#maple hazel 🍁
razrbladekiss ¡ 15 days
MAPLE HAZEL | Joel Miller
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SUMMARY: he’s grumpy, and you’ve got enough happiness for the pair of you. you visit joel’s little coffee shop every morning, and he can’t deny that he enjoys the monotony of life with you the other side of his counter.
PAIRING: pre-outbreak!joel miller x f!reader
WARNINGS: inspired by lorelai gilmore and luke danes, so with that info do what you will. this is full on golden retriever x black cat realness. fluffy. banter-y. dialogue-y. joel is grumpy but he’s sexy so we don’t mind. enjoy, my besties. not sure if i’ll do a part two, but i’ll let you know in due time, of course.🍁🫶🏻
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It’s like he’s moving from muscle memory. Putting down a cinnamon roll and maple hazel latte—with two extra shots of espresso—in front of the third purple stool at his counter, is almost ingrained into his brain. He wonders if one day you’ll ever take him by surprise and order pancakes, or a chai tea.
And you will. Just not today.
“Cinnamon roll, please!” You call from the door as you bumble over the threshold, fighting with the belt loop on your coat that’s gotten stuck on a brassy handle for the third time this morning.
“Already one step ahead of ‘ya.” Joel gestures to the breakfast spread at the wooden bar, and you smile.
Despite being a closed-off, stupid-person-hating, placid-at-times, grumpy old man, you can’t help admitting that you enjoy Joel’s company and general presence in your life.
His shop appeared on Birch Grove one sunny Saturday morning about three years ago, and you haven’t skipped a day since. Aside from Christmas Day, you have religiously sat at Joel’s counter and shared the trials and tribulations of life in Dallas as an overzealous twenty-something every single day.
He’s a great listener. Or, at least, you think that he is. He never interrupts you, or speaks over you. Joel always lends an ear to listen, even if he doesn’t always say all that much in response to whatever it is that you’re elucidating or complaining about.
“Thank you.” Breathlessly, you say. You take a seat and dump your purse onto the counter. “Got a busy day today. I’ve got a meeting, and I’m meeting Maria for lunch, and I’ve got a date—“
Joel’s face heats up. He turns to face you, striving to stay indifferent.
“A date?” Nonchalant, he asks. He slings a dish-cloth over his shoulder, and lifts a brow. “Does this man know that he’s going on a date with you?”
You make a face while stuffing a fork-full of pastry into your mouth. He’s so smug. With his stupid flannel and stupid little hat, you just want to rip the complacency from his lips. But he’s a good man. Just likes to try and take you down a few pegs.
But he can’t. Because you’re stubborn. And a little annoying.
“No, I just thought that I’d show up at his house in the middle of the night—because I’ve followed him home from work a few times and know where he lives—and rip him right out of his bed just like the troll that Danny Devito plays in Its Always Sunny.”
Joel let’s out a little laugh, not bothering to argue that what you had just told him didn’t actually happen in that episode, but finding it funny nonetheless.
He nods his head to you. “What’s his name?”
“Marcus.” Exaggerating your heart-eyed gaze, you tell him. “I met him at Costco—“
“Ah, Costco. Where every great love story starts. First you’re bulk-buying toilet paper, the next you’re sharing a dollar fifty hot dog—“
“Ha ha, Joel, you’re soooo funny.”
“I try.” He says, flippant, pouring coffee into another customer’s cup when they appear at the counter for a refill. He lifts the carafe and gestures to your almost-empty mug. “Want another?”
Your gaze is set on your wristwatch. It’s seven twenty-nine, and you need to be at work for nine thirty. Mentally you strive to figure out how much more time you can spend at the cafe, before you’re having to leave to get there on time.
“Is it maple hazel flavored?”
Joel tilts his head, glaring at you.
You swig the dregs of latte in your mug, and then push the polka-dot ceramic across to him. “Please.” You say, shyly.
Joel busies himself with customers, and general business-owner things for a few minutes while you finish your cinnamon roll and coffee. You can’t help watching him.
Because he’s great. He’s very caring—though extremely stern at times—and you know that if you’re having a bad day, Joel is only a two minute and thirteen second walk away.
He feels the same, too. Kind of. He knows that you’ll be sauntering into his shop at some point every day, and finds himself looking forward to seeing your wide-eyed gaze and larger-than-life smile.
And though he won’t admit it in so many words, Joel has a soft spot for you. It hasn’t always been apparent—he thought that you were utterly insufferable and obsessive when he first met you—but he can’t deny the fact that his life would be very dull without you.
Even if you do have a tendency to try to get underneath his skin.
“Are you dating, Joel?”
He rolls his eyes.
“What? It’s a very normal question to ask somebody that hasn’t been in a serious relationship for an entire twelve months.”
He pulls the cloth from his shoulder and wipes at his hands. “You and I both know that I ain’t got no interest in settlin’ down with anyone. Not yet, anyway.”
“You were willing to with Tess.” Pushing things a little, you say. You lift the coffee mug to your lips when Joel opens his mouth to chastise you, but he can’t.
He can’t because you’re right. He can’t because he wanted to, once upon a time. Before Tess walked out of his life—not long after you started frequenting his shop—he wanted it all. A wife, kids, the white picket fence that his parents had back in Austin when he was a kid.
But it doesn’t always work out that way, and Joel has learned to live with the idea that if it’s too good to be true, then it most likely is.
“I can set you up with someone—“
“Not happening.” He says. “Last time you sent me on a blind date, the girl asked me if I was into pegging.”
You giggle. “Well? Are you—“
Joel says your name, glaring pointedly.
“Sorry.” Instinctively, your lips are set into a straight line. “But I can totally do better, this time. I know this girl—she works at this law firm—and—“
“Not interested.”
“Okay.” You smile, tight-lipped. You lift your mug, striving for your third cup of coffee this morning.
Joel pours the liquid gold into the cup, before he’s telling you that he’s not going to be giving you another for fear of you ricocheting off of each wall in his place.
“You’ll turn into a cup ‘a coffee one day.”
Nodding—with a completely content smile—you say; “least I’ll be happy.”
“You’re always happy.” Joel mithers to himself, turning away. It’s one thing that he admires about you, though loathes at the same time.
Endless optimism and positivity is only something that he can long for, because he’s simply not capable of it. It baffles him how you are, especially when he’s—on occasion—so rude to you. So miserable, and cold, and completely undeserving of your friendship.
He likes that you’re so forgiving. That—even after he accidentally offended you last summer when making a comment about your then boyfriend—you can never hold a grudge, especially when it comes to him.
Because you both hold one another on a pedestal so high, neither can seem to do anything to tear themselves down. And Joel really enjoys your daily routine. That’s why he’s never not in the shop.
“You got any weekend plans?”
“Never do.”
You stretch out your arms—intertwining your fingers as you do to make them click—and offer a small smile when he cringes.
“You wanna catch a movie?” Shirking the idea that you have a date tonight—with a man who you really aren’t all that interested in, you’re just being nice—you propose.
Joel’s heart starts to beat at a tempo that’s noticeably quicker than usual. Not a lot, but it’s certainly faster.
“I think that the theatre downtown is showing the original Beetlejuice, on Saturday.”
He nods, approving. “I—uh—I’ll have to get someone to cover—“
“I’m sure you can ask your brother. Or maybe Maria?”
“I ‘spose.” Reluctant, he says. “But what about Michael? What if he wants a second date?”
“Well, his name is Marcus. And if he wants a second date—which I doubt he will—then he’ll just have to live with the fact that I have plans with a friend on Saturday night.”
He hopes that you can’t see him blush.
“Won’t it be weird?”
“We hardly speak outside of the shop.”
“God, Joel.” You throw your head back, laughing. “We’re the same people wherever we are. And we’re going to the movies—not a lot of talking takes place there, hon.”
His nostrils flare at your sarcasm, but mainly at the little pet name. Joel knows that you’re sweet—that you often use those terms of endearment when speaking with those that you care about—but it does something to him.
Something that he does not like.
“You can either come, or stay here and be miserable because you have no social life, or no girlfriend, or no other friends aside from me, your brother, and your brother’s wife—“
“Alright, fine.” Joel stops your miniature hate-train, and puts his hands against the counter. Your eyes zone in on the veins embellished within tan skin—how prominent they are when he’s fronting irritation—and let out a small sigh.
He’d be a lot more handsome if he smiled more, you think.
“So.” You paw at your purse, pulling it off the wood. “I’ll let you know what time the showing is, and we can make plans around that.”
Joel rounds the island and follows you as you pad toward the door, veritably sweating. “Plans?” He asks. “You never said nothin’ ‘bout plans. I thought we were just gonna catch a movie?”
“We are.” You tell him. “But we need to buy snacks, and grab dinner before we go—“
“Now you’re just describing a date.”
You shake your head. “No, I’m describing hanging out with a friend, Joel.”
“A friend?”
“An acquaintance…?” Testing the waters, you ask. Your eyes squint a bit, awaiting his retort.
But he just smiles.
“A friend.”
You smile back. Bigger.
“Perfect.” Your purse is slinging over your shoulder, and you pull your jacket to close so that the darned loops don’t get stuck on the door handle. Again. “I can’t wait.”
“It’ll be…nice.”
“Jeez, Joel. At least try to sound enthused.”
His hands shoot up in defense. “I am. Just have a hard time showin’ it.”
Your head nods. “I know. I’m only kidding. It’s nobody’s fault that you’re the human equivalent of Oscar The Grouch—“
“Alright, get out.” He holds open the door for you, smiling tight-lipped as he watches you leave. “Enjoy your meeting. And your lunch. And your date.”
You chuckle, thanking him with another bright smile.
“See you in the morning, Joel.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You step onto the sidewalk—that’s festooned with red and orange leaves as the tree above starts to shed its skin—turning to wave at him. “See ‘ya, kiddo.”
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academic-vampire ¡ 2 months
Autumn Themed Names: 🍃🍂🍁
• Maple
• Ivy
• Ember
• Autumn
• Aurora
• Sage
• Aster
• September/October/November
• Piper
• Athena
• Cinnamon
• Marigold
• Clove
• Maisie
• Luna
• Oakley
• Fern
• Ginger
• Sorrell
• Willow
• Eve
• Olivia
• Scarlet
• Raven
• Lilith
• Blair
• Amber
• Hazel
• Pine
• Aspen
• Crimson
• Forrest
• Ash
(In conclusion, my spouse will never let me name our kids)
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pupsmailbox ¡ 6 months
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NAMES ⌇ alex. alexei. alexin. alice. alix. alyx. anais. antler. ash. aspen. atlas. axel. bailey. bambi. bambie. barnie. benny. berkeley. birch. bonnie. bonny. buck. buckley. butch. cedar. cervus. chevrette. clover. cotton. daffodil. daisy. daphne. deerette. doe. elkkie. elowen. faline. fawn. fern. fike. finn. finnley. forest. forêt. ginger. glee. haiden. hawthorne. hayden. hazel. helios. helix. hellfire. holly. honey. jasper. juniper. lexus. lilith. lily. luca. lucha. luci. lucia. lucifer. lucifus. lucius. lucy. luka. lukas. maple. meadow. melody. oak. oakly. olive. petunia. primrose. rafan. raiden. rampage. rayaan. rayden. rein. riot. roe. sage. scout. sprout. trax. trevor. tucker. violet. vixen. willow.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ae/aer. ant/ler. antler/antler. ash/ash. berry/berry. branch/branche. buck/buck. ce/cer. clove/clove. cross/cross. curse/curse. daisy/daisy. deer/deer. demon/demon. devil/devil. dirt/dirt. doe/doe. dust/dust. escape/escape. evil/evil. fae/faer. faun/faun. fawn/fawn. fern/fern. fir/fir. for/forest. h…/h…m. hazel/hazel. hex/hex. hide/hide. hol/holly. hoof/hoof. horn/horn. hurt/hurt. hy/hym. limp/limp. lone/lone. lost/lost. pine/pine. riot/riot. ruin/ruin. run/run. scare/scare. sh…/h…r. shock/shock. shy/hyr. shy/shy. stab/stab. stag/stag. stalk/stalk. stare/stare. th…y/th…m. thy/thym. wild/wild. 🌱 . 🌲 . 🌿 . 🍁 . 🍂 . 🏔 . 🏞 . 🦌 .
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sacrifesse ¡ 2 months
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┣▇▇▇═─ AUTUMN iD PACK 〰️
🍁 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
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✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the court of fallen leaves , the fallen leaves (system/collective/etc.) , the cozy crew , the amber hues system/collective/etc. , the harvest system/collective/etc. , the sweater system
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : amber , redd , harveste , aspen , hazel , forrest , hunter , maple , rowan , asher , aster , marigold , sienna , archer , ash , birch , branch , casper , cedar , crimson , eve , goldie , hawk , juniper , leaf , lilith , linden , luna , maize , november , oakley , october , opal , pine , poe , raven , rory , sabrina , september , willow , crow , raine ¹
š names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : red reds , orange oranges , yellow yellows , amber ambers , hazel hazels , maple maples , syrup syrups , apple apples , cider ciders , branch branchs , gold golds , leaf leafs , corn corns , maze mazes , raven ravens , crow crows , pumpkin pumpkins , warm warms , pie pies , rain rains , sweater sweaters , 🎃 🎃s , 🍁 🍁s , 🍂 🍂s , 🧣 🧣s , 🧶 🧶s , 🍎 🍎s , 🌽 🌽s , 🥧 🥧s , 🕯️ 🕯️s , 🍄 🍄s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : crims-n , crimsonne , junipurr , cozycider , rainydreams , amberain
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : prn who is cozy , the cozy one , the one of autumnal hues , prn who talks to the aspen trees (in the dead of night) , prn who plays in the leaves , the wind that shifts the autumn leaves , the master of the corn maze , prn who is as sweet as maple syrup
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : sofition , autumn bigay , autumn conceptum , autumn sapphic , autumn uranic , autumnlovestelic , autumnforestscenestelic , autumn lesbian
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : autumngender , autumnbeastgender , autumn coyote , fallcandlic , rusticfoxgender , autumnbeastic , autumntempic , sumtumngender , autumnpupgender , foilagevisuic , autumnosic , autumngender , autumngender / fallgender , fallgender , fallgender , tsukic , autunottpio , pervigilogender , snorpupcomfic , ntumnedzian , bleedautumnine , autumnraingender , cardiautumnale , autumnlexic , fallexic , pompoenian 🍄🍁🍂emojic , autumnameic , fantasmookean , pictibarkbor , autumnactioconic , shuunomugender , tomnanian , corvautumnaesic , autunostic , autumnian , pompoentjean , autumncolesic , occasfestic , naturautmnale , mutfolesque , ponciaesic , genderarryire , fallbloomic , autumnlunashroomale , kaffeebohnegender , auttemografiaen , tortumnset , autumnauraix , autumncatgender , autumnwristoryian , autumndirtbagian , fallcat , autumnfoxic , autumness
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[PT: autumn id pack. requested by anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. genders. /END PT]
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nursesharkinfirmary ¡ 5 months
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ִֶָ࣪𓂃 * -` 🦌 ´- deer npts 🌾ㅤׂㅤ⭒
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─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Names
Bambi/Bambie, Doe, Fern, Deerette, Buck, Cotton, Sage, Antler, Rein, Roe, Cervus, Elkkie, Cedar, Hazel, Fawn, Finn/Finnley, Daphne, Juniper, Elowen, Anais, Hawthorne, Willow, Maple
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Pronouns
Sh.../H...r, H.../H...m, Doe/Doe's, Buck/Buck's, Hoof/Hoof's, Pine/Pine's, Ant/Ler's, Berry/Berry's, Branch/Branches',🦌/🦌's, 🌱/🌱's, 🌲/🌲's, 🍂/🍂's, 🌿/🌿's, 🍁/🍁's, 🏞/🏞's, 🏔/🏔's
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Titles
(Pref Royal Title) of the Forest, The Fuzzy Gentle Giant, (Prn) donned in Spots/(Prn) donned in Antlers, The Lovely Woodland Creature, The Hoofed Majesty
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etrealouest ¡ 2 years
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical…)?
Ophie's eyes are a bright hazel color, normally. When she's channeling eldritch magic, they become three-lobed and burn a fleshy color. People do tend to notice her eyes, and she might even get complemented on her normal eyes every once in awhile, but the eyes she gets when her magic starts flowing tend to get noticed for more negative reasons, and they tend to intimidate.
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
Spring! LOTS of birds like to migrate to Louisiana for its warm weather and diverse habitats, and flowers start to bloom again. It's also not too hot, and not too cold.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
"When down her weedy trophies and herself Fell in the weeping brook. Her clothes spread wide; And, mermaid-like, awhile they bore her up: Which time she chanted snatches of old tunes; As one incapable of her own distress, Or like a creature native and indued Unto that element: but long it could not be Till that her garments, heavy with their drink, Pull’d the poor wretch from her melodious lay To muddy death." ━ Gertrude's Description of Ophelia's Death, from William Shakespeare's Hamlet.
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mysticfoxy ¡ 1 year
Maple Hazel Latte
21/09/2023 Maple 🍁 Hazel Latte So when I went to London with my mum we got Costa coffee for lunch and I had the maple hazel latte and my mum had the maple hazel hot chocolate and I have to say that both the latte and the hot chocolate were very nice we hadn’t had them before and thought that it was quite nice. Maple hazel latte, Frostino and hot chocolate Would definitely recommend giving…
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ocs-of-xelara ¡ 2 years
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Hazel once she learns more magic!!!!! 
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monako-jinn-stories ¡ 3 years
ahhh i would love to know more about sans for the oc emoji asks:
i know it’s a lot, so feel free to only answer a couple!! i just love our boy so muchhhh 😭💕
Oh Hazel, you already know I’m going to answer them all!😂<3💜
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
Stress. He gets very stressed and he angry cries. He doesn’t cry too easy, but if he’s been having a few bad days, something small may push him over. And also seeing brothers die, especially if they’re close
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into “flight” or “fight”?
He’s definitely a fight type of guy. Even when he knows better. But he just can’t stand to be in a position of surrender (unless he’s being vulnerable with emotions)
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why?
Fall! He loves the leaves and the pumpkins (are there pumpkins in Star Wars? If not, there are now) he also love cozy sweaters and chilly mornings wrapped up with y/n
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
Nope. (Not usually). The first thing he does is groan and grumble when y/n tries to get him up. He just cuddles them closer. But when he gets up, he might like a nice walk, if they’re on a nice planet. He also loves to cook, especially breakfast
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Messing up and leading his men into disaster. Being the cause of his brothers’ deaths is the worst thing to him. He’s scared of elevators and escalators (self projecting)
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
He loves being in nature! Whenever he gets the chance, he’ll explore the wilderness of whatever planet he may be on. It brings him calmness and peacefulness
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Originally, I wanted someone who pined after y/n even though they were with someone else. I also wanted a fun loving commander. Probably his love for y/n, and his goofy attitude
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Heartfelt and personal gifts, maybe something homemade! He’s great at gift giving, they’re always very considerate and something he knows the receiver will love
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
He’s by their side until they tell him they need space. And then he’s always ready to be called right back to them. If someone hurt them, he finds them. He only blames himself if he thinks it was a bad battle decision he made
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
No, not really. I do find that Polaroid by Imagine Dragons could be good for how he feels about y/n and his feelings for them (if they don’t return the feelings)
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
He never wanted to make it out of his first battle alive. He knew what the Republic saw clones as and didn’t want to live like that (but y/n and his brothers love him and remind him that he’s valued and loved)
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
He makes flower crowns for injured brothers
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
A life where he could live normally, be a free man and marry y/n
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Affirmations of love and compliments, often making some kind of dish or treat for y/n
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
All of these! Just good, quality time together without disruptions
OC Asks!
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underfell-souls ¡ 2 years
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem? - Apathy
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving? - Will
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone? - Tasha
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why? - Steel
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion? - Curo
And finally, 🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.? for Hazel !!
//Apathy’s answer to the trolley problem is usually to just shrug and say, “I don’t know/care. Get someone else to answer it,” or say that logically they should just kill the one person, but do they really think his noodle arma can pull that shit? He thinks not!
//SOFT THINGS. Will loves soft things SO MUCH- It’s his favorite texture of all time and is INCREDIBLY soothing for him. Pillows, blankets, that kind of shit. And as for gift-giving himself, he’s a small bab so it’s not like he’s got everything at his disposal, but his gifts usually end up being crafts, specifically drawings that he’s done, or hugs! It’s up to you if you think that’s a good gift or not.
//If you’re an authority figure that holds real weight/Tasha actually respects and you tell her she’s useless/means nothing/is a failure, then congrats! You’ll have really devastated this kiddo, because this is not something she takes very well, especially if she seeks your approval.
//Steel likes Spring! Things are warming up! Nature’s got their flowers out! Less depressing weather! He can do things outside! And it’s not yet sweltering hot (even if he can handle summer too)! Spring season best season!
//With Curo’s temper, it’s a bit of both. It’s easy to annoy him in the moment, and he’ll make it clear when something’s irritating him as things get worse or even before that. But his real anger… now that takes time to boil, and when it finally reaches a certain point, the explosion is never pretty to watch.
//Hazel’s acts don’t change too much, but they can have some differences depending on who she’s around. With family, she did her best to hide from them, not wanting to interact with them much at all and basically just appearing pretty quiet around them. Friends and strangers though it depends, but with strangers, she mostly takes on a sort of scared little kid approach, especially with adults. They’re more sympathetic to her that way, which can give her protection. With other kids her age though, she’s just quiet and keeps her head down, but she can glare or give threatening looks when she needs to in order to ward people away. And then with friends, things start to vary. Her surface friends she had a quiet yet also intimidating vibe that came off her when she was with them and around others, though the latter died down a bit when it was just them since she was so easy to push around. Some people though she can be a bit short yet happier around, but this isn’t super common really since she doesn’t quite seek out close friendships. Just protection at the moment. It’s what she needs right now.
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razrbladekiss ¡ 11 days
MAPLE HAZEL | Joel Miller — Part Two
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SUMMARY: another day, another visit to joel’s little coffee shop. he’s as miserable as ever, and you’re probably the only person brave enough to want to spend time with joel outside of his work.
PAIRING: no outbreak!joel miller x afab!reader
WORD COUNT: 3.5k , i’m afraid this is v. short. </3
WARNINGS: fluff. angst. our luke danes-y joel is having a hard time trying to mentally confront his feelings. you’re just as annoying and oblivious to it all as always. mentions of food consumption. reader refers to her parents verrrrrry brief. mentions of reader’s hair blowing into her face, but otherwise nothing to note.
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Joel’s back is flush to the counter when you amble through the door this morning, hair strewn across your face, strands set into sticky peach gloss. A few strong gusts of wind—and a stupid confidence in your locks to stay in place—has led you into this precarious position.
Typical. On a morning where you’d like to feel good about yourself, you’re suddenly left feeling like hot garbage.
“Coffee. Now.” Guttural and bone-tired, you hurl at him. But he doesn’t move. His eyes affixed to the chalkboard above the strategically placed syrup station, arms folded over. You’re lucky if he’s even heard you for his attention is wholly deployed to the new menu that he’s spent the better part of thirty minutes creating.
You trudge—cold and dishevelled—through the cafe, feeling eyes on your back. The woman whose face, outfit, and attitude is always put together, is currently struggling through her morning no thanks to the glorious October weather. And the fact that last night’s date went to absolute shit is no help to you today, either.
“Joel.” Exhausted from the day already—despite it barely pushing eight twenty—you squeak. He grunts in response, pointing to the coffee pot that’d just finished brewing as he awaited your inevitable appearance at his door.
Still, he doesn’t move. So you take it upon yourself to shift from one side of the counter, to the other—dropping your purse on it as you do so. It’s weird, being here. Being in Joel’s territory. It gives you a random power trip, more than anything.
But that’s short lived when you realize that your favorite pink polka-dot mug is too high on the shelf—and Miller is too enamoured with whatever it is that he’s doing—so you settle for the less appealing yellow butterfly one, and begin to pour in the liquid that’s definitely comparable to black tar heroin.
You take a swig, before you’re traipsing away from the carafe that you’ve been so gratefully acquainted with.
“I’m so over today already.” You moan, walking over to your seat. You’d have liked to have been sipping on a fresh maple hazel latte today, but you’ll take what you can get so long as you’re not having to actually make it yourself.
You lean over the counter—zoning in on the miniature cake-case—and lift one of those beautifully round cinnamon rolls. You take a bite, and all seems to be right in the world. Aside from the man whose bun you’ve just stolen.
“Joel, are you even lucid right now?”
“I am.” He mumbles, wondering whether the specials should be placed before or after the main menu. It’s a predicament he didn’t think he’d be faced with at this time on a Friday morning. But here he is.
“Whatcha doin’?” A little bit intrigued—because Joel has never struck you as a perfectionist—you ask. He doesn’t respond straight away, and you don’t mind because you’re raking your fingers through tangled strands, wondering why you never carry a hairbrush with you anymore. You’re also munching on your illegal cinnamon roll.
“Just tryin’ to make this stupid place look a little better.” He exhales a deep, exaggerated breath. Joel’s line of sight meets yours when he swivels around, a wonky smile pulling at your lips and a sheen of sticky buttercream icing twinkling beneath yellow spotlights.
He takes you all in. The black dress that you’re donning, your favorite double-breasted woolen coat—that you pull out of your wardrobe each fall—the collection of bracelets decorating your wrists. You’re a marvel, despite feeling less than adequate. A different kind of beauty.
Joel bites back any feelings, and blinks at you.
“Did you just take that cinnamon roll without paying?”
You nod, swallowing down the last mouthful, followed by a long sip of coffee. “I did. And I’d do it again.”
Yeah. He thought as much.
“The specials board looks good.” Striving to change the subject, you tell him. You look up at it, impressed by his handwriting and ability to draw little pumpkins and maple leaves. It’s sweet. “Why’d you change it?”
He glances at it with you, noticing too many imperfections. He sighs.
“Was boring me, the old one. But now…”
“Now this one isn’t up to scratch either?” You pose, setting your lips into a straight line. “But I think it looks great. And I come in here every single day, so I think that I’m qualified to say that.”
Joel chuckles. He supposes that you’re right. He also supposes that you need another refill.
“How’d last night go?” Almost as if he doesn’t want to know the answer, he asks. All the while pouring enough coffee into the mug to drown a small town. “Was Costco guy a hit?”
You groan. Dramatically. Joel grimaces.
“I take that to mean no, he wasn’t.”
Wordlessly, you nod. You take a long, drawn out pull of your coffee. Again. And Joel checks you out. Again.
The apples of your cheeks appear to be slightly more subdued, now. No longer blazing red. And your smile—despite faltering at the mention of your date—is as bright, and toothy as ever.
She’s so beautiful.
I wonder whether or not he was a jerkoff.
Soft spoken, Joel asks about Marcus for the last time when you swirl the remnants of coffee about in the mug. He’s curious. Maybe a bit too much.
“Ugh, I don’t even know what to say.” Slightly depressed—completely unlike you—you start. “It was so crappy, Joel. I had high hopes, but he was just so…eh.”
“Yeah. Eh.”
“Boring. Irritating. A literal life-sucking, soul-destroying, personality vacuum.” Blunt, you tell him. “I’d rather sit and watch an entire room of paint dry, than have to spend another waking minute listening to him ramble on about his vapid life.”
Plump lips contort—against his better judgement—into a little smirk. Satisfied, perhaps. Content with the fact that your date—the one that you unintentionally rubbed into his face—went so awfully bad, you don’t even want to talk about him.
Very, very satisfied.
“But my lunch with Maria was great.” Starting to smile again, you explain. “She told me that she and Tommy are heading to Cancun next summer. And that they’re hoping to start trying for a baby—“
Joel grimaces. He hates this.
So. Much.
“Come on, it’ll be cute. Uncle Joel.”
He stares at you, a few loose curls poking out from above the backstrap of his hat makes it almost impossible to take him seriously.
“I’d rather not think about my brother and his wife trying for a baby.”
Your eyes roll. “Grow up, you prude.”
Joel’s hands fuse to his hips, a light sheen of sweat coating the skin of his forehead. He can’t tell if it’s because he’s hot, or starting to get annoyed.
“How is that me being a prude? I just don’t wanna think ‘bout my brother having—“
“Enough.” Warning—though fighting a giggle—you say. “I can’t believe that when I say that you’re brother is trying for a baby, you automatically envision Tommy having sex. That is not normal.”
He supposes that you’re right, but still. The mental image haunts him.
Maybe it’s just a girl thing, to think of that so positively. Like it’s something to share with the entire world. But to him—a guy—it’s the most inconceivable thing.
Perhaps it is a little bit prudish.
“Moving swiftly on…” Hands placed gently against the newspaper left at the spot to your right, you make eye contact with him again. “Maria said she’d cover tomorrow night.”
Joel says your name, letting his head tilt back a little bit. He seems annoyed at you for going behind his back like this. You can’t find it inside yourself to care, though.
“She said she’ll be happy to. ‘Cus you never go out, and have no friends, and no social life, and—“
“I get it.” His baritone is low as he growls. It’s almost primal. It’s actually a little bit seductive, you feel.
Despite being handsome—almost painfully so—you’ve never thought about him like that. It’s never once crossed your mind to harbor these feelings about your friend, but that has completely unintentionally awakened something inside of your already chaotic—much too busy—brain. And your vagina.
You feel very Bridget Jones-y, now. In a strange position, but wholly comfortable with the fact that you’re stuck here. In fact, you don’t hate the thought of pushing some more.
“And considering that you never get laid, neither, I said that I’ll be happy to help out.”
Joel’s dick twitches. His face falls.
“With setting you up, of course.” You finish, watching fifty different emotions flit over his hardened features. One of which being complete unadultered fury.
Fury for the fact that, maybe, you’ve teased a little too close to home. and getting to grips with being single stings. Or fury because he wants you, and you’re trying to push him onto another body.
Regardless, Joel looks pissed.
And so, with that, you take the morning paper, and stuff it into your little purse. He watches intently, and the little adjustment to your panties through your dress absolutely does not go unnoticed as you stand to attention beside the barstool.
Your coat is being shrugged on in a heartbeat.
“I’ve gotta shoot. My parents are coming to stay with me Monday for a few nights, and I needa stock up on tea leaves, fresh linens, and enough red wine to get so drunk that perhaps I’ll be able to tolerate an hour with my mother.”
Joel forces a laugh.
“See ‘ya tomorrow.”
“Yeah.” He watches you leave—like each day before this one—and smirks. “See ‘ya tomorrow. Maybe.”
Your head whips around as you get to the door, eyebrows fused together. With eyes squinting, you point at him. “Thin. Ice.”
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The next evening rolls around faster than what you might’ve liked, and is considerably colder than before. A black scarf wrapped around your neck really tampers with the vibe of your very put-together outfit for movie night.
But you suppose that if you were to leave that at home, then you’d absolutely die of frostbite. And then the question of who’d annoy Joel if I was six feet under? rattles around your head. And you can’t possibly carry on with the prospect of death.
So the scarf stays on. And so does the matching hat.
“You look like one of the snowmen that the kids build on the green.” Is what he greets you with when you enter the coffee house. Neck and chin swathed in faux cashmere.
“Very funny.” You mumble, pulling down fabric to reveal your perfectly plush lips. “Let’s go. I’m starving, and it’s cold.”
“Don’t forget your coal ‘n carrot.” Maria jokes from behind the counter, and Tommy is almost doubled over laughing at his wife.
They’re so cute together. It makes you sick.
“Don’t poke the bear.” Joel murmurs to his brother. “I’ve gotta spend the evening with it, and I’d really rather my head stay intact—“
“I can hear you.”
Joel glances over his shoulder shrugging on his denim jacket with the white borg trim, and stifles a laugh at the sight of you; completely clothed from your cheeks down. It’s adorable.
“Sorry.” Murmuring again, he says. He gestures for you to go out first, before he’s turning to his brother and Maria, mouthing a quick thank you.
She simply smiles in response, and turns to her husband when the two of you leave the building.
“He’s totally into her.”
“Oh, no doubt about it.” Tommy replies. “Just hope he’s not too chicken shit to do anything ‘bout it.”
She agrees with a soft hum, making tracks to a table of new customers to take their orders.
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Per Joel’s request, the two of you grab a burger from a very—very—greasy joint a few blocks away from the movie theatre, and you find it being one of the best you’ve ever had in your life.
Piled to the absolute high-heavens, it’s safe to say that you’d never seen such a creation before. Cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato—a boat-load of pickles—and, like, six onion rings, had that monster very deserving of its title of gut-buster.
But the way that you absolutely mangled that thing had Joel way more impressed. He’d only ever watched you devour cinnamon rolls and the odd stack of pancakes. This was like a fever dream.
And the fact that you then decided on grabbing a purse-full of snacks to take into the screening of Beetlejuice with you, has you very deserving of a few freebies from his humble cafe.
“That movie never fails to make me smile.” You say as the two of you walk—arm in arm—back into the cold, dreary night. “But it always begs the question; if the Maitland’s died by drowning, then why aren’t they wet throughout the movie?”
Joel laughs and shrugs, finding himself tightening the grip that his arm has on yours. Neither of you mind.
“I just think that Keaton plays a demon super well—“
“Don’t call him that.” You defend. “I mean, I know that he technically is one, but still. He’s a stand up guy.”
“He’s a total jerk—“
“Joel.” You whine. He’s one of your favorite fictional characters, and it’s killing you to hear this slander. “He’s my—he’s my boy. I love him.”
He blinks at you. His respect for you is dwindling, mainly because you’re essentially saying that Keaton’s portrayal of a green-haired gremlin is better than his version of Batman.
“He’s hot.” You say after a few moments of silence, feeling your cheeks heat at the confession. “In a dilf-y way. I think.”
Two brown eyes almost bulge out of Joel’s head, and he literally cannot help the laugh that bubbles from the fissures of his throat. You are very troubled.
“That’s concerning.”
“The fact that I like older men is concerning to you?”
His heart thumps. He’s not sure why, but it does. It’s a strange sensation—one he’s not able to describe in so many words—but he enjoys it. He thinks.
“No.” He clears his throat. “The fact that you find Michael Keaton—as Beetlejuice—hot is concerning to me, kid.”
You throw your head back laughing, motioning to a bench that looks fairly dry. You’re not ready for your evening to end quite yet.
“Why’d you always call me that?”
Joel unhooks his arm from yours, taking a seat as you plop down onto the birchwood. He lets out a little grunt as he goes down, something about his back and knees hurting from slaving away alllllll day.
“Call you what? Kid?”
You nod.
“Dunno.” He shrugs, leaning back. Joel extends his legs, just watching the city lights pass him by. “I’m a lot older than you. It’s habit, I ‘spose.”
Dallas is bustling, tonight. A cold, foggy evening will seldom stop the population of Texas from stepping out on a Saturday night. Phil’s Line Dancing club is packed, as per usual. Wall-to-wall with people just looking for a good time.
The atmosphere is unmatched, to you. Nothing feels as good as your state. Especially on weekends and football days. You get a little wet just thinking about the Cowboys playing AT&T.
Your home is so vibrant. So colourful and beautiful, and you’re happy to be seeing Dallas in all of its glory with Joel by your side tonight.
Many a drunk couple stumble past you both as you sit and chat on the bench, the thought of his last sentiment still hanging over your head like a little rain cloud. He may be a lot older than you, but you don’t mind. You still see him as a friend.
A good friend, as a matter of fact. Great, even. The best, perhaps.
A friend who despite seeing every single morning—and sometimes evening—you still feel like you cannot fill in the blanks on the sordid details of his life.
“Can I ask you something?” You turn so that you’re facing Joel, eyes searching his face for an answer. He smiles. The lines around his mouth, crows feet and forehead wrinkles have your eyes softening.
He’s so handsome.
“Yeah, shoot.”
Fiddling with the chain on your wrist—the one that Maria got you from Toronto—it’s a struggle to find your words. The right words, anyway.
You clear your throat after an awkward juncture, finally able to verbalize what you want to say.
“Did Tess leave because of me?”
It comes like a ton of bricks to the chest. Joel didn’t think you’d ask such a heavy question, least alone after spending the evening—outside of the shop—together. It’s a very jarring—painful—position to be thrust into. But it’s a question that he knew he’d have to respond to first as last.
His heart wrenches. He knows the answer, but he doesn’t know whether you do.
“I won’t be offended. Honest.”
“Where’s—uh—where’s this comin’ from?” He stutters over his qualm, hand reaching for the back of his neck. He rubs at the skin, feeling his heart pound. “Did someone say somethin’?”
Your head shakes. “No. I’ve just been thinkin’…”
“Why?” Comes a little bit curt. He kicks himself, but you don’t seem fazed by his tone. “People talkin’?”
Again, you’re shaking your head. “No, Joel, I just wanna know.”
Inquisitive as ever.
He swallows thickly the acrimony that’s rising to the surface at the thought of Tess and the day that she left. Trying to keep it suppressed hasn’t done him the favor that he thought it would’ve.
“She left ‘cus she had enough.” He spits, doing the most to avoid eye contact. “Of me. Of Birch Grove. Of everything that I fuckin’ did.”
You gasp. You don’t think that you’ve ever heard Joel curse.
Raw with emotion, his voice sounds barren. Bare. There’s nothing left to say, on the topic, but so much at the same time. But he owes this to you.
“She never liked you, y’know?” Almost guilty, he says. “Said you’re always too chirpy and flirty—hell, I think she was just projectin’ ‘cus I never saw her happy to see no one.”
“No way.” Not nearly sarcastic enough, you laugh. “I’m surprised that she never spat in my coffee.”
“Yeah, well. I’d never put anything past her.” A little bitter, he responds. “Hated all you girls that’d come in. Even scared off Josie—told her not to come back, or she’d tell her husband that she was tryna screw me—“
Genuinely shocked, your jaw hangs low. “Jesus.”
“Yep.” He watches over the stragglers stumbling out of Phil’s, and looks at you.
Your cheeks, nose and ears are stippled with a rosy blush. If he were to set his calloused palms against your tender skin, he’s sure that the cold would be almost bone-chilling. But he refrains.
“Nasty, nasty piece ‘a work. Glad she left, if I’m honest.”
“You two…You seemed so happy.”
“We were.” Honest comes his proclamation. “Until we weren’t. Until she started to get envious of every single female that walked through the cafe doors, and turned into a big blonde green-eyed monster.”
“Jealousy is such an ugly trait.”
He agrees with a tight-lipped smile and a nod, ignoring the fact that he was feeling that very emotion when you went out on a date. With a man who wasn’t him.
But now, here you are. With Joel. On a not date. But he’ll take what he can get, so long as the two of you can have some time together.
“God, Joel. I couldn’t imagine my life not coming to see you every morning.”
He smiles.
“What?” You blush. But it’s not apparent, what with the way your skin is already flush.
“Nothin.’” Joel’s teeth show beneath the scratchy hair of his mustache. You smile back. “Just couldn’t imagine mine if you didn’t come ‘n bleed me dry of lattes ‘n cinnamon rolls, either.”
That’s wholly the truth. Something he didn’t think he’d ever find himself letting you become privy to. Yet, here he is.
“That’s sweet. It’s nice to know that you have a heart beneath all the band shirts, and flannels.”
“Yeah, well.” He stretches his arms out and you slide closer to him—taking the man completely by surprise—nestling comfortably into his side. A perfect fit, actually. “It’s hard to get to, but it’s there.”
You smile up at him, eyes twinkling beneath the streetlights above.
“That’s good to know.”
“Yeah.” Your gaze is averted to the sidewalk, now. Focused wholly on the night passing you by. “Hopefully I hold a tiny little place there.”
Joel hugs you into his side, silently reassuring you that there’ll always be a tiny little place in his heart just for you.
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arrowcrossing ¡ 2 years
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Arrow | 20 | Pansexual | Any pronouns
Welcome to my acnh sideblog!!!
I wanna make this a cute little aesthetic blog for documenting my progress on my acnh island!!!
So prepare for chill vibes and enjoy your stay :)
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Island Name: Fragaria
Current theme(s): Farmcore/Fairycore/Cottagecore
Current Villagers:
• Katt 😼
• Freya 🐺
• Carmen 🍫
• Filbert ✨️
• Angus 🐮
• Bob 💜
• Marshal 🧋
• Lolly 🍭
• Bill 🦆
• Tad 🐸
Island 2: HuniSuckle
Current theme(s): Honey, Springcore(?)
HuniSuckle Villagers:
• Marshal 🧋
• Hazel 🌰
• Goose 🐔
• Tangy 🍊
• Marty 🍯
• Maple 🧸
• Raddle 😷
• Shep ☮️
• Poppy 🍁
• island log : general island stuff/thoughts/progression, etc.
• my villagers : The villagers I currently have on my island!!!
• daydreams 💭 : rambling, thoughts about acnh in general.
• my builds : stuff I built myself
• Jolly Redd's 🎨: art!!!
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maplesyrwparchive ¡ 2 years
don’t scare me like that. i thought i lost you. ❜ ( summer )
₊𓂅 ᝰ 🍁 ˓𓄹 ࣪˖ "Desculpe." sussurrou. Estava tremendo e ainda assustado. A projeção da ilusão foi tão real que Maple não queria sair dali do conforto do abraço da filha. Podia jurar que tinha sentido o calor do pequeno corpo de da criança agarrada contra seu pescoço, que tinha sentido sim o vento fazer com que o cabelo loirinho e cacheado batesse em sua face. Tinha experimentado tudo aquilo, não havia dúvidas. E a prova disso é que quase não conseguiu se desligar da ilusão. A conexão que sentiu com Summer foi mais forte do que as outras vezes, como se dessa vez ele realmente tivesse tido contato com a filha. Algo impossível. Não passava de uma ilusão muito bem projetada. Summer estava a cada dia se tornando melhor com o dom, o que resultava na melhora da qualidade das situações. "E-eu não quis te assustar." murmurou mais uma vez. "Só... Parecia tão real." tão melhor que aquela realidade, poderia facilmente se entregar a mente alheia e ficar ali, se pudesse. "Hazel. O nome dela era Hazel." contou. Pela primeira vez, teve forças para dizer o nome que tanto parecia machucar seu coração.
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0 notes
fire-n-blood ¡ 3 years
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Maple 🍁 & Hootie 🌻 & Hazel 🌰 & Dougal ◼️ https://www.instagram.com/e.arp/p/CXWWajVLvKl/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
razrbladekiss ¡ 5 days
heyyy guys, hope y’all are well. i’m hoping to get the next chapter of maple hazel out this week, but i’ve been super busy lately and so im not entirely sure. howeverrrr, when i do eventually upload, would anyone want to be added to a taglist? i have a couple people that have asked, and ive decided to add one to this story. 🥰 let me kneeeow. love you guysz
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razrbladekiss ¡ 14 days
MAPLE HAZEL | Masterlist
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SUMMARY: he’s grumpy, and you’ve got enough happiness for the pair of you. you visit joel’s little coffee shop every morning, and he can’t deny that he enjoys the monotony of life with you the other side of his counter.
PAIRING: no outbreak!joel miller x afab!reader
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI, 18+ CONTENT (eventually). heavily inspired by the lorelai gilmore / luke danes dynamic. plenty of fluffy moments. plenty of lowkey angst, but nothing too dramatic. it’s lighthearted, and reader is dead set on enriching joel’s life every way she can. there’ll be eventual smut. the usual sorta shit, so i’ll tag it when necessary.
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🍁 part one
🍁 part two
360 notes ¡ View notes