#hamburger festival
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Hamburger Festival Report!
There's a pretty standard template for American town festivals: You block off a few streets (unless there's a park or something that makes sense to use instead), and rent spaces for people/organizations/businesses to set up booths. There'll be a stage or two with free entertainment--usually musicians, but there can be dance troupes, magicians, etc. in the mix. There may be some activities or contests tied into the festival theme, but the main events are a) eating, and b) wandering around looking at booths.

Sometimes this type of festival will have a carnival or midway attached to it, with rides and games, but these are not a required element of the standard American town festival. This one had a rock-climbing wall and a mechanical bull, interspersed with the typical booths, but that's it.

These festivals do not have to have a theme--where I grew up, it was just the TownName Street Fair--but a lot of them do. Food is the most common type of theme: you get Apple Festivals, Seafood Festivals, Tomato Festivals, Maple Syrup Festivals, all sorts. Something to do with local history and heritage is also common, like Old Time TownName Days. The amount of emphasis placed on the theme varies.

Since hamburgers are already a typical food to sell at festivals, they were very heavily represented at Hamburger Festival! The festival guide listed over forty different hamburger stands. I went around and took pictures of the menus for the ones that looked good, before deciding what to buy.

@griseldagimpel I think these two are probably the most innovative ones I saw!
There were some professional food trucks:

That second one had some interesting-looking options, too.

Here's another menu with some interesting options; this was one of a handful of stands offering a vegetarian burger option. (That Elvis one looks pretty innovative, too.)

There were a few stands offering the hamburger-with-a-crabcake-on-top, which sounded interesting, too.
Or if you just want a classic hamburger at a reasonable price, you could go with the stand run by the Boy Scouts:

Their burgers started at $5, and smelled pretty good!
Alcohol availability at town festivals varies regionally; in some parts of the US, it's considered inappropriate for alcohol (even beer) to be sold or consumed at events attended by families with children. Pennsylvania (where I live, and where Hamburg, PA is) used to be one of these, but our alcohol laws have been relaxing quite a bit over the last 10-15 years or so. As a result, Hamburger Festival does have beer and wine vendors.

However, they are limited to a fenced-off portion of the festival area, and if you buy a cup of beer you have to stay inside the fence to drink it. (Some of the vendors also offered discreetly-packaged bottles and cans to take home, but you are not allowed to open them on the premises.)

Of course, all of the food vendors are outside of the fence, so if you want to have a beer and a hamburger simultaneously, you have to buy the burger first, and take it into the Designated Beer Area.

This I did; I went with the Brie and Apricot Jam one, and a cranberry-ginger hard cider. (My other top choice for the burger was the Heavenly Hog one, with the apple slaw.) Both were excellent!
Band playing in the Beer Area:

They also wisely placed the Great PortaPotty Cluster adjacent to the Beer Area:

Back outside of the Sin Zone, vendors include classic fair food:

And church bake sales:

Nonfood vendors include crafters/artisans, like this metalworker:

The Starship Enterprise was like $500, so I didn't buy it.

There are also crafters selling items with, uh, lower production values, and lower price points. There were a couple of booths selling 3-D printed fidget toys. I considered this polar bear, because it almost looks like Autism Creature:

But in the end I went with something else, which I will share a little later.
They also this, a version of the betta-in-a-cup that won't make @kaxen mad:

Pictured: The only kind of fish you should keep in such a tiny container!
Also represented were various kinds of MLM schlock:

Like this CutCo Knives stand; there was also a Pampered Chef one, several of the jewelry ones, and the one that does dip mixes and stuff; it isn't Taste of Home (that's a magazine), but it's something like that.

I did buy some seasoning mixes, but I got them from this decidedly more amateurish-looking (and cheaper) place, which also sold soap.

Another performance space; this one had a bluegrass trio that was actually pretty good.
Here a child had a stand selling 3D printed gizmos:

Where I obtained this treasure:

Her mother, it developed, had been highly skeptical that anyone would want to buy these, but I assured her that it was brilliant, and my favorite purchase of the day.

I also got take-home cider, the aforementioned spices and soap, some tea, and alpaca-fiber insoles. (My feet were sore, by that point.)
Another interesting thing, which I did not take any pictures of, is the evidence of widely-varying attitudes toward the festival, by the people who actually live on the streets where it takes place. The people behind the stand where I bought my brie-and-apricot burger had festooned their knee-high garden wall with wire and signs saying DO NOT SIT ON WALL, because, I guess, that harms them in some way, if someone does that. Other residents were having porch-parties to watch the festival, or were manning coolers of sodas and bottled water, usually for a dollar apiece (with this competition, most of the official vendors were also selling water and sodas for a dollar, but I bought from one of the porches anyway).
Anyway, to sum up, it was kind of neat; I don't necessarily have a burning desire to go again (although I would like to try that burger with the apple slaw), but I'd also be willing to go again. I spent way too much money on crap, but it's no fun going to something like that and not buying stuff.
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I never even heard of it and I live in Pa. Going to see when it is this year.
Game Concept: JRPG set in the US but the developers know nothing about America
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Sugarcane è un documentario diretto da Julian Brave NoiseCat ed Emily Kassie, incentrato sulle indagini sugli abusi e sulla scomparsa di bambini in una scuola residenziale in Canada; questo film mette in luce la resilienza delle comunità indigene mentre affrontano traumi storici e cercano giustizia; è stato presentato in anteprima al Sundance ed è stato descritto come un'esplorazione toccante degli impatti intergenerazionali sui popoli nativi.

A partire dal 1894, il governo canadese costrinse i bambini indigeni a frequentare collegi segregati.
Le scuole furono progettate per "liberarsi del problema indiano"; la maggior parte erano gestite dalla chiesa cattolica.
Per anni, gli studenti riferirono di abusi e di compagni scomparsi.
#Sugarcane#Emily Kassie#Julian Brave NoiseCat#Canada#documentary#missing children#Native peoples#St. Joseph Mission#Sundance Film Festival 2024#Disney+#Directing Award#Political Film Award#Filmfest Hamburg#abusi storici nelle scuole residenziali per nativi americani#chiesa cattolica#1894#governo canadese
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jedes mal wenn ich (aus kiel) sage ich wohne in der nähe von hamburg stirbt ein seebär
#somehow i only pull americans#auf immer dem gleichen festival in bayern#anyway wir sehen uns dann am 15.11. wieder yaaaay#fuck ich glaub ich bin immer noch nicht nüchtern#dornfelder spätlese 💪💪#ups anyway#kiel#hamburg#schleswig holstein#deutsches zeug#german stuff#geographie
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Someone euthan*ze me, because I can’t take it anymore 🥵
#mads mikkelsen#hannibal#hannibal lecter#hannigram#indiana jones and the dial of destiny#thepromisedland#marvel#doctor strange#danish#actor#hollywood#film#movies#film festival#hamburg
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Léa Murawiec
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Reeperbahn Festival 2024: Music, Culture and Innovation

If you’re a music lover, culture enthusiast, or industry professional, there’s one event that should definitely be on your radar this year—Reeperbahn Festival 2024! Held annually in Hamburg’s iconic Reeperbahn district, this festival has solidified its status as one of Europe’s premier showcases for new music and cutting-edge cultural trends. What is Reeperbahn Festival? Since its inception in…
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#Bolis Pupul#Bracco#Digitalism#Efterklang#El Perro Del Mar#electronic music#Festival#Hamburg#Indie Music#Joan As A Police Woman#Jools#Jose Puebla#Kate Nash#Lambrini Girls#Mighty Oaks#MYSS KETA#Pale Blue Eyes#reeperbahn festival#Σtella
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I get the contest entrants for the Akron Hamburger Festival contest, and the strangers for the first eating contest -- but surely Archie knows he has no chance and that battling Jughead is futile.
#Archie Comics#Jughead#Archie Andrews#Moose Mason#Betty Cooper#Pie eating contest#Hamburger eating contest#Gluttony#Judge#Akron Hamburger Festival#Event promotion#Plates#Pie#Hamburger#Harry Lucey#1957#Dan Decarlo#1976#Rex W Lindsey#2007#Is not pie a dessert?#Promo cover
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I feel like we should put more blame on Louis’ about his outfits and not on Helen tbh, I feel like while she can challenge him a bit more Louis is still the one calling the shot here, especially about his clothes, I feel like he doesn’t really care that much about his stage outfits lmao but I agree about how it’s getting tiring/boring now, at least get him some cool graphic shirts or some different tank tops idk 😭
I'm sorry but i think the whole point of having a team member is for them to push you out of your comfort zone, at least from time to time. And Louis might be a bit (a lot) stubborn but he's not nearly as arrogant to the point of dismissing his stylist's ideas without consideration first. To put it simply, if he didn't want a stylist's input, he wouldn't bring one with him on tour. I think Louis likes to dress casual on stage and for it to be an extension of his own fashion sense, of his day to day closet even. Yes, he may not like to dress up in shiny clothes or tailored suits for stage and can be very particular about what he wants to wear (the disadvantage of having to style someone with a personality and fashion sense i guess) but you can respect his vision while mixing it up and experimenting so much more (like look at the man! The perfect model really). And i said it before, it doesn't take much. The London, New York and Turin outfits are proof of that. A simple change in the tank top's or the pants' color/ design can make a huge difference 😭 (although as a stylist, she should aim for much more 😬). I know i sound harsh and Louis is not entirely innocent in this either but she's the one getting a paycheck and travelling around the world for packing a few black tank tops and the same cargo pants in different colors 💀. I think she might be the one who pushed him to go back to wearing tank tops, and thought well that's enough work for this tour 😃 (also, whether she was the one to suggest it or not, the fact that he wears them almost every show now after saying he'd never wear them again is proof that he can actually change his mind and she can put him in different different outfits).
#sorry for the rant#but it's just annoying to see#he wore almost the same outfit for the mexican festival as the one for fitfwt Amsterdam#same for afhf and fitfwt hamburg#like cmon#it's just lazy atp#she can do so much better
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昼では無く、夜遅くに思い立って散歩。市庁舎前は統一記念日の準備で凄い。どこも立ち入り禁止である。そんな中、イザベルに日本で撮影したPeaceful DaysというWim Wenders監督の作品を見に行こうと誘われる。ハンブルグでは、今週は映画祭も同時開催されている。今年、役所広司がカンヌ映画祭で主演男優賞を取った作品で、日本では12月に公開予定。少しお先に見て参りました。超巨大スクリーンの映画館は満席。時折、笑い声が出て、日本を、東京を、ドイツ人達が楽しんでいる事を嬉しく思った。この映画は、台詞はほとんど無いが、台詞がある場面は全て日本語で、ドイツ語字幕。日本に帰りたくなる。��まりにもドデカイスクリーンで東京が実物大位で、没入感しかなく、東京が好きでも無いのに、懐かしくなった。
映画は監督と一緒に見て、監督の対談もあった。ブエナ・ビスタ・ソシオ・クラブのファンなら、Wim Wendersはブエナ・ビスタの監督でもあるので、ドキュメンタリーと映画の境目を狙う監督だと御存知かしら。監督曰く、16日間しか撮影期間は無く、おまけに当初は、日本で行われた公共トイレ建物の最終選考コンペに残った建造物のプロモーションビデオのようなものを撮って欲しいという依頼だったらしい。トイレを見て、建造物を見て回ったが、それよりも、トイレの美しさに感動し、汚くなる場所を毎日毎日、美しく掃除をしてくれる人々が日本にはいるんだなぁって思って、物語的なものにする事を思いついたらしい。日々の生活の中で、身の回りを常に身綺麗に清潔に保つという美意識に、そしてそれは一度でも気を抜くと、あっという間にベルリンみたいに汚物の一部と化すというはずなのに。。。汚い場所こそ美しく保つ心意気に、日本の民度の高さを見出したらしい。そんな監督は、アメリカ人の好きな黒澤明よりも、小津安二郎が好きで、小津安二郎のように、静かな、淡々とした日常を、心静かに受け止めて生きる人々の生き方を、いつか描いてみたいと若い頃から思っとったらしい。実現できたのは、78歳。ワシの愚父と同い年である。
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the fact John did probably less than 20 gigs post-66......
#i say 20 but im including tv appearances and such#if I don't I can think of like... idk 5?#Rooftop; Toronto festival; One to One;... Elton John I guess?#that one thing in 75 with the red outfit lol#anything else????#ohhh some stuff from STINYC in late 71 I think?#Idk it's depressing lol#especially when he ALSO insisted Hamburg was the most authentic Beatles era?#like regardless of the veracity of that claim — it indicates it mattered to him... no?#:/ anyways I gotta believe he knew what he was doing#john#fiona.docx
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Robse, Nachtblut und Oomph! als Gäste auf dem Lordfest 2024 in Hamburg.
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ARUCAD Dean Gave Training at the Hamburg Theater Festival
Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) Dean of the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Prof. Dr. Kerem Karaboğa trained theater students and actors in workshops held at Hamburg Mut Theater as part of the Hamburg 7th Theater Bridge Festival program. Continue reading ARUCAD Dean Gave Training at the Hamburg Theater Festival

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#Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD)#At Hamburg Mut Theater#Dean of the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts#Gave training#Hamburg 7th Theater Bridge Festival program.#Prof. Dr. Kerem Karaboğa
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