#haruka fukui
biglisbonnews · 2 years
On October 3, renowned South Korean illustrator Kim Jung Gi passed away unexpectedly at the age of 47. He was beloved for his innovative ink-and-brushwork style of manhwa, or Korean comic-book art, and famous for captivating audiences by live-drawing huge, intricate scenes from memory. Just days afterward, a former French game developer, known online as... https://www.niemanlab.org/2022/11/ai-generated-art-sparks-furious-backlash-from-japans-anime-community/
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bokuaosubs · 1 year
B.L.T. August 2023: Anno Aoi, Kudo Yua, Miyakoshi Yuria, Nishimori Aya, Shiogama Nana & Yoshimoto Cocona interviews
Anno Aoi's part:
"I quite like the Sakamichi groups. I wasn't sure if I could find myself accepting [becoming a part of] this group, given how I wasn't confident that I'd pass the audition.
However, my friends and my mother advised me to join the group, thus, I made up my mind. As of right now, I don't know just what kind of group we will become, but I hope we will be a group where everyone is highly aware [of their circumstances/surroundings] and can improve each other.
Everyone has a good personality, so, recently, I feel like I've become kinder too [laughs]. One day, in a few years' time, I would like to participate in the Kouhaku Uta Gassen."
Kudo Yua's part:
"I've always loved dancing and performing in front of people. I've also loved watching idols, so my mother encouraged me to apply.
I like Nogizaka46's Kaki Haruka-san, and collect her goods. Although I am part of their official rival group, I want to be someone just like her who can make those who support us smile.
I want to be part of a group that is able to do that [making the fans smile]. I've been dancing for about six years. There are a lot of members who are older or have more experience than me, but I'll do my best not to be outdone by them in terms of expresiveness."
Miyakoshi Yuria's part:
"I had always dreamed of being an idol and, given how I've just finished high school, I thought this was a now or never moment. My personality... I'm a shy, yet cheerful person. However, if the other person I'm talking to is shy, too, then I'll approach them myself.
I'm not very good at dancing, but during our training camp, I came to like it quite a bit. I am confident that I can sing loudly, too. In the future, I'd like to be a model.
I would also like to appear on the TV programme Shabekuri 007, and I would like to hold a concert in my hometown, Fukui, at the Sun Dome, so I hope that all my friends in Fukui could attend!"
Nishimori Aya's part:
"I didn't want to find a job, so I decided to join the audition as an escape from reality. Everyone else was completely determined to become an idol, so I really wondered whether it was okay for someone like me, with such aspirations, to be here.
Now that I've passed the audition, however, I'm really enjoying being an idol, so I want to have fun while I can.
I also want to become someone who can give hope to people, who can prove that even a country girl like me can be active in Tokyo, [as an idol]."
Shiogama Nana's part:
"I am a fan of Nogizaka46-san, and I've watched many of their programmes and concerts. I thought that if I joined their rival group, I would be able to improve myself further, so I decided to take this challenge.
But, I didn't really think that I'd be able to become an idol. Before that, I had wanted to become a nursery school teacher, but I passed the audition and decided to tell my father.
When I called him, he told me that he was sure I would get in. [Dear parents,] I'm a fool! (laughs) I really want to be part of a group that is great at singing and dancing!"
Yoshimoto Cocona's part:
"While I was watching Tiktoks to pass the time, I came across the video of the audition and was enthralled. I wanted to eventually be active in the entertainment industry, and I was at an age where I was wondering what my career path would be, so this was perfect timing!
I've studied jazz dance for four years, so I think I'm pretty good at it. The training camp, too, was a lot of fun. I'm not a person who cries too often, but I might just cry with happiness if we ever hold a concert in my hometown! (laughs)"
[from BLT's August 2023 issue, featuring BokuAo.]
[TL by: yuzuiro]
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taichinagasawa · 1 year
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メディウムの音を聞く / Hear the Sound of Medium
Nagasawa's curated exhibition " Hear the Sound of Medium," in which he observes the scale of artists and production in society by iterating the usefulness and limitations of the works he encountered in Vienna and Tokyo, respectively, from their similarity by chance to their mutual repetition. The exhibition was held at Nakacho House in Kitasenju, Tokyo, from September 2 (Sat) to September 18 (Mon), 2023.
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The exhibition begins with the cursory view (crude labeling) that the two face paintings by the exhibiting artists, Haruka Tomotaka and Maho Takada, each of which is used on the flyer, look similar when seen in images on Instagram and other sites. When comparing the two actual paintings of faces in the exhibition hall, it is obvious, even to the untrained eye, that there are considerable differences, from the brush strokes to the layers of paint.
We hoped that visitors would re-experience the act of creating artworks by learning more about the differences, which cannot be seen by simply looking at the paintings superficially (a cursory view), from other works by the two artists, from the exhibition statement, from an interview with Tomotaka, and from the slowness of the Nakacho House, exhibition space (Takada).
The contents of the booklets (set of two) containing the interview articles and curatorial texts were sold at the exhibition venue, so we are unable to disclose their contents here.
会場:仲町の家(〒120-0036 東京都足立区千住仲町29-1) 会期:2023年9月2日(土)〜9月18日(月・祝) 土・日・月・祝のみオープン 時間:10時〜17時 参加者:高田 満帆、友高 遼 高田 満帆(たかだ・まほ) 2002年東京都生まれ。東京都拠点。2021年、東京都立総合芸術高校美術科油画専攻卒業。同年より武蔵野美術大学造形学部油絵学科油絵専攻在籍。家族や身近な子供達との関わり、生活や食事、労働などについて考えながらそこと緩やかに連関するような物語や詩、絵を作っている。 友高 遼(ともたか・はるか) 1997年福井県生まれ。現在はドイツ、ドュッセルドルフを拠点に制作中。2018年からオーストリア国立ウィーン美術アカデミー美術学部拡張された絵画空間科にてダニエル・リヒターに師事。 2023年4月からドイツ国立ドュッセルドルフ芸術アカデミーに交換留学生として、トマ・アブツに師事。主な個展に「スモウレスラーズウィズマナーズ」(エクリュギャラリー、福井県、2022年)がある。 主催:長澤太一 後援:オーストリア大使館、オーストリア文化フォーラム東京 ※本企画は「アートアクセスあだち 音まち千住の縁 拠点形成事業 パイロットプログラム」の一環で実施しています。 
Venue: Nakacho House (29-1 Senju-Nakacho, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 120-0036) Dates: 2 (Sat) - 18 (Mon) September 2023 Open only on Sat, Sun, Mon and public holidays. Opening times: 10am - 5pm Participants: Maho Takada, Haruka Tomotaka Organiser: Taichi Nagasawa Taichi Nagasawa - Organizer and curator Born 2002 in Hokkaido, Japan, grew up in Tokyo, Japan. In 2021 he graduated in oil painting from an art high school in Tokyo. Since 2022 he has been studying in the Abstract Painting Studio, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Through the production of his own paintings, He is seeking critiques and projects that focus on the “before” and “during” the emergence of art as a phenomenon, mainly in painting. Haruka Tomotaka - Participant Born in Fukui. He is based in Düsseldorf in Germany. Since 2018 he has been studying in the studio expanded pictorial space at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna under Prof. Daniel Richter. Since April 2023, he has been studying at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf under Prof.Tomma Abts as a guest student from Vienna. He had his first Solo exhibition, Sumo Wrestlers with Manners at ecru gallery, Fukui, Japan in 2022.  Maho Takada - Participant Born 2002 in Tokyo, Based in Tokyo, Japan. In 2021 she graduated in oil painting from an art high school in Tokyo. Since 2021 she has been studying in the Department of Oil Painting at Musashino Art University, College of Art and Design. She creates stories, poems and drawings that are loosely related to her relationship with her family and the children around her, thinking about daily life, eating habits, works and so on. Supported by: Austrian Embassy, Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo This project is part of the "Nakacho House Pilot program of Art Access Adachi: Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art"
音まち千住の縁・サイト / Information of this exhibition on the website of Downtown Senju - Connecting through Sound Art
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darwinfish105 · 2 years
Tiny Japan Volume 1 from darwinfish105 on Vimeo.
約1年で撮り溜めたチルトシフトなタイムラプスをまとめました。 日本全国をチルトシフトでミニチュアにするのが目標です。 camera:SONY a7RV/a7RIV lens:Nikon Ai AF Zoom-Nikkor 24-85mm f/2.8-4D IF mount adapter:KIPON TandS NIK-NEX lens:TTArtisan Tilt 50mm f/1.4 music:Far Away by nuer self(artlist.io/song/94792/far-away) location: 0:00 明石海峡大橋(淡路サービスエリア) Akashi Kaikyo Bridge (Awaji Service Area) 0:06 名古屋港ポートビル Nagoya Port Building 0:54 四日市港ポートビル Yokkaichi Port Building 1:26 東大阪ジャンクション(東大阪市役所) Higashi-Osaka Junction (Higashi-Osaka City Hall) 1:34 梅田スカイビル Umeda Sky Building 1:50 あべのハルカス Abeno Harukas 2:14 さきしまコスモタワー Sakishima Cosmo Tower 2:38 東尋坊 Tojinbo 2:46 五月山 Mount Satsuki 2:49 伊丹空港 Osaka International Airport 3:14 舞鶴湾(五老スカイタワー) Maizuru Bay (Goro Sky Tower) 3:30 白山白川郷ホワイトロード Hakusan Shirakawago White Road 3:34 白川郷 Shirakawago 3:37 泉大津パーキングエリア Izumiotsu Parking Area 3:53 天橋立ビューランド Amanohashidate View Land 4:09 足羽川ダム(建設中) Asuwa River Dam (under construction) 4:17 福井工業大学あわらキャンパス(あわら夢ぐるま公園) Fukui Institute of Technology Awara Campus (Awara Yumeguruma Park)
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lgvalenzuela · 4 years
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A portrait of Akane and Izuku (@kathrynalicemc) in traditional japanese clothes UwU
Bonus, Haruka:
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kathrynalicemc · 4 years
HPHL Profile - Izuku Fukui
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Name: Izuku Fukui
Nicknames: None yet
Gender: Male
Age: 17 in Year 7 while MC (Akane) is 16. Older than all hphl mcs by 1 year
Birth Date: ~1800s
Species: Half vampire
Blood Status: Halfblood
Sexuality: Bi
Ethnicity: Irish/Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
Residence: Japan until starting Hogwarts
Languages: Japanese, English (Learns many other languages during his long lifespan including BSL)
The Mage
Beech Wood
“The beech wand tends to select quiet and modest personalities to wield them, which hides wisdom that is often beyond their years.”
Crane Feather Core
“Wands crafted with these cores often choose a wielder who embodies the value of selflessness and sacrifice. They tend to be difficult to pair, but are highly sought after, as the owner of a crane feather wand is said to be gifted a long and prosperous life.”
Misc Magical Abilities: Vampirism (half)
-Extended lifespan
-More powers
-Bat form
-Sunlight gives him headaches
-Can’t float like Akane
Boggart Form: People threatening Akane and Haruka for being vampires and trying to kill them like his mother was
Amortentia: Old books, candles, cherry blossoms, coffee, dust
Patronus: Siberian Cat (Grey and Brown and Cream)
Animagus: None (He has a bat form)
Patronus Memory: Sitting with his mom as she read him a book as a kid
Mirror of Erised: Uncertain yet
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Faceclaim: Kim Jae Wook
Game Appearance: N/A
Height: 5’9”
Physique: Tall, lanky
Eye Colour: Black/brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair style: Shoulder length, half of it up in a bun/pony
Misc: Vampire fangs, pointed ears
Clothing: Black/grey Japanese robes, Victorian England suits, sometimes reading glasses
Saoirse Fukui
-Irish full vampire
-Dies when Izuku is 16
Yorinobu Fukui
-Japanese wizard
Haruka Fukui
-Full Vampire
-Powerful but sunlight is fatal
Akane Fukui
-One year younger than Izuku
-Is in MCs year
-Half Vampire
-Sunlight isn’t fatal to her
Love Interest: none yet
HPHL Friends:
Akane @lgvalenzuela
Hirtia @cursed-ice-spirits
Leander & Isolde @no-moon-nor-stars
Elise @avada-katdavras
More are welcome!
Mahoutokoro: Years 1-6
House: Yosamu
Hogwarts: Year 7
House: Ravenclaw
Hobbies: Chess, Piano, Literature (poetry, Shakespeare, old muggle literature), Humanitarian efforts
Career: Muggle Studies Professor
Saoirse is an Irish vampire who travels to Japan and falls in love with Yorinobu, a Japanese wizard. Eventually they have three kids together, Haruka, Izuku, and then Akane. Izuku was 15 and Akane was 14 when their mother was killed for being a vampire. After that, the family moved to England in hope that they would be safer there. Izuku finishes his last school year at Hogwarts while Akane is in year 6. Once he graduates, he becomes the professor of Muggle Studies and is Akanes' teacher for her last year. Every summer break from Hogwarts, Izuku spends time traveling the world, doing humanitarian work, exploring human cultures, visiting ancient libraries, expanding his knowledge, learning languages, and getting ideas of what to teach that year.
-Quiet and wise and thoughtful
-Kind hearted
-World traveller
-Loves to learn and expand his knowledge
-Humanitarian, loves to help others and fight for what’s right
-Protective of his family and friends
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raydistance · 6 years
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Glasses and Skirt by fukui_haruka
Please show the original artist your appreciation by liking and sharing their post. Translation and typesetting by Ray Distance.
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slimecicle-updates · 2 years
Charlie replied to Yakko on twitter!
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a tweet by yakkocmn @/yakkocmn with a reply by Slimecicle @/Slimecicle.
Yakko’s tweet reads “here are some of my music tastes, feel free to judge me. passing me the aux cord in the car is a coin flip on whether or not i play video game music.” Attached is an image of a variety of album covers, with a list to the right, listing their authors and album titles. The list goes as follows:
Thank You Scientist - Terraformer
Andrew Huang - Hearing A Truth Serum
Sonic Team - Sonic Adventure 2
Lyn - Persona 5 Royal: Original Soundtrack
Lena Raine - Celeste (Original Soundtrack)
Porter Robinson - nurture
Crush 40 - The Best Of Crush 40: Super Sonic Songs
Andrew Huang - Pintxos
TWRP - New & Improved
Thank You Scientist - Maps of Non-Existent places
Darren Korb - Transistor Original Soundtrack
Mariya Takeuchi - Miss M
Tatsuro Yamashita - For You
Porter Robinson - Worlds
Sheena Ringo - 三毒史
Miracle Musical - Hawaii: Part II
Mariya Takeuchi - Request (30th Anniversary Edition)
Silversun Pickups - Swoon
Rina Sawayama - Sawayama
Daniel Olsén - Sayonara Wild Hearts
Various Artists - NieR: Automata Original Soundtrack
Takeshi Nakatsuka - Kiss & Ride
Andrew Huang - Love & Desolation
Galactikraken Starship Velociraptor
Tally Hall - Good & Evil
Paramore - Paramore
Paramore - RIOT!
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
Andrew Huang - Lip Bomb
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
TWRP - Over The Top
Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Kikuo - きくおミク6
Tommyj - Woah
Tee Lopes - Sonic Mania Original Soundtrack
feasley - Going Under OST
Darren - Korb Pyre (Original Soundtrack)
Ryo Fukui - Scenery
Jacob Collier - Djesse Vol. 3
Haruka Nakamura - twilight
Charlie’s reply reads “I will keep you in my car.”
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beatdisc · 2 years
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It's been a while since our last Japanese update, so here's a dig through our racks highlighting the latest new releases & re-issues, along with our usual range of ambient, new wave, jazz and folk re-stocks from our favourite archival labels.
NEW RELEASES Kikagaku Moyo - Kumoyo Island $65 Towa Tei - LP $55 Midori Takada: - Cutting Branches For A Temporary Shelter $55 - You Who Are Leaving To Nirvana $55
RE-ISSUES (Ambient) Inoyamaland - Danzindan-Pojidon $55 Hiroshi Yoshimura - Music For Nine Postcards $55 Yutaka Hirose - Nova +4 $50 Motohiko Hamase - Notes Of Forestry  $50 Midori Takada - Through The Looking Glass $45
(Rock, Pop & Psych) Takeshi Terauchi - Nippon Guitars $45 Makoto Kubota & The Sunset Gang - Dixie Fever $55 Akiko Yano - Ai Ga Nakucha Ne $55 Kikagaku Moyo: - House In The Tall Grass $55 - Masana Temples $55
(Folk) Ichiko Aoba - Windswept Adan $70 Sachiko Kanenobu - Misora $60 Kazuki Tomokawa: - Finally His First Album $55 - Straight From The Throat $55
(Electronic, New Wave & Avant-Garde) Yasuaki Shimizu - Kiren $45 Mariah - Utakata No Hibi $65 Colored Music - s/t $45 Takehisa Kosugi - Catch-Wave $55 Yamash'ta & The Horizon - Sunrise From The West Sea $55 Ryuichi Sakamoto: - Esperanto $60 - Hidari Ude No Yume $65
(Hip-Hop) Nujabes: - Metaphorical Music $110 - Modal Soul $110
(Jazz & Funk) Ryo Fukui - Mellow Dream $45 George Otsuka Quintet - Sea Breeze $55 Mystery Kindaichi Band - The Adventures Of $50 Haruka Nakamura - Nujabes Pray Reflections $100
(Compilations) Wamono A to Z: - Vol. 1: Jazz Funk & Rare Groove $60 - Vol. 2: Japanese Funk $60 - Vol. 3: Light Mellow Funk, Disco & Boogie $60 Wamono Groove: Shakuhachi & Koto Jazz Funk $60 Somewhere Between: Mutant Pop & Electronic Minimalism $65 (2xLP) Nippon Girls: - Vol. 1: Pop, Beat & Bossa Nova $55 - Vol. 2: Pop, Beat & Rock & Roll $55
(Soundtracks) Seatbelts - Cowboy Bebop $70 Kenji Kawai - Ghost In The Shell $40 Hikara Utada - One Last Kiss $48 Ryuichi Sakamoto - Black Mirror: Smithereens $40 Joe Hisaishi: - My Neighbor Totoro $100 - Castle In The Sky $120 - Castle In The Sky: US Edition $120
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my-queer-collection · 3 years
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Doujinshi: This World is a Series of Moments by Haruka Fukui
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jrwi-updates · 2 years
Grizzly replied to Yakko on twitter!
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[Image ID:
A cropped screenshot of a tweet by yakkocmn @/yakkocmn with a reply by grizzly @/GrizzlyPlays.
Yakko’s tweet reads “here are some of my music tastes, feel free to judge me. passing me the aux cord in the car is a coin flip on whether or not i play video game music.” Attached is an image of a variety of album covers, with a list to the right, listing their authors and album titles. The list goes as follows:
Thank You Scientist - Terraformer
Andrew Huang - Hearing A Truth Serum
Sonic Team - Sonic Adventure 2
Lyn - Persona 5 Royal: Original Soundtrack
Lena Raine - Celeste (Original Soundtrack)
Porter Robinson - nurture
Crush 40 - The Best Of Crush 40: Super Sonic Songs
Andrew Huang - Pintxos
TWRP - New & Improved
Thank You Scientist - Maps of Non-Existent places
Darren Korb - Transistor Original Soundtrack
Mariya Takeuchi - Miss M
Tatsuro Yamashita - For You
Porter Robinson - Worlds
Sheena Ringo - 三毒史
Miracle Musical - Hawaii: Part II
Mariya Takeuchi - Request (30th Anniversary Edition)
Silversun Pickups - Swoon
Rina Sawayama - Sawayama
Daniel Olsén - Sayonara Wild Hearts
Various Artists - NieR: Automata Original Soundtrack
Takeshi Nakatsuka - Kiss & Ride
Andrew Huang - Love & Desolation
Galactikraken Starship Velociraptor
Tally Hall - Good & Evil
Paramore - Paramore
Paramore - RIOT!
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
Andrew Huang - Lip Bomb
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
TWRP - Over The Top
Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Kikuo - きくおミク6
Tommyj - Woah
Tee Lopes - Sonic Mania Original Soundtrack
feasley - Going Under OST
Darren - Korb Pyre (Original Soundtrack)
Ryo Fukui - Scenery
Jacob Collier - Djesse Vol. 3
Haruka Nakamura - twilight
Grizzly’s reply reads “where is the rap music”.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
On October 3, renowned South Korean illustrator Kim Jung Gi passed away unexpectedly at the age of 47. He was beloved for his innovative ink-and-brushwork style of manhwa, or Korean comic-book art, and famous for captivating audiences by live-drawing huge, intricate scenes from memory. Just days afterward, a former French game developer, known online as... https://www.niemanlab.org/2022/11/ai-generated-art-sparks-furious-backlash-from-japans-anime-community/
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goalhofer · 3 years
2020 Olympics Japan Roster
Kawata Yūki (Hiroshima)
Muto Hiroki (Tokyo)
Furukawa Takaharu (Aomori)
Nakamura Miki (Yokohama)
Azusa Yamauchi (Tokyo)
Hayakawa Ren (Tokyo)
Bruno Dede (Matsumoto)
Koike Yūki (Otaru)
Tada Shūhei (Higashiōsaka)
Yamagata Ryōta (Hiroshima)
Abdul Sani-Brown (Sokado)
Iizuka Shōta (Omaezaki)
Yamashita Jun (Tsukuba)
Julian Walsh (Hiroshima)
Bandō Yūta (Sumoto)
Hiroki Matsueda (Tokyo)
Akira Aizawa (Sukagawa)
Tatsuhiko Ito (Hamamatsu)
Ryoma Aoki (Kuki)
Ryūji Miura (Hamada)
Yamaguchi Kōsei (Higashiura)
Izumiya Shunsuke (Kanagawa)
Kanai Taiō (Hakodate)
Takayama Shun'ya (Hiroshima)
Abe Takotoshi (Tokyo)
Kazuki Kurokawa (Shimonoseki)
Hiromu Yamauchi (Aizuwakamatsu)
Kiryū Yoshihide (Hikone)
Rikuya Itō (Funabashi)
Kaito Kawabata (Matsusaka)
Satō Kentarō (Tokorozawa)
Aoto Suzuki (Saitama)
Shogo Nakamura (Yokkaichi)
Ōsako Suguru (Machida)
Yuma Hattori (Tōkamachi)
Ikeda Kōki (Hamamatsu)
Takahashi Eiki (Hanamaki)
Yamanishi Toshikazu (Kyoto)
Hayato Katsuki (Chukushino)
Masatora Kawano (Hyuga)
Satoshi Maruo (Kyoto)
Hashioka Yūki (Saitama)
Shiroyama Shōtarō (Hakodate)
Tsuha Hibiki (Kawagoe)
Takashi Etō (Mie)
Tobe Naoto (Noda)
Ejima Masaki (Kanagawa)
Yamamoto Seito (Okazaki)
Takuto Kominami (Sapporo)
Yu Ishikawa (Isehara)
Ran Urabe (Tokyo)
Tanaka Nozomi (Ono)
Kaede Hagitani (Saku)
Hironaka Ririka (Nagasaki)
Andō Yuka (Toyokawa)
Niiya Hitomi (Sōja)
Aoki Masumi (Okayama)
Kimura Ayako (Hiroshima)
Asuka Terada (Sapporo)
Yuna Yamanaka (Sakai)
Hanae Aoyama (Kobe)
Kodama Mei (Usuka)
Remi Tsuruta (Kagoshima)
Ami Saito (Takahashi)
Ichiyama Mao (Izumi)
Maeda Honami (Osaka)
Suzuki Ayuko (Toyohashi)
Fujii Nanako (Nakagawa)
Okada Kumiko (Ageo)
Kitaguchi Haruka (Asahikawa)
Tanaka Ryōmei (Tokyo)
Sewon Okazawa (Tokyo)
Moriwaki Yuito (Tokyo)
Narimatsu Daisuke (Kumamoto)
Namiki Tsukimi (Narita)
Irie Sena (Tokyo)
Haneda Takuya (Toyota)
Adachi Kazuya (Tokyo)
Takanori Tōme (Tokyo)
Hiroki Fujishima (Kamikuishiki)
Yusuke Miyata (Wakayama)
Matsushita Momotarō (Komatsu)
Keiji Mizumoto (Yahaba)
Ayano Sato (Tokyo)
Yazawa Aki (Iida)
Teruko Kiriake (Yame)
Manaka Kubota (Kiyose)
Yuka Ono (Honjō)
Arashiro Yukiya (Ishigaki)
Nariyuki Masuda (Sendai)
Nitta Yūdai (Aizuwakamatsu)
Wakimoto Yūta (Fukui)
Hashimoto Eiya (Gifu)
Yamamoto Kōhei (Makubetsu)
Nagasako Yoshitaku (Kasaoka)
Rim Nakamura (Kyoto)
Kaneko Hiromi (Yokkaichi)
Yonamine Eri (Osaka)
Kobayashi Yūka (Tosu)
Kajihara Yūmi (Saitama)
Kisato Nakamura (Chiba)
Miho Imai (Maebashi)
Sae Hatakeyama (Aigle, Switzerland)
Minato Oike (Shimada)
Terauchi Ken (Takarazuka)
Sakai Shō (Tokyo)
Reo Nishida (Osaka)
Tamai Rikuto (Takarazuka)
Hiroki Ito (Zama)
Murakami Kazuki (Ehime)
Mikami Sayaka (Yonago)
Arai Matsuri (Itami)
Haruka Enomoto (Utsunomiya)
Hazuki Miyamoto (Kōchi)
Itahashi Minami (Takarazuka)
Tomohiro Shimamura (Tokyo)
Kaito Streets (Tokyo)
Kento Yoshida (Morioka)
Yudai Nagano (Ibaraki)
Kanō Kōki (Ama)
Minobe Kazuyasu (Echizen)
Yamada Masaru (Toba)
Uyama Satoru (Takamatsu)
Kyosuke Matsuyama (Tokyo)
Saitō Toshiya (Tokyo)
Shikine Takahiro (Tokyo)
Tokunan Kenta (Ikeda)
Rio Azuma (Osaka)
Tsuji Sumire (Gifu)
Nozomi Satō (Fukui)
Sera Azuma (Wakayama)
Yuka Ueno (Tokyo)
Aoki Chika (Minamiechizen)
Misaki Emura (Tokyo)
Norika Tamura (Mizuho)
Shihomi Fukushima (Munakata)
Rio Azuma (Wakayama)
Sumire Tsuji (Gifu)
Takatō Naohisa (Tokyo)
Abe Hifumi (Tokyo)
Ōno Shōhei (Naha)
Takanori Nagase (Ibaraki)
Mukai Shōichirō (Hongo)
Aaron Wolf (Shin-Koiwa)
Harasawa Hisayoshi (Shimonoseki)
Tonaki Funa (Sagamihara)
Abe Uta (Kobe)
Yoshida Tsukasa (Kyoto)
Tashiro Miku (Tokyo)
Arai Chizuru (Yorii)
Hamada Shōri (Kirishima Ichi)
Sone Akira (Kurume)
Naoto Sago (Tokyo)
Ken Nishimura (Fukuoka)
Araga Ryūtarō (Kyoto)
Kiyuna Ryō (Okinawa Ichi)
Miyahara Miho (Fukuoka)
Someya Mayumi (Tokyo)
Uekusa Ayumi (Tokyo)
Shimizu Kiyou (Osaka)
Iwamoto Shōhei (Saga)
Tomonaga Natsumi (Saitama)
Rena Shimazu (Asaka)
Nanri Kenji (Kanagawa)
Hokazono Junpei (Hioki)
Okada Keiju (Kitakyushu)
Koizumi Ibuki (Tokyo)
Leo Takahashi (Auckland, New Zealand)
Shibuki Iitsuka (Enoshima)
Tomizawa Makoto (Kashiwazaki)
Segawa Kazumasa (Sakaiminato)
Shibuki Iitsuka (Yokohama)
Anna Yamazaki (Hayama)
Eri Hatayama (Enoshima)
Sunaga Yuki (Sakado)
Doi Manami (Yokohama)
Yoshida Ai (Karatsu)
Yoshioka Miho (Enoshima)
Takano Sena (Suita)
Eri Hatayama (Zushi)
Hiroyuki Ikawa (Tokyo)
Shigetaka Oyama (Toda)
Takayuki Matsumoto (Nagasaki)
Okada Naoya (Tsuyama)
Shiori Hirata (Kanagawa)
Haruka Nakaguchi (Kyoto)
Satoko Yamada (Saitama)
Kojiro Horimizu (Zentsūji)
Hiroyuki Ikawa (Yokohama)
Dai Yoshioka (Kyoto)
Ishihara Naoko (Tokyo)
Nakayama Yukie (Yūki)
Shiori Hirata (Nomi)
Haruka Nakaguchi (Kusatsu)
Chizuru Sasaki (Morioka)
Satoko Yamada (Kōka)
Fujita Yamato (Sasebo)
Ueno Yukiko (Fukuoka)
Goto Miu (Nagoya)
Mine Yukiyo (Fukuoka)
Kiyohara Nayu (Osaka)
Agatsuma Haruka (Tokyo)
Ichiguchi Yūka (Kanagawa)
Yamamoto Yū (Tokyo)
Hitomi Kawabata (Tokyo)
Atsumi Mana (Hamamatsu)
Minori Naito (Osaka)
Saki Yamazaki (Kakegawa)
Harada Nodoka (Sōja)
Mori Sayaka (Tokyo)
Yamada Eri (Fujisawa)
Harada Kai (Kanagawa)
Narasaki Tomoa (Utsunomiya)
Noguchi Akiyo (Ibaraki)
Nonaka Mihō (Tokyo)
Kanoa Igarashi (Huntington Beach, California)
Ōhara Hiroto (Chiba)
Maeda Mahina (Pupukea, Hawaii)
Tsuzuki Amuro (Shōnan)
Honda Tomoru (Yokohama)
Ikari Yūki (Okayama)
Mura Ryūya (Yonago)
Shoma Sato (Tokyo)
Akira Namba (Yokkaichi)
Takahashi Kōtarō (Shizuoka)
Hagino Kōsuke (Oyama)
Irie Ryōsuke (Tennōji-Ku)
Kawamoto Takeshi (Nagoya)
Matsumoto Katsuhiro (Kanamachi)
Mizunuma Naoki (Tochigi)
Nakamura Katsumi (Tokyo)
Seto Daiya (Moroyama)
Sunama Keita (Yamatokoriyama)
Seki Kaiya (Tokyo)
Shioura Shinri (Isehara)
Miyu Namba (Yamaguchi)
Ageha Tanigawa (Tokyo)
Nagisa Ikemoto (Tokyo)
Aoi Masuda (Kobe)
Minamide Taishin (Kainan)
Yanagimoto Kōnosuke (Imari)
Konishi Anna (Toyooka)
Aoki Reona (Tokyo)
Hasegawa Suzuka (Kita)
Kobori Waka (Nara)
Ōhashi Yui (Hikone)
Teramura Miho (Nagareyama)
Watanabe Kanako (Tokyo)
Igarashi Chihiro (Kanagawa)
Ikee Rikako (Tokyo)
Ōmoto Rika (Kyoto)
Sakai Natsumi (Saitama)
Shirai Rio (Takarazuka)
Kida Yumi (Akasaka)
Namba Miyu (Nara)
Tanigawa Ageha (Shijonawate)
Ikemoto Nagisa (Uji)
Masuda Aoi (Kurashiki)
Inui Yukiko (Ōmihachiman)
Megumu Yoshida (Nagoya)
Fukumura Juka (Kyoto)
Kijima Moeka (Hakusan)
Okina Kyogoku (Higashioka)
Mayu Tsukamoto (Oamishirasato)
Mashiro Yasunaga (Higashioka)
Yanagisawa Akane (Saitama Ichi)
Table Tennis
Harimoto Tomokazu (Sendai)
Niwa Kōki (Tomakomai)
Mizutani Jun (Iwata)
Ishikawa Kasumi (Yamaguchi)
Itō Mima (Iwata)
Hirano Miu (Numazu)
Ricardo Suzuki (Tokyo)
Sergio Suzuki (Tokyo)
Yamada Miyu (Aichi)
Hamada Mayu (Saga)
Ishijima Yūsuke (Matsubushi)
Shiratori Katsuhiro (Tokyo)
Shimizu Kunihiro (Fukui Ichi)
Ōnodera Taishi (Natori Ichi)
Fujii Naonobu (Miyagi Ichi)
Yamauchi Akihiro (Aichi Ichi)
Nishida Yūji (Inabe)
Sekita Masahiro (Tokyo)
Ishikawa Yūki (Aichi Ichi)
Lee Haku (Miyazaki Ichi)
Takanashi Kenta (Yamagata Ichi)
Ōtsuka Tatsunori (Osaka)
Yamamoto Tomohiro (Ebetsu)
Takahashi Ran (Kyoto)
Miki Ishii (Fujisawa)
Megumi Murakami (Echizen)
Ai Kurogo (Utsunomiya)
Koga Sarina (Saga)
Tasahiro Kanami (Ōtsu)
Mayu Ishikawa (Okazaki)
Shimamura Haruyo (Kamakura)
Kobata Mako (Kyoto)
Ishii Yuki (Kurashiki)
Mai Okumura (Nagatoro)
Araki Erika (Kurashiki)
Momii Aki (Sagamihara)
Hayashi Kotona (Kyoto)
Yamada Nichika (Toyota)
Otoguro Keisuke (Kōfu)
Otoguro Takuto (Kōfu)
Shohei Yabiku (Yokohama)
Fumita Ken'ichirō (Kōfu)
Takahashi Yūki (Kunawa)
Takatani Sōsuke (Kyōtango)
Yabiku Shōhei (Naha)
Susaki Yui (Matsudo)
Mukaida Mayu (Yokkaichi)
Kawai Risako (Tsubata)
Kawai Yukako (Tsubata)
Doshō Sara (Matsusaka)
Minagawa Hiroe (Uji)
Momota Kento (Mitoyo)
Tsuneyama Kanta (Ōtsu)
Endō Hiroyuki (Tokyo)
Watanabe Yūta (Suginami)
Kamura Takeshi (Saga Ichi)
Sonoda Keigo (Yatsuhiro)
Yamaguchi Akane (Katsuyama)
Okuhara Nozomi (Ōmachi)
Fukushima Yuki (Kumamoto Ichi)
Hirota Sayaka (Kumamoto Ichi)
Matsumoto Mayu (Akita Ichi)
Nagahara Wakana (Akita Ichi)
Higashino Arisa (Iwamizawa)
Kōyō Aoyagi (Yokohama)
Iwazaki Suguru (Shimizu)
Morishita Masato (Ōita Ichi)
Itoh Hiromi (Kayabe)
Yamamoto Yoshinobu (Bizen)
Tanaka Masahiro (Itami)
Yamasaki Yasuaki (Tokyo)
Kuribayashi Ryoji (Aisai)
Yūdai Ōno (Kyoto)
Senga Kodai (Gamagōri)
Taira Kaima (Ishigaki)
Umeno Ryūtarō (Nakagawa-Cho)
Kai Takuya (Ōita Ichi)
Yamada Tetsuto (Toyooka)
Genda Sōsuke (Ōita Ichi)
Asamura Hideto (Osaka)
Kikuchi Ryosuke (Tokyo)
Sakamoto Hayato (Itami)
Murakami Munetaka (Kumamoto Ichi)
Kondō Kensuke (Chiba Ichi)
Yanagita Yūki (Hiroshima)
Kurihara Ryōya (Fukui Ichi)
Yoshida Masataka (Fukui Ichi)
Suzuki Seiya (Tokyo)
Togashi Yūki (Shibata)
Makoto Hiejima (Kyoto)
Hachimura Rui (Sendai)
Leo Vendrame (Nobeoka)
Watanabe Yūta (Zentsūji)
Kanamaru Kosuke (Fukuoka Ichi)
Baba Yūdai (Toyama Ichi)
Gavin Edwards (Funabashi)
Tanaka Daiki (Unzen)
Avi Schafer (Osaka)
Hugh Watanabe (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Harimoto Tenketsu (Nisshin)
Ira Brown (Willis, Texas)
Ochiai Tomoya (Tsuchiura)
Tominaga Akirasei (Nagoya)
Yasuoka Ryūto (Koshigaya)
Nagaoka Moeko (Urakawa)
Maki Takada (Toyohashi)
Miyoshi Naho (Ichikawa)
Rui Machida (Asahikawa)
Motohashi Nako (Tokyo)
Todo Nanako (Sapporo)
Hayashi Saki (Itoshima)
Evelyn Mawuli (Toyohashi)
Saori Miyazaki (Shibuya)
Miyazawa Yuki (Yokohama)
Akaho Himawari (Ishikawa)
Monica Okoye (Tokyo)
Stephanie Mawuli (Toyohashi)
Nishioka Risa (Ikoma)
Shinozaki Mio (Yokohama)
Yamamoto Mai (Hiroshima)
Takahashi Masanao (Tokyo)
Shingo Hayashi (Sapporo)
Hiroyuki Kitahara (Tokyo)
Kazuki Sado (Kyoto)
Kitajima Ryūzō (Kobe)
Ōiwa Yoshiaki (Schleswig Holstein, Germany)
Tanaka Toshiyuki (Fukuoka Ichi)
Kazuma Tomoto (Sturminster Newton, U.K.)
Mike Kawai (Valkenswaard, The Netherlands)
Fukushima Daisuke (Sakura)
Koki Saito (Katori)
Satō Eiken (Ogawa)
Field Hockey
Koji Yamasaki (Kōfu)
Genki Mitani (Echizen)
Tanaka Seren (Kyoto)
Ochiai Hiromasa (Tenri)
Murata Kazuma (Toyama Ichi)
Tanaka Kenta (Ōtsu)
Kitazato Kenji (Kumamoto Ichi)
Nagai Yūma (Kyoto)
Yamashita Manabu (Oyabe)
Tanaka Kaito (Tenri)
Nagayoshi Ken (Utsunomiya)
Fukuda Kentarō (Matsue)
Ōhashi Masaki (Nikkō)
Yamada Shōta (Maibara)
Zendana Hirotaka (Matsue)
Yoshikawa Takashi (Maibara)
Watanabe Kōta (Fukui Ichi)
Kirishita Yoshiki (Nara Ichi)
Kimika Hoshi (Kakamigahara)
Natsuhara Matsumoto (Matsubara)
Yu Asai (Hiroshima)
Mano Yukari (Kakamigahara)
Nagai Yuri (Kakamigahara)
Nagai Hazuki (Kakamigahara)
Oikawa Shihori (Tenri)
Kana Nomura (Nara)
Miki Kozuka (Nikko)
Segawa Maho (Tokyo)
Yamada Aki (Kōfu)
Nishikōri Emi (Matsue)
Kanon Mori (Hiroshima)
Mai Toriyama (Nara)
Sakurako Omoto (Iwakuni)
Asano Sakiyo (Kakamigahara)
Ōsako Keisuke (Izumi)
Sakai Hiroki (Kashiwa)
Nakayama Yūta (Ryūgasaki)
Itakura Kō (Yokohama)
Yoshida Maya (Nagasaki)
Endoh Wataru (Yokohama)
Kubo Takefusa (Kawasaki)
Miyoshi Kōji (Kawasaki)
Maeda Daizen (Osaka)
Dōan Ritsu (Amagasaki)
Mitoma Kaoru (Kawasaki)
Tani Kosei (Osaka)
Hatate Reo (Shizuoka)
Tomiyasu Takehiro (Fukuoka Ichi)
Hashioka Daiki (Saitama)
Sōma Yūki (Tokyo)
Tanaka Ao (Kawasaki)
Ueda Ayase (Mito)
Hayashi Daichi (Osaka)
Machida Kōki (Mito)
Seko Ayuma (Osaka)
Zion Suzuki (Saitama Ichi)
Ikeda Sakiko (Saitama Ichi)
Shimizu Risa (Kobe)
Takarada Saori (Tateyama)
Kumagai Saki (Sapporo)
Minami Moeka (Yoshikawa)
Sugita Hina (Kitakyushu)
Nakajima Emi (Yasu)
Miura Narumi (Kawasaki)
Sugasawa Yuika (Chiba Ichi)
Iwabuchi Mana (Tokyo)
Tanaka Mina (Inagi)
Endō Jun (Shirakawa)
Shiokoshi Yuzuho (Saitama Ichi)
Hasegawa Yui (Toda)
Momiki Yūka (New York, New York)
Miyagawa Asato (Yokohama)
Kitamura Nanami (Osaka)
Yamashita Ayaka (Tokyo)
Shiori Miyake (Sapporo)
Hayashi Honoka (Uji)
Kinoshita Momoka (Hyogo)
Hirao Chika (Matsudo)
Matsuyama Hideki (Sendai)
Hoshino Rikuya (Mito)
Hataoka Nasa (Kasama)
Inami Mone (Tokyo)
Hashimoto Daiki (Chiba)
Kaya Kazuma (Funabashi)
Kitazono Takeru (Osaka)
Wataru Tanigawa (Funabashi)
Daiki Kishi (Komatsu)
Ryosuke Sakai (Isehara)
Hatekeda Hitomi (Tokyo)
Hiraiwa Yūna (Tokyo)
Murakami Mai (Sagamihara)
Sugihara Aiko (Higashiōsaka)
Ōiwa Chisaki (Noda)
Sumire Kita (Tokyo)
Noshitani Sakura (Tokyo)
Sugimoto Sayuri (Nagoya)
Suzuki Ayuka (Anpachi)
Nanami Takenaka (Setagaya)
Yokota Kiko (Tokyo)
Hikaru Mori (Tokyo)
Megu Uyama (Kanazawa)
Naoki Sugioka (Kariya)
Yuta Iwashita (Kanazaki)
Kenya Kasahara (Kariya)
Adam Baig (Fukuoka Ichi)
Narita Kohei (Hiroshima)
Tokuda Shinnosuke (Inazawa)
Watanabe Jin (Ōita Ichi)
Rémi Feutrier (Tokyo)
Motoki Sakai (Isehara)
Motoki Shida (Kasumigauri)
Tatsuki Yoshino (Misato)
Agarie Yūto (Urasoe)
Mizumachi Kōtarō (Tokyo)
Rennosuke Tokuda (Iwakuni)
Yoshida Shūichi (Tarnow, Poland)
Sunami Kaho (Kagoshima)
Sunami Yui (Okayama)
Shiota Sayo (Takamatsu)
Yokoshima Aya (Takaoka)
Mana Horikawa (Hiroshima)
Itano Minami (Osaka)
Tanabe Yuki (Hakusan)
Ayaka Ikehara (Urasoe)
Hara Nozomi (Nobeoka)
Ōyama Mana (Takamatsu)
Sasaki Haruno (Takaoka)
Shiori Nagata (Fukuoka Ichi)
Sakura Hauge (Bergen, Norway)
Kondō Mahura (Tokyo)
Fujii Shio (Osaka)
Ishitate Mayuko (Fukui)
Arakawa Ryūta (Yokohama)
Tomita Chiaki (Yonago)
Ōishi Ayami (Aichi Ichi)
Jose Seru (Higashioka)
Lote Tuqiri (Namatakula, Fiji)
Colin Bourke (Tokyo)
Hano Kazushi (Nagoya)
Kameli Soejima (Labasa, Fiji)
Hikosaka Masakatsu (Aichi Ichi)
Brackin Karauria-Henry (Auckland, New Zealand)
Chihito Matsui (Osaka)
Ryota Kano (Tokyo)
Yoshikazu Fujita (Fukuoka Ichi)
Kippei Ishida (Amagasaki)
Naoki Motomura (Hachinohe)
Gōya Kazuhiro (Onojo)
Wakaba Hara (Niigata)
Rinka Matsuda (Kyoto)
Yume Hirano (Tokyo)
Haruka Hirotsu (Tokyo)
Marin Kajiki (Fukuoka Ichi)
Koide Mifuyu (Kumagaya)
Hana Nagata (Fukuoka Ichi)
Mei Otani (Kyoto)
Raichel Bativakalolo (Tokyo)
Mayu Shimizu (Tokyo)
Miyu Shirako (Tokyo)
Honoka Tsutsumi (Ureshino)
Hirano Ayumu (Murakami)
Aoki Yukito (Shizuoka)
Horigome Yūto (Tokyo)
Shirai Sora (Sagamihara)
Hiraki Kokona (Kutchan)
Okamoto Misugu (Takahama)
Yosozumi Sakura (Iwade)
Nakayama Fūna (Toyama Ichi)
Nishimuri Aori (Tokyo)
Nishiya Momiji (Osaka)
Tarō Daniel (Bradenton, Florida)
Nishikori Kei (Bradenton, Florida)
Nishioka Yoshihito (Tsu)
Sugita Yūichi (Tokyo)
Ben McLachlan (Queenstown, New Zealand)
Doi Misaki (Tokyo)
Hibino Nao (Ichinomiya)
Ōsaka Noami (Beverly Hills, California)
Aoyama Shūko (Osaka)
Shibahara Ena (Rancho Palos Verdes, California)
Ninomiya Makoto (Hiroshima)
Kenji Nener (Perth, Australia)
Makoto Odakura (Tokyo)
Niina Kishimoto (Kawagoe)
Takahashi Yūko (Mitaka)
Water Polo
Tanamura Katsuyuki (Ishigaki)
Adachi Seiya (Gifu Ichi)
Harukiirario Koppu (Tokyo)
Shiga Mitsuaki (Maebashi)
Takuma Yoshida (Nagahama)
Toi Suzuki (Yamagata Ichi)
Shimizu Yūsuke (Kumamoto Ichi)
Mitsuru Takata (Tokyo)
Arai Atsushi (Kawasaki)
Yusuke Inaba (Toyama)
Keigo Okawa (Yachiyo)
Kenta Araki (Tokyo)
Tomoyoshi Fukushima (Kagoshima Ichi)
Rikako Miura (Yamagata Ichi)
Yumi Arima (Yusashino)
Akari Inaba (Toyama)
Eruna Ura (Hakusan)
Kaho Iwano (Inabe)
Miku Koide (Kashiwazaki)
Maiko Hashida (Tokyo)
Yuki Niizawa (Tokyo)
Minori Yamamoto (Kyoto)
Kako Kawaguchi (Yokohama)
Marina Tokumoto (Tokyo)
Kyoko Kudo (Yokohama)
Minami Shioya (Yachiyo)
Itokazu Yōichi (Tokyo)
Mitsunori Konnai (Setagaya)
Masanori Miyamoto (Naha)
Toshiki Yamamoto (Yokohama)
Miyake Hiromi (Niiza)
Yagi Kanae (Kobe)
Andō Mikiko (Shiroi)
13 notes · View notes
doarofantoma · 3 years
TOP 5 ANIME-URI SPORTIVE [recomandare]
Bună, bună!
A trecut ceva timp de la primul „TOP 5 ANIME-URI” așa că m-am gândit să revin cu partea a doua, de data asta, cu genul sportiv.
Da acel gen în care este vorba în general despre o echipă sportivă cu mulți băieți extrem de frumoși și pe care fetele le adoră din acest punct de vedere ^^
Să nu mai pierdem timpul aiurea, zic să începem.
5. 2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu
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Nu știu ce aș putea să zic despre seria asta. Da, este un anime sportiv drăguțic, despre o echipă de volei masculin ce vrea să ajungă la turneul de primăvară din Tokyo, dar după părerea mea se axează mai mult pe dramă decât pe volei și sport în general.
Și acum poate că vă întrebați de ce l-am recomandat dacă am o astfel de părere despre el, ei bine, seria nu e rea. E chiar faină dacă stai să o urmărești cu atenție, dar poate nu este pentru toată lumea și o recomand aici pentru că, chiar dacă mie nu îmi place așa de mult, altuia poate o să i se pară o serie extraordinară.
Povestea animeului se învârte în jurul lui Kimichika Haijima care se întoarce în orașul său natal, Fukui, după ce a cauzat probleme în echipa de volei a liceului din Tokyo. Aici se reîntâlnește cu prietenul său din copilărie, Yuni Kuroba, care posedă abilități fizice remarcabile, dar este vulnerabil sub presiune. Haijima, cu pasiunea sa copleșitoare și talentul său, formează o combinație as împreună cu Kuroba, amândoi înscriindu-se în echipa de volei a liceului Seiin.
4. Free!
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O serie adorabilă formată din 3 sezoane despre niște băieți care au o pasiune pentru înot și care au toți nume de... fete.
La începutul primului sezon facem cunoștință cu Haruka Nanase care are o dragoste aparte pentru apă și o pasiune pentru înot. În școala elementară, a concurat și a câștigat o cursă de ștafetă cu cei trei prieteni ai săi Rin Matsuoka, Nagisa Hazuki și Makoto Tachibana. După ce au câștigat victoria la turneu, cei patru prieteni au mers pe căi separate. Ani mai târziu, se reunesc ca elevi de liceu; totuși, Rin nu vrea să se întoarcă la felul în care erau lucrurile în trecut și nu numai că frecventează o altă școală, dar singurul lucru important pentru el este să demonstreze că este un înotător mai bun decât Haruka. După reuniunea amară, Haruka, Nagisa și Makoto decid să formeze clubul de înot al liceului Iwatobi, însă au nevoie de un al patrulea membru, asta dacă vor să participe la turneul care urmează. Astfel Rei Ryuugazaki, un fost membru al echipei de pistă, se alătură clubului de înot. Pe măsură ce timpul pentru competiție se apropie, cei patru dezvoltă o legătură strânsă în timp ce se antrenează intens pentru a ieși în frunte și a rezolva lucrurile între Haruka și Rin odată pentru totdeauna.
3. Yuuri!!! on Ice
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Ador acest fanart și de aceea l-am pus aici, ok?
Bine, acum că am lămurit asta, să vorbim despre anime în general. Da! E un anime sportiv cu o tentă mică de shounen-ai, deci să nu vă aud că e yaoi și altele că l-am urmărit de două ori și vă asigur că n-am văzut absolut nici o scenă de sex între Yuuri și Victor ca să fie considerat yaoi.
Deci povestea seriei se învârte în jurul lui Yuuri Katsuki care, după o înfrângere dureroasa pe ringul de patinaj, încearcă să-și facă ordine în viață și se întoarce în casa familiei sale pentru a-și evalua opțiunile de viitor. La cei 23 de ani ai săi, Yuuri își dă seama că fereastra spre patinajul de succes i s-a închis mult prea repede, iar iubirea lui pentru cotletele de porc îl aduce într-o formă care nu îi mai permite să practice sportul pe care odată îl adora.
Cu toate acestea, Yuuri se trezește în centrul atenției atunci când un videoclip cu el efectuând un exercițiu executat anterior de campionul mondial, Victor Nikiforov, devine brusc viral. De fapt, Victor însuși apare brusc la casa lui Yuuri și se oferă să-i fie antrenor. Fiind unul dintre cei mai mari fani ai săi, Yuuri acceptă cu nerăbdare, începând călătoria sa pentru a reveni pe scena mondială. Dar competiția este acerbă, întrucât steaua în ascensiune din Rusia, Yuri Plisetsky, este hotărât fără încetare să-l învingă pe Yuuri și să recâștige tutela lui Victor.
2. Number 24
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O serie extrem de drăguță cu o mulțime de băieți atrăgător gata să vă fure inimile de la prima apariție.
... adică doar uitați-vă la cei din poză. Sunt minunați, nu? Ah frate!!! De aceea o să mor singură.
În prim plan îl avem pe Natsuza Yuzuki, jucător de rugby încă de când era mic. După ce s-a înscris la universitatea Doushisha, a devenit un star în devenire în Liga Kansai a universităților. Visele lui sunt năruite însă când un accident grav de motocicletă în lasă cu o hernie la coloană, împiedicându-l din a mai juca vreodată rugby. Fără vreun alt rol posibil în afară de cel de manager, își acceptă noua poziție și speră ca echipa să câștige campionatul.
Totuși nu este suficient și pentru a fi sigur că echipa o să câștige, Natsuza decide să aducă un vechi membru în echipă. Cel care se învinovățește pentru accidentul lui lui Natsuza, a promis că nu o să mai joace vreodată rugby și a renunțat brusc.
Dar lucrurile nu merg așa cum speră managerul nostru și astfel se vede nevoit să îl forțeze pe Ibuki Ueka să accepte invitația de a fi din nou un membru în echipă și un posibil as.
1. Haikyuu!!
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Ok... deci a sosit timpul.
Am refuzat atât de mult să mă uit la seria asta și nu știu de ce... adică e efectiv genială! Cea mai bună serie sportivă pe care puteam s-o văd vreodată.
Cele 4 sezoane sunt incredibile și te transportă prin tot felul de emoții. Personajele sunt divine. Băieții sunt foarte amuzanți și adorabili și n-ai cum să nu-i iubești.
... desigur, există excepții... aham... slut Oikawa.
Oricum, trecând peste... inspirat de un voleibalist poreclit "Micul Gigant", personajul nostru principal, piticul Hinata Shoyo, reînvie clubul de volei de la şcoala gimnazială unde învăţă. Echipa nou formată reuşeşte să participe la un turneu, însă acesta va fi primul, dar şi ultimul pentru ei, pentru că sunt zdrobiţi încă din primul meci de echipa celui poreclit "Regele Terenului", Kageyama Tobio. După acel meci, Hinata jură să-l depăşească pe acel "Rege" însă soarta face ca cei doi să intre la acelaşi liceu, şi astfel, în aceeaşi echipă de volei.
Datorită înălțimii sale, Hinata se luptă să-și găsească rolul în echipă, chiar și cu puterea sa superioară de sărituri. În mod surprinzător, Kageyama are propriile sale probleme pe care doar Hinata le poate rezolva, iar învățarea de a lucra împreună pare a fi singura modalitate de a avea succes echipa.
Sincer îndrăgesc seria și o recomand cu tot dragul.
Șiii asta a fost!! Sper că o să dați cel puțin o șansă seriilor recomandate aici pentru că sunt extrem de interesante.
Cel puțin eu așa cred.
Ne vedem data viitoare ^^
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lgvalenzuela · 4 years
Angelique and Akane
3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 18, 20, 25, 32, 42, 46, 50
Thank you hun hun🖤🖤🖤
3. What's their Patronus? Why?
Angelique: Her Patronus is Y Ddraig Goch, the red dragon from the Welsh flag, because she is particularly patriotic, she's always fought for Wales and she always will. Although her Patronus doesn't take form for a long time since she's not that good at conventional magic.
Akane: Maybe redundant but her Patronus is a bat, but it's specifically her mother's bat form who was killed a year prior for being a vampire.
4. What's their Animagus form?
They aren't Animagus :'(
If they were Angelique would be a deer, and Akane would again be a bat.
6. Do they have any pets?
Angelique: Doesn't really, she likes animals alright but she thinks it'd be a bother right now to take care of an animal.
Akane: Take a wild guess what her pet is (I just really like bats, okay? ;-;)
8. Is there anyone in Hogwarts they can't stand?
I don't know yet! But Angelique is particularly grumpy so probably.
11. What's their boggart?
Angelique: The demon that's been stalking and murdering her for centuries
Akane: A group of people, hunting her down
18. What would their life as a muggle be like?
Angelique: Assuming this is referring to current Angelique, and without her curse in mind. She'd probably be a little spoiled girl, but maybe with a rebellious streak since her parents treat her mostly as cattle and want her to be married as soon as possible. But since this is a world where she doesn't have the wisdom that's come from her many life's, she'd probably be married to someone she doesn't like and having a miserable life.
Akane: Since she'd probably would be a vampire she'd be still living in Japan, and starting a training to become a Geisha, she admires the dedication a lot.
20. Do they have any magical habilities?
Angelique: Have in mind she's the most op character I've ever created, since she's lived so long and has had many wonderful teachers (including Merlin!) she's a relic of old and powerful magic, druidic magic, but most of all extremely powerful healing magic.
She kinda laughs at Hogwarts magic, since for every spell they teach her she has one ten times more powerful.
Akane: She's a vampire, most notably she can float, and walk through walls and ceilings. There's a lot of strength contained into that small body, but most of all she's fast.
25. Do they play Quidditch? What's their position?
Angelique: She would love to, but she's tragically disabled since the demon ripped her leg off her, and she's not had many good prosthetic legs.
Akane: Yes, she's a chaser
32. What's their Myer-Briggs personality type?
Angelique: INTP (The logician)
Akane: ISFP (The adventurer)
42. What do they do during the summer?
Angelique: She goes to her room and closes the door, just opens for her little sister Brinn so they can hang out, read together or play some music. She is forced by her parents to go to many parties so they can find her a husband, but she has a terrible reputation for being bold, mean and grumpy.
Akane: Goes to Japan with her family to hang out with her relatives, but mostly stays with her siblings, Haruka and Izuku (@kathrynalicemc) She probably tries to see Elyas and his family (@aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery) as much as possible when she's back in the country
Both of the write to their love interests, Elyas and Artemis (@brothergrimm71) Angelique also sends flowers with messages.
46. What's their favorite magical creature?
Angelique: The Phoenix, for obvious parallels.
Akane: The Thestral, she finds their presence conforting, like there's a secret between them and she can talk about her grief over her mother.
50. What would their Amortencia smell like?
Angelique: Petrichor, nature and rosemary perfume
Artemis: Scotch malt whiskey, wild mint, heather, fresh sea air and summer rain
Akane: Ash, incense, blood and wine
Elyas: Fresh bread, cloves and cinnamon
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yurimother · 5 years
100 DAYS OF YURI: Day 79 - This World Is A Series of Moments
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This World Is A Series of Moments is a Yuri manga by Haruka Fukui. It is an anthology containing 16 short Yuri stories featuring a variety of themes settings and couples, from school romance to housewives. While each one is short, they are masterfully told with a tight story and a unique art style.
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The Magna is published in English by Lilyka and can be purchased digitally on their website.
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