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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
These Nutrients Will Help You Promote Your Hearing Capacity
These Nutrients Will Help You Promote Your Hearing Capacity
Avoiding prolonged loud noises and taking care of ear infections is a way to prevent hearing loss. However, there are nutrients that will also help. Some of them are vitamins C and E, which help control free radicals, stimulating the ears’ capacity. Also folic acid, which has antioxidants, is present in some green vegetables and eggs. Check the full list. Additional details click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
New Hearing Loss Treatments With Gels And Gene Therapy
New Hearing Loss Treatments With Gels And Gene Therapy
Hearing loss and certain types of tinnitus were considered as irreversible. Now pharmaceutical companies are testing treatments to cure it via gels and gene therapy. Hearing loss occurs when the hair cells located in the cochlea or the nerves associated with them are damaged. Gels are injected through the eardrum to reach these cells. More info click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
The Correct Way To Clean The Ears
The Correct Way To Clean The Ears
Many people use Q-tips for cleaning their ears. However, this puts the delicate organs in danger, because of the possibility of a perforated tympanum. The suggestion from the medical point of view is: leave it, don’t clean it. The earwax, which protects the ear canal, cleans itself, so it’s not necessary to use other tools. More info click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
These Foods Will Help Fight Hearing Loss Caused By Inflammation
These Foods Will Help Fight Hearing Loss Caused By Inflammation    
In most cases, hearing loss caused by old age is related to an inflammation of the hair cells in the inner ear. These hair cells, when damaged, cannot regenerate, making hearing loss irreversible. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent inflammation which can be done by ingesting certain foods. For example, red wine has an antioxidant that can reduce cholesterol and lower inflammation. Dark chocolate can lower inflammation and improve the immune system. Click here for more information.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
Avoiding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Avoiding Noise-Induced Hearing Loss    
It Is The Most Common Type Of Hearing Loss    
Hearing loss is more common in older adults, but the truth is that it can develop at any age. Causes can be diseases, medication, injuries, or exposure to loud sounds. Noise-induced hearing loss, also called sensorineural hearing loss, is the damage of the hair cells located in the inner ear. This type of hearing loss could be prevented by following certain guidelines, such as avoiding continued exposure to loud noises, such as clubs, music concerts, and headphones. However, there are differences in noise-induced hearing loss. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid hearing them, such as a sudden noise at the workplace, ambulances or sirens, machinery noises, among others. However, if there is ear damage, it can only be assessed after the event, in other words, when it’s too late. There are ways to avoid exposure to loud noises, such as using foam plugs, moving away from the sound source, or even using special earplugs that block the loud noises but allow a conversation. More details click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
High Volume Is Not The Only Reason For Hearing Loss – Check The Other Causes
High Volume Is Not The Only Reason For Hearing Loss – Check The Other Causes    
Hearing loss can be caused by a high volume of sound, such as loud music, appliances, blow dryers, and even a gym class. However, there are other causes. For example, health conditions related to blood, such as type 1 and 2 diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol affect blood circulation in the tiny blood vessels in the inner ear. There are also prescriptions, such as diuretics for heart disease and antibiotics, OTC pain relievers like ibuprofen and aspirin. Check all the causes of hearing loss. More details click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
New Research Opens The Door For Hearing Loss Recovery In Young Adults
New Research Opens The Door For Hearing Loss Recovery In Young Adults    
Hearing loss occurs to people of older age, but can also happen to a young adult in their 30s. According to a study, in lab rats, it can be caused by the loss of a small mitochondrial protein. This is because reacting oxygen can trigger the loss of these proteins. However, treatment with antioxidants neutralized the reactive oxygen and prevented the loss of the protein. This could lead to a treatment to prevent and even reverse hearing loss at a young age. More details click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
25% Of Adults Have Some Type Of Gradual Hearing Loss And Are Not Aware Of It
25% Of Adults Have Some Type Of Gradual Hearing Loss And Are Not Aware Of It    
A study revealed that 25% of adults have some degree of hearing loss, but are not aware of it. This is because hearing loss is a condition that shows up gradually, and patients go to the doctor when the condition is severe or evident. In other cases, the patient loses the ability to hear high frequencies, such as the sounds made by the letters S, Z, or TH, and has trouble understanding a conversation. More Information click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
Diabetes Increases Risk Of Hearing Loss
Diabetes Increases Risk Of Hearing Loss    
Diabetes cases have increased due to the modern diet, lack of sleep and physical activity, and poor lifestyle choices, leading to insulin resistance. Also, other conditions related to diabetes, such as poor control of blood sugar, hypertension and blood lipids, can cause a blockage in the tiny blood vessels in the inner ear, resulting in hearing loss. More Information click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
This Software Evaluates And Personalizes The User’s Hearing Ability
This Software Evaluates And Personalizes The User’s Hearing Ability    
It Compensates The Frequencies Difficult To Hear    
There is an app that analyzes the user’s personal hearing ability and personalizes the sound to compensate it. This is not only oriented to people with gradual hearing loss, but to any person that is unaware that they have a slight hearing loss, which does not interfere with his daily activities nor his communication with other persons. This is great news, considering that 2.5% of the people suffer from untreated hearing loss, and one-third of them are under 35 years. The app first evaluates the frequency perception level of the user. This means, which frequencies are best and are worst heard, similar to an audiologist exam. This personalizes the software for the user. Also, the app can be integrated into several audio platforms. More info click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
Low Blood Pressure May Cause Fainting, Lightheadedness, And Dizziness
Low Blood Pressure May Cause Fainting, Lightheadedness, And Dizziness    
It Lowers The Oxygen Supply To The Brain    
Low blood pressure is not as dangerous as high blood pressure, but it must be treated. This occurs when the blood pressure is lower than normal, 90/60 mmHg or less. Among the symptoms are lightheadedness and dizziness, especially when standing up, which is also called postural hypotension, and also fainting, because low pressure might lead to a deficient supply of oxygen to the brain. Other symptoms are feeling sick, having a blurred vision, and confusion. Additional information click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
Study: Potassium In Bananas Can Help Prevent Hearing Loss
Study: Potassium In Bananas Can Help Prevent Hearing Loss    
Also, Zinc And Magnesium Are Fundamental For Preserving The Hearing Function    
According to specialists, bananas can help prevent hearing loss. This is due to the potassium, which helps in the correct functioning of the inner ear, and the transmission of signals to the brain. There are other vitamins and minerals important for preventing hearing loss. Researchers have found that eh inner ear has the highest concentration of zinc in all the body, and its deficiency can result in tinnitus. Magnesium protects the ears against noise-induced hearing loss, which results from operating machinery without protection or listening to loud music. Click here for more info.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
Electro-Acupuncture Treatment For Tinnitus Increases Circulation In The Hearing System
Electro-Acupuncture Treatment For Tinnitus Increases Circulation In The Hearing System    
A study in China has shown improvement in tinnitus patients by the use of electro-acupuncture. While traditional acupuncture had 65% effectiveness, electro-acupuncture has 90% effectiveness. According to the researchers, it reduces tinnitus, benefits the ears and increases conduction n the auditory nerve. This is because the electrical pulses create rhythmic contractions of the muscles in the ear region. This promotes circulation and nutrient delivery to the hearing system. Click here for more info.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
Frequent Use Of Magnetic Resonance Scanners (MRI) Increases The Risk Of Hearing Loss
Frequent Use Of Magnetic Resonance Scanners (MRI) Increases The Risk Of Hearing Loss    
More Powerful Models Have More Magnetism, But Also Generate Higher Noise    
Magnetic resonance imaging has given physicians the possibility of visualizing the brain, spinal cord, and other body parts, allowing an early diagnosis of serious conditions. However, it has a downside for the patient, and it is the noise of the modern scanners can reach a peak sound of 125.7 to 130.7 dB, with an average between 110 to 115 dB. This sound level can result in tinnitus and noise-induced hearing loss. MRI scanners with a higher level of magnetism have a higher noise level. Also, the scanners generate low-frequency sounds, less than 1 kHz, which have less risk of hearing impairment than higher frequency sounds, higher than 4 kHz. In these cases, the suggestion is to wear earplugs to attenuate the sound. More Information click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
Understanding Speech In Noisy Environments
Understanding Speech In Noisy Environments    
Hearing aids are oriented to amplify the sounds and frequencies of the human voice, allowing the wearer to understand a conversation. However, this can be difficult in a noisy environment. Researchers have developed a method to predict intelligibility in noisy backgrounds, which might assist the development of hearing aids. More info click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
Migraine And Tinnitus Can Be Caused By TMJ (Tempo Mandibular Joint) Disorder
Migraine And Tinnitus Can Be Caused By TMJ (Tempo Mandibular Joint) Disorder    
Sometimes headaches can be caused by a dysfunction in the TMJ – tempo mandibular joint. This means that the mandible is unbalanced due to teeth misalignment, an injury or a previous condition that has affected the joint. In this case, pain also reflects itself in the neck and in the shoulders and can be also the cause of vertigo and tinnitus. The treatment is oriented to balance the posture of the spine, balance the bite and also the mandible. More Information click here.
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eigs9534 · 6 years ago
These Earplugs Will Protect You From Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Or Tinnitus
These Earplugs Will Protect You From Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Or Tinnitus    
They Channel The Loud Music Through A Hollow Passage, Reducing The Sound By 20 Db    
There are places we go in which usually the music is too loud. Clubs, bars, gyms, rock concerts, even spinning or dance classes. Frequent exposure to loud music might lead to hearing loss or tinnitus, so one solution is to use earplugs. However, there are usually uncomfortable, bulky, and in some cases ugly. There are also earbuds with an external microphone that filter the music when it reaches harmful levels, but they are expensive. On the other hand, people wish to protect their ears, but also enjoy the club atmosphere or the rock concert. There are not earplugs that channel the sound through a hollow passage before it reaches the ears, reducing the sounds by 20 dB. These have no electronics, are stylish, and comfortable. Additional info click here.
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