#gullible worms!
madamecricket · 2 years
introducing: zouxls kaard and rarbon!
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triglycercule · 23 days
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wahhh wahhh triglycercule post more NON jk fashion au related content i whisper as i post this. double post today because i genuinely love jk!dream and also if i dont post the dreamtale twins together i will actually die! you might consider her crazy way of somehow getting into trouble a form of bad luck but i see it as more of a being too pure for the world meeting a world that's not all that great. jk!dream lives up to her name she is a idyllic dream
valedictorian. practically a million extra curriculars. she can sing she can dance she can cook she can do advanced math she can fix a car jk!dream is everything jk!nightmare isn't (a loser). the types of trouble she gets into though aren't manmade (like some guy trying to rob her) but instead are naturally occurring. like one day the dreamtale household washing machine explodes because dream used it and coincidentally it was because it was faulty or something like that. really really crazy coincidences
nightmare is a fighting force in keeping her little sister alive i swear to god. she has to monitor dream a lot and when she can't she gets one of the mtt to do it for her. because if she doesn't there is bound to be something that hurts her. and because jk!nightmare is an absolute fucking loser who's stupid she came up with the genius idea of roleplaying a bigger issue than the one that dream's about to encounter (because then she gets to keep her safe and also feed into her pretend villian persona). like for example with the washing machine thing earlier nightmare would probably distract dream with some sort of evil monologue and then put her own load in the washer before she could. that way it won't FUCKING EXPLODE (comments from currently existing jk fashion au sanses :3)
"ah, my younger kin, dream. quite an enigma she is. on one hand, she's the epitome of perfection. even i can admit that, for she's loved by our school, family, and i. but of course, like all aside from i, she has her faults."
"for example, last week, our bloodline was strolling around the kingdom on the search for a new mirror of truth, as the one in our castle bathhouse had shattered. how did that happen? uh, i might've maybe... i shall maintain secrecy."
"returning to the point, dearest dream had almost lost herself in the shopping district, claiming she had seen a lost puppy in a mirror that she wanted to help. a chivalrous reason indeed, but my, dream can be quite... foolish sometimes. nevertheless, blood is thicker than water, and our bond has never been closer."
they still love eachother in this universe because there was no corruption thing. also nightmare's bullies were just other elementary school kids in this au so it wasn't like fully grown adults vs a 6 year old at least. she's recovered from it (somewhat) and doesn't blame dream. dream's too perfect for anybody to hate her. dream supports nightmare's delusion and nightmare keeps her alive. equivalent exchange (dream has no idea nm is doing this. ok now the mtt‼️
"oh. my. god. dream? like, dream dream? she's literally my idol, i love her so much! i'm the 7th member of her fanclub out of like, the entire school, which is like 300-ish students! she's cute, and pretty, and she gets this a lot, but her voice is literally like an angel's~ i've never heard what a hymn sounds like, but it probably sounds like dream's voice. and no matter how much i search up online, i can never find any dirt on her too! she's got a perfect online footprint! huh? why was i searching dream up? eh... haha... let's move on~"
"dream? she's really cool. there's a reason she's part of the star students at this school, along with swap and ink. nobody really knows what it takes for someone to become a "star student" though. none of the students know, none of the teachers either. apparently it's a title given to a student specifically from the principal? still, dream probably deserves it though. she's good enough to win a nobel prize. one day she's gonna cure cancer or something."
"oh, dream? that girl with the angel halo crown thing? yeah, i know her. she volunteers at the dog park i bring my dog to, the bakery i go to get snacks, the local art museum, the ice cream shop during summers, nightmare's gang, the... car dealership? wait, hold on. how many volunteer opportunities is this girl doing? is she not getting paid? that has to be illegal. or at least some form of monster rights violation..."
both of the jk!au dreamtale twins are soooo silly i love them. the more and more i elaborate on jk fashion au the more i realize that this is just turning into sans aus but anime tropes but its okay i like it its funny. jk fashion au was always meant to be silly and slice of life and fluffy anyways. anyways i love her i'm literally her number one fan. i mean i AM the principal of this school aftersll,,,,,, this really was our,,, jk fahsion au. says dream at the end of the au (there is no end because this au has no lore what am i talking about
#i love coming up with dumb ideas for the jk fashion au its SO FUN#originally this started because i was like. huh. no nightmare corruption event (i mean jk!nightmare's corrupted but not in THAT way)#so i cant keep the canon personality that dream has. but wait. young dream. naive dream#and so thats what i did. dream's a naive gullible selfless chivalrous dumbdumb#but i was like ughhh it would be funny if i made her cool and amazing to go against jk!nightmare's embarrassing delusion#so thats how i got here. the sparkles surrounding her ARE an aura of sorts#she's just so perfect she LITERALLY sparkles#i was GIGGLING drawing dream watching a fucking WORM in awe. GIRL ITS A WORM#shes probably thinking omg life is so beautiful and wonderful and even this worm can find something to live for even if its to exist#and then she leaves the worm and a thunderstorm begins#jk!nightmare is DESPERATELY calling her to get home because she knows dream's gonna get struck by lightning soon#the world hates her but she loves the world. the WORLD. not monsterkind. EARTH hates her#shes actually so cute though wtf. all the jk au designs are. jk fashion is naturally cute#i love the little angel wings i gave her crown. that way the crown can be a halo and she has the wings to go with it#and the HANDS the FINGERS i gave her on that second little doodle........#girl i know youre fictional but youre my age and way out of my league so lets work something out here#laughing now i just imagined dresm getting swept up into a tornado and she's just appreciating earth's suddenness#dream sans#nightmare sans#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#bad sans gang#nightmare's gang#utmv#sans au#tricule art#jk fashion au
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Lucky!! a weredog trail guide who accidentally gets tied up with a pack of (murderous) werewolves. He’s also Augusta’s twin brother!
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nofacednerd · 11 months
I love episodes like this where were occasionally reminded that the main four are actually extremely intelligent, especially Boimler who's usually just used as comic relief (mostly in earlier seasons)
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neechees · 2 years
My aunt is like stupidly into conspiracy theories & literally believes ANYTHING she sees on the internet, & now she's got my kohkum believing in Russia propaganda she found & is convinced Ukraine is actually oppressing Russia & that Russians & Putin are the victims & I literally don't know how to stop her from believing all the stupid shit she believes, because whenever I try to reason or convince her, she brushes it off
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hamartia-grander · 7 months
CRAZYYYY seeing people say they think Wyll is boring because he's a stereotypical hero character with no other personality. You have fallen for his facade. He is single-handedly the best pretender of them all and you fucking fell for it. You gullible brainless worm
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silli---lilli · 1 year
The Only Hoax I Believe In
Simon Riley had worked for months to figure out exactly what the new Sergeant was up to. Johnny Mactavish had treated him strangely since they met, and he was not one to let some shit like that go.
In Las Almas, Ghost had hung back for Soap, barely knowing him, and he'd had to get to the bottom of his own actions then, too, because getting him out alive had become his only goal. More important than any other aspect of the mission. That was strange.
And then Soap hadn't thanked him and not moved on. He'd thanked him and stuck impossibly close to his side then. Simon had thought for a bit that maybe he was just showing gratitude but, then came questions.
Soap wanted to know about his home, he asked about his tattoos, and how he chose the design for his mask. He wanted to know how Simon took his tea and what he missed about being off duty and if he thought he'd ever retire. Simon answered him, respectfully, but he began to feel curious and then wary and then downright manipulated. Because he always answered in a way that had previously earned him his solitude, but Johnny had stayed.
Johnny had stuck beside him. It was Johnny in his ear, guiding him, it was Johnny's quiet voice in the kitchen when neither of them could sleep, it was Johnny's burning cigarette that lit his in a great show of his own weakness. It was Johnny who looked at his uncovered face like it was normal and beautiful and not monstrous and gruesome. But he didn't ask why Simon chose to cover it. He let him have his reasons, and respected them.
He had decided it was a trick, a great hoax the man was playing. He was smart enough, bright enough, mischievous enough, and there was no way he actually wanted to be that close. He was waiting for the moment Johnny pointed and laughed at him and all the others laughed along with him.
It was one of those nights, with the cigarettes, when he finally said something about it. To get ahead of the humiliation.
"How long you gonna keep this up, Sergeant?" His voice was steady and hollow, he didn't want Johnny to know he was afraid of the answer. Of being shown his own gullibility.
"Smoking?" Johnny pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and inspected it. "Until it kills me, I suppose."
Simon just looked at him.
"What?" Johnny frowned, realizing the tension in the man beside him.
"I mean this." Simon motioned vaguely between them.
Johnny slowly lowered his hand and stared back. Simon could see he was relaxed, not tense as if he'd been found out. "You want to stop?"
Then, it angered him. He wasn't stupid enough to get caught up again. "Well its not anything real, is it?"
Johnny nodded then, and notion he'd had earlier confirmed. "You don't believe someone could just want to be around you, Simon, do you?"
Simon questioned himself. Whether or not he was right about the whole thing, the question was valid. "I've chosen to believe it, for now, but I'd rather end it quietly. Not make a scene."
"That what you want? To end it?" Johnny sat up straighter. "I'm confused, Simon, I thought you were okay with me being around."
"I don't know." He admitted, which was a worse vulnerability than he'd uncovered at any point before.
"Well I do." Johnny turned to face him, placing his free hand behind his back to fight the urge to touch him. "I get it. But it's no game I'm playing, LT, and maybe it's my reckless nature or impulsive tendencies but I'd like to keep this up." He took another drag. "If you'll allow it."
"It's not one of your grand schemes?"
Johnny chuckled. "I'm flattered, but no. I just like you. Maybe I should have said that sooner."
"I wouldn't have believed you." Simon looked down at his gloved hands, shame worming his way into his heart. Maybe he shouldn't have doubted someone he knew to be truly good.
"And now?"
"I don't know." Simon repeated.
"Well I'd be happy to prove it. I love a good challenge."
With that, they quieted. Johnny became more vocal about why he stayed close and Simon decided that even if it was some grand trick, whatever pain came after it was revealed was worth the warmth of letting himself believe it in the moment.
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amyriadofleaves · 7 months
outside it starts to pour — neuvillette | chapter three
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synopsis: in the limelight of fontaine, the prying eyes of its people never truly tears their gaze off the iudex and you, the présidence du conseil d'état, which makes for baseless rumours to fester and echo throughout the theatrics of opera. you and neuvillette are challenged by the reputations the both of you are expected to uphold, and the weighty decision to navigate these intricacies rests upon the discerning judgement of fontaine's archon.
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ao3 : wattpad  ˚ .˚ 
⌗ pairing : neuvillette x fem!reader ⌗ feat : neuvillette, reader ⌗ warnings : not rly ⌗ word count: 4.4k
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You arrive at the Palais a little shy before sunrise. Every step you take is light as your thoughts are consumed with the necessity of signing paperwork before your meeting with Clorinde, and your fatigue suddenly becomes the least of your worries. Your steps speed in a flurry of excitement of the events of today (you are so excited, even, that the whole marriage debacle flies over your head — but you are acutely aware of the uneasiness that brews at the very pit of your stomach). 
Oh, you haven’t felt so happy since you were a meek, frail little excuse of a lawyer, excited for your first day at work. You even wave at everyone present in Palais Mermonia, and smile widely upon seeing Sedene, to which she regards with a questioning look. She scratches her head while she’s at it, almost calculating what she should, and should not say. She decides she will be in your good graces today.
“Why aren’t you early today!”
You sniff, wiping your eyes. “Well, it’s not like I could get any sleep, really — I was as awake as an owl the whole night!” Before Sedene can get a word out, you interject enthusiastically, before taking a sip of your coffee: “You know what they say: early bird catches the worm!”
The Melusine’s expression turns stoic, and almost playful. “Are you merely saying this to hide the reality that you're having trouble sleeping because of the marital arrangement?”
Gracelessly (like there was any graceful alternative), you spit out your drink. Ah, so that was what all the uneasiness was about. The events of last night were a blur, but you briefly recall the bitter taste of alcohol on your tongue and a creeping headache blooming — but what was fun without its consequences? A few painkillers and your day would go on without a hitch. Instead of wallowing in self-pity for too long, you beg a question: “Erm, Sedene? Who told you this?”
To your dismay, her face lights up. “Oh. My. God. So it is true! You are to be my aunt! You are marrying the Chief Justice of Fontaine—” Before she is given the opportunity to say another word, you kneel down to muffle her words with the palm of your hand, hastily looking around to see if anyone had heard her.
“I repeat myself, who told you that?”
She replies in earnest, and you cannot help but feel your heart thawing again. Melusines are infuriatingly adorable, and in turn they are your weakness; You cannot, no matter how hard you try, feel even the slightest bit of resentment for their gullible behaviour. In response to your question, she points to the other Melusine, her head in a book, at the end of the hallway. “Kiara told me so — says that she and Liath were hiding behind the Chief Justice’s couch listening in to the ‘arrangement’.” Sedene brings both of her hands to her shoulders and air quotes the word ‘arrangement'. How cute.
So that accounted for the strange movement behind one of the couches. You crack a smile at the notion that Sedene wouldn't have heard the end of it for so readily spilling such a secret if this was some parallel universe where she and the others were simply humans instead.
Another one’s elation is another’s despair, however, and you lament ever choosing to stay in this hell of a place. “If you keep going on like this I’m going to have to find another post to work at before all my secrets get exposed, Sedene. Well — if you’ll excuse me, I have work to attend to.” You give her a pained smile, and ignore the crack of your knees as you begin to stand up. How unfit I am, you curse.
Letting your forehead thud against the desk, you bear the weight of boredom and exhaustion settling in the dull ache echoing through your office. You tell yourself that there is only an hour before you can leave to meet your soulmate from a land far, far, away. Clorinde, what a girl she is, so hard headed yet so sensitive all the same. Laughing at this sentiment, you shake your head before dipping your quill in the pot of ink before signing more papers. 
“Pipe leakage… recent case solved…” you read to yourself, humming lightly in the chill of your office. You smirk at the lack of any papers regarding the marriage and wish deeply that what she said was just, purely in jest.  
You eye the two stacks that sit on both sides of your desk with pride: the proportion of signed and to-be-signed papers were in your favour, and you flick through the unfinished stack and find your fingers coming empty handed faster than usual.
The dread you felt this morning settles in once again, and you scrunch your nose in distaste. You pray that Lady Furina has forgotten about the whole proposal, and instead has thought of a better, more rational method of addressing her defamation. Though you find her indisputably repulsive, you clasp your hands together in prayer that she would pity a mere mortal like you and save you the trouble. You omit Monsieur Neuvillette out of the equation since you doubt he quite fits into the bill of a ‘mere mortal’.  People were of the general opinion that he was not quite human. After all, what kind of person is able to live that long? You set the thought aside, and realise your work here is done. Early weekend it is! 
You stand from your seat and make your way to the door to leave — but your pace hiccups at the sound of distinct metal clad boots echoing through the Palais. Who it is is unmistakable. This, you know absolutely. Back to the door, you anticipate the dulling of his steps with great anxiety. You hold your satchel tightly to your chest like a lifeline, not daring to breathe.
It feels like centuries before the footsteps cease, and you take this as your call to leave before anyone can question your early departure. You gulp nervously gingerly twist the knob to your door.
The worst time your intuition can fail you is now, and it does, matter of factly, fail you.
There the Chief Justice stands, just right outside your office, fist hovering where it would’ve knocked on the door had you not opened it mere seconds before he decided to do so. It would be a lie to say you aren’t stunned, and you hope to god he doesn’t notice the surprise that comes to flicker over your face.
He brings his arm down to rest right by his hip, and gives you a tightlipped smile. “Here I was thinking you left already.”
You take in the neater braid he now wears as opposed to the hairdo he sported yesterday, and you do not know what to do but gesture to it lamely. “I presume the Melusines made short work of… whatever style you’re rocking today.” In an awkward attempt to make yourself loosen up, you lean stiffly on the doorframe. What is wrong with me? Who in the hell says ‘rocking’? Am I stupid or am I stupid?
“Why yes, I am very proud of the final product indeed. What ever shall I do without them?” He seems to think deeply at the possibility, and his expression sours a little, like that of a dejected puppy.
You titter slightly. How dense can this man be? “Surely, you’re aware that I'm joking?”
Neuvillette, in fact, is not aware of this. Quite frankly, he is confused at your change in mood, the what seemed to be a perpetual frown on your face turned upside down for once. “Yes, I am aware. Do not worry.” He is confused at himself, too. Since when was he one for white lies?
Clearing your throat, you look him in the eye. “So… what brings you to my office?”
“I presume it would be best to bring this matter inside, if that is alright with you?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
You notice that he is as tense as ever, and so you offer him a seat.
As he settles into the cosy confines of your office, he finds himself surprisingly at ease. Surveying the artwork adorning the walls and the cherished photographs adorning the shelves, he detects a distinctly human touch. One image, in particular, catches his eye: a photograph featuring you and your mother. He eyes it for a while, picking out the features that he finds similar between your mother and yourself. What a striking resemblance, he thinks. 
Crossing your arms, you shake your head a little. “I am sorry monsieur, but my schedule is kind of tight today so I’m gonna need you to jump straight to the point.” You slightly wince at the sharpness of your tone, but the man sat in front of you does not seem to acknowledge this whatsoever.
“Ah, yes — I am sorry. And please, just call me Neuvillette. We are to be wed after all.”
If you still had any of the coffee you drank earlier in your mouth, you would have soiled the Chief Justice's robe!  You thank yourself that it happened with Sedene instead of Neuvillette. Not that it was any better with Sedene, but...
You try your very best to hide your clammy hands underneath the desk. “And… where’s the confirmation? I haven’t heard from Lady Furina since…”
Neuvillette itches the back of his neck with a sort of expression you associate with the likes of something unpleasant. This is certainly a first. A flustered Neuvillette? “You see, that was what I was to discuss with you.” 
You gulp as he hands you a stapled contract and ignore the flutter in your chest when your hands graze for a second. Despite his previous affirmation to your suspicions, you still persist to deny that this has nothing to do with the proposal. 
You are terribly wrong. Lady Furina hasn’t forgotten. Before taking a look at the paper, you brace yourself for the inevitable.
Matrimonial Accord: This contract is entered into on this by [13/09/XX] and between [17/09/XX]:
Party A: [Chief Justice Neuvillette]  and  Party B: [(Name)]
Whereas, both parties agree to enter into a simulated matrimonial union for mutual benefit; 
Now, therefore, in consideration of the covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows:
I will definitely find a way to rectify the mistakes of Poisson, so you sly woman — you know who you are — do not berate me so!
You quirk a brow. Peering closer at the paper, you notice that this sentence was penned in between the lines; you come to realise that there is a jarring difference in the handwriting, and realise that it is Furina’s doing. 
Terms and Conditions:
Duration: The ‘marriage’  shall be in effect for a period of six months from the effective date unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement.
Public Appearances: Both parties shall make appearances as a newlywed couple at designated events, including but not limited to diplomatic receptions, state dinners, The Opera Epiclese, and similar functions.
Acts of Public Affection: The parties agree to engage in acts of public affection as deemed necessary and encouraged to maintain the appearance of a genuine marital relationship.
Proposal: A grand and dramatic proposal event shall be staged, adhering to agreed-upon guidelines.
Publicity: Parties acknowledge and accept that the faux marriage is intended for public perception, and both parties shall cooperate in presenting a united front to the public.
Either party may terminate this agreement with written notice to the other party if there is a breach of any provision herein or for any reason mutually agreed upon.
Governing Law:
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Fontaine.
In witness whereof, the two parties hereto have executed this Matrimonial Accord as of the Effective Date. Remember to not be surprised at the publicity; it is the whole point after all — my name shall be cleared!
[Chief Justice Neuvillette]  [Date]
[(Name)]  [Date]
Abruptly, you look up at the Iudex and notice him staring at you with intent. You hold it unwaveringly, and note that it is as if he’s looking through you rather than at you. “She barely contributed to writing this, did she?”
Neuvillette straightens his frame, seemingly rehearsing what he ought to say, lest something were to come off wrongly and this whole contract be damned. He coughs into his fist. “The first and original copy was… something of no merit, demoiselle. This was the most I could do to mitigate the foolishness of her terms, forgive me if they are still not in your favour.”
You shut your eyes in denial, pinching your wrist to hang onto one sliver of hope, that maybe ─ just maybe — this was a dream. 
You toss the contract curtly onto the desk that separates the two of you. “In my favour it is not, monsieur. I do not wish to sign this.” You flat out decline, dispelling any arguments you know are to be posed if you had elaborated any further.
Neuvillette’s look wavers, and he slightly wilts at your adamance to keep formalities — but he chooses to make no fuss of this just yet. “But you must. Please, this is for your sake.” He fully expected this, yes, but to be flat out rejected with no room for discussion shook him greatly.
You shoot a hand up in the air in exasperation. “Is this for my sake or Furina’s sake? Hm? I just — I can’t do it. I know, I know six months is not long. But to keep up an act — let alone pretend like I’m in love — it’s just too taxing and I know I won’t be able to do it.” You shoot a hand up in the air in exasperation.
The Iudex prepares himself to say what he never expected to in all the years he’s been alive. Do not fret, madame, for it is not your solitary responsibility. I must admit, it's a situation I hadn't anticipated, and I, too, am thrust into it. There's an undeniable obligation on my part, and, well, it's an unexpected predicament for both of us.
This does not do much to shake your resolve.
His eyes plead for you to listen, and you swear on your life that this is the most distressed you've ever seen him. “Lady Furina will surely see to it that you face some semblance of punishment. And madame, I clarify that I have, indeed, tried to convince her otherwise — but she has not relented —”
The steeling glare you shoot him is enough to cease his tangent — but defeated as he is, he still manages one last plea. “Please, kindly take it into consideration.”
Biting your lip, you weigh the infinite possibilities that lie in the palms of your hands. It is strictly only six months, the marriage isn’t even real, you advise yourself, ignoring the other gnawing voice that is screaming at you to say no. But there has to be a catch! another voice insists, and you are stuck in a limbo of yeses and noes for what seemed a little too long for comfort. 
This is a pivotal moment for yourself and your career. It will undoubtedly either embarrass you or elevate your status in the eyes of those who are waiting with bated breath for any error to take advantage of. Not that this is anything new; you recall vividly the expressions of scepticism from those who sat before you at the Opera Epiclese, questioning the veracity of your judgement — your privileged, yet tainted background a harbinger for disaster.
Dragging the contract back to your end of the desk, you give it a brief once-over. This time, your eyes catch onto the lack of conditions set by Lady Furina. How incompetent, whether you are scolding her or yourself, you are unsure. 
You draw in a long inhale, and level your eyes to his. “I’ll do it.”
His eyes widen in surprise, and he lets out a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you’ve come to agree with the terms.” You are slightly irked at the breaking of his character, but nod your head nonetheless. You reach for your quill, and your hand hesitates before the ink soaks through the paper. Your heart is practically in your throat at how spontaneous all of this is. 
You hand the contract to Neuvillette, but the paper is suspended in your grasp for a few moments. “However — I have a request to make.”
Neuvillette’s eyes glint in the blooming sunlight peeking through the blinds. “Anything.”
You retract your arm, and now are in full possession of the contract again. You present the first page, the page offered to Neuvillette, poised in your hands. “This contract mentions nothing of the lines we can, and cannot cross. And I’d just like to input my ideas before you return this to Lady Furina.”
“That is a reasonable request. Do continue.” Offering him a quill, he takes it gingerly along with the contract. He flips the page, writing something along the lines of ‘additions to…’ under the signatures. You fully expect him to be calm and collected, but a wrinkle forms between your brows when you notice that his fingers exhibit a subtle quiver, akin to the gentle tremor of a leaf in a soft breeze. A faint falter anyone could miss, yet you find it to be the most profound aspect of his character, peculiarly intimate in its nature.
“Are you alright? You’re a touch too pale.”
What? Were you really as ghastly as he said you were? You clear your throat, tearing your focus off his gloved hands. “I am quite alright. So… onto the terms. First and foremost, each party isn’t obliged to the whereabouts of the opposite party, unless consented to. Sounds good?”
He nods his head, not sparing a glance at you lest he loses focus. 
You take the ceasing of him writing as a sign for you to continue. “Next, I’d like to request that any advancements behind closed doors are to be prohibited, alongside any insinuation of consummation — or having one’s way with the other. Might I add that —” you pause at the silence that came with the lack of the intent scribbling of a quill pen from the man in front of you. Were you talking too fast? He is all red in the face.
“I — uh, did I say something sensitive?”
He lets out a little cough, before he breaks out into a fit. You are clueless in what you must do. Is he choking? Is he sick? Should you offer him freshly acquired water from Chenyu Vale? Your panic only ensues when it dawns on you that you have no solutions for all the possibilities that echo through your head. A teacup is sat solitary on one of your books. Oh, right. You have a crazy collection of Fonta.
You reach for it, before reluctantly offering it to him. “Would you like some Fonta? Though, it might be a few days old, I’m afraid.” He frantically waves his free hand, and you think he means no. Gosh, does he not like Fonta? That is very unlike the Fontainian character. Retracting yourself back into your seat, you can only wait until he stops his fit. To your luck, he stops before he actually stops breathing.
“I,” he starts, “do not think the consummation part is at all —” he sputters again. “— necessary.”
You smile a little, and look away to save him the embarrassment. “I repeat that I did say ‘insinuation’: this pertains to all external parties involved; for example, Lady Furina.”
Oh. My apologies for the oversight. Just — spare me a moment. After clearing his throat into his forearm, he continues to scrawl on the paper. 
Taking pity on him, you decide to help and extend your hand to finish the last conditions. The look on his face tells you he is rather bewildered at the action, and he waves a hand (calmly this time) to refuse your help. “It is quite alright.”
To keep yourself from disclosing the full extent of your reason, you make the decision to tell a lie. “Do not take this into offence — it’s not that you’re a slow writer, monsieur. I just have a meeting with Miss Clorinde in about half an hour and I think it’d be best if I write the conditions to quicken the pace a little.” While the ‘truth’ isn’t necessarily a lie, it is nonetheless effective, so why not utilise it?
He quietly relents, handing you the slightly crumpled piece of paper. You scan his words, and to your astonishment, his penmanship is still precise and tidy, a stark contrast to the fit he showed just seconds ago.
Except for the last few words he wrote, of course. You strike through the whole sentence and rewrite it properly.
Additional Terms to the Contract that all parties (including external ones) are expected to adhere to:
Romantic advancements behind closed doors are prohibited — and this includes:
Any insinuation of consummation.
Covert displays of affection beyond reasonable social boundaries.
Innuendos or suggestive remarks.
Excessive or prolonged physical contact behind closed doors.
Each party isn’t obliged to the whereabouts of the opposite party, unless consented to.
These guidelines are to be strictly followed for the duration of the agreed-upon contract.
Placing the contract onto the table, you push it slightly forwards. Your heart beats in a crescendo, and you almost berate yourself for selling your life away. Six months! it said; but the silence that hangs between the both of you is knowing. No one is going to forget. You are, for lack of a better word: imprisoned. Every solution is an illusion of sanctuary and this is the one that grants the most mercy. 
You are parched. The words that come out of your mouth are awfully feeble, and you can only manage to croak out whatever dignity you have left.“Now, monsieur, if you’ll excuse me. I have something I need to attend to.”
He nods his head and stands from his seat. “But of course.”
You both exit your office in unpleasant silence. 
Finally, after all that back and forth, Neuvillette finally accepts the contract, and bows before returning to his own office. In his absence, you swear you feel your eyes water a little. What exactly have you just gotten yourself into? This sends you reeling to when you were a child, thrown into fencing classes with people twice your age — except the intensity of it all is multiplied tenfold. 
It is times like this where you want to reach for your mother. You miss her terribly, and you wish to do anything to feel her warm embrace and to hear her whisper words of reassurance to convince you that everything was alright. 
“And of what of Father’s tenderness? Is that not proof that he loves you?”
“But my dearest, tenderness is the very proof you have been ruined.”
You blink, and the tear that had pooled falls and is caught by the apple of your cheek. You chew on your lip to prevent a quiver from it. Not here, you chastise yourself.
Hearing someone approach, you hasten your stride while wiping the tear with such aggression you feel your makeup smear and linger on the base of your wrist. The Gardes that stand by the doors regard you with indifference, and for the first time, you appreciate that they pay you no mind. One step outside and you curse under your breath at how today is awfully gloomy, a pitiful beam of light peeking through the clouds. A gust of wind curls through your hair, painting your cheeks with the cool droplets of imminent rain. Blasted Hydro Dragon.
You decide to steal a glance at whomever it is that is behind you and almost let out a whine. Why is it always him? Whether it is a figment of your imagination, he seems to slow when he sees you slightly turn to him. You, however, feign ignorance, turning your head away, yet a small part of you harbours a minute hope – the hope that he might choose to fall into step beside you. And indeed, he does.
His next move is abrupt, albeit a bit awkward. “Allow me to accompany you to your destination. My schedule for today is quite unoccupied, and, well, I was thinking it might be an opportune moment for us to engage in some conversation. If that is fine with you, of course.” The offer lingers in the air, awaiting your response.
His request blurs into the backdrop as you catch the glare of multiple cameras gleaming at the both of you outside the Palais. Foolish you are not, and you come to the grim understanding that they are waiting here for you. Of course, the Chief Justice is the primary priority; you are simply his paramour .
How convoluted could all of this be? You've seen a plethora of operas. This is not any more different. You take a glance at Neuvillette, but he is gazing ahead, his expression inscrutable.
A contemplative look floods through your eyes, and you are given an instant to make a spontaneous decision. The intricate dance of human emotions, the thirst for scandal, the insatiable appetite for drama — they claw at anything if it means it will quench their foolish desires. They're looking for bravado. Drama. With everything in them, they yearn for it. It is merely human hubris, an inexorable sin. Lady Furina wants an act? You’ll have her beg for more.
You whirl around to properly face him and smile. “Why, I’d be most delighted, mon chéri.” You relish in his widened eyes as your hands shakily reach for the hem of his collar, and you adjust it just enough to ruffle the fabric of his blouse.  Looking at him with all the tenderness you can muster, you place a palm to his chest and another to your side, and still, he is nothing short of hopeless. So, you decide to help him a little; would it hurt to give them a little more of a show?
Guiding him further into the act, the heels of your feet are lifted off the ground, and you wrap your arms around his neck to gently press your lips to his ear. “Act,” is the single word you whisper to him; a command — a curse —  before you pull away, grinning cruelly as the cameras flare.
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a/n : TEEHEE I wanna kiss him sb its not funny anymroewse
taglist : @sek0ya
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saltielena · 2 years
it will never not amaze me how the jrwi boys play WILDLY different characters in each campaign
like charlie plays a paladin fish who is overconfident and easily gullible, but atthe same time he plays a pathetic teenage boy who despite being tired of being the smart one— would fucking die for his friends. and ontop of that he played a fucked up Guy who wouldve gotten shoved in lockers in highschool who has a lizard and a Posession.
do not get me started on bizly playing a tricky and charismatic bastard with a haunting past and a neverending bond with two people he met under Strange circumstances, while playing a robotic and gory tortured suit of armor who will kill anything in his path. and he plays a stoner who would shit his pants if he saw a fucking bear!
and condi?? plays a literal girlboss with so much damn respect for the world and nature around her while still being a badass with a fucking GUN. he plays a confused teenage elf boy who is a rebellious genuine murderer. he played a god damn pushover lawyer who KICKS ASS and gets high off shiitake mushrooms.
grizzly. oh my God grizzlyplays. he plays a mysteriously charming bard with an aspiration to only make the world fair through theft. he plays a stoner prettyboy bisexual rockstar with a terrifying calmness to him as he watches birds splatter on his car. he plays a god damn rambunctious undiagnosed autistic teenager with an insatiable appetite who refuses to kill and stands by it.
thats. insane to me? and the npcs these guys make, oh my god. i am literally in love with most of the prime defenders npcs (come on. lightspeed? how do you not love her) and every god damn riptide npc has more personality and life than i could even muster. blood in the bayou? more like! holy fuck! rat! my boy! becky jrwi! kisses her! and ill god damn say it worm boy from apotheosis deserves more
in short: pretzel jrwi is the greatest being
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
Sampo with a reader who does metal music- and bonus if they have like this stern and angry personality 😍😍😍😍😍
tysm btw your works are really nice
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ hard rock
⊹ character(s) - sampo koski ⊹ word count - 954 ⊹ notes - gn!reader, reader is part of serval's band (implied to be more of a contract member than a permanent member tho), post-belobog storyline, reader is also implied to be friends w/ both serval and gepard
hi anon!!! thank you so much for the req, it sounded so fun I just had to do it right away! and thank you for the sweet words (₌♥ᆽ♥₌)
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As someone who remains in the shadows—as said himself, "People like us are more suited to being shadowy comic-relief"—Sampo didn't exactly expect to get tangled up with someone who shined so brightly in the spotlight.
You were blunt, almost rude, with a fiery personality that clashed with plenty of people.
Sampo's... conman-styled disposition also clashed with people, sure, but not in the same upfront way yours did.
Needless to say, when you two first met, opposites did not attract.
"I've half a mind to go tattle to the guards now! 'Savior of Belobog' or not, I don't care!"
"Hey, heey! No need for all of that, huh, sweetheart?"
"Call me that again and you'll be scamming the demons in Hell next, you filthy leech!"
So maybe Sampo had tried to sell you a counterfeit electric guitar, and maybe you weren't quite as gullible as he thought you looked weren't interested.
Can't blame a guy for trying, eh?
But still, your reaction and intuition interested him somewhat.
Despite the situation with the Supreme Guardian and the Stellaron clearing his name a bit, Sampo was still pretty universally despised by the Silvermane Guards, and they still had it out for him
So walking around the Overworld wasn't quite the walk in the park he sometimes made it look like...
But still, he found himself considering paying more visits to the overworld Belobog, hopeful to catch a glimpse of you.
You, meanwhile, actually found yourself in the Underworld more often.
The people were less uptight, less noble, and far more able to take your rough and tumble personality.
Plus, there were far more enjoyers of the metal music you loved putting on shows for.
Sure, you'd still play with Serval in Belobog when she had a show going, but the Underworld was a different type of crowd.
However, more than once, you'd notice an unpleasantly familiar head of blue hair enjoying your performances.
So finally, you confront him.
"What are you doing here, Koski?" You'd heard plenty about him from Gepard by way of Serval.
"Aw, just coming to appreciate the beauty of your music!"
It was rather irritating how his eyes raked up and down your form on emphasis of "beauty".
"Aren't these free-for-all concerts? Can't blame a guy for trying to find some good entertainment down here, huh?"
"Just don't cause any trouble with my fans."
"But I'm also one of your fans, Y/N!"
Eventually, Sampo wormed his way into your company by way of sheer annoyance.
It didn't take long for you to become reluctantly used to his company, allowing him to hang out after concerts and show you the ropes of the Underworld.
He got on your nerves, but you tolerated him.
Sampo, meanwhile, enjoyed your presence a lot. You were rough around the edges, sure, but he saw that hidden sweet side occasionally.
As you put up with him, he started to grow on you, too.
A conman, sure, but he always repaid his debts just as he claimed. Not to mention, he was a pretty good audience member for your shows.
Though you still got on his case if he tried to scam you, you quite frankly scared him a bit.
Soon, sometimes, you'd pretend to go along with his scams. When you were quick to transfer him some credits for his latest scheme one time, it freaked him out so bad that he stopped trying his tricks on you.
In fact, he had showed up to your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers and a deeply nervous grin.
"H-Heey, Y/N! Sorry again about that... little misunderstanding with the product link, ahaha... I thought these might make it up to you!"
"Flowers? Really? Do I look like the flower-enjoying type?"
Please spare him... he's already at his wit's end.
"Take me out to dinner instead. Your treat."
"Then maybe I'll forgive you for that little stunt."
Sampo had had plans to ask you out formally, but you kinda beat him to it.
He honestly thought you'd be more difficult to catch.
"All thanks to my endless charm!" he would preach months into your relationship, to which you would bluntly remind him that he annoyed his way into your life, and that you were the one with more charm here.
After that night, it was clear to everyone that you and Sampo had begun dating. You were quite the odd pairing to most, though.
Gepard even asked you if he was extorting you or anything, and if you wanted him to beat Sampo up on your behalf.
But no. In fact, Sampo was quite a gentleman as a partner.
You didn't go on dates all too often, but he was always your loudest supporter at every concert.
He already took a real shine to your music, but after getting together, he had a newfound appreciation for your work.
You also taught him to play, though he wasn't the best at most instruments. His voice isn't too shabby, though.
You found yourself worming some lyrics into some of your newer compositions that had to do with him.
Somehow, it felt like the songs that were subconsciously about Sampo were a bit easier to write.
Serval took a habit of teasing you whenever your lyrics would get mushier than usual, and as though reflecting your hot-headed embarrassment, the next several lines would be loud and raging.
Still, Sampo appreciated what you did.
In spite of all his flaws and unsavory ways, you could at least be thankful for that.
Besides... running up prices on ticket resales to your shows was a way more lucrative business opportunity!
He got a smack over the head for that one, though.
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lumagarden · 6 months
my thoughts per ep :3!!
ngl thisbisbjust me live typing my reaction but wtv!! also cw for lots of colorful language hehe
ep 1
- THE SILLIES!!!! also riyu is huge??:?2);
- lloyd is so cute when hes eepy
- “maybe you outa crawl into your crib for a nap buddy” WAHHHHHHHH
-lloyds nightmares omfggg poor thing
- SORA OMG NO WONDER HE COULDNT SLEEP theyre visions right
- spinjitsu-ing out of his nightmare to move out of the way and save his children can someone put me out of my misery
- “my nightmares are getting worse uncle” NOOOOOO
- arin imitating wu i xant
- cinder?,
- ???? ok
ep 2
- new intro sooo good fr WHO TAUGHT CINDER SPINJITSU DOE
- resistance kills
- xan percival be rhe new emperor (is 12 years old)
- OH??
- poor lloyd :(
- Frohicky serving swamp ass fr
- lloyd acknowledging his panic attack someone let me out of my cage
- wait so wildfyre and kai dont have the same power right
- ????
- the sillies!!
- arin cannot be mean im sorry
- HELP “i really didnt think a human could dance like that!”
- arins voice is so non-threatening hes so baby
- “i dont know anything about that” “cool :) thanks for your time!” HELEODOS
- arins so gullible i love him !!! (if he gets the lloyd treatment i MIGHT jump off a cliff)
- “wow. im really bad at spotting liars :,)”
- sora being rebellious :000 !!
- lloyd and arin i cnt .
- why r they just standing there omfg ☠️
- whoa. what if jay hits the gong OH MY FOD!!!!!! (it will not happen im delusional and just want evil jay)
- no causw wait now i think itll happen
- wait so do the gongs power like is it permanent or no
- wait my stupid ass-cinders not that one twitchy guy right.
- percival!!!!!! fav side character
- “how can a language look evil” “trust me it does”
- alright what the flip
- WAIT LORD RAS CUESED THW WORMS.. my stupid ass how did i not realize this
- WAITTT FORBIDDEN FIVE… (doesnt know what hes talking about)
- is cinder one of the forbidden five
- wait no im srupid
- Ok.
- acrually theowing up at him like panicking oh mymgod oh kymgod
- “whoever you are” HELPPP
- uh oh chat
- what if one of the ppl w wolf masks is jay
- “then just use spinjitsu-oh right sorry” My god
- literally what will happen if u hit the gong that many times
- “u know i thrashed the last one right” NO WAYY
- succeeded.. (?)
- can i learn shatterspin please!!
- whoa like actually this is so cool im sorry
- lloyd frm the trailer!!
- “wildfyres hurt bad” im crying
- oh my god one of them is going to turn evil to help save thwm. thats whats gnna happen ik it
- Wheres cole.
ep 3!!
- what r u training for clearly ur alreasy powerful
- is cinder into-oh nvm
- kai getting angry.. i missed this
- can someone translate wus notes
- arin :(
- poor lloyd i cnt
- dude kai with gis like wings or something QHAT IS RHAT IM SO EXCITED
- lloyd plz
- Huh
- who voices the life symbol
- strwngrh is coles :,3
- id be like hello??? IM RIGHT HERE??
- why r they arguing right in front of him
- K see that did not help
- lloyd is going through Way toocmuch and its ep 3
- oh my god. kai and wildfyre can aomeone throw me off a cliff please
- the boringest :(((
- what the flip
- frohicky x zane is kinda cute sorry
- :(( kai !!! i xant
- breaking my silence. jordana x cinder anyone
- oh theyre actually so evil
- lloye sleeping hes so cute
- WAHHH ivlove rhsm
- “what about the younger ones” sobs
- soras lil story :(
- how Did she get out
- oh trueee. but the source dragons were basically telling him to find them so.
- lloyd with a grabber thing omfg theyre having sm fun
- “no offense buddy” HDKWJDKSK
- alright what the flip
- have i ever mentioned how much i love nyas beauty mark . i have a lego figurine of her n the beauty mark makes me emotional
- arin n sora :,(
- i love these new suits!! but dragon rising s1 still fave
- waittt what isbgoing on
- arin and his parsnts i cnt do it.
- “what, no? i love you i miss you” Kill me.
- Ohh no i sont like this
- oh my god lloyds is going to break me
- No. no. Why would you do this.
- “i blame myself nephew” no No!!!
- nya is so. smart i cant. n the way she knew it wasnt happening . Even tho thats wuite literally what will happen if he finds her
- this is like that visionary ninjago fic
- what did kai see..
- “i know the real jay couldnt forget me” It might seem crazy what im bout to say….
- WHAT DID KAI SEE!!!! (i say louder)
- kai literally jumping off
- HELP??
- “i knew he was fine” U DID NOT
- ok now what
- watch the teachwr be like . oh nvm
- Thwyre cooked
ep 4
- pls im so scared i realyl cant
- “why do u say stuff like that” /);&2&$;
- making art :,))
- literally coles family
- a city could be lost i think- oh. No no. No. if they take the cowards way out im actually never watxhing this show again /hj
- wildfyre is so funny
- why is he attacking them riyu is litwrally right there
- “ive always got you arin” im ending it all
- arin please
- ughhh i know hes not gnna feel. great after that
- “is there some sort of social cue im not picking up” OH MY GOD!!! HES SO AURISTIC CODED
- huh???? why does it talk ☠️☠️
- oh my god. if they. if they do what i think theyre going to do i will lose my mind.
- cole save me cole if you can hear me save me save me cole
- bonzle is so funny new kin
- ok geo self sufficient he should be.. ok..
- why do they want bonzle???
- is there a lego set of this dragon cause i want it
- yall better hear me out on this dragons va… /hj
- so how did cinder even learn shartterspin
- angry cole supremacy
- husbands
- cole and geo r sooo gay
- lostshipping makes up for laxk of jay tbfh
- Ok i didnt know dragoks could be ninja either??
- ok but how cool would it be if one of them turned evil to fight them like
- omgomgomg
- yeah why did they want bonzle
- i want a bonzle figurine like NOW
- omg omgogmogmogm
- ok she knoes . aomething
- jordana is actually insane
- alright what the flip
- Oh . No… no no
- it is a little funny wildfyre
ep 5
- ITS TO WORK ON CONFLICT ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
- theyre aoo dating
- the heart on the plush ☠️
- the lil looks zane ans cole gave each other bc they havent seen each other in peobablt years someone put me our ofnmy misery
- Ok bonzle let us know fr
- UM?????????? BONZLE???????
- omg i was waiting for this scene omg where they like switch stuff frm their mexhs
- heat and fire. what
-wu not bringing it up is so canon
- loneliness :(
- Oh my god garmadon this season??
- Ohh my god. i MIGHT like wu after this
- little one :(
- its wildfyre pretending shes a mucoid that reminds me shes litwrally a child and i cry
- Ok is this get mad at arin day What the flip.
- OH MYMGOD????+> mygodbi cant icant
- cole has become. so so so soft it makes me so emtoional
- hello??
ep 6
- ohh my god the forehead touch.
- NO??:&/$:
- lloyd havinf anxiety incnt
- “my other family” Cryingn
- oh. oh no
- not dorama bro fuck this guy genuinely worst character i hate him sm
- cole not veing a performer :(
- this is some power ranger type transformstion
- why doesnt zabe have a mech
-qlright ehat the flip
- didbt type a lot this ep i was eating candy
ep 7
- bonzle is so silly
- she loojs like ice kings gf frm adventure time. i forgot her name
- i feel so bad for arin this actually sucks
- OHH MY GOD IM SO ARIN!! not beinf able to take compliments bx hes so hard on himself . Kin
- wildfyre about to save them all rn by getting along w the dragons
- her acknowledging that kais her favorite can i please be let out of my cage
- Ohhh mg god??? hes dying?? no wonder hes so grumpy
- what is this lady saying omfg 😭
- “im just a bundle of nerves stumbling around in a daze” WAHH
- ohh lloyds gnna turn evil sorry not sorry
- can we get more baby lloyd and master wu scenes plz
- lloyds inly part mortal tho
- ghis is trap… this is a trap bonzle omfg
- nvm im just scared
- yeah theyre cooked chat gg
- Oh no. theyre cooked
- kai gets so frustrated when he cant learn something its so cute
- Ohh my god lore.
- “just fun. no need to worry about saving the world”
- thats so infsresting that he got it first like not to be that guy but - THSE BLOOD MOON WHAT THE FLIP
- omg omgomgokg jay jay jay jay jy
- i hate the administration sm
- TRUEEEEEE !! zane is so silly
- why is the administration mad like U MADE THE RULES ☠️
- save me agent jay walker agent jay walker if you can hear me
- AGENT JAY Wlker o hmygkod
ep 8
- anyways. dragosn pulling the most epic prank . turning to stone
was mostly juat acreaming abt jay tbfh
anyways im at the part where they fell
- genuinwlt almost had a heart attack there shoot
- bounty has to be destroyed at least once a season
- i need a bonzle figurine im so srs
- rlly confused rn 💯
- poor thint :(
- Okay get in
- wait im scared is she being tricked rn
- is this a trap idk im scared
- ok wasnt a trap but lord ras ass
- jordana be so fr
- “never seen her before in my life” LMFAO
- this sucks on god how is this going to be semi-wrapped up in 2 eps
- i thought that atorm was a lloyd nightmare ngl
ep 9
- ok baby lord ras liek i gaf???
- Ok nvm i do feel bad him w the apple put me out of my misery
- him sacrificng ppl is kinda crazy tho like hello?
- Like hello???? no way we cld actually feelcbad for him (did feel bas for him)
- wildfyre si scared of heights :(
- lloys getting all these visions is genuinely so sad and nya comforting him put me out of my miswry!!!
- but wherws the road road road road /ref
- “sorry i cabt remember your name!” OHH MYKDJSJDN
- “whats your elemental power?” its autism
- invisible shoes??
- they cannot be fr
- cinders so-Lemme chill
- if arin saw lloyd and nya as his mom and dad i wilk start screaming crying theowginh up
EP 10
- bonzle :(
- ok nvm theyre not evil . Shoot. why did i want it so bad
- ohh no chat
- cinders insabe
- Ok byt hes so.. Hear me out
- sharterspinning be so cool doe
- oh ky fod i litedally paused it hc i cldnt NOOO
- oh my god. is kai dead like
- NOOOO :(
- sora..
- wair.
- ???
- what the flip
- what the actual flip chat
- ok what rhe flip
- jordana genuinely tweaking rn
- ok whos lord ras’ master
- lloyd n cole hug i cant.
- this is rhe weost thinf tht couldce evwr happwnwd
- bonzle n kai wahhh 😭
- no axtual waycir ended like that
Thank u all for coming. i will now be crying my eyes out
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alsfunkyalbum · 3 months
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“Hello there, turtley-boos (or other type of camper)! I have an offer that is simply the bees knees! I am selling these lovely food items for unbelievably low prices! This is only while supplies last so spend those splendiferous cents before we run out!”
Frida is taking advantage of the arts and crafts to create a booth showing off the art of salesmanship. Be sure to purchase her quality items ^^
Leo looked at the table with a sense of confusion and slight disappointment. He understands a hustle when he sees one, yet he can't quite understand why.
Maybe it was because of the moment, and the specific time frame that someone would want to... expand their sales. But jeez, these prices were high. Inflation is really driving people up a wall these days. If this was considered low then he had low hopes for the future.
"uhhhh, no thanks... I forgot my wallet!" Leo pushed the offer away. While yes, that was a lie (he kept his wallet tucked hidden away in his wings obviously) he'd prefer not to be scammed out of his money. No matter how good the quality is, he wouldn't buy into it (no matter how gullible he was).
If he was really hungry he'd just dig in the dirt anyways. Worms are more tasty nowadays!
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raining-tulips · 4 months
Destiny 2 Deck of Whispers Oracle/Tarot Card Meanings
For those that play destiny 2 and bought the deck of whispers, and were wanting to use it in oracle and tarot readings, I have tried my best to create some meanings to attach to the cards based on the game's lore. I have only played d2 for a few years, but my bf whose played since the dawn of d1 helped me out.
Of course, these are just my interpretations based on the game and my expierence in the spiritual community. Feel free to add your own, share an idea in a comment, etc.
I The sisters - femininity, power in three, three, Hecate, the non-nurturing mother but the protective one, knowledge, partnership, family, sacrifice, transformation, growth, regrowth, starting over, hatred
II The witch - Savathun, lies, deception, cunning, trickery, buried honesty or honesty hidden in riddles, riddles, confusion, trust vs. untrusting, getting what you want, manipulation, taking what you want, dark mother, cost of change, cost of growth
III The adherent - (these are dedicated snipers) focus, dedication, aiming, all for a particular goal. Tunnel vision. Setting your mind to something, rigidity, stubbornness, inaction, stagnation. Goal setting, productivity.
IV The harbinger - Eris Morn, witchy, magic, prophecy, foresight, divination, knowledge, sacred, divinity, mediums and mediumship, listening for signs and messages, similiar to the judgement card, announcements. Vengeance, justice, fighting for what's right.
V Blades - sword logic, control, what you are willing to do to feed someone/something, are you balancing between give/take, death, death of self, war, aggression, internal hunger, gnawing hunger/gnawing desire
VI Lacuna - void. Gravity, time, distortion, manifestation, emptiness, nothingness, and thus infinite possibility, death, negation, the unknown. Safety in the unknown. Pause. Invisibility, moving without being seen, keeping secrets for good reasons.
VII Liminal - arc. Electricity, shocking, wake-up calls, unexpected, static, messages through the air, sudden realizations and epiphanies, things clicking into place, inner knowledge, intuition. Change is inevitable and needed.
VIII Ascension - solar, fire element and everything associated with fire. Passion, energy, movement, anger, creativity, power, fortitude, inner child, children (think the sun and strength cards). Destruction and creation.
IX Lament - Oryx, Trans people and trans rights. Masculinity. Divine masculine. Absolute destruction. Feeling like you break everything. Hurt, pain, grief. How strong is your will? Are you being influenced by others? Defeating/breaking boundaries of outside influences. Freedom from chains. Terrible-truth. How knowledge changes you.
X The lie - the Witness telling Savathun the Traveler was bad, thus making them turn to the worm. Lies, deception, darkness, otherness, gossip, outside-influences, expectations, society, disagreements and disputes. Chaos. Relying too much on others, gullibility.
XI The Truth - The traveler chose the hive, unexpected decisions/consequences, deception, lies coming to light, moon tarot card, there is no correct path only results of choices, choices,
XII The Wish - Ahamkara, bargaining/trading, blend of light and dark balance- manipulate and use both. Unlimited possibilities, dreams coming true, love, uniqueness and creativity
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Request: Yandere gets asked by the darling if they can pretend to date each other for a while since they’re so good looking (Yandere doesn’t know darling at that point in time). But when darling doesn’t need them to pretend anymore, the Yandere has become obsessed.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, delusion, obsession, manipulation
Please pretend to date me!
Caesar A. Zeppeli
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🫧Caesar rarely finds himself putting down a little damsel in distress, especially if you have a reason for requesting him to date you for a while. He gladly offers his help, tells you that you don’t need to pay him money for his favor. How could he have said no to those big doe eyes back then? He’s a master in courting too so there are no flaws in his acting. You feel flattered, know of his scandalous past with women though so you never get your hopes up high. Both of you have a deal after all. That all is fine and valid but the time you spend with Caesar changes something within the man. He’s exposed to the entirety of your quirky charms and habits during the following months and suddenly it’s like his eyes have been opened for the first time.
🫧You’re like a rare jewel among the crowd and all of a sudden his heart is engulfed by passionate fire of love. The presents he gifts you multiply in number and price and there’s a noticeably more possessive side on him when he catches someone staring at you or flirting with you. His gaze is always trained on you, a infatuated haze keeping him from thinking logically. Maybe he forgot within all of his ecstasy about the deal you two had, he’s genuinely shocked when you inform him that you don’t need him anymore since you’ve accomplished your goals. Haven’t you felt during all this time with him never once genuine affection? He’s hurt in his feelings and pride when you shot him effortlessly down.
🫧The Zeppeli man isn’t one to give up easily though as his mind is set on you and how perfect the two of you would be. He doesn’t leave you alone nor is your family left alone. Caesar worms his way into your inner circle of loved ones with his charm which is relatively easy. They don’t know about you two technically never having been together and convinces them that you two had a bad argument and that you refuse to listen to him. Nearly everything you say makes it look like you’re really pissed at him and your friends end up trying to make you at least listen to Caesar, utterly charmed by him and willing to help you not lose a lotto win like him. He even pops up in places where you are where he picks up on being the doting and loving boyfriend right away.
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🐟Despite working for a corrupted empire, Wave has a good heart. That is most noticeable when he is gullible enough to let himself get talked into accepting your pleads to pretend to date him for a while. You’ve noticed him for his good looks for a while now and know that he’s a good option, not to mention that his position is a bonus. He has no choice, he just starts panicking when tears appear in your eyes and you’re about to beg on your knees. Kurome and Run tease him later for this entire ordeal but Wave plans to pull through. At least you’re pleasant and nice, don’t force him into anything he doesn’t want to do. He tries to balance his time between work and you somehow although you understand when he’s busy. You’re understanding and sweet side when he’s all exhausted are key factors in the start of his blossoming feelings.
🐟You’re charming and funny and even if kind you don’t hesitate to scold others if they did something stupid. You’re so refreshing from the violent life he has right now, Wave eats your kindness and your attention up at one point. All the affection suddenly has his heart beating out of his chest out of flattery and giddiness and he’s more willing to go a bit further with affection, if you’re fine with it too. He tries to be more helpful for you too when he’s there, buys you small presents and things you need. His heart breaks though when you one day tell him that you don’t need him anymore as he sort of forgot about the promise you two made.
🐟Run and Kurome console him after they asked him about the gloomy aura surrounding him and Wave tells them that he gained feelings for you. They might not even be very surprised about this. Wave sort of stalks his darling for a while after, uncertain what he can do now yet he trails behind them like a attached puppy. He still has the strong urge to protect you from the bad people in this city but how to approach you is a different matter. Esdeath, when finding out about his unrequited love, probably just told him to take you if he wants you, although Wave didn’t listen to her advice. The man probably starts from the beginning by attempting to court his darling the normal way in hopes that he can get them to fall in love with him normally.
Asuka Ryo
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👼Ryo is a menace yet he is with his young years already a professor and also very good-looking so here you are, asking him to date you for a while until whatever problem that has appeared has disappeared again. You think the young man is less perplexed and more amused by your request as he asks you what exactly has happened for you to want him to pretend to be your boyfriend and what exactly he’d have to do. You’re just glad that he hasn’t downright rejected you so you tell him about what he would have to do and why you need help in such a form in the first place. Ryo agrees in the end as he finds himself entertained with your situation and is sure that this all could be quite interesting.
👼His behavior is unfitting at times though as you realize with time, he’s extremely eccentric and somewhat apathetic to the people around you and even you. It gets maybe to the point where you start regretting asking him but that’s when Ryo all of a sudden switches a bit. Suddenly he attempts to be more friendly with you, is holding back with his more cold words even when you or someone of your family or friend circle did something stupid. He still does whatever the hell he wants to do but he tries not to drag you into his mess as much anymore. The thought that he has taken a liking to you never crosses your mind, you’re just relieved when you don’t need him anymore.
👼Although the grin he gives you before he drives away in his car unnerves you a bit. Your bad gut feeling becomes very much a reality when Ryo indeed appears in your life again, unwilling to leave it now that you’ve let him in. You’re such a wonderful person after all, Ryo finds himself having a hard time leaving you alone. He pops up wherever you are and it freaks you out, you’re unaware he manages to track you down with ease because he took some precautions. Ryo knew that you’d throw him away as soon as the problem would be solved so he made sure to install a tracker in your phone just in case. He knows that what he does makes you hate and fear him but he doesn’t really care as long as no one else can have you.
Sohma Ayame
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🐍Ayame sticks out with his extremely gorgeous looks and his flamboyant personality to match. You think he might be the right person to ask until you’ve cleared up the mess you got yourself in which is why you seek him one day out in his fashion shop. You tell him about your problem and that you need him to pretend to be together with you for a while. He hesitates a bit but you insist that you two don’t need to do anything affectionate if he doesn’t want to. Eventually you get through him with your pleading eyes as he sighs dramatically and says that he can’t reject you whilst you sit there looking like a damsel in distress. Ayama holds back with physical affection, even if darling is male or if this plays after the curse.
🐍He tries his best to act the part though by calling you all sort of nicknames which sometimes make you uncomfortable when he gets too immersed into his role. Is this still a play? Certainly not as Ayame finds himself turning more and more infatuated the longer he gets to see what a great person you are. Suddenly he’s texting and calling you every hour and wants to know where you are, wants to be constantly with you and starts spoiling you with presents and clothes he made for you himself. If he can touch you, he definitely does now. You shatter his dreamy state when you one day call him and tell him that you’ve solved your problem and don’t need him anymore. Mine hears him a while later crying in a locked up room. How could you break up with him? You two were two pieces made for each other.
🐍Ayame, by now a delusional individual, is unable to leave you alone as he has become obsessed with the thought of you two being lovers. He’s sure that it was fate that brought you into his shop that day, believes that you two are soulmates of some sort. You find yourself surrounded by the white-haired male as he still messages you and calls you, sometimes even follows you. He doesn’t drop the overly sweet and affectionate boyfriend, sometimes is downright overbearing. He knows that you never intended to be serious but that’s just because you don’t see the potential of you two yet. He’s not very afraid of getting your friends and family on his side, might even guilt-trip you to give him a real chance if he knows that he can.
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🕳️Especially if his darling turns out to be a beautiful woman will Miroku be quick to agree to their request even if all of his friends wind up talking behind his back again. Miroku insists that he’s not only agreeing because his darling is pretty though, he senses their slight distress with whatever situation they stumbled into and need his help for. It’s only for a little while after all, nothing too serious. Miroku himself is more eager to engage in the whole act of a couple than his darling probably is and once again, especially if his darling is female he will exhibit a lot of his perverted traits. Sango usually scolds him for it and apologizes on his behalf. He’s still flirting with other women at times although you don’t feel offended, aware of his womanizing habits.
🕳️You’re surprised though when you notice after a few weeks that he’s stopped with it but you don’t question it. He’s not looking at other women anymore, he seems to solely look at you and grows more genuine with his affection. Sure, he’s still a little bit perverted here and there but he’s exposing his more mature and charming side to you. Miroku is at a little conflict though as he knows that this is only a temporary deal with you and on top of that knows that he’s grown quite obsessed with you. He shouldn’t feel this way but he can’t seem to hold back his heart that is overflowing with love he didn’t know someone was capable of feeling for someone else.
🕳️There’s pain flashing shortly on his face when you eventually break it down to him that the problem has been solved and that you don’t need him anymore but he quickly composes himself and wishes you the best of luck. Maybe this is the best way for the two of you, you don’t need someone who is utterly obsessed with you in your life. He should try to forget you. Miroku can’t forget you though and he starts growing very uneasy at one point since he hasn’t seen you. There’s this bubble of irritation inside his chest, one that mingles with his logical thinking. When he travels one day all the way back to your village to see you, he’s still contemplating what to do. His heart tells him to just take you but he knows that he shouldn’t force you. Miroku tries to be mature but he can’t help the immense jealousy when someone else is making a move on you.
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lexezombie · 11 months
this was gonna be for Halloween but took a lil while longer <<
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I designed the tallest one a long time ago and you can still find her on my DA - her names Belladonna (funfact: thats her doll the kids are fighting over)
BUT I've added some new ones; going in order we have:
Belladonna (oldest child, made that doll with her mom when she was a kid, kinda on the road to being the Pumpkin Queen)
Lily (eldest twin, creative and probably more into fashion/sewing like Sally is; she/her)
Thorn (the baby, a lil stupid and gullible- she doesn't think things through all the way, like her dad; she/her)
Hemlock (younger twin, very smart, kinda an inventor; he/him)
Hogweed (2nd youngest, a u t i s m, combats authority constantly and sneaks out a lot- prob got that from his mom tbh; he/him)
Googie! She's the reincarnation/'child' of Oogie Boogie; Lock, Shock, and Barrel tried to collect bugs and shove them into poorly sewn together pillowcases to remake Oogie but it didn't work like they hoped and kinda just formed a skittish kid.
She's got a Weevil for a brain, coughs up butterflies/moths sometimes and the spiders that crawl out her eyeholes are Bunny Harvestment : )
Sally fixed her up since she had gaps in the sewing and was leaking worms (sally also added the buttons) - Ribbon is a gift from Hogweed (they're kinda dating don't @ me lmao)
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outofthiisworld · 1 month
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💜 Ophelia is mistrustful of others. She’s perceptive and sharp, all plenty thanks to her honed vigilance of being both a weapon and an experiment.
It also makes her receptive of others feelings! A lot of that is something rooted deep within her, as if it were instinctual from long before Ophelia would become Ophelia.
But she’s gullible.
Ophelia only had her freewill for not even a full year. She isn’t naive. Though— if you play your cards right for long enough, worm your way close into her heart: you can sway her hand without even being noticed.
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