#i love sam x beth so much
anrimii · 4 months
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Some sketchbook doodles ❤️❤️
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daniswoso · 9 months
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Short sight.
Leah Williamson x Reader.
Warnings: Angst, breakup, reader overthinking, reader breaks up with leah, online hate, overthinking, anxiety, self doubt.
Summary: In which you can’t see that you’re perfect for Leah like she says you are after a social media post gets negative attention.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you on about?” Leah asked, incredulous. She couldn’t believe you were breaking up with her, she thought you were happy. She thought things between you were good! And better yet, she had allowed herself to actually fall in love again, to believe that she was allowed to be loved.
Well, that all went to shit, didn’t it?
“Leah, I’m sorry. I love you, you know I do. I just-“
“Just what, Y/N?!”
“I’m not right for you!” You finally snapped, tears streaming down your cheeks as you looked at her. She looked back at you as though she had been burned. It broke your heart more and more with every second longer you looked at the crease in her eyebrow deepen.
“Y/N, what? What do you mean ‘not right for you’?” She asked, her voice was softer than it was before, clearly she held some semblance of guilt for yelling.
“I’m sorry, Leah.” And with that you were out the door, your bag planted firmly on your shoulder.
She briefly considered chasing after you, but realised it was no use, you were already driving off in your BMW (A/N: im a bmw girl, sue me.) and leaving your relationship behind. But why?
She never did figure it out, not even a week later.
She had hardly left the house, much to chagrin of Katie and Beth who had been trying to make plans with her for the past 3 days. None of them knew, it’s not like Leah could tell them without there being a massive row, especially since Beth no matter how well she knew you from national teams, would always back Leah. And Katie… Well she bullied you enough on derby days, as you played for the blues of London, and Leah shuddered to think what she’d do to you if she actually had a valid reason to.
Meanwhile you weren’t much better off, having been crying in Sam Kerr’s lap for the past week. Which is where you still were now, Kristie rubbing your knee gently as you laid with your head in Sam’s lap.
“Sweetie, you never actually told us why you and Leah broke up.” Kristie pressed, tilting your head so you’d look at her. You sighed and sniffed, wiping your tears and lifting your head from Sam’s lap.
“There… We posted a picture. Of us at the beach. And it was a hard launch, I guess? She was kissing my cheek in it, all lovey dovey like.” You started, both of them silent showing support and patiently waiting for you to explain.
“And the comments were all just talking about how she could do better. I- I didn’t think much of it, y’know? Just thought it was another bellend on the internet, but then it was all the comments were filled with. I started to believe it.” You shrugged, picking at your nails, leaning forward. The two older women exchanged a worried look over your head.
“Y/N, Leah adored you. She wouldn’t have given you up for the world. And also she could never do better! You’re the best damn player on our team, minus me, and she’s lucky to ever have had you!” Sam insisted, her voice firm, but playful.
You chuckled, shaking your head.
Things with Leah were going much less smooth than they were going for you. She hadn’t left the house in days, skipping two training sessions in favour of wracking her brain desperately trying to find out what you meant.
Then it twigged. She found the post, scrolling through the comments.
“Oh, Y/N… You fucking idiot.” She breathed out, pressing her contacts list, finding your name and allowing her thumb to hover over the call button.
A/N: Im evil, i know i know. BUT! p2? 👀
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greynatomy · 11 months
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leah williamson x reader
request: either Leah, Lucy or Sam.... married to a writer, someone who's name is well known but face isn't . (could be a pen name) ... the relationship isn't know.... reader comes to a game, the team sees reader and thinks Player should shoot their shot....
the book mentioned is by ciara smyth and i recommend reading it
For as long as anyone has known her, Leah Williamson was a known bookworm. Her parents have bought countless books once she’d learned how to read. If she wasn’t playing football, she was reading a book.
Away matches? Reading on the coach or plane, Leah will always be found with a book on her person. Everyone teased her about it, but she always gave recommendations on her favorite reads.
Her close friend, Lia Wälti, did tease her at first, like the rest of their Arsenal teammates, but one time during training, Leah left her book on the lounge chair by the pool when Jonas called her over for a chat. Lia picked up the book to inspect it.
“The Falling in Love Montage by Billie Keynes.” She mumbled, reading the title and author.
By the time Leah comes back to her chair, she sees someone else occupying it, her book in their hands.
“Would it be possible to get my book back?” Leah asks, casting a shadow over Lia.
“Shh. I’m a bit preoccupied.” Lia lifts a finger up to Leah, not taking her eyes off the page she is on.
“Uh, that’s my property.”
“And I’m currently using it, so wait your turn.”
Over the next couple of days, Lia is seen with the same book that Leah had. Some of her teammates ask about it and eventually a a good number of them started reading the book.
Another couple of days later, the team is winding down by the pool at the training ground, all reading the same book.
“This is a really good book Lia. Thanks for the recommendation.” Steph complimented, other gunners agreeing.
“Uh, excuse you all. I have been reading that first. Lia stole the book from me. Had to buy a new one.” Leah complains, eyebrows furrowed.
“Shush. It’s not a competition.”
Leah makes a face of offense.
“Actually, since you’re here, does Billie Keynes have any other books? Preferably with more lesbians.” Beth asks.
“Oh, I’ve got a whole list. I’ll send it in the group chat.”
Two weeks later, they were back on the pitch, ready for a new season. Leah sat behind the bench, still healing from her injury.
After the match, Lia walks over to where Beth and Leah stood.
“Hey! Good game, played well!” Beth hugs the Swiss.
“Thank you, but did you see the girl that was reading a book the whole game?”
“Leah wasn’t reading?” Beth looks at Leah, confused.
“No, not Leah. She’s, uh, she’s right there, just walking off.”
“Huh. Weird.”
Over the next few games, including the ones away, more and more of the team took notice of the girl who reads during the match. Always in the same section, same row, reading a book. Even some fans recognize her, being posted on social media by the team’s administration.
During a team bonding, the team decided to play a bit of truth or dare. One having to eat a spoonful of Vegemite, jump in the pool, tell their biggest fear.
The bottle then landed on Leah, being spun by Katie, who had a mischievous look on her face.
“Oh, no.” Leah was sweating, she didn’t like the look on the Irish’s face.
“Now, we know how much you love to read. You’ve turned some of us, not me, but some of us into avid readers, but there’s one that could rival you as a bookworm.”
“Get on with it, will you!” Leah was impatient.
“I dare you… to go up to the girl that’s always reading during our games and ask her out. On a date.”
So now here she was, walking over to the section after the game against City. She walks in small strides, trying to take longer than she needed to, looking back to see her team huddled together watching her.
“Hey.” She says, when she reaches the girl, who was, no surprise, reading a book.
“Leah.” You replied, not taking your eyes off the book.
“Listen, I was dared to go up to you and talk to you.”
“So, you’ve said last night.”
“Let me finish woman.”
“Okay. I’m sorry.” You give an amused smile at the pout on her face.
“Would you like to go on a date? We’ve not gone on one yet this week.”
“Yes, only if I pick where to eat.”
“But, babyyyy.” She whines. “You know I’m picky.”
“That’s why I want to pick. You can’t deprive your tastebuds from flavor.”
“Ah ah.” You interrupted. “Pick me up when you’re done.” You lightly pat her cheek and walk towards the exit.
“So?” Katie questioned, wanting to know what happened.
“She rejected me.” Leah replied with a sullen pout.
“Oof. That sucks mate. Thought she’d be the one for you.”
A month passed since the date was executed. Everyone seemed to forget about it, still seeing you in the stands, but no one paying you any mind.
It was a team bonding night. Everyone agreed to have it at Leah’s place tonight. The thing is, everyone knew except for Leah. On purpose? Only Katie knows.
A loud and heavy knock scares Leah from where she lay on the couch. She cautiously walks to the door, looking through the peephole, eyes widening at the sight of her whole team.
“What are you all doing here?” Leah opens the door just a bit.
“It’s team bonding night. Be a dear and let us in.”
Katie hadn’t waited for an answer and let herself in, the rest following after.
“So, what do you have planned?”
“Didn’t think that far ahead.”
“Actually.” Beth butts in. “Did you guys hear that Billie Keynes is releasing another book?”
“Wait. Really?”
“Yeah, in like a week.”
Lia was looking around her friend’s house, snooping more like it.
“What’s it called?”
“I Think—” Lia’s answer gets cut off as she pick up a book from Leah’s shelf. “Leah?”
“How do you have Billie Keynes’ new book before it’s been released?”
Leah’s head whips towards Leah so fast that her head could’ve popped off its socket.
The sound of the front door opening and shutting cut off her stuttering, leaving everyone else to stay silent, not knowing who else it could be. You walk into the living room, freezing at the sight of Leah’s whole team.
“Hey, you’re the girl who reads during our games.” Beth breaks the silence.
“Uh, hi.”
“Wait.” Katie turns to Leah. “I though you said she rejected you.”
“Well, you see—”
“Oh my god! Where’d you find that? I’ve been looking for it everywhere.” You grab the book out of Lia’s hand, flipping through the pages. “My agent almost killed me cause I thought I lost it.”
“Huh?” The team were now confused.
“It won’t be released until another week. It would’ve been horrible to lose it.”
“How do you have this then if it hasn’t been released yet?” Beth questioned, confused.
“I mean when you write it, you get special privileges.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. What do you mean by that?”
“It means how I said it.”
“So you’re Billie Keynes?”
“It’s a pen name. My real name’s Y/N Y/LN.”
“That’s so cool.” Alessia speaks up for the first time.
“You’re like our favorite author.”
“Aw. That’s so sweet.”
“How’d you come up with Billie Keynes anyway.”
“Well, people named William are sometimes called Billie and my wife is from Milton Keynes.”
“Leah! You made me dare you to ask your wife on a date?”
“Yeah. Thank you for that. I’ve got some bonus wifey points for it.” Leah had a smirk on her face, making the team groan and you slap her lightly on the arm.
“Since we’re teammates of your wife, could we get some special privileges?” Beth asks, hoping you know what she means.
“I’ll even sign the book for you.”
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theinheriteddutchess · 4 months
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Pulling Against The Stream
Summary: you've always been drawn to the sea, even if you feared it. When a handsome stranger shows up he completely turns your life and awakens a side of you you didn't even know existed.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Word count: about 11.475
Warnings: 18+, I'm not sure if there really are warnings, nothing gets too explicit. There's talk about nearly drowning, merfolk will eat people (but not in this part). Is Bucky a warning? I think he's a warning🤷‍♀️
(Notes: this was fun to work on, I fell in love with these two, I'm sad it's finished. Also, sorry Owen, you never did get that apology.)
Part 2
The wind was a welcome coolness as it rushed through your hair. You looked out to sea, watching the calm waves rush to shore, wetting the sand before retreating again. It was one of your favourite things to do. Whenever you were on the beach you felt calmer. Like all your problems seemed to disappear. Even if for a little while.
You never went in the water, however. 
You hadn’t since you were a little girl and you had nearly drowned. You loved water. You just couldn’t sink into it. Every time you thought about it, you saw your mother's face as she panicked and yelled at you. As a young girl you had realized something had been very wrong, and now many years later, you had avoided breaking through that fear, and simply given up.
You ached sometimes however, seeing families walking into the ocean and swimming, playing together, their laughter traveling through the air. If only that could be you. It was you, at some point, but the accident changed so much. 
You sighed. You took one look at the water, saying goodbye in your mind, before turning and grabbing your shoes. You walked to the parking lot, trying to brush as much sand off your feet as you could, before slipping on your ankle socks and your shoes. You didn't want to be late. Your friends would  give you a hard time about it. You had agreed to go to this party and they weren't going to let you forget it. They had taken you shopping last week for this event, even. A cute summer dress meant to flatter your body, without looking like you were trying too hard. 
You knew they'd been trying to set you up with someone, a friend of Genevieve’s boyfriend, some guy named Owen or Odin.. You didn't really know, because you were protesting before they both convinced you to give him a try. 
They meant well, but you were fine on your own. 
You had a tiny apartment nearby the sea and you had a simple job that provided enough for you to be comfortable. You loved being able to be near the ocean and simply opening your windows and hearing the crashing of the waves, the smell of salt in the air. It didn’t matter that no one understood. You were happy here.
But today was different. Today your friends wanted you to have fun. And you had promised to. And you were going to. One night going out with friends and a hot man. It couldn’t be that bad, right? Sam was a nice guy, his friend was sure to be nice as well. You hoped. And if not, you had no problem bailing.
You showered once you got home, taking extra time to let the pleasant scent of your shower gel soak into your skin, and made yourself ready. You thought you looked nice, when you saw yourself in the mirror. Owen or Olaf should appreciate the effort.
Your friend Beth picked you up, her recently wedded husband in the back swiping away on his tablet. 
“Hon’, put it away, it’s after working hours, okay?” she softly told him and he groaned but listened. 
“Hey,” you greeted them, smiling. They had been together since highschool and had just simply never parted. A rare thing in your opinion, but it gave you higher hopes for the future.
“Okay, so Gen told me they were already at the bar, you know the place, right? Shade?”
You did know. It was near the beach, a restaurant, bar and club all at once. It really gave beach resort vibes, but it was a little less rowdy than an actual dance club, and the food was rumored to be excellent.
You had a strong suspicion it was picked out deliberately to make you more comfortable since it was beach themed. You chuckled a little at the idea.
“It has excellent seafood, I heard.”
“We know how much you love that!” Beth told you, smiling.
It was true, ever since you were little you loved anything fishy. Your mother would go mental getting you to eat anything, unless fish was on the menu. You didn’t know why but other meat felt heavier, and you enjoyed the taste better.
It was a nice place. You arrived and it seemed all tables were full, but it didn’t feel too crowded inside. The restaurant had a perfect look out to sea, and the dance floor was separated in a way that the noise didn’t bother the dinner guest. It had a nice atmosphere. Seeing it now you were sure you wanted to visit again. That is, if the food was as good as promised.
You saw your other friend waving from a table in a corner of the room. You saw the friend that was supposed to be your date. Nerves were beginning to show, but you faked being confident as you walked over.
“Hello, making yourselves comfortable I see?” you greeted, watching the guy, Oscar or Otis, getting up and holding out his hand. You shook it. Firm but not too hard. A good handshake.
He was holding your chair for you and okay, gentleman. But that didn’t mean anything. Mannerisms might be nice, but you never knew what lurked underneath.
You mostly listened for the first few minutes to your friends joking and sharing some details about their day.
The waiter showed up soon to take your drink order, and handed you the menu for dinner.
“I heard you liked seafood?” Your date leaned closer.
You nodded. “Yes. A lot. I’ve been told it’s a little unnatural, but I can't help it, I prefer a nice Plaice over a steak.”
“Nothing wrong with knowing what you want.” He smiled kindly.
“Exactly. How about you? Do you have any preferences?”
“Only about my car, and that’s pretty much about bringing me where I want. I know, not very manly of me, but I don’t see the point in getting excited over a piece of metal. It needs to function and if it does I'm good.”
“So what do you get excited about?”
“Honestly?” he leaned over like he was about to tell you a great secret. “I collect old movie posters.”
“Okay, so you love old movies?”
“A lot. My nan used to set me down at the tv to watch with her, I guess it’s where I got my love for black and white movies from. It’s probably to keep the thought of her alive, but that makes me sound mushy.”
“Not at all, it’s sweet actually.”
And it was. He was. He was sweet. You might even like to see him again if this was over. You were becoming more comfortable as the minutes ticked by.
The food was as excellent as expected. The conversation was flowing. And it was great being around your friends again, all together. 
Ollie was a good looking man, with kind brown eyes and an equally kind smile. You weren’t sure if there was chemistry between you, or what he even thought about you, but you were sure that if you ran into him tomorrow things wouldn’t be awkward. 
The evening progressed smoothly. Eventually your group migrated to the other part of the building, where catchy music and dimmed lights created a bit of a different atmosphere.You got another drink and kind of swayed your hips to the beat of the bass. Your friends were already dragging their partners to the dance area, and you stood next to Otto and kind of felt a little unsure. You wanted to dance, but he didn’t show any signs of asking you. And leaving to go dance alone seemed rude.
“I’m sorry, I am really bad at dancing.” He seemed to notice.
“It’s okay.” You raised your voice to be heard over the music. You were a little disappointed. “Not that I mind bad dancing.”
“No, I know it’s really awful, and I've stopped exposing myself to ridicule as a teenager,” He tried to smile, but maybe he saw in your eyes you were let down.
“I love dancing,” You admitted. “I don't get to do it often.”
“Well, then go. We can talk later.”
You hesitated. “I don’t feel comfortable just ditching you.”
“It’s not ditching when I say you should. Go and enjoy yourself.”
You thought about it for less than a second. “Okay, thanks.” You left your half finished drink and turned to a somewhat empty spot and let the music take over.
It had been a while. You normally didn’t have much time for these sorts of things. And, honestly, you often didn't make the time. You didn’t really like clubs, where it was so warm and sweaty and everyone pressed up against you. But you did like dancing. Moving your body, letting yourself feel like the most powerful sexy being on this earth once you moved to the beat.
You lost time. You twirled and swayed and closed your eyes. You forgot about anything else. But you were thirsty eventually, and glancing around saw your group of friends together talking somewhere ahead. So you walked to the bar to order a drink. While waiting, a body appeared next to you. you glanced up and were temporarily knocked aside by the beauty of him.
Long soft looking brown hair. Blue eyes seemingly glowing down at you as he stared back at you smiling. Oh his smile. Beautiful white pearls. His mouth was full and pleasant.
He was taller than you and seemingly muscular..
He was stunning.
He kept smiling and you were frozen. Looking at him like you had never seen a man. His arm reached out and grabbed the drink the bartender made you and handed it to you, because you were not aware of anything but him. You took it and sipped from it. Thanking him softly , even if you paid for it yourself.
He didn’t seem to move. Seemed comfortable being right at your side. You glanced at your friends once, still animated by themselves and turned to the stranger.
“What's your name?” You asked.
He moved his hands in such a way that made it clear he couldn’t hear you.
You told him yours. And though his eyes twinkled he didn’t say anything. He pointed at himself and made a weird noise. You didn’t get it, until he looked saddened at you.
Was he deaf? Well, no, because he could clearly hear you. What was the word? Mute? You weren’t sure, but you were sure he was telling you he couldn’t speak. “Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but you can’t speak?”
He shook his head. He didn’t seem to have anything with him to communicate either.
He lifted a finger underneath the glass and pushed it upwards. You had to drink or it would spill.
You giggled, “Alright, alright, I’ll drink, stop.”
It should be eerie how much he didn’t take his eyes off of you, but for some reason it didn't feel that way. He curled a finger around a bowl of peanuts and pushed it towards you.
“Oh no, I don't eat those, and you shouldn’t either, who knows how filthy the hands were that touched them.”
He pushed them back again, immediately, looking at them like they failed him. You knew you should go back to your friends. You should. Yet your feet didn’t move. Your eyes were captivated by him. You couldn’t stop looking. And neither did he. It felt like everything around you went quiet, and people ceased to exist. All you saw was him. His shiny hair, his beautiful smile, his eyes who were bluer than the ocean. You noticed you two were standing awfully close once you thought how clean he smelled. He didn’t seem to wear a scent, he just smelled fresh.
You felt a weird pressure in your chest. Close wasn’t close enough. The two of you just stood there, nearly pressed against each other. Wordless. Staring.
You felt him taking your hand.
And you let him. He guided you away. You did not know where, you did not see anyone or anything. Just him. As he led you outside. It was dark, and you felt sand sneaking through your shoes, the silty air of the sea in your lungs.
You were at the beach, the moon shining down on the two of you, illuminating his features.
His hand reached out to stroke your face softly, his eyes following his fingers over your skin, like he  wanted to absorb everything he saw and felt about you.
You stood still and let him, it felt like a dream. Everything was blurry but his features were clear. His fingers were so soft as they explored you, his hand traveling over your neck, shoulders, down your arms, you shivered and then he pulled you near. 
You hadn’t expected the kiss. His lips were so soft as they stroked yours. You closed your eyes and let him take the lead.
He laid you down. his body covering yours quickly. He was a little cold but you didn't mind as your body was heating up. It felt like a relief to feel his skin against yours.
His lips gliding down your skin, it felt so lovely. Your hands started exploring him the same way.
His strong muscles - and where had his clothes gone suddenly?- but the question left as you explored his form. He was damn near perfect in your opinion, you hadn’t found one flaw so far.
You would have worried about your own flaws if the look in his eyes didn’t stop any negative thought from coming up. You had never seen anyone looking at you the way he did. Like nothing mattered. Like you were the most beautiful woman on this earth. It was neary too much, that look. But you soaked in it, you had never felt more powerful.
Your dress seemed to disappear just as fast as his clothes had gone, you wondered if you were losing track of reality, but it didn’t matter. As soon as you nude bodies connected it had never felt more right. You were both so quiet, like even the sounds you made were private, just for the two of you, no one else was part of it.
You couldn't get enough of stroking his stomach, feeling how he quivered everytime you did. He made a noise sometimes like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t.You looked down, and even his manhood was gorgeous. And you never found it particularly exciting before. He was grinning, like he knew what you were thinking. Maybe your expression spoke a thousand words.
“You’re perfect,” You told him. it was completely truthful. You couldn't feel the shame you were supposed to feel.
His hand was laid against the side of your face, as he looked into your eyes again, like he wanted to say the same to you.
You felt your cheeks warm, weird that this felt so much more intimate than your actual naked bodies currently pressed against each other.
He moved a little closer still, his hand reaching down, and next moment he entered you. You hadn’t expected that. It should’ve been too soon, but he slid right in. Oh. He felt… he felt really good. 
He moved, gentle long strokes. Not too rough, but precise. 
You moaned now. It felt like your body wasn’t your own anymore. As he played it fluently and all the while your eyes not leaving the other. 
You barely remembered when you finished, or him. All you knew was how he felt. And how he kept going, and again. Like he couldn't get enough. He managed to take a break at some point, to gather you up and carry you to your house, naked as the day you were born. It was a fortune you two weren't caught. 
At your apartment, he set you down, you didn’t even remember unlocking the door, but as soon as you stood inside he was on you again.
His mouth was pure aphrodisiac to you. You couldn’t get enough. And neither could he, as his mouth and tongue explored all of you. You felt high with how he made you feel. You didn’t think you ever experienced such pleasure, and so much of it.
And all you seemed to notice was his blue eyes that were a beacon calling out to you and keeping you home.
The next morning you woke to a naked body next to you. Long brown hair spread out over the sheet as he was still asleep.
You took a moment to appreciate the sight.
Then you remembered you had ditched your friends. and your date.
You groaned and fell down on the pillow. you better had a good excuse ready when you faced them. And you didn’t have one. Well besides, “met a hottie and I couldn’t resist, apparently.” God, what had gotten into you? Besides him…
You glanced at him. Well, if you could take a picture Beth would at least understand. She was crazy about those romantic movies with chance meetings. But Genevieve…Well it was her boyfriend’s friend after all, and that made it more awkward.
Your lover woke up. Rolling over, exposing himself without shame. He reached out for you and you held your hand up. “No, I can't.” He actually looked disappointed. What had he expected, you had lost count how many times he was inside you last night. “And I'm afraid I have to face my friend’s wrath for leaving them behind. I can’t believe I did that, without even saying goodbye.”
His hand stroked your hair, while he hummed. Was he comforting you? You peaked through your hair at him. He looked so content though. Well, he hadn’t deserted his friends after all. He had seemed to have shown up alone.
You searched for your phone. It was on the dresser where you left it yesterday. And with about 84 messages staring back at you menacingly.
You decided to check Beth. She was worried. Genevieve’s wasn’t different, but apparently Beth had seen you leave, and they were confused. It wasn’t like you, and especially not without at least telling them something.
You decided a group call was best. Dive into the deep and face your actions.
“I know I fucked up,” is how you started the conversation, “I don’t know what came over me. He just showed up and it was like I stopped thinking, and I'm sorry I worried you. And I'm sorry for Ovid, he seemed nice. I just…. I have no idea.”
“He was very good looking,” Beth agreed.
“Owen is good looking!” Genevieve defended immediately. Owen! You wheeped inside, finally knowing his name…and relieved Gen didn't call you or on it.
“Yes, but this guy was like a model, come on Gen. “
Silence. She didn't want to admit it out loud.
“He’s still here,” you whispered.
“What!” Genevieve yelled. “Oh my god you skank, you let him stay the night?”
“I think we were too busy the whole night to even notice it was morning,” your cheeks reddened while admitting it. “You have no idea, it’s like he couldn’t get enough of me, and I…well I have never experienced this.”
“That good huh?”
“Oh my god you have no idea. He was…he was a lot, but not enough you know? I felt like I was high or something, he is so gorgeous, guys, and his body…if only you could see.”
“I can pretend to drop something off right now,” Genevieve said, deadly serious.
“What, no. No, we want privacy. I think. I’m not sure, he doesn’t seem to mind if anyone sees him naked, and I think…we left our clothes at the beach.”
Shrieking was heard from both sides. You continued to take their teasing for a while. You got it, it was probably hilarious to hear.
“You’re not mad at me?” you asked quietly once they calmed down.
“Maybe, but also, kind of impressed. Sam is probably more angry, because it’s his friend, but Owen took it in stride.”
“Oh god, I don't even know what to say to them.” you sighed. You were feeling shame, you did, but you also really didn’t regret it. Which was weird because you were never this irresponsible.
“Don’t worry, I'll smooth things over.”
“In the bedroom you mean?” Beth chuckled.
“Well it has worked so far. Besides, once I tell him this was the first time you ever got carried away and you're normally not like this at all, it must be a really special person to make you act this way, he'll understand.”
“I don’t even know his name.”
“Oh god this is priceless. You’re finally getting in touch with your inner whore.”
“Am not, but he’s just so..”
“Yeah yeah dreamy, we get it.”
An arm wrapped around you from behind and soft lips explored your neck. A familiar firmness pressing against your back.
“Hey, I’m talking to my friends,” you protested half heartedly, because you were already enjoying the ministrations.
He ignored your words, even though you were sure he understood you just fine. His tongue licked you softly, and your knees buckled.
“Okay, okay, I'm going to hang up, I will talk to you later.”
“Oh my god girl, what's gotten into you, is he-”
You hung up and dropped the phone. He turned you around and picked you up . Fuck, the way he made it seem effortless really did things to you. Forget about being sore, it was worth it.
You were exhausted. Even after taking another nap. Your body pleasantly buzzing with all the attention it received. You had to get up eventually to get food. 
Making some eggs and grilled cheese, you offered your lover something to drink. He sniffed everything carefully and then turned his nose up. 
“Water then? Can’t go wrong with water.”  You offered him a glass. 
He did accept it, finishing it in one gulp and handing it out to you.
“Another?” you asked after seeing him drink like this, and he nodded.
He drank about 3 glasses before he seemed to be satisfied.
But he didn’t eat anything,
“Surely you must be hungry?”
He nodded.
“You don’t like eggs? Or cheese?”
He grabbed an egg and broke it to slurp the gooey stuff before you could stop him. A raw egg, you shuddered. But some people did that, right? Like those bodybuilders, for the protein. And he did seem to work out. Your eyes got temporarily lost glancing over all his muscles, before snapping out of it, when you met his eyes and they seemed to darken again. You quickly turned. As much as it was the best night of your life, you were really really tired. Not used to this kind of exercise at all. Your body started tingling however, so it was hard to not think of all the details he had given you to fantasize about for the rest of your life.
“So, I was thinking, we should find something for you to wear. We left our clothes at the beach, and I doubt I have much that fits you.”
He shrugged. It didn’t seem to matter to him at all.
“You can’t walk around naked, you’ll get arrested!”
His eyes glanced at yours, noticing the shock and then he pointed outside. “We should collect it?” You guessed and he nodded. “Well, I’ll go, you can’t go out this way.” So you showered and got dressed, but before you left he kept preventing it by kissing you, and again…And once more at the door. Before you pushed him back inside. 
“Someone might see you,” you hissed , looking around if none of your neighbors were in the hall. “I’ll be back soon. Find something you can eat, yeah? I don’t need you fainting from starvation.”
He leaned into you again to kiss you, and you evaded him. “Later!” you giggled, watching the pleased smirk on his face. You fixed your hair, and your shirt, the cheeky bastard had sneaked in a handful, and went on your way.
You couldn’t believe you slept with someone on the beach, in full sight of potential witnesses. Finding your clothes didn’t take long, but your dress was covered in sand and seaweed, and his clothes were wet and needed a good wash. You didn't find his shoes, and then wondered if he had even worn any. You couldn’t remember, you didn’t exactly pay attention to his feet.
You took your hoard home and after a long make out session, where your lover acted like he hadn’t seen you for years, you made your way to the washer. 
“Once they’re dry you are free to go.” Then realized that it sounded like you were kicking him out, and hurried to add. “If you want to, I mean, whatever you want.”
Whatever he wanted seemed to be you. His hands wouldn’t leave you alone. And you didn’t know where to go from here. Did one night stands normally stay until the afternoon the next day? Or seemed to keep wanting to have sex? You didn't even know his name.
“I don’t know what to call you,”  you told him sadly. “Maybe you can write it down?”
You searched for pen and paper but he just stared at it curiously.
You wrote down your name.”You know, my name…now yours?”
He grabbed the pen and it broke, he must have held it too tight. “Oh shit, okay, no problem. Do you have anywhere to go? Like a job or home?”
At the word home he lit up. He nodded enthusiastically and wanted to go outside
“Wait, your clothes!” You held his hand, “We have to wait until they're dry. Maybe  we should watch some tv until they are.” You led him to the couch and turned on the tv. He flinched but soon relaxed and watched the screen fascinated. He grabbed the remote and started zapping quickly, often looking at you with a bright smile like he had found some new toy to admire. You giggled.
“You act like you've never seen a tv before.”
He cocked his head and just stared at you. 
“Okay, pick anything you want, I don’t mind.”
He did eventually settle on something. A documentary about ocean life and his bright eyes didn’t leave the screen for a while. Occasionally he seemed to scoff at something the narrator said but he stayed quiet. You wondered what it was like, not being able to talk verbally. It must be frustrating. Maybe even lonely.
He didn’t seem to have anything on him either. No phone or any information to figure out who he was. But he was a grown man and you couldn’t just pry. Besides, it's hard to pry when communication was off.
Once the laundry was done you handed him his clean clothes, and he looked kind of repulsed wearing them again. 
“You really like being naked huh?”
He shrugged, then reached out to you with a teasing smile as he lifted your shirt a bit. “Oh no, I quite like being covered, thank you very much.” You giggled as he threw you a pout. “Come on, let's go, you wanted to show me home?”
He lit up again, and quickly grabbed your hand to drag you outside.
“Is it very far? Do we need the car?”
He shook his head and pointed again.
“Okay, lead the way, I'll follow.”
He walked fast, like he couldn’t wait, he made some weird noises in the back of his throat that you interpreted as excitement, and his enthusiasm felt addictive.
He dragged you towards the beach again, then to the water. He seemed to want to keep walking, but you froze.
“No! No I don’t go in-”
He turned to look at you, questioningly. Pointing to the water.
“No, I- I had an accident, many years ago. I don’t swim. I can’t.”  You took a few steps back, your heart beating fast. Your mom’s voice and face clearly visible still after all this time, as she found you and yelled, crying, and in complete panic. You had nearly died that day your parents told you. And ever since, you never went in the water again.
He held his hands out for you to take but you shook your head, feeling faint and stepping back to sit down. “No. please, don’t”
He sat down next to you, wrapping his arms around you and just holding you. Sheltering you from the fear that raised inside of you as you remembered.
It had been a beautiful day. The sun shined brightly and the water seemed calm underneath the boat you were on. You loved the water, and your parents enjoyed being away from work for a while. 
As a single child you were used to entertaining yourself and that's what you did most of the day. Walking back and forth on the boat, making up games in your head, watching the sea as the boat cut through the water smoothly. 
Your parents were laying on deck somewhere, but you were much too busy to pay attention to them. You had just spotted something that kept your eyes firmly on the water. It never appeared at the same spot though, constantly moving. You didn’t know what it was. At that age your knowledge of any sea creatures was minimal, but it didn’t matter, anything was fascinating at that time. 
Your sandwich dropped out of your hands and floated in the water for a second, before it disappeared. A fish? You walked back to your parents, pretending to be hungry still and getting another sandwich. Happily you walked back to the railing again, ripping a piece off and threw it. And it happened again. You were used to feeding ducks, but you never fed anything else, so this was fun!
Another piece and another until it was gone.
In your enthusiasm, and to continue the game, you hand reached out to your doll and you threw that as well.Then watched it float in the water. 
Then you realized that your doll was lost in the ocean forever. Would it be eaten as well? Or sink down, like toys often did when you took a bath. You started crying, and wanted to run back to your parents, or the nice man that moved the boat, to make them stop it, to make them return it, but then you saw a hand grab it and throw it towards you. The doll landed with a wet squish on deck. Happily you ran towards it and hugged it, soaking your own clothes, but you didn’t mind. You had little Boop back. The world was perfect once again. You looked up and thought you saw a blur of color coming up and going down again fast. A friend. You were sure of it. Friends did things like this. Sharing lunch and sharing toys.
You ran inside to find stuff you could play with, but not mind missing. Like a plate, and your mom’s purse and one of your dad’s shoes…you grabbed it into your tiny arms and walked back outside. One by one you threw it in the water. And watch it sink, until suddenly it was thrown back up again. You clapped your hands, and threw it back in again.
This little game continued for quite a while, and sometimes you saw more of your friend. Dark hair,  eyes looking at you from the water. Why was this boy in the water for so long? Mother had told you to be careful because the water was dangerous here and you couldn’t swim yet.
Why did he stay in the water, he seemed to enjoy it there. You wanted to climb over the railing and go to him, but your mother’s warning sounded in your ears, and you didn't want to get punished. You waved the next time he came up again and he waved back.
You didn’t remember very well what happened in between this fun time, and what happened next, but the sky changed and the boy seemed to fall behind the boat more and more, as the water seemed to be less smooth now than it was before.
There was some yelling from the men on the boat and your mother’s worried voice calling out to you. Eager to listen, you let go of the railing and turned to go towards her, maybe even tell her there was a boy in  the water, when a big wave suddenly made you lose your balance.
You slipped easily and went down into the water. The coldness being the most you remembered of that scary moment.
The water seemed to suck you in and closed all around you as it became dark instantly. Your tiny body thrashing against the current and lack of air. You didn’t know what to do, this was something that your mind had not prepared you for.
Cold arms grabbed you, however and dragged you down, or up. It was hard to tell. But you did feel water sliding past your body and he pushed you up , and then air.
The sea kept pushing against your body and kept taking you down, but you were held up and you could breath, you coughed and held onto the arms for dear life.
When he started swimming away, the boat was not even visible anymore, you realized it was the boy. The dark hair and eyes were the only recognizable thing you had seen.
He swam against the current, somehow strong enough to do so, and it took a really long time before anything changed but the vast ocean in front of you.
It was scary but it was also the most exciting thing you had experienced. Because he was a friend! He had helped you! You saw a glimmer under the water, or felt something smooth and slippery against your legs, but it did not occur to you what it was until later. As land came in sight and he pushed you forward until you could stand. But you didn’t stand, your legs were too shaky to. You sat in the middle of the shore as water leapt against you, but you couldn’t be dragged away anymore. He floated in front of you, making sure you stayed where you were.
“Where am I?'' You sobbed a little, the adrenaline coursing through you and feeling scared without your parents.
His face dipped in and out of the water. “Land” he told you.
“I wanna go home,” You whined.
“They'll find you here…I think. It’s land.” He looked around. “They know you fell, they will look.”
You hoped so, this was worse than that time your dad was late picking you up from school, and you had to wait with the teacher as she sighed at the inconvenience. You never felt like she liked you after that. And mother would be angry because you fell in the water, like she told you.
You cried some more, but felt a cold hand around your ankle.
“They’ll come.” the boy said firmly. You didn’t know why you heard him so clearly, while you couldn't talk under water at all.
Then you saw his body. Your eyes glanced from his torse to his legs. But there were none.
You gasped. “Fish?”
He frowned until he saw where your eyes were focusing on, and then he laughed. “No, it’s a tail. So I can swim.”
“Can I get one?” If you had a tail your mother wouldn’t be angry anymore because you could swim just as well as the boy.
“I’m not sure. You’re not like us.”
‘Oh,” you said, disappointed.
“I know some of you can, I saw it myself!” He then said proudly. “And it would make sense. I did save you.” He glanced at you fiercely suddenly. “That means you're mine.”
“Like a friend?” you said excitedly.
He frowned. “What’s that?”
“Someone you play with. Someone you like.” you explained, glad to know something he didn’t.
“Oh. Yes, like that. I like you,” he cocked his head. “I can keep you.”
“Okay,” you smiled. You weren’t scared anymore. The weather, as suddenly as it had changed, had turned calmer again, and you weren't alone. You had your friend.
“I’m going to have to bite you though. If I'm going to keep you.”
Bite you? That didn’t seem fun. You weren’t sure, but you didn’t want to be called a scaredy cat again, like Lisa sometimes told you when you jumped out of the way if she threw a ball at you, and he had saved you, so it might only be fair.
You shrugged, pretended to not be worried and said. “Okay.”
He came up and grinned. It suddenly seemed less friendly like this, but you already said you’d do it, and a promise is a promise, wasn’t it? He slithered up closer, and you were mesmerized by his tail. It was really beautiful colors, blue and white and shiny…you wanted to touch it, but your mother raised you right, you didn’t just touch people. Unless they said it was okay, like you did, to this boy.
 He moved really close and you noticed how cold his skin was. You felt his face moving closer to you and wondered where this bite was going to be. He made a weird noise, but he seemed to not say anything if his face was out of the water. Maybe he was shy up close?
You felt his mouth on your neck, and then, quickly, he bit down sharply. You screamed because it did hurt, and moved back, but he moved with you until he let go. Blood was covering his mouth and your hand flew up to your neck to feel. 
"That hurts!"
“Of course it does, how else are we supposed to feed?”
You frowned. “You're not supposed to eat me.”
“No, not you,” he seemed to agree, “I Wouldn't bite you there if I was going to eat you.”
Where was he going to bite if he was? you wondered but in your young mind it seemed like an explanation enough.
“Now I can find you. And you'll come look for me , right?
You nodded. Maybe you could go on another boat trip, or sometimes your parents took you out to the beach. You loved the beach! It would be even better with a friend to play with.
You continued talking, and playing. He loved splashing you with his tail, until you shrieked in protest but couldn’t stop laughing. Until you became so exhausted that you started yawning and your eyes were drooping.
“They’ll be here soon,” he frowned, like the thought bothered him. “You should go on land, and I need to…leave.”
“Can’t you stay?” You pouted.
“They can’t see me, they’re not friends.”
You nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you later.”
He hummed and seemed to drift back.
You hoped he would still be nearby so you could wave at him once your parents were here. But you crawled further onto the sand and laid down there, and sleep took over you. It was the worried yells that woke you again.
Your parents rushing over to you and grabbing you and shaking you and so much yelling. Your mother's panicked voice as she said she thought you were dead. That you had drowned. Your father tried to calm your mother down. The two of them taking turns holding you, too rough, too long. You, cryinging and panicking again, remembering the cold dark water. How it kept dragging you back. How there had been no air and your body felt like it was going to explode from pressure.
How afterwards there had been no boat trips or beach days. And how when the time came to learn how to swim your mother's face triggered your fears so much that you hadn't dared to go into the water, and had full out panic attacks until they gave up.
How many trips to the therapists hadn’t been enough to keep from telling that a boy saved you, that not only fishes had tails, until you learned to keep your mouth shut and realized it was a dream. Maybe something your mind conjured up to feel safe again. A savior. A protector.
You still sometimes told someone, like your friends, but no one believed it and you were forever stuck in believing that they believed it wasn’t real, and therefore so should you, and still feeling it had been so real to you.
But what about the bite? Well, there had been one, and your parents took you to the doctors, afraid a shark or something had nibbled on you, but there had been no infection. In fact it had stopped bleeding very quickly, and healed very well. It was a faint shimmer on your skin now. You knew where it was and knew the slight ridges you had to look out for, but it was barely noticeable. Still whenever you rubbed it, it gave you a sense of safety. Something that seemed to look over you.
You sat on the sand, looking out to sea. Next to you sat your lover, maybe you should give him a nickname because it sounded scandalous calling him that. Like a Victorian lady wrapped up in a torrid affair, waiting to be exposed so your older husband could challenge him to a duel to the death. Although, looking at him , you were sure he would win any fight. His body really was something. Healthy, with muscles in all the right places, no tan lines anywhere. Well, he did seem to have a fondness for nudity after all. 
You lowered your eyes, you had no idea what had gotten into you. One look at him and you were a goner. Your mind simply stopped thinking for itself and only seemed to focus on his beauty. You never expected to be this shallow. But it wasn’t just looks, he was kind. Even without words he made you feel understood and safe. He had comforted you and listened to your ramblings as you shook under the fear that raced through you. Making noises that let you know he was there. His strong arms keeping you safe from the horrors in this world.
You had told him what happened. Told him about falling overboard and nearly drowning, how your parents found you later, and were surprised to see you unharmed, but were upset nevertheless. How everything resulted in your fear of being in the water. But that you loved the sea, and kept coming back almost everyday, no matter how short. You just never stepped inside it.
How you couldn't swim because of it. 
He listened, eyes full of understanding and interest. Not once did you seem to bore him. But you didn’t tell him about the boy, you didn’t want him to think you were crazy, or childish. No, you told him what your parents told you. How you must've swum upwards and the water pushed you to shore again. How you were lucky.
How you had to be more careful. And you could have died. It was something your therapist had said shouldn’t have been said to a young child, but it was said in worry, and your mother’s reaction made your fear worse. You knew all that. And yet, you never dared to dip even a leg in. You tried your feet a few times but it all seemed to overwhelm you shortly after and it felt easier to avoid.
You looked at Blue, deciding on that name because of his eyes and told him. “I find it weird that the sea can both terrify and soothe me. I stay away, I yearn to be here and yet, I can never let go and embrace it. There is a feeling something will happen, and I don’t know what.”
He wrapped his arm around you, letting you lean against him.
“I wish I could know your name,” you sighed. “I know nothing about you.”
And yet he knew your deepest fear. 
He took your hand and laid it on his heart and smiled. It felt like a love confession and you smiled. “You’re the romantic type, huh? All handsome stranger coming to save the innocent lady and sweeping her off of her feet and courting her.”
He grinned widely and nodded, then got up and held his hand out for you. You took it. Then he grabbed and lifted you up as he was holding you in his arms again. You honestly did not think you would ever tire of it. It was such a cliché, but it really made your heart beat faster.
“You’re good at courting too?” you teased, and watched him nod ever quicker.
“You seem perfect. Are you sure I'm not dreaming?”
He kissed you. Well, it wasn’t the worst dream if you were.
Your one night stand turned into two, you and Blue spend the whole day together, walking down the beach, collecting seashells, he offered you the prettiest ones and you accepted gladly. You had enough shells, but it was sweet to be gifted them.
You arrived back home, rosy and a little sweaty, and very hungry. Pulling open your freezer and fridge to see what you could make, you noticed open packages and a lot more room than you had the day before.
“Blue?” you asked over your shoulder, knowing he by now knew it meant  him, and he appeared a second later in the kitchen.
“Did you…eat the fish?” You asked a little nervously, the question seemingly ridiculous, but there really wasn’t any other explanation.
He nodded happily. and you looked at all the packaging he finished. That was a lot of fish…you also didn’t see any used pans or smelled anything coming back. Now he could have cleaned up… But it had all been frozen, it would’ve taken a while to defrost before it could be prepared. There had not been enough time before you had returned looking for your clothes.
“Did you eat it raw? Because that’s very bad for you.”
He shrugged.
“You could get sick.’ You worried, you didn’t really know what could happen, but getting sick was one thing you heard.
He shook his head.
He hadn’t seemed off, maybe raw fish was okay when it had been frozen, and was still frozen at the time of consumption? You had no idea. 
“Are you one of those uncooked food eaters?” you tried.
He nodded. 
“Oh okay, well, I don't really know what I have at home for you to eat.”
He pointed at you, grinning.
You laughed. “Well I doubt I would be tasty.”
He grinned even wider, a little more menacingly and stepped forwards, shoulders bracing like he was going to jump you.
“Oh no. I’m chewy, really unpleasant to get stuck between the teeth,” you giggled as you stepped away. “Will give you horrible stomach pains afterwards, you won’t like it at all.”
Then you shrieked as he moved forward and tried to sprint away. Tried, because he had you the next moment. He kept amazing you with how fast he was.
He held you against the fridge and stared into your eyes and hummed.
He made you weak when he looked at you that way. His eyes told you there was nothing he would rather look at than you, and it made you gooey inside. You had never had a man making you feel this way.
“You are so beautiful,” you whispered. So kind, so strong, so gentle. He really did seem perfect.
He kissed you slowly, his full lips just loving yours, taking his time. By the time he lowered them to your neck you had already widened your legs and he lifted you up.
While being carried to the bedroom, you really did wonder if this was real.
The next day you went shopping, there was no food and Blue didn’t seem to like anything you had in the apartment. He wanted to come with you, and you easily agreed, having become used to his presence. you closed his seatbelt for him because he didn’t seem to remember to, warning him ‘safety first’ before starting the car. The way he looked being in your car was strange, but you didn’t comment. You knew he was a little different, and maybe he lived somewhere very remote, or maybe he didn’t come from here. It wasn’t a good explanation, but you had no reason to complain when he was the best man you had met so far in your life. So he didn’t know how technology worked? He knew how to work your body and that was much more important. The thought made you blush. You had never seen yourself as a very sexual creature, but he sure brought it out in you.
Shopping was, interesting, so to say. Blue looked around in wonder, but also passed by most foods you would pick out, and visibly preferred the fish section. You decided to go with what you both would like, but made a note to make sure to cook it for him before he died of salmonella. It would’ve been a tragic ending to your love story. 
Packed with way too much fish you would ever finish on your own, you went back. Cooking was a little complicated, because Blue was intrigued by the process, but was more intrigued with touching your body during, and you were so distracted you nearly burnt the meal. And forgot to cook the vegetables properly.
Blue looked suspicious once a plate was put in front of him.
You laughed. “Okay sorry, but I don’t know how to eat fish other than cooked, and I don't want us to get sick. It’s good though, I promise. And I kept your veggies uncooked, like you wanted, right?”
You didn’t know how a raw diet worked, but fish was something you did not want to serve raw. You just hoped he wasn’t insulted by it.
He took a bite carefully, pulled a face, seemed to hesitate, then took another bite pondering. It was fascinating to see all the expressions so clear on his face. He showed everything he was thinking, and it felt like a better communication system than all the people that said one thing, schooling their face, but meant another. Blue had clearly never learned any tact, but at least he seemed honest.
Afterway carefully chewing, he seemed to decide that it was acceptable. You dug in yourself, it was very nice, your favorite dish. You were happy he hadn't found it disgusting. For some reason, the thought made you realize you would've been a little hurt if he had. Like he would have rejected a part of you, which was a ridiculous thought and you tried to shrug it off.
Desert was much more simple.
He had decided it was you. Again. You really enjoyed chocolate mousse, but the way he put his tongue on you had you decide that chocolate mousse was overrated. This was truly the best way to finish dinner.
You woke up. Warm, comfortable, an arm slung around your waist. Blue was still sleeping. Maybe you tired him out for once. The thought made you smile to yourself.
You carefully moved away from him to stretch, and made your way to the bathroom. Relieving your bladder and washing yourself, you wonder if this was going to be your life now. He seemed to have no intention to go, and you had no intention to make him leave.
It was strange, because you had just met. You knew nothing about him. But you still felt so comfortable around him.
You made sure to check in with your friends who were stunned with the fact your one night stand turned into some prolonged romance, but were happy. You didn’t really believe in love at first sight, but how else could you explain the jittery feelings that coursed through you as you thought of him? You didn’t want him to leave!
Things had to be settled today, you decided. One way or another you had to get some information out of him, or see what he wanted to do with the situation. What did he want? Would he like to keep seeing you? Go on an actual date? Was this already considered dating? You were a little worried he would suddenly disappear. And it frightened you how much you knew you would care about that.
“Alright , we need to talk.” You told him at breakfast, as he sucked on his raw eggs, something that still seemed disgusting to you, but you wisely didn’t comment. 
“Well, I'll talk and you'll listen,” you realized. “This has been a lot of fun. Great, really, but I should know more about you, right? Who you are, or where you come from?”
You scratched your neck. it had been itching a little since yesterday, and while it was noticeable at first it started to get worse today. Maybe you had a little sunburn from yesterday, you did spend a long time on the beach.
Blue’s eyes zeroed in on your neck, it was like he could see what was there. But no one really did unless they were very close. He seemed to get a little dazed before your voice broke him out of it.
“Unless this is coming to an end.” You hated how your voice became a whisper. You didn’t sound confident at all, and maybe a little pathetic. Damn those stupid feelings.
He looked up at you confused. Like he didn’t know what you meant.
“I would like to keep seeing you, but I don’t know if that is what you want?” You told him, gathered up the strength to get some surety. It was either finding him missing at some point, or asking clarity for your own piece of mind. Maybe he had been waiting to see what you wanted anyway.
He got up, and long streaks of his legs marched him over to you, he grabbed your face with one hand. Gently holding it, he grabbed your hand with his other and put it on his heart.
“I think that’s a 'yes', I want to keep seeing you’?” you whispered, feeling yourself melt. Knowing he knew because he had to hold you up.
He frowned and nodded. Then he put his hand on your heart. Or maybe your boob, you weren’t sure. But it felt terribly romantic.
“Okay, that’s a step. Maybe we can go to your place, you must be tired of wearing the same thing.” You glanced down at his body “Well, when you do wear clothes.”
He pointed outside. 
“You want to go now?”
He nodded but bit his mouth, like he was pensive about something. 
“I don't have to go in, if that’s not what you want.”
He pointed at you. 
“Me? You’re afraid I don't want to go inside?” As you saw him nod, you wondered how bad the neighborhood he lived in was. “I don’t care, If it’s that terrible you wouldn’t bring me there right?”
He nodded seriously.
To lighten the mood you joked. “And I'm sure you can protect me against any danger.”
He seemed to make himself bigger somehow, without making himself seem ridiculous. God, he was perfect. You wondered if one last time before you went would be a good idea. The sheets were beginning to be in need of a good wash, but once more wouldn’t matter by now, would it? And - 
Your thoughts were cut off with a kiss and a devilish grin, like he had known where your mind had gone.
“Sorry, am I really obvious?” You said through heated cheeks.
He nodded, shrugged, and seemed to spread his arms out like he said ‘Who could blame you’. 
You put your hands over your face. “You’re awful, no shame at all.”
There was a noise that, when you glanced back at him, might've been a laugh. so it made you laugh and then you were kissing again. 
But he broke it off before it got too heated. Pity. He pointed outside again.
“Alright, let me make myself ready okay, And wear clothes! Not everyone will appreciate seeing your tooshie exposed.”
You did though. You enjoyed it very much, it was round and not too big or small. You stared at it as many times as you dared, and he didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact his own eyes never left your body either. He was just enraptured with you as you were with him.
Realizing you had been staring at the carpet for several minutes now without making progress at getting ready, you hurried. He waited at the door for you with the same cut off shorts and shirt he had been wearing all this time, no shoes. Oh god you had taken him shopping and no one had even mentioned he wasn’t wearing shoes. You had broken the one rule that stores would give. 
You figured maybe no one noticed, because they were too busy staring at his handsome face. The only explanation you could think of. 
You offered the car, but he pointed in another direction, and so you figured he must’ve lived nearby.
But as you neared the beach again, you became confused. Maybe he was a tourist? They sometimes booked one of those beach houses. But he led you on the beach itself, towards the water.
“What? Blue…you were supposed to take me to your home.”
He pointed to the water.
“What do you mean? You live overseas?”
He pointed at the water again, frowning. He made a movement with his hands and you didn’t get it, so he did it a few times, looking frustrated.
He stopped in relief, pointed at the water, to himself, to the water, ‘swimming’.
“You swam?” you said, stunned.
He nodded. Pointed towards you, and then him.
You didn't get it, again. “I don’t understand, sorry.”
He grabbed your hands, held them, and stared into your eyes lovingly.
“I get it, it’s hard to explain this way, really hard with no way of communicating.” you said sadly.
He looked at the water again, then pulled you.
And you froze and dug your heels in, staring at him in shock.
He looked at the water again, towards you, your entwined hands, and again towards the water, he made a noise. He sounded… urgent.Your neck began to itch worse again.
“Are you staying at one of the houses?” you said, a little desperately, even if you began to understand that probably wasn't the case.
He shook his head. He now looked at you a little sadly. Humming, his thumbs stroked your wrists where he was holding you. Like he was comforting you. The way he was staring at you, it was like he was expecting something. Waiting for something.
Your neck started to burn awfully. You tried to loosen your hands to rub the spot, but he wouldn’t let go.
“Blue, what - let go, my neck it’s -”
He let go of one of your hands, but was quick to lay it on your neck, right on the spot, it felt, it felt strange, it was burning up, but somehow his touch felt better.
Your body felt weird. And you noticed he was trying to pull you near the water.
“No, I can't,” you told him, feeling no control over your body as he dragged you further in. Your eyes drawn to the water, fear rushing through you, your mom’s face, the cold dark water surrounding you, your heart beating, no air, there was no air.
And then he appeared in your vision, his blue eyes, so like the boy in your memories, catching yours, calm, his hands holding you, a soft embrace. You felt your feet walking with him towards the water, wanting to protest, but your mouth was silent, and your eyes couldn’t look away from him.
Dark hair, blue eyes.
His body holding yours as he dragged you through the water, cold skin, slippery tail, A wide grin, so playful, words and promises made.
Blue eyes looking back at you tenderly, lovingly, holding you against him. You could see only him. Even as the water soaked through your sandals. Even as water splashed at your calves.
’You're not like us’...’I can keep you’... ‘find you’
Your body followed him in, he was smiling brightly, his eyes sparkling, but he didn’t let you go. He was guiding you, so gently. It was like your fear was there but numbed, in the background. Like the most important thing was to be close and not let go. You didn’t.
Water was around your waist, the waves moving your body back and forth, swaying in the current of the water, but he did not let you go, he did not pull away. He kissed you.
His soft lips felt like an explosion on yours. It felt like you were fading until all that was left was him. The way he felt. And the way he made you feel.
You made a noise. You felt weird.
Water splashing on you as he whipped his tail at you, laughter sounding through the air as you splashed back. His face disappearing underwater to speak to you.
Water reached his chest and you were already not feeling the bottom under your feet anymore. You let him pull you. He seemed happy. He kissed you and his tail sweeped against your legs and - …Tail? you looked down and saw the colorful glimmer of his tail, not legs, underwater. Before it would settle in, you felt a burst inside, a sharp painful burst, and you fell down. The power of it made him let go and you went under. 
But his arms were around you immediately. You worried you would see darkness, but you could still see the light above you, the sun shining through the water. You could see him very clearly, his face so close to you as he helped you get steady against the movement of water. You expected to choke, but it felt like your lungs were just fine.
“What-” you said, and realized sound came out of your throat, water came in your mouth but disappeared and yet it did not feel like you ran out of air.
He smiled so happily, his eyes shining to you in delight.
“It’s okay. I got you.”
You looked around, water was surrounding you everywhere, there was seaweed twirling around you, the occasional crab you could see floating around. It looked like you could see a lot further than you expected down underwater.
You glanced down his body, noticing the tail, and momentarily were distracted by the beauty of it, before another movement distracted you. As you saw your own tail.
A shock went through you and you wanted to flinch away, but he wouldn’t let you. Your hands touched yourself. Slimy softness greeted you where your legs were supposed to be.
This wasn't real, was it?
You looked up, confused.
“Bucky. My name. I couldn’t give it to you until now.” he grinned. 
“Bucky?” you tested it out.
He seemed pleased with hearing it, and nodded. “Yes, I can't speak up there. I couldn’t tell you anything, only if you were in the water.”
You felt like you should panic, and there was confusion, and there was fear, but it all felt so….farther away. “What happened? I don't get it.”
“You had to turn.” He shrugged. “You didn’t want to go into the water the other day, but I knew you couldn’t stay here long. After we mated, I knew it would only take a few days before you turned. And I couldn't let you turn on land.”
That’s why he dragged you while you were so afraid, why he didn’t listen.
“But how can that happen, I'm not..this!”
“I marked you,”  he explained in a tone like you should’ve known. ” When I saved you. You let me, remember?”
Blue eyes, dark hair….Bucky.
“You didn’t really think it was a dream, did you? Why else do you think we were drawn to each other? You’re mine.”  For a moment his expression darkened. “Why didn’t you come to me? You said you would? I waited every day, and you didn’t come until a few years ago,and you never went into the water.”
Like you had disappointed him, failed him. Broke your promise. Which you did. It was a promise that shouldn’t have to be kept, you were children after all, but it became clear he had kept it. He had expected you to keep it. And it occured to you that rules, human rules, might not apply here.
“My parents were very afraid after what happened. They didn’t go anywhere near the sea for ages. Only after…when I moved out, I started coming here. Like I couldn't stay away.”
He seemed a little more pleased. “You were looking for me.”
“I-” ‘no’ you wanted to say. But weren't you always looking. Looking for something. Someone. Didn’t you feel you were missing something. “I couldn't get into the water.”
You tried to explain. You didn’t know why you felt the need to make him not angry or hurt by you. It hadn’t been your fault, but the way he acted was like you hurt him a great deal.
“So I came to you.” He moved closer and held your hand. 
“Can I go back?”
“No.” He seemed happy with the idea. “ We don't go on land unless we have to. To kill, or to mate. And it takes years of practice. You have to be strong enough, and learn how. It took me all this time. But I knew I had to. I knew you were here.”
“You should have asked.” you said. Thinking of your friends, your family. If you couldn't go back, how worried they would be. How they would suffer.
“Why? You promised yourself to me. I saved you, I didn’t need to ask, I could have let you drown, or killed you. I didn’t. I own your life. And you said we were friends.” he shrugged.
Warmth pinched your eyes, but as soon as the tear appeared it had vanished in the cold silty water. 
“Friends don’t hurt each other.”
“But I didn't." He sounded confused. “I would never hurt you. You belong with me. And now we don’t ever have to part. We live very long. You don’t have to worry about dying. And you don’t have to worry about the water anymore either. You are strong enough to go where you please. I could show you so many things. You don't need to deny yourself any longer. Let go, embrace me.”
He echoed the words you said to him, when you told him about your shared history. How you yearned to embrace your longing. How you wanted to be near the water. Had it simply been the sea that called out to you?
A fish curiously swam nearby, and you suddenly were reminded with the empty freezer, the frozen seafood he devoured…how you only seemed to like fish the most growing up. The bite he had given you. Your urge for the sea, even if you never dared to near it or touch it.
How Bucky had waited for you to show up and play with him, and how you had, unwillingly, broken that promise.
How he talked about owning your life because he had saved it, and how you could have a tail if only you did what he said.
Your tail was pretty, even if you thought his was better, but it wasn’t your legs and it felt strange seeing it swing back and forth, feeling like you could push upwards if you tried, wondering if you could keep up with him if you swam. Wondered how cold and dark the sea would get the further you would drift.
You looked backwards where you thought the beach would be, but, being underwater, all there was was water.
His finger turned your face towards him again. “I love you.”
You blinked, he put your hand on his heart, and the familiarity hit you like a warm glow, he had been telling you all along.
And he laid his hand on your heart, staring into your eyes intensely.
You felt the words leave your mouth without thinking about it.  “And I love you.” 
And you knew you did. Despite everything. You had been looking for him. You had been looking for love.
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feelmyskinonyourskin · 11 months
Not a thot but a question, do you have any headcanons for Frank/Matt/Bucky?
Ohhh yeah I have a few. Thanks for your patience, I wanted to respond to this when I could sit and think and type everything out on my computer, not on my phone. Normal HCs at the top, spicy stuff below the cut.
Okay so I had this friend in highschool who was beyond disgusted by peanut butter, no allergy just totally hated the stuff. Like wouldn't kiss his girlfriend if she'd eaten it recently. I feel like Matt has an extreme food ick like this. Def not peanut butter but something like olive oil maybe? With his sensitive senses he gags when he even gets a whiff of whatever it is.
Speaking of peanut butter, I think it's a food staple of Matt's. The man can't take care of himself, so cooking full meals is just not a thing for him. So 2AM, back from patrol and he needs something to eat. Matt just eats PB straight out of the jar with a spoon like I did for meals in college.
Loves karaoke. Well, used to when he lived a more normal life. I don't think he sings amazingly well, but he doesn't care. He plays guitar obviously and Col. Shoonover mentioned his impressions skills, so that all concludes me to the fact the Frank likes to sing. He sings to himself/along with the radio when he's driving by himself between jobs. A lot of John Denver and Elton John.
For a holiday/birthday/anniversary gift one year he absolutely recorded Maria a CD of him playing and singing a few of her favorite songs. He'd probably do the same for you too if you were dating.
Has a bit of a video game addiction. He was so fascinated by Stark tech at the fair, that I imagine he loves learning about everything that has come along since, but really got hooked on video games. I'm thinking your standard XBOX, Nintendo or Playstation games like the MLB/Baseball game and the Mario collection. Not big on first person shooter games like Call of Duty cause he's lived it obviously. But he can literally spend hours playing like FIFA or something. Absolutely gets on live to play with Sam, AJ, and Cass all the time.
Spicy Thots under the cut, 18+ please, I tried to keep it gender neutral in terms of x reader
Is really touchy during sex and also not during sex. Since the visual stimulation of sex obviously isn't there for him, he makes up for it by always having to be pressed against you fully or by having hands roaming and groping everywhere.
But also not during sex he's always grounding himself to you by being pressed as close to you as possible. Only time he isn't is when he's in a Matty Mood™ and feels like he doesn't deserve you or you deserve better or whatever Catholic guilt BS he tells himself. He gets over it eventually.
I feel like he likes really intimate sex but also is really playful during it as well. We saw a glimpse of this in She Hulk but I also think his just generally flirty demeanor hints at this. I'm talking like does things to make you giggle in the middle of sex.
Man also has a bit of a breeding kink. He's absolutely not ready to be a parent because his life is in shambles and as much as he loved his dad, he did not have good parental examples in his life, but regardless of his partner's gender or bodily anatomy, he likes the idea of filling you up, knocking you up and having that claim on you. I'm again blaming the Catholicism somehow.
The eye contact during sex!!!! Dude lost his whole family so anything good in his life he is afraid is going to slip away so he treasures it and takes it all in. We saw this during S2 with Beth but yeah, big guy just loves to watch every facial expression you make during sex.
He's also just really tender in bed. He's not big on kink stuff but will try it if you want but just wants to feel really connected during sex. He's mostly serious in bed but in a really beautiful and intimate way.
Mostly groans and grunts but loves to thrown in a "c'mon baby girl/boy" and begs for "just one more for me"
I wrote a whole spiel about my Bucky bedroom hcs, but here's some more.
Of the three, I feel like Bucky is most playful and open to new things in bed. I don't think any of them are open to a full on Daddy kink, dom-sub kind of play but Bucky is the most likely to lean into elements and try things. After his time being under someone else's control I think he likes to feel a little in control, especially of his own body and sex life. But again, not fully into that type of dynamic. Like he might like to boss you around a little or call you dirty names in bed. Afterall, 1940s Bucky was a total flirt and very smooth with the ladies, so it stands to reason in bed he'd still bring some of that out.
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total-drama-atlas · 1 year
Character Headcanons
this is just sexuality and gender hcs lol but here we go! I'm going to go in first elimination order in their debut season, except for the new cast (because i haven't finished the season yet, so I dont want to spoil it for myself) which will be in the order that i remember them, then the hosts.
Ezekiel: I think he's cishet. just the homeschool stereotype and all that. but maybe he discovers something about himself between meeting alejandro and going completely feral
Eva: she's a butch lesbian. i personally think she's cis, but i could see transfem eva
Noah: gay trans man. i mean have you guys even seen his character
justin: I think he's aroace. again, i personally think justin is cis, but i could see him being trans
katie: trans lesbian. i just know it okay
tyler: he's bi. he absolutely had a crush on alejandro. you can't change my mind. i also think he's cis but again, i could see him being transmasc
izzy: shes transfem. of course. and i think she's a lesbian, but i could see her being bi or pan. assuming she's lesbian, her relationship with owen could either be just strategy or comphet. you decide
cody: have you seen the way that boy dresses? trans man bisexual disaster.
beth: personally, i think she gives cishet vibes, but i could see her possibly being bi and/or transfem.
sadie: obviously lesbian. she and katie are in love. of course. and idk if she's cis or trans. i could see either. but I think she is also trans. t4t
courtney: as much as i love duncney... i think courtney is lesbian. i think she has extreme comphet and she doesn't realize her sexuality until wt, and then doesn't come to terms with it and accept herself until all stars. but i think she's cis
harold: transfem harold is canon. to me. idk their sexuality tho. i could see them as omni or pan tho.
trent: bisexual trent is so real guys. again, i personally think he's cis, but I could see transmasc trent
bridgette: i could see her as transfem, but I also could see her as cis. also she gives me pan vibes but I can also see her being straight. idrk
lindsay: shes pan. i just know it okay. i personally see her as cis, but again, i could see transfem lindsay. or transmasc lindsay.
DJ: cis, aroace. he's just a really sweet guy
geoff: cis, bisexual. i just know it okay
leshawna: cis, bisexual. i just. i just know it okay
duncan: cis bisexual. he'll call you a slur tho
heather: transfem lesbian. trust me guys. i could also see her being ace tho
gwen: transfem bi. i just know
owen: cis bi. he is canonically bi btw. he had a crush on justin. it was played as a joke but. that's just what happened
blaineley: i could see her as straight or queer honestly. i personally think she's cishet.
sierra: transfem. for sure. and i think she's a lesbian with comphet. just like heather and courtney.
alejandro: I think he's cis, but i could see him being trans. also he's bi. trust me. but i mean i could see him being gay. it's plausible.
staci: she doesn't have enough screen time for me to tell. she has like. ten minutes total. but shes trans
dakota: transfem pansexual. i just know it okay
B: i think they're nb, or at the least a trans man. i mean. his deadname is a traditionally feminine name.. it lines up. they're not cis i can tell you that much. anyway i think he's aroace
dawn: genderqueer panromantic ace. just trust me okay
sam: he gives me cishet vibes, but also i could easily see him being bi or pan.
Brick: i feel like he's cis but I also like the idea of him experimenting with gender nonconformity. and as much as i like jo x brick as a ship, i also think brick is probably gay. or bi with a heavy male preference
anne maria: transfem anne maria is canon. to me. anyway she's very much bi.
mike: i feel like he's cis but i could see him as trans, and i think he's pan. i'm also treating his alters like separate characters, though i know very little about multiple personality disorder, so idk if that's exactly how that works (feel free to correct me in replies)
vito: i hc him to be cis but idk. also he's pan. if vito finds you hot, it doesn't matter what you've got going on.
Svetlana: transfem lesbian. trust me okay
chester: cishet ally.
mal: look i like the queer hcs for mal. y'all are so real for that. but i think he's cishet and homophobic and transphobic
manitoba: trans manitoba is real. to me. also he's pan. trust me y'all
jo: trans butch lesbian
scott: cis gay man
zoey: she could be either cis or trans. i think she's transfem. and also she's pan. i don't think an explanation is necessary
cameron: she was very sheltered, so i doubt she would have been exposed to LGBTQ+ stuff so she wouldn't know it at first.. but I think cam would be transfem. bc i saw a post where someone said that it would be funny if cameron realized she was trans because lightning kept calling her a "girl" and that was her awakening lol. anyway she's ace
lightning: cis gay man
beardo: he gets like ten minutes of screen time and he doesn't really talk.. cis bi
leonard: cis gay. i just know it
amy: cishet +homo/transphobic (i'll explain in a minute)
rodney: he's cis, okay. and pan. i just know it
sammy: shes transfem lesbian. trust me. That's why Amy hates her sm. it lines up with real experiences that I know people have
ella: she's bi. i just know it. but i'm not sure what their gender situation is.. but she uses she/they pronouns
Topher: cis gay man. just look at him i mean
dave: cishet. undecided on his opinion of queer people. (he decides he's an ally when he finds out sky is queer but he then declares himself homophobic when she rejects him) he would call you a slur
scarlett: transfem lesbian.
max: transmasc gay.
jasmine: transfem bi
sugar: cis lesbian
shawn: transmasc pan. i just know it okay
sky: transfem bi/pan. i just know it okay. also that's why dave decided he's homophobic and transphobic now
Tammy: trans lesbian. trust me okay
Pete: cis gay. also he's married to gerry
Gerry: cis gay. also he's married to pete
Ellody: trans lesbian. also she's dating mary
Mary: cis lesbian. also she's dating ellody
laurie: cis bisexual. also she's dating miles
miles: trans lesbian. also she's dating laurie
tom: cis gay
jen: cis lesbian
kelly: cishet ally
taylor: cishet homophobe
jay: major cishet vibes. but idk he might learn some things. once he's actually esposed to the outside world
mickey: see jay.
lorenzo: cishet. i didn't really care for the stepbros team so i haven't really put much though into it
chet: cishet. see lorenzo
rock: nonbinary bisexual. also he's dating spud
spud: trans gay man. also he's dating rock
dwayne: cishet homophobe
junior: he's like. 11. i'm not saying you can't have figured our your sexuality and gender at that age. but junior definitely hasnt
ennui: trans bi man. canonically dating crimson (and i'm keeping taht)
crimson: trans bi woman. canonically dating ennui (and Im keeping it taht way)
stephanie: cis bi woman. i just know it.
ryan: cishet ally
devin: cis bi man
carrie: cishet ally (she's a HUGE ally okay)
kitty: cis lesbian
emma: cis lesbian
josee: transfem lesbian
jacques: trans gay man
macarthur: trans butch lesbian. also she's dating sanders
sanders: cis lesbian. also she's dating macarthur
brody: cis pansexual. just trust me okay
axel: trans butch lesbian. also she's in love with nichelle
nichelle: cis femme lesbian. also she's in love with axel
emma: cis lesbian with extreme comphet
chase: cis bi man with lots of internalized homophobia. anyway he's in love with ripper
ripper: cis bi man. also he's in love with chase. (i don't like ripper or chase. they're perfect for each other tho)
wayne: cishet ally (he's canonically an ally!!)
raj: cis gay. also bowraj for life
bowie: cis gay. also bowraj for life
i need to make another block of text bc i reached the character limit lmao
scary girl/lauren: transfem lesbian. i just know it
zee: nonbinary pansexual. trust me
julia: cis lesbian. but she'll call you a slur. she's dating MK
damien: i think he's a cishet ally. but i could see him as bi
caleb: cis aroace. no i will not elaborate
millie: transfem lesbian
priya: cis lesbian
MK: nonbinary lesbian. they're dating julia
The host with the most, chris mclean: trans gay man. he'll call you a slur tho. he's married to chef
Chef Hatchet: cis gay man. he's married to chris
Don: cis gay man. he hates chris's guts.
that's every character. anyway next week it's going to be a tierlist of all the characters <3
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kerrslvr · 9 months
Are you working on any fics at the moment?
i’m working on a few!
ride it; a beth england request where r is so in love with her thigh tattoos and well… u know what happens x
hate how much i love you; a sam kerr fluff/angst where r comes from a very strict heterosexual background & has a very complicated relationship with best friend / fwb (haven’t figured it out yet) sam, and hates the fact that she’s in love with sam because of how she’s going to be treated by her family as a result (huge homophobia / internalized homophobia trigger warning for this one folks x)
oh mama!; a mum!mary instagram au where her and her wife are expecting a rainbow baby
stick season; lucy bronze (unsure about whether i want to finish this or not) based on stick season by noah kahan. lucy comes back home during a break with a new girlfriend who looks exactly like r and it breaks r’s heart all over again
(don’t have a name for these two lol but they’re more blurbs than full fics) r gets so turned on by mary in her goalie gloves that she acts up & gets spanked in them & a sam kerr fingering blurb bc of her sexy ass finger tattoos
idk when any of these will be up as i have a very few busy weeks at work ahead & im absolutely exhausted so simply grabbing my laptop feels like a huge chore but i will try my hardest to get them out to you all very soon xx
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vae1bixy · 3 months
Opie Winston x OC {Josie Bethe Teller]
Title - Partner in crime
Wordcount - 3.8k
Summary - Everybody has a secret that she doesn't tell anyone. Something dark and twisted or something more easier then that. A small embarrassed secret. But in Josie's life hers was a little more darker then a simple doll obsession.
A/n - This is my first time writing for SOA. Or for doing one of these with an original character. WARNING This contains death and abuse.
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Josie Beth wasn’t a push over.
You couldn’t be where she grew up. If you acted weak you lost respect. Or at least any respect that could potentially be given. She learned from a very young age. That if you’re not strong you don’t get respect. You don’t cry, you don’t let yourself be hit or verbally berated. You fight back. Even if it costed you.
She was just sixteen years old, just in the junior year of high school. When she was even there. She was either suspended or expelled. At that time she had begun dating this guy. They were inseparable. He was a straight A student. A guy that never got into trouble. The complete opposite of her. It was almost funny.
Especially when he turned out how he did. Her boyfriend Sam. He wasn’t a guy who yelled or berated her. He was a bit of a nerd. Could go hours and hours talking about some new video game or sci fi show or movie. Anything he loved space and everything that came with it.
So when he began yelling at her and distancing himself. She didn’t worry too much. At least not anything bad. She didn’t halt at it. She knew something must have happened for him to switch his personality so sudden. They had been together for two years. Known each other for three. And he had never done anything of the sort. He was a pretty sweet and kind guy.
That’s when she began to think maybe he had a bad day. A bad week, a bad month. Maybe it was all the stress his parents put on him to get good grades to be the best. But then the arguments began to shift to just him yelling at her. Then one day it changed. He slapped her face. And her eyes widened when he did it. So did he. Like he was surprised he even did it. Like he didn’t expect he would go so far. And neither did she.
Holding up a hand to cover her cheek. Her brows furrowed and she slapped him back. But this time it was harder. Sure enough to leave a print on his cheek. He held his jaw with eyes widened like he couldn’t believe she hit him back. “What’s going on with you Sam?” She asked, sounding hurt. A small frown appeared on her lips. Her cheek didn’t hurt so much just her pride.
“I don’t know” He answered with a shake of his head.
Then he looked like began to get scared. Eyes widening and he grasped for her hand and she watched him. As he held up her hand and pressed small kisses to it looking up at her with puppy eyes. “Please don’t leave me i’m so sorry” He said pleadingly. “I’m so sorry” He repeated.
Josie bit the inside of her cheek as she watched him. She knew she should have broken it off right there. But some part of her wanted to forget it happened. He was apologizing; he knew what he did wrong. And she just loved him too much to leave him. So oblivious she began to speak back up. “It’s not alright” She said slowly.
And his eyes widened further. His grip tightened just a bit on her hand. Like he was afraid she was going to tug away. “But don’t do it again,” She said strongly. Eyes narrowing at him.
It was like a light flickered. He began grinning and let go of her hand to bring her into a hug and hold the back of her head. “I won't, I promise sweetie,” Sam said before he placed a kiss on her. Not giving her time to shut her eyes. Josie began to frown deeper but closed her eyes and allowed herself to be pulled away.
But that was a lie. It got better for a bit. The arguing stopped and the yelling stopped. All traces that he ever hit her were gone. The bruising on her cheek faded within days. But that didn’t mean no one questioned her. The guy’s even her mother. Jax and Opie well all of them were convinced it was Sam.
She only told them she got in a little fight with a girl at school but she won. And that was the end of it. It wasn’t unusual for her to get into fights anyways. For her to come home with a black eye or bleeding lip. Sometimes her mother swore she got into more fights than the club. That she went out looking for them.
And honestly sometimes she did.
Then the arguing started again. Fight about nothing and fights about major things. Usually Sam began the fight and Josie was just twisted up alongside it. “You’re always together” He began one day. But it wasn’t the only time the argument was brought up. Sam didn’t used to be a jealous person. He believed she respected her. He even used to hang around the house when Opie or any of the guys were there.
That’s another reason she couldn’t help fathom why he was doing it. He had to know they would kill him if she wanted them to. All she had to do was tell them. Actually she could ask them. Ask them without explaining and he would be dead within minutes. They could beat him into a pulp. Shoot him. Burn him. Anything they so felt like.
“There’s nothing going on with Opie '' She screamed back.
Anger climbing up her spine. Fists clenching at her sides. So hard her nails were digging into her palms. She promised herself she wouldn’t seep so far and hit her partner no matter if they were a woman or man. She didn’t want to be in a relationship like that. And she sure as hell didn’t want to be with someone who would treat her that way.
Lately she had been questioning whether or not she even wanted to be in a relationship with him. He wasn’t the same person he used to be. He was more angry. Slowly it was like pieces of what made him his own personality were disappearing, cracking and falling off of him over time.
“I see the way he looks at you” He spewed into her face. Hitting the air like he was trying to enforce what he was yelling. He hadn’t ever hit her since the first and last time. It had been three months since. Three months but it didn’t leave her mind. Sometimes she would lie in bed. Sometimes he would kiss her and she wondered when the next time he was going to blow up.
Josie wiped at her eyes a sigh falling from her lips. She was so tired so tired of this same argument. He hadn’t been there but an hour. And right after Jax and Opie had left her house he began yelling at her. The same thing he always did. That her and Opie spent too much time together. That he was afraid they were going to cheat on him. That he was just so insecure he had to take it out on her.
“He’s just a friend, I don't know what the hell is going on with you,” She screamed. It’s not like she could control how much Opie came over. He was her brother's best friend. And lived right beside them. And he was hers as well. She would never drop a friendship over a guy or girl.
Next thing she knew it. He stepped forward and instead of the palm of his hand his knuckles were coming into contact with her eyes. Hitting her in the corner of her right eye. “Don’t talk to me like that” he said darkly. Before he dropped his hand.
Josie touched her brow and there was a bit of blood on her fingertips. She looked at him before she turned away. Heading straight to the door. No one else was home. But if she called her brother she knew he would be right there. “That’s it” She said as she walked away. She was done. She was through with him.
“Josie” Sam called out then once more but a little harsher.
She opened the door and was about to leave but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. The door is still open. “Don’t go” he whispered. A small twisted smile lighting his face up. As he tried to cradle her hip with his other hand. Trapping her against him.
She wasn’t sure what happened but at that moment it was like she saw red. She reached down and grabbed the freshy new revolver she was gifted off of her desk. And shot him. At least that’s what she thinks happened. She just saw red. Heard nothing. Not until everything was coming back to her. The red leaving and the world returning.
And there on the floor of her bedroom was her boyfriend, his eyes wide and a bullet hole in his forehead. She dropped the gun and fell beside him. “I’m so sorry” Josie hiccuped. Her hand running through his hair. She whispered apologetics until finally she wiped at her eyes and stood up.
She grabbed her phone, shaky fingers touching the keypad in memorization. She didn’t call her mother. She didn’t call her older brother or even their father’s best friend Clay the man who ran the club. Josie wasn’t exactly sure why she even did call him. When the ringing stopped a tired voice answered.
“Hello” He said through a yawn.
“I need your help” She whispered. Soft sniffles filtering through the phone.
In that moment it was almost like those words pulled him back into the living. Like all traces of sleep were washed from him. “On my way” He said hard. Before she could hear shuffling on the other end. Like he was getting up. Then he ended the call shutting it off.
But he was there in a matter of a minute. They did live next door after all. He didn’t even knock on the door. Just walked straight into the house like he lived there. “Josie” Opie called out looking around the living room. Checking out the room waiting for any sign of her. But everything seemed normal. But he knew he wasn’t hallucinating; it sounded like she was crying over the phone. And Josie never cried. At least around him.
“In here” She called out.
He followed her voice down the hall and stopped at her room. The door was shut. And there was a stop sign on the door. Like that was meant to stop any sort of trespasser from entering. “I’m coming in” He said, like a warning. One he had learned very quickly to do years ago.
Whatever he expected was definitely not what he walked in on. There on the floor was her boyfriend right on his back. Blood was flowing from his head and created a puddle on her floor. And she was just sitting on her bed sheets. Specs of blood on her hands and printing onto the handle of her gun. The gun that was hanging loosely in her hand.
“Jesus” He said as he took his beanie off and wiped at his hair. Stress is already pulling onto his face.
Sure he was ‘in the club’ but not really. He was just a prospect. He was a new guy. Even if he had grown up in the club. He saw shit nobody saw. Heard things nobody heard. But so have she they all grew up there. But this he had never seen a dead body before. At least this fresh. Not when the blood was still flowing out of them.
“I had to” She said like she was stripped away from whatever thoughts she was having. Tears falling from her eyes and sobs rocketing through her. Deep and throaty sobs. She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to kill him. But secretly deep inside of her she knew she did. She wanted him to feel what she felt.
Opie was stepping over the body and to Josie before he knew it. Taking the gun easily with one hand and setting it onto the mattress. While he crouched down eye to eye level with her. “Hey hey it’s okay” He said as he brushed a hand over her cheek brushing the tears away. Wiping bits of blood as he did.
“I’m sure it wasn’t really your fault” He said, causing her to laugh a bit. Everything was her fault. Especially this. A man, well a boy was dead because of her. Even if she thought he deserved it. Even if she secretly didn’t feel guilty for it. Someone was dead. Someone who had a bright future. Maybe even getting out of Charming unlike her.
After a minute he went to stand up. “We have to call your brother and mom” He said decisively. Jax would kill him if he didn’t call him. He’d kill him for taking so long to call. He loved his sister more than anything. Even more than Gemma and the club. And if the asshole on the floor was still alive he would be dead again.
“No you can't, they'll just be disappointed in me” She said as she grabbed ahold of his wrist and stopped him from moving any further. He looked down at her hand but she still didn’t let go.
Opie frowned at her unsure of how to help. He wasn’t equipped for this. To comfort someone and over kill another person. But he had a big feeling the guy deserved it. “They didn’t like the guy anyways” He said, trying to joke. Still in front of her line of sight and blocking off most of Sam’s dead body except for his legs.
“I’m serious Opie” She said, shaking her head tears rolling back down her cheeks. Even if she was the one who did it. She was feeling the lost of him. Of her boy friend. Or ex at this time.
He tapped a hand to her head and petted it. As he began to think of how he was going to cover a murder. Sure he thought about it before. Heard the other’s talk. But this would be his first time. “We’re going to figure this out” He said comfortingly. As tears dipped further down her cheeks.
Opie went back home and grabbed his father’s car keys. It wasn't’ hard he wasn’t home to find out and with this time of hour he probably wouldn't be back until the next day. But they would have to be quick before Gemma or Jax got back.
He pulled the old truck out of the driveway and to her and backed the tailgate up to the doorway. Before he got out, shutting the door and checking to make sure no one was outside before he went back into the house this time he didn’t waste the energy to knock. And they rolled the boy into her carpet.
He got the front end of the body and she got the rear end. Opie wasn’t super strong. He was more height than muscle. But he could lift a good seventy pounds. Less than half of what the boy weighed. He walked backwards her in front and they barely lifted him up to the tailgate. Even with it down.
“Where are we going to hide him?” She questioned. Crossing her arms over her chest. The blood beginning to dry and stick to her arms.
He raised the tell gate up before he turned to look at her. His eyebrows are raised even in the night light. “I’m going to find a place… you just stay here and clean the blood up” He said struggling a bit to find the words. Before he began to walk back to the driver side door.
“Hell no im coming” She said, following back towards him.
“Josie,” He quipped.
But she shrugged a bit. A less annoyed expression disappearing and a more upset one coming back. Small drops of blood on her right cheek shining in the lamp against the wall of her house. “I killed him, I might as well follow through,” She said, nodding a bit. It was only right. Somehow it would make her feel better.
Sighing he opened the door and gestured to the other side. “Alright, we'll get in” He ordered. She wasted no time but to shut the door. They were silent on the way there. Nothing but the small buzz of the radio and the thud of Sam’s body in the back of the truck when Opie hit the brake too hard.
They drove for what felt like hours. Passing by building restaurants, homes, even a police car. Before they arrived at the destination. He began to pull into a wooded area where trails lead into it. Showing that it wasn’t completely deserted. They came there to party before. All of them well all the teenagers getting together and going out to the woods to party smoke drink fuck. Anything.
“Are you sure this is a good place to leave him?” She questioned worriedly. Looking around but the emptiness of the woods was all she saw. As she walked to follow him out of the truck.
Opie looked back at her his hands on the tailgate and pulling it downwards. “Do you have a better idea?” He questioned leaving no heat in it. But she just nodded. He grabbed a hole of Sam’s hand and pulled the body closer so she could reach. She grabbed a hold of his feet and made a face of small huffs coming from her as she lugged him in wards of the woods.
“Right here” He said through bated breaths. They both dropped the body and it hit a thud onto the ground at the same time.
“Wait here” He ordered giving her one more glance before disappearing the way they came. Josie waited in the woods. Her arms holding herself as she tried to look anywhere but the dead body and the darkness the woods provided. She never liked the darkness of the woods. But maybe it was partly because of the night she just had. Just when she beginning to get antsy and about to leave to find Opie.
She heard footsteps. And he was coming back into her sight. But fuel in his hands. “We need to get some sticks” He said. She nodded a bit and began to grab some around them. Him doing as so. Lifting big sticks up hurriedly and dropping them around the body.
“You never asked why I did it?” She said quietly.
He wasn’t dense he saw the bruise growing around her eyes. The blood in her eyebrow. He knew what happened. Opie had never liked Same. But neither did Jax and Gemma and really everybody. But Opie didn’t dislike him for there reasons. He wasn’t sure he just had a bad feeling about the guy. And apparently he was right.
“Should i?” Opie questioned glancing at the side of her face a bit.
She just chuckled a bit before she stood up. A pile of limbs in her left hand and pointed to her eyebrow where blood was drying up. The growing bruise on her face. “He hit me,” She said like she found it funny.
“And you’re laughing?” He questioned confusedly. Dropping the limbs onto the body a little extra harder than really needed. One thing about the club was that they didn’t believe in abusing women or children. They might do all kinds of other shit that wasn’t morally good. But they had a fine line of morally good and wrongs.
She shook her head dropping the limbs before she fell into laughter again. Her hands on her knees as Opie watched confused. Finally she stood up wiping at the tears on her face, a grin still in place. And small giggles falling out of her mouth. “I don’t know, I just think it’s ironic,” She said.
He nodded slowly. Maybe he thought she was losing her mind. Josie was kind of scared that she did. She wasn’t exactly a saint. But she never thought she could be capable of killing another person. And someone she loved so much. Someone she imagined growing older with. “This should be enough,” He finally said.
She nodded a bit. And he poured the fuel over his body and into the sticks. She watched fascinatedly holding onto her body tighter with her arms before he pulled a lighter out of his jeans. But instead of lighting it he handed it over to her. Josie took it carefully, watching him with wide eyes.
“You’re honors” He mumbled a bit.
“Thanks” She whispered a bit before she leaned down crouching.
Josie thought about saying some words. Saying how he deserved what he got that she wished he got worse. That she hated him. Maybe the opposite, maybe that she loved him and that she was sorry. Maybe tell him how she felt. But she didn’t do either; she leaned out and lit the branches. Slowly the fire spread from the limbs and the leaves and into the carpet.
Standing back up by Opie. She could only imagine how he looked now. His cheeks she used to kiss red. The skin coming off until it was a bloody mess. His short dark hair that she used to run her fingers through burning until it fell off. Opie wrapped an arm around her and brought her to his side hugging her a bit.
It was then the decision they both made finally came to light. Like they were suddenly realizing. They couldn’t tell a soul. At least not any more. Either of them could do time for it. Even Opie for helping her. Neither of them would say a word of it. Without a single word spoken they just knew. She knew she made the right decision.
Maybe she was more of a Teller then she thought.
Josie stripped her sweater then her shorts and dropped it into the fire watching as the flames took that too. Until she was just standing in a long t-shirt then barely touched her knees. They stood there watching as the fire burnt through the body. Stayed there for another hour. Sitting on the ground watching. Just to make sure the body did decompensate.
Before they got up and went home. Opie pulled into his driveway and then walked back. As they finished cleaning up the spot on her floor board. Scrubbing it with boiling hot water and soap. On her hands and knees. Opie went home an hour after through her window when he heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling up.
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2kverrr · 2 months
MIKE MUNROE - Dating Headcanons
UNTIL DAWN || Mike Munroe x reader
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he’s known not only by the group to be a player, but also by your entire school.
so when he started trying to talk to you a bit more, you were more than prepared to shut. it. down.
there was a sour ending between him and emily soon after hannah and beth’s disappearance, and at this rate, jessica too (she was clearly still hung up over their summer fling).
his confidence surpassed yours and he was relentless. joining you ashley and sam, uninvited and unexpected:
“hey guys, what’re we talking about” the brunette seats himself next to you, purposefully nudging your shoulder. “we were talking about y/n’s next cheer competition” sam sighs, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms as mike slowly starts to put his arm around you, “erm- what is this?” ash points, glaring at your arm, causing you to look down to see his big, tan hands creeping around your shoulder. at an instant, you shrug him off as your face flushes red. this boy was going to be the death of you.
pulling you out of classes with white lies to your teachers:
“yeah, she needs to head to the attendance office” he beams his charming smile towards the teacher then winks at you. “what the fuck do you want?” you query with hands on your hips stepping out of your english lit class. “you.”
notes in your locker. but it as sweet as the action was, it didn’t phase you, you didn’t want to be his next side-piece:
roses are red, violets are blue. flowers mean shit, i want you.
me, you, a couple of beers and my dads garage?
why are you playing so hard to get, we’ve known each other for like forever. you only make me like you more.
eventually you’d received the painfully awkward video message from josh, opening his lodge up on mount blackwood for the winter.
you’d had message after message from the boy, invites and offers to take transport together, it was a little bit sad how hard he was trying, he usually breathes in a girl’s direction and they’re ready to chew his food for him.
so you accepted, you’d known him since you were 5 after all, what’s the harm?
and then it started, all with him asking to hold your hand on the ski lift, insisting his left hand was cold. pathetic but cute.
during this you were spotted by a wild josh, lively and charismatic as ever considering the circumstances, he made sure to let everybody within a 20 mile radius know of his suspicions upon the two of you.
the attention had its positives and negatives. jess didn’t approve, nor did sam. josh, chris and ashley were happy as ever. nobody ever knew what emily was really thinking so you tried your hardest to ignore it, whereas matt was glad mike was busy with anyone but his ex.
“soo… i think it’d be wrong not to ask you out right now.”
you honestly thought, from the deepest most sincere part of your heart, believed your were mike-proof. but through all his little tactics he managed to make you actually like him, romantically.
a lot of girls gave off the wrong impression of mike; man-whore, cheater, horndog. maybe they were the problem because you couldn’t ask for anyone better.
he cooks surprisingly well, though he refuses to wash up, he has some pretty good experience in the kitchen.
he doesn’t mind too much about what you do and where you go, maybe it’s because you’re the same with him, unlike one emily davis, “a human gps with my location on lock and an accusation weapon system activated”
he always smells good. he has gone through at least 4 of his favourite colognes within the past year, which also means you’ve got an easy birthday/Christmas present option.
weirdly enough, he loves going on shopping trips with you. you think he’s pretty useful fashion-wise whereas he always enjoys convincing you into ‘rating your clothes’, aka - watching his girlfriend undress while sitting in silence.
amongst these positives, you can only name one terrible feature with mike. he’s a snorer. not just a little soft breathy snore. it’s a full on mouth open, putting his entire body weight on you, speakers blasting snores. it could also easily be mistaken for a helicopter taking off.
eventually emily warms up to your relationship, managing to see eye to eye with you. you’ll never know what her ulterior motive is but you have enough trust in mike to bat off her ways.
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Sam Giddings x Hannah Washington
1. Best friends to lovers dynamic? perfect. Sam was the only one (except for Beth) who was nice to Hannah in the prologue. And their relationship stats are very high. Sam would be very protective gf for Hannah
2. In your "Nothing bad ever happened ever" AUs, you've got some classic best friends (even childhood friends) to lovers. In canon, though, the tragedy of it all makes you want to chew through wood. Thinking about Sam having been in love with Hannah all that time when she was pining for some guy, and then losing her tragically because she couldn't find her in time to stop the prank. Also, right at the end of the game, as Sam makes a break for the light switch, you could easily assume that Hannah is lunging for her and ended up tackling a miner in the process, but a better idea, a *gayer* idea is that deep down, Hannah recognised Sam, and wanted to save her when it all came down to it. It's tragic. It's heartbreaking. It's kinda beautiful, to think, even in that altered state, Hannah loved Sam too, but only came to realise it at the last possible moment, and used that clarity to save her friend. Maybe she loved her that whole time, before the prank, but latched onto Mike as a way to seem 'normal'. Heteronormativity is the real villain in this game and that's that on that
Jamie Tiergan x Erin Keenan (Jerin)
1. my beloveds okay, i was in pleasant shock when saw a "young love" plot line (i didn't know anything about TDiM when i started it so didn't expect to get lesbians)
2. Jamie and Erin already have such a wonderful dynamic to begin with, having bounced around each other before taking the leap after enough flustering and teasing. They care so deeply for each other, and one losing the other is beyond heartbreaking. Erin even admits how much she doesn't want to lose Jamie, which makes my heart scream and yell and cry and oh my god
3. They're sweet, they're cute, they're canon! Supermassive finally gave us an official queer couple that can get together and Jerin deserves some recognition for that. <3
4. I mean, its Jerin! They're relationship is so cute and interesting even if they don't get together, its so clear when they don't they still very much love and adore each other and have so much more to say. And when they ARE together they are just so cute and gentle to each other. The perfect couple <3 (also they are a very rare non-white biracial lesbian couple that aren't toxic or weird so the representation they hold is just <3)
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rainkays · 4 months
if the until dawn cast got put in a saw trap WHO do you think will survive twin!!! best twin forever
unfortunately i feel like chris would be a saw 3 jeff situation and would be too fucking slow trying to figure out the trap before actually doing anything so he’d run out of time before he even realizes it
i’m like 50/50 for mike’s survival because he would either accidentally kill himself or be put in a saw x valentina type trap and do it successfully
i think ashley would probably be inconsolable especially if she was in a trap with other people (chris, sam, josh) and as much as i love her i don’t think she’s gonna make it 😭
emily would probably survive but in a group trap they might pull a saw 5 on her and she’d be killed for the sake of the rest of the group’s survival and because they know she’d probably one of the best competitors
josh is getting out. for obvious reasons. he’d probably become an apprentice after.
i think jess would be an unlikely save in a sort of daniel saw 2 fashion or be thrown in a needle pit like amanda because the rest of the group thinks she’s weak but i feel like she would find a way out
sam would definitely survive and would either be in a solo trap or group trap where the rest of the group looks to her for advice the entire time. she would feel really guilty after especially if it’s a sole survivor situation
i’m 50/50 on matt too because i think he would either miss the premise of the trap (saw 5) or just go the brute strength route and end up getting himself killed but i think emily would help him out if they were in one together
if hannah and beth were put in a trap together they would probably do everything they could for both of their survival but either they would both die or only one is making it out </3 (sorry twin)
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lessi-lover · 10 months
★★ my work! ★★
who do i write for? ★
so obviously my team is arsenal (sue me 🤷‍♀️)
the main ones i think i would potentially write for are:
leah, alessia, katie, caitlin, steph, beth, viv, lia, kyra, vic, & laura.
that being said, some of them are obviously harder to write and i haven't really had the time to experiment yet at all.
a few random wsl players i would potentially write for are (although it would be hard):
sam kerr, millie bright, jessie fleming, guro reiten, zecira musovic (maybe), niamh charles, mary fowler, alex greenwood, alannah kennedy, jill roord, esme morgan, rachel daly, mackenzie arnolds, ella toone, maya le tissier, and mary earps.
a few abroad players i would potentially write for are:
hayley raso, alexia putellas, mapi leon, ingrid engen, lucy bronze, ona batlle, georgia stanway, ellie carpenter and danielle van de donk.
as well the national teams i follow (even though im aussie):
aus, england, spain, canada, netherlands, norway, switzerland, ireland, sweden. although most of these are because i LOVE one or two players in that team.
disclaimer - i don't think i'm capable of writing smut, i'd just piss myself i can't do that-. but still request loves. i LOVE writing fluff, i'm not a big angst kinda gal ngl-. i really appreciate it when people leave notes on how the writing was and any grammar or spelling mistakes, although with my extremely dangerous case of perfection-.
i'm not comfortable writing anything even slightly suggestive for a character that is underage, but i'm happy to write platonic! young reader x players.
new note - i'm comfortable writing about players who are in established relationships, but married/engaged relationships is something i don't think i will do, unless it's platonic. unless i love them a lot like, - stephy, sammy, kristie, ellie, dvd ect.
thankyou for reading this love you all very much x
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readyforthegarden · 11 months
Silver Springs - Part Twelve
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Pairing: Sam Kiszka x Original Female Character
Synopsis: The year was 1976, the season was summer. The days were hot and the nights were hotter. Music was the best it had ever been, especially rock music. Sam Kiszka has been riding the high of being in one of the top bands on the scene, but when his bands tour is accompanied by another up-and-coming band, with a lead singer that gets on his very last nerve, will everything come crashing down or will they end up making music that changes the world?
Warnings: Angst, intense arguing, soul crushing music 18+ only, Minors DNI
A/N: This is the final installment of Silver Springs. I just want to say a few thank yous before our ending begins. First, thank you to my best friend, Hillary, for always supporting my ideas and working ideas through with me and helping me make sure my writing makes sense. I want to say a huge, ginormous thank you to Sammy Nation, especially Kristen, Beth, Vi, and Cat, for hyping this fic up every post, being so excited about it and having so much fun with me about the updates. I lived for your reactions and reviews and theories, and even enjoyed being yelled at by yall. And another big thank you to Em and Madi for always being there when I had a block and hyping me up and reminding me I am that bitch when I needed it. I love all of you so much, thank you for all of your support. 💖💖💖💖
WC: 3919
🎶 🎶 🎶
“Alright is everyone here?!” the festival coordinator looked around the group of Greta Van Fleet and The Blue Jean Babies, their roadies and crew. “Okay, Harlow and the Blue Jean Babies, your set is at 7:30 on the main stage, if you’re late, you’re not playing, and Greta will go on an hour early. Don’t test me, they have the discography to play a double.”
Small, muffled laughs rumbled through the small crowd as they continued.  
“Once your set is done, roadies, clear the stage as quickly as possible to make room for the next band. If you have any questions, come find me. Until then, have fun.” the coordinator made sure everyone was crystal clear before leaving. The bands co-mingled, passing around bottles of beer. Josh and Harlow parted from the group, leaving to warm up their voices. 
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” Cindy rested her hands on Sam’s shoulder, hopping up on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek. “Look how far you’ve gotten, from a garage to stadiums and festivals. It’s amazing.”
“Thanks, Cin.” Sam gave her a small smile. Cindy’s brows stitched together, letting one of her hands drop to his back, rubbing it softly.
“You okay?” she asked softly. Sam swallowed down the ‘no’ that threatened to push out from his lips. 
“Just some pre-show jitters is all.” he replied instead. “I think I’m going to go grab my cigarettes from the bus.”
“Want me to come?”
“Nah, I’ll be right back,” Sam leaned down, pressing a kiss to Cindy’s head and leaving her side. Weaving through the other artists, groupies and crew members backstage at the festival, Sam made it to their bus, grabbing his pack of smokes, pilfering Jake’s lighter when he couldn’t find his own. On the way back, he took his time, trying to enjoy the setting sun and feeling of a late summer party with the people and music around. 
He didn’t mean to stumble upon Josh and Harlow warming up their voices behind other bands buses, the angle of parking making a small, quieter alcove for them to hear themselves. Josh spotted him first, his mouth pressing into a line as Harlow continued, her voice trailing off as she caught the look on Josh’s face, and turned.
“Uh, hi.” Sam gave a small wave, causing Josh to roll his eyes. “Could I have a minute, Harlow?” Harlow stayed silent, and Sam watched Josh’s end of a silent conversation between them, feeling left out like he did with Josh and Jake did the same thing.
“I’ll be right around the corner if you need me.” Josh assured her, stepping around her and bumping his shoulder with Sam’s as he passed. Sam held back an eye roll as Harlow turned to face him. She was wearing the long black dress again, a sequin purple shawl draped over her shoulders. Layers of necklaces hung down her chest, and bracelets up her arms jingled as she moved. Her makeup was light just dark, black eyeliner on her top lids, flicked out at the outer corners.
“You’re really wasting your one minute with all this silence.” Harlow mumbled, watching Sam as he took in her appearance. He blinked a few times, bringing himself back to the moment at hand.
“Sorry, I just…you look…you look beautiful, Harlow.” Sam meant it, and by the red tinge on her cheeks, Harlow knew it.
“Thank you. Is that all you wanted? I have to continue warming up.”
“Harlow, I never meant to hurt you.” Sam stepped closer to her, suddenly feeling desperate for her to know everything he felt. “Cindy and I-“
“are a really beautiful couple.” Harlow cut him off, giving him a forced smile. “I’m very happy for you, really Sam. Cindy, and I say this honestly, is very kind, and very pretty. You don’t deserve her.” Sam swallowed hard as the look in Harlow’s eyes shot ice through his veins.
“I thought she knew it was over when I left for this tour, Harlow.” Sam defended himself quietly. “I never did anything with you behind her back.”
“So she knows about us, then?” the question cut him, just like she knew it would. “She knows I slept in your bed? That you touched me and made love to me in that bed and any one we could find over the past few months?” Sam’s silence was all she needed. “That’s what I thought.”
“I needed you to know.” Sam murmured quietly. Harlow brought a hand up to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“I told you I love you, and you never said it.” she cleared her throat, thick with tears she refused to let spill. “I asked you to stop making me a fool, and you made me the biggest one. Do you think me knowing your conscience is clear means anything?” 
“You needed to know that I didn’t do it on purpose!” Sam exclaimed, tossing his hands out to the side exasperatedly. “I wanted you, I want you! God, I think about you all the time, I miss you. My pillow still smells like you, for christ’s sake!”
“I’m sure Cindy loves that.” Harlow snarked. “So you miss me, you want me. Do you love me?” Sam stared at Harlow, his heart screaming at him to answer yes, but his brain stalling.
“Do you love me?” Harlow’s eyes were wide as she slowly enunciated her words, the glassy sheen of tears she refused to let spill reflecting Sam’s own image back to him as he stared at her. The tension between them was thick, weighing on both of their voices as they spoke. 
All the trysts between shows, the beach love making, the late nights writing and arguing ran through Sam’s mind. He felt the ghost of her kiss on the birthmark on his underarm, her lips, all over his skin. The way her hazel eyes sparkled up at him, even when she loathed him at the beginning. The way he was completely enthralled with her every move, every breath. How inspiring she was, and her wild determination.
Then he thought of Cindy, the young woman who had been there for him through everything. Stood by his side and never quite got the hint that him pushing back the wedding date was him letting her go. How her green eyes shone whenever they landed on him, as they always had. The way she had seemed to live for him and only him, but she would never bring the light and fire Harlow did.
Gathering his answer, Sam knew what he had to do. A false truth, but for who would it be harder to live with? Harlow was set on a path, and one that Sam would make sure she saw through. From the day he met her, and read her songs, he knew this woman was meant for great things. He couldn’t stop that trajectory now.
“No.” his quiet words sliced through the air, draining the room of all oxygen as Harlow felt her chest cave in, exhaling a breath she’d been holding in as a scoff. Sam didn’t take his eyes from her, watching her grit her teeth behind her lips, jaw clenching as she composed herself. 
“Fuck you,” she seethed, her rage quiet, yet forceful enough to set Sam’s skin aflame with shame. “Fuck you, Sam.” 
He watched as she stepped closer, the heels of her boots digging into the dirt under her, kicking up rocks as she lifted them. Her body somehow loomed over him, though she was shorter. Her energy radiated every ounce of anger and hatred towards him with every step.
“When this tour is over, I’m going to forget about you. I will never, ever think of you again.” her voice was even and slow, making sure the man heard her every syllable as her dark eyes bored into his. “But you will always fucking remember me.” she locked eyes with him for a few seconds more before turning on her heel and storming back towards the main stage. 
“We’re playing it tonight, after The Chain.” Harlow pulled Billy aside from his conversation with Danny. Billy looked confused, then wide-eyed.
“Are you sure? You said it wasn’t ready.”
“It is.” was all Harlow replied. 
🎶 🎶 🎶
The Blue Jean Babies set was electric. They’d picked up hundreds of fans over the first leg of the tour, and that combined with the fans waiting their set out for Greta Van Fleet, the festival crowd was like a sea, roaring and crashing along with the beats of their songs. 
Performing The Chain with Greta got the crowd to pay attention, and kept them in the wings to watch the rest of the performance. As she expected, Sam stayed with his brothers, though if Cindy was there too, Harlow couldn’t catch a glimpse.
“This is another new song,” Harlow spoke into the microphone, pausing for the whistles and cheers. “This is for all the lovers out there, whose love hasn’t been returned.” with that, Billy began sliding into the song on his guitar, Harlow gripping the mic stand.
“You could be my silver spring
Blue-green colors flashin'
I would be your only dream
Your shinin' autumn ocean crashin'
Don't say that she's pretty
And did you say that she loved you?
Baby, I don't want to know”
Harlow could feel eyes boring into her, Sam watching her intently from the wings. Gripping the mic stand tighter, Harlow began the second verse, closing her eyes to keep herself focused.
“So I'll begin not to love you
Turn around, see me runnin'
I'll say I loved you years ago
Tell myself you never loved me, no
Don't say that she's pretty
And did you say that she loved you?
Baby, I don't want to know
Oh no
And can you tell me was it worth it?
Baby, I don't want to know”
Harlow felt a surge of confidence, as they started the chorus, opening her eyes and scanning the crowd again.
“Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me
I know I could have loved you
But you would not let me”
Billy played his solo beautifully, leading Harlow back into the chorus, his voice joining hers.
“Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me
I know I could've loved you, but you would not let me
I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you
Give me just a chance
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you
Harlow took the mic off the stand, moving around it and bending at the waist, stomping her foot to emphasize her lyrics and feelings.
“Was I such a fool?
I'll follow you down til' the sound of my voice will haunt you
Give me just a chance”
Her voice was gruff as she stared Sam down, singing the chorus.  She hadn’t meant to look at him at all, she meant to perform the song and ignore his very existence. Yet as she sang, her heart and eyes pulled her to him, hoping the words sang out would curse him in the way he’d cursed her, leaving scars on her heart for the rest of her life. 
“You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you!”
Harlow straightened up, still locked in her stare with Sam as she pulled the mic away from her lips while Billy and the rest of the band continued their harmonies. She could see the affect her song had on him, his brows knit together, a resigned look on his face as he took his fate. Harlow had never planned to perform this song in front of him. She wanted him to hear it on the radio, everywhere he went, following him around like she wrote. But to have the cathartic release of singing out her pain right in front of him, with fresh wounds, was something that left her feeling vindicated. 
For the rest of their lives, this song would tie them together. 
They would write other songs about one another throughout the years, sparking more rumors and feuds. Coming together and swearing this performance would be the last they ever did with one another as various charities and projects. Moments of friendship marred by the past being brought up. Vague comments about one another, tell-alls for PBS specials, one of the marks of music history was the relationship between Harlow and Sam. 
Twenty-Four Years Later…
Harlow sat in her cozy armchair by her fireplace, one of her now-iconic shawls across her shoulders. Her living room looked different than it normally did. Normally, the cozy Malibu bungalow was dark, but colorful, with ample space for dancing when the mood struck. Today there lights everywhere, and electrical cords winding all around on the floor. A journalist sat opposite her, as a camera was pointed in Harlow’s direction. For the thousandth time, Harlow had been recounting the highs and lows of the summer of 1976. 
“So, you finished out the tour with Greta Van Fleet, and you skyrocketed to your own success. Over the years, you all crossed paths, did anything ever spring up again?” Harlow smiled softly at the question, recalling her friendships over the last two and a half decades of her life. 
“Oh always.” she answered, nodding. “Josh Kiszka and I remained very close over the years, and still today. I had dinner at his home just the other night. I do feel a deep love for them all still.”
“Even Sam?” Harlow’s smile faltered slightly. Imperceptible to the naked eye, but she could feel the change in her muscles on her face. 
“Over twenty years later,” she began. “and my name is still attached to his. Never married, yet when you google me, his last name is right there. Or so my nieces and nephews tell me.” Harlow chuckled a bit, before her face became more serious. A far off look glazed over her eyes as she recalled the summer of ’76. “I loved him once, very passionately. A heart never forgets that. It moves on, but it never forgets.”
“I think…” the interviewer paused, biting their bottom lip. “I think you should see something.” she beckoned over a young man with a laptop. Placing it on her lap, the interviewer typed a bit, then turned it around, showing Harlow the screen. 
A frozen image of Sam was on it, and as soon as the interview clicked the screen, he began to move. Harlow took him in. It had been only about three years since she last saw him, but it still shocked her how well he had aged over time. His hair was still long, the dark brown tint had lightened, the hints of some gray at his roots. His facial hair had filled in more since the last she saw him too, though he kept with his classic goatee and mustache more flecks of gray peeking between the dark reds and browns.
“The music you made with Harlow and The Blue Jean Babies, with just her, is stuff of legend.” the interviewers voice sounded from off camera. “And the songs she wrote about you, and you about her in your solo work, there’s an ache there that is felt through generations.”
“The whole story is out there.” Sam replied. “I’m not here to hash over the details for the millionth time. But I’ll say this, on record for the first time. I have never loved someone the way I loved Harlow. She was the one who got away, and I still beat myself up for losing her.”
“If you could do anything over again, make it right, would you?” 
Sam dragged a hand down his face, scratching in his beard.
“I have two answers. The first is no, because look at the fucking rock music we made. We changed music for at least a decade, I wouldn’t take that back.” he laughed. “But I would go back and do everything in my power to keep Harlow Brandy Lawson in my life.”
The interviewer paused the video, watching Harlow’s face closely. Years of back and forth, jabs in the media and in records and performances, she had steeled herself from him. From Sam. He had done the same. Even after his breakup with Cindy, he never came back to her. And Harlow never went to him.  Maybe it had been pride that stopped them, maybe they each supposed the other truly had moved on. Harlow knew he had lied, when he said he didn’t love her. Josh had told her, years later when he thought it was safe for her to hear. 
“These interviews were going to be played at the award ceremony tonight. Obviously edited to leave out the more personal parts, like that.” the interviewer informed Harlow. “Every member of Greta Van Fleet will be there. And every member of The Blue Jean Babies is too…the only person who didn’t respond was you.”
“I-I don’t know.” Harlow shook her head. “I mainly focus on charity events these days and-“
“Off the record,” the young woman leaned forward in her seat. “I grew up listening to your music. My mom raised me on Harlow and The Blue Jean Babies and Greta Van Fleet, told me all the torrid details. I always wondered what would happen though, if you and Sam had another shot. And with what the both of you have said…I think you both wonder that too.”
Harlow stared at the interviewer as she took in her words, a flutter in her heart, knowing she was right. 
“How smart, the youth is today.” Harlow smiled. “I supposed we should end our time together here. I have an induction tonight, and I need an outfit.”
🎶 🎶 🎶
Though she was never one to roll in her riches, Harlow was thankful she had some money behind her to be able get together a dress and shoes, and quickly get her hair and makeup done on the last minute. Getting a car service, she made her way to the awards show, letting her manager and agent know she was accepting the invitation, and to let the event staff know. 
Arriving at the red carpet, Harlow was greeted by cheers and calls from the photographers as soon as her shoes hit the ground. She had forgotten how blinding the flashes were and took a moment to regain her composure before stepping along the carpet, letting the event staff guide her to the photo ops and interviews. She didn’t dare look around, now that she was here. What would she even do if she saw Sam? What would she say? Had too many years gone by with no resolve for them to rekindle anything at all?
Once she was inside the venue, another coordinator guided her backstage, letting her know that the rest of the Blue Jean Babies were there. Where they left her, there was no sign of them, and Harlow suddenly felt like a child on the first day of school, nervous and alone as her heels carried her down the hallway, clicking softly.
“After all these years, and you still manage to surprise me.” Harlow turned around, seeing Billy behind her, a wide grin on his face. Harlow rushed over to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he did the same to her waist, hugging her tight. It had been only a few months since the two had seen each other, but it was still too long. “You said you weren’t coming.”
“I changed my mind.” Harlow smiled. 
“A sight for sore eyes if there ever was one.” turning again, Harlow was met with Jake Kiszka, his signature smirk in place. “Heard you went to Josh’s for dinner last week, and I have to admit, I’m hurt. You know I’m the better cook.”
“Jake,” Harlow moved from Billy’s grasp and into Jake’s with a laugh. “To be fair, I helped him cook most of it.”
“That sounds about right.” Jake quipped back. While the twins were never far apart from one another, Harlow rarely saw Jake. He stood back, hands on her arms as he assessed her. “You look damn good, Harlow.”
“Thank you, Jake.” she laughed, pulling him into a hug again. “Is everyone else here already?”
“You’re the last one.” Billy told her. “Do you want a drink?”
“I would love one.” Harlow followed Billy into the green room he came out of, greeting the rest of her former bandmates as Billy poured her a whiskey sour. There was still some time before the awards ceremony started, and they all spent a good amount of time catching up, before Harlow excused herself, going to find a restroom. 
As she walked down the hallway, following the paper signs taped up on the walls, she stopped, noticing someone leaving another room. 
He was just how he looked in the video, the overheard fluorescent lights catching the gray in his hair, beard and mustache more than previously. He was dressed in a suit, the shirt underneath loose, and opened down to just above his belly button. Harlow’s heart thumped in her chest, must like the way it did when she first saw him all those years ago, outside the venue when she asked him to read her songs. 
Like a deer in headlights, Harlow was frozen, and once Sam saw her, he was the same. She saw his adams apple bob as he swallowed, his brown eyes flitting all over her. Finally, Harlow broke the trance, stepping towards Sam, him breaking his and meeting her in the middle. 
“Hello Sam,” Harlow smiled softly.
“Hi Harlow.” Sam returned it, letting his eyes rake over her face. She should’ve made small talk. Asked him what project he was working on now, if the recent rains drowned out his garden.  Instead, blurted out everything that was building up inside.
“If I could change it, I would go back and do everything to keep you, too.” Harlow breathed out. Sam looked at her, puzzled for a moment before realization passed over his face, softening his brow as his body moved instinctually, an arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her body to his. “Sam, it’s always been you.”
“Brandy,” Sam whispered softly. “I meant what I said, I never loved another the way I love you.” Harlow’s heart skipped a beat. Twenty-four years later, and the words she so desperately wanted, needed from Sam were finally said. “I always did, I’m sorry I lied.”
“I know,” Harlow nodded, feeling Sam’s hand cup her face. “I know.” they stared at each other, oblivious to the backstage chaos around them. A moment that had been decades in the making, two hearts that stayed open just for one another finally meeting once again.
“Can we start over?” Sam asked, brushing Harlow’s hair back from her face as she looked up at him. Age had began to set in, faint lines set in where her skin was once smooth, but all Sam saw was the voracious twenty-something he fell in love with twenty four years ago.
“We’ll see.” Harlow smiled, a few tears rolling down her cheeks. Sam’s thumbs brushed them away, fighting some of his own.
“We’ll see always means no.” he whispered back, following her lead. His face inched closer to hers, his lips grazing over her own. Before they sealed the kiss, Harlow whispered back.
“Not this time, Sam. Not this time.”
🎶 🎶 🎶
Taglist: @joshsindigostreak @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @allieisacrybaby @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @jankandjonch @gvfpal
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princesssmars · 2 years
how fast the night changes
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chapter i part i
a sam x reader x mike
youve always had a compliacted relationship with your best friends. that all changes the night you go back to josh's house in the mountains.
contains: fluff and angst i mean its until dawn. mentions of death, mention of that little perv chris switched seats with.
wc: 3.800+
a/n: back in my until dawn phase bc of the quarry and we are lacking fics (especially poly ones) so i came to provide. decided to do these two bc they are my favorites and. theyre hot. enjoy. (im also following along with an all good choices everyone lives lets play because i love a good horror ending sorry.)
the bus ride up to the mountain was much more sinister in the dark of night. maybe it was because the thick trees of the expansive woods hid anything that lurked inside them. maybe it was because of what happened the last time you were here. either way, everything felt different this time.
you still remember how you met all of your friends. it was sixth grade, and you were the new kid, so you were prepared for it to be brutal. but here come these two dorks who say their names are josh and chris that plop down next to you during lunch to ask you some dumb question about the newest video game-was it super mario?-
you look down at your phone, the custom playlist you got for this trip nearly halfway done as it hums through your headphones. bopping your head along, you click out of the music app and head to your messages, seeing the last texts you shared with your friends. emily's were blunt but endearing, ashley and chris's enthusiastic, jess's laid back. but you feel a smile slowly appear looking over your last messages with sam and mike.
sam: please tell me you remembered to bring me some extra veggie chips! i have a feeling josh forgot to stock up on my vegan snacks :,)
y/n: only if you remembered to bring my favorite blanket from your dorm, you know the heating is most likely broken and im definitely not freezing to death up here!
sam: so dramatic! already ahead of you <3 see you at the lift!
you go to look over mike’s, trying to ignore the heat you feel in your face at her knowing what you wanted without you even asking.
mike: your new favorite playlist is ready, brought to you by your favorite person on earth
y/n: what do you mean? sam didn't make me a playlist
mike: haha very funny
mike: y’know id appreciate some appreciation every now and then, i put all of your faves on here! even some hidden gems I've been listening to recently
y/n: thank you my best friend in the whole wide world for the amazing playlist i know you don't share your amazing music taste with everybody
y/n: happy?
mike: very. thanks, babe. see ya soon.
well, that didn't help.
you step off the bus with your carry-on, saying your thanks to the tired-looking bus driver before they drive off after giving you a weary smile and an ominous “be safe out there.”. you step further towards the entrance and seeing the faded yet familiar Blackwood Pines sign fills you with bittersweet nostalgia. remembering your first time getting plastered with josh and chris, dancing to the newest shitty songs with jess, telling emily about your crushes crush, gossiping with beth, watching the newest show that hannah couldn't stop talking about…
you shake your head. nows not the time to dwell on the past, you're here to rekindle old friendships and have a great time.
as you continue walking to the lift, you get more and more unsettled by the dark woods surrounding you. yes, the woods were inherently creepy, but it felt like someone, or something was watching you. you always joked around about something being in the woods, but those were just jokes. your mind is jumping around so quickly that you don't even register the snap of twigs and someone grabbing you-
“fucking hell!” leaves your throat as you bend over and try to catch your breath. meanwhile, samantha giddings is laughing her ass off behind you.
“i just - and then you- oh my god!” she wheezes, bent over and holding her knees with her hands. she laughs even harder when she looks up to see you staring at her with a straight face.
“you're not funny. at all. get up.” you reel your foot back as if you're about to kick snow and dirt at her, and thankfully that makes her calm down a bit.
“ok, ok. alright. im sorry, i couldn't help it!”
after her laughter has officially died down, you both stand and stare at each other for a minute, before laughing and running into a hug.
“its been so long sammy” you whisper into the blonde girl's hair, taking in the scent of her vanilla and papaya shampoo.
“way too long. promise me after this you’ll come to visit before the end of the school year? you can be my good luck charm for my exams” she pulls away to look at your face, her slender arms still wrapped around your waist.
“only if you promise to stay with me for a while this summer. there are so many things i wanna do with you.”
“many things, huh? got any more examples?” the side of her mouth quirked up, smirking at the way you stumble over your words.
“i just meant that… it's been hard. without you. and the others of course. it feels like we barely ever see each other since…”
your words trail off. it's still hard to say aloud what happened on the mountain last year. you look at sams face and see the sadness on her face, too.
while you were always close with beth, she was best friends with the other washington twin.
she always felt a little guilty that she didn't run off after them that night.
so did you.
you try to change the conversation, hoping to lift both of your moods.
“what i mean is, our college's aren't that far but it feels like i see you once in a blue moon! it'd be nice to catch back up and get closer.”
“i know what you mean. there's so much we have to talk about.” she agrees. “so, we can start on this longgg walk up the lift. you ready?”
she holds her arm out and you link yours through hers. god, did you miss her.
the walk to the lift was surprisingly nice. sure you had to walk through some creepy ass woods, but doing it with your best friend made it somehow enjoyable and even funny. especially when she fell on her ass after trying to climb the stone wall next to the busted gate.
“stop laughing and help me up!”
“oh, how the table have turned.”
while walking, you both spot a squirrel running past you. you decide to ignore it, but sam being the animal lover she is, tries to feed it.
“here you go little guy, have a nice life, alright?” she sighs, waving to the squirrel as it goes back into the woods. she turns to keep walking but finds you staring at her. “what is it?”
“nothing, nothing. we should hurry up, feels like I'm getting frostbite already.” you rush, ignoring as sam laughs at your dramatics.
eventually, after more idle catching up, light teasing (and both of you seeing something weird after picking up a totem?), you finally arrive at the cable car station…and see no sign of chris.
you let out a long and loud sigh, “god its so like him to go do whatever stupid crap right now. if he went up without us i'm gonna kill him.”
sam giggles at your upset grumbling, before moving her arms up and down the arms of your coat from beside you. “ok, ok. lets just look, around ok? im sure that doofus is around here somewhere.”
you both search around the station for mutual goofy blonde friend, until finally you find his backpack after hearing his phone ring. you don't catch who the caller was before it ends, and you notice sam come up behind you. “hey, I cant find that doofus, i don't know where he could be hiding-”
her voice is cut off by the phone pinging again, and you both see the user id-ashley, your mutual friend and chris’ crush of for-fucking-ever. on the handful of times youve spoken to ashley recently, you were pretty sure she liked him too.
you and sam lock eyes, sharing a mental conversation. you know she wants to leave it alone, and she knows you want more than anything to look at what theyve been talking about because you know your friend has absolutley no game.
you dont get the chance when you hear a “sam! (y/n)!” behind you, quickly turning around to see your tall glasses-wearing friend.
“thank god! i felt like i was gonna freeze to death out here!” you exclaim, making the blondes laugh as you hug chris, his big arms encompassing your entire body.
you smile. you missed this big dork.
you feel one of his hands leave your back, and then you feel the press of sam against your side. your face grows warm as both of you wrap your arms around each other to form a group hug. as you back away, sam looks at you affectionately, and chris looks between the both of you. you squint your eyes in a ‘shut it or ill kick you in the balls’ way and he stops.
“oh! so, i found something amazing.” christ speaks, looking at the both of you and moving over to his bag which still rests on the seat.
you and sam share a look. “what?” she asks.
“im not gonna tell you, you gotta see for yourself,” he replies, ever the little shit, he hikes his bad up onto his shoulder and starts moving away from the station. “come on, its this way.”
“where?” you question his next. again, it was freezing out here, and as much as you liked doing stuff with your friends youd much rather do it inside the lodge.
“right around here, gonna blow your mind.”
you follow chris around the back of the station until he moves in front of the surprise and holds out his hands. “ta-da! pretty rad right?”
“yeah…” sam stares at it, making you laugh beside her. before you stands a mini wooden shooting range, just built to shoot a few targets before the trees. on the wood panel lies two hunting rifles, placed for the targets placed either on the trees or on the stumps ahead of it.
“come on! look at these beauties!” chris smiles, trying to get you and sam at least amused by what he was showing you.
sam is still unconvinced. “”beauties” is not the word that comes to mind. why is this even here?”
“what do you mean?”
“what the hell is a shooting range doing at the base of a ski lodge?”
“dude, have you ever met josh’s dad?” chris asks her, fiddling with the rifle.
“yeah, he definitely thinks hes more badass than he really is,” you pick up one of the guns, admiring the details of it, “or maybe hes preparing for something in these woooods…”
“oh shush with the ghost stories, (y/n).” chris shushes at you, ignoring you scrunching up your face at him. you would admit that you did look into folklore and the supernatural, but who could blame you? it was interesting. “but shes right, dude thinks hes like, grizzly adams or something. either of you wanna try?”.
“you go head, grizzly.” sam declines, smiling at chris. yours eyes widen when they both turn to look at you.
“oh, you dont want me to go first. id embarrass you. but please be our guest.” chris scoffs and turns away from you, saying something under his breath. sam nudges your shoulder and laughs, “be nice.”
chris faces the targets and holds the rifle up to his shoulder, preparing to shoot. “alright, here goes.”
you both watch on as he hits both of the stuffed bags and both of the soda cans.
“wow, nice shootin tex.” sam compliments him.
“yeah, you been practicin this in your spare time?” you instantly regret it when he says “alright, im bad! im a badass!” and starts dancing in place. moron.
you nearly bust out laughing at the unamused look on sams face. “im gonna go ahead and guess it was a wild case of beginners luck.”
“nah, i dont think so girl.” he shrugs her off, yet again taking aim. he strikes a beer bottle, shattering it into pieces.
“anybody and their brothers could shoot a bottle that big, that close.” sam teases chris again. you notice a cute little squirrel make its way to snack on some nuts that lay on one of the barrels. chris shoots one of the stuffed bags again.
“ok ill admit. youre a nice shot.” chris’ eyebrows shoot up at your compliment, laughing when you roll your eyes.
“your asses just got sacked.”
you and sam both groan.
he goes to take aim, but in the corner of your eye you see the lift coming down. “hey, sharp-shooter, our ride is coming.”
“wh- im just getting the hang of it!” chris complains.
“come on chris, the cable car!” sam reaffirms, moving to loop her arms through yours and head to your ride. the both of you go ahead and laugh to each other when you hear chris groan and follow suit.
while walking, chris comes up behind you and starts to speak, “man it is… its definitely weird coming back up here after a whole year.”
“yeah. i swear, the moment i got here it just all came flooding back.” sam says. shed gone from linking your arms to holding your hand and leading you. your cheeks felt warm.
“i know what you guys means. a year went by so fast…” you whisper under your breath. you see chris looking at something on the wall of the station and tug sam back to look. it's a wanted poster for someone name milgram victor, last seen here on the mountain in the 90s. you vaguely remember josh talking about it.
“nice. think we’ll get a visit from americas most wanted?” chris kids after observing the sign.
“looks like someone thought so,” you reply. “i dont know why, its been almost 20 years, what would he even be doing? and dont answer that weirdo.” you give a stern look to chris when you see him excitedly open his mouth to go into imaginary detail about what milgram could be doing.
sam shrugs it off. “looks like someone thought so.”
“nah y/n’s right,” chris agrees with you, “this place is abandoned most of the year. nodbody comes up here.” after that, the three of you move on.
“this all must be really hard on josh…” sam expresses suddenly, bringing back up the topic of what happened last year.
chris speaks up from behind you, “i dont know how he keeps it all together. id…i mean id be a wreck.”
“who says he isnt?” your question makes sam scoff and chris sigh. “oh come on, we three are the closest to him and i know you both could tell something was up in that video. not to mention what happened with his therapist so who even knows whats going on inside that big head of his-”
“hey hey hey, slow down!” you hear then feel chris and sam next to you, both putting a hand on your shoulders . “look, dont worry. we’re all gonna be there to help josh if he needs it, yeah? for now lets focus on having a good time.”
chris could be a doofus at times, but he did know how to make you feel better. you let out a long sigh, stabilizing yourself before looking at your two friends and ready to continue.
its only a few seconds later when sam gets to the door and stops. “hey thats weird. door’s locked.”
“yeaaah…josh wanted us to keep it locked. keep people out.” chris tells her.
“he really said that? what kind of people?” she questions him. josh was never one to be scared of what could be lurking on the mountain.
“i dont know. he said they found people sleeping in the station one time.”
“creepy.” “thats so sad.” you and sam share a look as you speak at the same time before moving on.
“after you,” chris moves his arm in a sweeping motion of chivalry torwards to the now open station door, laughing as sam teases him with “a real gentleman.”
the three of you move inside, you and chris heading to check out the controls as sam moves to look out over the edge of the rail.
its small inside the control center, just the room with the controls, a desk, and some lockers. you and chris lean in to look at one of the posters, advertising the blackwood pines hotel and-
“sanatorium?” you both say under your breath, looking at the other. how did you never hear about this?
“ugh! i though the car was closer.” you heard sam complain from outside.
“guess we gotta wait…” chris voces, still obsering the sanatorium poster. “what a crazy place to set up house.”
“emphasis on the crazy.” you joke, laughing when chris swats at you with his hands. “but seriously, they couldnt have picked any other mountain? this is odd, no matter how rich you are.”
“guess mr.washington couldnt pass up on the view.” chris speaks.
“theyre not so rich,” sam rebuttals. “they only bought a mountain!”
you slightly giggle at her joke.
from the corner of you eye you see a flickering creen on the desk, dragging chris over by his arm to look at it.
“huh? since when did they have all this security up here?” your companion questions, observing the amount of places covered by what must be new secuirty cameras.
you sigh, feeling slightly unerved,“i guss they really are worried about something up here.”
looking out the small window, you see the cable car has almost arrived, making you move outside in preparation. you notice sam has zoned out, so you tickle her neck slightly, making her flinch away and let out a light squeal. “ah! oh you know i hate it when you do that!”
you smile at the blonde, leaning into her side “yeah right, sammy.”
she lets out a playful groan, wrapping her arm around your shoulders so you can both move into the cable car. you across from her as chris sits next to her.
“just like going to prom.” chris says before sitting down.
“chris, i was with you on prom night. you nearly threw up multiple times on the way there because you were scared about asking someone to dance-”
“alright alright! no need to bring that back up, y/n.” he shushes you, still embarrased about what happened 2 years ago. “anyway, adventure begins!”
“i hope this was the right thing to do.” sam sounds from across you.
“what?” chris asks her.
“you know getting everyone together on the anniversary. i mean, josh seemed really pumped about us all doing something didnt he?”
“yeah, no, he definitely did!” chris waves his arm around to express his point. “i havent seen him so excited about something in…forever.”
“good, good…” sams voice trails off.
“yeah, im glad he seems to be doing better. and its nice for everyone to be back together.” you smile, ready to see all of your friends again. even if what they did still hangs in the back of your mind.
“yeah yeah, but…its hard to tell with him and i…ive kinda been worried.” sams voice softens, her worry for her dear friend peaking through.
“no, no, it was…it was a good idea.” chris reassures her.
she looks over at you before staring at the ceiling. “i hope everybdy else feels the same way.
“we’re all here, arent we?” he questions.
“thanks bro. good talk.” sam goofs, lightly punching his arm.
you laugh at them. “he has such a way with words, doesnt he?”
he laughs along with the two of you, “you know what? screw the both of you. but really, lets just…lets just stop talking about what happened and enjoy the trip.”
“you know what? youre right.” sam agrees.
“seriously,” you sigh, leaning back and looking at the scenery. “i cant wait to just get to the lodge and relax with some hot cocoa.”
“um, what do you mean relax?” chris asks you, making you turn your head to raise a questionable eyebrow, “we’re supposed to party like porn stars, remember?”
“ugh, forgot about that part. we can do that tomorrow.” you groan, making your friends laugh at your antics.
theres silence for a little while longer before chris turns to the two of you and asks, “you two know how josh and i met?” you and sam shake your heads ‘no’.
“ok. third grade. josh sat in the back of the room, i sat in the front. we didnt even know each other existed. but the kid sitting next to josh started strap-snapping the training bra on the girl in front of him so the teacher made him move to the front - where i was sitting!”
‘ugh, gross.’ you think, before listening to the rest of the story.
“okay, so?” sam questions.
“so i got moved to the back!”
“and?” you prod.
“and next to josh! thats how we met! and became friends. to this day.”
“a match made in heaven.” you tease.
“if it werent for the fact that jeanie simmons hit puberty like three years early and on that day decided to wear a low-cut shirt that showed off her training bra…i mean who knows? you two could be riding in this cable car alone. right now. or talking to some other person entirely. boom. butterfly effect.”
“well i sure am glad we got you and not the bra snapper, chris.” his face twists in a mix of annoyance and happiness.
“it is freaky to think about, though. like, who knows how many little things we thought about doing but didn't would change who we are?” sam joins in, rubbing her hands together as the cold starts getting to her.
“well, i like to think fate could play a part in it as well.” you notice how both of your companions are looking straight at you, urging you to continue. “what? i mean, who we are effects what we’re most likely to do, which means some things are just meant to happen. at least thats how i see it. whatever, just stop looking at me.”
“no, no! i understand,” sam leans forward, taking your hands in hers. “i get it, like some things are just meant to be. its kinda nice, knowing id end up knowing you no matter what.”
your heart leaps to your throat when she sustains eye contact with you, the grip of her hands moving to hold your wrists.
“like i was doomed to fail that english test in sophomore year. im still pissed off about that.”chris says from your left, making you nearly jump out of your skin from being in the moment you just had with sam.
“yeah, just like your english test, chris. sure.” sam replies flatly, slightly slumping back into her place, her face perking up when you shake your head in amusement.
this was gonna be a good night.
here we go! chapter one of ten! this took me so long to get out and i wanted it out on halloween day but alas :') this already felt really long so hope to get part two ou soon! thanks for reading <3
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brooklynislandgirl · 11 months
10 Fandoms / 10 Characters / 10 Tags
Tagged By: my loves @kylo-wrecked and @tangleweave Tagging: Anyone who feels like they need one more Sunday this weekend.
I. Marvel: Beta-Ray Bill, Eddie Brock/Venom, Doctor Strange, Phil Coulson, Vision, Groot, Spider-Man {Peter Parker}, Gambit, Doctor Morbius, Bucky Barnes. M'Baku {Hate the moniker of 'Man-Ape'}. Magneto. Loki. Night Crawler. Frank "Punisher" Castle. Colossus. Danny "Iron Fist" Rand. Foggy Nelson. Ghost Rider {Both Johnny Blaze and Robbie Reyes, "Caretaker" Carter Slade}. I know that's more than 10. Whatever, I do what I want. >.> II. DC: Lex Luthor, Nanaue {King Shark}, Martian Man Hunter, John Constantine, The Joker, Jonathan Crane, Morpheus {Dream of the Endless}, Death of the Endless, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Bane, Swamp Thing, Green Lantern. Cisco Ramon. Hunter Zoloman.
I absolutely blame @nightmarefuele for at least two of these.
III. Star Wars: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Admiral Piett. Kylo Ren. Wedge Antilles. Kit Fisto. Han Solo. Chewbacca. Jocasta Nu. Darth Rivan {not to be confused with Darth Revan}. Jos Vondar. Jango and Boba Fett, and of course, all my 10,000,000,000 Clone children. No I will not be taking questions.
IV. Star Trek: Worf, Martok, Gowron, Chancellor Gorkon, Kurn, Dr McCoy, Uhura, Sulu, Chekhov, Chris Pike, Ortegas, Nurse Chapel, Geordie La Forge, Riker, Data, Lore, Chief O'Brien, Q, Benjamin Cisco, Garak, Gul Dukat, Quark. V. Firefly: Mal Reynolds, Jayne Cobb, Hobun Washburne, Zoe Washburne, Shepherd Book, Kaylee Frye, YoSafBridge, Adalai Niska, Badger, Jubal Early Take my life, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care 'cause I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me. {{My coat has always been a little...brownish.}
VI. The Walking Dead: Shane Walsh, Daryl and Merle Dixon, Michonne Hawthorne, Abraham Ford, Glenn Rhee, The Governor, Bob Stookey, Ezekiel, Dwight, Aaron, Morgan Jones. VII. Justified: Raylan, Boyd, Ava, Art, Rachel, Tim, Dewey Crowe, Johnny Crowder, Loretta McCready, Robert Quarles, Ellstin Limehouse, Mags Bennett, Devil, Jean Baptiste, Boon, Willa, Carolyn, Sweety... oh so many. VIII. Yellowstone: John, Jamie, Beth, Kayce Dutton, Rip Wheeler, Jimmy Hurdstrom, Thomas Rainwater, Mo Brings Plenty, Lloyd, Colby, Teeter, Jake, Ethan, Angela Blue Thunder, Malcolm Beck. IX. Law & Order- Alphabet Soup: Captain Cragen, Lenny Briscoe, Mike Logan, Anita Van Buren, Jack McCoy. Rey Curtis, Ed Green, Arthur Branch, Cyrus Lupo, Kevin Bernard, Frank Cosgrove, Jalen Shaw. Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, Odafin Tutuola, John Munch, Chester Lake, Melinda Warner, Amanda Rollins, Rafael Barba, Dominick Carisi, Peter Stone, Bobby Goran. I have seen literally every episode of the American Law & Order franchise Original, SVU, CI, OC, etc...with the first three watched multiple times. While I often wouldn't call it my most favourite show...it's probably my most favourite shows.
X. The Lord of the Rings: Boromir and Faramir, Éomer and Éowyn, Theoden King, Theodred, Gimli, Pippin, Sam, Meriadoc, Fangorn {Treebeard}, Beorn, Celebrimbor, Bard the Bowman, Dwalin, Celeborn, Denethor, Gil-Galad king, Fingolfin, The Watcher in the Water, Maedhros, Finwe, Manwe...and I could go on for years. My first true fandom as we know it {probably Arthurian Legend was my first and truest fictional love}, and one I have been faithful to for over 25 years. Honestly never please talk to me about it, because I have rabid opinions about literally everything. And lastly, I only included tv/movies here because books and rpgs would require an entire three or four Long Ass Posts all of their own. Much Love.
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kerrslvr · 10 months
thank you for all the love on my sam kerr x beth england threesome, it's so wonderful to get back into the swing of writing again and im so glad everyones enjoying that fic as much as i enjoyed writing it! it's nice to know i'm not the only horny woman for female footballers anymore...
if u have fluff req's please send them my way! believe it or not i find it so much harder to write fluff than i do smut, so any fluff req's would be great (i will happily take smut req's, won't get round to them right now as i'm just feeling.... soft.... which is rare x)
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