#hahaha ​we see you steve
dreamings-free · 3 months
Louis singing Drag Me Down with Steve Durham on the drums at the 2024 Away From Home Festival 8/6/24
steve_durham instagram story 24/6/24
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Fake it Till you Make It | Part 13
“Buckley residence”
“Melissa, my second favourite Buckley! Hi, it’s Steve, is Robin there?”
“Oh Steve! Yes, yes one moment, I’ll just—weren’t you on holiday with your parents aaaand—?” he’d been calling Eddie his ‘partner’ for the week leading up to the big holiday. Never dropping any names, but given he’d found a sort of second home at the Buckleys… they were relentless in finding out who he was dating.
Since it’d never be Robin.
He wasn’t falling for it, no matter how deep they’d been into flower power back in the day. If he came out, Robin would end up coming out in solidarity and he knew she wasn’t ready yet so—“Yep, calling from Chicago airport, bit of a time sensitive call” he wasn’t giving it up.
“Oop, I’ll grab her—” there was a scuffle on the line then a quick “ROBIN, STEVE’S ON THE PHONE” another quick scuffle later and suddenly
“Aren’t you supposed to be on a plane right now, Dingus?”
“I’m in Chicago! Just checkin in on my baaaaaby, how’s my little bun today? Any morning sickness yet?”
“Mom get off the phone!!”
“Hahaha I’m kidding Melissa! Can I talk to Robbie alone though?”
“Unbelievable, you kids are turning me grey.”
“You’re as beautiful as ever though!” The other line clicked off, and Robin’s snickering laughter was all that remained. “One day she’s gonna stay on just to call my bluff.”
“But that is not today, again, aren’t you supposed to be on a plane? What’s up?”
“…Okay so, hypothetically, if you were fake dating someone you… I dunno… maybe, sorta… click really well with, can laugh with, and maybe sorta like a little, would you—”
“Steven Leopold Harrington do you have a crush on your boyfriend?”
“Fake, fake boyfriend, Robbie, fake. And that isn’t my middle name.”
“You’re not DENYING it! It's not even been a DAY yet, Steve!”
“No, I’m not—well… I’d call it more an interest than a crush, but that’s why I’m calling you, what would you do?”
“Pine uselessly for years, you know this.”
“Got it, pine uselessly” He could do that. He was doing that already, sort of. He’d watched in squinty eyed rage while a newsstand cashier with a nose ring flirted with his fake boyfriend while he grabbed a drink to down during the wait between flights. It didn’t go anywhere, Eddie barely even noticed, but Steve noticed. Steve noticed everything. “You really should ask Vi—”
“NO. Listen Steve, as the kids would say, you have found an ‘ultimate cheat code’ to asking your crush out, listen closely now, don’t want you to miss it… you’re already dating him!”
“It’s fake though!” Luckily his parents were off showing Eddie a cool mural they found last time they flew through. No chance of them hearing him.
“So?! Just act like it’s real! It’s like a test, you have a week to see if you’re actually growing ooey gooeys for this guy, and at the end of it, you’ll know if you wanna keep him.” Brilliant in theory but one small hiccup
“What if he doesn’t want me at the end of the week?” The fact that he hadn’t had a solid date in forever before the scheme looming over his head and heart like a dark cloud of suffering.
“I will eat my own shoe. Trust me dingus, trust me. He’ll want you, just work that mysterious Harrington Charm I’ve heard so much about. You’re already half-way there, you get to kiss him already.”
“…Okay, it’s gotta be the real stinker shoe though, you know the one.”
“The skunk one?!”
“Yep. The skunk one.”
“But we were gonna use that on—” Kevin, they were gonna hide it in Kevin’s office after he refused every holiday request Robin put in for a month after she, very politely, shot him and his advances down, why they still had it was… a mystery. They kept forgetting to get rid of it. “Fine, the skunk one. I will eat the skunk shoe, that is how confident I am that Eddie will want you, now please go and spend time with your way cooler than you boyfriend before your parents turn him into a normie.”
“Miss you already.”
“Miss you more”
“Miss you most.”
“Hang up.”
“No you han—” she hung up, and Steve couldn’t help but laugh about it knowing that undoubtedly. She’d be laughing on her end too.
The second flight was much easier to get Eddie onto. In fact, after they spent the hour between flights milling around the terminal, Eddie led him down the gangway, hand in hand, demanding he hurry up or “they’ll leave without us, my precious little harlot!!” there was no rush, they were actually first in line at the gate in front of his own parents, whom Eddie beat to the front of the queue, dragging Steve with him, still ribbing him for the mile high club thing.
He was not going to live that down any time soon.
The flight, in theory would give him a lot of time to think though. Nine hours. In seats that were too far apart. His parents in the middle of the cabin in a semi-enclosed pod-like structure comprised of two seats and a desk between them which they both shared to work on some paperwork, and he and Eddie on opposite sides of the plane.
Which sucked. Because he couldn’t hold Eddie’s hand.
He couldn’t make sure Eddie was okay, and that alone really dug into his time to think about things, because his brain was quite stuck on the fact that Eddie was alone on the other side of the cabin likely going through it as the second flight excitement could only last so long, and that just wasn’t okay.
Eddie couldn’t even do anything to pass the time, he’d packed all but one of his notebooks in his checked luggage, Steve was pretty damn sure he'd go insane if he had to just sit there with nothing to do for a whole nine hours.
So, they teamed up. From opposite sides of the cabin, because somehow Eddie just understood what Steve wanted him to do without having to be told.
It took them a joint effort all of one hour into the flight to puppy-dog eye his parents into switching seats with them.
This allowed them to pick at each other’s ‘gourmet’ meals, Eddie stealing several of his steak fries, and Steve stealing both the last bite of his steak, and two of his orange slices, it allowed Eddie to ramble on about the D&D campaign he was plotting to send the kids through when they got back, allowed Steve to subtly plant the idea into Eddie's mind that maybe... maybe he might be interested in seeing what that looked like.
Maybe they could hold the first session at his place when his parents went away again. Plenty of room! He could watch for once, instead of ribbing Dustin for it and purposefully never getting the name of the game right.
All leading to them both settling in their reclining seats, wrapped up in blankets, facing each other's smiling faces, and falling into an incredibly easy food-coma slumber for the remainder of their flight.
Both wishing the seats were just... a little closer.
Part 15
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tsukasalvr · 9 months
hiii! can i request (if you take them) for a part 2 of save your tears obanai x mitsuri , reader x shinobu one? honestly i just wanted to see their reaction to shinobu dating reader and maybe their regrets HAHAHA
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“Can you come back to me? ‘Cause I was blind to see, that you were right in front of me” — STEVE LACY: INFRUNAMI
Mitsuri Kanroji x reader x Obanai Iguro, Shinobu Kocho x reader
AN: mitsuri and Obanai can never catch a break omggg😭😭
Warnings!: Angst, unrequited love(not for reader), reader is with shinobu, happy for reader and not happy for mitsuri and Obanai, this is part 2!!!, gn reader
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SYNOPSIS: You were finally happy with someone who finally acknowledged you and showed that they love you, but how do you past partners feel when they find out and see you smiling with a fellow insect hashira and holding hands with said hashira?
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News of you and Shinobu dating reached the ears of many slayers quickly, and many people were very happy of you and congratulated the both of you for the blossoming relationship.
Shinobu held your hand on the table as the flame and sound hashira who were seated around you were non-stop talking to the both of you of how happy they were for the both of you and joked about how it took so long.
“You know it made me wonder how long it would take for Shinobu to grow the balls to finally confess!” Tengen exclaimed, but then put his spoon down and placed it inside of his bowl to bring his hand up to his face in thought, “Hmm… is that the right wording…”
But before anyone could answer you, the flame hashira who was seated next to Tengen spoke up. “Me as well! It was very obvious that Shinobu had a crush on you! She was like a little girl with a crush!”
Shinobu coughed and furrowed her brows at how the two guys exposed her and before she could scold them, her features softened and a soft blushed-smile blossomed on her face at the sound of your laugh. Shinobu didn’t know how she managed to get so lucky on dating you. You were everything she ever wanted and more and she couldn’t help but bring your hand that she was still holding and brought it to her lips to place a soft kiss.
You only giggled more as you grew red and even the two hashiras laughed at the lovey-dovey but also out of character display that Shinobu displayed. It wasn’t new to you that Shinobu had a crush on you before as your Mitsuri and Obanai before would bring up her longing looks and how touchy she would be with you before whenever you came to her when you were hurt from a mission.
“Honestly me too!” You said which shocked the three slightly that you of her crush on you. “I always pretty much knew she had feelings on me, I’m just happy she still does and that I’m finally in a relationship where I feel happy and loved.” You finished and looked over at Shinobu next to you who was staring at you like you were the most beautiful being in the world.
Rengoku and Tengen only smiled and congratulated the both of you again before Tengen called for celebratory drinks on the happy new couple.
Unbeknownst to your smiling figure, a certain other couple was staring with sad longing looks. Mitsuri couldn’t help but shake a little as she held back tears and Obanai immediately looked over at her and wrapped an arm around her while the other held her hand in a comforting manner.
“Don’t you feel horrible?” Mitsuri mumbled just loud enough for the both of them to hear. Obanai looked down before hesitating to nod. In truth, since you both left, they never regretted what they did. They wished that hadn’t ignored you. “I mean—“ Mitsuri looked up, “they would get hurt on purpose and we just—“ she huffed and slumped her shoulders. “We just ignored them, we knew but didn’t do anything…” she said as a few tears escaped and rolled down her cheeks.
Obanai stared at her, he wished he could comfort her and tell her they’ll move passed this but he didn’t think they could. He felt regret, he loved- no, loves you and he just let you go. He knows him and Mitsuri let you down and he wished he could go back in time to show you that they’re here for you. ‘But it’s too late, you’re finally happy and they aren’t’ he thinks solemnly as he hugs Mitsuri who only sobs quietly into his neck.
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Do not steal or copy
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: Dad Jokes
Stephen King: so i was down at the bookstore and they were throwing my books around Dean Koontz: oh no! why were they doing that? King: well dean Koontz: they could damage the books! King: well dean Koontz: or hurt someone! King: well dean Koontz: or King: let me finish dean
King: i was all 'what's going on?' and then IT hit me Koontz: why were they doing it? King: well IT hit me Koontz: King: see, IT is the title of one of my King: oh for pete's sake King: the rest of you got it didn't you?
King: the rest of you got it, right? Barker: yeah we got it Barker: it just wasn't funny King: King: oh come on clive i mean i thought it was a little funny Poe: it was very amusing steve Barker: don't encourage him edgar Barker: he's only going to get worse
Stephen King: well, don't worry, i got plenty more! Joe Hill: dad, please, i'm tired King: hi tired, i'm dad Barker: hahaha Barker: ok now THAT ONE was funny Poe: really? "hi tired i'm dad?" that's the one that does it for you? Barker: it was all in the delivery haha
King: IT hit me? get it? IT? King: oh never mind, please yourself then Elon Musk: [rising from bushes] eyyy stephano king King: oh no Musk: itsa funny joke no? Musk: i lika da jokes eyyy!
King: well, elon, i guess we finally have something in common King: no one likes either of our jokes Musk: eyyyy whatsamatta for you, stephano king? everybody lovesa my jokes! Musk: i maka da joka, alla my fans applaud, they clappa da hands! Musk: they say "masterful gambit sir"
King: sigh, i guess i'm just not cut out for comedy Poe: don't feel bad, steve, we can't all be kim newman Kim Newman: [bowtie spinning] good evening ladies and germs, i was on my way to this campfire when this guy told me he hadn't had a bite all week
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armored-angel4798 · 4 months
Steve knew, the moment he saw Eddie’s first message that he wasn’t going to like what they had to say.
EdM0112: Are you busy?
KingSteve: no, why?
EdM0112: I have some silly little news to give you. It’s nothing bad!
KingSteve: what is it? Wait, let me guess, YOU’RE PREGNANT!
EdM0112: hahaha, no, nothing like that.
KingSteve: so what?
EdM0112: I am engaged!
KingSteve: oh, really? That’s Great!!!
It was, in fact, not great. Steve felt like he couldn’t breathe. His chest felt so, unbelievably heavy and tears started pouring, unbidden, down his cheeks. Robin. He needed Robin, she would know how to help him. She helped him the last time his pesky feelings came out of the hole he had buried them in.
See, Eddie and Steve had never been good together. Steve was well aware of this fact, thanks to endless hours of talking to Robin. They were teenagers when they first got together, and neither of them had any clue how a relationship should work. Eddie was figuring themself out and they weren’t comfortable with Steve’s easy affection or deep wells of devotion and love. Steve had been too much. He had loved much too hard and much too fast and it ran Eddie away. They had never been good at the communication side of the relationship either. They were never on the same page or even in the same book most of the time. Yet, none of this had stoped Steve from giving his heart to Eddie. None of this made him think for even a millisecond that they couldn’t figure it out, that they couldn’t be together, that they wouldn’t be together forever.
Steve had always thought that he would be the one putting a ring on Eddie’s finger. Until Eddie handed his heart back to him in a million tiny pieces.
“Eddie, please. I love you, Eddie.”
“Steve, we aren’t good for each other, can’t you see that? We haven’t done anything other than hurt one another this whole past year of dating.”
“You don’t have to do this Eddie! I can be better, I can be whatever you need me to be, just please don’t leave me.”
“Steve, the fact that you don’t see how fucked up that is only solidifies that this isn’t good for either of us.”
Steve was sobbing. He was sobbing and Eddie was mad at him. He just needed to know what he was doing wrong. He could fix it. He had to fix it. If Eddie left it would just prove what his parents had always shown him. He is unloveable. He is never good enough. Never strong enough. Never caring enough. Never enough. He just wanted to be enough.
“Steve, this has to be over. For both of us.” Eddie sounded so exasperated. So tired.
Steve nodded, still sobbing.
“I’m… I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you happy, Eddie. I’m sorry. Please, I love you.”
“And I’m sure I will always love you, but I’m leaving. I have to go. I can’t be myself here, Steve.” Eddie was whispering now, running their cool hand down Steve’s cheek. Steve watched Eddie’s tears roll down their own cheeks as they wiped his away. “I’ll still be just a phone call away, but I have to move on.”
Steve grabbed Eddie’s wrist and nodded. Giving up hurt worse than anything but he couldn’t keep causing Eddie pain. He couldn’t keep them here if they would be unhappy and anything other than wholly themself. Eddie moved across the country that day and never looked back.
Steve isn’t really sure when he called Robin, but he apparently did because she was here. She was picking him up off of the floor that he had sank to, his phone still on the couch cushion behind him.
“Hey, hey, Steve” she patted his cheeks and he blinked. “There you are. What happened Stevie? You called but never said a word so I came to check on you. You don’t look good. Why are you crying?”
Steve brought his own hand up to his cheek, it came back wet.
“Eddie is getting married.”
“Woah, okay. I didn’t even know they were dating anybody.”
“Me either” Steve whispered.
“And how are you handling this information?” Steve gave her a glare that he’s sure lost some of its sterns by his no doubt puffy eyes. “Yeah, so not great.” Steve snorted. “Do ya want to talk about it.”
“I thought I was done with this. I thought I had moved past it. Why? Why did I break the moment they told me that they were engaged.”
“I’ve gotta be honest here, Steve, the situation you put yourself in wasn’t the best. You knew Eddie was moving on. They told you they were. You never really let them go. You stayed close and kept your own hopes up. This just crushed them.”
Steve flopped his head over on her shoulder.
“Why cant you be my therapist, again?”
“Conflict of interest, babe. I would be too clouded by my love for you to give you the advice you need.”
“It’s never stopped you before.” Robin chuckled and ruffled his hair. “I don’t think I ever actually let myself work through my heartbreak. I just kind of shoved it down far enough that it wasn’t a problem to keep talking to Eddie as if they’d never broken my heart. I still wanted them to be my best friend. Eddie knows me better than almost anyone, besides you, and it felt harder to lose that than to bury my feelings.”
“Yeah, you’ve buried more than you would ever let anyone you love even think of going through. Don’t you think you’ve held on to enough? Just let it go, Steve. It’ll be okay. I’ll be here.”
“You won’t leave me too?” Steve’s voice sounded so so small, even to himself.
And Steve broke.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
This is something that hasn’t left me since I read a fic from fucking glee years ago. It’s haunting me and goes away only to come back and swirl in my head so I’m just gonna write it out.
Saying this now, i remember a lot of season 4 but I’ve blocked out the Stancy parts hahaha so it’s not completely accurate to the show I don’t think. Also a quick heads up, I skip a lot of what happens in the show because it’s taking up too much brain power remembering those things lol (ps: if you see typos, no you don’t)
“I always pictured you, just, wanted to let you know before we head straight into danger”
Something inside of her wants to break and yet all she can do is nod at him and immediately head into that danger. Not wanting to look to closely at it right now, there’s more important things going on right now.
Takes her shotgun and decides she’s ending this once and for all.
It feels like an eternity passes before she finds herself in the hospital. One second she’s ruining her eardrums using the shotgun right next to her face, the next she’s following the emt’s light.
Surprisingly all of them has made it, she doesn’t know how but they have. It’s all she knows, couldn’t hear properly and too out of it to really follow anyone anyway.
“-eler, ms? Hello, Ms. Wheeler? Can you hear me?”
Nancy blinks hard and looks around to find a nurse standing next to her, “oh, sorry. What did you say?”
The nurse smiles softly at her before shaking her head, “I was asking if you wanted to call your parents now? Our generator finally kicked in and we’ve already asked your friends”
That makes her blink again, her ears still somewhat ringing, “yeah- yeah! I’ll, um, do that”
The call with her mom she barely hears, but she knows that they’re on their way. As she hangs up the phone she looks around and doesn’t see any of her friends, it makes her nervous.
“Hey, where are my friends?” She asks the same nurse and catches her surprised look, “did- you already told me didn’t you?”
The nod is enough but the nurse still says, “Yes, two of them got admitted, the other two are in there with them. They didn’t want to be separated so they’re in room 130, just over there”
She knocks once before opening it to find what she expected, Steve in one bed with Robin clinging to him and Eddie on the other with Dustin sitting next to him.
It shouldn’t be surprising but it is.
“Nance! Heyyyyyy, welcome to the party!”
Robin snorts, “don’t mind the Dingus Duo, the doctors gave them some strong medicine for the bites”
She shakes her head, smiling just a little at them. Steve’s mumbling about Robin ruining the party, Dustin’s laughing and Eddie has his eyes closed either falling asleep or already there. She takes a seat on the extra chair, opens her mouth but lost her words. The room is filled with beeping, Steve and Robin whispering and Eddie snoring.
It’s nice, this is nice.
A pleasant change from the chaos they went through just hours ago.
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Seeing Jonathan is amazing, he pulls her close and presses a kiss to her forehead. Her arms are wrapped around him and she can’t stop the tears from falling even if it’s a happy moment.
Because it is, actually seeing him in person and not just hearing his voice.
He holds her close and it feels great, it does. But there’s Steve’s words echoing in her head. It makes her hide her face in hopes to cancel them out, she’s with her boyfriend. The boy she loves with all her heart, and yet, yet she’s thinking of the one she broke at sixteen.
Those words swirl, rattle and settles in her head as she helps fix the cabin up. They burn when Jonathan jokes about Steve being in charge, she huffs a laugh but disagrees.
She sees the confusion on Jonathan’s face. That doesn’t surprise her. Instead of continuing, they’re interrupted.
Seeing Joyce and all of the Byers reunite brightens the moment of confusion, seeing Hopper is a massive shock but a welcomed one.
Fixing the cabin is a process, but with the actual adults back, they decide to stop for the day and make their way home.
She watches as Mike clings to El and Will, watches as Joyce holds Hopper’s hand in a death grips. Sees Jonathan hovering and she’s on the outside.
There’s those words making her stay on the outside.
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There’s static in her ears, her vision blurry, heart beating fast and she can’t figure out what happened. How did this happen? They were fine, Jonathan promised. She promised.
“I’m really sorry, Nance. I just can’t be in a relationship anymore, I love you. I do, but my family needs me and I, I need them more. You have to understand” he’s holding her close and she can feel his tears fall onto her, “I won’t ask you to wait, you deserve someone who’ll love and focus on you.”
All she can do is nod as tears go down her face.
They share one last kiss before separating for good. He hugs her close and she squeezes her eyes shut.
It’s several hours later, having spent most of the day in a haze. She’s sitting at her desk, trying to get her focus back, when those words from months ago start to swirl back in.
“I always pictured you, just, wanted to let you know before we head straight into danger”
“-just travel across the country, with my family”and “always dreamt this” filters in with it, she doesn’t know what she’s feeling, she shouldn’t be thinking about her first boyfriend like this.
Jonathan just broke up with her, not even a full twenty four hours yet.
But the words are swirling fast and she can feel her stomach flutter suddenly remembering that feeling those emotions Steve used to give her.
It was nice, even if sometimes she had to be away from him. He did treat her like she was his world and it felt like it. Nancy goes to sleep with a plan set in mind.
Tomorrow, she’ll go to Steve’s and hope he still wants that second chance.
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Dressed in her best clothes, wearing pretty make-up, she makes her way to the Harrington house.
Seeing Eddie’s van parked outside doesn’t surprise her, not really, what does make her pause is when she walks by a bike and skateboard on the porch.
Seeing that makes her doubt the timing, Eddie there is alright he shouldn’t know the history between her and Steve. She also swears she heard him talking Steve about lost loves and second chances.
The bike can only be owned by Dustin and he definitely knows the history and Max well, since Spring Break, has been particularly living with Steve at this point. Stating a number of times that Steve is her brother, she might not know the story but she’ll be questioning.
But she’s here now and Steve’s words are on fire in her head.
So, she moves ahead determined. She knocks on the door and takes a few deep breaths to get her composure.
The door opens and it’s not Steve answering, it’s Dustin and she blinks. Losing that composure she just gained, it’s quick and she’s quick to get it back with an easy smile. “Hi Dustin, can I come in?”
He’s been hanging out with Eddie too much lately, since he is loose with his posture now and opens the door with an exaggerated smile and waving his arm as he opens the door more.
She looks around, sitting on the couch is Max who’s got an eyebrow raise and frown.
“Hi Max, I wanted to speak with Steve. What’re you doing here?”
Both of them shrug and Dustin moves to sit next to Max, “We have plans with Steve and Eddie, we got tired of waiting outside”
“So we broke in”
She rolls her eyes, moves to stand closer to the stairs, “Are they awake? Where is Eddie?”
The two share a look and she can’t figure out what it means, Dustin has a mischievous smile once he’s looking back towards her, “Upstairs”
A little suspicious at the look, but the words in her head has her pushing forward despite the alarm bells ringing that something is up.
Steve’s house has changed since the last time she was here, there’s more life within it and old family portraits are gone, photos of friends in their places instead. There’s a door with a sign saying ‘Dustin’s room’ on it, and she passes an open door that was originally Steve’s. It’s cleared out except for the desk and the plaid wallpaper.
The next room is opened just a bit, she itches closer and pushes the door to see more and her whole body freezes.
There on the bed is not only Steve but Eddie too. From where she’s standing, Eddie’s pressed up against Steve’s back and has an arm around him; keeping him close.
She tears her eyes away from them and immediately regrets it.
On the floor is a mix of Steve’s clothes and Eddie’s, that’s not it though. Sitting directly next to bed is ripped condom packaging and by the trash bin is a poor attempt at throwing away a used condom.
It brings her attention back to the bed, in the short glance away, Steve has moved in his sleep. Instead of facing away; he’s now facing Eddie and nearly on top of the other. She tenses up as Eddie tightens his arms around Steve, then she pulls the door shut before moving quickly down the stairs.
Without acknowledging the two on the couch she makes it to the door, just as she pulls it open the door she’s stopped.
“They’re asleep still? We could tell Steve you stopped by” she can just hear smugness coming from Dustin and Max sniggering.
Shaking her head, she refuses to look back at them, “no, no, it’s fine. Have uh, have a good day!”
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“It doesn’t make sense! I, I thought- he” Nancy mumbles to herself, trying to collect her thoughts. She didn’t even bother moving yet, still sitting inside her car mumbling and trying to figure this out.
She could’ve sworn Steve was flirting with her, she knows she was a little during the fight. It felt natural and right. Even though it was wrong, very wrong. But- it was potentially the end of the world, they could’ve died! Everyone involved would understand her lapse of judgment.
Steve had told her, admitted his dream with her in it.
Him and Eddie? Steve likes boys? Since when? Was- was it a lie then? Was she being led on? Maybe even being used?
She’s so in her head, she doesn’t notice anyone walk up and only realizes when her whole body jolts at the knocking on her window. Shaking her head and reaching for her glove box, looking over her eyes widen at Steve standing there.
He’s wearing sweatpants with only a jacket over his bare chest, he looks worried, confused and most importantly; scared.
Taking a breath, she rolls her window down before looking at him, “Steve, hi.”
“Nancy, what are you doing here?”
Frowning, she looks away from him and startles at seeing Eddie standing there by the door also looking scared. Her eyes must be wide, because Steve clears his throat and she immediately looks back at him. “I- I”
Steve sighs, dropping his arms to run a hand over his face and hair, looking away from her, “Nancy, what you saw- you can’t tell anyone. Okay? Please. I don’t understand why you’re here right now and I really don’t want to know rig-” he shakes his head, “just, please don’t tell anyone”
She opens her mouth, but the words get caught. Steve’s look is haunted, even more afraid then a few months ago. Closing her mouth, taking another look at Eddie by the door before focusing her attention back on Steve.
“I won’t. I promise, Steve. I won’t tell anyone, just- maybe we can talk sometime? All of us?”
He clearly wasn’t expecting that, she can tell by his eyes and how he glances behind him, before looking at her again. “I’ll have to talk with Eddie first, but, uh yeah sure.”
Steve gives a weak smile at her that she tries to match, despite her racing thoughts. He steps away from the car and she starts it, nodding her head before driving away. She watches in her rear view mirror as Steve walks over to Eddie and only squeezes his arm before leading him inside.
Imagines that once inside, Steve pulls Eddie close and holds him tight.
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Three Days Later
It wasn’t avoiding them, she really wasn’t. She had to collect her thoughts, really figure out what she absolutely wanted in life now.
Which, she still doesn’t know, at least relationship wise.
Thinking back on the last few years and how they’re finally no longer fighting for their lives and the world, she can go for her dream of becoming a journalist. Which is exactly what she realizes, two days into her thinking, that’s what she actually wants in life. Not a relationship with Steve. Not even a relationship with Jonathan at this point, she doesn’t need that right now.
By the third day, she realizes how selfish she was acting and how much she actually scared, maybe even hurt Steve and Eddie.
That’s what brings her back to Steve’s front door with an apology and some cookies. There’s no bikes or skateboards this time around, just Eddie’s van and it’s not first thing in the morning.
Knocking on the door is quick and as she wants gets her composure and tries to relax. It’s not long before the door opens, Steve standing on the other side and her mind flashes back to the night in 83. Shaking her head to get rid of it, smiling she raises her hands up with the plate.
“I bought cookies”
Steve smiles a little and let’s her in, “you didn’t have to, Robs and I had a baking spree last night”
“Yeah and it’s all delicious!” Eddie shouts out, from somewhere.
It does some a little like a bakery in here, she notices. Placing the plate on the table before looking at Steve, “no, my mom insisted I bring them.”
Steve just nods as he closes the door, “It’s fine, we love cookies and if we don’t finish them, Eddie’s friends and Robs is coming over later anyway”
He leads her towards the kitchen and she’s not surprised to find Eddie at the table with paints and figurines, “Elder Wheeler, good afternoon on this fine day”
A laugh bubbles out of her, as she takes a seat across from him and she watches Steve take the seat right next to Eddie. Eddie looks towards him and she gets to see a silent conversation pass between the two, it’s not like the ones she’d see between Steve and Robin or even the ones she’d have with Jonathan.
It ends a second later when Steve looks towards her with a tight smile, “Nancy, I’m sor-”
“No!” She’s a little loud but it makes his mouth snap shut and Eddie to widen his eyes, “sorry, but you don’t have to apologize to me. If anyone should, it’s me. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you guys or to make you uncomfortable. I, I wasn’t thinking straight”
Eddie snorts, “couldn’t imagine how to do that”
It makes both her and Steve break into a smile, she’s quicker at sobering up though, sits straighter and clears her throat before settling her eyes on Steve, “I was being selfish, that’s why I came over the other day. Your words were in my head and I thought, maybe they were telling me that we could have a second chance. But I realized, I don’t want it anymore.”
Steve looks confused, “my words? Wha- my old dream? That thing?”
She nods, “yeah and I didn’t think things through, came here and found you both in bed and, scared you”
“You did” Eddie nods, dropping a hand to Steve’s, “When Dustin and Max mentioned you were in the house and looking for Steve, it really did scare us”
“I know, and I’m truly sorry for doing that to you both.” She looks away from them and sees how tightly Eddie has Steve’s hand in his, “You’re-”
“Relationship,” Steve interrupts her, “our relationship”
She nods, “it’s yours and I shouldn’t have even thought of you the way I was.”
They both nod and it’s quiet for a moment.
“Can, can I ask you?” She doesn’t know how to approach this, this isn’t something she does a lot. This is completely different from anything she’s done before, “You don’t have to tell me anything”
The couple share another long look before looking back at her, “I’m gay, I only like boys.”
“I like both. I especially like Eddie” Steve’s smile is bright and aimed completely at Eddie, “before you ask, we’ve been dating since we got out of the hospital.”
It surprises her, it’s been months.
“Yeah, I was surprised too. Thought Stevie boy was still high off the pain meds, turns out he was completely serious” Eddie laughs, “We haven’t told many people, gotta be careful with this”
She’s not surprised by that and nods, “I understand, I’m just a little confused- if you liked him and why give me hope? Why tell me that dream of yours”
“Nance, we were in the middle of a war,” Steve squeezes Eddie’s hand before letting go and reaching over to take her hand, “I wasn’t lying, I did dream of having a future with you. I thought we weren’t going to come out of it, didn’t think I’d have even a chance of growing up. That dream was from a little lonely boy who loved you with everything, I thought you should know that before something happened to us. But that wasn’t my only dream, and I know that’s not the kind of life you’d want, right?”
Her eyes are watering and nods, “You’re right, it was nice though”
It makes all of them laugh and Nancy feels like she knows him better, “I really am sorry, not just for scaring you. But for what I did back then”
“I’m sorry too”
There’s tears falling from both of them and she can see Eddie wiping away his own eyes.
A laugh bubbles up out of her, then Steve and lastly Eddie. It’s tears and laughter between them now.
Okay, look I’ll be completely serious right now. This wasn’t supposed to be this long, honestly. That’s why it ends the way it does, because it could go on even more. But I’d be repeating myself I think. Also, all of this just for the image of Nancy finding out about Steddie in like the most awkward way possible. (Without it being completely explicit 🤣)
Hope it reads okay, I had some help from the discord babes, @i-less-than-three-you & @strangersteddierthings! Love you both lovelies 💜
Information that isn’t in the fic: Robin and Wayne are the first ones to know about Steddie. Dustin, Max & the CC boys are the only other ones that know (besides Nancy) everyone else doesn’t. Also this takes place over a span of a few months. The very first part is directly after vecna (max isn’t hurt) and jumps to the “two days later” after that. But Jonathan and Nancy break up is about two months later.
TAGLIST! (If you want to be added, let me know!)
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @bookworm0690 @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @grimmfitzz
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Pt. 4
She's in the back of the car. Steve and Robin in the front seat and Dustin placed next to her. His eyes searing a hole in the side of her head. It's uncomfortably quiet.
"Wow this is weird right guys? I mean does anyone know what's going on? I sure don't hahaha. Though she did talk to me first so maybe I know more than you guys. So-"
"Rob. Enough ok?" Steve interrupts "let's wait till we get to Wheelers for the full interrogation"
The silence is back.
Dustin pokes a bony finger into her side.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"I don't know I was trying to see if you'd explode or something! We haven't dealt with this before!"
"Henderson stop it!"
"It's called the scientific method Steven! Ever heard of it?!?!"
"I swear to god I will turn this car around so fast-"
Lydia's giggles stop them in their track.
"Sorry it's just...nice to see..."
The car pulls into the driveway of the house she used to spend Thanksgivings in. Her parents would only come to Hawkins for holidays to see the rest of the party.
She sees a couple of cars she recognizes from old photos, a few cars, a beat up van.
She is led through the house with the other three surrounding her, maybe to stop her from running. When she starts the descend down the stairs to the basement she hears loud familiar chatter.
They're all there. Everyone. Way younger than she knows them but family all the same. They stare at her and all chatter stops.
"What the fuck?" Mike asks.
"What!? It's weird! Was anyone else not expecting a person to come down the stairs? I mean did anyone take Steve's code red of 'help woman in wedding dress ran away from me' seriously I mean it's Steve It's not like he has the best luck with women." He says in a monotone voice.
This starts a new wave of arguments either defending or agreeing with the statement.
"That's enough!" Nancy shouts. She points at Lydia, "sit!"
Lydia sits down as fast as she can. Nancy's tone familiar to her through all the years she helped raise her.
"Explain." She looks dangerous. Lydia knows she keeps weapons around. She hopes she doesn't have to see them through first hand experience.
"I can't. I don't know what I'm allowed to say...I've seen too many movies."
"What does that mean?" Will's voice chimes in from the side.
"I was taken away from my family," she starts to tear up again. "God I can't stop crying today can't I haha" she shows them a watery smile. "I believe I was sent here to prevent a tragedy from occurring and to help you finally defeat Vecna."
A gasp is heard ringing around the room. More yelling happens and she starts to disassociate.
"Hey," a soft voice rings out. She comes back to the present to be face to face with the eyes she's longed to see the most. Eddie has a hand on her shoulder, in his other hand he has a pile of clothes.
"I thought you might want to change out of that dress yeah? I stopped at home and grabbed some of my old clothes. Super worn in super comfy." She chokes back a sob. "I don't know what that reaction was for earlier and I couldn't imagine what you've been through so I thought this could be like a peace offering."
She sends a smile his way and nods.
"I'll go change," she heads up the stairs without being told where to go and comes back down in a band tee and some old sweatpants. Her guitar pick necklace is visible and she feels at home.
She heads back down and stops before she's fully visible listening to their gossip.
"I'm just saying it's weird she knew where to go."
"What like she's been spying on us and decided to memorize the floorplan of the house? You're so stupid."
"She told me she was from the future."
"Right and we're just gonna believe her?"
She clears her throat. All the attention being brought back to her. Eddie gives her a smile.
"You put her in those? She looks like you." Steve says judgement clear in his tone.
"It's not my fault you don't know fashion Harrington."
"Yeah Harrington," Lydia repeats back. Grin wide on her face. "This is peak fashion."
"While I'm loving this bonding," Robin interrupts. "Can we actual start discussing now? I feel like my bones are gonna pop out of my skin soon."
"Ok!" Lydia claps her hands together. "Where to begin."
She fills them on everything that's happened since she landed on the couch fielding questions here and there.
"So you were at your wedding?" She gets a little sad at this question.
"Yeah I wonder if they even know I'm missing. I wonder if times stopped. If they're looking for me. God I miss him."
Dustin has a confused frown on his face. "Well you came to us...so are we in your future?"
She smiles at that, "if I'm able to tell you. Yeah most of you are."
His frown turns into a wide grin, "oh my god are you marrying one of us?! You asked for steve right after you came here that must be it! I can finally stop pushing you towards Robin since it obviously worked!"
She gags. She can't help it.
"I'm sorry that's just so ridiculous." She's giggling now. Steve sends her a confused look back but shrugs his shoulders in understanding.
"I feel the same way, it's like since I met you I felt like I had to protect you, like you were one of the kids."
She grins brightly at him. "Thank you, I take that as an honor."
She continues filling them in on everything she knows about the Upside Down. Everything she remembers hearing about their plan and everything that went wrong. There's one detail she's leaving out.
"You feel like us," Eleven states. She looks around at everyone else. "She feels like the party."
Lydia looks at El in fear. Scared she'll say what she's so desperate for them not to find out. "Do you know?"
"I will have to take a closer look."
They're sitting in the middle of the room together, everyone else scattered in a circle surrounding them.
"Ok, think of your past."
Lydia is plunged into a darkness she's never experienced before. The floor has water all over it. She doesn't like it. She turns around in search of El.
"I see it. I see what you are hiding. It will be ok."
She's brought back to the present.
"I know how to defeat Henry."
Lydia is filled with a sense of dread. If it all goes wrong she can't live through it again.
"In 1990 I am born." She starts off with. "In 1995 Vecna strikes again. I'm from 2015."
"Wait," Dustin interrupts. "So we beat him? We win?. Then what are we fixing?"
She turns pale.
"You are my family...you all had a hand in raising me. There are...casualties in this battle." She chokes a little on the last word.
The room gets silent.
"Right." Nancy is the first to speak. "Well that won't happen this time." Her tone is serious. "Let's make a plan."
Lydia is placed in Nancy's room while the others discuss what they could change. She's sitting on her bed flipping through whatever book is closest to her when there's a knock on the door.
"Come in" she says quietly.
Eddie sneaks in, it's the quietest she's seen him in a long time.
"It's me right?" His eyes look doubtful. "That's why you can't look at me, you're seeing a ghost."
"I-I can't say anything you know that."
"Well that answers my question-"
"No you don't understand! I care about you too much to mess anything up! I don't understand the butterfly effect at all!"
"Why!" He's screaming now. "Why do you care about me!?!!!"
"I can't"
"Tell me!"
"Because you're my father Eddie!" She says it like it's bitter in her mouth. "Are you happy now? I probably just sealed everyone's doom. I'm going for a walk." She storms past him, unable to see his pale shocked face.
She walks right into a body.
"Woah hey," Steve is holding onto her shoulders. "What's going on where are you going?"
"I'm going for a walk."
"Not by yourself you're not."
"Why you don't trust me not to run away again!" She's yelling now.
"What? I just- we don't even know you."
She huffs at that. "Exactly, you don't know me and you don't trust me. So let me go!"
Whatever frozen state Eddie was in seems to have worn off.
"Lydia!" He screams, getting closer to her. "Wait!"
"Ok you want to go with me go with me just get me out of here." She grips Steve's arm and pulls him out the door.
AN: Yay father daughter bonding next chapter!!!!! Fun fact: my dad and I only got to bond while taking neighborhood walks or sitting in cars together.
Who says I can't post two chapters in one day! I had a lot of ideas 😇😈
Don't forget to interact I LIVE for it :)
Tag list: @tinyplanet95
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2knightt · 1 year
gwjgdkebdj ive never asked anything from u before but can you do the gang with a reader who stims a lot cuz like i often stim like with my hands or like vocal stims like squeaking or certain words and idk how would they feel about that because i do it alot :]
↳pharmacy’s rotting my brain!₊˚✧
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──IN WHICH, the gang with a reader that tends to stim!。✦
||✰ — the gang, separately can be seen as both romantic and platonic.
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Johnny Cade ;
probably doesn’t care.
he thinks is a little odd at first, but gets used to it pretty fast
if you tend to do it when you’re nervous, he picks up on it pretty fast.
like, if you were in a public space that’s crowded and you were to start stimming, vocally or not, he’d notice immediately.
he’d take you away from the area ASAP.
“you good?”
“ye-yeah. back there jus, scared me is all.”
“yeah. i noticed.”
i think he tends to like, play with his fingers when he’s nervous so…he makes sure you don’t feel alone or weird because of it.
you feeling insecure over something you cannot control is beyond him.
so, he tries his very best to help you in any way possible.
if you need him to hold your hand to stop you from stimming so much in front of new people, he will NOT let go.
“johnny we left, you can let go.”
Dallas Winston ;
i don’t think he minds much.
but if anyone else had a problem with it, he’d have a problem with them.
“the hell are they doing?”
“is it a problem?”
“yeah, it’s annoying.”
he tries to understand why you do it, but doesn’t.
“i’ve told you already, dal.”
“yeah but, why?”
when you like, squeaked around him for the first time, he was probably scared.
“AH! what the fuck?!”
gets used to it though.
“jesus christ, y/n. you sound like a mouse.”
“shut up.”
if you get nervous around him and start stimming he probably would throw an arm around your shoulder and rubs his thumb up n down your arm.
he tries to help, sometimes, but fails so bad.
you probably just end up laughing at him.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
honestly, i can see pony stimming too. just a little bit though.
so, seeing you stim too make him feel less lonely.
ponyboy probably stims when he’s alone only but when you came along you’re like, the only person to know.
“me too!”
“i know, y/n. that’s why i told you.”
he’s always there for you!! like always.
it lowkey gets kinda annoying but whatever.
it helps ponyboy stay calm knowing your alright.
Sodapop Curtis ;
will also, beat the shit outta someone for making fun of you.
“stop that.”
“they can’t control that.”
“so? it’s annoyi-“
knocked out!
even a broken jaw, perhaps.
he is your number one defender!!!
i can see soda stimming when he gets excited, like shaking him hands, all that.
he totally understands you!!
he doesn’t mind if you do vocal stims.
you and sodapop legit understand each other.
i feel like he gets you. idk.
Darry Curtis ;
scared. he was lowkey scared when you stimmed around him.
he doesnt know why you do it??
don’t even bother trying to explain it to him.
but he gets used to it, n’ that’s all that matters.
he doesn’t even bat n’ eye no more.
he’s learning so fast at his old age!☺️
if your certain word was like fuck or something, he lets it slide.
i think darry’s the type of guy to go “LANGUAGE!” when someone swears.
but he won’t for you.
“what? you aren’t gonna yell at them?”
“don’t ask anymore questions, you hear?”
Steve Randle ;
will beat the shit out of someone too.
0 fucking hesitation.
he is swinging without a second thought.
but, i do unfortunately have to admit, he thought it was weird at first.
he didn’t understand why you would squeak, or move your hands constantly.
but, slowly but surely, he got the idea.
i don’t see himself doing it, but he gets you.
Two-bit Mathews ;
i can see two-bit playing with his hands when he gets too excited.
so seeing you stim, isn’t weird to him at all.
he lowkey thinks it normal.
he thinks your squeaking is funny.
“HAHAHA! y-y/n, who knew you could make such cute sounds!”
he means it in a good way.
i swear he does😭.
i think he picks up on playing with his hands like how you do if he spends enough time with you.
“jeez, y/n. i’ve been hanging out with you so much ‘m starting to become you!”
“oh, shut it!”
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
hiii i've gone through your whole masterlist and i'm obsessed with your works <333 an idea popped into my head and i just know you'll be able to bring it to justice because you're so talented hehe would you be down to write a friends to lovers fic about grooms man!eddie x bridesmaid!reader, like maybe it's nancy and steve's wedding, and everyone in the party just teases them like "oh so are you guys gonna be the next ones to get married" just so they'll admit their feelings to each othee once and for all hahaha sorry if it's too specific! love you <333
Eep this was so fun!
Warnings: some angst, language
WC: 2.6k
Divider credit to @firefly-graphics
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“There we go.” You gently weave the clip of Nancy’s veil into her hair, fluffing the tulle so it brushes her shoulders. “Nance, you look stunning.” Her curly hair is perfectly coiffed, falling in soft waves. Her dress is classic and elegant; an off-the-shoulder bodice with a full skirt. Even her makeup is perfect, with eyeshadow shimmering on her lids, lips painted a soft baby pink.
“Seriously,” Robin agrees as she hands the rest of the bridesmaids their bouquets. “Steve is gonna lose his mind when he sees you walk down that aisle.”
Max pipes up from behind her. “I’ve started taking bets on how long it’ll take him to start blubbering.” 
“Personally, I think it’ll be as soon as he hears the music,” Holly adds, smirking. This makes everyone giggle, and no one can disagree. 
Once the laughter dies down, Nancy beams, looking at her bridal party. “I can’t thank you girls enough for everything you’ve done to make this day so special.” Her voice breaks on the last word, and maid of honor Robin dashes over with a tissue.
“Don’t cry! You’ll smudge your makeup!” she warns, contorting her face at her own words. “God, I sound like such a priss!”
“Yeah, but you’re my priss,” Nancy teases, carefully dabbing at the corners of her eyes. She turns to you with a smile. “Y/N, could you go see if the guys are ready? I have this fear that one of them is gonna show up missing a tie or a shoe or something.”
“I’m also taking bets on that,” Max calls out. “My money’s on Mike.”
You take Nancy’s hand and give it a little squeeze. “No problem. I’ll make sure everyone is fully dressed.” 
She thanks you and pulls you in for a hug. “I’m so glad the gods of dorm assignments made us roommates,” she says as she lets you go. It seems like ages ago that you’d lugged your suitcases into the tiny dorm room your freshman year of college, greeted by the shy girl with big dreams of being a New York Times editor. The two of you had become fast friends, writing papers and cramming for exams together. After college, both of you had landed jobs at The Indianapolis Star, and the shared experience of being women in journalism had only brought you closer.
It had also brought you closer to Nancy’s friends from high school, many of whom were in the wedding party.
You rap on the door to the groom’s suite three times. “Is everyone decent?” you ask, pushing open the door slightly.
“10-4, we’re good to go!” Dustin’s voice calls back. He’s been taking his best man duties seriously–perhaps too seriously–since Steve first asked him to take on the role. You walk into the room and squeal with excitement at the guys in their tuxedos.
“You all look so handsome!” you gush. “Just wait until you see your bride, Steve. She looks even more beautiful than usual.”
Steve smiles, already blinking back tears. You’ll have to report back to Max that he didn’t even make it to the chapel before crying.
A clamoring comes from inside the restroom. “Stupid tie; won’t stay straight!” Eddie Munson grumbles, flinging open the door in frustration. “Does anyone here know how to–whoa.” He stops mid-sentence when he notices you in your lilac dress, accessory woes all but forgotten. 
“Need some help?” you offer politely, trying to calm your nerves at the prospect of being so close to him. Eddie just nods, and you pray that he doesn’t notice your trembling fingers as you adjust his tie. “There; now it’s perfect.”
“Thanks,” he mumbles. “You, um, you look really…wow.” He blushes as he trips over his words. He’d been shy around you ever since you’d moved to Indiana after college two years earlier, but he’s never been this tongue-tied. Probably just nervous about the wedding, you think, shrugging it off.
“Good wow, I hope,” you tease, finding yourself unable to make eye contact with him. His gray suit is fitted to his body and his usually unruly hair is pulled back into a low bun. If it wasn’t for the signature rings adorning his fingers, the D20 cufflinks, and the guitar pick necklace peeking out from under his shirt, you might not even recognize him.
“Y-yeah, of course!” He rushes, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
You blush at the compliment. “Well, you look very wow, yourself.” He looks more than wow; he’s downright gorgeous, but you can’t bring yourself to say it. Especially in front of a crowd.
“Okay, lovebirds, save it for your own wedding,” Dustin jeers with a roll of his eyes. “We gotta start lining up.” He reads out the pairs:Mike with Holly, Lucas with Max…and Eddie with you. 
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You loop your arm through Eddie’s, waiting your turn to walk down the aisle. Steve and Dustin are already at the altar; the former has tears streaming down his cheeks, and Nancy hasn’t even started walking with her father yet.
“He’s such a mess,” Eddie whispers to you, making you laugh.
“Careful,” you warn jokingly, “you might be the same way at your wedding.” Your heart skips a beat when you imagine him in Steve’s spot; only instead of Nancy, you’re the bride.
You and Eddie part once you make your way to the front of the chapel; he takes his place next to Mike and you take yours alongside Holly. Everyone stands when Nancy enters, and you find yourself nearly as emotional as Steve. Her eyes are glued to her groom, and she can’t seem to stop smiling. 
Your gaze briefly shifts to the groomsmen, and you’re taken aback when you realize Eddie’s looking back at you. He notices the tears brimming in your eyes and quickly pokes his tongue between his lips to make you laugh. You mirror his action and he grins, looking down at the ground before he gets caught causing mischief. 
The ceremony is simple and sweet, with Nancy and Steve reading handwritten vows. After promising to love and cherish one another forever, the minister pronounces them husband and wife, and all the guests burst into applause. 
Steve places a deep, passionate kiss on his new wife’s lips, and the recessional starts. You hook your arm around Eddie’s once more and head to the cocktail hour. 
Nancy grabs you as soon as you enter the sunlit room. “Can you help me with my bustle?” she asks sheepishly. “This dress feels like it weighs a hundred pounds!”
You nod emphatically, ignoring your growling stomach. You really worked up an appetite being a bridesmaid. “Of course, Mrs. Harrington,” you say with a smile. 
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You’re kneeling on the ground of the bridal suite, determined to hook the loop around the buttons dotting the back of Nancy’s dress, when you hear a knock on the door.
“Special delivery!” Eddie’s voice alone makes you blush. Nancy, always astute, catches your pink cheeks in the mirror and makes kissy faces. You swat at her playfully.
“Come in, we’re decent!” you call back, and he enters with a plate of hors d'oeuvres. 
He extends the plate out between the two of you. “Figured you ladies might be hungry,” he says. Nancy grabs a mini quiche, but you don’t want to get grease on your hands while touching her pristine white dress.
“You can just leave the plate there,” you tell him politely, jutting your head toward a nearby table. “I’ll have some when I’m done with this.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Nuh-uh. Max told me you’ve barely eaten anything all day, and I’m not waiting for you to faint. Really cuts into our dancing time if you’re unconscious, y’know?” He pinches a mushroom cap between two fingers and motions to your mouth. “How’s it?”
“Delicious,” you report. “Hit me with another.”
He laughs and obliges. This time, his fingers gently graze your lips, and you have to stop yourself from visibly shivering. 
“Thank you,” you say softly, retreating into yourself after the accidentally intimate moment. 
“Not a problem,” Eddie replies, unfazed by the ordeal. “Anything else I can help with?”
“I think we’re good here!” You finish fastening the bustle triumphantly, and Nancy breathes a sigh of relief now that she no longer has to drag the long train.
Eddie nods and steals a bacon-wrapped scallop from the plate. “I’ll see you two out there, then,” he says, but he’s only looking at you.
With Eddie safely on the other side of the door, Nancy looks at you with her arms folded across her bodice. “Now do you believe us when we say he’s in love with you?”
You bark out a laugh. “Because he brought a plate of food? It was for you, too. Is he also harboring a secret crush on you?”
“He didn’t feed it to me,” she shrugs, giving a knowing smirk. “And he didn’t mention dancing with me, either. Only you. And the way he looks at you? Come on, Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter. “Let’s just get you to your husband.” You can’t let yourself develop stronger feelings towards Eddie. You’ve been through this before–everyone convinces you that a guy likes you, you let yourself get attached, and then your heart gets broken when he inevitably starts dating someone else or says he only sees you as a friend. No, that can’t happen again.
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The band plays song after song as you and your friends dance the night away. Robin, four shots of tequila deep, starts a conga line to Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody.” Between the endless barrage of photo taking and the sheer happiness radiating through you, your cheeks hurt from smiling.
Eddie’s among the group of you on the dance floor, laughing and moving along to the beat. This is probably what he meant by ‘our dancing time,’ you think; to your dismay, you’re disappointed by this realization. You could, in theory, ask him to dance to a slow song–it is 1992, after all–but you can’t stomach the idea of him rejecting you. Or worse–taking pity on you.
“Having fun?” Max shouts over the music, and you give her a thumbs-up. “How about you?” she asks Eddie, who’s sulking now that the band is playing some overdone Madonna song.
“Would be better if we could get these guys to do some Metallica or Black Sabbath,” he jokes, although you suspect there’s some truth to his statement.
Max rolls her eyes and says, “Don’t worry; you can have a metal band play when you and Y/N get married.” Your eyes widen at her brazenness, and you try your best to be inconspicuous as you shuffle back to your seat.
“Y/N!” Max calls after you. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” Her cheeks are flushed, though it may be from the drinking and dancing.
“‘S not just that,” you mumble, slumping into your seat. “Sure, it’s embarrassing; but it’s also…I don’t wanna get my hopes up.”
“Get your hopes up?”
“Yeah, get my hopes up that…that he feels the same way about me.” You feel your voice warble, and you take a deep breath to quell your emotions.
“Are you kidding?” Max asks incredulously. “Eddie is pathetically obsessed with you; it’s so obvious.”
“Then why hasn’t he asked me out? We’ve known each other for two years, Max. Two years. And he can make me feel like the most special person in the world, but he never makes a move.”
Max is uncharacteristically quiet for a moment, chewing on a painted fingernail. “You didn’t know Eddie back in high school,” she starts, “but he’s basically spent his entire life being rejected, especially by girls.” She sits down next to you and rests her palm on your knee. “He asked this one girl to prom–a cheerleader–because he thought she was into him. And maybe she was, I don’t know. But her ex-boyfriend ‘won her back’ the day before they were supposed to go together, and she left Eddie in the dust.”
“That’s…that’s terrible,” you manage, a bitter taste settling on your tongue. “I had no idea…”
“He’s told us a hundred times that he wants to ask you out. He has all these plans: dinner and a movie, or a concert; one time, he even thought of taking you to a cooking class because you mentioned how you went to one in college and really liked it.” She snorts at the idea of Eddie using a stove without burning the place to the ground. “But every time, he second guesses himself and chickens out. And every time, we give him shit for it.”
“So what do I do?” You gnaw at your bottom lip anxiously, looking at her through your lashes. 
Max pauses, considering her options. “Wait here,” she says finally, bolting from the table and making a beeline to Lucas and Dustin. She whispers something to them, and they nod in unison. You watch as Dustin sprints outside, where Eddie is smoking a cigarette. Lucas talks to the band, who is in between songs. They’re nodding their heads and discussing something, and Lucas looks satisfied when he hops down from the stage.
Your pout softens when you hear the opening notes of “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica. You glance over at Eddie, who is making his way towards you with a shy smile on his face. When he gets to your seat, he extends his hand.
“Can I have this dance?” he asks. You can see in his eyes that he’s nervous, maybe even more so than you.
“Of course you can,” you reply, taking his hand and joining him on the dance floor. You drape your left hand over his shoulder and his places his on your waist as the two of you sway to the music.
“It’s come to my attention that I’m an idiot,” he hums in your ear. “And that there’s someone really, really important to me that I’ve been hurting, and I didn’t even know it.”
You shake your head, hair tickling his face. “‘S not your fault,” you tell him. “I could’ve said something, too.”
“That is very true,” he teases, twirling you gently. “Maybe we can be idiots together?”
“I’d think we’d better, considering everyone’s already started planning our wedding,” you joke back. “Although I’d prefer to start with a date.”
Eddie holds you closer, pressing a light kiss to your nose. “I think that can be arranged.”
The two of you dance in comfortable silence, just holding one another. You rest your head on his chest, breathing in the scent of musky cologne and cigarettes. You feel so safe, so loved, with his strong hand holding the small of your back. “Hey, Eddie?” you murmur.
You shift your body slightly so you can look at him. His dark brown eyes are focused on you and you alone. He runs his tongue along his lower lip, and his jaw twitches slightly with nerves.
With all of the courage you can muster, you lean in and kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He pulls you impossibly closer, resting a hand on your cheek and caressing it with his thumb.
“Can’t believe I waited this long to do that,” he muses. “I really am an idiot.”
“I don’t know what’s more unbelievable: Eddie Munson kissing me, or Eddie Munson in a tux.” You laugh and kiss him again.
“Well, you’d better get used to the first one,” he says with a smirk. “But the second one isn’t happening again until our wedding.”
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onceuponastory · 1 year
little favours - biker!bucky x reader
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Plot: Since Bucky saved her from her shitty boss, Y/N hasn’t seen him again. For a while, she gets closer and closer to giving up hope. Until he comes back. And this time, he’s asking for her help. Pairing: Biker!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of sick kids/kids in hospital in case that’s a trigger. Again, Biker!Bucky likes using doll as his pet name (yes, he’s a warning, hahaha). As always if I miss any triggers, let me know. Notes: This is part two to my first Biker!Bucky fic, Knights in Leather Jackets which you can read here if you haven’t already. I hope you like it. Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own.
Almost two weeks since she first met Bucky, Y/N is in the ice cream parlour again. Thankfully, it seems like her boss listened to Bucky’s warning, and he hasn’t bothered her since. So, ever since he left, Y/N has essentially been running the parlour herself. And for once, she’s started loving her job again. Shockingly, it turns out that not having her overbearing boss constantly breathing down her neck makes her happier and work better. As she cleans the counter, her eyes flicker to the note Bucky left her, his number still scrawled onto it. Despite how much happier she is now that her boss is gone, she is disappointed that she doesn’t have an excuse to call Bucky and have him down at the coffee shop at a moment’s notice.
“I could just call him, regardless of if I need help or not. I mean, he was obviously flirting.” The grin on Bucky’s face as he spoke to her replays in her mind once more, and already Y/N is grinning like a lovesick idiot.
Although, to be honest, that’s exactly what she is. Ever since he left her store, Bucky has constantly been in her mind. But somehow, even after everything they’ve been through, she just can’t bring herself to call him. Even though he saved her, she’s not sure where, if anywhere, that leaves them now. Of course, she’s under Bucky’s protection now, but whether it’s just his or his entire gang’s (if he has one, that is) is left to be seen. And besides, how long does it last? Is it lifelong or just until everything with her boss blows over? Or maybe her boss has tried to squeal, so Bucky and the others are lying low and not wanting to drag her into this.
“But I am a part of this.” Y/N glances back over at the note again. Bucky’s laughter fills her mind. “Fuck it.” Pulling out her phone, Y/N dials Bucky’s number.
The longer it goes without an answer, the more Y/N’s stomach twists and her heart sinks. And what little hope she has of seeing Bucky again slowly slips away.
When it hits voicemail, Y/N isn’t even surprised. Maybe she’s right. Maybe he doesn’t want to see her again. Or at least, not anytime soon. “Hey Bucky, it’s me, Y/N. Don’t worry, I’m okay. I was just wondering if I could see you again? …To thank you, I mean. Just come back to the shop. I’ll be here. Bye.” Sighing, she puts the phone down. Hopefully, she does see him again.
“Do you wanna get that, Buck?” Steve raises a brow, gesturing to Bucky’s ringing phone.
“No, I’ll get it later. It’s alright.” Yet, the phone keeps ringing. 
“Steve, just finish the meeting. I promise I’ll get it later.” Before Steve can say anything else, Bucky grabs his phone, switching it off and silencing the call. 
“Well, okay. As I was saying, the charity ride and fundraiser for the local hospital went really well, but I think there are still some things we can do.”
“What about a visit?” Sam pipes up. “We’ve done that a few times already, and the kids seem to love it.” Steve nods. Immediately, Y/N enters Bucky’s mind. Although he’s been thinking about her a lot recently. Actually, he’s been thinking about her since he left her. Her smile, her gorgeous face…god. He’d love to go back and see her again, but he’s been so busy recently that he hasn’t had the chance to. But now, he has the perfect excuse.
“Buck? You okay?” Steve frowns, curious about his friends’ silence.
“I have an idea.”
The next day, Y/N is back in the shop, sorting things through the back. Suddenly, the chimes above the door sound, signifying a customer. A familiar figure leans against the wall, sunglasses perched on his head. As soon as she sees him, she recognises him right away, and her heart begins to pound. “Bucky?”
“Hey doll.”
“You’re back.” Y/N breathes, still a little in shock. Like if someone pinched her, she’d wake up again. If this is a dream, she hopes nobody pinches her. “Do you...want some more raspberry ripple?” She asks, immediately regretting it. Yes, ask the hot biker about ice cream instead of on a date with you. Good idea.
“I’d love some, but not yet. Actually, I have a favour to ask you.” As she nods in agreement, Y/N can’t help but feel a little disappointed. Honestly, she thought Bucky was coming back just to see her, and maybe ask her out. But at least this still gives her a chance to see him, which is better than nothing. And he looks even better than she remembers. He’s sending her heart into a flutter all over again. 
“Sure, what’s up?”
“We’re doing some more fundraising for the kids’ hospital, and planning a visit too.” So the favour is for sick kids. Whilst she was more worried about her and Bucky’s relationship. Great. Now she feels like an asshole. “We were thinking of bringing them a treat, so I thought I’d call up the sweetest woman I know to see if she can lend a hand.” Y/N smiles, already feeling the heat rising in her cheeks. “So.” Bucky trails off. “Can you help?” 
Like she’d ever say no.
“Of course I will.”
“Thank you for the ice cream.” The young boy smiles up at her, and Y/N has to stop herself from crying. Although she’s enjoying spending this time with Bucky and his friends, it’s been amazing to see the kids and provide them with a little happiness during their hospital stay. Despite everything they’ve been through, both they and their families are all so kind and cheerful. Giving them some ice cream to help them feel better is the least she can do.
“Thanks for doing this, by the way. I was right. You really are an angel.” Bucky tells her as they head towards the next room. Smiling, Y/N shrugs.
“Of course I would. And besides, I’m the angel? This coming from the guy who beat up my asshole boss and is giving ice cream to sick kids. Sounds like you deserve that title more than I do.”
“I told you, doll. It’s what we do. And besides, I only came up with the idea, you’re the one giving it out.” 
“Acting like a regular Prince Charming is a daily occurrence for you? Sure.” Bucky blushes at her words, grinning like the same lovesick fool she knows she is around him.
“Bucky!” A little girl grins from her bed when they enter the next room, waving excitedly.
“Melody! Hey kiddo! Good to see you again.” He perches on the end of her bed, listening to her excited chatter about what she’s been doing since he last saw her. The sight makes Y/N’s heart swell. Despite how big and scary Bucky looks to other people, he’s so kind and loving to everyone. And Y/N’s hopelessly in love with him.
“He does this a lot, you know? They all do. Means the world to her.” Melody’s mother smiles, coming to stand by Y/N. “Melody adores him.” She’s not the only one.
“I have a surprise for you. I asked your mommy and your doctor, and they said you can have some ice cream. And it’s your favourite, strawberry.” Melody’s face lights up as Y/N passes over some for her. 
“Thanks Bucky!” Melody squeals, wrapping her tiny arms around him.
“Hey it’s not just me. My friend Miss Y/N is the one who brought you the ice cream.”
“Thank you, Miss Y/N!” She calls across the room. The sweetness and innocence in her voice makes Y/N smile.
“You’re very welcome Melody. But you can just call me Y/N, alright?”
“She’s pretty.” Melody whispers to Bucky, yet is still just loud enough for Y/N to hear. “She looks like a princess.”
“Yeah.” Bucky chuckles, gazing over at Y/N like she hung the moon. “I know.”
Later, after Y/N and Bucky have finished visiting the kids, he offers to take her home on his bike. Of course, Y/N accepted right away. “Remember your helmet. Couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.” Y/N puts it on, hoping she’s quick enough to mask how smitten with him she is. This man is going to be the death of her one day. “Hold on tight, okay?” Tentatively, Y/N reaches out, wrapping her arms around Bucky’s waist and scooting closer to him. The scent of patchouli oil, Bucky’s scent, fills her senses again, and she inhales deeply.
“How is it he already smells like home?”
As Bucky drives down the streets and roads of New York, Y/N leans back a little, enjoying the ride. This is what she used to dream about. Sitting on a bike and feeling free. If only she knew it’d come true. And that it’s even better than she dreamt. Although...that’s mainly because of Bucky.
But soon, Bucky pulls up outside her apartment, the ride and her dream over. “Thanks Bucky.”
“Not at all. Thank you for coming today.”
“I told you, I’m glad to help. I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Y/N, wait.” Bucky orders, stopping her. “Can I….” She raises a brow, waiting for his explanation. It’s strange, seeing the intimidating, yet flirty and confident Bucky, now a blushing mess around her. Although, it’s kind of endearing. “Can I take you out? On a date?”
“Yeah.” she gasps, already nodding with excitement. “Of course.” Bucky grins.
“How about I pick you up this Saturday, then? Say…about seven?”
“Okay. See you then.” Suddenly, Bucky leans in, pecking her on the cheek. His beard grazes her cheek, which tingles under its touch. 
“See you then, doll.”
Please follow @onceuponastory-library​ and turn notifications on to be notified when I next post!
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Part Eight of Not-So-Secret Secret Admirer!!!!!!!! Remember when I said I thought this would be a quick one... hahaha crazy... But it's almost done! Part One. Part Seven. AO3 Link.
Eddie stares at the ring for a few moments before he finally hears Robin saying his name. “What?” Eddie asks, not bothering to turn to her.  
“I’m sorry, okay! I was just trying to get you to admit you have feelings for him.”  
Eddie glances back. “How’d you miss his car in the driveway?”  
Robin huffs and rambles, “I biked all the way here! I stopped by the date and saw you weren’t there, then I got sort of tunnel vision as I tried to remember how exactly to get here. And I was practicing my speech on the way, and his car must’ve been parked behind yours or something. But you can’t blame me for this!”  
Eddie squeezes the ring and replies, “I know. I made the plan, and I went through with it without thinking about the consequences. I’m to blame for everything.”  
Robin walks up to him, and Eddie thinks she might hug him, but instead, she flicks him on the head. “What the hell?” Eddie says and rubs at the small throbbing spot.  
“You could’ve said something! Why did you just stand there?”  
Eddie puts his arms out. “What was I supposed to say? ‘Yes, what’s she saying is true, except for the part where I don’t have feelings for you.’”  
“Yes!” Robin says and gets behind him and starts pushing him to the door.  
“What are you doing?” Eddie asks, trying to stand his ground but Buckley is surprisingly stronger than she looks.  
Robin grunts as she keeps pushing, “You are going to get in your van and find wherever Steve went. I’m going to bike to his house, but I doubt he’s there.”  
“He said he wanted space!”  
“And we both know he’s dramatic!” Robin says, finally shoving Eddie out the door.  
Eddie goes willingly then turns around. “My car keys are inside.”  
Robin smiles and holds her hand up with Eddie’s keys dangling from them. Eddie stares at her for a moment and says, “You are a terrifying, wonderful person.”  
“I know. Now go!” Robin says and climbs onto her bike.  
Eddie rushes to his van and gets in then pauses. He rolls down his window and asks, “Where did you get the bike?”  
“Stole it from Mike with Nancy’s help,” Robin says with a shrug.  
Eddie shakes his head and rolls up his window before quickly reversing. He has no idea where Steve would be going to sit and process. Except...  
He knows exactly where to go.  
In his headlights, he can see the fresh tire tracks going up the hill to his spot. Steve must be freezing up there, and Eddie is suddenly thankful for the blankets he never got out of the back. He quickly spots Steve’s car and parks next to it before making grabbing a blanket and walking the rest of the way up the hill.  
It only takes him a second to spot Steve huddled up against Eddie’s favorite tree, head tucked into his knees.  
“Steve?” Eddie asks gently.  
Steve jumps a little but doesn’t look up. “I said I wanted space,” Steve’s response is muffled but clear.  
Eddie slowly approaches him and says, “Can I at least give you a blanket?”  
Steve says nothing, so Eddie slowly drapes it over him. He waits for a moment before he says, “I’m sorry, Steve. I know that isn’t enough and there aren’t enough words to express how truly sorry I am. I just... I wasn’t thinking when I made the plan. And don’t blame Robin, please. It was all me. But what she said wasn’t entirely true because...”  
Eddie runs a shaky hand through his hair. “I do like you, Steve. And I like you so much that it’s almost unbearable. I didn’t mean to fall for you, but I did. And I tried to tell you last time we were here, but you were asleep. And the deeper I got into this, the worse I felt about deceiving you. I just... I didn’t want to lose you. And I knew if I told you the full plan then I would.” Eddie takes a moment to take a deep breath as he feels himself get a bit choked up. “I can’t lose you,” Eddie says with his voice cracking. “Just trust me on that.”  
This time Steve looks up slowly, wiping the tears off his cheeks before he looks toward Eddie. The moonlight is bright enough to shine in his glossy eyes and show Eddie a glimpse of what he didn’t want to see before. “You’ve lied to me for weeks, and now you’re asking me to trust you?” Steve asks. “You even got my best friend and the kids to lie to me. Is there anyone who doesn’t know?”  
Eddie takes a moment to think, then shakes his head. Everyone knew. That’s when it all hits him. He feels his bottom lip wobble and the tears start flooding his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he chokes out.  
Steve just looks away and pulls the blanket tighter around him.  
Then, Eddie does what he does best. He runs.  
Five days later, Eddie finds himself in his room staring up at the ceiling. He hasn’t seen Steve since that night. It feels... wrong. He didn’t realize his schedule of seeing Steve every five days was now something he relied on to get him through the week but here he is... Staring at the ceiling that he’s memorized by now except for the addition of the new spider in the corner that he’s been slowly watching as it makes its web bigger...  
He needs to get out of his room.  
He goes through the difficult task of prying himself out of bed and actually showering – which he’s sure his uncle is grateful for – before he feels like he’s able to go out in public. He eyes the ring on his bedside table and slips it on his finger.  
The ride to town is fairly quick, and he decides to park and wander around a few stores for a while. He’s about to buy himself some comfort food to make himself feel better when he spots a rack of sunglasses near the register. He can’t help but wander over and look at them, immediately spotting a pair that looks similar to Steve’s who seems to always be misplacing them.  
He doesn’t really think as he grabs them and adds it to the pile of stuff in his hands.  
Later in his van, he puts the bags in the passenger seat, but as he pulls away, one of them tilts and the sunglasses come sliding out. Eddie curses and slides them on as he drives away. One glance in the rearview mirror has Eddie remembering the time Steve gave him his sunglasses and laughed as Eddie tried to mimic him.  
Eddie lets the memory wash over him and leave a bittersweet sensation in its wake. Before he knows it, he finds himself going in the opposite direction of the trailer park. He sighs and lets himself make the familiar journey to Family Video.  
As he pulls into the back of the parking lot, he can see Steve’s car parked, but the glare from the sun has him unable to see directly inside the building. Maybe it’s for the best.  
He takes a moment and then digs into the console of his van before tugging out a pen and a piece of paper – he had actually stashed it in case he needed to write Steve notes from E.R. and was running late to the store. He sighs and writes without thinking.  
Remember the time when I was first getting out of the hospital after the world briefly turned into Hell? You came to pick me up, and I thought Dustin was joking when he said that you volunteered to. You helped me out of the hospital, and instead of thanking you, I immediately started to curse at the sun because it was way too bright, and you gave me your sunglasses. Only, I forgot to return them until a few days later, and you had told me that you had a problem with misplacing them. So, I hope these will be a good backup, or maybe it’ll be something good to destroy as you read this note.  
But I wanted to properly say thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and I’m sorry again.  
He reads over the note and shakes his head. It’s a bit all over the place and doesn’t really scratch the surface of what he’s feeling, but he hopes it’ll be received well.  
He twists up the note around the stems of the glasses and with shaking hands, he jogs over to Steve’s car and places them on the hood. He doesn’t look toward the store as he goes back to his car and peels out of the parking lot with his heart hammering in his chest.  
The further away he gets, the better and worse he feels about the gift. On one hand, he thinks that it feels great to finally get something for Steve without the ruse of the secret admirer. But also, he thinks that maybe the way he left it is almost taunting of what he put Steve through. And the more he thinks about it, the more Eddie thinks the gift is definitely a bad idea, so he turns around and speeds his way back to Family Video to grab it before Steve can.  
He spots the store and sits with his turn signal on as he waits for traffic to clear when he sees him. Steve is beside his car, note in hand and sunglasses in the other, seemingly reading over the note. Eddie holds his breath and watches as Steve folds the note and puts it in his pocket then slowly slips the sunglasses on.  
Eddie lets out a deep breath and turns off his turn signal and continues going straight past the store. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea after all.  
Five days later, Eddie is staring at the three chapsticks he got Steve – cherry, coca-cola, and vanilla – debating if another gift is a good idea. He looks around his room for a small bag and puts them in before he can rethink it, and sits down to write another note.  
I will never forget the time you confessed that you hadn’t known the chapstick you wore all summer during your Scoops Ahoy job was actually tinted lip gloss. To this day, I have never told anyone about it, but the story doesn’t fail to still make me laugh when I need to lift my mood. I hope that you don’t hate the flavors as much as you might hate me right now, but there’s a reason behind them all. Cherry for the cherry jubilee you managed to convince me to buy when I happened to get ice cream before we truly knew each other. Coca-Cola because it was the drink you snuck in for me when the nurses refused to bring me anything but water. And vanilla because it’s my favorite – definitely not very metal of me, I know.  
If you want me to stop this, just leave a note on your car or have Robin tell me to fuck off. Anything you want to give me the message.  
He rushes off to Family Video and hopes that Steve still has a shift every five days. Luckily, his car is in the parking lot, so Eddie is able to quickly leave the bag on it and leave without anyone interfering. He drives off fiddling with the ring he had given Steve and debates what he’ll get him in the next five days. Hopefully he isn’t hating the gifts.  
Eddie stares at the pile of snacks and feels very underwhelmed by his gift to Steve. But honestly, nothing is going to make up for the hurt he put him through. It’s been over two weeks now, and the regret and guilt are not getting any better. In fact, it’s getting worse.  
Eddie stalks over to his bedside table and scribbles out a note.  
I’m so sorry. I know you’re probably tired of me saying that, but I’m so damn sorry. And the stupid gift is just the candy I helped you sneak into the movies a while back, but it just doesn’t feel like enough. I’m never going to be able to forgive myself for hurting you. There just aren’t enough words or the right words for what I want to say but...  
I miss you.  
He nearly crumbles up the note and rewrites it but just shoves it into the bag with the candy and angrily makes his way to his car. He never should have made that stupid plan.  
He drives over to Family Video, walks to Steve’s car, and hesitates. It’s hot outside, and the candy will all likely melt if he leaves it there. But he can’t go inside-  
“He doesn’t hate you.”  
Eddie jumps and looks toward the front of the store where Robin is standing with her arms crossed. He remembers what he wrote in his note from last time, and this is the part where Robin tells him to fuck off. “I’m guessing he doesn’t want the gifts though,” Eddie comments, bag still in his hand.  
Robin shakes her head. “It’s just... a lot right now.”  
Eddie nods and slowly approaches her with the bag held out. “It’s my last one then. I promise.”  
Robin takes it, and Eddie turns around. He’s surprised when she says, “Wait.”  
He glances over his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” Robin says, voice more scratchy than usual.  
A bit of anger boils in him at the reminder that she was the one who had made everything collapse and burn with her stupid plan that she didn’t fill Eddie in on. Then her little speech had thrown everything out of wack just when Eddie started to make sense of all the stupid admirer stuff.  
All the stupid admirer stuff that he had started and asked – no, begged –  Robin to end it. The anger quickly bubbles and dies. Robin isn’t to blame for this.   
“I’m sorry, too,” Eddie replies and makes the short walk to his car. He nearly has a bit of a breakdown in the parking lot, but he realizes that wouldn’t be fair for Robin or Steve to witness, so he drives back to his trailer and tries to figure out what life without Steve will be like.
Part Nine
Tag List <3 :
@wrenisflying @gobbledy-gluk-gluk @swimmingbirdrunningrock @ghostlyjax @wheatnoodle @yet-still-more-banched @moonshadows-13 @princessstevemunson @adankrivervalleynearyou @manda-panda-monium @brassreign @bornonthesavage @unclewaynemunson @bird-with-pencils @themardlonk @fangirltofangod @csinnamon-fox @mightbeasleep @theysherobinbuckley
@writtenbyancientskeletonhats @nagitoeatsnillacharms73 @duckyreads @hellykelly @glittergluekintsugi @rainydays35 @thatonespacek1d @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @paperbackribs @anaibis @adaydreamaway08 @steviesbicrisis @madaboutmunson2 @goose-on-the-loose @dangdirtydemons @whimsicalwitchm @aftermidnightwriting @toasted-ghosty @queerbeansworld @aryakanojiaa @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @queerriotgrrrl @iwouldsail @hellomynameismoo @r0semaryyy @hopefulcookieoperatorpersona @pomegranatebb @piningapple @love-kurdt @wallpaper-inside-my-heart @eddiesbabe95 @isaacisunsure @adankrivervalleynearyou @sleepdeprivedflower @gay-little-bitch @ely-seum @tillystealeaves @yes-im-your-mom @ceaselessly-watching @evix-syne666 @sweetharmonychilde @myhorseis-regularsized @homosexual-having-tea @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @henderdads
@spectrum-spectre @phantypurple @britishmysteries @mad-h-w @marivictal @gamerdano @cutiecusp @staninggaycouples @doctorqueensanatomy @virgil-is-a-cutie @sleepy-time @adankrivervalleynearyou @satan-is-obsessed @novelnovella @lottaweirdnameshere @bidisastersworld @justreadingabooksstuff @me-1-2 @shinekocreator @e-dollly @thelittleclare @ajeff855 @estrellami-1 @haluton @hoffmannwrites
@thehumblefigtree @eddiemunsonswife @otterology @precursorandthedragon @th1gh-s @ironydude @space-invading-pigeon @sofadofax @sunfloweringstories @swingset-sunset @myhero-thelastrealdreamer @eddiemunsonsupremecy
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piastrinorris · 2 years
Could I get 💜and 🔥 with Steddie x reader please??
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ 2k follower celebration event ongoing! ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 2k (i may have overdone the "short" blurb promise lmao)
A/N: man, this got away from me hahaha. enjoy! and thank you! 💜
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Your mom knocks on your door to tell you, "Sweetie, those nice young men you work with are at the door! I'm just gonna send them up, we're heading out for the night, feel better!"
You groan into your pillow before sitting up on your bed. You hadn't called in sick at Family Video today because you were actually sick - it was because you've been trying to avoid the fact that you've been harbouring a crush on both of them for so long that you know that there's no choosing either one of them without still having feelings for the other, so you've been trying to avoid working with them until you can find somewhere else.
The boys seem to make themselves instantly at home, throwing themselves onto your bed, either side of you. "What's up, patient zero?" Eddie smirks. "Thought we'd come and see what's got you down."
"Oh... You know, nothing major, I'll be on my feet soon enough, you don't need to check in on me, really," you shake your head, but Steve hums in disbelief.
"Hmm, I dunno. What are your symptoms, hm? Feeling warm, even though you've got the AC on in here?" You feel your already flushed face get even hotter, trying desperately to will it to be less obvious. "Especially with that short little set you've got on," he comments, cocking his head to look down your body.
"I don't... What are you...?" You ask, shuffling yourself from side to side as you chew your lip nervously.
"Ah, is lip biting a symptom, too, sweetheart? Breathing getting all ragged, toes curling..." Eddie purrs as he narrates every little thing you're doing. This is either about to be the most embarrassing night of your life, or the greatest. "Because if that's the case, you've been symptomatic pretty much every time you've been around us. Wouldn't you agree, Steve?"
He nods, "Oh, yeah. Totally. Now, of course, we could be wrong. But..." He starts running his fingers up and down your arms. "I don't think we are. Are we?"
You shake your head in defeat, still not able to look either of them in the eye, but Eddie catches onto that, tipping your chin up to look at him. "Gonna need you to find your voice, little bunny. You want this?"
"Y- Are you... B- Both?" Are the only words you can say.
"Well, see, we already know each other pretty well," Steve explains, "but we also have a little bet going on, Eddie and I." He props himself up and moves you with him so that he's spooning you. His voice is in your ear as he continues, "I always thought you were shy around us because you just wanted to get the job done, but Eddie here thought that shy girls are secretly the horniest."
"And judging by the way your thighs just clenched there..." Eddie glances down at your legs before looking back up to you and grinning, "And those gorgeous fuck-me eyes? Thank you for proving me right, sweetheart."
"We just wanna get to know you a little better, too, bunny," Steve coos the same nickname Eddie had given you, making you whine. "Will you let us?" he asks in the same tone, and you nod, until Eddie gives you a look of warning.
"Y-yes. Yes, I will," you nod, and Eddie leans in while pulling you closer to press a kiss to your lips.
"Thaaat's our good bunny," he soothes, running his thumb over your lower lip. "You like that name, don't you?" You squeak out an mm-hm, and Eddie looks over your shoulder at Steve, whose hands have been happily wandering all over your body. "Why don't you sit up by the headboard, Stevie? Let her sit between your legs."
"Good thinking, Munson," Steve replies, and you willingly move with them until Steve's sitting in the middle of your bed, you're between his legs, and Eddie's sitting at the foot of your bed. "You comfy, bunny?" he asks, and you nod. "C'mere, lean your back on me, let me put my arms around you. And remember, you can always tell us to stop, 'kay?" He moves a hand to tip your jaw so that he can kiss your neck. "Y'like that?" he asks softly.
At the same time, Eddie, who's been toying with the hem of your pyjama shorts, asks, "Can I take these off?"
You nod, "B-both. Yes to both, please," you whine, and they both chuckle knowingly at each other as Steve continues to kiss your neck while you lift your hips to help Eddie take your shorts off.
"Oh, bunny, your panties are soaked," Eddie comments with a wide smile. "You should see this, Steve, it's really something."
"Aww, I bet she was already wet from thinking about us before we even got here," Steve speculates, and you can hear the smirk in his tone. "Calling in sick, making us work like dogs for her, while she lays right here imagining all kinds of filth." You whine, and feel Steve trying desperately to buck against you at the sound. "C'mon, baby, face me," he pushes your face around until he can lean over to start making out with you, and Eddie taps your hips.
"Up, sweetheart, I need these off, too," he commands, and you comply, wriggling around until he's pulled them off entirely. He looks up at Steve, "Spread her legs wide for me, Harrington."
Steve reaches his large hands down to grip the insides of your thighs, pushing them apart. "God, look at you," he mutters into your ear in the same crooning tone as earlier. "What would people say, huh? If they knew the shy, quiet little cashier that gives them their Friday night movies is secretly a little slut?"
You feel yourself clench at his words, and Eddie makes a sound of awe. "Oh, she really liked that nickname."
"Of course she did. She's our dirty little girl now, aren't you?" His sweet tone and nose nuzzling under your ear completely contradict his filthy language. It only turns you on more.
"You want my fingers in there, baby? Want something to fill that pretty little pussy up?" Eddie purrs, and you nod. He sinks one inside of you and you throw your head back against Steve's chest, reaching up to grip his hair and pull his head down.
He chuckles against your shoulder. "Do his fingers feel good, bunny?" You nod, and he laughs again. "Wanna feel even better?" You nod more vigorously, and Steve pushes the straps of your pyjama top down and pulls your breasts out. "Oh, doesn't that feel so much better, having them out like this? Mmm, and they fit in my hands so perfectly..."
"Fuck, this is so hot, I need to taste you," Eddie groans as he buries his face between your legs just as Steve starts massaging your nipples, sucking marks into your neck. You cry out a high-pitched wail of ecstasy, and both men moan, too. Eddie surfaces to grin, "You still good, bunny?"
Before you can answer, Steve mirrors him with an, "Of course she is, Eds, look at her. She'll do anything to please us, won't you? You adorable little fucktoy, is that what you want to be for us?" You slide down Steve's chest, tilting your head up to look up at him desperately, barely able to string your words together. "Oh, sweet baby, are you close already?" He asks, massaging your hair, and you nod. "You wanna feed Eddie, yeah? Ride his face until you cover him?" You whine desperately, bucking against Eddie's lips as his tongue buries inside of you. You come apart between the two of them, and they soothe sweet nothings to you the whole time.
Eddie clambers over to again hold your chin, asking softly, "Wanna taste yourself on me, bunny?" You nod and he closes the distance to guide you into an opened-mouth kiss, running his tongue along yours.
"She's so beautiful when she comes, isn't she?" Steve purrs, and Eddie hums into your kiss.
He leans away to tell you, "Lean across the bed, sweetheart. Let your head hang off the edge a little." You nod, shuffling away as Eddie and Steve also move to give you space, throwing their clothes off in the process. "Such a good, sweet bunny," Eddie coos as he looks down at you, walking around your bed. "Now, this time, I'm gonna be up here so you can suck me off while Steve gets to fuck that sweet pussy of yours. Sound good?" You nod, and he smiles down at you, "Good. Just let us take care of you."
Both men enter you at the same time, and you cry out around Eddie's cock. They find their rhythm as Steve moans, "Fuck, bunny, you're so tight."
"And taking my cock so well, too," Eddie grins. "Such a good girl for us."
"Mmm, I wish you could see how filthy you look, baby. Getting your pussy filled while you're getting your throat fucked, such a bad girl for us." Your moans tickle the base of Eddie's cock, causing him to buck enough to make you gag ever so slightly.
He pulls back to groan, throwing his head back. "God, I'm not gonna last much longer. You?" He asks Steve, who shakes his head. They both look down as you whimper loudly. "What's up, bunny?"
You move your mouth wordlessly, and Steve chuckles. "You all fucked out, huh? C'mon, little bunny, your words are in there somewhere."
You reach down to point to where Steve's buried inside of you and look up to Eddie to whine, "B- Both. Please."
They look at you, and then each other, with wide eyes. "You want us both to come inside you?" You nod, and they both moan. Eddie shakes his head, "You better be close, Stevie, or get outta the way."
Steve pushes your legs up and out, leaning over you to snap his hips harsher until he climaxes, savouring every last thrust until Eddie all but pulls him out from you.
He quickly takes Steve's place - he's not as thick, but he's longer - and you can feel him fucking Steve's cum deeper into you. Steve walks over to bend down where your head hangs, stroking your face and cooing, "Such a dirty little bunny, aren't you? Huh? Gonna take both our loads? Yeah?" You nod desperately, and Eddie starts groaning loudly.
"Fuck, say - say m'na- my name, say it, sweetheart. Want you screaming it while I - fuck, come inside you," he growls.
You cry out his name, writhing as he fills you up, watching in delight as he slowly pulls out of your cum-soaked pussy.
After you've all taken a moment to recover and clean up, and you're all laying on your bed again, you finally manage to ask, "Can I ask what the fuck that all was?!"
Eddie chuckles, "Well, we sorta figured out you were into the both of us. We talked about it a lot, and since we're no strangers to fooling around ourselves, we thought it'd make sense to bring you into the picture, too."
"Right, but we also knew that you'd never tell us, even if we asked," Steve adds pointedly. "So, we just sorta decided to... Just show up and act like it was gonna happen anyway. And it did!"
"You... Fool around together?" You ask, and they both nod.
"Usually, yeah. But we already agreed, we wanted that to be all about making you feel good, first." Eddie rolls over and taps your nose.
"So, next time..." You start, playing your fingers together, and the men both start laughing.
"Wow, we fuck the shyness out of her one time and she's already planning round two," Steve teases, making you laugh.
"Oh my god, okay, just for that, both of you out," you point to your door, but Eddie takes your hand and gently guides it back to rest somewhere between the three of you, and he and Steve sandwich you.
"You don't mean that, do you, bunny?" he asks in that crooning tone, which Steve copies as he shuffles close enough that the tips of your noses touch.
"Of course you don't. We're not going anywhere." He kisses your nose as Eddie leans up to kiss your cheek, and you look happily between the two of them as they kiss each other, too.
Your letter of resignation can wait for now.
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shadfanfic · 2 years
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A rough week 1
you asked for this 
Daddy! Stucky x little (not so little in this chapter)  ! F-Reader
Summary: y/n got into a big fight with some guy in school and her daddies were in a really really bad mood 
warnings: angst, punishment, Spanking, mean! Stucky, no after care after the punishment, didn’t edit it too sleepy 💀
a/n: i really really love this story so enjoy it 🤍 don’t forget to tell me what you think!
it was finally the day your daddies come back from their long mission they both miss you so much their indeed still stressed and tired from everything that happened in the mission, but they couldn’t control but sleep with you in your bedroom 
“wake up y/n come on you need to eat breakfast” bucky opened your window and walked to you and start rubbing your back smiled at you when he noticed your annoyed face “mm five minutes?” You asked with your adorable sleepy voice, you heard steve giggle a bit “No you have school come on”steve dragged your blanket and you stood up “Okayyy” you whined annoyed but you did get a quick pinch on the back of your thigh  for it “Don’t whine” bucky spoke with fake angry face making you giggle “alright alright” you giggled and entered the bathroom 
“okay here you go, you be careful sweetie” wanda smiled at you and hand you the lunch box “okay wanda thank you so much!” You hugged her tight and ran outside
“oh your the new girl?” A guy leaned in your table smiling “yeah?” You answered “Your cute” he smiled more at your annoyed face “Back off” you warned with angry face, you were mad even tho you were so cute “or what?” He smirk and licked his lip “You gonna leave this room bleeding” you whispered and looked at his eyes “Hahaha! I like girls when their tough it turns me on” he whispered and you clunched your jaw hard at his disgusting comment 
“He started!”
You yelled loudly with red face from anger, you were only only defending yourself
“well, if he did start why are you yelling? Why you acting nervous and suspicious ?”
the teacher said with raised eyebrows 
Making you giggle angrily about to lose control 
———After 2 hours 
You were walking outside the school with angry tears in your eyes peter followed after saying goodbye to his friends trying to calm you down 
“Y/n relax,  I’m in your side I’m gonna try to convince them not to punish you!”
Peter walk with you, he knew you gonna get punished by them specially at this really stressful time
“No peter! Let me be responsible of this” you said looking up at him with your teary eyes “y/n your crying?” Peter asked and cup your face “I’m gonna be fine”you tilted your head out of his grip and both of you noticed happy walking towards you too 
“Is everyone alright?” Happy asked and peter nod and you just stood there quiet “Alright, steve want to talk to you y/n as fast as possible” happy said and start walking you and peter to the car
After really stressful hour you arrived to only see a crossed armed bucky and steve biting his lips trying to control his anger, peter start rubbing your back noticing your getting nervous
Your door got opened by bucky and look at you with emotionless eyes “Out of the car miss angry” he talked you gluped and got out of the car slowly trying to take the longest time so you three don’t get alone in your bedroom, 
“Y/n” steve said loudly knowing what your trying to do, you jumped and start walking fast To enter the building bucky tried to grab your arm but you freed yourself from his grip so fast and start running inside “Hey! Get back here y/n! Or else!” Bucky yelled, he was about to run after you but he was stopped by steve “If she goes inside we gonna get her so let her go, for now” steve looked at bucky angry eyes “she used the way We! Taught her to defend herself but she hit another kid!” bucky answered angrily “I’m aware of that buck, but let’s not make a scene here okay?” Steve said and smiled a bit at bucky who just sighed “okay” he said and they both start walking towards your bedroom 
“Before you do an-“ you talked when they both enter but you were cut off by steve hand landing on your cheek “you only talk when we ask you too y/n” bucky said and lock your bedroom “I was defending-..” this time bucky slapped you and you fell in your bed crying annoyed and angry at how your day is going “you better count” steve said taking his leather jacker off “if u forget or lost count we well start all over again” Bucky walk towards a chair and place it in front of you “So easy way or hard way” you just shock your head no crying silently “N-no l-listen to me f-first” you begged but you only got dragged by your arm and forced to lay on ur stomach in bucky lap “daddy well give you 25 spanks and papa well give you another 25 understood?” Bucky whispered in your ear and you nod, closing your eyes shut as hard as you can and closed your fist on your daddy’s sweat pant “you well be done soon if you continue listening to us” steve said removing your hair from your face
After your punishment, your both cheeks were red and you felt yourself being picked up and thrown in the bed “take a nap y/n” steve said and turn of the lights and bucky closed the door, they both didn’t even wipe your tears after the punishment or even praise you they just left without saying or doing anything leaving feeling gulity for something you don’t even know
—after 1 hour 
“peter, what happened” natasha asked peter curious while playing with her mug, everyone was in the kitchen chatting about random stuff “It wasn’t y/n fault that’s all i know, his a dick to everyone so I’m in y/n side” peter said scratching his head avoiding bucky and steve eyes
“kid, your phone is blowing up can you shut it off for a second” tony came in the kitchen and throw peter his phone and peter immediately grab it, he looked confused at the videos was sent in the class group, peter opened one of the videos and sigh seeing y/n in it 
“What is it?” Tony asked peter “it’s just, people in school filmed y/n while fighting” peter smiled sadly and bucky sat straight with steve “show me” bucky put his hand out and peter immediately gave him the phone 
steve sighed feeling super bad for what he did, bucky gluped and hand peter his phone back “thank you” bucky stood up with steve and both of them start walking to your room so fast 
“y/n?” Steve asked surprised to see you still awake, you usually sleep after you come back from school and he thought the punishment made you more  tired and needing your nap. but he was so wrong -
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Santa ari and reader at night fondeuing then the elves have a mini peep session hahaha
🎄christmas masterlist🎄
summary - ari splits you open with his cock, not knowing his little helpers are enjoying a free show.
warning - smut, voyeurism.
the headers I use aren't mine.
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“That’s right, baby. Take my cock. Go on.” Ari deepens his thrusts, watching his cock slide in and out of your used, puffy cunt. “Doing so good, taking me so well!” His eyes roll up to your face, grinning at the sight of your drooling mouth and the dazed look in your eyes. “You like taking my cock, baby? Like when I split you open?”
You babble, your nails digging into his flesh as your eyes roll to the back of your head. Your head is bobbing up and down as he pounds into your fucked out hole. “S–so good!” Your back arches off of the bed, mewls escaping you. 
Jake pushes Ransom out of the way, “Let me see! I wanna see!” He grumbles, the other elves protesting as well. All eight of them are peering from behind the cracked door, watching their boss split you open. “Oh damn, he’s destroying my honey pot.” Jake’s arms cross over his chest, grumbling as he continues to watch, a small pout on his face.
“Oh, shut it! I could’ve done better than him!” Lee proudly states, the others snickering. “What?! I could!”
Lloyd huffs. “Yeah, right. I actually did better than all of you!” 
Curtis chuckles, “I bet he’s never had her suck him off before like she did me!” 
Ransom groans, “Can all of you shut up?! I can’t hear her.” 
Frank’s brows furrow, “Can’t hear her? The whole of the North Pole can hear her?”
Steve smiles in happiness. “She sounds so pretty! I’m so glad she’s happy! And you know what this means? She’ll make us pancakes in the morning!”
Johnny sneakily walks back to them. The knickers Ari slung off of your body are being dragged behind him. “What are we talking about?” 
The rest of the elves look at him, confused. “When the hell did you leave? How the hell did you even get those?”
Johnny shrugs, “What? They're distracted and wouldn’t even notice if we all climbed onto the bed at this point. Plus, I needed a new pair, and the others are losing their scent.”
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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collectivecloseness · 7 months
sorry I hope you’re still wanting asks about those yan fruity 4 posts I’ve just seen them all sorry but I’m really intrigued by what’s been going on with ‘the lamps’(?) hinted at or like i don’t know if it’s something you’ve posted about earlier but what happened with the lamp after they kidnapped reader and like why they’re banned and stuff. Sorry if this is late or anything
OMG YES thank you so so much for bringing it up actually bc no I haven’t posted specifically about it yet, I really wanted to talk about this part but it felt too much to add on to the other posts!! But no no no absolutely I’m still loving talking about the yandere fruity four, and especially this specific like Nancy kidnapping au ig you could call it, absolutely do not hesitate to send me thoughts on this scenario you’re absolutely fine hahaha.
And yes, there was a specific incident that lead to the fruity four banning lamps from your room. That and water glasses, ceramic plates, bowls, vases... don’t worry, they still give you lots of flowers though :)
You thought in the first couple of days that they’d let you go. Then if not all of them, maybe some of them, eventually even just one.
But no. The four keep you locked in that room - ‘your new bedroom’, and they only seem to get more into the delusion that this will all work out well and you’ll forgive them, as time goes on.
Once your begging tactics don’t work, and you being smart and attempting an escape only leads to them feeling so much more sympathetic towards you and trying harder to be so lovey dovey, you decide to switch up tactics. Or, maybe it’s less of a decision, and more your emotions switching up as you deal with this trauma, threat, situation, whatever the hell this is.
Specifically, now you’re angry. Of course you have been pissed off, but now you’re ready to fight. You feel rageful. And you’re beginning to get so ballistic that where a few days ago you would have killed an entire town just to protect your friends, now you’re willing to do whatever you have to to either get out of here, or get them to fall out of ‘love’ with you, or at least let them know you’re serious business.
Just not... just not that, you wouldn’t go that far. Honestly? You couldn’t ever imagine doing... that.. to them, even if they have you locked up here. You don’t exactly see them the same way as before, and you never will, but they’ve saved your life so many times, and you’ve saved them. You’ve nearly fallen apart having thought one, or more of them, may have died, or are too close to danger; you can’t imagine losing them after feeling all of that, having been through that pain of waiting, no matter what they’ve done. You can’t feel that way ever again. But are you full of enough adrenaline and rage and justice to draw blood or fistfight your way through them and a whole door if needs be? Definitely.
Robin has come into your room alone one day, Eddie waiting by the door, as she comes to chat with you, check up on you.
You inform her that you can’t possibly be doing well, considering the circumstances, but Robin is pissing you off. Yet again she’s saying that you’re not getting out of here. And she even seems upset that you keep bringing it up!!
You try to have a semi normal conversation with her as you let her sit side by side on your bed- the bed. Hoping beyond hope that she’ll prove how much she loves you and at least talk to the others. You’re sure her even trying, and with you holding the same view, it might sway some votes. But Robin decides to leave you be with a sigh, standing as she turns away from you with a “Y/n that’s not gonna happen. I don’t know how many times we have to tell you, but we’ll keep doing so. Look just rest up because you haven’t been eating. And, you know, Steve’s been trying really hard to make all your favourites!”
She sounds more emotional talking about Steve’s efforts and trying to get you to understand their love, versus actually talking to you about your captivity. “Someone will come check on you again in an hour. But you know you can always ask for one of us if you wanna talk.”
Robin has her back fully turned, with Eddie opening the door and waiting for her, Steve and Nancy both meeting them in the hall too. You’re still on the other side of the bed, so no one bothers to get too close to the door, it’s not like you’re making a run for it this time from there.
But they shouldn’t have let their defences down.
Robin is still facing away from you, just a couple of feet from your open door, when suddenly a lamp is smashed into the wall and door frame in front of her, to the left of her head.
The three who watched from the hall are frozen in utter shock.
Robin stands still too. Before turning around to see you, breathing heavily, and with your arm still out from where you’d launched your bedroom lamp, right on the wall just feet away from her head, all to make your point.
Nancy and Steve quickly move forward, Nancy taking a step into your room for the first time without you screaming at her, but it’s because both of them are rushing and grabbing an arm of Robin’s each, pulling her out of the room so nothing else can happen that can escalate this further.
Robin looks utterly betrayed. Her mouth open in shock, still facing you even as her partners pull her out the room, and her eyes hurt by what you’ve just done. None of them could ever have expected this of you.
Which was weird considering the situation they’ve put you in, by acting so unexpectedly in your mind too.
Eddie looks away from you and to the ground with wide eyes, clearly also shocked and conflicted, maybe even a little ashamed, although who of you’re not sure.
But you keep your eyes fiery with rage, with your body still. Breathing hard, arm still stretched out, but apart from that you’re almost calm. Which is scarier for the others. Like you have no guilt about what you’ve just done whatsoever. Acting out violently, and threatening Robin. Who really had just come in your room, chatted with you, and not done anything wrong at all! She hadn’t even upset you today! Not until then...
They all close the door, and you can’t hear what must be a hushed conversation on the other side. But you just sit down on your bed, staring out the window. And wondering if the others would all restrain you even worse if you had thrown that lamp through there instead, to try and call for help.
Imagining all four of them all pinning you to the bed, you struggling, but your limbs with nowhere to go, their faces... their faces like in your nightmares, determined and scary. And imprisoning you even more. So that walking around in your room, which is all you can do right now, would be a luxury in comparison.
You try to get those thoughts out of your head, when you realise that after your little stunt, you’ll probably be left alone with just your mind for the next few hours.
Eddie comes in with dinner for you by the end of the evening, while Steve follows him in. You notice Robin at the end of the door, but when she catches your eye she looks away after a second, shutting it behind you three.
Eddie makes quick conversation about food and such, but you’re more focused on the way Steve’s completely avoiding looking at you, his head bent like he’s ashamed to do so. And then Eddie’s talking isn’t distracting you at all, because you notice Steve picking up the other two decorative lamps and hauling them under his arms.
When you ask him what he’s doing, even though you know full well, Steve seems shy around you almost. He’s pink in the face, and he does make a bit of eye contact, but mostly keeps his head down. They all agreed they should take the rest of the lamps out. You can tell he’s also sad about the whole you threatening Robin thing, especially since you know how much his ‘family’ is important to him.
If it takes making them unhappy to get them to understand this is not a good plan, then you don’t really care.
Nothing about what you did seems to have effected them too much at all though. And while you were getting more and more enraged at the fact your ‘ex’ friends had not only kidnapped you, but were obsessed delusional assholes, you were steaming even more at the fact they seemed to brush off your threat as if it was a little tantrum. Well, you knew they did take it seriously, but they were trying to act as if it was all okay and they love you just the same and everyone’s just moving on blah blah blah.
The day after your lamp stunt Robin came in with the other three, it was another attempt at getting you to not react so... poorly, to Nancy. And apart from a talk in the morning, and you bringing it up again at lunch, the others had tried to act normal with you. Whatever normal could possibly be with these guys.
The next day Robin came in with your meal, happily chatting away to you - after turning on the main light, considering it was dinner time and dark out. She didn’t even mention what you both knew was a little act of rebellion on your part, sitting in the dark for probably hours, because they took away your lamps. She just chatted with you and tried to hand you the new book Nancy had brought you a couple of days ago, asking if you’ve read it yet. Or if you’d like her to read it to you!
Apart from some spoken arguments on your end in the beginning, you were pretty quiet, as Robin lounged about your room, as she was free to do so in any room of her house, and tried to get you to open up again. Like you were before.
This time, as Robin turned to leave, the door shut closed, and facing your wall in the same spot she’d stood just two days before, you threw the now empty glass of water she’d given you across the room, and you smashed it into the back of her head.
It wasn’t particularly strong glass, and it half shattered the moment you threw it at Robin’s head. You knocked her out cold.
Steve heard the thump of something loud collapsing on your bedroom floor, and he ran down the hall to burst open your room. Upon finding Robin, knocked unconscious face first on the ground, and the broken cup by her side, Steve fell to his knees right by his best friend. Shock crashing through his system like frozen ice in his veins, his heart pumping wildly, as Steve scoops Robin up to his lap, watching her screw her face up and moan smally, as he pressed his hand to her cheek, Robin still remaining unconscious, if not seemingly alright apart from that.
But she was still hurt. The shock was still there. And Steve was very much aware that you, one of the loves of his life, had just hurt Robin on purpose.
“What the fuck have you done?” Steve asks stupefied. His hand on the back of her head coming back with just a small trail of blood, mixed into his best friend’s dirty blonde hair, as he looks up at you horrified. Steve is genuinely just shocked, asking you this.
Astounded and appalled by your actions. But for the first time after this, he looks at you differently. Because you watch Steve cradling Robin knocked out, and you just sit down on the edge of your bed. Nothing else in your hands. And you just look at them.
It’s the first time Steve has ever seen you differently...
But only a second later, Steve can tell there’s some upset in your eyes. You’re not looking at him as he just gawks at you, but with your head tilted down on him and Robin, he sees the shininess of wet in your eyes, a twinkle of deep deep knowledge and thought of your actions, of what led to Robin being like this. And Steve very very quickly remembers that you are just so stressed, he knows it’s not like he just never knew you, any thoughts he could have even started to think in his horror are no longer gonna sprout to his mind. He takes a second in dumb awe definitely, but Steve very quickly remembers just how hard this situation is for you, and of course in such terrible times, people act out in odd ways.
Even though this is not okay, he still understands you the same as he thinks he always has. He knows you’re not different, he knows that very clearly, and he certainly won’t let one incident effect how he thinks or feels about you. This just... none of this is right. And his focus is very much on Robin right now.
You’re crying as the four all take Robin out. They can all see and hear you, even though they’re panicked and fussing over Robin right now. For the first time no one really with you as you cry, as you sob, all just focusing on quickly checking Robin and what happened, as Steve carries her in his arms to take her downstairs. Everyone staggered at not only seeing Robin like this at home after running to Steve’s worried yells for them, but hearing you did it, and seeing you’re not even coming to her now. Your eyes full of tears and sobs aching your chest, as you watch Robin groan unconsciously, before they all take her out.
Even while Robin wakes up on the stairs downwards, just seconds after leaving your room, and as they all apply first aid while Robin is on the dining table downstairs, they can still hear your hearty cries from directly above them.
All their attention is on Robin, tears in their eyes and their touches all either medical or reassuring or loving, as they ask her questions ranging from ‘Can you tell me if this hurts? How many fingers am I holding up? Do you remember everything?’ All three genuinely upset at not only seeing Robin hurt, especially after all their trauma, and especially it happening in their home with all of them there who are supposed to protect her, but the fact you, their love, her love, did this. That you were so pent up from your situation you acted out like this.
The three all stay to console Robin, as she bawls knowing that you’d just done this to her, even as they all brace themselves from hearing your heaved and panicked wails and sobs from up above.
All five of you in agony. But this time none of them coming to try and help you.
Not one of you are even sure if them doing so would make you feel better, or worse, that night.
It was your first break, the first time you really acted not like yourself, not like anyone you ever wanted to be, but what they were turning you into.
You weren’t as destructive as that again. But it didn’t stop you from either acting out of impulsive and defensive anger, or letting them know you were serious.
Like one time with Eddie. He wasn’t one of the worst ones, if any of them could be called so, but sometimes being that meant he forgot his place. Like over a week in, when he very softly brushed his hand down your hair.
You were on his side the moment your spine finished crawling. Yelling angrily, but it was on par with Eddie’s pained yells for you to stop.
You were on top of Eddie’s side, yanking at his hair hard, pulling and scratching at locks of his shaggy mullet as you took literal tufts out furiously.
“Y/N STOP! STOP, STOP IT!!” Eddie yells, trying to push you off, but pained shrieks leaving like cries as it only means you rip more of his long waves out from his head. Eddie trying desperately to get you to stop, pushing not too hard at you because he didn’t want to and because it only made it worse.
You were screeching as you attacked at his head. Ripping Eddie’s hair out and not letting go whatsoever, even when the others were all pulling you off of him so hard it hurt. Your fingers going numb as your wrists were being squeezed, and your hands were being scratched up, as they try to unhook your claws from the knotted fistfuls of Eddie’s hair you’re grabbing onto. Arms wrapped around your body and upper arms tightly, squeezing you hard and painfully squishing you as they try pulling you away, while also soon pinning you down with their own bodies. Having to hurt you just a bit as they try and pull you off of him because you just will not let go. Eddie crying out in pain, you screaming madly, and the others all yelling your name and for you to stop loudly.
They were all acting quick and had to be uncaring about being a bit rough with you as they had to get you off of Eddie now. You were worried Steve was going to break your wrist, even though he would never want to, he was just squeezing it that hard, to the point that hand cramped so you couldn’t even untangle your fingers from Eddie’s knots if you tried. Steve’s other arm wrapped like a python around your body, as him and Robin tried leaning on top of you. All three scratching at the backs of your hands, Nancy’s especially pinching and painful. Gripping your fingers in such awkward and painful ways, as they tried to unhook you from Eddie’s head. But it still took all three of them and Eddie’s help a long time to fully free Eddie from your clutches.
By that point Steve and Robin were sitting on top of your body with their own. Crushing you. You were crying out, pained and panicked and horrified at being in a situation like this. Trying to breathe with them on top of you, made much harder by your sobs, as not only were they shadowing and crushing you, but also as you never ever wanted to be in this position with the stalkers who declared their love for you near constantly, the friends who you now were horrified by.
Eddie went straight to the floor as soon as he was free, panting and crying, looking right at you with those big fucking doe brown eyes, that you can barely see from where Steve’s torso is blocking your view as he shadows on top of you, but those fucking eyes making you wail even harder. For a completely different reason now.
Nancy goes right down to comfort Eddie. Meanwhile you’re trying desperately to get his hair out of your hands as quick as possible. The small strands you managed to get, making you feel sick to now have touching you, for a myriad of reasons. But you couldn’t get them off with Robin and Steve both lying on top of your restrained body. You could only shake your hands and not even purposely. Steve was still restraining your arms too, and now they were in a twisted position that hurt, but the four couldn’t exactly focus on that when they were concentrated on Eddie. Even if you knew you were in a similar amount of pain to what he was in, at least in some way.
They had to restrain you, if you were hurting them, if they had to, you might get a couple of bruises from attacking them, but they would never, ever hurt you apart from that. They don’t want to. And they weren’t hurting you too badly, even now, they wouldn’t do that. You were still their love but you were just acting out in dangerous ways.
Nancy hit you. She knocked you unconscious. She tied you up so much the others had all thrown up at least once from the image since. And then they’d all kidnapped you. You guess, to be fair, they don’t always respond much the other times you hurt them. They even accepted it sometimes.
Although that could occasionally infuriate you more.
Steve comes to check on you and see if you’re hurt, after they’ve all gotten a sobbing Eddie breathing again and somewhat looked over downstairs. You spit in his face. Steve still gives you first aid for your bruises and scratches, and apologies.
Sometimes when you hurt them they’ll stay there and accept it. Sometimes they just simply leave you be. And sometimes they apologise, but you know it’s not just for the recent reason that caused you to hurt them, you know they know what they’re doing to you is wrong, even if they convince themselves it’ll all be good.
Sometimes you didn’t care after one had left and you’d hurt them; you’d think you only really did so when they deserved it, even though for what they’ve done they always deserve so.
Sometimes you feel bad. That’s normally for when you’ve hurt them more than just one quick reaction.
You could slap Robin in the face, and she could look into your eyes with absolute awe and sadness, you’d stay exactly where you were, staring her down. Other times you could kick Steve in the stomach as he was on your floor for something, but the moment you meet his teary eyes, you were sobbing at him to just go, because you didn’t want him to see you cry because of this. It was usually context dependent.
Nancy once left your room with scratches all over her face. Steve was shocked and immediately grabbed Nancy’s cheeks, lightly, to look at her face in all angles, where he waited for her down the hall. Worried about Nancy because of course he is, he loves her and she’s part of his family, but also asking her what the hell happened in there?
They were light scratches, they’d fade soon. At least when you hurt them with your fingernails or something, it wasn’t like an object they could take away from you. Like the fact you now only get plastic cups. Your nails were getting bitten to hell enough anyway.
She’s tried to instinctively push your wrists away when you first started clawing at her face, trying to soothingly say “Y/n-“ but you went for her lips. Nancy leaned her head away from you, backing up, but you kept following. And she kept her hands trying to chase your arms, trying lightly to push you off of her. Getting slightly more panicked when you tried to pin her down and really go at her face, Nancy thought of democreatures pinning her and loved ones down and attacking if that happened, but you were in one of your moods where you were set on your task.
She winced and cried out quietly and tried talking to you, asking you to stop now, that she’d go okay? Hissing and whining and groaning sad you continued wildly scratching at her anywhere you could get near her face, neck and shoulders too a little, dragging them down. And also a little scared, definitely hurt, and worrying the longer it goes on. But she’s managed to hit your hands down in one swoop and back up a couple of steps, and as she knew, that pause made you finally stop. Especially with Nancy telling you she’d just leave now, okay?
Nancy hadn’t even called out for help, even though she had obviously asked and tried to get you to stop. She didn’t want any of her other partners to go talk to you either, not that they’d really ‘punish ’ you much or anything though. Nancy understood, even if she didn’t like the fact you’d do things like this now, no matter how much, she loved you, so so dearly, it would never ever change no matter what you do.
Sometimes they won’t call out to the others if you hurt them, either they think they can handle it, or mostly it’s because they feel like they deserve it. You can get it out, it’s okay, they understand how maddened you must be, and they know they’ve got a lot of making up to do to you, they’re guilty enough to let you do so anyway. Not guilty enough to convince themselves they should let you leave them or anything though. They can’t have that happen, they just couldn’t cope if that..! But even if they’re a bit emotionally hurt at those times, they’re not mad at you.
And unfortunately, they do start to become slightly less surprised by it. Even though at the same time, past the first two - three weeks, your attacks lessen. It would be an odd looking chart.
Nancy’s making graphs of you concerning different things though, it helps her keep peace of mind sometimes. And they all have big family talks about you a lot anyway, more than they even did before you joined their home, so she has all of them to show her notes to.
That scratching at her was still pretty early on after she hit you and knocked you out, Nancy can’t blame you for acting out. Even if she feels right having you here, finally having you home, Nancy felt guilty for hurting you.
The first time she tried to have a conversation with you, after they all explained you would be staying here now, you’d looked at her with such emotion in your eyes as you said “You hit me Nancy.”
Nancy could never forget that. She’d burst into tears the moment you said it, but kept her eyes right on you, her hand to her heart, as you looked at her so betrayed, so hurt, so in shock that she would ever do something like that to you.
“I’m- I’m so so sorry y/n..!” Nancy hiccuped, tears streaming down her pink cheeks as she felt genuine horror at knowing she had hit you. She loves you. She can’t believe she would ever be the type of lover to hit you. After both of you saving each other’s lives. After all the promises she made to your image. Being so sure she and the others were the right option for you, the best way to keep you safe, and loved, and comforted always, your future. She hit you hard enough to make your head bleed, and then she’d taken you away.
The others weren’t exactly comforting her at that point. But Nancy would have directed them back to you anyway, during that conversation. Nancy never wanted to hit you again.
Steve had soothingly applied first aid to the scratches you’d clawed all into Nancy’s face, and neck, trying to ask her if she was okay, emotionally they both knew he meant, but Nancy kept promising she was fine. Even though everyone in the house felt a gloom cloud over the home and all of them each time you became different and hurt someone.
They did understand. And they still loved you. Sometimes you were genuinely scared in that moment, even a little traumatised (they were horrified to think it), and they really didn’t blame you at all in those moments. Usually someone would stay with you to try and calm you down from your panic attack state about the other one going to hurt you, as someone else took them out of the room, to check they were okay.
They really did feel awful for you in those instances. No one treated you differently after them. They were even more caring in fact. Just trying to soothe you into knowing you were okay, they weren’t trying to hurt you, look at them, just look at them, in their eyes don’t look at the other, nothing is going to try and hurt you, they promise, it’s alright, no one is going to harm you here okay? You’re safe.
Steve had been that person to breathe with you once, when you’d repeatedly shoved Eddie hard to the ground, and kicked Nancy to the floor as well, not allowing either of them up as you panickedly kept pushing them down, convinced that one or both of them were about to hurt you. As soon as Robin helped them both leave and shut the door to leave the room quiet, with Steve holding your shoulders and looking into your eyes, his own sure but empathetic, and comforting as well as strong, talking you through how safe you were as you came down from your sudden panic, you’d moved forward in a rattling fearful sob and wrapped your arms around Steve.
Steve felt shame for the fact he thought you were coming to tackle him too, rather than hug him, but he’s sure it’s because he hasn’t felt you hug him since he first untied you in this room. And not leaping at him wanting his comfort in that long either. Immediately, Steve’s wrapping his arms around you, and he’s hugging you just as he’d always do before. Tight, but not too strongly, tender and soothing. He kept you close, as your fists gripped onto his waist and shirt, one of his hands stroking your hair down your head, neck, and shoulders. As he let you place your head into his shoulder, and he pressed his cheek into your head, your hair moving softly together, as he held you in his close arms.
He holds you, he just holds you, he does everything you need right now, that you’ve probably needed for a long time. His words confident and soothing, promising you all the safety in the world. Letting his soft cheek finally press against your warm one again. Actual skin on skin contact, to comfort both of you. Letting him finally be not just the hero, screw that, but your friend again, one of your best friends. Steve’s heart and body full of relief at the fact he’s able to comfort you again. And hugging and holding you lovingly, the same way he did before, nothing more, it wasn’t needed. All Steve needed and all he wanted right then in the entire world was to hug you and make you feel safe and comforted. And so, that’s exactly what he did. Exactly like he would as your friend, and he is still your friend! He would never ever stop, and he’s so so glad you’re letting him be your friend again, just like before.
For two full minutes you clung onto Steve and sobbed, needing your best friend to promise you that you were not in danger right now, as you came down from feeling like you most definitely were. And Steve relished that you were finally able to be comforted by him again, but also that you let him, that you wanted him, and that you’d been so so brave to come to him for it first. You were amazing. You were constantly proving how strong you were. And he loved you, not just like that, but in every single way.
It killed Steve just a little bit after just those two minutes, when you pulled back, and looking right down at the floor, arms wrapped around yourself instead, you quietly asked him to leave now. And that the next day, you didn’t reach out to him or the others, in any way the same. That you seemed even sadder...
But he had told the others what had happened. It at least gave them all hope. All they want is to be able to comfort you again, they just don’t want you to feel like this anymore, and especially not all alone.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Somebody loves you, you got a friend (part 4)
Part 1, part 2, part 3
Please don’t look too closely at things if it doesn’t make sense…ignore it hahaha. (I edited it and tried keeping to a timeline, but I think screwed up somewhere lol)
Telling Eddie is terrifying.
Steve’s little over a month along, his doctor said something about seven weeks? Maybe eight? He’s not entirely sure to be honest and he’s getting off track right now.
He’s pregnant with Eddie’s baby and he’s currently standing on the stairs of a trailer, specifically, Eddie’s home. He’s nervous and scared, because this is huge and they’ve only been dating for two months. The ultrasound picture in his back pocket is burning a hole and he has to remind himself of his mom’s words.
“You’ll be okay, even if Eddie doesn’t stay”
But god, he wants Eddie to stay.
The door is pulled open and the alpha is all smiles, “Stevie! What a surprise-“ the smile fades a little as Eddie sniffs, “what’s wrong?”
“Can- can I come in?”
Eddie wordlessly moved aside, letting him in before closing the door and he feels eyes on him as he paces. “Stevie, what’s going on?”
He stops and simply pulls out the picture, “um, so, I’ve felt like shit for the last few weeks and my mom had me take this- well- um,”
Steve will be the first to admit; his way with words is absolute shit.
Eddie’s mouth drops as he finally sees the picture. It’s still only a blob, even just looking at the picture he, Steve, can still hear the heartbeat.
The silence is suffocating and they’re still only standing in front of the door, Eddie’s holding the picture in his hands and Steve is biting his bottom lip and shoving his hands in his pockets, then without much thought just blurts out “I’m keeping it”
Eddie just nods and Steve can’t tell if it’s a good nod or a bad nod. But at least he wasn’t thrown out.
“I can- can I?” The alpha mumbles out and looks up at him, he has tears in his eyes, “are- are we okay?”
He doesn’t know what’s been asked, but with the phantom heartbeat beating in his ears and Eddie looking like he does- Steve just moves and wraps his arms around the alpha.
“We- we’re okay. As- as long as you don’t hate me for being a dumbass and not being on birth control”
Eddie’s arms are tight around him and he feels his lips against his temple as a laugh bubbles out of him.
“I think, it’s not just your fault here, Stevie”
~ ~ ~
Telling Eddie’s Uncle Wayne is a whole lot easier than telling his own dad.
Luckily his dad is too afraid of his mom to do anything to him and luckily Eddie’s uncle is a man of little words.
“You both made a mistake,” the older alpha told them, “everything will be okay, I’ll help you both”
And that’s that, from Wayne at least.
His dad, looks at the picture as if it personally offended him, then promptly decides to leave. He doesn’t even yell and doesn’t say all the things Steve isn’t supposed to know about his mom. He packs his stuff, saying “You’ll have everything you need, but I’m leaving”
And once he’s gone?
They technically celebrate. Even though his father just walked out on them all because his son is pregnant at sixteen. He doesn’t want to know how he would’ve reacted if he knew the baby’s father.
His mom is laughing and crying. She has a glass of wine, her hands are shaking. For once he can’t tell how she’s actually feeling. All he knows, her scent filling the room is an odd mix of happiness and sadness.
“Oh Steve, I didn’t-“ she looks sad, but somehow happy, “Baby, him leaving is a good thing. I’m just, overwhelmed. He was,” she shakes her head and grabs his hand to squeeze it, “he wasn’t nice, I should’ve known and should’ve left him a while ago, you’re the only good thing he’s even done to me. I’m sorry I allowed him to be so, so hurtful to you”
He’s going to blame the crying on that he’s pregnant. Even with how much he loves his mom, how much they get along- hearing her apology meant so much.
I hope everything seems in line, I’ve been going back and forth on my wording. Tbh it’s probably all over the place still. Anyway, yay Eddie didn’t freak out 🥳 well I mean, he did but he didn’t? Hahaha
Next time we’re going to school AND the CC boys make an appearance ❤️
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