the-second-moon · 2 years
it's "thinking about carver and hawke together in the inquisition" hours
Carver and Dorian isn't a combo I expected to enjoy so much, but here we are.
(contextual note: this is from The Sarcastic/Charming Option, my ongoing attempt to somehow romance Dorian with a very purple Hawke)
Dorian taps a finger on the page he’s currently reading. “Did Hawke really say this line about boneless women flopping through the street, or was that a case of artistic license?”
Hawke goes stock still. As if this might allow him to blend into his surroundings and escape everyone’s notice.
Carver is looking pointedly at Hawke, as if to intentionally ruin this illusion.
And Varric breaks into a grin. “Uh… I’d call that one a solid fifty-fifty.”
“How is that possible?” Dorian asks. “He said half of it?”
“Yes, exactly,” Hawke says. “I said half of it. Only the nicest, most considerate half.”
“He did say the terrible thing,” Varric says, “but he didn’t say it in front of the grieving priest. It’s not nearly as funny that way, though, right?”
“I absolutely agree,” Dorian says. “Thank you so much for the clarification. That helps ever so much in my ongoing judgment of our mutual acquaintance.”
“Hey, no,” Hawke says. “That’s not fair! You can’t judge me based on what Varric writes.”
“What else is he supposed to judge you on?” Varric asks. “Your actions?”
“Now that you mention it,” Hawke says, “that also isn’t ideal.”
“Wait, wait,” Carver says. “You’re trying to learn about Garrett? Is that it? Well, that book’s not going to help. All that’s in there is Varric wanking him off for hundreds of pages.”
“Wow, Junior,” Varric says. “Just wow.”
“Beg pardon?!” Hawke splutters. “No one wanks me off at all in that book! Trust me, I’d remember.”
Dorian chuckles. “I bet you would.”
At those words, Hawke’s indignation screeches to a halt. His eyes snap to Dorian’s, then linger there, as if searching for any stray implications Dorian might have scattered for him.
There is a distinctly charged quality to the air between them, Dorian thinks. Impossible to avoid, what with the memory of their extremely recent collaboration on the exact lewd act that Carver is describing. Rather than say anything else on the subject, Dorian just gives Hawke his patented charming smile.
And Hawke ventures a smile back. That usual mix of uncertain and thrilled.
Oblivious to all of this, Carver snorts. “That’s basically what it is, though. ‘And then the heroic and clever Hawke said some witty lines and killed everyone again!’ As if that’s how it ever went. We both know he doesn’t remember his witty lines until about half an hour after everyone’s dead.”
“Ah-ha!” Hawke says—though his eyes stay on Dorian’s for one more moment before he wheels around to point at Carver. “So! You’re admitting my lines are witty.”
“Does it matter when you never say them in time?” Carver asks.
“Still in time for my beloved brother to hear them,” Hawke says. “Maybe they’ve all been for your benefit. So glad you appreciate my clever banter!”
Carver groans, though it can’t fully obscure the chuckle that tries to rise from his throat. “Stop being stupid.”
“Can’t. Impossible.”
“All right then, Ser Warden Carver,” Dorian says. “If this book is indeed so lacking, let me hear your interpretation of the matter.”
“My what?”
“What do you think I should know about your brother?” Dorian asks. “What are the key facts?”
Hawke is beginning to look alarmed again. “I… what? Why?!”
“Well, that’s easy,” Carver says. “He’s the world’s most brilliant doormat.”
"I’m what?”
“Oh? Fascinating!” Dorian says. “Please, do go on.”
Carver says, “Basically, everyone who meets Garrett immediately asks him for some huge and inconvenient favour. There’s just something about Garrett that makes people think they can do that. And then, worse still, he goes and actually tries to meet every unreasonable request, because he thinks he can. And also because he’s an idiot.”
Hawke opens his mouth as if to protest, considers it, then shrugs and nods.
“See? You’re just describing the plot of my book,” Varric says. “And you called it inaccurate. Unfair.”
“Yeah, because you trip over yourself to make him seem cool in the process.”
“Not to worry!” Dorian tells Carver. “I am under absolutely no illusions about Hawke’s ability to be ‘cool.’”
“Suppose you wouldn’t be,” Carver says. “It only takes spending five minutes with him.”
“You are both extremely cruel,” Hawke says. “Terrible and mean. My self-esteem would probably be shattered by now if I didn’t have Varric around to wank me off.”
“Yep. That’s what I’m here for. You’re welcome.”
“You know,” Dorian says, “I think there are people who would pay a great deal to see that.”
“Hear that, Varric?” Hawke asks. “A business opportunity! Why are we risking our lives out here when we could be wanking our way into prosperity?”
“Okay, first of all, that’s definitely not my style,” Varric says. “And second of all… how much are we talking, exactly?”
Carver grimaces. “All right, I really don’t want to picture this. Can we please change the subject?”
And Hawke whirls on him again: “This, from the person who brought up wanking me off in the first place?!”
“Well, I didn’t mean literal wanking, did I?!”
“Excuse me, gentlemen!”
At the sound of Cassandra’s voice cresting over their argument, both Hawke boys freeze as if they have just been spotted by their mother.
Cassandra has her arms crossed, wearing her usual weary frown. “We plan to be up early to reach Skyhold before dusk. Might I suggest you save this conversation until morning?”
“…Of course!” Hawke says. “Naturally. Right.”
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yinyangdex · 1 year
#105 Hawkian
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Type: Flying
Height: 5'7
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mogaiboards · 2 years
stpd archetypes!
we're a system with stpd, and following the process for npd and bpd archetypes, we decided to do them for stpd too!
these are intentionally broad, and can fit more than these experiences. the ones described here are just some of the ones that can be included!
they're under the cut!
goldsian/rose gold STPD [🌹🪞] : an archetype for a pwSTPD that's associated with an odd or eccentric appearance or behaviour, perceptual illusions or hallucinations, intrusive thoughts or ruminations, psychomotor symptoms such as fidgeting, restlessness or slowness, and general manic features.
this archetype is connected to the colour rose gold, because of it being a warm colour, reflecting the psychomotor and manic symptoms, while being shimmering and metallic, symbolising perceptual illusions.
hawkian/hawk STPD [🦅🪞] : an archetype for a pwSTPD that's associated with appearing aloof, cold or distant, suspiciousness and solitude, reduced capacity for interpersonal relationships, social withdrawal, intense perceptual illusions, derealization and depersonalization, and intrusive thoughts or ruminations of an aggressive nature.
this archetype is connected to hawks, because of them being lone hunters, watching the world from the outside while never being really part of it, feeling disconnected, and fear of being aggressive because of one's intrusive thoughts or ruminations.
mirian/mirror STPD [👥🪞] : an archetype for a pwSTPD that's associated with an odd appearance or behaviour, magical thinking, intense illusions or hallucinations, depersonalization and derealization, overelaborate, vague or generally odd speech and thinking, and negative symptoms such as avolition, anhedonia, flat affect, and alogia.
this archetype is connected to mirrors, because of their quality of reflection, watching oneself and keeping one's eccentricities, while maintaining an outside perspective and feeling like having another person watching you.
silverian/silver STPD [☄️🪞] : an archetype for a pwSTPD that's associated with appearing aloof, cold or distant, intense paranoia or suspiciousness, social anxiety, negative symptoms such as avolition, anhedonia, flat affect and alogia, and general depressive or anxious features.
this archetype is connected to silver and the colour silver, because of its quality of being cold, dull and grey, but reflective, symbolising looking cold or negative on the outside, but hyperaware and paranoid on the inside.
the symbols I chose were purely based off vibes: rose for rose gold; hawk for, well, hawks; two people for mirrors; a comet for silver, because of giving off tranquility while burning up when seen up close. I chose the mirror as a symbol for stpd because of the symbolic reflection, eccentricity, and self reference.
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coinnewsfx · 4 years
Trump should put a pile of cotton in Peter Navarro's mouth: GOP Senator 2020
Trump should put a pile of cotton in Peter Navarro's mouth: GOP Senator 2020
Senator Chuck Grassley said that President Trump. was supposed to put "a bundle of cotton" in the mouth of Peter Navarro, a Hawkian trade advisor who said the trade deal with China was "over" on Monday night.
"Just put a sock in his mouth and don't let him speak publicly," Grassley told reporters during a conference call on Wednesday.
Navarro's comments prompted stock futures to refuel 340…
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the-second-moon · 2 years
wip saturday: what if dorian's younger-years drunken rebellion tour landed him in kirkwall during DA2 though
“You really need to work on this,” Hawke says, circling a wide gesture about Dorian’s entire self.
“Beg pardon?” Dorian says. “The man who’s covered in blood from head to toe is going to criticize my aesthetic?”
Hawke looks briefly surprised, glancing down at himself. Then he just laughs. “Oh. Forgot about that. It’s been a rough day, what can I say…”
“Your aesthetic,” Fenris says, acid dripping from the word, “is liable to get you killed. Or simply robbed, if you are lucky.”
“He’s not wrong,” Varric says. “Wearing silk that nice is just asking for a mugging in these parts.”
“I mean, there is that,” Hawke says. “I was more talking about the fact that the whole outfit screams ‘mage.’ And you’re not doing yourself any favours with that staff.”
“I’m not getting rid of my staff,” Dorian says. “Just look at the craftsmanship, first of all. And how else am I meant to protect myself from the aforementioned muggings?”
“Well, you could cast without one…” Hawke says.
Dorian interrupts him with a scoff. “Simply cast without one, is that right? You think it’s so simple, do you? Let me guess—you’ve seen some frightened mages spew fire from their palms when backed into a corner, and so you think the staff isn’t necessary? Let me tell you, the sheer reduction in accuracy without a focus can make a mess of your technique, not to even mention the risk of…”
As Dorian speaks these words he can see Hawke’s brow raising, a satisfied smirk taking his face. Dorian stutters to a halt. He finds himself looking back down to Hawke’s hands… subtly bandaged, with scorch marks clear on his broad, calloused fingers.
A mage? Dorian thinks. Him? Truly?
“It’ll do in a pinch, though, right?” Hawke says. “Anyway, I didn’t mean you should go without your staff. Just—look.” He takes the walking stick off his back, thumping the end of it against the dusty ground…
Dorian stares at the stick. Not only is it the relative length and width of a staff, but it’s been carefully wrapped in strips of leather that obscure every spot where Dorian might expect to find a focusing gem or an inscribed rune. But of course. Of course that’s not a walking stick. Why would a man this young and strapping carry a walking stick around, anyway? How much more obvious could this have possibly been?
“Ta-da!” Hawke says. “Take it from me. A little camouflage goes a long way in this town...”
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the-second-moon · 2 years
The Sarcastic/Charming Option
Fandom: Dragon Age Inquisition + 2 Pairing: (Purple) Hawke/Dorian Pavus Chapters: 16/16 Words: 119,562 Rating: M Read it on AO3 here!
Summary: Dorian says, "Then I suppose it's a good thing I enlisted the help of a handsome man." Hawke blinks at him, then grins widely. "Well, well. You're flirting with me!" "...Yes. Well deduced. Thank goodness you were here to loudly announce it to the room." "A handsome man like you flirting with me? I'd never miss the chance to loudly announce that to the room." Varric would have said anything to keep Hawke safely away from the Inquisition. Of course, self-preservation isn't exactly Hawke's forte. What could possibly go wrong?
So happy that I've finished my year-long effort to write a big old multi-chapter Hawke/Dorian story! It's done! Have a post about it!
tl;dr: (Purple) Hawke and Dorian are two of the finest sources of banter in the Dragon Age canon—they deserve to find each other and bounce that unstoppable wit back and forth until they explode. Or kiss. One of those things.
(There's also the matter of them being two similarly brilliant souls who've been made lonely by their drive to do the right thing in spite of all they're up against. But I'm sure they wouldn't want to talk about that part. ...Unless?)
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mogaiboards · 2 years
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[image ID: a flag with 7 diagonal stripes colored dark brown, brown, gold, olive, gold, brown, dark brown. there are three vertical stripes colored very dark brown, white, very dark brown in the left, center, and right respectively. end ID]
hawkityrre: a -tyrre label connected to hawks and having STPD, or the hawkian/hawk STPD archetype
hawkian/hawk STPD [🦅🪞] : an archetype for a pwSTPD that's associated with appearing aloof, cold or distant, suspiciousness and solitude, reduced capacity for interpersonal relationships, social withdrawal, intense perceptual illusions, derealization and depersonalization, and intrusive thoughts or ruminations of an aggressive nature.
tagging: @epikulupu
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