#halloween movie review
sparkiekong · 2 years
Kong's Halloween Review
31 days of Spooky movies... reviewed so you don't have to! I did this once before, but I'll give ya the reasoning. Before 2012 I was terrified of scary movies. Wouldn't watch any of em but then 2012 hit with some medical things and it sort of broke that fear of scary movies.
Rated 0-10 and can go into the negatives for the following:
Kid Death
Animal Death
Making fun of a group type
Boring me
The Rule of 20 also applies. I give the movie 20 minutes to interest me, if it doesn't.. I move on because it likely will never catch my interest.
Also you can pre-screen movies on your own by using this website:
It covers more than just dog death and hits upon many different emotional triggers. Also if you are a member of the website you can add things and also suggest new triggers that will be voted for and provided they get enough up votes, added to the list of things to screen for.
Below are the first 14 movies in no particular order. When I get the rest done I will reblog and post the later half with my best picks from the 31.
Hellraiser 2022
Decent reboot but will never replace the old ones. Lots of body mod/horror involved filled with blood and gore filled. Wouldn’t be a Hellraiser without it. No animal slaughters, no kid slaughter. 5/10 Spoops and 3 bonus for not being cheap and using the trope of animal/kid deaths to make something scary.
Grand Total: 8
Not bad… an interesting take on parenting kids who grew up on the internet… No animal slaughters, but some kid damage. 6/10 spoops +1 for no animal tropes -1 kid tropes. Since kids were kind of central to the whole story…
Grand Total: 6
Really surprisingly good for a pg-13 scary movie. However, it’s got some depression, some kid killing in it. Pretty decent twist at the end. Some sacrificial animal deaths too. 7/10 spoops +1 for how scary the entity was portrayed, -1 for animal death visuals, and -1 for kid murder tropes. The kid death was kind of crucial to the plot, BUT You don’t have to kill animals to be scary!  
Grand Total: 6
The Accursed
I think this one suffers from my lack of knowledge on gypsy culture. It had some tense moments, some creepy things…it was good, but I didn’t quite get all the references. I understood the plot and I knew what was happening, but I think I would have enjoyed it more if I’d had some exposure to gypsy culture. 6/10 spoops. +1 for no kid/ -1 animal slaughter.
Grand Total: 6
The Cursed
I didn’t get 15 minutes in. Don’t bother. 0/10 spoops. -3 for not getting my attention fast enough.
Grand Total: -3
The Last Rite
23 minutes in and I’m bored. I have no idea when the demon is supposed to start plaguing her, but it certainly isn’t interesting enough for me to keep watching. 0/10 spoops. -3 for not getting my attention +1 for boring me to death.
Grand Total: -2
Lights Out
Holy cow, by the description… I expected a shitshow, but it was good. 8/10 spoops… though I think it was more a thriller suspense than spoops. +2 for the final girl who’s got one heck of a scream. It was a chilling, but somewhat sad story. +2 for no animal/kid slaughtering tropes. 12/10
Grand Total:  12
The Vigil
15 minutes in and I’m bored. I wanted to like it; but no spoops were hinted at… so I have none to give. No spoops for you. 0/10 -3 for not getting my attention.
Grand Total: -3
Wish Upon
20 minutes in and there’s graphic dog death. 0/10 spoops. It had no spoops and negative spoops for using an unnecessary trope. -3 for the doggy death and -2 for making it graphic.
Grand Total: -5
Room 203
Classic moving into a haunted place theme. Some Celtic lore, bit of some dark subject matter in some places, but otherwise a solid good spoopy vibe. 5/10 spoops, +2 for no animal/kid slaughter tropes.
Grand Total: 7
You are Not My Mother
This one was a slow simmer all the way through, good creep factor. Interesting take on Celtic lore, but really wasn’t spoopy all that much. 5/10 spoops. -2 for implied child death, +3 for [redacted spoiler], and +1 for a new take on an old monster.
Grand Total: 7
Lantern’s Lane
Standard college urban legend vibes… saw the plot coming a mile away. Bad acting, but… it’s sort of campy in an old school 80s vibe. 5/10 +3 for the vibe.
Grand Total: 6
Possessor: Uncut
Highly disturbing movie. Lots of body horror and I just didn’t quite know what was going on. I was more disturbed than anything. Not my cup of tea… 0/10 spoops. No bonus or negatives. There were no animal kills though. It's really hard to see a positive to this movie at all! -5 for kid death. It really was terrible and disturbing.
Grand Total: -5
See for Me
Thriller type spoopy movie. 0/10 spoops… It wasn’t all that thrill/spoop… +2 for no animal/kid death.
Grand Total: 2
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hexgirlsxoxo · 26 days
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Scary Christmas core
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yukipri · 5 days
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Just re-watched one of my favorite movies: Van Helsing (2004)! Did anyone else enjoy this movie?
Posted thoughts on my Insta stories, so I thought I'd share them here too. I also recently watched the OG Beetlejuice for the first time, and this is me kinda being on a roll with watching movies I said I'd watch but haven't forever haha
Also I got a ton of fun fall/Halloween movie recs, so if you've got any to share, put 'em in the replies!
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small-sinclair · 12 days
My thoughts when watching Halloween 2007.
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Justice for Elvis the Rat.
The bully at his school deserved to get his socks rocked.
I’m happy I heard Micheal talk. It gives me an idea about what his voice would sound like now.
His stepdad? Real dad? Whoever he is a jerk. His mother should’ve left his ass. His death was satisfying.
Why was his older sister that mean? What’s her deal??
He would’ve been the best big brother if he had the chance. You can’t tell me that he’ll be overprotective and try to keep boys away from his sister!
And he was cradling his baby sister on the step with so much care!? Love that.
Shout out to the movie team for the shots and props!! I looked so amazing.
Very talented in making masks! I love each one. They’re so interesting and unique to look at. Like, you can see how he put detail in making them and how careful he was when he made them.
That doctor dude (can’t remember his name) didn’t have the right to write that book about Michael. Yes, he’s an interesting person psychology wise, but I think he wrote that book when Michael was a kid. I think he must’ve read that book and grew to hate him and himself because he was painted to be a monster.
That janitor didn’t need to die.
Why naked women??? Why so many????
When he was in the house with the little girl, I think he was watching to movie with her. He’s definitely was reliving that moment from when he was a kid. I believe he is a classic horror movie fan.
The sheriff dad is a true dad.
When fell to his knees in front of his sister and took off the mask, my heart melted. I think he should’ve said something like “Hello” or her name. Still cute!
And he still held on to her baby picture!? Big Brother.
The doctor died! Thank goodness. Get your shit rocked.
I love how the movie end with an uncertainess. Did she kill him? Did she miss? Did someone else shoot and killed her? So many possibilities.
Will have him as a new muse :3
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rinabirgul · 1 month
''you look very comfortable''
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yeah bro iam
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tanglednlove · 2 months
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Please execuse my messy doll room! Here is Emily next to my Bride of Frankenstein bust. She is so much taller than The Bride! Assembly was easy, but her hair needs so much work! The wig sheds, knots easily, and requires a lot of styling. I gave up for now and have not bothered with her veil either. Monster High poly is better than this!😅
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The dress has an asymmetrical design, so it does not lay flat against her at all. Both glovelets are molded on her arms. The wig is sparse with visible bald spots. They can be somewhat hidden with some styling. The curls knot at the ends. I had to give her a trim, too.
Emily is quite impressive in person. I think she looks very movie accurate, too. No comment on her animation, as I have not tried it yet.
I am very happy with her!🦋
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
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thesirenisles · 5 months
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I find myself randomly missing Halloween season year round. horror movie night, candy, snuggles, red light.
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strawbrryscone · 1 year
queens of fall🍁☕️🪓
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thehousewitchery · 1 year
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Nicole Kidman in Practical Magic (1998)
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askmovieslate · 11 months
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Turns out "Ju-On: The Grudge" is actually a pretty solid movie. The original, that is, not the remake with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The original is a pretty solid horror movie, with a handful of memorable set pieces.
It does have a couple of boring parts, and the protagonist isn't exactly likeable, but the anthology-style of story-telling and the very good sense of pacing made this an enjoyable experience, from a spooky point of view.
And now, if you excuse me, my friend and I here are gonna watch another movie. What do you feel like watching Kirie?
Kirie: I've never watched "Pretty in Pink".
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kat-movies · 11 days
Practical Magic
Like every other little girl around the world, I had always wanted to be a witch when I was older. I just thought it was the coolest thing in the entire world, and this movie brought back those childlike feelings as I was watching it.
There was so much to love about this movie, but I absolutely adored the sisterly love that you see throughout the movie. I feel like there aren't a lot of movies that showcase a true sister bond that can withstand the test of life, but this one definitely does. As I was watching, I found myself being transported to the world and feeling everything the characters are going through which is exactly what a movie should do. I absolutely adored the message that it showed, and I also absolutely love witchcraft. I mean it when I said I had always wanted to be a witch, so I love any imagery that includes these ideas.
This movie is a perfect fall or Halloween watch for the people that love the vibe of that time of the year, but don't necessarily enjoy intense horror movies. And even though I adore horror movies, sometimes it's nice to wind down with a less intense story about witches, which is exactly what this classic movie provides.
-kat <3
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nomad-on-the-run · 2 years
Went to watch m3gan on opening night with a friend of mine while high on edibles for the first time and it was a magical experience
It's a fantastic movie to see while high bc the movie knows not to take itself seriously with its premise
The furby lookalike toys at the beginning of the movie evoked a visceral fear within my very soul
Not only did we never get context for why m3gan randomly breaks out into dance before committing acts of violence, but it turns out she breaks out into song too!!
At the beginning of the movie, Gemma mentioned m3gan's spine being made out of titanium, which only made her even more of an icon in my eyes bc I have a titanium spine too 😍 spinal fusion besties<3 my friend and I cackled over it bc we were high
M3gan's wig could've been an anime wig I cannot stress this enough. IT COULD'VE BEEN ANYTHING
You didn't have to be sober to realize that Gemma has the emotional intelligence of a microwave and that she kinda deserved m3gan's torment tbh
The entire theater started giggling when she got on all fours and started chasing a kid through the woods
By far the scariest part of the movie to me was whenever m3gan would mimic other people's voices to lure out animals/people to kill them. That was true uncanny valley shit right there
Speaking of uncanny valley, my friend and I both agreed that m3gan's usual design throughout the movie was far creepier than by the end of the movie when her exoskeleton was damaged. Her endoskeleton just wasn't that menacing tbh
Listening to her break out into song was like if someone randomly started blaring kidz bop at intermittent points in the theater
The funniest part of the movie was when she started singing David Guetta's Titanium to Katie at her bedside. Like it was out of nowhere 😭 caught my friend and I completely off guard and we were cry laughing. As if the spine joke wasn't funny enough on its own 😂
At different parts of the movie my friend and I both thought of plot twists that would've made for better writing than the actual plot twist
10/10 the titanium scene will forever be etched into our minds and this movie is camp as hell, I would not be surprised if m3gan amassed a cult following at some point in time
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bogleech · 2 years
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This actually became one of the most detailed of the review series so far and a very special one to me so comment if you can!
The original (and actually only!) black and white monster movie about tentacled killer brains and origin of this trope as a whole!
Why this movie can be seen as a precursor to “Night of the Living Dead” and in turn the zombie genre!
An early cinematic instance of science fiction flavored “tulpas!”
A stop motion climax that still holds up beautifully!
What makes this 50′s movie about radioactive monsters still scientifically sound on a technicality!
How a movie could be censored for extreme gore without a single on-screen drop of human blood!
Some of my favorite obscure references to this movie in other works of media!
.....And a little guy who is getting on in years :(
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rinabirgul · 3 months
the urge to follow a white rabbit and never come back
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cadmium-free · 11 months
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halloween 2023 watchlist & my reviews (favourites in orange)
Nightbreed | The Old Dark House | The Masque of the Red Death | The Black Tower | Creature from the Black Lagoon | Knife + Heart | Diabolique | Häxan | Pontypool | The Haunting | Tetsuo the Iron Man | In the Mouth of Madness | What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? | Possession | Panna a Netvor | Blacula | We're All Going to the World's Fair | Lake Mungo | From Beyond | Ravenous | Terror Train | Triangle | The Thing from Another World | Brain Damage
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