#dex entry
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skunkdex · 8 months ago
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Salem from Indigo Park has been added to the skunkdex!
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midwest-dex · 4 months ago
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Threadbear, the Flailing Arm Pokemon Abandoned stores need to be cleared out quickly, or they are certain to be overrun by Threadbear. Some claim they are only trying to hug those it finds, but its hugs are known to break bones. Every Threadbear has a unique set of patches, buttons, and tears. It is suspected they use their needle claws to stitch themselves up, but it has never been observed directly.
Types: Ghost/Fighting Abilities: Unnerve/Fluffy Hidden Ability: Klutz Signature Move: Needle Punch — Ghost | 70 BP | 5 PP | Physical | Threads entangle Threadbear and the foe, copying negative effects from Threadbear onto the target while they're both in battle. Negative effects include item negation from Klutz and Embargo, Fire weakness from Fluffy, stat drops, status conditions, confusion, infatuation, and most reflectable moves (those caught by Magic Bounce, such as Taunt, Torment, Encore, Disable, Mean Look, Whirlwind, Yawn, Powder, Quash, Leech Seed, and Worry Seed; except for hazards.)
If there's one thing Manaka has too much of, it's space. That space is sometimes taken for granted, with large buildings lying empty for years. At first, these buildings will be the target of suburban explorers, until Threadbear eventually move in. While thought to be its own Pokemon for many years, recent research has confirmed the rumors that Threadbear is an evolution of Stufful when the Pokemon spends too long in these abandoned places. Pokemon professors urge trainers not to bring their own Stufful to these abandoned areas until the evolution method is better understood.
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pokemon-variants-pokedex · 1 year ago
wahhh hello !!! do you know any variants of fidough ? :D
- 🍰
Hello! There are many variants of Fidough!
The "Burnt" variant is born to a Growlithe/Arcanine father! They are named this due to the fact that they have a darker coloration than the normal Fidough.
The "Fairy Bread" variant is born to a Galarian Ponyta/Galarian Rapidash father! They're named after their colorful coloration adopted from their fathers' mane.
The "Hollow's Eve" variant is born to a Houndour/Houndoom father! They're named after their spooky appearance.
The "Chocolate" variant is born to a Poochyena/Mightyena father! They're named after the black glaze-like pattern they have.
The "Lemon Meringue" variant is born to a Electrike/Manectric father! They're named after the yellow strikes they inherit.
The "Garbage Bread" variant is born to a Trubbish/Garbodor father! They're named after the interest appearance they have.
(/ooc: there is actually a dish called 'garbage bread' that's really good. trust me.)
The "Dollop" variant is born to a Vanillite/Vanillish/Vanilluxe father! They're named after the white 'dollop' shaped fluff on their heads.
There are many, many, many others but these are some of the most popular breeds!
-Prof. V. Maple.
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digital-guinea-pig · 9 months ago
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Mephitichen is your own personal forest... but watch out. They'll eat pretty much anything. The little yellow bugs will appear again in more detail :3
Mephitichen (meh-FIT-eh-ken) evolves from a Ferncoon starting at level 45 while in deep woods. This aspect of the evolution will be given as a quest to go on with your partner Pokemon.
Second Wind: When the Pokemon is below one-third health, moves that are the same main-type as the Pokemon will be 50% stronger.
Mystify: Any moves used by either party that increases critical chance or accuracy will confuse the Pokemon in the opposing party.
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m4rs-ex3 · 4 months ago
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i didn't know froslass was autistic
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hiddenswordscomic · 10 months ago
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While yall waiting for more comic. Heres another fakemon designed by the wonderfull https://www.deviantart.com/mischievousraven
Introducing the fakemon cheeble. A native to the ground tribes territory.
:D this is a sheet based on pokemon conquest. Which will hopfully be used in any future dex entries. it is much more conductive than putting regular statistics cause the teritories is a conquest fanregion above all else rather than a mainline fanregion. Sidenote mainline alternative to ability 2 is runaway. If anyone wants to use this fakemon. (Though lmk first. ) or gets an adopt from me.
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betagirafarig · 11 months ago
really really really really really pissed that the pokemon company is going after fangames that literally make no money off pokemon and are quite literally so much better than anything gamefreak has put out . i fucking hate capitalism. pokemon is the highest grossing IP on the planet but nooo we cant let the fanbase have any amount of creativity or actual fun.
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kornstreifs-storys · 1 month ago
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Hey Guys Today I’m introducing Asterios, the Hoopa. They’ll be one of the Main Antagonists for my upcoming Story, which now has a Name: The Puppets of Orsus. Now I won’t tell the capacity in which he’ll oppose the hero’s (go read the story for that) but I’ll share some Backstory and reasons for their design. Here you go:
Name: Asterios Species: Hoopa (Chained) Element: Psychic, Steel Status: Wild Gender: Non Binary (they/them) Age: ??? Ability: Chain Bound Level: 100 Attacks: ???, ???, ???, Trick Room Legendary Moves: ??? Nature: Lonely Item: Chains of Hubris
• Lord of the Labyrinths • Punished by Palkia for an unknown crime • More serious than Hoopa of other worlds
Many Millennia ago Palkia tasked one of the Hoopa serving it to create an impenetrable Fortress to protect the Legendary Phy from the influence of the developing Human civilizations. However the legends say that said Hoopa displeased Palkia in some manner as after carrying out it’s task it was kicked out of Palkias realm and bound to earth by cursed chains, forged by the Gods in the dimensional Fire. They could never take these chains of and they sealed away some of the mythicals power. However in an unexpected twist it seems the chains also granted the Hoopa new powers and it settled down in Orsus for not known reasons. Over the following centuries it created the five great Labyrinths and it’s said that to this day it resides in the last one, waiting for any challengers to enter it’s crypt. And from these days one people began calling it Asterious after a monster hidden deep in a Labyrinth from an old legend of another region.
So yeah to all who don’t know. This Hoopa is named after the Minotaur from Greek legend. Do with that information what you will.
Also under the cut is a tiny dex-entry for Chained Hoppa (note that I only wrote down what changes from the Bound form):
Hoopa (Chained)
Type: Psychic, Steel Ability: Chain Bound Height: 0,8m (2’07”) Weight: 39 kg (86.0 lbs.)
Base Stats HP: - 100 Attack: - 60 Defense: - 110 Sp.Atk: - 130 Sp.Def: - 150 Speed: - 20 Total: 570
Damaged normally by: Water 1×, Electric 1×, Fighting 1×, Bug 1× Weak to: Fire 2×, Ground 2×, Ghost 2×, Dark 2× Immune to: Poison 0× Resistant to: Normal 1/2×, Grass 1/2×, Ice 1/2×, Flying 1/2×, Psychic 1/4×, Rock 1/2×, Dragon 1/2×, Steel 1/2×, Fairy 1/2×
Move Set
by Level: 85 – Hyperspace Chain (Info later)
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anonymousfog101 · 4 months ago
Beautifly's Ruby & Sapphire Dex Entries:
I like nectar :)
Beautifly's Dex Entries from Emerald onwards:
What if I just started killing people
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deepspacesoph · 7 months ago
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Been thinking about this dex entry a lot
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fernstarsblog · 1 year ago
vulpix(fairy type)
Dex entry:these vulpixes are said to be descent of a female aloan ninetales and her wigglytuft mate
Dex entry 2:these Pokemon have calm scent and because of this,they are recommend therapy Pokemon
Dex entry 3:when it's threatened or attacked,it use it's calming scent to escape the threat
Ability:nature cure/fairy fluff(when attacked by opponent,the ability will lower the speed but higher the special defense)
Highest stat:special attack
Prior Evolution:none
next evolution:evolved to ninetales at level 16 when given a fairy gem
Can you draw vulpix as pure fairy type?
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now that's one fancy dog!
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alternate ref sheet ^^
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skunkdex · 2 months ago
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Mitzi from Littlest Pet Shop has been added to the skunkdex! Submitted by @octodrawn
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midwest-dex · 1 month ago
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Toddltwine, the Unsteady Pokemon Toddltwine are curious about humans and like exploring their settlements. They are fascinated by revolving doors and motion detectors. It is unknown if the component bodies ever swap places before evolution. It is known that the bottom body is usually grumpy.
Types: Grass Abilities: Tangled Feet / Scatter — Once per battle, the Pokemon dodges a super-effective move, knocking over its stack. Hidden Ability: Pickpocket
Toddltwine are mischievous little peas in a pod that can be found in several urban environments, but can be found most commonly around the abandoned mall biome. One Roadside Attraction is an outdoor market selling various goods for strange prices, asking outrageous prices for items like Pokeballs and Covert Cloaks, but practically giving away others like a Light Clay or Loaded Dice. Poking around this location reveals that the merchants are disguised Toddltwine and its evolutions, and here you can catch one with its Hidden Ability of Pickpocket.
Today's doodle is based on the Toddltwine line from LeetWizard, who also wrote the dex entries!
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pokemon-variants-pokedex · 1 year ago
Hydra breed Noivern
The hydra breed of Noivern and Noibat is born to a father from the Hydreigon line.
This breed is a much blue-er color than the standard breed and are much larger. They are often confused for the cave breed but the main difference is that the hydra breed is larger and eat mostly fish.
The hydra breed also relies much more heavily on its sonar and echolocation abilities than it's standard counterpart.
The hydra breed is mostly bred for battle purposes but can be found in the wild. Both those born in captivity and in the wild are very aggressive and should only be handled by experienced trainers.
-Prof. V. Maple
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digital-guinea-pig · 9 months ago
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This is Firipent, the Magmatic Pokemon! The most adorable combination of two things that scared the crap out of me as a kid: Western Diamondback Rattlers, and the eruption of Mount St. Helens, despite never seeing either!
Abilities under the cut!
Second Wind: When the Pokemon is below one-third health, moves that are the same main-type as the Pokemon will be 50% stronger.
Plate Tectonics: Fire-type moves with a power rating of 80 or higher have a chance to trigger Earthquake on a successful hit as a bonus move. The chance is slightly higher for physical attacks.
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yinyangdex · 2 years ago
#110 Fellon
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Type: Flying
Height: 2'3
A shy but cunning rabbit monster whose white fur can blend well with the snow.
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