#haley wood
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sibyllemathilde · 2 years ago
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Haley Wood
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24601orwhatever · 4 months ago
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which do you prefer? 📷: @bikinibottomdayz + X
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childofrats · 1 month ago
does anyone have songs that feel rainy, so far I have:
the bug collector - haley heynderickx
The moss - cosmo Sheldrake
Cicada Days - will wood
Community gardens - the scary jokes
big bowl in the sky - cavetown
would that I - hozier
ink pot gods - the amazing devil
let's b goblins - ratwyfe
Playlist link:
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doppleganger-rental · 7 months ago
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I love this.
I wrote a letter to Joesph Cotten in the mid 80’s and he responded.
My friend called Ed Wood in the early 70’s (he looked his number up in a phone book from the library) and not only did Ed answer but they became phone friends for a while. He was interviewed for the Wood book Nightmare of Ecstasy.
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strathshepard · 10 months ago
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Bibi Breslin by Joshua Woods / Styling Haley Wollens
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smashpages · 10 months ago
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The Super-Pets are back with a new anthology that features, among other stories, Bitewing, aka Haley, aka Nightwing’s dog, showing up at Kent Farms to join the team. Super-Pets Special: Bitedentity Crisis features stories by Tony Fleecs, Alexis Quasarano, Michael Conrad, Dan Watters, Kyle Starks, Mike Norton, PJ Holden, Sami Basri, Chris Mitten and more. Cover by Pete Woods.
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pawsitivevibe · 11 months ago
When my husband and I are out for the day or a weekend or something without the girls, we leave them with my parents.
Yeah. Gonna have to figure out what to do with the girls whenever we're gone going forward now that my parents have almost killed Haley.
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js-a-writer · 2 years ago
This is the rest of the tgs Part 1. of my requests page/people I write for post
(basically just the rest of the tags and a link to the requests page since I could only for like 30 tags on each post)
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elijones94 · 1 year ago
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🐶🐾 Spot in the woods 🌳🦁🐯🐘🐻
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thecatofnumbers · 1 year ago
Will Wood: 0/10. I have never heard of the verb wood so I highly doubt this man will wood.
Will Wood and the Tapeworms: ?/10 See will wood, tapeworm status of the members unknown.
Haley Heynderickx: 10/10. Yep, thats her name.
Ghost and Pals: 5/10. They are still alive. Many collaborations so points for pals.
Charly Bliss: 4/10. No charlys present in the band. I will give them the benefit of the doubt on there state of bliss.
Slotface: 8/10. Those are more commonly referred to as mouths.
Bleached: 7/10. Many members have dyed hair which would have to have first been bleached.
The Linda Lindas: 0/10. No Lindas.
The Beths: 2.5/20. One beth out of four members.
Gregory and the Hawk: 0/10. No Gregory and no hawk.
egg: 0/10. Appears to be human.
Sincere Engineer: 0/10 I was not able to verify if Deanna Belos holds an ABET-accredited engineering degree. The song Overbite alludes to her pursuing a dental degree giving some evidence to deception.
Jhariah, Penelope Scott, Mitski, Alex Lahey, Sidney Gish, Taylor Swift, Helena Ruth, Dmitri Shostakovich, Chopin: 10/10. Yep, those are their names.
Franz Ferdinand: 0/10. Archduke Franz Ferdinand died 28th june 1914, so is likely not making music.
Pinkshift: 0/10. No observable color shift in any of their music videos.
Thao and the get down stay downs: 7/10. Thao is definitely there.
we are dirt: 5/10. Their current state is flesh. Points for the dirt -> plant -> flesh -> dirt cycle.
Rating band names based on their accuracy:
(I keep updating this list so check back later)
The Beatles: 0/10. None of these people are beetles, they’re just a bunch of fruity guys from Liverpool with matching haircuts
Pink Floyd: 4/10. There is not a single person named Floyd in the band, but some of the members do arguably look kinda pink
Nirvana: 10/10. Getting high and listening to Nirvana is roughly what I imagine actual nirvana to be like
Foo Fighters: either 0/10 or 10/10. I have never seen foo in real life so either they’re pretending to fight a problem that doesn’t exist or they’re doing an absolutely fantastic job of fighting it
The Eagles: 0/10. Same as the Beatles, there is not a single eagle in this band. The name is misleading and we have all been lied to
Queen: 6/10. Partial points for Freddie Mercury
Led Zeppelin: 0/10. I don’t think any of these guys have ever even seen a zeppelin, let alone one made of lead. A lead balloon would crash faster than my hopes and dreams
The Rolling Stones: 3/10. There is not a single stone in this band. Some points added because I’m pretty sure they rolled quite a few
U2: 0/10. Despite what the name says, I am not a member of this band
Metallica: 9/10. Naming a metal band “Metallica” is like naming your dog “doggy”
Red Hot Chili Peppers: 2/10. These guys are not chili peppers. They’re not even that hot, let alone red hot
Guns N’ Roses: 0/10. How the fuck could a gun or a flower play music
Backstreet Boys: ?/10. Depends entirely on their current given location
Simon and Garfunkel: 10/10. No notes
The Doors: 1/10. Jim Morrison is kinda shaped like a door tho
Chicago: 4/10. The number of people in this band does not come even remotely close to the population of Chicago. Points added because it originated in Chicago
Earth, wind, and fire: 2/10. This is even more innacurate than Chicago. Points added because wind instruments were often used
Def Leppard: 3/10. There is not a single leopard in this band. Some of the members are probably kinda deaf by now tho
The Beach Boys: ?/10. Accuracy depends entirely on location
The Black Eyed Peas: 6/10. Not sure what the hell an ‘eyed pea’ is but the black part is pretty accurate
Imagine Dragons: ?/10. Depends entirely on whether or not they’re thinking about dragons.
Cage the Elephant: 1/10. Why would you do that. Let the elephant go
Green Day: 0/10. They’re not even green
The Police: 0/10. There is not a single cop in this band
KISS: 5/10. I’m sure they probably kissed sometimes
The Monkees: 0/10. Are you fucking kidding me
We Butter the Bread with Butter: 8/10. I can’t verify this but I have no reason to suspect that they’d lie. Butter seems like the most logical thing to butter bread with
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: 0/10. I got really excited about the concept of a lizard wizard only to be let down. My disappointment is immeasurable
They Might Be Giants: 5/10. I googled everyone in this band’s height, the tallest guy’s only 6’1 so I wouldn’t exactly consider him a giant. Then again, I can’t really argue because the claim was only that they MIGHT be giants
The Presidents of the United States of America: 2/10. None of these people are Joe Biden nor are any of them former presidents. This is incredibly misleading. I’m pretty sure “Lump” was written about my first girlfriend tho so I’ll give them a point or two
Gorillaz: 2/10 Not quite but we’re kinda close genetically so I’ll give them partial credit
The Killers: ?/10. I have no way of verifying if they’ve actually killed before but the fact that they’re not in prison tells me probably not
The Offspring: 10/10. These guys are definitely somebody’s offspring
Arctic Monkeys: 1/10. They are neither monkeys nor are they from the arctic
Thirty Seconds to Mars: 1/10. It takes WAY longer to get to mars than that
Beastie Boys: 8/10. They’re pretty beast on the guitar
Jimmy Eat World: 1/10. Slow the fuck down Jimmy, you’re biting off way more than you can chew
Hole: 9/10. One point deducted because I’m pretty sure they had more than one hole
Rage Against the Machine: 10/10. They did exactly that
Alice In Chains: 0/10. This is illegal. Let Alice go
The Band: 10/10. This could not possibly be more accurate
Nine Inch Nails: 1/10. I can’t find any good pictures of their feet but from what I can tell their fingernails definitely aren’t nine inches long
Bush: ?/10. Not quite sure about this one, felt uncomfortable asking
The Who: 2/10. I’m not dealing with this “Who’s On First” bullshit
Radiohead: 0/10. Not a single person in this band has a radio for a head
Queens of the Stone Age: 0/10. This band should be called “five random dudes from the modern era” but FRDFTMA is a bit of a mouthful
Soundgarden: 2/10. Sound does not grow in the garden
Sonic Youth: 5/10. They’re not exactly youth anymore but the sonic part checks out
Talking heads: 8/10. There’s more to the band than just a bunch of disembodied heads but the heads do tend to talk
The Cranberries: 0/10. Decent music but I only added them so that the Beatles and Freddie Mercury weren’t the only fruits on this list
The Wiggles: 8/10. They do tend to wiggle a lot
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sibyllemathilde · 1 year ago
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Recent batch of pillows off to their new home 🍀
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sunsetseason8910 · 3 months ago
Avengers but badass blonde women assemble
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If all six of them were real the world would be a better place.
I could write page after page about why these characters are so important to me
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g1rlmusicfm · 7 months ago
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downin-thevalley · 11 months ago
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here’s my current house and (part of) my current farm c:
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groveofsouls · 1 year ago
tag dump nine ft. general charas part four !!
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strathshepard · 10 months ago
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Bibi Breslin by Joshua Woods / Styling Haley Wollens
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