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rangersfc-1872 · 3 months ago
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Motherwell 1-2 Rangers 3rd November 2024 Hampden Park
Halliday (25') Dessers (49'), Bajrami (81')
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falseandrealultravival · 3 months ago
Grilled pickled plums, okaka in hampen (prose, cooking)
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Cut a square piece of hampen diagonally, make a slit in the flesh, stuff it with a paste of chopped pickled plums and okaka, and grill in olive oil until golden brown.
Hampen: White fish and yam paste.
Okaka: Bonito flakes
梅干しとオカカ・ハンペンのはさみ焼き(prose , cooking)
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altarcup · 2 months ago
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ssaalexblake · 2 years ago
actually it was cowardly to have Rebecca Romijn pronounce inertial dampeners as ‘dampers’ so it’d rhyme better with ‘hampered’ bc if they Weren’t too chicken the line would have been “we’ll check inertial dampeners and see if they’re hampenered’ which is objectively 18x funnier. 
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blorboresidue · 1 year ago
ok the quicksale section had no decent veggies BUT a ton of overripe bananas so guess who's making banana bread soon!!!
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andromedasummer · 8 months ago
rocking up to work every two weeks like ''hey boss sorry i was gone 3-5 days. anyway illness update."
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thetrgger · 8 months ago
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husberttee · 3 months ago
discoverd that the toast was moldy only AFTER i managed to have breakfast. i sure am having A Day™
getting bad period pain on a 24 hour migraine for what reason exactly
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cowcowwow · 3 months ago
Oughhh what is HAMPENING
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bredforloyalty · 4 months ago
i do not know what is even hampening in this document
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nevermindtheweights · 1 month ago
Michiru but she wakes up from an erotic dream because her poor heart got too excited~
She'd be in a groggy, whining state, gasping for breath as her body is roused abruptly from slumber. Whatever dream she was having fading from her thoughts as her body is pushed in hot and sweaty overdrive. Deep hoggish gasps for air, eyes glazed and staring at the ceiling above her, hammy paws reaching over at the expanse of her stomach, useless in the demands she needed to sate now startled away.
Heart thumping in her ears, she gasped and whined. Needily, for anyone but knowing she was stuck here alone, under her immense mobility-hampening size. All she could do was lay there, rolling her hips when strength and energy allowed, hands grasping at her stomach to try and use that to stimulate what was beyond her.
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zazzander · 11 months ago
Looking at the timeline for Halloween 1981 and just thinking "what the hell was Dumbledore doing!?" because everyone else's actions can be explained away.
Hagrid doesn't show up at Privet Dr until the early morning of Nov 2? Well Harry was probably injured in the explosion and needed healing first.
McGonagall, Sirius, Peter: their movements can be explained.
But Dumbledore??? Why didn't he go to Godric's Hollow himself? Why didn't he apparate Hagrid with him?
Charitably we could say he went to the Longbottoms just in case this was a two pronged attack. But after that? What was he doing all of Nov 1?
Then he talks to Hagrid about the motorbike. Hagrid says he got it from Sirius and Dumbledore doesn't bat an eye. Completely chill about it. Except later he testified against Sirius, saying he was the Secret Keeper, so if he thought Sirius was the traitor he should have asked, "did he say where he'd be going?" at the very least!! Like if Sirius was the spy he'd have cost a lot of lives not just these ones. Dumbledore should have wanted to go after him at the very least.
So not only is he absent. Not only does he send the only member of the Order who can't teleport to the Potter house, therefore delaying aid. Not only did he suspect Sirius wasn't the traitor. He did fuck all and seems to have hampened any chance of any of the marauders getting out of this mess.
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transmechanicus · 6 months ago
The askbox goes both ways
If you could teleport so could I
How could this hampen to me, everyone’s favorite future servitor??🥺
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thephysicsofmiracles · 1 year ago
If you willing surround yourself with critical people (even if they are family and friends) you can expect to progress as quickly as you would carrying each of them on your back. As much as we love our family and people who have been by our sides the longest, they are often the people who have the most difficult time allowing us to evolve into becoming who we really are. Partially, it is unconscious and partially it is very deliberate. But deep down it is because they are afraid of losing that one person that gives them unconditional love. But instead of reciprocating that same beautifully unconditional love, they hide it and find ways to stamp out your sense of self whenever you motion forward into success in the ways that undermined you most effectively as a child. It's cruel, but it's a reflection of how imprisoned they have become by their own limited thinking. So as much as we want to push ourselves to succeed and manifest our greatest realities, we need to take a look at what hampening ingredients are going into our daily thought life that are preventing us from that feeling of success now, seeing as that's what would take us to our destinations in the most aligned way. If it's the self-esteem-dampening internalised voices of our parents or siblings or best friends, perhaps we need to address how much of our time spent with them should be added to the future of our now. ~ Chantal Eva
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mintkoko · 1 year ago
Picrew 24
Picrew Masterlist
1. 黄泉_황천 Yomi_hwangcheon
V系 maker / V series maker
2. ヤマモハンペン Yamamo hampen
ほんのり人外メーカー / Slightly non-human maker
3. 잠히 jamhi
쟈미picrew / Jami picrew
4. Poshirow(ぽしろう) Poshirow (Po shirō)
小学生メーカー / Shōgakusei mēkā /elementary school manufacturer
5. Netsururu
6. 동이정수리 Dongi crown repair
돼지 / pig
7. 曇り cloudy
死にかけ少年 / dying boy
8. kawamiya (4 Picrew)
올갱픽크루 / All Gang pickCrew
9. hodeskalle (3 Picrew)
10. Gell
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from German towns, excluding the letter "L"
Aachimberg Ahausanden Andenhusen Andories Andsau Astadt...
Babrünchop Bachin Bachinberg Bachkam Bachnitten Bachwagerg Bauengha Bauskaing Benberg Bergsbach Bersdorn Bershein Berstadt Berteiz Biben Biebach Bieck Biedt Binfren Bochn Bogedtberg Bogenstadt Boisinben Borfenhau Borforf Botten Brabrück Braken Bramberg Brata Bratadt Breppauen Broich Brücka Brückau Buchheim Buchtamme Burte Burten Burterg Büttig Cobernhein Cobettisen Credt Dassa Deburg Diederg Dinfen Dingen Dinkasch Dorda Dorneusen Dorstenfen Dortadt Dretbenden Dring Duden Döbach Döberg Dömin Dürenberg Eberg Eberk Ebseckemd Ebsen Eburt Edsber Egkachst Eimbedrim Eingen Embutis Empen Enfurg Enheingen Ephitadt Eppen Ershaiterg Ersterburg Esande Esanitz Esdorsen Estadt Euden Euhna Eukambern Fingen Framburg Freber Freck Freim Freiz Frenhen Freußen Friedren Frier Frinten Fürscheim Fürst Fürsterg Fürstübern Fürtheim Gaungen Gausen Gehum Genbau Genburg Gendorf Genfrin Gengenburg Genstadt Gesen Gifhaffens Gingen Gisch Gisee Gisen Gochangerg Gradt Grande Grausen Grinn Groch Groitten Gronzen Grost Grostadach Grotter Grötten Grötz Gubrunau Gößnig Güttsrand Haand Hagensch Hagerz Hampen Hangenbek Hattedt Hausten Heich Heifhorf Heing Heinhüne Hemen Henhan Henhau Heptin Herthagen Hirchof Hofge Hommedt Horderg Hormwanger Horsenhaub Huteingen Hörth Hückna Ingen Issen Jarspen Jesstow Joachkönig Johmen Jüterg Jütta Kachen Kahde Kaiede Karderg Karnaus Kauen Kiehden Kirch Kirchhof Kirchorf Kirms Kobee Kober Kockarner Konitz Korden Kraken Krankirch Krappoheim Kraung Krauns Krenburg Krosseida Kungenach Kuppen Kyrier Köberock Köneurg Könid Mahatzeigs Maingen Marbad Marberg Marieskirs Mariettga Marka Markt Medegena Meesau Meidda Menburthen Meßkingerg Mingen Monau Mönbach Mörich Mügdach Münch Münchörd Mündonaurg Müneum Münsten Nausen Nausenben Nausenitz Nebacheim Neberf Necheig Neckenheim Nehden Nerachsen Neudahau Neuden Neuede Neuen Neurg Neusth Neutadt Neuzben Niech Niedriedt Niedt Niergadt Ningen Noich Noicheis Nornau Norsheing North Nortin Obeck Obedt Obekem Oberath Oberbuthau Oberf Oberg Obern Oberrafen Oberstedt Oburg Ochstadt Odebesch Oeschstade Oeschstadt Oesten Ohremstaus Oppette Orchin Orfen Ornber Osenberben Osenten Osnid Ostausee Osterreim Othutheim Ottow Oversch Pappeyern Pasch Passek Peider Permern Pettgam Pforsben Pfurg Pingen Pingenbau Pocksbach Pohen Pothauer Preum Priegen Prosch Putadt Pößningen Quenburg Querg Quert Raichirch Rangen Rangsen Rantamp Reckedtad Remdinger Remerhen Remünz Renberg Renwörde Resen Rhauck Rheißen Riettsch Rinförda Roberg Rodau Rodettnau Roiexberg Romroda Ronau Ronnau Rontadt Rosberg Rostadth Rosterberk Roßräfen Röberf Röhsdon Röpperg Sachohneus Sassebebin Schborstad Schede Scheimmart Scheinbort Scheißen Schen Schenste Schhorf Schinge Schkeberg Schterg Schtrüch Schtsten Schwaig Schöppenth Senkt Sowen Speim Spreen Sprembach Spribnich Sproitadt Stadorf Staduich Stburgen Steim Stenberg Sterg Sterkow Sterstoch Stoch Strodt Stroich Städthen Sömmen Südin Taden Tadensern Tehauf Teisnitadt Tenste Tettenn Tinheim Traspen Treim Triburg Trodt Troßstaurg Töttede Tößniedt Unkenber Unneburg Unsteim Veckung Vendorf Verda Viedt Viehau Viesstadt Viexing Visern Wander Wareim Wegeden Wegenkow Weggenberg Weichau Weimmaihin Weind Weindorn Weineurg Weing Weingen Weingsbach Weißen Wemniedt Wenberf Wensteu Werden Wesheim Westrau Wetadt Wetmarn Wettinge Wichatten Wieburms Wiedordarg Wiedruch Wiesen Wiestädt Wigsstaden Wingeim Wingen Wiphe Wirchitz Witterg Witzen Witzschsen Wunzehen Wuschwer Wächön Xangend Zarnde Zenber Zenfenhau Zengen Zigsbach Zingen Zweim Zwenkauber Öhreden
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