#has acidental game
summonthebats · 3 months
Consider the Eraserdust crack AU potential
Pretty sure at least half of the plot would be negated by Eraserhead checking Shigaraki for a head injury in front of Dabi and Toga.
Aizawa would default to gruff but careful first aid provision, he’s checking eyes asking concussion questions in a soothing voice. Shigaraki is having a frozen fanboy panic and his evil found siblings are Judging Him. Only not too hard because it you absolutely must have a crush on a Pro Hero then Eraserhead is the least bad option.
And once they have escaped the Roasting begins.
The entire Vanguard knows now. All for One knows know. Dabi and Toga are diverting from tasks to flirt with Eraserhead because wE haVE GamE and thIs iS hOw yoU FliRT while Spinner resists mightily. All for One is rethinking his heir choices. Kurogiri is a dirty rotten enabler with a (seemingly) inexplicable meme making ability. Twice is so confused, has been stabbed three times and now has Aizawa’s phone number for emergency Quirk Counseling consultations.  
(Twice had no idea what is going on but he is a Good Brain Troubles Dad and he is deploying all resources to help his Good Villian Kids. Toga is taking the brunt of this and is enjoying a massive leap in logical planning. She is using this to call bullshit)
Now completely useless for 60% of All for Ones plots they are effectively benched and are entertaining themselves by hunting Endeavor for sport. At some point Dabi will get outted and his non crime siblings will have Opinions.
All for One gathers his other minions come to do it himself.
Nezu, Snipe and Eraserhead make this a bad life choice for him in particular.
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beastsovrevelation · 11 months
Tagged by @islemeadow . Thank you so much! ❤
Last song: Sparta by Sabaton
Fav colour: Hard to say. When it comes to clothes, black of course. But, in general, black, dark reds, dark greens, golden, silver, white, grey, some shades of pink, purple and blue... I appreciate then all for different reasons, in various contexts.
Currently watching: At the moment? A video about Biblical monsters. For the record, yes, the random comment in Greek letters is mine. As for shows, I'm in the "wondering what to watch" situation right now.
Last movie: The Nun II, I think. I've re-watched it a lot lately.
Currently reading: The Iliad. And, St. Augustine's Confessions. Both for uni. I had also picked up Livy's Punic Wars, but set it aside for now.
Current obsession: The Antichrist, demons, and Biblical Mythology in general (especially everything to do with Eschatology). Yeah, that's... Not a soothing hobby in the current times. AHS: Apocalypse, which I recently, finally, watched for the previous reasons. And, Warrior Nun. Archangel Michael x The Antichrist ship dynamic. In my original work, and fanfictions. Michael is usually male, and the Antichrist is female, but I've developed a couple of ideas where it's the reverse.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Savoury, and spicy.
Current game: I've never gotten into gaming. Does Gardenscapes count?..
Relationship status: Single
Last google: Something about 3rd declension latin nouns.
Currently working on: Fanfiction-wise? I have a few WIPs, too many for my own good. Sanguis Tenebrarum and Age of Angels are my only WIPs currently published (and I am picking at Ch3 of Sanguis). But, I've been also working on my Warrior Nun Biblical AU. And, my AHS ideas. One, is the Millory arranged marriage thing. The other, is Michael Langdon x OC. Her name is also Michael. You know, the Archangel. You guessed that by now, didn't you?.. They are supposed to marry in the end, if only for the punchline.
Tagging: @horror-blog-78 , @nocakesformissedith , @tisdae , @warriorgay07 , @onceuponaweirdo . No pressure, only if you want to!
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ivys-garden · 8 months
Alright let's go season 10 predictions.
There will be at least one new Hermit, Probably Skizz, But I also think it's highly likely Joel and Lizzie also join - really hoping for this, Skizz is great, Joel is an amazing builder and has fun interactions with the others (expect his episode one to be dominated by Boat Boys and Neck Kissing Jokes) and Lizzie is also great at Building and would be another edition to the Hermit Girls Murder Group (before any of yall say Stress and Lizzie aren't murderes - they are.)
Soup Group won't base ontop of each other, but they will be relatively close and will commit shenanigans together. Someone else will also base near them and join the shenanigans- maybe Cleo, Stress or False, Mabye Scar if he isn't with buttercups, maybe Lizzie if she's added.
If Skizz is added he doesn't make his own base and instead joins another Hermit and lives in there's, helping with building, Probably Impulse or Tango.
Buttercups will base superclose to each other, its tradition at this point.
Doc will continue to break the game in increasing absurd ways.
If there are new Hermits, Joe sings a little song to welcome them - and then The Hermit Girls Murder Group welcomes them with murder.
Gem keeps the head collecting going - especially if there's new Hermits
Tango (and probably some others) will start the season late. They bloody deserve it.
Someone acidentally breaks the game in the first 5 episodes.
A war starts within the first 25 episodes.
A Spawn area will be on an island.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 21 days
okay, last question but only because my friend is f**aking bugging me about it since they discovered this ask and questions with the Wukongs (they don't have the courage to ask themself)
What If Y/N (any gender) had Six past (you know, from the game Little Nightmares) and acidentally let's It spills once like It was the most normal thing.
How would the Wukongs react now knowing everything that theyr lover has been throu probably when they were not even a teenager yet?
Oh tell your friend that they got nothing to worry about and that I do not judge🙂
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(Lmk Wukong) Wow ok that is alot for him honestly, but he doesn't Judge you on it. That is a terrible thing to Experience and go through. Like seriously how did you retain your sanity Because he sure is hell wouldn't. Wukong would never push you to tell him more, do take it easy with this info and take all the time you need. He loves you and will support you all the way.
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(NR Wukong) Whooaaaa he's heard his fair share of dark stories, but that's the most F*cked up thing he ever heard. He feels this is kinda special that you shared this with him, because this sounds personal even for him. Wukong would never judge you on the things you did to survive and he would do whatever it takes to support you.
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(HIB Wukong) He hates this kind of thing, The idea of children suffering makes his blood boil. Unfortunately your one of those children! No wonder you took so long to talk about it with him, He feels nothing but grief for the experiences,You went through and offered nothing but a listening ear and support. Now that your together He will do everything in his power to make sure you never feel the way you did ever again.
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(MKR Wukong) With this info he becomes more protective of you than ever and I didn't even think that's possible. Now knowing that you had to deal with the kidnapping, the Isolation, the hunger pains and starvation. It makes his time under that mountain seem like a paradise. He's mostly glad that you decided to share this with him as you trust and love him enough to do it freely.
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(Netflix Wukong) He cried, I kid you not he cried😥 he suffered alot in his life, and to know you were suffering too. He wishes he met you soon so you can get support from him and support each other against the cruel world. He Despises your tormentors and wants Retribution for everything they dare to put you through. But right now he wants to focus on you and giving you the comfort you didn't have as a child.
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maria-ruta · 6 months
22. and 49. for all three! :D
I just DID NOT have time to sit and properly answer this, bc its such a big question for many characters! but today my classes are dismissed due to the storm so HERE WE GO
Ronya, Blueberry and Veronica!
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Ronya - I'd say it was magic. Not like most people can do it but lot of people in fantasy setting can though. But throughout the game she had to put up with a lot of magical stuff and got involved too so she got used to... But something more mundane? I'd say getting to dentist or getting teeth removed or see others getting teeth removed or seeing removed teeth - puts her in big unease. That's because after Nabassu demon killed eveyone in her village, it was bringing her ripped out goblin teeth as a gift for some time, when she was sleeping. I think she still has trigger for that kind of thing
Blueberry - some kind of serious fancy dinners/tea parties where you have to be all polite, good manners etc make his stomach curl and sweat nervously. He remembers all kind of fancy danning he had to attend when he still was part of lumeris society and how many times he failed them missarably or just sat there silently, prettending he's not there. He is also bad at negotiating (even though now he has to do it sometimes)
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Veronica - I have troubles thinking of something specific - it is a complex and interesting question... but its hard for me to think of anything
okay lets say - sunbathing ahahaha lol. but thats what HUMANS can easily do
I'm trying to think of something that would be simple activity for most vampires but not for Veronica and hm... She has tabo on drinking blood from kids and teens, but not because she's scared of them of course. But because she is scared to hurt them. She strictly feeds only on adults. Acidentally drinking kid's blood can put her in frenzy state
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
Ronya - No. hahaha
she would be like "urgh. I'm not eating that"
BUT if she specifically want to try to be polite
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and she will not elaborate. X) (feat. bard Mao, character of my friend Kate, who knew the etiquette very well and was good at negotiations and such)
Blueberry - yeah he would, but he would look soooo missarable while doing so hahaha
like a pathetic kicked puppy
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and if its some kind of fancy dinner too - oh well rip (look up the question and answer above lol)
Veronica - OHOHOHOO now thats an interesting topic to discuss! Overall - yes, Veronica is the type that would do that (also she's a people pleaser)
BUT! she is a vampire, and she doesn't have merit for eating food, like some of her vamp friends, like Charlie or Johny. So if she eats human food she will puke almost instantly (or would have to spend her blood energy to bear it). So she would avoid eating human food at any cost (she has so many made up excuses, from lying she has allergy or diet or recently visiting a dentist etc). BUT she doesn't find human food desgusting.. she still likes how it looks and smells - she just knows that its poisonos for her bc shes a vamp.
Though the question is specificall about eating something, that character finds disgusting - what could it be? In Veronica's case we are talking about blood. It's not a secret that packaged blood taste worse than FRESHHH one, but Veronica is used to drinking it from time to time, so she doesn't find it gross
What would she find gross and digusting though? The animal blood of course! She had to drink it few times I think, during her anarch phase, when she was traveling around usa - not only it tastes horrible, but she always felt bad for the animals too (to get at least one point of blood energy, vampire has to drink the whole animal's blood, obviously killing it)
So let's say Rene gave Veronica a mission to visit some other city and negotiate with some nosferatu from this city (Rene is the nosferatu with yellow crocodile eyes and crocodile scales, also he is the head of Veronica's coterie and in future he will become the prince of New Orleans, and Veronica's elysium is patronized by him too btw. He bought the building for it, and Veronica was renovating and furnituring it herself. I drew Rene here, here and here. He is also a character of my friend Kate haha)
And so Veronica comes to visit those nosferatus, and they offer her the best and most fresh rat blood they have (it's hard for nosferatu to hunt humans since they don't look too humane, and drinking animal blood is regular to most of them, since they also don't have as much problems with drinking it as other types of vampires).
This offer is also kind of a test to see how serious are Veronica's intention and aslo is a little bit of trolling bc it's fun to see if cute pretty toreador girl would do in such situation
But of course Veronica would accept the offer and drink it and even big chance that she would be able to hold a straight face during it (she isn't too worryied about it being poisonned or with something else bad added there because only an idiot would want to anger Rene tbh)
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Veronica: mmm! such an interesting flavor too!
Nosferatu: of course! ^_^ we got those specimens just recently, from kindred who breeds them with a big blood lump growing on them! :D
Veronica: oh! how smart! very convinient "screaming inside her head"
Thank you for such great questions! here is a link to the whole questions list, in case anyone wanna ask more
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
I really hate the way the show adapted Aegon, and everytime that I think about it my blood boils. Alicent, Rhaenyra, Viserys, hell even Otto is more whitewashed in the show, but Aegon got the worst treatment. I personally LOVE show!Aemond but I absolutely don't like him in the books (most of the greens defeats were his fault), and he was the best adapted from the books (especially his love for Helaena, and this is gonna conquer people's hearts next season, clone number 2's death being acidental, his guilt from his nephew death in Blood and Cheese, his persual for vengeance next season for Daemon for hurting the woman he loves 😭).
But Aegon? What the hell Sara Hess was thinking? Ryan Condal loves Aemond (actually he whole production seems to really love the character), and I saw him talking about Aegon, and he says that he likes the character too, but WFT he let them ruined him like that? Why waste Tom Glynn Carney talents like that? The way he talks about the character and even was worried about that *ape scene. I know Rhaenyra is to HBO an "apology" for Dany, what I find hilarious since in the book is very clear that she never was a good person ☠️
A good script and TGC's talent, and his love for Sunfyre and his family, Aegon would be a absolute favorite, but NAH let's turn the Dance of Dragons (a story about how Targaryen exceptionalism *ucked them up), about sexism. I hate Hollywood.
What I'm finding out through deep dive and asking questions seems to be that nobody took "House of the Dragon" seriously when making it. Everyone believed that it was going to fail and that there wasn't an audience left for it after Season 8 of "Game of Thrones"
Sapochnik did not want to come back to the ASoIaF Universe - which he hated - and made a caviot that he (and his wife) would be able to have creative control over the story which HBO granted despite GRRM's Protests.
There's a very - VERY - Good video done by Razorfist that really puts context what I'm about to postulate.
Essentially, after the cascading failure of Season 8 of "Game of Thrones", to get HOTD green lit they went all in on the ESG corporate structure and luxury politics in order to shield the show and get the money necessary to make HOTD in the first place.
So what you have is hiring an actress to play Rhaenyra whose very mid and couldn't hack it for years in the industry ... but she has "They/Them" as pronouns which will up their ESG score. They took GRRM and Condal's scripts and changed them on the fly to make it about "The evils of Patriarchy" and how powerful men keep women down, which is absolutely not what the "Dance of the Dragons" was about, but it will up their score for ESG money. They basically told the cast not to read nor heed the source material and that Sapochnik and his wife were the arbiters of the story they wanted to tell, which had nothing to do with GRRM's story and everything to do with both Sapochnik and his wife's ambitions.
Warner and HBO were hemorrhaging money - were in 50 Billion Dollars in debt - and so "House of the Dragon" was supposed to be their ticket to ESG seed money to keep the company afloat. And part of that was saying and doing all the things absolutely necessary to get the recognition for the "Woke" points that would allow them to get access to that corporate hedge money to continue on.
Any writer worth their salt or in their right mind would tell Sara Hess "Absolutely not" when she proposed all the dumb shit she did. But, because, Sara Hess is part of the LGBT community and because she shares the luxury political beliefs of the corporation and Sapochnik's wife, she got to do what she wanted.
If you watch the behind the scene stuff - notice how they talk about how much of 1x09 was rewritten very close to shooting. The Massacre at the Dragon Pit during the Coronation and Aegon being a rapist was literally changes done at the last minute by Hess, and what I've gathered from Glynn-Carney interviews and the Director that stuff was not in the original script for 1x09 and that Hess basically changed the entire course of the story, because, she wanted to put her ideological bent on the show.
It is an arrogance coming from both the belief that no one cared about ASoIaF anymore and that she and Sapochnik were in charge of the show - Condal and GRRM were basically the nerds in the corner doing their homework for them. They drew the images for Sapochnik and Hess's coloring books. That way Sapochnik and Hess can show HBO "Their art work" to put up on the ESG fridge even though all they did was color in the lines with Rainbow flags.
Make no mistake the people in charge of Season 1's production did not give a shit about the story nor the characters, they cared about getting their own messages across and hedge fund money. It is a testament to Condal's scripts and the professionalism to actors like Ewan Mitchell and Tom Glynn-Carney, that cared about these characters when no else did. Even with the shocking irreverence shown the source material. Season 1 still shined through based on the dedication of professionals both from the crew and certain key actors.
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miakasan · 2 years
Postagem aleatória – Capa
☆ Português / English / Español
Pt :
– Eai! Já faz um tempinho... E estou pensando em desenhar na capa do meu caderno neste ano. Já fiz isso ano passado e retrasado, agora quero fazer o mesmo de novo.
Comecei com uma ideia da sua versão final. Será que continuo? –
En :
– Hey there! It's been a week since the last post. Currently, I'm thinking of doing some drawings for the cover of my notebook this year. Last year and the year before, I ended up doing the same thing. So why not do it again?
I started with a simple idea of the final version. Should I continue? –
Es :
– ¡Hola! Ha pasado una semana desde el último post. Actualmente, estoy pensando en hacer algunos dibujos en la portada de mi cuaderno este año. El año pasado y el anterior acabé haciendo lo mismo. Así que ¿por qué no hacerlo de nuevo?
Empecé con una simple idea de la versión final. ¿Continúo? –
★ Ano retrasado / Year before last / El año pasado
Tema / Theme : Undertale (Au)
Data de crianção / Creation date / Fecha de creación : 2021 (Não sei o mês e o dia ao certo / I don't know the month and day for sure / No sé el mes y el día con seguridad )
Obs / Nota : É um personagem específico de uma AU... Futuramente entrarei com detalhes / It's a specific character from an AU... I'll talk in details in the future / Es un personaje específico de un AU... Hablaré en detalles en el futuro.
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★ Ano passado / Last year / El año pasado
Tema / Theme : Among Us
Data de criação / Creation date / Fecha de creación (lineart) : 09/03/22 / En version : 03/09/22
Obs / Nota : Aconteceu um pequeno acidente com os meus irmãos :') / A little accident happened with my brothers :') / Un pequeño accidente ocurrió con mis hermanos :')
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★ Este ano / This year / Este año (2023)
Tema / Theme : Jogos Indie / Indie Games / Juegos Indie
Data de finalização / Finish date / Fecha de finalización : ??/??/23..?
Obs / Nota : Está sujeito a mudanças / Subject to change / Sujeto a cambios.
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Pt :
– E então, essa foi a postagem deste dia!
Estou planejando em realizar as publicações uma vez por semana
Portanto, vejo vocês na segunda-feira seguinte, até! ;3 –
En :
– So, that was the post of the day!
I'm trying to make my posts once a week.
See you guys on Monday, see you then! ;3 –
Es :
– ¡Hasta aquí el post del día!
Estoy intentando hacer mis posts una vez a la semana.
Nos vemos el lunes, ¡Adiós! ;3 –
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anemoia-anomaly · 3 days
Ocs masterpost!
Hello! I will be putting my main ocs and some of their traits here, principally their basic ones (so the fun part is preserved!)
I will be updating this while i finish their references. (3/8)
Please reminder! All of my ocs have a sibling relationship with eachother, even if they are not biological ones. Do not ship them i ask you.
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Firstly Esquina, the funny cat that opens in the middle part. Likes to be realistic, but sometimes acidentally turns out to be a pessimist. Usually reads random magazines for fun, but also reads them for Rota in this one's sleeping time. Cannot dream. Dislikes thinking about things too much "it is what it is".
By the way, Esquina does have a mouth. I just dont draw it normally for design reasons.
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Here is Manchester Fuligem (or simply Manchester, i couldnt decide between the two names so i just used them both). Likes melted cheese, to play old board games with their instructions still in them (so they can be learnt!) and to stare at the roof thinking about absolutely nothing. Still has a mouth, throat and etc, its just covered by skin. Analyzes situations very carefully to act in the best way, but often falls in inaction due to deep thought and finds it extremely hard to make decisions. Very creative.
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marshmallow--shark · 2 years
Ah whoops, I got distracted on losing my evil snake wife to report back on my thoughts on the other game I'm playing. Well, I ended up finishing two of them, Koujaku's yesterday and Mink tonight.
So for thoughts on Koujaku, damn his route was a goddamn roller coaster and it was great. It's all about trust, betrayal and doubt and that was wonderful. And that near noncon scene, absolutely brilliant. I only wish it went all the way.. Although I will say, his bad end might be the weakest so far. At least to me, it wasn't my thing I suppose.. I was rather hoping for yandere Koujaku acidentally killing Aoba or something of the sort.. Oh and Ryuuhou is fun, kind of wish he had a bad end.
Now Mink, heh.. I was wondering how it would go since I think everyone hates him and haah.. I really really liked it. I think his route has the most sex scenes so far and they're all noncon with one dubcon because of drugs so that was great! It gave me massive Boyfriend to Death vibes especially with the eventual stockholm syndrome angle and I loved it. Fun yandere Mink bad end too. I love the whole yandere killing their love and taking their head trope~
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princelydelinquents · 2 years
So first up weve got Inky the local wild child wo gets a villan arc on their birthday :3 Splatoon oc who lives with marie after losing their job and helps marie save callie every other wensday they hang out together and ends up accidently calling captain cuttlefish gramps it quite litteraly stuck to their vocabulary do to memory issues and not knowing captain cuttlefishs name they interact witg lores ocs a lot I love thair interactions its so silly their mentor left them as well wich is who they got their skills from
Then we have foxglow who is a ghost who after dying makes a contract with the triforce goddess of wisdom (mostky to prevent destruction madoka magica kinda thing) to help future heros in their quest faeore gives Fg a bigger magic meter and Din gives fg stronger magic og supposed to help mask boi ended up getting their own plot lmao same thing with their other fren Another link oc wo looks like queen zelda
Maria takes place waaaay after botw link Oc they are fgs bud when they are defeated by fg but their own plot line their zelda was killed by gannons minions and he was a doll until Maria found him and freed him from his porcalin cage the effects of the doll are still visible he is the holder of the triforce of wisdo his power is destructive balls of light Then we meet our triforce of power holder the princess of twilight Madni she controls the cogs of time and gifts Maria the Orb of twilight which allows maria to go through portals of time and achieve their goal and get the master sword by the deku tree Maria and madni date each other :3 prince Zelda goes by he/they Madni goes by she/they and maria goes by she/they maria dies a regretful death stuck in time and becomes fgs partner in crime for a bit before Fg defeats them both Maria is tied to the orb of twilight wich Fg holds Maria was og supposed to be a dark link then developed plot
Mari madias gaurdian A vibrant young child who suprisinly doesnt have any virusus on their laptop obsesed with loz and other stuff their room covered in pillows and blankets they have a master sword replica which they use in sburb they sneak by past their guardian
Madia maris guardian og not supposed to have plot a child who loves crowns and games and faygo it quite litterly covers every inch of their room they live in a nice house which is three floors? Third floor has tables of their favorite flower second floor is their bedroom covered in faygo and other stuff first floor includes the kiction where their guardian 1 (Mari) mostly stays cooking up pastrys as well as a bathroom and the guardians bedroom where they sleep 1rst floor is their parents floor they despise pastrys cause they have it too often and use a bat in sburb they have many hobbies and consoles
Then theirs number 8 a tbhk oc who has memory issues and vaugly remembers their old freind and haunt their domain for their safety before acidentally coming across moni loredumps oc and moni and NE go on silly adventures together
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andvys · 3 years
Anything you want
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Warnings: smut! 18+
Pairing: Finnick Odair x female reader
Request:  finnick smut shower sex /  so i’m thinking they’re getting ready for the morning, and he’s supposed to leave to go somewhere bc he has plans buuuut she keeps teasing him and “acidentally” rubbing against him. she then leaves him standing there flustered in the bedroom. then he decides to drop his plans bc he can’t resist her and he joins her in the shower almost breaking the door bc of how hard he pulls it open and stuff gets steamy ;) 
Soft kisses on your back pull you out from a peaceful sleep, strong hands gripping your waist tightly. Smiling to yourself, you open your eyes. 
“Good morning.” You mumble. 
“Good morning my beautiful girl.” Finnick whispers as he presses kisses up to your neck until he finally faces you. Brushing your hair away from your face, he kisses your cheek softly, smiling at you as he lays back, pulling you on top of him. 
You smile at each other as you lean in for a kiss. 
“How did you sleep?” 
“Good.” You whisper with a blush on your face as memories from the previous night catch up to you “you?”
“The prettiest girl sleeps in my arms every night so amazing.” He says, grinning at you. 
You roll your eyes but smile at him nonetheless as you pull him in for a kiss. 
What starts off with a slow and sweet kiss, quickly turns into a heated make out session as you end up straddling him. 
His hands are in your hair, tugging on it as you grind yourself against him. Your action makes him moan into the kiss. Smirking against his lips, you move your hand down his toned stomach but before you can touch him any further he grips your hand tightly, stopping you. 
Furrowing your brows, you open your eyes as you pull away from him with a confused look on your face.
“Honey, I would love nothing more than to fuck you right now but I have a meeting with Haymitch.” He says, a frustrated look resting on his face.
Your pout makes him chuckle though. 
“Wow, can’t believe you choose Haymitch over me.” You tease him as you push yourself away from him, getting off the bed. 
He laughs at your words, shaking his head. He tries to grab your hand and pull you back on the bed but you take a step back. Smirking at him as you walk backwards towards the bathroom “no touching for you until you come back.” 
His lips part in surprise, a smirk tugging on his lips as he gets up as well, he knows you can’t resist his touches. 
“You sure about that, sweetheart?” He mumbles as he stalks towards you slowly. 
You nod, not even giving him a second glance as you turn around, walking into the bathroom, you turn on the lights before turning on the water in the shower to heat up. 
Just as you grab your toothbrush, Finnick comes up behind you, grabbing your waist, he pulls you against him as he begins to pepper kisses on your neck, causing you to giggle.
“As if you could ever resist me.” He rasps against your neck. 
You sigh at the feeling of his lips on your neck, the feeling of his hands on your waist, gripping you so tightly as you feel his growing bulge against your backside. 
But just as you think he’s going to give in and take some extra time for you and himself this morning, he pulls away, slapping your butt as he winks at you through the mirror.
Stepping away from you, he grabs his own toothbrush. Smirking to himself as he notices the frustrated look on your face, he begins to brush his teeth, looking at you with innocent eyes as if he didn't just tease you, leaving you all hot and bothered.
You raise your eyebrows at him, smirking to yourself; two can play that game.
You keep staring at each other as you both brush your teeth. You can feel the tension in the room especially as he eyes your half naked body. Clad in only his shirt and a pair of underwear.
“True but you can’t resist me either.” You whisper, kissing his cheek after brushing your teeth. “I'm gonna take a shower now.” You smile as you give him one last look “have fun with Haymitch, Love.” You smirk, squeezing past him, you look at him through the mirror. Noticing the frustrated look on his face as you accidentally rub yourself against him. 
He almost drops his toothbrush at your action. You drive him insane, god, the things you do to him. 
He truly can’t resist you. 
You smirk to yourself as you take off your clothes, feeling his eyes on you the whole time but you don’t look back once instead you step into the shower under the now warm water. 
Despite the arousal pooling in your stomach, you find yourself relaxing as the water hits your skin. Closing your eyes, you stand there for a moment, just enjoying the warmth. 
Suddenly you get startled, as the shower door is being ripped open, smashing against the wall, you’re surprised the glass doesn't shatter at the impact. 
Your eyes widen in surprise at Finnick’s action. His pupils are dilated, the look on his face slightly angry as he steps under the water with you. 
“I thought you had a meet-” You start but your words get stuck in your throat as your eyes meet his hungry ones. You blush under his gaze, squeezing your thighs together, you feel yourself getting more aroused as he grabs your throat. 
“You just had to tease me.” He mumbles before slamming his lips against yours, not giving you the chance to respond to him. 
He pushes you against the wall behind you. His lips move hungrily against yours and you can’t help but moan as he applies pressure to your throat. 
Finnick never got rough with you, he never hurt you or was aggressive in any way. He was always sweet, soft and caring with you and you love that about him but this side of him was definitely very intriguing.
Your tongue meets his as the kiss grows more passionate. With your arms wrapped around his neck and your body flush against his, you stay there for a moment, under the hot water, in each other’s embrace as the kiss grows rougher by every passing second. 
His hand moves down your stomach, his touch is teasing, slow.. Just as you think he’s finally going to touch you where you need him the most, his hand comes to rest on your butt, squeezing roughly. 
You moan into the kiss, despite being annoyed at his teasing. Smirking, you bite down on his lip causing him to pull away from you. You almost expect him to have an angry look on his face but instead his pupils dilate, a smirk tugging at his lips.
You think you can control him, be the one in charge but you’re wrong, so wrong.
His hand around your throat tightens as he pulls you against him, your lips brush his but instead of kissing you he whispers against your lips “if you’re going to act like a little brat then I'm going to treat you like a little brat.” he rasps as his eyes move between your eyes and your lips, smirking at the gasp that leaves your pretty lips.
He knows how aroused you are already, without having to touch you, he knows you’re soaking wet already and not from the water that is falling down on the both of you. 
You’re crazy for him just as he is crazy for you. He squeezes your throat, gently, making sure that you’re still able to breathe. The moan he get’s in response causes him to chuckle, you love this side of him.
“Cat got your tongue?” 
You gulp. Your eyes are wide, your lips parted as you stare at your lover. Never have you ever seen this side of him. He never put his hand around your throat like that but you loved it.
Smirking, you take him into your hand as you bite down on your lip. His breath hitches in his throat at the feeling of your hand wrapped around his cock but before you can do anything, he grabs your hand as he slams it above your head against the wall. 
“Don’t tease me right now, (y/n).” He warns. 
“I’m sorry.” You mumble as you lean in to peck his lips softly, looking at him with an innocent look in your eyes. 
His cock twitches at the look on your face, at your touch.
“Fuck me, Finnick.” 
He smirks at you before slamming his lips back against yours. With one hand around your throat and his other hand trailing down your stomach, he finally touches you where you want to be touched. 
He moves his fingers through your folds, collecting your wetness, he moans into the kiss as he feels how soaked you really are. 
You immediately buck your hips against his fingers as he starts to rub your clit. You moan as you try to throw your head back but his hand around your throat keeps you in place. 
You arch your back in pleasure as you grind yourself against his hand.
He pulls away from the kiss to watch your pretty face as you come undone. 
“Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.” He smirks as he leans down to kiss your chest, swirling his tongue around your nipple at the same time as he pushes a finger inside of you. 
You whimper, your senses overwhelmed with pleasure as you grip his shoulders tightly “f-fuck you make me feel so good, Finn.” You moan as you push back against his fingers as he adds a second. 
“Yeah? Let me make you feel even better, honey.” He whispers as he kisses down your body, lower and lower until he’s down on his knees in front of you.
“Open those pretty eyes of yours and look at me.” He orders as his hands grip your hips tightly, pulling your right leg over his shoulders, he leans in, his wet tongue circling your clit as his fingers curl inside of you.
You open your eyes, locking eyes with his as he moans loudly at the taste of you. 
“You taste so heavenly, love.”
You grip his hair tightly, your chest moves up and down, heavily as you feel yourself getting closer and closer, you muscles tighten, your walls tighten around his fingers. 
Finnick grabs the flesh of your hips in a bruising grip as he stares at you with so much lust in his eyes. The sight of you arching your back in pleasure as your eyes lock with his while you moan and whimper at his touch leaves him with a fluttering heart. 
You’re perfect, so so perfect to him.
You moan his name. Whimpering at his touch as he makes you cum with his fingers and his tongue, over and over again until you’re nothing but a whining and whimpering mess. Almost slipping and falling if it wasn't for Finnick’s strong hands keeping you steady. 
Your slick is dripping down your inner thighs, Finnick’s chin is glistening as he devours you, tasting you like it’s the very first time. He is addicted to you, your smell, your taste, he can’t get enough of you. 
“F-Finn..” You whimper as your knees almost buckle. The pleasure becoming too overwhelming. 
“One more time.” He mumbles against you.
“N-No, I want you inside of me now, please.” 
Tugging on his hair roughly, he groans against you. 
“I need you, baby, please.”
He smirks. Kissing up your body as he pulls away from your wet cunt. He stands up, towering over you as he pulls you against him to keep you standing. Moving your damp hair out of your face, he smiles at you as he kisses your lips softly. 
“You did so well for me.” He whispers as his green eyes pierce into you.
Water drips down his face, his cheeks are flushed, his body is warm against yours. 
The impatient look in your eyes makes him chuckle. 
“Are you sure you can take it, pretty girl?” He teases as he pecks your lips softly. 
You open your mouth to say something but before you can utter a word he smirks, turning you around so suddenly, he pushes you against the cold glass wall causing you to gasp in surprise. 
His lips latch onto your neck as he presses himself against you. 
“Of course you can take it, right?” He murmurs into your ear as he moves your hair aside “always desperate for my touch, aren't you?”
Instead of talking back to him, you just nod, as you beg him to fuck you already.
His hands glide over your skin, teasing you once again as he presses his hard cock against your back as he sucks on your neck, marking your skin.
Lining himself up with you, he pushes inside of you slowly, causing you both to moan in pleasure. Finnick closes his eyes as he pulls you against him as he buries his cock inside your aching cunt, you are dripping already, your walls gripping him tightly.
“Fuck, you feel so good my love.” He grunts as keeps his lips on your neck.
You put your hand over his that is resting on your stomach as he pulls out again only to push into you again in a long hard thrust. 
“God, I love you so much.” 
“Oh Finn-” You whimper as you lean your head against his shoulder. 
The feeling of him being inside you, completely filling you up, overwhelms you with so much pleasure as he begins to thrust in and out of your soaking cunt. 
He grips you so tightly as he thrusts deeper and deeper into you. Arching your back in pleasure, you push back against him as you tighten your grip on his hand. 
“Yes baby, just like that.” He grunts as you meet his thrusts, his breath is hot on your neck as he moans into your ear. He moves his hand down your stomach, his fingers rubbing your clit, adding more pleasure to your body. 
Tears prickle in your eyes at how sensitive you are. You can barely keep yourself standing.
“F-Finnick, I can’t..”
“I know, I’m close too baby, kiss me.” 
Tilting your head up, you lips meet his in a sloppy kiss. 
His thrusts deeper and rougher. Your walls flutter around his cock causing him to whimper in pleasure.
“Cum with me, love.” He mumbles against your lips.
You close your eyes, gripping his hand tightly as you come undone. Moaning at the feeling of his hot cum coating your inner walls as he empties himself inside you with a low groan. 
His movement still after a while as he slumps against you, careful not to crush between him and the wall.
He keeps his lips pressed against yours as pulls out of you, the action causes to whine, missing the feeling of him inside of you already. He turns you around slowly, careful to keep you from falling as your knees buckle once again.
He presses you against the wall once again, this time more gently, as he presses kisses all over your face. 
“I love you, my pretty girl.” 
“I love you too, my pretty boy.” You grin as your eyes meet his loving ones, the gaze soft in his eyes until they fall on your neck, noticing the handprints he left there. 
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, (y/n).” He mumbles, with a worried expression on his handsome face as he touches your neck carefully.
“No! You didn’t hurt me- I liked it.” You mumble, with a blush on your face. 
His eyes meet yours again, raising his eyebrows, he chuckles “you’re such a dirty girl.” He whispers as he leans in “my dirty girl.” 
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you smirk as you press yourself against him only to feel his cock hardening once again.
“I’d love to suck you off right now but you have a meeting to attend to so....” 
“Oh the meeting is long forgotten, honey.” He rasps, smirking at you. 
As if he’d ever put anything or anyone over you. 
“Oh? Well then it’s my turn to make you feel good.” 
He chuckles as he kisses your lips, “I always feel good with you, my love.”
You smile at him “let me make you feel extra good then, I'll do anything you want.”
“Anything I want?” He smirks.
You nod, smiling as his lips brush against yours, the look in his eyes filled with love and lust.
“Anything you want.”
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xchatblackx · 2 years
Duskwood - Theory (Teoria):
Well, when we download Duskwood for the first time, this little teaser appears before starting the first episode. I downloaded it to analyze it more calmly, that's when I noticed this:
Bem, quando baixamos Duskwood pela primeira vez, esse pequeno teaser aparece antes de começar o primeiro episódio. Eu o baixei para analisá-lo mais calmamente, foi quando notei isto:
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If you notice well, the game's teasers always give a hint of what will happen in the episodes, but in this beginning when it shows Jake's scenes, this one itself has never been mentioned before.
Given the physical size and being something that happens at the beginning of the game introducing us to the Duskwood universe, I have no doubt that this man is our hacker. And as he already told us, Hannah and Lilly are his only family, which suggests his mother has died.
This part of the teaser shows exactly how it happened. The question now is: Was it an accident? Or does it have something to do with their pursuers?
Se notarmos bem, os teasers do jogo sempre dão uma dica do que irá acontecer nos episódios, mas nesse começo quando mostra as cenas de Jake, essa em si nunca foi citada antes.
Dado ao porte físico e por ser algo que acontece no início do jogo nos introduzindo ao universo de Duskwood, não duvido que este homem seja o nosso hacker. E como ele já nos disse, Hannah e Lilly são sua única família, o que da a entender que sua mãe morreu.
Esta parte do teaser mostra exatamente como aconteceu. A questão agora é: Foi um acidente? Ou tem algo haver com seus perseguidores?
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ticklyfluffstuff · 3 years
You know that game with the crocodile mouth? Where you have to push his teeth and if you push the wrong tooth the mouth closes and you lost the game? Imagine Ler!Monty and Lee!Gregory in this, like, Monty brings a 'game' to play with Gregory. The boy has do push the aligator's teeth and when he touches the wrong one, or the last one, or hurts Monty's mouth acidentally, Monty's hands with claws just go to the boys sides playfully. And while Monty is wreckling the poor boy, he teases him like: "No one forced you to touch my teeth~"
Gregory: "B-but yohohou saahahaid it hahas a gahahame!"
Monty: "But this IS a game, little boy.... MY. GAME~"
YES!!! Rip the gremlin child!
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I saw that annie ask you if you watched 'alice game', and I think they meant Alice in Borderland on Netflix. Funnily enough, I wanted to send an ask about this to you too, since that's my favorite show, sooo:
Alice in Borderland has a somewhat similar concept, though, as annie said, the players have literally no choice. The games are just as murderous as in squid game, but in my opinion, AiB is a little more... raw? If that makes sense? We have some absolutely brilliant actors in there, so that might make me say that. Every character we get to meet along the way has their own backstory. Like, all of them (we have the most badass trans character you could imagine. I am love her).
Sorry for the small essay here, I didn't want to acidentally spoil anything, but I just reeeally recommend it to you. The show's a little crazy, especially in the first four episodes, but it just keeps getting better imo. And, there's a second season already anounced heheh.
I knew it was that one! Netflix kept recommending it to me lol.
I will watch the first ep tonight and see how it goes :)
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archivedlandmark1 · 4 years
Our main characters
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I'm mostly just gonna copy and paste everything with minor changes
The sunsets is a fictional crossover rythmn/rpg game of the least expected charaters. These 4 characters from differnet timelines untie 7 yarn knots all over the planet so all worlds are seperated once more. LUCAS(MOTHER3/EARTHBOUND ENDINGS: right after the events of mother 3 lucas is Landed in a field of sunflowers,  but was help by kermit the speedwagon. He taught lucas "dance" to predict a fighters movements by their music/beat. During the beginning of the game he hated himself and believes he's responsible for the death of his brother and the island. But after having some help of people who cared for him he came to turns of what it means to love Jotaro kujo(jojo's bizzare adventure:stone ocean): lucas second party member after mastering "dance" he went to his world and "acidentally" change the timeline. While lucas does the main notes,  jotaro does the heavy parts of the music, Jotaro adds his own flavor to dance that way. He's a hard headed, silent and menacing man who has problems of expressing himself. No one could help him unless he does something to express it Captain olimar: jotaro's star platinum is the one who found this little guy.   even though olimar wasn't one of the chosen simply because hes from another planet his pikmin make up for that. Captain olimar and his pikmin does the fast or unoticable notes even though you don't listen to those notes they carrie the song. Olimar is an intelliengent, determined , most encouraging one of the bunch but his power and size compare to other fighters seem irrelevent his pikmin army makes him just mighty enough as them The artic soldier:retec (crossover fraternity original/kirby) the only semi oc on this list retec is king dedede from an alternate timeline where he was never  born or raised in dreamland. It was until in his 30s when he visit dreamland after meeting the alternate version of kirby who was trapped by nightmare. The only way to save him is by goimg through the 5 trials. He was trapped by ilolisons until the team save him.retec does the "wiggled" notes and is able to "hold" the longest. Retec is a rutless, entiteled, somewhat careless but in the inside He's still the  king he could have been
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ourotakuparadise · 5 years
Hey hey hey, I'd like to request headcanons with Aomine and Kagami in which they have a fight over phone with their s/o before a tournament because they run late, but get informed that shortly after the argument their s/o had a car accident during the game.
Ele estava furioso;
Aomine queria que você estivesse aqui, mas não é o caso;
Ele fica te telefonando por algumas tentativas até você atender o telefone;
A discussão é bem acalorada e ele não aceita nenhuma desculpa;
Você se comprometeu a estar presente e o estresse antes do jogo o faz explodir;
Palavrões, insultos e até acusações que você estaria com outro homem que querendo estar com ele;
Depois do jogo e vê que você não apareceu;
Ele desconta em qualquer coisa que esteja na frente dele;
Mas então chega a notícia sobre o acidente;
Ele grita exigindo saber o que aconteceu e em que hospital você está;
Mesmo que ele seja um preguiçoso, se for preciso Aomine vai correr até o hospital;
Quando ele tem mais notícias sobre você sente um alívio por você estar vivo;
Ao saber que você sofreu esse acidente pouco depois da briga entre vocês;
Oh… Ele se sente horrível;
Ele se culpa por isso;
Se o acidente foi grave…
Ele quer morrer ali mesmo de tanta culpa que sente;
Você precisaria dizer muitas vezes que não é culpa dele e confortá-lo;
Ele será mais cuidadoso para não agir assim novamente.
Todos sabemos que esse cara tem um temperamento muito curto;
Quando ele se irrita ele pode descontar em qualquer coisa na frente dele;
No calor da discussão ele até diria que estava todo terminado entre vocês dois e romperia o relacionamento;
Depois da partida ele não queria saber nada de você;
Mas quando chega em casa ele vê que você não estava;
Passando alguns minutos ele pensa que foi egoísta e se arrependeu de tudo que ele disse;
Ele pensa em ligar para você quando vê chamadas perdidas dos seus parentes;
Kagami começa a se preocupar e fica paranoico;
Ele se vê ligando para seus parentes e então recebe notícias do seu acidente;
Ele está desesperado, pois ao que seus parentes souberam você sofreu um acidente durante uma ligação na hora que ele conversou com você por telefone;
Kagami disse que iria para o hospital onde você estava;
No caminho ele estaria se sentindo péssimo;
Se culpa pelo ocorrido;
Quando ele chega até hesita em entrar no seu quarto;
Ele tem medo que só pelo fato de estar do seu lado ele traga algo ruim e você se machuque mais;
E sente o gosto amargo da culpa sobre o que ele te disse pelo telefone;
Quando ele entra e caso você tenha apenas alguns ferimentos leves ele ainda quebra;
Mas se foi grave ele quer morrer ali mesmo de tanta culpa que sente;
Você precisaria confortá-lo e muito;
Depois desse dia ele tomaria mais cuidado com você já que tem medo de se repetir e ele vai se culpar;
Console essa cara gigante.
He was furious;
Aomine wanted you to be here, but that is not the case;
He keeps calling you for a few tries until you answer the phone;
The discussion is very heated and he does not accept any excuse;
You have committed to be there and the stress before the game makes you explode;
Swearing, insults and even accusations that you would be with another man who wants to be with him;
After the game and see that you didn’t show up;
He cashes anything in front of him;
But then the news comes about the accident;
He screams, demanding to know what happened and what hospital you are in;
Even if he is a lazy one, if necessary Aomine will run to the hospital;
When he has more news about you he is relieved that you are alive;
Upon learning that you suffered this accident shortly after the fight between you;
Oh … He feels awful;
He blames himself for that;
If the accident was serious …
He wants to die right there with so much guilt that he feels;
You would need to say many times that it is not his fault and comfort him;
He will be more careful not to do it again.
We all know that this guy has a very short temper;
When he gets angry he can discount anything in front of him;
In the heat of the discussion he would even say that it was all over between the two of you and break the relationship;
After the match he didn’t want to hear from you;
But when he gets home he sees that you weren’t;
After a few minutes he thinks he was selfish and regretted everything he said;
He thinks about calling you when he sees missed calls from your relatives;
Kagami starts to worry and becomes paranoid;
He finds himself calling his relatives and then receives news of his accident;
He is desperate, because what your relatives heard you had an accident during a call when he talked to you on the phone;
Kagami said he would go to the hospital where you were;
On the way he would be feeling terrible;
Blames himself for what happened;
When he arrives he even hesitates to enter his room;
He is afraid that just because he is on your side he will bring something bad and you will be hurt more;
And feel the bitter taste of guilt over what he said to you over the phone;
When it enters and if you have only a few minor injuries it still breaks;
But if it was serious he wants to die right there because of so much guilt he feels;
You would need to comfort him and a lot;
After that day he would be more careful with you since he is afraid to repeat himself and he will blame himself;
Comfort that giant guy.
Estaba furioso;
Aomine quería que estuvieras aquí, pero ese no es el caso;
Él sigue llamándote por algunos intentos hasta que contestes el teléfono;
La discusión es muy acalorada y él no acepta ninguna excusa;
Te has comprometido a estar allí y el estrés antes del juego te hace explotar;
Juramentos, insultos e incluso acusaciones de que estarías con otro hombre que quiere estar con él;
Después del juego y verás que no apareciste;
Cobra cualquier cosa frente a él;
Pero entonces llega la noticia del accidente;
Él grita, exigiendo saber qué pasó y en qué hospital estás;
Incluso si es un vago, si es necesario, Aomine correrá al hospital;
Cuando tiene más noticias sobre ti, se siente aliviado de que estés vivo;
Al enterarse de que sufrió este accidente poco después de la pelea entre ustedes;
Oh … se siente horrible;
Se culpa a sí mismo por eso;
Si el accidente fue grave …
Quiere morir allí mismo con tanta culpa que siente;
Necesitaría decir muchas veces que no es su culpa y consolarlo;
Tendrá más cuidado de no volver a hacerlo.
Todos sabemos que este tipo tiene muy mal genio;
Cuando se enoja, puede descartar cualquier cosa frente a él;
En el calor de la discusión, incluso diría que todo había terminado entre ustedes dos y rompería la relación;
Después del partido no quiso saber de ti;
Pero cuando llega a casa ve que tú no estabas;
Después de unos minutos, piensa que era egoísta y lamenta todo lo que dijo;
Piensa en llamarte cuando ve llamadas perdidas de tus familiares;
Kagami comienza a preocuparse y se vuelve paranoico;
Se encuentra llamando a sus familiares y luego recibe noticias de su accidente;
Está desesperado, porque lo que sus familiares escucharon tuvo un accidente durante una llamada cuando habló con usted por teléfono;
Kagami dijo que iría al hospital donde estabas;
En el camino se sentiría terrible;
Se culpa a sí mismo por lo que sucedió;
Cuando llega, incluso duda en entrar en su habitación;
Teme que solo porque esté de tu lado traiga algo malo y te lastimes más;
Y siente el sabor amargo de la culpa por lo que te dijo por teléfono;
Cuando entra y si solo tiene unas pocas lesiones menores, todavía se rompe;
Pero si era grave, quiere morir allí con tanta culpa que siente;
Necesitarías consolarlo y mucho;
Después de ese día, sería más cuidadoso con usted, ya que tiene miedo de repetirse y se culpará a sí mismo;
Consuela ese muchacho gigante.
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