#haha fuck
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loubella77 · 2 years ago
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shadowofthoughts · 18 days ago
You know we're in for it when Jack Fucking Barlowe is not dead yet.
My baby Liam is dead and Jack Barlowe is still breathing?? Someone we love is gonna die in the next book and Jack Barlowe is PROBABLY gonna still be alive.
How the fuck do you survive the fourth wing series?
Name yourself Jack Barlowe. That's how.
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tritemagicalsatire · 4 months ago
Always in the writing scene when the author themselves are drunk from the euphoria of having their words imprinted on a paper or screen. But the need of having their draft scanned over and over again for the final product is the real struggle here. The struggle to put one's words into something comprehensible, even to themselves FIRST, as its first audience of an intellectual freakshow—
Ah... The rules of the grammarian culture without sacrificing the childlike playing of random alphabet blabbering. And one's personal standard of literary utopia is waving, all after the random soliloquies whispering in one's mind as if they are asleep while writing/typing the words needed for the wordscapes recipe of an individual aspiration for having their illusions to be something material, and yet, ethereal.
The somnolent escape in the paper kingdom of mindless thoughts in order to have a mindful release to the letter collective! 😅🤣
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endlessfuckup · 2 months ago
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bunniii-ylr · 2 years ago
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Uhm, Here, Take This I Guess.
Idk, Man.
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mildarka · 7 months ago
bro what do you MEAN i could be already moved out
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cocobabyluv · 1 year ago
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ya-boi-haru · 11 months ago
"Its the last thing they could do"
"Just make sure they say good bye"
Ok, I've had theories about Icarus having to sacrifice themselves and somehow that'd help the WoldPort/Decay...
Like, sacrificing themselves is the last "good decision" they'll make to save everyone....
Now im scared to look more into it
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aae-tuu · 2 years ago
The Kikyo-Kagome Effect
In which you look like someone who he used to know
A Gojo Satoru (jjk) x platonic!gn!reader short fic
(readers appearance nor gender isn’t stated but there is mentions of them looking like someone else who’s gender is a girl so uh... Also slight spoilers for JJK season 2 but it’s not like explicitly stated what happened. Also also, probably some ooc gojo tehe)
You could feel it.
The way Gojo's eyes would always linger on you a few seconds more than they would linger on others, never in the romantic sense of course.
You were one of the four first years at Tokyo Jujutsu High, and along with Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara, worked towards perfecting your cursed technique.
But, there was always a question at the back of your mind.
Why doesn't Gojo Sensei like me?
It felt as if in a way he hated you, but at the same time didn't. Like he didn't want you around but wouldn't want you to leave either.
Whenever Itadori went to give him a high five or any sort of physical contact, Gojo accepted with open arms. Whenever you attempted any physical contact, Gojo would tense, his fun demeanor vanishing instantly and you'd be left wondering what you did wrong or if you had offended him in any way.
You'd hear stories about how fun Gojo is to go shopping with from Nobara and Itadori, but whenever it's just you and Gojo out, it's as if you have a suffocating helicopter parent.
One time, you had disappeared from his side to go look at a product at a store window. When he had found you he grabbed your shoulders, looking you over from head to toe, asking questions that ranged from "Who took you?" to "No shots?"
You didn't understand what he meant by that last question, but brushed it off as just Gojo Gojoing around.
It wasn't until he really scolded you for leaving his side, his voice and gaze uncharacteristically serious, that you had your suspicions that something else was going on with him. From then on, he's always make you hold onto his sleeve when out, or he'd hold onto yours.
That was one of the closest physical contacts he's granting you and it's only for when you two go out.
Another thing you noticed was he didn't like when you and Megumi hung out together. You didn't know why
He'd see you two talking and suddenly he has to whisk Megumi away for "something important" or if you two are sitting too close he'd either scoot you apart with his hands, or he'd just plop right in the middle of you both, doesn't matter how uncomfortable it is.
You could never understand why he acts like this around you. At first you thought he was just being protective over Megumi (who is basically his son), but the feeling in your gut said otherwise as you continued to observe his actions.
You try to be friendly, you really do, but he never gives you a chance to bond. He's always running off to annoy someone else and as much as you hate to think it, you wished he'd annoy you too.
You wanted a fun relationship with your teacher just like the other students. Someone who just wasn't a teacher but a friend as well. You wanted the inside jokes, the fun shopping trips, the physical affection, all of what the others have with Gojo, you craved as well.
But he wouldn't give it to you. No matter how much you begged for an ounce of your teachers attention, he simply couldn't look at you when you looked too much like her.
And those eyes bring back an unbearable pain that he refuses to go through again.
Even if it meant creating a barrier between him and his precious student...and watching you walk away, a disappointed look on your face, as he once again made sure only you wouldn't be one of the few who'd get past his walls. And he knew, deep down, even though she's gone and you're still alive, at this rate
he'd lose you too.
AN: i had to get this off my chest you guys because I like making Gojo suffer idc
Also let me know if this is ooc but honestly I just want that man to be sad
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goodluckclove · 6 months ago
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losing my fucking mind at this exchange. easily one of the most romantic things i think i've ever written. in accordance to my own views on romance.
one day i'll figure out how to explain how edgar and scott are simultaneously a romantic paring and a learning how to love the whole of yourself disguised as a romantic pairing. i don't know how to put it into words but i'll get there.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 1 year ago
Stories about you | {KaiGyu}
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Theme: Fluffy I think
Note: This ship is a little tricky because of their silly deaths but imma jus roll w/ it. Gyutaro and Daki did die same time, same place, Kaigaku became demon same time as well, not changing that shit which is going to make this tricky but yk-
Also THERE IS SO LITTLE KAIGYU ART 😭 atp i should just draw the less popular ships bc there's barely any art of them </3 
This is short, sorry, bit hard to write Kaigyu when there's so little to work on both of them being from diff times as demons.....
Kokushibo would tell Kaigaku about the Uppermoons sometimes, including the deceased ones. He would tell him all sorts of things and Kaigaku would hang onto every word in fascination. He never realized there was so much to know about demons besides that they killed. Like, how often the Uppermoon two and three often argued and how Upper five was constantly obsessed over his pots—though Upper four and five had recently died. He learned all about Uppermoon four's clones and how long each Upperranked demon had been in the 12 Kizuki. But most of all, he love hearing about Upper 6 and the two siblings. Specifically Gyutaro. Kokushibo had showed Kaigaku pictures of each Uppermoon and, for some reason, Kaigaku found himself rather attached to Gyutaro whom he took an interest on through Kokushibo's stories.
So, everytime after Kokushibo decided that their training sessions were done, Kaigaku would go up to him and ask for another story as if he was a child. They would sit down and Kokushibo would tell him another fact about the Uppermoons.
Eventually, Kaigaku grew more comfortable asking about Gyutaro. He was careful, of course, asking about the other Uppermoons as well. But he grew bored of them and started focusing more on Gyutaro to the point Kokushibo noticed and pointed it out.
"No! I'm just curious because he was the same rank as me and... uh... you know!" Kaigaku insisted, whining. 
Kokushibo cocked an eyebrow, giving him a sort of teasing look. "Could you be so invested in Gyutaro, though he's dead?" he asked. 
Kaigaku shook his head. "No, I'm not, I swear-!"
Kokushibo laughed. "Alright then. Let me tell you about the first time he and Daki were introduced into the Upperranks."
This continued ceaselessly and Kaigaku learned more than he ever would if the Uppermoons were alive about Gyutaro. It was so interesting and captivating and he found himself dreaming what it would be like if he'd been a demon at the same time Gyutaro had lived.
It was so wonderful to love someone—though the constant reminder that Gyutaro was dead was sad. Kaigaku couldn't help making up a sort of world in which Gyutaro and he could be together. There was no saying that Gyutaro would actually like me, rather Kaigaku almost appreciated the fact that the Uppermoon had died because he was pretty sure nobody would fall for a demon like Kaigaku. Nevertheless, Kaigaku fell into a daze, sometimes, and Kokushibo had caught him several times as he thought about Gyutaro.
"You're blushing again!" Kokushibo said, pointing to Kaigaku's flushed cheeks. 
"I'm... cold!" Kaigaku lied. 
"Demons aren't affected by the cold in the same way humans are, Kaigaku," Kokushibo said, sighing. "Do you like someone?"
Kaigaku shook his head rapidly. "Nope! No! Never!" 
Kokushibo shook his head. "Fine. But don't let me catch you unfocused again or I'm going to lock you out into the sun!"
Kaigaku crossed his arms. Well, if he died he'd be with Gyutaro, no? "Fine! I'll stop!" 
Needless to say, he was more careful. He mostly thought about the deceased demon during his free time instead of during his training. Which was for the better anyways. 
Kaigaku had been looking around in Kokushibo's house—a small one-story place in which Kokushibo lived in solidarity during the day time. There was one room Kokushibo had, where he'd said there were pictures of the Uppermoons. Kaigaku had been interested so he'd been permitted to go there.
In the room, he found the box Kokushibo had spoken of. There were a lot of pictures, a third of them being of Muzan, and the other two thirds of the Uppermoons. Including past ones, such as the ones that were before even Akaza had become a demon. Kaigaku even found one of himself in the box.
The ones of Gyutaro and Daki were cute, both siblings being so close to each other. Kaigaku traced Gyutaro's face, marveling at the way his hair framed him perfectly. 
"He's so pretty," he whispered.
Kokushibo entered the room. "Who is?"
"What?! Nothing!" Kaigaku quickly stuffed the picture into the box.
Kokushibo raised an eyebrow. "Sure."
"So, uhm... Why's there so many pictures of Master here?" Kaigaku asked, trying to change the subject.
"Oh! Uhm! You know! I've known him longest than anyone else," Kokushibo said, a bit too quickly to be the full truth. 
Kaigaku smirked. "Do you like him?"
"No! Well! Yes, but not the way you mean!" Kokushibo exclaimed. He snatched the box and closed it tightly. "Let's... let's go train now."
Kaigaku laughed. "Alright then."
(this is so sudden, I'm sorry-)
Kaigaku was dying. Fuck Zenitsu and his stupid new form. Fuck thunder breathing and the world!! Why the hell was he going to die?! Bet he was the first Uppermoon to die tonight. Stupid. Useless. Weak. 
And then he was gone.
It was black. 
Was this hell?
He looked around.
Step towards the light.
No, he didn't belong there.
Heaven was for people who did good. Kaigaku didn't belong amongst the good.
He turned away from it, though he ached with curiousity to see through.
He went further into the darkness. It seemed to grow darker with each second that past by.
And then he was there.
Was this hell?
He saw demons there too.
And then one.
His eyes focused on two demons. Previously Uppermoons. Upper 6.
Kaigaku stumbled forwards, a smile growing on his face.
Gyutaro. It was Gyutaro and Daki.
They turned to him.
Gyutaro smiled and Daki grinned.
Kaigaku moved forward, closer, until he was right in front of the two.
"Kaigaku..." Gyutaro murmured. "Nice to meet you, Kaigaku."
Hell... was going to be wonderful. 
{Word count: 1009}
also the second to last sentence I must explain :33
Gyutaro had seen Kaigaku from above, watching him, because Kaigaku had been wanting so badly to meet Gyutaro that he'd sensed it. So, he'd said "Kaigaku" because he already knew of him, and "nice to meet you" sort of a "I met you yet I know you already" kind of line?
i love writing sm
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evesmascarade · 2 years ago
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this is what i do to self-medicate when i should be studying — just look at them :,)
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fan-dweeb · 1 year ago
Keigo: I’m so fucking screwed
Also Keigo: This is fine *unhinged laughter*
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strawberrymothteeth · 1 year ago
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bunniii-ylr · 1 year ago
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I'm Totally So Normal About Her.
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ranchiksblog · 9 months ago
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