#gwendolyn hollow
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pmatga · 2 years ago
Just found your blog and I really like it ❤️ so if it's not too much trouble more head cannons about your OC please
you didn't specify which oc you meant so fuck it. you get Multiple
blair spellman
idk if i've ever mentioned it before (i probably have and i just forgot lol) but she has fire powers like her dad! they aren't as strong as his are though bc she's still alive and fleshy and made up of water. she really doesn't use her powers for anything more than lighting a cigarette when she can't find her lighter, however; that's bc she can't control them all that well. like she's not accidentally setting shit on fire left and right (not since puberty at least), but if she has a great emotional outburst (especially an angry outburst), Bad Shit might happen. thankfully blair didn't really inherit their father's temper so Bad Shit doesn't really happen all that often. don't get me wrong, they Do have issues with anger but that's more due to trauma than anything related to bets (plus she deals with her anger issues in a different, yet still unhealthy way)
is the type to wear axe body spray in lieu of Actually showering because "it’s basically the same thing, right?"
prefers nightclubs to house parties.
another thing that i don't remember if i've ever mentioned before: they were on the track team back in high school. their coach once told them that if they worked hard enough, they could really go places (funny how that worked out). she's not nearly as good of a runner than she used to be, but she can still, say, outrun a swarm of ghosts if she tries hard enough (adrenaline is crazy man)
their last name, spellman, is a surname they decided for themself. and even after reconnecting with their mom's side of their bio family, they still keep their last name as spellman. it's Important to them.
has little to no social media presence. like they have accounts but they never post, they mostly just lurk
she accidentally burned down the last place she worked at (a 7/11). an argument between her and a coworker got heated (pun only slightly intended) and…well. i'm sure you can guess. thankfully no else aside from blair & her coworker were there and they got out more or less fine, so she didn't kill or seriously injure anyone (and she's lucky she didn't). and bc they could never really prove it was her---everything pointed to an electrical fire, even if they could never figure out how the fire got started so quickly nor why it didn't spread beyond the store---she never got in trouble for it nor did she have to pay for it. it scared the shit out of her though, and ever since she tends to stay away from the vicinity.
robert jadeite
if he were in the show, there'd be a running joke abt him having Just So Many shitty jobs. does he just quit/get fired a lot, or does he actually have 15+ jobs? we will never know. for example: waiter, late night gas station attendant, cashier at pacmart (walmart), working the drive-thru at pacdonalds (mcdonalds), pacbucks barista (or maybe starpacs? idk), the guy at a water park who tells you when you can go down the slide, etc. he has so many jobs and he hates every single one of them.
has a semi-popular youtube (pactube?) channel. all his videos are either "sitting in my car or on my kitchen/bathroom floor" style rant vids or 1-3 hour long vids on a hyperfixation-induced rabbit hole he'd gone down.
prefers house parties to nightclubs.
has pretty bad insomnia. he's lucky if he gets 4-5 hours of sleep a night.
he's a college dropout (mental health reasons + mid-semester identity crisis) and was majoring in marketing prior to that. he currently doesn't know what he wants to do with his life and doesn't like thinking abt it bc thinking abt the future scares him.
orbitalia spheros
she’s betrayus & stratos’ half-sister and her bio dad is japanese (or pac-japanese? since tokyo is called pac-tokyo). she didn't meet her bio dad until later in life, as rotunda never told him abt orbitalia's existence. things were shaky between the two of them at first (orbie & her dad i mean) but they're more or less alright now
sunny and orbitalia were best friends back in high school. they drifted apart some in college but they were still very close. orbie & zac were Also friends but weren't As close as she and sunny were.
she Does Not have a good relationship with either of her brothers; she's never really been close with either of them tbh. it's mostly why she almost never comes down to pacopolis except to pick up elliptica whenever she visits.
has made a few attempts to get back into the dating scene over the years, but each and every time these relationships end up dissolving bc her heart's just...not into it (and also bc well. never receiving closure on whatever happened to her husband kinda makes it hard for her to properly grieve which makes it hard to Actually move on). she's still friends with most of her exes though.
akahiro murasaki
was Not A Fan of his in-laws. this is mostly for two reasons: 1.) if there is one thing that both of the spheros brothers are equally good at, it’s at testing the patience of everyone forced by social convention to interact with them, and 2.) orbitalia told akahiro Some Really Concerning Shit abt growing up with rotunda as a mother and stratos & betrayus as brothers. y'know that thing where you're telling someone what you think is a funny story only for them to look at you in horror bc it was actually traumatic? yeah. so while he was willing to be civil for orbitalia's (and later elliptica's) sake, he didn't really go out of his way to be overly friendly to them.
is a transhet man (he/him), he & orbitalia were t4t
liked wearing boots with slight heels (much like his brother-in-laws ironically enough). not really so he'd seem taller (he was 5'9" and was perfectly content with that) but bc they looked good and that's it
was quietly self-confident. he looked good, he was good at what he did, he knew it, and he didn't necessarily feel the need to flaunt it (those kind of ppl annoyed the hell out of him tbh).
that being said he Did have some insecurities, mostly abt whether or not he was actually a good husband and (later on) a good father. as i've said before, he wasn't the most emotionally demonstrative person in the world and he worried abt whether or not orbitalia & elliptica knew that he loved them. orbitalia did (even if she did occasionally have her doubts bc anxiety be like that) and elliptica did too (at the time, at least. nowadays elli's not entirely sure)
gwendolyn hollow
her voiceclaim is sally from the nightmare before christmas
you know how i once mentioned that she uses secret tape recorders to record things? yeah. she does that so 1.) she doesn't have to just rely on her poor memory, 2.) she can decipher anything she doesn't understand later, and 3.) as a sort of audio diary.
is an appreciator of small things, like buttons and strings of ribbon, rocks, animal bones, and such. sometimes she will stare at little things that interest her for so long that griffin or even the good doctor pacenstein himself have to tell her to “move along, girl.”
slightly related to the above hc: pacenstein & griffin call her "girl" a lot. keep in mind she's at least 20 years old.
her middle name, elizabeth, is derived from pacenstein's ex-fiancée elizabeth from way back in the 1800s. and yes it's fucking weird that a.) griffin let his great+ uncle name his first and only child and b.) pacenstein named his grand niece after his ex. like sure it's just her middle name but still. weird shit.
isn't allowed to interact or even show her face to any visitors to pacenstein manor. this is bc the last time she interacted with a visitor (it was literally just to take their coat), they took one look at her, got freaked out, and made an excuse to leave. she was never really told Why but was led to believe it was bc she resembles her great-uncle. it's not.
genuinely doesn't know Jack Shit abt almost anything that's happened outside the castle and what little she Has learned has been history from like...200 years ago, so nothing recent. a whole fucking WAR happened within her lifetime and she's completely unaware of any of it.
griffin hollow
as the caretaker of pacenstein manor and the only one who can/is allowed to leave the castle, he’s usually the one who takes care of dr. pacenstein’s personal affairs---gathering supplies and equipment for them both (yes sometimes this includes Literal Graverobbing), arranging meetings with potential clients, and finding out any recent developments in pacworld (never hurts to keep informed!).
is really fucking cowardly and tends to bend towards dr. pacenstein's will, especially where gwen is concerned. he is Far Too Willing to throw her under the bus if it means getting his great+ uncle's approval.
much like his great-uncle (and much like most of his contemporaries tbh), he believes that his intelligence is far superior to most people’s and that others should be grateful to bask in his presence. unlike his great-uncle (and most of his contemporaries), however, he also knows that this isn’t a stance that endears him to others, so he usually shuts up abt it.
he doesn't express anger in the traditional sense. like he won’t yell (most of the time), get physically violent (again most of the time), or even directly tell someone he’s angry. instead, he chooses to express anger by doing this…passive-aggressive, just downright weird shit whenever he's mad abt something. like "accidentally" locking someone in a room/out of the house, hiding things (usually sentimental possessions or necessary items like keys), turning off the heating/air conditioner with no warning, etc..
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shortandpsycho · 11 months ago
Gwendolyn Bouchard is SO Tabitha Scarlet coded it’s unreal
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nerdykorgi · 1 month ago
good evenin wittefandom, still alive i hope lol?
anyways here some food for you guys. (Refs of Caleb and Evelyn, i still have to fix Philips o<-<)
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Completely free to use but was basically based on as accurate as i could... basically assume. I took some creative liberties as well ut you know, like how I gave Eve heterochromia because there is actually a good chance her eyes arnt golden like eda's (take lillith's or Gwendolyn's for say) We dont even know if her hair is actually red or not it could be brown but that disturbs me for some reason lol ive just imagined her with red hair for sooo long
But heres some headcanon ones for fun!!
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Creature Feature Core. Had fun just messing around with ideas. I redesigned dove logo on the rebus box and made into like a family crest.
Other things to note:
I hc that she is an avid "beastkeeper" esque witch and wanted to study the mysterious fauna of the fabled human realm, so she created her own portal to it.
I dont know who came up with this idea but I liked the idea of her being half demon or demon-like.
I think shes really good at illusion magic, in S2E1 Masha talks of how she gave Caleb "visions" of a starge world, so perhaps she teased him with illusions of the isles before actually taking him there. I also think Illusions combined with beastkeeping could equal shapeshifting?? idk maybe im reaching but I LOVE shapeshifter characters so maybe im biased...
The feathers in her skirt are cardinal, bluejay, and goldfinch hehe... and the one in her hair is a barn owl feather and its supposed to represent Caleb <3
Lastly I forgot to change this but I like how each witch almost has a certain color for their magic, even if its not for a specific type. I like to think hers would be a magenta-red color, like the fire magic she was using in one of the Hollow Mind portraits.
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Mr. Haunting The Narrative himself :D
Stupid idiot, I love him lol. I also played alot with the CSP brushes lol.
Anyways, the jewlery he has, like the cross and the rings were both from his parents that he kept and no i was not aware that puritans actually DO NOT like using the cross so lets just say he kept it hidden.
He is missing his left ring finger because he had a lot of oopsies while carving in the beginning, hes gotten really good at it though.
He is tired as hell but keeps on trucking on lol
I also rolled down his sleeves because what if he had those cool ruffle sleeves. (yes i know they were poor, shush its cool :,) )
Lastly, the feather in his hair is red-tailed hawk feather and it reminds him of his witch wife.
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Yapping on last time- I wanted to give him a more creative design. I mean some cardinals ARE yellow after all... I like how Flap's crest is stuck perked throughout the show so techinically he's just chronically pissed off because correct me if im wrong they mostly have their crest up to either show off to mates or be agrresive little shits. Anyways, he is their son, you cant tell me otherwise.
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gryficowa · 2 years ago
It seems to me that they are both his distant grandchildren, they may not even know that they are from a similar geological tree, it happens in real life too, each of us is a cousin to some extent, but distant enough so that genetic defects are not so frequent, hence Dell and Gwendolyn may share the same ancestor, Caleb, but no longer be related enough to mutate their children
Hello, let's remember, many generations have passed since Caleb and his child, so it's possible that these two are his very distant grandchildren
So I'm guessing they're both genetically related to him
Fans of The Owl House, does anyone else have this question or better yet the answer?
(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.)
(Also possible spoilers for The Owl House)
Okay, so pretty much everyone knows that Eda is Caleb and Evenlyn's descendant. But I still have a question:
Which one of Eda's parents is the descendant of Caleb and Evelyn?
I think I saw a canon drawing of Evelyn on The Owl House Wiki and she seemed to have a similar hair color and hairstyle to Gwendolyn. That and their names are very similar, just like how Eda's full name, Edalyn, is similar to Evenlyn's.
But Dell has a palisman that looks very similar to Caleb and Hunter's original palisman, Flapjack. Dell's outfit in Eda's flashback looks a tiny bit similar to outfits people wore during Caleb and Philip's time, and he wore his hair in a ponytail that looked similar to Caleb and Philip's. However, I will admit that could just be a coincidence. Dell was also known for carving palisman, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think that was implied to be something his family did for centuries, and Hunter later learned to carve palisman, which I think implies that is something Caleb did or wanted to do.
So which one of them is the descendant of Evelyn and Caleb?
Is it obvious who it is, and I'm just too stupid to figure it out? Or do other people have this question?
Does anyone have the answer? If so can you tell me?
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 3 months ago
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🩷💛💙 Books for Pan Pride Day 💙💛🩷
🩷 Sammy Espinoza’s Last Review - Tehlor Kay Mejia 💛 Bad at Love - Gabriela Martins 💙 A Shot in the Dark - Victoria Lee 💙 The (Un)popular Vote - Jasper Sanchez 💛 Beating Heart Baby - Lio Min 🩷 How to Find a Missing Girl - Victoria Wlosok
🩷 Back in a Spell - Lana Harper 💛 In the City of Time - Gwendolyn Clare’ 💙 The Mirror Season - Anna-Marie McLemore 💙 It Goes Like This - Miel Moreland 💛 Get it Right - Skye Kilaen 🩷 Summer at the Scottish Castle - Rachel Bowdler
🩷 Scoreless Game - Anna Zabo and L.A. Witt 💛 This Rebel Heart - Katherine Locke 💙 The Adventures of Isabel - Candas Jane Dorsey 💙 Ben and Beatriz - Katalina Gamarra 💛 Pyre at the Eyreholme Trust - Lin Darrow 🩷 Love & Other Disasters - Anita Kelly
🩷 Chef’s Choice - TJ Alexander @tjalexandernyc 💛 For Never & Always - Helena Greer 💙 Extra Witchy - Ann Aguirre 💙 Loveless - Alice Oseman 💛 Miss Meteor - Anna-Marie McLemore and Tehlor Kay Mejia 🩷 A Dark and Hollow Star - Ashley Shuttleworth
🩷 Court of the Undying Seasons - A.M. Strickland 💛 The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V. E. Schwab 💙 In the Ravenous Dark - AdriAnne Strickland 💙 For the Love of April French - Penny Aimes 💛 Drag Me Up - R.M. Virtues 🩷 One Step at a Time - Lily Seabrooke
🩷 Pretend Girlfriend - Lily Craig 💛 Verona Comics - Jennifer Dugan 💙 Count Your Lucky Stars - Alexandria Bellefleur 💙 Liar’s Guide to the Night Sky - Brianna Shrum 💛 Man O’ War - Cory McCarthy 🩷 The Unconquered City by K.A. Doore
🩷 Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith 💛 Dark Soul - Aleksandr Voinov 💙 On the Other Side - Carrie Hope Fletcher 💙 A Darker Shade of Magic - Victoria E. Schwab 💛 Superficial - Diane Billas 🩷 Crownchasers - Rebecca Coffindaffer
🩷 The Brightsiders - Jen Wilde 💛 Stars Collide - Rachel Lacey 💙 Final Draft - Riley Redgate 💙 This Is Me Trying - Racquel Marie 💛 Always the Almost - Edward Underhill 🩷 Perfect on Paper - Sophie Gonzales
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petalpetal · 2 months ago
Anyway here is the full list of books I’ve read this year this is a mix of adult and YA with one middle school book the ones in bold are my big reccomenders
- Hild and Menewood by Nicola Griffith
- Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu by Tom Lin
- Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
- Joan by Kathrine J. Chen
- The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
- Butcher of The Forest by Premee Mohamed
- The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo
- Red Rabbit by Alex Grecian
- Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher
- Starling House by Alix E. Harrow
- The Scholomance series by Naomi Novik
- Our Hideous Progeny by C.E. McGill
- Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart: and Other Stories by GennaRose Nethercott
- Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
- Godkiller and Sunbringer by Hannah Kaner
- Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
- The Weaver and the Witch Queen by Genevieve Gornichec
- A Clash of Steel: A Treasure Island Remix by C.B. Lee
- The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White
- Lore by Alexandra Bracken
- The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
- The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher
- Gallant by V.E. Schwab
- Clytemnestra by Costanza Casati
- The Eyes Are the Best Part by Monika Kim
- No One Will Come Back For Us: And Other Stories by Premee Mohamed
- Slasher Girls & Monster Boys by Various Authors
- The Libarary of Legends by Janie Chang
- The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman
- Girls Who Burn by MK Pagano
- Starve Arc by Andrew Michael Hurley
- Home Before Dark by Riley Sager
- Catfish Rolling by Clara Kumagai
- A Sorceress Comes To Call by T. Kingfisher
- The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks
- Circe by Madeline Miller
- Woodworm by Layla Martínez
- The Dance Tree by Kiran Millwood Hargrave
- Sworn Soldier series by T. Kingfisher
- Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth
- A Drop of Venom by Sajni Patel
- Black River Orchard by Chuck Wendig
- Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
- Jonathan Strange & Me Norrell by Susanna Clarke
- The Darkest Part of The Forest by Holly Black
- The Fortune Teller by Gwendolyn Womack
- Six Crimson Cranes series by Elizabeth Lim
- A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher
- Boys In the Valley by Philip Fracassi
- The West Passage by Jared Pechaček @jpechacek
- The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Sea by Axie Oh
- Revelator by Daryl Gregory
- The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera
- Hera by Jennifer Saint
- Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata
- Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
- The Drowned Woods by Emily Lloyd-Jones
- The Devil and the Dark Water by Stuart Turton
- Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs
- The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi
- The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton
- The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones
- Sistersong by Lucy Holland
- House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland
- The Book of Gothel by Mary McMyne
- The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher
- The Children of Gods and Fighting Men by Shauna Lawless
- The Witch of Colchis by Rosie Hewlett
- Sisters of Sword & Song by Rebecca Ross
- Dragonfruit by Makiia Lucier
- Little Eve by Catriona Ward
- Pilgrim: A Medieval Horror by Mitchell Lüthi
- The Empusium by Olga Tokarczuk
- Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid
- O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker
- everything by Shirley Jackson
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medievalandfantasymelee · 6 months ago
Candidates for the title of
🌹Queen of Love & Beauty🌹
Candidates were given priority based on the number of submissions they received (in brackets behind their names and credentials). After all candidates with multiple submissions were entered, single submission candidates were admitted in order of submission.
Guinevere [Angel Coulby], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012) [17]
Morgana Pendragon [Katie McGrath], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012) [11]
Lady Éowyn of Rohan [Miranda Otto], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) [10]
Lady Marian Fitzwalter [Olivia de Havilland], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) [9]
Isabeau of Anjou [Michelle Pfeiffer], Ladyhawke (1985) [8]
Arwen Undomiel [Liv Tyler], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) [7]
Galadriel of Lothlórien [Cate Blanchett], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003) [7]
Princess Buttercup [Robin Wright], The Princess Bride (1987) [6]
Lucrezia Borgia [Holliday Grainger], The Borgias (2011-2013) [6]
Princess Isabella Maria Lucia Elizabetta of Valencia [Karen David], Galavant (2015-2016) [5]
Lagertha [Katheryn Winnick], Vikings (2013-2020) [5]
Sorsha [Joanne Whalley], Willow (1988) [5]
Lady Æthelflæd of Mercia [Millie Brady], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) [4]
Princess Gwendolyn [Angela Lansbury], The Court Jester (1955) [4]
Maid Jean [Glynis Johns], The Court Jester (1955) [4]
Lady Marion of Leaford [Judi Trott], Robin of Sherwood (1984-1986) [4]
Rebecca of York [Olivia Hussey], Ivanhoe (1982) [4]
Alicent Hightower [Olivia Cooke], House of the Dragon (2022-) [3]
Aliena [Hayley Atwell], The Pillars of the Earth (2010) [3]
Queen Cersei Lannister [Lena Headey], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) [3]
Princess Daenerys Targaryen [Emilia Clarke], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) [3]
Danielle de Barbarac [Drew Barrymore], Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998) [3]
Devasena [Anushka Shetty], Baahubali (2017) [3]
Elizabeth de Burgh [Florence Pugh], Outlaw King (2018) [3]
Queen Guinevere [Vanessa Redgrave], Camelot (1967) [3]
Hürrem Sultan [Meryem Uzleri], Magnificent Century {Muhteşem Yüzyıl} (2011-2014) [3]
Lady Jocelyn [Shannyn Sossamon], A Knight’s Tale (2001) [3]
Princess Lili [Mia Sara], Legend (1985) [3]
Lady Margaery Tyrell [Natalie Dormer], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) [3]
Marian of Knighton [Lucy Griffiths], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009) [3]
Lady Sansa Stark [Sophie Turner], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) [3]
Sheng Minglan [Zhang Liying], The Story of Minglan (2018) [3]
Queen Susan the Gentle [Sophie Winkleman], The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010) [3]
Lady Anne Neville [Claire Bloom], Richard III (1955) [2]
Lady Anne Neville [Phoebe Fox], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016) [2]
Brienne of Tarth [Gwendoline Christie], Game of Thrones (2011-2019) [2]
Bronwyn [Nazanin Bonialdi], The Rings of Power (2022-) [2]
Queen Catherine of Aragon [Maria Doyle Kennedy], The Tudors (2007-2010) [2]
Contessina de Bardi [Annabel Scholey], Medici (2016-2019) [2]
Egwene Al’Vere [Madeleine Madden], The Wheel of Time (2021-) [2]
Queen Eleanore of Aquitane [Katharine Hepburn], The Lion in Winter (1968) [2]
Queen Elizabeth Woodville [Rebecca Ferguson], The White Queen (2013) [2]
Donna Giulia Farnese [Lotte Verbeek], The Borgias (2011-2013) [2]
Queen Guinevere [Cheri Lunghi], Excalibur (1981) [2]
Jadis, the White Witch [Tilda Swinton], The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010) [2]
Jeanne d’Arc [Renee Falconetti], The Passion of Joan of Arc {La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc} (1928) [2]
Joan of Arc [Milla Jovovich], The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999) [2]
Kate [Laura Fraser], A Knight’s Tale (2001) [2]
Lady Kate Percy [Michelle Dockery], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016) [2]
Queen Lucy the Valiant [Rachael Henley] [2]
Queen Madelena [Mallory Jansen], Galavant (2015-2016) [2]
Queen Margaret of Anjou [Sophie Okonedo], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016) [2]
Lady Mary Boleyn [Charity Wakefield], Wolf Hall (2015-2024) [2]
Moiraine Damodred [Rosamund Pike], The Wheel of Time (2021-) [2]
Morgana Pendragon [Eva Green], Camelot (2011) [2]
Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen [Emma D’Arcy], House of the Dragon (2022-) [2]
Queen Sibylla of Jerusalem [Eva Green], Kingdom of Heaven (2005) [2]
Eliška Pomořanská [Jana Brejchová], A Night at Karlstein {Noc na Karlštejně} (1973) [1]
Lady Marian [Audrey Hepburn], Robin & Marian (1976) [1]
Ophelia [Jean Simmons], Hamlet (1948) [1]
Aykız Hatun [Hande Subaşı], Diriliş: Ertuğrul (2014-2019) [1]
Roberta Steingas [Clare Foster], Galavant (2015-2016) [1]
Tamina [Gemma Arterton], Prince of Persia (2010) [1]
Princess Isabelle [Sophie Marceau], Braveheart (1995) [1]
Alexandra [Geraldine Viswanathan], Miracle Workers: The Dark Ages (2020) [1]
Isabella of Valois [Emma Hamilton], RSC’s Richard II (2013) [1]
Jade Claymore [Erin Kellyman], Willow (2022) [1]
Anne Boleyn [Genevieve Bujold], Anne of the Thousand Days (1969) [1]
Mu Nihuang [Liu Tao], Nirvana in Fire (2015-2018) [1]
Padmavati [Deepika Padukone], Padmaavat (2018) [1]
Queen Isabella [Tilda Swinton], Edward II (1991) [1]
Djaq [Anjali Jay], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009) [1]
Below is a list of Honorable Mentions...
Anne Boleyn [Natalie Portman], The Other Boleyn Girl (2008)
Aslaug [Alyssa Sutherland], Vikings (2013-2020)
Aviendha [Ayoola Smart], The Wheel of Time (2021-)
Catherine of Aragon [Charlotte Hope], The Spanish Princess (2019-2020)
Cecilia Algotsdotter [Sofia Helin], Arn: The Knight Templar (2007)
Doric [Sophia Lillis], Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023)
Queen Elizabeth of York [Jodie Comer], The White Princess (2017)
Jiang Yanli [Xuan Lu], The Untamed (2019)
Guinevere [Julia Ormond], First Knight (1995)
Hafsa Sultan [Nebahat Çehre], Magnificent Century {Muhteşem Yüzyıl} (2011-2014)
Hatice Sultan [Selma Ergeç], Magnificent Century {Muhteşem Yüzyıl} (2011-2014)
Queen Isabella of Castile [Michelle Jenner], Isabel (2011-2014)
Isolde [Sophia Myles], Tristan + Isolde (2006)
Joan of Arc [Ingrid Bergman], Joan of Arc (1948)
Kira [Lisa Maxwell, Kathryn Mullen], The Dark Crystal (1982)
Queen Mab [Miranda Richardson], Merlin (1998)
Maleficent [Angelina Jolie], Maleficent (2014)
Lady Margaret Tudor [Georgie Henley], The Spanish Princess (2019-2020)
Marian Dubois [Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Lady Mary Tudor [Sai Bennett], The Spanish Princess (2019-2020)
Empress Maude [Alison Pill], The Pillars of the Earth (2010)
Morgaine [Julianna Marguiles], The Mists of Avalon (2001)
Queen Ravenna [Charlize Theron], Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
Rebecca of York [Elizabeth Taylor], Ivanhoe (1952)
Rosie Cotton [Sarah MacLeod], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Sharako Lohar [Abigail Thorn], House of the Dragon (2022-)
Tár-Miriel [Cynthia Addai-Robinson], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Ygritte [Rose Leslie], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Yara Greyjoy [Gemma Whelan], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
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spellmotif · 11 months ago
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Gwendolyn Bouchard concepts. I've been absolutely captivated by her put-together wet-cat-of-a-woman hypercompetence and blunt attitude. I want to wring her out like a dish towel. Putting her in a jar as we speak, on a shelf in my collection labeled "girlboss girlfailures" along with Shiv Roy Succession and Tabitha Scarlet Hollow. I need to see her covered in blood, or getting a hug, or both. Someone give her a lead pipe and see what she does with it. Her playlist absolutely fascinates and confounds me. I need to know every detail of her childhood and/or familial trauma. Her ass is NOT making it out of this narrative alive-
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lycocarpum · 8 months ago
miquella thoughts bc i still love this kid no matter what the writing team does with him (this is not my first rodeo with fromsoft games lmao)
Major Spoilers (o゚v゚)ノ
i'm still not at all mad at the direction they decided to go with him, BARRING the retconning of his relationship to his sister and the entirety of the hailigtree. Those choices seem like late editions to tie up why things weren't being addressed in the dlc, and they're plainly stupid, so we just won't acknowledge that much further. I think the evidence from the rest of the game speaks more to the contrary than I could. I also think that Radahn should've been replaced with Godwyn for thematic clarity, buttttt I 'll get to that.
what i DO like about how he's handled is 1) the way he dealt with St. Trina and literally abandoning his sense of love in a hole in the ground, and 2) his choices re: Radahn from a sheer logistical point of view, or at least how I'm taking it.
Imagine for a second: he's tried basically everything to kill or revive Godwyn. Nothing has worked. He has a couple of plans left, but it's getting down to the wire. MAYBE if he could break his own curse, MAYBE if he could make some kind of curse-breaking needle, MAYBE if... etc. Now he's made his cocoon, but the tree is rotting without him. He needs an out, and decides to use Mogh for that (whether he was fully innocent at the time or not is debatable, we don't know). He's removed, tries to cure what he can for Radahn's rot on the way, but Mogh spirits him away to the palace and he's essentially forced to abandon the plans he has with his body. I still don't think ALL of that was intentionally planned, I think Mogh went off script a bit.
In this shadow realm, Miquella abandons every part of himself until nothing is left but the will to become a God. If he can ascend here, at least, MAYBE he can bring Godwyn and the others with him (there's a huge Godwyn face in one of the dungeons, so he's still present in this place, somehow). Maybe in THIS realm, all of his siblings can be alive and healthy. Meanwhile, Mogh is telling his corpse about Radahn's defeat. It's only a matter of time before this Tarnished comes to kill him, too... And there's a large, strong body available to be puppeted, and a good excuse to practice resurrecting one of his siblings. A god needs a Lord as a consort, right? That's how it worked for his mother and father... and considering his other half was stubbornly clinging to things like compassion and memory, he is now bereft of one.
He's using Radahn because he's out of options, out of places to run, and out of compassion to give. Literally, he left it a graveyard! He loved him in life, sure, but whatever motivates him now is not LOVE whether storge or eros or whatever, it's love as a justification. In truth, it's practicality. He is backed into a corner and convinced (rightly! by our inability to chose otherwise!) that we are there to kill him. It's love utilized as a weapon.
DO I WISH FROMSOFT HAD LET US TALK TO HIM god absolutely, yes. I miss Gwendolyn every day. However, I knew better to expect that. I wish we had gotten his perspective and justification for his actions, I wish we could've Felt the effects of him abandoning his heart and his love in pursuit of a hollow victory, and I really wish we could've put him back together-- but that is for me, and you, to build out.
he's still my favourite character and I love him dearly. girlboss failure. <3
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chbnews · 5 months ago
WEEKLY NEWS 8/15-8/21
None for this week surprisingly
Game Winnings/Events
Gwendolyn Baxter From cabin 9 is hosting a Chappel Roan karaoke night in bunker 9 Next tuesday!
Cabin 13 wins camp wide football game hosted by cabin 8
Cabin 18 wins spear throwing contest held by cabin 20
New camper Cordelia Kimmons turns out to be a (friendly?) siren
Nico in the infirmary again. "He won't stop shadow travelling to get mcdonalds" - Austin, Apollo cabin.
Symphony Hollow has lost her hearing aids
Thanks for reading! - Katie Gardener ☘️
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electraslight · 20 days ago
How much do the hollow mind portraits from the show influence your interpretations? specifically around Caleb + Evelyn
Love the art btw.
I usually don't refer too much to Evelyn's depiction as she looks way too much like younger Gwendolyn to me, which is funny because Gwen married in. Her characterization is also usually original, or else I use my version of her to depict events from her perspective. With Caleb I usually reference the portraits in his appearance and specific parts of his back story, but I do make things up, as I do most things.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
Can I request ya dere Gwendolyn dark soul hc thank you 🙏
Of course you can! Keeping this primarily as Dark Souls 1. Inspiration found here.
Yandere! Dark Sun Gwyndolin Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Kidnapping implied, Imprisonment, Overprotective behavior, Forced relationship implied.
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I have a feeling Gwyndolin is a very calm person.
He's an optional boss and his voice lines appear very calm.
Due to being considered weak and frail, he mostly keeps out of sight when it comes to people.
He prefers to just keep up the illusions in Anor Londo and stay out of sight.
You only ever see him if you initiate his boss fight.
His actions depict him as loyal to his family even if they neglect him.
Gwyndolin also remains alone in Anor Londo up until Dark Souls 3.
For this concept I'll primarily focus on Dark Souls 1/keeping it general to not make things too confusing.
Gwyndolin doesn't seem all that violent due to his calm voice and optional boss fight.
I mean this as every other boss in Dark Souls appears violent.
In that case I imagine he'd be rather gentle with you, the one he adores.
He most likely doesn't wish to hurt you as long as he oversees you.
Gwyndolin seems like he'd also act as a protector to his darling, similar to the Soul of Cinder.
He'd hide you away more than fight though.
He would be strict with you if he fell for you, but still gentle.
He isn't the most cruel god out there.
Every rule he gives you is for your own good in his eyes.
Gwyndolin is skilled in illusion magic too.
He'd use that to his advantage to keep you from finding exits or make you happier.
Gwyndolin seems like he's a subtle manipulation yandere.
He nudges you where he wants to go with little force.
In the Anon post they probably have a point when they say he'd be touch starved.
He lost his father and his siblings left Anor Londo.
That just leaves him as the deity of Anor Londo.
So when he meets you he doesn't mind the company too much.
You respect his wishes and don't trespass.
Maybe you even join his covenant.
It takes time but the god eventually shows himself to you.
He doesn't understand why he's finding so much comfort in this undead human.
Yet, Gwyndolin finds himself taking it anyway.
It has been rather lonely, hasn’t it?
He would not be physically affectionate until later in his obsession.
Yet once he is he feels he doesn't want to let you go.
He has snakes for the bottom half, right?
What if he uses those to keep you close to him just a bit longer?
If the snakes are real and not an illusion of course.
Gwyndolin may not be violent and is a gentle deity to you, but he would still imprison you as his beloved.
Loneliness is another thing that can corrupt the mind.
What's stopping him from imprisoning you and using illusions to distract you?
He'll give you an illusion of the sun and an illusion of a brighter outside. 
In reality you're in a large room/cell… completely locked away.
The only deity you see is Gwyndolin.
Your presence calms him… it makes him happy.
You are a delight to him, maybe even as pretty as the sun he idolizes.
You may want to leave… but Gwyndolin is quick to try and change your mind.
You may not understand it but he loves you!
He'll do whatever he can to prevent you from going Hollow like his father.
He wants to keep you with him forever in Anor Londo.
You can try to escape… but everything is an endless illusion.
So why bother?
Just let Gwyndolin take care of you for all of eternity….
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gerbiloftriumph · 7 months ago
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Lost and Found (ao3):
Grandpa’s story of the goblin caves started out familiarly enough, but as he spoke, the story started to twist and change. New friends, new conversations, and new ways to use old items transformed the tale, and the young king discovered new ways to be brave in the dark tunnels beneath Daventry.
The sobs echoed off the stalactites, grew in volume, surrounded him as he crept forward, his mouth dry and his heart pounding. 
What could possibly be down here? And crying? This place had been abandoned for years and years, dusty and hollow with silence. There shouldn’t have been anything here. And yet. And yet. The whimpers were unmistakable, yearning and lost and all the more terrifying. They shouldn’t be here. No one should be here.
There were stories of crying creatures in the dark, tempting travelers to come to them, then striking. Stories of monsters setting traps, calling and killing. Faceless ghosts wailing in the dark seeking vengeance for past crimes. Demons with long fingers and longer memories reaching out with hate in their eyes and a false sob in their throats.  
Graham inched forward. Fear crawled up his spine with each fresh wail, but he had to keep going. 
(Gwendolyn watched the little mirror king, clinging to her stuffed rabbit. “Weren’t you afraid?” 
“Terrified! But I’d rather face my fear than deal with my wild imagination. I’m afraid my mind could conjure a hundred deaths, a million monsters, but until I knew what I truly faced, they were simply nightmares, as fragile as spun sugar, as empty as the wind.”) 
The cave seemed to resent the voice, seemed irritated that something was disturbing its decades of sleep. The stones seemed sharper, the passage narrower, the shadows blacker. He couldn’t help but think of the puppets again, like the constant sound would rouse them, send them tottering down the tunnels looking for the source of the noise.  
He shuffled forward, scarcely breathing, until he finally reached a bend in the tunnel, finally could find what it was that was haunting these rooms.  
He was surprised to find that this cavern was fairly well lit, with the typical glowing mushrooms of all types and colors reaching up, revealing how high the ceiling was. Water that eventually fed the frog pond, and possibly his own damp cell further down the line, sparkled in the glow, bubbling over the rocks. And, huddled on the floor, wailing... 
Not a demon. Not a monster. Not a human. 
A goblin.  
It was curled in a ball, sobbing. Even from a distance, Graham could tell it was horribly bruised and banged and cut—he suspected it had fallen from more normal prison paths above them (maybe they were beneath the cavern he’d noticed near Acorn’s Jack in the Beanstalk tower?), fallen down the sloping walls, bounced off the mushrooms (several were freshly broken, proving his suspicion), and rolled to a stop down here. In this lost, dark place. 
It howled pitifully, clinging to its dented helmet. Graham wondered if it could stand, or if it had hurt itself too much. No one above seemed to have noticed its cries, or if its cries did carry up to the prisons above them, no one cared enough to bother trying to rescue their fallen friend. Goblin society was maybe a little too individualistic. Or maybe this had happened before and they knew it was too dangerous to try. Didn’t matter, though: all that mattered was that Graham and this goblin were alone down here, far, far away from any help.  
What to do. 
He could hardly leave it there, in pain and frightened, but he was hardly supposed to be down here himself. Would it be mad? It did have its spear—the shaft was splintered near the top, and the sharp bit was on the ground, but the goblin could still probably do something with the weapon if it didn’t care for Graham’s existence. And what was that old thing about wounded animals, they could be more dangerous than healthy ones? 
He couldn’t leave it there in the dark, alone. He couldn’t.  
He inched forward again. The goblin took no notice of him at all, whimpering. It curled up tighter, its sobs muffled against its own armor for a moment.  
Other than the spear, the goblin had dropped other things as it fell. A coin, scraps of paper with fairy tales sketched on them, a key. 
A key.  
Graham’s heart stuttered. What kind of key? What was it for? This was a goblin guard from the prisons, he was certain. What kind of key was it carrying? Was it for the prisoners’ doors? Or, and he hardly dared breathe as he hoped this, was it the key to the door leading out into the goblin city, out into Daventry, the key to the door that would lead him home? 
He had to get it. He needed it. Stars above, what if, what if, what if?  
But the goblin would hate him getting his hands on that. It hadn’t noticed him yet, but the key was right next to it. The goblin could hardly fail to notice him if he got close enough to grab it, and the spear, even broken, was still a threat.  
Graham approached, and his boots rang against the floor. The goblin didn’t seem to react much. His foot nudged the key, but again, not much reaction.
“Hey,” he said.
The goblin lashed out, wailing—Graham stumbled back, out of the reach of its wildly swinging claws, but he tripped over an upraised rock behind him, sat down hard, and crawled back. In his pocket, the harp clanged as it dragged over the rock, and the goblin froze for half an instant before going back to scratching the air.
Graham realized the helmet was dented in such a way that the goblin probably couldn’t see him well. It would probably be easy to grab that key, to scramble away, with the goblin mostly unaware. It would be easy. Just keep walking.
That wouldn’t be right.  
Wente didn’t believe I was going to help them. Did he think I lost my compassion when I became king?
He stayed sitting, out of the goblin’s reach. His friends needed him, but what kind of a king—no, what kind of a person—would he be if he just left this goblin here in the dark?
He needed to soothe it before it would listen, though; it kept swinging wildly in directions it thought he might be in. Talking probably wasn’t going to help, not if the goblin was tense and frightened. Hearing a human wouldn’t help. But.
Music might help. It always helped Graham, when he was feeling scared and alone. Humming or singing, or seeking out lute players or minstrels.
Graham pulled out the dented, out of tune, missing a string, harp. He ran his fingers across the strings, and even though the resulting noise was anything but sweet, the goblin paused again. It tilted its head, apparently trying to see him through the crushed eyeholes on the helmet. Graham strummed the instrument, unconsciously tuning a couple of the strings to try and help it sound nicer. The goblin inched toward him, dragging itself painfully along the stone floor. Graham tried not to flinch, tried to sit straight and confident, and he ran through a short, extremely simple lullaby, the sort of thing an aspiring student first learned, an easy melody Wente probably liked to hum while making his hot buns in the morning. It didn’t sound too awful on the harp, really, and the goblin seemed to appreciate it. It was still sniffling, with those gasping breaths of a person who’d just stopped a huge crying streak.
He strummed a few tuneless notes for a while, thinking. Thinking, thinking. Stories. The goblins loved stories. Maybe he should tell one.
He toyed with the strings, then, “Once upon a time,” he said, watching for a reaction. He instantly got one: the goblin sat up straight and eager, like a puppy. All right, then. He wondered if it was the cadence of the phrase, or if it could understand the plot. Only one way to find out.
“Once upon a time, there was a brave little goblin,” Graham said. “It lived in a huge goblin castle with all its friends. The goblins in this castle each had a role to play, and they did them all very well. They could act out any story, and they had been acting them out perfectly for years. Except, the brave little goblin was new to the castle, and he loved to tell stories of his own. But as he told his stories, he realized no one wanted to hear them. The brave little goblin was supposed to be following the stories already told, was supposed to be acting them out properly with the rest of the goblins. They talked over the brave little goblin, they ignored his new ideas, and they buried in him old stories he should memorize instead. The brave little goblin felt lonely. No one listened to him at all.”
In front of him, the goblin started sniffling again. Not in pain or fear, but apparently deeply touched by the story. I mean, it’s not that good, Graham thought, watching it. But I do appreciate an attentive audience, I guess.
(Gwendolyn glanced at her grandfather. “But you’re the king, shouldn’t everyone listen to you?”
“Ah, you’ve figured out my tale.”
“I mean. It’s not like it’s hard.”
“Gwendolyn, a fancy hat does not mean you are always right. And to be a good king, you have to be a good person. You have to earn the trust of those around you. Like I was trying to earn this goblin’s trust now, with a story.”)
“The brave little goblin decided he needed to go on a quest. He was going to find people willing to listen to his stories, even if they were very far away,” Graham continued. “But as he walked through the tunnels beyond the goblin castle, he lost his footing, and he fell.”
The goblin in front of him gasped, putting its hands over where its mouth probably was.
“He fell down a dark pit,” Graham said, eying the room in front of them. “He bounced off the mushrooms that grew in the dark, and he rolled beside an underground river, and he scraped along the hard stones, and he came to a crumpled stop in the darkness. He was more alone than he’d ever been before, and no one could hear his stories here. No one would ever see the little brave goblin again. He had fallen out of the story. He was lost.”
The goblin had decided that putting its hands over its helmet wasn’t enough. It grabbed the dented, damaged helmet, yanked it off—revealing huge floppy ears, giant eyes gleaming with tears, and a drippy button nose. It pressed its hands hard over its fanged mouth, leaning into Graham’s story with pale golden eyes better suited to seeing in the dark than Graham’s human eyes ever could.
“But the goblin was very brave,” Graham said. “He looked around the darkness, and he knew he could find a way out. Even if he was lost, the goblin knew he could fix this. The goblin told himself stories old and new about...about strong blacksmiths, about happy bakers, about wise alchemists, about confident knights, and the goblin felt stronger thinking about them. He even felt stronger thinking about the goblins he’d left in the castle. Everyone had a part to play, he knew, even him, even if he still had to figure out what his part was, exactly. Maybe…maybe he just had to show everyone he was more than what they thought. But. But he knew he was a part of the overall story, and he couldn’t just fall out of it. And he stood up, as brave and strong as ever with the stories behind him, supporting him, and he walked into the darkness, seeking a way back to his friends.”
The goblin clapped eagerly. It chittered something Graham couldn’t even begin to understand, and it pointed at the caves around them.
“Yeah, like the story,” Graham said, hoping he was agreeing with it instead of condemning himself to something he wouldn’t like. The goblin sat back, grinning toothily at Graham, then admired the room again, pleased that its actions had created a story.
Graham scooted a little closer to the goblin, cautiously. It didn’t seem to mind, so Graham stretched, hugely exaggerated, yawning dramatically, carefully putting his boot on the key and dragging it safely under his cloak. “Ahhhhhh. Just stretching,” he muttered. He stuffed the key into a pocket without the goblin seeming to notice, the rough metal cold against his fingers and full of promise.
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renatogpadilla · 1 year ago
Thoughts about Echoes of the Solstice in no particular order:
- The Nein Heroez SUNK last one shot! For all intents and purposes, Caleb should have teleported them to the bottom of the sea!
- There's two Calebs now... Huh. That would be a HELL of a trick to play on Ludinus one day... Either way, Essek is WINNING!
- CADUCEUS THE WHITE COMING IN CLUTCH! Exploding House into Meteor Swarm into Chain Lightning? GONE! COMPLETELY USELESS! The fight starts when Caduceus Clay says it starts!
- My only regret having Luc here is that we didn't get new Veth art... That said, kid earned his spot!
I hope he has his own party one day... Provided Veth doesn't kill him on the way back!
- Correct me if I'm wrong but the last time they mentioned Luc's age in the Campaign he was 6, right? That's the highest it ever got? If so, he's 13 here. And he's ALREADY growing a mustache! Halflings DO age quicker!
- Are we SURE Trent didn't snitch on Essek already? Like, I'm sure he'd want to get back to torturing Caleb immediately but he DID have a whole day...
- Aggy came in, rolled a 9 a 20 and a 1 and then died, somehow beating Spurt's record by about a minute. Bro had the complete experience in record time!
- Leave it to Travis to wait for the BIGGEST AUDIENCE THEY'VE EVER HAD to have Fjord propose to Jester and FINALLY make Laura Bailey freeze at something she started herself! Props, sir! And thank you for almost guaranteeing the Wedding One-Shot! U'kotoa may be done with you, but Jester still messed with a Hag!
- According to the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, the Blightshore is the home of the Hollow Ones (Laudna's race) so I kinda wished that we had explored it a bit more...
- I desperately NEED an adventuring party made up of next gen CR kids: Luc "Nott the Reckless" Brenatto, Wilhand'ildan "Wax" Shorthalt and his sister Juniper, Gwendolyn De Rolo, Velora "Vix" Vessar, Kiri the Kenku and Clarabelle Clay rolling around Exandria trying to get back to their parents or something...
- I REALLY want the next M9 One-Shot to be at Darktow... I need to see another pirate adventure with these goofballs!
- I wonder how all the other Wizards the Nein know are affected right now... Yuza's almost DEFINITELY going through it!
- Oh, and I LOVE how Matt had the Gelidon mini right there JUST in case he decided to be funny!
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 1 year ago
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Pansexual & Panromantic Pride
💖 Happy belated Panromantic & Pansexual Pride Day (December 8)! To all my pan bookish bats, I see you. 💛 As always, I can't stress the importance of having these books on our shelves, to boost awareness and support for our queer community. Here are a few books featuring pansexual and panromantic characters! 💙
✨ What’s your favorite pan book? Share the title and tag the author in the comments!
💖 Crownchasers by Rebecca Coffindaffer 💛 In the Ravenous Dark by A.M. Strickland 💙 Scoreless Game by Anna Zabo and L.A. Witt 💖 Soft on Soft by Mina Waheed 💛 Beating Heart Baby by Lio Min 💙 Bad at Love by Gabriela Martins 💖 A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth 💛 Miss Meteor by Tehlor Kay Mejia and Anna-Marie McLemore 💙 The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli 💖 Final Draft by Riley Redgate 💛 Get It Right by Skye Kilaen 💙 The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore
💖 Chef’s Choice by TJ Alexander 💛 How to Find a Missing Girl by Victoria Wlosok 💙 For Never & Always by Helena Greer 💖 In the City of Time by Gwendolyn Clare 💛 Ship It by Britta Lundin 💙 It Goes Like This by Miel Moreland 💖 Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur 💛 Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly 💙 Man O’ War by Cory McCarthy 💖 The (Un)popular Vote by Jasper Sanchez 💛 Loveless by Alice Oseman 💙 A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
💖 The Library of the Unwritten by AJ Hackwith 💛 Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan 💙 One Step at a Time by Lily Seabrooke 💖 For the Love of April French by Penny Aimes 💛 Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas 💙 Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta 💖 This Rebel Heart by Katherine Locke 💛 Pyre at the Eyreholme Trust by Lin Darrow 💙 Drag Me Up by R.M. Virtues 💖 Extra Witchy by Ann Aguirre 💛 Ben and Beatriz by Katalina Gamarra 💙 The Adventures of Isabel by Candas Jane Dorsey
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medievalandfantasymelee · 4 months ago
My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are now preparing for the second round of contest in the Queen of Love and Beauty mini-tournament.
This round will consist of 6 polls of 6 contestants each, with the three contestants with the most votes on each poll advancing to the next Round. Two polls will be posted per day beginning on Sunday October 27, with each poll lasting one week.
In this round we will be accepting and circulating propaganda for the candidates. Propaganda will not be posted on the polls themselves but will be circulated prior to and during the competition.
The following is a list of our remaining candidates:
Æthelflæd of Mercia [Millie Brady], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Aliena [Hayley Atwell], The Pillars of the Earth (2010)
Anne Boleyn [Genevieve Bujold], Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
Arwen Undomiel [Liv Tyler], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Aykız Hatun [Hande Subaşı], Diriliş: Ertuğrul (2014-2019)
Princess Buttercup [Robin Wright], The Princess Bride (1987)
Brienne of Tarth [Gwendoline Christie], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Danielle de Barbarac [Drew Barrymore], Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
Eleanore of Aquitaine [Katharine Hepburn], The Lion in Winter (1968)
Elizabeth Woodville [Rebecca Ferguson], The White Queen (2013)
Éowyn of Rohan [Miranda Otto], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Galadriel of Lothlórien [Cate Blanchett], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Giulia Farnese [Lotte Verbeek], The Borgias (2011-2013)
Guinevere [Angel Coulby], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Princess Gwendolyn [Angela Lansbury], The Court Jester (1955)
Isabeau of Anjou [Michelle Pfeiffer], Ladyhawke (1985)
Princess Isabella Maria Lucia Elizabetta of Valencia [Karen David], Galavant (2015-2016)
Jade Claymore [Erin Kellyman], Willow (2022)
Maid Jean [Glynis Johns], The Court Jester (1955)
Jiang Yanli [Xuan Lu], The Untamed (2019)
Kate [Laura Fraser], A Knight’s Tale (2001)
Lagertha [Katheryn Winnick], Vikings (2013-2020)
Princess Lili [Mia Sara], Legend (1985)
Lucrezia Borgia [Holliday Grainger], The Borgias (2011-2013)
Queen Lucy the Valiant [Rachael Henley], The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010)
Queen Madelena [Mallory Jansen], Galavant (2015-2016)
Margaery Tyrell [Natalie Dormer], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Margaret of Anjou [Sophie Okonedo], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016)
Lady Marian Fitzwalter [Olivia de Havilland], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Lady Marion of Leaford [Judi Trott], Robin of Sherwood (1984-1986)
Morgana Pendragon [Katie McGrath], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Mu Nihuang [Liu Tao], Nirvana in Fire (2015-2018)
Padmavati [Deepika Padukone], Padmaavat (2018)
Rebecca of York [Olivia Hussey], Ivanhoe (1982)
Sansa Stark [Sophie Turner], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Sibylla of Jerusalem [Eva Green], Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
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