#four likes skydiving to conclusions
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weepingtalecowboy · 2 months ago
The linked lovers (literally lol)
Fanfic prompt : A thing many people tend to kinda ignore about Ravio and link is how they are essentially the same person from parallel realities
And that got me thinking if they are the same person is there another reason for why Lana just took one of them
So what if the only reason they can exist in the same place is because of the way lorule and hyrule react to eachother
Like if the Portal that Hilda summoned kept both realities combined in some way then technically they would not be the same person in one realm
Until the gate fully closes
Then it would probably go break the rules of reality because one person couldn’t exist twice in one single reality
So what if when linked universe happens legend and Ravio go together
But because the rest of the timeline doesn’t include a gate to lorule they kinda collapsed into each other
In order to make them one entity who can exist in the other Hyrules
One of them simply gets beamed into nothing and gets to watch from the other's eyes in a kinda of nothingness state
Because the easiest way to fix a paradox is to remove one equation
They can simply not exist in the same reality at the same time one has to go
Is infinitely easier than “technically because both lorule and hyrule are combined they are both still in their own realm until the mirroring realms are not connected which is when things get complicated”
So while the chain all ended up in the same place legend just spawned next to them looked at his hands then around and then proceeded to have a mental breakdown over Ravio being stuck in his head
It was an interesting first impression to say the least
Then over the next few weeks legend and Ravio try to figure out stuff while Ravio looking through the eyes he isn’t in his mind and he cannot hear legend's thoughts so legend unfortunately has to speak out loud to be heard
So now with a group of people he kinda has to quietly talk about what is happening when he really would rather scream indefinitely
It is even worse that Ravio wants to see wars and the others and interact with them WHILE they both have no idea how to deal with this weird situation
Until they realize that they can switch their positions and make Ravio be there while link is in the background nonexistent
But the thing is they have no idea how to tell people where legend went

So they pull a Wolfie twilight move and conveniently appear when the other disappears from existence to do something
But that probably seems more suspicious but hey ,at least Ravio gets to see his friends again
The chain meanwhile is genuinely curious about the enigma that is legend because while freaking out about eight other people all named link is totally acceptable and even surprising that nobody else has overreacted when that happened
But talking to yourself and having complete one sided conversations with yourself (four had a suspicion that moment)
Also looking into a mirror and telling yourself that you look beautiful while looking like you want to cry (then they proceeded to make the wrong conclusion and think legend's self worth is nonexistent
it is but that’s not why he is crying over his reflection)
Ravio is in a similar predicament but he in comparison to legend gives the vibes of a very self centered narcissist when he tells himself in any surface known to man that he is good looking today and literally never drops his ridiculous purple bunny-eared mirror (made for this very occasion) even in his sleep
if not for legend being a mess nobody even assumed that any parallel self stuff is happening when Ravio proudly announced he was married they thought it is another Ravio eccentric 
 then failed to explain how he isn’t married to himself.. when he really IS
Four meanwhile kept trying to figure out if legend is also capable of splitting
And literally just went through it when they arrived in legend's hyrule and legend kinda spawned next to legend and they hugged each other (first hug after like weeks of not being capable of interacting with each other in meaningful ways lol)
Four then totally got the feeling of not being capable of interacting with the colors (even funnier with jojo's four swords link specifically as the colors are kinda just split into different parts of four but four nonetheless)
But also couldn’t really understand how Ravio and legend can look completely like themselves when combined
Then he proceeded to stick his nose in (Vio style) be a problem
And be the first to find out the mess thinking that he actually was interacting with a successor of the four sword
 not an amalgamation of two different yet same people who have completely different lives
Like this angle is a bit worse than the four sword situation (even when the four swords palace drama was revealed on accident)
But also when the chain ended up finding out the interactions were pretty much awkward at first because legend and Ravio just up and go keep changing from on to another when they specifically wanted to both speak with someone
Wars hearing gossip from Ravio while legend keeps beaming in to throw his five cents in (or have Ravio interpreted every bit of banter legend throws in by himself without legend pushing him out for just pettiness)
Ravio be like : “then I was like-by the way legend thinks your hair isn’t pristine enough-*proceeds to continue with gossip totally not trying to scam wars”
While wars is just sitting there like : :o
And getting really worked up over his hair because Ravio definitely toned it down Legend would never call his hair pristine so what the hell did legend call his hair instead
By the way tumblr really hated me to upload my unfinished draft lol so if anyone saw it before it was finished

 no you didn’t
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briamichellewrites · 1 month ago
Something crazy was about to happen to Bria! Anxiety and adrenaline were running through her as she dressed. Chester and Joe were solely responsible for persuading her to do it. The others were on the ground. Why in the world was she going to leap from a plane that was thousands of feet above the ground? She did not even know! She only realised that there was no turning back now! Each of them agreed to sign a waiver releasing the business from liability in the event that they were harmed.
Since it was their first time, they would be skydiving in tandem with an experienced person. In an attempt to calm herself, she leaped up and down. A teacher gave them a brief overview of the various tools and their intended uses. When everyone was prepared, they proceeded to an aeroplane that was waiting for them, following the instructors.
Brad found it hard to believe that she was actually carrying it out! She had much more courage than he did! They were asked if they would like to accompany them. Absolutely not! The ground made them all feel more at ease. It was a lot safer than being thousands of feet in the air. When they returned to the ground, they would be eager to hear about it. With their hands shielding their eyes, they all looked up at the sky as the plane flew down the runway.
She and her partner prepared to jump once they reached the appropriate altitude. There were straps connecting her to him. The wind blew across her face as the door opened. In succession, they leaped from the aircraft into the air. She had no choice but to jump out of the aeroplane in order to get off it. The teacher assured her that feeling anxious was common.
Before she knew it, they would be on the ground. As she dropped from the sky, she could feel the wind on her face. Oh my god! Their descent slowed as the parachute opened up after a short while. As they passed through the clouds, there was a serene sensation. They touched down gently on the ground in a matter of seconds. When she was disconnected from the instructor, the boys hurried over. What was her opinion? She thought it was the coolest thing she ever did!
"It is unbelievable that you did that," Rob uttered in shock.
"It is unbelievable that I did that!"
Chester and Joe reacted the same way she did. The rush of adrenaline was immense! They all believed that their actions were insane. They would always remember that experience. Is it something they would repeat? Most likely not. They awaited their undressing and returned everything to the teachers.
Bradford remarked, "If Chester jumped off a bridge, Bria."
"I would question his actions, and then I would assume that he was simply acting like Chester."
"Are you going to jump off with him?"
"It depends on the depth of the water and the height of the bridge."
"You got me there.“
They chuckled. They had the opportunity to meet London, or Lonnie, her new kitten, the previous afternoon. She was a white Scottish Fold who was twelve weeks old. Bria was enamoured with her four small paws. They laughed as she meowed while holding her in her lap. She was adorable! Bria scratched at her small head. She was like a snowball with her white coat.
Brad took notes on a piece of stationery after she gave him instructions on how to get her home. To keep her away from Tiny and Rebel, he would have to purchase a gate. One of her spare bedrooms could have it set up in the doorframe. He had to separate them, but why? Cats, she explained, were creatures of habit. Additionally, they might be possessive. They would still have access to the rest of the house while they adapted to the new kitten.
“It is similar to when a stranger moves into your home and starts using your belongings. Instead of being territorial, you would start saying things like, "This is my stuff. Do not touch, please.” The same is true for cats. However, they use paw swatting, hissing, and growling as communication. They must come to the conclusion that the new kitten poses no threat to them. Does that make sense?”
Indeed, it helped put things in perspective. It made perfect sense. Since she was already a great cat mother to Tiny and Rebel, they knew that London would be equally as loved.
"I saw a guy who had tattoos across his collarbone and down both arms from the shoulder to the wrists."
Phoenix stated, "I would not do both sleeve down my arm, but I would do one."
"You would need to make several trips, would not you? That is simply too much for me, even though I can tolerate a lot of pain.”
"Oh, sure. At least four sessions would be required to complete it. I would begin with something easy. Even if you have a high pain threshold, that is just so you can assess how much you can take. You can eventually add more to it to create a sleeve. What were you thinking about getting?”
“I don’t know yet. Maybe a cat face with whiskers.”
“That would actually be adorable on you! You could also add ears.”
That would be very cute! Brad bid farewell to his assistant and entered the living room. Joking that she would not be jumping out of another aeroplane, he asked them what they were discussing. No, tattoos were the topic of conversation. Now he was interested in that thing. He joined them, taking a seat. The other boys had been out playing golf. She stayed behind because she had no interest in that.
They were okay with that. Phoenix had previously injured his ankle. He did not know how it occurred. He must have rolled it, they surmised. In any case, it was painful. It also meant that he would have to miss out on golf and take it easy for a few days. Even though he really wanted to go, he knew that doing so would only make his pain worse. His ankle might sustain additional harm as a result. He had Brad and Bria to keep him company. To keep the swelling under control, he placed his ankle on a pillow.
Brad's tattoos were numerous. The reason he had them was not understood by his family. They did not, however, comprehend many of his choices. Phoenix and he both agreed that she should start with something easy.
She jokingly said, "I kissed Brad Pitt and all I got was this stupid tattoo.”
He pleaded with her, "Please do not do that."
"Hell no!"
They chuckled. Hearing that she was not serious gave him a sense of relief. No, she would continue to want something that had to do with her cats. Then it occurred to her to get a cat-eared musical note. She picked up a pen and a piece of stationary because they wanted to know what she was talking about.
She showed them her sketch once she had completed it. They all agreed that expressing her love of music and cats was a novel idea. Would she get it? Yes. She would discuss going the next day with Chester. They eagerly anticipated seeing it!
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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0vxid0 · 9 months ago
A Gap Year Adventure in New Zealand: Exploring the Land of Beauty and Conservation
Taking a gap year is a chance to step away from all the studying after school nd to gain new experiences. What better place to do this than New Zealand? Known for its breathtaking landscapes, rich Maori culture, and thrilling activities, New Zealand is the perfect destination for adventure, personal growth, and the opportunity to make a difference.
Why New Zealand?
New Zealand, made up of the North Island and South Island along with numerous smaller islands, boasts a population of about 5 million and has Wellington as its vibrant capital city. Famous for its stunning scenery that served as the backdrop for iconic movies like "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit," New Zealand is a magnet for tourists and adventurers alike. But the most important reason why I want to visit the beautiful country is for it's stunning and unique flora and fauna.
The Journey Begins
Getting to New Zealand from DĂŒsseldorf takes at least 28 hours, but the journey is well worth it. Flights start at 103 euros so looking for a cheap one that takes me ight to my destination will be difficult will be difficult. The best times to visit are in February, May, or August as prices drop during that time and allow me to travel with a smaller budget. From there I will use public transport when I arrive. New Zealand offers an extensive network of affordable buses, making it easy to travel and explore.
During my gap year, I wish to volunteer at the Kiwi Conservation Volunteer & Internship Project. This program offers a unique chance to live close to nature and contribute to crucial conservation efforts. For a application fee of 512.40 euros, I'll be provided with a stay in small cabins equipped with basic necessities and work in expansive forests covering about 2,000 hectares.
As a volunteer, I'll engage in various tasks such as track maintenance, bait station filling and monitoring, GPS trail mapping, trapping, small mammal monitoring, and monitoring endangered species like the kiwi and kokako birds. Not only will this teach me about New Zealand’s native forests and endangered birds, but it’ll also help stabilize the populations of these incredible species.
Social Connections and Cultural Immersion
Volunteering with the Kiwi Conservation project offers more than just work experience. Building social connections with fellow volunteers from different countries, gaining new perspectives and making lifelong friends makes it all the more worth it. The program allows one day off each week, giving aomple time to participate in activities, explore the cities, and get immersed in Maori culture. Attending cultural performances, visiting traditional villages, and learn about the history and customs of the Maori people will prove to be a great way to get even more insight into the rich history of the country and it's inhabitants.
Budgeting for the Gap Year
Planning the budget is crucial for a successful gap year. In addition to the 512.40 euros application fee, I'll have to allocate at least 420 euros for travel. Activities range from free to at least 34 euros, ensuring I'll be able to find something that fits into my budget. From bungee jumping and skydiving to hiking and skiing, the country provides endless opportunities for adventures. Some highlights include a four-hour day cruise for 71 euros and a ziplining and forest walk on Waiheke Island for 51 euros. Hiking and city explorations are often free, allowing me to enjoy the natural beauty and vibrant urban life without spending my money.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion visiting New Zealand and volunteering there in wildlife conservation really is a great opportunity to break out of the stressful school life I'm used to but still learning new things and contributing to the world.
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elexarichardson · 1 year ago
Week One - Storytelling as a Function of UX Design
One - Pager:
Daniel Heda, a prisoner at the New York State Correctional Facility, was convicted of money laundering in 2012; however, unknown to others, Daniel created a plan to convict himself of this unlawful crime. Daniel Heda was the architect behind the New York State Correctional Facility construction where his father, Terry Heda,  was wrongfully convicted of treason. He synthesized a plan to help his brother and himself escape. Three weeks after his indictment, he began orchestrating and finalizing their plans for escape. 
Before being convicted of his crime, Daniel studied and memorized the blueprints for the correctional facility. Terry was stationed in Block D, while Daniel was housed in Block A. Furthermore, to communicate his plans effectively, Daniel bribes the warden into assigning him a work detail in Terry’s Block. Here, Terry and Daniel discuss their plans to escape from the correctional facility and start a new life in Cuba. Their escape is now set for October 29th, 2012.
Using his photographic memory, Daniel was able to direct and guide him and his brother’s escape from prison. Daniel and Terry used the air vents to stay hidden from the guards during their routine, nightly sweeps. By 6:02 a.m., Daniel and Terry were outside the prison walls ready to embark on their new lives. 
At 9:12 a.m., Daniel and Terry were halfway to Cuba. However, they needed new passports, IDs, and names to receive safe refuge in Cuba; therefore, they visited Daniel’s friend, Xavier, in Miami, Florida. Xavier lived in a nice, blue house, but Xavier had a secret: he was working with the FBI to find Daniel and Terry Heda. Furthermore, Daniel and Terry Heda arrived at Xavier’s house to pick up their passports and depart for Cuba. However, Daniel had a feeling that Xavier was working with the police. Instead of ringing the doorbell, Daniel and Terry sneak into the back window of Xavier’s house and find the passports in the backroom of Xavier’s back office. As they’re leaving, they hear police sirens and make their escape in the Ford Fusion they rented under a false name.
With their passports and new identities, Daniel and Terry embark on their final journey to Cuba. With their passports in hand, they leave the country under new names: Eric and Diesel Holmes. 
Three years have passed since their escape, and they now live in Havana, Cuba. Eric, once known as Daniel, was married to a woman who knew nothing of his past. Eric and his wife had two kids, while Diesel (formally Terry) was living his new life as a skydiving instructor. In conclusion, Daniel and Terry never returned to the States, assumed their new lives in Cuba, and were never found by the FBI.
The five images I chose were ‘an imprisoned man behind bars’, the ‘escape key’, ‘an animated passport’, a 'blue house’, and an ‘animated family’. These images represent the key points in the story that I’ve depicted above. The imprisoned man represents Daniel and Terry in the correctional facility, and the escape key is a representation of their escape. It was hard to illustrate the specific details of my story; however, I used the animated pictures of the house and passport to illustrate the time at Xavier’s house. Finally, the family picture was used to represent Daniel’s new life in Cuba.
In class, my story was tested/reviewed by four users. Overall, the main theme of my story was understood by the users: a man escapes from prison and assumes a new life abroad. However, the dynamic and relationship between Daniel and Terry was not conveyed or received clearly. In retrospect, I should’ve created a picture that illustrated two men in prison and added words denoting their significance to each other. Additionally, for the scene at Xavier’s house, I could’ve conveyed the presence of police more clearly. In conclusion, the overarching theme of my story was conveyed clearly; however, by utilizing digital elements like Photoshop, I could have conveyed the details of my story better.
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 4 years ago
Idk if you do one shots inspired in songs, but if so, Would you mind doing one with a Taylor Swift's song which is called "The 1"? With Mason Mount please
< i love taylor so much and i really hope i didn’t completely butcher this, but thanks for the challenge :) >
the 1
( WARNING: little bit of angst and fluff?, swearing )
word count: 1.8k
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Things don’t often go as we expect them to, and it’s often incredibly difficult to replan your life around that massive change and adapt your lifestyle so you can — in reality — live again.
It’s like trying to find your feet when you’re in the air — it feels impossible but you know with time you’ll eventually meet the ground again.
That’s what it felt like when you and Mason broke up four years ago.
You were fresh out of uni and at the time, you really thought he’d be it for you, and honestly, so did he. A break up thrown into the mix of having to navigate adult life just seemed to put a huge stopper on all your plans; the holiday you two had both booked for a weekend away in Ireland, the meals out with friends that you had to cancel, and the house showings you were set to attend.
Looking back on your relationship now, you realise it wouldn’t have been the worst thing to end up with Mason. All the years and effort and time put into loving him were — without a doubt — some of the best years of your life (at that stage in life), and did you regret it?
Not one single bit.
But four years is the perfect amount of time to heal, remove the salt from the wound and finish grieving.
But he was here. In real life.
You’d imagined running into him in the supermarket or on a night out with your friends, but a bus stop?
That one was weird. Mainly because you both hated catching the bus with a burning passion.
But it lead to a catch up over coffee.
It was a quiet place, out of the way of the usual lunchtime hustle and bustle in the city, and for that you were grateful. You could hear your own thoughts.
It was awkward at first, you couldn’t keep your eyes from fixating on his figure, his features, because four years can really change a person. He was much broader, his hair a little shorter, but he was still that same Mason you once loved.
You knew that because the first thing he did when he sat down was offer you that cheeky, charming smile that had you hooked from the second you met.
He’d asked how you were, and you answered honestly: you were living well, your best life, and to the fullest. And you knew and he knew that it wasn’t a lie.
He could tell by the smile on your face and the new, sparkling band on your wedding finger. He half expected that blow to sting a little — that you’d found someone and he hadn’t, but he was never one to be bitter whatsoever, at least, not when it came to you.
Instead, he offered his congratulations and the only inkling of regret he held was not being there when it happened.
I guess you never know, never know,
And if you wanted me, you really should’ve showed,
And if you never bleed, you’re never gonna grow,
And it’s alright now.
There was silence after that.
You had one thing on your mind, and you knew by the way he was looking at you that he was also thinking the same thing.
You took a sip of your coffee.
He mirrored your actions, seemingly startled when you placed your mug onto your saucer, the chink of porcelain against porcelain echoing around the small shop cutting through the previous quietness.
“I think I hated you for a while.” You murmured, and if Mason wasn’t leant over the table slightly, he would’ve missed the statement completely.
He nodded in understanding, his brown eyes shining with the faintest hint of guilt.
“I think I was so frustrated with the idea that we just
didn’t work, and I blamed it on you.” You paused, fingers twisting your rings.
He paused, mulling over his words, “And now? Still hate me now?”
You bit back a small smile and met his eyes, “No
I think it’d take a whole load of bad shit to get me to hate you.”
He smiled.
“That’s good to know.”
“I mean, I think it was a long time coming anyway, that break up.”
“It didn’t feel right for a while.”
“No,” you agreed, “as much as it hurt to admit, I think we just failed
as a couple. There was a point where we were just together for the sake of not giving up on the relationship, but with no real reason to continue.”
But we were something, don't you think so?
Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool,
And if my wishes came true,
It would've been you,
In my defense, I have none,
For never leaving well enough alone,
But it would've been fun,
If you would've been the one.
He seemed to ponder over your words, and although he never voiced it, he came to the conclusion that you’d just put into words — perfectly — the itch that had been tickling his brain for the past few years.
“Despite that, you can’t deny that we weren’t something
” he started, before breaking off and shaking his head, as if the mere thought was ridiculous.
“We were something special. I think, had things stayed like they were in the beginning, that
you and I
” you waved your hand, tilting your head, and he nodded in agreement, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Me too. I think
in another life we could have made each other happy. It would have been fun.”
The words ‘if you would’ve been the one’ echoed in your head, and despite the passive aggressiveness of your conscience, you found yourself holding back a smile.
“Water fights in winter and eggs with ketchup
perfect. I’d never have gotten tired of that.” You mused, and he spluttered slightly on his coffee, laughing along with you in what felt like a decade.
I have this dream you're doing cool shit,
Having adventures on your own,
You meet some woman on the internet and take her home,
We never painted by the numbers, baby,
But we were making it count,
You know the greatest loves of all time are over now.
“Then again, who knows? Maybe you’ll fall over in the airport and some lucky person will help you off the floor—”
“You’re about to say something cheesy, aren’t you?” Mason covered his mouth, scrunching his nose in anticipation as you nodded.
“All this nostalgic bullshit has me emotional! I swear, just this once
just this once, and I promise you can laugh about it afterwards.” You swore, holding out your pinkie for confirmation.
He didn’t hesitate, and linked your pinkie.
“You’ll find someone else. It’ll be love at first sight—hey, let me have this moment
maybe love at second sight, knowing you
 you’ll go to some really magical place and have the most amount of fun you’re ever gonna have
hikes, skydiving, looking after animals I’m sanctuaries
you’re gonna have the time of your life — like Grey and Swayze.” You sniggered, unable to hold in your laughs at the ridiculous scenarios.
Mason pulled a face, unable to hide a smile.
“Okay, okay. End of story: they’ll be perfect. The Chandler to your Monica or the Robin to your Ted. But, you understand what I’m talking about, right?” You asked, sighing out of frustration.
“You’re saying I’ll find my person.” He concluded, sitting back in his chair.
We were something, don't you think so?
Rosé flowing with your chosen family,
And it would've been sweet,
If it could've been me,
In my defense, I have none,
For digging up the grave another time,
But it would've been fun,
If you would've been the one.
your grandma and grandad. I want what they have.” Mason smiled.
“They’ll be pleased to hear that,” you said, “I don’t think they’re quite over us yet. You were too
you at family meals. They fell in love with you too.”
This time Mason really laughed. Really laughed. He threw his head back and the people working at the counter turned to look at him, fighting their own smiles at his carefree nature.
What you’d said wasn’t even that funny.
“Too me? Thanks, I think?”
“Oh, that’s definitely a compliment. You’re too damn charming for your own good, it’s a problem. You should come with a warning label on your forehead: EASY TO LOVE.”
“That’ll solve a lot of problems.”
There was silence.
It was relieving to say the least.
“That whole conversation was about four years too late.” You said, pursing your lips.
“Better late than never.” Mason murmured, his eyes trained on you.
The pressure on your shoulders was lifted. All the things that needed to be said were said.
As time passes, the wound heals — sometimes, but in your case, that was true, as hard as it was to come to that conclusion — and it suddenly became easier to recall the loss of what might have been without bringing you back to wishing it would be again.
It was nice.
“Would it be totally inappropriate—”
“Not at all.” You interrupted, shrugging at his raised eyebrows.
“You didn’t know what I was going to say.” He chuckled.
“I’ll have you know that years of knowing you granted me the issue of knowing what you’re going to say,” You said, pointing an accusatory finger in his direction.
“What was I going to say?” He challenged, “If you get it right, I’ll get you tickets to the next game.”
You raised your brows.
“Confident, are we?”
He shrugged, a smug smirk on his lips.
“I don’t think it’s totally inappropriate to be friends.” At your words, he slumped in his chair, hands going to cover his face.
“No.” He groaned, repeating the word like a mantra as you pumped the air with your fist.
“Three tickets to the next game in the bag.” You bragged.
“Honestly.” He whined, peeling his hands away. “Why are you so difficult?”
“You offered the terms.”
“Why am I so dumb?” He rephrased.
“Ah, I'm afraid only you can answer that one.”
“The brain cells I have left don’t have enough energy to come up with an answer to a question as philosophical as that one—yes, it was philosophical to me, okay?”
“I wasn’t going to say anything.” You promised, putting your hands in the air in surrender.
“Just remember who’s going to give you those tickets, yeah?” He teased, sitting up.
“Abusing your power, nice move.”
shut up.”
“Weak.” You coughed, trying to disguise the fact you said anything.
He looked straight at you, highly unimpressed by your tactics.
“Very original.” Was all he said.
“Is it supposed to be this easy?” You blurted out, spitting out the words before you could rethink the consequences of them being thrown into the abyss between you and Mason.
He knitted his brows together in thought.
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly, “but we were friends way before, it’s not hard to fall back into old habits. I think that’s why it’s so easy.”
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quixotic-writer · 4 years ago
Shame Whore
Request: @birdgirl1772
Summary: All four guys are off at the strip club for Murr’s birthday/punishment. Joe has grown infatuated with Murr and is determined to finally make his move once they’re alone in the private room.
A/N: This is a continuation from a AO3 exclusive one-shot I had done “Give Me a Hand”!
Warning: Smut ahead!
It was a funny joke for the movie. They had found themselves at the strip club to celebrate for Murr’s birthday, women were strewn about in the dimly lit room as they walked through eyeing all four of them up and down with hungry eyes. The best part of the night was in the private room they had rented out and planted cameras, while Murr was getting his “birthday special” the curtains opened up and there was his family. He was red as a tomato and the three couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer shame that was on Murr’s face. After that, Murr was on edge, nothing that a couple of drinks and laughs couldn’t fix.
Q and Sal were off in the club enjoying the spectacle of talented women showing off their skills on the pole and exchanging incomprehensible conversations that they probably wouldn’t remember the next day because of how hammered they were. This left Murr and Joe in the private room together, Murr only slightly intoxicated and Joe fully sober as usual but still happy and enjoying the lovely women that came through. Joe had his eyes set on other things though. None of the other guys knew, but Murr was Joe’s, let’s say “handy” assistant, when his arm was encased in a cast. After a while of mentally sorting things out, Joe had come to the conclusion that he wanted just a little more than help from Murr. And with the other two jokers off and doing their own thing, Joe saw his opportunity and was determined to cease it. He sat next to Murr as another dancer had finished the song and made her way out of the room. It was quiet minus the booming music that came through the speakers.
“I still can’t believe what you guys did to me. That was my whole family!” Murr relived the moment in his head as he sat next to Joe on the black sagging couch, face going red.
“It’s all in good fun Murray and you know it. Besides you’ve had much worse than that.” Tattooed, skydiving, watched his blankie be burnt before his eyes, forced to wear a wig of his best friend’s hair anytime he was on set. It was true, but this was another fresh wound.
“I know.”
“And each time, no matter how embarrassing, you take it on like a champ. It’s something I've always admired about you. No matter how bad we poke fun at you, you never miss a beat and still hold yourself high.” Murr blushes at the influx of positive comments that Joe blasts out. “And y’know this place has me thinking, i’d love to see how you’d do on a pole.” Joe smiles at the idea, the thought of it all was so funny. At the same time though, it was a little filthy desire of his. Murr dressed in some risque attire working the pole, he felt himself twitch in his pants but urged the sensation away. ‘Not yet.’ he thought to himself. Murr drinks down the last drops of whatever was in his glass, his confidence usually grew whenever he drank so he merely smiled at the suggestion.
“Well, I have been getting active again. I don’t think i’d be too bad on the pole y’know Joey.” Joe raises his eyebrows at the burst of confidence and wants to see just how far he can take things.
“You can talk the talk buddy.” His fingers were drumming in beat against his thighs seeing if Murr would take the bait, and sure enough he was up on his feet and stumbling over to the pole that was in the room. Murr took a lap around the pole, hanging from one arm as he went around and seeing that Joe had his eyes carefully trained on him and each movement he made, he was going to give him a show tonight. He would be lying if he said something didn’t spark inside of him after helping to care for Joe, he felt as though he knew a little too much about him now, but it would only serve to be fuel for this evening.
“Foolproof plan.” He said to himself as he tried his best to replicate moves he’s seen some ladies pull off on the pole, spinning about with legs flying. He tried to stay up but his hands were covered in sweat and he slid down like a koala in a tree clinging on for dear life. Joe started laughing but Murr plundered on. He spun around once again and in the process flung off his shirt, smiling to himself as he once again had Joe’s full attention. After the song playing overhead was over, he strutted his way over to Joe, gyrating his hips and trying his best to be sexy. Joe couldn’t take his eyes off of him, there was something incredibly enticing about it all.
“Murr, buddy, you look like a noodle dancing in a pot of boiling water.” He giggled to himself and Murr let out a shaky sigh as he felt Joe pull him in closer and onto his lap. Murr was straddling Joe, still trying to pull his smoothest moves as he grinds against him, that’s when he lost it all. Joe pulled him in and attached their lips together. Passionately their lips moved in sync, eyes screwed shut as they savored the sensation they both were starved for. Joe smirks as they pull away, a small string of spit connecting them still. Slightly gross, but the two could care less. Joe took a palm to Murr’s jeans and felt his bulge pressing forward, Murr’s head fell between his shoulders as his forehead pressed against Joe’s shoulder at the sensation of friction against his aching hard on. “Is this the alcohol talking, or is this James Murray?” He’s undoing the buckle of his belt and unzipping his jeans.
“I’m very much sound of mind right now Joe, I didn’t drink that much.”
“Yeah you’re not acting like a sloppy bitch like you usually do yet which is surprising.” Joe’s hand sinks below the waistband of his boxers and grabs at Murr’s cock that twitches at his words, “I knew it.” Murr goes stiff hearing those words and didn’t quite know what he meant by that but he had a sneaking suspicion he knew what it could be.
“Joey keep going please.” His hips were bucking into the cold touch of Joe’s hand, grinding and getting himself off. Joe smiled at the desperation and knew just how to get him off.
“You’re a shame whore aren’t you, Murray? Admit it.” Murr doesn’t say anything but let’s out a small whimper knowing he had been caught. It was a response enough for Joe as he smirked and attached his lips to the bare flesh of his chest, leaving his mark on him. “Just love looking like an idiot, maybe that’s why you tell us so many of your secrets. Your intimacy with a stuffed animal, lasering your chest hair, all of it. Just so we can use it as fuel and you get off on it don’t you?” Murr didn’t say anything, just kept panting with his eyes screwed shut as he ground into Joe’s hand feeling himself getting closer and closer to climax with each degrading sentence from Joe. “Answer me you horny bastard.”
“Yes Joe, yes!” Murr musters up.
“Yes what? What are you? I want to hear you say it.” Joe knew this was getting the smaller man off and he wanted to milk it as much as he could.
“I-I’mïżœïżœ i’m
” Murr felt the hot shame he felt earlier all over again, “i’m a
 a shame whore. I love the punishments more than I should. I shouldn’t but I do! Joey, I'm so close please, more.” Murr was gripping at Joe’s shoulder, rocking his hips in rapid motion wanting nothing more than to just cum already. Their lips were once more connected, tongues swirling about and it all became too much. With a strained moan, Murr came in his pants.
“Look at you, made a mess of yourself.” Joe takes his hand out and starts undoing his own belt. “Now, how’s about you help me a little here?” Murr didn’t have to be asked twice, he dropped between Joe’s thighs and watched as he fished his cock out of his pants. Without another word Murr took as much as he could into the heat of his mouth wanting nothing more than to make Joe see stars as he got him off. “Fuck James, how are this good you filthy son of a bitch.” It was everything and so much more than Joe could’ve imagined. The feeling of him bobbing up and down on his cock, he could feel him gag on occasion and fuck was that hot. Once in a while, their eyes met and it only brought Joe closer to the edge each time.
He had his hand on the back of Murr’s head, feeling as his head dipped down and came back up. Murr worked the best he could, the fear of the other guys or someone else barging in on their heated session, but the idea of that was something that would arouse him. He swirled his tongue around the tip of Joe’s cock every time he came up, with a pointed end he would trace along the slit which made Joe’s hips jolt, and a free hand fondling his balls.
“Gonna cum. Murr
” Joe was panting with half hooded eyes. Murr moaned, sucked, and worked his tongue in rapid fashion. The hand on the back of his head shoved him down on Joe’s cock “fuck!” Joe grunted as he released into the back of Murr’s throat leaving him with nothing to do but swallow it all as his eyes filled with tears from gagging. He finally pulls off, both men panting and Murr watches as Joe’s cock softens and he tucks it back away in his pants. “For god’s sake Murr get your shirt back on.” Joe jokes to him. Murr had actually forgotten briefly about his momentary stripper moment, he puts it back on and just then the other two jokers stumble in giggling like idiots.
 we should head back to the hotel guys. I’m about one drink away from making worse choices!” Q slurs out smiling with drunken pride. Sal does nothing but laugh.
“Th-that sounds like a great idea guys! Let’s go and do that.” Murr quickly responds with eyes flitting over to Joe who’s smiling like the cheshire cat. With that, they hail a cab, as drunk Q and Sal pile in, Joe discretely gropes Murr’s ass as he gets into the car making him jump and almost fall.
“Happy birthday ferret!” Joe says winking to him with Q and Sal drunkenly singing happy birthday in the car, “to the hotel for some much needed rest now!”
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ms-m-astrologer · 5 years ago
The Week Ahead: May 4-10, 2020
Void of Course Moon
Monday, May 4, 02:25 UT (Virgo) - 07:09 UT (Libra)
Wednesday, May 6, 02:31 UT (Libra) - 07:05 UT (Scorpio)
Friday, May 8, 02:39 UT (Scorpio) - 07:15 UT (Sagittarius)
Sunday, May 10, 06:11 UT (Sagittarius) - 09:39 UT (Capricorn)
The Moon is lickety-split this week, as is Mercury. We’re prone to skydive to conclusions. We may have a lot of difficulty both concentrating, and slowing down.
Lunar Phases
Monday, May 4, 05:55 UT - Gibbous Moon, 29:14 Virgo
Thursday, May 7, 10:45 UT - Full Moon, 17:20 Scorpio
Sunday, May 10, 19:23 UT - Disseminating Moon, 5:34 Capricorn
Pre-Rx: Venus/Gemini, Ceres/Pisces, Pallas Athene/Aquarius, Jupiter/Capricorn, Saturn/Aquarius
Retrograde: Juno/Libra, Pluto/Capricorn
Here is your first warning that next week, four of those “Pre-Rx” planets will station retrograde. In order: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Pallas Athene. Probably too late now to do anything except buckle up and prepare?
Et Cetera
The astrological moment of the Taurus Cross-Quarter falls on Tuesday, May 5, at 00:52 UT.
Opportunity periods for the week are:
Friday, May 8, 01:33 UT - 02:39 UT. “Short OP for serious things that require assertive energy.”
Saturday, May 9, 19:13 UT - Sunday, May 10, 09:39 UT. “The Sagittarius Moon loves to play, but it’s versatile and useful for any other kind of pursuit as well.”
Sunday, May 10, 09:39 UT - Tuesday, May 12, 10:30 UT. “With so many planets stationing retrograde(*), it’s best to use this long OP for practical matters.”
(*) That was your second warning! I can’t emphasize it enough - get your shit together this week, because next week is a mess. Four entities stationing retrograde! And, Mercury and Mars will go into mutable signs, making us a bit flabbergasted by “it all” and floundering in a huge dilemma about What To Do Next. Take your damned vitamins!
Finally, from 07:09 UT Monday, to 16:23 UT Tuesday, the Moon is both in Venus’ sign Libra, and applying a trine to Venus/Gemini. That makes it a great time for Venus-type activities - love, art, beauty, money. Remember, though, the moral guideline of Venus/Gemini in her Rx zone: avoid like hell any potential “what was I thinking??” situation.
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mangled-dreams · 6 years ago
Free Fall: 1
Chapter One: Push
A little few chapter story I’m starting to work on. I haven’t done a whole lot with Jackieboy Man, so this is my take of the rising Irish native superhero. 
How many chapters you may ask? Dunno. It’ll be similarly length as Sins of the Mother series. So, let’s see what kind of mischief we can get into, shall we?
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This feels like a dream in all honesty. You can’t really grip the idea that you’re free falling down the side of your apartment building. You’d just been standing against the low railing on the roof of the building when you were shoved violently over the railing.
Whether it was an accident or on purpose you won’t know now. There is screaming and you can’t really figure if it’s you or the faces staring down at you. The further away they get the more you realize the closer to the ground you are.
Part of you had ended accepting your fate. You don’t know if you’d want to survive this high of a fall, and if you managed to survive what kind of life would you have? You’d have to be stitched together, you’d have to go through rehabilitation however long that would be, and then your quality of life after all that would be difficult.
While the drop itself should be fairly short you feel like an eternity is taking place. Memories from your childhood you never could remember completely are brought back. Scenes of heartache and terrible loss pass through your mind. Things you did and didn’t get to do run through your head like wildfire.
You always wanted to know what it would feel like to skydive, but of course this was not the way you’d imagined it going. The tickling in your stomach almost makes you feel like laughing but instead tears lift off your lashes. What will happen after?
How will your parents take your death? Will there ever be a conclusive resolve to your death? Will it be ruled homicide or accidental death? Will your parents know not to keep you on life support if you’re completely broken and brain dead? What about your funeral?
Will your parents cremate you or put your broken body into a casket and bury you? You hope they choose the cheaper option. You’re not rich people and really all you’d like is to be remembered in their hearts. A grave site may give them some kind of solace but it’s not important if they forget your memory.
The feeling of your impending death finally washes over you and you press your eyes close tightly together. Holding the image of your mom and dad with their arms around a ten year old you your body tenses up for the impact. You wish you could tell them you love them, just one more time.
. Nothing
Opening your eyes very carefully you peek through your lashes at a familiar face staring straight ahead. A thick five o’clock shadow covers his the underside of his chin, down his neck slightly, and up into his cheeks as far as you can see. Your breath hitches as realization you’ve been saved from certain death crashes through you.
A fine mixture of crying and laughing leave your lips. It’s just not possible, you can’t still be alive. There is just no way that you’re still living and not dreaming or dead. Covering your face with your hands you turn into Jackieboy Man’s chest solidifying your life.
You don’t know how he did it or even if it’s possible for him to do it. You try to think logically. At your rate of speed you should be in pain, even if he did grab you before you hit the ground you, and him for that matter should be injured to some degree.
“Are you still with me?” Jackieboy asks landing heroically on top of a building just next to your apartment building. Blinking you look up into the blue eyes now staring down at you in concern and sincerity.
Your words fail you as you try to rationalize things to yourself. “I’m alive?” You manage needing it to be confirmed. Jackieboy nods his head. Laughter bubbles up for a few seconds to give way to sobbing. You hear the pedestrians cheering at your rescue.
At your relieved sobbing Jackieboy declines to turn and address his adoring fans. Below he sees police and medics arrive on scene ready to take away and clear the scene of a dead woman. He gives you a minute before jumping down to the waiting medics.
Your knees quake when Jackieboy sets you on them. You can’t support your own weight. He keeps your balance and aids you still over to the medics that eagerly accept you for review. You’re thankful that Jackieboy stays near you s the police talk to you about what happened. You explain what happened from your point of view before they head into the building to speak with the few tenants and guests you saw on the roof.
Jackieboy asks the EMTs to hold on a moment so he can talk with you before you’re taken to the hospital. Apparently on your way down you’d hit your head hard enough to open up a four inch long gash almost down the center of your head. The EMTs explained it could be why you didn’t understand or were unable to make sense of what was happening. You need stitching, booster shots, a brain scan, and observation.
Before Jackieboy can say anything you take his hand and press it against your heart. “Thank you, thank you so much.” You tell him with every fiber in your being meaning it. “I don’t
 I don’t why you were here, but I’ve never been so thankful for anything in my life.” Eyes locked like your dad taught you, you push your appreciation at him like high beams. “My parents won’t have to identify my body, they won’t have to bury their child, thanks to you. If there is anything, anything I can do, please, please!! Please tell me.I
 thank you..” Your voice is barely a whisper and you can’t really see him clearly until the tears fall from your eyes, but you pray your sincerity comes across just as you mean it.
Jackieboy is speechless. He’s been thanked before but not like this. He’s never felt this affected and humbled by anyone like this before. Fumbling Jackieboy manages to mutter, “You’re welcome, but no
 no thanks is required.”
You shake your head, it hurts and the EMTs tell you they have to get going, and begin to load you up. You let Jackieboy’s hand slip from your grasp. “Please, dinner, sweets, something, anything. I can just leave them on the roof of my apartment building for you.” You offer pointing to the building you’d just fallen from.
Knowing this may be his last time seeing you in particular Jackieboy says, “Irish butter cookies, two weeks from now.” He offers vowing to keep an eye on your recovery. He doubts you’ll be in hospital for that long and tells himself he only agreed to the thank you treat because it will help with your recovers---hopefully, but it’s for his own selfish reasons.
With that last line of communication the double doors of the ambulance closes and he stands there watching  you be carted away. This is the first time you’ve seen him as Jackieboy Man, but not the first time you’ve seen him.
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megacircuit9universe · 4 years ago
Alien Tip Off
WED SEP 16 2020
Woodward’s tapes of Trump, extensively admitting how well he understood the dangers of SarsCoV2, way back in the spring... that it was airborne, that it was far more deadly than the flu, etc... have stayed in the news all week, with longer and longer clips being released that utterly destroy any possible, devil’s advocate, arguments in Trump’s favor on this... the single most important issue facing the nation.
It’s safe to say we’re all stunned!
He was simultaneously smart enough to grasp the true danger of the virus... yet stupid enough to... agree to go off about this on tape with Woodward and... still do what he did in his response to the threat.
The tapes don’t JUST justify his impeachment, and expose every Senator who voted to acquit, as dastardly cowards... but they gut any possible, devil’s advocate, arguments for Trump, by anybody with any grip on sanity.
This puts the current GOP Senate in great peril... even as it reduces the base of loyal Trumpist voters they were banking on... to only the criminally insane.
No more fluffy padding of evangelicals, and other right wing conservatives who, held their nose, so does speak, and went along for the sake of the party. They’ve now formed a very visible, and powerful movement to deny Trump, and any of his hardcore Senate loyalists... another term. 
And they’re doing it for the same reason they originally held their noses and went along... to save their party from the brink of irrelevance in a world where the blast doors of history are closing on old school conservatism.*
Which brings us to TikTok...
The deadline for the TikTok ban, as outlined by a sketchy executive order by Trump a while back, draws near.  
And while American companies like Microsoft and WalMart scrambled to get a deal done in time, China also chimed in last week and said... Yeah, no... if ByteDance sells it’s American operations... the new owners can’t have the algorithm without our say so... and... we’d rather see TikTok die in America than bow to Trump’s silly demands so... haha, just saying! :D
Meanwhile, TikTok has been challenging the original executive order in court, and everybody is now saying even if the deadline passes, Trump can’t just shut down an app like that... and he’d have to get both Android and Apple to agree to disable it in their app stores... which would lead to more litigation and... well, it could take many more months than Trump has left in power, to sort out.
Unless he gets reelected... or successfully remains in power despite being voted out.
Which brings us to the aliens!..
Monday night (September 14th) TikTok was suddenly flooded with videos of UFO sightings over the United States... concentrated in, but not limited to New Jersey, Colorado, and Nevada.  
The earliest and most viral of these was being debunked immediately as the GoodYear Blimp, but... the people at Goodyear Blimp have since said, no... that was not our blimp.
The videos depict a lot of different types of UFOs... they don’t all look the same.  Some were singular glowing orbs, or true flying saucer looking crafts, while other videos showed groups of strange lights acting in concert.
The common denominator for all of them, however, was... all are pretty lengthy and clear... corroborated by multiple TikTokers in any given area... and all have so far defied any rational explanation.
Blimps, drones, skydivers with flares, swamp gas, you name it... none of the off the cuff discredits have yet proven out... much less any explanation for why so many sightings happened simultaneously across the continent.
Of course, lots of alien lovers have been quick to tell us this is some message of peace or whatever... but when something like this happens, I can only go to my own model, as established here in this blog.
And I can draw no other conclusion than this... the Aliens were behind it, and they were deliberately using TikTok to spook Trump... and the other powerful men in his Junta (Barr, McConnell, etc).
Recall that earlier this year I speculated that Kim Jong Un was not only dead, but that it was likely the Aliens who killed him, because he was too likely to start a nuclear war.
North Korea has yet to admit that Jong Un is dead... but the rest of the world assumes, these many months later, that he must be.  He’s not re-emerged, and the few video reels of him released this year... barely even try to be convincing.
The media hasn’t talked much about this, because so much other shit’s been going on this year... but no... I’m not backing off my conclusion that he’s dead, because nothing’s come along to even slightly prove me wrong on that, much less embarrass me about that conclusion.
He’s dead.  
The aliens killed him.
And now those same aliens are using TikTok to spook Trump.
This implies that Aliens are a lot more familiar with the intimate details of our daily life than we normally think... knowing not only that we all have smart phones with cameras, but that we also have a hugely popular app that would ensure any sightings would go viral immediately... and that this is the same app Trump is trying to shut down.
What’s the message for Trump?
Well, first... a bit more context...
This past week, the other huge story in the news has been the west coast wild fires.  We’ve seen out of control wildfires on the Pacific coast in late summer for the past four years, as we did in Australia in their late summer, this past January... but this year’s fires in America have been record breaking in terms of their devastation.
The aliens... who’ve been monitoring this planet periodically since humans first learned of fire... paying closer attention after we developed electricity... and who have been permanently stationed in the solar system since we figured out fission bombs at the end of WW2... have had, as their main objective, to stand down, and observe us... unless the planet is in danger of a cascading failure due to either a nuclear or climate catastrophe... or both.  
In such cases, they are willing to intervene... for the sake of preserving the level of intelligence, and diversity of life that’s evolved here... because it takes so goddam long for this kind of intelligence, and this kind of diversity to evolve in the first place.  
Still, they’d always rather just hang back and observe.  
So... since World War Two... they’ve tolerated all kinds of nuclear bomb testing, and everything else, without feeling the need to do much more than hint, to world leaders, that humanity may not be alone in the universe.
Until very recently, when they pinpointed two individuals who were a direct threat to the planet... Kim Jong Un, and Donald Trump.  
Jong Un had no real impact on the climate, but he did pose a nuclear threat, dangerous enough, they had to intervene and just off him.
Trump poses both a nuclear threat, and a climate threat, so... Jong Un’s death was a first warning sign, and this latest stunt on TikTok, at the peak of the wildfires, is yet another.
Don’t think you’re commanding the most powerful military force in the universe, because you’re not.  We’re real, and you can’t touch us.  We know what you’re doing.  We know what you fear (TikTok), and we WILL take you out, Space Force or no Space Force... buddy!
Assuming I’m right about this... which I think you at least have to grant is possible this late in the game, given all that’s happened... it’s an unprecidented show of force, from an intergalactic army so shy of confrontation, we barely have any evidence they exist.
That tells you what a dire juncture we are at, right now, on this timeline**.
But the fact that the aliens would use TikTok to make this statement... does seem to suggest that they do have AI bot agents, on our internet, who are in communication with our own advanced AI bots from the future, left behind by our time travelers... and that they are all in cahoots to save the timeline.
Recall that while Alien propulsion tech is likely based in the manupulation of microsingularities, or mini-black holes, to frame-drag spacetime around the ship... for Aliens it’s more about space travel, than time travel.
Time travel doesn’t really mean anything on intergalactic scales.  It only has meaning for primitive humans hanging very close to Earth, moving back and forth through the span of a few decades locally, to grab objects, get footage, and leave bot agents behind to promote human rights.
The aliens hanging out in our solar system are more or less just as pinned to our timeline as we are... or the bots those time travelers leave behind.
And if you don’t get that by now, I would suggest reading back in earlier entries, but maybe I’ll do another one as a refresher soon.
It was encouraging to see a TikToker on my For You Page this past week actually mention John Titor, and go into a little depth about him, but as usual, nobody could follow it.***
But more encouraging was this display by the aliens, that gave the first confirmation I’ve seen, that they do know and care what’s going on down here, in times as dire as we’re currently living through.
And with that roundup of a week’s news... it is time for bed.
*With GenX turning 50, Millenials turning 30, and GenZ turning 20, the tide is turning forever away from old school conservatism, with all of it’s racism, sexism, and classism. November 2020 could be the first time, all three of these generations turn out to the polls in force (millenials were too apathetic before this, and Z was too young to vote) to drown out the fading influence of the Boomers and Silents, once and for all.
My guess, as I’ve said, is that the current anti-Trump conservatives will all move to the Democratic Party, leaving the Republican Party to die as a haven for neo nazis and KKK sympathizers... while the progressive left will form a new party to counter the comparatively conservative new democrats, who at least acknowledge climate change, and don’t pin everything else on the single issue of abortion.
**Worth noting that this passed week news also broke that scientists had detected a marker for microbial life in the atmosphere of Venus.  It appears to be the strongest evidence yet that life is not exclusive to Earth.
***Not to suggest I’m so much more clever than ordinary people.  It took me upwards of fifteen years of studying physics through videos, lectures, and audio books to get the full picture of how Titor’s distortion unit worked, and how the many worlds theory resolves the kinds of paradoxes most people imagine would happen. 
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workfromhom · 6 years ago
Hotstar, Disney’s Indian streaming service, sets new global record for live viewership
Indian video streaming giant Hotstar, owned by Disney, today set a new global benchmark for the number of people an OTT service can draw to a live event.
Some 18.6 million users simultaneously tuned into Hotstar’s website and app to watch the deciding game of the 12th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket tournament. The streaming giant, which competes with Netflix and Amazon in India, broke its own “global best” 10.3 million concurrent views milestone that it had set last year.
Hotstar topped the 10 million concurrent viewership mark a number of times during this year’s 51-day IPL season. More than 12.7 million viewers huddled to watch an earlier game in the tournament (between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Mumbai Indians), a spokesperson for the four-year-old service said. In mid-April, Hotstar said that the cricket series had already garnered 267 million overall viewership, creating a new record for the streamer. (Last year’s IPL had clocked 202 million over viewership.)
Fans of Mumbai Indians celebrate their team’s victory against Chennai Super Kings in IPL cricket tournament in India.
These figures coming out of India, the fastest growing internet market, are astounding, to say the least. In comparison, a 2012 live-stream of skydiver Felix Baumgartner jumping from near-space to the Earth’s surface, remains the most concurrently viewed video on YouTube. It amassed about 8 million concurrent viewers. The live viewership of the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was also a blip in comparison.
As Netflix and Amazon scramble to find the right content strategy to lure Indians, Hotstar and its local parent firm Star India have aggressively focused on securing broadcast and streaming rights to various cricket series. Cricket is almost followed like a religion in India.
In 2017, Star India, then owned by 21st Century Fox, secured rights to broadcast and stream IPL cricket tournament for five years for a sum of roughly $2.5 billion. Facebook had also participated in the bidding, offering north of $600 million for streaming. (Star India was part of 21st Century Fox’s business that Disney acquired for $71.3 billion earlier this year.)
That bet has largely paid off. Hotstar said last month that its service has amassed 300 million monthly active users, up from 150 million it had reported last year. In comparison, both Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have less than 30 million subscribers in India, according to industry estimates.
In the last two years, Hotstar has expanded to three international markets — the U.S., Canada, and most recently, the UK — to chase new audiences. The streaming service is hoping to attract Indians living overseas and anyone else who is interested in Bollywood movies and cricket, Ipsita Dasgupta, president of Hotstar’s international operations, told TechCrunch in an interview.
The streaming service plans to enter Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand in the next few quarters, Dasgupta said.
That’s not to say that Hotstar has a clear path ahead. According to several estimates, the streaming service typically sees a sharp decline in its user base after the conclusion of an IPL season. Despite the massive engagement it generates, it remains operationally unprofitable, people familiar with Hotstar’s finances said.
The ad-supported streaming service offers about 80 percent of its content catalog — which includes titles produced by Star India, and shows and movies syndicated from international partners HBO, ABC, and Showtime among others — for no cost to users. One of the most watched international shows on the platform, “Game of Thrones,” will be ending soon, too.
The upcoming World Cup cricket tournament, which Hotstar will stream in India, should help it avoid the major headache for sometime. In the meanwhile, the service is aggressively expanding its original shows slate in the nation. One of the shows is a remake of BBC/NBC’s popular “The Office.”
from Facebook – TechCrunch https://tcrn.ch/2VzQut2 via IFTTT
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aves828-blog1 · 8 years ago
I’m going to be writing a review/summary on a newly-released video game, called Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands. This was an immediate hit for the Ghost Recon series. It is a tactical based, free world, third-person shooter game.
 Story: In the beginning of the game you learn about an American DEA agent, Ricky Sandoval, who is on an undercover assignment in Bolivia. His objective is to infiltrate the Santa Blanca drug cartel with the ultimate goal of dismantling the cartel. The cartel boss, El Sueno, somehow figures out that his right hand man is an undercover DEA agent, and kills him. This sparks a huge reaction from the United States, and a top CIA officer is sent in to Bolivia with a small team of four soldiers, known as the Ghosts. They are called this simply because they do not officially exist. They are some of the most elite and highly-trained people the United States has. The game objective is to dismantle the entire drug cartel’s operation. You have to dismantle production, smuggling, influence, and their security forces. Along the way, you interrogate multiple people trying to find the location of El Sueno, their leader. The game has two alternate endings, both suspenseful. In the first ending, your team locates El Sueno and converges on his location. You find him and approach him, ready to arrest him and bring him to the United States to face charges there. As he is about to be arrested by the Ghosts, El Sueno tells the CIA officer that she will want to answer her phone. It begins to ring, and she answers. Her boss, the director of the CIA, instructs her that El Sueno has made a deal with the US government in which he received immunity for his crimes, in exchange for intel on a few other cartel bosses, and terrorist organizations. There is, however, an alternate or ‘bad’ ending. In this one, the CIA officer, Bowman, has so much rage at what El Sueno has done that she ignores her boss’ order to bring him back to the US and she kills him. The game ends with her being charged by the US government and thrown in prison for life, for disobeying orders and killing him.
 Setting: The setting takes place in Bolivia. It has a huge map. The landscape is like that of the country. There are mountains everywhere, farms and farming equipment, and animals scattered over the entirety of the map. These animals include cows, llamas, and birds. The game has around 20 different cities/towns, and you are free to roam them however you please. The landscape ranges from desert, to mountains, rivers, and even a snowy region.
 Missions: There are many missions in this game. I’m not sure how many there are, but it would take about 40 hours of non-stop play to complete the game, and that’s if you’re really good at it. You can choose if you want to play the mission tactically, or go in loud and start a huge fight, however, some missions you must not be detected by the enemy in order to successfully complete it. For some missions, you must located a weapons or drug cache in order to put a dent in the cartel’s operations. For other, you have to interrogate a target, and others you have to execute the target. There are also side missions, such as supply drops, where you have to kill enemies guarding a helicopter and steal the helicopter or plane. Upon completion of these side missions, you get skill points. You can purchase additional skills with these, such as bullet resistance. You have to gain intel on each aspect of the cartel’s operation; influence, security, production, and smuggling. You have to take out each boss and underboss of these four categories, working closer to your overall objective; dismantle the Santa Blanca drug cartel. Once you have successfully taken out two of these categories you have the option of taking out El Sueno, the boss, or you can work on dismantling the other two before you go after him.
 Appearance: There are many different things you can do to make your character look unique. There are about 10 different faces you can choose from, and you can be male or female. You can make your skin tone anything from really light to really dark. You can choose from hairstyles from bald, to corn rows. You can also choose from about 10 different facial hairstyles, and you can choose what color all of your hair is. There are different face scars you can choose from, as well as tattoos on your left and right arms. The clothing choice is pretty vast as well. If you want to look like a regular civilian you can, or if you want to look like a highly trained soldier you can as well. There’s many different possibilities.
Vehicles: There are plenty of vehicles you can choose from to conduct your missions, or to just explore the map. There are your basic 4 door sedans, two and four door trucks, armored SUV’s with gatling guns mounted to the top, helicopters, planes, motorcycles, and dirtbikes. My two favorites are the dirt bikes and the helicopters. The dirt bikes make exploring the mountain regions much easier. The helicopters and planes are obviously ideal for getting to your destination faster. My favorite thing to do, is get in a helicopter and fly towards my mission. I will ascend as high as I can and skydive down to my mission. It just seems to fit in with tactical aspect of the game.
 Weapons: In this you game you have sniper rifles, assault rifles, pistols, submachine guns, compact machine guns, shotguns, and grenade launchers. You also have a drone which can deliver and explosive or emp pulse, which disables all nearby electronics. This comes in handy, allowing you take out the enemies defenses that rely on electricity. The drone can also be used to spot enemies and permanently mark them on your mini map. You have land mines, c4, grenades, flashbangs, diversion lures and flares. The flares and diversion lures are used to attract enemies to the location that you place them.
 Other factions: There is a group of rebels who assist you throughout the game. These are Bolivian natives who are trying to make a stand and stop the cartel. However, they are outnumbered, so they need assistance from you and your team. The other faction is called Unidad, these are the Bolivian special forces. They went to war with the drug cartel at first, but decided to tolerate them because of all the killing in their country. They will not attack you unless you are shooting or if you stop right in front of them. Once they do begin attacking you, however, they do not stop. They keep coming in waves until they take you out.
 Conclusion: I’ve played video games my whole life, and this one is in my top 3. There are so many things you can do in the game, aside from the numerous missions and objectives. This is one of those games, that keeps you up very late at night, and even though you know you have class or work in the morning, you just keep playing.
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charnamefic · 8 years ago
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I really need TFP to sweep the rug out from under me.
I don't tend to leave fandoms. I think I'm into Sherlock for life. But I'm also thinking that I'm going to be one of those people who ignores canon after TRF.
I know that many viewers don't take what we're shown at face value. I know that the writers love to be clever and play tricks on their viewers. Still, I think it's important to always consider multiple perspectives and possibilities, so I have been entertaining the idea that we're seeing on screen is intended to be accepted exactly as shown. If that is right, I find the show heartbreaking in ways that have nothing to do with any shipping theories or arguments.
The events we have seen so far in series 4 -- if taken at face value -- have shown that this Sherlock Holmes and John Watson have become bad for each other. It's an interpretation that I'm distressed by, but can't put out of my mind. In full disclosure, I'm posting this partly because I want to be convinced that this interpretation is wrong.
When this show started, I loved the relationship between Sherlock and John. The way I saw it, they made each other's lives exponentially better. I think they each thought the other was amazing and cared for each other deeply. They were always both difficult, messed up, not necessarily good men, but they gave each other what they needed to be better and happier than they could have been.
Back when they were promoting the first series, we were told that John would humanize Sherlock and help him develop a softer side. I'm not sure whether or not this has happened. Yes, we have seen far more sweetness from Sherlock over series 3 and 4, but I believe we have also had a PoV switch. If the first two series were from John's perspective, then what we saw of Sherlock was what he was permitted to see. Perhaps these soft asides have always been there and we simply didn't have a chance to know about them. I think that if our perceptions of Sherlock in S3 and S4 were from John's point of view we would be seeing Sherlock very, very differently. He is still the sort of man who has so little consideration for the pain of others that he'd speak to a pair of grieving parents about their daughter under the conceit that their dead son wasn't important enough to deserve having his gender remembered. He still hurts people who aren't useful to him, or whose hurt may be convenient. I think it's entirely possible that exposure to John hasn't made a significant difference on Sherlock's humanity. I’m really not overly concerned about whether Sherlock has changed. In the end, I’m not sure he needs to. I bring the matter to attention to illustrate that these characters are meant to influence each other, and that sometimes those influences are more clear than others.
Since the Reichenbach fall, Sherlock has had at least two major drug relapses. One after the Watson wedding (which I thought was fair enough in reference to Holmes' drug use in The Sign of the Four) and one in response to Mary's death and John's reaction. Sherlock is miserable -- I believe suicidal -- without John, and I suspect that he's still better with John regardless of any "humanizing" or lack thereof, but I am no longer sure that John is better off with Sherlock.
I think it's reasonable to assume that believing that he had watched Sherlock kill himself all but destroyed John. I say this because of the acting choices made in that and the following scenes, and because John described Mary as the second person who saved his life. Mary was there to pick up the pieces of John after Sherlock fell. She did help him. In the wake of her death, he was left so broken that he started hallucinating her. If we take that at face value, I think it is only reasonable to conclude that he truly, deeply loved her. From what we've seen, the hallucinations would indicate that John grieved her far more intensely than he had Sherlock.
Mary helped John through his grieving process. He grieved for Sherlock, then he began to build a new life with her.
If Sherlock hadn't returned after The Reichenbach Fall, John would have lived in blissful ignorance of his wife's past. If he ever found out, it would likely have been through an event far less traumatizing than having her (temporarily) kill his best friend, which put a certain sort of spin on the information. He never would have felt inadequate in the face of Sherlock preferring her as a mystery-solving companion who was "better" at it than him. Without that trauma and those feelings of inadequacy, I don't believe he would have seriously considered an affair.
It was Sherlock who told Ajay who (Rosamund) Mary Watson was. He may have had information about her old identities on his flash drive, but since this new one was such a good disguise that -- again taking all of this at face value -- even Mycroft Holmes (who kept such close tabs on his little brother's companions that he abducted John immediately and confronted him with his therapist's notes, who had known that Sherlock was coming into extremely close contact with Mary, and who had worked with A.G.R.A. before) couldn't detect that she wasn't who she claimed she was, Ajay (with his fixation on his mysterious decision that she was the "English woman") would likely never have found her. If he had -- as we saw -- she could still take care of herself. It was Sherlock who led Ajay to Mary, and then Mary to her killer. Without Sherlock, Ajay would not have had the information he would need to go after the Watsons. Norbury would never have had any reason to encounter Mary. Mary's past was certainly a problem, but it was Sherlock who made it a dangerous one. John was wrong to blame Sherlock for Mary's death as he did. Sherlock did not force Mary to jump in front of a speeding bullet. Sherlock told John to come to the aquarium and sent Mary a text about curtains. Taking what we saw at face value, Mary's own actions were instrumental in her demise.
Even so, without Sherlock, we have every indication that Mary would still be alive.
Bad things would still have happened. Maybe the underground plot would have succeeded. Maybe Sholto would have died after the Watson wedding. Maybe Magnussen would have still tracked down and blackmailed Mary. Maybe someone else who was also apparently more competent than the man we're told acts as the British government would have. But if we take what the show has given us at face value, Mary could have solved that on her own. She could have shot Magnussen without being interrupted. The only consequences of his death came about because he was murdered in front of others while being filmed. Without Sherlock, he would have died without affecting John at all.
Would the Watsons be bored without regular adrenaline fixes? I think so. I think that would cause conflict. But I think they could raise their daughter happily enough together. Maybe they would need to occasionally go skydiving and participate in particularly intense paintball matches. Maybe activities like that wouldn't be enough. Maybe they'd find something else that would be; they're competent enough. The point is that Rosamund would have a living mother. John wouldn't be a single father passing his daughter off to friends while mourning. John wouldn't be hallucinating his dead wife from grief.
Sherlock came back, and his actions led to unbelievable pain for John. First through John's conception of how Sherlock had treated him (especially if we take the explanation that they told us was correct -- the one we saw given to Anderson -- as true) and then through the discovery that his wife's very identity was a lie. He started out with trust issues. His fears were justified. Betrayal was stacked upon betrayal by the people closest to him. Then the woman he loved died under his hands. I find it horrifying, but not at all inconceivable, that he ended up fucked up enough to do what he did in the morgue. He was entirely responsible for his own actions, no matter what state of mind he was in; I’m simply trying to convey that I found the outcome tragically believable.
If we are meant to interpret Mary the way they are telling us to, as a super competent ex-spy who did bad things but felt regret and wanted more than anything a domestic life with her loving husband and child, then our interpretations of everything else have to account for that. I know that many people in this fandom prefer -- for various reasons -- to interpret her as a villain. Due to the conclusion of this meta, I'll count myself among them. But, unless The Final Problem is going to retcon the last few episodes -- which I suspect is highly unlikely -- then she is the complicated, lovely woman that they have been telling us she is. And she's dead due to her association with Sherlock.
If we take everything we are seeing at face value (and I see why many people don't, but I dwell on it myself) then this John Watson would have been better off if Sherlock Holmes had died in The Reichenbach Fall. That is what I'm finding heartbreaking about this series.
I want this meta to be wrong. I keep reminding myself that no matter what, Thompson is writing The Final Problem and I usually love the way he writes Sherlock and John together. But even so, at this moment, I think BBC’s Sherlock is shaping up to be one of the most depressing Sherlock Holmes adaptations ever. It is what it is, but I know what I don’t want it to be.
Show me this is wrong. Please.
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pubgamesblog-blog · 6 years ago
Pubg Mobile
Pubg Mobile Online Download Apk Hack & New Updates Android Game
Pubg Mobile This gaming section has been long ruled by Tencent’s PUBG moving for more than one year today and today there’s a recent strategy that has the possibility to contest the popularity of PUBG. Activision’s common action shooting business Call of work is today on mobile under the name Call of Duty mobile. Arriving from the like Tencent Games who took PUBG MOBILE, this play takes all the standard gameplay styles and modalities from the past PC versions of the play and still challenges PUBG MOBILE on a lot of fronts. This MOBILE gaming section has been long ruled by Tencent’s PUBG moving for more than one year today and today there’s a recent strategy that has the possibility to contest the popularity of PUBG MOBILE. Activision’s common action shooting business Call of work is today on mobile under the name Call of Duty mobile. Arriving from the like Tencent Games who took PUBG MOBILE, this play takes all the standard gameplay styles and modalities from the past PC versions of the play and still challenges PUBG MOBILE on a lot of fronts. It’s a huge opportunity for the period to Pubg Mobile Mod Apk. The Mobile edition of Player unknown’s Battlegrounds, This I created by Tencent Games and previously printed as Pubg Mobile. Actually, its known in Taiwan is now readily accessible for Android in North America. PUBG Mobile for Android had a soft start in Canada that last week. It’s available to Google fun, Thus long as you exist at Canada (or may make the Google Play Store which you exist in Canada) The robot edition of the strategy involves Android 5.1.1 or above and at least 2 GB RAM, According to the contest’s list. PUBG MOBILE LITE is the small variant of this known PUBG MOBILE created specifically for smartphones and tablets that are lesser on resources. Its compatibility suits more Android variants (4.0.3 or higher), and it weighs in a much smaller magnitude so more devices than ever will immediately have this interesting reality of player unknown’s Battlegrounds. I have been playing PUBG Mobile for about four months today, and it took me the time to see this PUBG Mobile Ranking structure. The blue hole game creator got the ranking idea from the sibling PUBG PC edition. Only a handful measure of people see this rating structure, while others are scratching their heads. Before I begin, let’s concentrate our stance on how PUBG mobile’s matchmaking method makes. As with any online multiplayer strategy, PUBG MOBILE realizes that it has to accomplish rookies, too as business participants on its battlefields. So, when you begin the play, the play introduces you to the position based organization. There are eight leading ranks in this play — Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, gem, crest, star, and Conqueror. These ranks are present for every single mode and computer at this play. Participants are granted the lowest rung in the Bronze as they go and make up the ranks as they continue performing with higher numbers at these matches. The difference between Fortnite and PUBG is well summed up by the player’s first 30 minutes in the competition. At PUBG Mobile, players jump out of the freight airplane onto the Russian land with a military base and power station. At Fortnite Mobile, participants skydive out of the car strapped to a large toy, stopping their fall with the umbrella or futuristic glider. PUBG has immortalized this fight Royale style in this world of mobile games. Ever since PUBG MOBILE, this thought of defending it out with up to 100 real-life participants at the desolated representation scattered with weapons has appealed to the larger people and drew in more people in the world of games. Call of work holds that thought ahead with its own twist to make it somewhat different from what we are accustomed to at PUBG MOBILE.
Advantages and Disadvantages of PUBG Mobile Games You want to leam-Initially, that PUBG play was just represented in the PC edition. Det since the launch of the moving version of the PUBG strategy it turned out to take the hot welcome from PULG game fans but. Yet this is regarded as good news because it will make the game anywhere Favorite online play playerunknown’s Battlegrounds, better known as PUBG, is all the rage among the gambling group and it has ruined many records around the past year. Free on Android and iOS PULG Mobile is specially mentioned for its superior practicality and improvement for all sorts of smartphones and tablets. However, the shift in emphasis to mobile has meant the dow in concurrent player numbers for the entire versions. The purpose of this play is to overcome the battlefield without being defeated and the final player that remains standing is the success PULIG MOBILE a multiplayer online activity that features a large amount of all potential analogs At the same time, the developers of PULG MOBILE attempted to have the number of new results while retaining the essential components of the more known colleague. You even have to push real players on large cards, while building various fortifications and separate structures. Dut the visual method PUDG MOBILE differs originality, and as the conclusion at the disposal there can be some downs of different types of weapons created in the odd fashion, as well as all elements, Competitors and targets are also executed in an odd manner. Both PUDG MOBILE and telephone of work MOBILE have an impressively elaborate list of ammunition with intense attention to information. Participants want to learn about weapons and how they work in order to get a better shot in defeating enemies. Call of work has a somewhat difficult way to the weapon design and change whereas PUBG goes for a somewhat more entertaining way. The day we can show you how easy it is to take this PUBG Mobile tool in 2019. Some people are looking for a way to hack playerunknown’s battlegrounds but question if it actually makes. There are numerous hacks ready for PUUG mobile on this network. Dut to be good, that is the easiest and best-running one about. It doesn’t be whether you’d want to have it on IOS or about constitutes compatible with both. Furthermore, some people are wondering whether the hack is actually making. Does it allow me to see through walls and can it change my victory nun? We can answer all these answers about the PUBG mobile tool
Thanks For Reading Article
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sheminecrafts · 6 years ago
Hotstar, Disney’s Indian streaming service, sets new global record for live viewership
Indian video streaming giant Hotstar, owned by Disney, today set a new global benchmark for the number of people an OTT service can draw to a live event.
Some 18.6 million users simultaneously tuned into Hotstar’s website and app to watch the deciding game of the 12th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket tournament. The streaming giant, which competes with Netflix and Amazon in India, broke its own “global best” 10.3 million concurrent views milestone that it set last year.
Update at 11:30 p.m. Pacific on May 13: In a statement, Hotstar confirmed that 18.6 million users simultaneously watched the game on its platform over the weekend. “The achievements of this season once again bear witness to Hotstar being the most preferred sports destination for the country. With technology as our backbone and our all-round expertise in driving scale, we are confident we will continue to break global records and set new benchmarks with each passing year,” said Varun Narang, chief product officer of Hotstar.
Hotstar topped the 10 million concurrent viewership mark a number of times during this year’s 51-day IPL season. More than 12.7 million viewers huddled to watch an earlier game in the tournament (between Royal Challengers Bangalore and Mumbai Indians), a spokesperson for the four-year-old service said. Hotstar said the cricket series had over 300 million overall viewership, creating a new record for the streamer. (Last year’s IPL clocked a 202 million overall viewership.)
Fans of Mumbai Indians celebrate their team’s victory against Chennai Super Kings in IPL cricket tournament in India
These figures coming out of India, the fastest-growing internet market, are astounding, to say the least. In comparison, a 2012 live stream of skydiver Felix Baumgartner jumping from near-space to the Earth’s surface remains the most concurrently viewed video on YouTube. It amassed about 8 million concurrent viewers. The live viewership of the royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was also a blip in comparison.
As Netflix and Amazon scramble to find the right content strategy to lure Indians, Hotstar and its local parent firm Star India have aggressively focused on securing broadcast and streaming rights to various cricket series. Cricket is almost followed like a religion in India.
In 2017, Star India, then owned by 21st Century Fox, secured the rights to broadcast and stream the IPL cricket tournament for five years for a sum of roughly $2.5 billion. Facebook also participated in the bidding, offering north of $600 million for streaming. (Star India was part of 21st Century Fox’s business that Disney acquired for $71.3 billion earlier this year.)
That bet has largely paid off. Hotstar said last month that its service has amassed 300 million monthly active users, up from 150 million it reported last year. In comparison, both Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have less than 30 million subscribers in India, according to industry estimates.
In the last two years, Hotstar has expanded to three international markets — the U.S., Canada and, most recently, the U.K. — to chase new audiences. The streaming service is hoping to attract Indians living overseas and anyone else who is interested in Bollywood movies and cricket, Ipsita Dasgupta, president of Hotstar’s international operations, told TechCrunch in an interview. The streaming service plans to enter more nations with high density of Indians in the next few quarters, Dasgupta said.
That’s not to say that Hotstar has a clear path ahead. According to several estimates, the streaming service typically sees a sharp decline in its user base after the conclusion of an IPL season. Despite the massive engagement it generates, it remains operationally unprofitable, people familiar with Hotstar’s finances said.
The ad-supported streaming service offers about 80 percent of its content catalog — which includes titles produced by Star India — for no cost to users. It also syndicates shows and movies from international partners such as HBO, ABC and Showtime — though these titles are available only to paying subscribers. One of the most watched international shows on the platform, “Game of Thrones,” will be ending soon, too.
The upcoming World Cup cricket tournament, which Hotstar will stream in India, should help it avoid the major headache for some time. In the meantime, the service is aggressively expanding its slate of original shows in the nation. One of the shows is a remake of BBC/NBC’s popular “The Office.”
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://tcrn.ch/2VzQut2 via IFTTT
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years ago
1970 Part Two ~ JULY to DECEMBER
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“Here’s Lucy” begins its third season with guest stars Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Sammy Davis Jr., Buddy Rich, Wally Cox, and Vincent Price.  On November 16, 1970, Lucille Ball appeared on four different television shows on one night! 
“Lucy Meets the Burtons” (HL S3;E1) ~ September 14, 1970
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Perhaps the biggest casting coup in sitcom history, “Here’s Lucy” opens its third season with Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, and her 68 carat Cartier diamond ring worth over a million dollars. Of course, Lucy gets it stuck on her finger!  
“The Dean Martin Show” (S6;E1) ~ September 17, 1970
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Lucille Ball (and dozens of other stars) make guest appearance on Dean Martin’s sixth season opener. 
“The Ed Sullivan Show” (S23;E1) ~ September 20, 1970
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Ed Sullivan hosts the ‘Georgie Awards’ for Entertainer of the Year, from Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas. Lucille Ball is on hand to present an award to Carol Burnett. 
"Lucy the Skydiver" (HL S3;E2) ~ September 21, 1970
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When Kim and Craig take up dangerous hobbies, Lucy decides to use reverse psychology and take up skydiving. Although she didn’t actually skydive, Lucille Ball performed her own stunts. 
"Lucy and Sammy Davis, Jr." (HL S3;E3) ~ September 28, 1970
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When Sammy Davis Jr. stumbles through the door of the Unique Employment Agency and bumps his nose, Lucy and Harry are afraid of being sued. Lucy goes to his film set to make sure he is alright and ends up causing chaos.
"Lucy and the Drum Contest" (HL S3;E4) ~ October 4, 1970
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When Craig enters a amateur drum contest, Lucy convinces Buddy Rich to give him lessons.  
"Lucy, the Crusader" (HL S3;E5) ~ October 12, 1970
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When Lucy buys Craig a stereo for his birthday, it turns out to be a lemon. Lucy goes on a crusade to have the manufacturer honor their guarantee. Guest starring Charles Nelson Reilly.  
"Lucy, the Coed" (HL S3;E6) ~ October 19, 1970
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A musical episode that features Robert Alda (left) and Marilyn Maxwell.  
“The Carol Burnett Show” (S4;E6) ~ October 19, 1970
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Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett portray stage mothers pushing their precocious offspring in an audition, and star in a spoof of Some Like It Hot.  Mel Torme is the musical guest. This is Lucille’s fourth and final appearance on “The Carol Burnett Show.” 
"Lucy, the American Mother" (HL S3;E7) ~ October 26, 1970
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For a class project, Craig is doing a documentary film about Lucy. Under her son’s probing lens, Lucy wreaks havoc at the local library searching for a book that has a $100 bill tucked inside. 
"Lucy's Wedding Party" (HL S3;E8) ~ November 2, 1970
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While Harry is away at a college reunion, Lucy secretly uses his house for a Great Big Greek Wedding reception. Naturally, Harry comes home early - just in time for wedding cake! 
"Lucy Cuts Vincent's Price" (HL S3;E9) ~ November 9, 1970
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Vincent Price thinks Lucy is an actress coming to audition for his new horror movie and terrorizes her in his study turned laboratory, although Lucy is only there for his artistic opinion on a painting she’s bought. 
"Lucy, the Diamond Cutter" (HL S3;E10) ~ November 16, 1970
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Lucy favorite Wally Cox plays a meticulous German diamond cutter. Ruth McDevitt and Mary Wickes co-star.  
“Jack Benny's 20th Anniversary Special” ~ November 16, 1970
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In a star-studded special, Lucille Ball makes a cameo appearance as Janet, Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone’s maid. Ball receives no screen, credit but gets a verbal ‘thank you’ from Benny at show’s conclusion. Lucy has three lines and 30 seconds screen time!
“The Bob Hope Show: Bringing Back Vaudeville” ~  (S2;E21) November 16, 1970
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Lucille Ball and Danny Thomas play small fry actors auditioning for vaudeville. Bob plays a hypnotist who takes Lucy out of the audience to be his stooge.  
“The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” ~ November 16, 1970
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Johnny’s guests are Lucille Ball, Doug McClure, Alan Sues, Della Reese and Roger Miller. Earlier in the evening Ball was on “Here’s Lucy” and did cameo appearances on Bob Hope and Jack Benny’s specials, meaning that she made four appearances on TV in one night! 
"Lucy and Jack Benny's Biography" (HL S3;E11) ~ November 23, 1970
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Jack Benny needs a private secretary to help him write his autobiography. Naturally, Harry volunteers Lucy. Through flashbacks we meet many of the women in Benny’s life – all played by Lucy. This episode was shot without the presence of a studio audience. George Burns does a cameo. 
“Swing Out, Sweet Land” ~November 29, 1970
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A star-studded patriotic special featuring John Wayne. Lucille Ball voices the Statue of Liberty.  
"Lucy and Rudy Vallee" (HL S3;E12) ~ November 30, 1970
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Classic crooner Rudy Vallee plays himself. Lucy convinces Kim to help update his look and sound while Harry gets him a booking at the local teen hangout.   This is the first of 68 episodes directed by Coby Ruskin.
"Lucy Loses Her Cool" (HL S3;E13) ~ December 7, 1970
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Lucy goes on the Art Linkletter show and is challenged not to lose her temper for 24 hours in order to win $500. Little does she know that her friends and family are all in on the stunt and are determined to make her fulfill the episode’s title!
"Lucy, the Part-Time Wife" (HL S3;E14) ~ December 14, 1970
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Harry is panicked when he thinks an old college girlfriend wants to marry him, so he recruits Lucy to pretend to be his wife – complete with two teenage kids and another one on the way! the last time Lucille Ball was pregnant on camera was with Desi Arnaz Jr., who is coincidentally absent from this episode.
"Lucy and Ma Parker" (HL S3;E15) ~ December 21, 1970
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After many years of playing supporting characters opposite Lucille Ball, Carole Cook finally guest stars in a title role. Also guest starring is Jerry Maren, one of the original Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz. Another silly plot where Lucy suddenly develops super strength to save the day. 
"Lucy Stops a Marriage" (HL S3;E16) ~ December 28, 1970
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This is the first of two episodes written by Frank Gill Jr. and Vincent Bogart. Gill died in July 1970, before this episode was first aired. Jayne Meadows (sister of Audrey and wife of Steve Allen) is the bride in what Lucy thinks will be a wedding to Harry.  
ALSO in 1970...
“Kraft Music Hall” (S4;E10) ~ December 2, 1970
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For the second time in 1970, Lucie and Desi Jr. appear on NBC’s “The Kraft Music Hall”, this time with Robert Young and Jane Wyatt hosting. Lucille Ball does not appear. 
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amin-jribi · 7 years ago
Forget Yesterday.. There Is No Tomorrow
Good day to you glamorous being. For this is the most important day in your life, this is the moment that counts, don’t forget to breathe. Tomorrow is a fragile delusion of our creation. There is no tomorrow. it doesn't matter. We are a gifted life form that moves freely in the spatial dimensions. With mankind's engineered vehicles we are conquering it. Yet we fail so bad with time. Time is not absolute, but it is harsh and ruthless. You could stay in the same spatial coordinates that once a deceased loved one stood in. Yet because of a small deviation in the temporal axis you can’t meet. The space time continuum will force us to move down our path (We are always moving down not forward, you will have to trust me on this one). Moment after moment our universe expands evenly at an accelerating rate after the “big birth”. We tend to ask: what is the center of this expansion? what is the center of the universe? You can answer this question with full confidence and say : I am. It’s a sweet analogy. Since the universe has no fixed center, it is accelerating evenly from every defined point in space. Whatever point you chose it is the center of the universe if you stand there. Many unlikely events unfolded in our universe billions of years ago that led to you existing the way you do. Do you remember the first moments when the matter and antimatter clashed? How glorious was the unification and distinction of the four fundamental forces. The universe is then defined in less then a split of a second in a very unlikely distinct way. Then it enters a phase of careful creation. Matter, galaxies and stars form for billion of years. In a few billion years our galaxy forms. In 10 billion years our solar system along with earth forms. Since then 15 billion years elapsed and you are here reading this. You don’t remember any of it.. Because you were dead.
The strange miracle of this universe did not matter to you back then when you were dead. Because you were not there. The breath you take now matters most. The very fact that you exist now is the most treasured truth you hold onto now. It is ironic that this “truth” is only yours and you can not share it with this world. You experience your life in a very distinct way. It is exclusively designed for you and you can not prove other beings experience something similar to what you do. You could be the protagonist of this universe, the unique conscious being surrounded by mindless programed creatures to act and interact with you. You can neither prove nor disprove this. You can never know. The only thing you should know for sure is that you are alone in your own thoughts. Even your own precious life experience is crippled and very much limited. The world you see through your eyes is due to a process of electromagnetic waves absorption by the photoreceptor cells located in your retina. There the cells transform it into signals and send it to your brain, combining both signals of your eyes, adding details and filling the blind spots. And there you experience the unique, colorful and charming experience of  the sense of sight!
It is indeed the most important sense we rely on to perceive this world. Let me ask you: what does an orange looks like? I mean It’s pretty obvious, probably spherical with a unique regid texture colored in orange. That’s what it looks like to you. Remember the electromagnetic spectrum you studied at school? It is composed of radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X rays and gamma rays. We only see the visible light. Assuming the electromagnetic spectrum is the length of the road between paris and zurich. You only see the length of an orange. Weird right? The “truth” our senses perceive is far from complete and consistent when searching for the true nature of things around us is concerned. With these gifts and abilities you are born in this world. You slowly develop your cognitive abilities, grow your body and learn new skills going from a baby to a kid to an adult (and no, I am not including teenagehood). You lose your memories from when you were a baby, keep some “nostalgic” memories from your childhood (up to the 19th century nostalgia was considered a disease and some of the treatments were: leeching, torture, burying alive..You are welcome). As you grow older, trillions of your cells dies and get replaced multiple times in your life span to some point you would be made of entirely new atoms. As you acquire new experiences and learn new things, the very structure of your brain cells change as new cells are born and new connections are made. That’s neuroplasticity for you! Here comes a question for you: at which point you become no longer you rather a new you? If not atoms and molecules, what are you then? There is a half that answers with soul and another with memories. The first half are not to be answered. Ever heard of newton's flaming laser sword? Newton describes: "what cannot be settled by experiment is not worth debating". So is it your memories that makes you you? We tend to think that our memories are safe and incorruptible. False memory syndrome or memory distortion is what seems to be memories that we believe in and cherish yet they never happened. It affects mostly the elderly but even young people are susceptible to it. As you age, you will most likely have some false memories stored in your brain and that is indeed scary. So what are you really?
Up to this point of your life you made different choices of significant or trivial value. If you look back years ago, can you say you now stand where you exactly expected back then? In 10 years where do you think you would be? what sort of life will you lead? Odds are, the future you envision will not come true. It is an imagined scenario based on thin conclusions of personal experiences, in most cases associated and mixed in total chaos. Our imaginated future is just that, imagination; reality goes some other ways. Not to say your dreams are out of reach. For dreams to come true, experience, skill and opportunities need to join hands in a fight with odds. Few are those that work their way out to their goals with persistence and care. They struggle,move a lot, turn their world upside down. They emit the most energy and heat; They are the chaos of this universe; the very catalyst to its heat death. For those lazy people out there, don’t feel bad, as you stay still, you emit less energy thus literally slowing the inevitable death of the universe (Just kidding, your contribution is insignificant). I hope you have the courage in your heart to move and fight the odds and achieve the greatness you desire. I hope you have the courage in your heart to stand up now, not tomorrow. There is no tomorrow.. Either you stand now or regret yesterday’s choice in a deathbed like most of us humans do. There is no tomorrow.. the greatness you wait for and the events you anticipate to unfold will not. There is no tomorrow.. you will not awaken someday if not today, either life happens to you by default or you happen. Forget yesterday for the grieve of the past will only hold you back, drag you down and break you. Forget yesterday.. don’t forget what you learned from it. Then grow stronger and wiser. Life will unfold and time will speed up as you take the ride of your life feeling all kinds of emotions..Like a skydiver, the rush of freefall and the air pushing you like you never experienced before.. you can’t help it but enjoy the moment, see the horizon and the ground so small like you could understand it all.. The adrenaline rush and the excitement makes it worthwhile. Life is similar to a skydiving experience, so exotic and rare, except in life you don’t have a parachute and you will fall down to your grave and die.
Death could be scary when you think about it, when you anticipate it. Death does not scare you, the unknown does. You of all people know that. You already died before. you tasted death before you were born. How did it feel? I bet it felt like “nothing”. There is fewer ways to be born then there is to die. Life offred us all kinds of death possibilities, some are horrible and other are less horrible. You will die someday and leave some things behind. “You will later die again when someone says your name for the last time”. But it won’t matter to you. You already forgot yesterday when you died before and there will be no tomorrow for you to remember when you die again. Does it matter?
What you are now matters. What you feel and want to express, what goes in the strange mind of yours matter. It all matters, for you, for me and anything that cross your life and scatters.You might suffer, struggle and break but your existence is a miracle so how can you not love it all?
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