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avenging-fandoms · 1 month ago
just a non friendly reminder: fuck donald trump and an extra fuck you to his maga cunt cultists.
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avenging-fandoms · 4 months ago
i hope you’re all doing okay
unless you voted for trump
then i don’t give a fuck how you are
trump supporters aren’t safe here
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avenging-fandoms · 4 months ago
the ‘night changes’ music video still makes me kick my feet and giggle. i love dating all five of them
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
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Andrew Garfield talks to Elmo about grief and the passing of his mother
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
i haven’t stopped listening to one direction. i’m so devasted. i feel as though a part of my childhood has died. it still doesn’t feel real
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
feeling grief over someone who shaped part of your childhood / teenage years ≠ excusing his actions.
you can grieve someone and still not like them or agree with their actions. a reminder that two things can be true at once.
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
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I used to watch and rewatch the One Direction video diaries from the X-Factor since they distracted me from my teen angst, and it's just so surreal that Liam is gone
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
The Beach - John B Routledge
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Summary: You're new to the Pogues, you've been with them for over a year. Sarah and John B have been broken up for a little bit after he found out she cheated, and you hadn't had a boyfriend since you left Rafe on the boat. He takes you and his friends to the beach- only to run into your ex and his friends. One can only imagine when the Kooks and Pogues clash again.
Content warning: Violence, mentions of kidnapping and drugging.
Word count: 2,840
hi hi hi! look a little different? i wanted to umph up my writings and i feel very proud currently. i've quit writing on here a lot but i should just stop posting about it because i end up getting a new fixation or one comes back and i start writing again
this one is a bit long, i got a little carried away. i just love john b and feel he's so underrated
so hi or hello again! i can't wait to hear all your ideas!
please like and reblog!!
(divider credit: @enchanthings )
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“The waves are gorgeous today, you comin’?” John B holds onto the doorframe as he leans in your room. You close your book a bit, eyes narrowing.
“I don’t surf, John B. But I’d love to watch you surf.” You smile softly and put your bookmark in, standing up and stretching after spending a few hours in your bed.
John B took in every inch of you as you lean your head back. Cold air sucks through his teeth slowly as his eyes watch your muscles tighten on your stomach, your arms above your head, listening to the soft grunts and whimpers you make.
John B clears his throat, blinking a few times. “Right, uh, I’ll-we’ll be in the Twinkie.” You stand up straight and nod, turning away from him. John B turns quickly on his heels and sighs, running a hand through his hair and heading outside.
JJ is tying the last board to the top of the van when you come out of the house in your bikini and one of John B’s button ups. Kiara spots you first and smirks, nudging JJ who whistles. Sarah rolls her eyes.
You hop in behind the driver’s seat, pushing your sunglasses on your head and putting your bag between your feet. “I packed a few snacks, I didn’t know if there was a cooler or anything but I didn’t want you guys to get hungry.” You smile softly at the Pouges and they all thank you, JJ offering a beer in return, which you decline. You did share his joint with him.
The Pogues found you on the boat where they were saving their friend Sarah, John B’s girlfriend at the time. Rafe had taken you on board as his girlfriend-hostage. You told him you didn’t want to go but Rose gave you and Sarah a tea to make you sleepy, and Rafe hated himself for it.. for a few weeks.
The Pogues didn’t know you and you didn’t know them, but they couldn’t leave you behind. You jumped in the water and John B pulled you into their boat, making sure you were okay before speeding away.
It was awkward the first few days. You didn’t say much and they didn’t try to initiate conversation- except for John B.
No matter if you were sitting by yourself, he made sure to go over and make sure you felt included. He’d bring you over to the group if they were playing a game, and when they played 21 questions, you opened up to them a bit more.
You were still hesitant around them, not speaking up when someone asks what they should do or telling someone they’re wrong. You were new and didn’t feel like you had a right to speak up, as you weren’t technically a Pogue.
John B parks on the beach and you smile, dropping your sunglasses on your nose and stepping onto the warm sand with a relaxed groan, arms out wide as you soak in the sun.
His ears perk up and the hair on his neck tickles him, making him rub it aggressively. His eyes move to his side mirror, watching his shirt blow in the wind on you, exposing your whole torso.
“Are you gonna make a move or are you just going to keep staring at her creepily?” JJ teases and John B pushes his friend’s head. They hop out and help the others pull the boards down.
As you reach up to help bring the last one down, you hear engines roaring behind you. Topper’s car comes into view and you gasp softly, knowing Rafe was most likely behind him.
John B notices your shaky fingers and grabs your hands, pushing his thumb in the hair tie around your wrist. “Hey, it’s okay, you’re okay.” You look at him and nod, your face turning white as you watch Rafe open his door and step out, eyes on you.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?” You nod and John B hugs you tightly, trying to correct your nerves.
“Pretty sure that’s Rafe’s girl you’re feeling up. Do you have a thing for sloppy seconds?” Topper laughs as he stands in the middle of the Kooks and Pogues.
John B’s jaw clenches and he starts to walk over. “John B.. hey, hey! You can’t fight, no fighting, please.” You beg, gripping his forearm. He looks at your hand then back in your eyes, nodding.
He meets up with Topper and you couldn’t watch. You were afraid a fight was going to start, and Rafe couldn’t stop staring at you and you could feel it.
John B eventually came back over with a sour look on his face, grabbing his board and sticking it in the sand to pull off his shirt. He looks at you and you catch it, John B giving you a soft smile.
You find a spot for your towel where you were blocked from Rafe’s view but you could still see every part of the ocean. You planned on reading your book, but you couldn’t when John B was surfing perfectly.
Your chin rests in your hands with your elbows on your knees as you watch the boys in the water. JJ and Topper surf next to each other only to have Topper wipe completely out, resulting in you folding over in laughter at him.
John B and JJ take a rest in the water so you take the opportunity to pull out your book. Before you could get through the page, you hear a knock on the Twinkie.
“Yn.” Rafe smiles softly and you stand up quickly, glancing over at the ocean where John B had his back turned.
“Rafe.. I don’t.. I don’t want to talk to you.” You wrap your arms around yourself to calm yourself but it doesn’t work. Every Pogue was in the ocean. The Kooks’ view was blocked. No one was paying attention.
Rafe takes a step closer and you take a big one back. “Yn.. I just want to apologize for what I did to you.” His voice sounds sincere but his eyes tell a different story. You knew Rafe, he couldn’t be sympathetic. He was just like his father, how Rafe always wanted to be.
“Rafe, please..” your voice trails to a whisper, pleading him to leave you alone with your fingers lacing together. John B turns around to check on you, and does a double take when he sees Rafe and you slowly stepping back.
“Shit. JJ, let’s go!” The two paddle back to shore, leaving their boards in the sand by the water as they run over to you. John B stands in front of you and JJ stands in front of him.
“The fuck are you doing over here, Rafe?” John B darkens his eyes and he pushes you behind him. You were sure John B could feel your heartbeat on his back. Your nose touches his shoulder blade, peeking your eyes over his shoulder.
"Oh, I just wanted to talk to Yn, John B. Is there a problem with me talking to my girlfriend?" Your stomach starts to spin. John B clenches his fists.
"I'm pretty sure she stopped being girlfriend when you had your step mommy drug her and you kidnapped her." JJ spits and you smile softly at him defending you too.
"Yn, I really am sorry." Rafe steps forward again and John B puts an arm around you from behind him, his hand on your ribs as he pulls you into his salty back.
"You need to go, Rafe," John B's fingers grip his shirt on your body, your cheek pressing against his back where his heartbeat drums loudly in your ear. "Now."
"Scurry on back to your Kooks, don't worry about Yn, you have a girl over there." JJ shoos his hand and Rafe backs away, trying to get a look at you again.
"I'll see you around Yn!" Rafe shouts as he passes the twinkie.
"No you won't, Rafe!" John B yells back.
You try everything to keep the tears from falling but your hands cover your eyes as you begin to shake. "Hey, hey, hey!" John B catches you and holds you tightly close to him as you cry. He sits you both down on your towel slowly.
"How could he think that was okay?" You weep, leaning into John B's shoulder. He sighs and shakes his head, rubbing your arm to help calm your sobs. "Sometimes I just wanna.." You fist a pile of sand, clenching it tightly before letting the particles fall through your fingers.
"Hit him?" John B chuckles and the look you gave him made him stop. He hadn't seen a look like this from you before. "Kill him."
"I feel like I could finally breathe if he wasn't here.” You sigh and John B clears his throat and you can’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry, that sounded crazy.” John B starts to laugh too, shaking your body against his with his hand on your shoulder.
“I can’t say I blame you, honestly.” You two finally look at each other and a soft gasp catches in your throat, your faces close to one another. “He never deserved you."
John B's hand squeezes your shoulder, letting out a shaky breath as he looks at your lips. You lean in slowly only to gasp excitedly and turn John B's head with your hand holding his chin. "It's a hatch!"
You pull him up with you, calling the others over. Kiara squats next to you as you watch them scurry to the sea, JJ and John B making a path for them.
Unbeknownst to you, Rafe was climbing into the driver's seat of his car, starting the engine and revving it. You and John B talk to the turtles as they push through the heavy sand, Kiara taking notice of Rafe in the car. "Hey, stop! There's a hatch!"
You turn around and hear the rev, eyes widening as you look between the turtles and the car. You race to the twinkie, hurrying to find anything that could stop Rafe from killing any of these turtles.
Kiara frantically waves her arms and shouts. JJ and John B are trying to get the turtles to move faster without disturbing nature. You, however, found an old metal baseball bat.
Fuck no fighting, fuck staying quiet, fuck being scared. It was your turn to be scary.
You grip the baseball bat tight in your palms, knuckles turning white when Rafe's car comes into view. You stand in his path, running towards him as he drives and slamming the baseball bat into his windshield.
Glass shatters in his lap and on the hood, a piece cutting your cheek. He brakes aggressively and you don't stop swinging. Sideview mirrors, headlights, tail lights, windows, everything.
"Fuck! You!" You yell over and over, Rafe watching with his hands on his head. "What? Were you gonna try and kill me again, huh?! Did you tell those Kook cunts how you drugged and kidnapped me, or are you still trying to portray yourself as a 'good guy' just like your dad?" You scream as you continue to shatter his back windshield.
"Yn, stop!" JJ grabs the bat with one hand and wraps an arm around your waist, puling you away with John B taking the bat.
"Expect a visit from Shoupe." Rafe smirks.
"Hope your buddies didn't catch me saying you kidnapped and drugged me or you should expect one from Shoupe too!" You yell, Rafe looking at all his friends recording and his smirk drops as well as the color in his face.
JJ carries you all the way over to the Twinkie and puts you inside, pointing his finger at you. "You're in timeout." You snicker and lay back against the floor, covering your eyes with your arms.
You couldn't believe how quickly your mood flipped. But the threat of killing baby turtles sent you over the edge. You sit up and lean out of the van, watching the last few turtles become one with the sea. John B comes over with his board and reaches up to put it on top of his van. You back up slowly to sit against the seats and stare at his body stretching in front of you.
He stands flat on his feet and you look at your nails before he could catch you staring. He helps put the other ones on top and you glance every now and then at his v-line. Everyone eventually gets back in and the drive home is quiet, and you felt at fault.
You wanted to find your place in this wonderful group of friends but you fear you just ruined it. The twinkie squeals to a stop and you're the first one out of the van. John B watches you run into the house, a sigh escaping his nose as his eyelashes flutter.
Everyone disperses elsewhere and John B follows you in to your room. Your door was cracked a bit, John B peeking his eye in to see you laying on your side with a pillow over your head, bandaid on your cheek. He knocks softly to make his presence known but the squeaky hinges did it for him.
You didn't budge. He sat next to you on your bed, looking at the closed door before laying next to you with his back on yours. You two lay like that for a while, just passing breaths back and forth. You could hear JJ and Kiara laughing together outside through your window.
Finally, you roll on your back and stare at the ceiling, studying the popcorn divots in it. John B lays on his left side, hand holding up his head as he looks at you.
He watches your eyelashes as you blink, the twitch of your lips, studying every freckle. You purse your lips softly and he can't stop staring. The tip of your tongue pokes out slightly to wet your lips and you deeply sigh and close your eyes.
John B lifts his hand, using the smallest tip of his finger to trace down your nose, exhaling as he drags. He does it again but to your eyebrows. Your lips part just a bit and finger brushes over the delicate skin.
"He never deserved you." His voice was barely a whisper when his finger traces your jaw, his words from earlier filling the air. You open your eyes, John B's face hovering near yours.
You move closer to him, fully under him now. Your hand pushes back the hair that falls in front of his eyes and you drown in the color. "But he did deserve the bat to the car." You wink and he laughs. His smile slowly drops and he's back to staring intently at you. "Are you ever going to kiss me?" You whisper, a rumble of a laugh coming from John B's throat before pressing his lips softly to yours.
Your arm wraps around his neck and you pull his weight on top of you, his hand holding his body up a bit as his lips move perfectly against yours. Your fingers grip his hair, your right hand pushing down his back and scratching up softly, John B pulling back while biting your lip with a soft groan.
"I've been wanted to do that for so long." He kisses your cheek and jaw, your arms tightening around him to bring him into a hug. "I'm so happy you jumped off that boat, Yn."
"Me fucking too." You kiss his chest and he falls next to you on the other side of you now, the both of you on your sides as you look at each other. "Do you think Sarah's going to be annoyed?"
"I honestly really don't care what Sarah thinks." He pecks your nose. "I've been dreaming about this day since I saw you reading on the hammock a while ago." He blinks a few times as if he was reliving it all over again. "You were always reading, you still are. You still weren't really talking a lot but you started to, even after all that shit in Barbados." He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his chest.
"I know, I just.. I was new, I still am. I don't want to say something and then you guys get mad because I'm not a Pogue."
"You are most certainly a Pogue now." He kisses you a few times before continuing his story. "I remember it was sundown, you love to read and watch the sunset. But I remember this time, you weren't reading, you were nodding off. The book kept falling forward and it eventually fell on your chest. You just looked so peaceful." He wasn't looking at you when he told this story, but out the window to the hammock.
"Sarah is such a fucking idiot." You breathe before kissing him again, rolling on top of him with your hands on his chest. "She didn't deserve you."
"Those fucking Camerons, they have no idea what they’re missing."
“Sucks for them.” You smirk, kissing him again and holding his neck as you deepen the kiss, John B’s fingers tangled in your hair.
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
“September 7: Harry S. came for dinner. He cycled to our house after working out in Mayfair. We had not seen him for a long time. It was just the three of us. He’s done with his tour and taking a much-deserved break. As he is a pescatarian I made a leek and zucchini risotto with a quick veg stock I cooked up, followed by cod alla livornese, which I can't seem to get enough of these days. Felicity made a carrot salad. We drank tequila and wine and Harry brought one of the best single-malt scotches I've ever tasted. We talked a lot about books and love. Harry is a voracious reader. He's reading Rilke now. He's a thoughtful and kind fellow. Not Rilke. Harry. I never knew Rilke.”
- Stanley Tucci on cooking for Harry last year in his new book “What I Ate in One Year: (and Related Thoughts)”
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
◦˚~ ANIMATED HEARTS DIVIDERS by enchanthings ~˚◦
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Info: these were all drawn & animated by me. please reblog/like if use!
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
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DINNER IN AMERICA 2020, dir. Adam Rehmeier
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
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KYLE GALLNER as SIMON Dinner in America | 2020
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
What’s crazy is that I’ve been fantasizing for YEARS about someone looking at me with this specific wide-eyed, teary-but-not-quite-crying, awestruck, completely captured expression that I’ve never quite been able to describe or draw
And last night when I watched Dinner In America, I finally saw it
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
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DINNER IN AMERICA Dir. Adam Rehmeier | 2020
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
drink water please..come on , just get a little sip of water . youre so thorsty.... pplease
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
there’s not enough John b stuff and it’s his own show
I’m writing something currently. stay tuned.
also, welcome to my page!!!! i see a bunch of notifs for my OBX fics, I’m so happy to be sharing them with new people!!!🩷🫶🏽
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avenging-fandoms · 5 months ago
less than two weeks til we get rafe back 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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