#harry winks fanfic
Harry Winks masterlist
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These are all the imagines I have written for Harry Winks (links below the cut). Newly posted imagines for him will be added onto here a.s.a.p.
Last updated: 14 February 2023
Imagines posted in 2020: (💦= smut imagine)
Injured during a match
Coming home with an injury - part 1 \ part 2
Teaching you to play football
Watching him sleep
"I like waking up with you."
In the hospital - part 1 \ part 2
Creepy fan mail
Scoring the winning goal in an important match
"Back off."
Imagines posted in 2021:
"Stop reading those newspapers, you'll drive yourself crazy."
"You're in love with her."
Imagines posted in 2022: None
Imagines posted in 2023: None yet
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floralembarrassment · 2 years
What did you Expect? (1/1) (jegulus | wolfstar)
"You know your cousin's kid is a little brat," Regulus chided, waggling a finger at Sirius.
"Oh so now she's my cousin?" Sirius retorted, drawing out the 'my' and feigning a pearl clutch.
"Well technically she's always been your cousin," Regulus volleyed back matter-of-factly.
"She's your cousin too Reg, and in fact we only talk to her because of you," Sirius huffed.
"All I'm saying is he is a little shit." Regulus folded his arms as he spoke with a tone of finality.
"Darling, I don't know how to tell you this but umm what did you expect? First of all he's a Malfoy... second of all you know who his parents are, and honestly a kid named Draco has to be a bully otherwise he would get bullied." James placed a gentle hand on Regulus' shoulder as came to stand behind him.
Regulus fell into James' chest, and leaning his head back on James' shoulder he sighed: "well maybe he needs to be bullied," and a small glint appeared in his eyes.
"Reg, no. Come on Harry would be so upset."
Regulus quickly spun around to look at James. He pointed a finger at him, "oh fine but if it wasn't for him I would be bullying that twerp."
"Agreed" Sirius and James said in unison.
"What did he do?" Remus asked.
Sirius' mouth fell open in brief betrayal. "Moony come on. You can't seriously be trying to play devil's advocate. It's Lucius Malloy's boy! He's bound to be a dick," Sirius waved his arms dramatically as he spoke, but no one missed the upturn of his lips as he purposefully messed up the last name.
"I just want to know the story," Remus said waving Sirius off, who only rolled his eyes in response.
"You just want the gossip," Regulus corrected.
"Sue me," Remus said shrugging his shoulders.
"He bought his way onto the quidditch team and then called his daddy when Harry beat him anyway before breaking his arm..." James explained.
"HE BROKE HIS ARM?" Remus jumped up from his seat. He looked between the three others incredulously.
"Technically his house elf set a bludger after him," Regulus corrected.
"Here we go again, you and the elves..." Sirius threw his arms in the air and dropped them quickly by his side.
Regulus continued as if Sirius didn't exist: "If I thought he was smart enough to charm it himself, I would be pushing it harder, but that kid is as dumb as his hair is blonde. Harry is fine though, Madame Pomfrey is excellent as always." Regulus glossed over the insult and quickly a warm feeling fell over the group at the reminder of Madame Pomfrey's caring abilities.
After a moment Remus spoke. Breaking the silence: "It's a good thing he's got a crush on the Weasley girl,"
The others looked at him a bit quizzically.
"What? If he's anything like his fathers, we'll all be lucky if doesn't end up in love with the boy," And Remus burst into laughter. While Sirius' barks soon followed, James and Regulus shared worried looks.
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miss-morgans-lover · 10 months
What are some of the fics you've written and do you think you could add links to your wattpad and ao3 or any of the fanfic sites your on? Thank You so much!
Thanks Anon
Power Rangers Dino Charge
(Part 2 exists as well and should be easy to find)
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AO3 ⬇️
Wattpad ⬇️:
Factual ⬇️:
Power Rangers Dino Charge:
(More chapters are on the AO3 version as of posting)
Harry Potter
(A one shot)
(My own OC of Wolfstar's child)
(A supernatural spy AU, which is almost completely of my own creation, except for some characterisations as well as Remus being a Werewolf and Fleur being a Veela)
(Original and rewrite of my Jaspella fanfic)
There is more on Wattpad, but I can't fit them on.
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elmatadorisgay · 1 year
Quick Poll, please read!
Hey guys I need your help for something. I need to make this survey for a class so please get this out to as many people as you can! It would really help me out 💚💚 I'm only putting this up for 1 day because I don't have much time for this
Also if you could please rb this to get it out to more people!
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lamaery · 1 year
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soooo, as one sometimes does in the last few weeks I found myself foraging the swamp that is ao3, my mind finding relaxation in how the light reflects prettily on the murky depths. There is just something fascinating about churning through iteration upon iteration of similar stories and varying interpretations of the same characters. The Harry Potter books get a bad rep these days, understandably connected to the horrid influence their author had on the ugly transphobia in our society. And the books themselves are definitely not beyond critique in many ways. Nevertheless there is a lot stuff about them that's fun and so I enjoy to see what people take and twist and extrapolate into their own versions of the world and the characters. Also because I've been up to my neck in a job, I haven't done a sketch dump in ages. At last, this Fanfic broke the dam Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love by @aibidil I liked it, since the fic features PoVs for all four of the main characters (each of them gets a chapter), which was refreshing and it gave all of their interpersonal relationships a lovely depth. Also it effectively weaves in muggle things and current topics with the world and characters. And it just managed to be extremely funny and endearing, despite the heavy topics which are discussed in it.
So please excuse my little indulgence here. I'll be back to whatever counts as my regular stuff here... (god, I hope I manage to get back to Stormlight this autumn *winks in Inktober*)
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also any fic that gives the due diligence to the best character of the series does something right in my book. Drinks with Min! Indeed!
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solivagant242 · 30 days
losing you pt. 5
remus lupin x f!reader
warnings: strong angst, losing a relationship, minor swearing (?)
pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4
amberly is used as the MC here since i used to write a lot of fanfics with her, but feel free to self-insert or use whatever name you like <3.
Amberly appears in James and Lily’s fireplace three seconds later, streaked in soot (James forgot to schedule a chimney cleaning) and multiple tears.
She credits the fact that they now have a child that they immediately swoop in with wet wipes and towels to clean her off. 
“You need to give him hell,” growls James, shaking his head and passing Amberly another mug of coffee. She’s pretty sure she can taste firewhiskey inside, but at this point she’s too tired to care. 
“Seriously! How can he talk to you like that?” demands Lily. The redhead throws her hands up in the air. “The fucking nerve.”
Amberly shifts her weight so as not to wake baby Harry, who’s sleeping peacefully on her shoulder. She brushes a raven lock of hair from his forehead, swallowing hard. Even though her face is already coated with sticky tears, she doesn’t want to cry anymore. Doesn’t want to be weak, pathetic and clingy like Remus had called her. 
Lily pulls Amberly into a sideways hug. “Are you okay? Pads called late last night”-
“-emphasis on called,” adds James, giving Lily a pointed look. “She didn’t even hear the phone ring, so guess who got to answer”-
Lily rolls her eyes, swatting at him good-naturedly. “It was your turn for feeding Harry, anyway.” She turns back to Amberly. “He was saying that you didn’t look so great, that Remus hadn’t been doing well?”
“No. No, he hasn’t.” The words come out of Amberly in a rush. “It’s like…no matter what I do, even if I try…it’s not right, or not enough. If I give him attention, I’m being clingy and he wants space. If I back off, I’m abandoning him. Nothing I ever do is right.” 
Hot tears are streaming down her face again as her voice cracks, waking baby Harry, who whimpers and scrubs at his eyes with one chubby fist. Shushing him, James lifts him out of Amberly’s arms, bobbing him gently up and down as he stands. “Well, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you’d like. No questions asked.”
“Maybe now I have someone who can help me beat James at rummy,” adds Lily, shooting Amberly a conspiratorial wink. 
She sniffles, scrubbing at her eyes. “I- I’m sorry to be a bother”-
“Please. You are never a bother here,” says Lily, folding Amberly in her arms. “You’re family, okay?”
“And if Remus comes here I’m giving him a piece of my mind,” growls James, tossing Harry up towards the ceiling. He squeals, flailing his arms happily and trying to grab James’ glasses.
Amberly tries to smile, but her heart isn’t in it.
The house is dark and cold.
Remus opens the door and the sound echoes loudly through the room. 
He sets his bag on the table, runs a hand through his hair, eyes flitting around the room as that pit of guilt opens in his stomach again. He’s checking, checking frantically for any signs of her presence- a stained potholder on the counter, a half-full mug of coffee, maybe a plate full of crumbs or a dog-eared book-
But all there is is the silence, curling forward with greedy claws to swallow him whole. 
Swallowing, Remus flicks on the light. 
His voice rings through the house.
There’s no answer. 
He pulls out his phone, glances at it for what feels like the fifteenth time in the last hour. The texts he’s been sending her at work stopped going through an hour ago. 
Remus doesn’t know whether to be terrified or sad.
Right now, he feels both.
Thumbing through the unopened messages, he feels a painful twinge at his heart. Again. She’d sent him so many texts, so many gray messages popping up at all hours of the day- did you eat today, love? Have you had your meds? Do you need me to run by the pharmacy? Can I get you some more of that cream you like?
And then his responses, in blue:
He bites his lip. Sets his phone down on the counter. Can’t stop himself from thumbing it open again, just to check.
Checks his calls, even though he’s had his phone off silent for the first time in months all day and hasn’t heard anything. 
Remus runs a hand through his hair again, sinking down on the couch and closing his eyes. Sickly guilt floods his lungs as he remembers the words he’d hurled at Amberly, the bitter spit of them between his teeth.
“Maybe I don’t want YOU…”
He squeezes his eyes tighter shut. Tries to imagine Amberly’s arms around him, the way she’d stroke his hair and hum him to sleep. Tries to imagine the lavender smell of her sweater and her quiet voice in his ear.
Merlin, she was so fucking kind to me and I threw it in her face.
Remus curls up on the couch as another headache, fueled by shame and regret, begins pounding at his temples.
Amberly wishes she could say that she went to sleep calmly and quietly without thinking of Remus at all. She wishes she could cut him out of her thoughts, stop thinking about him, worrying about him, analyzing every single second of their interaction and just wanting him to be okay again.
Even if it was at her expense…
But this time her pride wouldn’t let her back down.
She’d turned off her phone hours ago. She couldn’t remember when. Text after text from Remus had poured in, clogging her notification screen.
Some little part of her was still desperately, disgustingly glad to be getting any shred of attention from him. It was almost enough for her to unlock her phone and respond to him, anything to have him there, talking, even if it meant that she would be pushed down into silence again.
She’d shut that part off with her phone and hadn’t turned it on since then. 
Amberly wraps the comforter tighter around her shoulders, trying to get comfortable in the bed. She’s hugging an oversized pillow, a habit that she’s gotten used to over the last few months. Because she can’t remember the last time she fell asleep hugging Remus. No, he was always too tired or in too much pain or having an awful headache…
A lone tear trickles down Amberly’s cheek.
Her chest tightens. So do her lips as she stares, eyes unseeing into the darkness. 
I’m too clingy.
I won’t be. 
And something in her chest goes hard and cold and silent, a part of her shutting off, the lights flickering and slamming into darkness.
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avenging-fandoms · 9 months
Airplane - Harry Styles
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In which Harry and Yn have been divorced for a while, but they both booked a trip to Paris at the same time and are sat directly next to each other.
idk if i love or hate this. i wrote this on goodnotes w a prompt i got from google in non fanfic form turn fanfic form. so enjoy or hate it idk
**fem pronouns
Yn sighed contently as she sat in the First Class seat, a pod directly next to her on the left. She took in her surroundings a bit before bending down to grab her phone, iPad, and anything else she needs as the long plane ride begins, not realizing the person sitting next to her was entering the pod.
Harry just saw the back of her head as he put his bag on the floor, running his fingers through his hair and putting his other bag in the overhead bin. Yn sat up and Harry’s eyes widen with his stomach swarming with butterflies and his mouth went dry. Yn slides her headphones over her head, doing a double take and dropping the headphones around her neck as she looks up at her ex husband.
“Oh my God, Harry, hi.” Yn smiles, standing up and the two hug over the barrier. “You’re heading to Paris?”
“Uh.. yeah. Just.. need to clear my head.” He nods. Yn can’t help but scan her eyes over him. It had been 2 years since the divorce and nearly 18 months since they’ve last seen each other, so they both took their time checking one another out subtly.
“Well, I’ll leave you to your head clearing. Enjoy your trip, H.” Yn smiles and sits in her seat putting her headphones on. Harry sat in his seat and smiles, grabbing all the things he needed for the beginning of the plane ride. Once in the air and it was allowed, Harry opened his laptop to work on some music.
Yn got up to put her sweater on and couldn’t help but peek over at Harry who worked intently on his laptop. Yn sat down and bit her lip, pulling down the divider and Harry pulled a headphone off his ear.
“I’m sorry to bother you, and I have no business as your ex-wife to ask, but can I please listen to what you’re working on?” Yn bit her lip softly and Harry smiles, sliding his headphones off and hand them to her.
“Of course, Peach. You have all the business asking, you’re my number one fan.” Harry winks and she blushes, sliding his headphones on. “I’ll pick something for you.” He took a minute scrolling before taking a deep breath and hitting play. Music filled the headphones and Yn sits back with a smile, but her smile doesn’t last for long as she list. He’s singing about being the love of his life and not knowing what is lost until you find it. Tears streamed and the song stopped.
“Really good.” Yn compliments as she wipes her cheeks and Harry shifts in his seat.
“It’s.. not finished. “I have others to play.” Yn nods with a sniffle.
Harry loved watching her reaction to the songs, especially since most were about her.
“These are beautiful, Harry. You have such an amazing talent.” Yn boasts and it was Harry’s turn to blush.
“You’re my muse so it just naturally flows out of me.” Harry looks at his laptop and the two fell silent. Yn looks at the plane screen and saw they have 10 hours. “Why did we divorce?” Harry asked.
“Well.. I wanted to start a family,” Yn looks at Harry then back at the time they have left. “And you wanted to focus on your career.” Harry’s lips fell into a thin line. “We talked about having kids. We were gonna have 2, maybe 3. Buy a big house, one with a pool and a big backyard for them to play together. I had so many ideas.” Yn smiles to herself, her eyes going blurry from tears once again. She looks down at her hands, flexing her fingers in and out slowly.
“Yn..” Harry starts but she cuts him off.
“No, really, I’m okay. I’ve had a while to get over you. Maybe I’m not there but I’m getting damn near close. Besides, I don’t blame you for choosing your career, look what’s happened. I’m so happy I didn’t hold you back from it.” Yn put the divider back up and headed to the bathroom, taking a few deep breaths.
Harry sat in his seat, staring at the light blue divider. A few people looked over and he just clenched his jaw. He knew he was wrong, he know he broke the marriage. It was his fault.
Yn looks at herself and takes a deep breath before doing her skincare and brushing her teeth. When she left the bathroom the cabin lights were dimmed, meaning people were heading to bed. Yn quietly heads back to her pod and accidentally made eye contact with Harry who quickly looked back at his computer before she sat down.
Yn opens her phone and sees 20 text messages from Harry. His demos. She smiles widely and hearted every single one. Yn brought the divider down once more, Harry already looking at her.
“Thank you Harry.” She grins and he nods.
“Go on a date with me.” Harry blurts and it catches Yn off guard.
“Harry, what? We-”
“What? We’re both going to Paris, it’s perfect. We can see the Eiffel Tower after dinner or get lunch then go to an art museum.” Yn blinks a few times and looks at Harry. “Go on a date with me, Yn.” Yn tries to bite back a smile.
“Yes, Harry. Yes, I will go on a date with you. In Paris.” She giggles and he slaps a hand over his heart.
“Beautiful. Don’t worry about anything, I will take care of everything.” Yn nods with a chuckle. “Sweet dreams, Peach.”
“Goodnight H.” Yn slowly put up the divider and put on her headphones, playing Harry’s demos as she slept while Harry got to planning.
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harrystiddess · 7 months
A/N: If my scenarios before bed were a fanfic haha
SUMMARY: She’s a drummer and a cop and he’s in need of a drummer. Will she “stick” with his offer?
Content Warning: None as of yet!
Read Part II here!
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On a sunny day in central Manchester, I found myself at my friend's house, agreeing to fill in as the drummer for her band's gig due to their drummer falling ill. Although playing gigs wasn't my thing, I preferred doing the favor over enduring my friend's constant yapping and crying about it. After two weeks of practice and one gig with the band, Elena and I were forced to get coffee for everyone before our gig in the evening. As we strolled and chatted along the sidewalk, discussing the most random things, I saw my friend suddenly freeze in shock. Concerned, I asked what was wrong, only to find her gripping my hand tightly and pointing across the street with excitement. Curious, I looked over and found myself uttering under my breath, "Oh hell nah" at the unexpected sight before me.
“Oh, you’re doing this”
"Elena, no, I'm not."
"Are you out of your mind? This has been your dream since you were 12!"
"I can't let you miss out on this opportunity."
"Is it that you don't want me to miss the opportunity, or YOU don't want to miss the opportunity to do it yourself?" I said, raising my eyebrows.
"Maybe a bit of both," Elle said mischievously, pulling me forward.
"No let’s go back, I need to.. i need to uh.. take a piss!!” I try to come up with an excuse.
“No you don’t, I know you took a huge dump before we left” I was definitely taken aback by her answer looking at her absolutely flabbergasted.
“I fucking hate you. You're going to do the talking, and if you embarrass me, I don’t know you." I said irritably as I crossed the road, ignoring the sceptical look Elena continued to give me. As I reached the other side, I began to realise that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, just as I had feared.
It was too late now. I could see Elena approaching the moment I feared.
“Excuse me” she said poking his arm. It was quite humorous because she was half of the tall gentleman’s size. I was holding onto her hand, standing behind her like a child hiding behind their mom.
‘The moment you have feared yet dreamed of, all your life, is here.’ You thought to yourself silently
You see him turn around and remove his sunglasses, putting his hand forward.
“Hi, I’m Harry.”
“Oh. My. God.” I say to myself as I find myself getting lost in his eyes.
“Are you okay my love?” You hear him chuckle.
He watches me intently as my eyes widen when i realise that i fact had said that out loud.
“Uhh yeah yes I am” You clear your throat. I thought I saw a spider that’s all” I try to cover up the fact that i was totally star struck and defiently impressed by his appearance. By this point Harry was completely facing me with Elena looking at us like she knew about this all along.
“Oh is it? A spider I see” he says seeing through my bullshit.
“I’m Harry” he shakes my hand.
“And you are?”
“Oh I’m Ava”
“Ava. That’s a cute name!”
I just pursed my lips and smiled. That’s all I could do! What would you do if Harry Styles called your name cute? Exactly.
“So you’re drummer I see”
You raise your eyebrows sort of creeped out.
“Haha I saw the drum sticks in your bag. I’m not as creepy as they say” he said leaning towards me, winking in the end.
It’s like i was snapped out of my suspicions to a realisation.
“Oh right sorry yeah. I’m a bit distracted today”
“So how long have you been drumming for Ava?”
“Oh Uhm since I was uhh 16”
“Hmm.. so since how-”
“8 years”
“Wow that’s impressive”
“You wouldn’t be interested in drumming for me would you?” He said after a long pause, unsure of whether he should’ve said it.
“Drumming for you?” I know exactly what he means but I’m too utterly taken aback to say anything.
“You don’t even know how I play? For all you know I’d not even be able to hold the sticks”
“Well then that that’s just an excuse for you to come in for an audition!”
“Orrrrrr…” I see Elena sliding in and before I can say anything she’s said it.
“We have a gig at Bardo’s tonight! You can come and see for yourself” she says chirping.
He looks at me for to find a glint of expression but sees fails considering I was trying to deny his offer at all costs and I just failed.
“Then Bardo’s it is” Harry says delightfully looking at the both of us.
“Great see you at bardo’s, 7pm” Elena being a little to excited was pissing me off real bad at this point.
“That’s great…See you tonight…” I say almost sounding excited as I walk past him, leaving him stood right there.
I know he’s looking at us walk away I can feel It, so I keep walking silently until we’re out of his hearing range.
“ELENA! What did you do!” I say pinching the bridge of my nose in distress.
“Your kids will thank me one day”
“No. No kids are thanking no one. I DON’T WANT TO DRUM FOR ANYONE LET ALONE HIM!!” I say whisper shouting
“The only difference is, you do!”
“Elle you Know I’m happy with my job, a job I’ve dreamed of doing since I was 5! Why do you want to ruin that for me?”
“I’m not ruining anything for you. You can do both at the same time! I know that you’ve wanted to be a big shot Artists drummer too. Just because you’re scared of change doesn’t mean you have to ruin the rest of your life for it. That’s what I’m here for. Ruining your life is my job. And so is making sure you don’t give up opportunities like these.”
I can’t help but let out a small smile..
“Well meeting your Celebrity crush of over 8 years and having him offer you a job doesn’t go well together that’s all” I breathe out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“Can’t believe I’m saying this but You’re right. I’m going to go to the gig, give my best, which I do either way and see what he has to offer…. I mean 16 year old me wouldn’t believe this happened if I told her” I say screeching in excitement, holding her hand and jumping and and making incoherent noises like a madwoman.
Read Part II here!
Reblog, like and comment! DM if you have any prompts! Hope you guys like this Series!
♡ ♡ ♡
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 10 months
After being in complete denial about the movie for the past 2 days I want to know if you happen to have nah recommendation or some good fanfics that is either based on Harry Potter or in the Harry Potter universe I’d appreciate so much. I think I’ve been scarred by this movie completely 😬
Yes. I am always happy to share uncredited works of she-who-must-not-be-named.
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Amortentia by raspberrylimonade
(1/1 I 1,113 I General I Stydia)
Potions was always terrible in the week leading up to the full moon. Scott’s already heightened sense of smell was especially sensitive during this time. All the scents and fumes, on top of the typically gunky smell of the poorly ventilated dungeons, drove his nose crazy.
Today they were brewing amortentia. It was a rather difficult potion. Half the class was over-excited and making mistakes, which meant weird smells hitting his nose from all directions.
And then there was Stiles and Lydia’s potions.
shirley temple, on the rocks by orphan_account
(1/1 I 3,006 I Teen I Sterek)
“Are you sure you’re a Gryffindor?” Derek says.
“The hat did try to put me in Slytherin,” Stiles shrugs. “But I asked for Gryffindor, so," and he drains his drink, crunching on the bits of syrupy ice at the bottom.
kickstarts again by 1001cranes
(1/1 I 3,544 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek has known Stiles was his mate since Fourth Year; Stiles keeps getting lost on the way to the Common Room - these two things may very well be related.
That Witch! by sapphireginger
(1/1 I 3,580 I Teen I Hermione/Stiles)
“Are any of your books damaged?” he asked, prepared to pay to fix them if needed.
The girl quirked a brow. “Would it matter if they were?”
Stiles nodded seriously. “Absolutely. Books are knowledge. The destruction of knowledge is blasphemous in my book. Anyone who says otherwise is a bloody fool and—”
“I’m sorry,” she said between giggles. “You’re American. I wasn’t expecting you to say ‘bloody’.”
Mischief Unleashed by Artemis_Charmed for one-fandom-became-all-fandoms (Sara36913)
(1/1 I 6,241 I Teen I Sterek)
The thing was, magic was real. And the entire school was magical. Literally. The stairs moved; statues winked. There was a room that seemed to be around when you required it. So nothing should surprise him. Except. There was a large black wolf lying in a corner, under the half moon light shining through the window.
"The Enigma: Shadows of Magic" by uronthinicepal
(2/63 I 6,512 I Mature I Sterek)
When Stiles Stilinski finds himself at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he's placed in Ravenclaw. In a world where werewolves and wizards exist in the same universe. Instead of Scott navigating his own way, he is sent to Ilvermony, the school for magic in America, to assimilate into werewolf life. Stiles is magic, he is a spark. He is sent to Hogwarts to learn and for his own safety. Join Stiles on his enigmatic journey into the world of magic, where the unexpected can become the greatest hero. Oh, and Derek's here too.
Hufflepuffs Are Awesome by Thealmostrhetoricalquestion
(1/1 I 10,524 I Teen I Sterek)
"My fierce firecracker,” Stiles gasps out, between laughs, “my precious little shortfuse.”
“Shut up, Stiles,” Derek says, his voice muffled as he hides his face in his hands.
“Captain Aggro, defending my honour,” Stiles chokes out, heaving himself upright. “My champion of love.”
“If you don’t shut up,” Derek warns him, “this bed is going to be your only companion for the next month.”
Or the one where Derek and Stiles are in Hogwarts, and there are shenanigans.
Dead Faint by MaddieStilinski
(1/1 I 29,872 I Not Rated I Sterek)
A few things happened in very quick succession once the potion had left Stiles’ hand. Derek brought it up to his eyes to look at it, shook it a little and uncorked it.
It took Stiles a couple of delayed moments to notice two very important things. The first, being the iridescent colours that danced across the top when Derek shook the potion. The second, that the room had started to spin around him. From very far away, Stiles registered the calming potion in Derek’s hand, transparent where it should have been blue. Derek brought the potion to his lips.
‘Wait-‘ Stiles started. Then, the room still spinning, he collapsed in a dead faint.
Moonwalkers by twinklingpaopufruit
(68/68 I 531,781 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles had his entire Seven Years of Hogwarts all planned out:
Prank and Prank Hard. Woo Lydia Martin. Avoid detention and Potions at all cost. Have crazy fun.
Enter brooding werewolf to send this plan to the bottom of the Black Lake.
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Flashback Friday #30
Welcome back to the weekly edition of Flashback Friday. Here’s this week’s five blasts from the past😉 Happy reading! 😊 #1 Who: Andy Robertson Request: walking in on you while you're changing Link: click here #2 Who: Martin Odegaard Prompt: "I just needed to see you." Link: click here #3 Who: Ben Chilwell Request: being harassed by the paparazzi Link: click here #4 Who: Jordan Pickford, John Stones Prompt: Waking the other one up from a nightmare Link: click here #5 Who: Harry Winks Prompt: Watching him sleep Link: click here
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dixonsgirl93 · 9 months
Pet names I think the Harry Potter men would use for you
Sirius Black
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“Good morning, beautiful.” *cheeky wink*
“Little cub.” (If you’re also a Gryffindor)
“Such a playful little kitten, aren’t you.” (I read a lot of fanfic where he used it and now I can’t not see it)
“Would you like another drink, darling?”
“Let’s go, princess.” (He says this mostly as a joke but likes the reaction you give to it)
Lucius Malfoy
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“Come on now, sweetie. Don’t keep me waiting.”
“My love, it’s time to wake up.”
“You know I’d give you the world if I could, my dear.”
“It’s going to be okay, my darling. I’ve got you.”
“My good girl.”
Severus Snape
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“I’ll always protect you, precious.”
“No other girl compares to you, pumpkin.”
“Let me take out on a date, my love.”
“You always look amazing to me, my angel.”
Mad-Eye Moody
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“Well, look at you, gorgeous girl.”
“Come here, sweetheart. I want some cuddles.”
“My love, the light of my life.” (I know this is basically two in one but it’s how I imagine he’d say it)
“Yeah, she’s my little troublemaker. I love her.”
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softguarnere · 1 year
Hello 😭 I really love your bofb fanfics and headcanons!! They are really awesome ✨ Also, I wonder if you could write a headcanon with Speirs, Luz, Liebgott, Roe, Welsh and Babe about the male reader being hurted during the battle and how they would react to that 😭😭? If yes, then thank you so, so much <33
Hi Anon! Thank you so much, I'm so glad that you enjoy them 🤗 I don't think I've ever written anything with Harry before, so I hope his turned out okay
As an officer, Speirs would probably make a point of not showing favoritism towards you
But that becomes very difficult when he hears that you were wounded on the patrol
His reaction would probably be similar to how he reacted when Grant was shot
Letting the façade slip ever so slightly, the willingness to show a little more emotion in front of his men because someone he cares about was just hurt
When he gets to you, he definitely stays there the entire time, the medics working under his eagle-eyed watch
He's not trying to intimidate them or anything - he's just stressed out and waiting for the chance to talk to you
"You look mad," you note when you're finally alone.
Immediately, Ron's face softens. "Sorry. I've just been worrying about you."
"I know. You're not nearly so callous as everyone makes you out to be." You smile, teasing, even though you've just been hurt - your ability to find a bright side or the humor in a situation is one of the things that Ron admires and loves most about you. "Be careful though, Sparky. If too many people see you caring about me, it might ruin that heartless reputation of yours."
He can't help but laugh. For you, he would do anything, no matter what it did to his reputation
After what happened to Muck and Penkala, the thought of anyone he cares about getting hurt makes Luz feel sick to his stomach
And when he hears you're wounded? The color just drains from his face because he fears the worst
Luckily, you're not too hurt
(So then why is adrenaline coursing through his veins like he's preparing to run a marathon?)
When you see him come to the aid station, you flash him a smile. He tries, really, to return it, but it comes out as something closer to a grimace
"You come to cheer me up Luz?"
He's more than happy to see that you're okay, but he can't find it in him to crack any sort of joke to make you feel better
Instead, he presses a quick kiss to your temple. "Don't go scaring me like that again."
Okay it's during Bastogne and Liebgott has just gotten back from being Winters' runner for the day
At first when he realizes that you're not in your foxhole, he thinks that you've gone to make the rounds and visit your friends
Only he can't find you anywhere
Finally, Doc Roe tells him that you caught some shrapnel and were taken into the town
He's never seen Joe's eyes so wide, seen him so speechless, seen him scared, even - no one has
He guides Liebgott back into Bastogne so that he can see you
Joe is calm until he reaches the church and sees you, then he's power walking to the cot you sit on and has you in his arms in a second, holding you tight
"Are you okay?" He asks, and when you tell him that you are, he wants to make sure. "Promise?"
"I am. Are you?"
He squeezes your hand. "I am now."
As the company's medic, he's the first to arrive when he hears someone yell for help
But he feels like his heart stops beating when he realizes that the person who's hurt is you
For a moment he freezes. Spina is by his side, asking, "Do you want me to take this one?"
Somehow, that spurs Gene into action, helping patch you up as quickly as he can
Prepare to have your own personal doctor for the next few days, because he's constantly checking in with you to make sure that you're okay
"I never doubted that I would recover," you joke after the war is over and everyone is more capable of talking about certain events. You offer Gene a smile and a wink. "I mean, how could I not heal with the world's best medic taking care of me?"
No matter how much time passes, it never fails to make him blush
No okay but I feel like he would be a lot more calm than everyone expects?
Like, the other officers don't know what he's going to do when he hears the news, but they feel like Harry is going to run off to find you the moment they tell him
He does leave when he hears that you're hurt, but he handles the whole thing very well
He asks the medics very clear questions about your condition, asks you how you feel, etc.
It's not until after the war that you find out why he was so calm
"I didn't want to scare you," he admits. "Because it felt appropriate that only one of us could freak out, and as the wounded man, it was your right."
Luckily, you both remained calm, managing to avoid scaring each other over the incident
But not a day goes by, even after the war, where Harry doesn't breathe a sigh of relief over the fact that you're okay
Who can blame him, really, for being worried after he's lost so many of his friends in Bastogne?
Babe would rush to your side the minute that he heard you were wounded - and he would remain there until he was perfectly certain that you're okay
He would be asking Doc Roe a hundred questions, trying to make sure that you're okay
Probably wouldn't let you out of his sight for the rest of the war. I mean, he almost lost someone else that he cares about, and he's not about to let that happen
In Austria, you ask him about it. You love him, but you feel bad that he worries for you so much
When the end of the war is announced, you can't help but smile at him. "Well, Babe, all that determination paid off - I made it to the end."
"Yeah," he would laugh. "All thanks to me."
He means it as a joke, but seeing how much he cared about you really made all the difference. You kiss him on the cheek. "All thanks to you," you agree
Thanks for the request, Anon, and I hope you like these! 💕🕊️
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greenerteacups · 1 year
I always felt like JKR was kinda throwing Dramione fans a bone with that line from Ron egging his daughter Rose on to be academic rivals with Scorpius. Like it was her weird way of suggesting there could be this resolution of that potential in the next generation (because she definitely knew it was a popular ship and both hated that and at the same time surely knew why).
i agree! i read the scorpius/rose shiptease as a deliberate wink at fans of draco and hermione, and to ice the cake, ron follows it up with "don't get too friendly with him" and "granddad weasley would never forgive you if you married a pureblood," which — although probably innocuous, ron is just cracking a joke to defuse the tension — is still an interesting choice of joke, from the author's perspective. like, ron could have said anything to change the subject here. i think it's on purpose.
at the time i read it, being a little tween, i thought it was adorable. because frankly, it kind of just is Gen-Z Dramione. rose isn't characterized at all outside of "got your mother's brains," and it's noted explicitly that scorpius "resembled Draco as much as Albus resembled Harry," i.e., very much. so it really is a reskinned version of draco/hermione in all but name. i thought i read somewhere that Rowling was seriously contemplating a romance between rose and scorpius at some point, back when she did the pottermore postcanon stuff. nowadays i'm obviously not so much drawn to it — i mean, They're Eleven, so for me they will eternally live in that mental no-man's-land of "cool concept! get back to me when you're older." and of course, i am also a fan of a ship that would effectively render them siblings, so I can't, like... really get behind it? no matter what, i look at rose/scorpius and think: this is just a version of dramione where the characters are less fleshed-out. its only advantage is that it might conceivably, in some weird vaguely foreshadowed-slash-pottermore way, be kind of canon. and like, i'm not scared of noncanonical ships, buddy. i was born in the crackship. molded by it. i didn't see a ship I liked kiss in canon until i was already a woman, and by then it was nothing to me but fanfic inspiration.
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elmatadorisgay · 11 months
I was looking for some content to fuel my dierwinks writing so here's a little photodump, some are clipped from old videos if you want the souce to an image I will answer in the comments
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rainbowwinedemon · 6 months
Tu y Beth me inspiraron a escribir mi primer harry potter fic (jeverus) pero más importante, en español, porque me la pase escribiendo en ingles este último año y puedo notar la falta de practica, pero bueno, gracias por recordarme que se puede escribir fanfic en español y no por eso es peor a los que estan escritos en ingles 🫡
ARGgggggg, la manera en la que griteeeeeee.
Dios. Claro que si, escribe en cualquier idioma que te sea más comodo. Fanfiction es literal la cosa maa indulgente que existe, así que escribe lo que quieras
Also, mándame el link (wink, wink)
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reggieblk · 9 months
I've been thinking about ur "Elio" play a heap, and I was curious,, is the locket Elio/Harry wears the Slytherin locket? Was that you transplanting something from the books into something Tom wrote and then using it to symbolise madness, because if so, that's beautiful and I love it
also!! ahh I can't stop thinking about how the play is literally Tom's worst fears when it comes to Harry and their realationship?? Like he's so worried that he'll end up pushing Harry away w/ his insanity?? Help. Like that's so gay.
"if we were lovers" is tomarry, but "Elio" is harrymort and I love it
oooh hi! tysm for the ask 💖
Originally Elio was going to be a huge explicit wink to canon but... that was Tacky so I scrapped it lol but I did keep some details! Like you pointed out, the locket is the Slytherin locket which is why I made it clear that it was Alarik's mum's locket to begin with, or, Merope's.
Tom knows a bit more about his family than he lets on in the fic itself, and he knows enough about his mother's side of the family to have a general idea of what they were like / how insane they were (he talks about Morfin at some point and mentions he's either in prison or a psychiatric hospital).
The play is definitely, mostly unintentionally, Harrymort fanfic lol. Alarik is the personification of what Tom recognises as the ugliest impulses within himself; his murderous rage, his mad obsessions, his out of control jealousy and possessiveness. And he does worry, on maybe not a completely conscious level, that Harry will see this and be scared off.
And you're so right, it is so gay of him. Truly, he is the gayest character in this fic. Writing a whole play just so you get to openly be in love with your crush is the average theatre gay experience. He's slaying.
"if we were lovers" is tomarry, but "Elio" is harrymort and I love it
very much, yes! If you held up a mirror in front of Alarik you'd see Voldemort's reflection, I do not doubt it lol.
Thank you sm for this ask! ✨💖
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