#happy patch day will ALWAYS be relevant though. i love you happy patch day you’re a timeless masterpiece
illidan · 7 months
can everyone listen to greyfoo’s world of whatever/spacebar clown album with me rq
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rinkrats · 3 years
🥺 that mike lange story. But also those tags #sid loooves christmas #he loves giving presents #looks good in red #piles on the pounds fast #post hockey career as santa 😂😂👌🏽👌🏽
he loves his mementos and presents and is COMMITTED to them. scrapbooking. matching jackets. little pills with hidden motivational messages~*~ his love language is gifts and neck smooches and stalking geno. relevant right now are some anecdotes i sent a friend earlier this year for dorky sid gifts fic fodder:
1. Crosby's constant thoughtfulness would be impressive from anyone, much less someone of his stature.
"Sid always texts me happy birthday, he's always asking me like, how's Russia?" Evgeni Malkin said. "We talk and message all summer. He asks me how my skates are. He knows, like, everything. He follows my Instagram, I think (laughs)."
In addition to having a handle on those little details, Crosby is constantly providing those around him with memories and mementos. If the team is on the road and goes, say, sightseeing or to a sporting event and takes a group photo, Crosby will later send a framed copy to everyone.
When Ron Hextall and Brian Burke watched their first Penguins game in person, Crosby is the one who approached head equipment manager Dana Heinze and asked for two used game pucks to give to the new GM and president of hockey ops. 
After the Penguins won in 2009, Crosby had jackets made for the three players on the team who had scored a Cup-clinching goal in Game 7: Talbot (Pittsburgh), Ruslan Fedotenko (Tampa Bay) and Mike Rupp (New Jersey).
"They were blue jackets with gold buttons, and each one had a patch on it that said 'GWG Game 7,'" Talbot said. "At one of our first team meals the next season, he presented us with the jackets and did a big ceremony with the music and stuff. We had a private room in the restaurant. I still have the jacket."
-The Consummate Teammate, Captain and Ambassador, Feb 2021
2. Merz: My first interaction with Sid was when we were on the bench, guys were talking about a teammate, and the first thing this 15-year-old says is, “Hey, guys. Let’s keep everything positive. Don’t talk about your teammates that way.”
Salcido: When we were getting ready for nationals, he found these little pills that you could put a hidden message inside. They unscrewed, and inside was a tiny scroll. He gave one to every teammate. … He had everyone fill one out. He didn’t tell anyone what to write, but he made it known that we all knew what the goal was: winning nationals. So we wrote on our scrolls, rolled them up and put them in the pill thing. We kept them with us everywhere we went.
-‘Is this real?’: Stories of Sidney Crosby’s year at a Minnesota prep school, May 2020
3. On “Butterfly Boy” Jonathan Pitre:
Though the Senators are his team, Sidney Crosby has always been Jonny’s favourite player. After the TSN documentary airs, Tina gets a call from the Penguins. Sid needs Jonny’s measurements. He wants to have a suit made for him by his personal tailor, Domenico Vacca.
“It’s the kindest, sweetest gesture,” Tina says. “Sid heard that Jonny went to a lot of games, so he wants him to look like he’s one of the guys.”
“I want him to feel like a pro,” Crosby says. “Here’s a guy who is going through something so painful, and his first thought is always, ‘How can I help others?’ When I was young, I’d watch on TV the players coming to the rink in their suits. That was a cool part of being an NHL player. I want him to feel that, to make it as real as possible for him.”
Tina tries to discreetly measure Jonny while she’s changing his dressings. But he’s way too smart for that.
“Um, Mom, why are you measuring me? Am I going for surgery again?” he asks.
“No, no!” Tina replies, trying to reassure him and come up with a good lie, all in the same breath. “The doctor needs them just to make sure they have proper dressings next time you are in.”
A few weeks later, the sharp navy blue suit shows up at their front door, along with a couple of ties, an autographed stick and a handwritten letter from Sid. 
“His eyes just light up,” Tina says. “Jonny always liked to be well-dressed, and he just loves having his own suit. It fits perfectly. He looks so good in it.”
-Beauties by James Duthie (2020)
4. Pascal Dupuis inspired his Pittsburgh Penguins teammates on their run to the Stanley Cup, and Sidney Crosby found a special way of driving that message home.
Dupuis retired in December with lingering health concerns because of blood clots. Despite his NHL playing days coming to an end, the veteran forward remained an integral part of the Penguins and was in uniform to hoist the Cup after Pittsburgh's six-game win against the San Jose Sharks in the Stanley Cup Final.
On Sunday, Dupuis brought the Cup home one last time as a player to share a special day with his family, friends and hometown fans.
"Yes, it does feel bittersweet a little bit," Dupuis said. "You get the Cup, you want to celebrate. But at the same time I got a gift by the mail [Saturday]. Basically, it's a book of all the pictures of all the good stuff we went through. It came from Nova Scotia, so you guys can figure out who it came from (Crosby), but he couldn't give it to me during the season, he saw me skating a little bit.
"And he sent it [Saturday], before my day with the Cup, so he knew what he was doing to get me right here," Dupuis said, putting his fist over his heart.
-Pascal Dupuis shares Stanley Cup with family, friends, Aug 2016
5. In 2011, Crosby was out of the lineup with a concussion, and the Penguins made their annual visit to Children’s Hospital.
Crosby got along so well with one boy there and was so touched that he later asked Bullano to go back... just the two of them, no cameras, no attention.
When Bullano and Crosby met for the follow-up visit, Crosby appeared clutching a pair of Toys “R” Us bags, filled with a Transformer toy the two had discussed.
“He literally bought every type of this toy they make,” Bullano said. “[Crosby] had never seen it before and thought it was so cool.
“There are no pictures of this. There’s no video. He was laying in the bed with the kid. They were just playing. We were there for over two hours. I got to know the mom really well because we were just sitting there.
“The kid had no idea. Didn’t expect it. They had no idea he was coming. We got there and he said, ‘Hey buddy. hope you don’t mind that I came back.’ The kid couldn’t believe it.
“[Crosby’s] crazy cool about stuff like that.”
What’s crazy is trying to recount the many times stuff like this has happened with Crosby:
• The Little Penguins Learn to Play program has been around for nine seasons, outfitting now 1,200 kids with free head-to-toe hockey equipment. Not only does Crosby serve as the face of the program — which the NHL has now adopted — but he helps fund it, too.
“There’s an awareness of what a person in his position can bring,” Penguins vice president of communications Tom McMillan said. “I think he activates that as much as anybody I’ve seen during his playing career.”
• After a recent practice, Crosby noticed a local family in the Penguins dressing room, approached them, introduced himself, learned their story and wound up giving them a signed stick.
Nobody asked Crosby to do that, and he wanted zero credit when discussing it a couple days later.
“For people who have the opportunity to come in here, people dealing with certain things, if you can brighten their day a bit or spend some time with them, it’s something that’s special for all of us,” Crosby said.
• A few years ago, through a team charity event, Crosby befriended a 4-year-old Amish boy with cancer. Crosby remarked to Bullano how much he loved talking to the boy because of how engaging the boy was and how he wasn’t consumed with technology. Crosby even tried to visit the boy but learned he had passed away.
• He learns the first and last names of the kids who attend his hockey school in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia.
“Two kids came from Japan its first year,” Bullano recalled. “He was so blown away by that. He couldn’t wait to meet them.”
• Earlier this season, the Penguins welcomed Grant Chupinka, 24-year-old cancer patient, into the dressing room. Crosby chatted up Grant and his parents, Steve and Kim.
He spent his usual time — about two or three times the requirement. Gave the tour. Then found out the Chupinkas didn’t have tickets for that night’s game and decided he would pay for them to go.
“I’m sure he could just give them an autographed puck or something, but he takes his time to go out and see them and talk to them and get to know them,” Brian Dumoulin said. “It speaks volumes for him and who he is as a person.”
Spend any length of time with Crosby during his visits with those less fortunate, and a few things become obvious.
One, Crosby is really good at these. Smooth but not in a slimy way. Sweet. You know how when you’re around someone talking and they go out of their way to make eye contact with everyone around? That’s Crosby.
He’s also humble, always introducing himself like those he’s meeting don’t already know. Holding a hand is no issue. And Crosby is the rare 20-something pro athlete without kids who acts every bit like he does.
“It is not an easy situation to talk to someone with terminal cancer,” McMillan said. “A lot of people couldn’t do that. He has an amazing ability to do that and make that person feel good.”
Crosby has welcomed several Make-a-Wish kids and tries, if at all possible, to schedule such events for practice days — to maximize the time he’s able to spend.
He’s developed a special friendship with Patrick McIlvain, a soldier who nearly died when he took a bullet to the head in Afghanistan. McIlvain actually does physical therapy with one of Crosby’s sticks.
A former club hockey player at Cal U, McIlvain comes by every year, and the Penguins don’t even bother to tell Crosby. Either he already knows or immediately stops what he’s doing to come say hello.
“He’s not doing it to leave a legacy,” said Terry Kalna, Penguins vice president of sales and broadcasting. “His numbers leave the legacy. He’s just a down-to-Earth, good guy.”
Before a visit, Crosby has Bullano email him what is essentially a scouting report on who he’s going to meet. He likes to learn about them, their situation and what they’ve been through. As much information as he can ingest. Crosby never just swoops in, shake a hand and leave.
“As much as anyone has ever seen, he accepts the responsibilities of being not just a professional athlete but a star professional athlete,” McMillan said. “He views it as part of the job. Like coming to the morning skate. That’s just what you do.”
Put another way, “he owns those moments,” says Kalna.
Said Bullano, “He’s just a good human being.”
-When it comes to giving, Sidney Crosby does as much as he can, Feb 2017
6. When Crosby received a generous signing bonus on his Reebok deal, he wanted to share it with everyone.
“He gave everyone on the bus gifts,”  says Oceanic radio commentator Michel Germain. “Him sharing his bonus with all the people he’d been travelling with for two years, that impresses me greatly. I think the most important thing about Sidney Crosby is his personality and the kind of human being he is. What he exuded. The inner richness he’d already developed.” 
-Superstitious and generous, Dec 2006
7. also this simply because it makes me ;w;
Even in defeat — no, especially in defeat — Sidney Crosby proved why he wears the "C" for the Penguins.
After the game, with his heart sinking and his season over, the Penguins’ captain bent over, sank to the ice to pick up the puck, took it to linesman Tony Sericolo and then skated to his team’s handshake line.
I immediately thought of a View from Ice Level I’d written on Crosby making sure a retiring official was sent away from PPG Paints Arena properly. I knew picking up the puck wasn’t for the same reason that was, but I also knew, in some way, it was connected to Crosby’s awareness and respect of the game.
“It was for the Islanders,” Crosby told me after the game, his eyes swollen from a first round exit – by way of a sweep to make it worse. He told me how the winning team always wanted the puck, and it was his way of providing it for the Islanders.
Crosby looked me right in the eye as he told me this, just as he did with every other member of the media to come to him after the loss.
I could tell from those swollen eyes and the way he sat at his stall, by himself with his hands folded as he stared blankly, that Sidney Crosby is much more used to being on the receiving end of a puck when a series ends than he is at retrieving it for the winning team.
That scene. His swollen eyes. Staying in the locker room until most had left – talking to anyone who needed him. Most of all, though, picking up the puck that prompted my question in the first place and making sure the right people got their piece of their own history.
It all adds up to one thing: In victory and in defeat, Crosby respects the game above all else – just as he’s always done.
-Even in defeat, Crosby shines, April 2019
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wolfstar-in-color · 3 years
July Colorful Column: Remus is a Crip, and We Can Write Him Better.
There is one thing that can get me to close a fic so voraciously I don’t even make sure I’m not closing other essential tabs in the process. It doesn’t matter how much I’m loving the fic, how well written I think it is, or how desperately I want to know how it ends. Once I read this sentence, I am done.
It’s written in a variety of different ways, but it always goes something like this: “You don’t want me,” Remus said, “I am too sick/broken/poor/old/[insert chosen self-demeaning adjective here].”
You’re familiar with the trope. The trope is canonical. And if you’ve been around the wolfstar fandom for longer than a few minutes, you’ve read the trope. Maybe you love the trope! Maybe you’ve written the trope! Maybe you’re about to stop reading this column, because the trope rings true to you and you feel a little attacked!
Now, let’s get one thing out of the way right now: I am not saying the trope is wrong. I am not saying it’s bad. I am not saying we should stop writing it. We all have things we don’t like to see in our chosen fics. Maybe you can’t stand Leather Jacket Motorbike Sirius? Maybe you think Elbow Patch Remus is overdone? Or maybe your pet peeves are based in something a little deeper - maybe you think Poor Latino Remus is an irresponsible depiction, or that PWPs are too reductive? Whatever it is, we all have our things.
Let me tell you about my thing. When I first became very ill several years ago, there were various low points in which I felt I had become inherently unlovable. This is, more or less, a normal reaction. When your body stops doing things it used to be able to do - or starts doing things you were quite alright without, thank you very much - it changes the way you relate to your body. You don’t want to hear my whole disability history, so yada yada yada, most people eventually come to accept their limitations. It’s a very painful existence, one in which you constantly tell yourself your disability has transformed you into a burdensome, unworthy member of society, and if nothing else, it’s not terribly sustainable. Being disabled takes grit! It takes power! It takes a truly absurd amount of medical self-advocacy! Hating yourself? Thinking yourself unworthy of love? No one has time for that. 
Of course, I’m being hyperbolic. Plenty of disabled people struggle with these feelings many years into their disabilities, and never really get over them. But here’s the thing. We experience those stories ALL THE TIME. Remember Rain Man? Or Million Dollar Baby? Or that one with the actress from Game of Thrones and that British actor who seemed like he was going to have a promising career but then didn't? Those are all stories about sad, bitter disabled people and their sad, bitter lives, two out of three of which end in the character completing suicide because they simply couldn’t imagine having to live as a disabled person. (I mean, come on media, I get that we're less likely to enjoy a leisurely Saturday hike, but our parking is SUBLIME.) When was the last time you engaged with media that depicted a happy disabled person? A complex disabled person? A disabled person who has sex? No really, these aren’t hypothetical questions, can you please drop a rec in the notes?? Because I am desperate.
There are lots of problems with this trope, and they’ve been discussed ad nauseam by people with PhDs. I’m not actually interested in talking about how this trope leads to a more prevalent societal idea that disabled people are unworthy of love, or contributes to the kind of political thought processes that keep disabled people purposefully disenfranchised. I’m just a bitch on Tumblr, and I have a bone to pick: the thing I really hate about the trope? It’s boring. I’m bored. You know how, like, halfway through Grey’s Anatomy you realized they were just recycling the same plot points over and over again and there was just no WAY anyone working at a hospital prone to THAT MANY disasters would stay on staff? It's like that. I love a recycled trope as much as the next person (There Was Only One Bed, anyone?). But I need. Something. Else.
Remus is disabled. BOLD claim. WILD speculation. Except, not really. You simply - no matter how you flip it, slice it, puree it, or deconstruct it - cannot tell me Remus Lupin is not disabled. Most of us, by this point, are probably familiar with the way that One Canonical Author intended One Dashing Werewolf to be “a metaphor for those illnesses that carry stigma, like HIV and AIDS” [I’m sorry to link you to an outside source quoting She Who Must Not Be Named, but we’re professionals here]. Which is... a thing. It’s been discussed. And, listen, there’s no denying that this parallel is a problematic interpretation of people who have HIV/AIDS and all such similar “those illnesses” (though I’ll admit that I, too, am perennially apt to turn into a raging beast liable to harm anything that crosses my path, but that’s more linked to the at-least-once-monthly recollection that One Day At A Time got cancelled). Critiques aside, Remus Lupin is a character who - due to a condition that affects him physically, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually - is repeatedly marginalized, oppressed, denied political and social power, and ostracized due to unfounded fear that he is infectious to others. Does that sound familiar?
We’re not going to argue about whether or not “Remus is canonically disabled as fuck” is a fair reading. And the reason we’re not going to argue about whether or not it’s a fair reading is because I haven’t read canon in 10-plus years and you will win the argument. Canon is only marginally relevant here. The icon of this blog is brown, curly haired Remus Lupin kissing his trans boyfriend, Sirius Black. We are obviously not too terribly invested in canon. The wolfstar fandom is now a community with over 25,000 AO3 fics, entire careers launched from drawing or writing or cosplaying this non-canonical pairing. We love to play around here with storylines and universes and races and genders and sexualities and all kinds of things, but most of the time? Remus is still disabled. He’s disabled as a werewolf in canon-compliant works, he’s disabled in the AUs where he was injured or abused or kidnapped or harmed as a child, he’s disabled in the stories that read him as chronically ill or bipolar or traumatized or blind or Deaf. I’d go so far as to say that he is one of very few characters in the Wide Wonderful World of media who is, in as close to his essence as one can be, always disabled. And that means? Don’t shoot the messenger... but we could stand to be a tiny bit more responsible with how we portray him. 
Disabled people are complicated. As much as I’d like to pretend we are always level-headed, confident, and ready to assert our inherent worth, we are still just humans. We have bad days. We doubt our worth. We sometimes go out with guys who complain about our steroid-induced weight gain (it was a long time ago, Tumblr, okay??). But, we also have joy and fun and good days and sex and happiness and families and so many other things. 
Remus is a disabled character, and as such, it’s only fair that he’d have those unworthy moments. But - I propose - Remus is also a crip. What is a crip? A crip - like a queer - is someone who eschews the limited boundaries placed on their bodies, who rejects a hierarchy of oppression in favor of an intersectional analysis of lived experience, who isn’t interested in being the tragic figure responsible for helping people with dominant identities realize how good they have it. Crips interpret their disabilities however they want, rethinking bodies and medicine and pleasure and pain and even time itself. Crips are political, community-minded, and in search of liberation. 
Remus is a character who struggles with his disability, sure. But he’s also a character who leverages his physical condition to attempt to shift communities towards his political leanings, advocates for the rights of those who share his physical condition, and has super hot sex with his wrongfully convicted boyfriend ultimately goes on to build community and family. Having a condition that quite literally cripples you, over which you have no control, and through which you are often read as a social pariah? That’s disability. But using said condition as a means through which to build advocacy and community? Now that’s some crip shit. 
Personally, I love disabled!Remus Lupin. But I love crip!Remus Lupin even more. I’d love to see more of a Remus who owns his disability, who covets what makes him unique, and who never ever again tells a potential romantic partner they are too good for him because of his disability. This trope - unlike There Was Only One Bed! - sometimes actually hurts to read. Where’s Remus who thinks a potential romantic partner isn’t good enough for him? Where’s Remus who insists his partners learn more about his condition in order to treat him properly? Where’s sexy wheelchair user Remus? Where’s Remus who uses his werewolf transformations as an excuse to travel the world? Where’s crip Remus??
We don’t have to put “you don’t want me” Remus entirely to bed. It is but one of many repeated tropes that are - in the words of The Hot Priest from Fleabag - morally a bit dubious. And let’s face it - we don’t always come to fandom for its moral superiority (as much as we sometimes like to think we do). 
This is not a condemnation - it is an invitation. Able-bodied folks are all but an injury, illness, or couple decades away from being disabled. And when you get here, I sincerely hope you don’t waste your time on “you don’t want me”ing back and forth with the people you love. I’m inviting you to come to the crip side now. We have snacks, and without all the “you don’t want me” talk, we get to the juicy parts much faster. 
Mod Theo
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nmjd1234isazombie · 5 years
Wish Upon A Star
This story is for @starr-fall-knight-rise and his Humans are space orcs stories.
Adam Vir, Jim Vir, Sunny, Ramirez, and Maverick all belong to him.
I love your work and the characters you have developed, I have not seen a story like this so I took the liberty of touching on the subject. I hope it is to your liking and my apologies if any character appears to be OOC.
It started like any other day for Adam Vir; he got up, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and headed to the mess hall for breakfast, running into Sunny along the way the pair struck up a conversation about a topic relevant to them. They entered to find the area usually packed, “Commander over here,” a woman’s voice rang out, arm-waving through the air, “we saved you two a seat,” she added as the duo skirted around the room.
“What is going on?” Sunny asked from Vir’s side.
“It’s Thompson’s birthday,” Vir said, “you wait here with Maverick and Ramirez. I’ll be back with food,” he said, disappearing into the crowd.
“What is a birthday?” Sunny asked, sitting.
“It’s a way to mark the passage of time,” Maverick said, “its the day you were born, everyone has a birthday even if they celebrate it or not.
“That sounds like fun,” Sunny said.
“Do the Drev have anything like a birthday?” Ramirez asked.
“I have food,” Adam called placing a big bowl of green and golden colored flowers in front of Sunny and a plate of pancakes in front of his place, “round one is served.”
“How many helpings do you think you’ll make it this time?” Maverick asked with a smirk.
“I say three this time,” Ramirez said, standing, “off to get more, back in a sec.”
“Bet you a week of latrine duty, I can make it to four,” Vir said between bites.
“I’ll take it.”
An hour later, Sunny left the mess hall caring Vir in her arm’s as he held his stomach, “you should have stopped at six,” Sunny chided.
“It was worth it,” Vir moaned before he belched, his face turned bright red, “my God Sunny, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine; Maverick makes worse noises when it’s just us girls.”
“I don’t want to know, sorry, though. Thanks for the lift.”
“Don’t worry about it and no problem, I don’t think you would have made it to the bridge without...what is the saying ‘tossing a cookie’ or something.”
Vir laughed as she lowered him to the floor, “it’s ‘tossing one’s cookies’ but close enough, thanks again.”
The pair walked on to the command deck, he and the crew enjoyed a peaceful morning and early afternoon when a call came from earth on a privet line.
“Patch it through,” Vir said, thinking it had to be some politician calling again for him to make an appearance, “This is Commander Vir of the Harbaginer who may I ask is calling?”
“Hello, Commander,” the silky voice of a woman greeted, “my name is Abagale Hexing. I am from the ‘Make-A-Wish’ foundation. I am sending authentication to you now.”
Vir looked to his communications officer, “it’s good, sir,” they said.
“Well, Mrs. Hexing, what can I do for you?” he asked, curious what they had to say.
“Please call me Hex; I am calling on behalf of one Nataly Ross, a 13-year-old with leukemia, which is a big fan of yours. Her wish is to meet you, Commander Vir.”
“Me!? Are you sure it’s me and not…
“It’s you; she wanted to be a scientist when she grew up and to go out into the stars to explore but didn’t think that was posable because she is missing both her legs. When she saw an interview with you from when the movie was coming out, well, she, in a sense, fell in love with what you represent. A chance to do what you want with nothing holding you back, but nature is a cruel mistress and cancer hit. She’s a trooper, but with everything, her body can’t keep up, and her final wish is to meet you.”
Silence ran through the bridge before Vir spoke up, “I don’t know what I can do for you; we are far out from the earth.”
“I know, it took two months to be able to call you, and I did explain to her that a face to face meeting would be almost imposable, but I was thinking about a conference call so you can talk with her.”
“You know what let me make a few calls...give me two hours,” he said, hanging up with the agent.
“Are you alright, Adam?” Sunny asked, seeing a single tear roll down his face.
“I’ll...I’ll be fine.”
Two weeks later Vir found himself packing a suitcase for the final leg of his trip to Chicago, his father had picked him up at the airport an hour ago, and now he was settling into his old room.
“Where’s mom?” he asked, coming into the kitchen to see pizza boxes.
“At the gala in New York,” Jim said, taking a glass from the cabinet.
“Oh, right forgot that was coming up, thanks again for letting me stay.”
“You’re always welcome home. Now eat your mother cant know I had a pie well she was gone she would have my hide.”
The Vir men laughed and had a long night of catching up before Jim shooed his son to the bedroom, the following morning Vir took to the air in a civilian transport that he found noisy and overcrowded. He landed three hours later in one of the older cities of the country. It still held such beauty despite how small it is.
Making his way to the hospital he met Hex in the main lobby, “I can’t believe you came, thank you so much, Nataly will love this,” Hex said as they moved towards the elevator.
“It’s the least I can do; I’m still having a hard time believing someone wants to meet me, and not someone of the dozen spices we’ve meet.”
“That would have been far easier like I said it took two months to get in contact with you and another month before that to find the right department. They kept messing with me, what are the odds of calling six departments and getting someone named Adam every time.”
Vir snorted at that, “yes, what are the odds,” he said.
They arrived, and Hex entered first, “hey Nataly, do you remember me?” she asked.
“Ya, your that ‘Make-A-Wish person,” came the quiet voice.
Vir’s breath caught he’s heard voices like that before, ones laden with regret, pain, and hope all in one, “well we managed to get in contact with Commander Vir, but…
“He’s a busy man and can’t make it; I know my dad said it was a stupid idea to ask…
Vir stepped into the room, “well your dad is wrong, kid,” he said enjoying the shocked look on the parent’s faces from the other side of the hospital bed, but not as much a seeing the light in the girl’s eyes, they were bright green like his, he noticed.
“Oh. My. God, it’s...it’s...it’s…”
“Your name is Nataly, right?”
“He knows my name,” the girl squealed, “Commander Vir knows my name!!!”
“Call me Adam; Hex here said your a big fan, and...well, you have me for the whole day.”
Hours flew by for the Commander, he enjoyed every minute of his time with Nataly, she’s smart, funny, a bit crazy basically a mini him, he could see her becoming a brilliant and well-respected scientist.
He forgot why he had been called and why the child had been in the hospital in the first place, “you know I could see you working on my ship one-day, you’d fit right in,” he said over dinner.
Nataly’s face fell at his words, “unfortunately, ‘one-day’ won’t come for me,” she said, “sorry I didn’t mean to kill the mood…”
“It’s alright, I should be the one to apologize, mouth meets foot,” Vir chuckled.
“It’s time for bed, Nat,” Nataly’s father said, “thank you, Commander, for today, I haven’t seen my little girl so happy,” he added, walking Vir out of the room.
“I’m glad she had fun.”
“Have a safe trip home.”
“I will thank you.”
Three more weeks pass before Vir returned to the Harbangier and back on duty, those weeks had been a blur for him as he thought long and hard on the situation he had been in with Nataly.
He decided before walking on to the bridge; he would do it again in a heartbeat.
Note: Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed.
Story two: https://nmjd1234isazombie.tumblr.com/post/613680391235289088/the-reunion-tour
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patroclusonly · 4 years
It’s not fair (until it is)
What do you mean I can’t write titles lmao. 
Okay this got a little long and I feel like some parts are good and some parts are meh but yk it is what it is 
Buck is an angel and deserves the world and he should get the apologies he deserves!
read on ao3
Buck had celebrated Hen’s win with the team. 
After all, she had basically started a surgery on a moving ambulance and done it right, saving the guy’s life in the process. He was happy for her, she deserved the recognition. But then he overheard her and Bobby talking about how the hospital wasn’t going to present a formal complaint even though she broke many rules. 
And Buck couldn’t help but think that if it had been him on that situation, he would at least get a suspension. 
He was always the one punished in some way for every little thing. He was always the one naive and wrong that needed to be told that no, he couldn’t do that and because he did it, he had to pay for it somehow. And looking back at all the mistakes the rest of the team had made, he didn’t think that was fair. 
He’ll admit, the first time he was fired, Bobby was right. He was irresponsible and immature and he learned and changed. Everything was fine for a while after that, but then he got crushed by the firetruck and he had to fight with everything in him to get back to his job. 
Five months. It took him five months to heal and to do the physical therapy and to do all the training again for his recertification. He was so close. 
And then the pulmonary embolism happened and everyone seemed to think he was too irresponsible with himself to be helping other people. When the reality was that he had been training, he thought he had overworked a muscle, how could he had known that he had blood clots. So then he had to step back and heal again, and he did. He didn’t like it, but he did. He waited patiently. 
And then Bobby had admit to being the reason they wouldn’t let him go back to work. Buck had been so angry. The one person he trusted with everything had gone behind his back and kept him from doing what he loved. And when that lawyer had pointed out that he was being held back for being on blood thinners but Chimney had gone back to work less than a month later after having a rebar through his head and being stabbed multiple times, he had felt that anger again.
Because it wasn’t unfair. If he had gotten a cut while being on blood thinners, Chim and Hen would be there to patch him up right away. But if Chimney’s wounds weren’t properly healed and he had had internal bleeding, that would have been much more dangerous. 
He didn’t have to go that far back to compare how different he was treated compared to the rest of them. Eddie had been street fighting and Bobby had found out. But he only got a warning and a pat in the back. 
And Buck didn’t want them to be punished, not at all. He just wanted to understand why he was the one disfavoured every time. That thought stayed on his mind the whole day, leaving him with a bitter feeling.
The next weekend, they had gathered together for drinks at their usual bar. It had started great, he was enjoying spending time with everyone. But then they started talking about how great what Hen did was and that bitter feeling came back.
“Why is it that I am the only one punished for things?” He asked suddenly and everyone turned to him. 
“What do you mean, Buck?” Chimney had asked after a moment of silent stares.
“Well, I was fired and kept from coming back to work for things much less relevant than some of the things that have happened to you guys, yet none of you has ever been suspended or anything.” He states frowning and everyone exchanged looks between them, not knowing what to say. 
“You needed to learn the lesson, to understand that you can’t just get out of something serious and keep going like nothing happened. You have to be professional about some things.” Bobby explained carefully and Buck was taken aback. Tilting his head and narrowing his eyes, he sat straight on his chair. 
“No. A lesson is something a father teaches his son. You’re not my father, Bobby, you’re my boss. And if that’s your reason, I think you were the unprofessional here.”
“There are rules to follow…” Bobby started but was interrupted.
“Hen broke the rules yesterday.” He said glancing in her direction. “What about that?” He asked, leaning forward, elbows on his knees. 
“Eddie put everyone at risk by street fighting and coming to work injured. That could have affected the whole team.” He said looking directly into Bobby’s eyes, ignoring how his friend tensed up beside him. “What about that?” His tone got angrier with each word. 
“Chimney got a damn rebar through his head and got stabbed but less than a month later he was back in full duty again.” He got up abruptly. “What about that?” He pointed at the direction where Chimney was. Bobby stood up, looking calmly at him. 
“Your situation was different, Buck.” He said but Buck was not having it.
“How was it different?” Buck scoffed angrily. “Because all I can see is me repeatedly getting screwed over and everyone else getting unlimited free passes.” He was raging now and his eyes were burning from keeping the tears at bay. 
Everyone stared a him with concerned faces, probably because it wasn’t like him to get this angry, or angry at all. But he was done playing nice and taking the unfair treatment.
“Buck…” Maddie stood up slowly, ready to comfort her little brother.  
“Tell me you don’t see how unfair it is.” He faltered, looking at everyone else on the table. He only got stares and bowed heads as a response so he scoffed bitterly and stormed out of the place. He heard Maddie calling out for him but he was too mad to care. 
He got into his car and drove to his apartment. He got there and as soon as he was inside, he started crying. He knew now they probably would hate him, but he couldn't keep quiet anymore. He was starting to realize that he needed to stand up for himself because no one else was going to do it for him. Not even the people he considered family.
He let the tears fall for god knows how long, sitting against the door. Once he felt like he had no more tears left in him, he got up and went to the bathroom. A shower would calm him down enough to sleep. 
He got ready for bed and was about to turn all the lights off when he heard a knock on the door. He decided to just ignore it, he didn’t think it would be someone from the team considering that it had been over an hour and they hadn’t even text him.
“Buck?” He heard Maddie’s voice as the door was closed. He sighed and walked down the stairs, not even looking at her and sitting in the couch. 
“Everyone probably hates me.” He said, covering his eyes with his arm. 
“No one hates you, Evan.” She sat next to him, putting a reassuring hand on his leg.
“Why wouldn’t they?” He uncovered his eyes, sinking further into the couch. “I basically told them they should have been reprimanded for their mistakes and that Bobby was wrong about everything.” 
“They don’t hate you.” Maddie repeated, patting his knee. “If anything…” She stopped for a second, taking out her phone and typing something. “You made them see how wrong they were.” She finished and smiled at him. He frowned at her. Made them see? 
Before he could ask her what she meant, the front door was being opened and everyone was coming into his apartment. He didn’t move, didn’t know what to do. But they seemed to have a plan because they gathered in front of him, smiling softly.
He looked at Maddie for answers but she just nodded her head and looked at the others.
“I’m sorry.” Bobby spoke,  tone calm and gentle. “You were right. I let my worry for you cloud my judgment and I hurt you because of it. Athena warned me and I didn’t listen.” 
“I sure did.” She interrupted and gave Buck a fond look at which he smiled. 
“I know, I know.”  Bobby continued, raising his hands in surrender. “And truly, Buck, I’m really sorry and I hope you can forgive me.”
“And us.” Chimney spoke up from the side, giving him a gentle smile.
“Yeah, Buckaroo. We’re really sorry, we haven’t been the best friends to you and that’s not fair because you’re always there for us.” Hen chimed in, looking at him with her head tilted to the side and a small frown.
“Hopefully, you’ll let us make it up to you.” Bobby smiled and everyone stared at him expectantly. He couldn’t help the smile that broke into his face. 
“Okay.” He whispered and everyone cheered. 
“Come on!” Maddie got up and he followed her, being pulled into a tight embrace by everyone around him. 
“We love you Buckaroo.” Bobby told him once they broke apart and his smile got bigger.
“And I love you all.” He answered softly, eyes filling with tears again, but luckily this time they were from happiness. 
After their apologies, they ordered pizza and stayed together, talking, laughing. Buck was grateful for them and he was happy that they finally understood what he felt. But one person seemed off for Buck. Eddie. He hadn’t talked much since they got there and every time Buck looked at him, he was already looking back. 
After about an hour, all of the sudden, he got up and looked at him.
“Buck, can I talk to you in private?” He walked away from the group and went up the stairs, not even waiting for Buck to answer. Buck watched him go and when he noticed everyone staring at him and Maddie nodding his head in the direction Eddie had left, he followed. 
He heard everyone mumble unintelligible things while he was going up and once he got to his room, he saw as Eddie paced back and forth beside the bed.
“Everything okay?” He asked and Eddie’s head shot up.
“Uh…” He walked up to Buck, standing a few inches apart and hesitating for a second before going on. “I am sorry, okay?” He asked, looking up at Buck’s eyes. 
“Yeah, you all said you were sorry, I forgave you. It’s okay.” Buck shrugged and gave him a little smile.
“No.” Eddie groaned and passes a hand over his face. “I am sorry. I told you I would always have you back and I didn’t. You were hurting and I didn't do anything about it.” He whispered the last part, arms slumped and looking down.
“Eddie, hey.” Buck draw his eyes back up, with a hand on his shoulder. “I understand, man. You were just following cap’s lead” He shrugged with one arm,  a soft smile on his face to reassure his friend that he wasn’t mad anymore. 
“But it’s not okay.” He shook his head, locking eyes with Buck. “I shouldn’t have shut you out. I was angry because it felt like you were leaving us, leaving me... and instead of reacting like a good friend and trying to understand your side of things, I reacted from pain and I got angry and distant to protect myself but I am sorry.” 
“Eddie, I’m never leaving you.” Buck comforted him, pressing both hand softly on his shoulders and rubbing with his thumb. “Not as long as you want me to stay.” 
“What if I want you to stay forever?” He said so quietly that Buck almost didn’t hear him being inches apart. But he did and his smile got so much bigger and Eddie looked at him cautiously, waiting for his answer. 
“Then let’s hope Chris doesn’t get tired of me too soon.” He joked and Eddie finally relaxed, a shy smile appearing in his face. 
“He’ll never get tired of you.” Eddie answered confidently, with a soft smile.
They stood there, smiling at each other. Neither of them wanting to break the warm atmosphere around them. Eddie darted a glance from Buck’s eyes to his lips and he flushed. Buck laughed softly. 
“You okay?” He asked teasingly and Eddie flushed even harder and then took a deep breath. 
“I’m about to do something risky and you should totally stop me if you don’t want to but…” He trailed out and looked at Buck’s lips again, leaning closer  and leaving a soft kiss. He pulled away and Buck couldn’t help but chace his lips and bring him back in with a hand on neck. 
The kiss was slow and tender, Buck’s hands keeping Eddie closer by his neck and Eddie’s cupped Buck’s face, stroking gently with his thumbs. 
They pulled apart only because they had to breath. They pressed their foreheads together, eyes closed and fond smiles on their faces. 
“You know I love you, right?” Eddie whispered, opening his eyes and looking into Buck’s. 
“I do, but it’s nice to be reminded.” He answered and gave Eddie a quick peck. “I love you too.” Eddie brought him into an embrace, breathing in his scent and sighing in content. 
“We should probably get back down there.” Buck finally said, laughing when Eddie groaned. “You can stay the night, though.”
“I’d love that.” Eddie answered, giving him a quick kiss and taking his hand, walking to the  stairs. 
Once they were downstairs, Eddie gave him a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth before going to sit on the couch and Buck could swear he almost melted for how gentle he was. 
“Ha! Told you, pay up.” Hen said and Buck let out a laugh when everyone else started complaining, looking over at Eddie who was smiling back. 
Now his family saw him, understood him and was there for him. At last, he knew, he would be all right. 
Tagging: @diazbuckleysworld @captainstennerstar @reachgirl I hope you like it!!
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allegedlybenparker · 4 years
if u give me random, sincere compliments/displays of affection i will literally never let you go and i will stick by you through almost anything!!
“you don’t say much in class but when you do it’s always really valuable” (overheard a friend say this to another friend and I definitely wasn’t tearful or heartwarmed)
“i know you find opening up hard, so thank you for giving me a chance and showing me who you are underneath”
remembering and respecting my boundaries/triggers and sensory issues is a big plus (and essential for a strong relationship, but i really appreciate it nonetheless)
“you feel like/remind me of/are home”
when someone is talking about how much they care about you and they start getting teary/crying (had this happened to me, love you dad :’D)
when someone is willing to pause whatever they were watching/listening to to listen to you explain something that isn’t even relevant to anything but you just gotta explain it; bonus points if they’re genuinely interested or keep the conversation going and ask questions
when someone randomly buys you food to share; bonus if you’ve had a rough week and needed some extra love
“i genuinely love hanging out with you/being around you” bonus if they’re shy/an introvert because this is one of our Ultimate Compliments
“you seem like one of those few genuinely good people, who’s so kind and caring and really warm... you just give out really sincere, good vibes”
when someone listens to you ramble on and explain stuff that won’t make much/any sense to them but they’re happy they get to see you so excited and passionate about a subject
when someone says “i love you” but they brush your cheek and look you in the eye and they’re so sincere and you can’t help but cry
when you’re in a QPR/QPP and you’re both willing to break society’s deeply-entrenched stereotypes and redefine love as a special kind of relationship only you two get to have
when you’re alone with them and it isn’t awkward or tense or uncomfortable, even if it’s silent; or when you can just completely be yourself around them without fear or judgement
(if you’re living together) when you get home after a long day and you see them and you just instantly relax; or they see you and feel the same
when someone ditches a party/social gathering to, just to hang out with you; bonus if they’re an extrovert who usually loves loud parties but they’d rather hang out with you :D
when you feel safe enough to cry around someone and they feel safe enough to cry around you :’D
when you both know you can say/admit anything without judgement and they feel safe enough to open up
when they care enough about your relationship to set clear boundaries and communicate though rough patches :D
reblog with a random, sincere compliment/display of affection or a sign that your relationship is really deep, secure and healthy!! (your relationship can be romantic/platonic/familial or otherwise!)
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Rosebud Prep 10
Healing, it’s much harder than must people think. Yet somehow not a complicated process. Ruby had healed before plenty of times. The loss of Pyrrha, the disasters that came from failed missions, the merge of Oscar and Oz; Ruby managed time and time again to learn from these scars. Dustin was different. It felt like she hadn’t learn anything. All this time she refused to look ahead like Oz had been trying to tell her calmly before things got physical. It was bitter pill to swallow but one she needed to take. Things needed to change before it was too late. She needed to start making steps. No one would blame her if they were small steps but that’s not how Ruby Rose operated. Where most people walk, she runs. They run, then Ruby sprints. Ozpin had just help her “sprint” all the way to Menagerie and has feet planted on the first steps leading to Blake’s house.
Ozpin:You sure you don’t want me to walk up with you?
Ruby:I’m sure. This is one of things you have to do alone ya know? It’s just my sister....and her new wife.....that have helped me through think and thin. Including my wedding, which is more than what I can say I did for them. I really hope they yell at me.
Ozpin:Feeling like you need to be punished and deserving punishment are two different things. The guilt you feel is proof enough that the ladder isn’t needed.
Ruby:Or maybe my guilt is the ladder...
So began her very long walk on the average sized stairway. In truth she felt like running away. Yang had a way of always making her feel like a little kid despite their age. Ruby have had to own up to mistakes countless times to her big sister and it never got easier. Apologizing out loud to anyone always made her more emotional than she probably should be. Ruby mentally kicked herself for not practicing what she’d say on the boat ride to Menagerie. Even as the final stone step was conquered, not a thing came to mind.
Ruby:(Sigh, guess I’m winging it. Probably not the best move coming from a leader but oh well.)
“Well look who the cat dragged in? The right family tree but the wrong branch.” Said the elderly voice that immediately caught Ruby’s attention. Her gaze was directed to the front entrance and of Yang’s new home. On the porch was a rocking chair that instantly was recognized; as well as the person in it..
Maria:What’s with confused look? I say all you kids are still as sporadic as ever. What are the odds I’d meet you here of all places after all this time and not around Vacou? I only live one town over you know.
Ruby:That’s why I’m confused. Why are in front of Blake’s home? Why are in you in Menagerie in the first place?
Maria:What does it look like I’m doing? House sitting of course! The love birds asked me to keep an eye on it while they went on their honeymoon. They should be back today.
Ruby:(Wow, I really am out of the loop.)
Maria:Didn’t notice I was even gone did you?
Ruby:*scratches head* Well.....
Maria:I suppose it’s only natural. A bag of bones like myself doesn’t believe I’d be at the top of any list of relevance. Especially when more important things like weddings are also being skipped.
Ruby:*frowning*Is that your way of telling me I’ve been dropping the ball? Trust me, I’ve noticed...
Maria:Of course. Why else would you be here? Unless one of your many missions has brought The Storyteller to these pleasant shores? You’ve been busy. Too busy.
Ruby:Oz already told me. I really could do without another lecture. Besides, at least innocent lives are safe.
Maria:Sigh, still a kid I see. Wet behind the ears and all.
Ruby:I’m twenty three and I don’t think I get exactly what you’re implying. If anything I’ve gotten pretty good at being an huntsman.
Maria:For a normal perhaps, but that does not apply to you now does it? When was the last time you looked in a mirror? It’s alarming how dim your eyes have gotten.
Ruby:My eyes?
Maria:See for yourself.
Ruby reaches for her scroll and pulls out the camera. Maria was right. It was faint but the iris of her eyes were different. What once was piercing silver now looked a bit clouded and gray. She didn’t know what to make of it but it was hard not to be concerned now.
Ruby:I had no idea.
Maria:Yeah that’s obvious. I know you’ve never been much of a prissy girl but I would’ve thought you looked in the mirror every so often. Anyway idea why it’s happening.
Ruby:Are you actually asking me or are you quizzing me?
Maria:*smiles* Well it looks like you’ve learned at least one thing from your time with me. I suppose that’s worth a straight forward answer. It’s-
Ruby:My will to preserve life? Yeah, haven’t really had that mindset in awhile. I know that isn’t exactly good but believe me, not like I didn’t try to stay positive. I just.....hoping and being positive has been on short supply.
Maria:You know it’s rude to call me out and cut me off mid explanation?
Ruby:Was my answer wrong?
Maria:Sigh, no you are right. Your headspace isn’t what it used to be. Sure you’re killing grimm but are you aren’t simply doing it to protect people. You’re venting all the pent up anger and hate inside you. It’s a far cry from what the silver eyes powers are based off of. Though I can’t really blame you for falling off course. Losing a kid harbors more than enough pain to change anyone.
Ruby:Yeah, it is. *holds her chest*
Maria:What’s eating away at you.
Ruby:I want to move forward. To smile like I used to be able to but I can’t see it happening. The pain I experienced isn’t something that will actually go away and I shouldn’t think it will; I understand that. But how am I supposed to laugh and be contempt with life if it doesn’t? Living in a world where I’m happy after all of this seems like a fantasy.
Maria:It really does. Overcoming such turmoil with a smile in the very end sounds like something straight out of a fairytale book. Sounds like your specialty, or did I end up spreading around an inappropriate nickname for you?
Ruby:*Eyes widen* Nickname? Wait, The Storyteller? That was your doing!?
Maria:Why so surprised? Who else could’ve come up with such a brilliant nickname. If it was left up to you then you’d be call the The Grimm Reaper number two.
Ruby:I...*red* I would not.....
Maria:*smiles* Twenty three huh? So young to have done so much already; way more than what I did at that age. Guess that leaves you room to do even more impressive stuff. A name like The Grimm Reaper was always too small for the scope of work you do. Making miracles out of nothing, now that has you written all over it. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. Those eyes of yours will shine brighter than ever. They believe so too.
“Damn right we do. Right Blake?” “I call her purity for a reason.” Both voices sent a chill down Ruby’s spine. Her ears burning from hearing the two people she waited for standing behind her. There was no time wasted turning around to see Blake and Yang in holding luggage in one hand while the other two held each other’s. The sun had a way of bouncing off their rings and shining broken light around them.
Ruby’s eye marveled at it for a second. It was beautiful. She wondered what it looked like during the exchange. The sour thought made her wince a little before looking at Blake. Her friend smiled at her softly before making Ruby notice Yang by bending her left cat ear up and down. Ruby was scared but eventually looked at Yang. There wasn’t a smile; just a simple stare right at her. Any expression carefully hidden. Ruby’s throat ran dry as silver eyes met lilac. Her mouth opened before immediately closing. Tears started to well up and it began increasingly impossible to maintain eye contact.
Her body shook slightly and Ruby found herself looking away from both of them. The entire time her mind racing in frustration about her behavior and actions. Before she knew it, Yang was right in front of her and cuffed the right side of Ruby’s red face. There eyes met again but it was different this time. A visible look of comfort yet concern was on the blondes face. A dam inside Ruby finally gave way and she started audibly crying. Yang pulled her baby sister into a tight embrace and rubbed the girl’s head.
Ruby:I’m sorry......I’m so sorry.....
Yang:Ssssshhhhh it’s okay. We’re okay; we’ve always been okay.
Ruby:You should be angry with me! Furious even! I....I cut you out. Ignored you during the happiest times of your life because I was angry mine were gone. What kind of little sister does that!?
She was running out of breath yet continued to cry her heart out. Her arm wrapping around Yang like her life depended on it. Wanting to never let go again. Yang did nothing but continued to comfort the girl. Happy to finally see her again.
Yang:How could I be mad at my little sister who was grieving. I was just scared. Scared that I’d never see you try to bounce back from something like this. I’ve always known how to help you with things but with this it was different. I ran out of ideas and all I could do was hope one day something will change; that time itself could heal a problem I had no clue how. That it could give you back to me. *crying* I never lost hope your strength. Ruby I love you.
Ruby:I....I love you too.
Blake:*sniffles* I guess I should tell Weiss the team is all here. She’d be mad if she missed a reunion.
Yang:Hehe *sniffles* No kidding. You are staying for awhile right?
Ruby:*wipping her face* Actually...I was hoping... all of you can come with me to Vale. I think I’ll need the moral support....
Yang:Do you even have to ask? Also....ummm, what’s with your eyes? They are all cloudy or something?
Maria:Wow, noticed it in no time flat. Maybe she should have them.
Ruby:*groans in defeat*
First step achieved, or at least half of it. The other half was waiting in Patch under a tree; rubbing a very happy corgi’s belly while his handler tended to the sunflower garden under the evening sun.
Tai:So, any plans for the rest of day while you still have some daylight left? Or are you gonna turn in early like you’ve been doing since you got here.
Jaune:I stay up late sometimes.
Tai:And proceed to watch tv and eat before going back to sleep or rubbing Zwei’s belly. He’s never gonna let you leave if you keep showing him this much attention.
Jaune:It’s calming and what else exactly am I supposed to do?
Tai:Go to a restaurant. A park maybe? I didn’t force you to shave your stubble just so you can watch reruns all day. Take it from me, you only feel worse staying in one place.
Jaune:I know. That’s why I’m not home remember?
Tai:A very good step, but you do know technically you’re still not seeing anything. You just chose to stew in your thoughts with a friend. It’s flattering but the point is to stop stewing all together. Best way to do that, occupy your brain. There’s a movie in town we can go see if you like.
Jaune:....Zwei bark twice if you want me to stay here. Bark once if I should see a movie.
Arf arf!!!!
Jaune:You heard the man.
Tai:He always barks twice. That’s why his name is Zwei.
Jaune:What? No way.
Tai:Zwei bark once if we should feed you table scraps or bark twice if we should start another great war.
Arf Arf!!!!!
Jaune:Maybe he just craves destruction. Like a war dog, or a hell hound. Are you an agent of chaos little guy?
Zwei gets back on all fours and gives a puppy face that would either tell Jaune that he was completely wrong or an act to cover up sinister intent. The corgi ran onto the knights lap and licked his face before scampering off down the dirt path. Both blonde men looking puzzled for a moment before hearing a shriek of excitement and seeing Zwei raised up by a familiar figure. Jaune stood up and looked closely to see Weiss happily loving the dog.
Weiss:Oh how is my favorite guy in the whole wide world!? Yes you are! Yes you are!
Jaune:Weiss? What is she doing here?
Tai:(I swear that dog has better lady luck than anyone. Even Raven likes him.) I guess his number one fan wanted to drop by and see him. I certainly didn’t call her.
Weiss:*happily humming*
Jaune:Uhh Weiss?
Weiss:Hmm? Oh! *clears throat* Sorry, didn’t see you there hehe. Nice to see as always.
She promptly puts Zwei down and opens up her arms to Jaune. Maybe it was current situation or her mind playing tricks but her friend seemed to move a little faster than normal to share a hug. Weiss couldn’t help but remember how fast she moved at Haven’s inn when Ruby and Yang invited her into a hug a few years ago. This held a similar energy to it. The poor was really going through it right now and she had no problem making the embrace last until he decided to end it.
Weiss:Look at that. You’ve shaved since the wedding. Glad to see you look more rested. I’m gonna be honest though, your hair is getting a bit long don’t you think.
Jaune:I could go back to the crew cut....
Weiss:I will personally destroy every episode pair of scissors if you do that.
Tai:I’ll help! Shaggy looks good on you.
Jaune:No one appreciates experimentation.
Weiss:People do when it works.
Jaune:Did you fly all the way here to judge my looks? I already have Tai trying to take away my jeans and black t-shirts
Tai:Change of clothes help state of mind. I’m trying to get him to brighter colors.
Weiss:First of all, Tai we should talk sometime about colors. Second, Jaune I am here to bring you Beacon. That is all the information I can give you. *grabs his hands* Do you trust me?
Jaune:Even if I didn’t, you’d just drag me there.
Weiss:Yep. Tai you should come along too. I think it might make things even better.
Tai gave a look of integument at the tiny girl that gave the same look back. He needed no convincing or explanation. Call it fatherly instinct but he had a feeling in his gut he knew what might be happening. The man patted the dirt off his hands and stood up ready.
Tai:Looks like we have afternoon plans Jaune. Bark twice if you wanna come too Zwei.
Arf Arf!!!
Weiss started to pull her friend down the path towards the airship she had arrived in. In a matter of minutes they were inside and taking of. Jaune wasn’t exactly thrilled with how fast he went from enjoying outside to going on an adventure. He wasn’t going to complain though. In truth, after that faithful day, sunsets were something he could live without.
His head swiveled to the cockpit to look outside all the same. He was caught off gaurd to notice the pilot was sporting a pair of black cat ears.
Blake:Hey Jaune. Nice hair. Needs a slight trim though.
Jaune:Why is everyone- I’ll get around to it...
He felt Tai pat his shoulder in comfort. All those years in a house filled with women and yet even he could hold out for so long before bowing out of any debate. Jaune chose to close his eyes and rest instead. He hadn’t done anything straining for a few weeks yet more often than not he was drained of stamina. It wasn’t a mystery why but it was still shocking to say the least.
This surprise had just started and it was already sapping what energy he had. It didn’t go unnoticed by the others on board. A tired Jaune was a rare sight to see; they wished to keep it that way. Weiss tugged on his arm and the two of them began to lean on each other lightly. She smiled to herself as she felt his body slightly let go of tension.
Weiss:No problem. Just rest for now. I’ll tell you when we’re there.
The ride was short but nice. Blake hadn’t flown the airship too fast for Jaune to handle and even took a longer route to give him more rest time. It was thoughtful but also a bit wasteful as they all found out when finally landed. Yes he rested, but Jaune never really went to sleep. A moment of reprieve was more accurate. Jaune was the first one to leave the ship and started heading up the street. One by one his friends and family caught up to him and enjoyed the comfortable silence.
Traffic was non existent. There was no clutter of trash or people on the streets. The entire area seemed to be bathed in an orange light for miles. A gust of autumn wind gave slight goosebumps and a familiar feeling of grief. How long would it be before this season once again brought him happiness and not the sight of a helicopter fading away? He doubt he’d find a decent answer. Instead he kept walking towards the giant gate he’d seen so many times with some of the people he still had. That number only grew with each step.
The familiar stone road still sported light posts on each side every few feet. About three fourths of the way there sat his teammates on each side; patently awaiting his arrival. Ren and Nora waited for Jaune to be completely parallel with them before walking along side him. Still nothing was said. Nothing had to be. Jaune could see up ahead was Yang leaning on the gate entrance. Her hands rested in her pocket and a sense of ease radiated from the place she stood. The gap between them closed as they met eye to eye. Jaune’s eyebrow raised in curiosity about this unexpected gathering. They had all met not too long ago for the wedding. Yang gave him a playful punch in the arm along with a smile that could warm the coldest of nights.
Both gates opened behind her and she moved out the way. What came next was something he wanted to hope for but didn’t out of fear of disappointing himself. Pass the gate sat Ruby in the middle of one of the stone walkway openings. She was staring at the statue a little ways away. Jaune tried to open his mouth to finally speak but was denied that immediately. Multiple hands found their way to his back and gently nudged him forward; everyone else stayed behind. He gave one final look at all of them before nodding and walking towards his wife. It only took a seconds before he realized he stood right next to her. Silence broken at last.
Jaune:Why here?
Ruby:This spot. It holds a lot of weight for me. You know why don’t you?
Jaune:Of course I do. We first met here.
Ruby:Did you know this ground was mostly intact after the fall? Barely any of it had to be replaced. I bet I could turn one of these slabs over and still find the tiniest bit of Weiss’s dust from that day.
Jaune:Pretty sure you sneezed it all away.
Ruby:Heh. I really thought that was going to be one of the miserable days of my life. Then I met you. You offered me your hand and then your friendship when I needed it the most. Jaune you turned that day from bleak to dazzling and I’ve never forgotten it; you were there when I felt lonely. *shaking* So when I say I’m truly disgusted that I have not shown the same level of compassion, I meant it.
Ruby:*crying* Please, I have to say this....
Ruby:I made a vow to you on our wedding day to be by your side through any adventure because it was our adventure. The two of us are a packaged deal. Best friends, co leaders, husband and wife....yet the moment all hell broke loose, I left you alone. I broke our vow and there will never be a valid excuse for that in my eyes. Both of us lost Dustin yet I didn’t act like it. In no way have I been a good wife.
Her voice started cracking. Ruby rose to her feet and stood facing Jaune. There was no part of hey that was still. Her chest was heavy as she tried to breathe.
Ruby:You deserve better than what I have given you and that’s a fact. I’ve seen first hand what a husband, a father can go through after so much loss with my dad but that didn’t stop me from making a similar mistake. If you could possibly find inside yourself to forgive an idiot like me, then I swear that things will be different or so help me, my name as a huntress might as well burn! First and for most I stand by you as your wife and I-
A gasp escapes her lips as Jaune touches her face. Her tears run down the palm of his hand while his own finally roll down to his chin. Ruby’s hands raise up to meet the one on her face. Her nimble fingers trace it until they feel his wedding band.
Jaune:Can you please stop talking bad about the woman I love? She’s been through enough and I just want to kiss her. My love, is something she’ll never have to doubt. It wouldn’t be much of an adventure of it was easy right?
Her eyes widened before a sudden burst of tears flowed out again. Ruby jumped into his arms like her very soul depended on it. Jaune hoisted her up slightly and together shared a kissed that could only be described as the embodiment of love as they know it. Every bit of pain in them could be felt through it but so could their love. A love that mended the vow Jaune never saw truly broken but merely tested.
Ruby:Don’t ever doubt my love either okay? You’ll always be my home. My knight.
Jaune:As will you. My rose.
Their hands interlocked as shared another embrace. Finally she’d done it. The first step was taken, and she took it with everyone on a simple day. Where the wind felt crisp and the world was bathed in sunset.
Part 9
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
I was just wondering if you’re doing tarot readings could I get a romance/love one? My initials are TL and his are BW 🥺🥺👉🏼👈🏼
here you go darl!
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tarot: eight of cups, seven of wands, the tower, knight of pentacles, 6 of swords, king of wands/the magician, 6 of cups/the lovers, 7 of pentacles. 
Okay well to start we have two cards that both deal with transition. The 8 of cups is about letting go of or walking away from something be it a situation, mindset, or person. The 6 of swords is similar though it’s more strongly tied to journeys. It often signifies that something is coming to an end. These cards together, and their emphasis on moving on/walking away, indicates that you (or perhaps BW) are entering a phase of transition. This could be symbolic of a past relationship that you (or he) have been affected by, maybe someone it took a while to get over. It could also just represent the transition from being single to being in a relationship, especially if you’ve been single for a while. It may be saying that you now believe yourself ready for a relationship and are willingly opening yourself up to the possibility. You’re choosing to move forward and find a relationship that will make you happy rather than dwelling on past hurts or self-doubt. 
The next cards are interesting. Firstly, the 7 of wands is about perseverance and defending your position. It may be that there are people who would oppose a relationship between you and BW or who would advise you not to be with him. But this card suggests you would stand your ground. Similarly, the King of wands is also related to overcoming challenges. In the Jane Austen deck, some cards double as major and minor arcana and I take both meanings into account as I read them. The King of wands is bold and optimistic, energetic and passionate. He’s a leader and devoted to those he loves. And the Magician is related to willpower, desire and manifestation. You want this relationship, you believe there could be a future in it. And you’re ready to fight for it, ready to make it happen, no matter what other people might think. 
Next up we have the Tower. This card signifies a dramatic or sudden change, often causing chaos as you deal with it. A lot of the time this is considered disastrous or traumatic but not always. Even the most chaotic and confusing of changes can be good and part of the cycle of destruction is rebuilding. In regards to a relationships this card can indicate a break up but it can also signify a breaking down of your perspective on or understanding of the entire notion of love. This may indicate a period of self reflection as you consider what you believe about love and how those beliefs impact you. Use it to develop an individual understanding of what your needs are when it comes to relationships, and what expectations you are putting on yourself and others. It could also relate to the “walking away” indicated by the first two cards. This may be about changing unhealthy ideas you were left with after a previous relationship or about moving into a new phase of your life. Ultimately, the outcome of whatever this change is will be a positive one.
The Lovers is the card you want to show up in a love reading. In the Jane Austen deck it doubles as the 6 of cups which is a card of happy memories and healing. The 6 of cups can also relate to nostalgia and past relationships so if BW is an ex who has come back into your life, that may be relevant. Otherwise this bodes well as you taking steps to heal from whatever it is you left behind with the first two cards. Ultimately, the Lovers card signals that you are heading towards a long and lasting relationship. You may have to go through a rough patch before it will happen, but it will be worth the wait and whatever chaotic or troublesome situations you have to deal with. The Lovers card speaks of a balanced and supportive relationship but it also speaks of choosing that commitment, choosing to be with each other. 
Finally we have the knight of pentacles and the 7 of pentacles. Both of these cards relate to hard work and diligence. The knight of pentacles is reliable, efficient, and committed. Though he can be stubborn he is also patient and trustworthy. This card may signify BW much like the king of pentacles signified you. With you being a king and he being a knight, it could mean that you’re a little older or a little more mature, or perhaps that you’ve got a little more experience than him. This card also indicates a partnership in which both of you will be working towards your goals together, both willing to put in the time and effort it takes to create a strong relationship. And that’s confirmed by the 7 of pentacles which refers to hard work, perseverance, and diligence. This card warns that love may be slow to flourish but you will be rewarded eventually. It’s also a reminder that love isn’t always big romantic gestures and constant excitement. Love and relationships require both partners to put in the time and effort and energy every day to make them work. As a small aside, the 7 of pentacles may also indicate a romance born from friendship, so if BW is someone you’ve been friends with for a while, consider this a good sign. Especially since we had the 6 of cups earlier. 
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Onto the oracle cards. 
Your Love Oracle is Rhianna and her three pieces of wisdom are: The badder you are, the better it is. / Sometimes you have to stick it out through the storm. / You have to be strong to let yourself be weak. I think the second one is the most relevant, especially with that tower card in the middle of the spread. Things won’t always be easy but persevere and everything will work out for the best. 
The two heart shaped cards say: Romance - Cupid’s arrow strikes! and Let there be closeness between you, but always give reach other space. Love never claims, it simply allows and gives. So there is something between you with that Romance card. And I think that second one really ties in with the 7 of pentacles energy as well as the balance of the Lovers card. 
And last but not least, you got 3 romance angel cards. Getting To Know Each Other (As you reveal your innermost selves to each other, your bond deepens.) / Heart-To-Heart Conversations (Honestly discuss your feelings with each other.) / Forgiving and Learning (As you release and heal the past, you experience more love in your present moments.) That forgiving and learning card definitely ties in with the 8 of cups/6 of swords transition energy and there is definitely something you need to let go of before you can move into this relationship. Heart-to-heart could be related to the work mentioned in the knight and seven of pentacles cards. And getting to know each other is interesting considering the couple of cards we got about friendship/memories. If you aren’t already friends with BW this may be a sign that becoming friends first would help you build the relationship. 
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wonderlandmind4 · 6 years
The Winter Soldier: A Ghost Story Chp-3
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Pairing: Winter Soldier x OFC
Summary: Most of the intelligence community doesn’t believe he exists. The ones who do call him the Winter Soldier. He’s a ghost story. So why does he keep coming back?
Warnings: None
Important Note: I said it before, but this story is a lot darker than anything I have ever wrote with the themes in it. Please proceed with caution during those moments. Everything in this story is a connection.
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Also, I lied. I did update a fic! Whoo! Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoy this super short yet important chapter :) and thank you for being patient with me (one shot fic on the way)
March 16th, 2012 6:00am
Ophelia wakes to frost on her window and a throbbing ache in her side. She groans pitifully, cursing her sleeping self for rolling over and staying on her bruised side. Maybe she’ll call Saige to see if she has any pain killers to ease the bruise. Of course, then she would have to explain to her sister why she needs them in the first place, and opening that can of long buried worms will not be fun.
She rolls onto her back carefully. Just as she’s contemplating calling into work and staying in her warm cozy bed, then cat pounces on her out of thin air. She groans as he landed on her injured side and chest, paws digging into the bruise and her cleavage. Binks chirps shortly, clearly irate at the lack of food. He flops down on her chest, belly up beneath her chin.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” She grumbles, patting his belly. Binks’ response is to bite her wrist. “Okay, demanding diva.”
After she gets up and feeds her starving cat, she’s dressed and ready for work by seven forty-five. The frost on the windows don’t give way to snow like it did several nights before, and for that she’s thankful. The winter lasted a bit longer this time around, and as much as she loves the snow, she’s ready for Spring. Especially when Ophelia slips on a patch of frozen ground just as she’s about to enter the work building.
She catches herself on the handle of the door, the quick movement tweaking her ribs. She rolls her eyes because if she doesn’t stop doing these little abrupt movements, the healing will just be prolonged. Slow clapping comes from behind her as she straightens up, shooting an unimpressed look over her shoulder.
“Graceful. I thought you were the master at heels and ice,” Carter quips, a playful smirk on his mouth.
“Tell me how you met your husband, again?” She counters, yanking the door open to cautiously step inside. She doesn’t hold it open for him.
Carter huffs as he enters himself. “I don’t recall.”
Ophelia hums thoughtfully. “Wasn’t it a snowy, iced filled day, and you just couldn’t take your eyes off this handsome man, so you stepped in slush, slipped and busted your ass in front of him?”
He clears his throat as he follows her down the hall to the coffee kiosk. “Your point?”
“It was just a very kultzy meet-cute is all,” She smiles brightly as they get in line.
“Well, now we’re married so, he must’ve seen something in me.”
She chuckles while patting his shoulder. “That he did.”
Two hours into the work day, and Ophelia is only a quarter of the way through proof reading those policies. She welcomes the break when the intercom on her desk phone beeps.
“Ophelia, do you mind running those files of the International Waters Piracy reports over to me?”
“Not at all, sir,” She responds, quickly slipping her feet back into her maroon pumps. “Did you want the Defense protocols as well?”
“Please. The afternoon meeting got pushed up, starts in ten minutes.”
Pausing her search through the filing cabinet, she says, “I wasn’t informed, sir. I’m sorry-“
“Nonsense, I was just informed about it.”
“In that case, shall I scan them and send them or the hard copies will do?”
“Hard copies, thank you.”
“I’ll be right there.”
Once she finds and gathers the files, Ophelia saves the proof reads she uploaded to her computer and exits her office. She makes her way over to the conference room where the meetings are usually held, placing the flies on the long table, sliding them over to where her boss is sitting. He glances up from his phone, greeting her with a nod.
“Did you have a good weekend? As I haven’t gotten a chance to ask you yesterday,” He inquires lightly, dragging the folders over.
She can’t help the way her spine tenses just a little but she’s careful to keep her expression calm. “Yes,” she answers a little belatedly. “It was boring really. Just hung out with my cat. Exciting stuff. How about yours, sir?”
He hums distractedly for a moment as he looks over the files. “Good, very good. You know, Daniel came home this weekend. If I would’ve known you were just sitting there alone, I would’ve suggested you come over for dinner.”
“Sir,” Ophelia begins kindly, “I would have appreciated the offer. However, Deb- your wife, always seems to get a little-“ She breaks off, waving her hand in the air.
“Reminiscent?” He finishes with a smirk, “I know. You know how Debora is though. She adored both of you together.”
Ophelia mentally winces. The past relationship she had with her boss’s son gets brought up every once in a while. Her and Daniel dated their last two years of high school, into their first two years of college, before realizing that their relationship was more along the lines of best friends during that last year. Nothing explicit happened; no cheating, no lying or explosive fight. It just fizzled out towards the end and they came to the same conclusion, talked it about and agreed to break up. It was mutual, it was the least painful breakup she has ever had.
Daniel’s mother was sure they would get married. Ophelia couldn’t bear to see the disappointment on her face anymore when she still invited over for dinners. Eventually, even after Daniel convince Ophelia that it was alright, and his mom would stop asking when they would get back together, she stopped going to those dinners.
However, he was her first love and it did last four years, and although they remained good friends, they still hold a soft spot in each other’s hearts. It never extends into romance again, no drunken nights of “I miss you, just one more time”, nothing like that ever happened. The one night when they did get wasted, it was filled with Daniel gushing about the girl in his Foreign Affairs class. Last Ophelia heard was that Daniel and that girl were still dating, and Ophelia hasn’t seen him in almost a year.
“I know, sir. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, I guess. She knows we’re still good friends though.”
“I think she’s holding onto the hope of a reunion. I, on the other hand, know when to take a loss.”
Ophelia laughs, taking that as an out to change the subject. “All the files are in order from date and relevance. I’m stilling proofing those policies but if you need anything else, just let me know. Shall I order lunch for the meeting?
“That would be wonderful, if you don’t mind.” He responds with gratitude, opening the first file. “Thank you, Ms. Phoenix. You are a valuable asset here.”
She smiles proudly. “Thank you, sir.” She’s about to turn away, when she remembers something. 
“Oh, before I forget, the new letterheads that were ordered came in. Whoever filled in for me when I was out didn’t bother to check if the correct official seal or spelling was used. The label was distorted and there was a typo in your name.” Ophelia rubs her lips together to contain the small bubble of a giggle in her throat.
“How bad?”
“Well, I was only gone for a week, but I’m sure an Alexandra Price didn’t suddenly take over as the U.S. Secretary of Defence. Spelled, D-E-F-E-N-C-E.”
He releases a heavy sigh before a goodhearted smile flashes on his face. “See, this is what happens when you go on vacation, Ophelia.”
Ophelia chuckles at that, pulling out the first page in the second file to tap the seal. “I assure you it’s all fixed. Alexander Pierce, U.S. Secretary of Defense, clear seal and all.”
“I knew there’s a reason I’ve kept you around.”
“That, and I know all your secrets,” She jokes, turning and waving as she exits the conference room. She misses the slow smirk spreading across his lips as the door closes.
“Of that, you don’t, Ms. Phoenix.”
A/N *insert sly eyed emoji here*
Previous   Chapter Four
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: Homecoming
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6x02: Homecoming
I really need to knock the rest of these out -- hopefully soon I will! But man, there’s a lot more in season 6 than you might realize.  A lot of these episodes are pretty packed.  
At the beginning of the episode, we get a lot more Blaine-meta-ish things, and the one thing I’d like to pull from it is that Blaine’s getting therapy.  Yup, that’s right, both these boys are getting their heads checked by a professional - and that’s a good thing! Look, I don’t think Kurt and Blaine are going to live a 100% perfect and happy life-  no couple can accomplish that, but the fact that they’re both trying to better themselves is a huge thing, and recognizing that is a step forward in becoming adults (I mean, not even adults make the best choices to better their mental health).  So yeah, they might not patch up things perfectly, but I think there’s a lot of subtext (cause Glee’s always been subtext) that shows they’re both in better places by the time season 6 starts. 
The New Monday Night Dinner
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So, because Will is a character again (ug) we start having Monday night dinners at his place (ug, ug).  Okay, it’s not really that - but he’s supposedly having all the show choir directors over for a friendly chat? How convenient that they’re all former students.  And why is Sam there? You know what - I’m not gonna think too hard about this. 
The main thing is that Rachel and Kurt are already having issues being co-directors because it’s Rachel and Kurt. 
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And then Blaine arrives and Kurt feels super awkward about it.  I mean how do you act when you’ve dumped the person you love the most in the world and now have to be in a semi-casual social situation with them with your former teacher, former roommate whom your ex once made out with and who will some day carry your child, and former dude whom you both had a crush on.  This show is weird guys.  
Anyway, Kurt’s actually happy to see Blaine - even if Blaine is totally ignoring Kurt’s there.  And then Will turns the conversation to ‘everyone be nice to each other’, which lasts about five seconds when they try to give Blaine some advice about a girl being in the Warblers and Blaine is unsure about it.  It’s awkward.  But hanging out with your ex whom you aren’t actually speaking to at this moment is always gonna be awkward.  
Getting the Gang Back Together
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Um, what even is this outfit trying to say, Kurt?  Are you the colorful walking dead? 
Anyway - Rachel and Kurt start their tenure as semi-teachers by organizing sheet music.  And let’s just say it -- they both have the most absurd way of doing it.  Just -- no, genre than artist, that’s it you weirdos.  But of course, Kurt would do it by emotion.  
You know what - say what you will about Kurt and Blaine’s communication -- Rachel and Kurt have by far less communication going on.  They’ve worked for two hours at ‘organization’ before they realized they were doing two different things.  Oh Hummelberry.  
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Anyway, we get another argument from them - cause that’s what they do best.  And Kurt basically says what should have been said hours ago - that this is pointless without members.  However, if he’s doing his work study here (don’t ask me to define what exactly his work study is - I don’t get it either), shouldn’t he be proactive, too, in getting kids to sign up?  And what’s with the defeatist attitude Kurt? Kid’s still got issues relating to his break-up.  
(It’s also times like these that I do wish we had gotten a final career related story for Kurt, but alas, all the things we never had). 
Anyway, Kurt storms out as he usually does when having a fight and made his point.  
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So - after a scene of Rachel following a disembodied voice to the men’s locker room -- we get Kurt meeting her in the auditorium and, sigh, apologizing for hurting her feelings.  Again.  Cause he’s never done that before.  
I think I’m tired of Hummelberry, guys.  
Anyway - weirdly, he apologizes for the things he said in the previous scene about her life.  Which, um, is weird - cause he didn’t actually take any personal shots at her -- which means they edited out some extra dialogue.  Man, I wish they had left that in - but can’t be too mean to Rachel.  
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Anyway - Rachel says, yeah, they have to be proactive in getting people to join us - so she’s pulled in some favors.  Idk why Kurt is so -- who did you bring in Rachel?!?  He could have easily figured it out.  
Well everyone is all the former cast members who are still living and aren’t really part of the main cast anymore.  It’s Homecoming - so it seems fitting.  Though, I have to say.  Everyone looks like they’ve aged about ten years -- which isn’t a bad thing, it just means this little coda of a season would have felt better placed much further in the future.  
Anyway - Kurt’s surprised and happy to see all his old friends.  I have to say though - I miss that Blaine isn’t there.  I know he can’t because plot and the fact they’re trying to reset back to season 2 but still. 
Anyway - who cares if any of this makes sense, we have the gang back together again. 
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Go they gather everyone in the choir room and explain that they need help getting the kids to join.  And Kurt’s super frigidity.  Huh.  I think there’s some room to explore Kurt as someone who is an anxious kid with minor OCD tendencies.  Cause that feels very apparent here.  
It’s funny that they rattle on about how much they need their friends to band together and save glee club because the school needs it -- when really, both Rachel and Kurt need it.  I mean, that is kind of the point of this season, but...  it’s just interesting to think about.  I mean, it’ll come full circle when Kurt talks about choosing another path to take at the end of the season.  They both hit rock bottom and now they’re looking for something to fill the space that will help them get back on the right track.  And their cause is saving the glee club.  
Hm.  It’s just interesting that this season of Glee is kind of one last stop in Lima before going out in to the world to really be the person you’re supposed to be.  I’m sorry the story wasn’t developed a tad more (except in the case of Rachel) but that’s what it is.  It’s almost fitting, then that I’m wrapping these up with the same kind of mentality.  It’s nice to have that one last thought and move on.  Anyway -- I’m getting meta on myself, lol... 
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So - their brilliant plan is to sing in the school - cause that’s always worked in the past, lol.  And they do an 80s classic - because it’s Glee and the last season and Ryan Murphy has to get in all those hits that he didn’t use yet. 
But I think what stands out to me about this performance is that it’s less about the lyrics (which I don’t think make much sense anyway) and more about the visual style.  They’re recreating the music video, yes, but also adding the same elements of style used in the video -- the whole running from the police (Sue) thing, and it’s really pretty cool.  
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You can’t get a really good luck at Kurt’s 80s outfit - but here it is, and this goober is just having a lot of fun dancing on the tables and singing in his high register.  It’s nice that they’ve now fully incorporated Chris’s voice into the group numbers -- especially when he’s not going to be singing much on his own.  
Gay Legacy
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So, I guess later that day, Kurt goes to try to recruit the gay football player.  Cause, damn, if Ryan Murphy still is clinging on to his closested football player issues.  I really don’t know why Kurt’s wasting his time -- Spencer obviously doesn’t want to be a part of the team, nor have we seen any indication that he actually has some kind of performing arts talents.  But I suppose this scene is supposed to be a commentary on the current state of the LGBT community.  
Actually, that’s exactly what it’s about and it’s kinda fascinating.  The thing about this conversation is to show just how far things have come from 2009.  Society has become more accepting of the LGBT community (obviously, it’s got a long ways to go - but from when Glee started, a lot of progress has been made).  And we’re now here talking about different types of LGBT people.  Kurt can’t and isn’t the catch all for gay anymore - that definition has widen (even if it’s always been that wide and diverse, we can now, as a society, have that conversation).  And now even gay kids can have various inspiration to pull on - it doesn’t have to be musicals, it can be Modern Family.  And that even though Kurt and Spencer share a preference for men, doesn’t make them any more similar than any other two guys. 
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So, yeah, it’s interesting that this scene (and the following one that Kurt’s not in) has less to do with the story and recruitment, as it is Glee’s usual way of knocking down the fourth wall and saying - yeah, okay so we’re not relevant like we used to be, but we did have an impact.  
Meanwhile, in actual story time - we get to remember that Kurt was once on the football team -- and learn that Spencer is an asshole, and I’m still not sure why Kurt’s trying so hard to recruit him. 
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Kurt next pops up when Brittany is giving him advice on how to win Blaine back -- which involves burning all his clothes (yes, nude Kurt) but getting normal clothes (um, he’s been dressing ‘normally’ for a while now), and then being honest with him (yes do that!) about being a Barbara Bush impersonator (wtf Brittany?).  Kurt’s equally confused as the rest of us and moves on with his life as he should.  
However - I have to wonder - did they know at this point that Brittany was gonna try to get them back together? I have no idea.  None of Brittany’s actions make sense most of the time, so I shouldn’t think too much about it. 
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Meanwhile - the main issue is that they’ve all failed to recruit members - mostly because none of them really know what they hell they’re doing.  But then Roderick’s magical voice floats through the vents (sure) and they’re all mystified and run to go find him.  
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They find Roderick in the library - and why do they all look terrifying in this scene?  Come join the cult - Roderick, lol.  Anyway - they get a new member.  
And I’ll take a second and talk about the season 6 newbies - who are actually pretty interesting.  They aren’t cut from the same cloth of the originals as the season 4 newbies, their story lines all converge with existing characters, and we’re not forced to sit through any awkward love triangles.  They served a function and it worked, too bad this didn’t happen way back in season 4 - the show might have lasted longer. 
And then we get a long speech about what it is to be in glee.  Cause apparently we needed that reminder.  Kurt doesn’t say anything but nod in the background as other people give speeches.  Ah yes, we’re back in season 1 again aren’t we. 
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Roderick auditions for Glee -- cause tradition - and Kurt... doesn’t really do anything.  But he’s there looking pretty so... 
First Meeting
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So, ha, okay.  Roderick is their only recruit and he shows up and Kurt has this nice speech about how you can’t go back again, but maybe you can make something new and better out of the ashes of the old thing.  And I think that’s kind of cool -- because it’s not just about glee or his career, but about his relationship with Blaine.  Like I said earlier, even though they’re all home again, the point is to go in a, god help me, new direction -- one that’s better than before, and as we’re coming to the ending of the show, I kind of like that there’s a sentiment that says - yeah you can and are allowed to start over and do things again.  Second chances are a thing. 
However, they’re stopped quickly because Blaine comes in, screaming about how Jane was poached by Rachel and will now be in New Directions instead of the Warblers.  Blaine, who is clearly still angry (and very confused about his emotions) at Kurt blames Kurt for making it all happen -- which is ridiculous, but c’mon Kurt, Blaine’s allowed to have some residual issues.  Kurt even tries to say that it’s fine because the Warblers have a lot of people and New Directions don’t - but Blaine’s pushing back.  Which is actually a good thing, tbh, even if he is a little off the handle here.  Blaine’s no longer going to be a doormat - and that works much better for the balance of he and Kurt in the long run.  
Kurt and Blaine are on their way to being on equal footing again, but here there’s still a lot of pain that hasn’t been healed yet.  Subtext!! 
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Alright, so official glee club has started! And they get two more members as the weird cheerleader twins join.  And it’s all happiness and joy as this new/final chapter has officially begun. 
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And then we get the final number - Home - where Kurt gets to sing in his lovely lower register.  :D  And the Homecoming celebration officially starts.  It’s a little weird to see the kids doing something so high school normal, lol, but hey it’s a fun time to celebrate.  
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So, um, Kurt, Sam, and Artie go spy on Spencer because -- tradition? I mean, that’s one of the themes of episode.  Let’s go with tradition. 
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Anyway, being back is actually kinda bittersweet for Kurt because being back home means that there are still a lot of unresolved issues from the past to deal with. 
Blaine and Karofsky are there - and Blaine is intentionally not looking at Kurt, as Kurt looks like he’s been stabbed in the heart watching from afar.  The song plays on - Home is when I’m with you.  Well, Rachel and Mercedes and McKinley is home, but there’s a bit ‘home’ that’s missing in Kurt’s heart.  We’re gonna get there - but we do have a little ways to go. ;) 
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@victorianlesbian, and @fligurl86 asked for a hicsqueak tattoo fic, and my brain obliged. Inspired by this ask from my A1. <3 title from sappho (anne carson) - if not, winter. 
and who is good will soon be beautiful 
Hecate hasn’t gotten a tattoo from anyone but Dimity Drill in sixteen years. Not so much out of loyalty (though there is that, a little, though she’d never admit it) but she’s a creature of habit. Dimity knows her style, knows what she likes and doesn’t. She trusts her, though the woman annoys her to no end, always talking about her sports league and gym habits and other things Hecate generally tunes out. She isn’t quite sure if she’d call Dimity a friend (though it hurt, when she found out she’d been excluded from her birthday party) but she’s kind and intelligent and good at what she does, and that’s enough.
She’s also, however, frustratingly observant, and it’s only twenty minutes in to her session for an ornate willow tree on her calf that Dimity looks up with a smirk.
“Her name’s Pippa.”
Hecate blinks, and snaps her gaze from the blonde woman across the room that she’d...evidently been staring at.
“Pippa Pentangle. She’s new. Just moved here from London.” Dimity grins. “Single, far as I know.”
Hecate doesn’t flinch, even as her heart hammers. “I don’t know why any of that information would be relevant to me.”
Dimity snorts. “Cause you look like you lost a carrot and found a cream cake.”
Hecate glowers, shoves her headphones in her ears and pointedly does not look at anything other than the ceiling for the next two hours.
She barely notices the time pass until there’s a blur of pink in her peripheral vision, and Pippa is leaning over Dimity’s shoulder. Hecate switches off her music.
“What’d you think?”
Hecate stares resolutely st the ceiling.
“She’s beautiful,” Pippa says softly, almost wistfully, and Hecate prays neither of them notice the blush that takes over her cheeks. “I mean, it! It’s beautiful. The tattoo,” Pippa stutters, and Dimity laughs, and Hecate can feel her stare when she says gleefully,
“Oh, this is gonna be fun.”
Pippa’s work is...pretty. It’s soft and colorful and occasionally cartoonish, bright, happy things done in bright, happy ways.
She only has a few tattoos herself, which Hecate finds odd. There’s an owl on the inside of her forearm and a small bee just below her knee she spies one day when Pippa wears a short dress that sends her first into a coughing fit and Dimity into stitches.
Other than that, Hecate can’t see anything, and she can’t help but wonder if there are others, hidden. If they’re secret, or private. What it might be like to know, for Pippa to show her—
She cuts off that line of thinking before it becomes too real, too desirable.
Still, every time she’s in the shop - which is more frequently, it seems - she finds herself sneaking glances at Pippa as she putters around the shop, talks to clients, works on someone.
She’s chatty, but not in the way Dimity is. Dimity tells everyone her entire life’s story.
Pippa asks questions. She gets to know people, but shares so little of herself, and Hecate wonders why. Why someone so bright, so perfect, would be so quiet.
She feels a kinship with that she’s not sure she has any right to. Especially given that she’s only said about five words to Pippa, and three of them were rude.
But sometimes, she’ll be sitting with Dimity, and when she glances up Pippa will be staring at her, a small smile on her face. She always looks away, turns her attention back to whatever it was she was working on, and Hecate doesn’t dare to hope. Imagines she was probably lost in thought.
Dimity rolls her eyes, and says a bit loudly, “Can you cut it with the tension already? Some of us are trying to work here.”
Hecate glowers, and across the room, Pippa flushes and smiles.
It’s a stupid idea. Quite possibly her stupidest, but that doesn’t appear to be stopping her.
Ada greets her kindly, as she always does, and asks if they’re still on for tea that weekend (they are) and Hecate inquires after her students (she still teaches part time) but she can’t stop her gaze from flickering toward the back of the shop.
“Dimity’s with someone at the moment, but she should be wrapping up soon, and she’s got some time if you like.”
Hecate swallows. “Actually, I was hoping Miss Pentangle might be available.”
Ada’s eyebrows skyrocket into her hairline and it doesn’t escape Hecate’s notice that she has to forcibly bury her grin.
“Of course. Let me see.”
Ada makes a show of checking the calendar and Hecate raps her nails against the counter.
“You’re in luck,” Ada says finally, before she turns and hollers back into the shop, “Pippa, you’ve got a walk-in, dear!”
“Be right there!”
Hecate’s stomach flips at the sound of her voice, and she realizes this was not only stupid, but ridiculous and foolish and while Ada’s back is turned, she twists on her heel and all but runs out of the shop.
It’s been six months since Pippa started working at the shop, and they’ve exchanged a grand total of perhaps 10 sentences.
Pippa will occasionally wander around to see what Dimity’s doing now (each planet, relative in size, in a line down her outer thigh).
Hecate tries not to tense at the way Pippa stares, her eyes sweeping over the bared skin.
Though most of her body is covered in tattoos - nature scenes and constellations, old goddesses and cityscapes - she rarely ever shows them to anyone. She wears long sleeved, high collared dresses most days, only the single back line above her knuckle on her middle finger visible, and most don’t even notice, or mistake it for a ring.
She shivers under Pippa’s stare, her smile, and looks away.
Pippa leaves, and Dimity pauses, looking at Hecate strangely.
“Something on your mind, Miss Drill?” she sneers, but Dimity doesn’t respond as she usually does, with good natured teasing.
Instead, she ducks her head and goes back to work, says quietly, “You know she just got out of a long relationship, bad breakup. Right wanker, too, from what she’s told me.”
Hecate glances over at Pippa, standing by the desk, laughing at something Ada has said. She can’t imagine Pippa being sad. Can’t imagine Pippa being hurt. It makes her stomach clench and her face feel hot and her hands wish for something or someone to punch.
Still, Dimity doesn’t need to know that, so she arches an eyebrow, says coldly, “Perhaps you should keep other people’s business to yourself, Miss Drill.”
Dimity stops and glares up at her. “It’s common knowledge around here. The only reason you don’t know is cause you can’t work up the courage to ask.”
Hecate flinches, manages a terse, “You mistake cowardice for disinterest.”
Dimity snorts. “Hate to break it to you, HB, but if you were any more interested you’d be a neon billboard.”
Hecate clenches her jaw and looks away, silent for a long while, wrestling with herself before she asks, “Is it really so obvious?”
There must be something in her voice, some fear or anxiety because Dimity softens her words with a smile.
“Only to those of us with eyes.”
She makes an appointment with Pippa. Insists on paying up front, hoping it will motivate her not to back out.
For a week before the appointment she frets and curses herself and Dimity and Pippa and everyone else she wants.
She hasn’t felt like this in ages. Possibly ever. She knows she hardly knows Pippa - might find her grating or shallow or unintelligent - but for the first time in a long time, it almost feels worth the risk to find out. Worth it to embarrass herself, worth it to take a chance, worth it to get her heart broken.
She’s not so sure of that when the day arrives, and she shows up at the shop in long sleeved shirt and dark jeans, her hair up in its customary bun.
Pippa is waiting for her when she walks in, her eyes bright, hands fiddling together near her waist.
“Hi,” she says.
Hecate slowly closes the door behind her. “Hello.”
They stare at one another until Ada coughs from behind the counter.
“Right,” Pippa says brightly. “This way.”
“I have been here before,” Hecate says, then winces at her tone, an automatic response; but Pippa only looks back over her shoulder with a grin.
“Not on my side of the shop.”
She takes her into one of the open cubicals, and Hecate tries not to wrinkle her nose at the designs on the walls. Hearts and flowers and birds - god, so many birds - and trees, all in bright colors, all joyous.
Hecate thinks of her own arm, covered in black, and wonders what someone like Pippa could possibly want from someone like her.
Still, she sits when Pippa gestures to the chair, hands clenched in her lap.
“So. What can I do for you?”
Hecate hesitates. Her eyes flicker over a cute looking frog kissing another frog, and her stomach knots for more reason than one.
But Pippa is looking at her with warm eyes, kind and deep and Hecate takes a deep breath, rolls up her sleeve.
There’s a patch of bare skin on the inside of her right wrist.
“A cat,” she says.
Pippa blinks. “Cat?”
Hecate nods, licking her lips. “My—I have a black one.”
“Of course you do. What’s her name?”
Pippa smiles. “Hecate and Morgana. Quite a penchant for mythology, yeah?”
“Yes, I’ve never heard that one before,” she says dryly.
Pippa’s smile widens. “Alright then. What’d you have in mind?”
Hecate takes a deep breath, and shrugs. “Whatever you want.”
Pippa pauses in her reach for a pencil. “Are you sure? I’m not—I mean, my work doesn’t seem like your style.”
“If you’d rather not—“
“No!” Pippa says quickly, reaching out a hand as if to keep her in the chair. “I’d love to. I just—Dimity said you haven’t worked with anyone else in years. You trust me?”
Hecate doesn’t know why. Doesn’t even know if she does entirely, but she wants to find out. Wants to know if she can.
“It’s only ink,” she says.
Pippa looks a bit disappointed, but then squares her jaw and nods decisively.
She spends the next ten minutes sketching, eyeing the space on Hecate’s wrist for size. Then transfers it, then stencils it to her skin.
Hecate keeps her eyes averted. Doesn’t want to see what cutesy monstrosity she’s going to end up with. But she nods when Pippa asks if she’s ready, and they begin.
It’s quiet for a long while, and Hecate wracks her brain trying to think of something, anything to say.
“Your work is very...pink,” she says finally.
“Haven’t you been keeping up with the latest trends?” she asks, a spark in her eyes as she glances up. “Black and grey is out, watercolors are in.”
Hecate purses her lips. “Vanity is very unbecoming in an artist.”
Pippa shrugs. “But, like pink, not against any sort of code now, is it?”
“I suppose not.”
Pippa grins.
The conversation is stilted at first. Hecate never knows what to say, doesn’t like to talk about herself. Pippa seems to be trying too hard to keep the mood bright, but eventually she tells Hecate about her breakup, the horrible relationship she got stuck in for almost a decade. Hecate mentions, very quickly, that she had a similarly disastrous relationship with her father.
Pippa asks what she does when she’s not in the chair, and Hecate admits she owns a small cafe on the other side of town, that Ada is a long time customer and friend, and that’s how she met Dimity.
They talk about tattoos and trends and Hecate even indulges a bit of shop gossip. She can hardly stop staring at Pippa, her blonde hair, the line of her jaw, her brilliant smiles.
Somehow, she makes Pippa laugh a few times, and it feels like she’s won something precious. Something just for her.
The hour and a half goes by so quickly, Hecate doesn’t quite know what to do with herself when Pippa sits back and snaps off her gloves.
“There. Done.”
Hecate braces herself - pink is fine, pink is fine, pink is fine - but when she looks down, there’s hardly any pink at all. Just an accent, in a dark galaxy - blues and blacks and purples, and little spots of white, all contained within the outline of a black cat, sitting primly on her wrist.
Hecate swallows tightly. It’s beautiful, of course, but more than that it’s her. Her style, her taste.
And it looks like Morgana, the outline. But she has the whole galaxy inside her, which is how Hecate feels sometimes - like she’s a shell too thin for everything inside her. The tattoos, she think, keep some of it safe. Protect her, even if it’s just from herself.
To her horror, she feels tears prick at her eyes and she clenches her teeth, hard.
“You don’t like it.”
Her gaze snaps up and Pippa looks dejected, heartbroken, almost, her eyes equally wet even as she forces a mild, “I’m sure Dimity can fix it for you.”
Pippa looks up with a frown. “No?”
“No, I—I don’t want to fix it,” she says, her voice a bit hoarse. “I love it.”
She’s never said that before, not even to Dimity. “It’s satisfactory,” or “Thank you for your talent, Miss Drill” is the most she ever manages, but this...this small thing, she loves. Loves so much it tugs something in her chest looser and looser, and unravels completely when Pippa gives a wet laugh.
“Oh, thank god. I thought you were going to murder me for a minute.”
Hecate rolls her eyes. “Hardly. The clean up would be far too tiresome.”
Pippa smiles and rubs a thin layer of ointment over the tattoo, and Hecate tries not to shiver at her touch, so light. She fails, and Pippa looks up nervously.
“Did I hurt you?”
Hecate shakes her head, unable to speak, unable to say how empty she feels when Pippa stops and pulls away.
She gently wraps the fresh ink, and arches an eyebrow when she’s through. “I assume I don’t have to give you the aftercare speech?”
“Good,” Pippa says, turning in her chair to grab something from her desk. “However, if you do have any issues, you can reach me here.”
She hands Hecate one of her business cards, with a number scrawled on the back.
Pippa shrugs. “The usual. Itching, peeling, boredom, Saturday night drinks.”
Hecate lifts her gaze from the card to Pippa, sees her biting her lip, and her hands shake. She stares at Pippa and Pippa stares at her and it’s a while before she finds her voice, a careful, controlled,
“I...don’t recall having had issues before,” she says, and Pippa’s face falls until she adds, “But drinks would be...agreeable. If you—“
“Yes,” Pippa says. “Yes.”
Hecate almost smiles, ducks her head to hide the shy lift to her lips. She startles when Pippa crooks a finger under her chin.
“Don’t hide,” Pippa says softly. “You smile beautifully.”
Hecate flushes, but she manages to hold Pippa’s warm gaze for a few moments before she breaks, looks back at her wrist.
“I should go.”
Pippa nods and sits back. “But you’ll call me, right?”
Hecate clutches her card in her pocket. “Yes. I promise.”
also here on ao3
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terramythos · 6 years
Notes from my October Daye reread, #7 Chimes At Midnight. Or, "don't eat evil pie if you're planning to overthrow the government". Advanced spoilers, please read the books, etc. 
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Reminder right off the bat that sweet fashion disaster May used to be an eldritch horror of the night???
-the month name in her case seems to be a coincidence? (But like. How could a name like May Daye be a coincidence. Come the fuck on.)
-Goblin fruit is super yikes. Super addictive drug that inevitably leads to death?
- Tybalt and Toby domestic shit hell yeah
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Tybalt: arrested for being horny on main
- Toby: let's visit the Queen, who demonstrably hates me, about the goblin fruit problem. What could possibly go wrong (spoiler: a whole lot)
-"i may be a composite of multiple dead people, but I'm not stupid" May is nonbinary, pass the fucking tea
-The Gang Overthrows the Queen
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Quentin is such a good kid! Fuck!
-I just... love the characters and how they've developed over the series. Quentin is great, Tybalt is great, The Luidaeg is great... October has changed into a more open and less depressed person. It's great! I mean, everything goes to shit over the next 2 books, but we've come so far!
-Quentin getting extremely upset that The High King didn't notice the Queen didn't have a legitimate claim to the throne? Haha. Haha. *takes another shot*
-Quentin: we could just like... TELL the High King that shes not a legitimate ruler. Like we literally could just call him up and say--
Toby: he would probably kill us and how would we do that anyway
Quentin: *silently screaming*
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Have I mentioned I LOVE the Luidaeg? Shes such a great character.
-the implication that tybalt's archaic speech is at least partially just to fuck with Toby is so fuckign funny god they're so cute
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-Quentin not quite bowing to Arden, or at least not as formally as the others. That's foreshadowing. God damn it.
- The Undersea: is relevant
Me: wow I knew we introduced all that lore 2 books ago for a reason
- "Princesses aren't exciting. I've met Princesses." I am so glad I am not ACTUALLY drinking every time Quentin's identity is foreshadowed, because this book alone would have killed me by now.
- everything: goes to shit
Me: ah, there it is
- Toby becoming instantly addicted to goblin fruit and forgetting 2 of the most important people in her life has me at a severe oof. :(
- fucking props to seanan for making pie legitimately threatening.
- October Daye patch 7.1 notes: due to balance concerns, toby has been shifted back to more human.
Gameplay effects: hair is brown again. blood magic effects and self-healing have been reduced by 75%. Iron resistance increased 75%.
-Theres a line about how Tybalt should have known better than to believe anything could have gone right for very long and. Yikes in context. Yikes with knowing Tybalt's backstory.
- fun lore with the Luidaeg offering to turn Toby into a Selkie to save her from impending death. Being like... technically the Selkie Firstborn. And how much doing that would actually cost. It's certainly something to file away for later because I don't imagine we would introduce a concept like that and then abandon it...
-SUDDEN HEAVY SETUP FOR BOOK 8 STUFF. SUDDEN BOOK 1 BEING RELEVANT. Why did Evening, some random noble, have a fucking ancient powerful artifact just kinda... randomly in her possession? INDEED.
- toby: Why does the name Eira Rosenhwyr sound so familiar?
Mags: Oh she's a Firstborn
Toby: Right, that definitely explains it one hundred percent. Time to not think about it at all ever again.
- TOBY I'm aware you're kind of out of your mind right now but surely you can see the aesthetic similarity between EIRA ROSENHWYR and EVENING WINTERROSE. Ajdjenskkelbsbd
- I fucking googled it and Eira Rosenhwyr translates roughly to "Snow Rose Evening" lmfao
- Mags, continuing exposition: yeah she always had this Snow White thing where like she never stayed dead for long
Me, considering book 1's central conflict and how Evening was described multiple times as Snow White: 🙃
- I really appreciate the fact that whenever Walther shows up in a book he pretty much saves the day in a major way just by making like. A potion
- toby: magic is weird. Candy made from my blood that temporarily curbs the effects of addiction? Right
Walther: you're dating a cat
-I forgot we learn The Luidaeg's actual name in this one???? "Yeah I'm Antigone what up"
-God I love Danny and his godawful expletives "Oberon's scrotum". God
- I haven't mentioned it too much but there are soooooo many good tybalt and toby moments. They have such a good and loving relationship. Boy I die
-there's a bit where Toby consumes some of the Luidaeg's blood for Reasons and gets a brief Luidaeg-POV flashback.. which shows the Luidaeg protesting Amandine abusing Toby as a kid. So even though they don't really meet until book 1, it puts her first unofficial appearance in a new context. Just some all powerful ancient sea witch checkin up on her niece at Safeway, y'know
- god the first Cu Sidhe shows up in this one and he just looks like a glam rocker who's also sort of a dog. Jesus christ
- they just act like dogs too and it is so funny. Fucking zero attention span, super excited and happy at being told they did a good job.
- arden: there's no way you're amandine's kid. She would never sleep with a human. Her husband would be pissed
Toby: ??? My mom isn't married?
(Oh boy that's gonna be a fun one)
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We get the Quentin reveal. The alcohol poisoning ceases.
-There's some real good irony in like. THE Crown Prince getting apprenticed to Toby, who is a member of Faerie's biggest underclass. And they become fucking BFFs over the course of the series. That's some good shit
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👌👌👌some GOOD👌 shit right there
-God just going back there are SO many hints. I noted a lot of them on this series reread but some of my favorites are the real subtle ones. Like Quentin in book 2 being inexplicably amused when Toby orders him to do something.
- Like?? She makes the kid do chores. She's almost gotten him killed like half a dozen times. That's just some... premium good shit.
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Well the book sums up that revelation pretty well lmao
- Did... did Arden just imply Toby's mom caused the 1906 San Francisco earthquake...? That is certainly something I either missed or forgot. How is that like even a thing
- The night haunts are cool as shit and I'm glad they're showing up as bigger players. And now we have setup for Toby owing them a favor. Delightful.
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- October Daye patch 7.1.8 notes: oh god we fucked up we fucked up changes reverted
-Blood magic CPR? Canon. Then again I'm pretty sure Toby was established using blood magic to resurrect someone in book 2. So. Book 2 is still relevant
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God I'm such a sucker for this angsty shit. And of course this would be Tybalt's solution, considering his backstory. God. Fuck
-I like how they went from enemies to like ridiculously sweet and affectionate lovers.. but it's not 100% perfect, they still have arguments and disagreements. But it all comes down to them caring about each other. That's some good shit right there
- Dianda being a huge badass and just singlehandedly taking out six guards while iron poisoned. a good development.
- new toby power of literally stealing someone's powers by drinking their blood. We're going like full vampire here huh
- and The Queen... who we establish actually traded her name away... manages to escape. Wonder when she shows up again 🤔🤔🤔
- ok god the fucking short story epilogue is SO GOOD. Luidaeg POV!!! Luidaeg lore is always good but this is one of the only parts we have seen Amandine. It reveals that The Luidaeg literally has just been October's guardian angel for years, which explains why some all powerful sea witch just stumbles into Toby's life???. Amandine is a fucking brat. It foreshadows fucking... SOMETHING with the goddamn month names. And it sets up Eira. God next book is going to be so good.
- There are interesting parallels between Toby and her mom. Amandine was trying to turn Toby into a human for fucking years?? As some kind of shitty experiment? Almost succeeded until The Luidaeg intervened. There's all these lines about how Amandine had stolen centuries of Toby's life, how Toby would be defenseless and Faerie would still know who she was even if Amandine succeeded. What does this say about Gillian? Toby turned her completely human in book 4 to save her life. There's no way that's not going to come back in a big way.
-What. Is with. The month names. Seriously we have not had any new ones since 3 but that's still like 5 characters. I know there are several more coming in the next few books and I still don't know why the fuck lol
-This book was mostly the final setup for next book, which is an absolute fucking bombshell. Probably the best book in the series and that is saying something. I'm excited to reread it. But on it's own this one is a good read too... love that we finally got the Quentin reveal!! The horrific Queen is gone for now! Stuff!
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sterek · 7 years
lols legit i just love me my fluff and mutual pining and just all types of that wonderfulness, even with light angst tbh and i love me my HS Aus or college Aus or Human Aus or anything inbetween lmfao XD Ur brilliant and hope this isn't too much of a bother =D
Sorry it took so long, I got distracted! Here are some recs :) [Sorry if I don’t have a lot of light or human fics, most of my bookmarks are heavy werewolf angst oops. I went through half my bookmarks and this is already too long lol enjy!]
I’ve Been Everywhere With You by Leslie_Knope [61k, E]
“Dude, you should totally come with me.”
“What? Like on the road trip?“
“No, come with me. To Austin. Get out of Beacon Hills.”
Derek paused. “What?” he asked again.
He’s Not Mine by Sunnee [68k, E]
Derek comes home to find an abandoned werebaby on his front porch and Stiles volunteers to help him out. Surprisingly, that is just the beginning of his problems.
302, I Love You by paintedrecs [4k, T]
It was a beautiful summer morning—mid-70s with a light breeze, ideal weather for soaking up the sun without fear of overheating. If anyone asked, that was why Stiles was sitting on his balcony with a book he hadn’t touched in the last half hour and a mug of coffee he’d been absently sipping from, his gaze fixed on the parking lot several stories below.
Coincidentally, one of his neighbors—Hot Dude From 302, not that it was relevant—had chosen the same morning to wash his stupidly flashy Camaro.
Shyft by paintedrecs [6k, T]
Derek finally gave the driver more than a passing glance.
He was roughly Derek’s age and surprisingly handsome, despite the ugly plaid shirt he’d rolled up past his elbows. He had broad shoulders, honey-dark hair, a line of moles trailing enticingly along his cheek, and thick eyelashes framing dark eyes that glittered with humor. And he was laughing at Derek.
At the end of a long work day, all Derek wanted was to get home as quickly as possible. When his scheduled ride showed up—distractingly good-looking, driving a beat-up Jeep, and full of interesting conversation—Derek felt like his evening might turn out a whole lot better than he’d expected. Until his trust issues flared back to life, telling him "Stiles” wasn’t everything that he’d seemed.
Lovebitten by LunaCanisLupus_22 [10k, M]
The one where Derek gets bitten by a lovebug and Stiles is the first person he lays eyes on. Hilarity ensues.
Bricks by paintedrecs [8k, T]
“Mornin’, love,“ Derek says, and Stiles freezes in his arms. They haven’t exchanged official I love you’s yet, and Derek seems determined to derail Stiles’s plans to say it first. With fireworks. Or bubble baths. Something epic.
The point is, Derek barely even seems to realize he’s doing it, and it’s driving Stiles crazy.
Or: My first time writing a 5 + 1 fic.
remember my love by bleep0bleep [23k, T]
Stiles wakes up and suddenly the war is over, he’s no longer a penniless mage, and living in an exquisite manor married to the man he’s been in love with for far too long.
“It’ll be fine,” Stiles says gallantly. “I am certain I will just fall in love with my husband all over again, and I will find plenty of joy doing that.” He winks at Derek for good measure.Derek blinks.
ritten in the Stars by Quixoticity [26k, M]
Derek Hale is a lucky guy. He’s got a great family, good friends, and a fulfilling job as a tattoo artist.
He’s also one of the twenty-five per cent of the population born with a soul mark.
He likes his life, but he’s waiting for his soul-match. The odds of meeting them aren’t great but hey, Derek’s a lucky guy. He has faith.
He can’t believe how good his luck really is when one day his soul-match wanders right into his studio, all long limbs and copper eyes. There’s just one problem: Stiles is there to get his soul mark covered up. Permanently.
No Homo by RemainNameless [84k, E]
Stiles’ sophomore year starts something like this:3 FourLokos+ 1 peer-pressuring cat- 1 best bro to end all best bros= 1 Craigslist ad headline that reads "str8 dude - m4m - strictly platonic”.Derek is the fool who replies.
Cross our bridges when we come to them by RemainNameless [103k, M]
The five times Derek called the Sheriff “Dad” on accident and the first time he did it on purpose.
Our Hearts Are Tigers by skoosiepants [7k, T]
This is what Stiles figures out after a week of harboring Isaac: he’s kind of a dick, for a ten-year-old.
Turn a Little Faster by skoosiepants [3k, T]
He shifts back and forth on his feet and tries to psych himself up. He can do this. He’s a badass werewolf, he can totally tell Stiles that they accidentally got werewolf married because—because Stiles was thinking about him, and happened to give him a token of his, uh, affection under the silvery light of the last full moon. Platonic affection, Derek thinks sourly, so he doesn’t get why his wolf feels all warm and fuzzy and bonded all of a sudden.
Honestly, it’s like—why aren’t people accidentally getting werewolf married all the time, if it happens this easily?
Filter Out the Starlight by skoosiepants [12k, T]
“Why are you not more curious about me?” Stiles says when Derek’s got the door half open, sun spilling over the dark wood, dust motes spinning about his legs. Stiles is wearing fabric that hasn’t been invented yet, he’s clutching a smart phone to his chest, and he appeared out of nowhere, like an angel.
Softly, Derek says, “We all have our secrets,” and closes the door.
A heartbroken Stiles accidentally travels back in time to find his one true love. A harlequin-ish Christmas romance.
Under Yellow Moons by skoosiepants [17k, T]
They stare at each other, half-grinning, and Derek knows it’s definitely the absolute wrong time for this, but he wants. He wants to grin at Stiles over dinner every day for the rest of his life, baffled over yams and Moon Pie Day, and, god, crap, goddamn, when the fuck did he have time to fall in love?
The life and times of Deputy Stiles and Supernatural Foster Dad Derek Hale
Lord knows it would be the first time by uraneia [12k, E]
Stiles is home from Berkeley for the summer, but only because he promised the pack. He’d rather not see Derek, because whatever the thing was that they were doing, they’re not doing it anymore, and it sucks.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a choice. The betas tried a magical remedy for Derek’s melancholy, and now Stiles has a three-year-old who looks like Derek. Stiles doesn’t know how to deal with that, and he definitely doesn’t know how to tell the betas he and Derek were secret fuck buddies for a year and a half.
You Smell Like Mine by bleep0bleep [13k, E]
People talk about the alpha instinct, an alpha’s head being swayed by a nice-smelling omega, or the desire to drop everything and show off. Derek’s never felt any of that. He’s just not that kind of alpha.
Then he meets Stiles.
The Prince and His Painter by Dexterous_Sinistrous [8k, G]
Stiles was always a sick child. He was never supposed to live beyond his infancy—shocking many when he reaches adulthood. With his inevitable death looming over his country, Stiles chooses to accept a successor through marriage. His advisors commission a painter to capture the prince’s likeness in order to advertise him to potential candidates. Only, Derek Hale isn’t like most painters—or humans, for that matter.
Certain Kind of Fool by saraubs [36k, M]
Derek, who has been dragged against his will to the same resort his family visits every summer, is determined to spend the next two and a half months sequestered in his room. His only friend, his sister Laura, is preoccupied with her newly-bonded mate, and doesn’t seem to care about anything but making him happy.
When Derek meets Stiles Stilinski, a sharp-tongued waiter, he thinks that this summer might not be a complete waste of time. There are only two problems: First, Stiles is human. Second, he doesn’t believe in mates.
Painful Maneuvers by saraubs [11k, T]
Still, whether or not the nurses want to hear it, Derek has some serious issues with the way Stiles skates around the ward, upending instruments and scattering papers and chewing on pens. His scrubs never fit right and are always riding up to show patches of smooth, pale skin and his hair is frankly pornographic. It’s just so…unprofessional.
Stiles is a hyperactive Obstetrician. Derek is a grumpy Midwife. It’s true love (and babies!).
little spoon by bibliosexual [6k, T]
To save money while attending college in NYC, Stiles and Derek decide to rent one tiny apartment together. With one bed.
you know you’re on my mind by bibliosexual [16k, T]
If there’s one thing Derek’s learned in life, it’s that crushing on someone who lives on an entire other fucking continent is probably a bad idea.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs [203k, M]
“Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Somewhere Else, Someone Else by megxmas [19k, T]
They’re sitting in the car, and Stiles’ dad is poring over the scans, gesturing violently at the air. ‘I just don’t understand!’ he says. ‘There’s never been anything out of the ordinary on any of your tests, and yet you always have seizures! How come nothing ever comes up?’
Stiles shrugs, has heard his dad complain about this a dozen times before. Stiles is pretty sure that he and Derek are some kind of magical soulmates and this is the way the world has decided to connect them, but somehow, he doesn’t think that’ll fly as an explanation.
Cupboard Love by mklutz [32k, G]
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
If that’s Derek Hale, he’s definitely not a mountain man.
The Epic Love Story of Wolf and Twister by KeriArentikai [11k, E]
Stiles has a tiny adorable hyper puppy. Derek has an awesome huge Malamute mix. They both go to the dog park a lot.
So, obviously, Sterek ensues.
One life stand by Vendelin [84k, E]
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it’s getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there’s only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.
All Derek wants is Stiles’s time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It’s the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he’s ever had, and he’s more than happy to sign up.
Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it’s just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.
only fools rush in by decideophobia [13k, T]
Is it an imaginary date?
No. I met him in a coffee shop.
This morning. It was love on first sight.
Millstone by eleanor_lavish [31k, E]
Derek waits until the door is shut behind him before he turns around. He holds out his hand, plants his ‘if you’re not weird about it, I won’t be’ smile on his face and says, “Nice to meet you, Stiles. I’m Michael. What kind of a good time are you looking for tonight?”
In Other Words, Baby, Kiss Me by primroseshows [61k, E]
Stiles has simple goals in life. To successfully complete his secret radar project without getting fired, to get a cottage on the Moon, and to untangle his mess of feelings for Moon Station 3 deputy, Derek Hale. Heck, he’ll even settle for two of the three.
i have always been the storm by stilinskisparkles [25k, E]
“You’re all headed out to Oklahoma in a week.”
Derek snaps his head up, stares at him in horror, “No, boss.”
“Yes,” Finstock insists in a steely voice. “The NSSL have been on at us for a year about some decent exposure, and I think you’re just the team to do it.”
“I haven’t done weather since college,” Derek protests.
Boyd snorts again, presumably because he’s thinking back to the time when Derek and the weather last collided and he…. well, did the guy into the weather for a brief, wonderful, terribly foolish time. But, Boyd needs to shut up before Derek punches him on the nose.
Abominable by Revenant [20k, T]
Where Derek buys a secluded cabin halfway up a mountain, meets a yeti and falls in love with Stiles, but not necessarily in that order.
The Cintron Hall Situation by dragon_temeraire [3k, T]
Stiles is freezing and miserable in his dorm, so he decides to knock on his hot neighbor Derek’s door for help.
nothing ever promised tomorrow today by preromantics [11k, T]
Grocery shopping, waking up, lasagna, and parallel universes. / When Stiles jumps the last two stairs and turns into the kitchen he’s got his mouth halfway open around “Morning, Mom,” before his dad folds down his paper at the kitchen table to look at him.
In a Straight Line Down by standinginanicedress [40k, T]
“So you want to go to Prom with me just so you can get a plastic crown and a fifty dollar gift card to Outback Steakhouse.”
Stiles sets his jaw. He wants to go to prom with Derek because he wants to go to prom with Derek. But, of course, he’s stubborn and prideful and can’t admit to Derek how it’s barely been twelve hours since they officially broke up and he’s already barely handling it as it is, so he just raises his chin in the air and says, “yes.”
Our Puddle is Deceptively Deep by calrissian18 [10k, E]
They start out in a literal tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
In This World or the Next by Lissadiane [20k, T]
Derek wakes up to the smell of frying bacon and brewing coffee on an ordinary morning in his ordinary life, but he can’t help but shake the feeling that he’s forgotten something important. It probably has to do with the three wishes he’d been granted by the fae after saving the life of their fairy prince, and possibly also the sheriff’s missing son.
In which Derek Hale learns that sometimes being given what we want more than anything else has disastrous consequences.
The Socioeconomic Repercussions of Mutually Assured Destruction by alocalband [15k, E]
"The trouble with having the kind of brain that likes to write essays on male circumcision for an Economics class, is that it also likes to turn PowerPoint presentations for Biology into odes on the perfection of notorious bad boy Derek Hale’s backside.”
Five Times Derek and Stiles Kissed For Practice (And One Time They Didn’t) by mikkimouse [5k, T]
In which Derek and Stiles grow up together and practice kissing, roughly in that order.
Little Promises by crossroadswrite [2k, G]
Derek doesn’t really know what happened. He just knows there was a lady and she was pretty but she was also really mean and she was trying to hurt his friends.
“Holy fuck,” Erica mutters and is harshly shushed by Isaac.
“Don’t swear in front of the kid.”
“It’s not a kid,” Erica counters. “It’s just-“
King of the Road by Stoney [30k, E]
Derek sees the guy–all long lines, furtive glances, hungry–leaning against the diner out in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, Derek’s hungry, too.
tide pulls from the moon by paintedrecs [45k, M]
hen Derek left Beacon Hills, finally ripping the tether free and remembering how to breathe, how to live again, it was Stiles who came after him. Stiles, who showed up at his door with blazing eyes, looking like he wanted to punch him in the face, but wrapping his arms around him instead, making him grunt in surprise at the raw strength of his embrace.
“You asshole,” Stiles said, slapping him heartily on the back as he extricated himself, his voice rough under his bright smile. “You couldn’t have made yourself harder to find, could you?”
The Summer of Snow Cones and Not-Dates by clarkoholic, skywardsmiles [38k, M]
Summer is really boring. Like, mind-numbingly boring. Except for the part where Stiles can’t figure out if Derek’s his boyfriend, or why every werewolf in town keeps approaching him in the bathroom.
Teenage Dream by matildajones [58k, M]
“I’m married. I’m married to Derek Hale,” Stiles says. Everything seems to hit him at once. He pushes aside the fact there’s a celebrity sitting right next to him, and then thinks of why the fuck he can’t remember him, why he doesn’t know who he’s married to, and how much time he must have lost.–After an accident, Stiles wakes up to what can only be a dream. He has money, he has fame, he has award winning actor Derek Hale as his husband. It quickly seems more and more like a nightmare because Stiles doesn’t remember getting any of it - and it’s hard to accept the reality that Derek can still love him.
You look like my next mistake by Vendelin [15k, T]
“So, are you dating someone new? Someone who doesn’t mind that you’re frigid?” Kate cocks her head to the side, smiling as though she just asked him about where he bought his shoes.
His entire body sighs in defeat as his shoulders grow square. Just as he opens his mouth, someone comes up to stand beside him, snaking an arm around his shoulders. When he glances to his side, expecting to see Isaac, his brain seems to malfunction. Because it isn’t Isaac. It’s Stiles Stilinski, the lacrosse talent of the year, a senior who Derek has seen multiple times from far away, but never ever talked to.
In which Derek is a nerd jock, and Stiles is a frat guy, and Derek falls for him even though he knows he shouldn’t.
A Problematic Loyalty by alocalband [4k, T]
The problem isn’t that Stiles is stubborn. The problem is that people keep hitting on him.
Not Quite Lost (Not Quite Found) by alocalband [25k, E]
A year after the nogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above a small town in Colorado.
Then Stiles shows up.
‘Till You Make It by standinginanicedress [46k, M]
“I’m saying – let’s fake it.”
Derek blinks at him. Hard. Stiles never knew that someone could physically make a blink look hard, but there Derek goes, slamming his lids together like he’s fucking exercising them. “Fake it.”
“Pretend, dumbass,” he backhands Derek lightly on his upper arm. “Pretend like we’re doing as well as our parents want us to and then they’ll be off our backs, right?”
“We don’t have to pretend anything, Stiles,” Derek says evenly, in a tone that suggests he’d much rather be yelling. “We’re literally soulmates.”
“That’s the beauty of it! It’s going to be so fucking easy. I can’t believe we never thought of this before,” he runs his hands through his hair and shakes his head in amazement, grinning from ear to ear. “Holy shit. I can’t believe I just solved all our problems for us, man.”
Kindred Spirits by Stoney [104k, E]
Stiles is the adopted son of the Sheriff, brought to Beacon Hills to hopefully stay for good. A family, a best friend, school, Jackson as Josie Pye (because who else could he be?) and the mystery of a dark haired, green-eyed boy which leads Stiles to discovering a secret within himself.
we’re catching bullets in our teeth (it’s hard to do but they’re so sweet) by prettyasadiagram [12k, M]
Stiles says he’s a Web Developer. Derek says he an Internal Auditor.
They’re both liars, but you can’t exactly tell your significant other that you kill people for a living, now can you?
Insane Chemistry (with Derek Hale) by theroguesgambit [13k, M]
Derek is the popular, varsity jock, prom king of the school, and Stiles is not going to be the cliche that ends up falling for him. (It’s not a cliche if no one else knows about it, right?)
Strut on a Line, its Discord and Rhyme by xiaq [61k, T]
“Carry me,” Stiles says.
“But I’m injured.”
“You have a rash,” Derek says. “On your arm. Your feet work just fine.”
“No. You weigh almost as much as I do. And you ate a pound of chicken at lunch.”
"Well, yeah, but I pooped like an hour ago, so.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Don’t play, you love me.”
I do, Derek thinks, relatively horrified. I really do.
But Then What… by Stoney [24k, E]
Senior year is almost over, and all Stiles needs to do is keep his head down to survive. A teacher calls in a favor, leaving him stuck tutoring Derek Hale, one of the most popular jocks in school and a member of a group of douchecanoes who have bullied Stiles for years. He’s someone Stiles totally hates. Totally. Like, doesn’t like him even a little bit. DEFINITELY isn’t attracted to him.
Except that is a total lie. Fuck his life, seriously.
The Great Pretender by talktowater [45k, E]
Stiles is the new kid at Beacon Hills High, class of 1958 and he’s trying to make an impression. Derek can’t figure out why this kid is so set on making such a bad one.
Here’s to the Static by matildajones [80k, T]
Stiles spends most of his college break in a coffee house where he stares after Derek Hale. For some reason, Stiles is unaware of the fact he’s quite the musician, and Derek amuses himself at Stiles’ obliviousness.
Cross a Canyon (with a broken limb) by theroguesgambit [18k, T
“You never graduated,” Stiles says, just to say it. To test it out in the open air. That’s… huh.
Stiles spends his senior year battling troll-gremlins, taking on an unexpected tutoring job, and definitely not falling for a certain sourwolf (even though everyone else seems to think he is).
The Rest Is Unwritten by mikkimouse [6k, T]
Once upon a time, the werewolf king and queen invited five fairies to the christening of their only son. The fairies bestowed the boy with gifts—beauty, grace, wit, and the most adorable teeth in all the land.
But before the fifth fairy could give her gift, a wicked fairy from the other Court arrived and cast a terrible curse on the baby prince. He would have a life full of tragedies, she declared, and die young, of a broken heart.
The king and queen were beside themselves with grief. It was very old, powerful magic, so there was little they could do to break it. However, the fifth fairy had yet to give her gift. The curse could not be broken, she told them, but it could be altered.
She bestowed upon the prince the gift of perseverance, so that he would never lose his will to live, even in the face of countless tragedies. And when he found the one who would stand by his side and face those tragedies with him without fail, that is when the curse would be broken. Because the fairy knew there was nothing in all the world more powerful than true love. Not even a wicked fairy’s curse.
Laying Groundwork by LunaCanisLupus_22 [10k, E]
His expression isn’t much to go by but the entire clubs howling gets louder at his appearance and Stiles literally pops a boner watching the guy’s big hands wrestle with the microphone stand.
Or the one where Scott and Stiles go clubbing and there’s this broody Bouncer out to get Stiles-
Or get into his pants. Thank God it’s the latter.
By a Law Divine by mirrorkill [23k, M]
Okay, so, kissing Stiles. That’s a weird thing that Derek’s doing now. He has no idea where it’s even coming from, especially considering bickering and fighting is their usual state of existence.And then he does find out where it’s coming from: A curse that’s making everyone in town kiss someone they have mutual feelings for. …yeah, Derek’s not even sure why he’s surprised by that.
Friends of Early Theory by Nanoochka [23k, E]
In which Derek is a gruff, struggling executive for his family’s sprawling, wealthy company in New York, and Stiles is his quirky, offbeat intern who brings him cold coffee each morning and wears stupid T-shirts to work and generally succeeds at being a thousand times more charming than Derek could ever hope to be. To the outside observer, their relationship is combative but fond, although in private Stiles and Derek have a great deal more secrets, anger, and painful history between them than Derek is prepared to acknowledge or reveal. In retrospect, that might be half of the problem.
The Way to My Heart (French Insults) by KuriKuri [10k, T]
Letting out a long sigh, Derek turns away and braces himself for the next hellish filming segment. After all, apparently he’s going to have to smile while greeting twenty-five contestants. Shit, what if they try to hug him? Or, god forbid, kiss –
He doesn’t get any further with that thought, because a limo pulls into the driveway. He braces himself for the worst. The worst, who… actually doesn’t look that horrifying.
“I’ve been dying to meet you!” she exclaims as she catches sight of him.
Then, she flings herself at him and ensnares him in a bone-crushing hug.
Scratch that – she’s completely horrifying. And Derek’s pretty sure he can hear errand boy what’s-his-face laughing in the distance.
(Or: In which Derek gets roped into being the 'eligible bachelor’ on a dating show and instead falls for one of the show’s interns.)
How I Met My Werebunny by Moku [19k, T]
“This is going to end in tears,” Scott told Derek while he watched the man easily lifting Stiles’ desk up with one hand and driving nails into the ceiling with the thumb of the other. “Probably mine.”
When a Stiles and a Failwolf love each other very much, they’ll engage in a prank war. Basically, it’s a mating ritual for dorks in love.
Wild Tonic by officerstilinskihale [11k, M]
Stiles nodded and smiled again, his teeth flashing brightly and he signed something again, before looking frustrated with himself.
“You’re welcome,” Derek told him, feeling a wave of relief when Stiles’ face brightened. That would’ve been awkward if Stiles hadn’t been trying to say thank you.
“I had a really good time, so yeah. I’m glad you came with me,” he said, feeling his face grow hot. Derek wasn’t usually like this. He wasn’t confident. Sure, he had the looks and he could flirt shamelessly when he got hit on, but he always got shy around the people he genuinely liked, not that there was too many of those.
But Stiles didn’t let him dwell on that. He gripped Derek’s arm, grinned cheekily and pointed at himself before lifting two fingers. It took a while for Derek to get it but when he did, he couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across his face.
Me too.
Practice Makes Perfect by blacktofade [21k, E]
In his sophomore year, Stiles gets dragged to lacrosse tryouts by Scott and ends up practising alongside the senior captain, Derek Hale. Stiles just wants to live long enough to become a junior.
Feline Persuasion by rensahannou (asmalltigercat) [15k, T]
Derek doesn’t need to worry about the cat living under the porch at his family’s old house, it’s just—Derek’s just used to worrying about things.
Hot Single Dad Derek Hale by WhoNatural [13k, E]
Wherein Derek is a Hot Single Dad, possibly with a little case of martyrdom, and Stiles is the newest client at his publishing house who really just wants to make him happy. Preferably while they’re both naked.
He doesn’t get to talk to Stiles a whole lot - and it’s fine, it’s professional and polite, but there is a little something that lights up in him when he thinks about him, sees him. Derek’s life has been mostly about preschool and Big Hero 6 and extra-curricular activities for so long now that it’s a shock to the system when he finds himself pre-occupied with something so… adult.And there are many, many adult things on his mind where Stiles is concerned.
I Call You Names Because I Love You by Rawren (Zimothy) [13k, M]
Years of touring with Stiles would never have prepared Derek for the day his beloved techie fell in love with someone else.
Maybe Someday (I’ll Be Home For Next Year) by ofherlionheart [16k, T]
AKA, the Grandma Stilinski fic. Derek Hale meets a Mabel Stilinski while living in New York. He learns that she has a grandson. There are miscommunications, scarves, stealth-matchmaking plans, and cookies. Many, many cookies.
my wings a hurricane by kellifer_fic [20k, T]
Stiles had been like any other kid growing up in the era of dragons. He’d watched the cartoons, the news stories, had the lunch box. When his screening at Beacon Hills High had come up negative, he’d been disappointed but unsurprised. His positive results were returned three years too late for it to be in any way convenient or cool.Or, the one where they ride dragons.
Thrill (like white-hot wire) by raisesomehale [4k, M]
Stiles made the decision that Derek was his new best friend (and that he’ll one day marry him) the day he shared his dinosaur chicken nuggets with him.
The Newlywed Game by Captain_Loki [19k, M]
Stiles is (still) single when the pack’s getaway to the Caribbean comes by (oh misplaced optimism); lucky for him Derek is committed to being uncommitted and even after all these years is still powerless against Stiles’ unique forms of persuasion.
Cue a romantic getaway for two: sun, sand, and sarcasm abound…and the two roped into competing in the Resort’s version of the Newlywed game. Only it’s completely obvious it’s going to end in disaster. Probably homicide.
Most probably homicide.
Plot twist: It doesn’t.
[Sleep]Walking After You by relenafanel [59k, M]
Derek is a sleepwalker who keeps wandering into his downstairs neighbour’s bedroom.
Stiles is pretty sure the hot guy from the park is going to kill him in his sleep. He knows he shouldn’t have been so obvious about objectifying the guy’s really fine ass.
Too bad it turns out Derek is easier to get along with when he’s sleeping.
227 notes · View notes
swyllh · 7 years
svt vocal team: radio host scenarios
radio host au – vocal team edition!
where you’re either a) called in as a temporary replacement, or b) are a permanent host for a late night show.
ok so, the radio show is split into different shifts – day and night shifts, mainly
you take the night shift, because you’re an incorrigible night owl
and because you love chillhop, acoustics. it’s like a match made in heaven, you and night shifts.
you know there’s a radio host, a very popular radio host, for the morning shift – he’s your exact counterpart in that he’s perfect for the morning call: bubbly, loves singing, has a lovely cheerful voice… the list goes on
but because you’re always on the night shift, and you’re always sleeping in, you don’t get to meet this guy, much less listen to his shows.
so you’re like /shrug/
but inside you’re really curious, because… well, you’re always by yourself recording (since you know how to operate almost everything on your own, and all your friends are losers who need their 9 hours of rest)
this one time, however…
you find yourself stuck in the studio patching up some things way after your shift
there was an emotionally attached caller who took up one hour, the sound system went down a bit and you had to fix it while keeping the listeners entertained…
things dragged on until it was, like, five in the morning.
you’re ready to drag your ass off to bed, when the morning radio host enters with a steaming cup of coffee and a bright smile
he doesn’t expect to see you there – usually the studio just runs on autoplay between the hours of 3am – 5.30am
“hey…” “hey, sorry, but i’ve been here since 8pm last night and i need to sleep bye” is what you say before you just collapse on the sofa in the next room.
seungkwan is obviously at a loss but!! he’s also been curious about the night host
when you wake up, seungkwan’s in the recording room working his charm
in fact, you wake up to the sound of his singing. nice, non-belty singing.
there’s a cup of coffee on the table next to you, and it just says “for the overworked night host !! :D”
you thank your past life and good karma and everything and drink the coffee.
“hey, i’m seungkwan, the morning host. it’s nice to meet you for the first time!” he says when he leaves the studio on autoplay.
you laugh and introduce yourself too. but you have classes and you need to change, so the exchange is pretty short.
but! you do leave notes at the recording station for each other after that haha
one time you laugh out loud at the sight of what he’s left for you, and explain to the listeners the whole deal between you and seungkwan
someone demands a collab
a few, ten, maybe fifty people support the idea
so you and seungkwan end up doing an evening special and by the end of it it’s like the best idea ever because he’s so funny??? what???
the notes never stop coming, man
i don’t think he listens much to radio shows, much less late night ones, but he does tune in this one time
and you’re in the middle of giving out some advice
it could be anything, literally, like how many seconds to politely laugh at a bad joke
but you’re saying it so gently and soothingly that he actually listens
“so yes, i would think that the bare minimum would be two or three ‘ha’s, just so you can make a quick transition. remember to keep smiling for a second or two after the other person stops speaking, and then you can move on from there! :)”
how do you even enunciate a smiley face
he doesn’t know
but you do :)
and he finds it kind of funny and calming so!! he continues tuning in!
m a y b e once he actually calls
“so, um what do you think about brainwashing people for their love?”
and you’re just O.o but you’re cool
not the weirdest question you’ve heard
(just before his call you got one asking you about how to deal with being robbed of your remote control)
so you talk about it with him on the radio, and he’s enamoured!
what a nice voice! what an understanding character!
“don’t you think we should make sure our loved ones know that they’re loved?” “yes, mr yoon, but brainwashing…”
calls regularly after that, if only to brainwash you into being his dearest radio host
“and whose radio host are you, [y/n]?” “… i’m not saying that on broadcast, buddy” “oHOhOHoho so you’ll say it off broadcast?”
literally you slam your head into the desk
“WHACK” “… [y/n], are you okay?”
your listeners are tired of your banter man (they love it though)
ok so the thing is, you’ve just been called in to do this as a favour
you are in  n o  w a y a professional
p sure you flunked public speaking class one time because you were laughing too hard at your own joke
so when you’re doing this show, you’re just uttering disclaimers
“so let’s talk about the newly minted water cooler at the admin block… that is, if it’s a relevant topic. is it relevant? shit, i don’t know. shit, i’m not supposed to curse on the show. shit i did it. shit i did it again.”
it’s kind of a trainwreck
you’re kind of like, if comic sans could talk… yeah.
so when the show ends – you’re in the midst of talking about the conspiracy theory between the moon landing and that ‘that boi’ meme
the end-card (?) song plays and your mic is switched off mid-sentence
josh can’t believe he just sat there and listened through this trainwreck
but he did
(and maybe he’s partially convinced of your theory)
he tunes in the next time, same time, same day, but you’re not there
he’s not sure why he’s disappointed, but at least he’ll get his regularly scheduled content of actual campus news
surprisingly you get called in again – and he’s tuned in
“back by popular demand!” you end up yelling, and his eardrums haven’t been quite the same since.
“ok, no, but seriously, some of you guys wanted me back? haha”
so maaaaybe he might have actually called in to ask about you
and you know about that, so after that broadcast, you get his number from the regular host, and start exchanging conspiracy theories lol
 jihoon: (happy birthday!)
ok so this one is a bit different.
because he’s a music producer, and he’s trying to get his work out there
testing the waters, yknow
and you’re part of the campus radio team, so he arranges to meet up with you
not before marathoning your podcasts so he can um strategically win you over to play his music? i mean, pssh, have you heard the stuff he mixes? he doesn’t need that, but it’s better to know who you’re working with anyway
so he listens, and you’ve got this inviting, friendly voice that really makes people feel like they’re having a conversation with you
SO he marathons, and finds that you’re a pretty chill person and open minded
when you two meet, he’s just finishing up his remix in the café
you walk in, and see him hard at work! wow, what a man
“hey, it’s [y/n] from the campus connection. you must be jihoon?”
turns out, wow, who’d have expected it, you can tell he’s got talent. it’s good. like, really, really good
so you sell his deal to the overall producer of your radio team. works well, the show ratings are hitting an all-time high
and you guys decide to do a mini-interview
“think of the ratings,” your overall producer whispers, hunched over a plan to monetise this tiny radio show
“hello everyone! it’s [y/n] here, and guess who i have with me today? it’s lee jihoon, the producer behind the music you’ve been listening to!”
“so, jihoon, tell us more about yourself!”
his first impression of you was right – is right – you’re really easy to talk to, and the session goes by quite comfortably
he doesn’t even realise time’s up until your overall producer is literally banging on the door and mouthing “out”
“that was really fun, jihoon, thank you!” “nah, it was really easy to talk to you”
do you guys hang out and he brings you more compositions to evaluate?
okay, this time seokmin is the one calling you in for help
one of his friends (this guy has a ton of friends, don’t even.) mans the radio show, and is in need of a replacement for the night shift
“why don’t you help him out, seokmin?” “have you heard me speak?” “uhuh” “it’s the night show, [y/n]. i’m going to wake people up” “…so you’re saying that i make people want to sleep?” “uhhhhhhhhhhhh no?”
but you help him out anyway – that guy is impossible to refuse
so! seokmin accompanies you to the studio, and he’s just there for moral support because it can be scary doing a radio show for two hours or so
“um, hi, everyone, this is [y/n] and i’m filling in for the regular host!” /muffled whispering in the background
everyone. can hear. seokmin. being encouraging. in the background.
at first, it’s kind of sweet?
but like, after the fiftieth thumbs up you’re just like
“ok seokmin, how about you join us in the recording”
“whaaaa- nooooooooooooo hi everyone, i’m seokmin hahaha”
he is a good night show host, despite what he says
he’s funny, and his sense of humour can be pretty chill when he wills it to. it takes a bit of effort, though, because at first he’s really loud
“so, seokmin, tell us more about that time with the-” “we dON’T SPEAK OF-” “shhhhh”
but yeah, night shift is so fun with him, you forget about the thermos of coffee you brought to keep you awake.
eventually the two of you do get into a somewhat philosophical discussion
“how did we get from cabbages to being happy?” “uh”
and even though he’s pretty happy-go-lucky and always sparkling with happiness, you guys exchange views and you find that it’s not always the case
i mean, duh, but still
“but i think it’s best to try and be happy, yknow” “…yeah, it is”
it’s a pretty meaningful conversation, and part of you is in shock that this didn’t happen in more private circumstances, but that there are at least fifty people listening in haha
you do get to know him a bit better after this, though
and he treats you to coffee the next day for your efforts, so it’s all worth it!
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sogriart-blog · 7 years
I was tagged by @unicorngender let’s do dis what’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum? I sing along to most everything I listen to hahaha. So favorite is probably anything Oh Hellos or Folksy, Or anything from Anais Mitchell. Hadestown has some stuff that’s really fun to sing along to while I work.
what are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to) Mmmm Camphor Trees, Lavender, and succulents. all of the plant life in my area is either palm trees or ever greens, so.....
favourite colour(s)? Honestly anything Green-Blue I adore
what do you always doodle (if you ever do)? lots of faces and plants. animals I see. Sometimes food or flowers I like. I’m starting to draw more characters from made up languages
how do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink? as the self proclaimed tea emperor, I love tea. I especially like green tea but I’ll drink most any kind if it’s good. I prefer it plain or maybe with honey or lemon if I’m feeling sick. Chai and Early Grey I like cream and sugar in though. (if it’s early grey I’ll drink it either way)
favourite candle scent? I’m allergic to the kinds of scents/ materials most scented candles use but I’m a sucker for vanilla if I accidentally get near one.
sunrise or sunset? I like both! but if I had to choose probably sunset. Means it’s a new beginning and a new day.
what perfume do you wear if any? No perfume but I have some neat eucalyptus deoderant
what’s your go to dance move when you’re alone? I’m really shy but if you’re up at 3 am you might catch me twirling and spinning
favourite quote? I don’t have a favorite/ the ones that I do like a lot tend to lose their relevance/ emotional punch after a few years, but my recent favorite is “There's a whisper on the night-wind, there's a star agleam to guide us,And the Wild is calling, calling . . . let us go.” -Robert W. Service
favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)? Self care: Baking cookies, making my favorite meal, reading or drawing while huddled up in a blanket Favorite Routine: Hot shower, morning stretches, cup of tea, drawing my ocs or gay stuff
fuzzy socks or house slippers?   I love slippers but lose them constantly, and socks are harder to kick off. Plus I can slide around on the floor
what colour are your eyes? uhhhhh Hazel but my mom says they change color (I don’t believe her but it does sound cool!)
what’s your favourite eye colour on others? there’s so many nice ones.... honestly I like all of them but green eyes have a very nice color to them
favourite season? why? winter, spring, summer! really any time we don’t have massive gross heat waves and when the weather’s nice an temperate!
cheek, neck or nose kisses? nose or cheek kisses? I think?
what does your happy place look like? rocks covered with moss and algae, tidal pools, patches of green and sand. Waves nearby and a forest at my back
favourite breed of dog? Anything that Boofs! personal favorites are pitties
do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme? mmmm maybe in the distant... distant.... distant... distant future.... probably forest aesthetic or beach or just.... teal and grassy and pretty
silk or lace? Uhhhhh. I hate the feel of silk and lace tends to get destroyed when I’m near it sooooooo ???
favourite weather? big dramatic clouds, soft breeze, maybe on the cooler side. Or a warm day but with gentle sun and a few clouds. Preferably anything that isn’t too hot. Uhhhh I’m tagging anyone that wants to do this and also @landofvinesandmonoliths
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