#legend knows the legend of the Four Sword
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silver-the-pendejo · 18 hours ago
Yo Ya Estoy: A Blessing or a Curse?
Linked Universe x Walter!Reader Crack Reader uses They/Them pronouns Dedicated to: @final-fantasy-xiii-fan (Ty for ranting about EnchufeTV with me :D) Words: 1131
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The journey through the thick forest was slow-going. The Chain had been walking for hours, the path barely visible through the tangled undergrowth. Twilight, leading the group, let out a grunt as he shoved a branch out of the way, only for it to snap back and hit Wild square in the face.
"Ow!" Wild yelped, staggering back.
"Sorry, bud," Twilight said over his shoulder. "This is gonna take forever if we don’t clear a path."
"Yo ya estoy."
Before anyone could react, Y/N appeared in front of the group, wielding a machete that everyone was sure they didn’t have before. And behind them, the once very tangled path was now clear, revealing an open trail ahead.
Every single hero froze.
Wild blinked. "Uh."
Y/N turned, smiling innocently. "What?"
Nobody spoke.Nobody moved.
Then Warriors scoffed. "Hah. Alright, so they’re just fast. No big deal."
A reasonable assumption. A logical explanation.
An assumption they would come to deeply regret.
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It didn’t take long for things to spiral.
That night, the group set up camp, exhaustion weighing on their shoulders. Hyrule stretched out his sore limbs and sighed. "Man, I could really go for—"
"Yo ya estoy."
Before he could even finish his sentence, a steaming bowl of soup was suddenly in his hands.
Hyrule yelped, nearly spilling it. "What the—?! When did—?!"
Across the fire, Legend narrowed his eyes. "Okay. That was way too fast."
Y/N shrugged, munching on a piece of bread they had gotten from somewhere.
A minute later, Warriors dusted off his gloves and turned to Time. "We should probably set up—"
"Yo ya estoy."
All of the bedrolls were out and organized exactly where everyone liked to sleep. Meanwhile, Y/N was now casually sitting next to Sky, who looked like he was about to pass out.
Twilight choked on his drink.
Time slowly lowered his cup, eyes sharp. "How," he asked, voice dangerously calm, "did you do that so quickly?"
Y/N smiled. "Do what?"
The entire camp went silent.
Legend looked deeply disturbed. "
Nope. Nope. I don’t like that."
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By the next morning, everyone was on edge.
Twilight caught himself mid-sentence, about to say "We should get more firewood." He stopped just in time, grinning at the others in triumph.
Then he turned around—
And there Y/N was.
Holding an armful of firewood.
Twilight dropped his sword.
"I didn’t say it," he hissed.
"Say what?" Y/N said simply, tossing the logs onto the pile.
The group groaned in unison.
"No one thinks about needing something anymore," Wild said, rubbing his temples. "New rule. If you want something done, just—just don’t."
It was a solid plan.
It lasted fifteen minutes.
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The Chain, in their desperation, tried avoiding certain phrases entirely.
"Man, this sword is—"
"Yo ya estoy."
Warriors flinched as Y/N suddenly passed him his freshly polished blade.
That doesn’t count," he grumbled, taking it hesitantly.
Then they tried different languages.
Time muttered under his breath, "Watashi-tachi wa sƍ subeki kamo shire mase n—"
"Yo ya estoy."
Before he could even finish, Y/N handed him a map already marked with his exact intended route.
Time dropped it.
Hyrule gripped his head. "They knew. How did they know?!"
Legend groaned into his hands. "I QUIT."
Even Four—logical, intelligent Four—was losing his mind. One night, he tested them, keeping all of his thoughts internal.
As the group sat around the fire, he stared intensely at his sword, thinking about sharpening it but not saying a word.
And yet—
"Yo ya estoy."
The sound of a whetstone against steel rang through the air as Y/N calmly finished sharpening his sword.
Four’s eye twitched.
Twilight scooted closer to Sky, whispering, "I think we’re cursed."
"I know we’re cursed," Sky whispered back.
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Eventually, they stopped fighting it.
Hyrule no longer asked for food—he just waited for it to appear in his hands.
Twilight sighed every time fresh firewood landed beside him.
Legend gave up entirely, choosing to live in blissful denial.
It was fine. Everything was fine.
"I wish this journey would just be over already," Wild muttered under his breath.
Every single hero froze.
Slowly, they all turned to Y/N.
Eyes wide. Faces pale.
Y/N smiled.
"Yo ya estoy."
And suddenly—
The shadow they had been chasing for so long was in front of them, tied up and beaten.
The heroes screamed.
Wild stumbled back. "NO. WAY."
"You broke reality," Legend shrieked. "THIS ISN’T POSSIBLE."
Time ran a hand down his face, groaning. "Oh, for the love of Nayru—"
A pause.
Slowly, cautiously, Twilight stepped forward, nudging the unconscious enemy with the tip of his boot. "Are they
Sky, with great hesitation, reached forward and poked their captive. "They’re
 solid," he murmured.
Hyrule looked like he was about to pass out. "I don’t—I don’t understand. How
"It’s best if you don’t," Four muttered, rubbing his temples.
Meanwhile, Warriors had completely shut down, staring at Y/N like they were some kind of eldritch being.
Finally, Wild turned to them, hands shaking. "You—you can do anything."
Y/N tilted their head, smiling playfully. "Maybe."
Then Warriors exploded. "WHY DIDN’T YOU DO THIS FROM THE START?!"
Y/N shrugged. "You never asked."
Legend clutched his head. "THAT’S NOT HOW THIS WORKS!"
Twilight sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "We need to have a long conversation about this later."
"Sure, sure," Y/N said easily.
They turned away, stretching their arms.
"Anyway—what’s next?"
Hyrule, looking vaguely ill, muttered, “So, uh. What happens if someone says ‘I wish we were home’?”
The group gasped.
Immediately, they all turned back to Y/N—horrified.
Their smile widened.
"Yo ya—"
Twilight tackled them. Warriors shoved a hand over their mouth. Sky wrapped his arms around them in a desperate attempt to stop reality from imploding.
Y/N was laughing.
“I can’t believe how scared you all are,” they wheezed, trying to shove them off.
“This is not a joke,” Time said gravely, still rubbing his temples.
“You’re not a joke,” Y/N shot back.
“STOP ENCOURAGING THEM,” Legend snapped.
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After that, the Chain made a sacred vow.
No more speaking freely. No more implying anything.
If they needed something, they got it themselves.
If they wanted something, they suffered in silence.
And yet—
Late one evening, when Warriors dropped his shield on accident and sighed—
"Yo ya estoy."
Y/N was already handing it back at him.
Warriors just groaned, burying his face in his hands.
I hate this,” Legend muttered.
Twilight sighed. “We all do.”
Wild, finally accepting his fate, just held out his hands expectantly. “Y/N, can I have some food?”
"Yo ya estoy."
And the soup was already in his hands.
At least someone was benefiting.
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This is based on Walter, one of my favorite characters from EnchufeTV, a spanish sketches channel :D Anyways hope u all like it and me disapears now, byeeeee
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marenwithanm · 4 months ago
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I guess this is a Thingℱ now cuz I keep finding more of these in my files lol.
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casual-emo-artist · 5 months ago
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Several months of work due to school and moving, but the idiot (affectionate) was finally done and put to use at my local Comic-Con!
the embroidery is hand done with the a chain stitch because I think I’m hilarious.
yes I know he doesn’t use the master sword, to that I say, “hush”.
might remake the tunic in the future and not use that damn stitch because it was a NIGHTMARE and honestly not to the scale I’m happy with.
edit: Y’all gonna make me cry
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hauntinghyrule · 11 months ago
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Do you dare? >:]
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amanitacurses · 4 months ago
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Scientist x Monster
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localicecreambiter · 4 months ago
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they gained melanin
There was gonna be a 6th, but I got lazy and didn't feel like replicating the lighting in that 3rd one sooo this post may be edited
edit for these two
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smilesrobotlover · 1 month ago
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I was thinking about how my design for Veran reminded me of Faima.
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weepingtalecowboy · 2 months ago
The linked lovers (literally lol)
Fanfic prompt : A thing many people tend to kinda ignore about Ravio and link is how they are essentially the same person from parallel realities
And that got me thinking if they are the same person is there another reason for why Lana just took one of them
So what if the only reason they can exist in the same place is because of the way lorule and hyrule react to eachother
Like if the Portal that Hilda summoned kept both realities combined in some way then technically they would not be the same person in one realm
Until the gate fully closes
Then it would probably go break the rules of reality because one person couldn’t exist twice in one single reality
So what if when linked universe happens legend and Ravio go together
But because the rest of the timeline doesn’t include a gate to lorule they kinda collapsed into each other
In order to make them one entity who can exist in the other Hyrules
One of them simply gets beamed into nothing and gets to watch from the other's eyes in a kinda of nothingness state
Because the easiest way to fix a paradox is to remove one equation
They can simply not exist in the same reality at the same time one has to go
Is infinitely easier than “technically because both lorule and hyrule are combined they are both still in their own realm until the mirroring realms are not connected which is when things get complicated”
So while the chain all ended up in the same place legend just spawned next to them looked at his hands then around and then proceeded to have a mental breakdown over Ravio being stuck in his head
It was an interesting first impression to say the least
Then over the next few weeks legend and Ravio try to figure out stuff while Ravio looking through the eyes he isn’t in his mind and he cannot hear legend's thoughts so legend unfortunately has to speak out loud to be heard
So now with a group of people he kinda has to quietly talk about what is happening when he really would rather scream indefinitely
It is even worse that Ravio wants to see wars and the others and interact with them WHILE they both have no idea how to deal with this weird situation
Until they realize that they can switch their positions and make Ravio be there while link is in the background nonexistent
But the thing is they have no idea how to tell people where legend went

So they pull a Wolfie twilight move and conveniently appear when the other disappears from existence to do something
But that probably seems more suspicious but hey ,at least Ravio gets to see his friends again
The chain meanwhile is genuinely curious about the enigma that is legend because while freaking out about eight other people all named link is totally acceptable and even surprising that nobody else has overreacted when that happened
But talking to yourself and having complete one sided conversations with yourself (four had a suspicion that moment)
Also looking into a mirror and telling yourself that you look beautiful while looking like you want to cry (then they proceeded to make the wrong conclusion and think legend's self worth is nonexistent
it is but that’s not why he is crying over his reflection)
Ravio is in a similar predicament but he in comparison to legend gives the vibes of a very self centered narcissist when he tells himself in any surface known to man that he is good looking today and literally never drops his ridiculous purple bunny-eared mirror (made for this very occasion) even in his sleep
if not for legend being a mess nobody even assumed that any parallel self stuff is happening when Ravio proudly announced he was married they thought it is another Ravio eccentric 
 then failed to explain how he isn’t married to himself.. when he really IS
Four meanwhile kept trying to figure out if legend is also capable of splitting
And literally just went through it when they arrived in legend's hyrule and legend kinda spawned next to legend and they hugged each other (first hug after like weeks of not being capable of interacting with each other in meaningful ways lol)
Four then totally got the feeling of not being capable of interacting with the colors (even funnier with jojo's four swords link specifically as the colors are kinda just split into different parts of four but four nonetheless)
But also couldn’t really understand how Ravio and legend can look completely like themselves when combined
Then he proceeded to stick his nose in (Vio style) be a problem
And be the first to find out the mess thinking that he actually was interacting with a successor of the four sword
 not an amalgamation of two different yet same people who have completely different lives
Like this angle is a bit worse than the four sword situation (even when the four swords palace drama was revealed on accident)
But also when the chain ended up finding out the interactions were pretty much awkward at first because legend and Ravio just up and go keep changing from on to another when they specifically wanted to both speak with someone
Wars hearing gossip from Ravio while legend keeps beaming in to throw his five cents in (or have Ravio interpreted every bit of banter legend throws in by himself without legend pushing him out for just pettiness)
Ravio be like : “then I was like-by the way legend thinks your hair isn’t pristine enough-*proceeds to continue with gossip totally not trying to scam wars”
While wars is just sitting there like : :o
And getting really worked up over his hair because Ravio definitely toned it down Legend would never call his hair pristine so what the hell did legend call his hair instead
By the way tumblr really hated me to upload my unfinished draft lol so if anyone saw it before it was finished

 no you didn’t
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james-p-sullivan · 2 years ago
If your option isn’t listed please reply in the tags!
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scamperin-shroom · 5 months ago
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I love these little guys so damn much
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theforgxttenshade · 11 months ago
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"What do you want?"
Vaati art be upon thee.
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gatitopicante · 1 year ago
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Met a loftwing in Sky's Era. Very kind birds unless you mess with their other half.
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marenwithanm · 1 year ago
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Had an idea, didn't want to write a fic but I also didn't want to do full on comic pages so we're trying this lol.
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amanitacurses · 1 year ago
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Into the Depths Into your Arms
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localicecreambiter · 6 months ago
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inspired by this post
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picorilite · 4 months ago
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Day 22 - Favorite Character
Last year I drew my Green as my favorite character, so naturally this year I have to include my other son Blue.
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