#harrassment=blocked and reported
divisive thought here, but can we stop sexualizing Aziraphale and Crowley? I personally don't like it because they were the first cannon asexual characters I ever saw in media. I felt seen for the first time in my life and it gave young ace me the hope that I needed, to know that we are real and not just on the internet. Y'all are human beings with free will and can do whatever you want, but please remember that it hurts some of us when you sexualize the only representation we get. Idk if to call it ace erasure but when I have to go hunting for the asexual crowley/aziraphale tag on Ao3 it makes my heart sink a little.
-Love a passionate media loving apothiace person
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pokemonranch · 20 days
//Sorry for interrupting Adoption Sundays, but something happened and I need to talk about it publicly.
Apparently, an alt-right blog has been reposting my (pokemon) art without my knowledge. They have NO relationship with me or my main blog, and I have already blocked and reported them.
Most of my art seems to have been deleted from there after I went through the appropriate hoops to do so, but while combing through their blog I saw they interacted as well with other Pokeblr RP blogs such as @pokemonshelterstories unfortunately. You might want to block and check if they reposted your art as well.
Suffice to say, I am pro-palestine, pro LGTB and would never condone any transphobic, racist or misogynistic behavior
Blog and @ under the cut.
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Don't interact with the blog, harass them or anything of the like. Block, Report them for Hate speech and move on
They post a TON of content to hide the reposts and the bigotry. I don't recommend searching through the blog directly but through looking for your @ or image search
Thank you @spooky-enthusiast for letting me know all of this
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Spn fandom transphobe blocklist, i'm sure this is not all, if you know of any i missed feel free to add on or send an anon to me if you're afraid of harrassment
(putting them under the cut because there's quite a few, the x's link to proof but be warned they do contain transphobia since that's what they're proof of)
magnetictapedatastorage (x)
arugula2048 (x)
tturing (x)
sparkleoff (x)
winchesterf (used to be destielterf) (x)
rainiermaria (x) (x)
meimiserere (x)
sapphic-schizo (x)
cringetalia (x)
blorbortion (x)
libracorpvs (x)
bakerstreetdoctor (x)
federal-bureau-of-nerds (x)
vivelafrxnce (x)
marmorada (x)
gynoids-over-androids (x)
malewaifbeater (x)
rhondahurleyy (x)
rusalkam (x)
judasvibe (x) (x)
researchgate (x)
apple-pie-42 (x)
0111001100111 (x)
nishiki-apologist (x)
snailsandbails (x)
belastrenchcoat (x) (x)
crackedblorbina (x)
deanwinchesterf (x)
drachenstochter (x)
jjohnnyutah (x)
thelesbianpoirot (x)
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sarayu-sunrays · 1 year
you know one thing the internet has taught me? to stick up for myself. now if a creepy guy messages me i don't waste energy trying to be nice. i tell him exactly what i think of his behaviour and then i tell others. if someone tells me i suck i laugh and make sure i have people that care about me surrounding me. so you know. the internet's a bad place, but not all bad <3
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I hate certain ships as much as the next person, but if you make a blog just to 'call out those shippers' which involves you taking screenshots of their content and posting it without ANY warning
you're actually part of them problem <3
Draw your line in the sand, tell them not to cross it, block them if you see them, and move on. You litterally cannot change anyone's view point and make them not ship something gross af, but you sure as shit are not helping anyone by posting untagged screenshots that can upset people who have the ship tag filtered specificlly to avoid seeing that shit
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klds-12 · 1 year
Okay, So We Got A Little Bit Of A Situation.
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I Woke Up To Somebody Stealing My Art And Just Scribbling Over It. They Just Started Doing This Today Because I Woke Up To It. Please If You Guys Could Please Report And Block Them, It'd Be Really Appreciated Because Idk Why They Are Doing This. I Don't Even Know Who They Are. I Even Asked Them To Stop Doing This Because I Felt Uncomfortable And I Didn't Like It At All But No Response.
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thedevilsdom · 1 year
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how funny would it b if i put this person on blast? that deeeefinitely isnt what im doing, im definitely not putting them on blast dont wooooorrryyyyy
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hairtusk · 1 year
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Addendum to the bullying post
Conveyed anonymously via third party and paraphrased below:
"I think this (blocking anons) isn't the case. If you block an anon, you block the person sending you an anon from that location. I didn't find any proof or source for this but I think that's not how it works. VPNS can bypass the block, can't they?"
The information is linked below to the Tumblr help page.
Anonymous asks are not associated with a specific account, and blocking those will block the IP address of the sender.
Blocked users are unable to do the following.
Follow your blog.
Message you.
Send asks to your Tumblr.
See your posts in their dashboard.
Like or reblog your posts.
See you in search results.
Now, blocking at the IP level means a few things. For instance-
If the sender is using a computer at a library, a school, their work, or other public place, that IP will be blocked. It won't block someone else from using Tumblr, just if they want to interact with your blog.
When it comes to a VPN, that's an interesting question. The thing is that everything that touches the internet has identifying markers, even VPN. All VPN does is make it look as if you are somewhere else, which is why VPNs are popular for accessing media blocked in your country.
"Noooo! I'm not in Cleveland! I'm in... uh... York! Hello fellow English people!"
So your location instead appears to be the location of the server. Blocking an anon who is using a VPN will block the address of the VPN server they are currently using. However. VPNs can have multiple servers in different locations within a country, or in different countries all over the world. Blocking someone using a BVPN will mean going server by server until all servers for that VPN have been blocked, then the anon is free to jump services and start over.
However, Tumblr says very explicitly that this is a no-no.
If you need to report being harassment and bullying, go here.
Other violations listed below can be reported here.
Copyright violation
Trademark violation
Harm to minors
Privacy violation
Impersonation or Non-Geniune Behavior
Suicide or self-harm concern
Hate speech violation
Suspected terrorism
Sexually explicit material
Gore, mutilation, or bestiality
Violent content or threat
I’m being harassed
Unlawful uses or content
Election Integrity
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thefunniestguy · 1 year
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spideyladman · 2 years
It's kind of funny seeing the bios of people who don't care about people buying the new antisemitic Harry Potter and like, want the game themselves, and realising that "Holy shit, no wonder you don't care about people buying this messed up game from an already messed up franchise (Harry Potter)." Like just yesterday I was gonna block two blogs and the first one said they were a radfem in their bio while the second said they were a proshipper in their bio, like no wonder 💀😭
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mocosa-media · 2 years
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What the fuckiNG FUUCK
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nilti-luck · 3 months
Genuinely how tf are people “accidentally” reporting posts like bro those buttons are all surrounded by other negative buttons
—- post canceled actually why is the button on pc one click and also right next to the copy link button wtf
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On one hand: want to engage with the DID is fake guy to see why he thinks what he thinks
On the other hand: probably just a troll and bothering good would come of it but. Mmm cutious
yeahhh I wouldn't engage with them much tbh
I trolled them back a bit but tbh they rlly just need to
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u could always troll them back a bit and block when mew get tired. They aren't gonna change so it dosnt rlly matter they'll get bored eventually when all the systems block them lol
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thundergoodspeed · 2 years
i didn’t actually do any fucking harrassment but go off i guess
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hatefulbutterfly · 2 years
wheezing bc i just remembered someone on twitter say that King Dice and The Devil (two characters who know each other well and work well together, both in their relationship and work environment) have Zero Chemistry Whatsoever, while they would be happy if King Dice and Mugman (two characters who barely know each other and literally have zero on-screen chemistry) was made a canon ship
like i promise your ship is valid either way, you don’t have to blatantly lie about other ships to validate your own
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