#guys i swear world has never done anything wrong
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hermannsprecursors · 3 months ago
Hello Dreamtalia fandom
I bring an offering because Im in the middle of my yearly playthrough, and hyperfixation and art block both hit me like a bus so I drew World to get over it????
Man this is so weird usually I have a clever title or song lyrics or whateva,,, this feels so vanilla
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The guy :)
I still can't draw canon compliant Alfred I tried so hard guys. But the voices,,,
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stevie-petey · 3 months ago
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episode nine: the piggyback
“It’s always been you,” Steve whispers, lips pressed above your brow. “The six kids. The family I’ve always wanted. Traveling the countryside. My dream, it’s always had you in it.” You laugh, breathless and in love. “I know, honey.” Sickly sweet warmth cascades through you. Your lips find Steve’s, you kiss the smile off his face. He lets you. “I’ve always known it was going to be the two of us.”
Summary: operation save hawkins is a go. youre eagle one, steve is currently doing that, eddie is youd be lying if you said you havent thought about it, nancy is it happened once in a dream, robin is if you had to pick a girl, and dustin is eagle two. what could possibly go wrong ? spoiler alert: everything. literally everything goes wrong. might as well break a few promises while youre at it. for the plot. but at least its over, right? .... right?
Rating: general, some swearing, violence
Warnings: fem!reader, use of y/n, cursing, weapons, blood, death and gore, injuries, lowkey suicidal thoughts
Words: 8.5k (we broke tradition where the last chapter is the longest but tbh this is probs for the best)
Before you swing in: oh my god this is the end. i am. very very emotional rn. this story is my baby and i dont know what im going to do now that its done. i cant even write an in between chapter because we still dont have season 5 content :((( im gonna miss writing this story, and i will absolutely go crazy waiting for season 5 so i can write again. these next few months will be ROUGH but !!!! thank you guys so so so much for reading. all your comments/reblogs/kudos/likes have meant the world to me. im truly the luckiest girl ever :') for now, and for the final time... enjoy !
It’s pitch black outside. All around you is darkness. The sun is long gone, its golden warmth no longer present, retreating into the treeline as if afraid of what the night will bring. 
You’re afraid, too.
Everyone stands around Nancy. The group is quiet as you await whatever she has to say. When she turns to face you, her voice is leveled, calm, but her hands shake. 
She’s afraid, too.
“Okay,” Nancy exhales deeply. “I wanna run through it one more time.” She looks at Robin, prompting her to recite everything back. “Phase one?”
“We meet Erica at the playground.” Robin responds. “She’ll signal Max and Lucas when we’re ready.”
“Phase two.”
You step forward. “Max and I will bait Vecna. When he goes after one of us, he’ll go into his trance. If he chooses Max, we’ll go onto phase three together.”
“And…” Nancy swallows, looking away. “And if he chooses you?”
It’s Steve who steps forward this time. He stands tall, brave, but his voice shakes. “Then I’ll stay with her, walkman ready, while you and Robin go on your own.”
You grab his hand, squeezing it. He squeezes back. 
“Speaking of phase three.” Dustin clears his throat, weary eyes never leaving you. “Me and Eddie wil draw the bats away.”
“Carefully,” you look pointedly at your brother. “Right?”
He rolls his eyes at you while Nancy continues speaking. “Okay, phase four.”
“We head into Vecna’s newly bat-free lair and…” Robin holds up a molotov cocktail. The liquid sloshes around. The scent of gasoline still stings your nose from when you helped her pour it into the bottles earlier. “Flambe.” 
“Nobody moves onto the next phase until we’ve all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what.” Nancy reiterates, looking around the RV. Her eyes linger on you, cautious, almost doubtful. She trusts you. She knows she trusts you. But she also knows your heart and the lengths you’ll go to save others. 
Nancy has always admired your selflessness, but she’s also always seen it as your greatest strength and weakness. A coin, two sides. Now, tonight, she has to hope that you’ll follow the plan. Even if it means leaving Max behind if she’s the one Vecna chooses.
Your eyes harden when you realize what Nancy is thinking. Without saying anything, you nod at her. The jut of your chin tells her that you’ll be fine. That she needs to trust you. 
Eddie’s trailer is only a few yards away, but the walk to it feels like decades. Steve guides and Nancy is close behind him. You stay back, walking beside Dustin. Your shoulders brush. His presence grounds you, reassures you that you will make it through the night. 
Dustin, sensing your fear, reaches for your hand. He extends his warmth to you, silently promising you that he will always be here. There isn’t anything left to say.
Steve opens Eddie’s door, turning the lights on and tossing his backpack to the ground. He eyes the rope that connects the trailer to the Upside Down, getting ready for the part of the plan that you honestly really hate.
“Be careful, please.” You urge him, uncomfortable that he has to be the first one to return to the hell that is the Upside Down. It makes sense, he’s the only one able to climb the rope up, but still. You’ve had shit luck these last few days.
“I’m always careful, angel.” Steve winks at you, rolling his sleeves up. “Here goes nothing.”
He climbs up quickly, years of being an athlete being put to use. Everyone watches anxiously. However, when Steve crosses through the gate and lands with a cheesy flip, you and Robin share a disgusted look. 
“What, does he want us to applaud?” She scoffs.
You shake your head. “Somethings I think he has an imaginary audience in his head.”
“Do you think they ever boo him?” “Not like we do.”
Nancy covers her mouth, muffling her laugh, and Robin snorts. You smile at the two of them, momentarily forgetting what’s to come.
“Alright,” Steve shouts up, tossing down Eddie’s old mattress. “Let’s go.”
You take a deep breath, steadying your nerves. Wiping your hands on your jeans, you place them on the rope and prepare for the inevitable torture that this will be. You’re pretty sure you’re bleeding again. 
“A little help?” You ask the others, motioning towards your injured leg and shoulder. “Sorta out of commission.”
Eddie grips your waist while Robin and Nancy gently hike your legs up. Together the three of them are able to carry you almost all the way up. Breathing through your nose, you grit your teeth and climb the rest of the way, wincing every few seconds. The pain is unbearable.
You really hope you don’t sound as pathetic as you look.
When you land on the mattress, small, black dots litter your vision. “I think I’m gonna throw up.”
Steve is already bending down, helping you up with ease. “And ruin Munson’s tidy home?”
Woozy from pain, you bat Steve away and wait for the others to join. Nancy comes next, then Robin, then Eddie and Dustin. Weapons get tossed down. Bodies land on the mattress with finalizing thuds. 
Outside, it’s just as cold as you remember it. Eddie and Dustin stay in front of the trailer. This is as far as they’re going. They aren’t leaving.
Roughly you pull at your brother. His body lands against yours, but the kiss your press to his forehead is gentle. You haven’t done this since he was a kid. Dustin flings his arms around you, nearly knocking all the air from your lungs. He squeezes you tight, as terrified as you are, and you feel tears in your eyes.
“We’ll come home,” your whisper is hoarse, rough and desperate. You bury your face in his mess of curls and kiss his head again. “The house won’t be empty.”
Dustin sniffles, too weak to hide his tears. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Your throat burns. How can you possibly leave him? 
Vision blurry with tears, Eddie manages to catch your attention as you cling onto your brother. The teen nods, lifting his pinky in the air to wave it at you, reminding you of his promise to you. He’ll protect Dustin. He swore it.
Reluctantly, you pull away from Dustin and wipe your face. “Please don’t die. Who knows what Mews’ ghost would do to you?” Dustin laughs wetly, wiping his own face as well. The thought of your childhood cat haunting his grave is enough to lessen the sting of letting you go. 
“If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort.” Steve breaks the remorseful silence. He doesn’t want anyone getting hurt. He doesn’t want you losing anyone else. “Draw the attention of the bats, keep ‘em busy for a minute or two. We’ll take care of Vecna. Don’t try to be a hero or anything.”
His tone is harsh, but you know Steve means well. You also don’t want Dustin and Eddie anywhere near danger. As long as they stick to the plan, they’ll be fine. They have the quickest escape route and the most amount of protection.
“What Steve is trying to say is that you two better climb back through the gate the moment anything bad happens.” You look at the two boys. They stare at you, grim faced. “I mean it, okay? Go through the gate, don’t try anything else.”
“We’re the decoys, we get it.” Dustin rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry. You and Steve can be the heroes.”
“Look at us,” Eddie nudges your brother’s shoulder. “We’re not heroes.”
Your stomach twists. You hate how Dustin views his and Eddie’s position. They aren’t just decoys, they’re heroes in your eyes. They’re facing an army of bats all on their own, but you don’t dare say this out loud, afraid to encourage them. 
“Just…” your mouth is dry. “Just be safe, alright?”
“We will.” Eddie swallows. Then he pauses, his gaze darkens slightly. Looking back at you, he breathes out, “And make him pay.”
You and Steve look at each other. So much of Eddie’s life has been ruined by Vecna. Even if you all make it out of here alive, killing Vecna, there’s no guarantee that Hawkins will accept him back into the town. You understand the anger that resides within Eddie. The desire to kill the very thing that has destroyed everything he loves. 
You bite your lip. You’ve never made a promise you haven’t been able to keep. But this time you’re facing something bigger than anything you could’ve ever imagined. All this time you’ve tried convincing yourself that you’ll win. That everything will work out.
But you remember last summer. 
The mall. The fire and the deaths. Hopper. Billy. The power Vecna seems to hold, his claws that have sunk into you and Max. His threat to Nancy. The danger that Hawkins is in, up above where your mother sleeps peacefully. Unaware of what you’re sacrificing for her.
This is more than anything you’ve ever dealt with before. But a promise built on an unsteady foundation is all you can give Eddie. 
“Well will,” you echo his earlier promise.
Eddie smiles at you. The one you’ve grown to like, even find charming. Slanted and mischievous. The glint in his eyes never dimmed, even after everything. Through it all, he remained kind.
This is how you’ll always remember him.
The further you walk away from Eddie and Dustin, the harder you have to force yourself to keep going. Your body is heavy, the weight slowing you down, pleading with you to go back. None of this feels right.
Steve’s hand on the small of your back is the only thing keeping your heart from collapsing. Robin’s smile helps, too. 
“You’d think this place gets less creepy the second time around.” She says, stepping over a root. “But I’m still pretty damn creeped out.”
“It isn’t the most pleasant place.” You agree. 
Robin steps over another root, looking back at you as she does so. “At least I’m here to protect you, Y/N. Pretty brave, don’t you think?” “Hey,” Steve warns. “Watch it.”
You knock your shoulder against his and smile apologetically at Robin. “Like always, I think you’re the bravest.”
She smiles proudly, throwing her fist in the air in excitement. However, after stepping over a root for what feels like the tenth time, her heart starts to pound. Looking around, all the trees suddenly look the same. Have you been here before?
“Not to alarm anyone, but I swear we’ve seen this tree before.”
“That’s impossible.” Nancy dimisses.
You agree. “We’re in the woods. All we’re going to see are trees.”
Robin tries to calm herself down, but ultimately fails. There are so many components to the plan, so many ways it can go wrong. “I mean, that would suck, right? Veca destroys the world because we got lost in the woods.”
“We aren’t lost–” You try to reason with her, but Robin is already running away in a panic. You scream at her, terrified of losing her. “Robin!”
“I’ll be back!”
You start to stumble after her. “Why does everyone want to separate?” You huff out, nearly tripping. “There’s safety in numbers! Come back!”
Nancy, seeing your fear for your friend and horrible coordination skills, steps in front of you. “I’ll go after her. You stay here with Steve.”
And then she’s gone, disappearing into the mass of branches alongside Robin. 
“They’ll be fine,” Steve reassures you, grabbing your hand. “They’re tough, even if Robin may lose her mind sometimes when she’s distressed.”
“I think we’re all slowly losing our minds.” You laugh, bitter.
Steve tightens his hand around yours. The two of you walk in silence for a while. The thunder above you serves as a reminder of where you are. The darkness is a threat. But you’re here, together. That’s all that Steve cares about in the end.
“Did you really mean what you said? Back at the cemetery?” He asks, clearing his throat in unease. The question has been on his mind ever since he heard your pleas for Vecna to take you instead of Max. 
He thinks of how adamant you’ve been to protect her. How you’re only here with him right now because Max wouldn’t let you blindly walk towards your death. 
The question strikes deep guilt within you, yet an exhaustion follows. You’re ashamed of how desperately you pleaded to die. Steve and Dustin had to hear you beg for your death. Lucas, too. 
You’re ashamed. Yet you wouldn’t take it back.
“I did.” You finally say. “I wanted him to take me.”
Steve already knew you’d say this. He’d been expecting anger to follow, to be furious with you for sacrificing yourself knowing he’d be left to pick up the pieces. 
But seeing the way you set your jaw and stare ahead, seeing the resolve that masks your face, the acceptance of your decisions, Steve can’t bring himself to be angry. Not at you. 
This is who you are.
“I won’t let anything happen to you.” Steve promises you again. He will always promise this to you. Over and over again, he will die saying these words to you. “I-I can’t lose you. I refuse to lose you.”
Your eyes remain downcast. 
“I know that this is how you love,” he grabs your jacket, begging you to look at him. “I know that I can’t let you lose the ones you love. Dustin, Max, Robin, Lucas, or El or Mike or Nancy. Hell, even Jonathan. I won’t let you lose them, but I won’t lose you, either.”
He understands, then. The selflessness within you and its selfish ways. Yet he doesn’t shy away or hiss at its venom. Steve opens his hands and allows the selfishness to stay there, warming it with his skin. 
You kiss him. Surprising both him and you, yet you melt together. Steve circles his arms around your waist, pulls you flush against him, and in the cynicism that surrounds you, there is still love. 
“Thank you,” you breathe against his lips. He’s wonderful. He loves you wholly, without any faults. Your kindness and its destructive ways; he accepts it all. “Thank you for understanding.”
And this, you believe, is the most selfless act a person can do. Steve’s understanding of why you need to do this, to sacrifice your life for Max’s, even if it means he risks losing you. 
“I should be the one thanking you,” Steve kisses you again, softer this time. Slower. 
You pull back, confused. “Why?” He pulls you in again. “I mean, I don’t know if you know this, but I was a pretty huge asshole back then.” You laugh softly, and Steve knows he’s exactly where he’s meant to be. “You saw this good in me that I didn’t know existed. Right off the bat you saw through me, expecting more from me than anyone else ever did. I wouldn’t be who I am now without you. ”
“And I’m sorry for thinking you didn’t see a future with me.” He continues, unable to stop now. This is everything he’s wanted to tell you ever since you allowed him into your life. “I know it’s stupid now, apologizing for our fight a week ago after the hell we’ve been through since then, but…”
He can’t believe he almost let something as small as a misalignment of where you’ll be a year from now jeopardize what you have. There is a string that attaches Steve to you, it brought you to him and tied your heart to his. 
“I meant what I said, Y/N.” Steve’s forehead presses against yours. “I’d wait forever if it means I can have forever with you.”
His eyes shine down at you, brown and warm. The honey you fell in love with when he pretended not to know your name, all to get you to laugh. 
“When your head went under the water, that night at Lover’s Lake, I thought you were dead.” Your voice shakes, remembering the fear that choked you. “For those thirty seconds, I thought you were dead, and it almost killed me.”
It was then that you realized how truly you can’t lose Steve. You’ve always known this, but to have his soul ripped from yours so suddenly, so permanently, there are no words to express the agony that poisoned you. 
Losing him would be the one thing you’d never recover from.  
“I don’t ever want to live through those thirty seconds again,” you’re crying. Steve is, too. He wipes a tear that falls, strokes your cheek, and you can’t bear the thought of a world without his touch. “I want forever with you, too. We’ll figure it out, but I’m not losing you. You have to be in my life, in whatever capacity. Whether you’re in a small, cramped apartment with me in New York or in Hawkins, waiting for me to come home.”
Your breath hitches. To think that a childish argument almost separated him from you. 
“As long as we come home to one another, it doesn’t matter.” 
Steve is quiet after you’ve said all this, and for a moment you’re scared you’ve said too much. Revealed too much of yourself, convinced him he’s gotten it all wrong, but then he cradles your face. His hands are soft, tender, the weight of them familiar against your skin. 
He kisses your forehead, and you exhale the last of your uncertainty. All that is left within your lungs is love. 
“It’s always been you,” Steve whispers, lips pressed above your brow. “The six kids. The family I’ve always wanted. Traveling the countryside. My dream, it’s always had you in it.”
You laugh, breathless and in love. “I know, honey.” Sickly sweet warmth cascades through you. Your lips find Steve’s, you kiss the smile off his face. He lets you. “I’ve always known it was going to be the two of us.”
Steve smiles, wide and bashful, and you know that this is where you’re meant to be, too.
“Hey, guys!” Robin breaks through the treeline, running back with Nancy right behind her. “Awesome news!”
“We aren’t lost.” Nancy cuts to the chase. “We think the Creel house is up ahead.”
“Well, what are we waiting for?” You step out of Steve’s arms, though your hand remains intertwined with his. “Let’s go face imminent doom.”
Nancy huffs out a laugh and Robin winces, though Steve squeezes your hand and is the first one to start walking. Together, the five of you descend deeper into the woods.
Unsurprisingly, the Creel house is even more terrifying in the Upside Down. Bats surround it, their screeches stinging your ears. Lightning flashes a deep, blood red and the thunder that follows causes your heart to drop.
You stand at the crest of the hill. There’s a light below you, its glow pure in the abandoned park where it resides. The same park that you told Erica to hide in as she waited for Max and Lucas to take their place. The light flashes.
It’s time for phase two.
“Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna. Y/N, get ready.” Erica’s voice carries into the Upside Down.
Nancy, Robin, and Steve all turn to you. Grief and longing taint their faces. Your walkman hangs from Steve’s hand. He grips it tightly. Tension coats the air, nearly suffocating you; you can’t run anymore. 
No one says anything as you carefully lower yourself to the ground. It’s cold beneath you. Hard, unforgiving. You cross your legs, ignoring the deep ache of your wounds as you do so. You close your eyes. The storm is coming. 
“Take the bait, you son of a bitch.” You hear Nancy whisper. 
You or Max.
Take me, you silently beg. Take. Me. 
Silence settles over the group. Everyone waits with bated breath. No one knows who Vecna will choose. 
Steve stands nervously behind you, his hand on your walkman at all times. 
Just take me. Kill me instead of her. If you’ve watched me for so long, then just get it over with. Don’t make this easy, don’t be such a fucking coward.
The words echo in your head. Taunting Vecna, hoping their malice will be what saves Max. That he’ll choose you in the end, give you what you want. You’ll do whatever, say whatever you need, if it means Max will come home. 
Something pricks your skin. An uncomfortable, electric sensation coats your entire body. 
For a moment you think he’s listened. You can feel his presence, the weight of him shadows in your mind. He’s here, he’s spared you mercy after prolonged cruelty. He’s chosen you and Max will survive. Her blue eyes will remain bright, her body alive.
Then it all comes crashing down.
“He chose Max. I repeat, he chose Max.” Erica says, voice cutting through the delusions you allowed yourself to get lost in.
Your ears are ringing. Somewhere in your body there is still oxygen that has not escaped you, but you cannot find it. He chose her. 
Robin radios Dustin and Eddie, you think she’s instructing them to move onto phase three, but her words are jumbled in your mind and you can’t hear anything besides the screaming in your head. 
He chose her.
“Y/N,” someone roughly grabs your shoulder. “Y/N, look at me.”
Nancy. She’s in front of you, kneeled down. She grabs your arms, her grip vicious. Her mouth moves. She’s saying something, the way her chest heaves makes you think she’s yelling.
Is she yelling at you?
“Y/N!” The ringing doesn’t subside, but you manage to look at Nancy. “We need to go!”
She’s right. You need to leave. There isn’t time to remember how to breathe. You know this. Somewhere in the distance there’s music. Guitar rifts through the wind, Eddie’s melody enrages the bats that swarm the Creel house. They’re gone in seconds, flying towards the sound, and you need to stick to the plan. 
Your head moves shakily, managing a small nod, and Nancy yanks you up with Steve’s help. She looks at Robin, and suddenly her and Steve grab your arms and force you to walk alongside Nancy. They aren’t aggressive as they do so, nor are they cruel. But you can’t afford to shut down. Not now.
Max won’t survive if you do. There’s no time to hesitate. No turning back.
You hope she finds the light.
Lightning flashes all around you, illuminating the Creel house as you stand before it. Steve opens the door first. The vines that cover the ground writhe at the disturbance. He shines his flashlight, his heart drops when he realizes just how infested the house is.
“Shit,” he breathes out. The floor is virtually impossible to walk across. “That’s not good.”
Then, because he has no other option, Steve starts jumping to any safe spot he can land on. He looks ridiculous as he does so, but for once you aren’t focused on that. Instead, you stare down at your injured leg and wince.
“Great,” your thigh is currently more blood than flesh. Jumping on it is quite literally the last thing you should be doing. “This is gonna hurt.”
“At least you have good balance?” Robin offers, though she doesn’t believe what she’s saying either. 
Nancy grabs your hand, then Robin’s. She looks at the two of you and smiles, trying her best to look reassuring. “It’s okay. You guys got this.”
The first jump hurts, setting the remaining nerves in your upper thigh on fire, but you can’t afford to scream or collapse. You have to remind yourself that the vines are interconnected. One wrong step, one miscalculated fall, and they’ll wrap viciously around you. 
It’s a slow, tedious process trying to get to the attic. The stairs are the hardest part. The vines twist with every step, slithering across the walls. Steve does his best to help you, offering you his hand for support, but you both hold your breath every time your foot slips. 
When you make it to the attic door, everyone readies their weapons. In one hand are your knives, in the other a molotov cocktail. Steve spins you around, digging into the backpack for an ax while Nancy grabs her gun. 
Your foot lifts, about to step forward, before the ground beneath you shakes violently. The entire house trembles, and Steve barely has enough time to catch everyone as all of you struggle not to fall. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You sneer, holding desperately onto Steve. This is all some sick, cruel joke. A poorly timed rupture in your rapture.
But then the house stills. Everything is quiet. You, Nancy, Steve, and Robin stare at one another, panting. Nobody moves. There’s a clarity in the air, a false sense of security. 
That’s when the first vine latches onto Robin. 
It folds around her ankle before tearing her away from you. She screams, so do you, and her body is thrown against the wall as more vines encase her limbs. They move fast, snake like, and everything unravels after that. 
“Steve! Y/N!” She screeches, terrified. “Nancy!” 
You’re at her side in a second, stabbing at the vines. Your knuckles are white as you grip your knives, your biceps strain. You aren’t letting them take Robin from you. “Hold on!”
Your teeth grit together in exertion, sawing as fast as you can. Steve and Nancy are on the other side, throwing their axes as hard furiously into the vines. But nothing works, they’re too thick, and you don’t realize that one of the vines has wrapped around your arm until it’s too late.
“Y/N!” Steve screams when your body gets lifted into the air. You try to fight it, to pry your arm away, but your legs give out and soon a second vine wraps around your other arm. Then a third, a fourth and a fifth. 
In seconds you’re pressed against the wall. 
“Steve!” Screams are ripped from your throat, you try to call out, to beg for your life, but the more you move, the tighter the vines constrict.
Steve calls after you, ramming into the wall as he tries to cut you loose. “I got you! I–”
The ax he’s holding gets yanked back by a vine. He’s launched into the air, body landing harshly next to yours several feet up the wall. He screams again, but his voice dies when a vine cuts off his breathing and chokes him.
Another vine coils around your throat and suddenly you can’t breathe. Your airway constricts. Sobbing, you try to reach out to Steve. You’re inches apart, his fingers are so close to yours that you can feel their warmth, but you can’t reach him
All you want to do is hold him. 
Nancy falls to the ground, the last victim. She gets thrown to the opposite wall, it all happens so fast that she doesn’t even have time to scream. 
Your vision blurs. You close your eyes.
This is how you’ll die. 
Far away from your home. No one will find your body down here. Dustin will come looking for you and he’ll face the same fate. He will die trying to find you. Vecna will destroy everything you’ve ever loved.
Your lungs burn, fighting for breath that they cannot get. Blood rushes to your head. You take your last breath. The sound of it echoes in your ears. 
Everything goes black. 
Your mother will be worried about you. 
I’m sorry.
There’s a body beneath yours. 
It groans, gasping for air, but your vision is dark and you can’t see anything. Pain erupts in your wrist. You try to move it, but the sting makes you nauseous. 
There’s coughing all around you, but you’re too weak to suck the air back in. Everyone cowers for breath. The vines rescind, unwrapping themselves from your skin. There’s a body beneath you, and a gentle hand cups your cheek, you know it’s Steve.
“Breathe, angel.” His voice cracks, wounded. It hurts to speak, but he needs you to breathe. “Y/N, you have to breathe.”
Everything is numb. Your lungs are empty; you can’t remember how to fill them. Steve coaxes your lips open, blows air in your face, does whatever he can think of to get you to breathe, before finally, miraculously, you inhale sharply and begin coughing. 
“Are you alright?” Steve asks you softly, rubbing your back as you cough. “It’s okay. Take your time.”
Your throat is raw. It takes everything within you to speak, but you want to. You need to. There’s only one thing you want to say. “We have to make him pay.”
The anger is back, and Steve’s jaw sets. Vecna has hurt you. He’s hurt everyone you love. He’s chosen Max for his final death and your fury threatens to devour the sanity you have left. You’re tired of his shitty mind games.
It’s like what you promised Eddie: you have to make Vecna pay for what he’s done to you all.
“I don’t believe in a higher power,” Robin rasps, breaking you from your thoughts. “Or divine intervention. But that was a miracle.”
Nancy cocks her gun, already walking towards the attic door. “Then we better not waste it.”
“Phase four.” Steve says, steadying himself against you. 
“Flambe.” Robin finishes. 
You flick your knives out. “Let’s finish this.”
Vecna’s body hangs in the attic, thick, gruesome vines attach him to every crevice. He’s unmoving, eyes closed, and seeing his body up close makes you want to gag. He’s a terrible, vile creature. 
But Dustin had been right: Vecna is in the same trance-like state that El goes into when she uses her powers. 
Without being told to, Robin sets down her bag. All the molotov cocktails are inside. Everyone grabs one, silent. Almost as if you’re all too afraid to break the spell he’s under. You only get one shot at this. 
Steve has the lighter. You hold the first cocktail up, and he looks at you, eyes shining. He asks you if you’re ready, if this is what you really want, and you nod. At your signal, Steve throws the cocktail into the air.
The bottle shatters against Vecna’s body. The flames engulf him, the impact of the blast so powerful that it knocks you and everyone else back. There’s an awful scream as Vecna’s vines begin to snap from the sudden heat.
Your screams mix with his, throwing another cocktail with every ounce of strength you have left in you. You’re bruised and bloodied and exhausted, but you think of Max. You think of Billy and Hopper. Eddie and how his life will never be the same again. You think of Chrissy, Patrick and Fred. All the innocent lives that have been lost for a cause that you despise. 
This is for them. For Hawkins. For your home.
The last of the vines die withering away, and Vecna’s body falls to the ground. He stands, body on fire, and stalks towards you. His eyes are only on you. 
Robin lights the final cocktail and the force of it sends Vecna stumbling back. It’s enough to break through his chest, and he’s weak. Weaker than you’ve ever seen him. 
“Shoot him, Nancy!” You cry, ready for this all to end. 
And she does.
The first blast pierces Vecna’s skin. The second, third, and fourth diminish him to ruined pieces. With every shot, Nancy steps forward, drawing him out, and you’re right behind her. Vecna releases a deep, furious roar. The sound of it sinks into your bones, but you no longer fear him. 
He isn’t worth your fear. 
Nancy raises her gun again. She deals the final blow, sending Vecna through the old, rotted wood of the house into the dark night. He falls, screaming, before everything is quiet. 
The roar of the fire that surrounds you is the only sound. You all stand in the attic, numb. None of it feels real. All that’s left of Vecna is a hole in the house, his body far below, sprawled on the concrete outside. 
“Did we…?” You’re afraid to jinx it, to somehow bring him back. But this has to be it. There isn’t any other way for this to end.
Nancy doesn’t say anything. Instead, she turns around, running back down the stairs. No one has to ask why she does this; you all know. There has to be a body. There must be tangible proof that you’ve won.
Everyone runs outside.
Vecna’s body is gone. 
The only indication that he’d been there is an outline of flames that molt the grass below it. But there is no body.
“No,” you run down the steps, kicking through the grass as you look around. You’re frantic, sprawling on the ground as if you’ll find him buried beneath the ash. “No, where is he?”
You killed him. He was on fire. Nancy put more than five bullets in him. He fell from the attic, a height that alone should’ve killed him. Where the fuck is he? You did everything right. Followed every step of the goddamn plan.
“This doesn’t make any sense.” Something is wrong, you just don’t know what. Steve and the others join you. They’re quiet, fearing what you’re refusing to even consider. Four deaths. That had been all Vecna needed. But you killed him. “None of this makes sense, unless… Unless he–”
A bell chimes. 
The sound sends you to the ground. Your knees give out, collapsing under the weight of it all. “No!” Your scream is loud, guttural. Tearing from your chest as it tears out your vocal chords. There’s blood in your mouth and you want it to choke you. 
It’s Max. 
He got her. He killed her. 
All of a sudden there are arms around you. Someone carries you back up the stairs, back into the house that has taken everything from you. Steve holds you to his chest as he, Nancy, and Robin stare at the grandfather clock before them. 
It’s alive.
“Four chimes,” Nancy’s voice can barely be heard above your crying. “Max…”
The realization settles upon all of you. You’re in hysterics, no one can calm you down. You’re crying so hard that you can’t breathe, but you don’t want to breathe anymore. 
Grief pours from you in cruel, bitter waves. All you do is cry, barely even registering the earthquake that follows your devastating loss. 
Steve has to set down your crying figure in order to stabilize Robin and Nancy. You curl into yourself on the ground, making yourself as small as possible. There is too much. It’s all too much. Your head digs into the floor beneath you, cutting you, and your tears mix with the blood. 
Over and over again the clock chimes. Like laughter. His laughter. 
He won. 
Steve holds onto the stairs as the earthquake worsens. He has to crawl over to you; you’re rocking back and forth on the ground, your cries heard even above the cracking of the earth. His hand wraps around your weeping body and he won’t let you go. Steve tries to shield you from fallen debris, the world is falling apart, but you don’t move.
You don’t care anymore. 
It’s always your fault in the end. You lose everyone eventually; you get them killed. You can never save them. You will never be able to save them.
She’s gone. 
Max is gone. 
The days pass. You’ll come to remember them in fragments. 
Returning to Eddie’s trailer and finding Dustin crying over his dead body. Prying him away, your tears mixing with your brother’s when you have to tell him that something has happened to Max.
Finding Hawkins in flames. Seeing the deep gashes in the town you grew up in. Stumbling to the Creel house, racing side by side with the ambulances for everyone within the once quiet town, and collapsing again when you find no one there. 
Going home. Your mother’s arms breaking you. 
Steve. How he never left your side throughout it all. Holding Dustin’s hand, unable to stop crying. 
Visiting Max in the hospital the day after. The stench of sterilizer and surgical tools. Seeing her lifeless body still alive. The countless other bodies in the building that died due to your failure. 
When the news broadcasters announce Hawkins to be cursed. The burden that you can’t tell them that they’re right. The guilt seeing your baby brother’s limp. Another scar he will carry with him forever. 
All the hurt in the town. The pain. 
The collapse of your home; they’re calling it an earthquake. 
It all comes to you in flashes. 
Hawkins high school gets converted into a donation center for everyone dishoused. Visiting it is your idea. You can’t bear the thought of spending any more time inside your home knowing there are hundreds of others who no longer have a place to call home. 
“Anything else?” You place your old comics into one of the boxes you’re donating. 
Dustin shakes his head. “That’s the last of it.”
He hasn’t left your side in days. He still keeps your walkman on him, though neither of you know if it’s important anymore. Dustin is afraid that you’ll never put the headphones on again, even if it could save your life. 
You tape the boxes up, carefully writing down their contents on one of the flaps. Your fingers are scabbed. Your wrist is stiff, locking up if you move it too suddenly. 
Anything you can offer, you’d give it all to Hawkins if you could.
Steve picks you up. He helps you put the boxes in the back of his car, gentle with you as always. “You guys ready?”
You nod weakly, and Steve kisses your forehead, careful of the cuts that litter it. He helps you into the car. Turns on your favorite songs. Tries to distract you from the wreckage that encases Hawkins as he drives; you keep your head down. You can’t look at any of it. 
Nancy is waiting in her driveway with Robin, a pile of their own boxes at their feet. They greet you kindly, warmly, with an air of fear that you’ll break, and you’re too tired to pretend. 
“I found some more of your old stuff in the attic,” Mrs. Wheeler walks out of the garage, smiling despite the circumstances. “I think it’s lovely you’re doing this, Y/N.”
“We all just want to help,” you politely respond, staying near Steve’s side. 
Nancy picks up one of the stuffed animals in the box and pouts, seeing her old favorite toy. You’re about to tease her, try to laugh, when a pizza delivery van speeds down the block. 
“Someone order a pizza?” Mrs. Wheeler asks.
“Not that I recall.” You mumble, confused as your eyes follow the car. Every business in Hawkins is shut down right now. It doesn’t make sense for there to be a pizza delivery.
It parks in front of the Wheeler’s, and when you see who steps out, you drop the box you’re holding and run towards them. 
Will and El throw themselves around you, hugging you tightly. Dustin joins, and holding them again, having them here with you, makes everything okay for a moment. Your kids are okay, they’re safe. 
“Are you okay?” El asks you, pulling away slightly. Her eyebrows knit in concern when she notices the cuts on your face and how red your eyes are. “Did he get you?”
Somehow you aren’t surprised that she knows about Vecna. 
“I’m okay, sweetie.” Her hair is buzzed. Already you miss the long strands she once had. You don’t know what she’s been through this last week, but you hope, more than anything, that she hasn’t lost her kindness. “I-I’m okay.”
Your voice catches at the end, and immediately El understands that something else happened.
“We were worried about you,” Will doesn’t let you go. “When El told us what was happening, Jonathan almost lost his mind.”
Hearing his name makes you remember everything. Instinctively your eyes find him. They always do. Jonathan has Nancy in his arms, but when he senses your eyes on him, he looks up at you. He will always be able to find you. Your heart stops, looking into his once familiar brown eyes.
Jonathan rushes towards you, as he always does, and his arms around you feel like home. 
“Bug,” he breathes against your neck, holding onto you tighter than he ever has before.
You melt when the nickname drips from Jonathan’s lips. It’s been so long since someone has called you that. It’s been even longer since you’ve held Jonathan like this. 
“God, what happened to you?” His eyes roam your body, catching on your bandaged shoulder and thigh. The cuts on your cheek. You try to ease his concern, grabbing his hands, but Jonathan starts to ramble. “We-we tried to get back to Hawkins as soon as we could. The second El told me you were in danger I–”
He inhales shakily, presses his face deeper into your neck. “All I could do to stay sane was think of your voice. Of our last phone call.”
You bury your face into Jonathan’s messy hair. You’re crying, but for what, you don’t know. His scent is bittersweet. His arms are reminiscent of what was once. You’ve missed him, but nothing will ever be the same again.
“I need to see her.” El’s raised voice causes you to let go of Jonathan. She’s standing in front of Dustin, arms crossed, and you know he’s told her the truth. “Take me to Max.”
“What’s wrong with Max?” Mike slings an arm over your shoulders, putting all his body weight against you in greeting. “Miss me, Henderson?”
You move his arm down, forcing him into a hug. You want to remember these next few seconds. The remnants of his childhood before it comes crashing down on him. “I did, Wheeler.”
Mike hugs you back, but when he sees the distress on El’s face, he lets you go and walks towards her. “What? What’s going on?”
Dustin is the one who breaks the news. Shamefully, you know it should’ve been you, but you haven’t been able to say Max’s name in days. There’s too much guilt, remorse, resentment that it hadn’t been you. 
It’s a mess of tears and panic when Dustin tells them. Will covers his mouth, holding back tears, while El storms inside the pizza delivery van as Mike demands that Jonathan take him and everyone else to see Max. They don’t believe any of it. El told them that she saved Max. 
“Are you coming, Y/N?” Jonathan holds his keys up. Everyone else, including Nancy, are already inside. A boy your age, you think his name is Argyle, waves at you from the passenger seat. 
So much has changed. Unable to form the right words, you shake your head at Jonathan. Yet even after months apart, he understands your unspoken words. You can’t see Max again. Not yet. It’s too soon, too much for you to bear.
Seeing her limp body once was enough. 
“We’ll be back,” Jonathan hugs you one last time, pressing a kiss to your hairline as he lets you go. “I promise.”
Steve steps forward then, wrapping an arm around your waist as he stands next to you. The two teens lock eyes, Steve gives Jonathan a cool, steely look. He remembers what you’ve told him. He remembers Jonathan’s words to you before everything collapsed. 
Sensing his anger, you squeeze Steve’s arm. Not here, you beg him. Not now.
Exhaling slowly, Steve offers you his hand. You take it, allowing him to walk you back to his car as the others leave.
The donation center is packed. There are so many people inside, sitting on makeshift cots and pinning missing posters of their loved ones to a bulletin board. Nurses tend to the injured. Mothers cradle their children. The sight makes you ache. All these people, displaced by what they believe to be an earthquake.
You set the boxes down at the main dropoff table, and though the kind employee praises you for how organized the boxes are, you can’t help feeling that you should be doing more. 
In the hundreds of injured and grieving people you’ve seen, you’ve only noticed a handful of workers. 
“Is there any way we can help?” You ask the woman, looking around with a frown.
“Truly anything.” Robin says. “We just… we want to help.”
The woman seems surprised, and you wonder how rare it is for kindness to still be in a town that has known nothing but turmoil these last few years. 
You and Steve get placed sorting clothing while Robin is assigned to the food station. Dustin passes out cups of water for everyone. It isn’t much, but the work is meaningful and it eases the tension in your chest. 
“So…” Steve folds a t-shirt. “Can I ask about Jonathan yet?”
Picking up tattered jeans, you place them in the trash pile. “Might as well.”
“How do we feel about his sudden arrival? I mean, the giant pizza statue on the van was a little dramatic for me.”
He’s trying to keep the conversation light, which you appreciate him for, but you also know that Steve is doing this because he’s worried about you. And, you know, he’s unnerved seeing Jonathan. There’s still a lot left unsaid between you. 
“It’s… a lot.” You admit, struggling to find the right words to convey how you feel. “I’m relieved he’s okay, and I really am happy to see him again, but I… I understand, you know. If you’re upset.”
Steve scrunches his face. “I’m not upset, just… I don’t know. Annoyed with the guy.”
“So you’re upset.”
“Okay, no–”
“Is that Vickie with Robin?” You unintentionally cut Steve off, too surprised by the fact that mere feet away from you is Robin and Vickie making sandwiches together. And they’re laughing. “Are they talking together?”
Steve whips his head around, disbelieving, but lets out a low whistle when he sees Robin making easy conversation with Vickie. “Well I’ll be damned. Who knew our girl had it in her?”
The Jonathan talk lays forgotten as you and Steve admire your friend. You share a secret smile, remembering your own first awkward, bantering conversations together. There is so much pain in this town, and yet you watch as love still blossoms within it.
Across the room, you see Dustin talking to an older man. They’re deep in discussion and you notice your brother’s shaking shoulders. He’s crying. The older man is, too. You narrow your eyes, unsure if you should approach, but when Dustin hands the man Eddie’s old guitar pick, you realize who it is. 
“I’ll be back.” You kiss Steve’s cheek, excusing yourself. 
He tries to ask where you’re going, but you’re already gone. Your brother needs you right now.
Walking over, you stand to the side and allow Dustin and Eddie’s uncle some privacy. While there are so many things you want to say to the man, like how kind his nephew had been, how brilliant his mind was and how you’ll never forget the smile that never left his face, this is for Dustin and Dustin only. 
Eddie was his dearest friend. There is no greater loss than that.
Whatever Mr. Munson tells Dustin will be good for him; it will be the closure you can’t give him yourself. 
An arm wraps around you. You lean into the touch, knowing who it is without even having to look. You rest your head on Steve’s shoulder, exhausted, but content with the warmth he offers you. The two of you keep an eye on Dustin, ready to catch him in case he falls. 
Eventually Mr. Munson leaves, and you take his place next to Dustin. The second you sit down, the boy cries into your shoulder. Tears soak your shirt and your brother’s frail body shakes. “I-I had to tell him that Eddie died a hero.”
“I know,” your head falls against his.
“They’ll never know what he did for this town.” Sobs wrack Dustin’s body. “It isn’t-it isn’t fair.”
You rub his back, brush his hair out of his face. “None of it is fair, Dust.”
He cries even harder and you try to shield him from the world with your body. You try to block out the grief, the bitterness that follows death. How empty it can leave you. An emptiness that can swallow a person whole. 
You won’t let it happen to Dustin. 
“We’re gonna get through this together, alright? You and me, just like it’s always been. I promise–” Your words catch in your throat, tears forming in your own eyes. There’s so much you want to promise your brother, to swear that will come true, but you’re just as hurt and lost as he is. 
“I promise,” you make the words come out. “That everything will be okay. We’ll-we’ll be together, heal and do whatever we can to make everything okay. I-I’ll never leave you, you hear me? I won’t leave you again.”
Though Dustin still cries, his breathing slows. 
“Together. We’ll face this together.” As you talk, you notice a crowd of people swarming by the windows. They’re looking at something, staring and gasping. Your voice grows weak, anxious that something bad is about to happen. “It’ll… it’ll all work out.”
Dustin notices the crowd, too. He looks to you for answers, but you’re silent. You don’t know what’s happening. There’s a murmur in the crowd, hushed, urgent. It sets your skin on edge. Even more people get up now, some are even running outside, and every nerve in your body is screaming at you to run. 
Suddenly the room darkens, as if a giant cloud has covered the sky. Your stomach twists, and you get up, following after the crowd. Bodies shove each other, people blindly walk through the haze of whispers and uncertainty. 
When you step outside, all you see is ash.
The ash falls like snowflakes, beautiful and pure. There’s a softness to it, something delicate in the ruin it leaves. Dustin knocks against you, staring up into the sky with the same dread that you feel. The crowd is murmuring with glee, whispering excitedly about what they believe to be snow; but they’re wrong.
You’ve always won in the end. 
You’ve come to believe this to be a fact. You once told Steve that you believed you used up all your luck. Saving Will, closing the gate over and over again. The penance was the deaths from this summer for the greedy way you abused luck.
Steve had reminded you that there was still good leftover in the bad. That there will always be softness in the destruction, a reason for hope. That you will always find a way out, that luck and love were two sides of the same coin.
You’ve always won in the end. 
Yet, lost in the swarm of people, you watch as the sky begins to fall and Hawkins descends into the Upside Down. 
You no longer believe it.
⌑ series masterlist
⌑ if youd like to buy me a coffee ☕︎
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wonryllis · 9 months ago
after hours, i can be whatever you want me to be ⭑ ( lhs. )
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⭑ FEATURING horrendously down down bad lee heeseung x kinda naive philophobic fem!reader. where heeseung has no intentions of escaping your cages, forever remaining under the spell of your love. ( ARCHIVE? )
⭑ GENRE & WARNINGS fluff, toxic situation, almost kissing, mildly suggestive WORDCOUNT 0.834k
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she's crazy but i love her.
heeseung's steps are slow and calculated, eyes glued on your figure trying to make your way to his car. stumbling and wobbly in heels you (kind of) seem accustomed to, feet clicking against the pavement in a hasty stride. he's worried. you were out with friends past midnight on a weekday, called him all drunk to pick you up from the bar and now you are barely able to walk straight, ankle on the verge of twisting at any given moment but you wouldn't let him hold you. he's worried sick.
"angel please just hold onto me hm?" he pleads rushing over when you visibly slip on an uneven part, hands almost gripping around your waist as you manage to keep your balance, staggering back into his arms in a couple of steps.
"you! who are you!" your hands push against his chest as you turn around startled. there it goes, again! heeseung sighs knowing what's to come. it's the third time in the last fifteen minutes, going over this exact conversation word to word.
"it's heeseung, your cousin's friend and your friend," he makes sure to emphasize on 'your friend' trying to stop this before it gets further into the loop.
"where's my cousin?" you ask, looking around the rather empty parking lot.
"he working," heeseung's explanation is dry because he knows you'll cut him off before he can say anything more,"and why are you here?" just like that. he remembers the first time this happened, when you were actually sober and met him at your cousin brother: jay's workplace. you showed up out of nowhere, without any notice and jay was going bonkers at how he'll get you back home when he has the most important client waiting for him in the next room. heeseung hadn't thought much when he offered to drop you off, a favor for a friend that was all it was to him.
"because you called me, angel," but god was he wrong, for he swears the moment he laid his eyes on you he was a goner. you were too darn pretty to be just a favor. you were younger, a party girl always running out to frat and sorority gatherings, bars and clubs. often calling jay to pick you up to avoid letting your parents know of your shenanigans.
"why did i call you and not my cousin?" everytime he had wished it was him and not jay, even though ultimately he was the one who went. carrying your cute drunk ass to your mansion and getting you to your room as discreetly as possible. you are a rich girl, two worlds apart and heeseung has felt it in many ways than not.
"because i'm your cousin's friend and you know me well," heeseung never thought he'd ever be more than just your cousin's friend to you. at least he hopes he is more. you have done things with him that you'd definitely not do with just your cousin's friend. a space curtaining acquaintance and lover, he hangs dangerously cold and heedless.
"so where's my cousin?" between days left ghosted and nights you throw your arms around him he stands unsure of his place in your life. at times he feels you know he's the one who could treat you better than any of the guys you cry for. yet there are moments when there's this sturdy wall you build, holding him away for the sake of not losing him like others. afraid of love is what you refuse you are but heeseung knows your conceptions of it are a little too twisted, broken he dare say. and his love for you is so far and conflicted to the things you have experienced, he understands the lengths and the time it will take for you to recognize and accept him.
"you know what, i'm getting you in the car myself," in an instance his hands grip at the back of knees and the curve of your waist, hauling you up in his arms. he walks quick to his car parked at the far end, smiling through the constant pouty mumbles of yours. eyeing you every two seconds, not being able to resist that pretty face of yours.
it is absolutely not in him to ever resist that pretty face of yours, your pretty eyes and your pretty lips as they graze against his own in gentle brushes. arms looped around his neck and thighs resting on the soft matress of your bed, albeit on each side of his own, yet again. sitting on his lap, so close, bodies pressed. "heeseungie, please stay," your voice a sultry whisper of a whine, a naive vixen, if that's even a thing.
lee heeseung knows he will never have the power to refuse you, he will be whatever you want him to be for how ever long you will want him to be.
you make him crazy and he loves you for that.
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taglist ( open. ) @kangseulgithegreat @s00buwu @lilyuwon @pockyyasii @nctislifue @ashtxrie @miniature-tragedy @jayujus @brachives @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @eeunoia @nxzz-skz @shawnyle @potato0579 @enhastolemyheart @ro-diaries @aaa-sia @okwonyo @enhabooks @jjunae @criminalyun @enhacrumbsss @oddracha @seochangbinnnnnnnnnnn @mxxnintheskyreblogs
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literaila · 1 year ago
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: satoru doesn't like the way the barista is looking at you
a/n: figured i'd give you all a little fluff (save me from this void)
last part | next part
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year five.
“megumi, go get your mom.” 
satoru and megumi are sitting in a crowded cafe, saving your spot, waiting for you to come back. 
while the sun coming in through the window satoru is sitting across from is partially blinding him, he can still see you. 
you, trying to order, being ogled by the barista who's been granted the pleasure of speaking to you. your smile is normal--to satoru's obvious disdain--and you don't even seem to mind the man's obvious flirting. 
(not that it really means much. when satoru leans in like that, you just push him away. when he swoons at the way you've done your hair on any specific day, you just roll your eyes. 
so maybe you're not the best judge of flirting. or attraction. or how to reject a tiny schoolboy, like the one you're talking to.)
satoru's only been watching this interaction for thirty seconds, but he's had enough. 
“why?” megumi turns, looking back at you. “she’s getting us hot chocolate.” 
satoru sighs, no care in the world. can't the kid ever listen to him? “go hold her hand then.” 
“but why?” 
satoru gives megumi a (pathetic) glare. “listen to me, young man," he tries to say it like you would--if megumi ever denied any of your requests--but it doesn't work. satoru has to try not to laugh directly after the words are out of his mouth. 
so what if he doesn't want you talking to that kid? he's just looking out for you. 
megumi's brows raise. he looks... almost amused. “what’s wrong with you? you go hold her hand.” 
satoru hangs his head. you told him to sit here and keep the table for all of you, told him to watch megumi and not do anything stupid--which, to be fair, is difficult for him. so he can't go get you (save you).
and plus, he doesn't want you to know that he cares. if you like that kid--with his stupid dark hair and eyes and soft smile and obvious heart eyes--then he doesn't want to know. 
and if he goes up to you, he'll know. 
“i can’t," he tells megumi, instead of saying any of that. the boy would just cackle in his face. 
“are you scared?” megumi asks, very seriously, as if satoru is afraid of anything. 
(besides you falling for someone else, of course. but that doesn't count). 
he looks over to the kid again, who you're chatting idly with as you search through your purse. he wonders if you're telling the barista that you spend every night in his bed, making out with him until your lips are puffy. 
if he keeps smiling at you like that satoru is going to get up and tell him himself. 
satoru scoffs, looking away finally, back to megumi who looks thoroughly entertained by his father's pain. he crosses his arms. “no.” 
megumi shrugs, looking back again. seriously, satoru should've kicked him out when he had the chance. he probably would've been fine with the zenin clan. probably. 
“well, i’m not doing it," the boy says, with obvious satisfaction. 
if only tsumiki was here. satoru never should've let megumi ditch school, or let him come with you both to get coffee. tsumiki would help him. she probably would've asked you to get yakitori instead and satoru could listen to you try to make small talk with a waitress instead of that guy. 
“megumi fushiguro,” satoru begins, voice rough. “do you want your mother to live in a rat-infested apartment with a random, cesspit man, and several tiny babies running around all of the time? tiny wimpy babies? normal, human babies. you’ll have to stay over there and share a bed with multiple infants who will spit up on you.”
megumi blinks. “what are you even talking about?” 
“go stand next to her," satoru hisses, because he swears he can hear your laugh from across the cafe, and honestly he's never wanted to destroy an establishment more. 
and that's saying something. 
at least the man would be without a job and satoru would never have to see him push his hair back and tilt his head at you again. 
megumi looks back again like it's going to explain anything satoru does, and he smirks. “that guy doesn’t look too bad.” 
satoru's jaw clenches. “i will mismatch all of your socks.” 
megumi scowls at him. "all of my socks are the same, after last time." 
satoru huffs and leans back against his chair, pouting. "what did i do to deserve this?"
“do you think mom likes him?” megumi asks, voice so innocent it makes satoru want to shave his hair off. 
megumi blinks at him, tilting his head. yeah, he's really putting on an act now. “but she said to wait here," he reminds satoru like it matters. 
“tell her you missed her, or something," satoru goes to wave a hand, but his hand only clenches when he physically sees you laugh at the man. you're not even ordering now, you're just standing there (waiting for their drinks) talking to the guy. 
“you tell her you missed her," megumi retorts, enjoying satoru's one and only weakness. 
"she's laughing," megumi points out, resting his chin on a hand. "and it's rude to interrupt grown-ups when they talk."  
“megumi,” satoru begs, hating the weird, annoying feeling in his chest. he wants to dig his own heart out and yell at it. “please.” 
megumi is basically smirking at him now, waiting for a beat longer for satoru to really break--and seriously kill every person within a ten-mile radius--but eventually, right before it happens, the boy sighs. his eyes are evil, evil things. 
"fine," he tells satoru, rolling his eyes. he stands up from his hair and pats satoru on the shoulder like it will make up for anything. the boy has the worst smile satoru's ever seen in his life. 
and then he makes his way through the line of people--seriously, this guy is a terrible barista--and taps you on your waist, going to stand right up against the counter. megumi says something to you--you will all of your charm, and your irresistible smiles--and you hold a hand out to him, which he grabs immediately. 
your smile, satoru notices with immense relief, shifts on instinct. it goes from something formal and polite to something genuine. you look down at your son and the barista you've been talking to for the last minute is completely irrelevant. 
and satoru takes great satisfaction in the way the kid's eyes widen, and the instinctual step back he takes--like he knows that satoru is going to hurt him if he continues to lean over the counter towards you. 
satoru relaxes, watching you ask megumi something, but only slightly. 
and after a second you turn your head, raising a brow at him. 
the little brat. 
satoru just smiles--offering you more than some shotty barista ever could--and leans back in his chair. 
“why are you being so weird today?” 
satoru’s chin is on your head, and even though you can’t see his smile, it falters, just a little bit. "don't know what you're talking about." 
"you're sticky." 
"i just showered." 
"okay," you say, turning and rolling your eyes at satoru's pout. instantly his hands go to your waist, keeping you right there with him. "first of all, no you didn't. and i didn't mean literally. you're... clingy. more clingy than usual." 
"i can't want to be around you?"
you give him a blank stare. "not when you're being weird about it." 
"how am i being weird?" 
"how aren't you?" 
satoru grins, leaning his head down to push his nose into your cheek. you smell like something sweet--something he'd devour in an instant--but he's not sure what. he doesn't even care. he doesn't answer that question, only hums into your skin. 
"see what i mean?" 
"it's not my fault that you're comfy." 
"oh, im so sorry," you say, fake pity in your voice. "let me just turn myself into stone real quick." 
satoru rolls his eyes, pulling back just so he can see the amused look on your face--yeah, he knows that you don't actually care. but the more he hangs onto you, the more affection he shows, the warier you get. 
and that's perfectly fine with him, actually. as long as you don't push him away.  
"please do," he says, so genuinely. "it would make this a lot easier." 
"make what a lot easier?" you ask, voice a bit softer. maybe it's because he's looking at you now, actually looking. 
and satoru knows, really knows, that there's not a single other person in the world who you look at like this. there's not another man that you'd let sniff you, no other man that would dare to irritate you the way that he loves to. 
satoru's worked several years to get you to be this comfortable, this easy around him. and even if there was someone else--he wouldn't give you up without a fight. 
you're his in a way that transcends labels or reality.
still, he doesn't answer that question (because you already know). he only smiles a bit more, leans in, and basks in the way your lips mold to his immediately. 
next part | series masterlist
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ilonii · 1 month ago
Roomies S.G.
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✧ s.m - the everyday life of you and roommate satoru gojo
w.c - 1.1k
warnings. fem reader, use of "y/n" general fluff, mild nudity, flirtatious relationship, sarcasm, etc. brief mentions of aot with possible spoilers
an. first post in the jjk roomie series, really hope you guys enjoy.
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Roommate Gojo who moved in with you four years ago and hasn’t stopped bothering ever you since.
Roommate Gojo who has absolutely no sense of personal space. If you’re anywhere within a five-foot radius, he’s right on top of you.
“Gojo please, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d really appreciated it if you backed off”
“No can do pretty”
“For the love of God.”
Roommate Gojo who is a bit of a…free spirit. He thinks his body is a masterpiece and should therefore, be shared with the world. He walks around with no shirt, pees with the door open, sleeps naked, certainly not with the door closed, leaves the bathroom in nothing but a towel and so much more.
Roommate Gojo who eats enough to feed a small army. You do the cooking; he does the eating. Meal preps that were supposed to last two weeks, don’t make it three days. Cakes and cookies you’ve baked for parties disappear overnight.
“Gojo, what happened to the four dozen cookies I made last night”
“Oh um, I ate them”
“You didn’t see the note?”
“What note?”
“The one that said, “do not eat, naked for party���”
“Oh, that’s what that little was, I accidently ate it”
“You ate it?”
“It was in the way of my cookies…”
“What is wrong with you.”
Roommate Gojo who never sleeps and makes sure you don't either.
“Gojo please, its so loud, turn it offfff”
“Gojo? Hellloooo”
Of course, he was wearing those god forsaken headphones.
“Hey wtf, what are you doing up? Its 3am, don’t you have work in the morning?”
“Well, I would be sleep, If your game wasn’t blaring through the walls keeping me awake all night”
“Oh, I didn’t know you could hear it, it doesn’t seem that loud to me”
“Okay, I’ll turn it down, geez”
“And while you’re at it, go to bed, you’ve been awake for three days now”
“I can’t sleep”
Roommate Gojo who sometimes…crosses the line. Not in the way you might think. He’s never really done anything inappropriate to you, so you can't complain about that. But he’s just friendlier than a roommate probably should be.
“Cmon, its not a big deal”
“Gojo, you’re my friend, but even then, cuddling you to sleep? Doesn’t there seem like there should be a line somewhere?”
“You did it last week?”
“By accident! We fell asleep on the couch; it’s not that deep”
“Y/n please. That’s the best sleep I’ve had in literal YEARS”
“Okay FINE, but we’re going to bed when I say so”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you”
Roommate Gojo who is a relationship saboteur. He swears every guy you meet isn’t good enough for you, or up to his ridiculous standards. He pesters and breaks you down, until you agree to let him meet the guy, and from that point forward, it’s a downhill battle.
“Gojo, what is wrong with you”
“What? If anything, you should be thanking me”
“THANKING YOU? That’s the third date you’ve RUINED this month alone”
“That guy was a piece of crap; he didn’t even compliment you when he walked in the door”
“Maybe because from the second he stepped foot on the porch you were barreling down his throat, you didn’t even give him a chance to speak!” “Well, if it was me, I wouldn’t have let a single thing stop me from complimenting my women”
“Well, it’s not you”
“But it could be”
“Gojo get out of my face”
Roommate Gojo who’s all bark and no bite. He swears up and down that he was women practically falling at his feet, yet you’ve never seen him go on a single date.
Roommate Gojo who now that you’ve think about it, hasn’t even talked to a single woman since he’s moved in.
“What’s up pretty”
“Are you gay?”
“So that’s not a no?”
“Well, it’s not a yes either”
“So, the windows open?”
“Probably not”
“But you said “idk””
“Because I can’t be sure”
“Why not”
“Because I’ve never been with, dated or even kissed a guy before”
“Well, I seriously doubt you’ve “been” with any women either, so how can you even be sure that you like them?”
“Because I like you”
“And now we’re done.”
“Goodnight pretty”
“Goodnight Gojo”
Roommate Gojo who’s defiantly not gay because he just confessed his feelings for you.
“I said I really like you”
“I really like you too Gojo? You say that all the time though, why are you being so serious about it now”
“No. I LIKE you, like Mikasa likes Eren. Btw are you all caught up on that or??”
“Yeah, and by gods I hope that kind of love never finds me”
“What? They were so great together”
“I mean yeah ideally but literally? No way. They spent their entire lives pinning for each-other, and dancing around the subject, so much so that she literally was forced to mourn him for the rest of her life AFTER having to chop is freaking head off”
“I mean yeah, but like, they still loved each other though”
“Obviously, but when you really think about it-”
“Okay, we’re getting off topic, I said, I REALLY like you”
“Well, I mean, I like you too but what am I supposed to do with this information?”
“Date me”
“Are you gonna ask?”
“Will you let me be your boyfriend?”
“Mmm we’ll see”
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border by @grungenglam
comment to be added to tag list!
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gay-jesus-probably · 2 years ago
Let me just preface this by saying everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, TOTK is a really fun game, and I'm glad that other people have been able to enjoy the story as well.
...But I'm being dead serious with my complaints about the narrative being 100% imperialist propaganda. And I'm getting really tired of people replying to those posts by saying it can't be imperialist propaganda, because imperialism is bad and the game says that Hyrule is the good guys.
Like, guys. That's not the argument you think it is. Yes, I am aware that the game tells us Ganondorf is a flat, one dimensional character with no ambitions, interests or motivations beyond destroying the entire world for the hell of it, and also it's totally not racist because he's green, not brown like literally every other member of his race. Unfortunately literally all of these things are kind of the entire goddamn problem.
See, the thing is, everyone trying to make these arguments is accepting the game at face value. Hyrule is the perfect and almighty nation chosen by the demigod Zonai, and whose royal family has the right to rule due to their divine heritage. The other races exist to serve the glory of Hyrule, and they're happy to do it. Ganondorf is pure evil and must be stopped at any costs.
But that's not how anything works. The story informing me that Hyrule is the ultimate good that has done nothing wrong is the whole goddamn reason why I don't trust Hyrule at all. There's always more of a reason than that. And the game fucking suggests there was more going on! Ganondorf mentions Rauru has repeatedly 'invited' the Gerudo to become Rauru's subjects, and let's be clear here, it doesn't matter how peaceful those 'invitations' were, when the guy who owns every single magical nuclear missile in the world repeatedly demands you surrender to him, there's always going to be an implied threat of 'do it or get magically nuked'. Just that power difference alone shows us exactly why Ganon would feel threatened enough to invade. It's because Rauru was holding a gun to his head, and Ganon was expected to just trust that he'd never pull the trigger.
And yes, even if it wasn't intentional Hyrule was always threatening to wipe out the other nations, considering the entire royal family walked around openly wearing their magical nukes as cute accessories. If they couldn't be safely hidden away, there wouldn't be four other secret stones sitting untouched in a vault until the last second.
But that's never acknowledged. Of course Hyrule is the only nation with the right to the secret stones; even if other races get to touch them, they can only have them if they swear eternal blind loyalty and servitude to the glory of King Rauru and Princess Zelda. Ganon wanting to have one magical nuclear bomb out of a stockpile of eight of them is proof that he's dangerous and evil. I mean my god, what if he just walked around all day wearing a magical nuke and using its power for his own benefit, that would be terrifying. It's only okay when Hylian royalty does it.
And you can't argue that Ganon betrayed his own people, considering we don't get to know fucking anything about his relationship with his people. He's shows as the leader of the Gerudo, we're told he's a hero to his people, he has soldiers that loyally follow him into battle... and then oh nevermind, they all hate him and will spend eternity trying to atone for sharing a race with him. How did the entire race do a complete 180 in the span of at most a few months? Who cares, what's important is that now they accept they exist to serve Hyrule so they get to be the good guys now and we don't need to know why they were following Ganondorf, or why they stopped following him.
Basically my point is that yeah, I fucking know how the game insists everything went down. That's the entire reason I think it's imperialist propaganda, because the entire story feels like Hylian propaganda to conceal and justify some horrific atrocities that caused all of this. I literally do not believe that I'm getting the story through reliable narrators, especially considering that the only people allowed to actually tell me the story are all the characters that have the most reasons to be heavily biased in favour of Hyrule.
When the game shows me protagonists that have a massive amount of power and control over the entire world, then says the bad guy doesn't like that system just because he's evil, and literally nothing and nobody in the game says anything to oppose that take, I have some questions about what the fuck the story isn't telling me. And I'd really appreciate it if people would stop trying to argue with me just by telling me to stop asking those questions.
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momentomori24 · 1 year ago
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I swear to God, Twitter being able to accumulate so many brain-dead, malicious, pseudo intellectual low lives all in one place at the same time is a phenomenon worthy of being studied under a microscope in a science lab. And no, that is not a compliment.
Thankfully people have already spoken out against this bullshit-- the fact that people needed to is already maddening to think about-- but as someone who got the basic gist of what happened literally yesterday I'll also put my voice out there: Don't you fucking dare try to paint Hbomb as a murderer over this situation.
Somerton may be a lying, misogynistic plagiarist and conman, but he obviously doesn't deserve to die and while I do make fun of the guy, I genuinely hope that he continues to have a life after the dust has settled on everything. Not on YouTube or any social media platform for a long time at least, but just a life nontheless. I don't wish what he's potentially going through on anyone, and I hope that he makes it through this. But regardless of if he does or doesn't-- and God forbid he doesn't-- none of this is Hbomb's fault. It's not his fault, or Kat's fault, or Jessie's fault (because apparently there's people blaming her too cuz WHY NOT), or anybody's fault. All they did was call out his actions, hold him accountable for the harm he's done. They have done nothing to deserve having to carry this on their shoulders should the worst happen. They did nothing wrong. They didn't kill James (he's not confirmed dead yet either btw). They are not murderers. And to the people saying they are: say those words out loud, listen how they sound like, and re-evaluate. Just cease.
And to people like this:
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''Oh I'm not blaming him for anything I'm just blaming him for what his audience did because according to HIM you're responsible for your audience'' Yeah, you people can shut your mouths too. Of course you're responsible for your audience, and that includes Hbomb too. However, your tiny, godless little monkey brain can't see why your argument is still rubbish even with that in mind. The difference between James, Internet Historian and Hbomb is that Hbomb never promoted problematic behaviour to his audience. If you promote problematic shit like harassment or misogyny or racism, then yeah, you're absolutely responsible for how your behaviour influences your audience. But that's not what he did. He made it very clear where he stood on those things, literally stating that ''if anyone were to harass Somerton on his behalf they are worse than him and will not see the light of heaven''. He's done his part in making it clear that harassment is wrong, so if someone went out of their way to go against that and harass James anyway that doesn't reflecf on him at all. Also, what the hell do you mean ''hatemobbed'' to suicide? I don't doubt there are people who went to extremes because those bad apples always exist, but most of the things I've seen are valid critisisms, memes and call outs about that guy. If holding people accountable for their actions and poking fun at them a little counts as 'hatemobbing'' (which has Filip calling his critics a ''lynch mob'' energy tbh) what the hell do you call actual hatemobbing then? Do we just let people continue being shitty because calling them out ''damages their mental health'' or ''drives them to suicide'' then? Is that a world you want to live in?
Same thing goes for people like this:
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Criticing someone for their objectively bullshit content and wanting them dead are two seperate things. What the actual hell is wrong with you. The plagiarist in question is a person. Those ''harshest critics'' are still people. And because we're people, we care. I'd rather James pump out more plagiarised slop than commit suicide. I'd still hate him for it, but I'd prefer him being alive over the alternative any day. We all do. None of us would sleep easier knowing he's dead just because he wouldn't be ''committing the cardinal sin of putting out a 'pure content mill' video'' because someone taking their own life is horrific-- especially Hbomberguy, how dare you even try to imply that?
And this gets me to the reason I'm furiously typing all this out in the first place: Hbomb is the fucking victim here, so stop treating him like he isn't. He tried making things as right as possible by compensating those that were burned by James through a video where he revealed everything there needs to be known about the guy so that less people fall victim to his actions and lies. To just ignore the harm James was causing while he had the evidence to prove it and platform too big to threaten into non existence should he speak out would've been bad. So he didn't. He did the right thing by sticking with the people James had stolen from, giving them a voice and making them known after they've been scrubbed from the picture by decidedly being uncredited for their works or bullied into silence. He shouldn't have to deal with this for doing the right thing. He shouldn't be labelled a murderer for doing the right thing. He shouldn't have to have the death of a man on his conscience for doing the right thing. People claiming otherwise are obviously wrong, but I can't imagine what all this must feel like right now. Because even tho they're wrong, guilt isn't a rational thing, and I know that if I were in his position I'd still feel like a morally bankrupt individual were the worst to happen even if I knew that it was not my fault. This isn't a funny story. So to add to this dumpsterfire by using it as a prop to bash on a creator you don't like and immediately write Somerton off as dead even when he's not even been confirmed dead yet to do that shows how little these people actually care about the thing they're talking about. They don't care a guy potentially killed himself-- what they care about is using it to paint Hbomb in a bad light because they don't like him. Here they are, posting memes and ill jokes about this very delicate situation while barely a day since the news broke out had passed. It's opportunistic, it's sickening, and literally the exact thing he criticised in his video when talking about 'content mills'. Like, I know none of these clowns bothered to actually watch it, but have some self-awareness. And some shame too, while you're at it.
This long story short: I'm writing this to contribute to the narrative not getting twisted to make Hbomb out to be the villian. Same goes for everyone else. Don't let these people paint them as the villians. If I see another person pull this shit again I will literally bite you and shred you into salad and spit you back out because I hate you so much and I mean that wholeheartedly.
To Hbomb: you will never see this but if you do, take care of yourself.
To the asshats this post is about: Delete your account. Cease all together. Stop talking about this. Just leave him the fuck alone.
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xmads-omensx · 5 months ago
The Dice Collection
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Words Count: 2,008
Pairing: Noah Sebastian X Reader
Content Warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of sex, mentions of bullying, fluff, comfort
Summary: Y/N has a secret, that she has hid for many years, how will she react when Noah accidentally discovers it?
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Here’s the thing, I was never exactly the most popular kid at school. Sure, I had plenty of friends and I wasn’t exactly bullied or found school to be particularly challenging. I was, however, one of the smarter kids. I liked the nerdier stuff like Star Wars, anime, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. I always had my nose in a book… outside of school.
This aspect of my personality was always something that I hid away from my peers. I wasn’t ashamed of it by any means, but I had heard horrific stories about bullying from other kids who liked the same stuff. These tales haunted my Dungeons and Dragons party that I met up with once a week. The other members had all been treated horrifically by their peers at school, whilst I wasn’t.
The stories my friends told me encouraged me to hide these things that I enjoyed, at least until I had finished school.
To my credit, I never lied about it. I did in fact like wearing makeup and wearing the same kinds f clothes that the popular kids wore, so I felt less bad about it as I wasn’t completely following the crowd, despite that one part of my brain telling me the opposite.
However, when I did in fact finish school, I still hid this side of me away. Yes, I still played Dungeons and Dragons and splashed an obnoxious amount of money on anime t-shirts and posters, but I never told anyone about it. To this day I’m not exactly sure why I did this, but it felt like a safety blanket, separating myself from that awful possibility that I could still get bullied for it.
When I was nineteen, I dated this guy, Trevor, he was the nicest guy I had ever met. He treated me well, he took me out on dates and paid for my meals, he bought me nice jewellery and never had anything mean to say about me. Sure, I had been with other guys, but Trevor was different.
We had been together for about three months when our date took is to my apartment. We had slept together before so it wasn’t exactly weird for our dates to end up at his place, but never at my place.
However, we had been together for so long that I felt comfortable finally having him stay the night at mine.
And boy was I wrong.
He walked through my apartment and into my bedroom. He opened the door and stood in the doorway for a moment before doubling over in laughter. I laughed along with him hesitantly, not quite understanding what was funny.
“What are you fucking five or something?” He turned to me, still laughing.
“What?” I cautiously laughed back.
“The posters. Anime and all that cartoon shit is for losers, children and virgins.” He started, still laughing. “And last time I checked, you weren’t any of those.”
“Oh..” I trailed off, not liking the turn this was taking.
“Don’t tell me you seriously like this shit, Y/N?” Trevor asked. He had stopped laughing.
“Well, yeah I do like it.” I said in a small voice. When he didn’t say anything I continued, “Sure, it’s not the coolest thing in the world, but I like it. You don’t have to watch it or anything. I’m not going to make you watch anything you don’t want to.”
“Damn straight I’m not watching that shit. Look, Y/N, I really thought this was going well but I’m not sure I can keep this up with you.” He added, no hint of a smile or laughter on his face anymore.
“What?” I asked in a small voice.
“Think about it, I can’t tell any of my friends about the shit you like because it will make me look like a fucking loser. What happens when we move in together? And you put this shit on our walls?” He gestured at the Castlevania poster that hung over my bed. “Everyone is going to think that I’m a fucking freak, Y/N, and I don’t want that. I’m sorry but we’re done.”
And with that, my relationship with my ‘perfect’ boyfriend was over.
I had been on dates since then, but had never taken it further in fear of a similar thing happening again. That had, however, allowed me to focus on my degree and graduating from university.
Now, at 23, I had managed to get into another relationship. Noah was the perfect guy. He was kind, thoughtful, hilarious and freakishly talented. Much like Trevor, he took me on lovely dates, paid for all of my meals and even bought me a stuffed koala back from Australia when he and his band played some shows over there.
He always made me feel special. Like I was worth something. Like I meant something to him. I felt so much better being with him than I had with Trevor before the breakup. The two weren’t even comparable. But why was I still so hesitant to bring him over to my place?
One evening, Noah picked me up from my place and took me to the movie theatre to see the new Alien movie that had just come out.
“You excited?” He asked. It was our six month anniversary, so this date felt extra special to me.
“Yeah, I cant wait.” I beamed at him. He reached over the console and took my hand in his significantly larger one before starting the drive to the theatre.
Upon arriving there, Noah bought us a large popcorn and Diet Pepsi to share. He then led us to our seats that were directly in the middle of the theatre.
The movie started and it was incredible. About halfway through the movie, Noah wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him, placing a kiss on the top of my head. I could feel my cheeks heating up at his gesture. No matter what he did, he made my heart flutter.
The movie ended and Noah took my hand, leading me to his car. He opened the door for me then ran around the car to the driver’s side and drove me back to my apartment.
The drive was short and full off discussions about the movie and other horror movies we liked.
Before we knew it, we had arrived at my apartment. Noah started acting a bit fidgety before finally cracking as he pulled into a parking space.
“Babe I have to pee so bad can I please use your bathroom?” He asked with a slight urgency to his voice.
I panicked instantly. “Uhh.. Noah I don’t know.”
“Please baby. I’ll only be a second.” He pleaded, the urgency in his voice becoming clearer.
“Noah…” I trailed off. I had absolutely no idea how to get out of this situation.
“Seriously babe, if I don’t go now I might actually piss myself. I am begging you right now.” Noah pleaded, grabbing both my hands in his for emphasis.
“Okay fine, but you can only go in the bathroom.” I said.
“Aye aye captain. I love you so much thank you thank you thank you.” He rushed as he practically leaped out of the car. I couldn’t help but laugh at his actions.
I unlocked the door to my apartment after we exited the lift.
“Second door on the left.” I instructed Noah.
He kissed me on the cheek before sprinting to the bathroom, making me break out into laughter.
I opened the fridge and pulled out a Diet Coke while I waited for him to be done. The bathroom door opened and out strolled a visibly more relaxed Noah. He walked straight over to me and planted a kiss on the top of my head. “You are my saviour.” He mumbled into my hair before kissing my head again. I couldn’t help but laugh again.
Noah took a seat at one of the barstools that sat opposite me on the breakfast bar. “So… what’s the deal with that dice print in the bathroom? The one above the toilet?” He asked with a curious look on his face.
My heart dropped.
I knew exactly what he meant. Above the toilet in my bathroom hung a print of a D20 with watercolour splashed on it. I had completely forgotten all about that being there.
“It’s nothing.” I tried to cover up how my smile fell slightly.
“Your sure? It’s cool as shit.” He said, shrugging his shoulders.
My heart rate picked up.
“What? You like it?” I asked with an incredulous look on my face.
“Yeah, it’s really cool. It looks great with the wallpaper in there.” He complimented.
I felt my cheeks heat up.
“You’re being serious? Like you’re not pranking me?” I asked him, my brow furrowed.
“Why would I lie about that? That would be so fucking weird.” He laughed, a brief look of concern flashing over his features.
“No reason, people just don’t  usually like it that’s all.” I tried to cover up.
“Well they’re tasteless fools.” He said with a comically deadpan expression on his face. “It’s from a game right? Dungeons and something?” He asked.
“Yeah… Dungeons and Dragons.” I offered timidly.
“Do you play?” He asked.
I looked at my feet and didn’t reply. I knew what was coming.
“Babe?” He asked. “You okay?”
“It’s fine if it’s a dealbreaker I get it.” I said, defeated.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Noah asked, looking slightly offended.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to be with me because of it. I get it. It’s weird.” I said, my eyes beginning to tear up.
“Baby, what on earth are you talking about?” He repeated, softer this time.
I couldn’t prevent the tears that had begun to fall as I remembered what I went through with Trevor.
“It’s stupid.” I muttered, wiping my face hurriedly.
Before I could do anything else, two large arms wrapped around me as Noah pulled me into his chest. “Shhhh… it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’re not?” I asked quietly.
“No of course not. I was gonna ask you how to play because Jolly was thinking about it to keep us occupied next tour in our free time. I was gonna see if you would teach us.” He comforted with a slight laugh.
“Really!” My head shot up.
“Yeah.” He laughed.
“Okay.” I laughed and grabbed his arm, dragging him towards my bedroom.
“Woah there, take me out to dinner first.” Noah joked.
I shot him a glare as I opened the door, revealing the anime posters plastered over my walls. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Noah inspecting the posters and the self-consciousness began to sneak back in.
“No way! You like anime too!” He said with a massive grin taking over his face.
I didn’t really know what to say so I just nodded my head and smiled.
“You just get better and better.” He smiled and took my face in his hands, squishing my cheeks together and kissing my forehead.
I reached up onto my shelf and pulled down the large glass jar that I kept my dice in.
“Woah.” Noah gasped quietly. “How many are in there?”
“About 250? I mean that’s what it was last count, which was about a month ago but, I’ve bought more since then.” I timidly explained.
“Damn.” Noah muttered. “That’s sick as fuck.”
“Really?” I asked, somewhat shocked at his reaction.
“Fuck yeah!” He laughed. “I was starting to get worried I was the only nerd in this relationship.”
“You too huh?” I replied.
“Babe I sat for eight hours and got Itatchi tattooed on my thigh… of course.” He rolled his eyes jokingly at my apparent stupid question.
We both sat and laughed at our ridiculousness as I began to sort my dice with the help of Noah. He was the first person who had ever accepted this part of me. And suddenly, I wasn’t afraid of it anymore.
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melliiaahh · 2 years ago
I think you’re a good writer!!
Can you do a scenario where the reader’s parents don’t approve of her blue lock boyfriend? Like no matter the blue lock boy does or say, Her parents don’t like him but she won’t break up with the boy because she loves them
Boys: Isagi, Rin, Bachira, Sae, Nagi, Barou, Shidou, Kaiser, and anyone you would want to write for!!
Thank you so much i really appreciate the support<3!!! of course ! ill try my best<3333 you're out here breaking my heart tho OH MY GODDDD
♧Blue Lock Boys and s/o with disapproving parents♧
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . • . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – 
Word count: 3.7k
Warning: Swearing and use of feminine description.
Featuring: Bachira, Kaiser, Kunigami, Chigiri, Rin, Sae, Isagi, Barou, Shindo, Nagi and Reo 
Genre: angst, fluff towards the end of each reaction cause my heart cant take sadness </3
Notes: pls remember I’m Australian and we spell words differently LMAO, we spell mum with a U not a O OKAY I promise I’m not dumb HAHAAH
if you like my stuff have a look at my masterlist for more !
All characters are aged up!  Not proofread!
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“ I’m sorry guys but we just can’t approve your relationship together, he wants to becoming a pro athlete and you’re just a regular person y/n! What if he goes out into the world when he does soccer matches and finds someone he likes better? What if he goes out and cheats on you y/n while you’re here at home working all alone. I’m sorry y/n but we just can’t have you in a relationship that could end up with you heart broken, I don’t want to be the one picking you back up when this wannabe athlete star decides he’s done with regular people like us. Cmon y/n come to your senses, you guys are living two different lives here.” 
Your mother yells as you held your boyfriends hand while rushing to the front door. You can’t believe the words that have come from your mothers mouth, especially in front of your partner! you’re completely embarrassed and distraught at her words that you’ve picked dup your things and dragged your boyfriend to the front door to leave. You love them with your whole heart  and have known them since before they went into blue lock and could never see them do anything that your mother has said.
 You open the front door to leave but not before replying to your parents “ you know nothing about him or us, Mum, we will prove you wrong but until then I want nothing to do with either of you. He is an amazing guy … he works hard at what he loves and still is able to do whatever he can just to make me happy. But you would know that since you never put in the time to get to know him. But that’s too late now… Goodbye” 
You  quickly turn around with tears threatening to fall down your cheeks  and before your parents could say anything to retort you walk outside in the cold air and take a deep breath before slamming the door shut. You and your partner quickly walk to the car before slamming the door shut, as soon as getting into the car you break down and apologise profusely to your partner about the way your mother reacted……
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Isagi Yoichi
Isagi quickly wraps you up in a hug, whispering to you “ its okay sweetheart you have nothing to apologise for… and just like you said we will prove them wrong” He slowly moves to cup your face in his hands, gently wiping whatever tears you have on your face. 
“We will make this work. I don’t care if I’m hundreds or thousands miles away for a game. We will make it work because you are my everything y/n, I couldn’t care less what they have to say and ill spend all my life proving them wrong if I have to because I love you and not anyone else… okay?” 
You bring Isagi back into a tight hug before you cry a little more, butt his time out of relief at the words your beloved just said. After you have calmed down you let go and sit comfortably into your seat, Isagi doing the same with one hand on the steering wheel and the other gently rubbing your thigh for comfort he speaks up again 
“How about we quickly go to the store for ice cream and then head home to watch some movies okay?” He looks at you with a gentle smile before starting the car and going off towards the nearest grocery store. You nod your head at him  with a smile before watching you slowly move away from your parents house feeling confident in the love that Isagi has for you and only you<3
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Bachira Meguru
Bachira holds both of your hands in his and kisses your knuckles very gently. He knows now is not the time to play games or joke around after what just happened. He is upset and irritated that he couldn’t get your parents to approve of him but he can’t help but feel delighted that you chose to stick with him even after your parents explain their disapproval of him.
He moves your chin with his finger to get you to look at him before saying “ill forever be yours y/n, your boyfriend, your monster, whatever you want me to be I’m here… there is no one in this world that I would chose before you. You’re the one person who truely understood and stayed by me and ill always be that for you, no matter where I am in the world… I’ll always come back home to you.” 
He sees you smile and relax at his words which makes him do the same. He quickly grabs your face to give you a quick kiss on your nose, making you laugh which in turn makes him grin. Knowing you’re feeling better he sits back in the drivers seat before speaking up again  
“its also nice to know that you’ll fight for me, how such a loving partner I think ill swoooooon~” he giggles as he jokes with you which then makes you giggle before you slap his arm “ ill always fight for you my love” you respond, taking hold of his as he drives away.  
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Chigiri Hoyma 
Chigiri is shocked to say the least at your parents behaviour, he could never imagine his own mother or sister that way towards you so the fact that you have to deal with it breaks his heart. 
He knew he had to get you out of here before it caused you any more distress so he quickly grabs your hand and turns on the car, he doesn’t tell you where he is going but you’re thankful that he’s quick to get you out of there as you couldn’t bare to look at the house that’s now no longer yours to call home. 
It was not long before he found a park to stop the car at. Quickly parking he gets out of the car and comes around to open the door for you, holding his hand out to you to get you out before taking off his jacket to give to you. 
He then leads you to a park bench to sit down before saying “ I’m sorry that this happened my love. I hope what your mother said didn’t put you to have any distrust on me because I couldn’t think of anyone id rather spend my whole life with.. you’re my love and I want you to know that no matter where or what I am doing ill always come running to you if you ask. I don’t care if I’m all the way in Spain, if you asked I’ll come home at a drop of a hat because you are my world and the only thing that matters, soccer will forever come second when it comes to you, because everything I do is so I can see your pretty smile okay? So you don’t have to worry about me because my eyes are only for you<3” He finishes saying nearly out of breath which makes you laugh.
Hearing you laugh makes Chigiri smile brightly, knowing he is the one that caused the delighted sound that he loves dearly. “ Thank you Hyo, it means the world to me what you’ve said” you respond with a small smile which in turn makes chigiri engulf you in a tight embrace 
“ Anytime my dear, you know that I would give you the entire world and more if you so dare wished.. so let’s forget about what’s happened and go out for dinner hm?” He responds as he kisses your forehead gently while reminding himself how lucky he is <3
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Rensuke Kunigami 
Kunigami had to quickly calm himself down cause although they were your parents he was struggling to contain his anger and confusion as to what just conspired. But knew that you would rather leave the house and not come back so he turned the car on and went to the closest car park, as long as it was away from your parents house Kunigami didn’t care he just wanted you to be okay 
As soon as he parked and stopped the car, he turned to you and spoke “baby you have nothing to apologise for. You weren’t controlling your parents words so I hold no grudge against you but please understand this that I’m gonna be with you no matter what, you mean so much more to me than soccer and I could not care less that your parents think. You make my life so much better just by being in it and I don’t want to spend my life with anyone else, you got that?” He holds you tight to him almost like he is afraid that you’ll disappear
You reciprocated his hug and whisper thank you’s and I love you’s to each other until you’ve calmed down enough and felt better than before. Kunigami smiles before speaking up again “ now let’s not ruin this night, let’s do whatever you want. No matter what it is we will do it because I hate to see my sweet girl so down” you light up at his words which makes him grin and the sight, he loves nothing more than seeing you smile<3
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Michael Kaiser
Michael is practically seething through his teeth but he tries his best to keep his composure for your sake as well as his. You promised your mother that you’ll prove them wrong and he wasn’t about to ruin it now. 
Realistically Michael couldn’t care for your parents approval however the fact that you cared at all meant enough to him to support you, and now he’s pissed that your mother could break your heart like that.
“ You don’t need to apologise sweetheart, I don’t care what your mother said, im here for you and only you. She can think all those horrible things all she likes I couldn’t care less. Im more pissed off that she made you cry, so please stop crying sweetheart it’s okay, you’ve got nothing to worry about.” Michael says as he pulls your face into his chest, never wanting to let go.<3
“ And besides… she doest know that I’m only obsessed with you. I couldn’t give a fuck about any other low lives around us. It’s me and you against the world remember?” He continues as he puts small kisses on your head, he hums and whispers to you “ so no more of this crying and apology shit, im always gonna be by your side… now lets get out of here okay? And ill prove to you and your mother that I’m the damn best man there is for you” he grins as he starts to turn on the car and speed away
(Mans is a cocky bastard that literally takes to proving your mum wrong very seriously -_-)
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Reo Mikage 
He quickly hops into the car, telling his driver to get out of there (man is rich why tf would he drive HAHAHAHA) then puts his attention on you completely. Bringing you into a hug as you cried your heart out, still apologising for what happened. 
Reo pulls away and brings you in for a kiss, surprised by the sudden movement you stop crying and accept the kiss. He takes this time to wipe away your tears before pulling away and saying “ you’re okay, everything’s alright now prince/ss, don’t stress your pretty head I’m not going anywhere” 
You relax a bit after hearing his words, still hugging his chest you thank him by giving him another quick kiss before pulling away to sit back in your own chair which in turn makes him pull you even closer 
“What makes you think I am ever gonna let you go doll? Stay cuddling with me and I’ll prove to you, to your parents and the whole world that you’re the only wo/man I want by my side. You’re my muse and don’t you ever forget that, so let me prove it to you now” he says as he pulls you out of the car and into your new home together<3  
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Nagi Seishiro 
(Every fibre of my being is telling me that this man would be too lazy to get a license let alone a car but lets just go along with it HAHAHAH)
Nagi was left pretty much dumb founded at the whole situation, he didn’t speak much to your parents so he didn’t really know why your parents disapproved of him but nevertheless he held your hand the whole way home telling you to stop apologising. As soon as Nagi parked infant of his house he quickly gets out and opens your car door to let you out.
He brings you both inside and into his room. “Here lets forget about what they said because to be honest I don’t care about it, its really bothersome you know…” 
He guides you to the bed before smothering you with his whole body making you smile before trying to push him off so you can BREATHE “Cmon seiiii let me at least change clothessss…” you say trying you’re absolute HARDEST to get this man off you “but that’s so much work y/nnn, just come cuddle with me and play games...” He mumbles back, holding you even tighter. 
He then looks up at you before talking again “ I hope your not worried about me from what your mother said… you’re the only person I like spending all my time with.. you make everything less boring and irritating… I love you sweets.. plus you’re not a nag like Reo…”  
You smile back at his words, racipucating his cuddle before replying “ Thank you sei, I love you too” <3
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Rin Itoshi
Rin is very good at hiding his emotions around you, he never wants you to see him upset or pissed off especially right now. To make their own child cry and abandoned them makes Rin enraged to say the least, he knows the feeling of abandonment because of his brother so he at least knows a little bit as to what you’re feeling but to be your parents it was the least he expected 
Rin starts the car and drives away from the house, you know he isn’t much of a talker nor someone who’s good at consoling another person so you didn’t mind the quiet car ride, the only noise Is the radio and the rain falling onto the windshield. After what almost felt like an eternity, Rin quickly gets out the umbrella from the back seat and speed walks to your car door, opening it for you and leading you to the house before stopping at the front door step where he turns around to face you before speaking
“ I know im not great at this consoling thing but… I would never abandon you for some other lukewarm degenerate.. youre the only person that makes anything outside of soccer worth it… so youll always be my number one priority, even if I don’t show you that sometimes .. so stop crying ok?” He mumbles to you but it was enough for you to hear
You smile at him and bring him into a tight hug, which he accepts instantly. “Thank you Rin.. you’ll always be my number one too… I love you” you respond to him with a smile which causes him to be flustered and mumble back an ‘I love you too’  before opening the front door into your new shared home<3
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Sae Itoshi 
Like his younger brother he is very good and hiding his emotions from you and everyone around him as he thinks it is an annoyance however this time he can’t help looking concerned at your crying figuring trying to apologise to him that was clearly not your fault.
“ Don’t be stupid y/n you didn’t cause that argument, she did. So quit your apologising and let’s get out of here okay? I’ll treat you to some ice cream on our way back home…” he says trying to be as comforting as he can but again like his brother he isn’t that great at consoling. But you knew that and what he was doing now was more than okay cause you know he is trying by the way he looks at you with deep concern. 
You nod your head and stayed quiet as he turned on the engine and quickly sped off to the nearest ice cream store. Once he parked he quickly told you to stay in the car whilst he went to get the ice cream. While waiting you see him come out of the store with over several cups of ice cream in his hands, looking very focused to not drop a single once. Laughing yet confused at what you’re looking at you quickly jump out of the car to help him out
“ Saeeee Jesus! Why did you buy so many?” You continue to laugh as you both walk to the car, hands filled with ice cream “ I didn’t know which one you liked the best since you like all these flavours so I bought all of them! I didn’t realise that ice cream would be so expensive” he huffs in response. You smile at him before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you, Then as you start to walk to the car you hear him drop the ice cream on the floor and spin you around, pulling you into another kiss, this time its soft yet passionate. It felt like years have gone by, by the time you two pull away he then speaks up with a soft smile on his face “I think after all this heavy lifting of ice cream I deserved a bigger kiss don’t you think?” He grins as he sees you laugh 
“ I mean sure but you did end up dropping like 5 of them just now” you respond pointing at the now melted ice cream on the car park floor. Sae’s face drops as he turns around to look at what he’s done “ AH FUCKING SHIT-“ 
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Mans does not have a car he’s got a motorcycle and no one can tell me different. For Barou’s scenario just think that you walked to his bike instead of getting into a car <3)
Barou quickly shuts you up by hugging you tightly into his chest, telling you to shut up and calm down whilst he strokes you hair waiting for your breathing to slow down and thinking carefully about what to say next as he doesn’t want to upset you more than you already are. Once he feel you’re breathing has started to slow down he will slowly pull away and look down at you before speaking up 
“I don’t know what your parents problem is with me but I know damn straight they know nothing about me. You’re my partner and that’s that. Im not looking for anyone different because everyone else is a peasant compared to you, you’re mine and everyone else better fucking know it.. so don’t apologise for someone else’s behaviour, even if they are your parents. They’re fucking stupid to think id ever do something as dumb as leaving or cheating on you. All im focused on is becoming the king of soccer and making you happy, that’s all there is to care about. So quit your whining and let’s get out of this dump” he looks away from you bit flustered as to what he just said.
You know that Barou is just a softy at heart when it comes to you so you smile at his (sorta??) kind words towards you. You grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him down to give him a kiss on the cheek before replying 
“ Thank you Sho… you always know what to say to make me feel better, let’s go home” you quickly walk towards his bike before looking back at him, seeing that he’s trying to bring himself together after the kiss. He is your big softy after all<3333
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Shidou Ryusei (AGAIN IS IT SHINDO OR SHINDOU?? this shit is confusing)
You currently crying is the only thing stopping him for going back into the house and letting your parents have an earful of Shindo’s thoughts, but of course he doesn’t because he knows that he should take care of you first and make sure you’re okay. 
He faces you whilst in the driver seat, puts his hand on your thigh to rub it for comfort which is a first since he normally does it when he what’s to do something else and he says in a serious tone 
“ Look I know I’m normally not the greatest boyfriend material to bring home to peoples parents but I know damn well fucking straight when I got a good one, AND YOURE THE BEST so obviously I’m not that stupid to let you get away from me or ruin it. I love you so fucking much baby. I only got eyes on you so there’s nothing you should worry about cause I’m only thinking about you and your fine fuckin ass” he says with a joking tone at the end which in turn makes you laugh. 
You know Ryusei knows how to make you smile and laugh even in your worst moments. You look him in the eye before replying “Thank you Ryu..youre the best” he then grins before replying “ YOU DAMN WELL KNOW IT, now lets go home so we can eat, Im STARVING… also at least now we know where you get you’re attitude from, you’re mum has a fucking MOUTH on her man” you retort by slapping his shoulder although you can help but laugh as he speeds out of the driveway towards home<3
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hughiecampbelle · 2 years ago
Being The Youngest Roy Would Include: Pt. 1
A/N: This I'd solely based on this fic, which I am in love with :) There is no gif of all four of them that isn't sad!!! 😭
Warning: addiction/addiction mention, abuse/neglect
Being The Youngest Roy Would Include: Pt. 2
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You were an accident. Your siblings made jokes about it your entire life, but there was some truth to it. Logan didn't want anymore kids, he didn't want the kids he had, but you were born regardless of what he thought or wanted
Your mother had a short fling with Logan between Lady Caroline and Marcia. They were married, sure, but that didn't really mean anything, and they divorced shortly after you were born
Your siblings were already out the door by the time you came along, but they still adored you, especially as a baby/toddler
The few pictures you have of your childhood, you're surrounded by your brothers and sister, all of them wanting to hold you and play with you
They really do love you, in their own ways
Connor especially loved you. It's his favorite thing in the world to be a big brother fatherly figure to you and Ken and Shiv and Roman. He was so lonely when it was just him. Now he has you guys 💕
You grew up watching your siblings fight and argue and bicker as a means of showing their love, though Connor tried his best to show you what real love was (aka not just swearing at one another)
He didn't want you growing up the same way he had, ignored and terribly unloved. He never wants you to feel the same way he did, does
"Shiv, Rome, not in front of y/n."
Roman took it upon himself to steer you clear of certain friends of Logan's, friends like Mo, who weren't to be trusted around children. Whenever you asked why, he'd give you some non-answer answer and tell you to get back to your blocks
"Babies play with blocks."
"Then your crayons, I don't know- whatever."
Kendall always had something sweet for you when he has a meeting with Logan. You weren't allowed sweets, not around your father, but Ken could always sneak you something. Even as you got older, and you reminded him you weren't a little kid anymore, he never forgot your favorites
"You know I'm not five anymore, right?"
"I know, I know, just take it."
Whatever kindness they showed you, it could never equate to the love of your parents, especially your father, neither of which were affectionate people
You were an angry kid. Your father wasn't exactly the most loving. In fact, you sensed that he hated you for as long as you could remember. That made you mad and disappointed in yourself, like you'd done something wrong. Like you were born wrong. So you'd lash out. You broke things, you screamed and cried, you hurt yourself in the process, you did all you could to get his attention, and still nothing worked. Nothing.
Rather, it was Shiv who held a frozen bag of peas on your bruises, who wrapped bandaids around your broken skin, and reminded you you were only hurting yourself, the two of you watching the housekeeper sweep up glass or patch up walls, whatever mess you made. She didn't like seeing you like this, knowing it only enraged your father instead of getting the response you were looking for
"Y/n, why do you keep doing this?"
"I don't know."
"There's gotta be a reason."
There were hundreds of reasons, but you didn't have the words for it yet, so you'd shrug, feeling lighter having gotten it all out
You were grounded a lot, for days at a time, your father banishing you to your room when he was sick of dealing with you. It only made you more upset. Nannies quit constantly, so a lot of the time, it was up to him to deal with your antics. Your mother, when she was home, stayed far from either of you, feigning a headache
You didn't have the words to explain all this, so you made a mess of your room. Tore things apart, broke everything in sight. If it wasn't your body that was hurting, it was the things around you. Eventually, he got rid of everything but the dresser and your bed. Everything else was bare. You'd kick and thrash and yell, but you were too afraid to leave
He didn't have to lock the door, though. All he had to do was stand in front of your door for a few minutes, not saying a word, and that was scary enough to get you to stop, at least for the time being
None of your siblings knew about this. When you were grounded, Logan never let them near you. It wouldn't be until years later that Ken or Con even suspected anything like that when you made a passing comment
He saw your out-of-control emotions as weakness. He tried to get your mother to help, blaming her family genes, but she was out of the house long before you got yourself under control. She moved on with her life, leaving you with him to go abroad, live the life of luxury with her flavor of the month. She had no interest in being your mother, deciding you'd be better off with him
One day he called you into his study. You knew you'd done bad. You'd thrown another tantrum in front of his investors, in front of friends, and that was the last straw. Tabloids were already talking about the cuts and bruises you gave to yourself, accusing Logan of abusing you. He was completely embarrassed by your behavior, your newest Nanny dragging you out before any real damage was done. Still, you knew that crossed a line. You were sick with worry. You'd only ever been in his study a handful of times, mostly sneaking in when he wasn't home.
Logan gave you the only advice you'd ever receive from him: Quiet down. It was vague and angry and not very helpful, like most of his parenting ways
Soon after that, you had your first drink. You weren't sure what it was, or why you wanted to try it, only that Roman had left it unattended and wouldn't notice, that it made your family a little bit better so why couldn't it help you?
It was the first time in a long time everything had gone quiet. This fury that sat in the middle of your chest has shrunk. You felt like you could breathe and think without wanting to explode. Without wanting to burn the world down. It didn't taste good, at all, but it helped
You figured this is what he meant. This is what he wanted. It wasn't a lot, not enough to get you drunk, but enough to quiet every mean thought in your head
After that, you found your new way to cope. The tantrums stopped. You were rewarded with your things back. Your nanny remained skeptical, but everyone else saw this is a good thing, a phase you'd grown out of. Shiv especially found relief in this, the sight of those bruises and gashes and cuts enough to make her scared what you were going to do next
Your mother believed it was the strict parenting style of Logan that straightened you out, even happier with her decision to leave you behind
From then on out, you were sneaking anything you could. From your father, your siblings, off the silver platters at parties and dinners and meetings. No one noticed when an extra glass went missing. They barely noticed your existence
Your tolerance grew the older you got, and the anger came back. This indescribable fury caused fights between you and Logan, rarely between you and your siblings. Those moments were the worst, when you couldn't bite your tongue. The alcohol could only do so much, so you turned to other things to take that last edge off
Kendall had coke, you could get weed at school, there were a surplus of pills in the bathroom cabinet. Whatever it took to quiet down, whatever it took to take that edge off, to stop acting this way, you figured it was the right thing to do
Your teens were a blur, a mass, of bad ideas and forced photo opportunities. Going to clubs until the sun came out, calling cars to pick you up, changing just in time for a family dinner to discuss shareholders or to schmooze with old friends of Logans. Always polite, always present, even if you were a million miles away
You weren't sleeping a lot, but you didn't need to. The uppers kept you awake, the downers kept your skin from crawling, the booze leveled everything out
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ooffmlsorry · 1 year ago
The Monster Trio Driving (you around)
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Getting this one right out the way, THIS MAN CANNOT DRIVE!!!! You are driving him around
Luffy theoretically knows how to drive because Ace and Sabo taught him but doesn't have a license and no one in their right mind would give him one
Always has his feet on the dashboard
Loves singing along to music with you even if he doesn't know the words
Knows it's probably a hassle to drive him around sometimes, so he'll get out and pump gas for you--especially when it's cold
Sticks his tongue out a people that cut you off
Always brings snacks that he'll (mostly) share with you
Points out everything cool, cool cars, cows, dogs, clouds, he just wants you to experience them too 🥰 (just don't crash)
DOGGIE!! Y/N there's a doggie in the car next to us!! Let's tell them to pull over so we can pet it!!
Leaves crumbs in your car if he notices them (BIG IF) he'll apologize and swipe them out, I swear!
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Between Zoro and Luffy, obviously he's the best driver and he definitely mocks Zoro about it
Drives so safe when you're in the car
You know that one Twenty One Pilots song "Tear in My Heart"? Yeah, Sanji is the guy avoiding potholes so you can keep sleeping and is cursing the government under his breath for not filling the potholes so his princess can sleep
Other than the fact that the car smells like smoke, he keeps it pretty clean
Of course he opens the door for you, who do you think he is???
He's great except...the road rage Oh. My. God. Nobody better drive like an idiot when he's go the most beautiful woman in the world in his car
I mean he's not gonna cause a problem once the idiots done being an idiot but I hope you like flipping people off and the liberal use of the car horn
Let's you pick the music, obviously, but gets really melty and fuzzy-hearted when you let him pick
Gets distracted at stop lights because he's always touching you or staring
Car sex obviously
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No one knows how he got a license...you're not even sure he has one because if anyone asks he just smirks like the gif above
Always has Google maps on, don't say anything about it or he'll get mad
HATES traffic
Tells you you owe him gas money, never actually collects on it though lol and if you try to give it to him he basically gaslights you into believing he never said that
His car is kind of a mess, when he started dating you he put his gym stuff in the trunk so at least his car doesn't smell like sweaty balls and ass anymore
Gets lowkey nervous about driving in the city and in bad weather
Shut up! I need to concentrate! / *turns the music down so he can see better*
Begrudgingly lets you pick the music and complains that you don't have taste but ends up totally enjoying it
Thinks about road head a lot but doesn't necessarily want to try it
Loves driving you around actually because it's just the two you and it feels like y'all are in your own little world sometimes
Usually rests his hand on your thigh or is touching you in some way while driving
Cramped backseat car naps together🥰
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therabbitthatpostthings · 3 months ago
Live Arcane Reaction; Act 3:
Ep 7: Thank god the killmonger cut only exist in the hell dimension- don’t let them give you a fuck ass cut Ekko.
Powder my princess- IS THAT VANDER’S FINE ASS
Jayce my princess I never doubted you. I knew the Hexcore fucked you up girl🫶🏾
Goddammit every frame in this show is a painting
There is something so heartbreaking about the Bridge of Progress being used as an actual progression between the two cities. An olive branch. What could have been.
Jayce istg they do not want you to be happy-
“Viktor is the mage” theory you might just have merit
Arcane artists I will see you in HELL for that Viktor/Jayce parallel of them literally building themselves up, morphing their damaged bodies to move forward.
Ekko and Jinx girls enjoy your SCRAPS-
Actual fucking tears in my eyes- FUCK THEY COULD HAVE BEEN SO CUTE- also the hard cut to Jayce and the Hexcore glitching like TV glitches as the universe breaks down.
Thank god he didn’t die in that universe too I would have crashed out Powder deserves to be- SHE KEPT THE CRYSTAL!?
Ep 8: oh thank god my Pookies is alive- IS ANYTHING SACRED- why the fit kinda eat tho….
I need everyone to understand I was SO happy about Mel being alive that I barely understood anything those mages said. I was just happy my babygirl is alive. GOD THAT MAKES THE FLOWER IMAGERY IN THE OPENING MUCH BETTER.
I just remembered Isha is dead... FUCK HIEMERDINGER DIED TOO 😭
Nooo Vander- NO VIKTOR- nice to know I am not immune to indoctrination.
Huck cannot catch a break omfg
Hi traitor- omg Cait cute hairstyle
The divorce is not going well for these two.
Jayce and Mel have not seen each other for god knows how long- DONT FUCKING YELL AT HER JUST CAUSE YOUR SITUATIONSHIP WENT SOUTH!
The throuple is back together and it’s TOXICCCC
I would just like to point out that when Viktor said this all started with Jayce, the parallels between Jayce and Ekko is still going. Like I could on for pages about these two at this point.
Fuck they made this Yaoi TOXIC-
FUCK THEY MADE THIS MAGIC TOXIC- is it wrong still stand by Viktor. Like I know he’s wrong but he’s so fine. Jayce and Viktor’s parallels, Jayce and Ekko- lord.
Jayce and Mel, I never doubted this ship. I never doubted this relationship. I thought they were good for each, the rest of the world is just full of haters.
Sevika thank god they dumb bitches get on my nerves, I need someone with a functioning brain cell to lead us to salvation.
I’m gonna be on my fucking deathbed talking about the Zaunites joining Piltover to fight a battle they done have to, to save their homes- to make Progress.
Vi, it’s okay- OH MY GOD
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Istg this show cannot- I’m- Ambessa my love I’m still reeling from the gays, give me a moment. VANDER MY LOVE NOOO! SINGED I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL!
Oh fuck- we’re in it now
Ep 9:
EKKO THANK GOD- most stressful 3 mins of my life.
Honestly I don’t trust these dumb bitches at all. Jayce and Vi are like 2 for 2 on losing fights. Ekko save us Ekko. I had hope on Sevika but her leaving is so real. She has been let down by these people so many times- GERT NOOOOO
Thank god fish guy made it
Ambessa rises from the ashes like a demon- I KNEW IT I KNEW THAT BITCH WAS A TRAITOR!
There is something so special to me about piano boy being the one to make the shot. Like the smallest thing can make a difference, anyone can rise to the occasion.
Of course Ambessa is one step ahead
I have issues, I still think Viktor is so hot rn.
I know my girls are getting their asses beat rn but let’s appreciate they let the girls get down and dirty in a fight. No pretty fighting- my bitches scrap-
Bow your heads. We lost THE bad bitch today.
Omfg there’s still like 20 mins left
I should have known this plan was gonna go to shit the minute Jayce and Vi sat next to each other.
Praying for the salvation for my girl, Sevika I promised not to- FUCK
Ekko please save these idiots- SAVE US EKKO.
Jayce understanding that he was the soldier in the ash like yeah dummy- DID IT CLICK YET- Please let Viktor be the mage, I will not let this theory die.
Fuck I wanna side against Viktor but he looks gorgeous in the Arcane.
Oop Jayvik nation rise.
I’m actually in tears this isn’t a bit, like I’m actually crying
Viktor I never doubted you, I never forsaken you, I never hated you, I never turned against you, I never thought less of you. He could have actually succeeded and I would have stood by him.
Oh damn Jayvik nation rise for real, I was just joking the first time-
This show is so beautiful, every scene a painting. Mel in all noxian gear while still wearing her purple eyeshadow, a mix of her roots but also the promise to move forwards and look ahead.
Yall im so fucking stressed and there’s only 3 minutes left.
No one talk to me for the next few days- I’m going through some shit okay-
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bridgertonbabe · 1 year ago
Bridgerton Spouses Support Group Chat #?
BSSG Group Chat
Kate: Guys can I ask you all a question?
Michael: Shoot.
Kate: Did you all go paintballing without me last week?
Message seen by everyone ✔✔
Kate: Ok it's been 24 hours since my last message and I know for a fact you've ALL seen it so what fucking gives?
Gareth: look if i send a cute video of george and you guys all flood the chat with comments and stuff then hopefully we can drown her out and lowkey gaslight her into forgetting all about it
Kate: What?!
Gareth: oh fu
Gareth sent a video
Michael: Awwwwwwwwww bless he's so adorable
Lucy: he has the cutest laugh!!! 🥰
Sophie: I can't believe he's getting so big already! 💗💗
Phillip: Cute x
Penelope: omg I love the onesie do you know where it's from?
Simon: See I told you he'd love the crawling crab.
Gareth: @ Penelope i'll ask hy
Gareth: @ Simon he can't get enough of it, it's his favourite thing atm
Kate: @ Penelope Well I got it from Bambino
Kate: And I fucking saw the message you obviously sent to the wrong GC @ Gareth , so you can all quit trying to GASLIGHT me!
Kate: Now I'll ask you again; did you or did you not all go paintballing without me?!
Simon: Ok fine we did.
Penelope: How did you find out?
Kate: Greg asked me if I enjoyed the spouses paintballing afternoon when he came to pick Katie up yesterday.
Gareth: omfg wtf @ Lucy
Michael: Yeah rare L from you Lulu
Lucy: guys I'm sorry I forgot to take the wristband off before I got home and he instantly recognised where it was from so I had to fess up
Gareth: dammit you've jeopardised our entire set up
Lucy: no no no it's fine I swear! I know some of you guys don't have any trust in your partners but greg can keep a secret and respect our spouse group privacy! it won't get back to any of the other bridgertons, you've got to believe me!
Phillip: He literally blabbed to Kate.
Lucy: yes but only because I didn't tell him that she wasn't invited!
Kate: And why was I not invited?!
Sophie: Because you would have ruined it! You would have turned a fun afternoon into anything but just like you do with every other game and activity we've played before! You're just as bad as the Bridgertons when it comes to anything vaguely competitive and the rest of us just wanted some lighthearted fun without everything descending into chaos and the world burning around us, ok? And that is why we didn't invite you!
Phillip: Yep
Simon: Very that.
Kate: Wow.
Michael: Look Kate you've got to understand it's not you. It's just the psychopathic competitive Mr Hyde in you that scares the bajeebus out of us.
Penelope: yeah it really isn't personal
Gareth: except it is
Kate: For god's sake I'm not that bad! Sure I have my moments but that doesn't mean I should be excluded from your group activities! I can control myself! I've never done anything to cross the line enough to be compared to Mr Hyde for crying out loud!
Sophie: You accused me of faking going into labour with Alex and refused to call me an ambulance when we played Cluedo.
Simon: You keyed my car after Daph pissed you off in Monopoly.
Michael: And you threw Newton's poo on mine when I won charades.
Phillip: You've always mocked me for having panic attacks during game nights.
Penelope: You pushed Colin down the stairs.
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Kate: Oh boo fricking hoo! I'm so sorry you're all a bunch of whiny oversensitive little babies who can't take the slightest bit of heat from some perfectly healthy competition!
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Lucy: is the perfectly healthy competition in the room with us?
Phillip: I dread to think what you consider to be unhealthy competition.
Kate: Oh go have one of your little anxiety attacks about it then you weakling
Michael has removed Kate from the chat
Sophie: I would say I'm surprised she can stoop to a new low but I'm really not.
Lucy: and this is why I also don't regret not inviting her to laser tag or the escape room
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ming-sik · 10 months ago
My dear good comrade in the trenches against AoB's nonsense: I'm having Ferdinand thoughts (derogatory, mostly) and stewing. You said you thought Ferdinand's boring, if you would be up for it we could complain to hell and back about him T_T (aka, I remembered someone saying “Lestilaut's bad and he doesn't even have [Ferdinand's] trauma excuse!” as if... trauma... is an excuse for... anything... also did we forget the system was inherently abusive and traumatizing orrrrrrr)
i'm always up to complain about ferdinand. i swear i tried to like aob's golden boy but he just... is bad.
like ok my main problem with him is honestly just that by being the most perfectest bestest coolest guy ever he makes the story so fuuuuuuucking boring. there are so many potential conflicts especially from part 4 onward that just get completely ironed over with "ferdinand took care of it offscreen" or "literally as soon as the problem was introduced ferdinand already had the solution", half of the remaining conflicts are just getting ferdinand to stop being an asshole long enough to easily solve the conflict, and half of the conflicts left over after that are how to stop ferdinand from being so incredibly selfless that he burns himself out solving all the story's problems before they can go anywhere interesting. it'd be one thing if he existed in a story that wasn't trying to be serious or if he was used very sparingly as a hermit whose help was difficult to acquire or came at a high price, but as it is i can't even bring myself to get that invested in new conflicts because aob's world has been mostly converted into a playground for rozemyne and ferdinand to flex their enormous brainpower over because obviously the only thing more interesting than one ridiculously overpowered protagonist whose only flaw is being too self-sacrificing is two of the damn things.
to which the counterargument is obviously "noooooo ferdinand isn't a perfect angel, he's deeply flawed!" and yeah he is, but not in a way the narrative is at all interested in doing anything but glorifying. i love it when characters are deeply flawed unpleasant assholes, but only if 1) that's taken in an interesting direction and 2) the story doesn't lie to my face and pretend everyone loves them. YS's society is systematically and inherently abusive, which means that every noble we meet is dealing with an intense web of motivations and pressures that mean being a "good" person in yurgenschmidt's nobility is basically impossible, but ideally that's a way to set up interesting tragic characters, not a reason i'm supposed to excuse ferdinand(and only ferdinand) from judgment for perpetuating that abuse and call for the execution of anyone who thinks he's an asshole.
and the counterargument to that is "oh it's not the narrative that thinks ferdinand is perfect, it's rozemyne!" but that's objectively wrong. the entire plot point of ferdinand's marriage to detlinde is when the story just spends basically an entire volume repeatedly telling the audience that ferdinand is actually the only reason anything gets done in ehrenfest ever and he's the most wonderfulest person ever and everyone is overcome with grief that their savior is gone. even sylvester's habit of pushing off work seems to exist basically entirely so we can have the literal archduke be hugely reliant on ferdinand for day-to-day work just so he can get a little extra credit.
that's not to say that he and rozemyne aren't massively codependent. they are. and again i understand that ferdinand doesn't intentionally put rozemyne in a position where he's literally the only person she can fully trust and she's both completely reliant on him for guidance and terrified of losing him, he does do that. he claims he wants her to rely on wilfried but outside of trying to train him to be more competent(unsuccessfully) he doesn't actually do anything to achieve that, and he never thinks of the perhaps more sustainable option of trying to get her an actual support network. a lot of the tragedy of her losing her life in the lower city is that originally she had a wide group of people to trust: she had her family for comfort, benno for guidance, and lutz as a peer who also knew the full story of her reincarnation. afterwards, she only has ferdinand, and the paranoia he teaches her prevents her from trying to find anyone else, to the point that she only realizes that elvira knows about her commoner origins when he's leaving! and. again. i get so hard that this is an understandable result of ferdinand's trauma making him extremely insular, it's in character, but it's also really, really something that i want the story to, at some point, actually interrogate, but it doesn't! even when ferdinand is totally for real ripped away during the marriage plotline, he actually isn't because they stay in contact the entire time and then she has an excuse to come rescue him and post-battle he's literally just back on the team and it's like he never left so that ended up having the same emotional impact as if he just moved to the next town over. so he never really "leaves", and rozemyne never has to actually get used to life without ferdinand, which would've been really interesting and a way to actually deliver on the ticking time bomb that is grooming subplots.
which he is! and to be clear, he's a groomer in the general sense, not even specifically the pedophilic sense(although yknow. he is explicitly pro-child marriage), i mean that he grooms her to accept that the way yurgenschmidt's society works is normal and fine. he's not solely responsible for the inherent abuse of feudalism, but he's a product of the system he lives in and a product that's not particularly interested in changing that system, so he views myne primarily as an aberration who needs to be incorporated into yurgenschmidt's nobility and made to understand that things work the way they do because this is the best system. i think people rail against ferdinand being called a groomer for two main reasons-- firstly people think that if you say a character is immoral you're saying that they're a bad person for liking them or finding them interesting, and secondly people not understanding that grooming isn't as simple as mustache-twirling villain evilly and intentionally completely controlling a helpless child. bc yeah rozemyne struggles against ferdinand's attempts to fit her into noble society and at multiple points does the opposite of what he tells her to, but that doesn't disprove my argument! it's actually repeatedly acknowledged(well, joked about) where characters including rozemyne and ferdinand themselves say that ferdinand has made her more and more similar to him. like basically the first thing that happens when he gets her into noble society is him convincing her to start participating in the buying and selling of orphans and speaking of orphans do not get me started on the temple it drives me so insane how her turning it into a company town where they serve as her unpaid labor is presented as her being a saint. that can't totally be blamed on ferdinand but he sure does talk her into accepting that the only way she can interact with lower status people is through the lens of a benevolent master. one of the main facets of their relationship is him making her worse.
which is interesting! conceptually! ferdinand is entirely a product of the cycle of abuse and his reaction to his trauma is to preserve that cycle even as it continues to harm him and everyone around him because it's just the way things are. on that topic, he's completely bought into yurgenschmidt's view of children where 5-year-olds are expected to be capable of fending off psychological warfare and 15-year-olds are expected to be fully mature adults, so he has a vitriolic, burning hatred for wilfried age 6 and later detlinde age 15 despite both of their biggest crimes being not magically overcoming the fact that they're being neglected and abused, because he did, which means it is possible and therefore required. even his favorite oops all negative reinforcement education is irl infamous for being literally the worst possible way to educate children because it doesn't work very well and also traumatizes them, something which rozemyne herself seems to understand when she tries to keep ferdinand from being so harsh on letizia but never ends up interrogating because she can keep up with it. just kind of because? the implication is that she has a big headstart from her being an adult university student in japan but we actually don't see him do much instructing outside of giving his pupils a bunch of stuff to memorize and then getting really mad if they don't do it fast enough, which is... not the most effective strategy, wouldn't help with her memorizing new information, and also requires her to show a level of attentiveness and reading comprehension she never actually shows when she's onscreen doing stuff because when she's onscreen she lacks basic reading comprehension and stops paying attention to literally anything she's not interested in, but all of that's just ignored because the whole reason ferdinand cares about rozemyne is that she's the only one who understands that he's just trying to do the right thing and she's the only one who can keep up with him in this world of idiot sheeple. and i don't like that either i think it's pretty boring.
the specific combination of his plot purpose mainly being to instantly solve problems and his actual character just kind of being an insufferable asshole who won't shut up about how awesome child abuse is means that unfortunately every time the male lead of the series is onscreen i'm booing and throwing tomatoes at the page because he isn't interesting enough to pull off being morally grey or fun enough to pull off being a terrible little freak. and i really do not feel sorry for him because everyone in the story is experience similar levels of abuse but mysteriously the story can recognize that it's bad when literally anyone else treats any character the way ferdinand treats everyone all the time.
the lestilaut comparison is so specifically dumb oh my god. like yeah he has the trauma excuse.... everyone does... if we take dunkelfelger seriously lestilaut was raised in an environment where his worth was entirely placed on how physically strong he is and the only solution to any problem is physical force, so that's the only way he can think of to solve problems. his main character flaws are being kind of a jerk in a way that's very normal for a teenager! like his character introduction is revealed to be him misinterpreting hannelore's desire to hang out with the cute shumils as a need to have them at any cost which combines with the existing prejudices he's been taught(yknow the excuse that works for ferdinand and nobody else) to mean that he executes a stupid plan, and then even the bride-stealing ditter plot which is... not his finest moment, definitely, but is him trying to save rozemyne from what he thinks is severe abuse. which isn't an excuse for his actions, like i said with sylvester you kind of lose the right to appeal to good intentions if your mistakes have a body count, but you could make the exact same criticism of ferdinand. i mean his "i'll get ahrensbach for you" bit is basically just the shumils thing but it's treated as romantic instead of "what the hell are you doing"
tbh in the AU i'm working on i just toss him out the window entirely but if he IS going to stick around he neeeeeeeeds to have his untouchability be dialed way the fuck down. he can't just solve literally every story problem with "and then ferdinand pulled the solution out of his ass" and there need to be things that he is actively bad at which other characters are good at. also other characters NEED to be able to criticize him for things other than being too self-sacrificing or limply saying that even though he's the most skilled wonderful guy ever it's a shame he's such a jerk. instead of having people being worried about how dependent rozemyne is on ferdinand be played for cheap jokes about her being in love with him you could idk have it GO SOMEWHERE because if ferdinand isn't totally perfect then you could have that relationship actually negatively affect her in some sort of way that could perhaps cause a narrative conflict, and there should be sympathetic characters who actively dislike him for reasons other than not being able to keep up with his amazingness. like florencia just thinks he's a massive piece of shit because he tried to get her 6 year old son condemned to the ivory tower, or lutz thinks ferdinand is wrecking the myne he knows and loves in order to fit her into noble society, or charlotte and wilfried just end up hating him after he tries teaching them because he's an abusive jerk. i don't even wanna give him a redemption arc because i don't want rozemyne to need to "fix" him and idk who else it would be outside of maybe sylvester? if i was gonna try and not fundamentally change the structure of aob i genuinely think i would just move detlinde's assassination attempt to basically as soon as he gets settled in ahrensbach and also have it succeed. just fucking kill him! make rozemyne navigate the world without him! it also killing off justus and eckhart could even make it so they're also invading ahrensbach without knowing anything about lanzenave so the silver cloth and instant-death poison can actually matter.
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weewookinard · 7 months ago
Pardon my french!
BuckTommy Positivity Week 2024 - day one
I know i'm late to the party but @searching-for-the-moon gave me a great idea so here we are. You can learn more about this challenge through @bucktommypositivityweek's blog!
Prompt: what they love most about each other
You can read it on AO3 or down below. Every fic will be posted on AO3 as chapters of the same fic!
“Okay, I’m impressed now. Is there anything you can’t do?”
Tommy looks at Evan who is wearing the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, a happy grin of his own gently warming up his face as they leave the gallery where they spent two hours learning pottery. In the bag Evan is carrying lays a strange attempt of a mug, base not quite flat and edges all wrong and messy. The mug is yellow, painted with care and patience. Which weren’t enough to ensure a great result. Against the mug, two bowls are wrapped in newspaper sheets. They are bright blue with white flowers, both perfect shapes, both delicately painted. Both the work of a Tommy who cannot stop smiling while his boyfriend continues to compliment him. It is endearing, the way Evan talks and talks and talk, always eager to let Tommy knows how much he’s impressed by anything new he learns about him.
“I swear Evan, it was the first time I did pottery.”
“Not the first time you painted though, so it’s almost like you cheated.” The blond can’t stop his smile from widening again, and his free hand quickly finds itself in Tommy’s one. They walk together like that for a while, heading to Evan’s loft just four blocks away from the gallery where the class was happening.
“It is so infuriating, you are always good at everything you try, how is that possible?” He continues, not paying attention to the world around him, and Tommy has to pull him fast by the hand before Evan bumps into a trash can. The movement coax Evan in Tommy’s direction, and soon enough the two men are against each other, chests touching and the older man’s arms around Evan’s waist, a gesture his body cannot stop doing when his boyfriend is close enough. It does nothing but push another bright smile on Evan’s face and Tommy must kiss him about it.
He knows his boyfriend clumsiness and unawareness of what surrounds him should bug him, but he can’t stop thinking it makes the other man even more adorable, if it is humanly possible. Evan is living in a world of his own, and for six months now he’s been okay with letting Tommy be a part of it.
Tommy loves him for that. He loves him for pretty much everything Evan does or says.
“I’m not good at everything!” He interjects, a laugh on his voice when they start walking again and Evan gives him a deadpan look, almost bumping into another human being.
“Shut up, I’m sure you can do crazy things. Like, I don’t know, French braid! Or macarons, which is so fucking hard to do right, by the way. Hell, I am sure you know how to speak French while we’re at it!"
Evan had started hyperfixating on everything French related since the opening of the Paris Olympics. “They had a dancing croissant; can you believe it? And the torchbearer? I’ve never seen somebody this hot, except you of course. If I hadn’t discovered my bisexuality with you, this person would have done the trick just fine.”
He then proceeded to explain to Tommy what the French torchbearer had been about, some reference to video games as well as opera. “Did you know Assassin’s Creed was French? And so are the Minions! And The Daft Punk! Even the helicopter was invented by the French!”
So, Evan talking about macarons and French braid isn’t that weird.
The thing is, Tommy’s answer is a surprise so unexpected that Evan’s jaw drop when his boyfriend respond. “Oh no, you don’t want me near long haired heads, and I’m not really good at macarons, I’m more of a waffle guy anyway. French though-”
Evan stops him before he can say anything else.
“Thomas Kinard, do not tell me you know how to speak French.”
Tommy’s amused face must be a good enough answer because Evan’s stops right here, in the middle of the sidewalk, starstruck. “Do you speak French?”
« Un petit peu, je ne me suis pas entrainé depuis longtemps. »
Evan does not know what it means, he doesn’t even know if Tommy said it right or if he just invented words to play with him. But it doesn't matter anyway, he’s too flabbergasted to care.
“What. The. Fuck.” He manages to say after way to long of a pause, proof that his brain just stopped working. It makes Tommy giggle, and the pilot brings his boyfriend hand to his lips and places a kiss on each one of his fingers.
“Tout va bien ?” He then asks, knowing full well what the words cause in Evan’s head.
Chaos, pure unexpected, hot as fuck chaos.
“What. Why. How. What. Fuck, how?” The younger man is clearly losing it and Tommy knows there is only one way to soothe his lover’s brain. So he takes a step forward, Evan’s free hand still in his, his other hand cupping Evan’s face, and proceed to kiss his boyfriend slowly, almost lazy, a hint of defiance in every one of his movements. Usually Evan melts on the touch, but this time he finds the strength to back-up, well, not before he moans in Tommy’s lips and kiss him back anyway.
“I’ll still need answers Kinard.”
“Let’s go home first, and then maybe I’ll give you some.” Tommy replies, a knowing smile on his face, pupils darkening with the promise of giving.
“So, how?”
They both lay in Evan’s bed, sweaty and sore and happy. The bag with their dishes inside has been abandoned on the diner table, and their clothes have been thrown in every part of the loft without any care.
Tommy thinks about his answer for a moment, before he turns his head toward Evan, looking at him with a mix of tenderness and guilt. “I… I dated a guy. It was a long time ago, but the words stayed.” It is all he his able to say before he looks away, worried that Evan might get jealous, or sad, or something. Instead, Evan puts his hand on Tommy’s chest, playing with the hairy skin, and looks at him with fondness.
“You know, you don’t have to be ashamed of your past Tommy. I have exes too.” He says, trying to comfort the older man, a bright smile even in his voice. His tone is reassuring, and Tommy finally looks back at him with a sheepish glance.
“I know, it’s just… It has always been a thing with my other exes, you know? French is romantic, French is the language of love and, well, a lot of the men I dated weren’t happy that I had learned it for someone else you know?”
Evan nods, still admiring his boyfriend, caressing his perfect body.
“Is it why you hadn’t told me about it yet?” Tommy hums and Evan drops a kiss on his cheek, a touch so intimate the pilot still can’t quite believe he deserves it. “Well, I’m not jealous, and I’m not angry. I love that you give one hundred percent when you love someone, and that you are capable of learning a whole language just for them.” He smiles again, shifting his body so he’s almost completely on top of Tommy. “And it would be really stupid of me to be mad because you can speak French to me. It’s so fucking hot.”
“Yeah, I love it! I love you Tommy, and every moment that made you you. The good and the bad.” Tommy smiles disappear when Evan come and kiss him, a deep, heated kiss. In his lips Tommy swears he can taste love. “But what I love most is that I’m getting used to all those little things I learn about you. I want to be used to everything about you for ever.”
“Sounds good to me.”
- A little bit, i've not trained for a long time.
- Is everything okay?
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player1064 · 2 months ago
HELP why do you guys hate becks sm i thought you liked him 😭
but as a more serious answer (this turned into a massive rant sorry...) he overexaggerates his talent as a footballer and his importance in the manchester united and england squads while putting gary's talent and influence down. like he was a good footballer but he was NOT that special, whenever he had to play without gary behind him his performance suffered and there were a Lot of matches where his rating literally said that exact thing. and 'dead ball master'... please... he missed MOST of his attempts at goals from free kicks. and he was Literally only made england captain bc he was famous. like. for 3 years leading up to his appointment as captain EVERYONE was saying gary would be next. and then!!
But everything he does has to be polished and perfect to fit into the Beckham Narrative. so according to him:
he was an AMAZING footballer (never mind that fans of LA galaxy hated him bc they thought he was only there for fame and money and never actually played bc he always had some bullshit injury)
and wowww he got to play in so many different leagues (he was literally told that if he didn't play for a european team he wouldn't get selected for england and THAT'S why he moved to milan).
and gary was just a childhood friend/ex teammate/best man at his wedding (literally it's so funny the way he Refuses to acknowledge how important they were to each other. and I'm not just saying that with shipper goggles on like the difference in the way he talked about gary when they were at utd together vs the way he talks about him now that he's retired is INSANE).
and he and victoria are soulmates!!! they have always had a perfect relationship!!!!! (he was a serial cheater - also rip but there's multiple stories in tabloids about how gary would Help him get with other girls when he was already married).
And everything he does he does for money and to cling to his relevance for a little while longer. During the euros last year I swear to god if an ad break had 10 ads he was in 8 of them. When I went to waterloo station (one of the biggest train stations in london) EVERY poster and billboard was his aliexpress ad. there is NO REASON for him to have done that ad, it was literally Just for the money. like. ALIEXPRESS???
Other atrocities:
the whole mess of the 2022 world cup. and his refusal now to acknowledge that anything happened, never mind to accept that he was in the wrong
fun fact in 2014 he was due to get a knighthood but he was taken off the list bc of his tax evasion schemes <3
ANYWAY. yeah I hate him. yes I follow him on instagram yes I feel murderous every time I see him post. The ONLY context I like him in is beville kfjdshhgjfds. like I literally tolerate his existence purely bc gary is insane about him.
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