#guys i was in so much pain trying to think up a good color scheme
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papple · 10 months ago
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For @thelunarsystemwrites' superhero au!
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guys do you think he plays splatoon
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hyperfixationhobo · 3 months ago
Headcanons of the LADS!!!!!
If there’s one thing that i absolutely love it’s headcanons! I always take my time to study characters and just take the info and sprint with it cause ain’t no one gonna stop me. So why not do it for the Lads? Just some little things I think make them a bit more fleshed out.
. Sleeps wearing running shorts and a sweaters.
. Said sweaters constantly have star themed designs and are pastel.
. Speaking of pastel I really want him to wear more pastel colors. Like I get the color scheme but dammit he’ll look so good in them!
. Uses 3 in 1.
. Please make him stop using that.
. Has the best puppy dog eyes and definitely uses it to his advantage.
. He’s definitely the type to give some guy a quick punch to the throat if he deems it necessary. He does it so fast no one really has the time to process it before he’s using his ‘innocent eyes’.
. Definitely has a ton of plushies after meeting you.
. I think his bedroom would be a bit cluttered.
. The type to research your favorite hobby then proceed to pretend he doesn’t know about said hobby but asks you just the right questions cause he did his research.
. Bunny house slippers…need I say more?
. Definitely watches anime with you.
. Flexible…just gonna leave that here.
. Not the best at being aware of temperature, has worn shorts in the middle of winter.
. To me Zayne seems like the type to cry if you cry. I mean like you have to be sobbing and he’ll comfort you and once you fall asleep he starts to cry cause he isn’t capable of taking away what is causing you pain.
. Isn’t the best with expressing emotions so he writes you letters to try to make up for it. Makes communicating much easier tbh.
. Biggest cuddleslut out there. Absolute cuddlewhore. He doesn’t see you much and his power is ice so I think the warmth that comes with cuddling is something he’s addicted to.
. Loves holding your hand, again for the warmth.
. Naturally cold hands so he rubs them together to warm them before touching someone.
. Freezing feet. Just straight up frozen.
. “Zayne I love you but keep your feet on your side of the bed or put on some socks.
. Doesn’t admit it but addicted to coffee.
. Terrible hand writing.
. Hates Brussels sprouts.
. Loves jigsaw puzzles.
. Also loves eggnog, especially with some cinnamon sprinkled on top.
. (I can’t remember which arm of his gets frozen I think it’s the left) His left arm is a bit more tender than his right so he loves when you massage it.
. Wears every scarf you buy him.
. Anytime I image Rafayel in clothes it always contains lace and silk. I have no idea why but to me it seems like something he would wear.
. Has mixed opinions about aquariums. On one hand some aquariums do help out sick and injured sea life and yeah that’s amazing especially if the sea animal wouldn’t survive in the wild anymore. On the other hand some aquariums are greedy money hogging bastards and just keep sea life just to keep it.
. Is the type to give the silent treatment then proceed to break it cause he misses talking to you.
. Has watched the little mermaid, absolutely loves it even if it’s completely wrong about his species.
. “Man if I could steal voices I would.”
. Can’t dance for shit.
. Self care king.
. Gets sick quite easily.
. Can’t hold his alcohol and gets drunk pretty easily.
. Definitely soaks in bubble baths.
. The second idiot in ‘the two idiots’ love trope. Absolutely fuels impulse decisions.
. “That seems very dangerous….lets do it!”
. Two words to describe his studio. Organized mess.
. Really really serious about promises. You’re not allowed to break anymore.
. Eats steaks medium rare. He tried rare and absolutely not.
. Unknowingly taps his foot when irritated.
. Also unknowingly clicks his pen when focused.
. Only writes in cursive.
. Picks you up just to pick you up.
. Definitely hates when people wake him up by opening the curtain.
. Gets sunburnt easily.
. Hides your shoes to make you stay longer.
. Is the type to get mad at someone being too loud cause he’s on the phone even though he’s in the middle of a fucking shoot out.
. “Yknow it’s pretty rude to be loud when someone’s on the phone.”
. Definitely has fuzzy house shoes.
. Has had his hardwood floor waxed then proceeded to slip and fall from the waxed floor and now when his floor gets waxed he stays out the entire day.
. Loves ice cream.
. His body is a fucking heater. Cuddles are only done with the AC set to below freezing.
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actual-changeling · 2 years ago
In the grand scheme of things, a month is not enough time to really get to know someone, especially if said person is clearly still going through a lot of shit and clinging to his brother like an octopus. They have been spending more and more afternoons with each other, always with Joel in the middle, and he likes to think they're on a good path to being friends.
Tommy might not know Ellie well, but he does know her, and it's easy to see that she is currently incredibly uncomfortable and Joel nowhere to be seen. The dining hall is loud during meal times on the best of days, but today it is outright chaotic, and Tommy remembers how overwhelming it had been during his first few months in Jackson. On top of that, Ellie is so small she can probably barely see through the crowd, just a piece of driftwood caught in the current and pulled along in whatever direction people are moving, and without Joel there to enforce her personal space, she is drowning.
His body is moving toward her before he even notices what he is doing, stopping himself once he does; there's a chance Ellie would be quite upset if he tried to swoop in and "save" her, well aware how much she dislikes being close to anyone who isn't Joel. But then Martin starts talking to her, good guy, usually very friendly, and all color drains from her face, and Tommy decides he'd rather have Ellie elbow him in the stomach than face his brother's wrath over not stepping in.
The crowd parts around him when he moves through it, the distance between him and Ellie closed within seconds, and he stops on her right, keeping himself in her field of vision so he doesn't startle her (he did that once on accident, never again). He nods at Martin, though his feelings are far from his priority right now.
"Hey Ellie, have you seen Joel somewhere?"
Trying to keep his tone light, he has one eye on the people surrounding them and one on her, still trying to figure out where the hell his brother disappeared to, he never leaves her alone if he can help it. He's not quite sure what he expects Ellie to do, but it's definitely not her hands snapping up to grab his arm so tightly it's almost painful, nails digging into his skin. She is shaking, trying so hard to be aware of the room around her that her eyes are almost fluttering, and it takes him a few beats to react.
"Gonna go 'n find my brother with this one, Martin."
It's not a question but he nods, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze before merging back into the crowd, and Tommy is incredibly thankful for that. The second he is gone, Ellie deflates, falling against his side, and Tommy brings up his other arm around her and gently places his palm on her back, relieved when she doesn't flinch. Asking if she is okay seems unnecessary, she clearly isn't, so he just tries his best to provide her with as much space as possible as he navigates them to an empty table in one of the quieter corners near the back exit, casually pushing people away when necessary.
Ellie sinks into a chair and doesn't let go of him, knuckles white, and he settles next to her, keeping an eye out for Joel while talking to her.
"Anything you need, sweetheart?"
The endearment slips out, force of habit, and her gaze is suddenly glued to his face, pupils blown so wide her eyes seem black.
"Don't leave."
"I won't, promise. Do you know where Joel went?"
She shakes her head, fingers around his wrist loosening a tiny bit.
"Alright, I'm sure he'll be back soon, someone probably just distracted him."
They both lean back, the relative silence between them oddly comforting, and Ellie nudges her chair across the floor until their armrests are pressed together, her breaths coming a bit slower and deeper now. The affection curling around his heart is familiar, warmth blooming in his chest, and it's easy to understand why Joel fell for her so quickly and completely it almost killed him. She relaxes while they wait, head tipping to rest against his biceps, eyes closed, and the open display of trust is so sweet it makes him ache. Despite not spending a lot of time together, she clearly thinks of him as someone safe, probably due to his relationship with Joel, and Tommy finds himself hoping that maybe they can build something on that foundation. Ellie is Joel's kid, which makes her family, and Tommy looks out for his people.
It takes Joel about fifteen minutes to finally return to them with a panicked look on his face, clearly out of breath, and he stops dead in his tracks when he sees Ellie half draped over him.
"I'm sorry, baby, someone was asking about some construction work I did yesterday, and-"
"It's okay," she interrupts, blinking up at him and stretching out one hand in a clear demand, "Tommy got me."
Joel stills, eyes flicking between the two of them, and he simply shrugs his unoccupied shoulder, it's not like it's his kid, after all. He takes Ellie's hand and falls into the chair next to her, leaning over to press a kiss to her hair, and Tommy doesn't even try to hide his smile. To everyone's surprise, Ellie stays right where she is, holding Joel's hand with a death grip but still using him as a pillow, and the look he shares with Joel is one of mutual confusion and resignation. She starts talking to him about some space book she's been reading, ignoring the last twenty minutes of her life, and they silently agree to wait out the masses before getting their own food, Ellie seemingly content to force both of them to listen to her ramble about an astronaut he has no idea about.
Yeah, she got them both wrapped around her finger, and Tommy finds he doesn't mind it one bit, hoping that maybe this is not only a second chance for Joel, but for him, too.
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soleminisanction · 10 months ago
“I made him bring me, y’know.”
Steph jolted awake, the uncanniness of hearing her own voice make words she’d never spoken jarring down her spine. She was in the Batcave, or rather, in one of the small containment cells that, in her world, would’ve been reserved for when someone was dosed with fear gas or some other unknown substance in the field. She doubted that was their purpose here. 
Her bruised throat throbbed. It ached with pain from the day before, when the man who was and wasn’t Dick—the one who called himself ‘Renegade’—had choked her out during the surprise attack his awful mirrorverse crime family had sprung on their world. She didn’t think anything was broken, or at least not too badly, but it was all so swollen she could barely speak, and what little she could manage was agonizing. 
Her opposite number probably knew that, of course. She sat now on the opposite side of the glass door, mirroring the position Steph had taken against the wall to catch what sleep she could. Their faces were identical, their bodies a perfect match. Their costumes shared a color scheme, though Owl-Spoiler’s had more of a medieval bandit aesthetic overall and considerably more silver, especially the razor sharp silver claw rings she wore over her gloves on all ten fingers. 
These, she drummed against a cocked knee as she continued speaking, keeping up a mocking air of casual conversation. “I’m not exactly standard deployment on these ‘away’ missions. There’s a reason I’m in here, guarding you, instead of out picking fights right now. My talents lie much more in the realm of… subterfuge. Subversion. Spoiling other people’s plans.”
She chuckled at her own joke. Steph pulled her knees in more tightly and hid a scowl behind her crossed arms.
“But I had to be a part of this one. I even spent some of the blackmail I keep in my back pocket to make sure Owlman kept me involved. You want to know why?” The Owl tilted her head onto her shoulder, regarding Steph coldly, her blue eyes icy and unblinking. “It’s because I hate you.” 
The raw truth of the word plunged into Steph’s stomach like a block of ice. Owl-Spoiler rolled up onto one knee and loomed over her counterpart, the gloom of the cave casting her face in shadow. Yet her eyes remained clear, unblinking, as though they were shining. 
“I hated you the moment I saw you. You remind me of him.” 
Didn’t take a genius to guess who she meant. She began to slowly drag her claws down the glass.
“You know the thing I hate most about my father? He cared more about ‘serving and protecting’ total strangers than ever did about his own family. He even made sure they arrested the guys who shot Mom.” The claws dug in, leaving marks in the glass and making their shrieks even louder. “He spent my entire life putting everything and everyone in this miserable, broken, worthless shithole of a city before me, and he wasn’t even doing it for a good reason. He didn’t actually care about people, only that he got to be their hero. That everyone could finally see how good and smart he was.”
Her lips curled and she looked at Steph like she was something disgusting she’d just scraped off the bottom of her boot. “You might have my face. But I can tell: you’re exactly like him.” 
Aching throat or no, Steph lifted her head to snap back, to shut the bitch and her bullshit down, but before she could form the words Spoiler slammed her fist into the glass barrier so hard it startled Steph into lurching back. 
“Don’t try to deny it!” the Owl snarled. “I know you. I am you.” 
Stephanie stared at herself, at this twisted reflection with only a pane of bulletproof glass between them, and tried to tell herself that it—she—didn’t know what she was talking about. That it was all a trick, a lie, a mistake.
The Owl regarded her coldly for a moment more, then sniffed and rose to her feet. 
“I’m probably too narcissistic to actually kill you. But trust me, when I get the okay, I’m going to make you wish you were dead.” She adjusted her cape and turned on her heel, leaving Steph with a dismissive little finger-wriggle of farewell. “Don’t get too comfortable. The boys’ll be home any time now.”
(Why yes I am still thinking about the better version of Earth-3 Steph that could've been, as if it wasn't obvious.)
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stars-n-spice · 9 months ago
Clone OCs: Dawn Company
I made these guys waaay back in March (?) of last year and for some reason never posted them here-
Randomly I decided to go back to them because I think I stopped working on them simply because I couldn't decide on a name for the group/color scheme but I got ideas and the time/motivation to digitalize my initial doodles, so introducing Dawn Company!
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Dawn company specializes in relief missions and refugee relocation, so they typically don't see a lot of action. Doesn't mean they aren't prepared to handle the worst though! Debating whether or not they're part of the 187th (hence the purple), but we shall see.
Check out Dusk Company as well!
Closeups and brief Introductions under the cut!
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Commander Prince:
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- He's a little stuck up so of course he's named something pretentious
- Always trying to one up other Commanders (he's not very liked but he could care less) - 8W7 on Enneagram
- Nobody tell anyone he has a soft spot
- Constantly stressed by his need to perform and outdo others (hence why he's already graying)
- People who don't know him will probably think he's annoying as hell but once you get close to him, he's actually not that bad
- High maintenance clone so he doesn't mind being in charge of relief missions and what not
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- Earned his name after shattering his tailbone when he ran backward into a parked gunship (has never lived it down)
- You can call him 'TB' for short or 'T-Bone'
- 2w1 on Enneagram
- Big old sweetheart though
- Their strategist and resident babysitter because he's good with kids (as much as he doesn't want to admit it)
Kes + Spice:
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- Kes just thought the name was cool (maybe it's short for 'Kessel' idk)
- Spice is sugar and spice and everything nice, so it's a fitting name for him (does he do the drug? who knows.)
- Kes is a 1W2 on the Enneagram
- Spice is a 7W6 on the Enneagram
- Spice is always trying to get Kes to lighten up a little since Kes tends to take things a little too seriously
- Kes just wants to sleep and get missions done
- Yes, Kes is already graying (Spice has offered to dye it, Kes refuses)
- Spice is their sharpshooter
ARC Trooper Spider:
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- Got his name/scars from a spider droid
- Is partially blind in the left eye
- Dyes hair that color
- 2W3 on the Enneagram
- A cool older vod kind of guy, he's someone you can and want to look up to
- Will call you out on your bullshit though
- You don't want to get on his bad side, he'll make your life a living hell if you do
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- Name is loosely inspired by 'octopus' because he tends to multitask
- Their "technical" guy
- 5W6 on the Enneagram
- Can and will talk your ear off if you let him (about anything and everything)
- Super organized and will go a little crazy when his brothers mess up his things or leave stuff lying around the barracks
- Voice of reason (hardly anyone listens to him though)
Yara + Mav:
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- Yara is a medic and is named after a plant
- Mav is a pilot; his name is short for "Maverick"
- Yara once saved Mav's life and now Mav feels indebted to him (even though Yara insists he was just doing his job and wishes Mav would just leave him alone)
- Yara is a 2W1 on the Enneagram
- Mav is a 7W8 on the Enneagram
- Mav would kin Lightning McQueen probably
- Got both of their scars in the same accident; Mav from blaster shots and Yara from a vibroknife
- Got his name because he spends a lot of time in the medbay
- Has the worst luck (but it somehow still alive??) and is very accident prone
- 6W7 on the Enneagram
- High pain tolerance thankfully
- A little bit of a nervous wreck but he's doing his best
- Honestly could be a medic himself with how much time he spends in the medbay watching stuff being performed on him
- Big sweetheart though and cares a lot for his brothers
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archer-kacey · 1 month ago
Idk I'm still trying to give the artist the benefit of the doubt because I can see he has some nice illustration work on his art station (or what I believe to be his art station.) Because I know my art looks worse when I'm rushing.
But even looking at his nicer illustrations I can see anatomy might be a weak point compared to his coloring and rendering. Now a lot of comic art has questionable anatomy mainly due to deadlines so I get that.
What I'm trying to figure out is who's decision was it to color the graphic novel so horrendously? Because every screenshot I see makes the art look either dull as hell or painful to look at. Why would you get a guy with good coloring and rendering skills then have him make a comic with such an ugly color scheme? BATIM and BATDR don't have that problem.
Seriously, why would you use that eye-bleeding yellow as the backdrop for the character line up?
Ngl I wonder if the colorist is the same one from the FNAF graphic novels. Like, why are the colors LIKE THAT...
Concerning the artist: Yeah, I think anatomy is his kryptonite. I hesitate to assume much about the process and lineart because artists get underpaid and rushed etc. But it makes me scratch my head when sometimes his work looks good, like here:
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And other times his work....uh...(???)
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(I get it's tonally "silly" but like 🫠....)
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princesstarfire1234 · 3 months ago
hi um i see you draw transformers i want to ask how you start with that cuz i want to draw my dad's car as a transformer but i have no clue where to start. do u have a rough process or something? hope you have a good day :)
Hello! Apologies, I've only gotten to this now, but here's a bit of a rambling on my process and the improvements/stuff I've learned since my first time trying to draw an original transformers design aha
I know you asked as to HOW to draw a transformer like in general, but I'd like to focus on how to brainstorm up a transformers design since that seems to fit your case more
First off are references, they are an absolutely big help! Get photos of the altmode you want for your silly guy from as many angles as possible and plop them all somewhere, try creating a moodboard of sorts for them! Here's a bunch of old moodboards I made for my ocs (typically created in either jamboard or canva, whatever works):
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I also recommend putting down images of existing transformers designs or characters that have the vibes or little design aspects you want/really like! Like for example here, I've put up images of Aileron because she had the sort of body type I wanted for Stargazer; I put in Tailgate because he was a small bot with big shoulders like how I envisioned Astrofire, etc etc. You can sift thru tf wiki pages, look at images of existing tf characters you know, or even look at the oc tags over here on tumblr to get inspiration!
Another thing I know I and probably a lot of other people struggle with is colors. Making up color schemes for any character is a bit of a pain when you've got no clue where to begin, and you never want to settle with a single color, it's good to break it up with a secondary one to make the design easier on the eyes!
In your case, I'd take your dad's car's color, think of a possible secondary color and plop the choices into colorhunt.co
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This site's helped me a lot with trying to figure out how to make my color choices fit nicely with each other. I know I mentioned only a first and secondary, but it's also good to keep in mind extra colors for tinier parts of the design. Like for example, Firecracker's color scheme here started from me wanting to give him that classic decepticon purple and black, the orange was an addition I got from looking thru pallettes on colorhunt and I think it really made the whole design pop!
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Above is his original design (left) vs his current redesign (right); he's a lot more refined now, proportions are closer to how I wanted them and I've learned a whole lot since making his first character sheet aha
These are the two main things I try to consider when designing transformers characters, actually drawing the bot yourself is a whole other challenge that I'm not really sure I'm equipped enough to tackle that well aha. One thing I can give though that's consistent throughout my process is that, I very much recommend making a rough sketch or creating a silhouette for your character before getting into the details!
But yeah, that's pretty much the main stuff, hope this helps you out even with how messily worded it is aha
Also to reply as well to your other ask, tysm!! I'm so surprised but also happy that a lotta people over here on tumblr seem to really like Stargazer aha
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brandstifter-sys · 2 years ago
These Dreams
Chapter 1: Blots                  (Ao3) (must be signed in)
For @dukexietyweek 2023 Day 1 -Tattoo Shop/Florist
Word Count: 1020
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, Virgil
Warnings: ftm Remus, genderfluid virgil, innuendo, dreams
Remus dreams about being a tattoo artist, and he meets someone who catches his attention
Remus absolutely loved ink, and he loved meeting new people. He also loved a good mystery. Maybe that's why he was drawn to the florist next door. The man was the furthest thing from sunny and bright, and yet he was always making bright bouquets for weddings and stuff. He wore long sleeves year round and he was always looking over his shoulder as if someone were looking for him. 
Remus was so intrigued that he would stop by the flower shop after work just to talk to the spooky cutie. Even if he did get a little snippy, Remus could say with confidence that he liked this guy. He was down to cuddle! If he ever got that lucky. 
It was a slow day in his parlor. Remus didn't have any appointments booked, everything was clean and restocked, and he was bored, watching videos on his phone. He could let his mind wander if he wanted, but it liked to go to dark places. 
And then the front door opened with a chime. Remus stowed his phone immediately and went to the counter to greet the newcomer. He was not disappointed to see that adorable cub of a man and his patchwork hoodie. 
"Well hello!" Remus cooed and leaned on the counter, "what brings you to the stab station?" 
"That's not the business name," spooky guy said flatly and crossed his arms, "And I'm here to set up a consultation." 
"Oooh, fancy words!" Remus giggled, "I can squeeze you right now!" 
"You mean 'squeeze you in,' right?" 
"That too!" he said, "Come with me to my office and we can work something out." 
Remus practically bounced from behind the counter and led him into the main studio. There were a couple of chairs with inks and needles, and a couch. Remus was happy to flop on the couch. 
"So you're looking for ink, huh?" Remus asked and patted the seat next to him, "Is this your first time?" 
He shook his head and took off his hoodie. His forearms were covered in ink—intricate spiderwebs. Remus was in awe, and on guard. 
"I see you have some spider webs there," he mused. 
"Yeah. I like spiders. I'm trying to cover them up more. I didn't do enough research on the meaning behind them," the man winced, ready to cover up again, “I’m not—I’ve never been—” 
"So you want to get some colorful sleeves to hide the webs before someone mistakes you for a bastard.” 
"Yeah. I uh, have a design and color scheme already," the man grumbled and pulled out a piece of folded paper from his pocket. He handed it to Remus and rubbed his arm. 
Remus unfolded it and grinned at the two pages of images. He loved the grays and purples and he could even see a few spider webs that wouldn't be obnoxious or red flags. It would be the perfect cover! 
"Did you draw this yourself?" Remus gawked, clearly impressed. 
“Yeah, I figured it would be better to have a plan so I could get as much done at once as quickly as possible.” 
“If you don’t have to be anywhere for a few hours, I can do it now!” Remus grinned, “On one condition!” 
“Condition?” the guy hesitated and reached to take his sketches back.
“Yeah, you have to get me a coffee afterwards,” Remus shrugged and kept the paper out of reach, “I think that’s fair.”
The man relaxed and cracked his neck. A coffee wasn’t so bad, and it didn’t have to mean anything. 
“Let’s get started,” he said with a hint of eagerness in his low, droning voice. 
“Take a seat in the first chair, and take some pain killers if you haven’t already—there should be some in the drawer and some water bottles,” Remus said and motioned to the chair in question. He bounced to his feet and skipped over to a counter with a printer set up. He was going to make this the best tattoo ever! 
The man brought his hoodie with him and sat down, not going for the medicine. Remus could appreciate some healthy masochism. He was guilty of being a masochist himself! 
He made a reverse copy of the images on some transfer paper and bopped over to his new client. 
"Okiee dokiee, let's start with lefty!" he giggled and set the right sheet on the counter. 
The man held out his arm and let Remus place the transfer paper on his skin. With a few shifts, he had it in place and held it down. 
Remus grabbed a soapy, damp rag and coated the paper, making sure it would transfer to his skin. His client was shaking slightly, which was understandable. Getting inked could be nerve-wracking. 
“It’s okay,” Remus hummed, “It’ll sting a little, but not like a thousand hornets, but you already know that. Are you just nervous because I’m hot?” 
It was just a little jab to get the guy to crack a smile and relax. Remus was not exactly happy when he went even more rigid. At the same time he was thrilled.
“So, I didn’t get your name before,” Remus said and peeled off the transfer sheet. The man looked up at him with stormy eyes and a cute blush.
“You didn’t ask,” he muttered, “it’s—”
  Remus woke up flailing. He was tangled up in his sheets as he tumbled from his bed. He was going to break his damn alarm clock one of these days! It was inevitable, especially when it decided to interrupt his dreams before they ever got to the good parts!
Remus managed to escape his cocoon of sheets and turned off his alarm. He would have to get to class in an hour, unless his professor canceled. He found his phone and grinned at the notification. Janus had to handle a medical issue and class was canceled! 
Remus immediately went to his desk and grabbed his sketchbook. He could study, but he wanted to draw the tattoo the guy in his dream wanted. Scratch that—he needed to draw it, because he refused to forget it! 
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justhereforqsmp · 2 years ago
just wanted to try drawing in the nimona style (BECAUSE IT’S SOOO CUTE) but the more I thought about it the more I realized nimona and qsmp guapoduo’s story line up. Kinda Well Actually. Almost Too Well. This is what happens when I watch other media while watching QSMP things get wacky LMAOOOO
I was debating between making nimona au of a wider struggle with the Federation/Institute like we have in QSMP to include more characters or to just stick closely to the movie with limited characters… I think both Nimona aus could be interesting but for now I’ll just work with the movie bc I had such a clear idea in mind LOL
BELOW the read more is SPOILERS FOR ALL OF NIMONA. if you have Netflix, i recommend giving it a watch I enjoyed it quite a bit, good art, cute story! Basically the au is just the movie plot if you replaced some characters with qsmp + the art I made to go along with it
Cellbit - Ballister, perfect because he goes through a similar thing with trying to earn the Federation’s trust, and trying to earn the islander’s trust in his traitor situation going on. And also Cucurucho would totally frame him for crimes LOLLLL. And also the situation with him being framed to kill King Abueloier is just a perfectly fitting situation and also getting his arm cut off. By a chainsaw. So he matches Richas now. I think instead of roier it would be abueloier who cuts his arm off I think, in a last ditch effort to stay alive, or maybe Roier deserves to cut off some arms idk. I think Ballister’s noble ideals really align with Cellbit’s, but also Cellbit would probably be a little more aggressive than Ballister is in the movie when stressed, I.e Fugo Impossivel Cellbit. ALSO HE ALREADY HAS THE DARK KNIGHT AESTHETIC IN QSMP
Roier - Ambrosius, perfect because Roier used to be really buddy buddy with the Federation and with Cucurucho but because of Bobby and Cellbit started to view them as more sinister. I think that both his arcs of trusting cellbit even through his traitor arc and distrusting cellbit because he murdered his grandpa are well-reflected in Ambrosius’ arc in the film. In this version of the movie Nimona (Bobby and Richas) and Ambrosius interact more because even though they’re little monsters the Bobby-Richas bond with Roier is too good. The only reason I was at first considering Roier for Ballister is because of the Ballister-Nimona bond but like Cellbit fits the role so much better.
Richas and Bobby - Both Nimona, somehow. Little dragon shapeshifters that cause trouble, constantly bicker, and just want to be loved. Bobby, of course, fits Nimona a little bit better with their temperaments but I feel the fatherly-son bond between Richas and Cellbit is too good to pass up. Also Richas is definitely capable of anarchy.
Idk, Tilin?? - Gloreth. Honestly any of the egg kids reskinned to just be regular children would work for this (Pomme? Tallulah?? Leo because Roier-Leo family relation?) , but I don’t think any of them would betray Bobby and Richas lol.
Jaiden - The squire. Because I feel she would accidentally witness a planned assassination and try to warn about it but fail and just be burdened with knowledge LOL. And, another change from the movie, during the kidnapping of Jaiden she bonds with Bobby and becomes part of the found family too.
Cucurucho - The Director. Because it hates Cellbit, likes to keep order, and wants to kill the eggs. Self explanatory!
The Institute - The Federation. Similar color schemes, similar control over the populace!
Abueloier - King/Queen + that jerk Todd guy. It’s perfect, he gets killed in the opening scene of the movie and you know Roier is like “how could you do this”. I feel that Abueloier and Cellbit had an ok dynamic at first that just worsened until Cellbit um. Killed him. So maybe that happens here too except this time Cellbit didn’t actually kill him and the royal sword was rigged by Cucurucho.
And Bobby actually dies at the end so there’s only Richas left. To keep it in canon. : ). Pain. He’s a hero though so. I Guess It’s Okay.
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the-cat-chat · 1 year ago
February 10, 2024
Her (2013)
In a near future, a lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system designed to meet his every need.
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JayBell: Ten years ago the plot of this movie really creeped me out. And now, with the talk of AI inescapable, it's even creepier. Why? Because the plot doesn't seem as unbelievable as it did ten years ago. The more time passes and the more AI advances, the idea of AI-human relationships becomes more likely. So this Valentine's month, I decided to face my fears.
What surprised me about this movie is how it actually did feel like two people in a relationship. Going into this, I imagined it being about a human who projects his own emotions onto an AI, where the AI doesn't feel like a true partner. But aside from the AI's initial birth triggered from his actions, she quickly grew and advanced so much that I couldn't help but feel like she did have power and agency in her own right. I didn't see her as simply an extension of our main guy.
If you break down the challenges in their relationship, honestly they aren't as unique as you might think. One challenge is her lack of body. Well there are people in reality who are paralyzed or don't want physical intimacy, and they also have to figure out what intimacy looks like for them if it isn't physical.
Another challenge is AI's capacity for love (even if her capacity is well beyond a human's). In reality, there are people who love more than one person at a time, and in those situations, the people involved need to figure out if that's something they are comfortable with.
Another challenge is AI's ability to evolve at a rate that humanity (and our main guy) can't keep up with. That happens with humans too. You can outgrow your partner. You can have two very different perspectives on life, so different that you can't understand each other or find common ground.
Overall, this movie is way sadder than I thought it would be. It's less about trying to figure out if an AI can be a person or if it's possible for an AI to love. It's more about learning that love comes with pain, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth it.
I think the acting is great, the cinematography is beautiful, and the story is unique and well thought out. At the same time, there are parts that are hard to watch/listen to, and it's very intense.
Long story short--it make my brain hurted. I know Anzie will probably rate this much lower, but honestly, sometimes a movie needs to melt my brain for me to feel its impact.
Rating: 7/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: Well. All I can really say is throughout this chaotic week I have been retraumatized at random when my brain relaxes and stops blocking this movie from my brain. And I hate to be a loser bc it’s a very interesting idea and concept- as well as all the commentary on humans and our relationships, plus there’s all really good acting and all the filming and the color scheming and just everything. Ok it’s great! And I’m a loser. I’m too weak. There were points I wished my skin was being removed instead bc it was so incredibly weird. There I said it. If you’re looking for an EXPERIENCE, than it’s definitely this movie. Also Joaquin Phoenix is never allowed to be above the 50% hotness level while appearing completely normal for once- I blame the mustache( and that’s a troubling concern for myselllffff) and ScarJo can’t be a just floating, disembodied voice. And her “laughing” bc they were falling in love and flirting hurt my soul deeply.
Rating: 5.5/10 Cats 🐈
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messers-moony · 4 years ago
Pretty Face | S.B
Paring: Young!Sirius Black X Fem!Reader
Summary: Sirius takes his girlfriend to his family home and Walburga takes out all her pent up jealousy out on her. 
Inspiration: Click
Walburga Black didn’t have the life every girl dreamed about. She always dreamed of an extravagant wedding with the man of her dreams. Perhaps a tall man with a sweet personality. One to take care of her when she had a bad day at work. But that was not the life she got. 
Instead, Walburga Black had an arranged marriage with her cousin Orion. The wedding was extravagant, but she definitely wasn’t marrying the man of her dreams. Sure he was tall, with dark hair and gleaming grey eyes, but he wasn’t sweet. He was quite the opposite. He had a tongue of silver, and his brutal words brought a knife to her heart. 
Waking up to Orion was like waking up on Christmas Day alone. You can feel it; it’s so close, but yet it’s never quite right. The feeling of loneliness is there, and it never fades. Walburga was beautiful, or at least she thought so. Beautiful thick raven hair and eyes bluer than the sky, cheeks full and colored. If she was this beautiful, then why did she deserve this cruel of a fate. 
Pressure is the worst motivator. Walburga’s mother - Irma - pushed her and Orion to have children before she couldn’t carry them. Irma wanted grandchildren, and Walburga needed to produce an heir before; for some reason, she couldn’t. The Black family name needed to continue and get passed down. 
As a result of Orion and Walburga’s parent's pressure, she got pregnant with their first child. She hated this. She hated knowing that this child would grow up without a loving parental relationship. Orion and Walburga couldn’t love each other. They just couldn’t. But she wished that for her unborn child, they could. 
After much debate, they decided to name him Sirius Orion Black the Third. Sirius was the brightest star in the Canis Major - the dog constellation. His middle name was a regular hand-me-down. Most boys got their middle name from their fathers first, and most girls got theirs from their mothers first. 
Sirius was the most beautiful baby boy. Maybe she was biased, but she thought he was gorgeous. His skin was beautiful porcelain, and his eyes were so bright, energetic, and full of life. Something Walburga used to have but no longer did. He was her pride and joy—his little giggles and his voice when he began to talk. Sirius Black would be her everything - her one reason. 
But eventually, that one reason would become two. She was pregnant again. While her first pregnancy, she felt entirely alone. Now she had Sirius, and he was so sweet. During days where Walburga didn’t feel like getting out of bed, leaving Orion to take care of him, Sirius would sneak away to spend time with his momma. Sirius would crawl to the side of the bed and poke her until she held him in her arms. 
He would lay on his side and snuggle his back into her chest. Walburga would place her hand on his stomach, placing the covers over them both. She couldn’t believe how lucky she got. Orion was god awful, but her son was everything. 
Nine months later, Regulus Arcturus Black. His first name was a star in the Leo constellation, while his middle name was inherited from his Grandfather. The same pale skin as Sirius and sparkling silver eyes. She now had two reasons to continue. Her little boys, till the end. 
It wasn’t until both boys were five when Irma had a talk with Walburga about how they should be raised. Personally, Walburga thought they were the perfect little boys. Okay, sometimes they would break something, but that was normal, wasn’t it? They were boys, and they cause a ruckus. Sirius had tuffs of straight black raven hair. Regulus’ hair was wavier but still held the dark color. 
Of course, they knew their manners. Saying titles such as ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir,’ but apparently, that wasn’t enough in Irma’s eyes. They needed to sit straight, only speak when spoken to, begin their studies and stop being childish. But they were children. They’re supposed to be children. 
Irma did the cruelest thing when this was brought up by saying that if Walburga didn’t straighten her boys up, they’d be banned from the Noble House of Black. So she tried. But Sirius and Regulus were already so in their roots that trying to get them to stop was damn near impossible. So she resulted in using spells as punishments. 
By the age of seven, they were terrified of their mother. Walburga thought that Orion’s words could hurt her, but nothing hurt more than seeing her boys cower at the sight of her. She so badly wanted to cup their cheeks and give them kisses all over. She tried to baby them. She wanted them to have a childhood. But that couldn’t happen when you’re in the Noble House of Black. 
So why did she feel this way? Was it envy? Was it jealousy? Why did she hate it when Sirius brought his girlfriend home? 
Walburga couldn’t deny it. The girl was gorgeous. Her hair was silky smooth, rid of all tangles. Eyes of hypnotizing e/c. She seemed shy but still managed to be formal—greetings with the titles of ‘ma’am’ and ‘sir.’ 
Sirius was fourteen, him getting a girlfriend was bound to happen. He only got more good-looking as he grew up.  His hair got longer, and his face became more defined. Not to mention how tall he got. He was taller than Walburga now. Her baby boy, who used to snuggle with her, was no longer such a baby. Of course, Walburga had scolded him for being in Gryffindor, but in reality, she was proud of him. 
This girl - Y/n - was in Slytherin. She wasn’t a pureblood, in fact, she was a half-blood. But regardless, she was a Slytherin. Perhaps that could do some good for Sirius. Maybe Walburga wouldn’t have to ban him from the family-like Irma kept telling her to. Even as an old woman, she was a pain in the ass. 
They all made it to the dining room, and Sirius pulled out Y/n’s chair, gently pushing her in. It made Walburga grit her teeth. Why couldn’t Orion show some decency when around guests? Why didn’t Orion do that? Is this what she’s been missing the entire time? She tried to swallow it as they began eating. 
Y/n wiped her mouth with her napkin, “Thank you, Mrs. and Mr. Black, for this meal. It’s terrific.”
Walburga did nothing to acknowledge her. It dampened Y/n’s mood a tad, not knowing what she had done to tick them off. Sirius reached his hand under the table, intertwining their fingers together. With his thumb, he drew hearts and smiled wildly. Their love made Walburga sick to see her son with that dopey smile on his face. 
Regulus made conversation first after minutes of the awful silence, “So, Y/n, I saw you talking with Pandora and Marlene before the break. Are you guys friends?”
“Mhm.” Y/n nodded, “Pandora is so sweet. She’s astute too.”
“Well, she is in Ravenclaw, makes sense.” Regulus shrugged, “What about Marlene?”
“Oh, well, we practice Quidditch together even if we’re on opposing teams.” Y/n answered, “Normally, someone else will join us like James or Nick, so Marlene throws the Bludgers at us while we throw the Quaffle around. It helps us learn how to dodge.”
Regulus had stars in his eyes, “That’s brilliant!” 
“Thanks. You can always join us if you’d like.”
“I’d love to.”
Y/n smiled warmly at him as Walburga spoke up for the first time that night, “So, you and your friends hang out often?” Her tone sounded condescending. 
“We do.” Walburga gritted her teeth, “I hang out with Leia the most, though. She’s been with me since the first year.”
“You guys must go out every night.”
She chuckled, “No, ma’am. Most of the time, Leia and I study. Sometimes Sirius and I sneak out to Hogsmeade, though.”
Sirius smiled as Y/n nudged him with her shoulder, gently kissing the top of her head, “You guys don’t have a care in the world, do you?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re ruining the Black family name.” Walburga snapped, “All you have is a pretty face. You’re too happy and pretty for this family.”
Sirius tightened his grip on Y/n’s hand, “You shouldn’t get to choose who you marry. You’re in Slytherin. You get an arranged marriage.”
“Mum, I think that’s-“
“No!” She yelled, and both boys flinched, “You’re so pretty, aren’t you, doll? That doesn’t even matter in the grand scheme of things.”
“Looks mean nothing.” Walburga growled, “One day, Sirius will find better, and he’ll cheat on you because that’s all he’s ever seen.”
Sirius stood up abruptly, “That’s enough!”
“Walburga!” Orion shouted, and they turned to him, “Leave the girl alone.”
Walburga hmphed and sat back down in her seat. Y/n was flabbergasted, trying to digest everything that had just been said to her. Sirius was glaring daggers at his mother. That was improper and awful behavior. He wished that Y/n didn’t have to witness it. After dinner was over, they went up to Sirius’ room, where he packed a bag of some stuff, and they left to go to Y/n’s house. 
Sirius had met Y/n’s parents prior, and they were so kind to him. It’s where he usually went over winter and Easter break. That night hon of them had gotten ready for bed. Sirius was in a hoodie and sweatpants. Y/n was wearing his Quidditch jersey and shorts. 
Both of them slipped under the comforter of Y/n’s bed, and Sirius’ arms went around her waist, pulling her back close to his chest, “I’m sorry for earlier.”
“It’s not your fault, Siri.” Y/n rubbed his hands, “You told me it was a bad idea, but I insisted anyway.” 
“That’s because it’s normal to meet the parents.” Sirius sighed, “Mine just aren’t normal.”
Y/n turned to face him; his face looked crestfallen; she cupped his cheek, “Your parents were forced together. There was never any love in their marriage. That’s what makes them different. I think your mum saw us together and was jealous.”
“Has your dad ever pulled out a chair for her?”
Sirius shook his head. 
“Has he ever held your mum’s hand?”
Another shake.
“Kissed her?”
“Not by choice.”
“She’s jealous because you do all those things for me. You’re a gentleman, and she hates that.” Y/n replied, “She wanted a man like you to love her, but she never got that.”
Sirius kissed her palm, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Y/n kissed his forehead, pulling his head to her chest, “I promise I’ll love you till the end.”
He kissed her neck in thanks, “Get some rest, puppy.”
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hanoella · 4 years ago
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x healer!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: When someone bad mouths Bucky in your presence, you set things straight.
Warnings: Angst, but with happy ending, and one vaguely 18+ insult? I'm new.
Speaking of- @wkemeup has inspired me to post my writing for the first time! For their 9k writing challenge, I used this prompt:
"Character A is the target of harassment on the street. Shamed, they pretend it doesn’t bother them. Until it happens in the presence of Character B, who reigns hell on whoever dared to upset [A]"
Bucky was used to the whispers he got from people the street when he passed by them.
“Is that-?”
“Don’t make eye contact, he’s dangerous.”
“They just let him walk around like he hasn’t killed a bunch of people?”
His enhanced hearing picked up more than he wished it did. He liked to believe it didn’t bother him but deep down it did. It was just one more reason to stay secluded. Isolated. Alone. And he had been successfully doing that.
Until you came along.
Having been the test subject of a super serum version that focused on health and regeneration, you used your healing powers to help the Avengers get back to world-saving shape. Bucky hadn’t been keen on anyone touching him, much less someone he didn’t know. Despite his best efforts, he had caved in when you noticed he was having a bad day with his shoulder and offered to help. Since then, your companionship has been like a guilty pleasure.
You had this way of making him feel like he was the most important person in the world to you. Regardless of what he thought was evident, you only seemed to notice the good in him, even when he protested.
“There’s nothing I can do to right the wrongs that I’ve committed. Redemption isn’t possible. I don’t deserve-”
“Stop.” You said, cutting him off. “You are amazing. You have been through everything that you’ve been through and you still give back to the world. You fight for a world that made you this way, a world that gives you nothing back and yet you fight. It’s the world that doesn’t deserve you.”
Bucky swallowed hard. Looking at you in your eyes, he saw no dishonesty. Only pure admiration.
After that, there was no hope of him being alone. You cracked open his shell slowly but surely and now Bucky couldn’t imagine life without you.
Which led him to his current predicament.
“Come on, please? It’ll be so good and only a few blocks away. I know tapioca sounds gross, but you’ll love it!”
Bucky didn’t know what bubble tea was but apparently it was worth begging him for the past 20 minutes while you worked on his shoulder. Your hands emitted a warm white light as you gently massaged his shoulder. The direct contact wasn’t necessary but Bucky hadn’t complained when you started doing it and it’s become routine every since.
“I don’t know. I know I’m old but I don’t have to resort to tapioca yet.”
Bucky let a moment pass before his lip twitched up into a smile. You feigned annoyance as you cut off the healing and placed your hands on his shoulders.
“How about you go with me and I won’t bill the heck out of you for my magical five-star massages.” You say as you squeeze his shoulders.
“Okay okay, fine.”
Bucky put his hands up in defeat as he got up from the couch he was sitting on and turned to face you.
You swallowed as you let your eyes drift across his chest before you grabbed his shirt from off the back of the couch and tossed it to him.
“Alright! I’m so excited!”
Bucky listened to you chatter on about the different flavors he could try while he put on his shirt. Sometimes, he couldn’t believe he actually had a friend besides Steve. Sure, it helped that you had been Steve’s friend first. But there was something about you having grown closer to him that made him feel special. Never did Bucky think there would be a time that he’d be jealous over a girl that Steve was friends with rather than the other way around. Times were certainly different.
“You coming?”
Bucky broke away from his thoughts and made his way towards the doorway that you were standing in.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Yeah, he knew this was a bad idea.
As soon as you two had left Stark Tower, the whispers started. While the café was only two blocks away, you noticed something was off a block into the trip.
“You alright?” You asked as you tried to decipher his facial expression.
“Yeah. Fine.”
You looked at him skeptically and then shifted your eyes to follow his, glancing around you. You slowly nodded in understanding as you looked at the people around you who were trying not to draw attention to themselves.
“Okay. We can talk about it later.”
Bucky was thankful that most people talked quietly enough so that you couldn’t hear what they were saying.
Keyword: Most.
You two arrived at the café, where it was slightly crowded. It was a warm afternoon, the perfect time to get a cool drink. Before heading inside, you gently placed your hand on his arm for a moment to reassure him.
“If you want, we could look at the menu out here and then I’ll go inside to order it.”
Bucky shifted his weight slightly from one side to the other as he contemplated it.
“Nah. We can go in together.”
“Okay.” you said, gently smiling to hopefully reassure him.
You both enter the building and make your way to stand in line. Bucky looked around at the seating areas. It reminded him of a Starbucks but with a more pastel color scheme. You looked at him and he raised an eyebrow in response. You smiled, happy that he was with you. Bucky’s heart skipped a beat and he smiled back.
That’s when you hear it.
“Is that that Hydra goon? Hey, go back to Siberia you brainwashed Hydra dog!”
You spun around violently the same time Bucky did with an incredulous look on your face, making eye contact with the college aged boy further back in line who was currently sniggering with his friends.
You stalked over to them before speaking in a low even tone.
“Sergeant Barnes has done more for the world than you could ever dream of doing. Apologize.”
You had let the venom creep into your voice, shouting the last word and silencing the rest of the line. Bucky walked up to you and put a hand on your shoulder, trying to turn your attention to him.
“C’mon. It’s not worth it.”
You let out a slow harsh exhale from your nose but didn’t move. The man only sneered.
“Why don’t you scurry along. I don’t care if you’re where he sticks his-”
The next thing Bucky registered was a nasty sounding crack as your fist connected with the jerk’s cheekbone. A round of gasps came from the surrounding crowd as he fell on the floor, completely dazed. You let out a pained grunt as you bent over, holding your hand while trying to cover the white light that started coming over your hand where the skin had bust open and something had definitely cracked.
“Okay, time to go.” Bucky said as he made an executive decision to get you two the heck out of there before anybody could react further. He put his hand on your back and quickly guided you out of the store, walking until you were out of the vicinity and almost back to the tower. You could tell that Bucky was not happy with you since he hadn’t said anything the whole way back. You entered the building and then stood silently in the elevator as it made its way up, refusing to meet his eye.
The elevator dinged as it opened up on the team’s dorm floor. You both walked quickly trying to avoid other people unsuccessfully as Sam stepped out into the hallway from the gym.
“Hey you two, what’re you… What happened to you?” He asked with a furrowed brow, nodding his head towards your hand as you walked past. Bucky and you answered at the same time.
“None of your business Sam-”
You gave Bucky a look and started chastising him.
“Hey, don’t be mean to him just because-”
“Keep. Walking.” He said through clenched teeth.
You rolled you eyes and shrugged apologetically at Sam as Bucky punched in the code to your apartment and swung the door open. He nudged you inside and then followed, shutting the door forcefully behind him.
Sam looked down the hall for a moment longer before shrugging it off. Natasha popped her head out into the hallway from the gym.
“What’s all the commotion?”
“Not sure. I think Mr. Tall, Dark and Metal left a few brain cells behind in the pod the last time he was frozen.”
Natasha snorted and then turned back into the gym.
Bucky closed the door behind him and then swung his arms out in confusion, giving you the same look of disbelief that he gives Yori when he starts a fight with his neighbors. You gave him the same look back, as if he was crazy for questioning your actions.
“What was that?” He finally asked.
“That guy was crazy! How could I not say something to him?”
“You didn’t have to hit him and hurt yourself! People say stuff like that all the time, you just have to ignore it and move on with your day.”
You stayed silent for a moment, averting your gaze and holding your injured hand that was gently glowing. Bucky gently let out his breath. He closed the distance between you and put his hand under yours to help you support it. His other hand grasped your forearm, gently moving over your smooth skin. He glanced down and watched as the inflammation went away and a bone shifted back into place under your skin.
“Please,” He whispered, his hold on you tightening ever so slightly. “It’s not worth all the trouble. It’s not worth you getting hurt.”
Bucky snapped his head back up to see you calm and determined. Speaking again, you look into his eyes.
“It is worth it.”
He blinked twice, not having expected that answer.
“Because if I had let him say what he was going to say. Then to me, it would be validating anyone who has ever said anything like that about you. I can’t let you believe that any of that is true.”
“I don’t believe it.”
“But you do.” You cried out, slipping your newly healed hand out of his grasp and stepping away.
“I can see it in your actions, Bucky. I see it when you deny yourself anything that would make you happy. I see it when you try to hide yourself from the world. I see it when you look at me.” You spoke, voice wavering with the last sentence, averting your gaze again. Bucky stood silent as you continued.
“I see a deep sadness in your eyes. I can feel it in your soul when I heal your shoulder. Or when you touch my hand to see if I’ve fallen asleep. I can feel it emanating off of you. But I know for a fact that you deserve to be happy. You deserve to rest and to be happy. How many times have you fought a fight that wasn’t yours because it was the right thing to do? And don’t say it was to redeem yourself because I know it’s more than that. You are a good man, James. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. But if you need to prove it to yourself than just take a look at me.”
You gently hold his face and guide it so that he’s looking at you. He’s surprised to find your eyes full of tears, threatening to spill over.
“When you look into my eyes, there is nothing but love and admiration for you. When you touch me, I feel the warmth you leave on my skin. When you hear me speak, you should be able to tell from what I say that I genuinely think you deserve the world. When you are hurting, the only thing I feel is your anguish. It kills me, to see you punish yourself so undeservedly.”
You were whispering now, looking up at him. Bucky’s eyes were watering as well, his jaw clenched in an attempt to hold back his emotions. With your hands still gently caressing his cheeks he slowly lowered his head so that his forehead was resting on yours, swallowing hard.
Bucky lifted his head slightly so that he could look at you and he saw nothing but love. Your eyelashes were wet and shimmering from tears you shed for him. Your cheeks were flushed from the overwhelming feeling that you had for him. He looked into the depths of your eyes and saw only his future with you. Finally, his gaze settles on your lips, soft and supple.
“Please,” you begged. “Please do not ask me to stand idly by as the world tears you apart. You are worth more to me than anything else in it.”
Slowly, his hands touch your waist and slide back until he’s holding you against him. Closing the gap between you, you kiss.
Nothing more in this world could assure him of your love. For once, he believes it.
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echotrinityme · 2 years ago
Inner Demon ( Henry and co.)
A/N: Now for something different; demon possession! You guys know my oc Briar Bloodsworth, right? Well I decided to combine THSC Briar and Canon Briar into one character. Briar in this one shot or parts is a demon who has THSC Briar's personality. That is not a good combination.
Rupert grumbled upon seeing Henry talking to Charles and Ellie. He doesn't know why he's been feeling so angry lately upon seeing Henry. Well when Henry first joined the Government, he wasn't happy at all. He had protested, told Charles about his past history, and even told Charles Henry murdered his childhood best friend. However, that didn't work as Charles continued to be Henry's friend. It even got worse when Ellie joined the Government and she, Henry, and Charles became the Triple Threat.
Rupert huffed as he went to his tent, he hated feeling angry all the time. He went inside his tent, the tent was dark, Rupert gritted his teeth as he thought again on why he's so angry now, "Dammit..." he said quietly.  
He was about to turn on the light when he felt a chill coming in the tent, he shivered a little. Then he heard a voice, "You're hurting...aren't you."
Rupert's eyes widen upon hearing the voice, he looked around the tent to try to pinpoint the source of the voice. Also, he noticed the voice wasn't a regular, human voice. The voice sounded...unnatural, like it wasn't even a human...it was more... demonic sounding. "Who's there!?" Rupert exclaimed in confusion.
As if on cue, there was black and red smoke coming up from the ground. The smoke then started transforming into something, Rupert covered his eyes with his hand as the a light came into view. The light dissipated as the transformation was done, Rupert can now see that the smoke was now a person. Well it looked like a human, but they weren't. Rupert saw long, lusciously black hair, features that feminine but too feminine, red eyes, and black clothing.
If it weren't the black color scheme and the red eyes, Rupert thought he was looking at an angel. However, he saw demonic wings, a demonic tail, and demonic horns. He wasn't looking at an angel... he was looking at a demon.
"Hello, my name is Briar Bloodsworth." said the demon smoothly.
"Who the hell are you!? And what the fuck are you doing in my tent!?" Rupert bellowed at Briar.
Briar smirked at Rupert's apparent anger, "I came here because you needed my help." he replied calmly.
Rupert's golden eyes flared up with rage, "I. Don't. Need. Your. Help." he answered as he gritted his teeth.
"Oooh! A spitfire, I love that in a man." Briar thought as he silently giggled. "He reminds me of my last victim."
Rupert was staring at Briar when he felt the fire within him died out, he sighed as he slump down to the floor. Briar saw this and studied Rupert's body language just as Rupert started to think about the happier times before he went into the Government. He then felt himself choke up as tears started to brew in his eyes, "He's really in a lot of pain..." Briar thought as he raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry...just...tired." Rupert commented, his voice cracking.
Briar nodded in agreement as he went down to Rupert's eye level, he gently lifted up Rupert's chin so he can look at Rupert. "I know that you're very hurt and stressed." he said soothing.
"I was happy before she left... I was happy before he hurt me... I was happy before HE came along." Rupert growled as he emphasis the word.
"You're angry, aren't you?" Briar stated as he smiled warmly, but it didn't reach his eyes. "You're angry at your mother for abandoning you... you're angry at your father for hurting you, and you're angry at a certain Stickmin for ruining your life."
Rupert nodded solemnly as Briar's smile widen, "Don't you want to get revenge?" he questioned coldly.
Rupert stared at Briar for a moment, does he want revenge? He's above revenge and was about to decline when he felt a strange feeling occurring in him, "You will feel so much better when you get your revenge." Briar continued lowly. "Won't you?"
Rupert's eyes started changing from gold to blood red, "Yes." he replied in a monotone voice.
"Excellent." Briar said as he started to chuckle darkly, he let go of Rupert's chin as he crossed his arms. "We are going to have so much fun!" he chirped.
Henry was humming a random tune in a clearing, he was playing with the shrunken Tunisian diamond. He kept playing with it when he heard footsteps coming towards him, he then spotted a shadow over him. He looked up to find Rupert Price staring down on him, he sighed as he stood up and put the diamond in his pocket, wondering why he's talking to him. It's no secret that Rupert and Henry hate each other guts. So seeing Rupert talking to him is surprising to him.
"Okay, Rupert." Henry said in annoyance as he crossed his arms. "What do you want?"
Rupert didn't respond to his question, he kept staring at him. Henry was waiting for an answer when he noticed Rupert is acting...off, he saw Rupert's eyes weren't his usual golden color, they were now...red. Henry was about to ask again when Rupert shot forward, Rupert punched Henry. Henry was confused, but quickly punched him back. They kept punching each other until Rupert pinned Henry down to began to strangle him, Henry tried to get Rupert off from him, but he was stronger than him.
"R-Rupert... Please s-s-s-stop...s-strangulating me." Henry pleaded out as he started to show signs of asphyxiation.
Rupert didn't hear him or even care because of Briar's influence on Rupert.
Before Rupert can actually kill him, he was pulled away by two hands. Calvin and Konrad was holding Rupert back while Charles and Ellie helped Henry up. Victoria came over to the commotion, she saw Henry was coughing to get air into his lungs, his eyes were red with tears, and she noticed bruises starting to form around his neck.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Rupert!?" Ellie bellowed at Rupert.
However, Rupert didn't listen to Ellie cause he was still influenced by Briar, Briar decided to stop his influencing for now. Briar disappeared into Rupert's mind, Rupert shook his head just as his red eyes went back to normal. "W-what?" he murmured in confusion.
"Well, Rupert!?" Ellie yelled at Rupert in disgust.
Rupert blinked at Ellie's question, he then looked around the area, and he wince upon the sight. He saw the Bukowski twins holding him, he saw Charles and Ellie comforting Henry, and he saw Henry's whole reaction. He saw Henry has bruises around his neck, his eyes red and wet, and he saw Henry looking at him with sadness. Rupert felt extremely guilty just as the General came over to the scene.
"What the hell is going here!" Galeforce demanded.
No one responded to him, Galeforce looked around the scene to determine what happened. He saw Henry's neck and his state. Then, he saw Rupert was being held by the twins. He closed his eyes as he exhaled a sharp breath, "Calvin and Konrad...bring Rupert to my office...now!" he commanded.
The twins nodded vigorously as they started bringing Rupert to the General's office, Rupert didn't protest in any way. Victoria watched the scene with worry look on her face, after the twins and Rupert were gone, she went over to Henry whom was now shaking. "Henry? Are you okay?" she asked gently.
Henry didn't answer as he hugged Charles, Charles hugged him back as Ellie whispered soft words to him. She sighed as she stared out to the exit of the clearing, she rubbed her temples as a  thought came into her mind.
What the hell is wrong with Rupert?
A/N: I wrote this before class started, tried to finish during class, and now I finished even though I'm supposed to be doing homework...
Shut up, I'm distracting myself.
There will be more parts to this.
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zellerysworld · 4 years ago
『 Comfort 』
Sukuna x F!Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Tags: Fluff???, Established Relationship, Angst, Mentions of death, self hate, and abuse, slightly insane reader, slightly soft Sukuna
A/N: Readers abilities are touching people to make them sleep, transfer memories, and see past (for those with DID, talk to the souls within the persons mind). She serves as a informant by going inside victims heads to look in their pasts for curses that were around them; informing her teammates of location and grade level. She can also gain powers from whomever she touches for a short period of time.
Ex: Sukuna can give Malevolent Shrine to her for battle, but after one use/within five minutes, it vanishes. If she uses powers that are harsh on her body, (domain expansions or strong cursed manipulation) she faints/gets nose bleeds.
Your feet dragged against the brutally cold floors of the first-year dormitories at Jujutsu Tech. Everything around you was dark, dim light being provided by the full moons reflection through the windows. The corridor felt like a never-ending strip as you silently sobbed under your h/c locks.
Today was… hard. Usually, you can handle the painful endeavors of reaching into the depths of stranger’s minds, but today was different. Todays victim was a young boy, not even a teen, who was abused by his own parents. When you grazed his swollen cheeks as he lied motionless on the floor, the fear he felt as his mother raised a hand to him engulfed your body. Then and there on the scene, you began to cry uncontrollably.
Doing the same thing every day, seeing the same pain in people’s memories, reliving all of their fears within seconds- it was beginning to rip your soul apart piece by piece. At first, it was manageable. However, over the past year of being at this damned jujutsu school, all you seem to feel is excruciating aches in both body and soul.
Recalling the child’s memories, you fell against the wall of the corridor while burying your tearstained face into the same shaking, gloved hands that touched him. Gojo Satoru picked you to be a student because of your “Stability”, yet you were turning into the opposite. The way you viewed death and the nature of It was what impressed Gojo and everyone around you the most, though you have never seen yourself as impressive. All you do is touch people and relay information, nothing too complicated, right?
A door creaked open after your fall emitted a loud thud in the room behind you. When you lifted your head to apologize, you noticed it was none other than Yuji Itadori- Sukuna’s vessel in other words. The young sorcerers’ eyes widened at seeing you in such a distraught state, hastily running over to you. Yuji scanned your body for wounds but was only able to find a pair of empty eyes. “Y/n? Are you alright? C’mon, lets get you to your room.” He scooped you into his arms, carrying you as a mother does with her sleeping child.
Yuji opened the door, gently placing you onto the silk sheets of the rooms bed as you silently cursed yourself for being so weak. The expression you bared made him pained, so he attempted to make you comfortable by taking your shoes off. After doing so, he sat to side of the bed. He held your shielded hand into his bare ones before recommending, “How about talking to Sukuna?”
Your voided eyes closed as you slouched into the headboard. Sukuna would be disappointed to see you in such a state, him possibly refusing to secretly work with you anymore if he saw this mess. Or even worse, he’d stop loving you. From that thought, your mind continued to spiral.
While stuck in your self-pity, Yuji was removing a glove from your hand. “Gojo makes you talk to Sukuna for information, but I know you enjoy talking to each other. He thinks about you a lot.”
Hearing Yuji’s words made your eyelids flash open like lightning as he removed the glove completely. Gojo assigned you to become an informant for him by touching Yuji to go into Sukuna’s domain, however that plan backfired. Overtime, you began to tell Gojo you couldn’t get anything from him, while secretly falling for and scheming with Sukuna. There was a pact made between the two of you: In exchange for touching Yuji to temporarily gain sukuna’s abilities, you must kill with those powers.
You grew to hate violence over the years; having seen multiple forms of it through people’s memories. But you made an exception, being that violence should be used against those who use violence with malicious intent. Although it is a bit of a hypocritical way to think.
When going out with Yuji and others, you take advantage of the surroundings by stalking your next prey. You do this by “accidentally” bumping into people on the streets and reading their memories to search for any abusers, cheaters, or murderers. Although you were technically a killer too, you knew one day you’d have to pay for your sins. Lately, that day seems to be snaking its way closer to you.
“Y/n?” Yuji questioned with a slight tilt of his head; his voice snapping you from your train of thought. Raising the hand he ungloved, the fingertip of your index finger tapped against his forehead. With the tap, his body relaxed before falling into a deep state of sleep. His head fell onto your lap, giving a perfect opening to use your ability. You took the smooth palm of your bare hand, and cupped Yuji’s jawline. This was how you opened communication into someone’s memories, or in this case, into someone’s personalities.
Although you were nervous to see what sukuna would think of you in such a ruined state, Yuji’s words made you feel relaxed. Sukuna was your partner after all, he should be able to see you like this. But then again, he was the king of curses, not just some human guy you picked up on a dating website. In the end though, your want of Sukuna’s comfort overlaps your fear.
Your eyelids shut, then reopened in a different place. It was still nighttime at this location, but it was not the physical world that humans are used to- even if it felt like it was. A vast plateau of flowers swayed in the man-made dream you were in. Constellations of multiple forms helped the moon light up the colorful night sky. The cool air caused you to slightly shiver as it brushed through the grass.
“Why did you bring me here, brat? I was sleepin’ on my throne.”
Sukuna’s rugged voice didn’t seem to faze you as you gazed upwards to the moon. Instead, it oddly comforted you. Although most are terrified of his presence alone, it did not budge your already cracking mind in any shape or form. It slightly annoyed Sukuna that he couldn’t scare you, but it felt comfort in knowing that there is at least one person in this world who doesn’t flinch at the sound of his name.
When you didn’t respond to his question, he lifted a brow in confusion. The robed man slowly stepped through the tall grass, his hands staying in his pockets of course. “Hey,” he started as his warm palm gripped your right shoulder, “Answer me.” His tone became serious, but if you squint, you can see the worry in it. The sound of your silence was so damn loud.
Sukuna jerked your shoulder, revealing your heartbroken expression to his red pupils. You leaned your head downwards, feeling embarrassed that he had to see you like this, but who else could you have gone to? “Yu-Yuji told me y-ou,” you hickuped while trying to speek, trying to hold back your tears from him, “He t-told me you… think about me.” Your tears looked like melting diamonds as they fell from under your locks and into the moonlight.
(For those that want to feel the moment.)
He didn’t know what to feel, nor what to do, until you muttered out, “I’m sorry…”
In that moment, you felt your knees go weak. Your legs gave out, making you fall into the grass. Sukuna quickly grabbed your waist, falling into the grass with you as your cushion. He nuzzled his tattooed face against your puffy cheeks while whispering, “Show me what happened.”
You lifted a hand, cupping his jawline to open communication into his nervous system. Through the line, you showed him the memories you saw and how they hurt you. Sukuna couldn’t have been less fazed, seeing as he is the king of curses and was a mass murderer. But when he saw the expression you made when ripping your hand away from the boy, his spirit felt like a nail went through the center of it.
He sighed, moving loose hairs from your forehead so he could have a full look at your bloodshot eyes. Your e/c orbs told him how drained you were beginning to feel from the mortal world. He cooed, “I wish I wasn’t trapped in this brat. I would destroy the entire world for you, Y/n… You wouldn’t have to deal with any shitty pains like this.”
Sukuna hated everyone, except you. As the saying goes, Heroes would sacrifice you for the world, while villains would sacrifice the world for you. He enjoys telling himself the lie of “Y/n got on my good side”, but Sukuna always knew the truth of why he couldn’t help but care for you so much: You changed him. Out of billions of people just on this planet alone, you were the one to take his heart, mind, and philosophy and then mold it.
Killing was killing to Sukuna, and that’s all there was to it. But he found his goals shifting when he meant you. The insanity that filled your eyes as you’d hold a fresh blade against the neck of your enemies. Human or curse, it didn’t matter to you. Bad was bad, good was good; things were black and white to you as they were to him, but in a different manner. Your bravery was another factor to his care for you. The fact that you went unarmed into Yuji’s mind after he ate the finger just to get a view of Sukuna’s throne without any care for consequences was such a curious thing to him.
You both saw things the same way, yet not. The complexity of your careless philosophy was something to applaud in his eyes. But as you lay in your despair, Sukuna is grimly reminded you are still a human that must endure the torture that is a fleeting life. He wanted you to be a curse like him, enjoying the comfort of eternity in a paradise he could build for just the two of you.
But in the end, you were just a human. And although it sounds like something he is absolutely disgusted by, it’s not. If anything, the fact you are just a human girl catches him off guard even more. A human girl managed to move a god’s heart. A human girl somehow has the power to see people’s pain and was never moved until many years later. Sukuna didn’t know if he should have been happy or terrified to find someone like you.
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of your silent sobs, making him close his eyes in uneasiness. It took him a few minutes, but he soon realized what he could do to relieve your pains. He saw what you saw and felt what you felt, therefore he knew just how helpless and weak you were feeling. To him, you werent weak at all, and he needs you to see that.
Your crystalized eyes looked to his blood-colored ones.
“Let me show you what I see.” His voice was soft, yet still had a rugged tone to it.
He pulled you upwards, making you sit up across from him while waving grass continued to surround the two of you. Leaning into you, his forehead leaned on yours as you snaked a hand across his palm, entangling your wrist with his fingers. The hand you were snaking tightly gripped at your forearm before you gripped onto his. Using this technique is a more intimate way of opening a line of communication. Both of your eyes closed to open it completely.
In Sukuna’s memories, you view things how he views them and see things through his mindset. It felt like a wave of ease flow throughout your body as you became comforted in the way he sees you. Most of the moments you saw were when you would smile, fight, or annoy Sukuna in general. Which, by the way, you were the only person who could ever taunt Sukuna and live to see the sun rise.
When your eyes fluttered open, he felt your lashes against his skin. This prompted him to open his eyes as well, and he found a pleasant surprise upon opening them. “What?” You questioned with a hint of sass, feeling your tears dry as your aching mind became soothed. Sukuna smirked, enjoying seeing a temporary tint of red over your normally e/c orbs.
Usually, your eyes don’t change colors after a connection, so it struck him as pleasant while it lasted, “Nothing, you are just a giant ass baby.”
“Oh shut the fuck up. You are the same person who got mad and came out when I ate a croissant that was meant for yuji!”
“I can taste whatever this brat eats, you realize that right? Those butter ones are tasty…”
Your eyes reverted back to their normal state as you bickered with your partner in the moonlight lit field. While back in the physical world, Yuji was snoring away on your bed in a very unflattering position. Although you don’t get to see Sukuna in the physical world, you still find comfort in feeling his soul In the spiritual world.
My request are open. <3
Edit: on my god thank you guys to much. ❤️❤️ I’m getting so many requests! I’ll start working on them when I get home from work today. They will be posted within 2-3 days because these requests are actually pretty good ones that are really long 😂. But my requests are still open so don’t be afraid to submit something!
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bokettochild · 3 years ago
Day 5: I've Got Red In My Ledger
Whumptober Day 5: Betrayal/Misunderstanding/Broken Nose
So, I ended up using all three options, and 'm honestly not sure if this counts as Warriors Whump, Four Whump or both.
I will excuse Legend's presence as being because I just wrote a Four and Legend one-shot and was still in Split Heroes mode.
Hope you read, enjoy, and don't hate me for what I've done, because I don't regret it :)
Warriors keeps staring at them.
The captain’s piercing royal blue eyes have been boring a hole into their back for ages and the ridiculous part of them worries that if they don’t keep moving that stare will bore a hole right through them. Thanks Red.
What? It’s a valid concern!
Red, when has having someone stare a hole through you ever been a valid concern?
Wild’s guardians.
Alright, but Wars isn’t a guardian, he’s-
He helped to build them. Red murmurs softly. Plus, he’s the Captain, I wouldn’t put it past him to be able to do something crazy after spending so much time jumping across worlds and learning stuff from the people there.
Red, we all jump through portals and learn things from across time. I think we’ll be okay.
“Four?” Legend’s voice is the one that breaks through to him as the vet stops in front of him, two bowls in hand and one offered to them as the vet cocks a brow. “Y’all okay?”
They smile at the vet, despite the itch of someone’s eyes fixed on them, and take the offered food. “I’m good, just thinking is all.”
“About what?” Legend presses, sitting next to them with curious cock of his brows as he begins to eat, violet eyes staring them down, piercing, but not as pointedly so as Warriors’ gaze. Legend’s eyes are gentle for once, and the vet seems to relax slightly as he eats, seated at their side and calmer than he’s been in days.
Four wishes they could feel the same.
They don’t regret sharing their secret with the vet (even if it wasn’t on purpose) and it’s nice to have someone to feel safe with, but no matter how warmly Legend might smile at them, a secretive wink or knowing smirk being shot their way, they’re still on edge.
“Nothing much, just...thoughts, you know?”
“No.” Legend deadpans.
They chuckle nervously. “Thinking about our different worlds and how we learn so much by hopping across them, you know? Like, Wild learning the recipes from your time or Wind getting to learn to ride horseback in Twilight’s world.” Th vet nods wordlessly, sucking on his spoon as they turn their attention to the meal Wild has so lovingly prepared.
Warriors still hasn’t looked away.
He’s been doing this for days, and usually, Four wouldn’t be worried, but it hadn’t started until after Shadow had helped them trip up an enemy in battle, and though the action probably saved the captain’s life, Wars hasn’t stopped watching them and it’s beginning to remind them of that time that Ezlo and them had been cornered by a cat in Pita’s Bakery. They still have the scar from that incident, and it’s something they guard the secret behind fiercely, if only out of shame of their own weakness and foolishness in that particular situation. Ezlo had warned them not to try darting away, to stay hidden in the sacks until the cat had been gone, but they’d rushed forwards and barely survived being made mincemeat.
Ezlo had needed stitches.
They had needed a minish healer and a bath in red potion. And even if they cover the worst of the scars beneath their tunic, the ragged tip of their left ear is a reminder. It’s why they chose to wear their earring, to remember to listen when the minish or the little voice in their head -or voices now- tell them to be careful. That voice, all four of them, is screaming at them to shield themselves.
And really, they should have listened.
Legend is on his feet in a moment, sword out to catch the second blow that falls their way as their ambusher grunts out an irritated oink.
“Ambush!” Wind shouts as the others pull themselves to their feet and grab hold of their weapons. They’d left their sword beside their seat, and from their place lying on the ground they can’t reach, but Shadow, Hylia bless him, sneakily pushes it close enough that they can wrap their fingers around the hilt and jump in to join the battle with their brothers.
It’s not a large group of monsters, and it doesn’t take much work between nine heroes and a sneaky shadow to fell them all, and they’re just turning to offer Wind a high five as the kid kicks the final lizalfoes off his sword when the cold of a blade presses against their throat.
“Warriors, what the bloody heck!” Legend shouts, jumping back up from where he’d been knelt to help Sky begin relighting their ruined campfire.
“Drop your sword.” The captain’s voice grates out behind them, cold and commanding in a way that sends shivers down their spine.
What’s going on?
The captain’s gone bonkers is what! Green, what’s the plan?
There’s only silence from their leader as the other deviants wait impatiently for an answer.
Green, we need a plan, War is-
Their sword clatters to the earth as the other colors begin to swear and panic, but Green has forced their hand, literally, and the stare they send their weapon is both resigned and horrified, one eye flickering various colors as the other remains solidly green.
Across camp, Legend’s own eyes are bugging out of his head, panic clear in his gaze as the vet’s hand closes on his sword hilt.
“Stay your hand, Legend.” Warriors rumbles, firm but not cruel. “No need for weapons-”
“Says the one holding a sword to Four’s throat!”
The captain doesn’t even shift, and their mind spins as they try and decipher what it is that the other man is doing or thinking, Red and Blue still screaming inside their mind as Vio murmurs various schemes about what they can do while Green sits in stony silence.
What were you thinking!
Green! We- what if- Red is nearly sobbing. Green, please! What are you doing?
Calm down. Of Green had his own body he’d be shooting them a rueful but reassuring look, and they can all feel it. This is a mistake or misunderstanding. If we listen and don’t make it worse, it can be cleared up faster.
Brilliant, might want to fill the vet and Old Man in on your plan though, and maybe Sky too, guys about to blow up.
They shoot a wary glance towards the Chosen Hero, careful not to move their head lest they press against the blade at their throat. Sky’s eyes are wide, but he’s still as a board and already falling into his ‘king stance’ as Legend calls it, shoulders back and jaw set with a grace and power behind his gaze that makes them shiver even more than the cool steel at their neck.
Or wait, that metal isn’t all cold, there's a bit of warm sticky stuff brushing their jaw and they nearly shiver again as they realize that Wars hadn’t even cleaned the monster blood off of his blade before trapping them.
“The smithy’s been lying to us.” Warriors grates out, cold and harsh and angry as the blade presses closer to their throat. They have to inch back a bit to avoid being cut, only to find themselves stumbling against the captain’s chest. “He may be a hero chosen by the goddesses, but he’s chosen his own path.”
“What do you mean?” Time’s voice is emotionless, stance unreadable and face carefully blank and it’s unsettling in the extreme, making the other young heroes draw back with wary looks as they glance from one to another of the adults, only Legend standing firm and furious as he glares across at the captain.
“Four’s working with the shadow.” The captain spits out, blade again pressing close to their neck. “I’ve been watching him, he’s either learned it's powers or the beast is here itself, but I know what I saw, he’s got a shadow helping him.”
The vet twitches. “Duh. Have you never read the Legend of the Four Sword?”
There are a few confused sounds from the others, but Four can’t bother to figure out what the others are all saying and doing as the steel presses sharp against his throat, leaving him pressed against Warriors’ armor-clad chest with no way to escape as something warm bubbles against the blade and crimson leaks down from the line the blade presses against him.
“Let him go!” Legend shrieks, hands already on his own blade as he darts across the camp, but Warriors, only draws Four closer, voice unbearable gentle and pained as he addresses Legend. “Vet, you’re not yourself. He’s messed with your mind, can’t you see?  It’s why you two have been so close all of a sudden, he’s put a dark spell n you, don’t give into it.”
“I’ll do what I bloody well want!” Legend screams in return, chest heaving as the tempered sword comes unsheathed, tip inches from Warriors’ face as Legend’s body begins to tremble. “Let him go, Captain.” The title is spat out like a curse, and Four can nearly feel Warriors’ shoulders sag as the man winces, but Legend doesn’t lower his blade even as Wars gently urges him to calm.
The others have started moving closer too, doubt on a few faces that makes their heart sink in their chest. Sky’s gaze is firm though as the Chosen Hero settles a hand on Legend’s shoulder. “Let him go, wars. If there’s a problem that needs addressing, we’ll address it like civil adults.” The words make hope flutter in their chest, but Warriors is only pressing closer, his blade digging in and making them whimper as blood dribbles into the collar of their tunic.
“Not a chance, Sky, he’ll get away, shadows are sneaky like that! They-” The captain is cut off suddenly, breath catching as the man wheezes behind them, his hand on the sword at their throat loosening its grip and giving them room enough to breathe again.
Legend takes the opening, whatever it is that caused it, to dart forwards, dropping his own sword and pulling at the captain’s sword arm hard enough that Sky can scoop them up into his strong arms and duck away, holding them close to his chest and giving them a full view of the shadowy hands that have wrapped around Warriors’ throat.
“I’d watch who you messed with if I were you, Captain.” Shadow hisses in the man’s ear before releasing him, zipping over to where they lay in Sky’s arms, startling both the Skyloftain and the vet, who’s already reaching for his weapon again as the shade stops to float over them. “Four, oh gosh Rainbow, are you okay?”
Good old Shadow.
Vi, we almost died, now’s not the time.
“All good.” They wheeze with a shaky smile, eyes darting up to Sky’s wary ones and then down to Legend’s steely indigo ones. Neither hero has made a move though, and for that Four is grateful.
A few paces away, Warriors is rubbing at his throat and staring in shock and horror at the shade that hovers over the trio of heroes who crossed him. They wince, this is not going to be easy.
“You’re bleeding.” Shadow hisses, nearly growls as his fangs glint in the glow of faded embers. “He- Oh Lolia no, this ain’t going down like this, not on my watch!”
Well Shadow’s managed to accidentally calm Legend at least, as the vet loosens slightly at the name of the Lolian Goddesses name, even if Sky still hold them tight like he thinks he’s going to have to run.
The shade looks up, away from them for a moment and salutes Sky with a knowing nod, all cockiness gone as from his demeanor as he addresses the Chosen Hero. “Thanks for sticking up for my idiot, feathers, watch him for a second while I handle this freak, yeah?” And Sky doesn’t even have time to speak or agree or even blink before Shadow has whizzed across the cam and sent one clawed fist slamming into Warriors’ face, a sickening crunch breaking the silence as Warriors stumbles, hand reaching for his face as Shadow wrings out his hand. “Thats for hurting my friend, you asshole!”
“Shadow.” Red’s wrested control as they flop against Sky’s chest. “That is not helping! You hurt Warriors!”
“He hurt you first!” The protective shade shouts back, crossing his arms and giving Wars his scary eyes before darting back to hover at Sky’s shoulder, much to the poor man’s surprise. “Racist jerk, what am I evil just because I’m a shadow? Never heard of shadow puppets as a kid? Or shadow dancing? Hey, guess what, you don’t need to think every freaking dark thing that moves is evil!”
Sky frowns, eyes straining as he stares at the being leaning on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, who are you?”
“Four’s shadow, resident dragon master, smithy wrangler and protector of one stupid hero who thinks surrendering and keeping the peace is more important than keeping their hide in one piece.” Shadow pokes their shoulder pointedly at that, making them wince as Blue grumbles something about sharp claws.
“So, you are real.” Legend cocks his head, chest still heaving and cheeks still flushed as the vet visibly tries to force himself back under control. “Huh.”
Shadow turns, hovering mid-air and giving Legend a once over. The shade offers a strained grin, forced and brittle as he tries to distract them. “Rabbit huh? Nice. Rainbow’s always liked rodents. You the younger or older brother here?”
And even though all eyes are fixed on them, Warriors glaring and the others staring in disbelief, Four find themselves bursting into laughter because, of all things, of course Legend would apparently also have a shadow form, and the fact that it’s a rabbit is only making it worse. To their surprise, Sky’s laughter joins their own, and across camp, Twilight huffs a strained chuckle as Legend glares up at the floating shade.
“I told you!” Warriors wheezes, blood spilling down his face as he pulls himself up. “It's a shadow! Four’s working with Dark Link!”
Shadow hisses. “That nutcase? Are you kidding? I’d rather die again, thank you!”
And really, now is as good a time as any for them to explain. “He’s just a normal shadow, Wars. Yeah, Ganon and Vaati brought him to life, but he’s been helping me protect Hyrule since we freed him form their control. He’s on our side, he was just nervous about showing himself around all of you guys because we heard you all talking about your own shadows.” Their eyes are flickering violet as they stare at the captain, and they know it. “He’s not a monster, and he’s only a threat if you make him one, same as any of us.”
The captain moves to protest, only to have Hyrule clear his throat from the edge of camp, all eyes swiveling to the traveler as Hyrule nods slowly. “He’s telling the truth, the Legends of the Four Sword all say that the hero befriended and helped his shadow, and the shadow reformed and sacrificed himself to save Hyrule.”
“Exactly.” Legend squeak growls. “The only threat in this camp is someone who’s more willing to draw a blade on their comrade than to approach them with their concerns.” The words make Wars flinch, maybe more than the blow Shadow had landed to his face, and though the captain makes to speak, he's cut off once again by Legend’s harsh voice. “Don’t want to hear it, Captain. I’ve got my brother to help heal up after what you did to him.”
It’s like the mirror shattering all over again, the silence in the air as two parties are separated by a line none can see as Legend and Sky settle on the opposite side of the camp from the others, Shadow hovering over the vet’s shoulder as Legend turns his back on Warriors, dabbing gently at the cut on Four's throat with a cloth damp with red potions.
The captain stiffens, standing and turning on his heel to march towards the other end of camp.
Blue eyes never leave them as their three protectors hover and fuss over them.
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years ago
General dating headcanon [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: (human) Dvalin
Notes: HE’S JUST HOT OKAY—?? ASVSGSM— I DID THIS BC I CAN- IF U GUYS DONT LIKE IT THEN I DONT CARE- 😭😭 i also had to end it before i could get carried away— shhshs- hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral
Warning: none
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Dvalin is a bit weary of you at first, I mean, it’s not everyday that a mortal hasz courage (he likes to think its stupidity-) to go near him. He was in his dragon form when you approach him.
How you two started dating? Simple. Dvalin formally asked you if he could court you, to which you explain about dating and stuff. He isn’t in-tune with the latest stuff that mortals know, since he’s been sleeping for so long. He would also ask the help of a certain bard in Mondstadt- 👀
He is cold at first, and seemingly uninterested. He won’t be affectionate much and won’t initiate anything. So its up to you to make the first move. Though he might not reciprocate it.
“Mortal. Why are you holding my hand? A tradition for couples to hold hands? Hmph. Do what pleases you.”
Since Dvalin is like a grandpa (but more handsome and hotter—), he would ask many questions about different things. “What is that.. glowing, floating thing mortal?”, “Is there a certain rule that refrains us from doing such activity?” (He means gliding- HSHS-) and so on. He would appreciate it if you patiently explain these things to him. (It also gives him an excuse of hearing your voice-)
Dvalin might seem like he hates your affections, but he secretly loves it. He’s just a bit of a tsundere. He loves it when you intertwine your hands against his rather cold ones, when you wrap your hands around him and kiss him on his cheeks (or lips-). So, even if he says stop, don’t stop.
But I feel like, the longer you do it, the more he’ll start to reciprocate it. Ofc, still a bit embarrassed by it but-
“... stop staring at me like that. I will let you go if you continue to do so.”
Like Barbatos (Venti), he’s protective of you. Since you are now his mate (if dragons doesn’t have mate, they have now- 🤡), he will glare at anyone who dares disrespect you or even stare at you for so long.
“I shall not apologize for my actions. You didn’t see how they stare at you, it’s very disrespectful.”
Dvalin is, for me, cold, both literally and figuratively. So you can cuddle him when its too hot or something, but he’s a pain when you’ll cuddle him when its winter- he actually likes cuddles, believe it or not. He would often seek you out just for cuddles.
I don’t care what you say but Dvalin is touch-starved- years of loneliness and solitude has its perks, one of them is this. He’s not the best at words unfortunately, so he’ll try to convey it through actions. If he wants a hug, he’ll gently tug a part of your clothes. If he wants to hold hands with you, he’ll ran his fingers on your arm. If you want a kiss, he’ll bend down to your level and stare at you with expected eyes. (Let’s face it, Dvalin is hella tall—)
He’s not good with emotions yet, since he’s only starting to familiarize himself with the human society (tho he’s still an odd one since he still has his wings and horns- and his color scheme makes him stand out even more—). This means he wouldn’t understand the feeling of “jealousy”. If he notice that someone is being overly-friendly with you, or that you’re hanging out with another person a bit too much, he’ll be a bit confuse on why he’s feeling this but anger and frustration takes over. The wind around him picks up, making a mini hurricane- so you better come and get him before he could really destroy Mondstadt-
Venti is like a proud papa whenever he sees you and Dvalin in the streets. Sometimes, he’ll join in. He would randomly appear and disappear. Dvalin isn’t affected by this, afterall, he respects the Anemo Archon who saved him. But he can’t help but get annoyed when Venti starts to randomly appear, effectively ruining the date.
I can imagine Dvalin acting like a cat, pet him and he’ll be at your mercy. Play with horns, run your fingers through his hair, and whatever else. This man will melt.
Overall, Dvalin is like a new child being recently born into the world. He tries to block emotions and people in his heart by building walls around it, but you still manage to find a way to break it. Now, as a result, you have a somewhat-clingy humanoid dragon as your partner. Hope you don’t mind~ 😊
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