#harming American students
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socialjusticeinamerica · 16 days ago
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thewhizzyhead · 4 months ago
one day I wish I could actually like understand songwriting especially for theatre so that I can I dunno actually put to use the random tunes I have in my head that just spontaneously appear while I'm doing the most mundane of shit. anyways patron has the concept of an opening number now
#im gonma call it Silakbo#the gist of this is um LOOK TO REALLY EXPLAIN WHAT PATRON IS UMM#understand that patron was originally two separate musical ideas whose events occur At The Same Time To Teach Other#so like yea same universe#Patron (pronounce it in the Filipino way) is about modern student activism in the philippines and the nitty gritty of it#Patron (english pronunciation) is about a young filipino playwirght struggles to find their voice in an american landscape (new york)#especially in the context of the events of Filipino Patron#both discuss what it means to be a young filipino revolutionary in this day and age#so um i first thought of this when i was 17-18 - and now im 20 and like the masochist i am i have decided to have them become one project#dual protagonist - one a new and rather sheltered stude of UP Diliman and one decorated young progressive writer in New York#the former is a journey of looking beyond privilege and what it really means to be among the masses#the latter is a story of how privilege blinds - and how susceptible we are to american neoliberalism#that it dulls once sharp pens + the irony of succumbing to such amidst environment and communities that scream for resistance#and whatever one protag does affects the other protag - whatever happens in america affects philippine events and vice versa yay#anyways openign number Silakbo is the arrival of these two protagonists to their respective settings - both with their own musical styles#(UPD protag progresses from broadway belts to pinoy hiphop - NY protag progresses from pinoy hiphop to broadway belts) (this is A Clue)#and most of UPD protag songs will be sung in Filipino while NY Protag will um progressively grow into being fully English#and silakbo can be used synonymously with storm so its basically a storm is coming who's gonna bring it#a change is approaching who's gonna chase it#tbh this out of all of my works is gonna be inspired heavily from lmm's work because tbh this is gonna be a beast to even conceptualise#so um yea thats a mini patron ramble woo hope its um understandable at worst 😭#personal shit#also yes the NY storyline is based on um once progressive Filipinos becoming subservients to conservative and harmful politics#either out of ignorance or power or simple nonchalance#i can name a lot of namess gjdjd
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pickleslice · 10 months ago
the insanity of my mother texting to ask if she can go to a protest when she comes to visit me something she would have literally never said like . violence only matters when its acted on white american students and not the actual genocide . it just didnt matter to her until now?
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heritageposts · 1 year ago
By Ahmad Ibsais, First generation Palestinian American and law student.
I do not blame Benjamin Netanyahu. I do not blame the Israeli prime minister for what is happening to my people. I do not blame him today, as Israeli bombs destroy every corner of Gaza, and children die under the rubble. I did not blame him back in 2013, when I had to watch the slaughter of my people in Gaza on the evening news, either. My mother did not blame him when snipers perched on rooftops shot at her as she tried to make her way to work in the West Bank. My grandfather, God rest his soul, did not blame him as he died without ever returning to the land settlers stole from him in the 1980s, either. For me, for my family, for my people, what we are witnessing in Palestine today is not “Netanyahu’s war”. It is not his occupation. He is nothing but another cog in the relentless war machine that is Israel. Yet if you were to ask senators Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, the supposed champions of Palestinian rights and progressive humanitarianism in the United States, everything that has happened to us in the past 75 years, and everything that is happening to us today, can be blamed on one man, and one man alone: Netanyahu. Sanders insistently calls the ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza “Netanyahu’s war”, and demands that the US “not give Netanyahu another nickel”. Meanwhile, Warren denounces “Netanyahu’s failed leadership” as she calls for a ceasefire. For these progressive senators, the cause of all the pain and suffering in Palestine is clear: a far-right, hawkish prime minister hell-bent on continuing a conflict that keeps him in power. Sure, Netanyahu is evil. Sure, he committed countless crimes against Palestinians and against humanity, throughout his long career. Sure, he is continuing to fuel the carnage in Gaza today in part for his own political survival. And he should be held accountable for everything he has said and done that caused harm and pain to my people. But the racism, extremism and genocidal intent that is on display in Gaza and across the occupied Palestinian territory today cannot and should not be blamed on Netanyahu alone. Blaming Israel’s blatant human rights abuses, disregard for international law, and open celebration of war crimes on Netanyahu alone is nothing but a coping mechanism for liberals like Sanders and Warren. By blaming Netanyahu for the suffering and oppression of the Palestinian people, past and present, they keep alive the lie that Israel was built on progressive ideals, rather than ethnic cleansing. By blaming Netanyahu, they whitewash their seemingly unconditional support for a state blatantly committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. By blaming Netanyahu, and casting Israel as a progressive, well-meaning state that would respect international humanitarian law but is currently taken over by a bad leader, they are absolving themselves – and the US at large – of complicity in Israel’s many war crimes.
. . . continues on Al Jazeera (7 Mar 2024)
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qqueenofhades · 3 months ago
hi I hope you don't mind but I would love to hear your long tired historian rant you mentioned in your tags on that one post, if you feel in the mood to share? (no pressure!)
(also thank you for existing, you do wonderful work and the world is a better place for you being in it)
Aha. Well. For context, the mention of said rant was in relation to this post:
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Basically, this post struck a nerve because of how it exactly encapsulates the anti-intellectual, anti-academia, anti-historical, anti-reality thinking that is absolutely rampant in social media spaces, even and especially spaces that identify as leftist, liberal, or otherwise "superior" to the right wing when it comes to identifying fake news or misinformation. (Example A: anything ever written by a self-proclaimed leftist on Twitter.) We all know that there are huge problems with the American public school system (and the people writing this are almost always American) and the American practice of education in general, and that yes, there are many things that happened in the past (or y'know, the present!) that are not taught very well, or at all. But because the American public school system is so decentralized and largely autonomous, incredibly dependent on the temperament of local superintendents and/or school boards, taxation and funding, availability of teachers, requirement of useless standardized tests, etc., it is very difficult (if not outright impossible) to claim that this is the result of a Unified Grand Conspiracy To Not Teach Real History To The Youth In Order To Make Them Mindlessly Support Capitalism. That is the exact sort of deranged conspiratorial thinking that the right wing does and fits everything into a sinister narrative about how "They" are planning to keep you ignorant and therefore nothing harmful that you ever think or do is really your fault. It's not good.
(Whoosh. That was very calm and reasonable of me. For the rest of this post, please just picture Captain Holt "apparently that's a trigger for me" dot gif.)
Also: even in public school, and despite the Republicans' best efforts, there are plenty of opportunities to study complex or "controversial" subjects. For example, I spend a week every June grading AP Euro History exams with a lot of other educators in a giant windowless steel box (woo-hoo, fun times!) Every year, there are questions on the exam about women's rights, imperialism and exploitation, slavery/race relations, the development of capitalism and the current economic model, religion and science, the history of labor, and other topics that would be considered "controversial" if you're an idiot. This is an exam taken by high school students in all grades from across the country, and there are also AP World History and APUSH (US history) exams every year which are doubtless making an effort to address similar themes. This is an advanced program, yes, but it's widely available to many schools and is not a result of a sinister plot to keep the youth from discovering the truth. Also: you live in an era of absolutely unprecedented access to information. Put down the ChatGPT bullshit generator and visit a goddamn public library. Or even open Wikipedia. The tools are there for you to start educating yourself and they are so easy to find!!!!!
The "Historians Are Hiding The Truth!!!" narrative becomes even more ridiculous in university-level or professional academic historical-study spaces, especially when historical educators and associations (such as the American Historical Association) have been at the forefront of pushing back against right-wing efforts to censor history, punish teachers, and remove culture-war subjects from classrooms. Also as someone who has advanced degrees in history, has taught/worked in several universities in different countries, writes and publishes historical research, and otherwise participates professionally in the field: trust me, we aren't "hiding" shit. There are vigorous debates and disagreements on various bogglingly obscure subjects and points of clarification and so forth, but that doesn't mean we're not talking about them (trust me, we're often talking about them too much). If you're issuing confident blanket statements about how "historians are conspiring to hide x," you're an idiot.
This also has dangerous repercussions in the field of, say, politics and civics, where a lot of absolutely braindead Online Leftists have spent the last four years posting deranged nonsense on social media and then, whenever they're called out on it for that not actually being how anything works at all, whining that "I was never taught this!!!" (And yet, it somehow never actually changes their perspective or their theories....) They whine about how "they didn't know this" and it was someone else's fault, they make up total fantasy about what the Biden administration did or should have done and now are still happy about Trump coming back because "It will teach the Democrats a lesson!!!" and otherwise accelerating us oh-so-quickly down that slippery slippery fascism slope. Their weaponized ignorance and their magical fantasies about what "should" have happened often come back to this same learned helplessness, where it's everyone else's fault (especially Capitalism's) that they're total wankers. Look: I'm not a goddamn fan of capitalism either. But we all grew up in this same system, and some of us aren't raving idiots, so at some point, you have to take the tiniest modicum of personal responsibility for the information you seek out, the content you consume, the opinions you propagate, and the people you surround yourself with. Shocking.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Online Leftists are actively and unrepentantly enabling American fascism and should be treated in the same way as we treat MAGA when it comes to deciding what is good or worthwhile information. This is because their entire political philosophy (insofar as their beliefs can be dignified with the term) is based on the "make shit up and remove it from any basic empirical references, grounding in reality, or 'should I run the most basic Google search and see if I'm completely talking out of my ass in a distorted social media echo chamber? Nah I'm good' " technique. This is, as the original tweet above references, trying to retcon sheer malicious laziness and stupidity into grand ideological theories about how it's actually "better" that they don't know a damn thing and won't shut up. It's your evil history teacher's fault, or "academics are all rich and elitist" (ask any academic-precariat person like me and we will laugh hollowly and then throw monkey poop at you), or "They" wouldn't let you learn this, or on and on. Even in our terrible, awful, no-good very-bad timeline, there are still ample tools to educate yourself, to learn how to filter out bad information and junk news, and otherwise gird yourself even a little for the even-more-massive assault on empirical reality that we are about to experience in the next four years (ugh). I suggest you take advantage of them.
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jambalaya-enthusiast · 3 months ago
under the cut!
Captain, Grant Curly.
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Nationality : His mother is Half Australian/Canadian. And his father is Half British/American.
Age: 36
Height: 193 cm ( 6'4 )
Sexuality: he is questioning,but he definitely ain't straight.
Comes from a very big and happy family,is the 3rd oldest brother to 2 sisters and 1 brother. And has 2 older brothers.
His parents are very happily married.
His family is the type to host dinner parties every now and then and invite the entire neighborhood over for barbeques.
has a reputation of being 'the picture perfect family'.
He is the tallest out of his siblings.
Got his driver's license first.
Is very protective of all of his siblings,even the older ones.
Was the sports team's captain for 3 years running.
Extremely well liked at the gym,lots of newcomers look up to him.
Can play the violin, effortlessly.
Can also play the guitar very well.
His family had a Rottweiler for 17 years.
All of his siblings have moved out.
Was a very popular jock in high school,but so kind that students and teachers alike loved him.
Met Jimmy in middle school,and for some reason became joint at the hip with him. His fellow peers didn't understand why he liked jimmy so much.
Has had a fuckton of girlfriends all throughout highschool and college.
Only drinks beer,does not smoke.
Is kind of a country bumpkin.
Co-Pilot, Jimmy "Jim" Zare.
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Nationality: American. ( Mom is from Louisiana,Dad is from Florida ) Born and brought up in Texas.
Age: 34
Height: 180 cm ( 5'11 )
Sexuality: Closeted gay with internalised homophobia.
Comes from a nuclear family consisting of him and his parents.
Did not have a happy home life growing up.
His parents did not have a happy marriage and were constantly fighting.
his mother didn't like him from the get go,he was very close with his father up until his death.
His mysogynistic behaviour comes from the pent up hatred towards his mother.
Used to be a kleptomaniac.
Contrary to popular belief,he takes good care of his hygiene.
tw. ( used to self harm,but hated his scars,hence he always wears full sleeved clothes )
When he met curly,he wanted so badly to be friends with him because he thought he was so cool.
Had no friends other then curly growing up.
Picked up a smoking habit at the age of 14.
Heavy drinker.
Although he is quite lanky,his agility is shit.
Might be ooc for him,but he's an incredibly talented chef. But hates talking about it.
His grades were average at best growing up.
Was a great swimmer.
After his mother's death,his grandparents took him in.
Has a huge ass crush on curly but feels so disgusted with himself that he passes homophobic comments in front of curly to erase any suspicions.
This pent up crush slowly started building up into hatred.
The school counselor did try to look out for him,but he just never cared.
Never been in a relationship.
Nurse,Anya Marinova
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Nationality: American/Russian.
Age: 29
Height: 175 cm ( 5'9 )
Sexuality: Closeted Lesbian.
Her parents divorced shortly after she was born,she never really saw her father because her mother moved to America soon after the divorce.
Her father did help out with her education.
She has a half-sister. ( Same mother different father )
Is very close to her half-sister.
Her sister was diagnosed with stage 2 cancer at the age of 7,it's where she got her dream to be a nurse from.
Loves listening to music when she goes out for walks.
Is a skilled scuba diver.
The only makeup she wears is mascara.
Isn't really all that close with her mother.
Her grades were very very impressive up until college,where she slipped due to feeling burnt out.
Jollibee > Kfc
She has visited russia once when she was 8
Used to have a pet snake.
Has lots and lots and lots of friends from high school and college that she still hangs out with.
Doesn't drink but occasionally smokes due to stress. ( She has never told a single soul this )
Prior to boarding the tulpar she had heard about curly. ( Due to his popularity )
Loves sweet things.
Wanted to be a vet originally.
Mechanic,Swansea Harold.
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Nationality: American. with Welsh/Irish Ancestry.
Age: 58
Height: 172 cm ( 5'8 )
Sexuality: Straight.
Used to slack off in college.
His father passed away without having seen his son's sobriety.
His mother was heavily disappointed in him,up until he decided to get sober.
Is the middle child of 7 siblings.
His older brothers helped him out financially throught out his struggling years.
He met his wife when he was in his mid to late thirties,his wife had already been divorced with a son.
After his marriage he had a daughter with her.
Drinks root beer a lot.
His sneaker collection is no joke,he has a closet dedicated to them.
Curly was an intern of his,and he is incredibly proud of him.
He actually had given his paella recipe to jimmy.
Snores very loud.
Dislikes sweet and heavily spicy things.
'who the fuck messed with the thermostat?' kind of a dad.
Has showed up to every single one of his kid's school events.
Is quite scared of his father in law.
Whenever Daisuke would fall asleep,he would sometimes sneakily play on his game boy kid.
Mechanic Intern,Daisuke Juanez
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Nationality: Half Japanese/ Half Mexican.
Age: 20
Height: 177 cm ( 5'10 )
Sexuality: Questioning.
has 3 older sisters.
His parents relationship was quite tumultuous but they always managed to work it out.
Comes from wealth.
His three sisters are already well settled in different countries.
Was very popular back in high school and college.
Although his grades weren't the brightest,his charismatic personality is what drew people to him.
Runs very fast.
Although he was popular, he's only been in a relationship twice.
The arcade which he frequents has kids waiting for him to show up,to teach them how to win.
Loves to eat different cuisines. ( Indian and Mexican are his top ones! )
Loves eating spicy food.
Had a weeb phase.
Used to be in the theatre club in school.
His family loves animals.
Has 7 cats.
He got his left ear pierced at 16. His mom whooped the shit out of him.
Very clumsy,has random ass bruises all over his body.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 4 months ago
Blue states should play “constitutional hardball”
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NEXT WEDNESDAY (October 23) at 7PM, I'll be in DECATUR, GEORGIA, presenting my novel THE BEZZLE at EAGLE EYE BOOKS.
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Nothing's more frustrating that watching the GOP smash norms and decency to advance policies that harm millions of Americas, unless it's that, plus Democratic officials stamping their feet and saying, "C'mon guys, play fair."
The GOP's game is called "constitutional hardball." Think: Mitch McConnell refusing to hold confirmation hearings on Obama's federal judiciary appointments, not never for Merrick Garland's Supreme Court seat – then filling the Federal judiciary with the least-qualified, most FedSoc-addled lunatics in US history, all for lifetime appointments.
As bad as this is at the federal level, it's even worse at in the states, especially the Republican "trifecta" states where the GOP holds the governorship and the state house and senate, where shameless gerrymandering and legislative attacks on hard-won ballot measures are the order of the day. GOP-held state governments engage in rampant interstate aggression, targeting out-of-state abortion providers, publishers, and journalists.
This is a one-sided Cold Civil War, because state Dems, for the most part, are unwilling to play hardball in return (the closest they come is when, say, California sets strict emissions controls and manufacturers adopt them nationwide, rather than making special cars for the giant California market). Republicans engage in constitutional hardball and Dems refuse to fight back, a phenomenon called "asymmetrical constitutional hardball":
Writing for The American Prospect, Arkadi Gerney and Sarah Knight make the case for symmetrical constitutional hardball:
The pair argue first, that the best way to get Republican state houses to play fair is to credibly threaten them with retaliatory action. They cite the recent attempt at a last-minute change the way that Nebraska's Electoral College votes are apportioned, which would have given all of five the state's EC votes to Trump. Maine threatened to effect the same change to its Electoral College system, which would have given all four of its EC votes to Harris. Nebraska surrendered.
But there's also a second advantage to playing Constitutional Hardball: it makes blue states better. For example, Minnesota gives free college tuition to exceptional low/middle-income students. Neighboring North Dakota got tired of losing all its smartest kids Minnesota schools and created its own subsidy. As Gerney and Knight point out, Minnesota (and other blue states) still has a huge advantage when it comes to attracting top talent, because attending university in a state with legal abortion is vastly preferable (and safer) than doing a degree in a forced-birth state.
Red states are bent on making life horrible for some really great people. The hardworking, talented Haitian migrants caught in the Springfield pogroms that Trump incited would be a fine addition to any blue state town – anyone who's got the gumption to haul ass out of a failed state and make their all the way to Springfield is gonna be a fantastic neighbor, citizen and worker, just like my refugee grandparents and father, who endured a million times more hardship than their neighbors ever did, getting to Toronto, finding jobs, and starting their family.
Influxes of young, hardworking immigrants are especially good for rural towns with dwindling populations. No wonder rural towns with above-average net migration swung for Biden in 2020.
All over America, families are despairing of their lives in red states. Whether you're worried that you or someone you love might need to terminate a pregnancy, or you're worried about gender-affirming care for you or a loved one, you can put your worries to rest in a blue state. Same goes for nurses and doctors who are worried they can't do medicine unless it accords with the imaginary dictates of Bronze Age prophets as claimed by pencil-neck Hitler wannabe Bible-thumper with a private jet and a face from Walmart. Fill the blue states with great schools, libraries and hospitals, and invite everyone who wants to do their job in a free country to come and work at 'em. Line every state border with abortion and mifepristone clinics, and set up billboards advertising the quality of life, the jobs, and the freedom in blue state America.
Every blue state public pension fund should ban investments in fossil fuels, and invest like crazy in renewables, especially in Texas, to hasten the bankrupting of the petro-kleptocracy that controls the state. Blue states should tack surcharges on goods imported from "right to work" states where unions are effectively banned, to compensate for the additional product testing needed to ensure that scab products are safe to use (ahem, Boeing).
Create joint occupational licensure rules across blue states: if you're certified as a teacher, nurse, hairdresser or auto-mechanic in New York, you should be able to carry that certification with you to Minnesota, California, or Maine. Create multi-state funding pools to build public housing. Offer med-school scholarships to the smartest red state kids, at universities where they'll learn evidence-based obstetrics rather than the Lysenokist nonsense taught at the Roy Moore College of Pediatrics and Obstetrics.
Dems have to get over their fear of "states' rights" and start playing state-level hardball. This doesn't mean escalating cruelty. Quite the contrary: every cruel measure enacted as red state red meat is a chance for blue states to extend a kindness, and capture even more of the best, brightest and kindest of the nation, creating a race to the top that Republicans can only win by abandoning their performative cruelty and corruption.
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Tor Books as just published two new, free LITTLE BROTHER stories: VIGILANT, about creepy surveillance in distance education; and SPILL, about oil pipelines and indigenous landback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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neurotic-sinkhole · 2 months ago
oh boy another hermitcraft court case. watched it and my brain exploded like a cuboom firework. the things i've seen as a real life judicial aid and law school student will never compare to the trial.
so here is my analysis of said case:
- glad the judge kept the plaintiff going first! he is right, the defense doesnt know what case to argue against without knowing the case to begin with
- while i love the addition of a jury, typically juries are selected before either side makes a single argument. theres also a whole jury selection process that takes a while, but seeing how one side chose to not prepare anything (which is a real defense i've seen used in a real case before) maybe this was for the better lol
- also, to my knowledge most of the jury (in some way) was a part of the case - i mean the defense even brought this up. the jury was never going to be impartial. however, what confused me more was the usage of "hermitcraft" in the overarching hermitcraft v mumbo case. this verbiage implies not just beef or xb, but the whole server are claiming harm from mumbo's actions.
- furthermore, outside the courthouse there was a banner boasting "xb vs mumbo" but bdubs said "hermitcraft vs mumbo" so i'm going with the words of the judge and what would be on the theoretical court record. this continues to make me wonder what "hermitcraft" classifies as. is it a sovereign nation? is it a state? is it a confederacy of hermits? if hermitcraft, in this specific case, entailed the server as a nation then this should have been a criminal case.
- i need to stop thinking about this aspect of the case or else my brain will explode but i desperately hope for some case law defining this in the future.
- similar to the zombiecleo v docm77 case, defense's lack of witnessess was alarming. defense having only one witness in comparison to the plaintiff's three is severely unbalanced, it only gave the defense a third of the oppurtunity to prove mumbo's innocence (not that they were claiming mumbo didn't commit the actions accused of him)
- i appreciate the judge not allowing for party reps/witnesses to act as agents of the case (objecting, arguing, ect). when bdubs asked jevin where his bar card was i actually felt tears welling in my eyes from laughter.
- the plaintiff's case did a good job in throwing a lot of stuff at the defense. however, i feel they spread themselves too thin with having so many elements to the case (vandalism, noise pollution, enviromental pollution, lost wages, ect), and if they had focused on one or two aspects their case would have been much stronger
- specifically i think they should have focused on the enviromental damage perspective. the other "charges" focused too much on the social ramifications of actions taken by both mumbo and "hermitcraft"
- as for the defense, i think they could have completely gone with the defense of "freedom of expression".
- every single charge could have been easily knocked aside with this defense. it would play to bdubs' (american) brain's inherent obsession with freedom of speech, protest, assembly- just the first amendment overall. oh, the bricks? that was a protest. it is mumbo's right to protest against actions he does not agree with. the noise? the "toxic" enviroment? that's mumbo's expressed creative thoughts. it's his own individual style. he's expressing his own thoughts.
- i think the defense was right on about the train of the food prices too high, but they focused on it too much.
- i also appreciated their use of their singular witness in cub- it is absolutely right to point out there are no written peramiters for zones of builds and such.
overall i think this trial was slightly more on par with a traditional american trial than previous tall claims court cases!! i think bdubs' judgement was just. and most importantly, i can't wait for more cases to analyse (:
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 9 months ago
by Lincoln Brown
Beckett Law, a religious freedom advocacy group, has taken up the cause of three Jewish students at UCLA. The students claim that in the wake of the October 7 terrorist attack on Israel, they faced mounting antisemitism, which included barring them from access to areas of the campus. The students are also represented by Clement & Murphy, PLLC.
In the lawsuit, Frankel v. The Regents of the University of California, the plaintiffs claim that pro-Hamas/anti-Israel protesters set up barricades on the Los Angeles campus, effectively creating a "Jewish Exclusion Zone." Beckett Law states that after creating the encampment, protesters not only constructed barriers but also linked arms to prevent Jewish students from accessing the most popular areas on campus. They also imposed an ideological test, and those whose views were deemed to be sufficiently anti-Israel were issued wristbands and allowed to pass unmolested through the "checkpoints."  
By contrast, Beckett law says that Jewish students were harassed and even assaulted. Law student Yitzchok Frankel was forced to find other ways to reach his classes because his route was blocked by the exclusion zone. Sophomore Joshua Ghayoum could not attend classes or study sessions because of the zone and the antisemitic activities on campus. Additionally, he was forced to listen to chants of "death to the Jews" and "death to Israel." Eden Shemuelian had trouble getting to her final exams because of the zones and had to listen to the vitriol from the encampment as she tried to study. These, said Beckett Law, are just three examples of the problems faced by Jewish students at UCLA.
Mark Rienzi, president and CEO of Becket, stated:
If masked agitators had excluded any other marginalized group at UCLA, Governor Newsom rightly would have sent in the National Guard immediately. But UCLA instead caved to the anti-Semitic activists and allowed its Jewish students to be segregated from the heart of their own campus. That is a profound and illegal failure of leadership. This is America in 2024—not Germany in 1939. It is disgusting that an elite American university would let itself devolve into a hotbed of antisemitism. UCLA’s administration should have to answer for allowing the Jew Exclusion Zone and promise that Jews will never again be segregated on campus.
The suit notes:
Defendants have deprived Plaintiffs of the free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference, as secured by the California Constitution, through a policy and practice that treats Plaintiffs differently than similarly situated non-Jewish individuals because Plaintiffs are Jewish.
Defendants furthered no legitimate or compelling state interest by engaging in this conduct.
Defendants failed to tailor their actions narrowly to serve any such interest.
As a result of Defendants’ actions, Plaintiffs have been injured by losing access to educational opportunities, losing access to library and classroom facilities, losing in-person learning opportunities, losing the ability to prepare for exams, being denied equal participation in the life of the university, suffering emotional and physical stress that has diverted time, attention, and focus from study, and by other harms.
In addition to seeking compensation for damages, the primary goal of the lawsuit is to hold the leadership of the University of California accountable and ensure that such a situation never arises again.
As usual, "never again" is here and now. The fact that these "students" take a great deal of pride in slinging the term "Nazi" at anyone with which they disagree yet use tactics that echo those of the Third Reich is ironic and chilling. But their savage nature can be attributed, at least in part, to those who educated them. 
Given that, one must ask if the regents of the University of California were merely caving to mob pressure. Did they turn a blind eye to the madness out of fear or because of the optics? Ideally, there should be nothing wrong with discussing the war and even debating whether or not Israel's response to the Hamas attack has been proportionate. 
The regents, president, vice-president, and chancellors never stopped to think, "Gee, it seems to be getting awfully brownshirty around here." And if they did, they were too cowardly or indoctrinated to say a word.
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unsolicited-opinions · 1 month ago
On recent far-left attacks on the Anti-Defamation League
Before we start:
- I think the ADL is wrong about Musk's salutes.
- I think the ADL's Israel advocacy sometimes comes into conflict with their mission in the diaspora. I think their methodologies for data collection and reporting need improvement.
- I think that the ADL is flawed, imperfect and does much more good than harm.
Christopher Hitchens put into words what academics used to live by:
"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence".
The burden of proof is on those making the claim, and the claims of droptheadl.org aren't supported with primary sources or evidence.
For example:
To support its claims about the ADL and SNCC, droptheadl.org offers a link, presenting it as a citation.
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This is a link to a Google Books entry. There's no actual text, no citation, no chapter, no page, just the claim that somewhere in this 300-page book exists proof of the ADL denouncing SNCC as racist.
However, that's not in the book. Chapter two talks about this incident in detail, so I read it.
In reaponse to a SNCC newsletter (this is what a primary source looks like!) containing many factual errors about Israel,
...Morris Abram, president of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), summed up their outrage: “Anti-Semitism is anti-Semitism whether it comes from the Ku Klux Klan or from extremist Negro groups
[For those who haven't studied the era: at this point, "Negro" was still the word which the black community preferred. The transition to widespread identification as 'black' got going in the 60s and finished in the 70s. The use of the word 'Negro' here is not a slur. I state this in advance because I know how the illiberal left weilds its willful ignorance]
Abram was also careful to echo what the ADL had said: that SNCC’s article put it in the same anti-Israeli trench as the Arab world and the Soviet Union.
That's verifiably, unquestionably true. That's the position SNCC took, because that's where they got their information.
Droptheadl.org lied. This book doesn't say what they claim it says, which is why they didn't quote it or offer a specific citation. Why let facts get in the way of the narrative which makes them feel good about themselves?
The book, which I recommend reading, isn't about the ADL. It's a scholarly examination of the relationships between the wars the Arab world launched on Israel and the US Civil Rights Movement. This requires much discussion of the impact on the complex relationships between black communities and Jewish communities in the US in the context of their views on Israel and Palestine.
It's fascinating. Here's another excerpt illustrating why many Jews saw SNCC as taking an antisemitic turn:
One day in May of 1967, [Stokely] Carmichael and [H. Rap] Brown were in Alabama chatting with Donald Jelinek, a lawyer who worked with SNCC.
Jelinek, who was Jewish, expressed his positive feelings about Israel and his concerns about the Jewish state’s situation in that tension-filled month as war clouds were on the horizon in the Middle East.
“So it was a shock to me,” Jelinek later recounted, “when my SNCC friends mildly indicated support for the Arabs.” Mildly stated or not, their sentiments prompted Jelinek to reply, “But they may wipe out and destroy Israel.”
Carmichael adroitly changed the subject with some humor, and the men began laughing.
Jelinek thereafter overheard Brown quietly singing to himself, “arms for the Arabs, sneakers for the Jews.” When Jelinek asked him what that song meant, an embarrassed Brown explained that he had learned the song as a student in Louisiana. It implied that the Israelis would need sneakers (tennis shoes) to run from the Arabs, who were armed with weapons from abroad.
My qualms with this, my disappointment in and disagreement with both Carmichael and Brown doesn't make me a racist. It doesn't make the AJC or the ADL racist and it doesn't make Jelinek, the Jewish lawyer working with SNCC, a racist or a poor ally.
Zionism is the belief that Jews should have self-determination in their homeland.
Nazism was the belief that racially superior Aryans own the world, should be organized through fascist methods, and that the genocide of the Jewish people was explicitly required because they were the source of all evil and the obstacle to progress.
These are not the same. Suggesting they are the same, as Carmichael did, is morally and intellectually bankrupt. Pointing this out doesn't make me a racist. It makes me literate.
I still own a copy of Carmichael's book, Black Power. Carmichael (who later changed his name to Kwame Ture) was a complex person. Like every other historical figure, he was neither a saint nor a demon.
I can admire a lot about the Black Panthers without falsely claiming that nothing they ever did or said was troubling, poorly reasoned, or bigoted. The world is more complex than that.
There are no saints. Learn this important truth and use it to guide your understanding of the world around you. There are no saints.
Gandhi, for instance, was a great leader for Indian self-rule and a visionary of nonviolent protest. He was also a racist as a young man who said black people "...are troublesome, very dirty and live like animals." Read about his work in South Africa. He was also really weird about sex and slept naked with his grand niece, which we rightly recognize today as sexual abuse. He wasn't a saint or a demon, he was a person.
People are complex and flawed. If you want to understand people, history, and movements, wrap your head around this as keep it with you: People and their movements are complex and flawed.
But the depth of reasoning I see from the illiberal left is "ADL criticized SNCC, so they're Nazis."
No, child. The world is much, much more complex than that. Why did you go to college if you weren't going to learn anything there?
My 14yo is right. US leftists (not liberals, leftists) are allergic to nuance and discard the facts contradicting any narrative which makes them feel good about themselves.
Deep breath in, slow breath out.
The book is really delves into some of the factors contributing to the deteriorating relationship at the time between Jewish Americans and Black Americans. It points to this essay by James Baldwin, titled "Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They're Anti-White." I urge you to read it, it is a fascinating artifact of its time and place.
And this:
Jews had long advocated for black liberation by, for example, playing a role in the foundation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909. Jewish support for blacks was well known; as early as February of 1942, the American Jewish Committee published a study titled “Jewish Contribution to Negro Welfare.” Having experienced the sting of anti-Semitism, many Jews believed they were fighting in the same trench against discrimination alongside African Americans. When the civil rights struggle grew to become a mass movement in the 1950s and early 1960s, Jewish moral and financial support was crucial, and Jews were disproportionately well-represented among those whites who lent their support to the cause. Jewish financial contributions to civil rights groups were also significant. Jews even were the subject of criticism from some southern whites for the high-profile role they played in helping blacks win their freedom. All this compounded a sense of betrayal by SNCC that was felt by many Jewish Americans.
It should not be surprising or taken as racist that Jews objected to SNCC's advocacy against Israel's existence and I maintain that any call for Israel to be destroyed is innately, inarguably antisemitic. No other nation endures calls for its destruction. Just the Jewish one.
There was unquestionably tension between SNCC and the entire spectrum of non-black Americans who supported SNCC when SNCC ejected non-black members. From our perspective, decades removed, I can understand both why SNCC members narrowly voted for this AND why non-black members of SNCC were hurt and disillusioned. All of those perspectives were (and are) valid.
When I was an undergrad studying African American Political Thought, we discussed these tensions head-on, using primary sources, and evaluated them dispassionately.
We concluded that there are no villains in this story. SNCC got a bunch of facts wrong about Israel, their staunch Jewish allies were profoundly disappointed, saw hypocrisy in SNCC's position, and said so.
I think that far left Americans overlaid their feelings about a domestic struggle on a foreign one where they don't fit...and then discarded the facts and the complexity which got in the way of a satisfying narrative which made them feel like the good guys instead of forcing them to grapple with an uncomfortably complex reality.
I think that's what the illiberal left still does. It doesn't like complexity, it doesn't like academic rigor, it likes stories it can tell itself about its moral purity and discards facts, complexity, or rigor which threaten their view of themselves as saviors.
The world is complex. People are complex. Movements are complex. Organizations are complex. History is complex. Justice is complex.
The ADL isn't perfect, its leaders haven't been and are not saints or tzadikim, but the good they do for all Americans radically outweighs their failings and I'm going to keep supporting them while yelling at them to do better.
If you're an ADL hater and have any actual evidence and primary sources on racism from the ADL, I really want to see it, because this weak sauce from droptheadl.org doesn't make the case the illiberal left thinks it makes. And they'd know that if they had learned anything in college about how scholarship works and how arguments are constructed.
The illiberal left perhaps forgets how the ADL responded when Trump called for requiring American Muslims to register.
“If one day Muslim Americans will be forced to register their identities, then that is the day that this proud Jew will register as a Muslim. ”
- ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt
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justinspoliticalcorner · 4 months ago
John Pavlovitz at The Beautiful Mess:
This is an urgent moment.
In the days before the most consequential election of our lifetimes, a disturbing fiction has taken hold in many progressive voters’ minds: the idea that rejecting Kamala Harris in the voting booth is a way of hurting her personally; that abstaining or protest voting is an effective individual penalty for what they believe is her mishandling of the deadly crisis in the Middle East (one that began decades ago and that will surely outlive all of us). They see their vote (or their lack of it) as a righteous middle finger to the Vice President, and almost gleefully imagine they are injuring her by opting out or voting third party, boasting about enjoying her possible defeat:
This emotional response, is and has always been evidence of people of privilege who are either not students of recent history, have not been paying attention to the words and actions of the two candidates, or who refuse to play the movie ahead past November 5th. Ever since the sickening Hamas-birthed terrorist horrors in Israel on October 6th and Israel’s scorched earth response since then, we have seen a rising sentiment here among some Left voters that has made this a dealbreaker for them regarding the Vice President, despite the simply unthinkable alternative. And yes, the Biden Administration’s handling of the staggering violence that has unfolded in Gaza is surely greatly flawed and far from what many of us wish to see, myself included. But the reality, is that while a rejection of Kamala Harris would be a political defeat for her, it is an act of premeditated violence against the Palestinian people.
Donald Trump has admitted to weekly conversations with Benjamin Netanyahu, and that he has advised him to “do what he needs to do” in Gaza. He has recently promised to reinstitute a Muslim ban here, and in May of this year, the wannabe president said, "Under no circumstances should we bring thousands of refugees from Hamas-controlled terrorist areas like Gaza to America.” Trump has also repeatedly promised “bloody” mass deportations of immigrants from this country, both legal and illegal. In what universe will willfully placing him in power do anything but put the people of Gaza in greater peril? What is the substantive evidence that this will ultimately be anything but a performative purity stance, that helps no one other than those who squander their votes by intentionally empowering a monster? Kamala Harris is an imperfect human being, but one who will be accountable to the American people as its leader. She will be a President who we can criticize and call to task in areas of disagreement—and we will. Donald Trump will be a sociopathic, violent, self-described “dictator on day one,” with complete immunity from any atrocities he chooses. To both sides these two candidates and offer false equivalencies is tantamount to participation in further bloodshed.
This piece from John Pavlovitz is spot-on regarding the Gaza Genocide and harm reduction measures being necessary by electing Kamala Harris.
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deadsetobsessions · 1 year ago
Headmaster Dumbledore is sure that the ghosts of Hogwarts were hiding something. He’d be the first to admit that he’s nosy when it came to things like these, but he simply doesn’t have the time. Whatever that lingered these halls, he’s sure does not mean Hogwarts any harm. The ghosts would not protect it if it did.
Albus Dumbledore Hummer around a lemon drop as his quill scratched over endless parchment paper.
His wand glowed green for a brief second, an acknowledgement, and settled down into its current owner’s hold.
Danny Phantom hadn’t thought the castle he found during the summer months in this universe would be… so full of life. Not when there were ghosts, floating around like the castle were their own home.
They were ghosts made of magic.
His core struggled, at first, to survive. Then, it took the magic and thrived.
He floated, invisible amongst the glittering candles beneath the imitated night sky, and watched students file in.
Quite different, from his own entrance.
He had floated into the tower, having felt a hint of resistance that he knew now were the castle wards. The ghosts, what he thought were ghosts before he realized ectoplasmic ghosts existed, stopped dead. Hah.
The shades dancing and whirling and conversing froze as he entered the tower. Life and death, and the beings that walked the line, stopped at the arrival of the One Who is the Line. The boy king wreathed in black and green glanced around.
“Hello. I’m Phantom.”
“The High King,” a ghost whispered. “Our king.”
“He’s an American?” Another one asked, scandalized. Danny, surrounded by those who he recognized as his, cracked the first smile he’s had in a while.
“Who cares? He’s…” The knight sunk to his knees, bowing with his ghostly sword in front of him.
The ghosts bowed. Danny floated in further. “Can you tell me where I am?”
“Of course.”
Now… he’s watching the children get Sorted. Weird, for a hat to decide your classmates, but whatever.
Harry Potter’s name is called, and the whispers broke out. He doesn’t know why, but Danny couldn’t ask the ghosts. They barely know the current headmaster, as the dead generally care only for their own times.
Danny decides to visit the lake octopus. Lake squid? Something like that. The mer people beneath the waters liked him, the last time he went. The Sorting is put out of Danny’s mind. He’s dead now, too. The only thing he cares about now is to explore the vast halls of Hogwarts and the occasional visit to the kitchen to steal some food for his living body.
(Thank the Ancients he found a house elf who knew what seasoning was.)
(Sometimes, Danny flew to where his home would have been and gets comfort food at the nearest town. He missed it, but he can’t go back.)
The ghosts know by now to call for Phantom should they need something (“I’m American,” he joked at the ghost. “We’re not big on kings. You can just call me Phantom.”)
The third year he’s there, Danny feels the effects of Clockwork’s power. When he investigates, it’s the red headed girl he once saw leaving the library, paper clutched in her hand.
She helped save one of his subjects, so he owes her. Plus, if she’s using Clockwork’s powers, this Hermione has potential.
And… she’s using it to study.
She reminds him of Jazz.
A wave of ice crackled and froze the fleeing rat and the feral wolf man.
“What?!” Harry screeched to a stop, eyes wide at the ghost child in front of him.
Danny turned, and landed gently on the ground. Snape snarled at him in suspicion. Danny allowed himself to become living again, black hair and blue eyes and tan skin replacing the white, green, black thing his dead form had.
“Who’re you?” The red-headed boy, Ron?, asked him through gritted teeth.
Danny smiled at them, dimples appearing. “A friend.”
Before the trio and co. could say anything, Danny whips his head around, palm coming up.
“Stop.” He orders. The creeping sense of cold and dread shuttered to a stop. “Go over there,” he said, and the dementors, hovering at the edge of his periphery obeyed. Danny turned back to the mildly terrified and flummoxed group.
“Let’s go. You’re all going to catch a cold, if you don’t move it. Especially you, scrawny and greasy.” He pointed at the godfather and Snape.
“Hey, Danny?”
“What, Harry?”
“Why’d you help us? I mean, you said you didn’t want to involve yourself in stuff like that.”
Danny hummed, wisped tail curling up against him as he soaked in the sun’s rays. “Because you reminded me of myself. And in the end, you died.”
“You literally brought me back,” Harry deadpanned, remembering the place between life and death, and how the angry Danny was when he stormed onto that train platform. The King had taken him by the scruff of his shirt collar like a particularly incensed mother cat, and dragged him off away from a puzzled Dumbledore.
“You were being stupid. You’re too young to die.”
“Like you?”
Danny snorted. “Nah. I didn’t have a choice.”
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rios-sythe · 1 month ago
Hockey sucks
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Dark!SamCarpenter x Reader — Highschool Au
Warnings: Sub-con, manipulation, anger issues, G!P Sam Carpenter, Oral Sex, choking, bad writing
Summary: it’s safe to say you were never the brightest when it came to love, or anything really. You were painfully naive and ignorant to any signs that someone you trusted could bring even the slightest bit of harm to you. Hence why when Sam Carpenter entered your life, you were fucked from the start.
A/n: Hii! This is my first time posting on tumblr so I hope this is received well. I’ve never written smut before or dark stuff so please don’t hate! I tried my best Ik it’s bad!
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Your Highschool felt like the classic American Highschool as loud cheers filled the school’s ice hockey arena.
You were in the locker room and urgently tied your hair. You were already late and missing the routine. Grabbing your pom-poms you sprinted out to where the other cheerleaders were.
The cheer team of course had their own designated spot on the bleachers where they could do their routine without knocking anyone out with a high kick (That had happened before and poor Mindy was sent to the nurses office)
Unlike most high schools, this schools main sport wasn’t Football, Track or even lacrosse. It was ice hockey. Woodsboro undeniably had the best hockey team. It was an all girls team and they were way better than the boys teams in other schools.
You didn’t care much for the sport itself, you were just excited to cheer on your girlfriend.
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
Sam and you had been dating for a couple weeks now and news spread fast.
Your relationship immediately gained attention from the other students, most likely because Sam was one of the most popular girls at Woodsboro high, and most attractive.
The minute this information got to the ears of Quinn Bailey, Sam’s ex, she came straight to you. She warned you about Sam, saying that if Sam wasn’t with you for your body then she was just leading you on. You refused to believe that.
You and Sam hadn’t had sex yet, Sam had made multiple comments about your body before but she never made any moves, but surely she wasn’t leading you on.
But no matter, you fell for Sam almost instantly. You met during a hockey game. Sam was sent to the penalty box (as always) and asked you to grab her water bottle. You of course obliged and she was quick to start flirting with you, complimenting your outfit, your hair, your body, anything.
You, being the naive little thing you were, completely misinterpreted her predatory gaze as a show of kindness.
You’d never experienced love before so when Sam told you she loved you on the second day of knowing you. You swooned.
You hadn’t heard those words before. Not even from your own mother. So you had to love her back, you couldn’t not.
I mean that’s how it works…right?
·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
You watched the match and as the players entered the rink you cheered loudly, waving your hands frantically to Sam who shot you a wink. You couldn’t help the giggle that slipped from your lips.
The game started okay. Sam managed to score a couple goals, but the other team was good, really good.
You grimaced slightly as a member on the other team collided into Sam—Knocking her over onto the floor. You knew Sam’s anger issues were really bad so you guessed she wouldn’t take this fall well and you were immediately proven correct.
Sam shot up, throwing her hockey stick onto the ground and yelling at the other player. She shoved her and tried to swing a punch but the referee came over.
He blew his whistle and pointed towards the penalty box. Sam grabbed her hockey stick and reluctantly walked over. She slammed the door and sat on the bench.
You instantly made your way over, holding Sam’s bottle. She was practically seething,
“You okay Sammy?” You asked.
Sam never got mad at you so whenever she was annoyed you never shied away.
She gave a small grunt and a nod as she grabbed the bottle from your hand and drank some. You stayed quiet for a moment.
“You’ve got like two minutes left and then you can play again…so that’s good” You smiled at her, always trying to look in the bright side. Sam glanced at you and just shrugged.
“The other team is really good…” you stated, not much thought behind your words. Sam scoffed,
“You don’t think I can see that? They’re beating the crap out of us…”
You quietened down slightly, unsure what to say from there.
Before you knew it Sam was allowed back in the rink. You took her bottle back and she looked at you,
“a kiss for good luck?” She asked, causing a smile to grow on your lips, you eagerly leaned in and connected your lips with hers.
She pulled away after a moment and put her mouth guard in and then her helmet.
The game definitely didn’t go smoothly and the second the final whistle blew you knew Sam wouldn’t be happy.
You watched Sam storm off to the changing rooms. You fidgeted with your hands slightly as you debated going after her.
After a moment you came around to the idea, you grabbed her bottle off the bleachers and swiftly went into the changing rooms.
You went in, smacking your hand over your eyes as to not see any of the girls changing.
You felt a calloused hand grip your arm and pull you along somewhere You recognised the hand as Sam’s so didn’t fight back.
The changing rooms were big, technically it counted as two rooms. Sam had taken you into the other room. You felt your back hit the wall harshly as you were shoved onto a bench.
You winced but Sam took no notice. She was pacing, cracking her knuckles.
“Sammy?” You tried.
“I can’t believe we fucking lost…” she finally spoke, “we never lose, I bet that team was fucking cheating too” you couldn’t think of what to say.
“You tried your best Sam” was all you could think of.
"well that obviously wasn’t fucking enough” She spat. She stopped in her tracks and stared at a spot on the wall.
“Sam?” you asked, pulling her out of her trance. She looked at you, “You okay?” You noticed a glint in her eyes, like she had an idea.
She walked over to you and crouched down in front of you.
“you love me right?” She asked. Your eyes widened slightly at the sudden question. But hesitantly, you nodded.
A smile crept up on her lips, “Well because you love me you’d do anything to make me feel better right?” You smiled and quickly nodded,
“Of course!”
“So…” she started, trailing her hand up your thigh as she spoke, “You’ll let me take my anger out on you?”
Sam’s finger tips crept under your short skirt. You gave her a confused look and a small tilt of your head, which she found adorable.
“just…just get on your knees…and let me use that pretty little mouth if yours” she stood up and stepped closer.
Her hand went to your shoulders and she looked down at you. Her crotch was inches away from your face, the bulge in her pants evident.
“You mean like…sex?” You whispered like it’s some sort of slur. Sam chuckled a bit and shrugged,
“Uh…not really? All you’ve gotta do is take my cock in your mouth and let me use you”
Sam met your gaze, reaching down to your throat. She didn’t squeeze, she just sort of held you there.
You gulped slightly, fidgeting with your hands in your lap.
“I don’t know Sam…I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet”
All of a sudden Sam’s soft eyes hardened and you could feel yourself shrinking under her harsh stare.
Her hand around your throat squeezed and you let out a small gasp. She leaned down so her eyes were level with yours.
“What so you don’t want to make me happy? Am I not good enough for you any more or something”
You quickly shook your head,
“No no you are…I’ve just never done anything like that before” you frantically tried to fix.
“well there’s a first time for everything doll”
Like a predator she practically pounced forward, capturing your lips in hers. You tried to squirm away but she kept such a tight hold on your throat and with your back pinned to the wall, you had nowhere to go.
Sam squeezed harder, causing another gasp to escape from your throat. She used that to her advantage and pushed her tongue through your lips, into your mouth.
All of a sudden she pulled away and pushed you onto the floor. You winced and looked at her. Sam sat on the bench and spread her legs,
“Come here…”
You got on your knees and shifted closer so that you were in between her legs. You looked up at her nervously. Sam started undoing her belt, the sound of the metal buckle clacking brought your attention down to it. She pulled her trousers down slightly, reached in and pulled her cock out.
It was large, to say the least. Pre-cum leaked from the tip. Sam slapped her tip against the corner of your lips condescendingly and moved her other hand into your hair.
She pulled your face closer,
“Open your mouth, doll” Sam muttered and you hesitantly obliged.
the second Sam could see even a slither of your tongue, she pushed her cock into your mouth, bottoming out straight away and ignoring the tears that came to your eyes and the whines you produced.
You gripped her thighs and she let out a groan of relief. Sam pulled your head back before guiding you back in,
“Suck it you slut” she spat. You hollowed out your cheeks and she continued forcing your mouth to suck on her cock.
The sounds of your gags and her quiet moans filled the small space. You gagged with each push as her cock hit the back or your head with every thrust.
“Fuck…” she grunted as her hips bucked into your face, “that’s a good girl” she grinned.
After a few harsh thrusts she forced your head down, your chin pressed against her balls as she released her load down your throat.
“Fuck yes…” Sam sighed and threw her head back. Tears trickled down your cheeks.
You squinted your eyes shut, gripping tighter onto her thighs. Sam kept your head there even after she finished,
“Swallow it” she muttered, loud enough for you to hear.
You managed to swallow most of her cum, the rest dripped down your chin.
Sam pulled your face away and pushed you back onto the floor.
Your eyes looked into hers, searching for any signs of approval or praise. She smirked at the sight and tucked her cock back into her pants. She stood and walked over to you.
You looked up at Sam as she stood above you. Her hand gripped your chin roughly.
“Got something to say, doll?” She asked you.
You paused for a moment and opened your mouth to say something but as she cocked her brow you quickly shut your mouth.
“That’s what I thought” she leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, contrasting to her rough demeanour. “I’m gonna go get changed, wait for me outside?”
You gave a small, quick nod and watched her leave the room.
Your heart was practically pounding in your chest. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, Sam’s cum still there. You wiped it off onto your skirt.
Your mind battled with itself, part of you told yourself that what just happened was wrong; but the other part (the louder part) told you that this was simply her way of showing her love, this is how love was and you would be selfish to think otherwise…right?
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fatkish · 6 months ago
Yandere giyuu x reader (sfw and nswf) pleaseee!!
Yandere Giyuu Tomioka x Reader HC’s
(This takes place in Kimetsu Gauken)
Giyuu wasn’t always infatuated with you, not at first
At first, you had come to the school as a student teacher
You were from another country that spoke primarily English
You were going to be the second English teacher as well as the foreign studies/culture teacher
You were very polite and super cheerful if not overly friendly
You struggled with getting used to Japanese culture and Japanese language
Where you’re from, hugging and such is super common. You struggled with keeping your hands to yourself and not being super affectionate with the other teachers
You also struggled with learning the language and the Kanji, you constantly got things mixed up, much to the amusement of some of your coworkers
Most of your knowledge of Japan came from anime and manga, so there was a lot for you to learn
You were just another coworker to Giyuu until one day you found him eating by himself in his normal spot
You thought it was sad to eat alone so you happily sat beside him and ate your lunch with him
You started a habit of eating lunch with him and slowly he began to open up to you
You would bring different foods to the school for lunch such as Italian, Mexican, Spanish, American, etc.
You’d bring foreign snacks and foods to share with your colleagues
You even made lunches for Giyuu since you noticed he ate the same thing everyday
You sat on the stairs next to him and opened your lunch and began to feed him fettuccine Alfredo
No one had ever gone out of their way to look after him the way you did. He’d refuse your cooking at first but you always managed to make him eat at least a few bites
After some time he started to develop feelings for you
He would look after you from afar, if you struggled with something he would help you understand it if no one else did
Whenever you made cultural mistakes, he’d gently point them out and explain them to you
He would introduce you to new foods and helped you get accustomed to living here
He started walking you home and walking with you to school
You became very close with him and he let you hug on him
Eventually a relationship formed between the two of you
He’s a very mellow Yandere, so long as you’re safe and happy and he’s your number 1 priority then he’s fine
He’s very awkward at first during your relationship but he loves the affection you give him. He loves when you snuggle him
Since you don’t really have any friends outside the school, Giyuu isn’t afraid of losing you
Giyuu knows better than to harm anyone who takes up too much of your affection. He’ll just pout and give you the silent treatment until you start to pay attention to him
He knows that social interaction is important for your mental health so he isn’t the type to close you off from interacting with others
Eventually as your relationship grows, so too, does his affection
You both eventually move in together
You share a bedroom with Giyuu and you both began to sleep together in the same bed
Once you both were comfortable with it, you took your relationship to the next level
In the morning you’ll get up and make breakfast and lunch for the both of you
Giyuu will come up behind you and wrap an arm around you
At night, Giyuu will give you lots of snuggles and cuddles
His favorite thing to do is lazily rut into you
When you first started having sex, Giyuu was rather upset seeing as you seemed to know and have more experience than him
You had to explain and show him the fanfiction and smut that you’ve read to prove to him that you got your ‘experience’ from reading
He was very eager to learn and was curious about what interests you
He made you create a list of your favorite smuts for him to read
That’s how he learned about eating pussy
And boy was he determined to make you come on his tongue
He learned a lot and everything he learned, he tried on you
He made sure to ask what you are and aren’t comfortable with so that he doesn’t upset you
When he first made you squirt, he was so damn proud of himself and you could see the slight smug smirk on his face
He isn’t against using toys, he thinks it’s interesting to see the faces you make from different stimulation
He loves to look after you and is so happy that you chose to love him
He’s going to be the best lover ever, so that you’ll never want to leave him, ever
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odinsblog · 10 months ago
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WASHINGTON, April 25 — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today released the following statement in response to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s claim yesterday that criticism of the Israeli government’s policies is antisemitic:
“No, Mr. Netanyahu. It is not antisemitic or pro-Hamas to point out that in a little over six months your extremist government has killed 34,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 77,000 – seventy percent of whom are women and children.
It is not antisemitic to point out that your bombing has completely destroyed more than 221,000 housing units in Gaza, leaving more than one million people homeless – almost half the population.
It is not antisemitic to note that your government has obliterated Gaza’s civilian infrastructure – electricity, water, and sewage.
It is not antisemitic to realize that your government has annihilated Gaza’s health care system, knocking 26 hospitals out of service and killing more than 400 health care workers.
It is not antisemitic to condemn your government’s destruction of all of Gaza’s 12 universities and 56 of its schools, with hundreds more damaged, leaving 625,000 students with no education.
It is not antisemitic to agree with virtually every humanitarian organization in saying that your government, in violation of American law, has unreasonably blocked humanitarian aid coming into Gaza, creating the conditions in which hundreds of thousands of children face malnutrition and famine.
Mr. Netanyahu. Antisemitism is a vile and disgusting form of bigotry that has done unspeakable harm to many millions of people. But, please, do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal war policies of your extremist and racist government. Do not use antisemitism to deflect attention from the criminal indictment you are facing in the Israeli courts. It is not antisemitic to hold you accountable for your actions.”
—Bernie Sanders
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mozzaicynth · 7 months ago
one thought everyday and its just the amazing world of gumball especially these three freaks (doodles + some headcanons below :3)
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mr small -
my interpretation of small becoming more mellowed out in the future seasons as opposed to season 1 is him managing his anger in a more healthier way (meditation, etc) (plus i think all those herbal infusions are incredibly effective on the nerves) . that being said i think he still has underlying anger issues and lashes out if prompted too much . another reason hes nicer and more of a pushover in the later seasons is because i like to think hes guilty of his plethora of outbursts earlier on, especially towards students (unwarranted shouting which as a school counsellor he should know is pretty harmful on younger kids) . the fact that he tries to offer his help when its absolutely not needed so many times later on in the show further makes me like to think he’s making up for it all
hes also so autistic to me hes on the spectrum you cant tell me otherwise and i think hes pretty awkward and considered strange by the whole town (which is saying a lot for elmore standards) . still super friendly and approachable but he also cant take hints and he definitely stims (and has special interests, alternative medicine are you kidding)
his music taste i love to think is all over the place … i get the general consensus is he listens to mystic chants and sitar music but he definitely listens to more, ranging from pop to indie to rock to metal (this may or may not have become an idea when i was listening to ‘darts by soad and associated it with him,) . also what with his stupid little self funded album that is such a jarring listen ‘cause of all the ridiculous genre changes
i think he crochets/macrames as a hobby along with other diy stuff (most of the decorative items in his home crafted by him) making him, surprisingly considering how incompetent he is sometimes, super crafty/handy .
larry -
larry is a great person: incredibly intelligent, he’s very knowledgable on a plethora of subjects and he has a big heart, holding little to no virtriol against the people of elmore (except the wattersons but that is SO warranted) . thus i like to imagine he did great in school, moved on to do so wonderfully in uni whilst juggling jobs and his studies but after graduation was left stuck (alike so many people nowadays) . neither small or larry came from well off families but i think for larry he didn’t have much of a support system anyway so currently he overworks and works and works just to catch up on the student debt whilst simultaneously paying his taxes (i still think about that episode all the time fuck the police . big pink son of a bitch), loans and not to mention the bare minimum to keep himself alive
he’s a very sweet and kind person but anyone under the immense stress that he’s under would be irritable and temperate (he deserves to be more angry imo) and i whilst he has so many jobs he always aims to excel at all of them, having an incredibly particular way that tasks must be done and having them organised . because of this, he can be a lot more temperate when interacting with coworkers, especially those who don’t do their job as well, having to take matters into his own hands . as he and karen (his girlfriend throughout the series) share some jobs it puts a strain on their relationship (which was built off of the mutual ‘having several jobs’) and they break up .
even so, though larry consistently tries to propose to her in the show, in “the laziest” he doesn’t seem to be happy nor comfortable at all with the prospects of marrying her . in fact, even when he’s achieved the ‘american dream’ (properties like a house and car and a family (his girlfriend soon to be wife)) he’s unhappy . personally i don’t think he knows what he wants to do with himself ; he works all day and night and has little to no time for himself to even think in peace that the only purpose he knows is work .
i like to think he used to be an artist; self taught, it was a hobby and an enjoyment but his studies and his work took over so his one form of self expression was squeezed out of his life .. (i like making their lives as bleak as possible soz ! 🙏) he still admires the arts and i think that’s another reason he likes steve so much; his handcrafts and mini projects .
steve and larry are two opposites that are similar in ways .. but i love their dynamic so much . my interpretation of them is that steve will help larry balance out his life slightly better to leave room for himself instead of working 24/7 . steve has his head in the clouds and larry grounds him, and larry is so stuck in his ways with work that steve pulls him out of it slightly, lifting him up a little higher (AUGHHHGHH I HATE THEM I HATE THEM
as for their relationship with rob, im very much a stevelmeyer adoption truther !! both larry and steve coming from dysfunctional families, they aim to help rob and take care of him to the best of their abilities . further, larry taking on taking care of rob gives him direction in his life again . 😁😁😁😁😁😁
this isnt gonna be the last post headcanon/idea wise i still think of them 24/7 but heres jus SOME things .. (im such a yapper sprry not sorry !) :3c
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