#harry haters
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twopoppies · 5 months ago
I know you’ve been a Harry fan since the 1D days, so I wanted to ask—did you ever feel kind of "disconnected" from him because of the whole mega star image his team started pushing after 1D?
I’m sure he’s still the goofy, kind (sometimes a bit grumpy) and private Harry, but I just don’t feel as close to him anymore. Now he seems like another unreachable, privileged white celebrity (and I feel like that’s how the general public sees him too).
They may have been pushing it, but that’s not how I see him. And no, I don’t feel disconnected from him. I think he says a lot in his interviews, music, music videos, and when he’s on stage that make me feel connected. I find him really inspirational/aspirational. I don’t need to feel like he’s my next door neighbor or my buddy at the bar. I like his esoteric interests and quirky behavior.
I think people who find him elitist or fake or only interested in money and fame are missing out. I don’t get that vibe. But you’re entitled to get a different vibe and to not feel connected to him. I love Louis, but I don’t feel particularly connected to him or his brand. But that’s okay. He’s still a lovely person. What I don’t get is why people are so nasty about Harry when they feel a disconnect. It’s just weird.
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hsonlyangelxo · 2 months ago
Okay today was crazy and that's just because someone said Harry was ugly. Like wtf is wrong with you?! He's never ugly. He can't be ugly. You just don't have taste. 🫳🏻
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swatchitt · 1 year ago
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beating the 'sirius is a twink' allegations
new watermark because im insecure
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elioisrighthere · 2 months ago
i dont understand how people can sit there and be like “draco cared about hermione” and then say “ron sucks” when in canon, draco wished hermione to be dead in second year, called her a slur multiple times, and bullied her and her friends while ron was just an insecure teenage boy who loved her
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starrylayle · 1 year ago
To all those shippers that depict Sirius as a self-absorbed, short, fem twink with a flare for dramatics -- and Remus as a tall, angry, buff, dom werewolf daddy -- go ahead, it's a fully rounded dynamic! You're actually shipping Gilderoy Lockhart x Fenrir Greyback though! Remember to tag correctly folks! Hope this helps 🥰 🥰 
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quarkfancam · 10 days ago
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my pitch for a fake voyager episode called the descent where tuvok & the doctor get stranded on a planet with no comms and have to reach a low point with no interference to contact voyager. not based on any other star trek episodes whatsoever
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bellaciao-ciao-ciao · 2 months ago
Good morning to all the #neverkamala pro Palestine protest voters and the “influencers” who asked their followers to abstain from voting or vote Jill stein. Where is she btw?? Did she crawl back into her hole now that the election is over?
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Anyway good luck and just know that those protest vote influencers who influenced you won’t be suffering. They’ll be sleeping perfectly fine. The victims will continue to be victims and those that actually did the right thing will now be forced to suffer as well because of short sighted ego. And those that protest voted will continue to deny any accountability and “oh it didn’t even make a difference guiseeee I swearrrr” stfu.
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derangedbookworm · 11 months ago
"you can't defend regulus and not defend snape"
actually, yes, i can. watch me.
snape was a child abuser, who regularly insulted, embarrassed and physically injured his students on a daily basis. he only was part of the order bc he had an unhealthy obsession with his childhood bestfriend, who he called a slur on several occasions. who he, on top of trying to kill her husband, didn't care about her child or family until her life was in danger. he only became "good" when the woman who had rejected him several times might have been injured. he was such a terrible teacher and human being, that one of his student's BIGGEST FEAR was him. he was racist and a blood supremecist, even though he was a half a blood himself. he was not "morally gray", he was a horrible person.
regulus black was forced to become a death eater by his family, and in the end, betrayed voldemort and gave up his life to try to end the war. he loved his house elf, and did everything to make sure kreacher made it out alive. he was not an abuser, he was the abused.
so, yes, i can defend regulus and not defend snape.
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foursaints · 2 months ago
also i think harry potter is a more interesting character when you allow james to be extremely morally grey. imo this is more reflective of canon: he was a bully. he was blindly privileged. he harassed lily and treated it like a joke. and no matter what, he's still a man who wanted to marry "the brightest witch of her age" and saw absolutely nothing wrong with making her his jobless prospectless pregnant housewife at 19 years old! that's entitlement!
like in doing this, james technically carried on centuries of misogynist conservative pureblood tradition (marrying women off to be teenaged childbrides) without another thought. this is the environment in which he was raised. and he told himself it was ok and progressive because he, like, wasn't racist to her for being muggleborn and genuinely loved her as a person, or whatever. but that's the bare minimum! and it shows that he had no qualms with participating in pureblood culture & tradition when it suited him, because he literally materially did. a better james potter would never have been comfortable with letting her take on that role.
and the series themes are more resonant when harry's parents aren't both just, like, nebulously ontologically good. it's really poignant when harry spends his entire life being taught to idolize a man who was, in actuality, kind of a piece of shit— and grapples with this as he grows up, ultimately choosing to be different. the lesson is that both good (and cruelty) can come from anyone, regardless of birth circumstances or house placement, because goodness is a choice.
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severussnapemylove · 11 months ago
Haters be like “Snape was just as bad, worse even than James, because he bullied students.”
Honestly, Snape’s behaviour gets blown so out of proportion. Because other than verbal barbs and once threatening a toad, Snape didn’t really do anything. He didn’t put students in deliberate danger, didn’t hex students, didn’t assault anyone. Snape gives students detention and they have to clean. McGonagall gives students detention and they wind up in the Forbidden Forest!
One time, he threw a jar at Harry after Harry *checks notes* oh yeah, looked into Snape’s memories without permission and witnessed his worst memory of being assaulted.
So no, I don’t want to hear the “he bullied students” argument. When in context, he was no worse than any other teacher and far worse had been done to him.
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disco-dancing-in-the-desert · 2 months ago
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twopoppies · 4 months ago
Hi Gina, I’m Clare - the ‘do I think Harry owes me anything’ anon from last month.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I was wrong about Harry. There are many reasons for this, which I won’t bore you with, but here are some:
I had an abusive childhood, which turned me into a people pleaser. Basically I fit in with whoever is closest just to get a sense of security.
It so happened that the people ‘closest’ to me in the fandom were people who disliked H and rooted for Louis. I went along with them and it sunk in.
I was too afraid to disagree - even though i felt they were wrong - because I didn’t want to ‘raise my voice’. Speaking up has never gone well for me.
After talking to you I spent some time researching H and his attitudes to 1D, the fans and the queer community (I work from home for only a few hours a day so have the time). Again, I soon found that I was wrong about him.
I have found as an adult the coping mechanisms I developed as a child haven’t gone away, and I need to accept that they continue to affect my view on the world and people in general. I guess this is the way I am. I have two degrees, a job and a home and dogs and horses but that little girl who would go along with anything just to be liked is still there, desperate for attention.
It is quite refreshing though to ‘find’ Harry again, and in a way I think I have found myself.
So thank you Gina. I was wrong about Harry, and I hope in a parallel dimension he knows and forgives me.
Oh, darling. I just want to give you a big hug. I understand where you're coming from more than you'd think. Going against what seems to be the consensus of everyone around you isn't easy. I do think it's a bit like building up muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it gets. I've had to do a ton of work on myself to be comfortable using my voice, and I still find times when I just let something happen because I didn't want to assert myself. That little girl is still there, but you can heal her. I promise.
And Harry would absolutely understand and forgive you. ❤️
In reference to this and this.
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months ago
Regulus would've been so good with kids
Whether he's Luna's godfather or Draco's favourite uncle, or Tonks' favourite person to mess with, or if he has his own little kid, (we all know I'm a sucker for jegulily as parents, especially with Lily swearing to him he'll be a great father after he doubts himself) he would be the best. Also Jegulus girl dads is so insanely perfect.
I don't trust anyone who says he'd be awful with kids. I just get a strong feeling from him.
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redhoodie1723 · 2 years ago
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“Harry, however, had never been less interested in Quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy.”
I just KNOW HBP Ron was SICK and TIRED of Harry
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nonbinoclard · 5 months ago
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harry with a tramp stamp has just been simmering on my brain’s back burner for weeks thank you @httpsawesome for the wonderful concept
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