#guy that absolutely hasn't watched it 9 times this year
myownfavourite · 6 months
I’m in a good mood right now I have my sister to thank for that and I am now trying to stay in this good mood
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
Missed You
Eddie has been on a small tour with Corroded Coffin for the past month, leaving not long after New Year and travelling around a few states, but not straying too far. The tour had gone well and they'd managed to book a few more gigs later in the year, as well as make a few decent contacts that might (probably not) lead to something. But the others wanted to kick on and do some site-seeing in Chicago.
"Alright, boys, I'm going home to the wife," he had said to his bandmates, trying to sound casual through a laugh even though he was counting down the minutes before he could leave.
Eddie missed Steve so much it's kinda pathetic.
He had told Steve he'd be home later in the night but he decided to leave early, forgoing a night's sleep. Who needs it anyway? And he might have skipped telling the guys about the part where he needed to get home in time for Valentine’s Day.
What Eddie doesn't know is that Steve is heading off to work way too early, thinking that the sooner he starts the day, the quicker it will end and they'll be reunited. Equally sappy and pathetic. Actually Steve has missed Eddie a lot. Like, a lot, a lot.
Steve gathers up his bag, and tucks his folder under his arm, his car keys dangling from the keychain in his mouth so he can maneuver around and open the apartment door.
"Oh god!" he shrieks, dropping his folder and spilling its contents everywhere on the threshold as his keys fall to the ground.
"Easy there, Big Boy!" Eddie laughs, patting him on the chest and crouching down to gather up the fallen papers and keys.
He quickly gathers up everything, shoving it back into the blue folder that's covered with stickers. He stands and flicks it into Steve's chest, knocking a huff out of him.
"Holy shit!" he says, finally looking his boyfriend over.
Steve of course, is wearing the signature polo he reserves for Valentine’s Day. Pastel pink that is impossibly cute with his little heart-shaped pin on the shirt collar. And yeah, yeah, Steve’s wearing his glasses that still make Eddie fawn even though he’s been wearing them for years now which makes him look like the world's cutest nerd. But Eddie stops when he finally focuses in on the two little furry brown caterpillars above Steve's top lip.
Maybe it’s just because he hasn't seen Steve in a month, but Eddie swears this is the hottest his boyfriend has ever looked.
"Holy shit," he repeats, leaning in close enough that Steve starts backing into the apartment. "You have a moustache."
"Oh yeah," Steve stutters before chuckling. "Just wanted a change."
Eddie places his hands on Steve's hips and guides him to the blank patch of wall between the coat rack and hall stand. Steve backs against it with a thump as his shoes hit the skirting board and he honest-to-god whimpers as he rakes an eye over Eddie. He huffs, sets his bag down and lets his folder fall to the floor again.
"And you have a new earring," Eddie smiles, flicking his right ear.
"Gotta do something to distract away from my hearing aid," Steve argues, even though he's all breathy and flustered, ghosting his hands over Eddie's tummy.
He pouts. "Don’t say that. Anyway, why were you going off to school so early, muffin?"
He can't help it. He doesn't wait for an answer. Instead, he starts nibbling just under Steve's right ear, earning a sigh that sounds both frustrated and relieved.
"Oh just..." Steve trails off, shrugging. "Filling... in... time - "
He cuts himself off with a very unnecessary groan.
"Speaking of time," Eddie sings, moving to his neck. "What time do you absolutely, one thousand percent need to be at school?"
He feels Steve lift his arm, presumably to look at his watch.
"I mean, I could just get there at 9?"
Eddie smiles and wills himself away from Steve's neck. He's left a soft mark, but it's nowhere near dark enough yet. He cups his cheeks and Steve smiles. He doesn't even let Eddie kiss him. Instead, Steve leans forward and hugs him tight, burying his face in the crook of his neck.
"Missed you," he mumbles.
"Missed you too, Steve," Eddie gets out through a gasp. Shit, Steve is strong.
They stay like this for a few moments, clinging onto each other tight in the tiny hallway of their apartment. They only separate when Eddie feels a creature circling his legs and looks down to find their grey cat, Gandalf.
"Hello, darling," he coos.
Steve reluctantly detaches himself from him to look down too and shakes his head.
"Don't coddle him," Steve whines. "He's been a total nightmare."
"That's my boy."
"Precisely. He's your cat."
As a bargaining chip, Eddie reaches up and runs his hands through Steve's perfectly quaffed hair, eliciting a very different whine.
"How's your back, baby?" he barely gets out for giggling.
"Fine," Steve laughs, leaning his head against the wall and looking him over with lust-filled eyes.
"Good, carry me to the bedroom."
"Yes, sir!"
Steve barely manages a faint salute before he attempts to scoop Eddie up. It's a little awkward and they almost fall over because it appears Eddie was thinking more of a bridal-style carry but Steve starts hooking a leg around his hips. The tussling causes Gandalf to (thankfully) scamper away, off the wreak havoc and likely knock over things because the cretin thrives on negative attention.
"Dude, what are you doing!"
"Carrying you!" Steve giggles, manhandling him so both his legs are firmly wrapped around his waist.
Steve cups his butt and raises a suggestive eyebrow. As he quite unfairly flexes those arms, Eddie spots a tattoo on his inner left forearm.
"And what is this?" he quizzes as Steve starts down the hall.
"Got a new tattoo."
Eddie squirms around, trying to get a better look at the ink peaking out from under the tight polo sleeves but Steve’s arms just won’t budge.
"You went to a tattoo parlour without me?" Eddie laments, pouting dramatically. "What is it?"
"I missed you," is all Steve says as he lays him down on the bed and crawls on top of him.
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Having raced to school just in time for the first bell, Steve forgets his lunch, office keys, and meds. He had to ask the receptionist, old Miss Crandal to let him into his office as he stuttered out an excuse, looking very flustered and lacking the calm and poise of a guidance councillor. Maybe he should have listened to his devil boyfriend and called in sick because he's practically falling asleep at his desk as the last student before lunch heads out.
On autopilot, he reaches down for his lunch bag and wants to sob because of course he forgot that too.
He slumps forward on the desk. As soon as his forehead squishes onto the paperwork set out in front of him, he startles at the knock on the door frame.
And of course, it's Eddie. Looking calm and put together and like he hadn't been whispering the most filthy things in his ear mere hours ago.
"Hi!" he says too innocently as he steps into the office and holds out his precious forgotten lunch bag.
Steve looks at Eddie's ring-adroned fingers gripping the bag and feels a blush rush up his neck.
"What are you doing here!" he dry-sobs, screwing his eyes shut and leaning back in his wheely chair.
Eddie rustles the bag. "You forgot your lunch, sweetheart."
"And I bought you chocolates," he continues, dimples dotting his cheeks as he produces a heart-shaped box from behind his back.
He too-delicately sets them on the desk and sits opposite Steve before he can give a (pleading) "get out". Nevertheless, he goes for the box first. Maybe it will give him a much-needed sugar boost to get through the rest of the day.
"Nah-uh," Eddie tuts, shaking his head. "Sandwich and meds first."
Steve grumbles and pointedly sets aside the red box, snatching up his lunch bag instead. At that Eddie hops up, rounds the desk and sits squarely on his lap.
"What are you doing!" he whines, even though he wraps an arm around Eddie to steady them.
"Having lunch with you," he coos, brushing a hand through Steve's hair as he takes a big bite of his sandwich.
"You are so annoying!" he complains through a mouthful of food.
"That's not what you said this morning."
"Please don't remind me," Steve shoots back, shifting in his seat.
Eddie barks a laugh. "You carried me to the bedroom!"
"You told me too!" Steve rebuffs and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
Despite his supposed annoyance, Steve squeezes him tighter and momentarily abandons his beloved sandwich to settle Eddie's legs across his lap, causing the chair to give a warning squeak.
"Make you dinner?" Eddie offers, running his index finger along Steve's new earring, a small silver cuff halfway up his ear.
Steve nods as he continues downing his sandwich in record time.
"Starving," he mumbles and reaches for his meds.
Eddie places his wandering hand back up in his hair, attempting to smooth it out. It got completely messed up this morning but now it looks like Steve's been running his hands through it in tired frustration all morning.
"I'm home now to take care of you, sweets," he croons, looking Steve over as he swallows his meds with a grimace.
"Missed you," Steve sighs as rests his head against Eddie's, holding him tighter still.
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @maggiemayhemnj - thank you!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
Ten. I was cross-posting everything for a minute there, but I lost steam and now I only post here - except for Aphelion, which I am co-writing with @something-tofightfor. That still gets posted in both places.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
68,449 - not counting Aphelion. My tumblr word count is... a lot higher.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Right now just Pedro Pascal characters.
4. top five fics by kudos?
Gonna go by notes on tumblr instead because that's where most of my stuff is:
Bes'laar Din Djarin x F!Reader (based on artwork by @stealyourblorbos!)
Survivor Blues Joel Miller x F!Reader
Forever Din Djarin x F!Reader
The Cold Offends Me Oberyn Martell x F!Reader (The Viper & The Wild Thing universe)
Point of No Return Ezra x OFC Clara
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to all comments because I appreciate them SO MUCH MORE than I can accurately convey. I love hearing from people about what they liked or what shocked them or what made them feel things, and I really love the chance to sort of have a micro mini chat about it in the comments. That being said, sometimes I completely check out and miss a whole batch or a whole fic worth of comments goes unresponded to for far too long. And I always feel bad when that happens, which sometimes results in me responding to things WAY after the comments were left, to the point where it wouldn't surprise me if the person has already forgotten the fic/what they wrote... but I haven't forgotten how much it meant to me that they read and commented on my work. So even if it's 6 months to an eternity late, I intend to respond to them all.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It Pours From Your Eyes Joel x Tess
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I feel like most of them have happy endings, but we'll go with A Little Christmas Magic - Frankie x F!Reader as perhaps the fluffiest happy ending.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I have gotten non-fic specific hate directed at my writing before, but that was a few years ago and it hasn't happened since. Which is cool because the fewer people wasting their time and energy on being unnecessarily mean about things - let alone about stories about silly little fictional guys - the better.
9. do you write smut?
I do, but I do not consider it one of my strong suits, and I typically only include it if it fits with the overall story though a few times I have written smut just to be filthy as a challenge... and as a treat.
10. craziest crossover?
I've been slowly spinning a True Detective x Tim Rockford crossover like a rotisserie chicken for months but I've only managed to jot down a few unconnected snippets thus far. And a title. It's gonna be called (maybe, if I ever actually write it) Flat Circle, Twisted Game.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but if I did I would be absolutely PISSED. And I can't say I'd be nice about it.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but that would be cool AF.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I am currently co-writing Aphelion with @something-tofightfor and it is so much FUN.
14. all time favorite ship?
In all honesty it's probably Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt. I was straight up ready to stop watching Parks and Rec if they didn't end up together.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
lol what kind of passive aggressive, self-doubt feeding question is this? I'd like to finish them all and I try like hell to believe that I will.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think it's probably describing natural settings? But maybe dialogue. Idk.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Smut. Also keeping the momentum to finish things in a timely fashion, but mostly smut.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I try to only use it when it makes sense or when it benefits the story and not just as like... a novelty or an afterthought.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Teeeeeeeeeeechnically? Like first one I ever made content for? I guess that would be the Twilight series. But I will not be sharing where to find that here. And if you find out where it is, you take that knowledge to the grave with you, you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME, FRIENDS?
20. favorite fic you've written?
Even though it's nowhere near done, I love and am so very proud of Survivor Blues. But then again, even though it's a few years old now and I feel like my writing has grown since finishing it, Point of No Return will always have a very big piece of my heart.
Tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to play! Please tag me so I can see your answers!!
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alloveydovey · 6 months
Dramas from this past month :) I was on a trip the whole time, so I watched random stuff and rewatched a lot.
Love Between Fairy and Devil, 2022 (cdrama) 9
The Lord supreme of the Moon Tribe gets out of fairy prison after 30.000 years thanks to a seemingly innocent orchid fairy who accidentally frees him and links them together.
This was epic. I'd say I was lost 40% of the time, but I enjoyed it a lot. It was my first cdrama of this type, and I wasn't expecting to be into it, but I totally binged it.
I Hear Your Voice, 2013 (kdrama) 8
19-year-old ML partners up with FL lawyer to help her win cases with his ability to read minds. Ten years prior, she had been a key witness and helped get the man who killed his father in jail.
I need to remind myself that I usually get a bit bored with lawyer dramas. It's hard to explain if I enjoyed this one or not. On one side, I loved LJS, and Lee Bo Young was great as the FL. The storyline had great aspects, and I binged most of it, but I wouldn't say it left an impression or something. I spent the last episodes skipping because I was already tired of it.
Full House, 2004 (kdrama) 7/7.5
Already known lol. A scriptwriter is duped by her friends and loses her house to an actor. To regain possession of it, she enters into a contract marriage with him.
I kinda like watching old kdramas because I find them more bingable… until this one lol. Full House was a bit a lot of a mess. Granted, the 00s seemed to be THE time for MLs who spend half of the drama chasing another woman while the FL tags along, but this became difficult to follow quickly. The only reason I kept going was because Song Hye Kyo and Rain were really charismatic and fun to watch together (also, they're both really good looking it's insane)
I really wanted to like this oldie, but their chaotic coming and going broke me.
The Legend of the Blue Sea, 2016 (kdrama) (rewatch!) 10 ⭐️
A mermaid meets a con man in Spain and falls in love. When the bad guys come for him, they both separate with the intention of meeting again in Seoul, except his memory is erased and he doesn't remember her.
I'm not sure if this is a 10 for everyone, but it's certainly a 10 for me. It has everything, and Jun Ji Hyun is absolutely perfect in it, truly a comedy queen. It's also probably my favorite Lee Min Ho role. Rewatching it made me laugh, aww, and giggle all over again. (I kinda think the reason I liked it is because it reminds me of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho but better lol)
An Incurable Case of Love, 2020 (jdrama) 8
A girl falls in love with a doctor while visiting Tokyo and decides to become a nurse to meet him again.
This was very much like Mischievous Kiss/Playful Kiss, but maybe lighter and sweeter? Definitely more watchable. Emotionally constipated MLs get a bit annoying at some point but I remain a big fan of sweetheart FLs.
The Date of Marriage, 2023 (jdrama) 7.5/8
A girl with a life plan is two years away from thirty but still hasn't achieved what she wanted (marriage). A co-worker proposes that if she still hasn't found someone by the time she turns thirty, he'll marry her.
The premise in this one is rather weak. Boy likes girl, and girl likes boy, and so there really is no reason for why they shouldn't date when both established such a promise (getting married by her 30th bday), but because of insecurities, they come and go about whether they like each other or not, and it's annoying. On the other hand, this little drama is super original in its way of storytelling. Breaking the 4th wall with authentic ways for the characters to express themselves. It's also visually dynamic. The colors make for an extremely nice watch. Aaaaand, both ML and FL are cute as hell with great chemistry.
Shopping King Louie, 2016 (kdrama) 7.5
The overprotected successor of a business empire gets into an accident and loses his memory. A girl from a rural area who is in Seoul looking for her brother (whose disappearance is linked to the ML's accident) decides to take him under her wing as they both try to make it on their own.
Seo In Guk heavily saves this drama, lol. I kept watching mainly because of him, Nam Ji Hyun, and the decent cast. I kinda started annoyed at the secondary characters and ended up really enjoying them. It's a silly fun drama where the premise is obviously not the forte, but still, I had fun watching.
Rewatched Dramas! (That I'm not adding above cause I flash-watched them = meaning I skipped a lot of scenes lol) ⬇️
Destined With You, 2023
I wanted to rewatch this one to see if the rating I gave it held up, especially since I feel like it was the beginning of a long list of kdramas with a similar premise (and, like, they all came out around the same time—what was that?).
To me, at least, it deserves a decent 8.5. It was probably my favorite of all the ones with similar storylines (My Demon, A Good Day to be a Dog, The Story of Park's Marriage Contract, My Man in Cupid). The first episodes grab you completely, and then the story kind of lowers the quality a bit, but Rowoon and Bo Ah keep it entertaining.
The Secret Life of My Secretary, 2019 ⭐️
ML hires secretaries only for a year. Despite her impeccable behavior, FL is no exception. Just when he fires her, ML loses the ability to recognize faces except for his secretary's, the one he just fired.
This is def a 7/7.5 type of drama, but I think it’s the one I’ve rewatched the most. 100% a comfort one for me. The plot is insane, and I don’t always like it, but the chemistry between the leads is so worth it. Their whole boss-secretary dynamic is so original and cute and just perfeeeect. Both actors truly nail the cute persona.
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cocomuffy · 1 year
I watched Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2017) because The Batman (2022) was too long.
spoilers, obviously. here are my live thoughts:
Kory kissed him to learn English- I'm laughing so hard right now this is hilarious.
if i had watched this movie in 2020 i would have realized i was bi a lot sooner
The coloration of the "Five Years Ago" and "Now" text is messing with my designer heart rn
it's the red nightwing outfit!!!!!! i havent got to see that much. i much prefer the blue bc there's already like seven red batfam members but like i do think it looks stylish because its dick and dick pulls off everything
"Nightwing." "Nightwing." "Dick..!" "oh, yeah?"
"they're different..." trails off. "like kory will tell you." "noo, you go aheaddd..." "I've been studying them for years--"
I ALREADY LOVE THEM "robin stop complimenting the bad guys"
no they did not just got there (at 9:40)
damian is just such a brat i love him
kicking my feet, squealing, giggling, throwing up BECAUSE SHE HAS HIS NINE AND HE HAS HER SIX--
i took a fifteen minute break to do the math on how old dick and kory are and got 36?!??!?!?!
garfield has no rizz
i just got like... punched in the gut seven times??? "i just miss my son"
it's the fact that damian is like "i approve of your gf" and nightwing's like "okay???"
"You don't have to move a mountain to help people, Terra." - Probably the theme of this movie
i was not ready for the sexual jokes
oh no raven is on the groundddd
how stupid is damain?!?!??!?!?!?!! especially after the part that slade says about lazarus pits?! he has to know that there is no way he can feasibly win this! and terra isn't helping! which means that terra is probably working with slade!!! GUESS WHO CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god this slade and terra stuff is no good
please tell me that we were not about to get a dick and kory makeout scene
oh thank god for damian
oh my god imagine going into your surpise party thinking people are about to kill you :skull:
ugh i dont like this garfield selfie timeskip whatever
and hasn't anyone noticed robin isn't here???
im doing os much calculations rn for no reason at all
aw. beastboy being supportive
"Do you know why I'm an orphan?" "uhhh... your parents died?"
nooo terra and beast boy kissed absolutely not they are not for each other terra doesn't need any relationships periodddd
aww but bb is really cute after so ig it makes it a lil better
slade shut up this is supposed to be a nice moment
i will never get over dick calling kory babe its too precious i love them so much
i dont trust that gift. i dont trust that.
they're making their moveeeeee- they're taking all the titansss oh noooo
i think that leaves nightwing as the last survivor which is really nerve wracking because i love dick grayson so much??
gar youre so stupid
oh no kory i love you kory please be okayyy
dick just got shot in the chest oh my god, oh my god. screaming crying hyperventilating oh my god oh my god oh my god.
oh i shouldve known he'd be just fine htis is why i love him hes so dependable
"What did you do to Robin?" "I beat the crap out of him for being mouthy."
i have the stupidest sense of humor.
guys i love dick grayson so much and he's the only one left and mmmmm im so ready for this i love dick grayson hes my favorite
ohhh huh terra's getting betrayeeddddd (i never liked terra even though she makes sense she just gives me ickies)
eugh i hate slade he just likes to make sexual references to people that he should not be making those references to i know hes like a predator but it just doesnt make me happy
what is this machine even doing? is it draining their blood? you would need some sort of needle or something? ik that brother blood said something about life? is it draining their life force like some kind of dark crystal jim henson type stuff? what's going on with it? their powers? like... if they wanted nightwing then they weren't going for powers, and they did regular humans first anyway? i dont understand.
woah its the titans against a villian with similar powers!!!!!!!! /j
i like this first pairing of kori and jaime and gar and raven against brother blood and damian and dick against slade bc it feels really personal and also fair.
terra was obivously going to save them all there was no doubt in my mind.
and then teamwork and then they win because of course they do
woah she just shot him like three times that was excessive
oh noooo terraaaaa ( im not sad )
"Terra Markov was like a diamond, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."
no beast boy dont make me feel for her
i just realized that i think i called "jaime" "hime" for some godforsaken reason i swear to god my ears are stupid.
final thoughts:
this movie was a bit much for me on sexual innuendos and references, but most of it was plot relevant. i love to see dickory so im good with that. animation was good. characters were good. had to warm up to gar but that's okay.
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prumanoenjoyer · 5 months
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Doing this thing because I got blorbos on my mind
A - Current OTPs/OT3s etc.
It may not come as a surprise but I am absolutely rotting on PruMano at all times and have been doing so for basically a year now. It's beginning to melt into my personality and nothing can be done about it. Whenever I'm released from the iron grip of PruMano rotting I enjoy GerIta and FrUk like the normie that I am. The BTT are definitely getting together for threesomes when they're all single and I like them as well.
B - Pairing I initially didn't consider
This might shock you after reading the first bit but. PruMano. See I'm not new to this circus, I first watched Hetalia in 2015 but focused mostly on the Nordic 5 with SuFin and DenNor. This was before PruAus 9/11 (Hima suddenly announcing they're cousins) so I think I was on the PruAus rot.
Other than that I got a friend who I dragged into this hellhole (you know who you are) who has infected me with Frain and TurFra. I have some Thoughts about TurPru but uhh. let's leave that for now.
C - Ships I never liked and never will like
All the ones where there is an unbalanced power dynamic (age gaps, having interacted when one was a child and the other way older etc, former colonies and oppressive states, having a relationship that implies being related etc). I am a seasoned hater of these and I do my best to block anyone who as much as reblogs it. I do not care if it's "just fiction" you guys are weird and not in a good way xoxo
D - Ships I just can't get myself to like
Due to the aforementioned PruMano rot I just don't feel seriously interested in any other pairings I fear. Nothing against PruCan or LietPru for example, I am just so rotted on PruMano that it doesn't make me feel anything lol
E - My crack contributions
I may just be the only person who has even considered TurPru and I have done it in the most unbearable fujoshi way possible </3
Other than that I'm helping out with spreading unrequited GerFra, Frain and TurFra which I do also enjoy on the side.
F - Longest I've been in a fandom
I wanna say this one?? Not actively so, I jumped ship to other things such as Love Live and JJBA in early 2019ish (Love Live even earlier in 2017), but even during my longer breaks from Hetalia I've always ended up rewatching it at some point or posting about it.
G - First OTP
For Hetalia it's definitely been GerIta from day one. Do I even need to say anything? To me they're canon.
H - Favorite way of consuming fandom stuff
It's mostly anime series and TV shows I'd say, I do sometimes read but am a bit too busy to properly sit down and do so.
I - Has Tumblr made me dislike fandoms
I think it would take less time to list the fandoms Tumblr HASN'T made me dislike tbh. I try to keep a tight knit circle for my own sanity and rarely interact with the fandom part of stuff apart from my own and my friend's contributions. Highly recommended btw.
J - Fandoms I didn't notice until Tumblr
To be honest I'm not really browsing Tumblr at all. I like to upload here because the image quality is way better than on Instagram. I suppose I highly associate some fandoms with this site (Undertale for example)?
K - Say something nice about someone
You should all go like and subscribe to fruktual on Instagram for more FrUk and Frainposting
L - Say something nice about a mid character
Lithuania I'm sure you are way more interesting than I give you credit for and I care about you the most out of the Baltic Trio (which I honestly forget exists at times)
M - Something nice about a ship I don't like
I'd honestly rather pull a tooth out than say a single word of praise for things such as UsUk or Spamano 🤢🤢🤢🤢 And that's on periodt!
N - Things I wish to see more of in the fandom
More PruMano please please please please please pl
O - Song that reminds me of a ship
Til There Was You by The Beatles makes me think of GerIta, as well as Kingdom Come by Red Velvet
As for PruMano it would be Tales Of Great Ulysses by Cream because I had that on repeat writing my Ancient Rome PruMano AU lol
P - New AU
I'm working on/will be working on a Frankenstein PruMano AU where Gilbert is a much more empathic Victor Frankenstein and Lovino is too traumatized from dying and being resurrected to be out killing people. Look forward to that...
Q - Ship I've abandoned and why
PruAus because Hima came in with a warhammer and bludgeoned it to the cousinzone R.I.P </3
R - Pairing I think no one else ships
Again with TurPru, I seriously wonder whether it's been considered at all. Most likely not.
S - Personal headcanon
Okay more or less true I guess if you bother to read the source material but Gilbert is just a silly loser guy. Like, he's a total himbo. I love him and need to gnaw on him.
T - Headcanons I'll die defending
That Gilbert and Lovino who share a passion for chivalry and knights would definitely go visit museums and LARPing events such as medieval weeks and whatnot. Just warms my cold little heart <3
U - 5 faves from 5 different fandoms
Oh boy. Forgive me for what I'm about to share.
(Hetalia) Gilbert Beilschmidt
(JJBA) Dio Brando
(Madoka) Kyouko Sakura
(Love Live) Yoshiko Tsushima
(Gakkou Gurashi or School Live) Kurumi Ebisuzawa
V - 3 OTPs from different fandoms
(Hetalia) PruMano (shocker, I know)
(Madoka) HomuMado
(Love Live) YohaRiko
W - 5 ships ft 5 kinks for said ship
So obviously gonna skip over the ones featuring minors.
PruMano - Verbal degradation, sadism, masochism, somewhat fear aspect, leaving marks
I do also just think they love each other and have normal sex and that's fine too, but I did write a fanfic where the abovementioned happens
X - My top 5 babygirls
1. Gilbert, I bully him a lot but don't you ever seriously say something mean about him because I will be so sad </3
2. Lovino, he's a flawed man and some of you are MEAN to him for having it rough
3. Rome, some people who haven't read source material claim there's some favoritism going on, he does visit Lovino as well okay? The allegations are canonically false!
4. Ludwig, I think most of us agree he's a good person but for the rare few who claim he's "verbally abusive". Go outside and touch grass no he isn't. GerIta has always been them antagonizing one another, the battlefield is even or perhaps even in Feliciano's favor. Ludwig will never be able to escape the nightmare and I don't think Feli wants him to. They're bound together forever and love it.
5. Roderich, gets slack for various Chibitalia related things, does not deserve it at all, it's all whining and he and Feli are on good terms in modern times. Relax.
Y - Fandoms in-law
My current close friends are into Baldurs Gate 3, Watch Dogs, Dishonored, Evillous Chronicles (Vocaloid), Utena and more. But these are the primary blorbo shows in-law.
Z - Rambling time
Okay if you've gotten this far down I admire your attention span lol thanks. I don't really have all that much to say that is concrete and comprehensible but I am thinking of PruMano and of warm days by the Mediterranean Sea and skies later lit in vivid shades of red and orange as the hot sun sets and the cities come to life. I am also thinking about them cuddling, which I do quite a lot.
Anyway that was all for me bye
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snowy-weather · 8 months
Nine People You'd Like to Know Better
I know I'm super late to this, my apologies. XD
Thanks for the tag, @septicrodent
3 Ships:
These will all involve my OCs in some way. XD
Ralis Sedarys X Mirni. OMG I love these two so much. I have no idea why I started shipping them, it was probably just a random thought that turned into an obsession over time. XD Drawing them makes me so happy. I've been obsessed with them for like... a year? Two years? And it's showing no signs of stopping.
I do realise that my version of Ralis Sedarys had become heavily headcanon-ised over time. XD But with a characters with as little canon content as him I suppose that's doubt to happen.
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Varonys X Alya. Mirni's parents haven't even existed in the way they do for like a month and I LOVE them. Strict, stoic, grumpy nerd (who's secretly a little awkward) and his absolutely lovesick assistant. 🤭 I love it. I expect to make much more art of them in the future.
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Next one isn't an Elder Scrolls (or Elder Scrolls OCs) pairing, it's from my original story.
Athix X Maron. Maron is an aloof, vain and standoffish man (who's secretly also a nerd but don't let him hear me say that) and Athix is a lovesick fool who just can't hide how much he absolutely loves Maron. They're both bad guys, honestly, as they work for the main antagonist in the Ace of Swords prologue chapter. But somehow, Athix' adoration of Maron is so cute to me. Maron, like I said, is standoffish and often acts annoyed at Athix' advances. But don't worry! He likes him a lot too.
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First ship:
In general? No idea. XD I honestly don't remember.
In Elder Scrolls? Estlin (OC) and Torvar from the companions. Originally, I wanted to make a Skyrim story focused on my Dragonborn character Estlin and Torvar would be her unlikely love interest. Mostly because I married him in my first playthrough of the game. I thought he'd be kind of like an anime character I love. He's not, but I got attached to him anyway. XD
In Ace of Swords? Probably Yashiro and Agnes. They're an official couple (married) and the first couple to appear in my original concept for in Ace of Swords in 2019.
Currently reading:
I'm reading a long-running Elder Scrolls fanfic written by a friend of mine. I'm totally hooked. It's two parts so far: 'Ancient Blood' and 'Indigo Children'.
Last film:
Madagascar 3: Europe's most wanted. 🤭 What can I say I have a soft spot for weird animated comedies. I grew up watching Shrek.
Currently Craving:
I know the idea is to tag 9 more people, but I'm awkward, I don't know for sure who has and hasn't been tagged yet and I don't wanna bother people too much, so I'll pass for now hehe. Still, I'm happy to be tagged! ^^
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chompinatthebit · 21 days
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2024 NFL Storylines
Now that rosters have trimmed down to 53, for the most part, it's time to finally look ahead to the NFL season which begins Thursday September 5th. We all know that sports brings about drama that keeps us glued to the tv each and every weekend of the season, this NFL season won't be any different. With that in mind, I will give you my storylines to watch this season.
1. Super Bowl or Bust - These are teams that I feel realistically have pressure to get it done this season:
Baltimore Ravens - They have the reigning MVP, a top 5 defense that returns mostly everyone and added Derrick Henry over the offseason. They made the AFC title game last year but came up small, especially offensively, it's safe to ask can they get it done? Lamar has 2 MVPs and 2 playoff wins, enough said.
Kansas City Chiefs - They are going for a three-peat and with that rarified air, as they would be the first to complete the feat. It doesn't hurt that they have the best QB in the league, they also added Xavier Worthy and Hollywood Brown to a WR core that hasn't even been all that dynamic the past couple of seasons.
San Francisco 49ers - The offseason saga with Trent Williams and Brandon Aiyuk's contract highlights the fact that they have some serious decisions coming up very soon. They have Deebo Samuel and Brock Purdy, who will be looking for new deals next offseason, they also lost in the Super Bowl last season. Could this be a last stand for this group?
Philadelphia Eagles - This team was just in the Super Bowl 2 years ago but took a step back last season. They have locked up their WRs and have taken steps to fix their secondary which was a major problem last season. They replaced both coordinators last season who were held accountable for the slide in performance. Nick Sirianni would technically be the next to go if this season doesn't pan out.
2. Young QBs thrust into the spotlight - Looking around the league, we are seeing that a good number of teams are pinning the direction of their season on the success or failure of unproven QBs.
Caleb Williams (Bears), Jayden Daniels (Commanders) and Bo Nix (Broncos) will be starting from week 1. JJ McCarthy seemingly was on pace to possibly be the starter with the Vikings, before he went down with a season ending knee injury. Drake Maye could very well take over the starting job at some point this season from Jacoby Brissett for the Patriots.
We also have guys in CJ Stroud (Texans), Bryce Young (Panthers), Jordan Love (Packers), Will Levis (Titans), Anthony Richardson (Colts) who are entering the season with varying experience from this past season but are still developing in their second season as starters.
We are looking at 1/3 of the league with young guys at the most important position on the field, how many of them could take their team to the playoffs this season?
3. Who makes the quick turnaround - In 19 of the last 21 years at least one team has gone from finishing last in the division the season before to division champs the following season. With that in mind, who is most likely to pull off the feat this year.
Cincinnati Bengals (AFC North) went 9-8 last year in a season where Burrow missed time and dealt with an injured wrist, if Burrow stays healthy this season they could absolutely pull it off.
Tennessee Titans (AFC South) went 6-11 last season but have done a great job in improving the roster this offseason, if Will Levis continues to improve then they could be the team that challenges the Texans this year for the AFC South crown.
Chicago Bears (NFC North) were a 7-10 team last season after a good finish to the season, they seemingly have their guy in Caleb Williams to run what they believe will be an improved offense. The defense has some pieces as well but not completely sold on coach Eberflus.
The other teams that finished last in their divisions were the New England Patriots (AFC East), LA Chargers (AFC West), Washington Commanders (NFC East), Arizona Cardinals (NFC West) and Carolina Panthers (NFC South).
With every season there are so many storylines that will play out so these are just 3 for you to monitor over the course of the 2024-2025 season. We are just days away from the season starting so strap in and get to the edge of your seat, the fun is about to start.
Make sure to give me a follow and check out my other content on my blog page. You can also follow me over @passionandprecision as well with my friend/co-host @jorissportsstories who you can also follow for her great content as well.
I appreciate you for taking the time to check out my article, until next time...
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I was just thinking about everything that has occurred over the last year or so where Jensen is concerned and I wonder if his attitude has changed due to the life he knew during Supernatural days going away. I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting the response that TW got, before it aired and after, and I get that some people think he's under the influence of toxic people, his stans, alcohol, and all that, but I think it's actually deeper than that.
I do think it's related to his ego, sure, but it really does seem like he wasn't ready for Supernatural to end when it did. Not so much for the show or even the character of Dean, but for everything that came along with it. He was literally a big fish in a small pond, a CW golden boy in a way (along with Jared), and now all of that has changed. Mark Pedowitz is no longer there, the CW has new ownership, he is not finding the lead roles he wants, everything he says and does is not just automatically accepted 100% by the fandom anymore, the pandemic happened, Rust happened, he was used to working away from home a certain amount of time and then he was stuck at home during the pandemic, the show didn't get to end the way he and Jared wanted it to (wrap party included) due to the pandemic, all of this stuff and more.
This guy literally had the life he wanted and now it's changed drastically. If you watch his interviews and con videos and even Instagram videos from 2018 and on before March 2020 hit, there is such a different vibe there. I know people say he never loved his wife, I don't really know (or care to be honest) but there's definitely a different vibe about him around her back then compared to now. Especially when they were opening up FBBC. I know a lot of people like to point to that one interview video with his look at her joking about being pregnant but if you watch some of the other interviews, he seems to vibe better with her than he has the whole past year (when we've seen them together like NYCC). It's almost as if him losing Supernatural and the ability to go to Vancouver for 9 months out of the year, coming back home when he wanted to, and them being forced together 24 7 in quarantine must have made an impact. And then TW on top of it and how that turned out to be a reality check for both of them that not everyone just accepts the crap they're doling out because of Jensen's name or looks. Jared was ready to say goodbye to Supernatural. I think by all accounts, Jensen was not. Jared had the next job lined up, waiting for him. Jensen didn't. So his whole trajectory over this past year makes a lot of sense to me. I think it's finally hitting him (if it hasn't already) that he is now in a bigger pond but he's not that big fish anymore. Hence the flailing and absolute shit show we're all seeing happen along with the desperate PR attempts. And it's just really sad.
Anyway, I was just thinking after seeing everything everyone was discussing these past two weeks, especially his "suck it" comment to haters at Crossroads.
I can't remember if I mentioned the same on this blog, or somewhere else, but yeah, going from the top-dog in his sphere and having a steady job with a steady schedule to suddenly having his entire world turned upside-down in the matter of a couple of years has to be very jarring.
Unfortunately, his way of processing change is to apparently get bitter and resentful instead of putting in the work and making the necessary changes to improve his situation. What's that saying? "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have." Right now, Jensen's dressing the part of the desperate, washed-up actor, catering to the dregs of the SPN fandom.
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lizajane2 · 2 years
The Last of Us episode one rewatch
"Cordyceps, aspergillus, any of them could become capable of burrowing into our brains and taking control not of millions of us, but billions of us. billions of puppets with poisoned minds permanently fixed on one unifying goal to spread the infection."
The amount of fear that settled in that room... good god. Like right off the fucking bat tlou starts off really fucking intense. No one wants to hear, "the world is fucked at that point" it's a hard fucking pill to swallow.
"Get your homework done?" I love the look Sarah gives him, "you can hardly take care of yourself and you're asking me about fractions?" LOL.
The slow southern drawl in Pedro's voice is even better when I wear headphones. I'm also secretly admiring his arms... fuck me. And we only get Tommy for barely five minutes and it's so easy to love the man too. It's uncanny how Gabriel Luna sounds so similar to Jeffrey Pierce.
The entire time Sarah has her back turned to the old woman; I'm internally screaming at her to get the fuck outta that house.
"Stay indoors," then Sarah goes outside. Girl, I know like 8 of the Halloween movies have come out, and you dare to venture outside? Then into the Adler's house knowing damn well that Mercy refused to step inside.
"Help me." No, bitch. Run!
Fuck those things coming out of that woman's mouth just get nastier and nastier every time I see it.
You see one of the many things I love about Joel Miller, is that his instinct to survive doesn't gradually happen over time it's an immediate switch. He no longer sees people anymore or has the compassion to even think about helping others. It's all about keeping his family safe. Keeping Sarah safe. He apologized to Sarah for scaring her and didn't even take a second to even feel remorse for killing that Runner, to Sarah it was still a person.
Until Sarah mentioned terrorists, I had forgotten that the series is set two years after 9/11.
Protective Joel pre-outbreak and post-outbreak is just... ugh, it's a sight to see on my screen again.
The first time I watched the runner getting closer to Sarah and Joel, I was too occupied with the stress and knowing that my heart was going to be ripped from my chest to see Sarah die. I can't help but laugh now at the number of times that runner was bumping and tipping over itself. I'm sorry, it's the desperation.
If you think "the government wouldn't ever do that" just know they absolutely fucking would kill anyone they thought might be infected. Even if you weren't.
Literally trying not to cry in a coffee shop right now... the acting from Pedro alone as he pleads for Sarah to stay with him, damn it all to hell. So fucking heartbreaking.
I have a weakness for the salt-and-pepper look on a man, it's fucking sexy. Especially on men like Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac.
"Yeah, but what about your guy." That tells you all you need to know about Joel. Man is fucking scary.
"Seven, eight, fuck... you." Ellie my girl, I just love you. Bella is perfect and no one can change my mind about it.
"We are in a war against FEDRA to restore democracy and freedom." I'd believe it if it wasn't for the amount of bullshit spewing from Marlene's mouth. Maybe she believes that... but I sure as fuck don't. I mean it's like she said it's been twenty years, and none of that shit exists anymore. She's trying to rebuild a past that would come at such a high cost. Building that type of society again wouldn't be worth it.
"Kim, you don't have a fuckin' ear on your fuckin' head." LMFAO!!
"What are they capable of?" A lot of terrible shit. Joel also has no problem committing mass murder. I love him and I'm scared of him in equal measure.
The way Pedro sits on the couch with his legs spread like that is seared into my brain. I think about it. A LOT. I'm just:
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You can see the exact moment Joel, no longer sees Ellie and is instantly replaced with the memory of Sarah. My man hasn't even gone through the five stages of grief yet and almost ended up in the same situation, in the same episode, with two different children.
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poedameronwifey · 9 months
A true home (The hobbit Fanfic)
Chapter 6
Kate's Pov
It was absolute chaos. There were dwarves everywhere. They were taking all the food out of the pantry and we just brought that. Not to mention, Ren is going to get hangry soon.
I stood out of the way as Dad tried to stop them. I'm surprised I haven't fallen yet. As I walked to where the girls were, one of the dwarves pushed past me and knocked me over. I closed my eyes and braced myself to meet the floor but strong arms wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Fili holding me to his chest.
I blushed like crazy. He helped me stand up straight and I thanked him before turning and walking quickly to my sisters.
"Ooh la la, someone's got a crush on a certain blonde haired dwarf. Do I hear wedding bells? Can we be the bridesmaids?"
Lilith kept smirking at me while Renée hummed the bride's march. I hit them at the back of their heads and told them to shut up. We looked at the dwarves and sighed at the mess they were making. That's gonna be a lot of food to clean up. We just leaned against the wall and watched them act like animals but it was pretty funny.
Renée leaned against me and I knew that she was done with socialising for the next few days. Balin looked at us with a 'why aren't you eating' look and we just mouthed that we didn't want to disturb them. He just chuckled and waved us over, showing the space next to us.
I informed the girls and we manoeuvred our way to where he was and sat next to him. Since Ren and Lilith already ate, I got some meat and salad because I didn't feel like eating too much. I finished my food rather quickly and looked around the table. Balin introduced us to all of them and vice versa. They were very sweet and kind to us.
"So you are Mr Baggins daughter. How did you meet these two?"
Gloin asked, causing everyone to look at us. I looked at Renée because she's the best person to handle this.
Renée's POV
"Well that's a story. Let's hope my brain wont shut down this time. Kat lost her mom when she was two and Bilbo thought she was dead but really she was taken to an orphanage. My family adopted her a year later. But all good things come to an end. My parents died in an accident, causing my older brother, Kate and I to go to the orphanage where we stayed for two years. Lilith's mom then adopted us when Kat, I and my brother, Tommy, were 9 and we lived with her until we were around 20. But then just last year she passed away so yeah that's our story. Been together since we were 6."
I explained as I held Kate and Lilith's hand. Lilith looked down when I spoke of Mama's death. She still hasn't gotten over it.
"And you brother. What happened to him?"
Ori asked. I looked down, letting a single drop before wiping it and looked at them.
"He was killed when we were 18. He was walking home from work when someone threatened him with a knife and tried to mug him but when he refused, the guy stabbed him and ran. He left Tommy bleeding out on the floor in an alleyway. We found out a few hours later."
Kate was trying to keep herself together but I know she was having lots of trouble but that was the last straw for Lilith. She got up and left. It was too much for her.
Lilith and Tommy were very close. Hearing us talk about him hits a nerve because she hasn't gotten over it. She wanted to kill the guy responsible. After we lost Tommy, we all gave up a bit. Lily sorted doing weed and drinking, basically anything you can think of so numb the pain, Kate stopped eating and lost her spark.
Hell, she even stopped drawing and slept until 11 in the morning. I began self harming and staying in my room. My marks slipped and I slept all day. Mama couldn't handle that so she did everything she tried to stop our unhealthy habits.
She managed to help me get help after I was found lying on the floor, bleeding out from cutting my wrists and attempting suicide. It also seemed to make Kate realise the situation so she got back into art but she isn't eating as much as she should have. Lilith was the only one who just ignored mama and kept doing drugs and drinking. She even began sleeping around and having one-night stands which we didn't comment on because we didn't really mind that just as long as she was being careful and safe.
It was only after mama got sick that she stopped. She does smoke but not as much as before and she cooled down on the drinking. After we lost mom, she was tempted to go back to her old habits but we stopped her. Her death is still so painful for us so we aren't really over it. But we're trying and that's what is important.
All of the dwarves just looked at us with sombre looks but we have accepted our reality. Kate and I excused ourselves so we could check on Lilith and we found her sitting in the living room. She looked at us.
"I'm feeling a lot better, you two. I just needed to get out. It was a bit too stuffy. I promise I didn't do anything. I just had a smoke."
She got up and walked to us, pulling us into a hug. We returned it and pulled away before doing a special handshake that we had. We walked back to where Bilbo was and let's just say he was pissed. He was complaining about the dwarves to Gandalf. Ori then came up to me.
"Sorry, I hate to interrupt, but where should I put my plate?"
Fili then came up to him.
"Oh here you go Ori. Here, give it to me."
He then threw it at Kili who caught it while having a pipe in his hand and threw it into the kitchen.
We looked at the stack of clean dishes and over mouths flew open,
"What the actual fuck? That was so cool. You gotta teach us. Imagine how quickly we'd get the dishes down. Ooh I can see it now."
Lilith was literally fangirling but she's got a point. That was fucking brillant. Gandalf laughed at our childishness. We then heard a knock on the door. The entire room became stiff and serious and we all looked at the door.
"He's here" 
Oh boy. Here we go. Lets just hope Lily doesn't try to kill the guy. Not like the dwarves will allow that. This is gonna be interesting. The last thing I need is having to bury someone's body in the back yard because Lily couldn't control herself. Plus we read the book ad watched the movies so we know what's going to happen but even now its still feels like we never know what's going to happen. I just need to remember that I cant fall in love with Kili. I cant risk ruining the events of the story. Besides we were brought here for a reason and I think I know exactly what it is. I just pray to God or whoever the fuck is up there, that we wont fail because I don't think I can handle anymore death. 
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squigglywindy · 2 years
Squiggles Ranks the Chain
It's time to rank the chain.
I don't know why I did this. I really don't. It was hard. I love them all. And my favorites in general don't align with my favorites to write and this list is changing every day but here it is anyway. I've told a few people I was going to do this eventually, so here it is. The List. Go ahead, come at me. But do so understanding that I love them all dearly. But, I love some just a little bit more than others. Or, at least, relate to them and rotate them in my mind with more frequency.
Proceed at your own risk
@triforce-of-mischief @silvercaptain24
9: Time. Oh, Time. My guy. The old man. The tired Old Guy surrounded by youngin's. I relate to him in my soul. I love him, I want to hug him, I wish him all good things al the time. I love his dynamic with The Boys, his entire thing with Malon, all of it. But somebody had to be last. And at the end of the day, it's Time. Although my least favorite Link still occupies a bigger piece of my mind than any other fictional character ever, so there's that.
8: Twilight. Twi. My Brother In Y'all. My lil country wolf boy who I love so much. I wanted to put him higher; it was a struggle. Maybe it's because he's been dying for a year and we haven't gotten as much content to love him for; I dunno. Either way, somebody had to be number eight. I'm sorry my lovely Wolfie.
7: Legend. What a legend. (Hah, couldn't resist). I hated him for a long time. Yes, I was projecting my frustration with ALttP onto the poor guy, but still. I was stuck in the game when I started reading still am but that's not the point, and then there he was. And I was just 'ah no. It's him'. And then he seemed like a jerk, and I was just like: 'figures'. And then??? Whoooo boy this guy can fit so much character development into him! He's so sweet. He's so soft. He took me out in Sunset 13 with his lil face.
6: Hyrule. The fluffy lil dude. He's like a human puppy he's stinkin' adorable. He's my Swiss Army Knife when I'm writing; my guy has a tool for every occasion. He's just so soft and sweet and has magic hands??? Very cool. I don't have a lot of coherent thoughts to say about him but I love him very much.
5: Wild. Ah, Wild. The man I thought would be my blorbo. BotW has my heart, and naturally, I thought he would do. And he does! He's a little chaos gremlin. He's also Dramatic and I love him for that. I have so much fun writing him because literally anything goes and somebody out there will be like 'yeah. Classic Wild'. What can I say that hasn't already been said about this controversial lil guy everyone seems to either love or hate? What a maniac. Respect.
4: Warriors. I didn't have a whole lot of feelings about him before I started writing, ngl. Hadn't played HW, didn't really know who he was, all that jazz. And then I started digging in and oh my gosh I can't go two stories without beating him up I love him so much. He's my go-to projectee. I love to hurt him and look at him and I love the dynamic he has with everyone. He is Very Cool.
3: Four. He's just the whole package. A nice lil mashup of someone who has never done anything wrong in his life ever, and someone who has definitely killed someone with his bare hands. Not to mention he is Smol. Like lookit him it's almost like he could be a backpack (shamelessly references my own absolutely unhinged story). And? And??? He's chronically miserable I just wanna give him a hug.
2: Sky. I just love him. He's sweet, he's squishy, and he's just so darn relatable. Standing there. Left in the dust, because running is hard. Just chillin', watching the world pass by from whatever random spot he's chosen to exist in. It's like looking in a mirror. He just loves his brothers and wants them to be okay and he's just wonderful.
1: Wind. I know many of you probably didn't see this coming. I hope you braced yourselves for the surprise. Number one, Blorbo Prime, my number one scrunkle, The Windy Boy. Where to even start? He's just an absolute terror, hacking up the bad guys with the big boys. And his lil face? It's so smooshable. He is babey and menace all wrapped up in one. The child that I wrap safely in my trench coat until it's time to torture him again. He lives on a pottery wheel in my mind, spinning around at unimaginable speeds. The blorbo ever.

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twd-obsessed-bitch · 2 years
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I posted 3,316 times in 2022
That's 2,444 more posts than 2021!
455 posts created (14%)
2,861 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,229 of my posts in 2022
#twd - 243 posts
#the walking dead - 207 posts
#mads watches - 162 posts
#prev tags - 36 posts
#daryl dixon - 32 posts
#murderville - 27 posts
#personal - 22 posts
#tag game - 20 posts
#the walking dead series finale - 14 posts
#long post - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#i really prefer when they go enemies-friends-lovers because that mutual respect building right before they become idiots in love is just
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay friends I'm at the hospital due to my knee being a bitch (nothing new)
Here's the people in the ER waiting room as twd characters
Merle Dixon is the man that sat down next to me and told me three different life stories, he also isn't wearing his mask properly and is coughing (I'm doing great guys)
Glenn is the dude on his other side that's genuinely interested in what this 'merle' has to say
Lori is 'merles' fiancé and I only say that because this dude told me he's waiting to marry her but has to wait until she gets divorced
Andrea and Amy are the two sitting in the corner with a hand injury, Amy's the one injured
Carl's the teenage boy with a foot injury
Daryl is the lady on the side that is just blocking everybody else out and is on her phone
67 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
I don't know how many of you watched the talking dead last night so wanna just put this out here
This is how Christian wanted her characters story to end. She asked for it so that she could have the closure she needed.
This character was apart of her since season 4, that's 8 years she was playing Rosita. She asked for that ending so that she could say goodbye to a character she knew she would never play again.
70 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
The murder victim laughing while Kumail pulls the note from his mouth is peak comedy
103 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Imagining Rick and Michonne finally reuniting.
They're fighting the same horde from opposite sides and as it diminishes they see eachother. Rick sees her first,
Michonnes all decked out in her new armour so Rick doesn't immediately recognize her, just sees her as an ally that moves very familiarly he starts trying to move towards her to see if they can find an exit together,
Michonne see him and freezes. Just for a second, but long enough for a walker to get too close for comfort. He's older, has a beard again and is in something she knows her Rick would never wear if he was back home, but it's him.
She sees him coming closer and knows how he is. He's so sentimental, he hasn't seen any of his family in like 7 to 9 years at this point (after he left we had the 6 year jump and then we had like 3 other month long to year long jumps) she knows that if he realizes she's who she is that it'll get one or both of them killed, so she turns her back in his direction. Keeping herself shielded from him until the fight is over.
He yells at her, and as much as it absolutely rips her heart out to do so she ignores him, knowing she can't look at him fully just yet. He yells again, this time followed by a "there's an exit this way! C'mon"
She turns, keeping her face away from him, by this point he knows this 'mystery woman' is hiding something from him by hiding her face but he can't tell, he assumes its a CRM soldier that knows him. But he's Rick Grimes and at his core, he saves people.
It's alot of blood, guts, gore, and effort, but they make it out, into a building to hide out in, they barricade the door, working in tandem just as they used to, like not a day has passed since they last saw eachother, like nothing's changed, even though everything has.
Rick doesn't even need to get a full sentence out before Michonne is helping him with a cabinet, between the darkness of the building and the helmet on her head he can't make out her face. They aren't safe yet so she doesn't want him too, the moment he realizes she knows they're both going to freeze, to break. The doors boarded, the rooms safe, it's quiet except for their harsh breathing. Michonne is turned away from him. She still can't bring herself to believe its truly him even though she saw him. It was him right?
She takes her helmet off. Rick's breath catches in his throat as he sees her dreads fall out of the helmet, it can't be. Michonne turns, slowly, it's torturous, they're both holding their breaths.
They stand before eachother, facing eachother, both slowly taking the other in, processing that after almost a decade they're reunited.
It's really him.
It's actually her.
Rick's the first to move. Michonne is still struggling to process that he's actually alive, that he's actually in front of her, that he's moving closer, never in her life has she been as frozen as she is right now, except maybe when she looked at RJ for the first time.
Rick's hands are on her face, but it's his lips on hers that break her out of it. It's needy, it's possessive, it's like taking a breath of air after being underwater for a second too long.
It's everything she's needed since that moment she saw him blow himself up all those years ago.
It's hello, I'm sorry, I found you.
She pulls away from him, holding his dace in her hands and then she laughs.
He joins in, holding her back just as delicately, like if they held to hard the other would disappear in their fingertips in a puff of smoke. Like how it has happened in one to many dreams.
"Hi" is all she says, it's soft, softer than she's been able to be in too long.
"Hey," he returns, just as softly, "I've missed you."
That's what starts the next wave of emotions, the tears. Michonne's eyes well up before she can even process what she wants to say. Tears are free falling by the time she chokes out her next sentence mere seconds after the words hit her ears.
They talk, it's about all they do for hours, they settle in for a long night, hearing the dead bang on the doors that are secured. They find something that could have once resembled being comfortable. Rick starts a small fire, just for warmth.
They lay together, entwined in each other's limbs, every possible part of them touching the other, and they talk.
About what Rick's been up to, about Daryl moving into the woods to search for Rick, about how michonne went out everyday for months, searching for him. She conveniently leaves out that she was increasingly pregnant in those months, not knowing how to tell him that he has a son.
She tells him about Judith, how she's grown into a strong young woman, how she's exactly a mix of him and Carl. How brave she is and how she told Michonne to leave to find Rick. She tells him of the time she trusted somebody from the past and they kidnapped Judith, and that her and Daryl went through hell to get Jude back.
How Michonne couldn't bare to lose another piece of Rick.
Rick tells Michonne how he never stopped fighting to get back to them, but everytime he left, everytime he got close, the CRM came and stole him back.
Michonnes seen the soldiers, dead ones anyways. The only breathing one she came across was on his way out. Begging her to put him out of his misery. She did, in return for a map, and any information he could have about Rick.
She didn't get any. Just the map.
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the-real-tc · 2 years
Bad Business Ch. 9: Dark Horse Candidate
Author's Note: It's amazing how things change over time. When I first wrote this story, the name "Karen" did not have the negative connotation it has come to have in this post-COVID world of ours. I named a Dude Ranch guest "Karen", having no clue that years later it would be pejorative. In any case, I chose to keep the name, because it's a perfectly good name, and this "Karen" is one of the nice ones.
I'm afraid things still will not be much clearer, though danger is lurking closer. The end is also in sight, so hang on tight.
Chapter 9
Dark Horse Candidate
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Lou came to the difficult but nevertheless necessary conclusion she would have to kick all the Dude Ranch guests out for the next couple weeks.
"Lisa's family is going to need a place to stay," she explained to Jen over the phone. "They can't all cram into the ranch house, and we're not going to force them to stay in a hotel in town. Let the guests know I'm refunding them in full, but they need to be out right away. Give them an hour to clear out, give or take."
"All right, Lou. I'll get on it right away," said Jen after receiving her boss' request. "And I'm so sorry about Lisa."
"Thanks, Jen," Lou said. "I appreciate it. Let me know when all the guests are gone."
"For sure. 'Bye for now."
Heartland Equestrian Connections
Jen reluctantly knocked on the door to the main cabin. A homeschooling family of four had arrived only three days earlier; Mitch had taken them for a trail ride he turned into an impromptu educational nature walk on the first afternoon they had all enjoyed. Now, they would have to find some other accommodation for their vacation.
The door opened to reveal a forty-something woman dressed casually in jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt. "Yes?"
"Hi, I'm Jen, the Dude Ranch manager," Jen said, putting on the most professionally apologetic tone she could muster. "We met when you checked in. It's Karen, right?"
"Yes, that's right. What's going on?" asked Karen, a look of consternation creeping into her features. "Have the kids been too noisy?"
"Oh, no, nothing like that," Jen said easily, quelling the woman's worry. "I'm really, really sorry, but we have to close all the cabins right away."
"What? But we just got here the other day," Karen said in dismay, very evidently disappointed.
"I know—and you'll be reimbursed totally," Jen was quick to add. "But, um, there's unfortunately been a death in the owner's family, and she's made the decision to shut things down for the next little while."
"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that," Karen immediately uttered with sympathy. "How much time do we have to check out?"
"I don't mean to rush you," Jen replied. "An hour or so would be really great, though."
Before moving on to the next guest, Jen gave Karen all the necessary details for her compensation owing to the inconvenience.
"Hey, Mitch," Jen spoke into her cell phone. "Have you seen the guy from Cabin Two today? There's no sign of him here."
"Cabin Two? That's our 'Do Not Disturb' guest who just re-booked to the end of the month, right? No, I haven't," Mitch answered. "Last time I saw him was maybe two days ago when I offered to take him on a trail ride or a hike. He said he was okay and was keen to do some hiking on his own. I told him to watch out for predators since there have been some bear sightings again."
Jen nodded wryly. "Well, his truck is still here, so let's hope he hasn't met with some unfortunate accident. That's the last thing Lou needs right now."
"Yeah, no kidding," Mitch sighed. "What do you want to do?"
"Well, Lou wants the guests out of here as soon as possible. Can you take a ride around the usual trails and see if you find him?"
"Yeah, no problem."
"Thanks, Mitch. Let me know if you find anything."
"Excuse me," Karen said after Jen ended the call with Mitch. "I couldn't help but overhear—well, we couldn't help but overhear your talk about the guy in Cabin Two."
"What about him?" Jen asked, looking at Karen and the youngster by her side, a boy of about eleven years of age.
"My son just said he thinks he saw him last night," Karen said. "Go ahead and tell Jen what you saw, John-Paul."
The boy stepped forward. "I was kinda half-asleep," he started. "The sound of a motorbike or something in the distance got me up. Then I couldn't go back to sleep for a little while. Then I realised I had to use the bathroom. Well, the outhouse. When I came out from doing my—y'know—business, I saw someone out by the lake, well, on the deck by the firepit."
That grabbed Jen's attention. "Could you identify who it was?"
John-Paul shook his head. "Not really, but it was a guy, and he was bald, like the guy in Cabin Two."
"What time do you think this was?" Jen asked.
"Sorry, I don't know," John-Paul replied with a slight shrug. "It was dark, but the firepit was lit. The man's back was to me. It looked like he bunched something up and threw it into the fire. He was poking at it bit. Then I started feeling kinda guilty for spying on him, so I snuck back inside our cabin. I peeked out and saw him coming back towards the cabins. I'm pretty sure he went inside Cabin Two."
"Thank you for that, John-Paul, that's really helpful." Jen said, her mind turning over this new piece of information. So Mr. Cabin Two was here up to last night, if John-Paul is right. But if that's the case, where is he now?
"Is that all you need to know?" Karen asked.
"Yes, thanks," Jen replied. "Now we at least know the guy was probably here last night. He probably took off early this morning for a hike or something and still has not come back."
"Okay. I hope he shows up," Karen said. "And please tell your boss I'm sorry for her loss."
"I will," Jen said. "Thank you."
Heartland Equestrian Connections
After over an hour of aimless trekking along the trails normally reserved for rides and hikes, Mitch turned back for the cabins. There had been no sign of their missing guest.
"Nothing?" Jen asked when she saw him ride up.
"Not on any of the marked trails," Mitch replied as he dismounted from Maverick.
"That's just so weird," Jen said as she put her hands on her hips and frowned.
"I think it's time we ask Lou if we should open up his cabin," Mitch stated. "I don't care if he doesn't want his space disturbed. What if the guy had a heart attack and he's dead in there?"
Jen went pale in the face, mentally kicking herself for not considering that possibility beforehand. She swallowed. "You're right. I'll call Lou. I really think she should be here to open it up, just in case."
"Okay, so explain again to me why it was so urgent for me to be here," Lou said, wondering why her manager wasn't acting in a very managerial way.
"Because the guy in Cabin Two is still a no-show," Jen answered. "Mitch searched all the usual trails earlier, but he didn't find anything. It's suspicious."
"And he's booked right up to the end of the month, right?" asked Lou.
"Yes. And his truck is still here," Jen continued, pointing at the vehicle. "We've tried the cell number on file. It just keeps getting kicked to voice mail. Now, one of the kids staying here told me he thinks he saw our guy last night out by the fire pit, but he can't be sure. It was late, and it was dark, so, who knows? Lou, what if he's had a heart attack or something in there? I'd be way more comfortable if you're here for something like that."
"Right," Lou said with a pout. "I guess it's time we opened up that cabin."
Jen reached for the master key. "Let's go."
Cabin Two was in near pristine condition. Some of the occupant's clothes were folded on the bed; the latter had been neatly made up in almost military-like precision.
"He's not in here," Jen sighed, almost in relief, the earlier fear of finding him collapsed on the floor or dead of a coronary now vanishing from her thoughts.
Lou frowned. "But if he's not here, then where is he?"
Jen shrugged. "It is a mystery."
"I hope he isn't lost out there," Lou grumbled, glancing out one of the windows. "I might have to resort to getting in touch with his emergency contact on his forms. If he doesn't show up soon, I'll have to involve the police."
"All right, Lou," Jen said with a short sigh. "And once again, I'm really sorry about Lisa. This whole thing is so unbelievable."
"I know. But we'll make it through," Lou said, embracing the other woman briefly. "Thanks, Jen. You and Mitch are hereby excused from Dude Ranch duty for the next two weeks."
"Are you sure you don't want my help for when Lisa's family gets here?"
"I'm sure," Lou said. "We can handle it. Thanks."
After Jen drove away, Lou pulled out her cell phone and dialled her father's number. "Hi, Dad. We've managed to clear all the cabins except for Cabin Two. We can't find the guy who booked it anywhere, and neither Mitch nor Jen has seen him in a couple days. I'm not sure what to do about this. It's crazy. I'm worried."
"Don't be," Tim replied, uncharacteristically calm. "Honey, just call the cops, relax and let them handle it. Everything is going to be fine, okay?"
"Okay," Lou said doubtfully, willing herself to be calm while resisting the urge to ask about how Jack was doing. She wished he would just come home, but knew he needed the time and space away from everything for the present.
Rookie Hudson Police Constable Mike Becket frowned. The Missing Persons report he just tried to file for Samantha Louise Fleming was making no sense.
The name Dov Grosvenor, allegedly belonging to the man booked at Heartland Equestrian Connections, did not match any name in the Alberta Motor Association database. Worse, his truck's registration sticker was fake. Becket probed even deeper and brought his findings—or lack thereof—to his boss, despite knowing how busy he was with a murder investigation.
"Could be something, could be nothing, but we can't find a record of anyone with that name anywhere," Becket said to Chief Parker. "Not in the motor vehicle records, not in any employment records or taxes, no arrest records, zip. No one answers his cell, and his emergency contact number doesn't exist, either.
"He registered under a fake name and provided a false emergency contact number?"
"So it would appear, sir," Becket said. "Everything about him is fake."
"The lengths people will go to for privacy," Parker commented dryly.
"But the biggest red flag, sir? The registration sticker on his license plate is fraudulent," Becket said. "I think this has more to do than just wanting privacy. What should I do?" asked Becket.
"Well, you can't file a Missing Persons report for someone who doesn't exist," Parker said. "I admit it is very suspicious. But until this 'Dov Grosvenor' shows up, or until someone comes looking for him, there's very little we can do, legally. We have no real name and no details to go on. But if he does show up, you know we're going to have a lot of questions for him."
The dog would be a problem, of that much he was sure. No stranger could approach that ranch house during the night without her sounding the alarm. One bark from that animal, and the whole house would be on the alert. Already, there was too much coming and going; people stopping by to offer condolences; too much activity to be able to pin down when the vet would be alone in his barn office. He would have to find some way to get close enough to the mutt, maybe feed her a poisoned doggie treat or something. Whatever he did, it would have to be soon. There could be no witnesses left to what happened to the Stillman woman; no loose ends. Of course the risks were extremely high, but then the payoff would be, also.
Hudson Hawk: Your Eye on Hudson
A Blog.
May 5, 2019
Is it A Case of Mistaken Identity in the Deaths of Stanton and Stillman?
Your watchful Hawk has been tracking these two awful cases pretty closely. One thing to note is the fact Valerie Stanton and Lisa Stillman bear a superficial resemblance to one another. Both middle-aged. Both blonde with blue eyes. (See attached images for comparison.) Both well-known in the world-class equine community.
One fact this blogger learned from an anonymous source is Stanton was riding a horse belonging to Stillman at the time of her death. (Side note: That horse is very valuable; it is not outside the realm of possibility it could also be the target of greedy thieves, which brings to the table a potential motive for the murders of these women.)
But back to the original topic at hand: Is it possible Stillman was the original target, and Stanton was the unfortunate victim of mistaken identity?
Drop your comments or theories below.
I've got my eye on you, Hudson.
-Hudson Hawk
[Photos courtesy the Hudson Times]
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Comment: OMG that is so creepy! I think your right about this town use to be so safe, now I dont know what to think anymore. I just hope the police catch whoever did this awful things. I use to see Lisa Stillman in Maggies Diner. She seemed pretty nice. You'd think someone like her would be too stuck up to have coffee in a place like Maggies but she seemed pretty down to earth to me. I know there were rumors that Valerie Stanton was mean and snooty, but no one deserves to get killed like that. I mean she was just out for a ride. I'm almost afraid to go for a ride myself now with a crazy gunman on the loose. Thanks for keeping us informed like this Hawk.
Comment: Based on the pictures of the two women, I don't think there's any connection. They look nothing alike, really. It's more likely a coincidence. I heard Stillman was loaded, though. Maybe her husband did it. I heard rumours that Heartland ranch is barely scraping by. Weren't they the ones who were put under quarantine a few years back because of a Strangles epidemic and then again when there was an equine influenza scare, right? Business must have dried up because of that. Bet Stillman's widower stands to inherit a fortune with her out of the way. Easy fix to the financial problems they've been having. Sorry, just my opinion.
Reply: Don't be a dumb***, AlbertaBoy. That's such a load of bull****. I know this family. No, they're not "barely scraping by". Have you ever tried Heartland Beef sold at Garland grocery stores and served at Maggie's Diner? That's this family's beef cattle. There are no "financial problems" for them to fix. Next time keep your "opinion" to yourself.
- GreenRodeo
Reply: Touchy! Get a grip. I don't care if you know the family or not. You have to admit that it's fishy the police have not said anything about a motive, nor have they arrested anyone. And the last person to see Stillman alive was her husband. I'm just putting two and two together. Have a nice day!
- AlbertaBoy
Reply: And how is it you know Lisa Stillman's husband was the last one to see her alive? Go on, share your sources. If not, stop spreading dumb rumours. Hey, maybe you're the one who did it, if we're going to be throwing around baseless accusations!
Reply: AlbertaBoy's source: "Trust me, bro." LOL.
Amy opened the ranch house door after hearing a knock. Neighbours and friends in the community had been calling and dropping by in predictable fashion to express their sympathies, so this was not totally unexpected. What did surprise her was who was behind the door this time.
"Jesse? What are you doing here?" Somehow, the elder Stanton offspring was not on her list of likely visitors to Heartland. Memories of the way he had tried to ruin Ty surfaced at that moment, bringing with it long-forgotten anger she thought had been buried.
"Hi, Amy. I know I'm probably the last person you expected to see here, but of course heard about Lisa, and I..." Jessie said while shuffling his feet. "I, uh, wanted to give my condolences in person, and to thank you for your support after my mother... you know..."
She took in Jesse's earnest face and considered his stated reasons for being at Heartland. Val's death seemed to have changed him, and Amy had to acknowledge Jesse had steered clear of Ty ever since he dropped the assault charges. "Of course," she finally said. "Um, why don't you come on in?"
"Thanks," he said, sounding much relieved. He followed her inside where they sat down at the kitchen table.
"Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee? Tea?"
"A good stiff drink would be nice," he said with a sardonic twist of his mouth. "No, I'm kidding, Amy. I really don't plan to stay long. Thanks, anyway. How's Jack?"
Amy bit her lip while her heart took a dive. "He's... coping," she responded slowly. "He wanted some time away from everything, so he went to his fishing cabin for the next few days."
Jesse stared at her. "He went alone?"
"No. My dad went with him. Lou insisted on at least that. The last time Grandpa tried to grieve alone up there, he nearly drowned in the river."
"What about a funeral?"
Amy shook her head. "Not for a little while. Lisa's Aunt Evelyn is overseas right now and has begged for a little time to arrange her travel plans back to Canada. Grandpa didn't want to offend her by saying 'no'. Plus, Lisa had lots of friends in Europe who would want to come, too, so delaying a funeral makes sense right now. Her sister and Ben get in the day after tomorrow, though."
"Right, Ben. I remember when that guy was at Briar Ridge. I'm sorry, Amy," Jesse said. "I mean, I know Lisa wasn't related to you by blood, but I get that you loved and respected her as if she were. This has to be tough on you."
"On all of us," Amy sighed heavily.
Jesse looked at her carefully before speaking again, judging her mood. "Listen, I know things haven't always been easy between us; that my stupid jealousy ruined everything. But...If... if there's anything I can do..."
"I'll let you know," she said with a sad nod, filling in the unfinished sentence, taken aback by his admission of jealousy and his desire to be of some help.
"So, uh, how's Herring?" Jesse asked, awkwardly changing the subject.
"Yeah, he's doing really well, actually," Amy replied, somewhat surprised Jesse was concerned about the horse. "The bear's attack left more than physical injuries, but he's come a long way."
"Well, that's good news," Jesse said. "As you probably know, he was the last horse my mom got to ride. I keep thinking—as morbid as it sounds—Herring probably prevented that bear from dragging her body off..."
An involuntary tremor raced through Amy's frame. "Good Lord, Jesse," she murmured, trying to blot out the mental picture Jesse's words conjured up.
"Sorry," he said, averting his gaze before clearing his throat. "This whole thing has been brutal on all of us. I guess what I'm saying is I'm glad Herring is okay and that Ashley and I had Mom's body to bury. It wasn't the outcome we were hoping for when she went missing, but it could have been a lot worse."
"You're right," Amy agreed, desperate for another change in subject.
A hopeful expression replaced the anguished one on Jesse's face. "Can I—do you think I could see him?"
Amy gladly acquiesced. "Of course! Let's go to the barn."
They walked out into the yard, waving at Georgie as she vaulted over the jumps on Phoenix, Remi dutifully watching from the sidelines, as usual. Amy could not help but remember the time Val had briefly asked to train at Heartland.
"Did you know your mom once asked me to coach her?" she asked Jesse as they reached the stables.
"Really?" he said, a quick smile coming to his lips, as if thinking of happier times. "She never mentioned that. I guess this was when I was away at university in Toronto?"
"Yeah," Amy chuckled. "She told Grandpa it had something to do with her 'Happy List': a list of things she wanted to do that made her happy."
"Oh, was that after her first bout with cancer?"
"That's right," Amy replied. "Showjumping was one of those things."
"Why didn't she just get someone at Briar Ridge?"
"Do I really have to answer that?" Amy asked, a sly smile playing across her lips.
Jesse's face puckered into a puzzled frown for a moment, then understanding dawned. "Ohh, I get it. Coming to Heartland meant she could take time to visit with Jack, right?"
"Ah, that would be my guess," Amy replied.
"Heh. Ashley and I always suspected she was into him," Jesse said. "We thought it was gross, like most teens would."
Amy rolled her eyes. "Everyone knew your mom was 'into' my grandpa. Anyway, here he is," she said, coming to a halt at Herring's stall.
The wounds were healing nicely; Ty's ministrations and Amy's behavioural work—coupled with the intangible assistance from the Remi—seemed to be exactly what the horse needed to recover.
"Hey, boy," Jesse called softly. "How ya doing, huh?"
Herring's tail swayed once as if to acknowledge the greeting. He bent his long neck down to pull at some of the fresh hay lining the floor. Several mute moments passed while the pair watched this activity.
"Jack said some very kind things about my mom at the funeral," Jesse said at length, breaking the silence.
"Truthful things," Amy commented. "In the end, they were good friends."
"And she was grateful for that," Jesse uttered, growing serious again. "I know she was. I know Jack was there for her when she was sick. It should have been me—or Ashley, even, ferrying her to all those appointments, but I was away, and Jack really stepped up. Mom always said she didn't deserve to have such a loyal friend."
Amy reached out and gave Jesse's shoulder a comforting pat. Despite all the previous rancor between them, it seemed the right thing to do.
"Do you—do you mind if I just stay here for a little while longer?" asked Jesse, seemingly flustered by the effort of making the request. "My mother did have the idea she might buy him from Lisa. I don't know who legally owns him now—I guess that might be Jack—I, uh, I'm thinking maybe I might want to pick up where my mom left off."
"You'd want to buy Herring?" Amy asked, eyebrows quirked.
"Yeah, maybe," Jesse responded with a diffident shrug. "I don't know. Maybe I'm being stupidly sentimental, but like I said before, he is the last horse Mom ever rode, so I guess I feel some kind of weird connection."
"I get it," Amy said with a knowing smile, thinking back to how Spartan was the last horse she rescued with her own mother. That simple fact forged an unbreakable bond between them after Marion's sudden death. "Take as much time as you need, Jesse. I'll leave you two alone."
"You will never guess who came by today to express his condolences," Amy said when Ty returned from his shift at the clinic.
Ty raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"Jesse Stanton."
"You're kidding," Ty scoffed. "He actually showed his face at Heartland."
"He did," Amy said with a nod. "And to say he might want to buy Herring."
"Yup," Amy confirmed. "I don't know, Ty. I think Val's death really shook him. He said he felt like there was a bond between him and Herring, since that was the last horse Val ever got to ride."
"I didn't think Jesse was interested in riding," Ty said.
"No, I don't think it's about riding, necessarily," Amy explained. "I think it's more about taking in and caring for the horse that probably protected Val's body from being dragged off by the bear."
"Well, Herring sure would be treated like royalty if he ever went to live at Briar Ridge. You and I both know it's pretty ritzy. After Hillhurst, Briar Ridge is the most high-end training facility in this part of the province," Ty added. "I guess that guy really has turned over a new leaf."
Amy gave a short nod. "And since Ashley has no interest in being involved with running Briar Ridge in any way, Jesse's got to pick up the pieces by himself. I almost feel sorry for him."
"'Almost'?" Ty echoed, hearing the authentic note of empathy in his wife's voice.
"Okay, I do feel sorry for him," she corrected herself. "Even after all the bad blood between us and Jesse, you and I know first-hand what it's like to lose a parent. It's never easy, especially the horrible way Jesse lost Val."
"Come here," Ty said, stretching open his arms. She went to him and allowed him to embrace her snugly. He then planted a kiss on her forehead and they stood together for a few moments of silence.
"Mmm. What was that for?" Amy eventually asked.
"For being such a caring person," responded Ty. "Even when it comes to people who don't have any particularly redeeming qualities."
Dinner and baby bath-time were over. Ty and Amy had together read Lyndy a bed-time story and put her down for the night. After the horrific events of the preceding days, this routine was a welcome taste of normalcy. The child seemed to be unaffected by the sad, somber mood of the adults around her, and she went down easily in her crib.
The relative calm was about to be broken in the form of another unexpected emergency.
Georgie's cry rang out from the barn below.
"Georgie?" Ty answered back, wondering why his niece was shouting.
"Come quick!" the girl was half-way up the steps now.
"What's the matter?" Ty went to the top of the stairs and peered down, wishing she would lower her volume lest she wake Lyndy.
"Something's wrong with Remi!"
There was no mistaking the desperation in the teen's voice; this was clearly something dire. Amy was now beside Ty, also on the alert. Amazingly, Lyndy was still in dreamland.
"I'll be right there, Georgie," Ty finally responded as quietly as possible so as to still be heard, but not loud enough to rouse Lyndy.
"Please, hurry." Now that she knew she had been heard, Georgie lowered her voice, though both Amy and Ty noticed a quaver in her voice that indicated she was far from pacified.
Ty shoved his feet inside his boots and shrugged into his leather jacket. "I'm ready; what's going on?" he asked, opening the baby gate.
Georgie turned on her heel and careened down the stairs, two at a time. "Come with me!" she called. "Hurry! I think Remi's having some kind of seizure."
"A seizure?" Ty repeated with a touch of panic, increasing the speed of his own descent at this piece of bad news. Once in the barn office, he snatched up his vet kit. He raced across the yard behind Georgie to where she beckoned inside the ranch house.
In the living room, Lou crouched worriedly over the twitching dog. Remi's legs were paddling restlessly while a foamy saliva dribbled from her mouth. Ty noticed the rug beneath the dog was visibly wet, a tell-tale sign that Remi had lost bladder control.
"How long has she been like this?" Ty asked briskly, all business-like while pulling on a pair of gloves.
"Uh-a—about, I don't know, four or five minutes now, maybe?" Georgie replied shakily. "I'd just finished washing the dishes with Mom. I called Remi to go upstairs, and she—she dropped and started shaking like that."
"What's wrong with her, Ty?" Lou asked, her own voice indicating her deep concern at seeing the dog in this condition.
"I don't know for sure yet," Ty answered as calmly as possible. He knelt down next to the animal with a needle and syringe of diazepam. "Lou; Georgie, help me hold Remi, but stay clear of her mouth because she might snap and bite in this state."
The two of them drew closer to assist, and Ty managed to inject the drug into a vein in the foreleg.
Georgie asked: "What are you giving her?"
"Something to relax her," Ty replied, keeping note of how the dog was reacting to the medication.
"Valium?" Lou guessed.
"Yes, that's the generic name for diazepam," Ty said.
Georgie's worry still had not abated. "Is she going to be okay?"
"We won't know until we get her to the clinic, Georgie," Ty replied hastily. "The both of you, I need your help again. We need to move her to the truck right away. Georgie, find me a blanket that I can use as a kind of temporary sling."
"Right," Georgie said, and scurried off.
Knowing Cassandra had the overnight shift, Ty said to Lou: "Call Cass at the clinic and tell her I'm bringing Remi in because she's had a seizure."
"You got it," Lou answered, and went to make the call.
Seconds ticked by. Ty could hear Lou speaking with Cass; heard Georgie rummaging in the linen closet. The dog's manic twitching continued. If the relaxant did not start to work soon, he feared the outcome would not be very favourable.
He heard Lou say, "Ty said he gave her Valium. He's coming with her now... Yes... He's got to get her into the truck... Okay... Thank you, Cass."
Yes, thank you, Cass, Ty thought. Knowing his very capable colleague, she was already starting to prep the clinic with all the necessary medical tools, equipment, and drugs they might need so that upon arrival they could administer immediate help to the stricken dog.
"Good girl, Remi," Ty cooed while stroking her coat, relieved to see her spasms were starting to subside in the couple minutes since the diazepam had entered her bloodstream.
"Here's a blanket, Ty," Georgie said upon returning. "Sorry I took so long. It's an old one, so it doesn't matter if she soils it."
"Good thinking," Ty said. "Thanks, Georgie. She's calmed enough now. Let's slide it under her. Please get the door for me while I carry her. Okay?"
"Okay," Georgie said, rushing ahead of him through the kitchen. She opened the door and pushed the screen out of the way so Ty, burdened with the animal, could make an easy exit towards the vehicle. Next was the truck door. Amy appeared right then with the truck keys dangling from her finger and his wallet in the other hand.
"You'll need these," she said.
Ty looked at her with affection at her forward thinking. "Thank you," he uttered gratefully. Amy unlocked the truck and Ty deposited Remi gently into the passenger side.
"I'll be at the clinic," Ty said as he sat behind the steering wheel.
"Right," Amy said, choosing to refrain from delaying him with useless questions or comments.
Seconds later, the truck roared out of the yard towards town.
Next Day
"I got the bloodwork back for Remi," Ty announced as his phone dinged the message from the lab. As soon as the words left his mouth, the family instantly froze, their faces locked in expressions of apprehension. He paused, realising he should have schooled his features a little better. Feeling like the constant harbinger of bad news, Ty intuited they were expecting the worst. "It was poison. Strychnine."
A gasp escaped Georgie.
"Strychnine?" Lou repeated, immediately unsettled.
"It's common to use it around these parts to control the gopher population," Ty said.
"I know, but we don't use that at Heartland. Grandpa hates that stuff," said Lou.
"Exactly," Amy said heatedly. "Someone must have left baited food somewhere around here and Remi got into it."
"No," Georgie spat, shaking her head vehemently. "No way. I've made sure she hasn't been wandering off lately because of the bear sightings. I'd know if she did."
"Are you sure?" Lou asked, fixing her gaze on the teen. "You can't watch her 24/7."
Glumly, Georgie plopped back down in the couch. Lou sighed, placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Then how else could she have been poisoned?"
"I don't know," replied a baffled Ty. "I don't think any of our neighbours uses anything toxic like this, either."
Georgie spoke up again. "Do we call the police? Shouldn't Chief Parker know?"
"And tell them what? It's not illegal to use strychnine as a gopher poison in this province, Georgie," Lou said, hating in this instance to be the voice of reason.
"Well, it should be!" she shot back sullenly.
"I agree," Amy put in.
"Symptoms of strychnine poisoning in canines can manifest in as little as fifteen minutes," Ty said reflectively. "But they can also take up to two hours. Georgie, you said Remi was with you the whole time yesterday, right?"
"Yes," Georgie said, sending a glare her mother's way. "She never went outside alone. The only time she was outside was when I was jumping Phoenix and when I walked out with her to do her business."
"Well, since we don't keep strychnine in the house, how did she ingest it?" Amy asked.
"That I don't know," Ty said. "In any case, I took samples of the water and food from her dishes to be tested to rule them out as the source."
"We have to do something," Georgie said, eyes ablaze. "What if it is contaminated dog food? What if happens again to other dogs in Hudson?"
"We're gonna try to make sure it doesn't," Ty said as calmly as he possibly could. "We're still having the contents of Remi's stomach analyzed, so we might get a better idea of precisely what it was she ate that was poisoned."
"That's good, right?" Amy asked tentatively.
"It will tell us what, but it might not necessarily tell us how or where Remi was poisoned," Ty answered.
"Why is this even happening?" Georgie lamented miserably. Her eyes brimmed. "First Val Stanton, then Lisa... now Remi..."
No, Lou thought grimly. First poor Lanny and Paige. A chill descended upon her and refused to lift, despite the warmth of the day. So much evil.
Chapter 10: There the Vultures Will Gather
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gracefullou · 3 months
This may sound harsh, but...these festival sets are not for you. They're not tailored to his die-hard fans who've just seen him play all over the world on his international tour. They're for general festival audiences. Louis doesn't have any hits they know. He's giving them a couple of 1D hit singles that they might know, plus an indie cover. WDBHG is a 1D album track cover for the Directioners, but that's it. He's not catering for your wants. He needs to deliver a set that includes a few tracks that audiences might know. Songs that might be familiar enough to keep them watching so they don't get bored and walk away. You say that this is his chance to show general audiences his own music. But they won't stick around long enough to listen if it's an entirely unfamiliar set.
He's not catering to ANYONE 😭 except for larries and 1 deaders who don't give a fuck about his music. What is it with him and his "fans" thinking too highly of 1D and assuming everyone is a fan 😵‍💫. Those are songs from a decade ago, most of the crowd that he should target aka non fans/ 1 deaders do NOT know these songs. At most, people know wmyb, night changes and soml. He's only doing ONE festival in the UK where yes, it's maybe right to assume that people know and love the 1D songs. The screaming you hear at his concerts/ festivals is 1 deaders ripping their vocal chords off to make a point (we're here for 1D <3). And he doesn't have to do an entirely unfamiliar set. He has back to you and just hold on or even miss you (two of us too but i that's a very personal one so i get if he doesn't want to perform it for festivals). He's not even singing the LEAD single of his latest album (btm) for god's sake. Festivals is a give and take between artists and the crowds. Yes, you make sure they're enjoying their time but on your terms, listening to your music. The whole point of these festivals is to show them your music, what's the point if it's going to be mostly covers. And i am seeing this from the gp point of view. Even going with y'all logic and assuming that everyone knows and loves one direction, if i go to festival and attend the set of an ex-boybander who after 9 years of that band break up still performs 3 covers from said band and 4 overall, i wouldn't check his music out even if i had the absolute best time bc it just sends the message that this guy hasn't moved on yet. Also, not only the covers but their timing is so not on point. Man took the tour setlist, scrabbed off the fitf songs, kept his dear covers and called it a day. Unfortunately, it does NOT make a nice flow, the transition between songs is painful to watch. And believe me, i know now that this festival run is not for me. Louis made sure i got the message <3
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Liveblogging notes for Ep 10.
Belated episode 9 reflection - Kim grew up in a world without innocence. He's what, ~4 years younger than Kinn? So was that much younger when whatever happened to their mother, and when Khun's kidnapping took place. He has a kind of caution that results from putting an observant child on the periphery of fucked up situations.
On to the episode.
Porsche has dropped the polite mode when he talks to Vegas? And now he's run off with him? Leaving Kinn hoping he hasn't just made the biggest mistake of his entire life??
Back to Chay. So was there a makeout session here, or a nap or...? Entertaining contrast from their older siblings' sex marathon.
Oh no, Kim.exe has crashed. You really are a Theerapanyakul; total fail at intimacy. Give yourself some time. More food, hm - but it doesn't get eaten.
Wow, broad daylight kidnapping Chay. There certainly is more plot happening all the sudden.
Kinn back to the power suits, no more cuddly. Big is suspicious. I kinda like how he always has his hands in his pockets? I don't know why.
Oh no Pete you just broke my entire heart with that speech. So brave. (I was so glad when he legit did find something useful.) Back on my chess metaphor, this is when his "piece" gets promoted from pawn to... knight, maybe? It goes unremarked in the dialog, but he has literally switched sides here. Would he have gone back in there on Kinn's orders? Absolutely. He wants to do it for Porsche.
Your writers know absolutely nothing about computer security. And how the hell did Tawan get out of the place? Oh right, mole.
Well this is getting very democratically unpleasant.
Tawan is legit pathetic. Still kinda gross. I can never get over how (relatively) short Vegas is. Porsche is SO confused. Vegas finally clues us in regarding his long game. It's evil! I love it! Porsche, wasn't untying yourself day one training?
This is probably the biggest family gathering Kim has attended in years. He's got Chay and Porsche is probably like who the fuck is that?! never mind, gotta fight people.
NOOOOOOOO I knew it was coming but damn. :( RIP perpetually annoyed supporting character, you deserved better. I hope Kim writes you a beautiful song.
Oh Kinn you will not let him live nobody's buying that.
Wow Vegas says a lot of shit. Even Porsche is like WTF that is messed up?? Spoilers did not prepare me for this whole Tawan/Vegas side story. Just put this guy out of his misery, yikes. Not right now, given that you're directly in one another's line of fire though.
That did indeed end poorly -- very much so for Big and Tawan, a little less for Chay, and kinda for Vegas who is now in a lot of trouble.
Kinn smoking this is new? Any chemical coping mechanism in a storm I suppose; this was not a good night for him.
I'm not sure if I'm going to watch the Pete/Vegas stuff or not. I hesitated to watch the show at all on account of this plot. Not here to harsh on anyone who likes that part of the story, just not my personal jam. Gotta say that is some intense eye contact there though. (What is with this show and freshman actors in major roles absolutely knocking it out of the park?)
Gun (? I've seen his name romanized like three different ways now) is pissed. Hard power vs. soft - we would never see Korn do something like that... himself.
Family meeting. Kinn's already down to the bottom of the glass (once I notice stuff like this I can't stop, sorry). "Your guy who betrayed us" nice verbal positioning there Gun. Khun not letting him get away with it, good job. Not quite ready to throw Vegas under the bus, eh.
Interesting micro-nod from Kinn there. He is so annoyingly hard to read in this setting. That was after Gun's line about punishment - an acknowledgement that yeah, he does want that, so what?
He lost Big, Could have lost Porsche. Chay's gotten dragged into it, which has dragged Kim into it. No matter how generally inured you are to violence, having your ex-lover shoot himself in the head three feet away is a little rough. And as much as he and Vegas hate each other, I doubt Kinn's thrilled that things have gotten to this point.
Gutsy move there, Gun! Korn would never kill him though (not with an audience anyway, or unless a last resort). That would completely upset Korn's whole meticulously arranged system. Gun (probably) knows that, and by forcing the question he removes the possibility that he'll get shot right now from the table.
Korn also (again, probably) won't let Kinn do it, and right now he is the bigger threat; Gun's eyes are mostly on Kinn in this scene, not his own brother. At Korn's "someone must be responsible for this," Gun looks at Kinn, who has another of those almost invisible nods. (There's his intro scene energy again. Mom must have been an interesting person. The main family and Kinn personally are surrounded by water, which is feminine? I don't know much about Thai symbology. Was she the last good chess opponent Korn had?)
Korn isn't going to let Kinn kill Gun for the above reason that he wants Gun right where he is, also because it would hand off way too much authority to Kinn, and finally (I suspect) because he wants to kill Gun. You can't go around letting people do things they find satisfying, what fun is that. (If Gun will hand over Vegas, though? Kinn can kill him, no great loss--or vice versa? Vegas is controllable. Kinn has been erratic lately. Just musing here, back to the episode.)
Victory doesn't come from taking advantage of the weak? Dude that is literally your entire livelihood. Making Gun accept that label of weak in public is far better than shooting him as far as Korn is concerned. Gun watching Kinn finish his drink, both of them aware that he would have pulled the trigger.
Still smoking. Stress-induced reversion to an old habit? They're arguing, but they're talking; I'll take it. Just gonna kiss the stupid out of each other, huh. Outside in broad daylight though, y'all getting reckless. Also getting better at fighting and making up like regular people. Kinn is not relying on vibes and sex, but explicitly checking in to agree the argument is over (a thing lots of people with much more relationship experience never learn, tbh).
So Chay wants Porsche to quit - not surprising - and it seems like Porsche is not inclined to? And Kinn kinda forgot about Pete...? On the other hand, at least there's besotted looks and cuddling.
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