#we gotta work together to keep each other safe
sarayu-sunrays · 1 year
you know one thing the internet has taught me? to stick up for myself. now if a creepy guy messages me i don't waste energy trying to be nice. i tell him exactly what i think of his behaviour and then i tell others. if someone tells me i suck i laugh and make sure i have people that care about me surrounding me. so you know. the internet's a bad place, but not all bad <3
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disturbedbeautywrites · 6 months
Too close to home - Tyler Owens Imagine
A/N: Alright babes, so here she is. Hope you guys like it. This is based off an actual tornado I experienced last year (Gotta love tornado alley).
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Spring. It was your favorite season and also your least favorite season at the same time. It was the time of year when they flowers started to bloom, it started to warm up, and everyone seemed happier. However, it was also the time of year when tornadoes were the most prevalent. Living in tornado alley meant you were well versed in the forces of nature. They were big. They were mean. They didn’t care what was in their way. Ever since you were a kid, they scared you. You knew the signs and you watched out for them when they came.
It was the dark clouds. It was the smell of rain in the air. It was the cool air and the warm breeze mixing together to bring a perfect mix of chaos. It absolutely terrified you; especially since you worked at a news station and saw what happened when you covered storm damage.
Now, your boyfriend, was a whole other story. You were dating the tornado wrangler himself, Tyler Owens, and the two of you could not be anymore different in your opinions on the monstrous forces of nature. He thought they were beautiful and wanted to chase after them. You thought they were horrible and wanted to stay far away. But, each and every spring you let him chase his passion as long as he promised to keep himself safe and always come back home. He promised and had yet to break it.
It was your two year anniversary and the two of you were cuddled up in bed watching a movie. There was a tornado warning in the area, but Tyler had been watching the tornado tracker on his phone and he felt like there was next to no chance that the ones on the ground would come anywhere near your shared home. Most nights, he would be out chasing the storm with his crew, but he had agreed to stay home with you tonight to spend time with you to celebrate your anniversary.
Your head was on his chest and his fingers were combing through your hair, both your eyes locked on the TV. Outside, the storm was starting to pick up. The thunder was starting to get louder and the rain was starting to pound on the window harder; hail starting to mix in with it. Your eyes widened at the sound, but Tyler didn’t seem to even blink twice, his hand moving down to soothe down your spine. Of course, leave it to the tornado chaser to not even blink at a severe storm. You wished you shared his bravery, but you definitely did not. As the storm started to progress he picked up his phone to check the weather and the tornado tracker, still seeing that there was nothing coming towards you guys and you were safe to not take shelter.
But, as you were sitting there you could start to hear a train in the distance sound like it was passing through and you felt confusion start to cloud your mind. You didn’t remember any train tracks near your house.. But, it definitely sounded like there was a freight train passing by. You looked at Tyler just as his phone rang, one of the guys he chased with calling him.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and went to standup, answering the call. He pulled the blinds back and revealed a severely dark sky outside your window before he looked at you, eyes wide. The train was getting louder and louder. “Yeah. Ya’ll stay safe.” Just as he was going to hang up the phone, the entire house went dark as the power went out. In the dark and the silence of the house you could barely make him out walking swiftly towards you. He was normally calm about everything so the swift way he was moving made a sense of dread settle through your bones and into your stomach. You had never seen him like this and you had watched him race towards tornadoes hundreds of times by now without even seeming to be phased. But, whatever was happening right now had him rattled.
“We have to get to cover now.” That was all he said as he reached out for your hand, lacing your fingers together as he pulled you towards the back door of your shared home. You had never once heard him warn you to take shelter, so something really bad must be happening. The two of you made your way outside and everything was super dark. Rain was pelting down from the sky in massive drops as it mixed with hail. The wind was whipping around you and Tyler held your hand tight as the two of you made your way towards the door that was propped up outside of the ground. He started to open it, turning around to see a massive funnel cloud making its way right towards your house.
You felt your blood run cold as it started to descend down towards the ground and you heard him urging you to hurry, reaching out to grab your wrist. He was yelling something but you couldn’t hear him over the wind, you just could make out the sound of him yelling but the words were incomprehensible. You felt a tug on your wrist as he ushered you inside, standing to take in the beauty of the descending tornado as it tore down on your neighborhood quickly.
“Ty!” You yelled out for him as you made your way down the stairs, the chaos of everything making you feel more panicked than you already were. But, the look on his eyes said everything. The passion. The dedication. “She’s damn perfect.” You could tell he was either saying the words or mouthing them, but the wind was taking possession of his voice. You knew he was wishing he was chasing this storm. However, that would’ve meant you would be dealing with this alone. You had never been in a storm like this before and now you were about to be in the eye of a tornado.
He finally snapped out of his trance and made his way down into the cellar with you. He slammed the door shut behind him, locking it into place with the deadbolt as you turned on the flashlight on your phone.
Luckily when you had moved in you had stocked the storm shelter with some food and water and a bag of clothes for each of you if you guys would end up needing it. But, you hoped and prayed you wouldn’t. You turned on the lantern the two of you kept down there as you grabbed one of the few blankets you had down there and you tried to make yourself comfortable, hearing the wind howl outside through the door.
“C’mere.” The southern drawl was the first thing you heard your boyfriend say since the two of you had left the house. He had his arm out for you as he turned his phone on to the weather channel, pulling up the radar as the weatherman went on and on about the tornado that was now knocking on your front door.
Your heart was racing and you felt like you couldn’t breathe as you slid in close to his side, covering both of your laps with the blanket as you tried not to think about what could potentially be happening a couple of feet above you. Would it take the house? Would it take your trucks? The barn? You didn’t want to think about it and you hid your face in his arm as he slid a hand under your shirt, rubbing soft circles into your skin with his thumb. “Itll be alright, darlin’.” You knew it would be, but the anxiety was still running rampant through you as well as guilt for him staying home with you tonight.
“I’m sorry you’re here and not out there right now.” Your voice felt too quiet for the situation, but you let it stay like that. Ever since you had started dating, you had never made him miss a storm. You had always told him to go. Told him to just be safe and keep you updated. Every single time he did. But, tonight he had insisted and now it was eating at you.
You felt his eyes look down at you as he sat his phone down, now using his free hand to tilt your chin to look up at him. “I would rather be here with you. If I was chasing that storm, I would be trying to outrun it to get home to you,” He kept his eyes locked on yours as the words left his lips, the normally cocky smile he wore replaced by a small, genuine one. He started to stroke your cheek with his thumb, leaning down to capture your lips to seal the words in. “There will be other storms. But there’s only one you. I’m glad I was here to keep you safe.” The words were barely a whisper as he leaned his forehead against yours, a smile forming on your lips as you kissed him again.
There might be damage done by the storm and you would probably be cleaning up debris for a couple of months, if not longer. But, you had Tyler and he had you and both of you were safe. That was all that mattered as you cuddled up to him in the storm shelter and waited for the all clear, updates coming in from his guys as they chased the storm that came just a little too close to home this time.
Tag list: @mamachasesmayhem @paigewinchester67
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circuitcircus · 5 months
in defense of kabumisu……..
addressing things I see people say about why kabru being shipped w mithrun is ‘bad’ or why their canon relationship ‘doesn’t mean anything’ while also clearing up misconceptions of the characters some fans have
listen it keeps popping up and I just gotta do this or my brain will melt (if you don’t see it around then god I wish that were me) there’s an age gap!- erm there’s also an age gap in farcille (ily), the most popular ship in the series...also chilchuck looks like a kid but a lot of fans recognize him as a dilf because of his relative age, so there should be no age gap discourse among adult characters because it feels so conditional tbh
kabru taking care of mithrun is racist!- marcille likes to take care of others as well. is that sexist, or just an aspect of her character?
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kabru isn’t treated like a servant, waiting on mithrun hand and foot…I mean he gives mithrun a foot massage but no one told him to do all that lmfao
he's also not the only one to care for mithrun. pattadol is shown to worry for him and milsril was the one to start taking care mithrun in the first place after he…...y’know. speaking of which-
they probably met when kabru was a kid!- neither of them showed signs of recognizing each other the entire time mithrun was introduced nor when they were together. and im pretty sure KABRU of all people would show some kind of recognition if they'd met before. it's kabru!!! the people person!!! mr. "i-noted-down-50+-characters-in-this-dude's-backstory-for-fun-and-actually-enjoy-social-gatherings"
you would think some kind of memory would come back to him especially after hearing mithrun’s backstory if milsril had even told kabru about him as a kid. but nope. it’s just fan speculation unless there's a side comic suggesting otherwise that i haven't seen
mithrun doesn't care about kabru, his shapeshift double looked like shit!- it's obviously because of mithrun's (then) lack of desires that it looked like that, but they really grow on each other
i think it's safe to assume it'd look more like kabru after they spent so much time together (also laios can barely even remember kabru's name..also saw his face multiple times and didn’t recognize him when they talked for the first time)
mithrun is racist!- he’s actually the least likely character to be racist since he lost his desires and that includes a desire for superiority over others. he even calls his past self out on that part of himself. the other elves in that side comic were being just as racist to shorter lived races but just didn’t use ‘outdated slurs’
(unfortunately literally every main character in dunmeshi is at least a lil prejudiced, but I believe it’s worldbuilding and a sign of the times rather than a reason ryoko kui is giving to hate each character)
taking care of others is a pain in the ass!- saying this as a reason kabru and mithrun shouldn't be together is basically saying disabled people shouldn't be allowed to have romantic relationships because they're a "burden"...if someone is actually willing to put in the work, then let them be.
that's not even all of their relationship, mithrun is the fighter of their duo and kabru would've been killed by the shapeshifter or something if he'd fallen down the hole on his own since he sucks at fighting monsters. mithrun helps collect ingredients for cooking every time, too (barometz fruits and griffin egg). he pulls his weight and then some!! i feel like people forget that part of mithrun a lot somehow.
+senshi literally cooks for everyone all time. it's kind of an important aspect of the narrative.
+also, while it is a popular fan thing I see around that kabru handfeeds mithrun, he literally never does lol this is mithrun using his own hands to eat:
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also here we have him washing his own body
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just saying because people like to treat mithrun like a baby even though the narrative respects him as a capable adult who also has special needs because of an accident. he’s captain for a reason
kabru hates taking care of mithrun!- not exactly, he was initially surprised and put off but got used to it quickly. i’m sure he’s grateful for all the times mithrun saved him from a monster and teleported them out of danger as well
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he even starts doing “unnecessary” things for mithrun’s comfort and safety like when mithrun pushes himself too hard fighting, even after his mission to take care of him was complete when the canaries came back
here is even kabru resting while mithrun keeps watch (mithrun let him sleep for 5 hours before waking him up from the nightmare earlier, too):
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there's nothing more to their relationship!- they actually have had a very tight and consistent dynamic since they met and they incite the most change within each other by the end. kabru is the one who inspires mithrun to create new desires so he doesn't waste away, and mithrun is the first person we see kabru being genuine with and it leads him to be more honest with others by the end instead of tiptoeing around everyone all the time (that mask was also the reason some ppl initially disliked kabru…)
kabru’s relationship with mithrun is honestly so important for his character and vice versa, but it’s often disregarded because of one over exaggerated aspect of it (an aspect that isn’t even the first way they interact with each other) or because people want to just straight up ignore it for some reason 🥲🥲
kui dedicates many panels to them that don't particularly serve the narrative as a whole in order to demonstrate this and i think that's pretty significant
you're taking this too seriously!- as if i'm the first person in the world to be crazy about a ship or the characters 😭 i love analyzing text and it's upsetting to see them mischaracterized when kui lays out the characters so clearly and deliberately
also they end up touching each other like all the time and have the kind of canon validation most ppl can only dream of lol i feel so insane look at this:
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and this is just when they're first getting to know each other cuz there's a fuckload more
kinda hard to explain how i don't actually need them to get married or whatever but i'd die on this hill for them and i enjoy their dynamic immensely
haha you thought you were reading ship discourse but it was actually a character analysis 🤪🤪🤪
also don’t somehow take this to mean I think anyone has to ship them, I just need everyone to understand these accusations kind of don’t make sense especially when they can also apply to other pairs or characters
bonus kabru just looking at mithrun:
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onysfavreader · 5 months
Random hc of being Ony's hyperfemblack!wife
You getting spoiled way to much but Ony who doesn't mind because his girl deserves the universe and more
Ony who can never have enough pictures and videos of you on his phone because he is quick to show you off at any chance you recording little maintenance vlogs for your photo shoots together
Ony who just loves you so much and never want to not see you smile
Ony being the only one to help you handle your emotions and make you feel better because he knows you can't help but be so emotional "Shh baby tell me what's wrong" "What happened ma why you look so upset"
Picks you up if you try to walk away from him when you're upset
Ony letting you decorate bc you're helping each other create your dream lives and that included giving you your dream pinterest house and closet lmao
You being the only one who gets to see Ony's soft side after you spent forever trying to get through to him like he put you through the worst when you first started talking but now he makes up for it every day and you brag about it to yourself because it took you forever to get him to that point
You not being any better in the beginning of your relationship those half assed ‘situationships’ could never prepare you for your relationship with Ony your the reason ony’s patience and trust for you is as high as it is
You two giving golden retriever and black cat energy Ony doesn’t look like he likes anyone and doesn’t but is the sweetest ever once you really get to know him especially to you and you looking the sweetest on the outside but you’re are worse then people think Ony is
Ony supporting you through everything and you doing the same even if you don't know exactly what he's doing you trust him
You walking around wrapped in a robe or one of many blankets almost everyday bc your always cold until Ony caught on buying you hoodies and jackets in his size just to see how cute you look when they cover so much more of your body than his
Ony giving you all the hugs kisses and praises he can because he knows you fiend off his attention and will throw the worst fits when you don't get it
You holding onys two fingers instead of his hand bc he's so big
Ony who lifts double your weight on a bad day this and just picks you up and you love it until he pisses you off "Put my ass down now" you shout trying to push him away "Why you not talking to me ma what's wrong" "Boy fuck you" "We gotta work on the mouth of yours" "Ony put me down" You laughed as he carried you to your bedroom “Don’t laugh now” “Baby I’m sorry” “I don’t want to hear none of that ma”
You absolutely loving Ony and the life you've built together
You're only piece of gold jewelry is an anklet with an 'o' charm and you refuse to take off even after he offered to get it in silver
Buying Ony just as many if not more flowers then he buys you
Ony and you having two dogs that are your babies. Ony's being some big 'scary' dog like a black pit bull that absolutely adores you and your a cute little brown toy poodle that Ony tries not to trip over bc they follow him almost as much as you follow him
You and Ony would have different "rooms" that would be your own space yours would be in the attic and he would have his in the basement but you two would still have your bed room
Ony never letting you know what he does for work but he keeps you safe and happy so you push your suspensions aside
You and Ony being the cutest together like your head over heels for him and he completely adores you
You being onys entire world and universe sun and all with the brightest smile on your pretty face and biggest heart
You both having to learn to love but know you want to be with each other for the rest of your lives so you push through the rough patches
Ony cooks and you bake
Ony doing the bathroom, dish, taking out the trash, fixing things, lawn work, bills, bugs, ect
You organizing, decorates, takes care of the dogs, cleans laundry, houses maintenance, groceries, ect
You and Ony who spoil each other rotten and love it
You doing Ony's hair and it's just a cute moment between you two every few weeks one of you will set up the bathroom before going to get the other then you'll sit on the sink with him in front of you most off the time it's quiet as Ony watches you concentrate
You rarely buying Ony gifts because you're always making something for him
You never being able to get enough of Ony
You have the prettiest garden with flowers herbs and fruits that you somehow managed to scared the dogs away from and plug!Ony will some times ask for help when growing his weed
- smut
Definitely the daddy dom of your my dreams he can be the sweetest softest dom ever or the scariest brat tamer but a pleasure dom either way
You almost being apillow princess bc Ony loves being the one to make you cum just by using you but you knowing how to suck it off the bone and neither of you can resist having him down your throat
You being a sweetheart but when you aren’t you can get a horrible attitude and smart mouth only Ony can handle because he knows how to keep your mouth full
Ony can't help but come inside of you so he pays for your birth control
Ony's 's so big and strong and so so big especially compared to you and you love it just the thought turns you on like just looking up at him while you standing next to him maybe holding his fingers and all you can do is squeeze your legs together
Ony fucking you in his hoodies
His voice is music to your ears but His praise will make you're eyes roll back and brain go dumb every time "Fuck you're so good baby just like that" "There you go ma"
You calling him daddy bc what is an Ony
Being each other's biggest eaters
Ony will pick you up and carry you away to your bedroom when he needs you and when you need him you’ll wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist or you’ll straddle his lap until he eventually gets it
You are definitely kinker then ony hands down and has to teach him things like
You liking soft intimate sex and Ony who fucks you so hard you go dumb almost every time And somehow he always knows which one you need
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Thought I Lost You: Dad!Jake Sully
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 683
request: Hi! I loved your Good Enough story and the way you wrote dad jake...I was wondering if your requests are open.. can you do something with Jake and his daughter??? Where it's based on the battle scene on the boat, and everyone is gathering together to reunite only you his daughter is still missing because you got trapped while making sure your little sister Tuk made it out safely, so he goes back and tries to find you?
A/N: Girl dad jake is my favorite thing to write right now <3
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"Tuk Tuk I need you to go first." You said to your little sister who looked at you nervously.
"It's okay Tuk, your smaller and I gotta be able to close this behind us. Please go ahead." You said nervously watching the water coming towards you two.
She made her way through the hole and scooted back so you would have room to get through only a gush of water came rushing over you and shutting the door leaving you two separated.
"Y/N!" She screamed pulling on the bars.
"Tuk Tuk listen to me...I need you to find dad, mom, or someone and bring them back to me. Can you do that?" You asked her.
"But I don't want to leave you!" She said crying as you laced your hand with hers through the bars.
"I know you don't but I'm trapped here, Tuk...please I need you to be strong and find someone, I'll be okay." You said even though you knew you probably weren't.
"Okay, I'll be back!" She said before disappearing as you prayed to Ewya that she got to someone before it was too late.
Jake sat on the rock with your brothers around him watching as Neytiri and Kiri swam over to him he let out a sigh of relief until he realized that you and Tuk were still missing. He hugged his wife and Kiri praying that you two made it out.
"Where's Tuk and Y/N?" Neytiri asked Jake noticing her two girls were missing.
'Mama! Daddy!" Tuk shouted as they swam over to her and helped her to the rock where everyone was.
"No! Sissy is trapped! We need to go save her." Tuk said as her parents looked at each other wide-eyed.
"Okay, we're gonna get her." Jake said slightly even more worried about you.
"I'm gonna take Neteyam and Tuk with me, so she can show me where she her, I'll send them back." Jake said to Neytiri who nodded her.
"Be safe and bring our daughter back." She said to him as he nodded his head before following Tuk and Neteyam back into the almost sunken ship.
"Help! Someone please." Jake heard you say.
"Babygirl?" He called back out as they continued swimming towards you.
"Dad!" You called out worriedly as the water continued to rise by the second, you could barely keep your head above water.
"Dad!" You said smiling once you saw him.
"Alright you two go back to your brother, we'll be right behind you." He said to your siblings who nodded their heads and headed back.
"It's alright, I'm here baby girl." He said as he tried to pull on the bars that divided you two.
"Daddy please.." You said as the water rose even more as he worked frantically, your cries making his heart hurt.
"I'll be right back." He said swimming off to see if he could something to break the bars with.
"Daddy please don't....You said as the water submerged you under it, and you tried to hold your breath as long as you could before you drifted.
Jake came back and saw you were gone making him even more determined to get you, using what he found as a lever, he was able to use it enough to make a big enough hole for you guys to get through. He swam down and began searching for you, he found still falling downward and was able to grab your hand and found an easier exit out of the snuck ship. He swam to the nearest rock and placed you on it, and began doing CPR, and eventually you came back to coughing out some water.
"Thought I lost you there baby girl." He said smiling at you.
"Thank you for coming back for me." You said wrapping your arms around him as he held you close to him.
"I always will." He said as he saw the rest of your family swimming over to where you guys were.
Your mother and siblings all joined in on the group hug, glad that you all made it out alive.
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evilminji · 9 months
(O.O ) The PONDERING is back!
You know Walker?
One of the Zone's literal ACAB? We are shown in one episode, that real world items? Against The Rules(tm).
Now, that COULD just be HIM being An Asshole? But let's be real! Unlikely. Rules/Laws get made for a REASON, generally. Usually because someone ruined it for everyone by being an asshole. Taking things too far.
You start OUT with the obvious Rules. Like "Don't Tear the Zone Apart." And "No Genocide of Literally Everything Forever You Fighty Little Assholes" but over time? You have too add stuff. Like "George is Forbidden to use the fax machine and he knows why" and "Ice Lairs and Fire Lairs have to be X distance apart AND YOU KNOW WHY"
And? IS there a central Governing body, regulating the Zone Rules? Nope! Pariah's in nappy time! BUT the manic, Iron fisted, Obsessions of THE LAW across time and space are sure willing to step up and help keep order. It... KINDA works!
And they MOSTLY have the same-ish Rules!
Like NO FUCKIN LIVING WORLD STUFF. Because? To GET such contraband? You'd have to break containment of the Zone, go THROUGH a random ass natural portal, that may or may NOT be safe, may or may NOT ever RECONNECT to the Zone, to literally terrorize the unsuspecting living souls (assuming you can FIND any), on the other side, JUST to drag that shitty candy bar back home.
Leaking ectoplasm the whole time. Poisoning the air, land, and sea. Making NEW ghosts where there might not have been any. Effectively making you their deadbeat parent. Which is premeditated child abandonment. And you DEFINITELY didn't PAY for those objects. Thief.
So, NO. No Living World Shit.
Like city states! The Area of influence each Law Man(tm) has? While wide and sprawling? Does NOT perfectly mesh together like puzzle pieces! There ARE dead zones. Lawless, "unclaimed" areas.
Which? Are not so unclaimed.
For just as The Law has it's Obsession? So too, has the Underworld. Shaddy casinos and auctions. Black markets run like street fairs. What some Ghost Weed? They can hook you up, man. Vinnie over there was a Runner during Prohibition. He knows where ALL the classy joints are.
He can hook you up with some REAL nice Living World collectibles.
From All Over.
And? I bet it's that LAST bit? That REALLY sparks Danny's interest. He saved the guy from the GIW, who may or may not have busted him trying to... uuuuh... LIBERATE, some fine scotch for the bar back Zone side. Who's to say, really? Regardless, Vinnie? Pays his debts, you here.
Beside... the feral little gremlin kinda scares him. Good quality to have, no question, but maybe cool it with the biting? You don't know where they BEEN. You'll get a disease.
Now... all you gotta do, see, is... *mutters* *map scribbling* *bad idea enabling*
Which? Constantine! League Members of your choosing! Like a field trip from hell! Some how in the SINGLE shadiest den of Obvious Criminals you ever did see. The sky is green and they aren't in their dimension anymore. Circle up! NOW. Young Justice shoved to the INSIDE of the circle, adult heros on the outside.
Constantine? Knows where they are and wishs he didn't. He... he's not sure he CAN get them back. Going to try obviously. But no one panic. Don't show fear. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING. Start walking.
Danny? Loading up the speeder~ Christmas gifts for daaaays~~☆ Everyone is Salty but respectful, cause anti-ghost tech meant they couldn't steal it. They did TRY. But... fair play, kid. Nice ride.
Only? Right before he gets in to leave? Some vibrating blur shoots over? Talking fast and followed by an older blur? Oh hey, humans. Like... ALIVE humans. Sup?
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @nerdpoe @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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delicatebarness · 3 months
The Barnes-Rogers Family Adventures | Welcome to the family, Alpine! #004
Summary: Peter asked for a puppy, Bucky and Tiny came back with a kitten...
Warnings: This post and series are safe for work (SFW) regressions. Nothing explicit. However, please be aware that the rest of my blog is NOT. NSFW accounts are welcome to read and reblog, but please keep all comments SFW out of consideration for other littles.
Word Count: 583
Series Masterlist
A/N: Oh, he'll get that dog. - Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: @sapphirebarnes | Let me know if you want to be tagged specifically for this series.
Everything: @hallecarey1 | @pattiemac1 | @uhmellamoanna | @scraftsku35 | @ozwriterchick | @sapphirebarnes | @rach2602
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For weeks Peter had been talking about puppies. He was reading books about them, drawing pictures of them, and he even had dreams about them. Each day, he brought it up to Steve and Bucky, hoping they’d agree. 
One afternoon, Peter rushed into the living room to find Steve, a hopeful expression spread across his face. “Papa, can we get a puppy? Please?”
Sighing, Steve looked up from his book. “You know it’s a big responsibility, Buddy. We have to make sure we’re ready.” 
Peter’s face fell, but he was not standing down. “I promise I’ll take care of him! I’ll feed him and walk him, and everything!” 
Just then, you and Bucky came home, stepping into the house with your arms full of shopping bags. Your eyes twinkled with excitement as you beamed. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow as he stood, taking the bags from you. 
A secretive smile tugged at both your and Bucky’s lips. “We’ve got a surprise,” Bucky said, glancing down at you. “Why don’t we show them?” 
You nodded eagerly, running to the little box Bucky had placed by the door. Carefully pulling out a small, fluffy, white kitten. Its tiny meows filled the room as you held her to show everyone. 
“Look, Papa! She’s a kitten!” you exclaimed, face glowing with joy.
“A kitten?” Peter’s eyes widened in surprise before his face fell once more. “But I wanted a puppy…” 
Steve had been skeptical about a pet, however he was now struggling to keep a straight face. The kitten was adorable, and it was undeniable that his resolve weakened. “Well, I suppose a kitten is nice too,” he said, trying to keep his voice steady and nonchalant. 
Bucky brushed his hand through Peter’s hair. “We thought a kitten might be a bit easier to manage, at least for now, Buddy.” 
Peter’s initial disappointment faded as he watched the kitten playfully bat your fingers, causing you to giggle. “Can I have a hold?” he asked, cautiously stepping closer.
You nodded, carefully handing the kitten to Peter. “Daddy said we gotta be gentle,” your voice full of all the seriousness that you could muster.
Holding the kitten close, a smile spread across Peter’s face. “So soft,” he said, looking up at Bucky. “What’s her name?” 
Steve was now fully charmed by the tiny creature, he crouched down beside Peter. “How about Whiskers?” he suggested as he reached out to pet the kitten’s head.
Bucky shook his head with a laugh. “That’s a bit cliche, don’t you think, Steve?” 
You had been quietly watching until you suddenly piped up. “Daddy likes Alpine!” you said, clapping your hands together. 
Peter looked down at the kitten, debating each name. “Alpine?” he mumbled before looking at you, he grinned when he saw the light in your eyes. “Welcome to the family, Alpine!”
As the evening went on, Alpine quickly made herself at home. She explored every nook and cranny of the house. You and Peter took turns playing with, laughter filling the house. 
Steve and Bucky watched you all from the count, contentment settling over them. “You know, a kitten was a great idea,” Steve admitted, leaning into Bucky’s side.
Smiling, Bucky wrapped an arm around Steve, pulling him closer. “I thought so, but, you know he’s not going to give up on the puppy.” Peter overheard their conversation causing his eyes to flash with a spark of mischief. He most definitely was not giving up on a puppy.
Series Masterlist
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babyangelsky · 25 days
The Love Sea special episode said Blue = 💙Love💙!
I already knew that Tongrak and Mahasamut were color and fabric coded boys in love and the special really hammered it in. It also pointed something out that's been in front of my face this whole time!
We begin the episode with Mut waking up in blue patterned sheets.
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He's looking at his calendar (on which the date is highlighted in blue) because Tongrak is set to return soon and there's blue decor on the walls and Rak's textures are in the wall hanging beside the bed.
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In fact, the blue and patterns and textures are all over their house! The patterned rugs offer texture by nature, there's some decorative wood that adds texture to the walls and blue photos, there's blue in the pattern Mut is wearing, a blue patterned pillow on Rak's desk chair. Even my favorite chismoso Palm is sporting a blue patterned shirt as he helps Mut clean before Rak's return home.
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Even on Vivi and Mook! One of them is in a blue pattern and the other in a textured dress and there's blue in their matching necklaces!
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But that's not even the best part because LOOK at what Tongrak is wearing!
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Before, it was plainly obvious to literally everyone that Rak was in love with Mahasamut but Rak couldn't admit it to himself. He was still afraid and guarding his heart so there was a solid pocket on his blue striped shirt. But look at him now!
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He's got his husband's patterns over his heart and he's kissing him hello after a month apart in front of Viviana and Mook and god and the ocean with zero hesitation.
AND THAT'S BARELY THE FIRST 15 MINUTES OF THE EPISODE! The blue and the patterns and textures just keep going!
Blue in the tag Rak gives Mut.
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Blue patterns on their clothes and again on Palm.
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Blue patterns in the pillows and texture in the blanket they rest on while they go to their romantic dinner.
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Tongrak sleeping so peacefully absolutely surrounded by all the blue in their home.
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Mut in his blue patterned shirt getting sent off to work with breakfast and a forehead kiss from his husband.
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Blue patterns in the tablecloth and seat cushions at the dinner Mook forced them to attend after interrupting their pre-dinner appetizer.
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A dinner which they promptly skip out on because they'd much rather eat each other instead, UNDER THE BLINDING BLUE JELLYFISH LIGHT OF LOVE!
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And I've just gotta talk about this shirt.
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Because Tongrak isn't just wearing a blue patterned shirt.
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He's wearing the same blue patterned shirt Mahasamut was wearing when he left Tongrak's house and symbolically took the love that he'd confessed and that had been rejected with him.
There's no longer sad memories attached to that shirt! Only happy memories of Rak and Mut planning their future together and being so excited about it that neither of them can sleep!
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And it's not only them who are bundled safely in the patterned blue of love!
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Blue = 💙Love💙 and they've been telling us that since the finale aired!
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#21: The Getaway Plan (1.03)
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gif cred: @nat111love
I love how Rick is the only man Michonne happily lets take over. He’s the only one she’ll ever defer to and trust to go with his way over her own. It’s why she never even second-guessed his escape plan. But then, y'all, Rick's getaway plan threw Michonne and me for a loop😢...
So once he’s alone in the apartment, Rick gets right to work laying out everything he needs for this getaway plan. I like how he always keeps all his secrets in the couch cushions. And both times the stuff he has inside the couch has so much to do with Michonne.
Rick is thorough with it laying everything out like paddles, wire, and a consignee jacket, going over maps, writing out stuff, and drinking to numb the fact that he’s also making a plan that means he may never see Michonne again after this. 😢 But I love this scene of seeing him so determined to figure out how to save his wife and get her safely home. 
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Then we see Michonne sitting at lunchtime with the consignees and it is a drab set up I must say. Like the area was giving prison yard. And it makes me sad to think this is how Rick spent so many lonely lunches for years.
As Michonne eats, she sees Rick coming over in his CRM uniform, which is all she’s seen him wearing thus far. I feel like it illustrates how the CRM has a constant hold on him.
Since Richonne can always communicate without words Michonne immediately knows Rick is coming over here to give her a note.
She puts her plate away and then casually walks pass him as he slips a note in her hand and of course, they do the pass off smoothly because they’re just a well-oiled machine like that. 👌🏽
Part of me was like wouldn’t it sorta be odder to the other soldiers if the two don’t acknowledge each other at all when they pass each other considering their story is she saved Rick from an attack? But they’re not taking any chances I guess. And the way Richonne can’t be subtle about each other it’s probably for the best they just walk on by. 🙂
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gif cred: @nat111love
When Rick walks off after passing the note he takes a breath and even looks teary because if all goes according to his plan that really was his last time being able to see and feel his wife - another final hand moment like how their last real moment side-by-side in TWD was a hand moment. 🥺
I know right now Rick thinks this is for the best but it also has to be so painful for him knowing that he’s about to be without her again. And knowing Michonne doesn’t even know that this technically would be their last moment together is just...☹️😢
Michonne reads the letter as we hear Rick’s fine voice say what’s inside it. He starts by saying, “This is it, tonight. We gotta move fast.” And I love Michonne’s little smile as she reads that. She fully trusts Rick to get them out of here and so she’s ready and willing to follow his lead with this…which is why what comes next is so heartbreaking.
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gif cred: @nat111love
But first, we see everything Rick did to ensure Michonne would have the smoothest escape possible. It is so sweet that despite Michonne being super capable, Rick still wanted to take care of everything he possibly could for her. 😊 That’s a good man, Savannah, a good man. 👏🏽
As Rick’s walking in a tunnel he sees writing on the floor that says ‘Tell them I’m sorry I lied’ and it’s very intentional showing that because I feel like that is essentially what Rick will want Michonne to tell Judith (and RJ) after he lied to get Michonne out of this place.
Also, I once again need to note - Rick in all-black. ❤️‍🔥😋
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gif cred: andy-clutterbuck
It’s interesting because while those words written on the ground should have been a clear sign to us viewers that a lie is afoot right now, eye fully believed Rick was really intending to escape with Michonne with this plan. So Michonne and I were very caught off guard when that wasn’t the case. 
Rick tells Michonne all the details of where to go and what to do to escape, laying it out step by step to make it as easy as possible, and she’s following what the letter says.
And then my favorite part of this letter moment arrives when he says, “I love you.” 😍 Rick is gonna earn that Ultimate Loverboy title every chance he gets. It’s also sweet cuz he knows this could be one of the last times he gets to tell her. ☹️
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gif cred: richone4life
I love that he always wants to be sure that if nothing else she knows he loves her. While his decisions right now are going to upset Michonne (and me 🙋🏽‍♀️), it is all being done because of how much he loves her.
And then I absolutely adore Michonne’s response to reading her husband say I love you in the letter. The sweetest. 🥰And that smile was an 'I love you back' from Michonne. Again, it really is so clear that he makes her feel so safe and loved and like they can truly pull this off together.  
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
(Side note: I love the softening of Michonne over the seasons in TWD and that Rick brought out her softest side. Like it makes so much sense that she had a rougher exterior when she was introduced in season 3 because being a woman in that world is so dangerous, especially a woman traveling alone for a long period of time. I can legitimately name about 8 woman characters in TWD who were SA'ed or at risk of that. and so as women, it probably feels like you have to hide any part of yourself that is softer just to stay safe. But as each season progressed, Michonne got to tap back into that part of her, especially as she found a true safe space in Rick. She knows how to be fierce and intimidating when she needs to be but with Rick her heart just melts like when she reads his letter with the escape plan and she sees that he wrote I love you)
Then I absolutely love the cute flirty delivery of Rick saying “...and I left you a little something” as they then do a perfect cut to Michonne slicing a walker with her katana. 👏🏽
Y’all, of course, Rick 'Man of the Year' Grimes would make sure Michonne didn’t leave here without her signature sword. The best. 😊
Once again I love Michonne’s proud smile as she’s about to take out more walkers only to realize Rick has already got it covered and tied them up for her. The world might be riddled with dead but chivalry is alive and well cuz of that man Rick Grimes. 👌🏽
And I’ll forever appreciate that Rick never treated Michonne like a weapon with a weapon. As the woman he values, he wants to take it upon himself to handle everything to make her escape and travel a smooth and successful process. 
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gif cred: @richonne4life
Rick’s also walking through the same spots Michonne is and it was clever to have his scenes intercut with Michonne’s because they really had me fooled, thinking they were both headed to the getaway boat - not realizing all his scenes are actually occurring ahead of time as he sets everything up for Michonne’s escape.
Normally I would be suspicious that something is up, especially cuz when is a plan ever that smooth but idk, me and Michonne just really believe in Rick Grimes i guess, so like her, I didn’t question anything lol.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
I thought the complications might come once they got to the boat and tried to escape together or something, however Rick had us in for a sad surprise.
I honestly feel like had this getaway plan been given to Michonne by anyone other than Rick, her intuition would have sounded a few more alarms that maybe something is suspect with the plan. It was so smooth to get out, and I know part of it is because Rick sweetly made sure Michonne could walk right through with little to no hurdles but with how easy it seemed, Michonne might have been inclined to wonder how it could be this smooth to escape and yet Rick was trapped for years.
Cuz the way her getaway was going, it was looking like Rick should've been able to escape in time to be there for RJ’s birth lol. But Michonne trusted his plan wholeheartedly because she wholeheartedly loves and trust Rick more than anyone. That’s another reason why it’s gotta be so hurtful knowing that he knew she’d trust his lead and he used that to try to get her to leave alone. 😞
But still, I really like this whole escape scene and the intercut between the two. It felt like the way an escape scene should be executed in an epic love story because it was all still so rooted in Richonne’s love. And the parallel shots of their silhouetted selves walking through the tunnels with red and blue light were nice.
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gif cred: @chaoticroad
So then Michonne makes it to the designated destination and seeing her smile in anticipation to see Rick makes me so sad rewatching and knowing he’s not coming.
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gif cred: @richonne4life
She was really looking forward to reuniting with Rick here and heading home together. Her smile was giving....
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But then that happiness just gets crushed. 😔
She calls out for Rick but he’s nowhere in sight. She looks suspicious when she notices a walker in a consignee jacket, which little does she know Rick planted there to fake her death.
Then, as she searches through the boat she finds another letter that just makes my heart break. 💔
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gif cred: @nat111love
Rick's letter says, “I’m not coming. And if you don’t go, you’ll never get away and we both die here.” It’s painful knowing he’s basically like 'I’m the only one that should die here.'
Then I like that he mentions getting Michonne back to their daughter specifically when he writes, “The only way to get you back to Judith is that I stay here to make sure.”
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gif cred: @nat111love
You can hear the sadness in the way Rick is talking out what’s in the letter, he knows Judith needs her mom and so even tho he needs Michonne too he’ll always try to choose his kids needing Michonne above himself. And then you really feel his emotions as he tells Michonne, “I love you forever.” 🥺
First of all; I absolutely love that he wrote that to her and that we now get to add Rick saying “I love you forever” to the many romantic things he’s told Michonne. It’s so heartwarmingly worded for him to want her to know that while this is essentially goodbye he will forever be in love with her even as they're apart. 
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gif cred: @nat111love
Then the most problematic part of the letter is Rick saying “If you love me, you’ll go.” 😓 And for so many reasons...
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I know Rick means well but it’s weaponizing love to say something like that. He knows she loves him. He knows how hard it would be for her to leave him here hence why he had to lie to even get her to go along with the plan in the first place. And now he’s essentially attempting to make her feel like she doesn’t love him if she stays. When deep down Rick knows full well Michonne doesn’t leave people behind let alone the love of her life.
And if the roles were reversed Rick would never just leave her someplace that has her clearly trapped and miserable. But it’s been a minute, so maybe Rick got a little foggy on just how much he and Michonne are cut from the same cloth which means she would never leave him either.
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gif cred: @nat111love
And just the 'if' gets to me cuz there is no if, Richard. That’s exactly why she can’t go. Because she loves him.
Saying that line puts Michonne in an unfair position. She either goes back home, just having to live with the knowledge that Rick is out there and hurting and her kids will never get to meet their dad who is alive and she’ll never even get to tell Rick about his son. Or she stays and has it be deemed a lack of love for staying. When again it’s the ultimate act of love for her to stay in this place and still fight for Rick even when he doesn’t think he’s worth fighting for.
I remember one of my thoughts when I first heard this letter was "What did Rick want Michonne to tell Judith?…like should she say 'yeah, I found your dad. He’s alive but he’s never coming home so let’s just move on and live our lives??'" That was never gonna be an option. But I guess he’d want her to tell Judith and RJ what he saw in the tunnel - “I’m sorry I lied.”
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gif cred: @taiturner
I also had this moment of wondering - why does Rick seem to think leaving him or moving on from him is so doable? And then it hit me that it might be because he’s had it happen before. 🥺
He was in a coma for just a few months and by the time he saw Lori again she was pregnant with his best friend's baby and his best friend was fully playing house with his wife and son.
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But Michonne cannot be compared to the wife and BFF of Christmas past.
No, now Rick has a wife and bff rolled into one who hasn’t moved on from him for almost 8 years so she’s def not about to move on from him now. 
It’s almost like Rick doesn’t think this relationship is an equal win. An equal gift. He understandably feels extremely lucky that a gem like Michonne is his wife. She’s the ultimate treasure to him and brings his life so much value. It’s harder for it to hit him that he is a special treasured gift to Michonne too. That she needs him and feels safest with him and can’t ever move on from him the same way he feels about her.
Plus, this isn’t just a wife's mission, it’s a mother's mission for Michonne. She’s doing this for her kids too. Which takes this to a whole other level. What Rick doesn’t know is when he tells her to go, Michonne also hears the voice of their sweet daughter saying mom go get him and bring him home.
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She hears the adorable voice of RJ confirming that Michonne would do anything for them and their dad.
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And she hears Carl on his deathbed saying she has to be strong for Rick and Judith.
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That’s running through her head always I’m sure and motivating sacrificing time with her kids to bring their father home. She’s not letting her kids down.
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When Rick tried to get her to leave without him he didn’t just get in the way of the mission she has for herself and for him but for their kids and that’s when you’re going to get a pissed Michonne because now you’re interfering with what the kids need which is both their parents.
And no one stops this mother from doing what needs to be done for her kids, not even Rick. It reminds me of The Distance and how that also was Michonne on a mission to provide what her kids needed.
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So it was already so sad to see Michonne alone realizing she’d essentially been duped into leaving without Rick after trusting him and his plan wholeheartedly - but then to see her have to be confronted with this idea that Rick thinks the way she can best show her love is just to leave him behind was just such an added layer of painful.
Michonne makes my heart hurt seeing how sad this all is making her. She truly looks shocked, hurt, and heartbroken over this. And understandably so. After everything she’s been through there’s no way it ends like this.
The acting Danai does is great at this moment as all Michonne can do is stand teary-eyed and repeatedly shake her head with silent bewilderment that Rick would even pull something like this when the Rick she knew would never. 
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gif cred: @nat111love
I think something important to note is that while Michonne is the first time Rick’s had a wife who can protect herself, Rick still absolutely feels like it is his job to protect her. Like yes her competence and capability means he can rely on her and lean on her more than his former partner but that doesn’t mean Rick ever would take a backseat to being his wife’s protector. He still wants to keep Michonne safe just as fiercely as had she been someone more defenseless. 
We see this throughout the main series in the way Rick always looks out for and checks on Michonne and panics whenever he thinks she’s in danger.
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Again, she’s not a weapon with a weapon to him. He loves and respects that Michonne is strong and a leader, and he also knows that doesn’t mean she’s incapable of being harmed, especially around the CRM. So it is one of his biggest goals to protect her and keep her alive even if she’s capable of doing that herself. As competent as Michonne is, she does need him and feels most safe with him and Rick takes that seriously. 
The way it caused conflict in TOWL tho is Rick became so hyper-focused on protecting her that he almost started to treat Michonne like a fragile sculpture that could break at any moment and he started acting like it was only up to him to keep the sculpture intact even if it means leaving her out of the loop and breaking her heart. Which seeing him pull this just had me like...
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Rick knows Michonne is strong but he stopped believing that her strength and his strength and especially their strength together could be a good thing - it just makes them a target hence his actions that were so steeped in fear.
It’s like he overcorrected and while many just see Michonne as some powerful force rather than a person with vulnerabilities, Rick started mainly seeing her as potential vulnerable prey for the CRM rather than a person who also should have a say in how the two of them proceed.
With Rick's beautiful letters that he’d been writing to Michonne the whole time he'd been away, it’s almost like in an innocent way he got used to one-sided communication with his wife. But when Michonne reenters his life he has to relearn that this relationship is very much a two-way street where she can now weigh in and step in as well and he can't make executive decisions like this for her. Just like Rick...
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And her choice is him and their family.
But also thinking about how he’ll later admit how scared he was seeing her return into his life, it hits my heart because I think part of Rick felt scared because he doesn’t think he’s still the same man who could protect her like before. He no longer fully believes he’s the fighter he knows she fell in love with. So he’s still going to try to save her of course, but he's doing so by sending her away rather than figuring out how to break away with her.
Fortunately, Michonne has enough belief for the both of them. And since Michonne went on this mission to find her Rick, she can’t possibly go home because the job is not finished. She found Rick but not her Rick yet, and so she knows she has to stay. And she also has to give Rick a piece of her mind without even saying a word. 👌🏽😅
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jwirecs · 10 months
hello, hello! here are my recs for seventeen for november! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Loud Leather & Loud Thoughts || @bitchlessdino💕💔✅💯
↳ Hard to maintain a good acquaintanceship if it started off on the wrong foot, but Wonwoo tries to do just that, no matter how much you resent him from childhood. Now reunited as adults, you’re questioning whether your negative impression of him has stuck since being away or have you grown up just enough to realize how much between the two you have changed?. (bitchlessdino aint gon be bitchless no longer cause honey, i will be on my knees for your fics. biker!wonwoo is my new guilty pleasure.)
Too Much || @hannieehaee🔞💕✅💯💯
↳ after a few weeks of constant overtime work slouching over a desk, you feel as if your back is about to give out on you. fortunately for you, your best friend seungcheol is a professional masseuse! unfortunately for you, you're unsure of how you'll keep your crush on your best friend at bay while on his massage bed, ass up and oiled up. (the last time i had a massage, i swear i thought the masseuse broke my arm cause of a loud pop. scared me and the masseuse LMAO, but we okay. but can you imagine, cheols hands....im just gonna stop there. let the imagination run)
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Always Only You || @honeyhotteoks🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ the date was terrible, awful even, but you just can't call your brother to pick you up. you have to call his best friend instead. (brb imma need a hot minute to relive this fic. like no joke, my ass will be in the corning if you need me. bottom line, i absolutely loved this one)
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5 More Minutes || @qmrzi💕✅
↳ jihoon is working on a song before your date together and you got impatient. (he really would be the type to say 5 more minutes of work before a date. desperate times calls for desperate measures. i respect the oc's hustle.)
Bedroom Exclusive || @onlyhuis🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ seeing your boyfriend on tv kissing another girl definitely doesn't feel good, but he's got plenty of time to make it up to you. and he plans on letting you know that you're the only one on his mind. (AFTER THAT VID OF HIM IN THAT DRAMA WITH THAT ONE SCENE???? OHHHHHHHHHHHHH CHILD. another fic where i had to take a moment to breathe after i finished reading it. that says a whole lot my friends.)
Just The Tip || @euphor1a🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ he tried his best, he really did. but lord, for how long could he control himself when you looked like a pretty, little angel, all his to ruin? (you gotta give it to mingyu for resisting the urge throughout the story. flash a titty and this man will crumble to the ground. i love it.)
Now You're Safe With Me || @thedensworld💕💔✅💯
↳ Seungcheol received several missed calls from you, and he knew they weren't just regular phone calls. (stop this bby boy will drop heaven and earth to be with his boo. lets all pray that i get a man like him.)
Spotted: Woozi At Couples Therapy? || @mphountitled🔞💕💔✅
↳ A kink confession in couple's therapy might just save your relationship (i think its safe to say that this man is lowkey kinky af. lets be real. the dudes prob kinky.)
Sweet Home || @mangocustard16💕✅
↳ Mingyu returns home after a grueling practice to find you asleep on the couch, having waited for him despite his advice not to. He lifts you into his arms, shares a loving dinner, and the two of you cuddle in each other's embrace. (god soft mingyu is cute af. SOMEONE GET ME A MINGYU PLS)
To Be In Love || @daegutowns💕✅
↳ (a lil ol fic of oc's relationship with cheol. ngl oc is literally the mom of the group now. adopted 11 other children once they got with cheol. i love that for them)
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Bloodily Safe || @starlightxsvt🔞💕✅💯
↳ you have a little secret. one you are desperately hiding. yet the boy you have a crush on has figured it out. now a game of cat and mouse has begun. how do you make it out alive? (oooh child. this one. had me questioning what the heck do i read on here, but then again, i fully enjoyed it LMAO)
Clingy || @facioleeknow💕💔✅
↳ Anon Req: hi!! saw that you're taking request!! how about something like jeonghan get annoyed by the reader because he thinks reader is too clingy lately so he decided to put some distance, end up with something bad happens to reader and he regrets everything he did? angst to fluff pls thank u so much 😭🫶 (oooh mean jeonghan is lowkey my guilty pleasure. someone give me some more mean jeonghan which turns into fluff please.)
Creep || @smileysuh🔞✅💯💯💯
↳ “If the roles were reversed - if you were a ghost bound to this apartment forever - you’re saying you wouldn’t watch me get naked every day?” He’s definitely got a point. As your eyes skim Mingyu's perfect form again, that tingle returns between your legs. There’s no reason for him to be as sexy as he is- murders aren’t the only shocking thing this man has under his belt and you can see that now.  (ngl, i hope theres gonna be a second part just about how they would like overcome(????) the hardships(?????????) idk if those are the right words. but like how they would deal with one being a ghost and all that jazz. like down the line how will that work out. BUT other than that, i honestly love their fics to god.)
Driving Lessons For Dummies || @shuaflix🔞💕✅
↳ you've finally passed your written test and gotten your permit after six failed attempts. eager to get your license while attempting to avoid overpriced driving lessons, you enlist the help of kwon soonyoung, who only requires a STIIZY pod as payment. (lowkey got a fear of driving but thats something else LMAO. i respect all of the driving teachers, cause like they risking their life essentially, so i respect hoshi for risking his life with teaching the oc driving. goodluck to my future boo cause imma be the passenger princess in the relationship.)
In Between Notes || @som1ig💕💔✅
↳ after complaining for the hundredth time to your friends, you finally manage to take time to read a book unrelated to law studies. since you can’t borrow it, you decide to leave a note on the page where you left off with a comment. the next day, when you come back to reread it, you surprisingly find a note replacing yours. someone read the same book as you and answered you. then begin an epistolary exchange through notes and book, until it suddenly stops. and no, you won’t give up until you find who your correspondent was. (minghao is such a cutie, stop. connecting through notes through a book is adorable af. literally cinderella)
Love You Twice || @toruro🔞💕💔🔄
↳ in which your extremely hot and sexy one night stand turns out to be your son’s teacher. naturally, chaos ensues, but you might just find love as your life continues to take an unexpected turn. (teacher woo is satan. dont come for me but yall know this man probably has 0 patience. no scratch that, this man has too much patience. he will wait if he has to. step daddy woo. yes pls)
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Accidentally Ditching You On your Bday || @hannieehaee💔✅
↳ (title says it all. i love how i can just put myself in the oc's shoes and FEEL THE EMOTIONS. when you arent in a relationship, you through yourself in the oc shoes and live through them. that being said, them boys who "accidentally" ditch you on your birthday can choke on a piece of rice. with love.)
Petite S/O Trying to Kiss Them || @seokminded💕✅💯
↳ (its the hhu again - im short, most us females are short so we can highly relate to this struggle. LMAO)
Playfully Dodging Their Kisses || @mangocustard16💕✅💯
↳ (its the hhu but, do you hear their pouts??? you can literally hear their pouts. each any every one of them i swear to god.)
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Forgetting Your B-Day || @toruro💕💔✅
↳ (there isnt a summary but - 95 line forgetting your birthday. brb let me go quickly cry, as someone who doesnt really celebrate their birthday as like a big thing since we just aging, but this would hit me hard if i was in a relationship ngl.)
Do check out all of the other seventeen fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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anangelinthepit · 6 days
Without you…
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Part 3
Warning ⚠️ - possessive and violent content. Please be advised. Enjoy🩵
“A son.”
A proud smile was now creeping across his face.
“We….I’m….Oh my god. We’re gonna have a son?”
My answer was cold and brutal.
“What? But you just said”
“I have a son Noah”
“Excuse me?”
“YOU have your drugs, booze, buddies, and women.”
“What are you even talking about Y/N? I never cheated on you.”
“Getting a blow job from a skank that Nick hired does count as cheating you fuck.” I said crossing my arms and glaring at him.
“Y/N you can’t just take my son away from me, this is something we created together. Us. You and I. This baby is gonna need his father to teach him and show him how to be a strong man.”
“You’re right Noah”
Noah let out a sigh of relief
“But that man isn’t going to be you. This baby will be calling someone who doesn’t bury bodies for a living “da-“
“You finish that fucking sentence, and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” Noah said looking up at me with cold eyes.
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that but you gotta keep in mind. This man cheated on me, kept me in the dark, and hunted me down like I was his last meal. He needs to realize it’s gonna take more than Versace and Loui to fix any of this.
“Noah face it. Look at you! Look at us! We are fucking toxic for each other. The money and the luxuries only cover up so much. You’re a fucking murderous psychopath who can’t control his temper. We aren’t ready to be parents but the difference between you and me is I can get ready. You want everything your way or the highway, and it doesn’t work like that with a baby Noah.”
“You’re overreacting Y/N there are WAY worse couples out there,” Noah said sitting down at my kitchen table. Trying to get the bridge of his nose to ease the mental headache I was causing him.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me something. What were you gonna do if I finished that sentence? Show me how much you love me while using the back of your hand.
Noah scoffed at me and just shook his head. We both knew what was gonna happen but he’s too proud to admit it. I slowly walked over trying not to step on the broken glass. I sat down across from him and tried to calm this entire situation.
“Noah, some part of me still loves you with everything I have, and you know that. We have gone through hell and back together. From having no food in the fridge or warm water to shower with to having a mansion up on a hill and all your dreams coming true. It was always us against the world until you made it us against each other. The world you created doesn't have room for a wife or a baby. “
“The world I create? Baby this world is for us, for him Y/N.”
“Drugs, Girls, booze, and the Mafia is not a world a baby deserves. A baby deserves a home where nothing but love is spread throughout. You don't get it, as a soon-to-be mother the only thing I want to worry about is if I should buy him this toy, or a new outfit because he already has so many. Not this!
I could feel a knot building in my throat as I tried to swallow my cry. The tears were hot and clouding my eyesight but I couldn’t stop and cry now because he needed to know my feelings.
“I don’t want to worry if someone is gonna kidnap our son as ransom. Or put something in our car that will cause it to explode. I want my baby to be safe Noah, and you can’t be mad at me for that.”
Noah looked at me and saw I was beginning to fall apart. I would be lying if I said I didn’t envision him holding our baby and just taking in the glory of our beautiful creation. I wanted it more than anything but the “perfect life” with this man was nothing but a daydream inside my head.
“Ruby. Please. I'm begging you to stop this nonsense and trust me. I will give up all of it for you just to come back home. Baby I love you more than anything in this world. Please you have to believe.” Noah said gently grabbing my hand.
His words seem so genuine but I've heard this all before. “I’m sorry.” “I didn't mean it.” “I swear on our marriage I'll quit.”
It always sounds so convincing in the beginning, he would be so sweet for two weeks then go back to his cold ways. Him rubbing my hand gently was so comforting I almost became a pool of pathetic liquid sugar in his warm grasp. I love him. I love him so much. Maybe I should just stop the chasing game and go home, I am gonna need the help. Also, do I really want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did? How would I explain all of this to him when he gets older? Maybe these last six months made a difference and he did change. As I began to ponder my thoughts, a flashback hit me like a semi-truck hitting a deer on a dark highway at night.
The memory of Noah killing a man with a family, and the kicking of my baby boy made me snap out of my trans.
“No” I said to myself quietly.
I love him.
But I love my baby more!
“No Noah, I can't do this.” Giving him a nasty glare, I yanked my hand away from him.
“So are you telling me you're not coming home?”
“I’m telling you my home is where my baby is. As long as you're in the mafia, that will never be with you ever again.”
Before I knew it, rage took over this giant man and it seemed like everything happened at hyper speed. The table was flipped over, Nick was holding back Noah and Sapphire told me, I was crying in her arms. The last thing I remember hearing was Noah screaming at me as Nick and two others carried him out.
“You’re mine! Do you fucking hear me, Ruby! God himself can’t keep me away from you !”
I must have passed out from stress because I woke up with Sapphire next to me trying to get me to open my eyes.
“Where’s Noah?” I asked rubbing my head
“Bestie he left. Are you okay though? I know you told me he was crazy but not that crazy.”
“I’m fine, but we need to find another place to live. He’ll keep coming back if we don’t.”
“I don’t know if you noticed Ruby, but that man is head over heels for you. I don’t think any amount of hiding will keep him from you.”
“Is that what you call it? Head over heels?”
If only she knew the full story. She would know that this isn’t love, passion, or desire.
It’s him wanting one thing that I took away months ago when I left. The one thing he lost and can’t live without when it came to me.
Noah’s POV
“Oh Ruby, you forgot who you’re married to didn’t you?”
Hello angels I hope you all enjoyed. I loves you all
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @hurricanesfollowyou @chey-h @lma1986 @ashdreamsalone @iluvmewwwww75 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @aubrey-melinoe @amelia-acero
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mrsevans90 · 9 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 4
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Word Count: 4,633
Warnings: Pure SMUT. Literally, its porn with a plot. Protected P in V, oral sex (both male and female), fingering, squirting, cum swallowing, hickeys, tit worship, major size kink (he's just so big in all aspects that I can't help myself!), Naughty words,
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 3
Every bit of blood in my body rushed straight to my dick. Here we are sitting in the parking lot of the family owned Italian restaurant in town and I am so achingly hard I could barely breathe. I turn to Emma, grab the back of her neck and smash our lips together in a zealous and indecent kiss. Her hand rests on my thigh so she can pull herself closer and deepen the kiss. Our tongues caress and massage each other sensually disregarding the fact that we are in a public space. We swap dirty kisses across the truck console for a minute or two before pulling back.
“Shit, sugar. You can’t say things like that outside of the house where I can do somethin’ about it. I feel like a teenager trying to hide my hard-on.” Emma giggles knowing exactly how much of a tease she’s being as she reaches over and presses her hand against the bulge in my jeans. I grunt and wrap my hand around her much smaller one on top of my erection. I’ve gotta get her alone even if it’s just to keep kissin’ on her.
“Would you be opposed to coming back to mine for a little bit? I’ve got Mills in a crate and even though he hasn’t had any accidents yet, I don’t want to push my luck so early on.”
“Absolutely.” She says and I lean forward to peck her lips again.
I put my arm out behind her headrest so I can back up the truck and feel her instinctively lean closer towards me. Her teeth graze over her kiss swollen bottom lip and I almost growl.
I somehow make it home safely and park in my driveway in record time. I hop out and lock the truck so she can’t get out while I run around and open the door for her. She shakes her head while smiling and takes my hand to jump down. I intertwine our fingers as I walk to the front door. I need to get my garage all cleaned out from excess building materials so I can park inside the next time I bring her here in case it’s raining or too hot, I think to myself.
I let her inside the house and head toward Mills’ crate so that I can let him and Aika outside. Aika slowly and methodically stretches with a gentle tail wag as she greets us whereas Mills’ tail is wagging so hard he’s about to fall over as Emma crouches down to see him. The sexual tension between us is not as heavy as it was in my truck, but it’s definitely still there.
“Hi baby. I missed you too! Let’s go outside to potty! I don’t need you having an accident on the floor. Come on cutie pie.” She says to Mills before reaching out to Aika, cooing at her and giving her some head scratches. We follow the dogs outside so I can make sure Mills doesn’t run off and I reach over and pull Emma into my arms. I slowly stroke up and down her back as she wraps her arms around my neck and bashfully smiles.
“No pressure, remember? I can take you home any time just say the word.”
“I know Austin.” She says quietly before reaching on her tiptoes to kiss me. It’s a simple kiss that doesn’t hold even a quarter of the lust that our car kisses held. It’s more intentional, it’s trusting. As if I didn’t feel the emotions that she put into the kiss, she spoke them aloud. “Even though I just met you, I trust you more than I probably should.” I kiss her once more before responding.
“I trust you too.” She smiles at me as I stare into her ocean eyes. She runs her soft fingertips through my course beard as we kiss again.
A few minutes later, I whistle and the dogs head right back to the door. I’ll have to take them on a hike tomorrow to let them exercise but tonight I had other plans. Mills is chomping at the bits to get out some energy but he’ll be alright for tonight.
We got back inside and I directed the dogs to their beds. Mills was still learning but catching on to my different commands pretty quickly so he only needed a few redirections.
I looked at Emma and wrapped her into my arms as I pressed her body against mine. “Couch?” I asked while motioning with my head to the old leather couch in the living room and she shook her head no.
“Bed.” She whispered with a look like she was undressing me with her eyes. I grabbed her hand and started leading her to the staircase before I dipped down and picked her up over my shoulder. She squealed and smacked my butt and I playfully smacked hers in return as I hauled her up the stairs. After I opened my bedroom door, I slid her body down my front feeling her curves and breath against my neck. Once she was on her feet, she swallowed loudly before she ran her hands under the edge of my t-shirt. I leaned down to start kissing her while holding her jaw as her hands became braver and she let her fingers explore further up my torso. Her nails began lightly scratching across my abdomen under my shirt when I felt her smirk into our kiss.
“Finally gettin’ those belly scratches.” She joked and I grinned back at her. I reached down and grabbed her ass cheek in her shorts and replied, “I’m about to start drooling just like Aika.”
I pressed her tightly against my body before reaching behind my neck and pulling my shirt off and throwing it in the floor.
“Mmm..you’re so sexy, Austin.” She whispered as her hands roamed over my pecs and abs and I smiled widely. Before I could reply, she stepped back and pulled her top over her head and I saw a little belly button piercing that I didn’t know she had which made me lose my train of thought.
“Fuck me” I grunted under my hand as I ran my hand across my beard looking at her in her strapless black lacy bra. I reached to run my thumb across her belly piercing and she ran her arms up and down my biceps.
“I like this very much.” I told her gruffly.
She smirked, “College cheer squad all got them done together my freshman year. My dad almost had a stroke when he found out 3 months after I got it.” I grinned at her confession.
“Mmm.. you’re so beautiful.” I told her as I lightly kissed her neck. She gasped softly as my beard scraped the delicate skin below her ear. I felt her hands start opening my belt and shorts and I helped her slide them down my thighs so I was just in my black boxer briefs. I’m sure she could see everything I was packin' as my cock strained against the fabric. I reached down and unbuttoned her white shorts and she shimmied out of them before reaching up to kiss me again. I loved feeling her soft skin against my chest but if possible I got even harder as she stepped back, reached behind her and unclasped her bra before tossing it on the floor beside her. She stood there and self-consciously played with hands for a moment while letting me soak in the view.
“Goddamn, sugar. You’re the most exquisite woman I’ve ever seen.” I grumbled. I’ve always been a tits man and I’ve just been presented with the most beautiful pair I’ve ever gazed upon. Her perfectly round swells looked like they would fit flawlessly in my palms. The smooth skin decorated with pale pink nipples that strained and peaked from either her arousal or the coolness of the air. Her hair fell in soft waves around them as she watched me eye fuck her form. I bit my lip and with a grunt grabbed her hip bones and pushed her warm breasts against my chest. I groaned at the feel of her against me in nothing but a lacy black thong.
“You feel so good against me.” I murmured against her neck before catching her lips again with a sensual kiss. As we kissed, I walked her backwards to my bed and laid her down on her back. I ran my hand along her side before I reached and cupped her breast in my hand and groaned in approval. I began kissing and sucking down her neck until my mouth made it to her breast where I sucked Emma’s tit into my mouth. It didn’t escape my attention that she clamped her legs together in an attempt to create some friction, but I didn’t want to skip steps and rush through this. You can never redo your first time with a new partner and I didn’t want to be hasty. She deserved to have her body worshipped and I had every intention to do so. After paying sufficient attention to her right breast, I switched to the left that I had been massaging with my hand.
“Please, baby. Do something.” She whined as I continued focusing on her chest.
“Uh uh, let me take my time with you. I want to worship every bit of you tonight, sweetheart. You deserve for me to take my time.” I replied as I kissed, suckled, and tweaked her nipple before sucking a hickey into the top of her breast. She gasped and arched her back essentially pushing herself further into me. Once I was satisfied with the love bite, I decided the other one needed one as well. I sucked hickeys on her chest and stomach before making my way to the waistband of her panties. After I kissed each hip bone, I looked up at her asking for permission.
“Can I take these off, sugar?”
“Yes.” She whispered and lifted her hips for me to pull them down. I was greeted with the world’s most perfect pussy right in front of me. She instinctively pulled her legs back together and although I wanted to rip them apart to get a taste, I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“Darlin’, please let me taste ya?” I asked while rubbing her thighs gently.
“You don’t have to do that, Austin. I know men don’t like it.”
“Men don’t like it? I don’t know what little boys you’ve been fucking with but eating an impeccable little peach like this is my idea of paradise. I want to, if you’ll let me. You smell amazing.” She blushed bright red and nodded.
“Words, darlin’. I want there to be no question that I have your consent.”
“Yes, Austin. You can taste me if you really want too.” She whispered and I grabbed her thigh and began leaving a gentle trail of kisses along it while massaging her other leg. When I got to her core, I placed a closed mouth kiss on top of her mound before peppering kisses along her other leg. I spread her legs open and damn, what a sight. She was clean shaven so I could see that her petals were glistening with her sweet arousal. I inhaled deeply and she squirmed as I placed a hot, wet kiss directly to her clit.
“Shit! Oh my god!” She said as her arms flailed out beside her and fisted the comforter.
“Just relax, sugar, and let Sy take care of you.” I licked down to her opening and back up to her clit with my tongue flattened wide. I lapped at her sweet essence greedily before sliding my middle finger into her tight channel.
“Oh fuck, that feels so good Austin…Don’t.. don’t stop Sy.”
“You taste divine, angel. Never tasted anything as good as you. So sweet.” I murmured against her heat and the vibrations of my voice stimulated her clit. I quickly slid my ring finger inside her along with my middle finger and curved them upwards as I felt around for her g-spot. I knew I found it when I heard her whine.
“Ahhh, right there baby. Right there!” I fight to refrain from humping my erection against the bed like a horny dog to relieve some pressure. Hearing her moans and watching her squirm while tasting her on my tongue is the most erotic thing but I need to focus.
“Mmm is that your sweet spot, babygirl? Did I find the spot that makes you extra tingly?” I grunt against her clitoris.
“Yes! Oh god, I think I’m going to cum. It feels different but so good. Please don’t stop!”
“I ain’t stoppin’ sugar. Not until you cum. Cum on my tongue, let me have it.” I say and moments later Emma’s entire body seizes up and her back arches. She moans so loudly I can barely keep from cumming in my boxers just at the sight and sound of her. I feel her hands reach down to my buzzcut as she tried to find something to hold onto and I made sure I had her hips pinned to the bed with my forearm. I continue lapping at her and am a little surprised when her juices splash against my face and chest. I double down and keep doing exactly what made her cum while swallowing up all of her arousal that I can. When she starts gently squirming away, I realize that she’s probably extra sensitive now so I gently kiss her thighs, hips, and belly. I place a kiss on her belly ring before I wipe my beard with my hand and slide up beside her. Emma’s arm is covering her face and her body is heaving as she catches her breath. She removes her arm from her face and I am greeted with her beautiful eyes staring up at me with exhaustion and possibly adulation.
“Holy shit. I’ve never experienced anything like that before.” She says and I chuckle before I lean down and kiss her lips.
“Yeah, never squirted before?” I ask smugly.
“I SQUIRTED?!” she yells with a look of terror and embarrassment.
“Sure did, sugar, and I drank every bit I could catch in my mouth. It was fucking glorious.” I wagged my eyebrows at her proudly.
“I’ve never.. I mean, I knew it felt different and I was really wet because it was so much more intense. I didn’t realize my body could even do that. Oh God, I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t you dare be embarrassed. It’s my goal to make sure you have those type of orgasms as much as you possibly can. I almost came just from doing it to you.” I tell her truthfully.
I lean over and pull her into a filthy kiss. She reciprocates the kiss before pushing me on my back and kissing down my chest.
“Can I take these off?” She asks as her hand slides under the elastic waistband of my boxers.
“Sure can, angel.” I say as I help her pull my boxers off.
“Fuck, you’re huge. There’s no way that will fit without ripping me in half.” She says quietly while she wraps her little fist around my girth. Her thumb swipes across the bead of precum on the head and massages it down my shaft. It looks better than I imagined it would be having her hands on me. I know I’m likely a bit more well-endowed than most men, but I never get tired of hearing it. I grin at her with a wink.
“Nah, we can make it fit and take it slow and gentle if that’s what you want darlin’. I promise I won’t hurt you. We don’t have to do anything if you aren’t comfortable with it.”
“No, I want too! The men I’ve been with before are like pencils compared to you though.”
She startles as I laugh boisterously at her comparison.
“Well, I’m glad all of those pencil dicks are in the past sweetheart.”
“Me too.” She giggles before leaning forward to kiss me as her small, cold hands start pumping my rigid, heated cock. Her breasts brush against my chest hair and it feels indescribable.
Emma starts kissing down my neck and chest before she gently bites one of my nipples and I jolt from the unexpectedness. She glances at me and smirks with my nipple in between her teeth and her hand on my cock. It’s incredibly sexy seeing how confidently she is exploring my body.
“You little minx. You have no idea what you do to me, do ya?”
Emma sensually and slowly shakes her head no as she licks further down to my happy trail. She pecks all around my trimmed pubic hair before she starts to kitten lick my cock.
I’m torn between throwing my head back while screwing my eyes shut tightly to keep myself from blowing my load already, and watching every move she makes so I don’t miss anything. I take a deep breath before opening my eyes to look back down at her where she looks straight into my eyes and takes me into her mouth.
“Fuckkkk sugar.” I groan and her hand works the base of my cock and her hot, wet mouth sucks the rest of me. I push a strand of hair from her face as I watch her. She pulls back with a pop before she spits on the head of my cock. Her other hand begins to softly massage my balls. Jesus, this image is better than any porn that could ever exist. She uses her hand to lube up my dick before taking a deep breath and shoving her mouth as deeply onto my cock as she can. I feel her throat constrict as she slightly gags around me and her eyes tear up. I pull her hair out of her face as she goes down on me again and hold it like a ponytail. I start to squirm each time she takes me in the back of her throat. I look at her and see tears in her eyes. I help her pull back a bit and she pulls off all the way with a pop and takes a deep breath.
“Baby, don’t hurt yourself now.” I tell her gruffly as I wipe her tears.
“I want to make it good for you.” She responds.
“Sugar, anything you do is good for me. You have no idea how difficult it’s been since you kissed me in the car to keep from blowing my load. You are so unbelievably beautiful and sexy darlin’. I’m trying not to come in ten seconds like an inexperienced teenager.”
“Mmm, but I want to taste you. Cum for me, Austin. Don’t hold back.” Emma says sexily and I groan as her hand still lazily strokes me.
“Yeah? Well, I’ll give you anything you want. Just don’t hurt yourself.” I tell her and guide her back onto me. The foreplay early on has me antsy and everything she is doing is making me see stars. As she has essentially given me permission, I grunt as I’m seconds away from exploding. “I’m bout to..” I manage to grumble out before I moan loudly and cum in her mouth only after another minute of her sucking me. She swallows each spurt as it shoots out of me. My head tilts back as my orgasm washes over my body and Emma keeps working me through it. I still have my hand loosely in her hair as I help her off of me and kiss her desperately. She seems shocked that I’m kissing her after I just came in her mouth so I kiss her even more intensely. I can barely taste myself on her tongue and if anything, it turns me on more since she was willing to do that for me. I’m not a spring chicken like I was once, so I’ll need a minute or two if she’s wanting to continue to the main attraction. I don’t want her to feel pressured though so I just lay back and continue kissing her as our hands roam each other’s bodies. I grab a handful of her ass and she whines as she slowly starts rocking herself against me. I push my thigh between her legs and she keens as she involuntarily grinds against it. She’s wet and hot on my thigh and my cock is readying itself to go again. I pull her flush against my thigh and flex my leg muscle and she moans. “Your sweet little body feels perfect against me. That’s right, baby. Grind your sweet little cunt on my thigh. Does that feel good?” I utter against her neck. She exposes her neck to the side to give me more access.
“Mmm hmm..” She hums.
“Tell me what you want, sugar.” I tell her.
“Be specific. What do you want me to do?”
“Fuck me, Sy.”
She nods and I kiss her breathlessly. I turn to hover over her as I lay her on her back.
I reach over towards my nightstand and rummage through looking for a condom before I finally find one.
God, she looks ethereal laying under me. Her hair fanned out across the pillow, big blue doe eyes looking up at me above her. Her breasts rising and falling quickly as she breathes heavily from anticipation of what’s to come. Her sexy little smirk as she sees me taking in her beauty. I try to take a mental picture so that this image stays in my head forever. I watch her slide her delicate fingers slowly down her breasts and belly to her clit and gently circle it as she bites her bottom lip. Little minx knows exactly what she’s doing. I growl and rip the condom packet open with my teeth and pull the rubber out before tossing the foil package on the nightstand. I look down and Emma reaches forward to pump me a few times with her delicate little hands. I grunt and then slide the condom on before reaching down and making sure she’s still ready for me. I immediately slide two fingers in and she moans as I scissor my fingers to gently stretch her out. She’s still so wet and feels incredibly tight and warm.
“Austin, I need you. Now.” She moans as her hands grab onto my biceps.
I lean down and press a dirty, lustful kiss to her mouth before guiding myself to her entrance.
She moans with pleasure as I press the tip of my cock into her weeping hole and begin to slowly inch myself further into her heat.
“Fuck, Emma. You feel so good. So perfect.” I strain to say as I’m halfway inside her.
“Mmm. So big baby.” She replies.
“Am I hurting ya?” I ask just to be sure.
“No, keep going. Feels good. Just go slow and gentle.”
“Alright, just relax. Imma take good care of ya.” She is absurdly tight. I swear it’s like fucking a virgin and if she wasn’t wet there would be no way I could ease in without hurting her. She looked mighty fine being split open on my cock, though. I groan with pleasure when I finally sink all the way into her, my balls tight against her ass. I force myself to stay completely still to give her time to adjust to the intrusion. I lean down and kiss her.
“Jesus, you’re so big. M’all full.” She says breathlessly. I gently rub my hand across her belly where I can see the slight protrusion of my dick inside of her.
“Yeah, ya feel this?” I take her hand and press on her abdomen and she clenches. “That’s me sugar, all the way up here inside of ya.” She purposefully clenches down on me and I groan.
“Move, baby.” She commands and I don’t hesitate. Slowly I pull almost all of the way out of her before gently pushing back in. After a minute or so of gentle, methodical thrusts she wants more.
“Don’t hold back. Fuck me harder, Captain Syverson.” She breathes against my neck and my hips stutter for just a moment at my title before I excitedly pick up the pace. Her arms wrap around my neck as I piston in and out of her and her soft pants of pleasure are right in my ear. I’m going to cum before she does if she keeps that up. I quickly pull out of her and I see a brief moment of worry flash across her face before I flip her over and pull her perfect round ass in the air. I hadn’t given myself the opportunity to look at this sweet ass earlier so I admire it for a moment. I knead her cheeks before smacking the meat of her perky ass. I quickly reinsert myself into her warmth before running my calloused hand down her smooth back and grabbing her hair. I gently pull it towards me which causes Emma to arch her back in the sexiest way.
“Oh fuck yeah!" She cries and I grunt and set a methodical yet satisfying rhythm. I reach down and start rubbing her clit as she turns and looks at me over her shoulder.
“Like watching your Captain while he fucks you hard, Sugar?” I grunt with a smirk and she nods enthusiastically.
“Mmm taking Captain’s cock like a good girl. My good girl.” I rumble and she clamps down even tighter on me which makes me groan. I fuck her like this for a several minutes as she gets closer to her climax before I decide to turn her back over.
I toss her back onto the bed, throw her legs over my shoulders, and push back into her.
“I could feel you squeezing on my cock and I didn’t want to miss watching another orgasm wash across your beautiful face.” I tell her as I pound into her. I stick my thumb into her mouth and she instinctively sucks. I pull my thumb back out and reach down to rub gentle circles on her clit with it as I watch her breast jiggle with each thrust.
“Oh my god. You feel so good inside of me, Cap.” She moans. Her eyes glaze over as she bites her lip and grabs her breasts with her hands gently tweaking her nipples.
“Let go for me, sugar. You’re clenching on me so tight. I’m not far behind you.” I tell her between ragged breathes.
I force my eyes open to watch her as her orgasm course across her body. Her back arches and she lets out a sensual moan as her legs begin to twitch and shake against my shoulders. Her eyes roll back in her head and I watch the goosebumps form across her skin as her nipples are peaked and her chest is flushed. She’s so wet that I can hear the squelching as my balls smack against her ass and then my eyes slam shut when I’m thrust into my own euphoric climax. I slam into her three more times before stilling and filling the condom with my spend. I’m out of breath and covered in sweat as I lean over her but don’t put my weight on her petite body. Emma reaches up and gently scratches the back of my buzzcut as we catch our breaths. After a moment, I pull out of her, tie off the condom and toss it to the waste basket in my bedroom. I dump my body over to the side of her as my breathing regulates and I place my arm protectively across her waist.
Part 5
Taglist: @shellyshellshell @henryownsme @caramariehurst @beck07990 @mollymal@kingliam2019@syversonswife@identity2212@starfirewildheart@hannah9921 @wa-ni @kneelforloki @cutedoxie @summersong69@enchantedbytomandhenry @foxyjwls007 @geralts-yenn @courtlynwriter
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rhiezus · 28 days
[UNDRESS] The sender begins to unbutton the receiver's shirt, taking their time with each button. // jinhyung x kyungri NAO AGUENTEI EH O GIF QUE TA NO SEU TUMBLR
there could be little to a non-existential excuse to treating his wife so casually on a day to day basis. it's not that jinhyung doesn't think he is a good husband or that he doesn't make an effort to be the best he can — because he absolutely does. but things change drastically in your life when you have kids and you find yourself busy going through life trying to raise a family focused on building a nurturing environment for them. it takes a toll on you too because through many expense that becomes part of your goal, one you never had before but that now you don't know yourself without. suddenly everything becomes about what you can do for them and how you're gonna do that, that's your dream and that's your life. it may sound imprisoning for some people but for parents like jinhyung and kyungri it's so much more than that, it's care and it's love and it's an every day struggle that is so much more than worth it just to see their innocent smile or little feet happily wobbling around directly into their safe arms.
so yeah, in the process you end up forgetting a little bit of your marital life. or even about your own life as an individual, an individual that has needs just as any other. sometimes you gotta stop everything you are doing to realize who you were before this and how is that person still doing inside. to jinhyung doing that is to look beside him, kyungri has all the answers he needs in her eyes, he can tell just by the way they go through day to day together. when they sit down on a sunday night after putting up the kids to sleep, both tired as hell from a day of going out or just keeping about, trying to put together a schedule that works for the next two weeks. who is going to do what, who has work, who can stay at home, nannys and kids schools... when she gets that crease between her eyebrows, she is thinking intently on something, focused. when he pouts like a baby because he doesn't wanna do this anymore, he just wants to sleep, but she always manages to remember who important it is for them to decided what day he can take off so he can pick her up from the studio and they can make some love in the car on the way home — or even better when they can escape for ice cream, eating alone on the car and talking about their day. that's team work, one their build with so much effort. and even so it's not always that everything works out according to plan, they can't account for ryze getting sick on a random tuesday or for aria losing her favorite toy on a friday night keeping everyone up looking for it until one am. still, jinhyung says that's the magic. they make it work, every single time, like they are some kind of wizards.
every day or so they can relax, today is a sunday where they don't have to think about any of plans for the week because both of them talked over last week. they worked their asses off for seven days straight just to get a free little time. today there was no planning ahead. jinhyung had his day off because it's sunday and he has a no work sunday police, but kyungri had flew in a bussiness trip last night and she arrived today just a little after seven. they put the kids to sleep together, thankfully everyone had their desired toys and stuffed animals on their rightful places this time and since they doze off quickly, they enjoyed the silence before nine o'clock. a wine bottle was opened in the upmost quiet ecstasy they could muster, they sat on the couch and drank the whole bottle before they even realized. and frankly neither of them was tired and their eyes found each other naturally through the conversation — this and that, "how was your trip?", "...some nice people there", "ny's cough is getting worse", "i don't know if i like how my voice sounded", "maybe we could eat there for dinner tomorrow".... — there was a moment jinhyung looked intently at kyungri's lips, how they moved while she was talking and how did her lipgloss was still standing after getting off the plane, kissing their kids goodbye and drinking wine. the damn glass of wine got to take if off and he didn't yet, he got mad about that for a second before he could notice what her hand was going up and down his tight making him look to her eyes again. "sorry, love." his voice was whispered deep between them, one because they had children sleeping upstairs and second because he wanted her to be the only one to listen to his pleading.
and with kyungri you don't have to say twice for the message to be delivered, in a glance or even an expression; a single exchange of any of those and they comprehended each other. years of being together, marriage and children just makes each other's reflections as natural as breathing. jinhyung leaned forward after seeing the grin that grew on those lips, kissing it off in a single move, a quick one that was stopped only by her hands reaching the collar of his shirt, the fingers working really slow on the buttons. "c'mon you can do better than that." he teased when his face was still hot on hers, inches to taste that lipgloss again. they were not going anywhere other than that moment, on that couch, wine in their veins, everything just a little too intoxicating to be rushed. there was no need not to savor how her scent was the same from the day he first met her, many moons ago. or not to notice that now that they were so close, jinhyung could see a little bit of her red lingerie sticking out of her white shirt. all this going through the man's head while she was still fiddling with his buttons, smiling at him. when she was about the last two, he smiled back at her and tossed her hands aside in an abrasive movement, slipping himself off his shirt with ease. "there, better." he whispered forgetting the shirt was ever even capable of anything, he was too damn hot for wearing it anyways. then chasing for her lips again with his own, gently and passionately. he was going to be a very good husband now, one that didn't let his wife plead for anything other than him.
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joels-shitty-puns · 5 months
Kings & Queens
Pairing: Post-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: I saw a list of reverse writing tropes, one of which was "too many beds" which I thought was hilarious until my brain went crazy. So here's where my mind went when there are oddly... too many beds.
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: None! This could even be read as platonic.
Other stuff: No descriptors. It can be romantic or friendly. Choose your adventure.
To those of you who are reading this: Thank you! I know I haven't written in months. I have barely even been on here. I want that again, but mentally I just haven't been feeling like much of anything lately. That being said, I saw the trope and I had an idea and quickly scribbled this down. It is short, not my best work, and doesn't have much emotion, but I did it :) To those of you who might also be struggling, I see you! You'll get through this. I hope all my tumblr buddies are doing well. I miss you guys.
It had been nearly a year of patrols with Joel. A year of nasty buildings and hard rocky floors to take shelter for the night, a year of either taking turns on watch, or being stuck sharing the same sleeping bag. Or the same mattress. Your only reprieve was your nice bed in Jackson, which you knew was safe, and warm, and most importantly… yours.
Joel was… alright. You two were friendly at best. But for the most part, it was all business. He didn't like to talk much, and you became tired of receiving looks or grunts when asking about Ellie, or Tommy, or his former life. But you worked well together, you made a good team, and you trusted each other to stay safe. You had run into trouble before, and you always had each other's backs. Words were often left unsaid, but you both knew what you meant to the other.
So when you stumbled upon an abandoned shopping mall while scoping potential areas of left-behind goods, it was a breath of fresh air. Malls could be dangerous with so much ground to cover, and so many potential hiding places and dark corners for the cordyceps to fester.
But the mall could also be a light at the end of the tunnel. A plethora of abandoned items to loot and sell or keep for yourself.
After hours of digging through every nook and cranny, you managed to fill a couple of bags full of items, and planned to make it a regular stop on your raids. But as the time grew later, the long-broken clock didn't tick on, and the windows grew dim, you knew it would be an overnight stay. However, choosing a sleeping spot was becoming exhausting with Joel around.
“I saw a sporting goods store. They probably have some sleeping bags, or maybe even a tent,” you provided.
“Nah, we're indoors. I wanna sleep like I'm indoors,” gruffed Joel.
“Oookay. How about that old food place? I think I saw a conveyer belt in the kitchen, next to the oven! It looks like it was used to make pizza,” you chirped excitedly. “I bet we could set up some blankets and make it like a bed.”
“Look, I know that machinery and oven have been dead for years, but on the off chance there's some malfunction, that just seems like a Final Destination event waitin’ to happen,” Joel shook his head.
“Wow you're difficult..” you huffed. “What if we go into the old children's photography studio and make a fort! The walls are even painted to look like a sky,” you offered with doe-eyes.
Joel just looked at you before grumbling back a “no. My back would kill me. There's gotta be a bed in here somewhere.”
Upon finding an old, faded mall map, Joel studied it before picking up the pace with a clear destination in mind.
He came to a stop in front of “Royal Mattressty.”
You raised a brow before saying “royal… mattress-tea?? What?”
“It's a play on words. Royal majesty.” 
“That's the stupidest thing I ever heard,” you rolled your eyes.
“No, no, it's because mattresses come in Kings, Queens, and-” he broke off at your grimace.
“You're such a dad!” 
The two of you made your way inside, only to find nearly 100 beds. Memory foam, spring, water, reclining… the possibilities were endless.
“WOW!” You squealed, running from bed to bed. “There's too many beds. I can't choose!”
Joel stretched, moving to a bed near the back corner. “I'm gonna set up here for the night. Sleep where y’want,” he gestured.
Sitting on a few different beds, you finally settled on one. A perfect, firm yet soft bed at the far end of the store. It was against a wall, allowing you to still see the door and keep your back safe. Perfect.
But as the night ticked on, you tossed and turned. You weren't at your home in Jackson. This bed was nice… but it wasn't your safe, cozy cabin.
When you aren't home, you're with Joel. All this time you've been wanting space at night, but now you feel scared and alone. Even a bit cold. But Joel was over on his own bed, probably sound asleep. You wouldn't dare take that away from him.
Until what felt like an hour passed.
And then another hour…
Finally, it had been about an hour and a half when you gave in. You wouldn't be getting any sleep at this rate. Fatigue is a dangerous fate when you need to be alert in this world. So you swallowed your pride and walked over to Joel's bed in the far end of the store.
But he wasn't there…
You wandered back, a bit nervous, until you spotted him. Curled up on a mattress only a row away from yours, you saw him blink in the night.
“You moved beds?” you whispered.
“Yeah, there was a draft over there…”
“A draft? In a mall with no electricity and no windows in this store?” You asked skeptically.
“Mmhm…” he grunted, sleepily.
“Sure. Well… turns out there was a draft over in my corner too. Move over,” you nudged.
“Draft, huh?” He wiggled over, letting you in the bed.
“Mmhm…” you mimicked his earlier grunt, settling in next to him.
“Good night Joel,” you whispered.
“G’night,” he replied, pressing his body closer to yours in the king sized bed.
Maybe there is such a thing as too many beds after all.
Thanks for reading!!! Let me know what you think, and be sure to check out my masterlist for more. Reblogs are appreciated! Xoxo
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nowoyas · 3 months
I don't think we can put this in the sports column (NSFW) - karasuno/reader
m.list - read on ao3
A/N: wrote this months ago. didn't edit it for ages bc I thought it would suck to edit. it didn't suck to edit it fucking rocked and I'm never questioning myself again hell yeah
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Summary: You infiltrate Karasuno's volleyball club for the university paper and take to bed a few of the rumors you've heard.
Warnings: smut, orgy/gangbang, oral sex, fingering, handjobs, double penetration, spitroasting, creampies, reader is referred to with she/her pronouns, uhhhhh marking, exhibitionism, accidental voyeurism, overstimulation, light dom/sub stuff (submissive reader), uhhhhhh there's. there's a lot going on here guys. I wasn't fucking around when I said karasuno gangbang.
Word count: ~7000
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It’s the night before your first game since you started this little investigation, and you are pressed flat against the wall outside the gym, a hand firm against your mouth in a desperate attempt to not make a noise.
There’d been rumors, sure. And yeah, you were here to investigate those rumors.
Karasuno is such a good team. They’ve gotta be doing some crazy shit to be that close and play that well, though.
That had been the… family-friendly version of the rumors. The more salacious of them had gone into detail you’d blushed too hard to repeat—images of working out issues with clothes off and loud gasps and—
Okay, chill. You’re a journalist. This is nothing.
(Okay, you’re a journalism major, technically speaking. But you need to get used to these things. It’s not like you’ve never had sex before.)
You had enmeshed yourself in the Karasuno University volleyball team after picking up the scent of those rumors about a month ago. Most of the rumors, you thought, were too stupid to entertain. It’s not like they were actually partaking in witchcraft to win games. That would be completely stupid. You assumed, honestly, that they had just clicked. Yeah, it didn’t really seem like everyone got along—the freshmen were constantly at each other’s throats, the captain had his hands full reigning in half the team comprised of spitfires, and there was at least one guy who seemed to believe his job on the team was to piss off as many of his teammates as possible. The only ones safe seemed to be the seniors and the girls, of which there were three if you counted yourself.
So far, it had seemed to be that there was no version of the rumor that was true—no, there were no blood sacrifices, yes, they did sometimes sleep, no, there were no crazy orgies in place to encourage team bonding, and no, they did not seem to be some sort of micro-cult. Disappointing for your article though it was, they had welcomed you in with almost no resistance, and you had found nothing out of the ordinary. They were just… normal athletes. Maybe a bit more passionate than most, but… normal.
Except. Except.
Here you are, the night before they have a match, listening to wet squelches and distinct slaps and what is undoubtedly moaning, unable to figure out exactly who the moans are coming from except that there’s definitely more than two people involved in whatever’s happening inside that gym, and fighting back the urge to peek through the cracked door and figure out exactly what the fuck is going on. (Or, uh, who the fuck is getting it on.)
Fuck. Are they seriously… seriously fucking in the gym right now?
There’s the burning shame of having caught them. The absolute mortification of knowing that you’re sitting there listening to them have sex with reckless abandon. You should be uncomfortable, but instead, you catch yourself squeezing your thighs together.
A particularly loud moan catches you off guard, and you jerk your finger from your mouth—when had you started biting it to keep quiet?—and flee while you still have the chance.
(As far as anyone else is concerned, when you’re safe within the confines of your single-person dorm room, there’s no proof to say that you snaked a hand down your pants, still thinking of that brightly-lit gym, of the idea of having been caught listening to them, of being pulled inside and—
There’s no proof.)
The day-to-day doesn’t change. You don’t let it. The guys played their match, and they won, and it was great. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t smiling as they won, and your report for the sports column of the university paper was more than glowing. They’re a really fun team to watch, more so now that you know them—even if you’re now taking every effort in your head to not act like a total freak around them.
Honestly, you even think you're doing a pretty good job of it. You pretended not to notice the smell in the gym the morning after The Event—faint though it was, there was undeniably the hint of sex still in the air—you forced down any errant thoughts around them, and you didn't breathe so much as a word to anyone about it. What does it matter if they're having orgies or whatever the night before a game? What does it matter at all?
Luckily, you spend more time talking to the girls than anything—Shimizu and Yachi are becoming fast friends with you, you think out of an eagerness to have another girl around in a large group of guys. They're easier to talk to, too, since you don't recall hearing any particularly feminine moans during The Event. It's possible they have no idea. Possible that they, too, think things are normal. (Or else, they're the source of the orgy rumors, but neither seems much like the type.) They tell you innocuous little things about the team, like that time Hinata and Kageyama were so focused on their little rivalry that they ran clear to the next town before realizing they'd lost the rest of the team, and you get caught up in much-needed girl talk when you go out to eat together. Little debates on birth control, on dating, on whether or not that one psych professor can get it.
By the time the next game rolls around, you've nearly re-assimilated into the concept of a normal life. It’s really not a big deal, anyways—people have sex. It’s normal.
“Well, [name],” Daichi says towards the end of practice one day, about a week before. “You were only going to be here for a few weeks, right? How have you liked it?”
You nod, polite smile decorating your lips. “It’s been really enjoyable! It’s a bit sad that I won’t be around after the next game, honestly. You guys are really fun to be around.”
“Hmm?” Tsukishima says, an eyebrow raised your way. At some point, you seem to have captured the attention of everyone in the room, though you’re not quite sure what you did. You can sense their eyes on you though—a few of the more open guys stare, a few of the more polite ones glance out of the corners of their eyes. You’re stuck in the spotlight as Tsukishima takes a step towards you.
Why does one step suddenly feel so dangerous?
“You know, I’m sure no one here would stop you if you decided to stay.”
Yeah, your blood’s running cold. You get a firm grip on your brain in hopes of not horribly misinterpreting everything that’s going on, but—
“You confirmed the information you were looking for, right? Two weeks ago, hanging around outside the gym before the game.”
Your face isn’t sure whether it wants to go pale or erupt in a furious blush. You, for your part, scramble for an answer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You don’t? Are you that dense, or are you lying to us?”
A tiny squeak passes from your throat. “W-what’re you—“
“I was expecting something to show up in the school paper by now, but instead we just got a glowing column about how well we played the next day. Not a word of it. Why is that?”
“Oi, Tsukishima, aren’t you laying it on a bit thick?” one of the others says.
“It’s fine,” he replies, looking down at you as you look down at the floor. “Well, [name]? I’m waiting, Miss Reporter.”
The words burn a path down to your crotch, and you are absolutely not losing here, not now. You’ve just decided that. You meet his eye with a determined look. “I run the sports column, not the gossip column, Tsukishima. It hardly matters to me what you guys are getting up to—“
“You’re blushing, though. And you had to have heard before getting wrapped up in this, right? I’m comfortable speaking for everyone here when I say you can really find out the truth, if you want.”
He’s boxed you in, your back hitting the wall. Nowhere to run.
“What do you say? Wanna become an honorary member of the volleyball club?”
A sound sort of reminiscent of a boiling kettle leaves you, and you shove him away before you register it. “P-please give me time to think about it!”
A heavy silence.
“Alright, that’s enough. Let’s try not to scare the poor girl, yeah?” Suga says. He places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “If she wants to, she wants to, and if she doesn’t, she doesn’t. [name], if you wanna go for the day, you can.”
“I, um…”
He nods and guides you towards the door. Before you can properly escape, he leans in close: “if you do decide you want to, come see us after practice Friday night and we’ll initiate you. If not, we’ll respect that, okay?”
Friday night.
You swallow, throat feeling suddenly dry.
Just what have you gotten yourself into?
You spend the week caught between a rational panic and another emotion you are not willing to put a name to. Yachi had texted you not long after your escape that night, an apology and a really genuine “no one will be mad if you don’t show Friday”. That was relaxing, just slightly, except the little pang as you realized you actually did want to show. You’ve had a text back drafted to her the past three days, glaring back at you as you agonized over your phone screen:
No problem at all! I just had one question about what this “initiation” would entail. You know, to prepare myself!
You’re pretty sure you’ve deleted and re-drafted the exact same text about fifty times. Normally, you’d text a friend, ask them to help you review what you’re saying to make sure it sounds chill, but who the fuck are you going to tell about this? The implication was clear. Freaked out as you are, you’re not exactly interested in spreading the information, either.
Friday morning is when you actually do get the guts to send it, having spend the week pointedly avoiding everyone, volleyball-related or otherwise. The final draft:
Sorry for being a little AWOL! Had some thinking to do, lol. I just wanted to ask what I can expect if I did show up tonight? You know, so I’m prepared?
She’d responded immediately—not with a text, but with an email and a call, the call coming through less than a minute after you’d gotten a notification of an email from her.
Somehow, your morbid curiosity on what you should know before showing up, if you chose to, turns into an hour-long phone conversation turns into sitting down with an open notebook turns into you reviewing the document she’d emailed you, freshly showered while Yachi goes through your closet.
“You wanna wear something sexy, but kinda cheap. Sometimes they get a bit too excited. After the first time, you don’t really have to participate in this stuff, if you’re busy or just not up for it, but especially for this first time, don’t give them the opportunity to wreck any clothes you care about.”
You nod, make a note on your open notebook, thighs squeezing together impatiently. She emerges from your closet, a bright look on her face as she holds up a miniskirt you’d long since relegated to the very back. “This is a cute skirt! It’s a really strong candidate.”
“Do you think so?” you cringe. “Honestly, I’m worried it might be a bit… y’know, short.”
“[full name].” She gives you a flat look. “You do understand what’s happening tonight, right?”
“…right. I’ll wear the skirt.”
She brightens up in an instant. “Good! Now let me find a matching top…”
When she’s satisfied, your outfit laid out and you almost mentally prepared to actually get dressed for this sort of thing, you expect her to leave the room, but she simply waits.
“Uh, Yachi, I need to…”
“I just thought of something,” she says, face blank. “[name], have you ever been with a girl before?”
Your cheeks feel hot. You’ve not exactly tried to hide that you’re bisexual—if nothing else, the bi pride flag on your wall would be indicator enough—but as far as actual experience with girls…
“I’ve… thought really hard about it…? I haven’t really had the opportunity.”
She nods to herself. “Right. Before you get ready, it’ll be easier if I do this now.”
Her lips are on yours before you can fully process it, soft and tasting faintly of pineapple chapstick. She kisses you long and slow, lets you relax into it. When she pulls away, she smiles shyly, like she didn’t just kiss you for the purposes of prepping you for an orgy she’ll be involved in later today. “There. Get that first out of the way before we have to make out in front of the volleyball team.”
She waves on her way out of your bedroom. “Get dressed! I wanna make sure that outfit works for today.”
Right. Get dressed.
Well, if nothing else, you’re definitely sure about being bisexual now.
If not for Yachi, you would have backed out a hundred times already. As it is, she keeps a gentle, reassuring hand on your back as the two of you enter the gym, a good few minutes after the usual practice officially ends. They’ve already finished cleaning up everything from the day, the air already seemingly charged even before the part where they notice you’ve actually shown up.
Yachi closes the door behind you with a sweet smile. “We got her!” she cheers by way of greeting.
The eyes that suddenly land on you—all fourteen pairs, including Yachi—seem heavier than usual. Hungry. You can’t help the nerves that threaten to make you tremble at the promise of what’s to come.
But there’s Yachi again, ever-sweet and cute as she wraps an arm around your side.
“Oh, I see that!” Daichi is the first to say. “Glad to see you’ve decided to join us, [name]. Here I thought we’d scared you off for good!”
You giggle nervously. “Well, I just… you know me! Always gotta over-think things.” That’s good. That’s casual. You’re managing an almost-even tone while you talk. Almost like you’re a normal, real human person.
“I know the feeling,” Asahi sighs.
Suga sets down a chair near the center of the gym, eyes watching you in silent interest.
“I’m guessing since you came with her that you’ve been coaching her, Yachi?”
She nods. “She’s had the whole rundown. Knows what to expect and everything.” She unwinds herself from you in preparation for whatever’s to come next. You try not to jump at the sound of the lock on the door clicking shut.
“Good. Good.” Daichi nods. “Come sit, [name]. No sense in putting it off, right?”
You nod slowly, timidly stepping forward. Yachi follows close behind.
“Limits?” Daichi asks firmly. “Loud enough so we all hear you.”
Another laugh from you, shaky with nerves as you perch on the chair Suga set out for you. You rattle them off, having memorized the list in order for this exact moment. Knowing you, you’d forget something otherwise, and you nearly do.
“Got it. And Yachi told you about the stoplight system?”
 “She didn’t really need to,” you admit, a bit quieter. “I’ve got it.”
“Good. Shimizu, Yachi, if you’d get her ready? Ladies first, and all.”
Wordlessly, they descend on you. You were expecting… you don’t know. Not the sudden press of lips, familiar from an hour or two prior, against your own, or Shimizu’s arms so quick to drape over your shoulders from behind. You press your lips back against Yachi’s insistently, perhaps a bit excited, perhaps just trying to get yourself into the right headspace before you think too hard about the twelve guys currently watching you be sandwiched between the girls or Shimizu’s delicate fingers unbuttoning your top.
Your head spins with it already—Shimizu’s perfume, Yachi’s chapstick. Shimizu’s hand pushing your hair out of the way, her lips attaching to your neck gently. “You didn’t mention anything about marks in your limits,” she mumbles against your skin as a little whine escapes you. “Can we take that to mean it’s okay to mark you, or should I be careful?”
Yachi pulls away a bit, and you chase her lips. She pushes you back with a giggle. “She asked you a question.”
“Oh. Right.” You blink owlishly as you play back the question in your head. “Uh, yeah. I mean—it’s—it’s fine.”
“Are you sure? A few of the guys are not going to let up if they know that.”
Despite the exhibitionist dream going on right now, you don’t quite have the strength to admit that you quite enjoy the marks, actually, so instead: “I’m sure.”
“Alright.” Then, both pairs of lips are back—suckling your neck, kissing you until you’re out of breath. There’s no hurry, none at all, and you barely notice when your top is discarded completely, barely even notice the chatter of the guys bickering—when you strain, you just barely figure out that they’re deciding something about who gets a turn with you when.
You try not to shudder too hard at the thought.
Yachi slides a hand up to your bra and underneath it, rolls a nipple between her fingers. Shimizu follows up, finds your wrist and guides your hand beneath Yachi’s waistband to palm at her heat. “Have you ever…?”
You part from Yachi again, shake your head, eyes half-lidded and head swimming as you look up into the gym lights. “Hadn’t gotten the chance before—before today,” you admit.
She huffs a gentle laugh in your ear. “I’ll teach you, then.”
Her hand slides up your thigh, up your skirt. Yachi crawls into your lap, arms around your neck for stability as Shimizu’s fingers find your cunt, already wet. “It’s not that different from taking care of yourself,” she murmurs as two delicate fingers, too pretty to be where they are right now, stroke your slit. “Follow my lead, okay?”
You nod, whining when her fingers find your clit.
She teaches you in gentle, fluttery strokes. You lose track of it all quickly—your fingers buried in Yachi, thumb dancing over her clit as she leans over your shoulder to kiss Shimizu. You find it’s not that hard to adjust, and with every breathy gasp you draw from Yachi, you’re well rewarded by the slender fingers pumping into your cunt.
Needy and slipping into the mythical subspace you’ve only had the pleasure of reading about, you lean forward to plant your lips on Yachi’s neck. “No marks,” she sighs to you. You whine and move on, not letting yourself linger long enough to mark her skin. Seeming pleased with your listening, Shimizu slides a third finger inside you, stretches you out carefully.
“You’ll thank me later.”
She works you up so easily. Is it because you’re pressed between two pretty girls? Is it the ravenous eyes raking over this scene? Or—
Her hand retreats too soon, just as your hips had begun to really move with the friction, and you whine.
“I promise you’ll get there. Just hold on for now, okay?”
You nod, pouting at having been edged, and focus on the way Yachi writhes on your lap.
She’s close, too, you realize.
“So pretty,” you whisper in awe at the look on her face: eyes closed, head tilted back, lips parted just slightly. “You’re so pretty.”
Ah. Clearly she likes the praise, because she flutters around you. You work her more urgently, the wet squelches from your fingers buried in her joining the hushed moans and sighs of the team watching. When she cums, it’s a soft, quiet moan that you could honestly get used to hearing. Her walls flutter ceaselessly around your fingers as she leans down and kisses you again, and you’re sure not to stop until she slumps a little, though, truth be told, your wrist is already sore.
When she climbs off your lap, legs a bit shaky and a sweet, dopey smile on her face, she backs away, exiting the fray entirely. You nod in understanding. The goal, as she’d made very clear, is to make everyone cum at least once, and she’s gotten her fill. Shimizu takes your chin in her hand, tilts your face so she can kiss you, too. After a moment, you pull back. “Um—can I… my wrist… I don’t think I can…”
God, you’re already stupid. By the time you’ve gotten to everyone, you’re gonna be completely brainless, aren’t you?
She nods, helps you out of the chair only to sit you on your knees in front of her, having taken her place. She’s sweet and perfect on your tongue when you eat her out, paying careful, deliberate attention to her clit, and she instructs you in a low tone as she pets your head. It’s a blessing to be between her thighs, a blessing for her to be the first girl you’ve ever eaten out, a blessing to be allowed to draw a quiet moan from her when at last she cums on your tongue.
“Good,” she murmurs to you with a smile when you pull away, cheeks and chin wet with her slick. “I think you’re ready for us to pass you off. Will you be good for them, too?”
You nod, smiling dreamily. She looks over your shoulder and nods before standing and straightening herself out.
Three of your loyal watchers step forward. Seems like the seniors get you next.
You sit nervously, wait for… orders? Guidance? Anything?
You feel like you’re being circled by sharks, honestly. One of said sharks laughs, angelic, and you yelp when Suga’s hands come to rest on your waist. When had he joined you on the floor?
“You’re already tense again. Come on, relax a bit, [name].” His thumbs rub soothing circles into your hips. “See, Asahi’s gonna get nervous, too, if you act like that.”
Daichi pushes Asahi forward, a stern look on his face. Suga pushes you forward, too, until you’re nose to Asahi’s crotch and the prominent bulge in his shorts. “Go on. You took such good care of the girls, and it’s our turn now. Go ahead and open for him.”
You let your mouth hang open. You can be obedient. You can be good.
The bulge in Asahi’s shorts jumps a little as he looks down at you. You’re already deep in this, might as well go all-in—you paw at the waistband of his shorts, waiting for his nod of approval. When you receive it, you grab the shorts and his boxers and pull them down in one swift motion, swallowing thickly when you see the size of the thing.
If all the guys on the volleyball team are this hung, you’re going to be very, very sore in the morning.
You close your eyes, lean in. If you just keep your eyes closed, you don’t have to think about the guys watching you with varying levels of interest, don’t have to think about performing. You stroke him at the base, take as much of his cock into your mouth as you can handle. He lets out a soft groan as you begin to bob your head, and again you feel those hands on your hips. You let Suga do whatever it is he’s planning on, which is how you find your legs being spread a bit, your hips lifted just slightly only for someone—Suga, presumably—to slide his head between your thighs.
There’s a huff of a laugh against your pussy, and you try your best to keep up with sucking off Asahi as you’re yanked downwards to rest on his face. Asahi’s hot on your tongue, and Suga’s tongue is hot on you when he finally lathes his tongue over your sex. Your moan comes out muffled, cutting off into a squeak, almost a gag, when Asahi’s hips buck in response.
A murmured apology, a ruffle of your hair. The gentle affection has your heart and your walls fluttering against your will—Suga pulls away to laugh at you. “She liked whatever you just did, Asahi. Just so you know.”
You whine, roll your hips down in hopes of keeping him from saying anything else incriminating. He punishes you with a harsh suck of your clit, and the three of you fall into a nice rhythm—you taking Asahi’s cock as far into your mouth as you can handle, Suga fucking you on his tongue.
“S-so pretty,” Asahi murmurs when you dare a glance up at his face. He’s been watching you work him intently, sighs and groans filling your ears to let you know you’re doing well. You clench around Suga’s tongue at the praise, go back to work as you dip your head deep. When Asahi cums, he’s low and loud, and you greedily drink up the cum that hits the back of your throat. You’re not far behind, thanks to Suga, writhing on top of him as he forces you to stay seated on his face.
Asahi backs away. Suga slides out from underneath you, moves around to your front to kiss you softly. You shudder at the taste of yourself on his lips, shiver when his tongue slips into your mouth. Against your lips, he mumbles: “you could probably use a little rest already. You’re being really good, you know?”
Daichi chuckles darkly. “Oh, come on. She’ll never be done if we keep letting her rest.”
That’s the only warning you get before your skirt is tugged off. You’re left in nothing but a bra as Daichi begins to slide his fingers between your lips. “You’re doing great. Yachi said you were on birth control—I can assure you everyone here is clean, and she also said you’re okay with no condoms, but I want everyone to hear you say it, if that’s true.”
You whimper. You’re too sensitive for this right now, still shaking from your first orgasm of the night, but his fingers won’t stop moving.
“Well? Yes or no? Don’t make me ask you a third time.”
You gasp—his middle finger dips into your hole, just enough to make your hips buck. “P-please, I—I can—no condoms, please,” you nearly sob, hoping in vain that your bowing to his request will get you some respite.
“You’re so mean, Daichi,” Suga tuts.
You let out a sigh of relief when his fingers leave you, but then you’re being bent over and something hot and thick is sliding through your heat.
“S-sensitive,” you whine out.
“I know,” he replies, and then he’s pressing his way inside you, stretching you out, and you’re letting out a loud keen into the gym. He sits inside you a moment, gives you just long enough to adjust to the stretch before he’s moving. “You really worried us, you know. Do you think it’s polite to disappear without a word all week, [name]?”
“N-no, I’m sorry—“
A single harsh thrust. You cry out. Suga, ever-helpful, kneels down in front of you to give you his lap to rest on. Ever-obedient, you reach out and begin to palm the bulge in his shorts. He takes the chance to unclasp your bra as Daichi sets a slow, almost conversational pace.
You pull Suga out of his shorts, rest your head on his thigh. Focus on jerking him off as Daichi’s pace picks up from slow to harsh. “It’s nice of you to apologize. Don’t do it again.”
“I-I won’t—ah—“
The slow, lazy kisses you’ve taken to pressing against Suga’s cock—pretty and long—don’t mesh well with the bruising grip on your hips, the sharp snap of the captain’s cock in your pussy as he fucks you out. You cling desperately to Suga, jerk him off with no real rhythm as you struggle to take the abuse to your still-sensitive cunt.
By the time Suga’s cum shoots in ropes across your cheek, you’re close again, and Daichi isn’t letting up. “You want it inside, pretty girl?”
“Please,” you whine.
“Good girl,” he croons, and that sends you over the edge a second time, too fast—the fluttering of your walls drags him over with you. Suga takes the chance to stroke your hair almost lovingly as you’re filled up with hot cum, and you whimper as Daichi pulls out of you.
Five down. Nine to go.
You think they might kill you before the night’s over.
They really don’t let you rest—before you even process the retreat of the seniors, three more have stepped forward, and from the corner of your eye you notice the seniors holding back two guys in particular.
(“Dude, it’s our turn—“
“She can’t handle five at once. We already decided before this that you two get to go after them.”)
Ennoshita’s cock hangs heavy in front of you, and with a whimper, you drag yourself to sit up and take it in your mouth. He laughs softly. “You got used to this quickly. Look at you, you’re a mess.”
You’re not really willing to reply to that. You’re so far past embarrassment—if he’s trying to embarrass you, all you’re getting is a surge of heat low in your stomach all over again, as though your body could possibly handle any more right now.
There’s a nudge at your side, someone’s hand sliding up your arm and bringing you to take another cock in one of your free hands. A glance—Kinoshita is on one side of you, Narita on the other, and you are more than happy to take care of them, lack of coordination be damned.
“Take your time,” Narita says in a low voice. “I get this weird feeling the other two are not going to be very gentle with you when they get a turn.”
You shudder, moan around Ennoshita’s cock at the thought. His hips roll into your mouth, and you shoot him a pleading look. You weren’t particularly trying to send him any hints, but he takes some sort of hint anyway—his hand tangles in your hair, really expertly, actually, and he takes just a little bit of the load off you as he begins to fuck your throat, slow and easy, so you don’t have to keep track of getting off three at once. You relax your jaw, let him work, almost enjoy yourself as you twist your wrists around Kinoshita and Narita’s cocks.
Ennoshita is careful with you. Forceful, sure, but careful. You could gag on him—easily, if that was what he wanted—but he never makes you take him too deeply, simply enjoys the feeling of your mouth, your tongue, the way you’re completely lost in your little initiation. As his pace begins to stutter, you try to bob your head with him, unpermitted by his grip in your hair. You’re fully under now, head caught in a delicious space you’ve never quite experienced. Floating, really.
He pulls you off him firmly. “Color?”
You let out a little half-whine, looking up at him with lidded eyes and a quizzical head tilt as you try to remember what the fuck he’s asking you through the fuzz.
“Damn, she’s totally lost.”
“Think she’ll be okay? Should we—“
A little panic surges in you, and you jolt forward as you finally process what he’s looking for. “G-green! Green. I’m green.”
He nods. “You’re sure?”
“Mm. Floaty. But green.”
“Good. That’s a good girl. You’re gonna keep being good?”
You reply with a whine, a tug forward in hopes of giving him the message to put his cock back in your mouth right now.
He gets the message.
The two in your hands tumble over the edge first, and you moan as you feel them paint you with their cum. You might like being taken advantage of like this. Ennoshita isn’t too far behind. He spills into your mouth with a groan, untangling fingers from your hair and smoothing it down gently. Before he backs away to let the next guys have their way with you, he leans down, keeps an affectionate hand on top of your head. “Good luck.”
He backs away without explanation, and before you fully process it, you’re being pushed into a new position on your hands and knees. “Finally,” Noya groans from behind you, hands groping your ass almost reverently. “You’re being so good, it was so hard not to come take you while the others were busy with you.”
A whine. You’re more or less losing your ability to speak, between the soreness building in your jaw and the cotton in your head. Something bumps against your pussy, and you flinch with a whimper.
Tanaka is in front of you, watching your face carefully as Noya’s hands roam your body from behind. “Still good, [name]?”
You nod.
“Good,” he says, and then there’s yet another cock in your mouth. You’re starting to lose count. But, hey, Tanaka’s dick is an effective gag to keep you from getting too loud when Noya slides into you with an obscene squelch.
“There you are,” he groans, grip bruising-tight on your hips. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
Tight and sensitive. Noya isn’t particularly thick, but at this angle he’s already pressing against a spot soft and delicious in your cunt. Fuck, he hasn’t even moved yet and you already feel dangerously close.
You rock your hips back against him, desperate even as you take Tanaka’s cock as deep into your mouth as you can manage. You get barely any movement before Noya takes the hint, and then one hand is holding you steady as he snaps his hips, sharp and hard, into you. The other sneaks around, finds your clit with ease and begins to frantically torture it. You cum hard and fast around him, and he lets his head drop backward with a groan, not stopping even as you struggle to hold yourself up and take it.
It’s all so much. So much. So much—
You barely manage to bring a hand up to finish Tanaka in your mouth, desperate to have just one less thing drowning you, and lucky for you, it works—he grits out praises as he spills into your mouth, strokes your hair as you swallow as much of his cum as you can handle.
With your mouth free, Nishinoya pauses just long enough to pull out and flip you onto your back. “Your knees are starting to hurt, right?” he coos, cock throbbing against your entrance again. “But you’re doing so well.”
You whimper. It’s all you still know how to do. He takes in your body, chest heaving and tits shaking from exertion, and slides a hand up your side, pausing to tweak a nipple. Your back arches. “God, you’re perfect. Are your tits always this sensitive, or do you just like being watched?”
“Al-ways,” you moan out, voice broken. His eyes are ravenous as he takes you in, like he doesn’t know where to look.
“Oi, Noya, you’re not the last one that gets her today. Go ahead and fuck her already.”
He doesn’t need telling twice. His arms are shaking as he pins you down by the wrists, shaking as he plunges into you all over again.
Noya is brutal. Dimly, you have the thought that you understand why they held him back as long as possible, though you think it might have made things worse. He leans down, lips against your neck, and groans when you immediately clench around him. “Your neck, too?” he hisses out.
You nod, barely able to catch your breath or un-fuzz your head long enough to talk.
“Fuck,” he breathes, taking the time to suck a few marks into your throat.
“Please,” you whine in reply. That’s all it takes for him to sink his teeth into a soft spot on your neck, and then you’re cumming again with an actual sob as he cums inside you, the second time someone’s cum inside tonight.
Nine… ten? Down. You can’t count anymore. He pulls out of you, lathes his tongue over where he’d bitten you, leaves you laying there to catch your breath.
“Need a break?”
You shake your head, not even bothering to check who’s asking you.
A laugh. “You sure? You look a little dead.”
One eye opened lazily. Yamaguchi. “Can take it,” you slur out. You’re utterly boneless. Exhausted, really. But you’ve got… a number more to get through, and fuck it, you’re in way too deep to give up now, and Yamaguchi’s looking kind of delicious, and—
Next thing you know, you’re slumped between him and Tsukki, one in your ass, the other in your cunt, you openly sobbing as Tsukki hisses condescension in your ear, fingers in your mouth to keep it open while they split you in half—
(“How is she even alive right now? I don’t think any of us made it through the whole thing without a real break.”
“We’re keeping her. We have got to keep her.”)
Next thing you know, you’re jerking Kageyama off onto your face, tongue lolling out to catch every drop of cum you can—
(“Genuinely impressive. Are we sure she’s never done this before?”
“Dude, I’m serious, what do we have to do to get her to come every time?”)
Next thing you know, Hinata is thrusting into you at blinding speeds, and you’re cumming again, moans more like broken sobs—
(“I mean, she keeps saying she’s good, and she’s almost through…”
“She’s just having a good time. Probably been dreaming about something like this since before she showed up for her ‘article’.”)
There’s a few expectant looks as you lay there at last, thoroughly fucked out, unable to even think about moving as the TV static in your brain begins to finally fade out.
Holy fuck.
Are you done? That was the last of them, right? You’re done, aren’t you?
“Now, now, [name],” Tsukishima says, and his tone has you whining. That was everyone. You’re done.
“The rule was that you have to make everyone cum before you’re done,” he explains, like you’re five or something.
“D-didn’t… didn’t I…?”
A few slow shakes of the head from a few guys.
“You’re here, too.”
Your blood runs cold.
“Noo,” you whine. “Can’t.”
“You can’t?” Tsukki crouches down beside you. “You’ve made fourteen people cum tonight, and you’re giving up now? What happened to the slut we’ve been watching all night?”
“Can’ttt,” you repeat, new tears already forming. How many times have you cum already?
He sighs. “You’re really not serious about this, are you?”
“No, I am, I-I—“
“Then you can make yourself cum one last time for us to see.”
You whimper, limply bring a hand to rest between your legs. Should’ve brought a damn vibrator.
You work yourself up as fast as you can handle, cup one breast in your off hand to roll your nipple between your fingers. Slide two fingers in and shudder when you find the mix of cum there.
(“It’s just mean making her do it herself after all that.”
“If she can actually cum again after all that, I don’t even know what to say.”)
Technically, you could probably get away with faking it. …probably. But, well…
The little competitive bitch in you wants to prove them wrong, and, hell, you’ve already put on a show for everyone here, right? So you get into it, best you can. Roll your hips weakly against your hand, sigh and whimper at just how much this all is. Rub your clit as fast as your wrist can still handle, actually fucking thrash as you fall over the edge one last time.
You blacked out.
That, at least, you can figure out. You’re being held against one of any number of potential muscular bodies, cradled, really. Like you’ll break or something.
“How long do you think she has to be out before we call someone?”
“Don’t,” you groan. “’M alive. Barely.”
Fucking hell, your throat is dry. You open one eye to peek at Suga, who’s already got a water bottle ready for you. It’s Asahi holding you, and he shifts to let you tilt your head back as Suga tips the water bottle into your mouth.
Someone is wiping the worst of the cum off you with a damp rag. You squirm, whine as they clean you up. Drink like you’ve spent the past six months in the desert.
“How’re you feeling?” Yachi asks sweetly. Ah. She’s the one cleaning you up.
“Gooood,” you slur out. “Tired. Sore. Don’t wanna be a good girl for the next twennyfour hours at least.”
She laughs. “You know you could have taken a break, right? You didn’t have to get everyone off in one go.”
You simply groan. In the background, a few of the previously unaccounted-for guys are cleaning up the mess where you’d been laid out on the floor. Someone taps something against your lips. You accept it, mostly out of laziness. Sweet. Crunchy. Chocolate-covered pretzel. You wonder if you can get them to move your jaw for you.
“Do you still want to come back after this, [name]?” Shimizu asks.
You nod. Accept another pretzel. Snuggle into Asahi’s arms. You think they picked him for cuddle duty because he’s got good arms. “’Sgood. ‘Mgood.”
She laughs slightly. Drapes something over your naked body.
A black jacket, reading Karasuno Volleyball Team.
“Welcome to the team, then,” she says, tilting her head with an ethereal smile. You blink blearily. Smile back.
You cannot fucking wait for their next match.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory
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starryluce · 1 year
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Cal Kestis x f!reader
Warning: Smut but very soft smut, oral f! receiving, unprotected sex, grammar errors, No spoiler for Jedi survivor
Cal's only dream was to live in peace with you. To live on a planet away from the Empire. One they’d never find. Where he couldn't be hurt and, more importantly, you wouldn't get hurt. Maybe have a kid or two, but he would be more than content with just you and BD. 
You and Cal had been in this fight for too long. Sure, it had its good times. Cal was sure you and BD could make any bad day better. Even when he was bleeding from a blaster shot, he truly believed your soft hand was all he needed to fix it (which was not true, he needed a stim, a bottle of bacta spray, and 20 stitches). 
“Cal?” you ask quietly, rubbing your eyes gently to try to wake yourself up. “Go back to sleep,” he whispered gently, cradling your head. “Kinda hard when your staring at me,” you smile lovingly, Cal laughs.
“Just so beautiful,” he mummers, playing with a strand of your hair. “What’s on your mind?” you ask, knowing he's thinking about a lot more than your sleeping form. “Just our future.” he answers, his fingers finding their way to your scalp as he massages gently. “How do you see our future?” you try to pry, he smiles. “Always so snoopy,” he teases you, kissing your forehead. “If i was snoopy I would have read your thoughts by now,” you respond. He tilts his head. 
“You know, having a home where we can be safe, having time to relax, spend more personal time together.” He throws in a wink at the end, “maybe get married,” he adds
“You’d want to marry me?” you ask, a slight blush appearing on your cheek. “Of course,” he answers, draping your thigh over his body. His fingers slowly move back and forth between your upper and lower thigh. He moves to kiss you, and you gladly return it. As the kiss deepens, he moves between your legs. Moments like this were rare for you and Cal, you never had too much time, and when there was, you both were too sore and bruised to want to do anything except cuddle up and go to sleep. 
Cals kisses made their way down to your neck, causing you to giggle. His fingers found the bottom of your shirt, hinting he wanted it off. You obliged, lifting up your arms in response. The moment your shirt was off, Cal's mouth found its way to your nipple. His tongue circled it. This was all Cal wanted to be able to suck on your breast while you rutted against each other. He was always infatuated with your breast. He was ashamed of it and still partly is. He just can’t take his eyes away from them when you are showing just the tiniest bit of cleavage. Just the thought of cuddling into your breast gives him instant relaxation. But Cal was on a mission to please you, and if you keep rutting against him, he will not last long. 
He moves his mouth down, kissing you all the way down to your panties, and his fingers drag down until they're on the floor. “This okay?” he asks before attaching his mouth to your clit. “More than okay, Cal” he wasted no time after those words fell from your mouth. His hot tongue circling your clit makes you arch your back. Your hands make their way to his red hair as you pull him as close as humanly possible to you. His short beard is rough against your inner thigh, and you are sure it will irritate your skin. But for now, you can't bring yourself to care. Your thighs close around his head. You aren't quite sure how Cal is breathing, but how his tongue darts in and out tells you he's doing okay. “Cal,” you moan, “gotta stop baby.” you moan, your hands not letting go of his hair even with your brain telling you to let go. 
Cal's head pops up, “Kinda hard to stop when youe body keeps forcing me back down,” he laughs. The bottom half of his face is soaked in your juices. You pull him to you, giving him a kiss. “Need you inside me,” you whisper. Cal gives you a quick smile before going back to work. His big red tip looks painful and makes you feel bad for making him wait this long. Not that Cal minded. Your pleasure would always come first to him, no matter how much pain he endured. 
Before Cal's tip reached your entrance, you stopped him, instructing him to sit. You straddle his waist, guiding his cock into you. You both let out a moan at the sensation. “Never let me take care of you…” you begin, “Let me take care of you… Like you do me,” you whisper in his ear. Leaving sloppy kisses on his neck. “Yes, Maam’ he responds. Your arms wrap around his neck as your start bouncing. His hands are firm on your waist, trying his best not to help you. Not that you needed it. You were doing amazing. Pleasing him more than he ever thought was possible. He had this urge and instinct to help you with every little thing, even when he knew you could handle it. But he had to control it this time, in fear if he helped you, he would be forced to take his hands off your waist. 
“Mmm, close,” you moan. Your movement is slowing down and getting sloppy. “Cum for me,” he responds, brushing your hair from your face. “Not before you,” you cry, tears falling down your face. Trying your best not to cum on his cock, but it all feels too good. Cal's heart breaks at the sight of you crying in pain. “At the same time then, okay?” he brushes your tears away. You nod, pulling him as close to you as possible as you both come undone. Cal's hands rub up and down your back, “So good,” he whispers, leaving kisses near your jawline.
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