#akane fukui
firedragon1321 · 9 months
Shinkalion CTW saga continues! Here's some images straight from the official website. This is Part 2 is about the drivers. Part 1 about the Shinkalions themselves is here.
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The grand prize- for me- is driver information. Note that Google Translate is in play to the max here so things may be incorrect.
First, confirmation that my previous post was on target, along with better quality images and names. I assume these are on Japanese order and will use English order going forward.
First off, each character has a school uniform alt and is called a junior high student. So they're older than past drivers. I'd say about 13-14 (according to my three seconds of comparing Japanese grades to American ones.)
E5 Driver- Taisei Taisei
And now let's dive in. First, the E5's driver.
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His name translates to...Taisei Taisei? I think Google Translate is having a little bender but the translation seems consistent. His name is Taisei Onari according to Anime News Network. Maybe it's a pun?
Here's more about him.
"A second-year junior high school student who is the driver of Shinkalion E5 Hayabusa.
He is serious and kind-hearted, but he is also shy and easily pushy.
He became obsessed with railways due to the influence of his older sister, whom he respects, and is building ideal stations and routes within the Metaverse.
Birthday / October 14th
Blood type / B
Height / 162cm
Birthplace / Saitama Prefecture
Hobbies/Special skills / Transfer information"
I think "easily pushy" should be "easily pushed around"? Hopefully that gives him a personality outside of Kirito. My new main concern is "Metaverse", but hopefully that's a background thing for this one character.
E6 Driver, Akane Folden
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"A second-year junior high school student who is the driver of Shinkalion E6 Komachi.
A cool and confident person with a French father and Japanese mother.
Born into a family of athletes, he had a promising future as a track and field athlete, but due to an injury he is currently away from track and field.
Birthday / July 20th
Blood type / A
Height / 172cm
Birthplace / Tokyo
Hobbies / Specialties / Track and Field / Reading"
I had some worries about this one being an arrogant rival type. But the injury- while not an uncommon trait- catches my attention. I also noticed a hairstyle change between driver suit and school uniform. It's a ponytail as confirmed here.
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E7 Driver- Ryota Kuzuryu.
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"A second-year junior high school student who is the driver of Shinkalion E7 Kagayaki.
Although he has a playful personality, he is a caring person and becomes Taisei's first friend when he moves in.
Having been saved by Shinkalion when he was young, he has a deep admiration for Shinkalion.
Birthday / May 21st
Blood type / O
Height / 165cm
Birthplace / Fukui Prefecture
Hobbies / Specialties / Games / Cooking"
So "moves in" confirms this is a middle school/junior high dorm situation, which is common in Japan (this is also the setting for Digimon Ghost Game). But also, I just love this guy. The baggy driver suit. The hair clip. He's definitely ready for trouble!
The Plot
Here is some basic plot info. Nothing unexpected, but there are some meat details. I'll put it as text since I hit the image limit. This is hobbled together from two Google Translates so huge grain of salt.
"Once upon a time, an unknown enemy, Unidentified Enemy/Unknown suddenly appeared. Super Evolutionary Railway Development Organization, commonly known as ERDA is (sentence ends for some reason?). As a countermeasure, they developed the Shinkalion, a robot that transforms the Shinkasen, in preparation for the threat. "I want a cool person who can protect something...I..." Taisei (Onari) a second year middle school student, transfers to Shinkai Gakuen Junior High School in search of clues about his older sister who disappeared two years ago. Just then, Unknown appears for the first time in ten years. Coincidentally, it turns out that Taisei has a high aptitude value as a Shinkalion driver, and he is forced to decide to fight. What is Unknown's true identity and what is its purpose? What is the truth that comes to light at the end of the struggle? The story of the boys' determination and growth begins now."
The main thing here is we're going full AU. The origin and creator of the Shinkalions is not the same as the original and Z. This is the Digimon Tamers to the original and Z's Adventure and 02, basically.
Also confirmed that aptitude is still a thing, despite this being AU and another detail I'll talk about a bit later.
Also not sure what Unknown is. It is capitalized and certainly an enemy faction like the Teoti and Kitoralsus. But with Google Translate as my only friend, they're just "unknown" for now.
Last Little Detail
Finally there is a new video. This is raw so no subtitles.
It's mostly footage we've seen before and robots fighting. But I want to talk about this.
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Seems we have an actual command room rather than floating in the void. I wonder how this will effect battle, since the original Shinkalions and Z Shinkalions responded to the exact movements of their drivers.
This concludes my megadump. There's currently no release date (I looked everywhere), so for now, we can speculate with what we have.
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berma-dalam-titik · 24 days
Bukan Buatku
Bagian 1
Semua dimulai dari Tou-san---ayahku---yang menurunkan toko manisannya padaku. Kalau boleh jujur, aku bukan penggemar makanan manis, bahkan sejak masih kecil. Tou-san tahu itu, tapi tetap menurunkannya padaku.
"Cuma kau satu-satunya anakku! Kenapa tidak mau membantu ayahmu yang sudah tua ini?!" katanya, di hari pertama ia membicarakan topik itu. "Yang buat manisannya, kan, karyawan-karyawanku, bukan kau! Yang kau lakukan hanya menjaga toko, menggaji karyawan, serta mencicipi varian baru yang mereka buat!"
"Justru bagian 'mencicipi' itu yang kuhindari, Tou-san," aku ingat pernah memberinya alasan.
"Banyak alasan! Pokoknya, toko itu harus tetap buka saat aku pensiun! Aku tidak mau terus-terusan terjebak di kota itu! Aku ingin jalan-jalan, membawa serta abu ibumu! Paham?!" Namun, alasanku ditolaknya mentah-mentah, hingga mau tak mau, kuterima toko itu sebagai mata pencaharian utamaku saat ini.
Toko manisan Tou-san---atau sekarang toko manisan-ku---sama sekali tidak besar. Ini toko kecil dan tua yang hanya memiliki tiga karyawan yang semuanya bekerja di dapur. Tadinya Tou-san dan Kaa-san hanya menjajakan manisan-manisan tradisional. Akan tetapi, mengikuti permintaan pasar dan perkembangan zaman, lambat laun mereka menerima pasokan permen atau manisan lain dari pabrik-pabrik sekitar. Yah, bisa dibilang, apa pun yang rasanya manis dan berbahan dasar gula, akan Tou-san jual di sini.
"Haaah, melihatnya saja sudah membuat mulutku lengket ...."
"Se-tidak bisa itu, kah, makan yang manis-manis, Kotaro-kun?" Seorang wanita yang ada di masa setengah abadnya, muncul dari dapur dengan nampan berisi ichigo daifuku di atasnya. Itu Junko-san. "Nih, yang ichigo baru jadi. Mau satu?"
"Junko-san bercanda, ya?"
Junko-san tertawa sambil memasukkan benda-benda bulat berwarna putih itu ke raknya, bergabung dengan daifuku-daifuku lain yang sudah jadi lebih dulu. Aku keluar dari area kasir, membantunya untuk menyusun. "Padahal makanan manis itu bisa menaikkan mood-mu. Kenapa tidak mau?"
"Rasanya tidak cocok di lidah," balasku, menyusun daifuku terakhir ke raknya. Aku menghela nafas lagi---akibat dari menyentuh benda penuh gula itu di tangan---sebelum meneruskan, "Gula-gula ini seperti menempel di setiap sudut mulutku, dan bisa membuatku haus sampai seharian."
"Separah itu?" Aku mengangguk. Junko-san ikut menghela nafasnya. "Tapi kau memang tidak tertarik dengan manisan sejak masih sepinggangku, sih," ia bercerita sambil menaruh tangannya di pinggang, mengukur tubuh kecilku yang hanya tersisa bayangan masa lalu. "Anak yang tidak suka permen .... Sama sekali tidak terdengar lucu."
"Tenang saja, bahkan Tou-san tidak pernah menganggapku lucu."
Junko-san tertawa lepas, mungkin membayangkan wajah Tou-san yang hampir tak pernah terlihat ramah di sepanjang hidupnya. "Ya, ya, kau benar. Yang menganggapmu lucu hanya Yui-chan---Kaa-san-mu."
Aku tersenyum getir. Junko-san dan Kaa-san ini sangat dekat. Meski mereka berawal dari pemilik toko dan karyawan, hubungan mereka sudah seperti kakak-adik pada akhirnya. Aku pun sering menganggap Junko-san sebagai ibu keduaku. Jujur, aku sangat bersyukur Junko-san masih mau bertahan bekerja di toko kecil ini, di saat dua karyawan lainnya sudah sering berganti setiap tahunnya.
"Baiklah, aku masih harus buat manju."
"Eh? Bukannya manju jatahnya Fukui-san?"
"Hari ini ada yang pesan untuk oleh-oleh." Junko-san mengambil kembali nampan tempat ia menaruh daifuku tadi. Sambil hendak kembali ke belakang, ia bicara lagi, "Pesanannya masuk saat kau belum datang ke sini, jadi mungkin kau tidak tahu, tapi kau bisa cek di Buku Coklat. Harusnya Takamori-kun sudah tulis pesanannya di sana."
Segera aku kembali ke meja kasir dan mengecek Buku Coklat yang dimaksud. Sebenarnya ini hanya buku tulis biasa yang disampul coklat, tapi ini sudah semacam tradisi yang Tou-san buat supaya tidak mudah lupa apabila ada pesanan khusus yang masuk ke toko. "Rincian pesanannya ada di Buku Coklat! Kau tinggal cek saja!" Biasanya dia akan bicara seperti itu setiap Junko-san atau karyawan lain bertanya. Aku seakan bisa mendengarnya bicara seperti itu tepat di sampingku---sambil marah-marah, mempertanyakan kenapa aku bisa lupa dengan urusan toko sendiri.
Aku langsung membuka buku itu ke halaman paling baru. Tanggal penulisannya dua hari lalu, dan ada nama "Takamori" di bawahnya. Sudah dipastikan inilah rincian pesanan yang dibilang Junko-san tadi.
"Berapa banyak manju yang dipesan?" Suara Junko-san terdengar agak jauh.
"Lima puluh buah!" Suaraku sedikit meninggi, supaya terdengar oleh Junko-san yang sudah ada di dapur.
"Sudah ada 20 di sini!" Kali ini suara Fukui-san yang terdengar.
"Urusanmu itu stok toko, Fukui-kun!" Balasan dari Junko-san membuatku menahan tawa sedikit.
"Heee!? Tapi manju itu spesialisasiku! Dan juga, Junko-san belum buat satu pun, kan?! Pesanannya diambil jam dua siang ini!" Aku refleks mengecek kembali rinciannya, kemudian beralih ke jam dinding di atasku. Sekarang sudah jam 10.30, tepat setengah jam setelah toko dibuka.
"Lalu manju di toko siapa yang pegang?!" Suara Junko-san membawaku kembali ke pembicaraan mereka.
"Aku sudah taruh 20 yaki manju di rak toko!" Kali ini suara si karyawan muda, Takamori, yang terdengar.
"Yang biasa kita jual itu kukus (mushi)! Bukan panggang (yaki)!" Keributan yang terjadi semakin membuatku tak kuasa menahan tawa.
Baru saja aku ingin memisahkan mereka dan mengingatkan waktu terus berjalan, pintu toko dibuka oleh seseorang. Aku langsung menyambutnya, tanpa menyadari siapa pelanggan pertama kami. Hingga setelah aku melihatnya dengan seksama, aku terkesima dengan kecantikan yang dipancarkannya.
Ia membalas sapaanku dengan senyuman, membenarkan posisi kacamatanya sejenak, lalu bicara, "Uh, maaf. Aku Kishimoto, yang dua hari lalu pesan manju di sini. A-aku minta maaf karena datang terlalu cepat---aku baru ingat jam pengambilannya saat sudah dalam perjalanan. Karena sudah nanggung buat balik lagi---berhubung rumahku jauh dari sini, apa boleh aku tunggu saja di sini?"
Maafkan aku, Kishimoto-san. Aku terlalu terpana dengan kecantikanmu, bahkan suaramu juga terdengar indah, sampai aku kehabisan kata-kata.
Sepertinya ... aku sudah jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama.
Bersambung ...
[Ditulis oleh Titik Berma; Pamulang, 4 September 2024]
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nanchan83 · 2 years
「ぼっち」 Music Video
Cast : Suika Yamazaki / Akane Suzuki
Director : Nozomu Ueda
Cinematographer : Ryo Takaka
Assistant Cinematographer : Tatsuo Fukui / Kohei Yamazaki
Stylist : Haruki Okamura
Assistant Stylist : Ami Ueno / Momoko Fujiwara
Hair Make : Miyuki Namba
Assistant Hair Make : Rinna Tanaka
Casting : Hidnaki Hata / Yukiya Hashiura
Production Assistant : Naoya Endo / Atsuyuki Beppu
Producer : Yuki Sagahara
Production : Basedon Inc.
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lgvalenzuela · 4 years
After Angelique finds out about Artemis's curse
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Hope you like it @brothergrimm71 :3c
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kathrynalicemc · 4 years
HPHL Profile - Izuku Fukui
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Name: Izuku Fukui
Nicknames: None yet
Gender: Male
Age: 17 in Year 7 while MC (Akane) is 16. Older than all hphl mcs by 1 year
Birth Date: ~1800s
Species: Half vampire
Blood Status: Halfblood
Sexuality: Bi
Ethnicity: Irish/Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
Residence: Japan until starting Hogwarts
Languages: Japanese, English (Learns many other languages during his long lifespan including BSL)
The Mage
Beech Wood
“The beech wand tends to select quiet and modest personalities to wield them, which hides wisdom that is often beyond their years.”
Crane Feather Core
“Wands crafted with these cores often choose a wielder who embodies the value of selflessness and sacrifice. They tend to be difficult to pair, but are highly sought after, as the owner of a crane feather wand is said to be gifted a long and prosperous life.”
Misc Magical Abilities: Vampirism (half)
-Extended lifespan
-More powers
-Bat form
-Sunlight gives him headaches
-Can’t float like Akane
Boggart Form: People threatening Akane and Haruka for being vampires and trying to kill them like his mother was
Amortentia: Old books, candles, cherry blossoms, coffee, dust
Patronus: Siberian Cat (Grey and Brown and Cream)
Animagus: None (He has a bat form)
Patronus Memory: Sitting with his mom as she read him a book as a kid
Mirror of Erised: Uncertain yet
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Faceclaim: Kim Jae Wook
Game Appearance: N/A
Height: 5’9”
Physique: Tall, lanky
Eye Colour: Black/brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair style: Shoulder length, half of it up in a bun/pony
Misc: Vampire fangs, pointed ears
Clothing: Black/grey Japanese robes, Victorian England suits, sometimes reading glasses
Saoirse Fukui
-Irish full vampire
-Dies when Izuku is 16
Yorinobu Fukui
-Japanese wizard
Haruka Fukui
-Full Vampire
-Powerful but sunlight is fatal
Akane Fukui
-One year younger than Izuku
-Is in MCs year
-Half Vampire
-Sunlight isn’t fatal to her
Love Interest: none yet
HPHL Friends:
Akane @lgvalenzuela
Hirtia @cursed-ice-spirits
Leander & Isolde @no-moon-nor-stars
Elise @avada-katdavras
More are welcome!
Mahoutokoro: Years 1-6
House: Yosamu
Hogwarts: Year 7
House: Ravenclaw
Hobbies: Chess, Piano, Literature (poetry, Shakespeare, old muggle literature), Humanitarian efforts
Career: Muggle Studies Professor
Saoirse is an Irish vampire who travels to Japan and falls in love with Yorinobu, a Japanese wizard. Eventually they have three kids together, Haruka, Izuku, and then Akane. Izuku was 15 and Akane was 14 when their mother was killed for being a vampire. After that, the family moved to England in hope that they would be safer there. Izuku finishes his last school year at Hogwarts while Akane is in year 6. Once he graduates, he becomes the professor of Muggle Studies and is Akanes' teacher for her last year. Every summer break from Hogwarts, Izuku spends time traveling the world, doing humanitarian work, exploring human cultures, visiting ancient libraries, expanding his knowledge, learning languages, and getting ideas of what to teach that year.
-Quiet and wise and thoughtful
-Kind hearted
-World traveller
-Loves to learn and expand his knowledge
-Humanitarian, loves to help others and fight for what’s right
-Protective of his family and friends
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haachintranslations · 6 years
I watched itー\(^^)/ (2018-5-25)
  The members’ LINE LIVE
 I watched it!
 Some of it!笑笑
 Everyone did you watch it tooー\(^^)/
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12ki 💗 💗 ☝
  Well then tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
Are the last hall concerts of this tour!!!
 Let’s go to Ishikawa prefecture and Fukui prefecーーture!!
 The places where I’m having my last work is increasing
 Until the end without forgetting my gratitude I’ll do my beーst\(^^)/
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You can ask Kuroko no Basket characters and request anything besides 18+ stuff and please don't be rude in the comments.
Characters you can ask at this blog:
Hyuuga Junpei
Mitobe Rinnosuke
Kasamatsu Yukio
Midorima Shintarou
Miyaji Kiyoshi
Hiraiwa Kouji
Imayoshi Shouichi
Furihata Kouki
Momoi Satsuki
Tsubuku Masahiro
Murasakibara Atsushi
Seto Kentarou
Fukui Kensuke
Kobayashi Keisuke
Mibuchi Reo
Tabata Yuu
Harasawa Katsunori
Haizaki Shougo
Sakamato Kenjorou
Koganei Akane
Izuki Aya
Sanada Naoto
Kubota Masaya
Ogiwara Shigehiro
Satou Takuo
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algrecia · 3 years
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Akane Yamaguchi (山口 茜 Yamaguchi Akane, lahir 6 Juni 1997 di Katsuyama, Prefektur Fukui) adalah pemain bulu tangkis sektor tunggal putri Jepang. Dia juga merupakan salah satu anggota dari klub Kumamoto Saishunkan.
Akane Yamaguchi https://g.co/kgs/Dt7NNu
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Oriana Profile
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Name: Oriana Autumn Althaia Lasair Dartsby
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 13 September
Species: Human
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Greek-Irish
Nationality: Greek-Irish
Residence: Dublin, Ireland
Wand: Drakon scale 10″ Hazel
Animagus: Wolverine with a rain drop fur marking on stomach
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Misc Magical Abilities: N/A
Curse: Curse of Prometheus
Oriana was cursed since birth to burn up from the inside, causing her skin to glow and crack whenever she feel negative emotions like anger, sadness, doubt etc, with each successive ‘attack’ being more volatile until eventually it explodes out of her, killing her unless she can break it for good
Boggart Form: Her curse having overcome her resulting in her turning to ash
Riddikulus Form: Until she breaks her curse she cannot successfully dispel any boggarts, after she does break the curse it will be her friends hugging her
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Smoke, charcoal, Creme Brulee, Bananas and cherries
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Oranges, Apricots, cinnamon, hot chocolate and the sea
Patronus: Sarcosuchus
Patronus Memory: The moment she broke her curse
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Mirror of Erised: Herself as an adult with a family
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Aqua Eructo
Faceclaim: Keira Knightley
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Height: 6′4
Physique: Curvy
Eye Colour:  Green and Glowing Pink(Sign of her curse)
Hair Colour: Caramel brown
Skin Tone: Peach
Body Modifications: A tattoo of a woman made of a waterfall on her back, a tattoo of a chain of stars on her wrists and a red, orange and blue butterfly with pink flowers on both sides tattoo on the middle of her chest
Scarring: One scar over her left eye, a scar going vertically down her right cheek to her jaw. A jagged scar going the length of both upper arms, Faint crack-like marks going across her whole body
Inventory: (what do they carry on them?) Ice packs, school supplies, eyepatches to cover her glowing eye, multiple water bottles, wand, bandages, handkerchief which is enchanted to look like the night sky
Fashion: Clothing that is made of a magical material that is flame resistant
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird
Hogwarts School of WItchcraft and Wizardry
Dartsby Family
Shields Family
Professions: DADA Professor at Ilvermorny
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Flying: P
Herbology: O
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Magical Theory: A 
Ancient Runes: A
Music: O
Ancient Studies: E
Quidditch: N/A
Extra Curricular: N/A
Brennan Dartsby
Bernice Dartsby
Cillian Dartsby
Daphne Dartsby
Ophelia Dartsby
Father: Blaine Dartsby
Mother: Aretha Dartsby
Love Interest: Marcus Shields
Best Friends: Ninfa Altera
Dormmates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?)
Oliana Arcano
Lithian Stormr
A labrador named Ruby
A beagle named Charlie
Five Beagador puppies named Lila, Stella, Cinnamon, Sasha and Roxy
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Closest MC Friends:
Aila Cresswood
Unni Arcano @kathrynalicemc
Oliana Arcano
Merlissia Xenia Aetós @aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery  
Elyas Drakos
Visenya Stormr
Lithian Stormr
Hirtia Caldwell @cursed-ice-spirits
Isolde Roissinn of Avalon @no-moon-nor-stars​ 
Leander Asterio
Akane Fukui @lgvalenzuela​
Angelique Campbell
Oriana's family many many generations before Oriana’s birth was in a bitter, bloody feud with another pureblood family known as the Phillips, the feud lasted until Oriana’s great great grandmother was born, the end result was the complete eradication of the Phillips family but their victory came at a cost, the last member of the Phillips cursed Oriana’s family so that the youngest child each generation is fated to burn away from the inside
Oriana is the fourth person to have the curse which caused much strife for her and her family, she frequently had curse attacks, by the time she started Hogwarts, the cracks that would eventually go across her whole body were on the entire length of her arms and her chest
When Oriana starts Hogwarts, she laser focuses on the subjects that she believes could help her break the curse to the detriment of most of her other subjects with the exception of Music which was one of the few things she felt she could truly forget about the looming threat of her curse
By the time she graduated Hogwarts the cracks had spread to the rest of her body a sign that she was very close to her death and she needed to break the curse fast.
In a last ditch effort Oriana travelled to America where she met Marcus Shields, a famous curse breaker with the ability to instinctively sense curses in his surroundings, who wanted to help Oriana as she was innocent in the conflict that resulted in the eradication of the Phillips family and so he ‘legally’ gained access to any record of the Phillips family and with the help of the records managed to break Oriana’s curse however her glowing eye stayed.
After her curse was broken, Oriana truly felt free for the first time in her life and she kinda felt lost in life until Marcus suggested she become the DADA professor at Ilvermorny which after quite a bit of considering it decided to go for it and luckily she got the position.
Soon after Oriana started working at Ilvermorny, she asked Marcus out and many years later they were married.
Oriana is a very empathetic and excitable person who always tries to make all of friend’s days better to the best of her ability. She can be unintentionally blunt when it comes to debates and arguments which often results in a lot of misunderstandings when she gets involved. She is incredibly defiant of any and all odds set before her no matter what.
Oriana is a descendant of Queen Maeve on her father’s side who before Hogwarts was founded helped teach young witches and wizards in Ireland
She is also a descendant of Andros the Invincible on her mother’s side
All of her family have extinct animal patronuses since her great great great great grandmother
She is fluent in English, Irish Gaelic and Greek
She knows how to play the violin
Her Tattoos look like this, this and this 
The scar over her eye is from a snallygaster, the one on her jaw is from a time when she tripped while carrying a pair of scissors and the scars on her arms are from a hippogriff 
She has a fear of Snallygasters and an aversion to scissors due to the above incidents
She is very self conscious of all her scars and tries her best to always cover them including the ones on her face
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akanemachurida-blog · 7 years
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Churi Twitter 17/05/20
I’m in Gaishi Hall. Here’s the hairstyle that I promised back at the fan event. It’s a proper ponytail. Please come see me during the afternoon as well ✌︎('ω')✌︎
Churi Twitter 17/05/20
Married Churi-chan is also wearing a ponytail!
Churi Twitter 17/05/20
Here’s some ramen gravure.
[Pictures in this article, click on it!]
Churi Twitter 17/05/20
Thank you for the photo event! Next up is a talk show at Cinema Skhole ( ^ω^ )
I got some flowers from Eiga MANIA. If you look closely there’s a bird.
SKE Twitter 17/05/20
Born in the year of the sheep.
Churi Twitter 17/05/20
Ah, so they’re 14 years old, 2 years old, and 14 years old. I get it. *white eyes*
Churi Twitter 17/05/20
Ah, if it’s the case that we’re all born in the year of the sheep I’m glad. At first glance I thought about it too deeply and tried to find differences between us. I’m guilty.
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silminadilah · 5 years
Oke ini emang super seneng bangettt!!!
Akutu bener bener terlunta lunta dalam kecintaan akan kemistri ini :'3
Aku butuh guide banget dalam cosmetical science ini.
Sejujurnya gak ada plan untuk jadi avatar cosmetic, kan udah dibilang, cita cita jadi sultan.
Tapi kalo gue udah kecemplung disini, maka pasti Allah mau ngajarin sesuatu dan ku gak boleh keluar merely lagi!!
Mari maksimalkan setiap detik dan yeaaahh!! Tadi pas nyari ((ebook gratizan)) cosmetics nya Prof Fukui, (yg sbnrnya ada bukunya cuma di kantor doang), ku nemu Web ini.
Aslinya kayak apaya feelingnya, kayak nemu kakak omda ketika baru pertama kali menginjakan kaki di bogor hahahaha.
Alhamdulillah :')
Hari ini banyak sekali belajar,
Aku bikin Shampo, meski viscousnya belum nyampe.
Aku bikin hair growth formula, dan yeah itupun dibantu ulprospector buat formulanya Hahaha.
Tapi gapapa intinya dapet output dan prosesnya penuh belajar wkwk.
Balik kosan baca buku formula dapet secret gimana krim bisa jadi putih di akhir, oh finally misteri itu terjawab :')
Terima kasih Allah untuk semua petunjuk 💕
Jalan pelan pelan balik lagi ya :'
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wedx3 · 4 years
Kiat Sistem Menjelang Niche Pemasaran Maya
Memberi Tulisan Tulisan Komentar Cetak Tulisan Bagikan tulisan ini di Facebook Tulisan ini di TwitterBerbagi tulisan ini di LinkedinBerbagi tulisan ini di LezatBerbagi tulisan ini di DiggBerbagi tulisan ini di RedditBerbagi tulisan ini di PinterestPengarang Pakar Sanoe C Fukui
Maya Bisa Anda Lakukan Untuk Masuk Ke Pemasaran Maya
Seandainya Anda mempunyai sesuatu yang berharap Anda sampaikan di Maya, karenanya Anda perlu mengenal sebagian hal seputar pemasaran Maya. Ini ialah sesuatu yang bisa menolong Anda membikin sebanyak mungkin orang memperhatikan apa yang Anda tawarkan terhadap mereka. Baca terus untuk menerima isu lebih lanjut seputar ini. www.digi.com/support/forum/user/jasaseogoogle
Pelajari apa yang Anda dapat seputar bermacam-macam wujud pemasaran online. Anda bisa menjual lewat banyak daerah sekiranya Anda berada di Maya. Anda akan bisa menjual terhadap orang-orang dengan web laman, lewat e-mail, lewat penulisan tulisan, dan hal lain yang benar-benar bisa Anda lakukan secara online. Pikirkan seputar apa yang cakap Anda lakukan dan kemudian lakukan riset seputar metode mendaftar untuk apa bahkan yang berharap Anda lakukan. Seumpama, sekiranya Anda berharap mengawali pemasaran lewat e-mail, Anda pasti berharap mencari milis atau mulai membangunnya.
Di zaman kini ini banyak orang yang cukup mujur dalam pemasaran Maya dengan membikin halaman media sosial. Website-web ini kian populer dan mereka tak akan pergi kemana-mana dalam waktu dekat. Mereka amat gampang diaplikasikan dan juga amat gampang untuk diiklankan. Seandainya Anda mengawali web media sosial, pastikan Anda sering kali mengupdate supaya pengikut Anda tak bosan dengan Anda. Jangan terlalu sering kali mengganggu orang sebab Anda akan mengganggu mereka dengan pembaruan terus-menerus sepanjang hari. vidya.id/members/jasaseowebsite/
Peroleh sebagian buku seputar pemasaran online. Anda bisa menemukannya lewat pengecer online dan Anda malah mungkin bisa menemukannya diaplikasikan dengan harga yang lebih murah. Melainkan utama yang wajib diamati ialah berapa usia buku hal yang demikian. Seandainya usianya sebagian tahun karenanya isu di dalamnya mungkin tak berfungsi dengan bagus untuk Anda lagi. Ini sebab Maya senantiasa tumbuh dan berubah, dan cuma dibutuhkan satu atau dua tahun untuk merubah sedikit. Anda mungkin masih dapat menerima isu yang berkhasiat dari buku-buku lama, namun Anda tak akan memanfaatkannya sebanyak yang baru. Jangan lupakan eBook juga, mereka dapat menjadi sumber terkini malah lebih dari buku. Ada banyak eBook yang ditemukan online yang bisa dibeli secara online dan diunduh ke komputer mereka untuk jalan masuk kencang. Dalam sebagian kondisi, Anda juga bisa membeli hak jual kembali master untuk eBook ini. Maya kemudian berarti Anda bisa berbalik untuk memasarkan kembali eBook ini sesudah menyesuaikannya dengan penambahan nama dan logo perusahaan Anda.
Bergabunglah dengan forum online yang berspesialisasi dalam pemasaran Maya. Lakukan saja pencarian kencang di mesin pencari unggulan Anda untuk itu dan Anda akan menemukan sebagian yang bisa Anda lihat untuk memperhatikan apakah Anda sesuai. Sistem forum akan mempunyai seperangkat undang-undang yang berbeda jadi pastikan bahwa Anda dapat mencontoh mereka. Anda tak berharap mengiklankan web Anda, umpamanya, dan kesudahannya dilarang menjalankannya sebab dikatakan dalam undang-undang untuk tak menjalankannya. vidya.id/members/jasaseomurah/
Pemasaran online tak terlalu susah sekiranya Anda cuma berpegang pada agenda dan menjalankan yang terbaik. Maya ialah sesuatu yang banyak orang sudah sukseskan, dan tak ada alasan kenapa Anda tak dapat berhasil dengannya juga. Sebarkan informasi seputar apa bahkan yang Anda coba iklankan dengan tips-tips ini dan saksikan orang-orang berbondong-bondong mendatangi Anda!
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lgvalenzuela · 4 years
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A portrait of Akane and Izuku (@kathrynalicemc) in traditional japanese clothes UwU
Bonus, Haruka:
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kathrynalicemc · 4 years
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Meet Izuku Fukui! I collaborated with @lgvalenzuela and Akane now has an older brother! He is one year older than hphl mcs and after graduating becomes a professor. He’s half vampire, loves to play the piano, and is a soft nerd who reads a lot of classical old literature. Will probably be Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. More to come uwu
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haachintranslations · 6 years
Hall Last\(^^)/ (2018-5-27)
  My hall concert last
 Was Fukui prefecture!!!!
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If you say Fukui it’s dinosーaursー!!
  Everyone who came
Thank you very much\(^^)/
  And for the evening performances’、Haachin encore!!
  On the tour we visited places around Japan and got fired up with everyone on the weekends、
 It’s sadly already over。
 Until 6/20 there’s still time!
 There’s also handshake events!
 And there’s events!!
 For the remaining time I’ll spend it aーーll、with a smile on my face\(^^)/
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So today!!!
 Before rehearsals from the tour staff-san
I received a tour T-shirt with my name on the front、and a sea blue present!!!
  I was surprised(^ν^) And really happy(^ν^)
 I’ve gotta do my best until the end!!!!
 Along with happiness、
It was a day where I felt the reality of my graduation。
Original - https://ameblo.jp/mm-12ki/entry-12379273552.html
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riesuzuki · 5 years
Exhibition “SHOKKI: TOO MUCH TO MATCH” is opening soon this weekend!
今週末の3日間、仙台のスタジオ開墾にて展示会 “SHOKKI: TOO MUCH TO MATCH” を開催します。
10/12/SAT - 14/MON(HOLIDAY)/2019
11:00 - 19:00
984-0015 宮城県仙台市若林区卸町2-15-6
“TOO MUCH TO MATCH" is SHOKKI's collaborative initiative with various artists, designers, fashion brands and publishers. In this exhibition selected works created together with over 20 collaborators in 2018 and 2019 are presented.
ハンドメイドのセラミックレーベル SHOKKIは、アーティストやアパレルブランド、出版社などとのコラボレーションによってアートピースやプロダクトを製作するシリーズ「TOO MUCH TO MATCH」を展開してきました。本展では、2018-2019年に製作されたコラボレーションワークを展示販売します。
SEA SONS PRESS, MASAKI KOMOTO, ARAKAWA., Ueda Brothers [Tadashi Ueda / a Maison ALASKA], Momoe Narazaki, Akane Nakajima, Mari Tanimoto, Eunice Luk, DOOKS, TOWNBOY, WATARU TOMINAGA, Ichiro Fukui / Brisées, Suguru RYUZAKI & Rie SUZUKI, Plan P, Michiko Fujita, Masanao Hirayama, tamaki iwao, Taisuke Tsugimatsu, Matsushima Bunko Museum, Joe Lyward
flyer design: Tanuki (@tanuki.ooo)
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