#haruki x jin
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heretherebedork · 2 months ago
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I have to wait an entire week to see them again!? Why!?
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chicademartinica · 2 months ago
Minase calling Boo « hentai » in the special episode and saying he doesn’t « dislike it »:
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pigglepiephi · 2 months ago
The wrap up of Miseinen has divided opinion, but I loved the visceral, vulnerability of this series.
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It felt real.
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And although it wasn’t perfect in its pacing and storytelling at times, this one really latched onto something in my soul.
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I loved it.
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wavesinlowtide · 2 months ago
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Such a beautiful scene from such a beautiful show.
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dramalove247 · 2 months ago
Favorite Things: Our Youth part 1
Instantly wanted to re-watch this series, but not emotionally ready for that. Pretty sure this is one of those stories that will cause me more pain the second time around. Even putting this post together caused a lot of feels. We fell in love with the story of these two broken and abandoned boys that make each other their home.
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Apparently this will be part 1 of 2 because we had more than 10 posts we wanted to share and refuse to cut any more of them than we already had! So enjoy some of our favorite posts (spoilers ahead):
Starting with the end. It gave us so much sweet comfort, but there was also a layer of pain just under the surface. For us, it was perfect. It felt real and deep and complicated and matched the tone of the entire show. We love how Minase and Hirukawa have found what they needed in each other and it's the start of their healing.
Though the choice to stay in the closet, and the weight and emotional toll of that decision, may not have been the ideal ending people wanted, we think it was beautifully honest. We agree with @small-dark-and-delicious that the way this unfolded in the story fit the characters. We think the show did an amazing job of portraying the complexity of the situation and we are grateful for it's inclusion and the emotions and conversations occurring because of it.
The testing of the waters in their friend group felt like Hirukawa trying to open the door, no matter how small. We agree with @aceoflights that Hirukawa intentionally did it in a way that would protect Minase.
@putterphubase put together a beautiful post of 😍 GIFS containing some of the sweetest moments from episode 10
"Shit. That was some serious foreshadowing." We knew more pain was coming, so it only made this scene hit even harder. We were definitely with @pigglepiephi on this one.
This show sucked us in hard and fast. But this scene, WTH?!? We watched that SHIT BEFORE BED!!!! That was a mistake of epic proportions. It was way too late to feel these emotions, forget trying to confront the tailspin that was caused by this seriously toxic red flag desperate act of self endangerment for the sake of connection being romantic as fuck. How do you sleep after that?!? answer is you don't, you watch an episode of Fourever You Thanks for the screenshots of this scene @respectthepetty
And 😍 GIFS by @wanderlust-in-my-soul of just after the admission. Kill me again.
Editing to add this post. @nuthong captured this aching scene so well in their GIFs. Every time I see this scene, I get all the feels and I shared my love for it in this post:
Continued in part 2:
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waitmyturtles · 1 month ago
I Know There Were a Lot of Flubby-Flubs in Our Youth, But It Surprisingly Moved Me Enough to Want to Muse On It and Write Something About It
I am behind on ALL MY SHOWS, so I know I missed the fandom's last breath on Our Youth (Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu). But I caught up with the last episodes and with @bengiyo's fantastic round-up of meta from around the Tumblr way, and I totally agree with the thematic center of the post -- the "uncertain melancholy" that the show gave us.
I was not expecting to actually feel as moved by the show as I ended up feeling vis à vis this uncertain melancholy (a feeling I love, by the way, the unsettledness of it all), because I know the last few episodes of the series had a few missteps, which I want to acknowledge and process in this post.
I feel like Minase's suit that he wore in the last two episodes is a great metaphor for how I feel about his characterization in the show.
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Having a 20-year-old actor like Motojima Junsei play a graduated salaryman isn't necessarily uncommon in Japanese doramas -- but the juxtaposition of Motojima's actual age with the air he was supposed to carry as an older Minase didn't quite magnetically catch for what I think the show was trying to communicate about Minase's mindset. Minase clearly hadn't "grown" into the suit yet by the end of the show. And I think where we were left at the end of the series, was with a Minase who hadn't quite grown into the understanding or knowledge of how to live in and with his relationship with Hirukawa, which I think lends to the melancholic feeling the show ended with. (More on this in a second.)
I realize that this is an issue I had with the Minase character that actually started earlier in the series. I felt, after Minase's and Hirukawa's first trip to Hirukawa's mother's house, when the boys were splashing in the water, that I felt that I hadn't quite been fully taken into Minase's process of growth and change into wanting to be fully with Hirukawa. His change was a very quiet change, almost too quiet as juxtaposed against Hirukawa wearing his heart on his sleeve for the entire series.
Hirukawa wasn't a mystery to us: he let us into his whole cycle of growth and goal-setting, not wanting to end up like his dad, and emulating the standards that Minase was trying to live up to.
I was so happy to see Minase happy in the water with Hirukawa, and prior to that, in bed with him. But I'm not sure the script gave us as robust a process of growth for Minase as it did for Hirukawa.
I wonder, though, if this was done on purpose. I'm not sure yet, but I want to play around, in this post, with what I thought were the larger, macro-level themes of this show, to possibly help me understand why I felt a little underwhelmed on fully understanding Minase.
Let me acknowledge that all them damn sea metaphors were a lot. THERE WERE SO MANY OF THEM! Every beginning and end of each episode, the ocean! Water! Ships! Water connects us, we are the water, the seas are connected, we are connected like the water! I got it, I got it.
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There was also the frame, at the beginning of the series, of the victim, the perpetrator, and the bystander, that I thought would be a thematic framework that we'd have explicit closure to. We didn't.
So let me do the work of analyzing these themes to what I think might be their cyclic closures, and add in the acknowledgment of themes that cropped up at the end of the series because I do feel like the show addressed the cycle of youthful growth to a lovely extent.
Since the show was called "Our Youth," and the series ended with Minase and Hirukawa very much in their early adult/professional stages, this show was clearly a story about, not a singular youthful moment in time, but a young life's worth of growth.
Minase and Hirukawa both close the gap of high-school-level immature miscommunication by acknowledging that they like each other, five years after Hirukawa walked out of Minase's life, penning his thoughts in a letter he didn't think would ever be read. It was a moment of noble idiocy on Hirukawa's part to leave Minase, one that he immediately rectified when he caught Minase on his university's campus.
Regarding the theme of growing up: damn, did Hirukawa ever end up being a winner. I fucking LOVED this for him. Not becoming his dad, pushing himself to the standards that he loved seeing in Minase, finding support in his mother, getting himself into university, becoming a filmmaker, being such a simp for Minase.
Minase, on the other hand, follows the path that his mother sets for him. He gets into his top university, he becomes a salaryman. He's, finally, ready to begin rebelling a bit -- literally by being in a relationship that can't end with marriage, as his mother pushes Minase towards her next preferred step in Minase's love life.
When the "victim/perpetrator/bystander" theme was introduced at the start of the series, I thought it was an immature framework. And I wondered, a lot, about how it connected with the many minutes of sea-related themes we also got in the show.
What I think I'd like to propose, is that the show may have been trying to prove that that "victim/perpetrator/bystander" framework was as immature as it seemed on paper -- by proposing, instead, that being human, and being connected to other humans, like a sea to an ocean, makes those kinds of imaginary boundaries simply arbitrary, just one person's framework to understand and judge the world.
I connect this back to Minase's mother's constant setting of expectations, all while she herself fails at being a present and complete mother. She's a perpetrator of contradictory standards, and Minase is at first a victim to her expectations -- but, by the end, becomes a bystander to her vision, almost ready to begin fighting with her (but he's not quite there yet).
Minase's recounts and repeats this framework at the beginning of the series while he's acknowledging Hirukawa -- who knows, maybe he got this thematic understanding from his mother or auteur father. And we then see Hirukawa being both a victim and a perpetrator himself -- thus rendering these boundaries useless and arbitrary once more.
I think it was an incomplete flub of the show to not close the story on this thematic framework, and to move the show only towards the sea metaphors at the end.
But the sea metaphors -- the story of two humans moving together and apart from each other like waves, but always being connected like water -- ended up handling the closure of the victim framework, by erasing those boundaries through the growth of Minase and Hirukawa. It wasn't done gracefully, but I think I've glommed onto and understand where the script wanted to end up with that framework: that the victim/perpetrator/bystander framework ultimately doesn't matter, because we are all of these concepts, all at once, at every moment in our life, depending on who we're interacting with.
So, then, Minase and Hirukawa are connected like an ocean. Minase is still following his mother's orders, though. And Minase ends up in a relationship that is similar to that of his mother's before her divorce -- with a partner who is often absent while filming.
Here's where Hirukawa's growth comes in again to break up the risk of intergenerational trauma on the part of Minase. He shows up for Minase, and he starts to care for Minase in a way that neither of Minase's parents ever did for him. Hirukawa cooks for Minase, eats meals with Minase, and gives Minase the sense of family that Minase was missing.
Hirukawa's and Minase's relationship, then, is shown to have meant to happen, like a sea meeting an ocean. But Minase still feels a little empty to me at this point, like his spacious and oversized suit, and I still wonder why.
I think we're left with a Minase that's both underwritten, and also still in a kind of growing contemplation about where he wants to move forward in his life -- the uncertain melancholy of the show. He wants to marry Hirukawa, and he can't. He's not able to confront his mother yet. He's in a "I'm just here right now" state -- and he has a model of growth in his boyfriend, Hirukawa, to look up to for future growth. Hirukawa, who was inspired in his own growth by Minase himself. I think that bit is just so nicely cyclical.
The character of Minase, in the end, I think suffers from the common ailment of unspoken communication that afflicts so many characters in Japanese doramas (a syndrome that was delightfully challenged in the amazing show, I Cannot Reach You, in which characters talked to each other). Besides the sea metaphors, I really needed just some basic internal dialogue to help me understand where Minase was at in not wanting to get a little risky and frisky in seeking out marriage somewhere else with Hirukawa (I think the subs of that marriage conversation in the car were off), and in retreating from confronting his mother about her own love life.
I think the reason why I've been sitting on this for as long as I have in this post is that, if Minase had not been underwritten, we would have ended up with a potentially spectacular show. The cinematography of this show was out of control. It was SO beautifully shot, lovingly, giving homage to the fictional filmmakers that the show honored in Minase's dad and in Hirukawa. I wish the script of the show did the cinematography equal justice.
And Hirukawa was just written so well. We got him, we understood where he wanted to go in his life. Yes, he was a weenie for walking away from Minase in high school -- but he had also suffered massive trauma, a trauma he wanted to tackle himself. I'll give that to him.
I needed more explicit growth and less metaphors from Minase. I am perfectly happy being left with the melancholic ending we got from the show -- I think that's the right feeling for where the show needed to end. But I think I ultimately needed a few more words from Minase to help me get fully to that conclusion myself.
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peachesplumsstakesfangs · 12 days ago
When you’re a smol hedgehog with abandonment issues rooted in your childhood and parents’ issues, and then you fall hard for your tall, hot, and artistic boyfriend who is dealing with his own traumas and who further adds to your abandonment issues, and you fear he has abandoned you, again, but really he just wants to take care of you by making you some “delicious” (questionable in Eliot’s case) food.
Lucas Lallemant 🤜🤛Jin Minase
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fantasticallyfanatic · 2 months ago
hirukawa fell first but minase fell harder 🥹
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halliescomut · 2 months ago
Our Youth Final Thoughts
I don't actually think I've posted much about Our Youth on here, but I finished the series over the weekend and wanted to talk about my overall thoughts.
There's so much I loved about the show. It's the first show in quite a while that I actively felt excited to watch every week. It's a trope that I'm often a fan of the 'bad boy with a heart of gold' and the 'nerd'. I did describe the show to a friend as 'what if Bender and Brian from the Breakfast Club ended up together?' which isn't the most inaccurate tagline, but is certainly not the most contemporary.
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There's so much to talk about. I'll start by saying that one of the things that I really appreciated, that spoke to me about the series is how integral queer media is to the story of the characters. Haruki seeing and finding comfort in a queer film, this film being one of the sources of strength he has as he survives the abuse of his father, and eventually opens a door for him to become a filmmaker and tell his own stories is beautiful. It so clearly showcases how queer media is life-changing and life-saving for many queer youth.
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There's also this element of telling your own story. We see that directly with Haruki's films, but it's also present in Jin's writing. I think one of the most heartbreaking things we see there is that Jin's story is never 'public', we don't see Jin take a chance there. But there is value in him finding the courage to give Haruki a chance to read his work. Sometimes there's victory in trusting just one or a few people, it doesn't have to be all or nothing.
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Another theme or topic brought up in the series, particularly in the finale, is marriage equality. I've been taking in a lot more Japanese BLs this last year than I really have Thai BLs or Korean BLs, Taiwanese, etc., and I've seen this brought up more than previously. It's not always as direct as here, but it's there. Seeing over the last 2-3 years marriage equality brought to the forefront in Thai BLs, and now in a matter of days we'll see the new marriage equality law go into effect there, that it kind of gives me hope. I know the societal pressures are different there, and in a lot of ways it's a don't ask, don't tell situation, but consistently bring up the topic, normalizing queer love, both in queer media and in mainstream media, helps to create a path for that progress.
Another aspect I think is well done, though not perfect, is how the time jumps are handled with-in the story. By my figuring the story spans a bit more than a decade, and when creating, and specifically casting that, it can be hard not to create something where you feel like it's teens playing dress up as their father's by the end, or adults acting unconvincingly as children in the beginning, but there's a good balance here, at least with Jin and Haruki. I think part of the stems from the actors ages, Jin's being only 20, and Haruki's 25. that age difference allows Jin to look HS age, and him being believable as young lends credibility to Haruki. It's also almost a visual shorthand for Haruki to look older while they're in HS because he basically had to 'grow up' quickly, leave his childhood behind because of the abuse of his father. Once they move into the university years, they're basically the age of university students, no suspension of disbelief needed, and then in the final episode with that flash forward, it's not unbelievable to think they'd look somewhat the same. Contentment and happiness will hold off a lot on the aging process.
So to move beyond these kind of larger, more impactful concepts, lets get in close and talk some about Haruki and Jin as characters and a couple. The story kind of sets them up to be opposites, but they're more of a mirror of each other than anything. Both suffer from the neglect of their parents, distanced both physically and emotionally, and it's pretty draining for both of them. I think it sets them up to almost recognize each other in a way. Once they both take those small steps to open up to each other, we see the way they treat each other with so much care. There's moments where both are a bit rough around the edges, especially in the first handful of episodes, where they kind of let their emotions overwhelm them, but in most of their interactions, even starting in that first episode, they're so gentle with each other. I really started to pay attention to body language and how characters interact with each other after my no subs watches of Taikan Yoho, and it was to a level here that it was really noticeable or noteworthy.
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That gentleness from both of them, that willingness to reach out, even when they're still so young and unsure, shows so much care. These are two boys (in the beginning) that don't feel loved, much less truly valued. The way the treat each other shows that they value the other. They value their thoughts, their feelings, and even the others' future, to the detriment of their own emotional wellbeing. That's a really hefty gift to give someone, and I think they only really feel comfortable doing so because it's reciprocated, even from the very start.
Taking them separately, we'll start with Jin. Jin is easy, he makes himself easy, he doesn't cause a fuss or an uproar, he just exists quietly. Which when you look deeper, when you take the time to look, to see, you see this incredible loneliness in him. What makes it frustrating as a viewer, is we see him having active discussions with teachers, there's opportunities there for people to recognize what's going on there, but the unfortunate thing is that obedient children are kind of overlooked. And Jin often overlooks himself. He's not necessarily shown to have ambitions on the same level as Haruki, but it reads to me more than he's not really allowed himself to really think about his dreams. He's lived his whole life with this understanding of what the expectations are, and so why would he ever seriously considered something outside of that. It lends the finale it's own bittersweetness, because we see Jin choose Haruki, to decide to take that leap, and while he may not be doing it as boldly, but in his own sort of mild, unassuming way, it's still Jin putting his desires first, and that's a triumph on it's own.
To talk about Haruki, Haruki is heartbreaking. Specifically because the way the narrative is presented, we don't know the full story until we're half-way through and already half-way in love with him. We see him through Jin's eyes in the beginning, beautiful, mysterious, almost unfathomable, and as those first few episode pass we start to see a little bit more. The shift in episode 5, now seeing in the story from Haruki's perspective is a rude awakening in many ways. It wasn't that we didn't have empathy for him before, we certainly did, but seeing so blatantly what he was dealing with hits hard. And it wasn't just about the physical abuse he had been dealing with, which is horrific on it's own, but the way Haruki was so close to giving up. The scene I can't get out of my mind is him saying "Whenever he beat me, I decided I wanted to die." That lack of desire to fight to survive shows how much everything had been wearing on him for so long. When he starts to know Jin, when he starts seeing that a future is possible, we see that fight start building up in him, and it's a relief to see. I found myself after episode 7 feeling so frustrated with him because we we had basically watched him be used and abused by his father OR sacrificing for others. We see him having made the choice to not reveal what he's dealing with to his mother, he decides to take the fall and get suspended from school, with the assumption being that he feels that Jin will be better off without him. He doesn't want Jin to choose to stay instead of studying abroad, because he knows Jin has a bright future and he doesn't want to affect that. But for myself, with the perspective of age, I know that there's hope, that Haruki has a future. So I was very in my feels after all of that.
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After our time jump into university seeing Haruki now actively pursuing his dream is a relief, with its own counterpoint of sadness as we are seeing Jin pursue a degree he has no passion for. It's all part of what makes this story so affecting, I think. Life is not all hope and rainbows, but it's also not all loneliness and pain. And there's a realism in choosing a future that's steady instead of taking a chance, the same way there's realism in pursuing a dream that seemed unreachable, knowing that there is a safety-net for you if things don't work out.
To talk a bit about what I didn't like- their parents. All of them sucked. Yes, arguably Haruki's dad was by far the worst, being a raging alcoholic who was physically abusive to his son for likely at least a couple years if not more. But even Haruki's mother doesn't get much sympathy from me, though we do see that Haruki holds no grudge for her (because of his fucking self-sacrificing bullshit). Jin's parents, I almost have no words for. There's an acute lack of interest from both, but we'll talk about dad first since I have less to say about him. It surprises me that Jin's dad is as emotionally distant as he is. We see that Jin has a great deal of respect for his dad, he appreciates and has an interest in his work, but his dad never thinks to build on that. I just find it odd. As far as Jin's mother, she's physically a bit more present, though I feel if you asked her flat out if she loved her son she might have to stop and think about it. He's basically a to-do list in her calendar, something that needs to be checked on and checked off, and I wonder how bad it was before the start of the shows timeline. It's not good that a teenaged Jin is being left for weeks at a time on his own, but when did they start doing that? It's a common trope for young Japanese children to be self-sufficient, and it's so open ended that my mind can't help but picture 8, 9, 10 year old Jin being left for days. But he's good, and obedient, and that's just life, so he goes on, and how heartbreaking is that?!? And I'll be honest, I was genuinely surprised to see her texting Jin in the final episode when we've flashed forward. When it feels like neither of them actively work to keep that bond intact, how was it still there? I suppose the answer is duty.
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The emotional and physical trauma both Haruki and Jin deal with, I also didn't love--because it made me an absolute emotional wreck. I have some mixed feelings over how some things were handled, or specifically how most things were not at all handled. The resolution for a lot of the issues that we see is no resolution. Yes, we see that the emotional connection forged between Haruki and Jin is a beacon for both, enabling them to weather their individual storms, once that concept is established, it kind of drops off to nowhere. It's not even that it's built upon to the point where they both become self-sufficient or confident in themselves, it just is there, then in ep 7 (I think) they just go their separate ways and we're never shown that they're still affecting each others lives. We're shown that they're still in love with each other, that the other is still in their thoughts, but not how their experiences helped to shape them directly. It's worse with Haruki's father's death. It's an INSANELY traumatizing event, and it's almost treated like "well now he can't beat him any more and he can go live with his mom and everything is fine", and like...WHAT? Setting aside for a short moment the fact that being the one present at the loss of a parent even an abusive one, is gonna be traumatic, there's so much emotional distress and grief that comes from losing an abusive parent, especially as a child. Because it's not just grief of the person, it's grief of the unknown. Could there have been a future where his dad got sober and they had a happy life? A time where his dad became what he had been before? A revisit of that loving father? So you're also working through that loss also, and that's really not even a blip of a thought it feels like.
My final thought is something I didn't like, because it made me sad, but also still makes sense within the narrative, and that's the fact that we never see Jin or Haruki come out. I know we get tired of coming out stories, and I didn't need a dedicated scene or episode showing either coming out, but in the final episode where we see the friend group come back together we're shown in no uncertain terms that they are not out to them, & even more that their friends don't know they're dating each other. And I think that sucks. I think it's reasonable and understandable that either might not be out to their parents (though fr your dad makes gay movies Jin--so why not?) or to coworkers and acquaintances, but to have friends you've seen and known for more than a decade and you're still afraid? That's so sad.
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Overall, the word I might use to describe this love story is unassuming. It's not necessarily bold, but steady, which is something both characters need. They went through their teen years with different versions of upheaval and loneliness, and in the end they have each other, they have work that supports them, and they feel like they have a future, and that's something I think their teenage selves could have never even imagined.
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Thanks for reading.
*Also, I pulled some pics/stills whatever from @colourme-feral who has an excellent series offering more context to the subtitle translations. Absolutely amazing, and I definitely recommend checking them out if you haven't.
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/colourme-feral/search/miseinen%20translation/original
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remindmenot · 2 months ago
𓇢 𓆸 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴
𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘥𝘦
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵, 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦
𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺
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heretherebedork · 2 months ago
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Wall slam and make out sessions.
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dekaydk · 2 months ago
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I see folks having trouble with the time skip and I get that expectation around character growth. However, we did see Minase *seriously* break out of his shell in the ocean scene, which is only a starting point of a bigger journey, and Hirukawa's note showed a lot of self-awareness and maturity for a high-schooler, predicating a journey for his character. So I'm inclined to give the show a chance to land the plane. From my perspective the actors have DELIVERED and the show is clearly made with care and love.
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imogenegomi · 1 month ago
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sharogo · 2 months ago
Chapters: 4/11 Fandom: 未成年 未熟な俺たちは不器用に進行中 | Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu, 未成年 未熟な俺たちは不器用に進行中, Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu | Our Youth (Tv 2024), 未成年~未熟な俺たちは不器用に進行中~ | Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hirukawa Haruki/ Minase Jin Characters: Minase Jin, Hirukawa Haruki Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Boys In Love, Boys Kissing, Falling In Love, Child Abuse, Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Unrequited Love, Anal Sex, Kissing, Self-Acceptance, Self-Reflection, Internalized Homophobia, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, Possessive Behavior, Slow Burn, Lust, Explicit Consent, Eventual Romance Summary:
Minase Jin never got involved with people like Hirukawa Haruki.
He stayed on the sidelines, always watching, never saying much. Haruki didn’t care. He had his own problems to deal with, and Jin was never supposed to be a part of them. At least, not until Jin uncovered his secret—the bruises, the nights Haruki didn’t go home, the truth he worked so hard to hide. Haruki had expected mockery, pity, maybe even betrayal. But Jin did none of that. Instead, he quietly stepped into Haruki’s life in a way that caught him completely off guard. Jin helped without asking, stayed without prying, and somehow, Haruki found himself letting him.
They weren’t friends.
Haruki wasn’t even sure what they were. Jin was everything Haruki wasn’t—perfect, composed, respected. And yet, somehow, the two of them became tangled in a connection neither could define. No matter how much Haruki tried to push Jin away, he couldn’t let him go.
Whatever it was—hate, pity, or something else entirely—it had brought them together. And for better or worse, Jin changed everything for Haruki, in ways he never expected.
Retelling of 'Our Youth' from Hirukawa Haruki's pov.
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dramalove247 · 2 months ago
Favorite Things: Our Youth part 2
Yes, even after narrowing it down, we had too many posts we wanted to share. So Our Youth gets two Favorite Things posts 😁
👇 this scene healed me
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Favorite Things: Our Youth part 1
Spoilers Ahead:
❤️ This post by @respectthepetty beautifully lays out one of the things we loved so much about this character and story. Tugs so hard at those heart strings!!!
Yes, the blue popsicle scene was flirty and seriously hot, but like the rest of the show, it was so much deeper than what we can see at the surface. Loved this post by @lurkingshan
@mygwenchan said it better than we could. Love this analysis of episode 8 and our broken boys so much. ❤️
The spiraling second sentence in this post felt like @heretherebedork had copy and pasted my tangled thoughts and emotions and put them into words. I felt that.
And then @jemmo gave me a new wound I didn't even have before, but I definitely feel and will make re-watching this show even more painful.
And since you stuck around for all the angsty heavier posts we shared because we were apparently here for the pain, we will reward you with something fun. If you missed this like we did, @omgtheregoesthefuckidontgive was kind enough to capture and share for all to enjoy. Warning, not suitable for work.
Also, like much of the show, it felt like there was a layer of anguish in this scene. Their need for each other felt so desperate. This scene and entire show was so well done!
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milkwaydreams · 1 month ago
Series I Binge Watched recently:
Only Boo!
I wanted to watch this to get to know SeaKeen more cause I got really interested in Head 2 Head and I LOVED IT. It's a chill, goofy series and I really enjoyed it. I love Moo's mindset of "Just let them know I have a boyfriend cause my personal life has nothing to do with my job" and I REALLY WISH Idols irl were like that. It was gonna stop those stupid companies *cof cof SM *cof cof of being shitty towards their artists and give less power to the psychopathic fans that think they own the Idols 😃.
But back to the series, I not only loved the main but also the second couple. NAPAT SO PRETTY. I love the being secretly in love with my best friend thing, it was cute. Ngl that the dynamic between SeaKeen reminded me a bit of FourthGemini on their first series together, Keen/Moo being more bright extrovert and an artist like Fourth/Gun, meanwhile Sea/Kang being the shy introvert like Gem/Tinn, but I also think that's a really good way to start, it was their first ever acting role and they did a good job (also I don't mean this as Only Boo and MSP have the same storyline, it's just the vibes that for me feels the same. AND I LOVE THAT!!!)​. For Head 2 Head they will be more familiar with each other so it may be even better, plus more acting experience so I'm more excited for it then I was before, I'll gladly watch them grow like I did with FourthGemini and I love it 😍😍😍
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Our Youth
This one was Tumblr's fault, the GIFS tricked me into it but I'm not mad about it cause I loved it 🤭 I haven't watched many Japanese BLs so I wasn't sure what to expect from this but nothing that I could possibly think would prepare me for Our Youth🤣🤣 I really liked the actors, their chemistry was good. I liked that they respected each other's choices. Haruki wanting to be a better person, Misane understanding that he doesn't need to be lonely forever. They slowly understanding themselves, it was good to watch. My favorite scene is when they meet again and Misane gets drunk so Haruki goes pick him up. Misane BBG comes fully out there and never leaves, ITS SO CUTE, he being clingy after that and also during the special, aaaah, I really liked that.
I also liked the special and the marriage thing, it's sad and, unfortunately, we know it's really hard with that matter and even worse around there so Misane's fear is really valid. I like that Haruki don't give a fuck and would just tell the others to fuck off but he respects Misane and don't force him out, even though he teases their friends on the dinner, I'm glad he did that and came back, then later apologizes to Misane for it. The way he promises he will always be with Misane even if they can't get legally married, that whole end scene at the beach and the missing each other and loving, that's really important to me so I'm glad Haruki assured Misane on that.
Saw people here saying that the series were too sad and I went watching it with that in mind but I didn't feel it?! I mean, ofc there were sad parts, but I don't think that's a bad thing, it built them so I liked it🤔🤔 And the ending is nice AND HAPPY, I don't understand how that end is seem as sad or incomplete, I'm sorry 🥺🥺🥺
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See Your Love
For all Taiwanese dramas, I'm always skeptical at first because I'm TRAUMATIZED OKAY?! 🤣🤣🤣But I liked the plot and I needed to check it cause it seemed so cute and I WAS RIGHT😭😭😭😭😭 I binge watched it all in one night (good sleep schedule fears me and this is not normal to me) cause I couldn't get enough of it.
I love Shaopeng, first of all: TALL😃. Help, I was shocked by his height for real. The acting was so good, I love to see them actually using the sign language, it's satisfying to say the least and I'm proud. Different from I Hear The Sunspot that Kohei wasn't fully deaf and lost his hearing at 17 so he could speak well, Shaopeng being fully deaf is what pulled me in the most. To name a few scenes that are my faves, I LOVE the shy jealous Shaopeng moment where he covers his face, I melted there. And it being followed by the shower scene, help😃 I LOVED IT! The way he lifts Zixiang made me feel things, the height difference is speaking and got me ON MY KNEES through the whole scene like 😮. Another scene is the moment Shaopeng "listen" to Zixiang saying his name through the vibration of his vocal cords and he crying, omg, so pretty 😭
But by far, my favorite scene is the moment Zixiang speaks the truth to Shaopeng at the hospital and he breaks down, releasing all the anger and sadness he had been keeping inside for so long. Zixiang not apologizing was perfect too cause what he says makes total sense and I love him for that, the way he reassure Shaopeng that he will be there to be his "weak spot" whenever he needs. Shaopeng talk with his parents and all the misunderstandings being cleared there, that whole episode was a masterpiece to me. I can't say I know how it feels to be deaf or to deal with it, but I could feel the truthfulness on that series, by the end, the "See Your Love" name makes way more sense than ever and it's really pretty.
But please Taiwan... Stop messing with salt... WE HAVE WEAK HEARTS AND TRAUMA OKAY?! I was so scared by the end with them KISSING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, I got war flashbacks, help🤣🤣
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Monster Next Door
As a big introvert person with a SEVERE social anxiety, I was triggered A LOT on this series. So many situations that I've been through and felt like shit was shown on this show, help.
Somethings pissed me off for real cause it drove me back to: why is it always a introvert person that needs to step out of their comfort zone and understand the others?! Why me being quiet is seem as a "weird" trait?! So, God genuinely curious and interested in getting to know and UNDERSTAND introvert world, got me giggling and happy, such a green flag 🙈🙈🙈 I love God, his overprotectiveness could also piss me off at some point but he understands that so, another point for my boy 🤭🤭 But just because I FULLY understand Diew, doesn't mean he didn't annoyed the hell out of me too in a lot of situations, so many things could have been avoided or solved easier, and he wouldn't even need to over share or talk much. I'm glad they found a in-between solution there ofc but I was annoyed. The same with Diew's mother. All I could think about was, woman, I understand you but it doesn't justify the way you treated you son. And it's not just after her husband died, no. She said bad things to/about Diew way before that 🙃 I wonder if her friend's children also had traumas with their mom😃 So, I understand her, but I can't sugarcoat on it, sorry. Glad she took the U turn in the end and tried to understand her son though, that's growth.
As for BeerWan, they went straight to my second couple obsession folder since the beginning 🤣🤣 I love Beer, but man the patience, I could never. And Wan being jealous but not wanting to assume like, BABY, YOU CANT DENY IT, IT'S ON YOUR FACE. I understand the fear of losing your friend but you kissed, you can't just come back as if nothing happened when Beer TOLD YOU he likes you. I love Beer trying to teach him things, poor baby, I felt when he went "I can't do this anymore", he played too close to the fire and there's only so much a person can take. I had to take spoilers cause I thought they wouldn't end up together, I'm glad they did heheee
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