#haven and emma
sebastianshaw · 2 years
In my darkest fantasies I am the picture of passivity Waiting for you silent stage Suppressing all my private rage But as my sister said I’d probably last six days - Girls Against God by Florence + the Machine I’ve said before Haven is generally my Mary Sue character now, with me just inserting her into everything and typically having everyone love her because it soothes my salty soul after how she was ACTUALLY treated. But there are some characters I do see being mean to her, because, well, it makes sense. Like Sinister, the Fenris twins, and. . .Emma. Now, evil and/or racist characters like the first two, but why Emma? Partly, I’m kinda fed up with her in canon so it’s the “make the character I don’t like look bad by being mean to my fave” Mary Sue thing. But partly, Emma actually is just mean. She’s mean even to people she LIKES. And I don’t think she’d like Haven AT ALL. Why though? Because I think in many ways, Haven throws Emma’s entire understanding of how the world works out of whack. Before I get going, I’d like to note, I am NOT an Emma expert so if you find yourself thinking my analysis is TOTALLY WRONG, you are probably right. But this has been in my head for AGES so I’m gonna get going.
Both Haven and Emma are very feminine in extremely stereotypical ways, but it’s very OPPOSITE ways of femininity. Emma is the “sharp” and “sexy” way, the femme fatale, whole “my eyeliner wings are sharp to cut the patriarchy” thing, the “women as conniving schemers” way. Haven is the “soft” way, the maternal way, the women as maternal and nurturing beings. This is even reflected in their dress; Emma in high-fashion super-skimpy stark whites with mostly sharp cuts, Haven in very traditional long flowy and ornate, detailed outfits in bright colors. An n being soft and yielding and nonsexual, Haven is everything Emma either can’t be, or thought she had to push down and stop herself from ever being in order to survive and succeed. She’s everything Emma thought she would be punished and taken advantage of if she allowed herself to become, and thus expects to see other women punished for. And yet, Haven is rewarded for it instead. And I think that would tick Emma off. Of course, Haven is NOT rewarded for ANY of this in canon. You KNOW how she’s treated in canon. But in MY world, where -I- am writing things, Haven’s way of being a woman and how she handles situations in general is, while SOMETIMES a hindrance or not effective, is also often rewarded and very effective. She takes a very different route with Emma, but gets great results. And to Emma, this is both bizarre and unfair. It’s bizarre because her entire life she’s felt she had to take the route of firstly being extremely callous and mean and disliked to get shit done, and also to exploit her beauty and sexuality for the same reason. She sees women who don’t as weaklings and fools, she’s pretty plain about this fact in the 80s when she talks to that one Hellfire maid who is upset about the costumes. So when she sees Haven doing NONE of this, doing the OPPOSITE, and getting just as good, it’s not just weird, it’s upsetting—Emma had to repress and carve away all the softness in herself to the point it became a struggle to reach even when she wanted to. Haven didn’t have to do that, but she’s reaping the benefits that Emma sacrificed so much for. There’s also the fact that her mother Hazel is the only “soft” woman (read: didn’t do anything about the abuse in their household, never spoke up against their father, etc) in Emma’s life and she’s a bystander to abuse. Emma has complicated feelings for her father; she hates him yet she credits him for making her a very successful woman. At times she seems to have empathy and even sympathy for him but she has none of that for Hazel that I’ve ever seen. She never expresses any feelings about Hazel at all  to my memory. She’s a non entity, she’s just there, she doesn’t count, and I think that’s how Emma sees women who aren’t like herself, as being like Hazel. Useless people who let bad things happen because they don’t have the spine to do something. So definitely hostility and projecting there. Now, speaking of women and men. . .
In canon, Haven’s allies are almost all women, and the one guy who goes to bat for her is Madrox’s gay-coded dupe who cries and wears a pink crop top that says Stop The Hate. And I definitely think Haven is a girl’s girl, I write her as catnip to other women in various ways, but I also think she’d have quite an effect on many men too. Just, not like Emma does. Emma banks on men’s desire, exploiting their need to either have her sexually because she’s hot or to conquer her because she’s NOT docile and submissive. Haven is beautiful, and I’m sure some men find her sexy, but the response I think she mainly elicits is the response to protect, to serve her, to be polite to her, to open doors, to not swear in her presence or make her cry, that kind of thing. It is still sexist in its own way, but a far more soft and benevolent sort, where she’s pedestalized as a treasure and can get to her goals that way, rather than putting up with the insipid lust and misogyny that Emma, by her own admission, relies on. Again, she gets the same results without the same sacrifice that Emma felt she had to make.
And again, Haven is beautiful. This is remarked upon in-universe, with Strong Guy saying she looks like a “babe of the month” despite that fact that she’s 40, six feet tall, with very dark skin and, to put it bluntly, a big ass (which was NOT desirable in the “heroin chic” 90s America). None of which is unattractive, btw, but is often treated like it is. Emma is the epitome of white Western beauty standards, and she canonically did that very deliberately via hair dye and plastic surgery and she sleeps in her diamond form to stave off aging. So yet again, from Emma’s perspective, she put in all this work, but then Haven shows up and is getting the same admiration while not putting in any of the effort. It’s enraging. Doubly so since my Haven has love handles and smile lines. Given how Emma has body-shamed totally svelte women before, I have no doubt she’s got no shortage of catty comments for Haven on this matter. And the thing is, Emma does see other women as competition by default as it is even without all this extra reasoning. Her father was the abuser in her household, but that abuse made her sisters into her enemies and her mother into an enabler. We can see this attitude in how she’s interacted with other women for DECADES, always ready to tear them down in one sense or another. Ironically it’s even how she seems to ultimately bond with other women, by starting off with animosity—her and Jean, her and Storm, her and Kitty in Astonishing. Any woman that Emma is friends with has always started out firstly as a foe, and always an extremely personal one at that—these three are the ones she hurt most after Firestar. I don’t think Emma knows HOW to build a positive relationship with another woman that doesn’t begin from animosity. If Emma can build a bond with another woman that doesn’t involve seriously clawing chunks out of each other emotionally and sometimes physically along the way, I have yet to see it (no, I do not count the Lourdes retcon) And integral to this is that the other woman in the equation does strike back, does have that inside her too, often in a way as nasty and cruel as Emma herself could be. Jean, Kate, and Ororo have all shown themselves more than once to be capable of absolute brutality towards others under the right circumstances, and Jean in particular really hurt Emma in a very cruel way in retaliation once. And I think it’s only then that Emma can see these women as worthy of her respect, and as kindred spirits under the skin, someone who is like her in some way, and thus not someone she feels “bad” by comparison next to. That’s why she WANTS Haven to “hit back” to show she actually ISN’T this perfect soft enduring angel, but Haven WON’T and I think it would drive her batty. Because the thing is, I think Emma knows Haven COULD hurt her if she chose, just as badly as Jean and without even needing telepathy. Emma has an empathy and understanding of other people that she usually uses for cruelty, as she did when she was brainwashing Firestar. Haven demonstrated in canon that she COULD do the same but chose not to, when she pinpoints the psychological problems and pains of everyone in X-Factor, but approaches them with sympathy rather than manipulation. She does CLAIM she’ll use these issues against them if they keep getting in her way, but never does. So she COULD probably rip Emma an emotional new one but WONT, and her refusing to rise to any bait Emma gives—as I see Emma trying to provoke her—makes Emma both see as morally superior (which she hates) and ALSO as unworthy as respect for not taking the shot. In Emma’s head, she’s both better AND worse than she is, and she hates both options. It’s complicated, basically, as anything with Emma is. And bringing it to “feeling bad in comparison next to”--while Emma is in general proud of who and what she is and sees it as an advantage to getting things done for others that need to be done and that other characters are too “pure” to do (which is an unusual thing for a female character and I do like that about her) there are absolutely moments she’s conflicted about it and hates herself for it. I think she’s proud of who she is and looks down on others….and I also think she thinks she’s a bad person. And here Haven is, just effortlessly embodying these traits Emma is so pained by lacking (or believing that she lacks) and actually getting things done like that and people love her for it. It’s upsetting. It makes Emma feel like maybe she never had to work to strip away all softness for herself, resent Haven for not having to make the sacrifices of her own soul that she did to get the same results, it makes her feel unappreciated because don’t these people who fawn over Haven realize what SHE went through for THEM? None of which is Haven’s fault nor even necessarily reality, but it’s a very HUMAN response in my opinion. And speaking of feelings, Haven’s someone pretty clearly okay with them, whereas Emma has very much shown herself as afraid of them. And I think there’d be a definite envy that Haven can let herself be so vulnerable in so many ways and be at ease with that. I also think she sees Haven as able to escape her past and responsibility for it in a way Emma can’t, because as much as writers try and drive it into readers heads that Emma was Actually Innocent and Heroic The Whole Time, other characters did still bring up Emma’s history in-universe against her all the time well after her heel-face-turn. Whereas Haven actually does have a really goddamn good excuse. As for how Haven feels in all this. . .she handles every jab with absolute grace, not retaliating or displaying any upset. Emma’s doubtless not the first person to attempt to get under her skin for some reason. And because Haven is so uncannily perceptive and empathetic, I think she can discern at least SOME of Emma’s reasons, even if she can’t know why she has those reasons, and she has a quiet sympathy for her. Which, of course, would just piss Emma off more. Because this woman isn’t buckling or shrinking under her, which the bully in Emma wants, the need to punish other women for not being like she is, the contempt she has for that (again, see the maid), but she’s also not doing the OTHER option Emma wants either, which is rising to it, breaking her Miss Perfect mask, showing she’s NOT this angel everyone else thinks. She does NOT bow to Emma, and yet neither does she push back. She is unyielding yet softly so, like a padded wall. And I think that just drives Emma nuts. But hey, I could be wrong.
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drghostwrite · 6 months
Running back to you…
Pairing: Regina Mills x reader
Summary: After Regina keeps going cold on reader you finally tell her how you really feel. How is she going to take you telling her how much you love her?... Feat the other world Robin.
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******************************************************** "Robin!" you looked up watching as Regina ran to him, she wrapped her arms around him as he stood there just looking at her, not returning the embrace, she pulled away and you watched as her face dropped seeing that he couldn't have cared any less.
Your stomach turned and hands shook at watching the interaction, why did she keep going for him, the constant advances that were turned down, the wishful glances returned with blank stares. For almost an entire year you had been in love with the woman and yet she wouldn't even bat an eye, you were just a friend, her person, the dependable shoulder for her to cry on.
You're the one that climbed out of your totaled car after the accident, battered and ran headfirst into the fire to save Henry, her son, while Robin stood idly by after saving himself.
"Hey Y/N, David has to stay here with Emma to clean up the scene, I'll take you home." you turned met by Snow’s gentle expression and nodded.
"You're cleared, but if you're feeling intense pain I would recommend letting us take you to the hospital." the paramedic said acknowledging you and Snow as you watched Regina.
"I think I'm good," you said a light smile pulling the corner of your mouth, you got up to walk away.
"You're a hero, you know..." the young woman called after you. You turned around to slightly face her, "saving the kid, it was brave, not many people can say they have the guts to do something like that... and her I'm sure she'll see it."
"Thanks." you said looking at Regina before turning to walk away, you climbed into David's truck as snow took you home.
"You saved his life..." she said breaking the silence. You watched the trees pass by in the darkness outside the window as rain started to fall, rain drops racing down the window. A few minutes later you pulled into your driveway, hopping out and heading towards your door.
"Hey Y/N..." Snow called
"Yea?" you turned to her.
"Just tell her." she said and you nodded as she pulled away into the night.
---time jump---
2 hours later you heard a soft knock on your door, you pulled yourself off of the couch with a grimace, holding your injured side you pulled the door open, revealing a disheveled Regina, dark jeans and her black long sleeve had rain spots from the storm outside.
"Regina, " you whispered in suprise at seeing the woman on your doorstep.
"Y/N, can I come in?" she asked and you stepped aside letting her come in. She looked around your keys thrown on the table next to the door with your phone. Your brown suede jacket hanging on the chair, your brown boots had mud on them placed next to the chair in the dining room, she followed you to the kitchen as you went to grab a drink.
"Want anything coffee, tea?" you asked back still turned to her as you poured coffee.
"Coffee would be nice, thanks" she said as you poured her a cup, turning to her she saw the gash on your forhead being held together with little white butterfly bandages, a black eye, and your lip sliced open drops of blood on your tank running down your shoulder.
"Y/N..." she said concern flooding her features at the condition of your face.
"I'm okay," you said pulling out a small smirk. she leaned forward to get a closer look at you, her hand ghosted over your side, the slight touch making you wince at the pain in your side.
"Y/N..." she said lifting your tank to reveal the already purpling bruises.
"Don't Regina." you said reading her face.
"Please just.."
"Shut up and let me help you!" she scolded, her magic quickly flowing to ease the pain, repairing the injuries. a moment of silence pasing between you but a conversation happening behind your eyes
"I wanted to say thank you..." She looked up at you but you were avoiding her eyes by watching her hands, as the purple flowed between you, "For saving Henry, I know that wasn't easy and you got hurt in the process, but..."
"I can't do this," you said quickly pushing past her.
"Y/N here just let me help you, you're hurting..."
"Regina, Just stop!" you snapped.
"Y/N?" she asked treading lightly, her body language was protective as she tried to keep her defenses from going up.
"I-I just can't right now." you said and turned your back to her leaning on the island.
"Did I do something?"
"Then what is it?"
"nothing..." you said vaguely trying to calm yourself down.
"It's not nothing..." She rouned the island to come to your side, and looked at you softly with concern.
"Y/N I love you, I'm here..."
"Do you?" you whispered under your breath.
"What?" she asked.
"Do you love me? Truly love me?" you said looking up to make eye contact with her.
"Is that even a question?"
"Obviously... Regina, if you knew what was good for you..."
"Y/N where is this coming from?... why would you even question if I love you?"
"Because, no matter how hard I try you return to him every time."
"Robin? is that what this is about, why would you say that?"
"Because I LOVE you, I love you, I'm in love with you... For awhile now, and I see how you look at him, and in return what do you get... Regina I want you and only you, everything, the good and bad, Regina and the Evil Queen, Henry, all of it." you snapped back, realization of what you said hitting you when you saw her face.
"Time after time I watch as you run back to him, he doesn't know you, he doesn't love you and yet you go back everytime... tonight I climbed out of a totaled car and into a burning one not just because I love Henry but because I know what he means to you and I love you with everything I have, and you still ran to Robin after he did what make sure no hair was out of place. I would risk my life for you everytime cause I want nothing more than to have a life with you, to love you, and show you what true love is."
"Y/N..." she said trying to find the words.
"I'm sorry," you said hanging your head, waiting for her to reject you and scold you. But instead she stepped closer to you, she lifted your chin with her fingers and suddenly her lips were on yours.
"I never knew, I didn't think you would want me so I tried to stay away... I have a lot that comes with me and I always thought you were too good to have to be put through that." she said resting her forehead on yours.
"Regina that's the point, I would voluntarily walk through the fire with you if it meant we both made it out, I don't deal with this baggage, your scars because I have to, I do it because I want to, because I love you." you said pressing your lips to hers in the gentlest kiss you could muster.
"So what does this mean for us," she said a few tears falling.
"It means whatever you want it to, it means you have a protector, someone you can run to. You were never meant to belong somewhere that you aren't loved."
"No, I belong with you," she said looking up into your eyes, her coffee brown orbs soothing your soul, "my happy ending."
"A part of it at least."
"no Y/N you are my happy ending, the arms that I find comfort in, the person that I get to come home to, you're my future."
"I want to have babies and a beautiful home, and live in love, it's never easy but it's a choice I'm willing to make everyday, something I will fight for until I draw my last breath, I will always come running back to you."
"And my arms will always be open, our home will always be our safe haven," you said pulling her in for a kiss feeling the hot tears touch your cheek as she cried in relief of the confession.
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kaitlinj16 · 8 months
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[Multifemale - I Am Iron]
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omegaremix · 5 months
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Omega Radio for April 29, 2024; #375.
Insect Ark: “Youth Body Swayed”
Clarion Void: “The Top”
Brutus: “Love Won’t Hide The Ugliness”
King Woman: “King Of Swords”
Converge & Chelsea Wolfe: “Failure Forever”
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou: “The Valley”
Paradise Lost: “Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us”
Dyatlove: “Empty Lungs”
Jesu: “Sleeping In”
Hope Conspiracy, The: “Those Who Gave Us Yesterday”
Bloodsimple: “Straighthate”
As I Lay Dying: “94 Hours”
Better Lovers: “God Made Me An Animal”
Misery Signals: “Five Years”
Burn It Down: “Ten Percent Of The Law”
Poisoned Seeds: “Dark Clouds”
Foreign Hands: “Separation Souvenir”
Knocked Loose: “Don’t Reach For Me”
Rakefire: “A Song About Depression”
Will Haven: “Diabolito Pt. 1 & 2”
Swarmer: “God Damn”
Dommengang: “Society Blues”
New Dawn Fades: “This Night Has Closed My Eyes”
Pelican: “Tending The Embers”
Heiress: “Surviving You”
Low Spirits: “Surrender”
Baroness: “Rise”
Sedona Crystal Bitch: “Sister Of Doom”
Slower: “Blood Red”
Tenebra: “Scarlet Woman”
Agoraphobic Nosebleed: “Gnaw”
Deluxe metalcore, stoner, doom, and sludge.
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Haven parallels: Duke’s girlfriend being jealous of Audrey (Evi Crocker in 2x5 Roots/ Jennifer Mason in 4x9 William)
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mmemirrorball · 1 year
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thinking about what taylor album would speak to each of them the most
I feel like Rikki is reputation to an extent but she is very midnights coded to me?? Like that episode where she puts her headphones in to sleep— she is certainly queuing yoyok, question, the Great War (the Zane of it all), maroon, anti-hero, etc.
Cleo is so SO speak now!! She is listening to mine and enchanted after hanging out with Lewis. She is blasting better than revenge and the story of us after seeing charlotte. Her outfits, her cheeriness and angst. She is SO speak now. Not to mention the vault tracks? When emma falls in love?? Timeless!!
Emma is a hard one for me. Her older sister and academic vibes give me strong folkmore energy (mirrorball, this is me trying, dorothea (sobbing bc she becomes the dorothea), long story short). Yet she also has that classic girl next door thing that leads me closer to red or 1989. I think red is the closest to encompassing the full vibe of Emma but I don’t know…
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oocstephenkingtv · 6 months
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Haven +Boston 1x1 Welcome to Haven 1x11 The Trial of Audrey Parker (2010) 4x1 Fallout (2013)
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sims4-premades · 1 year
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korinthiakos · 2 years
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what did i do to deserve this? so what if i trapped chicken dream in a pen, this isn't about them
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sassyandclassy94 · 2 years
SwanFire Month Day 23 - Quote that reminds you of SwanFire
They met as most friends do. Right place, right age, right interests in common. Picking up sticks in the dirt, calling them swords. Bumps and bruises and shared smiles. And then when it came time to separate, suddenly it felt impossible. The newness dissolved over the shared hours into the seed of something more. Something shaped in a way that forever stretched where the newness ended. Something that, later, felt very much like love.
-Sarah Henning - from The “Princess Will Save You”
I know it’s not not the most conventional but if there was no stupid curse and Emma stayed in the Enchanted Forest, and if Baelfire had somehow found his way back to there, they would have grown up together and this would have been them❤️
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By Emma Donoghue.
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omegaradiowusb · 5 months
APRIL 29, 2024 (#375)
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Insect Ark: "Youth Body Swayed" Clarion Void: "The Top" Brutus: "Love Won't Hide The Ugliness" King Woman: "King Of Swords" Converge & Chelsea Wolfe: "Failure Forever" Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou: "The Valley" Paradise Lost: "Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us" Dyatlove: "Empty Lungs" Jesu: "Sleeping In" Hope Conspiracy, The: "Those Who Gave Us Yesterday" Bloodsimple: "Straighthate" As I Lay Dying: "94 Hours" Better Lovers: "God Made Me An Animal" Misery Signals: "Five Years" Burn It Down: "Ten Percent Of The Law" Poisoned Seeds: "Dark Clouds" Foreign Hands: "Separation Souvenir" Knocked Loose: "Don't Reach For Me" Rakefire: "A Song About Depression" Will Haven: "Diabolito Pt. 1 & 2" Swarmer: "God Damn" Dommengang: "Society Blues" New Dawn Fades: "This Night Has Closed My Eyes" Pelican: "Tending The Embers" Heiress: "Surviving You" Low Spirits: "Surrender" Baroness: "Rise" Sedona Crystal Bitch: "Sister Of Doom" Slower: "Blood Red" Tenebra: "Scarlet Woman" Agoraphobic Nosebleed: "Gnaw"
Spring isn't over yet at Omega Radio. We have a burner of a show this morning as we showcase three deluxe hours of new, current, and favorite sounds and artists from metalcore, doom, stoner, sludge, and more. From the usual suspects to first-time appearances on our show, we have it all here.
We're getting ready for another sizeable deluxe show in two weeks as we return with more new, current, and favorite sounds eager to unload while the season's here. Thanks to all tuning in, supporting, and following all things Omega and WUSB. We'll see you then.
May 13, 2024 (Midnight-3AM): deluxe Omega.
May 27, 2024 (Midnight-3AM): final deluxe Spring ‘24 Omega.
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emsswan · 8 months
@chopperpirate ( ??? )
Emma, the beloved princess of Mist Haven had been captured by THE EVIL QUEEN. But as much as the land wanted to save their princess, they feared THE EVIL QUEEN.
Award posters were posted all around, with a hefty reward available of gold and an invite to a celebratory feast for the princess' safe return. But the blonde didn't want to wait around to be saved. Adventure flowed through her veins as it did her parent's. The moment she got captured she was looking for an escape. She was not some helpless DAMSEL IN DISTRESS.
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The princess minded her manners and obeyed as she must; after all she wanted to seem weak & dumb so they wouldn't know that she had other plans up her sleeve.
CHARMING---She get's it from her father and she plans to use it on anyone and everyone who enters and exits to get herself out of here.
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chavisory · 2 years
This is, weirdly, the second book in a row I’ve read that references a flute made from the bone of a swan…
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haodarling · 2 months
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Like the Movies
about: a series of my favorite movies reimagined with (some of) the boys of seventeen.
notes: the movies inspired the fics, please don’t expect it to be an exact word for word reenactment of the films; i had a couple of ideas and decided to roll with it. unfortunately i will not be doing all of the boys as some of them are key side characters unless specifically requested! the stories are interrelated in some way; it won’t be explicitly stated but try and look for crumbs!
also! most if not all the y/ns in the fics are directly stated to be female due to some of the stories heavily relying on y/n’s biological sex to be female.
currently working on: pretty girl !
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Pretty Girl
based on: Legally Blonde
pairing: law student! joshua x heiress! reader // ex boyfriend! wen junhui x reader
synopsis: the youngest of 3 successful sisters, no one expects you to accomplish anything save for sitting still and looking pretty, but after your boyfriend dumps you for a much more educated girl, you get your eldest sister to pay your way into harvard law where you meets joshua hong, who does not seem to appreciate how lightly you takes things.
tropes: opposites attract, popular girl x nerd boy but with a twist, they start off at the wrong foot, it gets resolved, joshua will say hurtful things along the way though
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A Sweet Haven
based on: Notting Hill // Maid in Manhattan
pairing: golden retriever!mingyu x single mother!y/n
synopsis: never in your wildest dreams did you expect acclaimed actor, kim mingyu, to stumble into your quaint bakery and ask you to hide him from the onslaught of paparazzi. what began as one chance encounter turns into constant visits to you and your daughter. but just as you begin to see a future between the two of you, the reminder of his fame and reputation hovers over the both you.
tropes: forbidden romance, single mom! reader, mingyu’s an actor, secret relationship
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Hot and Cold
based on: Pride and Prejudice // Emma
pairing: wonwoo x reader, seokmin x oc
synopsis: as the eldest child of your family, you have only ever wanted the best for your siblings. so when your sister confesses to being in love with someone— you do everything you can to make sure they both end up together… but the infuriatingly handsome brother of your sister’s beau seems to be against the union altogether.
tropes: enemies to lovers, they really don’t like each other at first, just two people being protective of their younger siblings, elder sibling trauma written by an only child LOL
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Mr and Mrs. Choi
based on: Mr. and Mrs. Smith
pairing: agent!scoups x agent!reader
synopsis: you and seungcheol (code name: scoups) have a bit of a work place rivalry going on, and the agency wants to put you both to the test by pairing you up with each other in a mission that would determine who gets the promotion… the catch being that you both would have to play a married couple.
tropes: rivals to lovers, technically also coworkers to lovers, fake marriage au, a lot of back and forths, cheol is a teasing lil shit with y/n, will very much include the old “the target is gonna notice we’re tailing him hurry let’s make out”
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Love Me Tomorrow
based on: 2 week’s notice // flipped
pairing: jeonghan x reader
synopsis: your friends and coworkers say you’re foolish for harboring a crush on the worst man ever; aka your boss. yoon jeonghan is a successful ceo, and he is well aware of the hold he has over you; often using you to perform minute and tiresome errands. but what happens when you finally draw the line?
tropes: unrequited love (initially), she fell first but he fell harder, hannie’s an asshole here ngl, he gets better i promise, y/n is on a path to self love, when hannie realized he loves her he’s so pathetic i swear
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Something Borrowed, Something New
based on: My best friend’s wedding
pairing: minghao x extraverted!reader, slight vernon x reader, and slight minghao x oc
synopsis: you love your fiancee you truly do, and you were very sure he felt the same long enough to propose to you; but he’s quiet, and well- you’re not. you know this, and so you always make sure you are not too spirited in days where he doesn’t feel it. but when he runs into his old college friends, you could not help but notice how he becomes a lot livelier with his childhood best friend.
tropes: established relationship, opposites attract, golden retriever y/n and black cat minghao, angst, like a lot of it, hao has a girl best friend :(( , two people who don’t communicate because of their own personal reasons
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slay-classy · 1 year
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SC#157 OCTOBER 2023
Kim dress
Eden pants
Emma dress
Jessy Bodysuit (top category)
Jessi skirt
Maison skirt
Palais Peach dress in solid
Thezo vest
Yinglin Vest
Ashi dress
Coperni Haven jumpsuit
Cruel tshirt
1999 dress
Kamala moto jacket
Koko skirt
Palais Moon dress
Thezo fringed pants
Zakiyah top
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