#harringrove husbands
dragonflylady77 · 2 years
What if the Harringtons show up one day and Billy is in the kitchen in just sweatpants and making coffee and they have no idea who Billy is because they've been away so long and they're all, excuse me, who are you and why are you in our house, you need to leave this instant before I call the police. And Steve comes down the stairs, wrapped in a sheet, hickeys all over, and he's like, can you not call the cops on my husband thank you.
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bebx · 1 month
“enemies to lovers as a fictional trope is harmful because it normalizes and romanticizes abuse and toxicity” my brother in Christ, touch. grass. they fuck while trying to murder each other and also they use each other’s blood as lube and yeah they look hot as fuck. what are you going to do about it?
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kathrahender · 1 month
Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates fics with tags like "Major Character Death" "Hurt No Comfort" "Bittersweet/Sad/Bad Ending" and more. Isn't life enough sad and hard to make the characters from shows/movies unhappy in the fics too? 💀
I mean of course everyone can write whatever they want, but why writing a fic making your favorite characters/favorite pairing suffer until the end of the story when you can give them a happy and beautiful ending????
"It's for the angst". Bro the angst is only funny if there's comfort and a happy ending after all the pain 😭
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This poll was submitted to us. If you’d like to send us your own scenario (plus different ways a character might react to said scenario) so we could make a poll for you, feel free to send them to our inbox.
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mastercherry · 7 months
Sorry I didn't respond to your text. I saw it while reading about the same two idiots falling in love again. I decided to respond when I was done reading but then a 200K slow burn fic caught my eye. I forgot I had a phone for a while.
Tag your otp 🤣🤣🤣
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harringroveera · 3 months
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Trophy wife Billy Hargrove 👑
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toobusybeingdelulu · 4 months
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Steven… stop staring LIKE THAT at the new hot shirtless dude in front of you… your girlfriend is literally here and oh wait- now she is leaving but you did not even notice because you were too busy staring into his eyes!! loser!!
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adelacreations · 2 years
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"You're staring Pretty Boy~"
Happy Birthday, Billy! Enjoy your date with Steve as he wines and dines you tonight!
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fizzigigsimmer · 7 months
Chapter 1. He Who Holds The Devil: A Harringrove Hannibal Au
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Link to the fic
Author: fizzigigsimmer | triddlegrl (a03)
Artist: the wickedly tallented and lovely @sketchy-scribs-n-doods & @alicetallula |tallula03
Beta: literal genius and absolute godsend @robthegoodfellow
For @bigbangharringrove
Summary: Steve survived Hawkins Lab. He's one of twelve people with strange supernatural gifts that push him to the fringes of society. Steve lends his vision to Special Agent Jim Hopper at the FBI, catching criminals of the highest caliber. The Tri-state Ripper is the most prolific serial killer of the last two decades. The hunt for The Ripper will change Steve forever - for better or for worse.
Y'all, I don't even know what to say. I'm so excited I could throw up. I have been working on this for ages, and sometimes I wasn't sure if it was going to happen. But we made it! It's here, and I am SO SO proud of it. I really hope you love this as much as I do, but please heed the warnings. This is a dark romance involving serial killers in love, nothing except their love is sacred! 😉For fans of the show, please note that although this follows the basic set up of the show it is not sticking to that plot.
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
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dragonflylady77 · 2 years
Burrito Steve
It started with this: What if the Harringtons show up one day...
Then this: Steve takes another sip of coffee...
And now I'm 1.4k into writing an actual fic... So have a little bit more:
“How-how long have you been married?” Steve’s mother asks while his father is still staring, looking like he might pass out.
“What’s the time?” Steve gratefully takes the mug of coffee that Billy hands him and gives him a quick peck on the lips. Proper kissing will have to wait until his parents are not in the room. 
“Thanks, babe.”
“Eight a.m.” His father slowly puts his phone back in his jacket pocket and turns fully towards Steve and Billy.
“So that’s…” Steve tries to work out how long since the ceremony the day before but maths was never his strong suit.
“Sixteen hours, pretty boy,” Billy says, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“We’ve been married for sixteen hours.”
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bebx · 3 months
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kathrahender · 2 months
"You want to make everything LGBT" "They are married and with children" "They're enemies/rivals, wth?" "They don't see each other like that" "They are just friends" "They are like brothers/sisters" "They are in love with another person" "X character is straight" "Why can't two girls/two boys be friends?"
Those are only a few examples of comments people has done about shipping two girls/two boys together. And I'm so tired of reading again and again and again the same things. I'm not gonna lie, I tried to hold back my anger towards this topic, but I need to talk about this to feel better.
First, about the "You want to make everything LGBT". No, no. That's not true. We don't want to make everything LGBT. You are the one who wants to make everything straight. In every single show/movie I've watched there is at least one straight couple (most of the times there is more than one). And you know how many LGBT ships are in the same show? Yes? Exactly. Zero. One or two if the show is good enough to be inclusive. So please, stop with the "You want to make everything LGBT" argument because it's stupid and it makes no sense.
Secondly, about the "They are married and with children". So? What does that mean to you? Why does that matter? Last time I checked, divorce existed. And there are straight couples that divorced in real life, so I don't see a problem if the straight couples divorces in the show/movie. Is it a big deal in reality? No. Or you just don't like the "breaking up because falling in love with someone of the same sex" thing? Huh?
In third place, the "They're enemies/rivals". Ever heard about the enemies/rivals to lovers trope? And about the redemption/corruption arc? Because those are ways a ship like that can happen. And last time I checked, people don't care about the "enemy/rival" thing if the ship is straight. No one cared about the "enemies to lovers" in books like Shadow and Bone, Folk of the Air, Shatter Me or others. So that only matters if the ship is LGBT or what?
"They don't see each other like that". Well. You always saw your lover as your lover? Or first it was your rival, your friend, or someone who wasn't even in your inner circle? You saw them and you inmediatly became lovers or what? Because two characters can be rivals, friends, or people who don't know each other at first and then learn to love each other. Just. Exactly. Like. A. Straight. Couple. So, again, this is a dumb argument.
"They are just friends". Just like I said in the previous point, a boy/boy or girl/girl friendship can turn into love just like a boy/girl friendship can.
"They are like brothers/sisters". Let me ask you a question. They canonically said "I see you as a sister/as a brother"? Because if they didn't, you're just asuming things. You're just assuming they see each other as sisters/brothers because you don't bear them seeing each other romantically.
"They are in love with another person". Agaaaain. Were you always in love with one person? Did you marry the first person you loved or what? Or you liked/loved people until you found the person you actually wanted to be by your side forever? And just as you can fall in love with someone, you can stop loving them. So once again, this argument makes no sense.
"X character is straight". Well. I myself thought I was straight. My best female friend thought she was straight herself. My two best male friends thought they were straight themselves. And I ended up being pansexual, my best female friend turned out to be bisexual, and my two best male friends turned out to be bisexual/gay. Being married to a woman being a man or being married to a man being a woman doesn't mean they're straight. They could realize they are not straight but bisexual. Or pansexual. Or ace. Or whatever you want. But it's not something that cannot change. It's not something written in stone.
"Why can't two girls/two boys be friends?". And why a girl and a boy can't be just friends? Because almost every show has a main straight canon couple. Westallen, Olicity (The Flash, Arrow), Charles/Moira, Peter/MJ (Marvel), Darklina (Shadow and Bone), Stydia, Scallison (Teen Wolf), Deckerstar (Lucifer TV), Hinny (Harry Potter), Mileven (Stranger Things), Anidala, Obitine (Star Wars), Leorai, Apriltello (TMNT 2012)... And I could continue. And it is always the main couple. The main couple is always a girl and a boy. So I don't understand why can't you see that the ones that can't be just friends aren't two boys or two girls. The ones that always have to be romantically involved are a boy and a girl.
If you read this to the end, thank you. I hope you think the same as me. And if you don't, read it again and see some of the shows I mentioned. And please, think about what I said instead of being a close-minded person.
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i love my blorbos bitchy or grumpy with a level-headed partner who has endless patience for it
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alexshakestheworld · 2 years
Me when my friends/patients/coworkers ask about how I manage my mental health especially when I work in this particular field *think about AO3 and its countless awesome fics*:…I read books 🙂
To me, nothing a good 10-50k-word fluff (angst is okay but must have happy ending, preferably having soft smut scenes as well) can’t cure at the end of the day 😂
My recipe to my *quite fine* mental health is one (multiple) good fic(s) a day keep(s) depression away 😅
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winchquinn · 1 year
Hi everyone! I took a break from taking on new roleplay partners, but now I’m open to taking on a few more!
I will give you:
An incredibly patient 30-year-old partner who likes to plot and chat
Plots that are a mix of romance/humor/angst/drama
Any balance of plot to nsfw that you want
Discord-based roleplays (add me there as winchquinn)
Please give me:
A partner who is 18+ and also likes to contribute to the plot & actually reads my pairings & AU ideas (though please feel free to suggest your own!!)
Characters that are over 18+
Lazy-lit posts (I used to go for novellas but I am craving 1-3 paragraph posts, more for intros)
Canon characters
What I’m craving more than anything is taking canon characters and shoving them into AUs, whether other fandoms or just other AU settings.
My preferred character in italics. If neither is italicized, I’ll play either!
The Kingsman
• Eggsy Unwin / Harry Hart
• Peter Parker / Tony Stark
• Peter Parker / Bucky Barnes
• Peter Parker / Wade Wilson
• Eddie Brock / Venom
• Tony Stark / Stephen Strange
• Loki / Thor
• Loki / Mobius
Sherlock (BBC)
• John Watson / Sherlock
• Dean Winchester / Castiel
• Dean Winchester / Sam Winchester
• Gabriel / Sam Winchester
• Dean Winchester / Castiel / Sam Winchester / Gabriel
Teen Wolf
• Stiles Stilinski / Derek Hale
What We Do in the Shadows
• Guillermo De La Cruz / Nandor the Relentless
AU Settings
• The Hunger Games
• The Last of Us
• Harry Potter (where Hogwarts is university-age or they’re professors)
• Place them in one of the fandoms above
• Crime boss / undercover cop
• College roommates
• Creature / hunter
• Escort / client
• Famous / body guard
Word Bank
• Misunderstandings
• Jealousy/Possessiveness
• Enemies/rivals to lovers
• Unhealthy codependencies
• Near death experiences
• Sneaking around
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