#hacker boat
luxuryboats · 2 years
The Luxury of Hacker Craft Boats
When it comes to boating, there is nothing quite like a Hacker Craft. These boats are the epitome of luxury and style, and they offer their owners a level of comfort and sophistication that few other brands can match. Hacker Craft boats are available in a variety of styles, including Sport, Sportabout, Runabout, Sterling, Racer, and Yacht models. No matter what your particular boating needs may be, there is sure to be a Hacker Craft that is perfect for you.
Hacker Craft boats are some of the most stylish and luxurious boats on the market today. If you are looking for a boat that will turn heads and make a statement, then a Hacker Craft is the perfect choice for you. These boats are handmade in America using only the finest materials and craftsmanship. hacker-craft.com guarantees that each and every boat that leaves their factory meets their high standards of quality and excellence.
No matter what type of boating you enjoy, Hacker Craft has a model that will suit your needs. If you like to fish, the Sport model is perfect for you. It comes equipped with all the amenities you need for a successful day on the water, including a livewell, fishfinder, and downriggers. If you prefer to spend your time cruising around the lake or river, then the Runabout or Sterling models might be more your speed. These boats are designed for comfort and relaxation, and they come with features like stereos, Bimini tops, and full canvas enclosures.
If you are looking for a truly unique experience, then consider purchasing a Hacker Craft Racer or Yacht model. These boats are designed for those who want the very best that money can buy. They come loaded with top-of-the-line features like custom paint jobs, stainless steel hardware, and premium upholstery. hacker-craft.com also offers a variety of customization options so that you can make your new boat truly one-of-a-kind.
There is no doubt about it; owning a Hacker Craft boat is an experience that few people ever get to enjoy. These boats are the epitome of luxury and style, and they offer their owners a level of comfort and sophistication that few other brands can match. If you are in the market for a new boat, then do yourself a favor and check out what Hacker Craft has to offer. You won't be disappointed!
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stiwfssr · 6 months
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I had to downgrade my graphics card and now, when I start Detroit: Become Human, I am oft greeted by this menu abomination formally known as Chloe.
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dustymansonotome · 2 years
Dusty Plays: Ladykiller in a Bind - The Hacker Ending
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royalarchivist · 4 months
[Fit and Pac use the boat trick to teleport together]
Fit: Oh, obrigado, thank you.
Quackity: Hackin', huh? Hackers? Y'all hacking, Fit?
Fit: [Hitting him] Hey, SHUT UP! HEY, SHUT UP, ASSHOLE!
Quackity: Y'all are hacking and sht? I'm gonna tell 'em, I'm gonna tell! I'm gonna tell! I'm telling, I'm tell— [Laughs]
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myseungsunglove · 1 year
The Master of Flirting | Bc
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Pairing: Chan  x Reader 
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, language
Word Count: 2k
Summary: The reader and Chan forge an unlikely connection and bond and venture into territory that is unfamiliar to both. 
A/N: This thought came to me while Chan was sending messages on bubble Sunday. I’m completely delulu. You can join me or not. Whatever floats your boat. I’m not picky. Inspiration hit, and I had to pump this out. Maybe there will be more. We’ll see. 
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Feedback Welcome
「© August 13, 2023 by mysweethannie」
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Sunday Bubble Messages from Chan.
Channie: I heard that supposedly I’m the master of flirting. 
Y/n: oh? Is that so? 
You knew how Bubble worked, but it was always fun when Chan got into these playful moods on Bubble. You couldn’t help but feel like you were having a conversation with him. 
The notification buzzes on your phone. You chuckle and open the app. 
Channie: makes no sense 
Y/n: Very few things in this life make sense, if we’re being honest. 
Channie: I don’t even know what flirting is. 
Y/n: me either, frankly. Can I get a dictionary definition please? It may help clear things up for both of us. 
The messages continue in the app, and you can’t help but chuckle at how adorable he is. He proceeds to tell STAYS they’re pretty and that that isn’t flirting, it’s just facts. He even goes as far as to remind everyone they’re perfect, and bless him he knows the right things to say to make anyone giggle like they are something special. Eventually the messages die down, and it makes you wish there would be a Chan’s room to look forward to. Damn do you miss those. 
You flip over to instagram and scroll through your fyp and some of the messages from your roommate spamming you with videos they found funny. Right before you’re about to return to your scrolling, you notice you have a request to receive a message. Your account is private, so it’s rare that anyone ever requests to message you. Everyone you want to have access to you there already has it. Curiosity wins over though and you click on the small request box. 
You stop dead in your tracks. 
gnabnahc wants to send you a message. 
This has to be a joke. Chan only started his account a couple weeks ago. It’s sad that he must’ve been hacked already. How does that even happen, you wonder to yourself. 
You can’t help but click on the message though, curiosity eating away at you. 
Bang Chan: flirting - as defined by the dictionary - to behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.
What the hell? You think to yourself. Wait. How would a hacker know what you said in Bubble. Better yet, how the hell would someone find your insta from Bubble?
Then you remember you use the same username and picture in both Bubble and Instagram. What. An. Idiot. You can’t help but think. 
You click accept on the message and open up the chat. There is more there and your mouth continues to gape as you read on. 
Bang Chan: Damn. That definition is kind of harsh. I’m not sure that clears anything up for me. Hahahahaha 
Okay. That’s definitely Chan. There is no way this is a coincidence. You think carefully before doing anything. You click on the profile and it takes you to Chan’s official instagram. These messages are coming from the account that he just started weeks ago. Your mind is racing at the thought. 
You hop back over to messages quickly. 
Y/username: to be fair, I think it accurately describes me. 😂😂 
You see his username pop up immediately as he starts to type. 
Bang Chan: You mean you actually flirt for amusement with no serious intentions? I’m wounded. *clutches chest dramatically* 
Y/username: Christopher. You can’t tell me you don’t do the same damn thing. Be honest. You’re delulu but not seriously that bad, right? 
Bang Chan: delulu? Whatever do you mean? 
Bang Chan: Okay, fine. I’m caught. But I do mean the things I say when I tell STAYS how proud I am of them. And how beautiful they are. And that I love them. 
Bang Chan: I guess flirting makes it feel a little less lonely sometimes. 
You’re surprised at the honesty coming from him. And you still can’t believe this conversation is happening. 
Y/username: In a crowded room, surrounded by people but still feel alone. 
Bang Chan: exactly. 
Y/username: why me? 
Bang Chan: what do you mean? 
Y/username: like how did you find me? Are you really Bang Chan? I have so many questions. *laughs nervously* 
Bang Chan: hmmm
Bang Chan: first, your username and picture are the same in Bubble and Insta. I kind of shot in the dark on that one. But even your quotes were the same, so I took a chance. I always see your replies in Bubble. You’re funny. And sometimes I feel like I’m just talking to you. And I wanted to actually talk to you for once. 
Y/username: Wow. I—
Bang Chan: second, I’ll prove this isn’t a joke. 
Immediately you get a bubble notification. Chan has sent another message. You open the app and it’s a selfie and a picture of him in the studio, clearly it’s current. He is sitting in the chair you’ve seen hundreds of times in the room that has become so familiar to STAYS. 
Shortly after that, your notification dings in instagram. 
Bang Chan: *video  sent* 
You watch the video.
“Hi!” Chan giggles on the screen. He is wearing the same clothes as the selfie he sent on Bubble and is sitting in the studio. 
“This is the craziest thing I’ve done in a long time,” he laughs nervously. “Maybe ever,” he amends, smiling so bright his eyes disappear into tiny slits. “I hope this is proof enough, yeah? Cause I really like talking to you and uh,” he laughs again, looking away from the camera for a moment. “And I’d really like to keep talking if that’s okay, yeah?” 
The video ends there. You sit staring at your phone, absolutely dumbfounded. You can’t believe this is happening to you. 
Y/username: okay. You’re really you. 
Bang Chan: I’m really me
Y/username: hullo *runs and hides in the corner*
Bang Chan: okay, you’re too cute. Don’t get shy now. You’re always the funniest responses in Bubble. This isn’t different. 
Y/username: okay, but to be fair I never in a million years thought you’d ever actually SEE my responses there. Even if it did feel like sometimes you were responding to me, I wasn’t about to think that was true or remotely possible. 
Bang Chan: well, think again? I guess? Because I definitely was gearing my conversations towards you on multiple occasions over the last few months when I sent messages. And honestly, I needed to actually talk to you because, well, I wanted you to know we were talking.No real way to do that on Bubble without it being weird and the company jumping on my ass, so now you know. 
Y/username: now I know. 
Bang Chan: so tell me about yourself. I know you’re the same age as me. I recall you live in the states. You’ve said that on Bubble a time or two. *smiles* You love rainy days. You melt when I sing, especially if I’m singing with Han or Seungmin. You’re a sucker for a good rap line. 
Y/username: you remember all that? Hell you saw all that? 
Bang Chan: told you I was paying attention. I’m nothing if not honest. 
Y/username: duly noted. Honesty is the best policy after all. 
Bang Chan: let’s see. You’re really beautiful. You said once you loved singing which I’m dying to hear. 
Y/username: correction: not beautiful. Just kind of exist. Also, trust me, I’m nothing compared to you guys in the vocal department. You don’t want to hear me. nope. no way. 
Bang Chan: don’t say that about yourself. Please. And can I please hear your voice? You’ve heard mine. It’s only fair. 
Y/username: *glares* 
Bang Chan: *sends picture* 
He is pouting at the camera, his eyes big and pleading and you can’t help but smile. 
Y/username: you’re kind of a little shit, you know that? 
Bang Chan: me? Never? *sends picture* 
This one he is smiling big, his eye disappearing he is smiling so big. 
Y/username: god. And you’re cute. Fine. 
Bang Chan: fine? do i win? 
Y/username: *sends video* You send a video of you singing a verse from “Iris” a Goo Goo Dolls song. 
“And I’d give up forever to touch you. 
Cause I know that you feel me somehow. 
You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be. 
And I don’t wanna go home right now. 
And all I can taste is this moment. 
And all I can breathe is your life. 
When sooner or later it’s over. 
I just don’t wanna miss you tonight.” 
Bang Chan: oh my god. That was fucking incredible. 
*sends video* 
“Seriously, y/n. Your voice is incredible.” He smiles brightly. “I really am blown away. Damn. I—…” he laughs, covering his face, his ears turning red. “I know this seems crazy, but I really wanna meet you, yeah? I just, feel this connection. I know this is crazy. God, what am I doing? Any chance you can come to KCon? I’d get you VIP tickets, hell, I’d pay for your flight at this point. And you could stay where we’re staying. Meet the boys, god, Chan, what are you doin?” 
The video ends there and you’re stunned. You can’t believe what just happened. Your mind is racing. 
*audio call from instagram Bang Chan is calling* 
You don’t know what you’re thinking when you hit accept. The little phone turns green. 
“Hullo? Y/n? Ya there?” Chan’s voice comes through your speaker and shakes you from your trance. 
“Yeah, I’m here. Hi,” you chuckle, your voice squeaking a bit. 
“Hi,” he responds and you can hear the smile in his voice. “I meant everything I said in that video. I know it’s crazy and I— well I had to say it. Take a chance.” 
“You meant it?” you asked, still unsure and in disbelief at the course of events over the last hour. 
“Every word,” he assures you. “In fact, I maybe already have the ticket and am currently looking at flights,” he admits. 
“Holy shit, Chan. Seriously?” 
“I know,” he laughs nervously. “I don’t know what’s getting into me.” 
“I like it, whatever it is,” you chuckle. “God, I just don’t want to massively disappoint you because that feels like that will happen. Since we’re being honest.” You pause. “We’re still doing that, right? The honesty thing?” you joke.
“We are. And you won’t be a disappointment. I don’t do things like this, so trust me when I say, I want to meet you. I  need to,” he sounds so vulnerable admitting that. “And I hope you want to come out to LA.” 
“I really do,” you admit. “So am I really doing this?” 
“Just say the word, and I’ll get everything arranged. And I mean everything, so don’t argue,” he says firmly. 
You can’t help but laugh. “Okay.” 
“Okay?” he asks tentatively. 
“Do your thang, Bang Chan,” you laugh. You don’t know what’s gotten into you either, but you’re gonna go with the punches at this point. This is absolutely the craziest and possibly the most reckless thing you’ve ever done, but hell it feels good. 
“Wow! Okay,” he laughs. “Okay! I need to get off here and arrange everything. I’ll call you back with all the details, yeah? I need your address for your airport pickup and to book the flight. I can take care of everything else. My manager will arrange for the hotel. God this is really happening.” 
“It would seem so,” you laugh. 
“This is crazy,” you say at the same time. Then you both laugh. 
“Okay, I gotta go finalize this because I’m not missing my chance to meet you. I’ll call back. God, I’m so excited. Talk soon, yeah?” 
“Yeah, talk soon. Bye Chan.” 
“Byeom darling.” 
He ends the call and you're stunned in silence once more. He called you darling. What on earth was happening!? The reality of the situation hits you head on. You’re going to LA. To see Bang fucking Chan. And to meet all of the Stray Kids. Holy shit. How was this your life? You jump up and immediately start making arrangements. You’re not sure how long you’ll be gone, but everything else can wait because opportunities like this never just happen and you’re not gonna let this one pass you by. 
Not on your life. KCon or bust! Look out LA because y/n is coming to town! 
| Pt. 2 - The Mystery of You >
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tuesday again 9/17/2024
come take this very very friendly little man out of my bathroom! he is fiv+ and we are in houston tx! i am willing to drive a couple hours for the right home! he is a good boy he's just orange! more details here!
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emily jeffri's DENY off my spotify recommended weekly playlist: i can only describe it as "throbbing". immediately attention grabbing lyrics:
What kind of lover does your mother want? I'll do whatever, oh but you could not
very distinctly indie electronica. this would be the song in a cyberpunk/80s hacker movie where the chase takes you through an goth/alt fashion show where the models are actively giving blood as they walk or something.
i love the spotify daily mix for me and my bestie bc there's a guaranteed four bluey songs on it and it's a nice jumpscare. i know my mental health is taking a turn for the worse when a lot of mother mother starts popping up, i know my bestie's is taking a turn for the worse when a lot of girl in red starts popping up. suicide-watch-level sapphic angst singer-songwriter, generally. except for this song! extremely fun! didn't even recognize it as her! DOING IT AGAIN BABY is a more traditional selling-you-a-dodge-charger car commercial song and it's such a startling departure from her usual work that i wonder if it was a commercial commission? hard to immediately find out tho
I'm on a new level Something's got me feelin' like I could be inflammable And I might be I'm gonna light it up Nothing's gonna stop me if I say this is what I want
i read twilight (yes that one) at the behest of my bestie and bc my mental health could not have gotten any worse in that moment. it has led to some uncomfortable realizations about my high school experience i will save for a therapist. i am mostly putting it here to remind myself that i read this book this year.
^ this is some silly goofy nonsense. not that i think people shouldn't be recognized at their retirement, but what happened to giving people nice watches instead of a thousand dollars in plaques
Saying that, the records did reveal something actually interesting: although the individual contract I sent a request related to was for a few thousand dollars, an attached blank purchase agreement (BPA) says that “the government estimates, but does not guarantee, that the volume of purchases through this BPA will be $360,000.00 over the term of the BPA.” So, a lot more than a few thousand bucks.
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Hang 'Em High (1968, dir. Post). certainly not clint's sluttiest role but really up there. i do wish he kept the fucked-out little rasp for the whole movie :(
When an innocent man barely survives a lynching, he returns as a lawman determined to bring the vigilantes to justice.
it has a typical bizarre shoehorned romance that (i think) deeply undercuts the theme it wants to explore, but there is no on-screen rape. the bar is on the FLOOR with westerns and yet i DNF so so so many.
hell of a whump film. literally everything happens to jed cooper. i will trumpet this again from the rooftops: that character needs cbt both ways.
HIGHWATER, a 2022 adventure/turn based strategy thing from Rogue Games, courtesy of Netflix Games, whose game library is a fucking nightmare to navigate on mobile.
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i loooove a water-based postapoc. the boat does in fact handle very poorly and like a horrible inflatable raft on mobile, which is both charming and frustrating.
i do not love a turn-based combat. despite the vibes off the charts, including a very well integrated "pirate radio" station as the game's soundtrack, i am not patient enough to muddle through complex turn-based combat. i'm sure someone had fun fighting off six guys and two bears (who aggro anyone and can one-hit anyone) and then a further three guys who show up for backup but i gave it the good old college try over two days and wasn't able to swing it. it would be nice to have either a difficulty setting or some way to spectate the ideal fight, but alas. a lot of fun environmental stuff in the fights you can use to your advantage, like the bears and these trees you can flatten your opponents with in a much earlier fight. there's a fun mix of different characters with different abilities and different weapons you pick up and keep during fights. i have no specific beef with this game's choice to make this the way you move through the game, it's just not my preferred genre.
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a lot of book and newspaper collectibles in this one that i feel of several minds about. it feels less like environmental storytelling through newspapers and just the devs telling me their opinion when they provide little book summaries like this. also i wish The Industry as a whole was more thoughtful about using the word "insurgent".
not a game for me, i have once again confirmed that i cannot tolerate a turn-based combat no matter how much seafaring postapoc you drench it in :(
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got a Phantom Menace era curtain panel for $4 at the thrift, and i was convinced it was fabric someone had made into a curtain panel until i got home and discovered it was an officially licensed product with bafflingly generous seams.
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it's about two-ish yards of a 50/50 cotton/poly blend, which i feel like i haven't seen in a while? i think the current fashion leans more 70/30 or 100 poly for curtains i've purchased. after i finish unpicking the seams and pinking it, i am going to throw it in the wash again with some vinegar and see if that softens it up any, or if it makes the transition between the wear lines on the seams and the body of the fabric any nicer.
thinking about what kind of dress to make that 1) shows off this extremely large scale pattern 2) does not look like i am wearing a paper bag, and 3) does not look like the late aughts craft trend of sewing a twin flat Star Wars sheet to a tube top and calling that a dress, bc that's how hard up we were for feminine merch. much to consider. maybe it Will be a maxi skirt with pockets and i can wear one of my seventy black tees on top?
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qsmpficsarchive · 7 months
Black Skies Changed Into Blue by SeriouslyCalamitous
Ongoing | T | 4,315
Slow Burn | Awkward Flirting | 2B!Fit | Fuga!Pac
Waiting there in the middle of the ocean, only a little ways off the coast, was a ship.
Not a boat – that distinction was incredibly important. No, this was a ship. A great hulk of metal and steam. It was held in place by a genuine anchor, casually rocking with the waves, rather than faltering beneath them.
It was huge, and powerful, and delusional, because who the fuck wasted that many precious materials on a flashy build in 2b2t? Did they want to be targeted by every hacker in a thousand block radius?
- or -
In an attempt to reconcile with the loss of his arm, Fit travels thousands of blocks away from the spawn of 2b2t. He is not prepared to stumble across a dimension-hopping cargo ship and its crew of strange individuals.
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takecareluv · 2 years
Hi! I had to recently cut off one of my childhood best friends because she was becoming toxic and I kept on getting hurt, but it really hurts because she really meant a lot to me. I was wondering if you could write a fluffy Vinnie imagine where he encourages the reader that she made the right choice and comforts her to get her through it. Thank you, I’m sorry that was so long.
a.n. hi!! i’m sorry it took so long for me to write this… just wanna say i’ve been in the same boat as you so i know how much it can suck to go thru a friend break up like this :/ but don’t be too hard on yourself . and please know even if you feel bad about it, you made the right decision. lots of love <33
bestie breakup || vinnie hacker x reader
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it had been a hard week for you. you never once expected that you’d eventually have to let go of one of your closest friends, someone who had been like a sister to you for majority of your adolescent years.
but yet here you were writing that long text out in the notes app of your phone.
after being hurt countless times by your best friend’s careless behavior, you finally came to the conclusion you had to let her go. it was an internal battle that took over your mind for months on end, leaving you unsure of what the right decision would be. but when you finally stepped back and realized the friendship was costing you your own happiness, you knew what had to be done; you had to do right by yourself and your mental health even if it hurt for the time being. and hurt it did.
vinnie could tell the whole thing had taken a toll on you. his usually cheery, happy-go-lucky girlfriend had barely left the house, let alone bed, all week.
you tried to hide it from him, but he heard every sniffle, and saw all the dried tears you attempted to wipe away before he entered the room. it broke his heart to see you so sad. he wanted to do whatever he could to get your mind off it all, even if it was just for a little bit.
vinnie got up extra early the next morning, wanting to go pick up some of your favorite goodies before you woke up and noticed he was gone.
first he stopped at target, purchasing your go to snacks and candies, along with a pint of ice cream, face masks to do later, a yummy smelling candle and a fuzzy teddy bear he knew you would love.
next stop on his list was your favorite local cafe where he ordered what you always described as the best latte in town and a toasted chocolate croissant, knowing it would put that smile on your face he missed so much.
once your drink was ready he carefully carried it to the car and made his journey back home to you.
by the time he pulled in the driveway and walked into your shared bedroom, you had just woken up. rubbing your eyes and rolling over to face him, you reached out for your beloved boyfriend. “where did you go?” you questioned while pouting, “missed you when i woke up.”
“sorry baby, went to pick up breakfast for you.” vinnie explained as he revealed the iced latte in one hand, made just the way you like it, along with the warm croissant in his other. handing you both, he then began emptying the target bag of treats. “i also got you some of your favorite snacks, ice cream, and face masks we can do later. i thought we could spend all day in bed and watch your favorite movies,” he smiled at you in hopes you would like the idea.
“vin, you didn’t have to do all this.” you cooed, starting to get emotional over how sweet your boyfriend was.
“of course i did, love. i hate seeing you so sad over y/f/n so i wanted to do whatever i could to cheer you up today. miss seeing that pretty smile of yours.” he said while cuddling up to your side and placing a quick kiss to your forehead.
after a few moments of silence, he began to speak again. “you made the right decision, you know. don’t feel bad for doing what was right for you. you deserve to be happy and y/f/n was awful to you at the end. it wouldn’t have been fair to yourself if you stayed around just because you’d been friends for so long. i know it hurts now but trust me, you’ll thank yourself in the future.”
you hadn’t even noticed you began crying until vinnie used his thumb to wipe the salty tears from your cheeks.
“thank you, vin. for always being here, and being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for,” you whispered.
“it’s what you deserve, baby. you deserve the best of everything, i hope you know that.”
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tns-ts4 · 1 year
#06 - PIRATE | BOBAWEEN 2023
Hi everyone !
There is my contribution for the day 6 of the @bobatrait's Bobaween 2023 !
As a French person, "Pirate" also mean "Hacker". So I took this idea and was very inspired by the old overlay of the supercompter of Code Lyoko to do a Wireframe Flying Boat.
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Character made in The Sims 4. Blue Shining effect, light in eye, boat and matrix effect made in Blender.
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CC USED (Thanks to all the CC creators !) :
• Cyberpunk Jaw and Cyberpunk details by @nataliaauditore-blog
• Nails by @nataliaauditore-blog
• Lips (makeup) by @ddarkstonee
• Green Robot Eye by JigglySimmer
• Light Scars by @helgatisha
• Moustache by @veigasims
• Tattoos by @savagesimbaby
• Hair by @goamazons
• Black Face Scar by @moonpresence
• 2nd Black Face Scar by @chocobunsims
• Eyeliner by @remussirion
• Gray Skull Facepaint (Mirrored by me) by @evilquinzel
• Eyeshadow by @pralinesims
• Eyepatch by @pralinesims
• Top, Bottom & Shoes by @aniraklova and @crazy-lazy-elder-sims
• Skull Chain Necklace by @aniraklova
• Trihorn by EA (Recolored by me)
• Arm by @nataliaauditore-blog
• Fishnet top by @wistfulpoltergeist
• Earrings by @pralinesims
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copperbadge · 2 years
A while back Taylor Swift’s Twitter and Instagram were hacked, and the hackers claimed to have nudes, but only ever managed to release a series of private messages that were mostly, apparently, puns about whales. 
I keep thinking about writing a Shivadhverse short story where Noah’s photos get hacked, which is of course still violating and upsetting, but they keep threatening to post his camera roll and while Palace communications are up in arms about it, Noah’s just like “publish and be damned.” 
So they do, and it turns out Noah’s camera roll is super wholesome. It’s mostly selfies, pictures of his friends on the Maritime Academy’s boat, and video clips of his family being silly. Like, the most salacious things on there are videos of a) Michaelis and Jes dancing together in the kitchen of the fishing lodge and b) the king consort telling His Majesty a stupid joke that makes him snortlaugh. 
I can’t quite find the hook for the actual plot of the story, like why would a hacker release your whole camera roll if there was nothing particularly salacious in it, but every time I look at my camera roll -- which is 99% cats and 1% food -- I turn it over in my head a little more. 
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ryoga, shion, yuto, (maybe even hancho), what was your first reaction upon meeting kenta? kenta, what was your reaction when you met the rest of goku luck?
ps, ryoga, why are you barking in every other song?
- anonypoodle
Ryoga: "he looked like a scrap of a kid. it made sense when he started boasting about being a genius hacker or whatever, because there's no way he can throw a punch or something.
p.s. none of your business.
Shion: "i almost thought he was lying when he started talking about computers and stuff. but then i snuck out one time and the security camera lights were off. then i was like, 'ah, he isn't that bad'."
Yuto: "Well, it was him and Kaida-kun who helped me out that first time and explained to me the battles called 'Prison Rap'. Later on I realized how prickly Mikoshiba-kun was, but I don't think he's quite as reserved as he wants to be."
Kenta: "ryoga and shion are alright. not like we're in the same boat, but they've got their own shit to deal with or whatever. that piece of litter that calls himself a prison guard, he can stuff his words in his throat and choke on them."
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luxuryboats · 2 years
Experience the Ultimate in Luxury Boating with Hacker Boat
Are you looking for the ultimate luxury boating experience? Look no further than Hacker Boat. Offering a wide range of sport, runabout, and yacht boat models, Hacker Boat has something for everyone. From weekend warriors to seasoned sailors, this is the perfect boat for your next adventure. Let's take a closer look at why Hacker Boat is the best on the market.
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Sport Boats
For those who want to go fast and look good doing it, Hacker Boat has a wide variety of sport boats to choose from. Whether you’re looking for an open bow or closed bow, each model offers superior performance and style that will turn heads on any lake or river. With luxurious seating options and plenty of room for friends and family, you’ll enjoy every moment spent out on the water.
Runabout Boats Hacker Boat also offers several runabout models that are perfect for day trips or extended outings. These boats feature classic designs with modern amenities like comfortable seating, sleek styling, and plenty of storage space. With these boats you can cruise in style without sacrificing performance—ideal for those who want to get away from it all.
Yachts   Finally, if you’re looking for a more luxurious experience on the water, Hacker Boat also offers yachts ranging from 30-90 feet in length. These boats feature high-end finishes and amenities like full kitchens, spacious cabins, built-in entertainment systems, and more—perfect for an unforgettable outing with family or friends. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a weeklong trip along the coast, these yachts provide all the comforts of home while still offering performance out on the water.
No matter what kind of boating experience you're looking for—from weekend trips with family to extended cruises down the coast—you'll find it at Hacker Boat. Offering everything from sport boats to luxurious yachts, there's something here to suit your needs and budget. So if you're ready to experience the ultimate in luxury boating, come explore all that Hacker has to offer today!
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lastlycoris · 1 month
She had made a scene yesterday, demanding her patient be taken to see a psychiatrist immediately so that something could be done with his med list. And her complaints went all the way up to the board that day. She even threw the big words in there - malpractice, incompetence, and lawsuits - and also demanded that Katherine and Matthew be sacked for their role in this debacle.
The board promised changes, but they stated they needed time on their end. Just a week to get everything in order - to investigate and do things right. President Berkley even looked at her straight in the eyes (okay, it was through Zoom but still) and gave her his word, even telling the rest of the board that Katherine and Matthew were suspended without pay until further notice.
Only with that action and the guarantee that a psychiatrist will see her patient tomorrow was she finally placated.
The next morning, she went to work as usual. Logged onto her computer in the office and still found that the EMR was down since yesterday. She had to wait till the secretary got here so she could learn her schedule.
...That's when Katherine barged into her office with a trio of prison guards in tow.
"There she is, she deleted all the electronic medical records. A hacker! A Chinese hacker! Detain her!" Katherine screeched shrilly and with no small amount of glee on her face. "Detain her!"
She felt her cheek bruise as she was slammed onto her office desk, arms locked behind her back. Even as she heard the click of handcuffs, she still couldn't react to what was happening. It felt like her brain was going a mile a minute but nothing below was responding.
Confusion. Shock. Fear. Indignation.
She felt them one at a time and all at once. Everything was happening so fast - and she could already feel herself being pulled up from the chair - and she could see Katherine's mouth move but she couldn't hear the words. Everything was wrong - and maybe this was all multiverse-snack-induced delirium - and she was still dreaming and it would be alright when she woke u-
And the next moment, all those negative feelings were pushed away as if caught in a wave - and all she could feel is a coolness in her head and heart.
As everything became crystal clear.
As the dots connected.
The electronic medical records (EMR) being down since yesterday.
The board asking her to hold off on acting.
Katherine accusing her of hacking the EMR now.
She was the scapegoat.
Everything in the prison's EMR was probably going to be deleted, if it hadn't been already. Because the Board and these two incompetent providers were in the same boat. This degree of malpractice couldn't have gone on for years without someone covering for them, and the people covering for them was the board.
Why? Because the millions of dollars not going to a felon's healthcare are silently getting pocketed instead.
Who were the felons going to complain to? The social media they couldn't access? Ha. Would they even realize something was wrong with their care? Never. Because most people trusted the words of someone who posed as a doctor - much less two pretenders working together.
And then there she was - about to expose their little game. Instead of them pocketing millions of dollars of government money, she was putting everyone involved at the risk of being jailed and of course sued for maybe ten to a hundred times that amount.
And she had been too blind, too trusting of the system to see it.
...She thought she heard something crack in that very moment, like glass dropped onto concrete. It was brief. She wasn't really sure what. Maybe it was all in her head.
Maybe it was something important.
But it definitely didn't feel important anymore.
"-and I caught you in the act, bitch. Trying to destroy this prison from within. You'll be going to jail for a very long time," Katherine crowed, hopping up and down like a overzealous monkey. "How does it feel to go to fancy medical school and havi-"
It's a bit funny really.
How could someone so incompetent ruin her life this badly? To the point where she probably will be going to prison for a long time for this.
It's actually... kinda comical.
"...What's... so funny?" Katherine's face looks confused, even scared - clearly not getting what she was expecting. That woman's fear was quickly replaced with rage - she'd try to cover her embarrassment too if she was scared of someone held onto by three guards while being handcuffed. "What's so funny?! STOP LAUGHING."
She obliged her for a moment, not even bothering to hide her disdain anymore.
"I realized that if you actually put even a tenth of the time and energy you spent scheming into studying medicine instead, we probably wouldn't be here right now."
Confusion furrowed Katherine's brows again as the woman tried to process her insult. But she didn't give her a chance though.
"But now Florence Nightingale must be rolling in her grave" she continued on, "You know - the Nightingale Pledge, the oath you swore as a nurse to put your patients first?"
She clicked her tongue.
"Tch. Can't even keep a promise as simple as that," she eyed Katherine's ring finger, "Looks like that wedding band's must be for show. Bet you enjoy cheating on your husband. Already broke one oath, what's one more?" She laughed.
"Pot's already broken, am I right?" she added as Katherine fumed in place.
"That's not true!" Katherine stomped, "Don't speak nons-"
"I bet it's Matt. Like attracts like," she continued on, "A perfect match. Two of the most incompetent people I've ever had the misfortune o-"
"Shut up! You hacked and deleted everything from the system, and you'll-
"-f meeting. That picture of the kid on your desk, is he really an Ashcroft or is he a Matthew Gre-"
"-definitely go to jail for a long time. And-and-"
"-eene. Or." she gasped dramatically, even as Katherine charged over with a raised arm, "Maybe it's one of these guys holding onto m-"
Katherine drew a hand back, inches away from her.
"Shut the fuck up!"
Katherine swung.
Just as she turned her face towards the woman's hand.
Katherine yanked her bitten hand back as hard as she could and stumbling ass-first onto the floor.
Oh. That asshole's face was almost tolerable now.
All she could see was fear in the other woman's eyes, like prey animal trying to keep a predator in view. The bleeding hand was buried into the woman's shirt, soiling it a deep red. Kat's mouth sputtered -
Oh did she look like that when Kat barged in moments ago with the guards? Wow, hope she didn't look as pathetic back then as Kat did now.
Still, seeing Kat so distraught made the pain of taking a slap with her face worth it.
Just like how she predicted things would happen, starting from her first insult.
She spat out the chunk of flesh still in her mouth onto the floor.
"You can have it back. Don't wanna catch whatever made you so stupid," she said seriously. Kat meanwhile fixated on the chunk of flesh onto the ground.
Yeah, it's pretty big. Almost the size of a quarter.
Oh that's cute.
Kat's hyperventilating. Aaaand the young gal's gone and unloaded her bowels. Oh dear. Code Brown. Guess that's what happens when one plays stupid games and wins prizes far more than they bargained for.
"Hey. Can one of you guys wipe my face? I don't want to go to my new accommodations looking like a serial killer. I promise I won't bite," she asked, but she faltered upon seeing the stoic, cautious expressions on the guard's faces, " Ahh, I guess that's a no? Alright, fine. Take me away then."
The guards actually listened to her then, guiding her roughly towards the door. Now that's funny. It almost seems like she made herself the leader by taking Kat down. Sadly, she doubted they'd let her go though.
Oh wait. Time to finish up.
"Sorry, guys. Just need a quick moment," she said halfway through the door and turned back towards Kat.
Insult to injury.
"Oh hey. Hey, Kat," she not-whispered playfully.
The woman turned despite clearly not wanting to, sobbing.
"Hope you like taking antiretrovirals for life."
The guards didn't seem to understand what she said, but from the way Kat's eyes widened, a woman who worked in the field of medicine, Kat definitely understood what she implied.
Ignoring the stammering Kat, she turned away from what was once her office.
No way back now.
There is only forward.
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
ISRAEL REALTIME - erev Shabbat parshat Chaya Sarah ✡️
"Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
🔻NORTHERN ALERT… 12:08.   Residents in Raon, Avivim and Dobb are asked to stay near a protected area.
▪️HOSTAGES… Oren Goldin, a father of two young children, who was believed to be kidnapped by Hamas, was just declared dead.  The delay?  Bodies are still being found, and others badly damaged still being identified.  May Hashem avenge his blood.
▪️ISRAELI HACKERS TAKE DOWN INTERNET IN YEMEN… Multiple reports this morning that the internet was down in Yemen.  The Red Evils - Israeli black-hat hacking team: “We managed to bring down the entire internet throughout the country of Yemen and disconnected over 10 million people from the internet. We managed to hack the primary Yemen communication provider and take info on hundreds of thousands of users. The next blow is tougher.  We will continue to act and together we will win.”
▪️IDF IN GAZA… IDF D-9 bulldozers have reached the outskirts of Shifa Hospital.  Israeli tanks are encircling Shifa hospital and Israel is demanding the evacuation of the hospital, to which the director says ‘will not leave’.
▪️IDF NAVY… enemy channels: 18 fishing boats were destroyed in the attack on the marina in Khan Yunis.
▪️LEBANON ACTIVITY… Reports of anti-tank fire at a military position on the northern border.  Lebanese channels: Israel is attacking in the area of Meiss Ej Jabal in southern Lebanon.
▪️HAMAS SAYS… The official channels of Hamas, especially that of the military branch, tell lies about dozens of weapons that they destroy for the IDF every day. These lies are echoed by Arab media outlets that support Hamas (as well as other major ones) and create a different picture for their consumers.  Senior Hamas officials also claim in interviews with the media that the IDF has not advanced at all since the ground entry, but only occupied "soft areas" that have no military significance. The photos of the Israeli tanks in the Netzer neighborhood this morning and near A-Ranteesi Hospital are shaking Gazans on social networks.
▪️EILAT - IRANIAN BLOGGER SAYS… An Iranian blogger who specializes in the military of the Shia axis:  The suicide drone that fell yesterday in the city of Eilat is the Shahad 101 long distance UAV made in Iran.  This UAV could have arrived in Eilat from either Iraq, Yemen or Syria.
▪️IDF OFFERS BOUNTIES… flyers are being shared with the IDF offering bounties for information, particularly for locations of Hamas leadership and hostage info.  Sources in the Arab media and indicate the cooperation of thousands of Gazans with the IDF in handing over locations of Hamas forces, locations of tunnels and IDF warehouses and launch sites.  The sources report that, most of the information transmitters do not demand money but safe passage for them and their families.
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thornsamigurumi · 2 months
spop saturday
the prompt for this week was WIP it good, so here are my fav WIPs, including, for the bonus points, 1 that hasn't updated for 6 months or more :P
cougar by mxsinshine and raptorred - Catra is 38, single, and forced to mingle. She meets Adora but will she take a chance and open her life and heart to the young woman? Join them in this modern day romantic dramedy and watch these two navigate missed generational references, different life experiences, and the joys of parenthood. On Ao3 now. Rated E for mature audiences, viewer discretion is advised (you may laugh out loud, or at least we hope).
- love this, its amazing and i hope it gets more eventually :)
ice breakers (and history makers) by inbrightmoon - after a disaster debut into the competitive figure skating world, Adora’s lost her confidence, reputation, and most importantly, her passion. Adora is taking multiple steps to get it back, but when she realises she has to compete against her former teammate, Catra, Adora finds herself wondering whether her passion ever was ever really in skating at all.
-only one more chapter to go (unless the brainrot spreads XD) and its been a fantastic ride :)
polar night/midnight sun - by @lisra-writes - It's been almost a year since Adora left everything behind to take over a lonely house and a fishing boat in the north of Norway. It's not going very well. Suddenly, someone from the past makes her an offer, to help a young woman in deep trouble.
-can't wait to see where this goes, the girls both have issues to work through and the feelings starting to grow are gonna complicate their relationship as therapist and client
slipstream by @n7punk - Catra crashed and burned so hard in high school she’s pretty sure her old friends think she’s dead from how much of a ghost she is online and she’d like to keep it that way. Cybersecurity is only her day job, and though she convinced Entrapta that they should minimize the law-breaking to avoid getting caught, after Entrapta taught her everything she knew, Catra also started feeling the pull to commit those little breaches online that are technically felonies, but people should design their sites better if they want to keep her out. At least, that’s how she feels until she sees something she shouldn’t have and she’s forced back in connection with the high school “friend” she wants to see the least. She’s happy with Entrapta. She doesn’t need settled down straight girls and malicious hackers ruining her new life, but she can’t leave Adora vulnerable either when she’s so close to the scene of the crime with a kid in the picture that Catra has to make sure is safe. If the Feds ever do catch her, this should count towards community service. (The messiest hacker AU ever conceived, and also the single mom!Adora AU)
-i am loving this! hacker catra/entrapta is great and watching catra navigate her QPR with Entrapta while working through her feelings for Adora has been a blast. my favorite thing may be seeing catra's interactions with Adora's kid
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museofvoid · 4 months
started reading a new book today that I got for my birthday, some crime thriller which isn't really my thing but I'm giving it a try, and I'm only like 15 pages in and it has already thrown me for several curveballs. not even related to the murder!!
first a teenage girl is introduced, she's at her parents midsummer celebration and is having an awful time. relatable I like her. then it's revealed she's a very obnoxious vegan and because some of the food served is meat she posts on her instagram about how 'midsummer is murder!' (haha get it cause people are gonna die) so I instantly like her less but she's a teen whatever. then to pass the time she facetimes a boy who likes her, but she laments to herself about how he's nice but she doesn't like him back and that she might be asexual (hello??! who knew swedish crime authors knew about asexuality!!) so that makes her slightly cooler.
then people show up on a boat with guns and teen girl jumps into the lake to hide while her parents and everyone else are getting murdered. but her shades miraculously stay on. nice 👌
now main character gets introduced, woman author, former cop, who's gotten the task of writing the next book in the millennium series (you know girl with the dragon tattoo actual real life series) because the original author doesn't want to write more books?? she'd thought about this and the impact it would have on her life. she'd probably make a lot of money that she doesn't know what to do with, she doesn't really need or want a swimming pool... she still decides to write the book just to show the haters that she can!
lisbeth salander (character in millennium series) is a hacker though, and this woman doesn't know anything about hacking. to help her with this the publisher finds an actual hacker to help her. hacker has gender neutral name, is it a man or a woman? she asks. idk I never met them, publisher says, just meet them at this café they know what you look like.
she goes to the café, and soon what she assumes is a guy sits down in front of her. he's the hacker, or "cracker" as he calls himself. she notes that he's in his late twenties, about 20 years younger than her, has long black hair, pale, frail looking skin, and blue eyes. he looks like a metalhead but he's wearing a t-shirt with skalman (swedish cartoon turtle) on it. skalman? she asks. yeah he's my idol, the hacker says.
they talk about hacking and author lady gets some useful information for her book, while he also comments that he read one of her previous books and it was shit, but so is everything so whatever. she's a little hurt by this. afterward the have a smoke together outside. you wanna have sex? hacker guy asks. you're aware of the age difference right? authir responds, despite feeling somewhat aroused at the mention of sex. she hasn't slept with anyone in over a year you see. yeah, so? hacker says. what's the issue? that i won't become a father?
she contemplates this. let's not decide now, perhaps we could have a glass of wine and see where things go first, she says, intrigued by this strange guy.
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