#have an emotional brax
You know it's saying something when you read a fanfic of your favourite character and the fans understand them better than the current writers do.
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theladyjojogrant · 2 years
Someone please stop me from writing a Gallifrey/Mistborn crossover fic
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natequarter · 14 days
i subscribe to the idea that time lords have "parents" in the absolute loosest sense of "genetic donors," but only in that sense. so it's always really jarring for me to hear time lords talking about their parents, because i've never perceived time lords as having a direct one-to-one relationship like that. in my mind, words like "parent" or "brother" or "grandfather" don't translate any emotional context, just genetic context. your grandparent is someone who donated a quarter of their dna to you (or someone whose "child" donated half their dna to you, etc.). your "brother" is just someone whose dna came from the same donors as yours. all that said, there are exceptions: brax (sometimes) genuinely does have parents, and when the doctor can be bothered to subscribe to that particular backstory, so does he; susan is also sometimes genuinely his granddaughter. for the most part, though, "parent" holds about as much importance as "shoestring" to most time lords
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rose-of-red-lake · 2 months
Helicopter parents at the Jedi Temple
"Rhogo can't take his intergalactic history exam at that time. We're going on three week vacation to Canto Bight."
"You told Hely that her blood was red when actually, it's blue." (It was, in fact, red.)
"My little Colo needs to be in a more advanced class. He's already mastered all of the lightsaber forms."
"I saw the grade you gave Mara in her Courage trial. Why did she fail the exam?"
"Brax can't take your class on learning how to resist mind probes and interrogation. It's against his religion."
"I don't want my son assigned to Mace Windu."
"I don't like the carpeting in here. The classroom should have thicker carpets in case Steffan hits his head."
(Jedi Voicemail at 3 AM): "This is Jona Johnson, Joyo's mom. I called you yesterday. Can you please call me back? We had some questions."
"We're frantically watching the holonet and hear that a war is about to break out between the Wookies and the Trandoshans. I know that Reni is a Jedi Knight but they need to come home now. I don't want them going anywhere near that mess."
"Why do you worship false idols at the Jedi temple? Those statues look demonic. I'm contacting Chancellor Palpatine."
"I'm somewhat of a botanist myself. Chane would love to work in your agricorp lab."
"My child can't understand anything that old green teacher is saying. His accent is too thick. He needs to be moved to a different teacher."
"How do I become a Jedi master here?"
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companion-showdown · 2 months
Who is the best TARDIS team?
propaganda under the cut
Justine, Eliza
Justine is a stubborn Victorian girl with a habit of solving every problem with violence. Eliza is from the 70s with enough sense to try to stop Justine from carrying out her awful plans but also enough self-destructive loyalty that she goes along with them in the end anyway. Together they're very close friends who steal a timeship and get themselves in way over their heads in political maneuverings on both human and cosmic scales. They have incredible sarcastic banter, a complex relationship, enough trauma to make you want to give them both hugs, and some of the most emotional and unforgettable moments you will ever hear in audio.
Tentoo, Jackie
i like them
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*whispers to Luci again* Hey he's trapped now. Enchanted cage; not good enchants tho. I've got a drone on watch now. He's not panicking yet, and it's not that strong that I think he can't break out, so I'm assuming he's gonna try to find out who's behind this. I'll step if needed.
Who is am is of no matter at the moment. I am on your side; be glad for it. If you still have questions you may seek me out to see my file at a later date. For now, we have much larger problems to face.
Lucifer narrows his eyes in slight suspicion, but nod. He gets up, pacing the room a bit.
Lucifer: "If he isn't worried he likes has a plan. But it's hard not to worry about that ridiculous man..."
Alastor, mocking: "If you want to be hidden, I suggest you find a better hiding place."
???: "Where's the child?"
Alastor: "You don't seriously think we'd be impressed by one tiny threat, do you?"
???: "You better get Nova here, or I cannot guarantee for anyone's safety"
Alastor hides his suprise. He knows her name.
Alastor, laughing: "Oh I am positively shaking, dear fellow!"
???, growling: "You don't understand, I need her!"
Alastor, eyes darkening: "You don't seem to understand. You come to us and demand a child while threatening us. I should kill you on the spot."
???: "I just need a little of her blood! She owes it to me anyway"
Alastor's theeth crunch together. It's better not who he thinks it is.
Alastor: "Who. Are. You."
???: "I am Brax, Nova's father"
Alastor breaks loose at that second, pinning the Incubus to a wall with his tentacles.
Alastor: "She owes you nothing. You are a pathetic, you will not even see her again."
Brax: "I'm sick, dying but if I just-"
Alastor: "I don't care, because I will make sure you will be dead when I'm done with you"
Brax: "No- please - I just need-"
Alastor, growing: "You treat he like that, abandon her and only look for her when you need something."
Brax, bears his teeth, a mixture of emotions running through his face.
Brax: "She needs a firm hand! She's a part royal she-"
Alastor throws Brax across the room, in anger. He's grown almost to the Warehouses ceiling. Radio dials instead of eyes.
Alastor, distorted: "I'll make sure to make you suffer. You seem to need a firm hand"
Brax eyes widen, then he growls. He'd kept a gun hidden. An angelic one. He aims it at Alastor. As it fires the gun smoke is like a tiny smoke-bomb explosion, obscuring Brax from view.
The bullet gets thrown off course by a drone in it's way. The bullet grazes Alastor's ear, nothing that won't heal. Bit by the time he's reoriented himself, Brax is gone. Nowhere to be found in and around the warehouse.
Alastor grumbles.
This is not over.
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captain039 · 1 year
Taming the fire
Alpha!Kylo Ren x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB, sexual, jealousy, smut, anger issues, swearing, emotional, dark themes, semi-public smut, gonna make it really smutty hopefully xD
You’ll need to read playing with fire before reading this find the first chapter (here)
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The supreme leader had you moved to his room right away, you didn’t have many things now that you look at it all in the corner. You were always treading lightly around the room, unsure where you stood on, well, everything. Apart from him giving you the best orgasm and being laid on you for a few hours, not much else had happened. He was busy, he was always at meetings, always needed for something, you swore an officer would knock every five minutes. You didn’t unpack your things and you slept on the couch, he wasn’t here usually anyway at sleeping time. You felt lonely, you asked if you could go back to work only to be hit with a stern No and frown. You barely did anything and it was making you mad. You made your mind up and went back to work, if your mate wanted to say something about it then you’d argue with him. You were grouchy on the way to work, officers and storm troopers keeping their distances and heads down. When you walked into the department Leo gasped rather dramatically and everyone stared. You gave a small wave and Leo ran to you giving you a big hug. You laughed hugging him back as the others grouped around to say hello.
“Maker I’ve been so worried!” Leo huffed even though he messaged you every night.
“I’m ok” you chuckled giving Brax a hug next.
“Does ‘he’ know you’re here?” Leo whispered and you huffed mood shifting.
“He can shove it up his ass” you snapped and Leo blinked.
“Ok, noted” he said as you sat down at your terminal and began to work. It was nice to be back and with your team, what wasn’t nice was the feeling you got if angry alpha outside the door.
“We’re dead” Leo whispered and you hushed him opening the sliding door to see the supreme leader with an overly clenched door. He snarled as he looked to your team and tugged you out and closed the door. You huffed slapping him off, arms crossing and eyebrow raising at him. He glared anyone else off before acknowledging you and frowned.
“If you have come to yell at me let me give you some piece of my mind!” You snarled and he blinked in surprise.
“You have not been around the last four days! You let me do nothing! I have a job here and I’m damn good at it! You’re gone 24/7 doing supreme leader things! You are literally being the worst mate!” You sneered seeing the guilt flash across his face.
“It is not safe for you to be out here alone” he said overly calm and you scoffed.
“I thought you rid of all the traitors?” You rolled your eyes and he growled.
“Do not test my patience omega” he said.
“Then talk to me!” You said feeling emotional now after your anger outburst.
“Makers sake I might as well be back in my room by myself doing my job!” You bit back tears and huffed.
“You’ll do no such thing” he snapped.
“Then what are you going to do about it?!” You snapped back and he growled. You yelped in surprise as you were slammed against the closest wall and lips crashed against yours. You whined quietly as he practically attacked your mouth with his. His hands fumbling with the buttons of your pants, you pushed in his chest, but he snarled. You groaned quietly at the sudden intrusion of fingers sliding through your folds and into your warmth. Your head lulled to the side and the alpha attacked your neck instead while his thumb pressed against your clit. You put a hand over your mouth as you moaned, his thumb moving in a quick pace while his fingers beckoned inside you. You panted as your hips quickly began to grind down on his hand seeking a quick release. You swore you saw a stormtrooper tuck tail and run, but was too caught up. You moaned softly as he took the hand covering your mouth and kissed you roughly as you felt your stomach tighten.
“Come for your alpha” he muttered against your lips and you did as he commanded. Your back arched and your moans were drowned out into his mouth as he rode your high. You pulled back from the kiss to breathe as his hand left your pants. His glove glistened and he brought it to his mouth licking it clean. He made a low growling noise and you whined quietly lying your head in the cool wall.
“This doesn’t change things” you whispered as he straightened himself up and suddenly left. You stood baffled, pant buttons undone as the alpha just left. You wanted to slap him again, but was too jelly legged to do so. You quickly did your pants up though and headed back to his room, you’ll show him.
You’re showing him was awkwardly carrying your things back to your room. The officers and stormtroopers giving you odd looks, some even offered to help, but you shooed them away with a huff. You were on your fifth bag, you headed down the elevator and exited only to stop. There stood a very pissed off supreme leader and nervous stormtroopers behind him, did they tell on you? What is this school?! You glared at the stormtroopers and they put their heads down making you huff. You were having a stare off with the supreme leader before the doors began to shut. You flinched as the supreme leader held his hand up, using the force to hold the doors open. You hesitantly stepped out with your bag and he put his hand down and the elevator closed. His gaze was harsh and you gulped slightly and kept your head down.
“Get her bags” he ordered the two stormtroopers behind him who responded with ‘yes, sirs’ one grabbing your bag before leaving. You went to speak, but was shot a look from the supreme alpha.
“Come with me” he said simply and began to walk down the hall. You wanted to stay in defiance, but groaned quietly and followed. You followed him down to navigation, you wondered what would happen, mind running over a million possibilities of being humiliated, executed or used. You peered out the large window looking to the unknown planet below.
“D’qar has been turned into a first order base” the supreme leader began.
“We have many citizens there now, however there have been uprises and force sensitive persons located, we are going to go down there and deal with it” he said turning back to you. You frowned confused as he looked to one of the navigation team and spoke.
“Get my ship ready” he said simply and walked past you.
“Now, omega” he called and you flushed furiously seeing the looks of it there.
You felt sick on the ride down, not used to travelling, you landed on a large castle like building, not what you were expecting as the city seemed light and welcoming, even with the some grey hues. You were greeted there, being expected apparently, a man and a woman dressed in higher class robes, both betas. You felt out of place, you didn’t even have your officer jacket on, just a simple grey long sleeve shirt and officer pants.
“Supreme leaders” the woman smiled kindly bowing her head, leaders?
“Rhyndi” the supreme leader nodded.
“Kuna” he nodded his head to the man.
“Is the empress alright?” Rhyndi the woman asked while looking at you. and you choked on air.
“My mate gets sick when flying” the supreme leader answered and you froze again.
“Supreme leader” you said and he turned to you.
“May I have a word?” You asked and he gave a stern look, but nodded. You a little ways away and he gave you his attention.
“What is happening? Supreme leaders? Leaders! More than one! Empress?! Mate?!” You whisper yelled glancing to the worried eyes of the you assumed couple.
“Incase you haven’t noticed we aren’t mated!” You hissed getting mad at his overly calm face. Why was he so calm and level headed when in public, but slams you against a wall when you’re semi-private.
“We will speak later” he said simply turning and talking to the couple again. You stood in shock, mouth slightly ajar before you were called to follow again.
You were shown to a room, all ready stocked with things, this place was like royalty almost. Your ‘mate’ had to attend to business, he left you in the room with food and a fancy wine. You ate in annoyance despite enjoying the amazing taste of the fruits. You weren’t fond of alcohol, but you tasted it and made a disgusted face. You got a panicked call from Leo and answered.
“Are you dead?!” He yelled over the hologram and you winced.
“I wouldn’t have answered if I was!” You huffed at him and he sighed in relief.
“I saw you practically looking like a dragged, kicked puppy behind the supreme leader as he took you to his ship, what’s going on?” He spoke quickly and worried.
“I don’t know! He just told me that we’re going to do business here with some uprise? And some force sensitive people! I don’t know” you groaned.
“I’ve been called supreme leader, empress and mate in less than five minutes” you stated and Leo looked shocked.
“It’s offical?” He gasped.
“No it’s not offical!” You snapped.
“Ok, ok. Listen this may be a bonding exercise, a weird one, but we mustn’t question our supreme leader” he said.
“Bonding? He had avoided me for the last six days” you rolled your eyes.
“Mustn’t question the supreme leader” he repeated and you glared.
“You may question the supreme leader” he corrected and you raised an eyebrow.
“It’s a training exercise? I don’t know!” He groaned. The door opened and you froze seeing the supreme leader there. He frowned briefly glancing to your holo, before closing the door and leaving.
“What was that?” Leo asked.
“Did he just respect privacy?” Leo whispered and you snapped a glare at him.
“Maker, ok!” Leo huffed.
“I’m hanging up” you stated.
“I’ll pray for you!” He said as you hung up. Damn beta was worse than an over worrying mother. You walked to the door and peered out seeing the supreme leader standing tall nearby.
“I’m done” you called, going back in the room and listening to his footsteps following. He closed the door and you turned around to speak to him only for lips to clash with yours. You made a surprised noise before your body melted against the alphs. His hands cupped your sides and pulled you close, while your arms went around his neck. You threaded your fingers through his hair sighing softly at the softness. You pulled back to breathe and he kissed down your neck and kissed there. His hands slipped under your shirt gently squeezing your sides before you stopped him. You were breathless as you gripped his wrists and pulled back making him frown.
“This isn’t talking” you said as he went to chase your lips. You put a finger to his lips and he sneered, but stopped.
“I can hear how your body calls for me” he said voice low so your body shivered.
“I can smell your arousal too” he almost grinned like a wolf which made you blush.
“You know I can make you feel good” he added and you went to glare, but found it hard too.
“Let me make you feel good” he whispered with a growl eyes burning into yours with need.
Next part ->
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picnokinesis · 1 month
Hello! I am back with more songs >:)
Caves from the main playlist
Epilogue from the teen playlist
Weave from the anterograde playlist
Heck yes >:D Also loving how, once again, you've picked one song that is like, THE SONG of the playlist, and then another where I'm like 'wait why did I put that one on again....' and then I relisten and I'm like oh. oh yeah.
Caves by Gregory Alan Isakov is one of THE earliest campervan au songs. I discovered it in about June 2020, and immediately wrote a scene for part 9 that has had ripple effects all the way back to part 3. I trust you all remember this part from Chapter 11 of Part 3, when the Doctor looks through the photos that were in the shoebox that Brax gave to her:
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Compare this to the lyrics of Caves:
And I used to love caves Stumble out into that big sky Remember that bright hollow moon? Showed our insides on our outsides
This song is all about the Doctor and Koschei's childhood - in fact, the ONLY REASON the cave thing happens in the story is because of this song hahah. But it's also how much things have changed between them - this rift that now exists because of the Doctor's amnesia:
You go ahead There's something I forgot Walk slow and I'll catch up Let's hear the stars do their talking
And also:
Did I hear something break Was that your heart or my heart Like when the Earth shakes Then the silence that follows
The second one in particular is great because of the whole thing with the four taps - which, of course, in campervan au is meant to represent the Doctor's heartbeat and Koschei's together, one after the other. But the first one is almost like, I guess almost post-canon I guess - if these two could actually sit down and talk to each other about everything that happened, everything the Doctor has forgotten, they'd probably be able to reconcile somewhat. But emotions are far too intense for both of them. Koschei, like the Master in the show, has had his sense of identity completely shaken by the Doctor not being defined by him in the same way that he is defined by her. She's everything that he is, and his entire life is defined by her - in many ways literally, since he certainly wouldn't have gone to prison if it hadn't been for her, and even in [redacted] au where that doesn't happen, he still ends up dedicating his entire life to her in other ways. But she doesn't even remember him. (...the silence that follows...)
And then there's this part, which just makes me think of these two kids messing about, causing trouble around Skelmanthorpe, sneaking out to explore caves, and being able to just be with each other, not worrying about all the things that have hurt them and made them who they are, and being simply understood by each other without needing words.
This town closes down same time everyday Put out the smoke in your mind Let's put all these words away Lets put all these words away
Weave by Foxing is, I think, the first song by Foxing that I heard? Which is wild, because I'm obsessed with their later album (aka Draw Down the Moon, aka the most thoschei album of all time). Oh wait no, actually, I think it was possibly a different song on this same album that was recommended by spotify at the bottom of my anterograde au playlist. I remember that I liked the vibes but it didn't quite fit, so I went to listen to the rest of the album to see if there would be anything more suitable - only to find Weave, the first track, was absolutely perfect:
How have I been stuck here for so long?
In anterograde au, the Doctor can't feel time - she can't form new memories, so every day she wakes up, still thinking that it's late September 2018. She's stuck in that time and can't change that fact, and every day that fact becomes more and more disorientating. The more time that passes, the more jarring and obvious the loss of memory is.
Selling out an old soul for sales I am caught up in the guilt Making a living off of drowning Leaves me one step in the wrong Have I been stuck here for so long?
The other problem with her inability to feel time is her ability to heal. In the main au, the Doctor can't move on from what happened to her as a teenager because she doesn't remember it. In anterograde, she remembers it, but can't remember the healing itself. Koschei has a bit of a breakdown about this, when he realises that now she's always going to be trapped in this place of fear and confusion, and never going to be able to escape it. If you remember how much he wanted to save the Doctor from the analysis of the song Delilah, the idea of him failing to save her as a teenager is bad enough, but in this au, not only did he not save her now, she is now trapped in this place for the rest of her life, and that's like...the worst possible outcome, as far as he's concerned. Not only did he not save her, but he never will be able to save her. He can't fix it.
As it turns out, he's somewhat wrong about this. Pretty sure I said this when I was talking about The Funeral, but the Doctor DOES begin to heal, albeit slowly and albeit without her being consciously aware of it. But the brain remembers in other ways, and it's about two or so years in before someone points out that actually, the Doctor is more relaxed around Koschei that it clicks for him.
The winding love of life lost No longer haunted by the thought That every mark I make on emeralds are now One step in the wrong One step in the wrong One step in the wrong I’m alright, it’s time I moved on
Epilogue by The Antlers is a lot haha. I mean, this entire album is a lot, and means so much to campervan au, but this one in particular. I can't actually go too much into this one for the same reasons that I can't pull apart the song Two from the same album, but I'm just going to put these lyrics here and tell you to think about the Doctor's fear of hospitals, the way Koschei so desperately wants to save someone who won't let themselves be saved, the fact that the entire album uses this narrative of a hospice and the relationship between a nurse and a patient as a metaphor for abuse, and how both the Doctor and Koschei are constantly haunted by each other:
In a nightmare I am falling from the ceiling into bed beside you You're asleep I'm screaming, shoving you to try to wake you up And like before You've got no interest in the life you live when you're awake Your dreams still follow storylines Like fictions you would make So I lie down against your back Until we're both back in the hospital But now it's not a cancer ward We're sleeping in the morgue Men and women in blue and white They are singing all around you With heavy shovels holding earth You're being buried to your neck In that hospital bed Being buried quite alive now I'm trying to dig you out But all you want is to be buried there together
Oh, and this bit works for the main au, in the context of Koschei and the Doctor bed-sharing for ages until suddenly they weren't, but really it's for [redacted] because it's painfully accurate:
I've woken up, I'm in our bed But there's no breathing body there beside me Someone must have taken you while I was stuck asleep But I know better as my eyes adjust You've been gone for quite awhile now
ALSO! This part ends up creeping into my writing so much. I actually think it ended up in Ruth's chapter?
But you return to me at night Just when I think I may have fallen asleep Your face is up against mine And I'm too terrified to speak
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Yep, it was in Ruth's chapter from Part 6 Chapter 22 (Postscript II) - but I've definitely used this for thoschei too, and I'll bet it's around somewhere in campervan au. It just might be in a scene that's on my excerpts document that never sees the light of day rip. But this album by The Antlers is important to Ruth's backstory too, as well as thoschei's, so the parallel here is very intentional
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Had the most wonderful time meeting @fiotrethewey and @georgiacooked at the convention -not only are they astonishingly talented writers and artists but also they are two of the most amazing and kind people on the planet.
I couldn’t have asked for a better first convention I experience - I hadn’t expected how emotional meeting the actors would make me - especially Louise Jameson.
I usually have to keep a very tight rein on my emotions in every aspect of my life to keep myself focused - but it appears it all escaped a bit this weekend (which is why I was so grateful for Fio’s and Georgias care!)
Doctor Who, and specifically Gallifrey, has been the soundtrack to everything the political world has thrown at me over the last six years.
It’s often really difficult to keep going through the endless constitutional crises the English government has decided to cycle through, and even more difficult when you see the impact these endless crises are having on public services and the most vulnerable - simply through a lack of ministerial authority, oversight and transparency.
Everyday in my work I’m privileged enough to be able to have an impact and report back to government for some groups who often lack a collective voice (and where I can, I always put representation from those groups forward to speak themselves - my motto at work is nothing about them without them - but not everyone can speak up without risking harm by being identified).
The Gallifrey audios and in particular, Leela, Romana and Narvin are all fighting for what they believe is right at the time - having that moral stance and belief in the power of political action to bring positive change for a better future is more important now than ever, especially when it seems hopeless to confront the slide of political movements towards the far right.
Space politics are better than earthbound politics, for sure, but meeting everyone this weekend (especially Fio, Louise Jameson and Gary Russell) has reminded me how much trying to do good means to me - and how much Gallifrey motivates me to do that - to strive and to push those in power to actually listen.
Gary Russell did suggest I work out what Braxiatel would do for my next manifesto proposals for the Labour Party, and you know, I might just do that ….
If Brax manages to help get me to FINALLY make tuition fees in England free for at some students (evil master plan in progress) I think I will have to write to Miles and let him know 😂
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dracomort · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @duplicitywrites and @cindle-writes!
Tagging @laeveteinn and @kazuza-art
1. Post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular),
2. your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year,
3. your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year,
4. your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
5. and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
5 works
So, um, I don't actually have five fics written in 2022 up on my AO3 at the moment. I did finish a fic in the last 2 weeks of 2021 though so I'll just chuck it in.
Bluebeard (34,850 words) | Complete
Secrets, old and new, threaten to shake the very foundations of Draco's fragile new life in the 1940s.
This was the sequel to the Travelling Cabinet which I told every commenter I wasn't going to write and then went ahead and wrote anyway. Very much in reference to the Bluebeard fairytale, only instead of dead wives it's dead... everyone else 🤣
Definitely was a bit of a challenge—in relationship conflict, morality and emotional complexity. I rewrote the last 10k... many times. It also kinda has a plot 😲
Blood (8,216 words) | Complete
Outside, the world burns. But Draco isn’t watching.
Dipped my toes into heavier angst with this fic as all my previous works are predominately light-hearted, even if they have serious elements. I intended it to be Dracomort but it ended up gen to preslash at most because anything else didn't feel right.
Alley Cat (31,707 words) | WIP
In which Draco attends Hogwarts with Tom Riddle and inadvertently saves the world.
This is my current WIP, a Draco & Tom same age AU. Fun fact: this actually started as a fem!Tom fic lol, but it felt like too many twists away from canon to serve any particular point, so I figured it had to either be Abraxas/Fem!Tom or Draco/Tom generation mash.
A Generous Minute (6,975 words) | Complete
Abraxas Malfoy is in love with himself. Tom Riddle is planning a murder. Possibly ten.
Or: when one walking red flag meets another
My one fic without Draco (so far). Named for Abraxas's impressive bedroom performance, of course. Had a lot of fun writing Brax here in all of his oblivious, unredeemed narcissism. Probably would've killed him off if that wouldn't have consequently led to erasing Draco's future existence.
Edible Horcruxes (2,913 words) | Complete
Poor decisions from meddlesome grandfathers leave Lord Voldemort acting as nanny for Draco Malfoy, a cherubic baby with a taste for dark artefacts.
Technically published in 2021 but who's counting? Another gen baby-focused fic entirely written because I wanted to write baby Draco chewing on the Locket Horcrux.
Hmmm honestly, I can't promise to actually release any of my WIPs. However, these are the most recent projects I've been working on:
Secret Garden AU | Tom Riddle & Draco Malfoy
Tom as Mary and Draco as Colin (except they aren't cousins).
Vampire AU | Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Harry is a seventeen-year-old vampire pretending to be seven-hundred. Draco is a would-be victim who thinks his blood is too expensive to be spilt.
The Travelling Cabinet III | Tom Riddle/Draco Malfoy
Tom and Draco go on a camping trip in Albania. Septimus and Cedrella tag along. Not especially plot heavy. Inspired by a commenter on Bluebeard.
Pinocchio | Voldemort/Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle/Draco Malfoy
Set in the early 2000s in a Britain that has been conquered by Voldemort. Features Horcrux!Tom, Death Eater!Draco and a Voldemort who has gone missing without a trace.
I WISH I could write this fic but it just does not want to be written lol. POV issues, for the most part, as well as it being heavier on plot than I typically write. I might get stuck into it in the new year before my grad job starts but I'll probably be writing Alley Cat or the TTC sequel then.
3 Improvements
Writing emotions - when I wrote the last chapter of Bluebeard I realised that I was tackling several emotions that I'd never written before. When left to my own devices I tend to write detached or callous POVs, which is helpful in certain cases (Tom's POV in The Travelling Cabinet or Draco's in Blood) but not in this one.
Completing work - I've been putting a concentrated effort into finishing my work, something I've struggled with in the past. Am easily distracted by shiny new plot bunnies 🐰
Writing consistently - needs no elaboration.
2 Resolutions
Cure my white room syndrome - I tend to be a very economical writer and while I don't see myself ever changing that much, I should like to put more effort into scenery description going forward
Write Drarry - given the amount of this ship that I've read over the past few years, you'd think I'd manage to write for it but that has not been the case lol
1 Favourite Line
"Even if he understood on an intellectual level that the war was over, it continued in a dark, secret place buried deep within him." (Bluebeard, Chapter 3)
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
I know I said it yesterday in my tags too, but I'm eyeing Grian's deal with his wings so much. Also his anxiety when being around other people. And obviously the "For a second all Grian could see were rocks falling in front of him" line. Stitch, what have you done??? I am Concerned.
"Scar’s tone of voice was just so sincere even though the sentence he just said was the equivalent of firing 10 arrows and hopping one landed." There are a lot of delightful sentences in this chapter, out of which this one is my favourite.
Mumbo and Scar continue to be incredibly married (Mumbo keeping a spare saddle at Scar's house. That's such a specific thing, speaking to how often Mumbo visits Scar) but now we can add Scar and Grian having a breakfast ritual together to the domestic fluff pile. It's just. It's so sweet.
"‘ANOTHER BODY FOUND OUTSIDE THE MARKET’" I'm sure this won't come up again in the future :) I'm sure nothing bad is gonna happen to our boys :)
Love the detail of Scar using floral-scented laundry soap. You are so, so right, he absolutely would. I was trying to imagine it and realised it's probably lilac scented, and now I'm having emotions about 3rd life again and I am blaming you.
"the sound of birds chirping caught his interest, too. He had to fight down the instinct to reply." okay 1) adorable but 2) I'm just here like is this just a cute moment or is it a nod towards the whole "Grian doesn't look like other avians" mystery?? I am Suspicious.
I mean, okay, I can think of several very valid reasons, but at the same time I do need to judge a little. Hey, hey Mumbo? Why do you live in such a creepy forest? like some sort of dracula? smh. (Loved the description of the vault btw P: )
I loved this chapter so much! The growing trust between Grian and Scar, and the way you show it through their actions. The banter between the two of them. The balance you've struct talking about world-building and the outside forces at work, casual enough that it doesn't seem forced, but highlighted just enough that you don't miss the importance. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
what is scar's horse's name it is vitally important i know this.
I mean, okay, I can think of several very valid reasons, but at the same time I do need to judge a little. Hey, hey Mumbo? Why do you live in such a creepy forest? like some sort of dracula? smh. (Loved the description of the vault btw P: )
what is scar's horse's name it is vitally important i know this.
Yes good continue to eye it I have. MANY feelings about his wings. I can’t share MOST of them yet because I haven’t even told Atherix wtf is going on with Grian and I don’t plan to so that will just have to wait for the story to get there. BUT I love that Grian sees other avians [who he looks different from. No headwings. No feet talons. Hm hm hm] and thinks “its so rude they’re wings aren’t curled up into their back!’ And that couple with the fact that while hesitant about it, he lets Scar touch his wings to some extent! Shows off a baby feather. Hm hm hm. What HAVE I done Brax, that is the question isn’t it.
They are incredibly married yes yes. God they’re so married. You get to see more of that married vibe in the upcoming two chapters bc Mumbo will be in them and oh my GOD they’re married. Grian is looking between the two of them and wondering why they don’t at LEAST hold hands around him. I don’t totally know if Grian is aware they ARENT together bc I mean. Look at them. AND YES SCAR AND GRIAN BEING DOMESTIC TOO SDLKGAFGDF My heart. Oh my god they were roommates. Scar’s so NICE to him that Grian just casually forgets that he didn’t REALLY have a choice in staying or not.
😊 Im sure NOTHING bad could be happening. I am so sure.
Okay yes I couldn’t decide if Scar is like a floral laundry soap or a like clean detergent smell laundry soap kind of dude but then I thought about the lilacs and poppies so you saw EXACTLY where I was going I will have desertduo brainrot for the REST of my days oh my god. Have those emotions. Let it fuel you. Hehehehe
LOLOLOLOL Okay highkey this one is CC!Grian’s fault. The birch forest he decided to build in creeps me out. IDK what it is about birch forests in Minecraft but they unsettle me. I went with a dark oak forest vibe because I feel like those creep people out more?????????? But. It’s CC!Grian’s fault. And also the fact that Mumbo is a spooky vampire yes – I imagine the forest is dark enough he can go for walks in it during the day. [I can’t remember if I’ve established that Mumbo CAN go outside during the day, he just have to cover his skin/wear sunscreen and often carry a parasol]
DAAAAAAAAAAW THANK YOUUUU. I’m ngl – Atherix got to read this one early because I wasn’t sure about the content but it got her blessing so I went ahead and revised it and I’m really happy I did. Originally, the forest scene was a lot shorter [I actually doubled its length in revisions] and I think that’s what was holding me back. The chapter I’m revising now has a scene at the very end of it that I’m doing a full overhaul on before I post it and I think that too was holding me back so!!! Very glad I went ahead with the story the way it came together, I’m badababapba lovin it again.
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Brax is having an emotional, teenage crisis in my fanfic it seems.
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ok well obviously I love pretty much everything you write. duh. but my personal favourite that I always come back to is Like the Blind Man. and not NOT just bc of the surprise Braxmana stuff that literally sent me over the edge when I first read it sdkjfhkshf. it's such a good exploration of Romana's emotional and mental state after returning from her imprisonment!! she's trying so hard to be normal but she'll never be able to go back to what she's trying to be as "normal" again!!! and LEELAAAAAAAAA showing up out of nowhere and seeing her and their instant connection even tho they barely talk to one another (and the HAIR CUTTING SCENEEE SDKJFHKSDHFKSDHFJ). and yes. also the Braxmana. bc I have FEELINGS about them ok??? there is so Much to their relationship and I love how you framed it in that fic. neither of them quite know what to do about the other but they both know they're essential to the other's survival and so. they're stuck in this weird limbo place where they just can't go forward or back. and sometimes things Happen but they can't acknowledge them ever bc that would be Breaking the Rules that they've set for themselves within whatever bizarre codependent slightly-toxic circular manipulative Thing they've got going on. aaaaaaaaaa.
not to sound egotistic or anything but Like the Blind Man is LITCHRALLY my magnum opus I think. like... that is. THE fic of mine in my head mayhaps. because DW/the DWEU was really the first fandom I truly engaged with and was SO foundational, so LTBM is a foundational fic in my writing history??? I hope that doesn't sound weird akskskdnfkskcnsk
Romana's Etra Prime trauma is SO important like that is a CORE aspect of who she is in the Gallifrey series (which is why season 6 made me absolutely insane; I didn't expect them to ACTUALLY ADDRESS IT, let alone THAT directly) and there's so much to explore. Brax is the last person she should trust but the only person she CAN trust just left and Brax is the closest thing to trustworthy she has. and I think, at this specific point in time, just this once, for her... he IS trustworthy. but only for her and only this once.
it's a very specific set of circumstances and really the only way anything like what I wrote could ever happen. immense vulnerability, but not so much that it truly becomes dangerous. even then, never that. and Leela!!!! Leela Leela Leela, willing to cry for those who can't or won't, willing to cut the hair of a woman she doesn't even know and who is the linchpin of allowing her life on Gallifrey to continue. these two, often quiet, observational women who share one thing, one person in common and nothing else, not yet, finding each other before they will actually fully find each other. again: very specific circumstances required to bring them together, just for a moment.
because it is the moment that those connections are most needed.
(the fic we're talking about, for reference!)
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HCNbG0M
by Hippychick90
"When the testimonies are concluded and the guilty verdict is rendered, Tyrion will be given the chance to speak. He'll plead for mercy and they'll allow him to join the nights watch. In a few days time, he'll depart for castle black and live out his days on the wall. You'll remove your white cloak immediately and you will leave King's Landing to assume your rightful place at Casterly Rock. You will marry Sansa Stark and father children named Lannister and you'll never turn your back on your family again."
Jaime's jaw clenched, finally feeling the defeat he so dreaded. He nodded, eyes never leaving his father's."You have my word.
"And you have mine."
Words: 1611, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Sandor Clegane, Brienne of Tarth, Tytos Brax, Joffrey Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Margaery Tyrell, Ramsay Bolton, Theon Greyjoy, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Kevan Lannister, Dorna Swyft, Genna Lannister, Shae (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Sansa Stark
Additional Tags: Game of Thrones Fix-It, Past Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Past Joffrey Baratheon/Sansa Stark, BAMF Tywin Lannister, Married Jaime Lannister/Sansa Stark, Arranged Marriage, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Protective Sandor Clegane, Protective Jaime Lannister, Sarcasm, Conspiracy, BAMF Sansa Stark, Forced Pregnancy, Eventual Romance, Fluff and Smut, Heavy Angst, Tragedy, Out of Character Tywin Lannister, but only slightly - Freeform, especially when it comes to his children, Slightly Underage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/HCNbG0M
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cathygeha · 1 year
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Texas Bodyguard: Weston by Janie Crouch
San Antonio Security #3
Weston and Kayleigh were under ten the summer that they spent time in a mansion garden together. Twenty years later they still remember one another and that summer as a special time with a friend that stayed in their memories for decades.
What I liked:
* Kayleigh Delacruz: famous photographer, daughter of a billionaire, independent, strong, survivor of childhood trauma, enjoys gardening, perfect for and with Weston
* Weston Patterson: abused by biological father, spent time in the foster system, quiet, carries physical and emotional scars, ex-policeman, one of four boys adopted by the Pattersons, perfect for and with Kayleigh
* Getting to see the Patterson family together again and find out how they are doing as well as the strong family ties and love they have for one another
* The plot, pacing, location, and writing
* The development of the adult relationship between the main characters
* The mystery of which person was creating the difficulty and how that person was discovered
* That everything was wrapped up in the end with no cliffhanger
* That there is at least one more book in the series
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about the evil that some do to make money and how amoral they can be
* The risks taken…a few times I wanted to tell a character not to do something that I had a feeling would lead them into trouble
Did I enjoy this book?
Would I read more in this series? Yes
Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars
A determined bodyguard. A fierce heiress. And death is just a shot away… Silent, stealthy and professional, Weston Patterson is always two steps ahead of trouble—until he’s hired to bodyguard a woman he never expected to see again. Someone won’t stop until Kayleigh Delacruz is dead. But the feisty heiress is challenging Weston to keep her close as well as safe. Will the suspicions between their different worlds lock them in an endgame impossible to survive? From Harlequin Intrigue: Seek thrills. Solve crimes. Justice served. Discover more action-packed stories in the San Antonio Security series. All books are stand-alone with uplifting endings but were published in the following order: Book 1: Texas Bodyguard: Luke Book 2: Texas Bodyguard: Brax Book 3: Texas Bodyguard: Weston Book 4: Texas Bodyguard: Chance
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ivqks159 · 3 years
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But he sees not
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