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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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welcome G ! please take a look over our checklist and have your account in within 12 hours  .  neville longbottom ( will poulter ) /  penelope clearwater ( simone ashley ) / remus lupin ( oscar isaac ) are now taken .
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ϟ.  → will poulter : cis man : he/him : herbology professor : breathe me by sia  ϟ  did you see NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM ? you know ,  28 year old PURE-BLOOD who was formerly in gryffindor . some say NEVILLE can be quite valiant but are known to be clumsy. they are aligned with the order .  maybe that’s why they remind me of A ROOM FULL OF PLANTS, TRYING TO REMEMBER WHAT HE’S FORGOTTEN BY STARING AT A REMEMBRALL, FAIR ISLE JUMPERS TO KEEP COSY .   ϟ  g : 25 : bst : they/them
ϟ.  → simone ashley : cis woman : she/her : clerk at honeydukes : you’re enough by sleeping at last  ϟ  did you see PENELOPE CLEARWATER ? you know ,  32 year old MUGGLE BORN who was formerly in ravenclaw . some say PENELOPE can be quite meticulous but are known to be stubborn. they are aligned with the order.  maybe that’s why they remind me of AN ORNATE MIRROR THAT SAVED HER FROM A BASILISK’S DEADLY GAZE, SNEAKING AROUND STEALING KISSES FROM A HEAD-BOY,  THE HORRID FEELING OF WISHING THEIR LIFE HAD GONE DIFFERENTLY.   ϟ  g : 25 : bst : they/them
ϟ.  → oscar isaac : cis man : he/him : unemployed : monster by imagine dragons  ϟ  did you see REMUS LUPIN? you know ,  48 year old HALF BLOOD who was formerly in gryffindor. some say REMUS can be quite wise but are known to be cowardly. they are aligned with the order .  maybe that’s why they remind me of HAVING TO LIVE HAND TO MOUTH TO SURVIVE DUE TO THE PREJUDICE SURROUNDING HIM, AN ACHE DEEP WITHIN HIM THAT NOTHING CAN FILL, TATTERED JUMPER SLEEVES PULLED OVER SCARRED HANDS  . 
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
Remus Lupin is now under reserve for 12 hours.
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
for people bringing in apps for twins (ex: fred and george/padma and parvati) do we bring in the exact same fc or someone different?
yes ! since they are identicle twins , same fc is fine. unless you discuss it with the mun playing said twin.
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
Someone bring Fred his twin please and thank you!!!!!!
George is very much and highly wanted here ! come and comeplete the mischievous duo !
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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welcome BRITT ! please take a look over our checklist and have your account in within 12 hours  .  calliope addams ( nina dobrev  ) isnow taken .
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ϟ.  → nina dobrev : cis woman : she/her : astronomer : paint the town red by doja cat ϟ  did you see CALLIOPE ADDAMS ? you know ,  30 year old MUGGLE BORN who was formerly in ravenclaw . some say CALLIOPE can be quite passionate but are known to be indecisive. they are aligned with the order .  maybe that’s why they remind me of THE SWEETEST LAUGH, THE SMELL OF BAKING COOKIES, CRISP FALL MORNINGS.   ϟ  britt
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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welcome LILLIAN ! please take a look over our checklist and have your account in within 12 hours  .  astrid lockley ( sydney sweeney  ) isnow taken .
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ϟ.  → sydney sweeney : cis woman : she/her : dressmaker at madam malkins : put your records on by corinne bailey rea  ϟ  did you see ASTRID LOCKLEY ? you know ,  29 year old HALF-BLOOD who was formerly in ravenclaw house . some say ASTRID can be quite passionate but are known to be harsh. they are aligned with the neutrals .  maybe that’s why they remind me of A HIDDEN DIAMOND LONGING TO BE FOUND, GETTING LEFT BEHIND WITH A BROKEN HEART, LAVENDERS BLOWING IN THE BREEZE .   ϟ  penned by lillian : 29 : est : she/they
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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welcome ANAKIN ! please take a look over our checklist and have your account in within 12 hours  .  gabriel "fenris" alvarez ( pedro pascal ) /  mei liu ( ju jingyi ) are now taken .
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ϟ.  → pedro pascal : cis man : he/him :  owlet trainer : last resort (reloaded) by papa roach x jeris johnson  ϟ  did you see GABRIEL "FENRIS" ALVAREZ ? you know ,  49 year old HALF-BLOOD ( BORN WEREWOLF ). some say "FENRIS" can be quite determined but are known to be dishonest. they are aligned with the death eaters .  maybe that’s why they remind me of AN UNNERVING FEELING OF BEING WATCHED WHEN YOU ARE ALONE ; SOFT WHISPER & GROWLING SCREAM, ALL IN YOUR HEAD - ; ID I EVER TELL YOU THE DEFINITION OF INSANITY?' & SWEETLY SAID 'OH MY APOLOGIES, I'M FRESHLY OUT OF FUCK TO GIVE ' WITH SHARP SMIRK .   ϟ  penned by anakin : 25+ : gmt : they / them
ϟ.  → ju jingyi : demi woman : she/they : potion master : teen spirit by jeris johnson  ϟ  did you see MEI LIU ? you know,  27 year old HALF-BLOOD ( HALF-VEELA ). some say MEI can be quite persistent but are known to be unpredictable. they are aligned with the neutrals .  maybe that’s why they remind me of SOFT SKIN HIDDING A STEEL CORE - A FRAGILE LOOKING CREATURE THAT WILL BEND BUT NOT BREAK ; SHARP SCENT OF CITRUS MIXED WITH HERBS & WARMTH OF THEIR SKIN  WHEN THEY HUG YOU AS THEY STAB YOU IN THE BACK.   ϟ  penned by anakin : 25+ : gmt : they / them
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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welcome KIKI ! please take a look over our checklist and have your account in within 12 hours  .  gabrielle delacour / gonel deniz ( ozge yagiz  ) isnow taken .
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ϟ.  → ozge yagiz : cis woman: she/her: receptionist: say don’t go by taylor swift  ϟ  did you see gabrielle delacour / gonel deniz ? you know ,  26 year old quarter-Veela witch who was formerly in Beauxbatons Academy of Magic . some say gabrielle can be quite childish but are known to be argumentative. they are aligned with the neutrals .  maybe that’s why they remind me of small but mighty, beautiful beyond measure, and the constant smell of french lavender.   ϟ  penned by Kiki : 28 : cst : she/her
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
hi !! pls can i reserve neville longbottom & penelope clearwater for g? thank you <3
neville longbottom + penelope clearwater are now under reserve !
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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remus lupin + angelina johnson are now open for applications .
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
charlie will be @cweaslcy & daphne will be @dgrecngrass
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charlie weasley
daphne greengrass
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
Do you have a list of open canons at all? Cheers!
I don't but you can look over our taken page to see who is taken ! I just updated the main and all should be good .
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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welcome LILY ! please take a look over our checklist and have your account in within 12 hours  .  nadia kilic ( hazal filiz küçükköse ) isnow taken .
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ϟ. → hazal filiz küçükköse : cis woman : she/her : Head Unspeakable : le monde by Richard Carter ϟ did you see NADIA KILIC ? you know , 35 year old PUREBLOOD who was formerly in beauxbatons academy of magic . some say NADIA can be quite meticulous but are known to be manipulative . they are aligned with the death eaters . maybe that’s why they remind me of SINFUL LIPS WHISPERING THE MOST WONDERFUL HORRIBLE OF THINGS , BURNING DOWN EMPIRES IF IT MEANT PROTECTING HER CHILD , THIS IS SIMPLY BLOODSPORT FOR A BEING LIKE YOU , “ SHE’LL EAT YOU ALIVE “.
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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zaya riddle diggory ( danielle rose russelle ) is requesting significant other or love interest .  they are  28+ , a pureblooded , and and are preferably played by  matthew daddario, dylan o'brien, chance perdomo, lee do hyun, utp .  for any additional information you can contact @xslythcrin before applying .
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CONNECTION DETAILS : zaya and your muse started as good unlikely friends in hogwarts before the war. study together, help him out if he needed it and vise versa, among other things. despite being a bit indifferent, she always had a soft spot for your muse and while zaya had always had her secrets, she had one that she wasn't aware of it herself, until voldemort himself revealed it and called her his heir. how he felt about her after is up to player. although most who she knew started to avoid her or try and get into the dark lord good graces.
with the way things are, he knows he shouldn't be with her or even go near her. zaya never took sides and while she did help the order in the battle of hogwarts most now assume she's a death eater and not to be trusted. Bonus points if its neville longbottom or a weasley but can be oc or another canon who is part of the order . more can be plotted out once taken .
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
I was suppose to do this about an hour ago or two but I would love to announce that we officially open for ooc and plotting ! make sure to FOLLOW EVERYONE and post your intros ! I cant wait to read them all. remember to tag your intros : imperio:intro . Happy plotting !
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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welcome NICOLE ! please take a look over our checklist and have your account in within 12 hours  .  fleur delacour / feyza deniz ( melisa pamuk ) are now taken .
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ϟ.  → melisa pamuk : cis woman: she/her: banker: skinny love by bon iver  ϟ  did you see fleur delacour / feyza ? you know ,  31 year old quarter-Veela witch who was formerly in Beauxbatons Academy of Magic . some say fleur can be quite caring but are known to be impatient. they are aligned with the neutrals .  maybe that’s why they remind me of being fiercely loyal to those she cares about, loving a family that didn't like her, the smell of flowers follows her.   ϟ  penned by nicoole : 30 : pst : she/her
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imperiohq · 1 year ago
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welcome COURTNEY ! please take a look over our checklist and have your account in within 12 hours  .  flora carrow ( adeline rudolph ) are now taken .
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ϟ.  → adeline rudolph : cis woman : she/her : curse breaker : seventeen going under by sam fender  ϟ  did you see FLORA CARROW ? you know ,  26 year old PUREBLOOD who was formerly in SLYTHERIN . some say FLORA can be quite observing but are known to be vicious. they are aligned with the death eaters  .  maybe that’s why they remind me of fighting your whole life for your own identity only to come out bruised and battered, the shadows have always been a home to turn to, red lipstick and daggers for eyes .   ϟ  penned by it me courtney
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