t help smiling wide at the prospect of Joel Miller, grumpiest man in Birch Grove, taking a liking to you. 
It’s almost as if your entire time with Joel flashes before your eyes—all of the early mornings and late nights spent at his coffee house, the stories shared and secrets told—and everything comes to a head in this particular moment. 
Your smile doesn’t falter. Not even when his lips meet yours, and he pushes the most dulcet kiss against your mouth. It’s so gentle. Nothing more than a delicate peck, but so passionate in the sense that; the two of you need this. The tenderness of the other’s touch—the sweet, cloying taste of sugar on your tongue meshed with malt from the tea—is welcomed almost immediately, accommodated by an unexpected desire and thirst for intimacy. 
And though it is but a peck, the two of you know that this is the start of something. Something completely unexplainable and somewhat unexpected, but something nonetheless. 
You’re the first to pull away. He’s too enamored with you. 
“Joel.” You breathe against his lips. Cheeks are flushed red, eyes hooded and completely blown with lust. “Thanks for comin’ here, and apologizing.”
“Thanks for acceptin’ my apology.” He tells you. Joel takes a step back—not before running his thumb over your skin one last time—for fear of initiating something else. “Wouldn’t have blamed you if you didn’t wanna.”
“Don’t go sayin’ that. ‘Course I’ll always accept your apologies.”
Joel’s heart rate must be through the roof at this point. 
“Even if I run outta maple hazel syrup?”
A gasp falls from your lips and you feign anguish. You soon smile. He looks at his wristwatch, and sighs. 
“I better get goin’. Left Tommy alone a while, now. Not sure if I’ll have a cafe to get back to, if I keep him any longer.”
You laugh. “Go on. I’ll be there tomorrow.”
“If it hasn’t been burned to the ground, you mean?”
“Yeah, if it hasn’t been burned to the ground.”
Joel nods. He’s fishing about the pocket of his flannel for the key. 
“Enjoy the rest of your day, hon.”
His cheeks heat up. “Yeah, you too, kid.”
You can’t help letting out a little ha ha when he’s getting into his truck, and you’re watching from your post against the doorframe. When he gives you a little wave, he pulls away and you’re ambling back into your hallway. Satisfied. Though somewhat confused. 
Nothing could’ve prepared you for the trajectory of this day, and you suppose that nothing will ever come close. You just need to figure out what happens next. 
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xixovart · 7 months ago
hazel “is it ok to grieve someone i never met” levesque
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1800-lemon-boy · 6 months ago
Friendly reminder that Hazel Levesque gave up Elysium for her mother, a person who treated her terribly her whole life
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the-goddess-of-gays · 3 months ago
Heroes of Olympus but the ships are slowburn like in the first series so we have to suffer all over again
Frank and Hazel stumbling around each other and Frank being unable to explain why he hates Leo so much while Hazel is still barely over Sammy
Piper "he may not know it yet, but he is MINE" McLean pulling increasingly desperate stunts to try and win Jason over x Jason Grace who is as oblivious as PJO Percy
Percabeth asking each other "were we like this? there's no way we were like this" and Grover having the time of his life on the other side of the empathy link because Percy now knows what he's been enduring for the last four years
Leo's seventh-wheel character arc would so much more pronounced because now the flirting pre-couples seem to literally have no time for him unless they want to talk about romance and he just wants his fucking friends back
I'm very very normal about this
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misserabella · 1 year ago
hazel callahan x fem! reader.
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summary; loving her was a sin, but if there was a hell, you’d go with her.
cw; +18 content, minors dni!, we’re in the 80s!, both reader and hazel are 18!!, inspired by homecoming from ethel cain, homophobia, angst, pining, both reader and hazel being in love, kissing, crying, hair pulling, mentions of the bible, god and hell, fingering (r! receiving)…
you’re staring at her, and she can’t be more beautiful. it hurts. everything about it hurts. her suit matches her beautiful eyes, and her hair looks so soft you just want to dip her fingers in and tug. tug her closer. until there is no distance in between the two of you. until you can breathe from her lips, until nothing else exists.
but you can’t. and it just breaks you apart like a porcelain doll smashed against the floor.
her name is just as beautiful as her. hazel. like the spring, like the earth and the green. and just like the season, she brings butterflies to your stomach, makes goosebumps bloom like flowers on your skin. and she’s so warm…
she’s a sin. but such a pretty one… maybe they all are. would it make a difference? everything else evaporated as she takes your hand, like the blood in your veins. you want the blue in her eyes to bathe you clean.
“dance with me?” she asks, as if you could resist, as if you weren’t on her knees and begging for her to a god that forbid this sickening love that drenches your bones.
and you nod, ‘cause there are no words you could muster. not when she’s this close, when her fingers are laced in between yours and her cologne is suffocating you.
you’re more patient now than you ever have been.
her smile is blinding, and you can just follow her to the mass of teenagers dancing in the middle of the room, even when your heart is about to burst out of your chest and your stomach is tying in knots.
you’re more brave now that you ever have been.
her hands are on your waist, and your arms are around her neck. and you’re dancing, slow. you feel like one of those princesses in the fairytales your mom would read you when you were just a mere kid, with glass heels and satin fluffy dresses, in between the arms of a prince. you wanted to smash the crystal below your feet and break it to pieces, dance bare feet on the remains of the happily ever after that you won’t get.
“you look beautiful.” she whispers, and your cheeks redden. your heart flips, and you wish this weren’t the way it all goes, but you can’t help but say it back.
“you too.” you stare into her eyes, shying when she smiles, pulling you closer against her chest. you swore you could feel the quickened heartbeat of her heart. hazel fears you do.
you could feel her breath on your neck, through your homecoming dress before she speaks again.
“can i tell you a secret?” you nodded, your soul blooming in a field of flowers when she spoke those four words against your ear. “i’m desperate for you.”
and even though you felt complete, you couldn’t help but want to push her away, punch her in the face. ‘cause your love was so big. you wanted it to be her problem too.
there, just inches away from her, from her plushy reddish lips…four left feet in a room, always all over her. why had you had to fall in love with her?
and you both knew this was how it goes. you both get too close ’til you fucking explode.
you only tugged her closer, burying your face on her neck to hide your blushing, your nerves, but mostly your fear. you couldn’t look her in the eyes, into this sin.
“don’t look now but everyone’s staring at us weird.” she said, and your breath hitched.
“is it just me or there’s no air in here?” you could feel your chest tighten, millions of eyes on you.
but you’d take it all. stand there and bleed under the knives their eyes sent you if that meant you could stay in between her arms just one more minute, one more second.
“just breathe. i’m right here.” she promised, holding you tight.
everyone was watching you. you couldn’t breath.
“can’t we just leave?” you muttered, and she nodded. you wanted to run away with her, run to where no one would know you, would see you.
she took your hand, and you followed as you two left the prom, the hallways of your high school felt sickeningly cold, yet she kept you warm, hand on hand.
it was all a blur as you two ran through them, eyes on the back of her head, on her flowy soft black hair, and before you knew you were inside the bathrooms, your back against the cold tiles as she looked into your eyes.
“tell me i shouldn’t.” she whispered against your lips, one of her hands cupping your cheek. your eyes met her lips.
your fist tightened on the jacket of her suit, knuckles turning white as you leaned closer to her, until your lips were hers and hers yours. you closed your eyes, relishing on this love that you were gifted, this cursed love that you couldn’t scape.
tears were soaking your eyes, ruining the makeup your mother had helped you put on. you were gutted. your hands found her hair, tugging. you wanted to hurt her. break her just like she had broken you.
“i wish you were a boy…” you muttered in a sob, and hazel’s eyes fell. she silently kissed you again. and you let her. they said love hurt, and you were ready to die for it.
the kiss only got deeper, so deep you were drowning. you wished there was no god. no heaven. no hell.
“i love you.” she muttered against your neck, softly kissing it, pressing you harder against the wall.
“don’t.” you begged. “please, don’t.”
“i’m sorry. i’ll go to hell for it. but i do.” tears were brimming her eyes as well.
you kissed her to quiet her. you needed her to hush it all. to not speak up this forbidden love that hung in between the two of you.
her tongue pushed inside your mouth and you moaned.
“please, hazel. make me forget…” you pleaded, starred eyes staring into her soul, and her shaky warm hands crept under the skirt of your dress, pushing aside your panties to feel how wet you’ve become for her. you cried out when you felt her fingers dive in between your slick folds, her fingertips tracing soft circles against your clit. you pulled on her hair, making her grunt.
“you’re so beautiful…” she repeated, if she could she would say it over and over again until she’d lose her voice. a whimper fell from your parted and swollen lips when she pushed her middle finger inside you, fucking you slowly. it was as if she were trying to make love to you. to convince you that this was no sin. just love.
you could believe her.
“i love you.” you cried on her shoulder, your hips pushing against her touch. “i love you so much it hurts.” she kissed your cheek, your forehead and your lips.
she hushed you, her free hand coming to softly brush your hair as she added a second finger, curling them and making you moan. “just focus on me, alright? just me, sweet girl. i’m right here, baby.” she kissed you once again, painfully slow and sweet. you could feel yourself rotting in it, vanishing as your orgasm approached, whimpers and whines being swallowed by hazel as she worked you towards it.
“hazel…” you called out for her.
“i know. i know. just let go for me, princess, let go.” you cried out as it hit you, your hips sputtering and your chest rising in a deep breath. you whole body shook at its intensity, and hazel made sure to help you ride it until it became too much for you. she pulled her fingers out of you just to push them into her mouth to taste you. you were heaven on her tongue.
you needed a taste.
and as you kissed her, holding her close to your heart, you whispered.
“if there’s a hell, i will go with you.”
and that’s a promise no god could break.
a/n; relatable
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winter-rossie · 5 months ago
Meanwhile In Camp Jupiter,
Any Random Roman: Tell Me what you remember about yourself! Percy: I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.
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