#harry styles shakespeare
otrtbs · 4 months
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I saw this post by @/r.a.b.supremacy on tt and i was like… Nat you need to see this.
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okay,,,, first of all,,,, crying like a small child rn
this is so so sweet and so lovely and the comment section is so beyond kind. i am very touched by the outpouring of love !!! 🥹💕 and while i very much think it would be fitting for regulus’ dreams in ahb! to be remembered by the masses i came across this comment
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and yeah!!! like i don’t need it to be published or to be the greatest i like having it for us. it’s our little thing ,, our love story / our tragedy / our thing to joke about our little secret that can be found tucked away safe in a little corner of the internet . and the people who know will know and that’s what makes it great 🥰💗
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usefulquotes7 · 3 months
This is also my first time living, I deserve to be happy too.
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julialovessummer · 3 months
“Should I compare you to a summer day?”
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the-overanalyst · 2 years
has anyone ever talked about how sign of the times by harry styles epitomizes the entire genre of tragedy? like "we never learn, we've been here before," "welcome to the final show, hope you're wearing your best clothes," "you can't bribe the door on your way to the sky," "we don't talk enough, we should open up before it's all too much," "they told me that the end is near, we gotta get away from here," "just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times." it's giving doomed hero who brings about their own downfall through a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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jaywriteshome · 10 months
Shakespeare or One Direction?
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How many nights have you wished someone would stay? Lie awake only hopin' they're okay. I never counted all of mine. If I tried, I know it would feel like infinity
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yesssss!!! I need Shakespeare slut on a t-shirt omg. Do you ever read/watch retellings of his plays? That’s how I became a massive fan
Would it be too awkward or weird to ask what Shakespeare character reminds you of Harry or his soulmate or their relationship? Does anyone in his circle give Shakespeare vibes to you??
Omg I’m thinking of all the branding lol. Gotta love a marketing background. I’m like thinking of Shakespeare making the eyebrow wiggle face lol or like Shakespeare on a burlesque styled body. Endless.
Yes! I’ve seen Romeo and Juliet (the original 60s on and the Leo and Claire one), 10 things I hate about you (Taming of the Shrew), She’s the Man (Twelfth night), much ado about nothing (1993 version), plus like I said, I’ve seen a lot of his plays performed in person, which was dope.
Ummm I think for me I see that they feel this magic connection like Romeo and Juliet do, but dynamic wise 100% Katerina and Petruchio. Like the big take away in the dynamic between those two for me is playful banter and being able to spar with an equal and the respect of the mind that leads to an unlikely love.
I think Harry’s the only one who gives me Shakespeare vibes and it’s probably because of his one photo shoot.
If you like Shakespeare and plays! I have suggestions. I have read a ton of plays. I think my all time favorite is a Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen, but I also have a sweet spot for A Streetcar Named Desire. I guess I have a thing for the trope of a tragic women searching for self-actualization. I also love Tartuffe by Moliere.
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Little Things by One Direction is just the modern version of Shakespeare’s My Mistress’s Eyes Are Not Like the Sun.
I can and will go into detail on this if need be!
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The Blackwood Knight prt.8
Disclaimer: I wrote this because Victoria is a Shakespeare girlie and loves Romeo and Juliet. She also loves Crimson Peak, which inspired the last two parts.
Description: Benjicot resorts to drastic measures to win back his lady's trust and love, having accidentally placed doubt in her mind as to his true intentions.
Part 7
Gold Rush~ Taylor Swift
The Way I Loved You~ Taylor Swift
How You Get The Girl~ Taylor Swift
Adore You ~ Harry Styles
Warnings: female reader. Nothing else I don't think. Robb being an iconic twink with access to the blueprints for Bracken Hall and too much sass for Westeros to handle.
"Let me get this absolutely crystal clear in my mind. You described your union as 'mutually beneficial'!" Robb cried incredulously, striking Benjicot on the shoulder from behind, as he sat slumped onto a desk in the library of his ancestral seat. 
The glow cast by the lit lanterns, attached to the ancient stone walls, cast shadows over his face which bore signs of the deepest distress. 
"It sounds beyond reprehensible when you repeat those words, words which I most bitterly regret. I did not mean them in the way that both yourself and my lady have interpreted them, but it makes them no less acrid when you repeat them." He responded dejectedly, slumping his head once again upon the desk. 
Mumbling almost incomprehensibly so that Robb had to tilt his head down towards his friend to hear him. 
"What can I do to make amends? She hates me. I fear she will never speak to me again." 
Robb cast a contemptuous look at his friend before retorting. 
"You bloody fool. Not only did you make her sound to even my indulgent ears like a prize to be bartered between Houses, but you also did so with the very fiend from whose taunts you once defended her. Can you not see that you have made a shy, sweet girl who loved and trusted you feel as if the one person who she believed cared for her and would protect her above all others was nothing more than a cipher of the bullies she has sought to shield herself from?!" 
Seeing Benjicot's increasingly pained expression, as he roughly gripped his hair in both hands, Robb relented a little. 
"The damage you have done in your carelessness will be very difficult to remedy. You must show her that you love her and value her above all else. Words are not enough." 
Lifting his head, Benjicot's expression became resolved as he turned it to meet his friend. 
"I will, even if she will never again allow me to be in her presence," He struggled to continue, the thought causing him physical pain, "I must at the very least convince her that my love for her was never a lie. I cannot bear the thought that I have only cemented her insecurities. That I have born my own part in making her feel as if I mocked her...just like her contemptuous cousin." 
At this, he began to rise.
"I must see her." 
Perking up at this and slapping his friend approvingly on the back, Robb moved to lift his sword from the table and responded. 
"Glad to hear it. I'll get the Lads together and we can defend your flank whilst you hop over the border and get on your knees to beg your lady for forgiveness, you're favourite past time I know." 
Looking at him with mild irritation, Benjicot rose, placing a firm hold on Rob's shoulder. 
"Whilst I greatly appreciate the support, I must go myself. She's shy and frightened enough of me, after my misdemeanor, and I don't want you and your cronies scaring her off before I can even apologise." 
Laughing at this, Robb retorted smugly. 
"More likely you're afraid of her falling in love with me. Fear not, my interests lie in another direction entirely, but I'll hold off if you are determined. Of course Kermit will be devastated not to have a free shot at a Bracken, but I will assuage him." 
With this, Benjicot nodded at his friend before rising quickly and striding from the room, through the halls of Raventree as he continued to ruminate with anguish on the distressed face of his lovely lady and the part he had played in causing her distress. He would explain that he loved her and valued her above all else. That he meant every word he had said to her. That he would protect, serve and adore her if she would only let him, only forgive him. He would beg for her forgiveness, even if she could never herself love him again. It would be enough if she would only permit him to continue in her presence as a loyal knight.
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It had been a day since Y/N had fled from the man she had come to trust and love, the only one she believed had ever cared for her and seen her as more than a shadow in the background of life....mistakenly. After Aeron had carried her back to her quarters in Bracken Hall she had locked her doors and allowed no visitors, barring her handmaiden. 
She spent the intervening hours between that of the previous days events and the advent of night on her balcony, her still pained ankle raised on a cushion on her chaise, as she read of Visenya. She was mentally and physically retreating to the shelter of her room and her books, determined never to open her heart to another person, as she had so foolishly done this time. She was silly to believe that Benjicot could love her for herself, rather than the political promise she could represent for him. She had trusted him where she had never invested anyone else with such trust. She had begun to gain in confidence in her dreams, her beliefs, and in his love, all for it to be shattered in a moment. Her embarrassment at having opened her heart to another person, to revealing herself so freely, where she was always so careful to be a shadowy presence in others' lives, was overwhelming, as she sunk further into her seat and further into herself. 
Wrapped in these painful thoughts, it was a few seconds before she heard a muffled voice calling her name from the direction of the dark expanse underneath her window. Rising carefully from her seat, using the pillars lining the portico of the balcony to balance herself as she moved towards the edge of it, she looked down to see the hopeful and desperate expression of the man she both hated and loved. Seeing her come into view, his face lit up with irrepressible delight, before quickly falling when she began to quickly turn away, book pressed protectively to her chest as she made to retreat to her room. She did not want to speak with him. 
Seeing her retreat, he quickly called out. 
"Please my love, please, I entreat you to let me explain what you overheard in the woods." 
Stopping where she was, she turned and moved once again back to the edge of the balcony. 
Speaking quietly and timidly, but not so much so that he could not hear her, accustomed as he was to listening for her quiet voice, she responded. 
"Please leave, I do not wish to speak with you now or henceforth. I can't understand why you are here now when you have made it abundantly clear that I myself am not what you seek. I would like you to leave."
Taking a deep, pained breath, Benjicot's expression underwent several changes before it became resolute and he stepped determinedly towards the pillar bolstering the balcony from the ground. 
Confused at his movements, Y/N became panicked when she realised he was climbing the pillar, frozen in position. It wasn't until he had swung his leg over the top of the balcony and had landed gracefully that she turned to flee, forgetting her injured ankle in the attempt, causing herself to stumble and hold onto a nearby pillar for support. Feeling gentle hands enclose around her elbows, she heard Benjicot speak quietly near her cheek. 
"Please don't run from me, my love. Your ankle is still injured. Please just allow me to help you." 
Looking down with concern at the ankle in question, he slowly, with great caution lest his lady should be offended, raised her arm around his neck and held her waist, fully supporting her weight so that he could place her on her chaise.  
Distressed to see his lady look away from him, her expression betraying embarrassment as well as displeasure, he knelt before her, bending his head low, before gently, reverently holding her hands in both of his own. 
"I will not disturb you further if you do not wish it, but I must convince you of the truth of my feelings for you and beg for your forgiveness for making you believe otherwise." 
Stopping him abruptly, Benjicot immediately desisted in deference to her speech, so important was anything she had to say to him, even if she meant only to order him away from her forever. 
Speaking quietly, she interrupted him. 
"I already heard what both you and my cousin said of me when you believed me not to be listening. I know that your protestations of love for me were all a ruse and that you were both in league together." 
Benjicot's expression betrayed the deep pain he felt at her response, drooping his head to rest it on her knees. 
"I can never apologise enough, nor beg for your forgiveness enough, for making you believe such a horrific notion. I had never spoken to your cousin of you before that dreadful moment, except when I first had the honour of meeting you. You were never just a bartering tool between us. I would break his legs if even tried to make such a suggestion. I had only meant to convey to him that I would repair the conflict between our houses so that in choosing me as your husband you would not also be choosing to abandon all that you knew. It is my mistake that I so brazenly worded my intent, my love." He added, casting his face down in desperation. 
"I have loved you since I first saw you sitting with your nose tucked into your histories under the Brackentree and have persued your love ever since. I have meant every word I have said to you since, and will continue to prove it to you in any way thay you will allow me."
His lady slightly turning towards him, Benjicot grew at once desperate and hopeful that she would listen to his entreaties, gripping her hands tighter in his as he raised his face to hers, hoping to convey the truth of his feelings in his eyes. 
"You speak very elegantly but I now know that you are so to all ladies and that this charade is not reserved for me alone." 
Reaching out to touch her face before quickly retracting his hand once he saw Y/N move away from him in discomfort, he instead responded. 
"Whilst I would consider myself to be a gentleman, there is only one lady I would traverse miles of enemy land and scale walls to get to." Saying this with a gentle smile, he continued to gaze upon her reverently. 
When she did not respond, he removed a brown leather volume from its place, stashed underneath his cloak. 
"I found this in my library and I thought it might be of interest to you." 
Hesitantly reaching to take the volume from his hand, she examined it before opening it. 
As she did so, he interposed "May I?" Pointing at the book. 
He turned the pages to an earmarked section, coloured with a rich illustration of a knight kneeling in homage before a queen. 
"This tells the story of a knight loyal to his queen above all else, swearing to protect, serve and..." He hesitated "love her for all of his life".
She gazed curiously down at the illustration in her hands as he spoke. 
"I thought you would like to have it, even should you order me away from your presence now. But I should like it to serve as an illustration of the devotion I feel towards you and as a reminder that I will always protect and adore you, even if only as your knight. Without any conditions. Without any expectation for you to love me in return. Just....let me adore you." He faltered staring up at her penitently, anxiously awaiting her response. 
It was a few agonising moments for Benjicot before Y/N raised her hand towards his shoulder, causing him to hold his breath lest he frighten her in his shock. Delicately placing her hand on his shoulder, she placed the other one on his other shoulder, causing him to subconsciously lean into her touch. 
Looking timidly away from him, she began to speak. 
"So you really did not mean that I was a...political tool." 
Leaning further towards her face, he quickly refuted such a notion. 
"I would thrash any man who suggested it. You are my lady, my love." 
Gazing into his eyes searchingly, she seemed to find what she sought in them, and leant her head gently upon his shoulder. 
Shocked, yet rejoicing at her affectionate gesture and in the comfort she seemed to look to from him, he lost no time in wrapping a protective arm around her waist, pulling her into his torso as he held her head gently in his other hand. Closing his eyes in relief, he held her like that for a few peaceful moments, scarcely believing that his love had forgiven him and that she had initiated their embrace. Taking it as a sign of the trust she had reinvested in him to protect her heart as well as her person, he solemnly swore in his own mind to guard it with more sucess than he had yet done as of late.
She pulled away too quickly for his liking, wishing as he did that she could always be so close to him.
"How did you even find your way here with impunity, let alone my balcony?"
Smirking at this, Benjicot threw his cloak dramatically over his shoulder to amuse her with his antics.
"I of course practiced great stealth, opting for a cloak and daggers approach."
Raising a disapproving eyebrow at him but with her mouth turned up at the corner, Benjicot rejoiced to have made her smile and to have amused her.
"In truth i just walked past the Red Ford and straight until i found Bracken Hall, i wasn't too worried about encountering any Bracken men. I'd just run them through if they tried to prevent me from reaching my Love. As far as finding your balcony goes, i was just blessed to see your pretty person upon it....and my good friend Robb also has an encyclopedic knowledge of Bracken Hall, having planned to storm it so many times." He added, slightly sheepishly.
Rolling her eyes at him, lightly swatting his chest.
"You're crazy."
Smirking again he rose to put his arm against the wall by her face, leaning his face towards hers.
"Crazy about you."
"And ridiculous," she added, laughing.
Reaching out to hold her chin gently in his other hand he leaned in further, before whispering in response "ridiculously in love with you", as his lips crashed onto hers, his arm moving to encircle her waist and support her weight as he did so.
Breaking the kiss, he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs, gazing up at her as if she were the sun. 
"Can i come and see you tomorrow?" He asked tentatively, unable to fully conceal his fear that she would still order him hence.
"I'd rather you didn't risk your life in such a dangerous attempt. I can always come to meet you."
Frowning at this, he stroked the back of her cheekbone with his nuckle. 
"You think i would allow my darling to cross that distance with an injured leg when i can cross it myself?"
Seeing her blush at his appellation, he smiled and reached forward to increase her blush by kissing the corner of her mouth.
"I think not. I have no fear of your Bracken bannermen. Although I do fear having to inform my disapproving lady love that i've despatched all of them because they tried to stop me from seeing her."
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Benjicot walked away from his lady love's balcony that evening, not before blowing her a kiss, and silently rejoicing that she had forgiven him and permited him to remain in her presence and in her heart.
@lovebabe18-blog @poppyflower-22 @ithilwen-blackwood @spinachtz @lady-callisto @twistytimesandthoughts @abookloverlawyerfan-blog @mymoonempress @drwho-ess @dancingbaek @aemondslove @cheendrella
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rmstitanics · 9 days
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If you’re looking for suggestions on which authors and music artists to check out next, look to your moon sign! In Western astrology, the moon is said to represent your subconscious mind, emotions, and inner personality, so it is widely believed that we tend to relate to media by artists who share our moon sign.
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Gore Vidal
George R. R. Martin
Nicholas Sparks
Rick Riordan
Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Christopher Paolini
Whitney Houston
Céline Dion
Selena Gomez
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Jodi Picoult
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Hans Christian Anderson
Clive Barker
George Bernard Shaw
Aldous Huxley
Pharrell Williams
Kelly Clarkson
Bob Dylan
Demi Lovato
Christina Aguilera
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C. S. Lewis
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Orson Scott Card
Franz Kafka
Margaret Mitchell
R.A. Salvatore
T. S. Elliot
Ella Fitzgerald
Florence Welch
Art Garfunkel
Billy Idol
Tina Turner
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George Orwell
Liu Cixin
Brandon Sanderson
Cassandra Clare
Diana Gabaldon
Lois Lowry
Taylor Swift
Kurt Cobain
Aretha Franklin
Janis Joplin
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Oscar Wilde
Holly Black
Geraldine Brooks
James Dashner
Jack London
Ta Nehisi Coates
Lana Del Ray
Paul McCartney
Queen Latifah
Niall Horan
Bruno Mars
David Bowie
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Leo Tolstoy
John Grisham
Claudia Gray
Isabel Allende
Xiran Jay Zhao
Douglas Adams
Dolly Parton
Nicki Manaj
Bo Burnham
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Jane Austen
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Sylvia Plath
William Shakespeare
Maya Angelou
R.F. Kuang
Ariana Grande
Charli XCX
Bruce Springsteen
Harry Styles
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Veronica Roth
Edith Wharton
V.E. Schwab
Harper Lee
Keira Cass
Meg Cabot
Lady Gaga
Tyler the Creator
Cyndi Lauper
Bob Marley
The Weeknd
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Stephen King
Victor Hugo
Marie Lu
Suzanne Collins
Samantha Shannon
Adam Silvera
Freddie Mercury
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Chappell Roan
John Legend
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Sarah J. Maas
J.M. Barrie
Jeff Shaara
Joyce Carol Oates
Stephanie Meyer
Angie Thomas
Frédéric Chopin
Neil Diamond
Jon Bon Jovi
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Stevie Nicks
Donna Summer
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Margaret Atwood
Leigh Bardugo
Louisa May Alcott
Seth Grahame-Smith
Anthony Horowitz
S.E. Hinton
Cody Simpson
Marilyn Monroe
Britney Spears
Billie Eilish
Tim McGraw
Carrie Underwood
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Toni Morrison
Edgar Allen Poe
Malcolm Gladwell
Lisa McMann
Alice Oseman
Philippa Gregory
Kenny Chesney
Elvis Presley
Frank Sinatra
Kendrick Lamar
Sabrina Carpenter
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the-official-failure · 4 months
the seven as quotes by me and my friends
Jason-why is Shakespeare watching us pee?
Nico- the urge to jump off a cliff has never been worse
Frank -(while being asked about which animal person a would be) Person A is a bee because they like cheese and cheese is yellow and bees like yellow
Hazel- *Said while aggressively flapping around arms* BUT GIRLS DON'T HAVE BALLS
Will-Shut up or I'll eat your shower curtains
Percy- It's ok, i don't judge glue sticks by their beauty *several heads turn*
Leo-send me a pic of your balls (real)
annabeth- HEYTHIS IS HARRY STYLES Y/NS BFSTAY AWAY FROM HER 🐺🐺(Making up a weird story about y/n with her best friend)
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kiwisa · 1 year
The Winner Takes It All ✷ cl16
━━━━━  NEXT !
in which... another name is added to Y/N's infamous list !
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IN THE GILDED WORLD OF HOLLYWOOD, two events have become so common that no one bats an eye at the sight of them anymore: seeing Y/N L/N win an Oscar and leave with the current heartthrob.
Last night was no exception, ticking all the boxes in this new industry's ritual. While the West Side Story actress did indeed bring home the Best Actress Oscar (again), her real award of the night was the charming Timothée Chalamet, present to support the ten nominations for Dune. The two actors were seen very close during and after the Vanity Fair after-party, eventually both slipping away in the same SUV.
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This is nothing new for the actress. Wherever she goes, it is impossible to feel indifferent about Y/N L/N. She knows it. So does everybody. Her ever-growing list of conquests is always the talk of the industry. No one even bother to count the names anymore: it would take hours.
Between Chalamet at the Oscars, François Civil and Pierre Niney at the French Césars or Harry Styles at the Grammys, Y/N L/N seems determined to single-handedly revive old Hollywood, between conquests, scandals, and chaos!
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Is Y/N L/N the inspiration behind Harry Style's Woman?
Between existing for her art or for her body, Y/N L/N seems to have made her choice
L/N's French idyll with François Civil cut short
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The one now known as "The Heartbreaker"⏤a politically correct version of "whore," still favoured by many internet users⏤has been causing daily havoc everywhere, be it in newspapers or on social media, because of her behaviour, deemed "unladylike."
She responded to these criticisms on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show a few months ago:
"If I were a man, nobody would say anything. I'm a whore and, yet, when a man does the same thing, he's a player. This has double-standard written all over it. People just hate to see women do what they want with their bodies."
Regardless of the hate she receives on a daily basis, L/N doesn't seem ready to settle down soon. But will she ever be?
We are all left wondering who will succeed in⏤to quote Shakespeare⏤taming The Heartbreaker.
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Anonymous 2 hours ago
She didn't deserve Best Actress. I mean... Jessica Chastain was right there. Once again, it shows us just how rigged the Oscars are! Go fuck your boy-toy and let the real actors act.
Anonymous 1 hour ago
She's an incredibly good actress. What a shame she is so crass.
Anonymous 1 hour ago
You go, girl! She's living her best life, as she should. If she doesn't want to settle down now, then she doesn't have to. Men should just shut up.
Anonymous 3 hours ago
No one will ever want something serious with her. Women like L/N are only meant to be fucked.
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aklaustaleteller · 21 days
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I do not give anyone the permission to translate or repost my work. Please do not plagiarize it! Apart from that, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for fishing out your precious time to read my fics -- it means a lot; I appreciate your support so much! I genuinely hope you enjoy your time here!
All the love always, A.
Harry Styles ff blog: @0oolookitsme Fic Rec blog (for KM): @niklausmklsn creds to @saradika for the amazing graphics! <3
Last Updated: August 29, 2024
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We'll Meet Again, Beloved (1.8k, Angst)
Hybrid!Klaus x (soon to become the)Moon Godess!Reader
Klaus is in trouble again and his lover, who is soon to become the goddess that the wolves would get to worship, comes to his rescue, again. And it's painful to come with the knowledge that she's always leaving in the end. But at last, this'd be the last time she'd ever have to leave.
On One Condition (1.4k, Fluff)
Hybrid!Klaus x Highschooler!Reader
Klaus feels bad for messing up Y/n's exam preparation schedule, so he asks her what it is that he can do to 'earn her forgiveness'. Yet somehow, he manages to put up a condition when she asks him to help her with an art project...
Might Fancy You (1.8k, Fluff) (Part II to 'On One Condition')
Hybrid!Klaus x Highschooler!Reader
Y/n went from fearing Klaus, to studying in his studio, to then throwing Shakespeare insults at him while chasing after him to put paint on him; he'd started it. But what happens when she ignores his one warning and he has her cornered in a flash?
Should've Known (1.3k, Angst)
Human!Klaus x Vampire!Reader
When fate made them stumble across each other in an art shop, Y/n should've known that what was coming with Klaus couldn't be anything more than an affair because of her true identity. And yet when she fled town, Y/n hadn't expected the news of a grave mistake made by Klaus' own town to shatter her heart into so many pieces that she’d just let them lay.
Some Invisible String (1.9k, Angst, Fluff) (Part II to 'Should've Known')
Hybrid!Klaus x Vampire!Reader
Ever since the news of Klaus' death reached her, Y/n's heart remained shattered as she happily accepted the sole purpose of her immortal life to be mourning her love. But then a looming shadow out of the Mystic Grill catches her attention and to whom is it that some invisible string had tied to her for centuries?
Home (4.0k, Angst, Fluff)
Father Figure(hybrid)!Klaus x Adopted(werewolf)!Reader
Klaus had just been taking a stroll through the woods when he finds himself walking towards the sounds of a beta's broken sobs. Seeing the little abandoned wolf, Klaus takes her home with him, hoping that he'd be able to become her safe place -- which he very successfully does. But what happens when Y/n's biological father returns after ages in hopes of getting her back?
Entirety of Eternity (3.3k, Angst, Smut)
Hybrid!Klaus x Hybrid!Reader
Waiting and waiting for Klaus to return home, Y/n's grasp on reality soon slipped and she fell into a sad, sad slumber. But then Klaus finally comes back, and he doesn't know what he's done wrong -- and Y/n won't tell him. Until she does, shouting at him how the night clearly wasn't anything special to him. And now, all Klaus wants is to show her just how much she, and their relationship, truly mean to him.
Mendable Inside Your Ribs (3.2k, Angst, Fluff)
Hybrid!Klaus x Human!Reader
Y/n, all her life, had reached for love and then felt her white-knuckled dying grip on it slip. Then suddenly, Klaus comes in her life looking like the light at the end of the tunnel – and maybe, just maybe, their monsters have more in common than they originally thought.
Said Yes To Heaven (4.6k, fluff, angst)
Hybrid!Klaus x Hybrid!Reader
Y/n and Klaus are in love, happy and overwhelmed, especially since having welcomed their newborn baby only weeks ago. But what happens when an unwanted guest appears on their doorstep out of the blue, and suddenly Y/n isn't sure if she's just going crazy or there truly has been some infidelity?
Like A Barge At Sea (4.4k, angst, fluff) (Part II to 'Said Yes To Heaven')
Hybrid!Klaus x Hybrid!Reader
Requested! (by so many of you I couldn't have put just on ask with the post!!)
Since Klaus admitted to infidelity, the harrowing pain of losing her family, her happiness, and her love has Y/n clutched in its arms, crushing her in its tight grip for what felt like was going to be forever. But will Klaus be able to hold a certain grudge against her for long? And if he can, then should he have?
Not For A Long Time (1.3k, fluff, smut)
Hybrid!Klaus x Omega!Reader (slight a/b/o dynamics)
Klaus returns back to his lover omega's cottage after a long time, and he wants nothing more than to just mark her as his, all over again. But all Y/n seems to want, is to eat her dinner and get on his nerves, ...and to absentmindedly rub herself all over him.
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usefulquotes7 · 3 months
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basiatlu · 1 year
Congrats on 1000! Submitting an art ask, which is probably going to sound random but I’d love to see Draco or Harry (I guess one or the other to keep it simpler?) in some Elizabethan-era garb—Shakespeare vibes, basically. Could even be a modern sort of deconstructed take on the style? If this gets randomly picked and is too complicated please disregard (I have no idea how complicated/how much effort stuff takes—I am sure a lot no matter what)!
Oh you are tickling a fancy that is sleeping inside me! I love period clothing - the (‘Shakespearean time’) Tudor era with their puffy sleeves and ribbings!! Ahhhh. Waistcoats, waistcoats, waitcoats mmm
Here’s a swanky Harold of Potter’s Field for you:
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And that’s the last of them! Thanks so much to all of you that sent in your requests for the giveaway. This has been so much fun and I cherish all of the kind words and the silly tags left behind.
My ask is always open to you guys, so let it be known I get to them eventually! (I like to draw the responses so they just take a little time heehee)
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hlficlibrary · 8 months
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✤ Enemies to Lovers ✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ Unbelievers by @isthatyoularry {E, 136k}
It’s Louis’ senior year, and he’s dead set on doing it right. However, along with his pair of cleats, a healthy dose of sarcasm and his ridiculous best friend, he’s also got a complicated family, a terrifyingly uncertain future, and a mortal enemy making his life just that much worse. Mortal enemies “with benefits” was not exactly the plan.
Or: The one where Louis and Harry definitely aren’t friends, and football is everything.
2️⃣ Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can't Lose by dolce_piccante / @haydolce {M, 112k}
American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers).
Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football.
A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end?
3️⃣ Collision by itjustkindahappened / @tequiladimples {E, 226k}
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
4️⃣ Flightless Bird by audreyhheart {E, 97k}
AU where Louis Tomlinson is a principal dancer with The Royal Ballet. When his rival from ballet school, moody dance prodigy Harry Styles joins the company, old wounds are reopened and old passions reignited. During the company's production of Swan Lake the secret that doomed their love is finally revealed, but will it be too late?
5️⃣ don't make this easy (i want you to mean it) by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze {E, 24k}
“Harry’s a player. All he does is chat everyone up. And guys like him are just--so ugh. He’s got that arrogant, self-assured smirk plastered to his face all the time. Always smug and stupid, like he could get anyone he lays his eyes on. All he does is make me mad and laugh all the time like he knows something that I don’t. That is so annoying.”
“But that’s just Harry,” Niall shrugged at Louis. “He doesn’t even try to flirt or anything. He’s just naturally charming, but that doesn’t mean he’s a player nor that he’s trying to get into everyone's pants. He’s just friendly. And he likes you. He doesn’t usually fall for people, but he fell for you.”
“Oh, should I feel special then?” Louis asked, snorting and rolling his eyes.
or Harry’s a frat boy who is head over heels for Louis and Louis wants nothing to do with him.
💎 An Amazing Race Around the World (And to my Heart) by Thingssicant / @slowlyseducedbycurls {E, 89k}
“This year marks our thirtieth race around the world, thirty seasons of teams bound by friendship, family, and even some people who just band together for the chance at the prize. But this year, we want to remove that dynamic,” Phil said, rubbing his hands together gently.
The cameras were whirring around them, trying to get every shocked face and gasp from the teams. Louis could feel a ringing in his ears, a new nervousness he hadn’t felt during the entire journey to this competition.
He was sweating more now, more than he could blame on the California sun, as Phil started to read the names of the new teams, the members hugging their loved ones before joining a complete stranger in their new allotted spot.
Or an Amazing race Hate to Lovers au
💎 no heart for me like yours (no love for you like mine) by @phdmama {E, 46k}
When Harry Styles, wedding dress designer to the stars (sort of) and Louis Tomlinson, wedding planner and relationship expert (kind of) meet on the occasion of their sisters' engagement, sparks fly. But not the good kind. Louis thinks Harry is a dick and Harry thinks Louis is an asshole.
That doesn't last long.
The road to true love isn't always smooth or uncomplicated. Can two stubborn men find their way?
💎 an ocean in my veins (you'll be diving in) by me_her_themoon / @dreamersdivin-headfirst {E, 31k}
But, since Niall is so talkative to literally anyone with a working mouth, it means that when Louis Tomlinson started to take a shine to him, Harry started to hate him.
Because suddenly, it wasn’t just Harry and Niall, and whoever else wanted to join their antics. It was Harry and Niall and Louis.
Did Harry mention that Louis is a stupid fucking prick? He wants to make sure that’s clear.
[or, harry and louis hate each other and niall just wants everyone to get along]
💎 Spinning Out Waiting for You by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose {M, 18k}
Harry Styles is a year and a half away from graduating with a masters in potions and he has one huge milestone to reach in his academy career: the Matching Ceremony.
From Halloween night until graduation, matched witches and familiars will have to create a talisman to be a physical representation of their bond. One for the witch and one for the familiar. Most pairings last an entire lifetime.
If only it were that simple.
💎 Can't Buy My Love, Can Buy Me Dinner by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13 {G, 9k}
Is it ethical to accept a dinner date for the free food? And will you hate me when I go anyway?
Fact 1: Louis hates Harry Styles. Fact 2: Louis is temporarily living off toast and spaghetti hoops. Fact 3: ...Louis may be semi-accidentally dating his worst enemy.
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blouisparadise · 9 months
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There are so many amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of December. We’re entering a new year feeling incredibly grateful for the amazing fics we got in 2023, and excited for the many we’ll get in 2024! Happy reading!
1) Say Yes To Heaven | Mature | 2818 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Ethan Hawke.
 Later when he’s back at the apartment with Oli, as Louis is somewhat dreamily waxing poetic about Ethan, Oli interrupts.- “Does he quote Shakespeare when you fuck?” he asks, poking at the sizzling eggs on the stove. Louis’ cheeks turn suspiciously pink. Oli peers at his face. “Oh my god, he DOES. I KNEW IT.” He triumphantly brandishes his spatula in the air.
2) Shut Your Mouth, Baby | Explicit | 3028 words
While fooling around in a closet at a New Year’s Eve party, Louis can’t seem to keep quiet. All he needs to do is hold off until midnight, when Harry will finally uncover his mouth and let him come at full volume.
3) Bank Holiday Weekend | Mature | 4135 words
Louis Tomlinson is a twenty-two year old omega who doesn’t give a shit. The omega knows his heat is coming up but still decides to attend Reading and Leeds Festival with his nineteen year old alpha co-worker Harry Styles.
4) Walk In Your Rainbow Paradise | Mature | 4151 words
Louis feels emotional after he watched Harry told the interviewer about the fish in his latest music video, leading up to him thinking about their 'secret' relationship throughout the years. Harry comes home to his husband who's feeling pissed off and needy of his comfort and warmth.
5) One | Explicit | 4188 words
Note: The main pairing is Louis/Tommy Shelby.
When omega Louis Tomlinson becomes pregnant after an unexpected encounter, he decides his only option is to flee his pack. But Tommy Shelby, pack alpha of the Peaky Blinders, might not be willing to let him go so easily.
6) Dreaming of a Green Christmas | Explicit | 4226 words
Harry opens the wrong package by mistake and finds the sex toy Louis ordered for himself. That's not an opportunity Harry can pass up on.
7) Never Felt More At Home (Then When I'm In Your Arms) | Not Rated | 5361 words
Louis and Harry are on tour with the band when Louis is struck with an unexpected heat. He's always known in the back of his mind there was something between him and his best mate, and when opportunity strikes... well, it hits hard.
8) Cat Got Your Tongue? | Explicit | 5523 words
“Who the fuck are you?” Harry screeches and jumps back in surprise. The man drops the popcorn bowl on the carpet and stands up, raising his hands in surrender, “Hey, it's me.” Harry frowns. He has never seen this man in his life. He stares at the wide blue eyes and… holy shit. There's no way. Harry rephrases his question, “what are you?"
9) I’m So Drunk On You (Baby, You’re All That I Want) | Explicit | 5875 words
A lucid celebration yet of nothing in particular, and it was that he found alluring, begged to make himself a part of. "Come on, H live a little." Louis pleaded without care for the sigh that slipped his lips, for the smile that they both formed were proof enough he'd given in. So giddy within skips toward the centre where they gathered, the smaller carried Harry close behind to join the chaos.
10) Snow At The Beach | Mature | 7885 words
The little Matthew Styles had been throwing objects into his cute omega neighbor's yard only for the adorable blue-eyed boy to come to his house to return them and talk to his father. "I'm starting to believe that he does it on purpose just so he can hug you" Harry appeared behind them and Louis smiled at him. "I wouldn't complain if it were like that"
11) Don’t Let The Fire Die | Explicit | 8850 words
Harry makes a long trip to take back what is his.
12) The Box | Explicit | 8895 words
When the signal comes, Harry dips and slides into the box, settling himself on his back with his knees bent.  Louis lifts the side of the box to close it, and as he does so Harry goes to pull his jacket from behind his back a little. The last sight that Louis is presented with before Harry is gone from view is the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen arching his back, with his head thrown upwards, mouth slightly open. And fuck. 
13) Touch Me (Like Nobody Else Does) | Mature | 11459 words
The alpha’s grin returned tenfold, deep dimples popping into his cheeks. Holy shit, he has dimples. “No, I don’t mind at all. I know where to find you when I need it back,” he said with a chuckle before leaning back into his seat. Louis let out a small giggle before nodding. “I’ll be sure it gets returned to you…?” He trailed off, one eyebrow raised at the other man. “Harry,” he replied, amusement still shining in his eyes. “And you are?” “Louis,” the omega responded before leaning back into his seat averting his eyes once again. “Thank you, really, for the charger. You’re a lifesaver. I’m not sure how I would’ve made it through without my Netflix.”
14) Cause I’m Really Not Fine At All | Mature | 13679 words
Louis Tomlinson, one of the famous members of One Direction, is involved in a car accident that caused him to have amnesia, wiping all the last five years of his life from the memory. The interesting part is he may not remember that he has a girlfriend now, yet his mind seems to think that he has been in a relationship with one of the members, Harry Styles. Harry is baffled and shocked at the situation that's thrown in his face. He finds himself learning how to be a good boyfriend for Louis. It has to be easy.. 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵?
15) Roommates | Mature | 18604 words
Louis and Harry are roommates. Harry had put up an ad for a roommate, and Louis moved in. Harry notices that Louis only survives on takeout out, and when he leaves for his shift, he cooks an extra plate of food for Louis with a note.
16) Play By The Rules | Explicit | 21835 words
“Okay,” Harry clears his throat. “Sit on the bed, um, slut.” A beat of silence passes between them as Louis raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “You want to try saying that like you mean it?” Harry pouts, jutting out his lower lip. “But I don’t mean it, Lou. I feel like I’m being mean.”
17) You Bring Blue Lights To Dreams | Explicit | 30177 words
A body slid up behind him and he tensed until he realized it was Jailen, “So… Louis’ pretty cool huh?” He whispered so Louis wouldn't hear from the other side of the barn. “I mean yeah,” Harry responded, brows furrowing together before he realized what Jailen was really saying, “Jailen no that’s not- no. Nothing’s going to happen so don’t meddle, I’m serious.” “I’m not doing anything my dear Harold, I cannot control what happens naturally. Come on Harry, I know you’ve been getting restless with the whole finding your soulmate thing, it might be time to just try and put yourself out there for a while.”
18) He's Driving Me Crazy... But... I'm Into It | Explicit | 56219 words
The boys are organising a holiday in France for Louis, and Harry is able to make the trip at the last minute thanks to Niall. While things seem to be off to a bad start between them, it seems that some of the behaviour is just pretend. And of course, Louis is annoying, and Harry is his usual calm self... But the others don't seem to understand Louis' feelings, and that's not something Harry will let pass. If they gain more than friendship, that's just a bonus.
19) Your Eyes Are Tired But Keep Them Open Cause You Wouldn’t Wanna Miss A Thing | Explicit | 137451 words
Louis is an omega in an abusive relationship everyone forced him into; he’s miserable until he meets his favorite student’s uncle, Harry, a gentle alpha with a big heart.
20) Sewn Into You | Explicit | 167485 words
Harry Styles thinks soulmates are a fairytale, or in other words-a lie. He has no interest in entertaining anything that has anything to do with the very name that had been etched along his collarbone since his eighteenth birthday. Louis Tomlinson won't be answering to another alpha for the rest of his life if he can help it. Fuck happy endings, his soul mate can choke on it. Problem is, Harry needs a personal assistant to save his family's business, Louis needs the cash to officially move off of his childhood best-friend's couch. They can manage. Surely, nothing will go wrong.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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