#yandere jojo no kimyou na bouken
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animeyanderelover · 4 months ago
Hi, could I request Itachi, Dabi and Narancia with a female s/o that is extremely insecure over her big nose? Thank you!
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, clinginess, threats, isolation, female reader
Tags: @shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan @cachamata @simplydlightfuldestiny @flaming-vulpix
S/o is insecure over her big nose
Uchiha Itachi
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🍡You're far too harsh on yourself. It just makes Itachi sad when he sees how you constantly attempt to cover up your lower face by wearing masks but he doesn't force you to put them away, especially if you have had bad experiences in the past where bullies ripped covers away from you to make fun of your nose. After all he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable around him. He hates it even more when you talk low about yourself and bring up the argument that he wouldn't understand you because he is so handsome. So what if he is handsome according to you? Have you ever committed atrocities like he has? Is he a good person because he looks beautiful? He's the one supposed to feel terrible for kidnapping a good and beautiful person like you out of his own selfish desires. He keeps his frustration away from you though, remains patient. If he needs to dedicate hours of his day to discuss with you all the reasons why he loves you than he is fully committed to do it for you. If you do not believe him he is very much set on proving you wrong, he has stalked and observed you so intently that he is able to retell every habit and every moment that has made him fall in love with you even more.
Todoroki Touya
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🔹Seriously? You think that you are ugly due to your nose? Shit, if you're ugly he must be a hideous abomination. Touya could almost consider it insulting that you have the nerve to talk shit about yourself whilst he is literally a burnt corpse walking. As soon as you start talking lowly about yourself he is absolutely joining you by talking self-deprecating about how awful he looks as well. Funnily enough you don't like when he talks about himself that way and he is always quick to return your complaints by retorting that he doesn't like listening to you either whenever you refer to yourself so negatively. If you can talk shit about yourself he is free to do so as well. Fuck, he has even more reasons to do it about himself considering that half of his body is barely held together flesh at this point. Such arguments usually always make you shut up pretty fast as if realising that he has it even worse than you. By all means, don't feel guilty when such thoughts cross your mind. As long as it serves its effect in stopping you from feeling as insecure about yourself as you normally tend to do Touya is quite content. You know, he and a lot of other people would have given a lot to look as normal as you do.
Narancia Ghirga
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🍊​If you're feeling insecure about your big nose Narancia probably only heightens your anxiety but the poor boy is much too dense to notice that the constant attention he gives your nose makes you feel only worse. It's one of the first things that he pointed out when meeting you because it just stood out to him but he actually thinks that it's quite cute. He never realises that it's this constant attention on the part of your body you feel insecure about that makes you often uncomfortable around him, not until either someone from his gang or you yourself tell it to him very directly. Afterwards it does end up being worse though because now he feels like he has to constantly prove to you that you're beautiful. He constantly kisses your nose and when he introduces you to someone he always points out that you have a pretty nose and demands the other person to agree with him. Covering your face will absolutely not happen or else he might end up crying because he feels so upset that he is unable to make you feel beautiful about yourself. If you have any bullies he will turn into an absolut menace and terrorise them until they never show their face around you again.
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thatonegirl322 · 1 year ago
A yandere Gyro and Johnny pairing fighting off a yandere Diego and Hotpants or maybe Valentine?
' = thoughts
" = speech
As Y/n walks in a old 1800's western styled town she questioned her life and why she's still a big jojo fan.
Y/n plops down on the sandy ground and sighs.
" I'm tired of having to walk a mile, Im just gonna rest for a little while"
1 minute
2 minutes
3 minutes
" NOTHINGS HAPPENING IM SO BOR- is that a tumble weed!"
Y/n runs up to the mini sized tumble weed and grins.
" I've always wanted to throw a tumble weed at someone!"
Y/n grabs the tumble weed and puts it in her bag that she conveniently has on her.
' Welp, I guess it's time to walk until something interesting happens.... again'
Y/n gets up and pats off sand off her sweat pants.
' I wish I had my phone and some headphones'
" Darling? Is that you?"
' Oh shit it's the zesty ball cowboy, don't look behind you y/n, don't look-'
" Ummm no this is Tyrone" Y/n says in the deepest voice she can muster.
A different voice cuts in
" Y/n get on one of our horses now"
' That's definitely Johnny I can recognize that painfully blunt voice from anywhere'
" M-kay'"
I turn around and walk torwards them.
"Which horse should I get on?"
" Mine!" Gyro says.
" Wait what? She always goes on your horse Gyro it's my turn now"
' You know what since Johnny has a big ass- uhhhh i mean nice personality I'll ride with him'
" I'll ride with you this time Johnny" Y/n says as she smiles
" WHAT!?" Gyro exclaims doing his cursed shocked face.
I walk to Johnny's horse and after two embarrassing tries I get on behind him.
I wrap my arms around Johnny just incase the horse hates me.
" Where are we even going?" Y/n asks
" Were going to continue the race"
" Wait- how far are you into the race!?-"
" Johnny and Gyro, I haven't seen you in a long time" Valentine says as he comes out a carriage 5 feet away from us.
' How did none of us hear that loud ass carriage' Y/n thinks
" Johnny, Gyro, I think we should leave he's way too American-"
Tusk Act 4 and Ball Breaker come out of there Users backs.
" Hiya" Y/n says as she waves to the cute stands.
They excitedly wave back
' Wahhh~ so cute!'
Funny slowly stride's torwards us
" Hand Y/n over please, if you do that I will spare you and you make have a chance of winning the race"
" I would appreciate if I had say in this please!" Y/n says as she deadpans.
" No! We're not handing her over to you, you bastard!" Johnny Yells
" Fine, be that way then" Funny replies as D4C comes out
" You know, I could just runaway and leave Valentine to chase me, Then you guys can finish the race without me nagging you"
" NO!" Gyro, Johnny both yell
" Fine then, I was just trying to help" Y/n says as she rolls her eyes
' No matter what Y/n I'll always be with you, even if I have to kill a few bastards to keep me with you" Johnny thinks as he Glares at Valentine
Johnny puts hand into a hand gun position and aims it at Valentine.
' I'll Die before I'll let anyone take you away from me, Y/n' Gyro thinks
Gyro takes out his steel ball and focuses on trying to find the golden ratio on Valentine.
" Don't worry I got this guys!"
Y/n opens her bag and takes the tumble weed out.
' A tumble weed......?' Johnny and Gyro both think.
Y/n throws the tumble weed at Funny. It lands directly on his and hits his eyes.
" Augh!-"
Johnny and Gyro quickly make there horses get away from Funny Valentine.
I hoped you guys liked this love ya'll!
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thornybubbles · 1 year ago
Fourth Wall (JJBA Yandere Scenario)
Scenario: Recently, you’ve moved on from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure to a different anime series and fandom. You realize that this was a terrible mistake.
Note: This is based on a prompt I saw on Tumblr ages ago. I just expanded on it a bit. 
Warnings: Typical Yandere behavior, threats, abusive behavior, possible harm towards reader, mental distress, anti-comfort. Remember that you alone are responsible for what you read. 
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Changing fandoms wasn’t that unusual for you. You would find a new anime, fall in love with it, then it became your new hyperfixation. After a while, the process would repeat. This is what happened with you and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the series anymore, you just moved on to a new anime/manga. Still…it felt different this time. You weren’t sure why, but ever since you moved on to your new favorite series, you had this unexplainable feeling of guilt wash over you every time you watched an episode of your new favorite anime or read the latest chapter of the manga. Stranger still, there was an underlying feeling of dread as well. 
As many times as you’d changed fandoms, you’d never experienced such feelings before. It was uncomfortable and you wished that you could move on to your new obsession without any strings attached. It was ridiculous, really. Why should you feel guilty about a change of taste? You weren’t hurting anything. No one would be affected by it. And yet, you still felt unnecessary shame over changing fandoms. You guessed it had something to do with the lingering attachment you had for certain characters from various parts throughout the series. It almost felt like you were leaving them behind somehow. Another silly notion. They were fictional characters and did not exist outside of the world within JoJo. They had no knowledge of you, much less having knowledge of your “betrayal”. You decided that it was stupid to dwell on it and dived headfirst into your new favorite series. That guilty feeling would surely fade after a while. 
You got the perfect opportunity to binge your new favorite anime one day. It was one of those days when you were fortunate enough to have nothing to do. All of your responsibilities had been dealt with and you had no plans other than to sit on your ass and watch your new favorite show until bedtime. Sure, you could go out with friends, but you really just wanted to chill by yourself for the day. So anime binge party it was. You made a comfy nest of blankets and pillows on the couch and set up your laptop on the coffee table. You got some snacks and a drink, made yourself comfortable on the couch, and pressed play on the screen. You relaxed into the softness of your pillows and blankets and immersed yourself in another world for a few hours. 
About ten episodes in, you had to go to the bathroom very badly. All of that soda you’d drunk was taking its toll on your bladder. You paused the video, untangled yourself from your blankets, and stiffly power-walked to the bathroom. Once you relieved yourself, you washed your hands and went back into the living room. You snuggled back into your blanket burrito and reached over to start the video, but something wasn’t right. On the screen wasn’t the anime you’d been watching. It was the first episode of Phantom Blood. 
Did you accidently click the wrong thing in your haste to pause the video and rush to the bathroom? 
That had to be it. 
It was the only thing that made sense. 
You clicked off of the JoJo episode and went back to the previous page which took you back to the episode of the new anime you’d been watching. You found the place in the episode that you left off on and pressed play. You settled back in your comfy nest and watched the rest of the episode. You watched for another hour or so. During the opening of one of the episodes, you suddenly found yourself watching the opening for an episode of Battle Tendency. You sat up straight and stared at the screen in shock and confusion. 
“What the fuck?” you muttered under your breath. 
You refreshed the page and the episode started properly. That’s the second time your video was suddenly changed to an episode of JoJo. The first time you assumed that it was because of an accidental click but now you weren’t so sure. You hadn’t been touching anything when it happened the second time. All you were doing was staring at the screen when the switch happened. Why did it keep happening? Some kind of glitch with the streaming service? You didn’t know, but it was a bit annoying. You hoped that wouldn’t be a constant thing while you were trying to watch your show. 
The rest of the day went by without further incident. Eventually, you noticed that it had grown dark and you decided that your day of doing absolutely nothing needed to come to a close. You closed your laptop and reluctantly pried yourself off of the couch. As much as you wanted to just lay there in your blanket nest, you knew that you’d get a much better sleep in your bed. So you hobbled off to your room; your mind on nothing but getting a decent night’s sleep. 
You woke up a few hours later with a dried out mouth and an aching throat. You swallowed a few times, wincing at the sandpapery feeling of your tongue against the inside of your mouth. Well that’s what you get for sleeping with your mouth wide open. You flung the covers off of you grumpily and climbed out of bed. You stumbled into the kitchen, not daring to turn the light on and submit your sleep sensitive eyes to an onslaught of painful luminosity. You made your way over to the counter, grabbed a glass, and staggered over to the sink. As you were filling the glass you suddenly had the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. You assumed that it was your sleep fogged brain at work. After all, part of the reason you woke up was because you were having a disturbing dream. You tried to remember what the dream was about, but you couldn’t piece the memories together to get a full picture. You just remembered being in a place that made you uncomfortable and meeting someone that was familiar to you, but their presence frightened you. You just couldn’t remember the details. It kinda made you want to stay awake for the rest of the night but you decided against that. You knew you’d feel like shit the next day if you didn’t get back to sleep. There was nothing worse than waking up with a splitting headache due to lack of proper rest. You downed the glass of water and put the empty glass in the sink. 
You suddenly became aware of a strange odor in the air. What was that smell? Smoke? God, was something burning?! You took another sniff of the air and recognized the smell as specifically cigarette smoke. Okay, so that meant that your house wasn’t burning down. That was good news, but why would you be smelling cigarette smoke? The only way you would be smelling cigarette smoke is if it were coming from in the same room as you…
You heard the sound of rustling fabric from somewhere behind you. You spun around and immediately spotted the outline of someone sitting at your kitchen table. You could also make out the small glow of a lit cigarette sticking out of their mouth. As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could make out some details of the figure. They were large, broad shouldered, and wore a long white coat, and on their head rested an oddly shaped hat. In the miniscule amount of light in the room you could make out the glint of gold accessories on both their hat and coat. 
“No way…” you gasped in a quiet voice. “No way in hell…” 
The figure lit a lighter and held it to the wick of the candle that was located in the middle of the table. Once the candle was lit fully, you could see the figure better. It was as you expected, Jotaro as he appeared in part four was sitting at your kitchen table, glaring at you as if you were less than dogshit. 
“You recognize me?” he scoffed and took another drag from his cigarette. “I’m surprised. I thought you forgot all about me… about us….” 
You backed up against the counter, unable to believe what you were seeing and hearing. 
Jotaro glanced down at the cigarette in his hand. He held it up in front of him. 
“This is your fault, you know.” he sneered. “I quit smoking, but after you abandoned us, I started the habit again. I’ve been tolerant so far because I was stupid enough to think that you’d come back eventually. Maybe you were just taking a break and you’d come back when you were bored… that was my stupidity. I’ll own up to that. But when I realized that you’d thrown us aside like trash, well, I got pissed. I guess I took up smoking again just to stay sane…” 
You were so appalled at the fictional character seated at your table that you hadn’t been paying much attention to what he was saying. Slowly the words began to filter into your mind and of everything he said, one thing stood out the most…
He said “us”. He said that you had abandoned “us”...
That’s when you became aware of the other figures lined up behind Jotaro. 
You could make out their shapes and features in the candlelight. Jonathan stood there looking as utterly brokenhearted as a man could be. Joseph had a smug grin on his face as if he’d just caught you committing a crime. Josuke’s face was contorted in a vicious snarl while his fists were clenched by his sides. Ever so often his left eye would twitch indicating that he may be on the verge of a psychotic break. Giorno offered you a placid smile that was off putting when set against the coldness of his eyes. 
Your eyes darted nervously from one face to another before finally settling back on Jotaro’s. It was too much. You pushed away from the counter and ran out of the kitchen. A voice that probably belonged to Jonathan called out for you to stop but you paid it no attention. Luckily the kitchen was right next to the front door. Once you were outside, you could run to the neighbor’s house and get them to call the police. You wouldn’t dare tell them the truth. What would you even say? You couldn’t tell them that five fictional characters from an anime had invaded your house. They’d think you were on something. You would just tell them that someone had broken into your house. That’s all. Honestly, you didn’t know what the hell the police could do against them, but you didn’t know what else to do. You reached the front door but your hand froze just as you were about to unlock the door and yank it open. 
Two people were staring down at you from the window in the front door, two people you recognized. Kars looked down his nose at you with a haughty expression. He looked ever so much like a strict parent that had just caught his kid trying to sneak out of the house. DIO on the other hand had the most sadistic smile on his face. He made a “come-hither” gesture with his clawed hand as if he fully expected you to just open the door and throw yourself at him. Their eyes glowed with a hellish light and you couldn’t take the sight of them. You screamed and backed away from the door. As you stepped back, you saw two other familiar faces staring at you from the windows on either side of the door. Doppio had one hand pressed against the glass while the other hand held a rock from the garden to his ear as if it were a cell phone. One of his eyes had changed to a jade green color and glared at you with intense rage. His other, normal eye had a pitiful, disappointed look in it. From the other window Kira stared at you with an utterly emotionless expression. You didn’t dare speculate on what kind of thoughts could be going through his head at that moment. You screamed again and started to turn and run towards the back door…
“Star Platinum!” 
Suddenly you were held tight in an iron like hold. An invisible hand covered your mouth preventing you from screaming anymore. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that you were being held in place by Jotaro’s Stand. Struggling in Star Platinum’s grip was useless so you just hung there in midair as Jotaro approached you. 
“We weren’t done talking.” he snapped. 
He leaned in slightly and you got a whiff of cigarette smoke mixed with cologne. 
“Now you listen and you listen good,” he started to say. He held up a single finger.
“One. Just one more chance. That’s all you get. Come back to us and there won’t be a problem. Leave us again and it will get ugly.” he said, glancing up at the villains peering through the windows. His upper lip curled in disgust when he locked eyes with DIO and Kira, but only for a moment before his eyes were back on you. 
“Is that understood?” he asked. 
You nodded your head, whimpering behind Star Platinum’s invisible palm. 
You don’t know what happened after that. You just woke up in your bed with a pounding headache. 
“Fuck…” you groaned, pressing your hands to your temples. 
You felt awful. You could only guess that you just simply didn’t sleep very well. Damn nightmares. What was with that dream? Was it all because you felt guilty about leaving the JoJo fandom? You grumbled and rolled out of bed. You were going to need to take something for that headache. First you needed to get a glass of water. You stumbled off to the kitchen getting an uncomfortable feeling of deja vu. The moment you entered the kitchen, your eyes glanced to the kitchen table and you nearly fainted. 
The candle was out, but it was smoking as if it had only been put out mere moments ago. The cigarette butt that rested on the saucer that had been used as a makeshift ashtray was also still smoking. 
That night you made it a point to sit down and watch a few episodes of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure starting with Phantom Blood. You planned to rewatch the entire series from the very beginning all the way to Stone Ocean. With each episode you watched, you noticed that ever so often a character’s eyes would slide over towards you as if making sure you were still there, watching them. Sometimes it would be one of the main characters. Sometimes it would be one of the villains. Sometimes it would be a side character. Regardless, they all kept checking to see if you were watching. Every day, you would make it a point to watch at least one episode of JoJo, no matter what. You didn’t dare skip out on your daily dose of JoJo. You also never went back to the other anime you’d been watching after you left the JoJo fandom. No, you learned your lesson. You were familiar enough with Jotaro’s character to know that he only gave people one chance and no more. Just like with Rubber Soul and Steely Dan. He gave them both a chance to leave mostly unscathed but they both decided to turn on him at the last minute. They both were punished severely. You weren’t going to make that same mistake. 
So you sat there on the couch, stiff and terrified as you watched your “favorite” anime… 
… like a good little fan should…
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sk3tch404 · 5 months ago
How do you feel about yan jojo characters using there stand to harm there darling ? Or use it to there advantage.I like to imagine some characters like jotaro, jolyne , Joseph using there stands to kidnap or threaten their darling
I really hate it, but sort of love the idea because of the power imbalance it brings. Especially if darling isnt a stand user themselves.
I'm pretty sure darling would have a mental break because how the fuck is an invisible force dragging them up by the ankle?? Gravity?? Hello? Not to mention being HURT BY IT? Yeah ur all checked out.
Using the Joestar bloodline specifically for this was diabolical, thank you.
Jotaro would be one to use Star Platinum to intimidate his darling-- as if he himself wouldn't already be enough-- but he would never use Star to hurt them. Only if it were necessary. Afterward, he'd feel obligated to treat his darling be it tending to their wounds or gifts to make it up if they deserve it. He's a pretty closed off guy, so showing remorse face-to-face is a hard thing. Younger Jotaro would have a lot more difficulty with saying sorry. He'd say things he didn't really mean, "Then don't be a pain." Okay, he kind of meant it, but that's just his default response. Jotaro would make it up in some way or another to get rid of that cold shoulder of yours.
That's only if you're ballsy enough to even let him loom over you in dead silence for more than a few seconds.
Older Jotaro using his stand to hurt his darling is reserved for worst case scenarios only as well. He has more resources and has come a long way since his teenage years. He doesn't expect for his darling to magically get comfortable around him instantly or even in several months following the revelation of his yandere tendencies. He finds that using violence to get ones way doesn't really get what people want in the end, so its useless to him. It only applies if his his darling is actively running or trying to kill him.
Something he'd do in general with Star to intimidate his darling is scare tactics. Jotaro is pretty straightforward and tells it how it is, but he isn't above telling a few lies to get you on his side. He sees no point in hurting himself or you for some brownie points, so he does the obvious. Break shit around you. Though, not in some fit or tantrum. Rather, just to showcase the control he has in each situation. It seems to be way easier to crack a table in half, leaving concern for splinters around you two, (not that he cares much), and have you willingly be smart than grabbing you by the arm and dragging you away kicking and screaming. So damn annoying. It'd stress him out, and again, he hates screaming.
Jotaro would 100% use the help of Star to kidnap his darling. He utilizes Star well and gets the job DONE. Not to mention having the Speedwagon Foundation backing him up as well.
Old Joseph would use Hermit Purple occasionally. Assuming he had a falling out with Suzie, he wants to appear as best as he can for his darling. He'd be a gentleman. Well, as gentlemanly as an eccentric elder who's main focus is breaking and talking to screens can get. Joseph wouldn't use Hermit Purple to teach his darling a lesson or scare them at all. The only times he'd feel inclined to whip his stand out is to restrain his darling if they decide to attempt escaping, or to... do what old people do. Yeah.... But anyway, those are the only two most likely scenarios that come to mind if he were to ever use ol' H.P on his darling. Joseph would rather focus on wooing and winning over his darling rather than forcing them into submission all the time.
I do want to be like, "He would put pedal to the metal," or, "A little elbow grease does the trick," but honestly, that belongs to Young Joseph. Same guy basically, just more unhinged and less wise. Young Joseph would intentionally push his darling, but would suffer the unintentional consequences. He just wants some luv 💔 "Oh no! I made my darling cry because I kept dragging them away from the people they love and continuously pushed their boundaries! I tried to do everything right, how could this happen?" WHY ARE YOU DENSE SIR. GEEZ LA WHEEZ.
Jolyne would use Stone Free to mess with the stuff in her darling's life so they come running to her instead of scaring them into submission. She's a romantic at heart, but her darling doesn't make it easier by pushing her away. In the usual prison setting, she'd whisk away your stuff so you have to come asking if she has any commissary to spare. Other times, she's petty enough to mess with others in front of you if she feels threatened by them. Although, she'd either make sure to be low-key about it, or brush it off if you really have an issue with it, "So what? It's not like they're our friend right? This ain't a daycare or whatever. And besides, its not even a big deal. Don't worry about it." Gets sort of defensive, but always backs her "claims" up in some way. A bit foolish, but quick thinking.
She tries to tone it down usually due to there being potential hundreds of stand users that could get back at her for something stupid she did. If her darling ever caught on to her antics, (probably because the crazy shit always gotta happen around her), she'd deny it HARDCORE at first, but would feel bad eventually and confess because what's a relationship without communication and trust? She'd never want to lie and snowball that into something she can't control anymore. Jolyne might get emotional, but her drive outweighs the doubt in her. She'd make it up to you in any way she can, and with her friends, she can make prison life a whole lot easier or harder. Darling's choice.
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anon-imuz · 6 months ago
Yandere Jotaro X ex girlfriend mother of Jolyne reader
okay okay sorry for making you wait so much anon 😔😔
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Pairing: Yandere! Jotaro Kujo x Ex girlfriend! Jolyne's mother! Reader
Warnings: Yandere behavior, threatening
Notes: I DONT SUPPORT any warning listed above, this is fiction. English isn't my first language so there might be some spelling mistakes. hope you enjoy :))
On your way back from home, it was rainy and foggy so you drove carefully, safely arriving to your home and running inside.
You weren't feeling particularly well today, maybe because of the bad weather, so you decided to take a nice hot shower, make yourself a warm dish and eat it in bed while watching some TV.
As you scrolled trough some series, you found one that you started but didn't finish. It was about a young girl having a hard childhood because her parents divorced when she was a child and she had little to no friends. It reminded you of your ex, Jotaro, and that's probably the reason you didn't want to finish it.
But since there was nothing else to watch, you decided to just continue it and stop thinking about that jerk. How evil of him, he left you and your baby girl alone, and when she comes over to give you a visit and tells you about her dad, you don't know how to react.
You continued to watch the series and eat your soup in a cozy warm pajamas, while also hearing the sounds of the rain. All of a sudden, all the lights go off. You get scared at first, but then place your soup down and get your slippers on, to go check outside what had happend.
You grab your umbrella and quickly open the door, then the umbrella, as you walk to the back of your house to check electrical panel.
You didn't feel safe and instantly wanted to get inside your house again but just kept going.
When you arrived to the panel, you opened it but you felt someone walking behind you. You thought it was just some stupid hallucination because your fever level was kind of high so you quickly start to work with the panel to check what was going on.
When you felt the last step super close to you, they stopped but you didn't even realize since you were too busy working with the panel. When you had everything set, you were about to turn around but then you saw a tall man standing behind you.
You couldn't see his face so you tilted your umbrella a bit higher only to then feel your heart stop. It was your ex.
You both stare at each other in silence, but he breaks it.
"Y/N." he calls your name, but you were just staring at him with your eyes wide,thinking of a good threat to make him go away.
"W-what the hell are you doing in my property?! Get out or I'll call the authorities right now!..." He interrupts you with a light laugh and a fake smile.
You think of something better.
"... A-and I'm also sick! Yeah! So if you don't want to get high fever, just- go away and leave me alone!" You said, hoping that he'd go away.
"Is there a better excuse you can think of?" He asks, as you watch him in fear while some droplets fall from his hat.
You had to defend yourself from him, so you just tried to hit him with your umbrella, but as soon ad it got close to his face, it snapped in a half.
"You're so cute. I didn't realize what I had lost when I left you... But well, now I'm here to get you back..." He says, pausing himself to put his cold hand on your hot cheek,
"…Jolyne will be so happy when she'll hear us say that her mom and dad got back together. Don't you think?" He asks you, but you don't answer, it felt like you were totally freezed and couldn't move.
"I promise we'll be happy together and I'll take good care of you," He pauses himself again, picking you up, placing your face very close to his.
"Just me and you. You'll regret all the years you've spent alone, here without me. We will together forever... after all, it's for our daughter, right? She deserves the best, so we'll give it to her." He says, with a malicious smile on his face.
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meowygurl · 8 months ago
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hello dear kitty, i'm mae! i will share the "yandere jjba" themed posts that i will share from my account under this "YANDERECORE | JJBA" title.
in this series:
⊱ yan!character! x fem!reader!
⊱ reactions
⊱ one shots
⊱ preferences
also, your opinions are important to me! i would be very happy if you express your ideas, suggestions or requests<3
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tw: blood, obsessive behavior, mention of sex, mild/normal level sexuality, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, threats, blackmail, kidnapping, injury, manipulation, possessiveness, controlling, yandere people/behaviors, gaslighting, love bombing, ghosting, murder, murder, hallucination, fantasy, multiple relationships, jealousy, bullying, smoking, daddy/mommy issues, depression, age difference, sexual innuendos, sugar daddy/mommy
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© 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒, 𝐦𝐚𝐞.
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jotarosblkwifey · 2 years ago
JJBA: Love is Unbreakable. Intro
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[Pic above from @/StickerTricker on Twitter!]
Synopsis: Y/n loves playing dating sim games, they intrigue her with the different plots, characters and special routes that one may do. So when her best friend introduces her to a new one. She realizes that maybe she needs to back away from the screen.
Pairings: Various JJBA Characters x Reader, Original Characters x Reader.
Rating: 16+ (Later Parts maybe +18)
Warnings: Stalking, Obsession, Possessiveness, Scopophobia, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome (In some endings), death, murder, threats of harm, Mentions of Suicide, Depression, More to be added.
"Come on! You have to try it! I searched all over for this game for you!"
You felt awful a bit.
(B/F/N) had come back from a trip she went on and handed you a switch cartridge. You had told her not worry about you when she left, and that she didn't have to get you anything. But, her being the best friend in the whole wide world.
She brought you back an Otome game.
She had gotten you into them at first, sucking you in with The NIFLHEIM and Obey Me: One Master to Rule Them All.
They were fun. The storylines were moving, the artwork was great and the characters were lovable!
So when she held this new one in front of you, you had a feeling this one was going to become your new obsession.
It was based off of the anime Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, an anime that you loved to sit down and watch. You found it entertaining that no matter what, foolishness seemed to follow the Joestar Bloodline. So you were excited to play this game based around it.
“Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure…Love is Unbreakable. Hey, it's a play on one of the season’s names too!” (B/F/N) says and you nodded along. You turned the box over on the back to read the description.
‘Play along as your own character in the different stories from the hit Series Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure! Help Jonathan Defeat Dio in Phantom Blood, Fight alongside Joseph in Battle Tendency, or even Join Jotaro and his friends to defeat DIO once again in Stardust Crusaders! Fall for your favorite Joestars and who knows! Maybe they’ll fall for you too~’
“I’m probably gonna stay up late playing this tonight..”
“Well, Don’t let me stop you! I just wanted to stop this by! I still have to go unpack!” (B/F/N) gave you a kiss on the cheek and a big hug before leaving out. 
You grabbed your switch and decided to head to your room to start up your new game.
You placed your switch on the dock and watched as the screen lit up, seeing the several characters zoom across the screen before the title screen popped up. 
You smiled as you pressed start.
A pretty woman character popped up on the screen. She had pretty sky blue hair with swirly green/blue eyes, she had freckles and pretty mocha brown skin. She seemed to be staring off before ‘noticing’ you.
“Oh Hello! Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!! My name is Melody Musik! Welcome to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Love is Unbreakable!”
She was bright and bubbly, she must be an OC of the creator of this game. She surely followed the JJBA character style to a tea, dressed to stand out in a crowd.
“What is your name?” Her voice was sweet, you hurriedly typed in your name and you watched as her eyebrows furrowed together before her smile returned.
[Please Insert your name]
“Your name is Y/n, Correct?”
[Yes]<   [No]
“Such a pretty name! Now, Pick your story line~!”
[When you pick your storyline, it will be a special version of the story. Please choose carefully as once you start, you won’t be able to choose another one!]
[Phantom Blood]
[Available routes: Jonathan Joestar, Dio Brando]
Join Jonathan as he goes about his life beside his evil adoptive brother Dio. Help Jonathan Defeat Dio or either Join Dio and reject your humanity.
[Battle Tendency]
[Available routes: Joseph Joestar, Kars]
Join Joseph, the descendant of Jonathan and Erina as he comes over to the states. Follow him as he defeats Straizo and ends up with more than he can handle in the form of the Pilarmen. Will you defeat them? Or will you Join Kars in his quest to become the ultimate lifeform.
[Stardust Crusaders]
[Available routes: Jotaro, Joseph, DIO]
Time to Join Jotaro in saving his mom from DIO and his minions, Take a trip across Egypt and defeat the minions in his way. Will you stay alongside Jotaro or Will DIO persuade you to join him in his path to destroy the Joestars
[Diamond is Unbreakable]
[Available routes: Josuke, Jotaro,Joseph, Kira,}
Welcome to Morioh, 1999! There's a serial killer running around that you have to help find. Join Josuke and Jotaro as you try to figure out just who this killer is. Maybe the killer is in plain view. Or maybe he’s just a simple man who wants to live a simple life doing simple things.
[Vento Aureo]
[Available routes: Giorno, Bruno, Doppio/Diavolo]
Dio has a kid?! Join Giorno as he travels through the ranks of the mafia to defeat the boss of passione, the most powerful mob in Italy to become a Gang-Star. But, the boss may have his eyes on you. Be careful of who’s around you.
You stared as Melody explained each plot line and how you would fit into it. She pointed to each one and showed the available routes and the ‘difficulty’ level of the romanceable characters.
“Of course all the villains are hard…but that's not going to stop me!” You say excitedly and it was almost like Melody was giggling at you. You brushed it off as she continued to speak.
“Oh and don’t worry! I’ll be alongside you in every story! If you ever want to know something  or you get stuck!” She smiles at you and shows the various looks that she’ll have between each series. From having her own ancestors in Parts 1 and 2, to being similar to Jotaro and being in 3, 4 and 5. 
Though you kept getting the feeling that Melody was something more, you got a little Doki Doki Literature Club or John Doe type vibes from her.
“Tch. I doubt this game is going to be sentient. If so I would feel so bad for you Melo.” You said giving the tutorial character a nickname. You could’ve sworn you saw her blush and avert her eyes, before quickly returning to her idol animation.
“So! What are you going to choose?”
{I Choose This Route} : [1] [2]
[Phantom Blood] [Jonathan/Dio]
[“I can’t bear to lose you, We have to defeat Dio!’]
{I Choose This Route} : [1] [2]
[Battle Tendency] [Joseph/Kars]
[“I predict that you’re gonna say: Of Course Joseph I’ll Join you!”]
{I Choose This Route} : [1] [2]
[Stardust Crusaders] [Jotaro/Joseph/DIO]
[“Yare,Yare…be careful. I care about you too, you know.”]
{I Choose This Route} : [1] [2]
[Diamond Is Unbreakable] [Josuke/Jotaro/Kira]
[“Hey! Let’s play some games after this. Chasing killers is stressful”]
{I Choose This Route} : [1] [2]
[Vento Aureo] [Giorno/Bruno/Diavolo]
[“I, Giorno Giovanna, Have a dream. And I want you to be a part of my dream.]
{I Choose This Route} : [1] [2] [3]
[???] [Melo]
[“H-hey! Y/n You have to help me!! I’m just like yo-]
[] . [Next]
©jotarosblkwifey 2023
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this intro! I plan on trying to get each route out at least once a week! Each Route will have 2 parts and all of them lead up to the special secret route at the end!
I hope you enjoy~ Currently working on route one as we speak!
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yoshhii · 1 year ago
UNKNOWN FEELINGS— yandere!dio x reader
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DIO SAT BORED IN HIS CHAIR reading one of the many books he had from his library. with nothing to entertain him he tapped his slender fingers on the now closed book. his mind once again focused on getting rid of the joestar bloodline. with jotaro and his “acquaintances” he noticed a particular person. that person seemed to be female standing at (height).
the joestars and their friends where such a headache, but you where quite different. oh how much he hated you. you where mearly a pest, an annoying fly that would come back when you would shoo it away, a cockroach that seemed to always live no matter how many times you try to kill it. just what where you doing with his enemies? he almost felt sorry that he will have to kill you as well. dio has felt like this for a long time, until he got the chance to take a good look at you, a certain someone has managed to sneak a picture while you weren’t looking.
you seemed rather pretty a nice figure with beautiful e/c orbs that glistened in the sunlight, your eyes were half lidded as a gentle smile appeared on your face. you seemed to be at peace and just enjoying your surroundings. your skin looked so soft and your h/c hair seemed to be greatly taken care of. dio would be lying if he said you didn’t look gorgeous.
what made you even better was when he heard that you and the joestars managed to defeat some of his servants. it was rather impressive and he wonders what kind of stand you possessed, but he knows it is no match for ‘the world’. the thought of him standing above you while you bled out in front of him was rather….arousing. how interesting, dio has never had thoughts like this before.
a week has passed and these thoughts had only gotten worse. he needed to get rid of them, he needed to do something, he needed you. everytime he saw you whether it be a picture or in the middle of the night, his heart skipped a beat. it was rather obvious dio has fallen in love with you. but this wasn’t your normal kind of love, he was obsessed.
how funny, someone as charming and powerful as him has fallen in love with a mere human as you. of course there where others that where strong too but they where nowhere near him, that’s another reason why he needed you by his side, was to protect you.
─ ✧ ✧ ✧ ─
you would be buying take out for yourself since there was no dinner. there was some food at the hotel you where staying at, but none of it looked satisfying to eat. kakyoin has asked if you needed assistance but you have assured him that you where fine. what a terrible mistake…if only you knew the consequences of grabbing some food by yourself. as you where walking down the sidewalk with your food in one hand it seemed rather…quiet. there where no cars driving or people around.
‘how strange’ you thought.
usually you would see a car or two pass by, not even a cricket was making a sound. but once again with a fanfic cliche, that was before everything went black.
you woke up feeling dizzy, your vision blurry and your head hurts…almost like something has hit you from there. wait where were you? you looked around only to find that the room was rather dark. the only source of light would be from the candles that hung around the room. you seemed to be lying on a king sized bed, there where even bookshelves around the walls. trying to comprehend what just happened you tried to get up only to be stopped by ankle cuffs.
“ i see that you are finally awake ” a voice says near you.
you looked by the door and see a rather tall man, with beautiful golden hair as his ruby red eyes stared into yours. you wanted to scream.
‘ what was happening? who is he? where is kakyoin and everyone else? ’
you tried to call out your stand only to find yourself being chocked the next second, feeling his long pointy nails gripping your neck.
‘ what the hell? ’ how was he suddenly in front of you?
“ i would normally kill someone such as yourself right now, but i am willing to spare you, so let us make a deal, hmm? ” the man’s smooth silky voice said in your ear.
“ you will do as i say and in return i will guarantee your safety, you mustn’t worry about jotaro or your friends i can assure you that they are perfectly fine. ”
struggling to breathe you managed to do a slight nod, he smirked in satisfaction and let you go.
“ one of my servants has prepared you new clothes, you will find them on the table stand next to you, i will see you soon love ” and with that he was gone.
many questions popped up in your head. ‘why would he call me love?? what did he know about jotaro? was he a friend of his?’
no that couldn’t be, it’s obvious he’s much more than that. ‘was he actually safe?’ but for now you can only hope that what the man said was true.
─ ✧ ✧ ✧ ─
minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, days turned into weeks…just how long have you been here? you often wonder if you will ever escape always hoping that someone would just bust in and help you break free. but you learned that will never happen, being stuck here made you learn a lot of things.
you learned to always obey the man that kept you imprisoned in this mansion, dio. only talk when spoken too, stay by his side at all times unless told not too, be his perfect little pet. you hated being called that, it was like the woman y/n no longer existed and is now an obedient play toy. there where a few times where you almost escaped, so close to reaching that door of freedom but of course vanilla ice was there to stop you.
you screamed and thrashed to get out of his grip, only to be pushed in front of someone. carefully pulling yourself up, you slowly look up…recognizing the shoes of the man who put you here in the first place. dio let out a sigh. after all this time have you not learned anything? did you not see that everything he did was for you?
he was there to protect you and give you all your needs. he spared your life so you didn’t end up like the women he had previously eaten. he wouldn’t dare waste such a beauty like you, there may be times where he needed to give you a little….lesson…but it was out of love. dio excused vanilla ice and you would soon find yourself laying on a bed. no this couldn’t be happening…surely he’s not going to do what you think he is doing, is he?
the closer he got the more you wanted to scream, but you knew better. dio leaned down in front of you slowly rubbing his cold hands against your body, “ you know you really are so beautiful, “ he started, “ you truly are a precious gem, a beauty only one can be described as a goddess…but you know that beauty only lastes for so long, it slowly looses it’s spark, getting old, and eventually dies….you however….”
dio paused as he takes his left hand to reach something , “ i don’t want to ever lose you, you are mine and i wish to spend eternity with my darling. ”
a smile crept up his face as he brought something towards your cheek, but his smile seemed off, before you could say anything you felt immense pain. all you could see was a red liquid and feel the warmness of your blood dripping down your face. was…this…a mask?
he did it…dio finally did what he’s been waiting for, after all this time you would finally be with him forever. tears started to form in your eyes, this couldn’t be happening, this isn’t what you wanted. you wanted to live a normal life and grow old with the ones you loved, not this monster. all your hopes and dreams slowly faded away as you felt your nails grow longer, your skin drained of color and your precious e/c eyes turned a dark red.
─ ✧ ✧ ✧ ─
“ doesn’t this look nice my love ” dio said as he fixed your dress.
you where standing in front of a mirror, the same mirror that you use to get dressed like the many nights before. it was now dinner time, and you would walk with dio to the dining room.
“ of course it does dear ” you said as you forced a smile.
dio hummed in satisfaction, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist. it seemed you two where just standing in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s presence. before you could break the silence he lays his head on your shoulder.
“ i love you y/n ”, he whispered.
you tensed up, dio knew you hated responding, this was like a game to him, taunting you knowing you have no choice but to say it back. taking a short breath you once again reply,
“ i love you too “.
dio lifts up his head and turns you around, bringing a finger to your chin as he forces you to look up at him. he stares at you for a moment before slowly closing his eyes and leans in, you know what he wants, this was part of your little routine, so you know you have to do the same. the kiss lasted a little longer than usual, he must be feeling like that tonight, how disgusting.
before things go any farther he stops and suddenly walks away. of course, he didn’t see you as nothing more than a toy, only someone to cure his boredom. or was he simply teasing you knowing you’ll want more later?
you sighed as you look in the mirror once again. taking a good look at yourself, hair nicely done, nails freshly painted, and a beautiful (color) dress that stopped just before your knees…just how dio likes it.
this was your life now, obeying dio and giving him whatever he wishes. he always claims to love you but his definition of love was clearly different than what you know. he was so protective of you, no other man dared to look at you, even if you weren’t with him. if anything was bothering you he would get rid of it within seconds. if you needed anything, you would have it in your room the next day.
a new pair of clothes? already in your closet. need something else to spice up your skin care routine? you’ll find it by the bathroom sink. not feeling like yourself? you will find a plate of your favorite food and a bath that is ready for you. you once asked him if he had anything to do with it, he just let out a “tch” and denied it, it was an obvious lie.
it was strange to say but it was somewhat attractive. where you falling for him? you have to admit dio was not an average looking man. he was very handsome and a body some people would kill for. any woman would be blessed to have a husband like him.
did you just say husband? are you really falling for your kidnapper?….where you experiencing stockholm syndrome?
no. you would surely never fall for someone like that. this was simply your mind playing tricks on you.
deciding that you wasted enough time you start to walk towards the door. walking in a “lady” manner with your back straight and chin up, something dio has “trained” you to do. you soon reach the doors of the dining room knowing he was waiting on the other side.
perhaps things would be different if you weren’t stubborn and just accepted kakyoin’s offer, or just sucked it up and ate the dissatisfying food. how funny that something as simple as food led you into this curse.
as you start to open the door, you could only wonder what the future will hold.
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dakumoon-00000 · 1 year ago
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jestercouture · 1 month ago
hey, the jester here!
i know i’ve only written for HXH so far on this blog, but i want to add a few more acts to the roster.
i will additionally write for:
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Final Fantasy 7
The Legend of Zelda
more will probably be added, but for now these are the scheduled acts. requests are open in the jesters box, so if you have a request don’t hesitate to send it out to me!
my master list is pinned, so take a good look if you aren’t familiar with what i allow or don’t. i am more interested in yandere, dead dove content etc.
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thecw-unicorn · 2 years ago
The Oath (Yandere! Giorno x reader)
So I originally wasn’t planning on writing this but spur of the moment idea, for @mrsgiovanna Giorno Month, and I just wanted to add one final contribution!
Prompt: “You’ll learn to love me”
TW: toxic relationship/behavior, mentions of stalking and manipulation
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He was watching you, like always.
You were walking through his garden. Or rather your garden, as he had told you, as whatever belonged to him, belonged to you.
He watches intensely. He loved seeing you around the flowers, and loved it even more when you had gone the extra step taking care of the flowers. Even though you didn’t realize how they last all year long, even in the winter, and didn’t understand the nature of their existence, it warmed his heart. Your dress swaying ever slightly in the breeze, as if the whole scene did it’s best to beautify you. Not that you needed it in Giorno’s mind.
He smiled as you walked along the path, slowly taking in the sights and smells of all the beautiful flowers that surrounded you on both sides. He was glad to see you out. After you arrived, (or kidnapped, as you often called it, much to Giorno’s disappointment), you weren’t doing so good. Spending most if not all days in your room barely eating, drinking, or doing anything. He did everything he could to get you back to yourself. Gentle coaxing, sweet words, strong promises, anything he could think of. You hated to admit it, but it mostly worked. You’d spend hours thinking of your friends and family. Giorno knew it too. He’d always tell you “wouldn’t they want you to live? To be alive, and well taken care of?”
It was hard to argue with that. Not to mention you didn’t exactly have the energy to fight back. So you caved in. You’d let him hold you, let him kiss you, buy you things. Whatever his delusional idea of love was. Some days were definitely hard. The need to leave. Not just this place, but your body, your mind. It didn’t take long to learn your mind was as dangerous as the gilded cage you were stuck in. Getting out of bed, and doing something was substantially better than living in the mind numbing roar that deafens your head and strangles you in its grasp.
The wind blows softly, tickling your face and arms slightly. The scent of the flowers are blown to you as well. The scent is almost…too perfect. You make your way over to a batch of roses, the fragrance so strong it almost suffocates you. Another irregularity: no thorns. You remember the bewilderment you had felt first seeing the odd flowers. It wasn’t until Giorno had explained everything that it all made sense: the flowers were for you. The smell is as amplified as possible, no thorns to prevent picking your fingers. The whole idea had made you uneasy. They looked so perfect, so beautiful, any gardener's dream. And yet, it wasn’t read. It was fake. You couldn’t help but wonder if that’s how Giorno’s feelings were. Perfect and sweet on the surface, but ultimately a ruse. A clever trick crafted from an expert mummer, poised in the act of deception. You shook your head, not wanting to fill it with melancholy thoughts to further sour the garden visit.
You make your way to the end of the path, seating yourself on a stone bench underneath a weeping cherry blossom tree. You close your eyes, trying to find some form of relaxation in this prison. You feel the breeze softly moving the hanging flowers of the tree, tickling your upper arms and face. You tried to think happy thoughts. The flowers. Their smell wafting all around you. The sound of their swaying in the breeze. Or better yet, you tried having no thoughts at all. You’d learned to despise your brain and being in it for such long, silent, periods of time since living with Giorno. You take a deep breath, hoping to expel the already rising negative thoughts. You’d almost forgotten about your book you’d brought to read, sitting neatly beside you on the bench. You pick up the book, hoping to escape and find whatever happiness you could in this beautiful misery.
He saw that you were reading again. Finally, he thought, unable to stop the smirk forming on his face. He’d bought you all those books, since he knew of your deep love of reading from spending days watching you in detail. He was glad to see you finally using the countless gifts he’d showered you with since bringing you home. He loved watching you. Whether it was simply mundane tasks or a deep passion you had, he’d always wanted to keep as close of an eye as possible. Despite it, he knew it was creepy and invasive. But now that you were with him, he’d do whatever it takes to keep you safe and protected, even if it meant having himself or someone watching your every move.
Truth be told, he was happy to see you outside. He noticed you were having a string of bad days, preferring to stay in your room all day, barely touching the food that was sent. The dark circles would be visible on your face, your eyes holding a weary frightened glaze to them. You did your best to put up walls around you, guarding your brain, and more importantly your heart from him. But Giorno knew you. He knew everything down to a T. He remembers his words to you upon your arrival: “You’ll learn to love me.” Not only a warning, but a promise. While not to the point he’d wish, you had grown more used to your home, and especially grown used to him and being with him. Sure, it was no easy task, but enough gifts, sweet, coaxing words, and subtle, pointed reminders of his power and your family, you had become more docile. You had your…outburst every now and then but it was expected. Moving one into a whole new home and in a new relationship is no easy task, but Giorno committed himself to you. And yet, he himself struggled as well. One aspect of maintaining the seamless transition to your new home was restraint. He wanted nothing more than to express his love in every way possible, loving words, soft kisses, giving himself wholly to you. But, deep down, he knew it’d confuse you, even scare you as well having to deal with the new environment and all his love and attention. Only in the dead of night when slumber claimed you did he allow his words to push past his lips.
“You’re going to stay here now. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise. And I promise to make this your home and love you with all I am and more. I swear it.”
He remembers another time, a time he’d said words very similar to what he’d said to you. To a friend (2 years older!) before he’d rested him in white flowers forever. Never again. He wouldn’t do it again. Not for you. He’d do everything in his power to ensure you were safe and in your own little slice of Heaven. He’d love you with everything he was, and keep you here. He’d kissed your hands, and your forehead while you slept, none the wiser of the solemn oath that had been sworn over your slumber.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years ago
Hi, can I request Chae Yul, Dabi, Itachi, Giorno Giovanna, Narancia Ghigra, Leone Abbacchio, Douma and Tomioka Giyu with a very shy s/o ? S/o tries to have as little as possible eye contact with the yandere and tries to be as far away as possible? They also try to cover their faces when they are very embarrassed.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive relationship, obsession, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, isolation, jealousy, social anxiety, insecurities, violence, death
Very shy s/o
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡Your extremely shy nature is as obvious as it can get and has caused Itachi to feel multiple times a day concerned about you even during his stalker phrase. You’re socially awkward and lack experience as you tend to stick with the things you’re familiar with out of fear to embarrass yourself so the eventual abduction is the worst situation you could be confronted with. Itachi is as understanding as he can be though, is patient and doesn’t try to force you into any more uncomfortable situations. You need time to at least get a chance to adjust but whilst he doesn’t confront you, he at least shows up long enough to let you see that he doesn’t plan to harm you. Itachi definitely feels more protective and there’s this possessive urge at times to keep you completely for himself and to take charge over your life as you have troubles voicing out your opinion. He snaps mostly out of it though, even goes as far as encouraging you to speak up more.
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🔹Dabi finds the struggles of his s/o and their shyness just freaking adorable, especially since it’s such a strong contrast to his own personality and the ones of the people he surrounds himself with. Seeing you struggling to talk to others or speak up is such a cute sight to see, stalking you and seeing you troubling yourself with concerned thoughts never fails to lift his mood. Whilst it is cute seeing you being insecure and shy by yourself, the sight of someone making you uncomfortable has his blood boiling and everyone who dares to make his little mouse shy will burn for it. He knows that an abduction will surely only worsen things for you but he doesn’t give a fuck about it. You’re such a breath of fresh air in his life, too pure for someone like him but the taboo of it makes it all more exciting. He attempts to make you a bit more comfortable around him though but at times he makes you purposely nervous to see your reactions and tease you.
Tomioka Giyu
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🌊Giyu isn’t really any better than his s/o, he just manages to be more stoic and hide his emotions better than his s/o does. There’s this feeling of anxiety and nervousness when Tomioka gets the chance to spend time with you though as he doesn’t know what to say or how to express his feelings for you. The end result is always this awkward silence where you try your best to keep your distance and avoid eye contact. Initially when Giyu notices, he’s worried it’s because of him. After some stalking observing, he comes to realize that you’re just naturally very shy and not because you’re intimidated or uncomfortable around him hopefully. Your shy nature stresses him at times out though since he’s almost always worried that he might do something that may make you uncomfortable so he becomes hyper aware when he’s around you, secretly desperate to gain some of your affection. He can’t help the increase within his protective nature though, if someone makes you feel anxious he will step in.
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❄️Possibly one of the worst when it comes to a very shy s/o. Now, in Douma’s eyes his darling is nothing short of adorable. Every little reaction has his heart fluttering wildly in his chest, every shy word spoken has him enraptured. He dotes excessively on you for your shyness, spoils you with all the riches he can give. Unfortunately Douma lets his sadistic streak show as he forces you into uncomfortable situations with him only to see your shyness and witness the way you avoid eye contact, stutter and pinch your heated cheeks whilst cooing over your sweetness. Whether he violates your personal space or asks you gruesome and weird questions. It should be pointed out that Douma is awfully possessive though. You are only for his eyes and everyone else who either gets a glimpse of your adorable personality or makes you a bit anxious will be beheaded on the spot. For that sake Douma keeps you isolated as everything about you should only be his to savor and cherish.
Giorno Giovanna
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🐞Some may think that this should be forbidden. Giorno himself understands though. The unlikelihood of two people so vastly different as someone like you should never be involved with the likes of him. Ultimately Giorno won’t stay away from you though as he’s possessive and partially delusional too. Unlike the force and power he holds, he approaches you normally though as he hides who he is from you in an attempt to charm you and have you falling in love with him naturally instead of straight up forcing you. He takes advantage of your shy personality though as he knows that you feel nervous to approach new people and starts manipulating your surroundings so you end up spending a lot of time with him and only him. Whilst your shy reactions around him might be adorable at first, it’s important to him that you feel comfortable around him. Giorno is fairly patient and suave with you but you have an abduction coming eventually for you.
Leone Abbacchio
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🍷Abbacchio is hit with feelings of insecurity and shame as he can’t help but feel like this should be illegal. You’re without a doubt the purest and softest person he’s ever met and normally he would have frowned at your behavior. But all it really took was your sensibility and your caring nature to make him fall for you as you showed him more kindness than the majority of people he knows. He doesn’t deserve you, it’s something Leone tells himself daily as you don’t fit within the grim lifestyle he leads. He doesn’t want you to find out who he really is for the sake of keeping what he has of you in his life now. He’s a bit dependent on the slices of kindness and nurture you give him, especially since he knows that you have troubles socializing due to your shyness, a trait which overwhelms him at times. Abbacchio turns very vicious and aggressive around others if they make you anxious, follows you around more than you should know as his protective streak makes it hard for him to not do nothing.
Narancia Ghirga
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🧡Narancia overdoes it when it comes to his darling due to the clear inexperience in general when it comes to the concept of loving someone romantically. He's never really met someone as shy as you before either and frankly spoken, that leads to some misunderstandings, especially since he's paranoid. Your shyness is mistaken as fear as you can't keep eye contact with him and always keep a good distance between you two. Narancia, assuming that you don't want to be with him, takes for that the wrong path as he starts following you around even more, invades your privacy and tries desperately to gain your attention until he can't take it anymore and bursts out in tears in front of you, blaming you for not even giving him a chance and begging you to accept him. Even after he has understood that you're just a very shy person, he turns only worse with those around you as he starts threatening everyone as soon as you look remotely uncomfortable and smothers you with his presence and affection to make you feel protected.
Chae Yul
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💜Chae Yul might find your shyness adorable later on but as long as you keep avoiding him and his gaze, you really trigger the worst inside of him. Yul is addicted to your thoughtfulness and your kindness you show him, especially during the days where he is bullied. He starts to believe that you two only need each other and his obsession really starts kicking in after he realizes that you're someone who has troubles adjusting to new people and new situations, hence why he makes sure to keep you away from others. You only need him and he makes it significantly hard for you to form new bonds since he's clingy and follows you around everywhere, convinces you to stay with him and threatens and scares everyone else away, paranoid that you might get close to someone. He's already boiling with jealousy if he realizes that you have less troubles looking at someone and talking to them which only results in him guilt-tripping you with tears into showing him affection, he won't allow anyone else getting in between you two.
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thatonegirl322 · 10 months ago
Since asks are open, can I request a yandere la squadra (separate or poly, your choice) reading the reader’s diary, but the diary is just the reader writing about their own depressed thoughts and anxieties. Any pronouns are fine ❤(っ^▿^)✨
Have a good day and stay hydrated! ✨
I'm a little touchy with the depression stuff sense I'm just getting over mine but I can still do anxiety. Thank you for sending a ask, sorry that it took so long. It's not exactly specified that there poly or separate so just think what you wanna think. This will be a more serious one I guess.
Pronouns used: she/her
Key: Y/n= Your/name
...= pov switch
Y/n sighs as she finishes a new log in her diary. This was supposed to help with her anxiety but its not really working. "I gotta use the toilet" Y/n mutters she gets up and leaves her room, but she forgot one little thing. She lives in a house filled with people who are obsessed with her, and you can bet your ass they'll definitely snoop through her diary.
Melone, Prosciutto,Formaggio,Risotto, Illuso, Ghiaccio, Sorbet and gelato:
He was just walking around the house until he stumbled upon your room ( he totally didn't plan this a day in advance) once he peeked into your room and saw that you were gone. He walked in and felt his heart beat quicken when he went near your open diary. He first read one page, then three, and then suddenly he finished the whole thing. He's not sorry at all. When he read about your little anxieties he wasn't really surprised he already knew what made you tick just by watching you on a day to day basis but. He will try his best to work with on it, accept for your social anxiety it helps him in the long run of taking you away for the rest of the world and only depending solely on him. He walks out feeling a little more determined, determined to make you love him even more.
He felt a little guilty about doing this but since his big bro told him to do it he felt like he had to. He slowly walked into your room, already knowing you were somewhere else. He saw your diary open and it was the perfect opportunity to snoop. He probably won't get a a chance like this until a while. As he slowly reads your logs, taking everything in to fully immerse himself in your mind. He felt more sad as he read more pages. When he fully finished it he felt like he was gonna cry. He knows just how feels, but deep down in his mind it makes him more delusional, think that you guys are meant to be, that you were made for each other. He carefully puts the diary back to the page it was at. He walks out your room thinking
' maybe i can help us both get better
If I just spend more and more time with her, or maybe everyday, every hour, every second-"
Y/n stomps torwards him a glares at him "did you go through my diary!?"
" Maybe, maybe not"Melone, Prosciutto,Formaggio,Risotto, Illuso, Ghiaccio, Sorbet and Gelato says while smirking
" Of course not!" Pesci stammers
Hope you guys enjoyed, have a good day!
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thornybubbles · 11 months ago
Another silly Stardust Crusaders Imagine...
Imagine you're with the Stardust Crusaders and you're one of the only members that just loves old man Joseph's stupid dad jokes. You've basically become his adopted grandchild.
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Imagine getting a minor injury in a Stand battle and Joseph uses his Hamon to heal you. He makes the end of his finger glow and does a perfect imitation of E.T. that has you giggling.
Joseph: "Oooowch!"
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You: *bursting into ugly laughter which causes Joseph to laugh along with you.*
It takes him a good ten minutes to actually heal you because the two of you can take nothing seriously.
Jotaro: *Grumbling under his breath because of the second hand embarrassment of his Grandpa's cringe 80's memes.*
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bbreaad · 1 year ago
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anon-imuz · 6 months ago
Yandere Blackmore X Ex girlfriend reader. Smut. Angst
sure btw tysm for all the support you always like my works ur super kind💕
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Pairing:Yandere! Blackmore x Ex girlfriend! Reader
Warnings:Yandere behavior, dubcon
Type:Smut and angst
Notes:i DONT condone any of the things listed In the warnings, this is fiction. English isn't my first language so you might encounter some grammatical mistakes, hope you still enjoy:))
You were almost a year out of that toxic relationship you had with your ex, he was always absent and when he was there you two were always fighting.
Now, you were talking to a guy online and he seemed pretty cool and he met your standards. He was kind, pretty, smart, but most importantly, he was there when you needed someone. Unlike your ex.
Tonight was about to be you two's first date together, and you chose to wear a long dress that fitted you perfectly, a dark red wine color, that you only wore on special occasions.
As you were walking to the restaurant, you feel some eyes hunting you down, but you just shrug it off, thinking it might be the butterflies or the anxiety of your first encounter with someone new.
When you enter the restaurant, the guy you were supposed to have a date with waves at you as a sign to come sit at the table but, little did you know that those eyes that you felt like they were eating your soul, were actually your ex boyfriend's eyes. He followed you the whole time. He knew about the guy. He watched you prepare for your stupid date and was ready to make his come back and make sure that you don't ever do something like this ever again.
You two start talking and as soon as the waiter arrives, you two order some food and drinks. You choose your favorite plate, while the guy chose something that he had never tried before.
When the food arrived, you two stopped the chatter and began eating. While he was eating some spaghetti you were eating your favorite dish, you two exchanged some silly looks that made eachother giggle...all while your ex was watching. But you were totally unaware and just enjoying your evening. Only he knows how much his blood was boiling at that moment, but he knew he had to wait for the right time to teach you a lesson.
"Oh hey, not to interrupt but...I really need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." The guy said as you nodded, watching him go up a waiter to ask indications for where the bathroom was.
When you finished your plate, he still didn't come back and his spaghetti were still there in his plate, left cold and unfinished. You sighed, trying not to cry already knowing that he wasn't gonna come back and that you had to pay for the both of you.
You walked out the restaurant with a frown, hoping that he was different but I guess he was like everyone else.
And now, it was your ex's time to shine. He would've pretended to be a random passerby and offer you a ride on your way back home.
"Oh, thank you. It began to rain now and i didn't bring an umbrella with me." You say to the man you didn't recognize, and he told you to not worry and that at this hour it was dangerous for ladies to walk alone at night.
"Hey, sorry but... this isn't the way to my house." You interrupt the man.
"I know." He replies.
Your blood went cold. What did he mean he knew?
You side-eyed him and said,
"Sorry? What'd you say?"
"I said I know this isn't the way to your house. Indeed, it's the way to mine. I thought you remembered..." He responded, a little disappointed.
No way. It was your ex? Ans you didn't even notice? How stupid could you be?
"Before you damage my car,i already locked everything. So you can't run, and you never will, darling. We're meant to be. Don't you understand how perfect we are for each other?" He said.
You remained still, knowing that if you were to attack him you'd probably end up in a car incident.
"Now now, let's remove this stupid guy's scent from your divine body." He says while parking his car in a parking space in the nowhere.
"Oh baby, you let a man treat you this way? You let such a rat leave you and your perfect self alone and even let him have the ability to make you sad and ruin your evening? Oh come now sweetheart, we don't do that." He reassured you, as you cried in his chest while he placed you on his lap.
"It's okay honey. It's just you and me now, you're safe." He tells you, while caressing your back.
As much as you hated him you really needed some comfort and a shoulder to cry on, so you just let yourself go and melt yourself into him.
"Shhh..." He orders, while traveling his hands down your lower back to your ass, moving your panties to the side while teasing your pussy.
You can't help but fall to his touch. You'd really like to punch him but you know how well he knows how to turn you on.
He starts slipping two fingers in, slowly and delicately leaving and entering your pussy, while you try to keep your mouth shut by biting his shoulder, but kind of fail.
He then adds another finger... and another one. 4 fingers. you're rocking your hips on his hand, begging for more as you moan out his name.
"Yes baby, good girl, you're doing so good~" He praises you while making his movements faster inside you. You're about to cum but, will he let you?
"Come on, cum for me baby." He orders, and you do so. You're so tired and really just need to go to bed after this bizzare night.
"Look at the mess you made. I'll forgive you this time... but you won't run away this time." He whispers, kissing your cheek.
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