#has this meme been done for these two yet?
ooihcnoiwlerh · 5 months
Buck: [watching the news]some idiot tried to fight a squid at the aquarium Bucky: [covered in ink] maybe the squid was being a dick
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this thought has plagued me all day
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
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olliepurples · 2 years
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see-arcane · 4 months
Something I’ve been chewing on for this go-around of Dracula Season is the fact that, for all that I am absolutely 110% on board with the whole ‘Dracula wants Jonathan for himself, calls dibs, wants first taste, wants to keep him as part of the castle permanently, I too can love~ et cetera’ deal, I can admit now that I’ve been overlooking one very key part of the whole Bluebeard wifery setup.
And that’s the unavoidable fact that Dracula fully intends to leave Jonathan Harker to be drunk and collected by the Weird Sisters.
Now there’s all manner of guesswork to make about what exactly these three’s relationship to Dracula really is. A personal harem is usually the go-to, and what I usually land on as explanation, considering how things will play out in the future regarding his usual choice of vampiric victim. But others have suggested familial connections, going by Jonathan noting a couple similar traits between the two brunettes, ala facial features, hair, the same red eyes and so on, leaving Blondie as a potential wife the Count turned along with their daughters. Or hell, maybe they’re all actual sisters. We never get to know.
All we know is that they accuse Dracula of ‘Never loving,’ while Dracula stares meaningfully at Jonathan, insisting otherwise. And claims that the trio themselves know it is so from the past. Whatever past that is.
To that end, the Weird Sisters matter to Dracula. Enough to keep them fed, enough to not even put up a full villain monologue at them when they go against his orders to try and snatch Jonathan out from under him, followed by laughing in his face. Beyond his far-too-intimate interactions and abuses with Jonathan, this is the closest we get to seeing Dracula trying to be close with and/or properly*** interacting with someone. An exchange that ends not only with handing over the poor stolen baby in the sack, but outright promising Jonathan to the Sisters once Dracula is finished with him.
And that’s sticking with me this year. Because for all that I’ve joked and memed about it in the past, it never really whacked me over the head with the import and terror that comes with Jonathan’s opening line in this entry.
God preserve my sanity, for to this I am reduced.
Reduced. That’s the key word here.
Even if he doesn’t know all the rules, he knows now that he is no longer just a temporary prisoner. Not even a mere murder victim waiting out the clock. No. He has been reduced to a living decanter. A possession there to be nursed from and used and given as a gift from Dracula to his companions. Like a toy or a new pet.
At the risk of slight spoilers (avert your eyes first-time Dracula Dailiers!), two important lines are yet to come during Jonathan’s stay in Vampire Hell. One from Dracula:
But I am in hopes that I shall see more of you at Castle Dracula.
(Yes, he does think he’s very funny. Prick.)
And another from Jonathan:
At its foot a man may sleep—as a man.
Two vital beats.
The first, because it is a winking confirmation to all that Jonathan has feared. Namely, that Dracula and the Weird Sisters mean to never let him leave the castle again, alive, dead, or otherwise.
The second, because it shows that for all Jonathan is not aware of, he does rightly suspect that there is more expected of him than being a mere meal to have and discard. He knows he is not due for a fleeting pain and escape, even via death. Because Dracula wants to ‘love’ him. To keep him.
And Dracula will do so because he keeps the Weird Sisters, and they will keep him. A parting gift from their loving lord of the castle. The conqueror’s playbook in miniature.
I turned you. You turn him. I have you all.
This, buried under the veneer of:
See girls? I care! Here, a fine new plaything to keep you company. Housebroken already.
(To this I am reduced. To this I am reduced. To this I am reduced.)
There’s time right now. However much time Jonathan can win by playing a good guest. But if he doesn’t get out by the time Dracula is done with him? He lives the rest of his human life as a wine bottle and then all of eternity after that as joint undead property.
Better hope your acting skills are up to the task, Mr. Harker.
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taylorman2274 · 5 months
We Care About You (Part V)
You are forcibly summoned to Teyvat via dream trawling for answers. A long awaited discussion ensues...
Content Warning(s): Xiao Story Quest Spoilers
Notes: SAGAU; GN!Reader;
Word Count: 1.4k
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Taglist: @silverstarred; @victoria1676; @angelofdarkness2; @areaderspov; @andromeda-gay; @ash1; @mercy-not-merci; @toodledoodl3; @jellyedkazoo; @namine123; @innuwu; @agaygothicmushroom; @tired-of-life-86; @fantasyhopperhea; @sweetsourbxtch;
After you had decided you were no longer going to play Genshin Impact, you felt as if a massive weight was lifted off your shoulders. Had the past few weeks really taken that much out of you?
"I suppose it did," you assumed as you were playing another game with your friend group. "I haven't felt this relieved in a long while."
You and your friend group spent many hours talking, laughing, raging, and sharing memes. When you noticed it was just past midnight, you felt that it was the best time to get some sleep. You bid goodbye to your friends, closed your computer, and went to take a quick shower.
While in the shower, thoughts began to ruminate in your head. "It's gonna be hard for me to find another game that will get me addicted as much as Genshin did. But maybe something in my backlog might work for now."
The thoughts continued after the shower, after brushing your teeth, and after getting in bed. "I almost forget what game I was playing before I started Genshin. Was it something I finished? If not, maybe I should go back to that."
Before long, you fell asleep. However, unbeknownst to you, your computer mysteriously turned itself back on and began to launch a certain application...
"Do I need to remind you again how to perform Dream Trawler?" Xiao asked.
"Nuh-uh," Paimon shook her head, setting down a Seven-Star Lamp. "Paimon has a great memory! First, we offer incense with respect for Rex Lapis. Next, we meditate and think of our target. Then, we shout 'Bring Forth Sin'!
"It's 'Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin'," the Traveler corrected as they were adjusting the position of the censer.
"Right!” Paimon nodded, setting down another Seven-Star Lamp. “Lastly, we let loose a couple of arrows towards the two yaksha statues to... to uh... uhhh...".
"Tsk. Fools."
This conversation was taking place while the Traveler and Paimon were setting everything up for the Dream Trawler ritual. However, instead of going back to the two yaksha statues on the southern face of Mt. Tianheng, Zhongli suggested they perform the ritual at Luhua Pool.
"If my guess is correct, [Y/N] will most likely panic upon realizing where they are. If that's the case, it would be better for them if they weren't so close to the harbor. It's best if we do not attract any attention."
Both the Traveler and Paimon agreed. Neither of them wanted [Y/N] to be afraid. They only wanted to give them the warmest of welcomes.
"Are you two done yet?" Xiao asked, annoyed at how long it was taking to get everything set up.
The Traveler and Paimon walked up to Xiao. "Yep! Everything's set up just like last time."
Xiao nodded. "Good. Get ready to initiate the ritual."
The Traveler and Paimon nodded in return. They put the incense inside of the censer and began to meditate.
"Since we are dealing with someone from another world, I would imagine that a great deal of focus should be needed to summon [Y/N]. This is especially true since we have no idea what they look like. I'm sure Xiao warned you of the consequences this could cause should you not take this seriously.
Zhongli's words echoed in your mind as you put all of your focus towards [Y/N].
[Y/N], who has been with them since the beginning.
[Y/N], who has done their best to guide them along their journey.
"Ahh... Hmm..."
[Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N].
"Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin!"
... ...
... … …
It's cold.
You shifted in your sleep and immediately felt the lack of bedsheets surrounding your body.
Instead, you felt... rock? Sand?
Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with the cloudy midnight sky, trees with orangish-red leaves, and tall, rocky mountain peaks.
"...Wait. ...Why am I outdoors?"
Your eyes slowly began to adjust to the moonlight.
"...And why does this look so familiar?"
You brought your hand to the ground to begin pushing yourself up, but stopped moving once you noticed the light blue glow surrounding it.
"What the hell?!"
Shocking the exhaustion from your body, you quickly rose up from the floor, nearly losing balance as you stood due to how light you suddenly felt. You looked around the rest of your body and found that you were completely surrounded by the light blue glow.
"This has to be a dream... This has to be..."
"My job is done. I'm leaving now."
Startled, you quickly turned around to find three familiar persons standing a couple of yards away from you.
"Huh? Why don't you wanna stay?" A floating pixie asked.
A short, tattooed man with azure hair scoffed in response. "I don't deal with mortals."
You let out a crazed chuckle. "I've got to be dreaming."
Paimon, oblivious to your decreasing sanity, shook her head. "Nope! We summoned you here via dream trawling. Isn't that great?!"
You were silent for a few seconds before you responded. "Dream... trawling...?"
Sensing that you were still confused, Xiao sighed in annoyance. "You are [Y/N], right?"
Hearing the sound of your name shook some sense into you, but you still involuntarily nodded.
"Good. When you're ready to send them back, speak my name." Xiao told the Traveler before disappearing.
However, seeing Xiao disappear right in front of your eyes shook you even further. "Woah...! That looked way too realistic."
The Traveler let out a small cough to grab your attention. "If you wouldn't mind, [Y/N]. We summoned you here because we've been wanting to talk to you for some time now. Please, grab a seat."
They gestured toward a stone table that was definitely not there the last time you visited. They then sat down on the stone seat facing you. When they looked up, they realized that you hadn't even moved as much as an inch. Additionally, you stared straight at them, yet still appeared lost in thought. Sensing that you may still be bewildered about your current situation, they spoke up.
"You don't need to worry about anything, [Y/N]. There is nothing around here that will hurt you," they gestured to the seat again. "Please."
Had they been unable to see your chest moving in and out, both Paimon and the Traveler would have thought you to be a statue.
"This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real. This is a dream. This is real..."
Paimon shared a worryingly glance at the Traveler before floating on over to you. You were too oblivious to your surroundings to notice her approaching, but when she finally reached out a hand to tap your shoulder, you flinched back. Hard.
"Wahh! Sorry! Paimon's sorry!" Paimon quickly apologized.
Meanwhile, your brain was working in overdrive to assess the situation. "I felt her! I felt her! I'm not dreaming! I'm not dreaming! This is real! This is real! THIS IS REAL!"
"Paimon get back," the Traveler commanded, standing up from their seat. "They're in shock."
"In shock!? What do we do about that?" Paimon questioned.
The Traveler didn't respond, instead, they slowly began to walk towards you.
Becoming more aware of your surroundings, you noticed the Traveler approaching and slowly began to back up, raising your arms in front of your body. "No no no no. Don't come any closer."
However, the Traveler continued to walk forward one step at a time. They raised their hands up in the air. "It's okay, [Y/N]. It's okay."
You shook your head. "No, it's not okay," you rapidly spoke, breathing loudly. "I'm not supposed to be here."
"Yes, you are. We summoned you here."
You backed up into a broken stone pillar. "Why?" you asked, looking behind you for a quick second. "What did I do?"
They stopped in place before a sorrowful gaze appeared on the Traveler's face. "You’ve done nothing wrong."
Silence hung in the air for an agonizingly long time. Finally, you spoke:
The Traveler nodded. "That’s right. We just want to talk."
You slowly lowered your arms. "About... what?"
Both the Traveler and Paimon smiled. "About our future journey together."
Confusion set upon you once again. "What? But I… I said I was done."
The Traveler sadly shook their head. "We know, but we can't let you leave. Not after all you have done for us."
Paimon chirped in. "Exactly! You're our friend after all!"
Your breathing stopped upon hearing Paimon. After all that effort you put into making amends with them. After believing that it was all for naught.
"You... you see me... as a friend?"
The Traveler nodded, their smile growing bigger. "We do."
Silence fell upon the three of you once again. This time, it was the Traveler who broke it.
"I think it's time we all grab a seat. Shall we?"
Author's Notes: I was originally going to make this longer, but I once again struggled at trying to write this scene out. It's hard trying to figure out how people should believably react to this scenario.
Because it's never happened before, duh.
Anyways, the next part will be the end of this series. Stick around for the ending!
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fangirl-dot-com · 6 months
🌑Track 3 - Big Reputations
guys, I was so proud of this chapter and then the instagram post. I always try to make them look cohesive and that the pictures were taken all together - and I think I was able to do that really well this time!
Oscar huffed while looking at the notification from the WhatsApp. Apparently two new numbers had been added in the past hour. However, no one has said anything. He opened the app and began to type, before he pressed the delete button. 
What was he supposed to say? 
Liam and Theo had been added weeks ago. The atmosphere of the group chat was a bit lighter with the two new additions. Despite what he had said in an interview a couple of months ago, the group chat did have a random meme or quirky text thrown around from time to time. The two new drivers had made themselves known immediately. Yet, these two “drivers” had yet to say anything. 
Oscar’s eyebrows scrunched at the two unknowns invading the safe space. His apartment was quite empty. Lily wasn’t able to join him for the last few days of break. He was technically supposed to be packing to head to Bahrain in the morning, but he couldn’t find the want or energy to actually start. 
He would have called Lando, but the Briton was already busy with Quadrant things. He thought about texting Logan, but immediately shut the idea down. The American had probably gotten a new number, since Oscar’s messages weren’t even delivered. And the sight of Logan’s Instagram being deactivated also meant that he didn’t want to be found in the first place. 
Oscar’s heart clenched weirdly at the thought. How had they gone from being best friends to not even talking anymore. 
To Oscar, it hurt. The Aussie was trying to justify his own acts against the American. If Logan had been just a bit more extroverted, or had done a better job at driving, or had actually tried to reach out, then maybe Oscar wouldn’t have distanced himself. 
But then again, he had multiple unanswered texts and missed calls from Logan that he ignored. 
Another notification had him glancing back down at his phone. 
This time, George had taken the initiative to welcome to two, still unknown, rookies. The “hi, welcome to the grid” text was a standard for everyone who joined. His fingers itched to also welcome them, but he stopped himself and looked closer at the two contacts. 
Racer #2 and Racer #95. 
Oscar sighed at the sight of the familiar number. He guessed that someone had been wanting to take that number since Logan was no longer racing. 
However, he just wondered who they were and why they didn’t use their real names. The answer came from the #95. 
“What?” Oscar whispered to himself as he read over the text. Lamborghini didn’t want them using their names until they showed up at testing. How ridiculous it was in Oscar’s mind. He watched as Liam tried to make conversation with #95, asking if their number was a nod to the famous Cars movie. 
Liam didn’t get a reply. 
The Aussie had a bad gut feeling. Maybe this was all a joke. They could try to be civil, and maybe freaking answer? Oscar did not like the vibes he was getting from the two. 
He didn’t even know if they were both males. 
He had heard rumors that Lamborghini was looking at a possible female candidate. But that what they were supposed to be: just rumors. He cleared the app and opened the messages icon on his iPhone. George’s contact is what he pressed and immediately opened a call. 
His phone rang for a moment before the Briton picked up. 
“Hello mate,” George’s voice sounded from the phone. 
“Hi George. I just wanted to ask about the two new numbers.” 
“Ah the new drivers for Lamborghini?” 
Oscar nodded before he realized that George was not on Facetime. “Yes.” 
George sighed. “From what I got, they’re legit drivers. However, I got an email directly from Michael saying that Tonino wanted his drivers’ identities to not be compromised before testing.” 
“Ah, well, I just didn’t want to say anything to them before I knew they were legitimate. It’s kind of weird.” 
“I understand. It’s weird to see that someone else is going to use Logan’s old number.” 
Oscar could hear, what was it, a touch of sadness in George’s voice? Why would he be sad? 
“I meant that it’s weird that they don’t want their names to be known. I mean, it’s just a number George, I’m not upset about that.” 
The Mercedes driver made noise. 
“But it’s Logan’s number.” 
Oscar rolled his eyes. “Well, if Logan wanted to keep it, he should have been a better driver.” 
The line went silent, and Oscar really thought that George might have hung up. A quick glance to the screen told him otherwise. 
“You don’t truly believe that, do you? Logan tried to hard.” 
Oscar bit out, “Well, it wasn’t enough. He should have done better, been better. Maybe then I could still stand him. Thanks for your help George.”  
With that, the Aussie hung up before George could even answer. He was furious. If Logan truly wanted to stay in F1, he should have done better and that was that. No need to be butthurt over someone who wasn’t going to be in his life anymore. 
On the other side of London, George was still looking at his phone screen after Oscar hung up. But, the Briton was staring at the Driver #2’s WhatsApp number. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to memorize the digits. 
“What are you staring at?” Lewis sounded as he sat on George’s couch. 
Oh, George kind of forgot that he was there. 
The tall Briton didn’t answer as he opened his own messaging app and went directly to Logan’s new contact. The last message had been read but went unanswered. And that was almost a month ago. 
But, as he stared at the info tab and the number he had down for Logan and then at the number for Driver #2, the digits matched up. 
George’s eyes widened before he looked up at Lewis and smirked. 
“How do you feel about the two new drivers?” 
Lewis shrugged. “A bit stand-off-ish. But I understand, they were only added today.” 
The brunet took a seat across from his older teammate and faux sighed. 
“I’m just worried that the rookies are going to not be included. Ya know, like what happened with Logan.” 
Lewis put a hand on George’s shoulder. 
The man looked at him with big brown eyes. “It wasn’t your fault George. Williams had this planned for a long time. There was nothing you could do.” 
George stood up immediately and threw his hands. 
“But I could have been a better friend. He was struggling Lewis and no one did anything. Oscar was too busy making eye-babies with Lando to notice that his friend was falling. Alex was being an asshole. And no one else took the time to even get to know him, and now he’s gone.” 
On the inside, George was congratulating himself on the performance that he was putting on. Of course he knew that driver #2 was Logan. And, he was guessing that driver #95 was possible that best friend that Logan spoke so highly of, the female ex-driver or Arrow. 
Lewis stayed seated. “I know you’re upset George, but it won’t change anything in the past. All we can focus on is the future. I know for one that I will do my best to get to know the rookies so we don’t have another issue like last year. I know you’re not focusing on the chat but it looks like Max and Charles have been able to get a few answers out of them.” 
George looked back down at his phone to see multiple notifications from WhatsApp. It looks like Lewis was telling the truth. 
Multiple messages had been exchanged between the two rivals and the unknown numbers, well, unknown to everyone but him. George smirked. 
“Looks like the rivals can get along.” 
Lewis snorted. “I guess they also want to try to be a bit more welcoming. We can all learn from our mistakes last season.” 
The shorter Briton looked down, slightly getting emotional. Lewis knew first-hand how detrimental Formula 1 was to childhood best friends. His own heart still hurt to see Nico on the weekends that he was there. He felt guilty that he let Brocedes happen once again with Logan and Oscar. 
For a short time, George had been irate with Lewis about the switch to Ferrari. But now, seeing what happened with Logan last season, George didn’t want to miss precious moments with his friend. 
George never responded to what Lewis said. He only sat down again, across from the couch, and sent a simple text to Logan. 
Back in Milan, you and Logan were cackling over messing with the other drivers. You could tell that no one knew what to do with the secrecy of identities. But now that you were in a banter with Charles over ice cream flavors and Logan was having a deep conversation about air pollution with Max, the group chat seemed a little less daunting. 
A ping from Logan’s phone had the two of you looking at it. Logan hadn’t expected a text from George after leaving him on read months ago. But now, the new messaged seemed to stare back at them. 
All the message said was “Glad to see you back. Let me know when you get to Bahrain for testing.” 
Logan winced as he forgot he had the same number for both iMessages and WhatsApp. You could definitely tell that he was spiraling. You placed a hand on his arm. 
“Hey, Michael isn’t going to be upset. He knows that you and George are friends.” 
A sigh of relief escaped his lips. 
“I’m just so scared of messing up again.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Logan, you didn’t mess up the first time. It wasn’t your fault.” 
Your body leaned back, expecting Logan to retaliate. Except, the American only smiled at you, taking in your words. 
“You’re right.” 
You pushed his shoulder. “Like always.” 
Instagram was pulled up on your phone. You refreshed the page to show that Lamborghini had posted something about the two of you. Your fingers quickly scrolled through the comments while you smirked at all the fan theories. 
You pipped up as Logan sipped on a smoothie. 
“Looks like everyone is talking about us.” 
The man across from you smirked back. “But they don’t even know it’s us. I kind of like it. No one knows and can’t say anything. They just know that something big is happening. Also, George wants to meet up when we get to Bahrain.” 
“You texted him back?” You never looked up from your phone, now scrolling through twitter. 
“Yeah. George was actually the only one that was nice to me on a regular basis. I miss him.” 
“Sounds like fun. I’m glad you had George last season. Are we going to play paddle?” 
The typing sounds came from Logan’s phone as he texted George. A ping signaled that he answered. 
“Yeah. Looks like Lewis, Max, and Charles might join.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like peculiar bunch?” 
Logan shrugged. “I mean, Lewis is going to be Charles’s teammate next year. And then anywhere Charles goes, Max isn’t too behind.” 
“Makes sense. Kind of like us?” 
Logan sent you a lopsided smile. “Like us, except we aren’t childhood rivals.” 
“Of course. Only because we never karted together.” 
A sigh left Logan’s lips. He always wished you could have karted with him, but you were off in the Italian divisions while Logan stuck in the British divisions. However, the summers the two of you spent together in Florida would always trump the times apart. 
Logan got lost in thought before he spoke again. 
“Do you even know how to play paddle?” 
A snort left your lips. “Of course. Maybe I’ll bring the one you sent me with your face on it.” 
Red flushed Logan’s face. “Please don’t.” 
“What would you do about it Mr. Sargeant?” 
Logan just picks up one of the decorative pillows from the couch and chucks it at your head. You do not have time to react and it ends up hitting you square in the face. Your mouth lets out a squawk before you pick the pillow back up. You rise from the plush chair and stalk toward Logan, who has put his hands up to deter you. 
“Please have mercy! I didn’t mean it.” 
You stopped for a bit, giving Logan some false hope and enough time for him to put his hands down before you swing the pillow, hitting the side of his head. Logan splutters before reaching out and pulling you down on top of him. 
The two of you tussle for a bit before Marissa walks into the room. She chuckles as she watched the two of you roll on the floor, both tugging on the pillow. 
“I don’t even want to ask.” 
The sound of her voice makes the two of you freeze. Your heads slowly turn toward her, before the two of you scramble to get up. You mock dust yourself off as Logan awkwardly chuckles. 
Marissa cocks an eyebrow. “If the two of you are done, it’s time for the suit and helmet promo pictures along with some circuit testing.” 
You and Logan have giant grins on your face as the two of you follow her out. Logan elbows you before walking quickly to Marissa’s side. You gawk at him before shaking your head. 
Logan was going to be the death of you. But you’d let him. 
At the test track, you were smiling behind your helmet as you watched Logan go lap after lap. The helmet was just a standard black one with multiple different sponsor logos on it, as well as the Lambo one being the biggest. You and Logan had worn them while walking into the circuit, just in case there were any cameras or paparazzi around. The last thing you wanted was to be outed before testing. 
You watched as Logan finally pulled in, the car looking fast. 
Logan’s hands automatically went to take his helmet off as a force of habit, but he quickly put them down. Like you, he also didn’t want to outed. 
Marissa beckoned the two of you over. 
“All right, that looks good for Logan. Y/n you’ll run 15 laps and then you’re done for today. I’ve already talked to Michael and he’s fine with the two of you playing paddle. He’s rented out a building for the day, just in case, but he wants the two of you to have fun. The flight you need to catch is early at 5 am. Please be on time.” 
As you and Logan were running to the gate the next morning, you should have headed Marissa’s warnings a bit more. The two of you were huffing and puffing by the time you got to the lounge, with only 15 minutes to spare. Many older, fancy-looking people gave you weird looks. You tried to smile at them, but it came out as more as a grimace. 
You were able to catch a few hours of sleep while Logan went over some more data. He was always the one to go over things like that, trying to find the sweet spot of the car. Logan had done the same at Williams, but it rarely made a difference. He had just found the perfect balance of the car in Austin last year, and then they made him switch with Alex. And then he didn’t even get his car back. The rebuilt chassis was terrible. 
Logan smiled to himself as he felt the familiar weight of your head on his shoulder. He barely turned and kissed the top of your head. A blush ran through his face as you leaned more into him, trying to snuggle closer. 
Benny was watching with a small smile as he saw Logan place his head on top of yours. The older man had sworn that he wouldn’t be returning. But the moment Michael had reached out with an offer than he couldn’t refuse, he accepted it without hesitation. He would do anything for Logan. His wife was also very understanding and was thankful for the compensation that Lamborghini was going to provide for her family. Logan was like their eldest son, and they couldn’t, wouldn’t, let him down again. 
You were still pretty tired on the way to the hotel, but were now buzzing with energy as Logan drove you to the paddle courts. He was driving one of the company’s Lamborghini Urus since your Aventador and his Huracan hadn’t been able to be shipped in time. They were done and ready to be driven when they shipped them to Jeddah. 
Logan had given you the DJ privileges for this ride, but he claimed it on the way back. You were going through his phone, letting George know that the two of you would be the first to arrive. He texted back that him, Lewis, Max, and Charles would all arrive together. You thumbed up the text, after telling him to give him Logan’s last name at the counter so that they could be let in. 
George was smirking in the Mercedes that Lewis was currently driving. Charles and Max were banned to the back seat (yet they claimed they wanted to be back there because they couldn’t afford to be caught riding in a Mercedes). 
Once they parked, he turned his body to face the group. 
“Now, I’m going to give the front a last name so that we can get in, but do not overreact, ok?” 
The lanky-Briton didn’t wait for an answer before he got out of the car. He could feel the presence of the three drivers and held the door open. The lady at the front stared at them weirdly. George watched as she opened her mouth to speak, but he interrupted her. 
“We’re a part of the group that’s playing today.” 
“Name please?” 
The lady typed something on her computer. 
George smiled. “Sargeant.” 
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw heads whip toward him, but he decided to ignore the shocked looks as well. 
Typing resumed as he tapped the desk, a bit impatient to see his friend after a while. A grin grew on her face as she finally looked up at him. 
“Court 3. Extra paddles are in the small boxes if you don’t have any. Enjoy your time.” 
George took the initiative and led the group around the corner. Lewis tugged on his sleeve, but he didn’t stop, not when he heard the familiar laugh. 
The door squeaked as he opened it, letting the figure in the room notice the arrival of the group of four. George’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of Logan. 
To him, the American had filled out a lot. He often looked too skinny during race weekends, especially after Benny left. The Briton wanted to ask him about his nutrition but had always been nervous to. He was also more tan that he had been. His hair looked fluffy and there were no more purple eyebags under his eyes. Overall, he just looked so much better than end of the 2023 season Logan. Where had the sick child gone and who was this man in front of George? The brunet thought for a moment that he had been played, until Logan started walking toward him. 
“Mate, are you going to ogle or are you going to say something?” Logan asked as he stepped toward George, arm stretched out. 
He clasped George’s hand and pulled him into a hug. Once the bro-moment was done, George still kept looking at Logan.
“You look good mate.” 
Logan’s head leaned back as he laughed. 
It was then he noticed that the other three drivers had yet to move from the door. Their eyes were still wide and looking at the duo. Logan smirked as he saw you sneak up behind them. 
“Hi guys!” you semi-yelled, making them jump. Your giggle sounded in the big court. That was the icebreaker that they needed as they finally walked into the room. You immediately stood next to Logan as he introduced you. 
You rolled your eyes and elbowed Logan. “I know their names. We had good conversations about how chocolate is the best ice cream flavor. Isn’t that right Charles?” 
Charles had a pout on his lips. “I said no such thing. I believe we agreed that vanilla was the best non?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Sure.” 
Max raised his hand. “You are both wrong. The best flavor is clearly mint chocolate chip.”
You all just deadpanned at him. 
“It’s true.” 
“No it isn’t.” 
“Logan, you don’t have an opinion when your favorite is literally the Superman flavor.”
“Shut up Y/n.” 
“Are we going to play paddle now?” 
“Yes Lewis, we’ll play paddle.” 
It was quiet for a moment until you yelled, “I call Charles as a teammate.” 
Logan and Max whipped toward you. 
“That’s just unfair.” 
“I’m leading, he pushed me, I pushed him back, and after, he pushed me off the track. It’s just unfair.” 
Logan followed your lead. “Charles, what happened with Max?” 
“Nothing just an inchident on the race.” 
“That’s it. Lewis is my teammate.” 
“Back off Leclerc. You have him for next year, he’s mine.” 
“What if I wanted Lewis?” 
“Max, you win every race. You can lose at paddle.” 
“Ok, but I still get Charles right?” 
georgerussell63 has posted
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tagged: charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, lewishamilton, venus2, and phoenix95
georgerussell63 going into the season strong 💪 (max lost)
liked by phoenix&venus, y/n.nation, venus2, and 3,204,184 others
russellgeorge oh we are so back (I'm delusional)
lambof1 hold on - GEORGE KNOWS WHO THEY ARE??
lamborghini_duo we've been known 🙃
phoenix95 glad to see verstappen on his knees - I'm taking his emotional support rival tho
maxverstappen1 uh, exCUSE me 🤨 get your own emotional support rival
venus2 do I mean nothing to you?
charles_leclerc you don't like vanilla so I refuse
maxverstappen1 Charlie I like vanilla
lewishamilton this is so pitiful to watch 🤦🏾
russell63 George really said "I'm getting the band back together"
sargeantgirlie ok - I think I have everything figured out
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TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @disneyprincemuke @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlmj @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicora @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-s2 @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
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satoruhour · 1 year
if you haven’t done it yet! aftercare with gojo?
a/n: oh i just HAD to write this thank u for the prompt mirah <3
warnings: unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink but it’s described as briefly as possible
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he used to think aftercare was sort of boring? i feel it’s because he never really found the right person so he usually does the bare minimum, cleaning his partner up, getting them water and making them feel comfortable
but he always felt empty inside after they fall asleep, always keeping his distance no matter what
that was until he got together with you and he feels like he’s been missing out on so much
i have a headcanon he’s so unused to affection that his partner will be the one to introduce aftercare to him
like foreplay, aftercare can anything you want it to be!
and he laughs at your comment, fingers shaking from how much he liked you when you sink into his side with the tv droning on at the back
gojo loves all forms of aftercare but i feel he would love a few minutes of cuddling and skin to skin contact before you actually clean up
always has a packet of wet tissues on the bedside table and a glass of sweet sweet tea
it’s kinda gross bc of how sweet it is and if you have a sweet tooth too then good for you
but otherwise it’s insanely sweet, and he uses his cursed energy to heat up the tea!!! waow
but if you dont want hot tea then u gotta drink lukewarm tea sorry
he always carries you. dont try to fight him but he loves to take care of you after sex. loves to wash ur hair and body and you’ll do it back to him :)
sometimes it escalates to another round but most times he likes the two of you in the quietness of the bathroom and just the swooshes of the water
he doesn’t prefer the bathtub or shower more but he’ll pick what you like and go along with it
if you still have energy he likes to watch random youtube videos like cat memes or funny videos (the ones he picks are not exactly funny however…)
you two rarely watch movies bc they’re really long but if you do you’re usually the one to fall asleep bc gojo is naturally replenishing himself with his technique. and also he likes to watch you sleep
he takes photos of you when you’re asleep in his arms and he shows it to you the next day but one day youre suggesting to him that maybe he can fall asleep first
and when he stops his CT it’s like … woah. he falls asleep so soundly in your arms that it’s adorable and now he’s more open to being tucked under your arms to succumb to sleep first
that time also allows you to say your confessions softly and to admire him without any teasing
this time is very soft and delicate and intimate and satoru thinks it’s his favourite, but then again every moment with you is a blessing ♡
the air is thick and musky with sex, skin laced with tear stains while gojo continues to rock into you long after you’ve cummed, moans and pants leaving your mouth with whispers of satoru’s name. the kisses he litters there makes your skin tingle before he’s releasing in you, and it’s thick, filling you up while his lips meet yours passionately, muttering confessions with a smile.
“baby…” gojo pokes your cheek, your expression close to pure bliss from the orgasm that he’s a little worried but he knows you’re being dramatic. it’s something you picked up from him. “you okay?”
your eyes crack open a bit as your hands make their way to his cheeks, feeling the fat of his cheeks fill up your hands when he smiles. with a free hand, his hand engulfs yours, planting a kiss to it and the smile-turned-grin he gives you is blinding before he decides it’s been too long that he’s kissed you.
slipping out of you, he pulls you closer with an arm while the other brushes the sweat-filled hair from your forehead, lips capturing yours softly. you move together, languid and slow and satoru cannot stop smiling as he pulls away, drunk on you.
“let’s get you clean, hm?” gojo plants one more peck on you after twenty minutes; twenty minutes of talking in whispers and kissing (satoru’s doing). he waits for your outstretched arms, hooking his own under your neck and knees just as you plead for him to carry you. “such a big baby.”
you giggle, mumbling a soft yeah before pecking his cheek, holding his stare so full of ardent love that your heart feels like it might actually stop — it almost does when you feel the cold water from the shower head hit your back and you jump with a yelp.
satoru laughs, “my bad, heater wasn’t on.”
“you certainly don’t think i’m one by how much you were screaming my name just n—”
you groan as his giggles only increase in volume, swooping you up easily before it falls silent and it’s only the sound of the shower filling your ears.
soon, the night is calm, something that isn’t the case usually with gojo, but you’ve casted such a deep spell on the strongest — the weakest when with you — that all he can do is watch your content face and humming voice with a silent love, fingers gliding through his white locks with shampoo and suds.
recently, satoru finds that he’s starting to smell more and more like you.
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i have chronic loving-gojo-satoru-like-an-clinically-insane-person disease
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sebscore · 2 years
Heres my request for ur fem!driver series:
Y/N wins her first race and everyone is waiting for her national anthem to play but somehow an error in the sound system leads to this song playing:
But instead of being mad abt it, she’s ecstatic just absolutely vibes her lil heart out on the podium and soon she has the other drivers, some commentators and the entire crowd joining in w/ her (cuz she’s THAT GIRL🤩😂)
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pairings: lewis hamilton x driver!reader / charles leclerc x driver!reader
warning: kinda changed how the podium ceremony normally goes, but it's nothing drastic, tbh. they already received their trophy and champagne.
author's note: thank you so much for the request, I started laughing when I read it, cause it reminded me of that one meme. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and lmk what you think of it 🫶
• • • • • • •
Y/N stood proudly on the top step of the podium, full in disbelief that this day had actually come. She had won an Formula 1 race, she had won a Grand Prix. The first woman in history to actually do that.
Charles and Lewis glanced up at her, delighted that they could witness the historical moment from this close. They always had the faith that she could do it one day, that she had the skills to overtake them and cross the checkered flag first.
The time had come for her national anthem to start playing. Her eyes welled up with tears, the patriotic feeling in her rising up and the knowledge she had done her country proud. Y/N had prepared herself and had put tissues in the pockets of her racing suit, knowing she was probably gonna end up sobbing by the time the song had finished.
Only, that moment didn't happen.
There had been a mistake in the sound system and instead of the beautiful harmonies of an orchestra being heard, the opening beats of the hip hop song 'Get Low' by Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz were being played.
It had taken Y/N a few seconds to comprehend what was happening, the frown on her face evident that she was confused. Similar expressions of confusion and shock were found on Lewis, Charles and everyone else's faces.
Y/N briefly glanced at the staff on the side of the podium and the audience anticipated what she would do. The young woman could give one of two reactions. The first reaction would be for her to stay serious and be upset about the fact that her national anthem wasn't being played. Or, she could go along with the situation, and start dancing to the song to make it fun for everyone witnessing the moment.
Obviously, she went for the second option.
It started with the bobbing of her head to the loud beats that were coming out of the speakers, wiping away the tears that had escaped earlier with her hands. Then, she began to mouth the lyrics and the sight only became funnier from there on.
The song wasn't even halfway done or the podium ceremony had become a concert with the female driver as the headlining act. At first, Lewis and Charles had covered their faces in embarrassment, not for the young woman, but simply for the entire situation. Yet, once they saw the crowd getting hyped up, they joined her and started jumping up and down.
Upon seeing their still unopened champagne bottles standing lonely on the podium, Y/N started the fire and began shaking it. As soon as her two colleagues noticed what she was doing, they picked up their own respective bottles and started doing the same.
Eventually, the song ended and the podium ceremony was over, to everyone's dismay. The drivers picked up their trophies and made their way down the grid again for the short post-podium interview.
Y/N had been the first one to come downstairs and Coulthard grabbed that oppurtunity to interview the young woman first.
''Y/N, what's going through your head right now?'' He asked, handing a microphone to her.
Her hand went through her hair, thinking of the right words to say. ''Pff, I don't know, David,'' her voice sounded out of breath, ''I'm still processing what just happened.'' She nervously laughed, public speaking not being her favorite thing to do.
''I think we're all still processing what just happened,'' Coulthard laughed along, ''what went wrong there on the podium?''
She shook her head, looking back at said podium behind her. ''Geez, uh, I think there was a mistake or something with the cd and, uh, yeah, my national anthem started playing.''
Coulthard started a new question, wanting to change the subject, but was interrupted. ''You know, David- I'm very proud of my country, Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz, I know I've made my people proud.'' She joked, making the audience laugh as they listened to the interview.
''That's great, Y/N,'' Coulthard awkwardly replied, just wanting to continue to ask his questions, ''So, about the race…''
''Yes, the race.''
''Talk us through it, how did you feel it was going?''
Y/N nodded her head to David's words. ''The race, uh, the race, it went, uh- listen, I've gotta be honest- I don't remember a thing, but I'm gonna assume I did really well, you know, cause I won.'' She rambled on, genuinely having forgotten all about the competition that had happened earlier.
Lewis, who was standing a few feet away from her, loudly cackled at her answer and his laugh was picked up by the microphone.
''Alright, Y/N, thank you so much and congratulations.'' He padded her shoulder, rounding up the interview.
''I'm so sorry, David.''
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elliesonlyhoe · 5 months
Loser!ellie headcannons .ᐟ ⭐
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A/N .ᐟ First set of hcs..😭 lmk if y'all want a pt. 2
Loser! Ellie who lowkey has a collection of plushies that all have names, ages, and probably birthdays (specifically dinosaur ones)
Loser! Ellie Who could not flirt for shit the first few months you guys were dating.. But you on the other hand? Always trying to mess with the poor girl until she's a flustered mess.
Loser! Ellie Who had been too much of a pussy to ask you out for the longest time, just for you to already know she liked you.
Loser! Ellie Who still can't look you in the eyes without getting nervous.
You were sitting in the living room beside Ellie talking to her about how one of your coworkers had pissed you off today while Ellie was looking anywhere but you. “Els? Are you listening?..” You said, tapping your preoccupied girlfriend on the shoulder in order to get her attention.
 “I- I am…” Ellie mumbled, still looking away, the tips of her ears a bright shade of scarlet. You looked at Ellie noticing what was going on, you chuckled to yourself quietly “That's unfortunate.. My own girlfriend, the love of my life, doesn't even want to look at me? How upsetting..” You tease, as Ellie turns to look over at you, her cheeks a bright shade of red “I never said that!” She replies quickly before looking away once again “You're just.. so fuckin’ perfect..” Her own words cause her to be even more embarrassed prior to how much she was before. You try to hold in your giggles as you pull your girlfriend closer to you “I love you s'much, you know that?” you say in between your uncontrollable giggles “ I love you too..” she mutters back “And don't be a dick. Stop fuckin’ laughing at me” She adds before resting her head on your shoulder. You continue to giggle, which makes Ellie start giggling too. 
After a few moments of you two continuously laughing your asses off, you pressed a soft kiss on Ellies forehead. “Now, Tell me about your day, love.” You smile as Ellie begins to give you a rundown about everything she had done that day.
Loser! Ellie who has a separate sketchbook to fill with small doodles of dinosaurs, planets, and occasionally drawings of you.
Loser! Ellie who never fucking sleeps, like this girl will be up til’ late at night doing lord knows what.
Loser! Ellie who hates when you beat her at any game, girl will start making up the most random excuses as to why she lost, sometimes if you tease her about losing she even goes to the extent of giving you the silent treatment
Loser! Ellie who loves spooning (defo calls big spoon before you guys are even ready to head to bed, yet still ends up being little spoon sometimes.)
Loser! Ellie who acts like it's the end of the world when she accidentally interrupts you while you're speaking. Like I'm talking non-stop apologizing and always arguing with you on whether she should continue what she was saying or if you should finish speaking (you always find a way to win the argument nonetheless)
Loser! Ellie who has the humor of a middle school boy.
Loser! Ellie who probably eats lunchables 4/7 days of the week.
“Els, there's leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry!” you callout before walking into the kitchen to see your girlfriend standing there like she got caught red handed, holding a half eaten pizza lunchable in her hand
“I'm not even surprised.” You say arms crossed, shaking your head slightly  
“What?! They're good!” Your girlfriend argues back, taking another bite of her mini pizza 
“Okay Els.” you chuckle, rolling your eyes playfully
“Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me..” Ellie scoffs “Don't knock it til' you try it.”
Loser! Ellie who has a backpack filled with space and dinosaur themed pins (also probably pins with corny ass memes on them.)
Loser! Ellie who either can't accept a compliment, or gets abnormally flustered by your compliments. (It all depends on the day tbh😭🙏)
Loser! Ellie who ADORES taking walks with you near lakes, creeks, and ponds. 
A/N .ᐟ I love Loser!ellie so much omdysss🙏❤
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gurugirl · 10 months
The Warning | bfd!harry
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best friend's dad!harry x reader | forbidden relationship
Summary: You and Harry are trying to heal after coming clean to everyone and Mrs. Styles comes to you with a warning.
Word Count: 4.5k
Warning: 18+ only, smut, angst, mentions of cheating and divorce, age gap, an uncomfortable confrontation
Best Friend's Dad!Harry Masterlist
You missed the occasional texts from Fae. Goofy memes or links to TikTok videos she knew you’d like. Recipes for you two to try. Screenshots from conversations with guys on Tinder.
There was nothing but silence from her for weeks at that point. And being blocked by her on every social media site you two were both on was glaring. It hurt. But what could you do? You’d categorically fucked up. There was no coming back from what you’d done to her family.
Most of your mutual friends were on Fae’s side and had also blocked you. Which you deserved and expected to be honest.
Harry slowly moved his things in. It took a couple of weeks. Every time he went home he tried to go at a time he thought his wife, well, he was calling her his ex now, wasn’t going to be there.
But, that afternoon, when he came home after you’d just had the worst shift you’d ever had in your life he was clearly upset. On edge.
And even though you’d had a terrible day you wanted to make sure he was okay, “Hey, are you all right?” You hugged one of his arms to your body after he sat a box full of his things down.
He smiled at you and brushed his fingers up the back of your neck, “She was there. It was awful. She’s just so full of rage toward me. And I get it, but it took a lot out of me. Better now, though,” he dropped his face to yours to kiss your mouth.
His kisses and his touches always made you feel better too. It was like everything outside of your little apartment was crashing down around you both, but as long as you stayed inside together you’d be okay.
He told you how his day at work was and then you both sat down on the couch and cuddled together, “How was your day at work, baby? I haven’t asked how your day was yet.”
You placed your chin on the top part of his arm as you looked up at him, “Horrible. Caressa is really mean. I think she’s trying to make me quit.”
Harry’s brows pulled together as he wrapped his arms around you, “Really? What has she been doing?”
“Well, last night she put me at the back. I had too many tables and no one to help because the bussers and floaters don’t go into the back when the restaurant is busy. They usually have two people waiting at the back to cover things but I was by myself so it was really stressful and the people I served were getting impatient with me so my tips were awful. And today I only had 2 tables my entire shift so I barely made any tips at all. I asked her if she could give me at least one more when a group came in but she just stared at me and laughed like I was crazy for asking,” You frowned. “Oh, and she updated the schedule without telling me. She’s got me off for five days in a row where I was supposed to be working all those days.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about this last night?” He rubbed his hand up and down your back.
“I just didn’t feel like rehashing it last night. Didn’t want to think about work at all.”
Harry pulled you into his body until you were sitting in his lap with your legs on one side. You rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes. Everything was better when you were with Harry.
“Quit your job. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. And if she’s trying to sabotage you then it’s not going to be worth it to fight for it when you’re not making tips anyway.”
You sighed. It already looked like that’s where it was heading. Caressa had been cold to you since she learned it was in fact Harry that she’d seen that day. Of course, she sided with her friend and started treating you like the tramp you were.
You and Harry made dinner together and then cleaned up the kitchen after eating, “Have you heard anything from Fae?” You asked.
Harry shook his head, “Not yet.”
You frowned, “I hope she comes around.”
“I think she will. Eventually.”
You hoped he was right.
When you’d both finally climbed into bed together you snuggled into Harry like you always did. And even with the stress of everything going on outside you two always found a way to unwind together and being intimate (which usually included sex) seemed to help you both calm down and sleep well through the night.
Harry’s hand dragged up and down your back, as you nosed at his shoulder with your thigh hitched over his hip, “I love you, baby. Can I make you feel better?”
You smiled in the dark, “I think we both need to feel better.”
Harry’s chuckle vibrated from his chest as he dropped his hand to your bottom and pushed at the fabric of your panties until they were down around your thighs.
He kissed you gently and ran his hand over your breasts and then downward to your labia.
You pushed at Harry’s underwear and slid your hand under the band and smoothed your palm over his cock.
With mouths connected you both gently got one another worked up. Harry’s fingers soon became messy with your slick arousal, and Harry’s cock hardened with the stimulation from your hand rubbing over his shaft.
“You want to be fucked, little girl,” Harry teased as he spoke against your lips.
“Yes, I do, Mr. Styles. Please.”
Harry groaned. He enjoyed it when you called him Mr. Styles or Sir. Lately, it had just been Harry as things seemed so serious with everything going on.
“Mmm… love that,” he smiled into the kiss as he pushed you down to your back and quickly rid himself of his underwear as you kicked yours the rest of the way down your legs.
He ran his tip through your pussy lips and inhaled deeply as he pushed into you. You felt yourself stretch around him and moaned in relief.
“It’s so good with you, sir. I need you,” you cooed.
Harry’s languid strokes long and deep always had you weak. You felt his fingers wrap around the back of your neck as he brought his mouth against yours with a whimper.
It might have been the quietest sex you’d ever had together. Harry kept his unhurried pace, deep and searing while he kissed you. Your body was on fire. You’d come soon.
But then his next words against your lips changed the mood and had your head spinning and your heart pounding, “Wanna be my wife? Have my babies, Y/n? Want to show everyone you’re mine?”
His harsh rut into you had you inhaling a sharp breath as your eyes popped open and you arched your back into him., “Yes, Harry…”
“Yeah? Wanna be my Mrs. Styles? Have your pussy fucked and filled every day?”
“God… fuck yes, Harry…” you groaned loudly and somehow you felt yourself grow wetter at his words.
“M’gonna give you a big ring and keep you properly fucked, baby. Okay? Show everyone this is real.”
His words were thick and deep and with his lips against yours, you could almost taste them. It made your mouth water. That you’d be his wife and get his cock every night. Prove everyone wrong. Give him a few babies. It was just a fantasy at that point but it sounded exactly like what you wanted.
“Oh my god…” you gasped. Harry was fucking into you harder and your bed began to rock and your quiet sex turned wet and loud. He still had his hand at the back of your neck, almost cradling your head as he gently squeezed and kissed you, his cock spreading you apart as he thrust deeply hips pasted to yours. “This is real. You and me,” you moaned.
You felt Harry begin to quiver over your body as he gasped, “Want all of you, baby. Want every inch of you to be mine.”
You nodded as the tip of your orgasm started to wind its way through your system, “Every inch of me is yours. From the first time you fucked me, Harry.”
He lifted himself slightly and pulled himself out to his tip before driving back into you, repeatedly fucking himself into you in punishing strokes.
You grunted at each plunge and clung to his love handles as you unraveled loudly.
“There you go,” he groaned, “Sweetest girl. Gonna give this to you every day, baby,” he began to thrust erratically, his hips swaying and grinding into you.
Your ears rang as your orgasm wiped you out. You heard Harry loudly moan in time with his thrusts just as began to come inside of you. You felt the sharp punches of his cock against your cervix as he unloaded himself within your pulsing walls. Just like you loved. The final moment of your orgasm with his long dick reaching into your cervix making you ache and swell as he throbbed and pumped into you.
You’d happily be his wife and give him babies and rub it in everyone’s face with how wrong they all were about you and Harry. This man was the love of your life.
.           .           .
“I can’t believe you’re hooking up with Fae’s dad,” Paloma whispered to you as you sat at the little table in your favorite café. A café you and Fae often met up at.
“Well, we’re not just hooking up. But yeah. I feel really bad about everything but...” you trailed off as you shrugged and took a bite of your pastry.
She nodded at you excitedly. Paloma was a mutual friend of yours and Fae’s. She was always closer to you, though. But when she found out about your affair (thanks to Fae) she called you to get the tea directly from the source.
“I always thought her dad was so hot. It’s crazy that this is real. That he left his wife for you? You know that’s not typical, right? Usually, affairs don’t wind up with the man leaving his wife for his side piece.”
 You cringed. You hated that was the perception. But you let it slide. You figured she wouldn’t exactly understand everything but it felt good to talk to someone about it who wasn’t your mother.
“I know. That’s why when we started everything it was just going to be like… not serious you know. We’d end things before it got to be too much. Before anyone found out or got hurt. But we both fell in love. I don’t know how we could have stopped it.”
“Fae despises you and her dad. When she called me I was confused because she never reaches out to me but then I realized she wanted to make sure as many people knew as possible,” Paloma laughed, “I mean… I was shocked but I’m still your friend. I can’t judge you for what you’ve done.”
“So you don’t think I’m a bad person?”
She chuckled, “Well, I don’t agree with what you did but I could never think you’re a bad person. You can’t help who you fall in love with.”
You drank your hot tea and tried to enjoy yourself with your friend but the longer you and Paloma chatted, the more you missed Fae. No one could replace Fae. She was your other half in so many ways.
“Can I ask you a really personal question? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want.”
You shrugged, “Okay. Sure.” You had an idea of what she was going to ask based on the fact that you’d gotten onto the topic of birth control.
“Is he good? Now that I’m thinking about him like that I can imagine he is.”
You breathed out laughed through your nose and smiled as you looked down into your tea, “He’s good. Yes.” You weren’t sure how deep into it you wanted to get but you’d entertain her for a bit.
“And I bet he’s got a big… dick.” She whispered the word dick quietly.
That’s where you drew the line. You sipped your warm tea and turned your gaze to the corner of the room where someone was just taking their seat.
“I shouldn’t have said that,” she spoke, drawing your attention back to her.
“It’s okay. I’m not sure I want to talk about that anymore, though. Tell me what you’ve been up to.”
It turned out that Paloma didn’t have much to say about herself. She gave you the tiniest bit of information, where she was working, that she’d dated someone a couple of months back and that it didn’t work out, and how she was planning a vacation to Cancun. But that’s it.
It felt strange to divulge such personal things to someone who gave you so little in return. And you should have known that’s what was going to happen. She wanted the dirty details about you and Harry. She wasn’t there to be a friend. Not really. She wasn’t rude but you saw that her motivation was to sate her curiosity.
Maybe you were better off just confiding in your mother. Though, she never asked you things about how sex was with Harry. She always only wanted you to be happy and doing your best.
And it would have been fun to discuss in detail how good you were getting it with Harry. And if Fae weren’t his daughter you’d do that with her. Tell her all about how insane his body is, how strong he is, how big his cock is, and how he eats you out almost every day. You’d totally brag about him with her if things were different. But instead, you were stuck with Paloma who you didn’t want to give too many details to. And besides, you and Harry were still healing. To talk about how he was in bed didn’t seem right. Especially when you didn’t know who she was going to tell.
You stopped at the grocery store on your way home to get some things you needed and you picked up one of those cheap grocery store flower bouquets. Harry had stopped having them sent when shit hit the fan and he moved in. You didn’t know if it was because they were so expensive or just because he hadn’t thought about it what with everything going on, but you figured a small bouquet might feel nice to have in the apartment.
But when you pulled into your building’s parking lot you saw, what looked like Mrs. Styles’ car parked at the front. Of course, perhaps it was someone else’s, you were a bit paranoid lately. You always had your eyes roaming around just in case you accidentally ran into her or Fae.
With one arm occupied by your grocery bag and your other hand holding the small bouquet, you slowly walked up the steps toward your door and thought, maybe it wasn’t Mrs. Styles. Perhaps it was actually just someone with a car like hers. Plus how silly for her to confront you. What good would that do anyone?
“Y/n. I’ve been waiting for you.”
You heard her voice before you saw her and then felt her pull your bag from your arm, “Let me help you. Looks like you’ve got your hands full.”
You felt your vision blur and shade in with red as your heart pummeled in your chest, “Oh. Thank you, Mrs. Styles.” It was difficult to hide the shock you felt. You were sure she saw it.
You put your key into your door to unlock it and did some quick math in your mind for when Harry would be coming home. You didn’t want to be with Mrs. Styles alone. In your apartment.
“Cute. Kind of small,” she commented as she walked into your home behind you. She’d never visited before. “I’ll set this in the kitchen here, then?” She pointed to what was very obviously your kitchen.
“Yes. Sure. Thank you.”
She sat the bag on the countertop and you laid the bouquet on your little round kitchen table. You didn’t know what she wanted. What her intentions were. You weren’t sure you wanted to know.
She leaned her hip to the counter and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at you, taking in your outfit. You felt like you should have dressed nicer. Maybe you would have put more thought into your outfit if you knew you’d be seeing Mrs. Styles. You were wearing jeans with holes in the knees and a hoodie.
You kept thinking of things to say to fill in the very uncomfortable silence. One was that Harry would be home soon, but that felt wrong to say to the woman who was still married to him. Another was to ask her how she’d been doing. Also, not a good question to ask.
“Uh, would you like some water?” You walked toward the cupboard to pull out a couple of glasses. Even if she didn’t want one you needed it.
“No, thank you.”
You nodded to yourself as you poured a glass with water and took a gulp to soothe your dry throat.
“Would you like to sit?” You carried your glass to the kitchen table and gestured at it as you looked back toward her.
Her eyes pierced through you coolly, “No, thank you.”
You leaned your bottom into the table and looked down at your linoleum floor. You hated this. You had no idea how to do this with her. Whatever this was.
“Did you,” you looked up at her eyes, “Want to talk? Or…?”
“I don’t know that you and I have much to discuss that won’t end with hurt feelings. I just came here to see you again and say my peace. It was hard for me to remember what you looked like in my mind. I always imagine you as a high school girl even though I know you’re an adult and I’ve seen you as an adult. Kind of like how I see Fae still. My little girl,” she smiled. “And so with you, you were still a high school girl in my mind’s eye. Quiet. Polite. Fae’s closest and dearest friend. A warm and bright girl that I loved like my own daughter,” her words were razor blades.
“But I couldn’t imagine what you looked like anymore now that you’ve done something so unlike the girl I used to know. I needed to see you for what you are now. The person who’s sleeping with my husband. Who threw away a relationship with my daughter, who is the most beautiful and loving young woman anyone could ever know. And now I see it. I never saw it before but it was always there wasn’t it?”
You shook your head, “I never wanted to hurt–“
“No one ever does, Y/n. No one with any amount of good in their heart ever wants to hurt anyone much less themselves. But you’ve done it haven’t you? You’ve hurt Fae. You’ve hurt me. You’ve hurt Harry. And worst of all is that you’ve hurt yourself.”
She wasn’t wrong about anything she said. You had caused a lot of pain. You hurt people that meant a lot to you. Mrs. Styles, at one time, had meant a lot to you. But now it felt like she was a stranger in your apartment. Someone you didn’t want there.
“I get it, now, though. Looking at you. I was so confused at first. I thought why would Harry even look at you in that way? So I just came here to see if I could make sense of that and you as you are now. And… yeah I see it. You’re lovely. Definitely his type. And you’re sweet too. God that makes it so hard to hate you. I really wanted to hate you too but instead, I just hate Harry now. Because this is really his fault in the end. I mean, don’t get me wrong,” she laughed incredulously, “I don’t like you one bit anymore. But I can’t hate you.”
You couldn’t keep eye contact with her. It felt like you were being incinerated.
“Harry’s had a lot of women after him in the past. Even after we were married women would flirt and try to get close to me just so they could get closer to him. It was funny because I noticed all of that. I was aware of what they were doing. Even had to cut a good friend out after she drunkenly admitted she wanted to sleep with him. He’s such an attractive man. Believe me, I know. I always knew other women found him sexy. But with you? Never had a clue. Wouldn’t have ever imagined it.”
You felt numb. You had no idea how to respond or even if you should.
“Anyway,” she pushed herself away from the counter and clapped her hands together with a faux smile, “That’s all I wanted to say. I hope you’re prepared for him to break your heart. Because this won’t last, Y/n. I don’t want him anymore but I’m just giving you a warning. If he can throw away a 24-year marriage for a 24-year-old girl whom he has nothing in common with, then just expect him to do something that catches you off guard.”
She walked past you to your front door and you listened as she opened and closed it behind her. You couldn’t move from your spot. You tried to breathe to calm yourself and not overthink the words she said.
You knew that she was angry and some of what she said was an attempt to get under your skin. To make you feel bad. Which you already did feel bad, of course. But now it felt suffocating. Felt like there were cracks starting to gape and widen between you and Harry but you needed to not allow that, as hard as it was. Hard not to take heed of her advice and note how other women wanted him and how he strayed from his wife whom he was married to for 24 years.
When Harry finally came home you didn’t know how long you’d been standing there at your kitchen table. You hadn’t moved a muscle. Your groceries hadn’t been put away. The flowers were still lying on your table. You were caught in your mind and battling not to allow your doubts about Harry to overcome you. Because you knew he loved you, you reminded yourself.
“Baby,” He wrapped his arms around your front as he stood behind you and kissed your temple, “Got groceries and flowers?”
You nodded shallowly.
He kissed you again and then you felt his face next to yours, could see from your peripheral that he was looking at you. He pulled his arms away and stepped to face you, pulling your hands into his, “Honey, what’s wrong?”
You slowly brought your gaze to his and immediately you felt better. His eyes. His concern. His warmth. And you could see the way he loved you. He loved you. You stepped toward him and put your arms around his middle and smushed your ear into his chest as you finally let your tears pour.
Harry drew his arms tight around you, “Baby, what happened? Tell me what’s wrong?”
You choked out a sob and squeezed him even more.
Harry sat down in a chair, and kept you with him, pulling you into his lap as he cupped your face and tried to look at you, “Sweetheart, you’re worrying me. Did something happen?”
You nodded and pushed your face back into his chest. You wished you could stop your tears and just tell him but you could barely sputter a word out.
He rubbed your back and gently rocked you as you cried in his arms and wetted his nice button-shirt with your tears.
When you felt better and felt like you could speak, your first words came out sounding so tiny and pathetic, “I’m sorry.”
“Shh, shh, shhh…” he softly hushed you, “Don’t be sorry, baby. Can you tell me what happened?”
You sniffed and looked up at him, “She… your wife. She came here.”
Harry’s face dropped, “What happened? What did she say?”
“She just wanted to see me and tell me what she thought about everything. I couldn’t even speak I was so nervous. She wasn’t here long.”
He nodded and used his thumbs to wipe your tears, “I will have a talk with her. She should not have come here. She has no business to do such a thing.”
You leaned into his touch as he wiped your tears.
“What did she say to make you so upset? Talk to me.”
“Just that you’ll hurt me eventually and you and I have nothing in common. She wasn’t mean, though. Everything she said was true about me. How I hurt everyone. And she said that other women want you too and…” you swallowed. You could hardly put your thoughts together coherently.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Y/n. And you know it’s not true that we have nothing in common. You and I get along perfectly. She’s just upset. You know that right?”
You nodded.
“And I don’t care how many women find me attractive, or even how many men find you attractive. None of that matters. You know that.”
“I know. She was just upset. It just scared me that I had to confront her alone. And I hate how she looks at me now. I’m the woman who took her husband.”
When your tears had finally dried, Harry helped you put the groceries away and put the flowers in a pretty vase to display.
“I need to have flowers delivered again. These are pretty but I like the ones Florero delivers.”
You wrapped your arms around Harry’s middle and looked up at him, “You’re so sweet but you don’t have to. I know those were expensive. I just thought any flowers would look nice so I picked them up on a whim.”
“You deserve flowers from Florero, baby,” he kissed your forehead. “I just forgot about it since everything that happened and moving here with you. But you still deserve nice things.”
You really didn’t feel like you needed nice things. Harry had never done all that much in the way of spending money on you. It was flowers, some jewelry, food, a toy. Things like that. But you were happy to just have him. You were happy that he was yours. And as awful as it was to feel the way you did, you were glad he chose you because you were always going to choose him.
Harry smushed you against his chest, “You know how much I love you, Y/n. I would choose you over and over again. No matter how hard it gets. Never let anyone’s words convince you otherwise.”
And there wasn’t a single part of you that didn’t believe him.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #35
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 9.9k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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It's been a little over a week since Jungkook has seen you, nine days to be exact. The lack of contact the two of you had, apart from the messages Jungkook spammed your phone with, suit you. You've missed him, especially on those lonely evenings you'd usually spend with him watching movies or one of his stupid games he loves to play in his free time. Of course, if he's not working out or doing something else as productive.
Jungkook has really tried his best, even asked to hang out during a week but you politely declined making an excuse which usually had been that you're tired or busy with work. It's not like you lied to him, you had been busy and tired too. But usually none of those things mattered when it came to you and your best friend hanging out together. Empathic as always, Jungkook completely understood your lame excuses and always made sure he texted you during the day. Even if it was just some stupid TikTok videos or meme picture that made you laugh.
As much as your lame excuses were partly right, there are two more reasons you've decided to spend your free time alone. One, is that your bruise hasn't been completely healed yet. You didn't need Jungkook to go crazy about the ugly colors your bruise managed to sprout into. Of course, maybe you're being just too dramatic over Jungkook's reaction, which would be just as equally dramatic, but you don't really yearn for his scolding all over again. The second reason is mostly about you and doesn't involve Jungkook at all.
Two days since you and Yoongi dishonored Yejun's office, nicely said, it took you some time to fully let it sink in, the fact you had Yoongi's dick in your hand while he went down on you. Who would've thought something like that could happen? You surely didn't. You both went in the same cab home that night and even though you felt a little bit weird about sitting next to him, considering he had his mouth on you just a few minutes ago, things went back to normal. The two of you never spoke about it, there's no reason to.
You were a little nervous about today, being the first day to see him since that happened, but today proved to you there's no reason to overthink it or worry about it. You went back to normal and at the end of the day, you're just two people who needed to get each other off. You drank, had fun and that's it.
So when Jungkook texted you today, wanting to hang out with you you agreed. Since you've settled your thoughts in your mind, you've realized you missed him and you don't want stupid things to keep you from living your life outside work.
Rather than Monday being one of those evenings that you just hang out, eating food and sprawling yourselves either on your or Jungkook's couch, Jungkook has prepared a fun evening for you. He's always been the one more adventurous.
Ice skating, it is for tonight.
God, you can't remember when was the last time you wore ice skates. Probably when you were around seven when your uncle took you to the nearest lake in the middle of winter. You can still remember him laughing at you when you fell on your bum, embarrassed since there were other people around. That was the first and last time you ice skated.
Quite frankly, it's hard to do any activities with Jungkook because he's good at everything and if he doesn't know something or has never done something before, he gets the hang of it quickly and is a pure professional. It's annoying. You're not sure if you're ready to embarrass yourself in front of him and everyone else. You wouldn't care (about the part of embarrassing yourself in front of Jungkook) but you already know he's good at ice skating. You can already hear his devilish laugh laughing at you, even though you know he's not evil at all. Maybe just a little bit.
From a distance, you can already see Jungkook leaning against the railing of the ice rink with a phone in his hands. He's wearing a black padded jacket, the same one he wore that night of your accident. However, there's a black bucket hat covering his hair and face, but still not enough not to let you notice the slight frown he's got. Just as if he could sense someone's eyes on him, he looks up his phone and scans the crowd of people. There are more people than you expected, considering it's Monday but Seoul never sleeps.
It's until you're a few meters away from him that he sees you, putting his phone into the pocket of his black cargo pants. He flashes you one of his gentle smiles, already outstretching his arms towards you as you chuckle, hugging him as soon as he's close.
"Waiting for me?" you laugh, voice muffled by his chest.
"Who else, I'm always waiting when it comes to you." he teases, poking you in your ribs as you pull away from him with a displeased frown.
Okay, maybe you're late sometimes. But not always! And it always is Jungkook who waits for you. It's his fault he's always on time.
Jungkook's teasing grin fades as a soft look spreads over his features. "Let me see," he murmurs, angling your head to the side so he can see the fading bruise.
You catch the displeased frown on his face again, his brows furrowed in worry but instead of saying anything else, he simply sighs. "Does it still hurt?"
It does. Not like in the beginning, but you can definitely feel it when you lay on the side, pressing the bruise on your soft pillow. "No," you tell him bluntly.
However Jungkook looks at you with an impressed look, swiftly touching your temple and the bruise as he presses his thumb against it. "Ow, are you insane?" you exclaim, slapping his hand away as he looks completely unbothered by your sudden outburst.
"Don't lie to me." he says simply, even has the audacity to shrug as if he didn't just hurt you. Okay, it didn't hurt that much but it shocked you.
"You didn't have to press so hard," you mumble, feeling like a little kid as you gently pat around the bruise. "When's Jimin coming?" you ask instead.
Jimin is supposed to hang out with you today but he's coming a bit later, so in the meantime you hope you'll get the hang of ice skating so you won't embarrass yourself in front of him too. Hopefully, Jungkook will teach you how to ice skate properly by then.
"Maybe in an hour? I don't know, he said he'll meet us here." Jungkook shrugs, stuffing his hands into the pockets to hide them from the cold.
The first step is to get ice skates, renting two pairs for you and Jungkook, in the nearby stall where you wait a few minutes in the line. You take that time to look around, admire the colorful lights all around the ice rink. It looks almost magical, adding just the right atmosphere for winter and sets everyone in the mood to ice skate. Scent of mulled wine and cinnamon flows in the air from the other stalls. When it's finally your turn, Jungkook is the one who speaks and tells your and his foot size, the two of you thanking the young lady who hands you the ice skates. You watch Jungkook pay, telling him you'll pay him back for your half but he dismisses you by waving his hand.
You both scurry to the bench next to the stall to sit down and put on the ice skates. There's a little girl sitting next to you, her mom crouching in front of her as she puts the little ice skates for her. She's mesmerized by the lights, her face glowing with excitement and interest as you can't help but smile at her cuteness.
"I'll suck at this." you comment, voicing out your thoughts especially when you look at people ice skating so effortlessly. There are a few struggling, most of them being children which sets your stomach into a nervous ball.
"We can get you one of those penguin aids, if you want." Jungkook says with all seriousness but as you look at him, you notice his lips twitching while he's trying to hide a grin.
"Fuck off," you nudge his shoulder, growing annoyed at him. He's making fun of you. He looks so excited while putting on his ice skates, almost like a little kid.
Remembering there has been one sitting next to you and you openly cursed at your best friend, you look beside you with breath hitched in your throat. You sigh in relief when you notice her mom already putting her in the ice rink, her innocent ears in a safe distance from your big mouth.
"You're annoying." you murmur, sulking in your seat as you prolong putting on your ice skates.
Jungkook notices that, cackling beside you as he's all done, putting his boots in one of the lockers. He takes your shoes, the only chance of you actually running away from here, and puts it in the same locker. You watch him locking it and putting the key into his pocket. He turns to sit down beside you and waits, noticing your puzzled look.
"Hey, I'm here," he says, smiling as he slightly nudges your shoulder with his own in encouragement. Oh, fuck you feel like a little kid. Even a little kid is more excited than you're. You're not sure why you're suddenly so unsure about this. And Jungkook already knows you need a little nudge and encouragement. "I'll teach you."
"What if I fall and break my... I don't know, leg or arm?"
He snorts at your question, seeing your little grin but he knows you're not just joking. "I won't let you fall." he says simply, shrugging as if it's not a big deal.
You glance at him skeptically before you tie your ice skates. Jungkook is the first one to stand up, grinning excitedly as he helps you to stand up too. He has a tight grip on your hands, slowly leading you towards the ice rink which takes just a few steps. You're holding your breath the whole time, watching Jungkook glide against the ice completely effortlessly as he turns to you, still holding your hand.
"Come on," he turns his head towards the ice rink, nudging you to move as people behind you are waiting to get into the ice rink as well.
There is no time to hesitate. Fuck it, you tell yourself as you get onto ice. You stumble a little, Jungkook luckily is there to catch you as he grins down at you, scrunching his nose.
"See? It's not that hard," he says, earning a roll of your eyes from you. What could you possibly reply to that? It is not easy either. "Come on, let's move a little further." he says, gently tugging you in the direction as you're forced to ice skate.
Your steps are a little too stiff, even you can tell but it's all because you're trying to hold your balance without actually falling. When you allow yourself to relax, Jungkook is still holding your hand firmly with his own, you find that it's not that hard and you're not too bad at ice skating. You grow more confident with each glide you take, fully realizing Jungkook is ice skating carefully and slowly to match your pace.
"See? You're doing great. You could be a little ice skater." he coos at you, stopping as you shoot him a glare.
"Stop talking to me like I'm a kid." you scold him, still gripping his hand as he looks at your hands and chuckles.
"You were pouting like one just a few minutes ago."
"No I wasn't!" you argue. You probably were. Jungkook had always noticed things about you you hadn't. But you keep that to yourself, fully aware that Jungkook probably knows that too.
He lets go of your hand, cackling when he sees your widened eyes. "You can do it. Just go slow. You're actually good at this." he encourages you, skating in front of you as he turns around to face you. He's outstretching his arms, silently telling you he's there and will catch you if you fall.
You adjust your beanie, just a reaction to deal with your unsureness. "Okay, here I go," you sing out lightly, chuckling at how nervous you actually sound. You're about to take your first step, stopping as you look at Jungkook who's been waiting for you to finally move. "Actually, can't we take a round before I go all by myself?" you ask, waiting for him to laugh at you.
All he does is smile in return as he outstretches his hand towards you again, nodding in response. You clasp your hand into his, letting your ice skates glide against the ice with Jungkook by your side. Him holding your hand gives you more stability and confidence, your steps bigger and much smoother. He distracts you by having a casual conversation with you and even though most of the time you're quiet, too focused on ice skating, it's working.
Just like Jungkook said, and now you believe his words, you're actually ice skating without doing it stiffly. It's not perfect, nowhere near his ice skating, but it's enough. The nearby cries of children that fall fills the place but you're too distracted grinning at yourself for doing an actual good job at this. You finish the round somehow quickly, Jungkook's hand letting go of you as he's standing in front of you, a good meter separating you.
The music playing from the outdoor speakers gives you more joy as you excitedly start dancing (or more like trying to), moving your arms and hips as Jungkook laughs at you. "Stop, you're gonna fall."
"I won't, I'm good at this." you joke, gliding against the ice as you skate forward.
Jungkook follows you, scolding you when he sees you wiggling your arms excitedly. "Y/N, you're gonna fall."
You roll your eyes, "I won't." you repeat, doing the same thing just because you're stubborn and excited that you're good at ice skating. Just as you finish your sentence, the right ice skate gets caught onto ice a little causing you to stumble, but you quickly hold your balance.
"See? I told you," Jungkook scolds you, ice skating next to you as he makes sure you're alright.
"I told you," you mock him, "I just stumbled, gosh, relax Jeon I'm not gonna--"
You probably got overconfident with your own skills, trying to prove a point to your best friend as you overestimated yourself. You're not sure what you've done, probably glid your leg wrong because you stumble too much, both legs stumbling as you prepare yourself for the hard impact. Instead, there are strong arms wrapped around you, your ice skates bumping into Jungkook's a little too harshly but he holds his balance and has a strong grip around your body.
"Stupid," he scolds you, "You could've hurt yourself."
You wouldn't die of falling. Maybe of embarrassment, yes.
"You said you'll catch me if I fall." you tell him stupidly, grinning while staring up at him. He's close, his warm breath hitting your face as he disapprovingly shakes his head at you, squeezing your waist a little bit too much.
"Just be careful," he murmurs as the two of you pull away, Jungkook eyeing you warily as if you'd fall any second. "Stupid." he whispers, shaking his head again as you give him a toothed grin.
Both of you ready for the second round while you'll try not to run over any kids, pushing one of those penguin aids. You look like a freaking amateur next to Jungkook, his feet practically flying on the ice as the blade of his ice skates brush perfectly against the clear ice.
You still find yourself to have more fun than you expected. The little you is proud of yourself for not falling on your bum this time. Unfortunately, back then you didn't have Jeon Jungkook to hold you when you were seven.
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Jungkook was right. Ice skating can be fun. There's not much place for conversation, you keep it brief as you simply enjoy ice skating with your friend by your side. After a few rounds of your ice skates glazing over the ice, the two of you decide to grab something to drink and eat. You scurry to the very corner where a special stall is standing, selling some food.
Your choice is a warm tea called 'Christmas time' which should remind you of the very special holiday with its taste. The black tea is enriched with a hint of cinnamon, orange peel and safflower – indeed reminding you of one of the usual smells of Christmas. You and Jungkook decide to get out of the rink to properly sit down, rest your legs for a bit, and drink your tea in peace.
Jungkook hums at the taste of the tea as he has ordered the same one. You sit in silence for a bit, simply enjoying each other's presence as you're watching people ice skating with music playing in the background. The tea warms up your cold hands, your fault for not bringing gloves.
It's the moment when Jungkook takes off the bucket hat to ruffle his hair, that you finally notice the change that makes you dramatically gasp before you can realize your loud and natural reaction.
"You got a haircut?"
Jungkook's doe eyes crinkle at the end as he chuckles at your reaction. "Yeah, it got too long."
"I loved it." you pout not hiding your disappointment, staring at the fresh undercut and shortened hair that is parted in the middle, still showing his forehead. It's a little messy, considering it's been hidden underneath the bucket hat for some time. Still, Jungkook makes it work and looks annoyingly good.
"I can always grow it out," he says simply, tone light and a smile still attached to his lips.
This means no man bun. This is not fair.
"Don't I look good either way?" he jokes, nudging your side slightly as you snicker.
"Oh, shut up." He looks good and he knows it. His cocky and confident grin says it all. There's no need to feed his ego.
In times like these you wonder again, why can't your best friend be less handsome? You almost snort at your thoughts. During ice skating, you noticed a lot of girls staring his way – obviously appreciating how he looks even with barely showing his face. Even a few guys turned around. It's not annoying to you though. You've got used to people staring at him whenever you go out somewhere. He's always the center of attention. Actually, all of your good friends are. Taehyung is a freaking model, could easily do it as his profession if he wasn't so in love with art and working in an art gallery. Jimin can be cute and handsome at the same time, showing so many different sides of him. Deep down you know he's a flirty shit that loves all the attention. Both women and men. He enjoys catching someone else's eyes.
"How's working in the club going? How long are you planning to work there?" Jungkook changes the topic, reminding you that he hasn't been pleased with you working in a nightclub from the very beginning. It's okay, you were skeptical too and if you didn't have to (and your finance would allow you) you wouldn't have a part-time job.
Luckily, Yejun is an amazing boss and eased your nerves. Everyone working there is nice and you actually feel like you can do this until the end. It's always good to save up some more money.
"Good," you answer, "I'm not sure. Maybe a few more months." you shrug, still not sure about that decision yet. In two months, you could probably have enough money to buy a better car. And it's always nice to have your Saturdays free and not having to spend your Sundays sleeping it off, trying to relax at least one day without working.
"You were working on Saturday, right?" Jungkook asks, recalling one of your texts where you mentioned something about still working in a club too after your accident. He didn't comment on it but fuck, he wanted to tell you to take a day off to fully rest. Unfortunately for him and his usual care, he knew you wouldn't listen either way.
The mention of Saturday makes you dryly gulp, the face of Yoongi and his body pressed against yours pretty much clear in your mind. It's been only two days. You don't find your voice, simply nodding in a fear he could've heard the slight discomfort in your tone if you were about to speak. However, knowing you for some time he can easily tell when you're trying to play it cool. And you take the sight in front of you as a distraction. But Jungkook can see right through you and scans the side of your face that you're desperately trying to hide from him.
"What?" he chuckles, causing you to glance at him as you give him a look of confusion. Another way to play it off again. "What are you not telling me?"
The way your eyes widen is enough to tell him that yes, his suspicion has been right but he's already had a hunch.
"Nothing." you shrug, keeping your answer brief and short in hope he'll drop it.
"Oh, come on! Don't lie to me." Jungkook teases lightly, even lets out a light laugh but something snaps at you (maybe the discomfort of Jungkook knowing) that words and tone are spoken out of your mouth before you can control yourself.
"Me not telling you something isn't me lying."
He looks genuinely taken back by your outburst, doe eyes widening a bit before he clears his throat and recovers from the shock. "Okay, you don't have to tell me." he says softly, almost awkwardly staring at the floor.
You curse at yourself once again, feeling like an idiot for snapping at him. Jungkook is not the only one used to you telling him almost everything that's been going on in your life. You're used to it too and it goes the other way as well. It must feel weird to him to see you hiding something and not wanting to tell him that, but of course, as a good friend he respects it and drops the subject. Still, you see him slightly confused and a little bit baffled by your reaction which again, makes you curse at yourself. The reason behind your outburst is pure panic that you've felt and are still feeling.
Sighing, you shake your head and glance at Jungkook. You'd probably tease him and coo at him for looking like a lost little boy, sitting next to you with a slight pout and a soft frown.
It's not that you're ashamed of yourself for what you've done with Yoongi. You accepted that it happened and you don't regret it, even though you know you both acted recklessly. The alcohol and your conversation played a huge part there as well. As much as you're fine with it (because there's no reason you wouldn't be) you still catch yourself thinking 'Wow, have I really done that?'. You've never slept with anyone that's not close to you. You'd say with anyone that you weren't dating but you already broke that with Jungkook. You weren't dating him too (at least for real) and you both had sex, something more than you and Yoongi did. But there was a deal and it had been under different circumstances. You can't really compare that.
"I hooked up with Yoongi." You let it out of your chest, eyes already set upon Jungkook that seems to freeze for a second before he looks at you, letting out a light chuckle.
"Come again? I thought I heard you saying you hooked up with someone." Something about him staring at you like that tells you that he heard you perfectly, and looks alarmed. Almost as if he wishes you'd just burst in laughter and tell him you're joking.
"You heard me right," you murmur, eyes dropping to your lap. "I hooked up with Yoongi on Saturday."
You take this time to look at him again, wanting to see his face even though there's a part of you wanting to just stare at the floor instead, just in case you'd see something negative on your friend's face. Mostly, you don't care what others think about it. But it's different when it's Jungkook. Of course, there are things that you're determined about and no one can change that. Not even Jungkook. However, this current situation is in a way weird for you too.
"Yoongi? Isn't he that guy...?" he trails off, brows pinched in confusion as he recalls you complaining about him constantly teasing you and getting on your nerves. He looks nothing but confused. Trust me, Jungkook... you're not the only one who's shocked, you think.
You still can't believe you hooked up with Yoongi out of all people.
"Yeah," you clear your throat, scratching the back of your neck with a nervous chuckle. "We were just talking and I stayed to have a drink, but I wasn't drunk!" you explain quickly, not wanting him to think Yoongi took advantage of you because you just know that thought would cross his mind at the mention of you having a drink. "And then he joined me and we actually talked, like we had a conversation, without biting each other's heads off? Can you believe that?" you let out a nervous chuckle, already feeling yourself ramble. "And then--"
"Y/N," Jungkook chuckles, but it's so faint that you barely hear it. "I'm not sure if I wanna hear how you hooked up with him."
Your cheeks flame with embarrassment, your throat tight as you barely can swallow your saliva.
"Okay?" you ask with an awkward chuckle. That makes Jungkook set his eyes on you, searching your face. "Don't look at me like that, please."
"Look like what?" His eyebrows lift up, confused again.
"Like you're judging me."
At this, Jungkook's features soften. "Y/N," he says softly, "I could never judge you."
You stare into his dark brown eyes, the lights around you shining in them as you see nothing but honesty and understanding in them.
"I guess, I'm just shocked. I didn't think you'd just... him out of all people. It's just too much to process for me, but I can assure you I'm not judging you. Hey, look at me," he calls out softly when he notices you staring into your lap instead, his fingers tapping you on the tip of your nose. "Do you regret it?"
You shake your head. You did get a good orgasm indeed and partly got rid of your sexual frustration which a man sitting next to you is kind of responsible for. It's his fault for showing you how good sex can be when you're doing it with the right person. Your standards for your future partner and sex life has gone way upwards thanks to him.
"Good," he says, "You're an adult. It's your choice and no one can judge you for that."
You're not sure whether he's telling you that because he feels like you need to hear it and is being a typical supporting and caring Jungkook, or because he really means it from the bottom of his heart. And you're not too eager to figure that out, simply just going along with his words because you do need to hear them.
You're an adult. It's your choice and no one can judge for that. That's right. Still, he doesn't need to hear any details about your sex life. It probably wouldn't be too comfortable for both of you. He doesn't talk to you about how he pounded Kiko into his mattress before they both went separate paths for tonight's evening. He knows it's not something you'd be interested in hearing, nor would he be interested in saying such a thing.
"Come on, let's drink this up. Jimin will be here any minute, I'm sure he'll want to ice skate as soon as he comes." Jungkook says, lightening up the somehow stiff and weird atmosphere.
Nodding in response, you rather take a sip from your hot tea than saying something. Still, you can't shake off how Jungkook seems to stay quiet for the rest of the time you sit, drinking your tea in silence.
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Jimin really comes by the time you've finished your tea, flashing you with his toothy and big smile as he hugs the two of you. He squeezes your body tightly, ignoring your protests since you can barely breathe as he enjoys being with his friends. It's been a while since you got to spend some time with him as well.
"Tae's not coming?" you ask, curious about your other friend. Usually, where Jimin is, there is Taehyung too. Those two are like inseparable twins, always together.
"No," Jimin says once he pulls away from the hug, a frown settling on his face. "That idiot doesn't listen when I tell him he dresses in too thin layers. He got sick."
You and Jungkook chuckle at seeing Jimin so angry over Taehyung being simply irresponsible. However, you do a mental note to check on Taehyung later to send him a message.
Just like Jungkook said, Jimin doesn't want to waste any time and quickly goes to a rental stall to get ice skaters. And just like Jungkook, Jimin is just as amazing at ice skating, skating smoothly while you keep complaining about it for the whole round. Jimin's bubbly laugh resounds around the rink, his eyes crinkling at your grumpy face as he takes your hand to help you keep up with their pace.
After a couple of rounds, even Jimin has concurred that it's best to take a little break, so the three of you stand in the corner of the rink leaning against the railing. Jimin's cheerful personality and mood brought up a little light, especially after the conversation with Jungkook. You can't help but shake off the weird feeling inside you from telling Jungkook about Yoongi. You've this urge to clarify that you haven't had sex with him, not that it matters that much.
As if Jungkook could sense your thoughts and uncertainty on your face, he gives you a soft smile while Jimin is talking about upcoming Christmas and his stress to buy presents.
"Oh, is your car fine now?" Jimin asks as if he just remembered something, specifically you mentioning to him that your car got broken again, and just like that Jungkook's smile drops and he frowns.
"Uhh, yeah, it's getting fixed." you let out a nervous chuckle, avoiding Jungkook's dark eyes while Jimin looks at your bruise.
"Ow, you poor thing. I'm glad you're alright." Jimin says, eyes staying on your bruise for a moment, "Well, I'm gonna grab something to drink. You guys want something?"
The two of you shake your head, your non-verbal answer just enough for Jimin as he nods and makes his way towards the stall, ice skating effortlessly. Thanks Jimin, you think. You wouldn't tell him about your car (not because you wanted to keep it a secret or something) but because you don't need another person to worry about you. However, Jimin heard about your car accident from Jungkook and then somehow in the conversation, you mentioned your car being fixed because it stopped working again.
Obviously, Jimin is innocent in this. He thought Jungkook already knows about it and the thought of you not purposely telling that to your best friend hasn't crossed his mind. He expected Jungkook to be the first person you told him about your car.
"Your car, huh?" Jungkook breaks the silence, staring at you with raised brow. "It broke again?"
"Isn't that obvious by now?" you murmur. You already know what's about to happen.
"Y/N!" he exclaims, not even surprised by your ironic remark
"What? What?" you exclaim back, using your hands to show your frustration. "Why are you getting so worked up over this?" You know why, you just don't understand it. Some part of you may agree with Jungkook, yet you know he's being dramatic all over again because his judgment is clouded with worry.
"Because you're being reckless. How have you been getting to work? To the club?"
Fuck, you feel like a parent is interrogating you.
Pursing your lips for a while, you stare with a guilty look on Jungkook in hope he'll let go of this but his features only harden and cocks his brow at you. Sighing, you lick your lips before you say; "By bus? Sometimes I call a cab--"
"Jesus, Y/N," Jungkook exclaims, staring at the sky as he rubs his temples. "Do you know what could happen to you? Especially during the night?"
You'd rather not think about it negatively, even though you realize the risks. On the other hand... What is the big deal? Countless people are using public transport too because they've no other choice. It all depends on which side you look at it. Jungkook is obviously thinking about your safety and well-being, which warms your heart, but he's starting to piss you off with this neverending worry when it clearly doesn't help you.
"Worry about your girlfriend, Jeon." you snap at him, growing even more irritated by his attitude. You know he means no harm, yet he just keeps scolding you like a fucking kid.
"I don't have to, she's not this stupid." he snaps back, your jaw dropping as you gape at him before another wave of anger rashes through you and you act on impulse.
"Yeah, just stupid enough to cheat."
Rather than Jungkook looking angry at your jab, his features twist with hurt even though he's trying to hide it by just glaring at you. Guilt washes over you, knowing how sensitive this topic is for him. It doesn't matter you've a point, it was simply said out of purpose to anger him.
"Jungkook..." you sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose with your cold fingers as it's not the only thing that got cold.
"You know, I just wish you'd stop bringing this up. I know you don't agree with me getting back to her, but at least you could be more considerate and stop bringing that up." he tells you coldly, scoffing under his breath.
"I didn't mean to--"
"No, you did mean it. I don't need you to keep reminding me of that," he snaps, shaking his head. "I'll leave the key from the locker room at the stall." he informs you, your mouth opening and heart racing.
"Jungkook, where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go home. It's late and it's getting colder." he mocks, ice skating to get out of the ice rink before you can utter a single word.
You see Jimin looking confusedly as he skates towards you, frown settled on his face. "Where is he going? What happened?"
Your face says it all. Something went wrong and your eyes filled with sadness is enough for Jimin to put a hand over your shoulder in comfort.
"Home," you sigh, "He went home."
"Okay, what the fuck is wrong with you two?" Jimin asks, staring at your widened eyes.
"I wish I knew," You know it's not what Jimin asked about, but for now it's the only answer you can give him. "I just said something hurtful to him while he was just being worried about me."
"You wanna talk about it?" Jimin asks softly, eyes scanning your saddened features.
"Can we get out of here first?"
"Of course."
Just like Jungkook said to you, he really left the key for you to get your shoes as you took it from the young woman at the stall with a tight and forced smile. You clearly hurt Jungkook and you knew you'd be hurting him by bringing Kiko, most importantly her cheating, into your conversation. Jimin stays quiet for most parts, simply walking beside you as your thoughts and guilt consume you. You admit to him what you said to Jungkook, not forgetting to mention you feel guilty because all he did was show you how worried he is about you.
Jimin's pitiful gaze says it all. He doesn't say it, but he surely thinks you fucked up. Everyone knows how touchy the subject Kiko is. Everyone out of those people who know about her cheating.
"You know how he gets. Jungkook has always been protective over you. I'm sorry for bringing up your car, I didn't know he didn't know about it."
"It's not your fault, Jimin," you sigh, "And exactly... I know how he gets and that's why I didn't tell him. He just doesn't understand that I had no choice and he's being so freaking irresponsible too. He offers me his own car, can you believe that?"
"I think I can do, actually," Jimin chuckles softly, "Jungkook always puts others first."
You know that. And that's why you feel guilty even more.
"I fucked up... he was so hurt when I said it."
"I think you should apologize and talk to him about it. You know he can't stay mad at you, it'd drive him crazy to be on bad terms with you."
"I was about to apologize but he stormed off." you reason, sighing as your shoulders sulk.
Jimin giggles, putting his arms over your shoulders as he pulls you closer and rubs his hand over your forearm. "You guys will work it out. It's just a stupid fight."
"Yeah, I hope so..." you murmur, "But when it comes to Kiko, I feel like everything changes."
"Oh, is that jealousy I hear?" Jimin teases, laughing when you roll your eyes at him.
"Piss off," He laughs even more. "Why would I be jealous?"
Jimin lets go off you, stuffing his hands into warm pockets of his jacket as he shrugs. "I don't know... because you dated?" He chuckles as if it's obvious but all he's met is your loud sigh and a little scoff that follows after.
"Okay, spill it out. What really happened between you two? One second you're acting like you weren't dating at all and the next you're arguing about something dumb." You were dumb in this. It's your fault that you and Jungkook had a fight but you're glad Jimin doesn't mention that.
There's really no way out of this. Jimin already knows something's up and you feel guilty all over again, knowing you've been lying to your friends. Even though Jimin seems to have caught onto something, he still gives you space to tell him the truth. You've got two options here. Either you lie again, make up some lame lie which he could see right through but just accept it, knowing you're lying. Or to tell him the truth.
"Y/N, you're okay?" He notices your puzzled look, stopping when you do the same thing and he's met with your too serious look.
"See... me and Jungkook," you start, gulping as he nods in understatement but you can tell how curious he is what you've got to say. "We never really... dated."
It's out. You finally tell him, those words coming out of your mouth freely and it's easier than you thought. You do feel some kind of relief now that he knows, his eyes widening as he stares at you.
"You what?" he laughs, genuinely confused. "You never really dated?" He keeps laughing, almost as if he can't believe it but then he notices your serious and guilty look that his smile drops, big eyes staring at you.
So you explain everything to him, the deal and how Jungkook found out about Kiko cheating in the middle of it. And by everything you mean telling him that the two of you were simply physical, and somehow became friends with benefits with this twist of the deal being involved. You don't go into much detail, simply informing your friend that yes, you've had sex with him. You purposely skip the part about how many times you've had sex. That's not important.
Jimin looks stunned for a second, if it weren't for his occasional blinks you would've thought he's not alive anymore.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" he shrieks, mouth opened in horror as you cringe at his loud tone.
"Shhh, we're in public." you shush him, looking around just to find only a few people in the alley, barely paying you any attention.
"Oh, don't you shush me," Jimin scoffs, rolling his eyes. "You two are so fucking dumb. Why would you ever agree to that?"
"I know it sounds ridiculous--"
"Because it is," he interrupts you, met with your glare. "Sorry."
"I didn't agree at first but then I thought... why not. I know it sounds fucking stupid of us but we're fine!" you assure him, seeing him raising his brow at you.
"Yeah, I can see that."
"That has nothing to do with our deal. Our fight was because I mentioned Kiko cheating. Really, Jimin... me and Jungkook are fine and we're friends like we used to be. It's not weird between us, I know it's hard to believe but remember when we hung out? Or when we went to karaoke with Tae too? You couldn't believe we're just back to normal when we were 'dating' but that's the thing. We never were dating." you explain
Jimin looks exhausted, closing his eyes for a moment as he lets your words sink in. "Still... you and Jungkook hooking up. I don't know Y/N... I think you were risking a lot considering how protective you've always been about your friendship. Weren't you guys laughing in our faces when we mentioned you and Jungkook having sex? You both practically cringed at the thought of that."
You get it. He's confused and it's hard to process such information.
"We did... but we had a conversation and I mentioned Haechan and then the idea of our deal came up... it doesn't matter now. We can still be friends even if his dick had been inside me."
"Y/N!" Jimin exclaims in outrage, letting out a scandalous gasp as if he wasn't just devil himself underneath that angel-like face. "So, what? The two of you are just fine and went back to normal?"
"Pretty much," you shrug, "We were always normal, the difference was we were fucking at that time too."
"Freaking god," Jimin groans, looking at the night sky for a moment before glaring at you. "You've no filter."
"When have I ever had one?"
"Touché." Jimin murmurs, earning a punch to his arm from you.
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"Oh, fuck!" you almost scream, head thrown back in pure ecstasy as your walls contract around his thick length.
"You like that, huh?" The deep voice meets your ear, the lips brushing against your earlobe as he keeps hitting the same good spot. You're so close.
Jungkook's pelvic bone keeps hitting your one, sweat trickling both your bodies but you don't care. Your hands are all over his muscular back, pushing him even closer to you as he grunts. It feels so good. But then it's like with a snap of fingers something comes up your mind and you're mumbling Jungkook's name, hands slowly pushing his chest to stop him moving.
You're met with those doe eyes staring at you innocently as he's nothing but curious why you stopped him. 
"What are we doing?" you ask, chest heaving as you sit up, his length slipping out of you as you already miss the feeling of his thick cock stretching you.
"Fucking." Jungkook shrugs, ready to lean to kiss you but you push against his shoulders gently and shake your head.
"No... I mean, the deal is off. You're dating Kiko now. What are we doing?" There's panic inside of you, the instant disgust that it's not caused by Jungkook but the fact you're having sex with him when he's dating someone else. This is wrong. This is so wrong. 
"What are you talking about, baby?" he chuckles, cocking his head cutely at you as he laughs with confusion written on his face. "The deal is not off. I'm not dating anyone."
He frowns but smiles at the same time, the same confusion still attached to his morning bare face as your heart starts beating fast. You can feel it pumping in your chest until Jungkook fades all of a sudden and you snap your eyes open.
The first thing you notice, other than the street lights slightly shining through your closed blinds, is how hot your body is. With breath quickened, you stare at the plain ceiling with your heart beating fast in your chest. You take a moment, replaying the dream that felt surreal and real at the same time, guilt hitting you when you realize that Jungkook came into your dream mostly from the fact you both fought. You've been thinking about him even until Jimin dropped you home, checking your phone just in case.
You had sent him a message, asking if the two of you could talk but he still hasn't replied which means you'll come to terms with the reality that he's simply ignoring you. Jungkook would always reply within minutes, there's no chance he hasn't checked his phone since he left.
Sudden blush creeps on your warm cheeks, embarrassed by the dream. Why did you have to dream about that exactly? Sighing, you check the time. Great. You woke up an hour before your alarm.
Damn Jeon Jungkook. He won't even let you sleep in peace. However, this time you're more guilty than he is.
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You hadn't slept that much after that, kept tossing around in your warm bed which had become annoying and you had decided it's better to start your day. You still had a bus to catch.
The day has dragged slowly, keeping your mind mostly occupied but you'd lie if you said you hadn't checked your phone a few times, waiting for a message from a certain someone.
Not even the beautiful snow coating every surface outside has helped your soar mood. By the time you're clocking off with Yoongi by your side, ignoring his usual teasing, it's still snowing. As you're walking out of the building, your eyes are attached to the stairs in hope you won't fall on the slippery pavement.
"...we should get a raise, at least I should." Yoongi grumbles beside you, complaining about Junho's work ethic once again and doesn't forget to boost his own ego while doing so.
Simply rolling your eyes, you look at the dark sky while snowflakes fall down onto your nose. You've to hurry, you've a bus to catch and if you don't want to stand at the bus stop while the snow is getting thicker and thicker, you should move your ass. However as you look down, still walking with Yoongi you notice a car parked directly in front of you just a few meters away from you and Yoongi. Not just any car.
Jungkook's black Mercedes is hard to miss, the sleek black color catching everyone's eyes as Jungkook himself is standing and leaning against it. The hood of his jacket is draped over his head but you would recognize him anytime. It's a weird coincidence, Yoongi's car parked right beside his as you're walking to him with Yoongi by your side.
However, your co-worker seems unaware of Jungkook's presence until you're almost a meter away from him, his sharp eyes glancing at Jungkook who's already staring at you.
"Hey," You decide to say, not hiding your surprise and confusion by his presence. Jungkook just nods your way in silent greeting, your lips pressed tightly as you feel annoyed by the lack of greeting. It's just your ego acting up, you know that... yet, you wish he'd at least say hi. "What are you doing here?" you ask, stopping in front of him as you pull your coat closer to your body.
Instead of answering, Jungkook looks at Yoongi who seems to be standing next to you, watching the scene in front of him with almost an amused smirk. However, Jungkook looks nothing close to being amused and you see the slight glare he's giving Yoongi.
Yoongi decides to take the matter into his hands, chuckling underneath his breath as his monotone voice fills the awkward silence. "I'm Yoongi."
"I know who you are," Jungkook almost snaps, glancing at you as he's met with your furrowed brows. "Jungkook." he grumbles in return.
"I know who you are," Yoongi simply says in return, purposely provoking him maybe as he grins at you. Jungkook clenches his jaw, but keeps his mouth shut. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow."
All you can muster is a simple nod as you see Yoongi walking to his car from the corner of your eyes. It doesn't take long for him to drive from the parking lot, leaving the two of you completely alone as you stare at Jungkook who barely seems to look into your eyes, instead focusing his eyes elsewhere.
"Why did you come here if you're ignoring me?" Surprisingly, your voice sounds nonchalant as you stare at your best friend with a raised brow, not breaking your stoic facial expression even when he looks at you.
The truth is, it was never his plan to drive to your work. He's seen your message but wanted some time to think, mostly focused on the hurt your words caused him. It's certain you feel guilty, he knows you and saw the guilt on your face as soon as you said those words. That doesn't mean he's not hurt and should be okay with it. He was driving, thinking about your message and how guilty he felt for not replying. It's already dark, he thought, knowing you're about to take public transport. Bus or train, he's not sure. But he didn't, still doesn't, like the idea of you walking to the bus stop late and when it's dark.
Guilt eating him out, he started driving towards your work company knowing he has to put his pride aside for a moment. He cares for you. And you wanted to talk anyway. It's killing two birds with one stone.
He rolls his eyes, actually rolls his eyes at you as his tongue pokes his inner cheek, staying silent for a second. "You wanted to talk," he says simply.
"You haven't replied to my message." you point out, licking your dry lips.
"I'm here, aren't I?"
"You are," you hum, staring at your friend who seems to be interested more in falling snow rather than you. "Jungkook, why did you really come?"
He averts his eyes to you, searching your face as you notice him trying to act as neutral as he can. "I told you, you wanted to talk so I'm here."
That doesn't make much sense. He didn't have to come all the way here just to talk with you, especially when he barely even glances at you. You can feel the hurt and battle he has with himself just from standing in front of him.
"You could've just texted back." you point out, corner of your mouth twitching knowing you're provoking him at this point. You could be glad he came to you. You're the one who hurt him. And you appreciate it, yet you want him to speak openly with you rather than being silent and ignoring your presence. What's the point of that, right? 
"Is your car still not fixed?" He ignores your remark, glaring at you when he sees your lips twitch in amusement, realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. Oh, that's why he came at this time. He's worried about you going home this late, using public transport. It all makes sense and you can't find the smile off your face. Your heart warms up at the realization, even more when Jungkook is ignoring your obvious reaction.
You shake your head, confirming his thoughts as he clenches his jaw for a moment, before he says; "Hop in, I'm driving you home."
He doesn't wait for your reaction, turning around to go inside the car. You listen to him, biting your lower lip as you can't seem to shake off your smile. When you get into the car, Jungkook doesn't say anything and simply lets the music turn on. He drums his fingers against the steering wheel, the other one resting against the arm rest as he picks on his bottom lip. Apology is ready to burst out of your mouth, but you stop yourself. You want him to look at you when you're saying it, there's a small part of you worrying you'll just make it worse. Still, you've to address the problem and apologize because you're fully aware you've hurt him.
Maybe Jungkook expects you to be the first one to say something. You feel like an idiot too. He came all the way to pick you up and drive you home, yet you're the one who fucked up this time. It makes you feel even more guilty.
As Jungkook parks in front of your apartment building, he stays in the car as you let out a loud sigh staring at him. "You wanna come upstairs?"
In other situations, the two of you would laugh at how bad it sounds and someone could get the wrong impression if they heard you. You can practically hear your and Jungkook's giggle but all you're met with right now is pure silence. Instead, he unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. Sighing, you do the same thing as you walk around the car to stand in front of him.
"Jungkook, I'm sorry," you tell him, waiting for him to look at you. And he does. He looks empty, just his way of hiding him being hurt. "I know what I said was wrong. I shouldn't have done that, I know I hurt you. I also know you don't have to be reminded of what happened between you and Kiko," You try your best not to let her name sound bitter. "It was insensitive of me to throw that in your face."
"It was," he agrees, "Is this how it's going to be? Whenever there's an argument behind the corner, you'll throw that in my face?" He doesn't sound angry, a little bit bitter yes, but he also sounds curious.
"No, of course not," you sigh at yourself, "I know you care about me and it wasn't right of me to bring that up while you were worrying about me... or ever." you murmur.
He nibbles on his bottom lip, looking innocent and cute with his doe eyes.
"I don't deserve you, Kook."
"Stop," he sighs, "This is not about that."
"It is. If it helps, I've been feeling like a bitch ever since we fought."
At this, he lets out a light chuckle but it's not the same one he lets out whenever he's purely amused.
"I know you don't agree with me, Y/N," he starts saying. Something tells you you don't want to hear what he has to say simply just from the fact it'll make you uncomfortable. And it does. But the least you can do is listen to him, knowing he's right. "But I need you to respect my decision. This is why I was talking to you about her in the first place. I can't stand between you two, choosing only one of you."
You nod, biting your lip since you're not sure what to say. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
And you hug him, wrapping your arms around his frame as you inhale his scent. Meeting the soft scent of his cologne that you've missed more than you'd ever admit to him. You've never used to fight like this before. Like serious fights, not just the stupid ones that ended with the two of you cackling with one another.
"Hug me back." you whine, voice muffled by his sweatshirt as the zipper of his jacket brushes against your nose.
Jungkook's arm stays limp beside his body, not doing any movements to grant your wish. "I don't want to hug you." he murmurs childishly, causing you to slightly pull away with arms still around his frame.
You meet his eyes, your pout evident as you look at him with puppy eyes. He averts his eyes between yours as he nibbles on his bottom lip, letting out a loud sigh at the end as he pulls you closer. His arms are wrapped around you, hugging you this time too as he gently squeezes your body.
"I'm sorry."
"You already said that." he murmurs.
"I know," you murmur back, "I hate when we fight."
"I hate it too." he admits, rubbing your back slightly.
"I'm sorry I hurt you. I should've been more considerate, I said it without thinking which of course doesn't excuse my behavior."
"It doesn't," he sighs, "But I know you regret it. I just need you to be more understanding. I'm aware of your opinion about me and Kiko, in a way I understand why you don't agree with it. You want to protect me, I'd do the same thing for you. I just really need you to trust me and be more understanding. I know what I'm doing."
Sometimes, we think we know what we're doing but it ends up being an exact opposite. However, you keep your mouth shut and just let him hold you. Maybe it's how vulnerable and hurt he sounds, or it's the way he's hugging you, enveloping your body with his big one, but you blink away the tears that spill away nevertheless. Jungkook is completely oblivious to a few tears sliding down your cheeks, until he hears a soft sniffle that makes him pull away to look at you.
You look at him defeated, embarrassed that he sees you crying. "No, why are you crying?" he almost cries out, cupping your cheeks as he wipes the tears with his thumbs.
"I'm sorry." you cry out, trying to push his hands away but he holds you firmly. He's looking at you with a frown but it doesn't take a long for his expression to soften.
"Don't cry," he murmurs softly, "I hate seeing you cry."
You know that. Yet, you can't control your emotions as you sniffle again.
"Okay." you whisper, looking down at your boots as Jungkook snickers at your current appearance. You look so cute even when you're crying.
"Why crying all of a sudden?" he giggles, wiping your tears again as he adjusts your beanie.
"I don't know," you shrug, "I think my period is coming."
"Well, that explains everything." he points out, chuckling when you punch him in the stomach.
"Shut up, I really am sorry." you sniffle, hating how cold your cheeks feel like when Jungkook pulls his hands away from your face.
He's grinning at you amusingly. "I know." he says softly at the end, poking your nose in the process while he earns another punch from you.
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parappaadventure2q-a · 3 months
READ: @alex-silli-art-corner
tw: suicide, abuse
I'll start this callout by saying that most evidence has been deleted long ago. There is no way to recover most of it, but if I have found any more, I'll add them to this post later. My friendship with him/how it ended.
It started in March of 2024.
Alex had been a member of a discord server, and had a tumblr account where he answered asks as Katy Kat. (Keep this in mind, as sometimes he will be shown as Katy Kat rather than Alex) He then asked for a vent channel to be created in the discord, where he would post frequently about how he was going to kill himself. (this is important later)
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He started to DM me about him killing himself, so I started to support him. He would then message me about normal stuff, with him telling me he was suicidal every now and then. I talked with him, because every time I didn't talk to him, he would say i'm ignoring him on purpose.
Around that time, someone else in the server was banned for drawing CP of him and Alex. (both him and Alex were minors at the time.) Everyone in the server told Alex that this person was not a good influence on him, but he ignored us.
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As it turns out, he did not cut off this person, (the name that's in blue) and kept being in a relationship with them.
This would continue for a long time. Alex would tell me he would kill himself, I would try to talk him out of it, and he would be fine the next day.
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He said he had epilepsy, but those claims are unconfirmed as he has watched the Um Jammer Lammy cutscenes multiple times, which have flashing lights most of the time. If I remember correctly, he would use this to guilt us even more, with us not even being allowed to send any gifs. That would be understandable, if he didn't refuse to turn on Discord's accessibility feature that pauses gifs.
In his Katy Kat ask blog, he drew a lot of gore of Katy Kat. Some of these are deleted, but you can still find some on his account of Katy missing an eye, with bruises and bandages on her. I am not okay with gore, but I kept talking to him because he was suicidal.
All of my friends cut him off though, except for a stray few who I assume didn't know what he did.
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When I cut him off:
About a month ago if I can remember, one of my friends showed me screenshots of Alex saying that one of his suicide attempts was a lie. He had apparently made a joke about him killing himself, and the two people there were telling him it wasn't funny and to not say that. This screenshot was taken a while back, and I didn't see the convo back then. Seeing this, I decided to cut off Alex entirely, because I couldn't trust if what anything he said was true. On top of that, I looked back at everything he'd done, and decided that I wasn't going to talk to him, ever again. He kept trying to contact me.
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I noticed how guilt trippy all of his messages were. In fact, most of the time, he was guilt tripping all of us.
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This is his last tumblr message to me before I blocked him.
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He kept trying to contact me on other websites, such as Reddit.
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I had sent him a message telling him he was in the wrong, and that we would never be friends again. This message was deleted, as he threatened to share it with one of my closest friends.
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As for the IP address thing, I had posted this meme to Reddit and Tumblr using a fake copypasta that was a lot of information. It's a meme about leaking someones info, but all of this isn't real. It's taken from a copypasta website. In fact, it's this one.
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Alex interpreted this as me posting his IP address publically, something I would never do, (yet as you read, it's something he would do to someone else.)
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I did not, and will not post someone's IP address publicly. Yet he thought I posted his, even though it isn't hard to look at your own address, and compare it to this meme.
What caused me to make this post.
This happened just today. I was sent an ask clearly written by Alex containing my personal information to me.
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Alex. If you're reading this, which I know you are. This wasn't okay. You're putting my life in danger. You're putting other's lives in danger. You're putting my family's life in danger. Why would I want to be friends with a guilt tripper?
Why would I want to be friends with someone who leaks other's information?
Why would I want to be friends with someone who draws gore of my favorite characters?
Why would I want to be friends with a liar?
None of this is okay. You were, and still are, the worst thing that's happened to me.
You don't deserve happiness.
I ask anyone who's been affected by him, to please speak up. Don't sit there in silence like you have all this time. I know he's done awful things to you. Please, if you can, tell me what he's done to you. Nobody should have to go through what he's put me through, and I'm sure that he's done something similar to you.
Sorry for being a bit rude to him in this post, but I don't care.
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bi4bitwiyor · 1 year
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Has this meme been done yet with these two or
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dreamwatch · 2 months
Computer Love
Written for @corrodedcoffinfest
Day #22 - Prompt: Alternate Universe | Word Count: 995 | Rating: T | CW: None | POV: Steve | Pairing: pre-Steddie| Tags: IT Crowd AU, banter, my attempt at humour,
Ok, I wasn't going to write for today, but I was sitting on a work call and it made me think of the IT Crowd and that made me think of our beloved idiots. And honestly, I've been writing so much angst I thought I should try and redress the balance!
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Steve wasn’t exactly over the moon about working for his dad, but one failed retail job after another and a few unpaid bills is all it took to have him crawling back to Harrington Senior. He didn’t want to be an office gopher, or work in the mail room, not at his age, but he’d suck it up.
Head of IT. His dad was making him Head of IT.
So far he’s told two friends. Robin, who stared at him like he had two heads before saying “Is he joking? Is it— is it like an April Fools thing?” And Dustin who was even less polite:
“What the fuck do you know about information technology?”
“Is that what it stands for?”
“Jesus Christ, Steve.”
He heads to the bank of elevators looking for his department. Harrington Industries is spread over twenty floors. He wonders if he’ll get a corner office. God the views… 
Steve runs his fingers down the list until he finds IT. Basement. No view then. Shit.
He exits the elevator into a dingy hallway, discarded PCs and printers stacked everywhere, and trips over a cable almost immediately.
Finally he finds his department. And… well…
Yeah. It’s all making sense now.
It looks like a frat house. There are two guys on a ratty couch playing video games, and another two at desks; one mop top making cat memes, and an admittedly cute guy with long hair with his feet up on his desk. There are phones ringing and no one seems bothered by them, until eventually Long Hair lets out an exasperated sigh and picks up.
“IT Support, have you tried turning it off and on again? Uh huh. Yeah it’s the button on the front of the… yup, big grey button… can’t miss it… you know what, let me send someone up. What’s your floor? Uh huh, and name? Melanie. Melanie in Marketing. Well, I’m going to be sending my best guy up—“
And, finally someone has noticed he’s there.
“Uh, he’s on his way, bye.” Long Hair drops the phone. “Guys, we have company.”
“Hi, I’m Steve,” he says, smiling at the four faces now firmly fixed on him. “I’m your new boss.”
“Not for long,” snarks one of the guys on the couch.
“Matty, be nice!” says Long Hair, and god he has beautiful eyes. Shit, fuck, no, don’t go there. “I’m Eddie, that’s Matt, who is just about to head up to Melanie on four—“
“Oh for fu—“
“—That’s Jeff sitting next to him,” Jeff raises a hand, “and this is Gareth.” Gareth just scowls at him.
Steve finally gets a good look at them all. Ratty band shirts and sneakers, ripped jeans, totally unprofessional, they look like they’re in a band not an office. He’s going to be making some serious changes around here.
“Well it’s good to meet you all,” he says and finally catches sight of a small office. He points at it, “Take it this is mine.”
“Sure is,” says Eddie. “We didn’t know exactly when you were coming so you’re not set up yet, but Jeff will get that done this afternoon for you.”
“Why this afternoon?”
Jeff stares at him like he has two heads. “It’s Minecraft Monday.”
“Yeah, I have no idea what that is.”
Eddie laughs. “It’s fine, I’ll come in a few minutes get you hooked up. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable. Boss.” 
His office is small and cluttered with more junk, and definitely no window. God, this sucks. 
There’s a knock at the door and he turns to find Eddie leaning against the door frame, arms crossed against his chest. 
“How d’ya like the place?”
Steve runs his hand through his hair, pushing it back off his face.
“Uh, yeah, it’s, you know…”
“A shit hole?”
“Yeah, a shit hole.”
“I take it Donny didn’t exactly fill you in on the details.”
Steve drops into the torn office chair. “Not really,” he sighs. “He has a habit of that.”
Eddie straightens up. “You’ve worked with him before?”
He laughs. “Better than that. He’s my dad.”
“Oh shit.”
Gareth barges in. “Wait, Donny the Dick is your Dad?”
“Donny the— hey, that’s—he’s the guy that pays your salary, a little respect.”
“Pretty sure that’s Karen in finance.”
“What…? You know, never mind. Point is, this department is a mess and there’s going to be some changes around here. Starting with the way you answer the phones, you can’t just tell people to turn the computers on and off—“
“—off and on,” Jeff cuts in.
“Whatever, you can’t do it. You need to ask what’s wrong.”
Eddie laughs. “I mean, we could, but the answer would still be to turn your PC off and on again so…”
Jeff and Gareth nod along like those stupid plastic toys. God, is it too late to go back to Family Video?
“Well, that’s as maybe, but for now you’re… ah, dismissed.”
He doesn’t miss Eddie’s amused smirk, as he gestures for his troops to leave. But then he’s perching himself on the edge of the desk, leaning into Steve’s space, those big brown eyes pinning him in his seat.
“So, just between us, you don’t actually know anything about IT, do you?”
“I mean… I know… uh, like mice, you know and uh… oh!” Steve snaps his fingers and points, triumphantly. “HTNL!”
Eddie’s biting his lip, god he has beautiful lips. “It’s HTML, but you were close. Do you do a lot of coding, Steve?”
He flops back in the chair, defeated. “Up until last week I was working in Family Video.”
“In their IT department?”
“No, in their ‘this is due back in two days department.’” He groans. “What the fuck am I going to do?”
Eddie laughs. “Don’t sweat it, you’ve got a lot more going for you than the last guy.”
“I have?”
“Oh yeah. At least you’re pretty,” he says with a wink.
Yeah, Steve’s totally screwed.
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samscartoonsofficial · 2 months
Major art Dump incoming
all the MW ocs I have so far plus concept art of future ones in development.
I just want to have all my fav art pieces together in one post to track my progress :]
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So of course we got the main trio themselves :]. My pride and joy. The amigos :]
Cephany and Tungston were the very FIRST fellas me and my partner came up with.
CopyKat came later to join the group after basing them on @havockingboo 's mimic species.
The idea just stuck after realizing they are the silliest cat alien in the galaxy. Their character is literally every cat meme rolled into one.
And I love them MWAH!! 🐈
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The villains!!!
Already planning on writing a comic for the trio. So if they would have any major villains it's THESE GUYS!
Brutus and Deoxy were developed by both me and my partner after we realized that if they're gonna fight bad guys. They should have some bad guys!
Took a while to make them and figure out what exact aliens we wanted for these guys!
But orugh the final result for them so far has been good :]
Deoxy still has a long way to go.
But Brutus is perfect.
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Tagging @sammysamps 's once again because these are 4 out of theeeee...*counts fingers* 6 ocs I have based on their vampoctarion and Tremoctarion species!
The first two goobers are Oc x canon fanchildren.
The blue rocker lady is Joan
And the peachy Tremoctarion is my little princess Evangeline ✨
Me and my good friend @houseofdoodles love her and a certain crab pirate loves her too teehee :]
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Okay let's see who elllllse 🤔
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this was made by the help of another friend of mine
@coprolite-moment during a stream/magma doodle sesh! Its a Sona originally made for helluva boss. They really helped me develope and figure out this ladies color pallet/design which STILL amazes me btw HOLY shit 😭
But ALSO you should check out their dead eye comic hehehehe it's reeeeally goooooood :] *wiggles it around like I'm wiggling car keys*
Okay...who else? Uhhhhhhh
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I have ONE unicorn fella I still gotta finish..aaaaaand...*counts all these rabbits*
THESE GUYS! again, another species inspired by havoc :] /theyre multiplying send help/
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Cutler, Hartman, and...dog guy *squint*
I think I called him Richard but he's a fella I'm either gonna keep or scrap for later. Not sure yet
Same for Cutler!
But Hartman *kisses his head* I need to redesign you baby boy :]
Uhm I THINK that's it so far but honestly I know there's more! Might come back and edit the thread even more with updates!
But I got a pretty good chunk done.
I'll probably make a part 2 explaining concept for some NEW guys I've been thinking of all well.
Buuuuut thats it for now :]
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