#hannah is bbg
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anrimii · 9 months ago
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Some sketchbook doodles ❤️❤️
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alchimistetyche · 1 month ago
If I had a nickle for everytime Lee Majdoub showed up and pined after a freak of a man in a series I liked I would have two nickels. I'm not surprised but sir, what were you doing in Supernatural of all things like-
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pov: me remembering he was in fact in supernatural after I saw sonic 3
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zappedbyzabka · 10 months ago
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💕💕💕💕 Peyton’s bday picnic
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moonydoodlez · 11 days ago
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ABOUT - hannah, 18, she/they, enfj, artist, hopefully future author
LINKS - instagram ✫ ao3 ✫ marauders fic rec masterlist ✫ spotify ✫
WHO I WRITE - marauders era characters, eddie munson, jonathan byers, jjk, stardew valley, willing to write for others if you send an ask :))
MASTERLIST - eddie munson. jonathan byers. james potter. wolfstar. jegulus. hazbin hotel.
MICROFICS MASTERLIST - wolfstar. jegulus. moonwater. rosekiller.
TAGS - #bbgart. #bbgwrites. #bbgspeaks. #bbgasks. #hannah's book ramblings. #bbgrecs.
ASKS - open
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walshball · 1 year ago
Let’s break it down girlies
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1. Kheating call up FUCK YES I barely dared to dream. Mary, show her some moves. Roebuck, enjoy the time out of your cell. Hannah… yeah.
2. Death, taxes, and a Lucy Bronze call up. Keep her on the FUCKING bench I swear to GOD. We’ve got such insane depth in defence we can let her chill out for a bit. Millie Bright, perfect, no notes. Love u queen. Ditto Alex Greenwood. I’m praying for some serious Le Tissier minutes because frankly I think it would be funny. Niamh bbg have fun out there okay, ily.
3. SHE’S BACK, THANK YOU GOD, MY GIRL IS BACK. Walshball is about to hit like a cold ass beer. We are so fucking back. Ella, honeybun, maybe do some mindfulness exercises, like whatever tantric friendship rituals you and Alessia clearly have going on. Clinton I am unfamiliar with your game but we’ll see what you have for me. Fran Kirby you fucking legend I want to see some broken Belgian ankles.
4. Forwards is forwards. Chloe Kelly big game player. Love to see a bit of Daly striker action. GWAN girl. Russo you big beautiful woman I’m kissing your forehead so sweetly. Hempo, ‘ave ‘em.
And finally, a very special message to Ms. Lucy Bronze: survive, you crazy bitch. Survive.
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fridgrave2-0 · 11 months ago
alright, I watched the holy trinity aka tgwdlm, black friday and npmd. here's my highly subjective opinions about them !!
first of all, I like all of them, but some more, some less. I'm not dissing or hating any of them, and pls be chill if you like it more than I do
the guy who didn't like musicals: plot 6/10. very simple and basic, still nice though. if I had a nickel for every time I saw a plot with alien possession and blue shit, I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird what it happened twice. paul and emma are cool, little cute couple. songs 5/10. sorry I have to be honest, but it was insanely hard for me to watch tgwdlm and pay attention when they start singing, what is an issue for a musical. sometimes I was even thinking about skipping them (I know it's a crime I'm sorry). most of the songs I forgot right after they ended, but two of them are SUCH bangers what they kinda overcompensated my experience. yeah I'm talking about "join us and die" and "let it out". they fucking killed it.
total: 5/10
black friday: plot 8/10. i enjoyed it so much I can't even describe. most of the characters are charismatic and likable as fuck and I cried like a bitch from tom's song in the beginning. everything about lex, ethan and hannah is a chef's kiss, I was SO invested. and LORE. so much lore I needed that. songs 6/10 HEAR ME OUT! i loved them, I cried at them, I enjoyed them, but personally I don't find them catchy. i don't want to relisten them like actual song in a playlist. would I want to hear them in the musical when I'll rewatch it? absolutely. besides that? not my cup of tea.
total: 7/10
nerdy prudes must die: plot 9/10. unpredictable, crazy, wild, funny. i loved every second of it, every character and every twist, even if I unwillingly spoilered ghost max thingy to myself. maybe it's my hyperfixation talking, but this is the only musical in the trilogy which I want to study with a microscope and rewatch forever. it's the best thing what happened to me in 2024. max is my bbg, pete and steph are fucking cute, grace is a menace and I love it for her, richie is a second bbg, ruth is my queen. minus one point only for max's dad existing, I hate his guts (and maybe for not giving bryce more singtime she's so good omfg. but about it later). SONGS 11/10 HOLY SHIT. the last time I could've relisten all the songs from the musical over and over again was hamilton and npmd just destroyed it like the nuke. the vocals, the music, the lyrics, it just changed my brain chemistry. i was listening to the npmd song for fucking hours in a row while drawing and i wasn't sick of it later. THE SUMMONING god the summoning holy shit!!! highschool is killing me, literal monster, hatchet town, COOL AS I THINK I AM, JUST FOR ONCE-- I just love all of them so much I can't.
total: 10/10
now it's nightmare time 🔥🔥🔥
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catnapanddogdaywhannah · 1 year ago
pov: catnap
what catnap sees
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what dogday sees
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false, untrue, incorrect. im scared of hannah not a cucumber. :3c She’s weird at times. Example: Calling Catnap bbg. thats not a normal thing to say to a married man
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elliesglock · 9 days ago
hannah open up duolingo and start up ur mandarin courses bbg
gonna love the hong kong hellcats 🤌🤌
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thornonthevine · 11 months ago
Autistic. All of you.
Isaac: ..oh
Malachi: I’m feelin it..
Vicky: well!…
Burt: even me bbg…?
Micah: what does that mean
Mordecai: I am?
Danny: …what
Lacy; I think Micah has that.
Eli: what does that mean?..
Joshua: how did you guess?
Maria: uhm?..thank you?
Malcom: you guys are odd…
Josiah: what….
Ezekiel: hm?…
Allison: my brother has that.
Kir: no thanks!
tyrus: cool?…
Gabriel: …alright
Hannah: oh
Matt: weird because I actually am..
Abel: BARK-
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screampied · 1 year ago
hi bbg
LMAOOO WHATTHEHELL 😭😭😭😭 hey hannah bbg hru <3
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artsyfangirl · 1 year ago
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They get two pics each because I can’t decide what photos to use for them! Fanart, or in Hannah’s case, official art because there exists little to no fanart of her :( and a Picrew!
Vanessa A. (FNaF AR:SP/SB)
Michael Afton (my beloved, my bbg, my pookie) (FNaF 4/SL/FFPS)
Hannah AKA Hammer (Fable 2 (childhood videogame, highly recommend, I’ve loved her since I was a child))
Reblog game!
Eh fuck it, I'll play along. Reblog a pic of your f/o (or f/os), no limit of who you can put in I've got plenty of time, and I'll give them a blanket (comforter, quilt, whatever)!
Looks of the blanket range from pretty and comfy to cursed and definitely comfy.
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(Pr0/Com/whatever y'all call yourselves, please fuck off. No blanket for you!)
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admiringlove · 2 years ago
HIIII SAM!!!! i’ve missed u bbg i hope ur well!!! 🫶🫶
i'm okay mostly been busy studying!!! hbu??
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boysbygirls · 7 years ago
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Star of 'Lean on Pete' and 'King Jack', Charlie Plummer, photographed by Hannah Sider for our Autumn Winter '17 issue, 'Tales of a new Generation'. Fashion by Von Ford. Grooming by Tiffany Patton. Interview by Cecilie Harris. Casting by Barbara Bersell.
Enjoy the brief teaser here.
Charlie wears shirt by Topman.
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awesomefringey · 2 years ago
Ok Sabine, I have a wild theory that Chicago is about BBG and Briana and a lot of the song is speaking to Freddie. This song keeps getting signaled out that it's a fave from Louis and it has special meaning. It can't just be about nothing or Zayn or Hannah, right?
Well, Louis and Briana met in Chicago.
Briana has a brother (Freddie).
Have you seen how my life's been going? 'Cause I've been wondering what you'd say Would you have told me to keep going Or would you say to walk away?
Keep going in what? The only thing to 'keep going' in is BBG...
Bitter ends turn sweet in time Is that true of yours and mine?
I mean, this would be a very bitter end.
Just because it didn't work Doesn't mean it's meaningless to me It just wasn't meant to be
To Freddie?
I mean - I could be completely clowning but when I saw that they MET in Chicago, I about lost it.
Ohhh I can’t get into song analysis yet because I didn’t have my bubblebath-wine-candles-head-banging-crying-to-fitf-listening yet, but maybe others want to chime in???
Also I wasn’t aware the narrative was that Louis met Briana in Chicago. I always thought it was a Danielle reference.
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broidobe · 5 days ago
oohhh yayyy!!
fav colour: dark red, black, white
currently reading: the nightingale by kristin hannah
last song: h.o.o.d by kneecap (my newest obsession)
last movie: cops (1922) cause buster keaton is my bbg
last series: south park
last video game: animal crossing new horizons or stardew valley (i dont remember)
sweet/savoury/salty: i really don't care as long as it's good
craving: stroopwafels
tea/coffee: coffee but it depends on how i feel
currently working: the 68 fics i have to write :)
tags: @xo-myloves, @ilovewrinklyoldmeninbands, uhhhh i forgot...
Nine people i want to get to know better
Thank you @shortace for the tag
Favourite colour: green
Currently reading: The Bones Beneath My Skin by TJ Klune and Rivals by Jilly Cooper
Last Song: Wait For It from Hamilton
Last Movie: I Saw The TV Glow (again)
Last series: on a Phineas and Ferb rewatch
Sweet, savory, salty: sweet. But not too sweet.
Craving: choc chip cookies (luckily I have some downstairs)
Tea/coffee: coffee. As black as my soul
Currently working on: much good omens fanfiction. So much.
Tagging: @funky-disco-demon @starks-kid @sweet-omens-good-hugs @turtlenec-crowley @snognes @reese-the-usc-girl @reggie-moony @rjcee-art @snek-of-eden
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habithlarry · 3 years ago
No entiendo a lxs que creen que realmente Ele y Louis están juntos. Acaso no han visto el timeline de esa "relación". Se que no debemos basarnos en eso pero no tiene sentido.
Supuestamente se conocieron en 2011, Hannah y Louis terminaron (?) De la nada. De ahí mágicamente apareció Ele, nadie sabe como ni dónde se conocieron o al menos no hay algo que sea coherente.
Empiezan a salir pero los momentos entre Harry y Louis no cambian tanto. Sucede el icónico tweet de Always In My Heart.
En 2012 tenemos la hermosa entrevista de Paris y el comienzo de los tatuajes complementarios.
2013-14 fueron años difíciles en cuanto a los stunts y barbas. Pero cada que teníamos alguna interacción era muy hermosa y muy cálida entre ellos 2.
En 2015 tenemos a L y H siendo más rebeldes que nunca y volviendo a interactuar. Tenemos el BUA elounor y el momento de Louis y Harry cantando muy felizmente I Will Survive.
2015 tenemos la foto de L besándose con una supuestamente Louis saliendo de fiesta y embarazado a una rubia X que casualmente inmediatamente todo el mundo sabe quién es, a que se dedica y como se llama.
2016 tenemos más contenido de Louis y el bbg. Llega Danielle a la línea del tiempo. Ele y su mejor amigo comienzan a viajar.
2017 supuestamente regresan, tenemos la pelea falsa del aeropuerto, los supuestos tatuajes de la L y la E. Louis lleva a Eleanor a un bar gay para su cumpleaños.
2018 L de gira con H en el Live on Tour.
2019 no recuerdo que pasaron muchas cosas en cuanto a L y H, también con E pero no lo diré porque es muy largo y por respeto a Fizzy.
2020 tenemos Walls el álbum debut de Louis con temas más obvios que otra cosa. Habit, Always You, Too Young y Only The Brave en cuanto a la sexualidad de L.
2021 L y los tatuajes de H en los baners de Spotify. Louis en Los Angeles cuando supuestamente era el aniversario elounor. Navidad con los Tomlinson y F, Ele en su casa alejada de L.
Aparte de todo esto L rara vez menciona a Ele en sus entrevistas y si lo hace es porque los entrevistadores la mencionan.
No se tu pero si yo fuera Ele y mi novio hubiera hecho lo que paso entre 2015-16 en primera yo no regreso con el. Lo termino para siempre y lo mando bien lejos.
Como lo he dicho simplemente estas personas prefieren vivir en su nube de negación que simplemente aceptar que lo que decimos lxs larries es verdad. Son personas que en el fondo saben que todo lo que decimos es cierto pero su obsesión con tirar odio es más grande.
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