#guhhh what do i tag this
shrimp-and-rice · 5 months
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funny fun fella look at em
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luck-of-the-drawings · 11 months
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necropathys · 6 months
Guhhh I love Dreammare just so very scared to ship it publicly…. I’m friends with Saccharo and it’s like- they’re gay together and domesticccc-
Sorry for my rambling- I’m gonna tag my friend so they can tell me your response as I’m very scared to see it myself 😔
- @nightmare-verse
Please don't worry. I don't mind it! Forgive me also, because I'm going to ramble a bit.
I adore Dreammare though. They are everything to me. Sun and moon dynamic. Enemies to lovers. Brothers. Tentacles. Trauma. There are so many ways to spin their characters and their dynamic and it hits every single time. (It's so good!!!!!!! Screams into the abyss)
I've always been very open and upfront about my shipping. But, I've engaged with the younger crowd too, and the anti culture is very hostile among minors/just turned 18 and awful, so I understand your reservations. I've talked to others, and it seems consistent that it feels like everyone is always looking for something to ruin you with. It's like walking on eggshells for some creators and I hate that for them. :(
I don't know if you're looking for... advice? But I think you should be open about it. Anyone who is hostile to this isn't worth interacting with. And it's so much easier to not feel like you're hiding something constantly. Like you can get exposed at any moment—it's really awful. And the bonds you make will be more authentic when you don't feel like you're hiding stuff.
People who are weird about dark media... I don't get it at all. They're taking things too seriously. We're making stories. Playing with dolls. To depict it as something deeper is kind of ridiculous.
I'd rather not associate with someone who acts like that, personally. My blacklist is long, but I'm so much happier because of it.
I think you should do what you want, and if someone doesn't like it, then the block button is right there. But if you're still concerned, alts are super cool for that.
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lifeofroos · 3 years
Part 61: You know that headcanon that Nico knows the leaders of other underworlds? Ye...
In short: Nico gets therapy from Dionysus. In this chapter, Hades takes his son to Helheim, for a learning experience. The rest is on AO3 and on FanFiction.net! Also in Tumblr tags like Dionysus, Nico di Angelo, fanfic etc. 
This might be crazy: Chapter 61: I wouldn’t drink that if I were you
‘I don’t know if Dionysus would allow this.’
Dad gave me a look. ‘I am your parent and I allow it.’
‘Fair enough.’ Also, I really wanted to come.
We were in a part of the palace I hadn’t been to often. ‘You might notice this place feels particularly gloomy,’ my dad explained. ‘This is because it keeps people away.’
‘Very well designed. Yet, may I ask, what kind of place are we going to that it needs that kind of protection?’
‘To Hel.’
‘Oh. Fun.’
‘I mean Helheim.’ I nodded, with my eyebrows raised. ‘I felt like you should see how they rule there. I thought, maybe it’s interesting, that you could learn something from it…’
‘So basically take-your-child-to-work-day?’
‘That’s a thing?’
‘I heard of it.’
Hades shrugged. ‘Hm. We’re here.’ He pointed at a small, black door om our left.
‘This leads to Helheim?’
Hades twisted the knob a few times. ‘It does if I set the knob in the correct setting. Otherwise it’d lead to Duat, or to Christian Hell, or another underworld.’
‘Ah.’ Cool, actually.
Hades opened the door and got through. I followed. 
There was yet another dark, cold hallway behind the door, yet this one seemed to be even colder and slightly less dark. Luckily, it wasn’t very long. 
Helheim at the same time looked a lot like Hades and not at all. It was gloomy and dark, but instead of sand, willows and affodils there were ice, rocks and pinetrees.
My dad grabbed my shoulder. ‘Don’t stray. Don’t talk to random people. Remember that they are here because they died a dishonourable death.’
‘I thought some of them died of old age…’
‘Shh! That doesn’t matter!’
‘Okay, Okay!’
I shut my mouth. We walked down a white path, which led to quite a magnificent palace. ‘She should be in here,’ Hades explained. ‘Don’t worry about Hella. She isn’t scarier than Persephone.’
I stiffled a laugh while we walked inside. 
We were guided into a throne room by a ghost (Not by a skeleton, like in Hades). The throne room was both huge and beautiful. Or, well, throne room. Instead of a throne there was a couch. A woman wearing a big victorian gown and a mask over half her face was draped over it. 
She got up when she saw us. ‘Hades... Who's this?’
‘Nico. He’s my son.’
‘And you brought him along because?’
‘I wanted him to see how Helheim is run.’
Hella shrugged. ‘Okay. As long as he doesn’t destroy anything.’ She pushed her gown straight.
‘Why did you call on me?’ Dad inquired. 
Hell pushed a few curls out of her face. ‘Hellheims’ infrastructure needs to be renewed.’
My father blinked. ‘You want my help with infrastructure?’
‘In recent years, Haides has gotten a wonderful new infrastructure. If you don’t mind, could you enlighten me on how that happened?’
‘That way. A talented architect, eh, recently died. I had him reshape the infrastructure from before, to hold back the traffic jams that used to stop the flow of recently deceased coming in...’
I zoned out and took a good look around room. It was built in a style that held the middle between baroque and Scandinavian. Just like in the Greek Underworld, there were doors running to different parts of the castle. Through little windows you could see where they went. I narrowed my eyes and tried to peak through one. 
With a start, I turned around, ‘Wha… I mean, yes, your majesty?’
She studied me for a second. ‘Could you go get us something to drink? There is a cooler in the back behind the door you were trying to peak through.’ She pointed a gloved hand at it (I could see her bony wrist sticking out from under the glove). 
I made eye-contact with my dad for a second. He nodded, which I took as a sign that it was probably safe enough to do as she asked. 
I nodded, turned around and walked through the door.
As soon as it fell close behind me I was ambushed by a spirit, who grabbed my ankle. I jumped and he let go of my leg, at which point he was shoved away by another spirit. 
I kept on walking, ready to fight whatever else would come at me. I saw only a few ghosts around me, but it felt like I was wading through a sea filled with them. 
There was a cooler in a small kitchenette at the end of the hallway, but it certainly did not have water in it. Instead, it held a stinking brown-blackish liquid. I got three paper cups from the stack behind it. I filled two and thought for a second, before deciding I was good. 
‘Ghhh...’ A random soul popped up next to me. They slowly stroked my leg. I almost lost all of the fluid in the cups.
‘Gggguhh...’ they pointed at the cooler. 
‘You want some?’ I handed them one of the cups without knowing if that was a good idea. ‘Guhhh...’ They downed the whole thing, deeply bowed for me and left. I waited for a few seconds. It didn’t seem like anything happened.
I filled another cup and walked back to the throneroom. Dad and Hella were still talking to each other, Hella on her couch, Dad on a chair a few feet away. 
‘Hadesson,’ Hel announced, while I handed them both a cup, ‘Thanks.’
‘You’re welcome.’ 
‘Your father and I have discussed the basics of the infrastructure exchange,’ she told me, as if it was supposed to mean something to me. 
‘That is good to hear.’
She looked at me for a few seconds, before turning to Hades. ‘I think we should stop here. Talk to this kid first, then we’ll see.’ 
Hades nodded. I wondered what was going on, but I didn’t ask. I could do that in a second or so.
They both drank their cups empty, after which dad and I left. I bowed to Hel, who bowed her head back to me. 
My dad put his hand on my shoulder when we got back. ‘What she meant is that she thinks you should do the small runs, to see if everything is going alright with the infrastructure there. She doesn’t like it if other gods come into her domain.’
‘She, and you, want me to… be a messenger sometimes, basically?’
‘It would be handy. She prefers it and our underworld is already a mess. Yet, I only want you to do it if you feel better. It shouldn’t be an extra burden.’
I began to snicker. ‘I think it might be funny to see what the gods are up to sometimes.’
He shrugged. ‘I will see what happens. It would be the best if it was you, for Hell at least, but I am not sure if I want it.’
‘I’ll hear it. I don’t think it can be that bad.’
‘I reckon Daedelus will be going to Helheim now?’
‘Yes. I think he’ll sees it as a challenge.’
I nodded. ‘True.’
Hades sighed. ‘Perhaps you should be going back to camp now. You should eat and drink.’
‘Eh, yes.’ I hadn’t done that in a bit. ‘Okay then, see you next time!’
‘Only now realise how hungry you are?’
‘Yes, actually.’ I gave him a hug before I ran down the corridor. For one because I was hungry, but also because I had a lot to think about. 
A/N: tfw you are writing and there is this giant mosquito monster on your wall
Also it is hot in the Netherlands it shouldn’t be 27 degrees in this country my north-European body can’t handle that
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the-mad-starker · 4 years
Starker Smut: Variations in Perfections
Ahh my failed ABO event fic since I didn't finish in time  This, I think, will be a three parts but I didn't want to wait until I did all three parts to post. This way, I can start dividing my time for other events 😱
Prompt: [Preferred tags: non/dub-con, body transformation, humiliation/degradation] Omegas are not a natural occurrence, they're made when an alpha is forced to submit and takes another alpha's cum. Sometimes they have to be knotted more than once for the change to be complete.
Notes:  noncon, possessive Peter, a/b/o dynamics, Alpha Tony/Alpha Peter, alpha turning, breeding bench, (in later parts: body modification, humiliation/possible degregarion)
WC: 2693
(AO3 Link)
Tony's consciousness drifts in and out.
It's a haze of color and sounds, blurred images that make no sense except for one thing.
Peter's face comes in and out of focus. He looks… worried and that causes a ping of worry to spark up in Tony's chest.
"I–" His mouth is dry, so dry… It almost hurts to talk and his tongue feels dumb and too fat in his mouth.
He's disoriented and confused. He reaches a hand out towards Peter, his mind trying to grasp logic (What's happening? Why am I like this? Was I… drugged…?) but it slips between his fingers, one elusive thought after another.
He feels a pinch and his head turns in an attempt to track it. It feels like slow motion. His eyes don't follow the movement so it takes a moment longer to see it. It takes another moment to focus and recognize the little syringe, depressed, stuck in his arm. And the fingers holding it...Peter's hand… connected to his wrist… to his arm… to his concerned face.
Tony's voice cracks. He doesn't know if he even manages to say the other alpha's name but when he slumps forward, it's Peter's arms that catch him.
He's surrounded by the younger man's scent, a pungent scent. Too alpha. His nose scrunches up, puffs of air being expelled in an attempt to get rid of that scent. It should rile up Tony's own instincts but his mind is too drugged up– fucked up to register the faint growling in his head. 
He's trained his stupid alpha brain to ignore other alphas because they live in a civilized society. Couldn't have alphas snapping and growling at each other… Especially when Peter is an alpha, too.
"I got you, Mr. Stark," Peter tells him and his arms tighten around him.
Yeah… Yeah, the kid will keep him safe. Peter's a good kid like that. Such a good kid…
Tony sinks into the darkness.
His head feels like it's stuffed full of cotton balls.
There's a creaking sound, wood groaning under duress.
His body makes all its complaints known once he has more than one brain cell booting up and online.
His arms hurt. His knees ache. His stomach is digging into a padded bench as his body is being rocked forward. The rocking motion makes his head spin.
Tony's being fucked. Every alpha instinct screams in protest, in denial. He's an alpha!
He groans, body jerking violently in protest but stronger hands hold him viciously in place. Whoever has him is like a dog with a bone, relentless, and fucking savagely with an outcome in mind. Strong hips slap against his ass, harsh and unforgiving as a thick alpha cock spears into him, sloppy with wetness.
"Mr. Stark…"
Tony freezes, all attempts to struggle shocked out of him.
"Mm?!" The cloth tied around his mouth makes it impossible to speak but his disbelief and indignation are clear.
"Didn't know when you'd wake up…" 
Peter's hands turn gentle, leaving the bruises on his hips as he presses tight against Tony's back. Tony can feel the younger alpha's hot skin, sweat damp and bare against his own. Even then, Peter's hips don't stop in their harsh rhythm. He continues to hump forward, easing his cock in and out by only a few inches inside of Tony's body.
It feels so… intimate. It's wrong.
"Alpha…" Peter groans into his ear. "Oh, fuck, alpha… You feel so good…"
Tony shakes his head in denial and tries to buck away. How long has he been unconscious? How long had Peter been doing this…? The questions nearly overwhelm him but his mind quiets, going sharp with observation.
Peter nips at his ear then kisses down his heated neck. Tony growls when he gets near his mating gland but the younger alpha ignores it. Peter seals his mouth over the sensitive area, sucking harshly until Tony groans, high pitched and distressed, body jerking violently at the sparks of pleasure it brings.
It feels bruised and tender, much more than it should be for such a gentle bite. Has Peter already marked him there…?
The young alpha pulls away and gives a sigh of contentment. His hips slow and Tony can feel every inch that sinks into him. His entire body acknowledges it, muscles aching fiercely and his hole spread uncomfortably wide.
Whatever lube the kid used is slick and slippery. He's used an abundant amount and that, at least, is something Tony's grateful for even when he knows he shouldn't be grateful at all. He can feel it dripping down his thighs, warm and sticky…
He can still stop this. 
An alpha fucking another alpha happens over dominance fights. It's a given. But dominance fights usually only happen once between a pair and rarely ever again. Between two strong alphas… probably more. It was Tony's mistake for not acknowledging Peter's strength even though he's been witness to it time and time again.
Alphas fucking other alphas were dangerous. Alpha cum was… Bad. Bad for other alphas. It was like an aphrodisiac to omegas… And to other alphas… It could be just as addicting. because alphas weren't safe from other alphas… Omegas weren't always born omegas… Sometimes they were alphas who were caught unaware, alphas who were bitched into omegas.
Tony's heart stutters at the thought but he reigns his traitorous thoughts back into line. There's no point in frightening himself.
He still has the chance to get out of this.
He could… He could acknowledge Peter as the more dominant alpha. Sometimes, that's all another alpha wants from Tony. Acknowledgment. Tony hasn't been caught unaware since he was just newly presented.
He hadn't thought Peter as the type… But then again, it's Tony's mistake for assuming, right? So he's being mounted… By his protege who was clever enough to catch Tony unaware. He is the more dominant alpha then. 
Tony can still stop this from going too far.
More muffled moans and more tosses of his head, his body shaking as he tugs on the bonds. They all clue Peter in on Tony's desire to talk. The gag is tugged down and Tony pants, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows down the humiliation.
"Alpha," Tony rasps. He licks his dry lips and pushes himself to continue. He has to know the situation and what he's dealing with. "C-Condom…?"
If Peter's using a condom, then– fine. That's fine. The younger alpha could take it as far as he wants. Tony wouldn't be in danger of being turned as long as Peter doesn't dose him up with potent alpha cum.
He shudders when he feels Peter smile against his nape. He feels teeth press gently there, the sharp points of alpha fangs threatening to break skin. Mark him up like an omega...
It's barely a whisper but with his ears straining as hard as they are, Tony hears it. It's crucial information and the older alpha crushes down the humiliation that tries to rise. It's information he needs and even though it's not favorable news– Tony knows he can persuade the younger alpha. 
Who would want an older omega? Omegas are supposed to be soft and dainty with cute little cocklets. Turned older alphas aren't like that at all, though some have shown favorable results. Bitched alphas have cocks that were still too large and bodies that weren't as small and petite as the ideal omega.
Tony is letting fear rule his mind. Peter wouldn't want a bitched alpha like him. This is just– just a dominance play and Tony just has to grit his teeth and bear it.
Even with that certainty fixed in his mind, Tony murmurs, "Pull out, okay? You gotta– Gotta pull out, okay, Peter…?"
He's accepted this and his head hangs low. It's not so bad– It's not that bad. The betrayal part of it stings more than the way Peter's cock stretches him past what his body can take.
Peter stills behind him. The thrusts have slowed until he's at a standstill with his alpha cock buried only partially inside of Tony's ass. Tony thinks– Oh, thank God, Peter's done with it.
That very through is driven out of him as the younger alpha shoves his cock home with a dirty groan.
"Oh!" Tony yelps. 
His body shakes from the impact of Peter's hips crashing into his ass and he writhes in the younger alpha's arms, twisting and turning, trying to ease the assault being brought upon him.
"Ohh–!" The older alpha cries again when Peter doesn't stop. 
The boy is intent, fucking into him with quick and harsh rabbit thrusts. He's barely pulling away now and he's– fuck, he's rutting. He's following those cursed base instincts that urge all alphas to breed, to knot…
"Peter! Peter, don't– Oh, fuck, Peter, don't…!" Tony babbles even when the younger man's cock brushes right against that sweet spot of his. 
Traitorous pleasure shoots up his spine, forbidden and uninvited. He gasps and groans, barely hanging on but desperately doing so because he needs– his eyes threaten to roll to the back of his head. Pleasure sings, drowns out every logical thought.
"Oh, God, guhhh–" Tony doesn't even realize he's panting, breathless little litanies as Peter has his way.
The young alpha sets his teeth against Tony's mating gland and each thrust has the sharp points scraping over sensitive skin. Tony whines even more, a sad, pathetic sound but he's being dominated. Dominated and fucked into submission by his protege…
It shouldn't feel as good as it does but Peter seems to know what he's doing. He's relentless in stimulating that spot inside of Tony's body, convincing him with his cock that maybe… maybe being Peter's omega bitch wouldn't be a bad gig after all.
It's a betrayal even worse than the one Peter deals him, a betrayal of his own mind and a terrifying foreshadowing of what's to come.
Tony pants desperately, still trying in vain to convince the younger alpha that this isn't what he wants. He can't give in!
"Pete…! You can't– can't…! Oh, God…!" Tony cries out. The boy's knot is inflating and his body clenches down on it.
It's all biology. His own alpha body is fighting against this, the growls rough up his throat amidst all the soft cries. Peter's already changing him up inside… Even precum is enough to make an alpha more inclined to be bitched, given how much alphas leak during sex.
And Peter's bare inside him…
"Almost done," Peter pants before sucking harshly on Tony's mating gland. The older alpha cries out like he's been dealt a blow. He tosses his head, trying to get Peter to stop but Peter only presses even harder, digs his claws in deeper. "Almost– Mr. Stark! So close… so close, sir… Ughh, I can't…!"
The knot… Tony groans because he can feel its presence inside him. It's growing larger and larger… Tugging on his fucked open hole with every thrust, making its existence known. Peter's intentions are clear but Tony's still in denial. 
"Pull out, kid," Tony murmurs raggedly. Even when he feels Peter's knot slipping in and out of him, he tries. "Pull out…"
"Can't– I can't," Peter hisses. 
The thrusts turn brutal and the bench groans under their weight. Peter holds Tony's hips in place, humping against him like he wants to fuck Tony right through the bench. He feels like his very bones creak under the pressure of Peter's hands.
Tony closes his eyes, bound hands squeezing into fists. Peter's moans of pleasure have his ears burning red. Some part inside him whispers how good Tone's doing… How good he's making his alpha feel by letting him fuck him…
A good omega…
Tears burn in his eyes. Denial serves no purpose and will only make it worse. Tony draws in ragged breath after ragged breath, tears burning hot trails down his cheeks. He's thought about alphas who've been turned, pitied them when they seem to lose recollection of what they'd been.
He never expected that siren's call to sound like his own voice. Logical thoughts fragment and rearrange. His very being is being remade.
Tony cries out when the knot tugs painfully at his rim. It's too large to pull out and Peter groans shamelessly as he shoves it back in, triumphant in the successful breeding. It feels like the very breath is being knocked out of him to make space for it.
"Here it comes…!" Peter pants against his ear. "Gonna fill you up, Mr. Stark… Make you… mine… Make you… my perfect omega..."
Peter's cock only grows harder inside him and Tony whimpers when he starts to shoot. His insides are being flooded with heat. Another alpha has knotted him, fucked him in submission and now, Peter's taken that last step.
As though in apology, Peter runs his hands over Tony's ravaged body. Gentle and soft. Loving.
His cock pulses on and on, spurting load after load into Tony's insides and that moment that the older alpha has dreaded finally occurs.
"Ah…" It's the quietest sound Tony's ever made but Peter hears it. A soft exhale, a discovery… 
The alpha cum being pumped inside him soothes his abused body. The components, the addictive element in alpha cum that gets another alpha so loopy and out of focus… It soaks in every available crevice, changing things inside him at a biological and neurological level.
The pleasure comes just as quickly and it leaves him breathless and panting in an entirely different way.
Saliva floods Tony's mouth but he's too caught up in pleasure to notice. The intrusion in his body no longer feels invasive, it's… comforting… His alpha's body on top of his, the weight, reassuring. And his insides feel so warm...
"That's it, Mr. Stark…" Peter breathes and nuzzles against his hair. "That's it… Feels good, doesn't it… You feel good to me too, Mr. Stark… so good…"
"Peter…" Tony sighs, drool slipping from the corner of his lips. "What did you do…?"
The boy's hands wander over his body and the word to describe it floats up to the forefront of his mind. It's not gentle or loving… It's an assessment.
"What I had to…" Peter says gently. "Couldn't lose you, Mr. Stark… Had to make a move…"
His hands dip between the older alpha's legs and he pumps Tony's deflated alpha cock. He gets him hard enough that Tony's hips twitch into the touch, desperate for more pleasure.
"That's it, Mr. Stark… Milk the knot… ah… fuck…" Peter groans when Tony's body squeezes down on his cock. "Can't wait till you do it by yourself…"
Tony groans when Peter brings him off. It doesn't even feel as good as it normally would. His knot doesn't pop and Tony only has to wonder why when Peter reveals the reason.
Peter drags his cum wet hand lower and presses in that forbidden area, right behind his balls. His own cum is smeared there…
"Can't wait till your omega hole comes in…" Peter murmurs. "How many more knots, do y'think, Mr. Stark…"
How many… Tony doesn't know.
"This was three…" Peter reveals while stimulating where his omega hole would be. "Three… You took three knots so well, Mr. Stark…"
The revelation only numbs Tony up even more… Peter has knotted him three times, twice while he was unconscious. This was his intention all along.
Tony was literally fucked before he even woke up. And his body's responses make sense now. The extreme rollercoaster ride, his instincts warring between fighting against Peter's actions versus taking it like a good omega for his alpha. His instincts are waning, the alpha giving way to the omega being made inside him.
"Again, Mr. Stark… Gonna do it again and again…" Peter promises him, "And when your omega hole is ready, I'll knot there, too… Gotta jumpstart your heat. All the articles say a newly turned omega should have their heat within the first week… It's better for you..."
It's too much… too much… Tony sinks back into the darkness and lets the change come over him.
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skadeglad · 6 years
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SOUL-COLOR TEST: The color you fit most is Purple!
Those who bear a purple soulcolor are responsible, conforming, and grounded. They prefer predictability over instability and do not take to change well. They prefer to follow a daily schedule to keep themselves motivated and on the path to success, and they don’t stray from their daily chores often.  While they don’t like conforming to society, they also don’t like to stand out.
History and tradition are a big part of their identity. They hold family close to their heart, whether they are found or by blood, and have a high moral standard of themselves. They prefer to be supporting roles in people’s lives, often doing the hard labor to make sure everything falls in place.
Since this is a serving type, they tend to become community service members and are most likely to volunteer to help their community. Despite their need to help others, they are highly introverted and keep a close closed off circle of friends. It’s hard to break through their wall to become part of their circle, but it’s rewarding.
Purple soulcolors are always worried about the “what ifs” and are more drawn to pessimistic or realistic outlooks on life. They are cautious around new situations and never expect they’ll succeed. They often feel misunderstood by society, since most types tend to lean on the optimistic side of life, and only want to point out things that may hurt others, but this causes them to appear like the “party pooper” of the group.
Tagged by: @skymma​ Tagging: the dash! Go go go!
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fieldofcain · 5 years
OC Companion Meme!
(thanks to  @yesjejunus​ and @socksual-innuendos​ for giving me the template and telling me to do this! :D)
Name: Cain Braun
Location: Wandering in and around Freeside during the day, in his room or the lobby of The Caldera Motel at night
How to obtain: The player walks up and interacts with Cain and has an option to help with a quest to regain lost cargo from raiders and ends up uncovering a lot more than he bargained for.
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Companion Wheel
I think we should travel together:
“Alright, lead the way.”
“Sure, what’s our destination, Courier?”
Use Melee:
“Rough and tumble, let’s do it.”
“Finishing ‘em off? Sure, let’s go.”
Use Ranged:
“They’ll be ashes.”
“One shot is all I need.”
Open Inventory:
“Take what you like, just don’t get greedy.”
“Okay, life is a give and take, right?”
Stay Close:
“I’ll cover you.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”
Keep Distance:
“Sure, I’ll let you breathe.”
“I’ll scope it out.”
“Getting the jump on ‘em, I like it.”
“Right, I’ll be quiet.”
Back Up:
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“I’ll get out of your way, sorry.”
Be Passive:
“Sure, but if they go for their weapon, I’ll toast ‘em.”
“Negotiation was never a strong suit of mine, go get ‘em.”
Be Aggressive:
“Time to burn some cells!”
“Taking the fight to them, let’s go!”
Use Stimpack:
“Ah, much better, thank you.”
“Nice, thanks.”
Wait Here:
“Okay, give me a signal if things go south.”
“Sure, I’ll keep watch here.”
Follow Me:
“Getting back to it? Sounds good.”
Send to the Lucky 38:
“Okay, you can find me up top.”
“Fun, back to the Strip. See you later.”
Send Home: (can be found where?)
“Sure, I’ll be at the Caldera when you need me again.”
“Okay, just be safe out there.”
“Ah, shit. I’m gonna need a stimpak here, quickly!”
“This is getting a little to hot for my tastes, I’m getting fried!”
“Give…my mother…letter…guhhh.”
“I’m…I’m sorry…”
 Aggression: aggressive/not aggressive/very aggressive/frenzied
Confidence: cowardly/cautious/average/brave/foolhardy
Assistance: helps nobody/helps allies/helps friends and allies
Karma: very evil/evil/neutral/good/very good
“Care-avan Guard”: Cain and the Courier get a 2% hp/sec passive health regen out of combat
“Practiced Hand”: Energy Weapons and Rifle weapons gain a 50% increase to reload and aim speed for Cain and the Courier
(This perk is achieved by getting the ‘Good’ result from Cain’s personal quest)
“Raising Cain”: Cain gains invulnerability from damage for 2 seconds after killing an enemy
(This perk is achieved by getting the ‘Bad’ result from Cain’s personal quest)
“The Caldera”:
Legendary Laser Rifle, 50% faster reload and aim speed with fire damage
(3) Stimpaks
Cain’s Leathers:
AV 14 medium armor, WT 4
 Quests and Recruitment
The Courier finds Cain in Freeside and simply approaches him at either the Caldera Motel or the street. They must be on good terms with the Gun Runners and not have joined the Legion. Upon talking to him, Cain asks the Courier for some help if they are willing to give it. He has been contracted to retrieve some confiscated caravan goods from raiders for a client. His partner has mysteriously disappeared and asks the Courier to be another gun.
Upon acceptance of the quest, Cain will make his way to his room in The Caldera (or if he’s there already) and start gearing up. All loot in this room is a [Steal] prompt. You can either follow him or meet him outside Freeside. Upon arrival at the start site, Cain makes conversation briefly about who The Courier is and who he is before setting out. The player follows him to a location where raiders have set up camp in a cave. After clearing them out, Cain finds his friend’s body with a scribbled note on top. It reads:
“They found me, the fuckers. They’re leaving me for dead. Gecks will get me, or the nightstalkers…damn. Saw some bandits around here earlier, I’m sure they’ll come for the caravan once they see the smoke. Shit, Cain, I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ll make it to the bar tonight. Tell the Runners that…”
The rest is smudged, as if the man was surprised. Cain is sad and says a few words over his friend’s body before turning to the Courier and heading back to Freeside after a brief conversation. He then offers to tag along since they worked well together, but he asks for five hundred caps. Merc’s fee, you know?
Personal Quest:
         Upon gaining enough positive rep with Cain through various means (Includes positive interactions with NCR, kindness to children, mercenary work, etc.) and rep with the NCR, Cain approaches the Courier and asks for a favor. It deals with the caravan mystery that he had come across in the recruitment quest, and he seems to have a lead. One of the caravan hands that traveled with him on his first journey to the Sierra Nevadas was behind the attack on the caravan. Once accepted, Cain is visibly relieved and tells the Courier that he’s happy he has an ally for this one. The old associate is camped out in a parking garage just south of Primm, and upon reaching the destination, Cain asks the Courier to stay their hand if they find the man, at least for a little bit. They are met with raiders guarding the garage. Upon clearing them out, a small office is left, and the door unlocks. Out walks a man, who proceeds to try to hug Cain, who refuses. If the Courier is aggressive and angry in response, it will get Cain angry as well, and after some dialogue, Cain will shoot the man on the spot. If taking the softer approach, Cain gains through information that the man was forced by his employer to do the act…the very same employer who employed Cain. He explains that he must have wanted to hold the mercs in contempt and collect the fee for failure. Cain can also gain this information by reading the terminal in the office if he kills his friend.
Either way, the next stop is New Vegas, in an old office building outside the city. It seems this is where the businessman is based. You can go in guns blazing or take a stealthy approach. Either way, Cain will confront the man about the death of his friend and the man’s greed. The man is not remorseful in the slightest, and even if you convince Cain not to kill him, he will attack, and Cain will kill him in self-defense.
If you let the old associate live and kill the businessman, you will receive the “Practiced Hands” perk.
If you killed both of the men, you will receive the “Raising Cain” perk.
  Ending Slides
Personal Quest Unfinished: Cain continued working for various employers (regardless of their credibility) until a stray bullet ended up hitting his leg, which he eventually had to have amputated. Unable to work, Cain turned to drinking and became a regular at Freeside’s seedier establishments.
 If the Courier sides with Legion and…
Completion ending 1: Cain never did understand why the Courier showed such kindness then sided with such monsters as the Legion. Overcome with a kind of sad resoluteness, he enlisted in the NCR Military, in the hopes that he would one day meet the Courier on the filed of battle and ask why. And if need be, put them down.
Completion ending 2: Cain was furious that the person that had helped him kill his enemies joined with the Legion to kill his friends. He immediately joined the NCR Military and would distinguish himself as a crack shot and a ruthless soldier. If he met the Courier in a firefight, that bastard would be dead before they could say ‘Traitor’.
 If the Courier sides with NCR and…
Completion ending 1: Cain fully endorsed the Courier’s decision and would council them to keep trading relatively free to operate as usual. He knew all too well the dangers of bureaucracy. Whenever the Courier had a meeting to go to the NCR leadership, Cain was always there, giving helpful advice and keeping his friend safe.
Completion ending 2: Cain was all too happy to smoke some Legionnaires, and happily followed the Courier into every firefight. Every time there was a mission to infiltrate and secure camps or even hunt down patrols, Cain was the first to volunteer. He would eventually be known among the NCR troops as “Hurricane” Braun, laser-merc of the Mojave.
If the Courier sides with House and…
·        Completion ending 1: Cain knew that House was a big player in the Mojave, but when he saw what he was, the greed of House put a sour taste in his mouth. He would visit the Courier every now and then to talk and catch up, but he returned to guard-work and did quite well for himself.
·        Completion ending 2: Cain thought the Courier had been had but being a lackey for a lackey was nothing new to him. He continued his duty of guarding the Courier, and while he planned and plotted to kill the skeletal man in the tower for his greed, he never could.  
If the Courier makes New Vegas independent and…
Completion ending 1: Cain knew that the NCR’s grip on New Vegas was weak, so when the Courier booted up the bots and seized control of New Vegas, he wasn’t all that surprised. Maybe a free New Vegas was good? And good it was. Trade blossomed, and Cain found himself on the elite council of guards and caravan masters who could usher in this new era of prosperity.
Completion ending 2: Cain wasn’t too thrilled about the bots taking over New Vegas, but he trusted the Courier with his life, so he stayed. Turns out a free city makes for crime, and while the bots could get most of it, Cain found himself in a position to be security detail for the Courier’s most personal assignments. It is said that a man in leather stalks the streets at night, looking for trouble…
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quirkykayleetam · 5 years
Broken Pieces Superhero AU
@ashintheairlikesnow and @whump-tr0pes joined their characters together in a beautiful Daniel Michealson/Honor Bound AU.  It inspired me and @burtlederp to get in on the fun!  So, here is what might happen if our beautiful Broken Pieces characters were transposed into her Superhero universe.  We hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 1: No One Suspects a Thing
The nine-year-old girl behind Jay on the plane had a Batter-Up Build-a-Bear.  The likeness was uncanny.  Despite the plush ears, the stuffed animal looked just like the down-to-earth superhero from her blonde ponytail and baseball uniform to the ball of elemental energy in her hand and the pink hint of bubble gum peeking from her mouth.
Jay remembered being surprised when he first met Batter-Up out of costume to hear her valley-girl accent instead of her perfectly cultured superhero voice, but she was confident and kind and showed him around when he started working tech for the League of Superheroes out of graduate school.  It was one of the reasons they could never give her up, never reveal that her name was actually…
No.  They couldn’t, wouldn’t even think it.  Even if they were out of that horrible cell, they didn’t know who was watching, waiting in the shadows.  Immediately, Jay put up all their trained psychic defenses.  They counted their heartbeats, clearing their mind of anything and everything but their breaths and the steady, steady numbers.
“Race you!” a too-bright voice said, dropping into the seat beside Jay and sliding a ClearJet magazine into their lap.
Jay stared at Beth, the 38-year-old art history secretary who had somehow become his closest friend in the world.  Didn’t she understand?  He had to concentrate?  He had to keep the villains out, keep them from knowing…
“Jay-bird, we are 36,000 miles in the air.  There are no known supers, either hero or villain, who can fly AND read minds and you know what happened last time someone tried a ride-along at this speed and height.
“Meanwhile, airplane magazines are famous for having the most creative but easy crosswords in the world.  We have exactly 5 hours and 32 minutes of time to spare and I have two copies while you have more writing implements than any person would ever need to see in their entire life.”
Okay, maybe that got Jay to smile just a little.
“I propose that we start solving at the same time, first one done gets to pick where we eat tonight.”
“We’re eating out?”  Jay met Beth’s gaze with wide blue eyes and a slight tremble to their lips that Beth saw even as Jay tried to hide it.  She threw up her hands in defeat.
“Fine!  Winner gets to decide what we make for dinner tonight.  Daniel has been ‘staking out’ the house which you know means that he’s stocked the pantry with everything your little heart could ever desire.  I’m drawing the line at S’mores Poptarts for supper.”
“Not if I win,” Jay said, their pencil already scratching away at the airline paper, despite the tremors in the 26-year-old’s hands.
Beth was glad that they’d gotten Jay to stop pulling the sleeves of their long gray sweater over their scars and quavering fingers long enough to learn how to write again after their ordeal.
“Cheater!” she shot back, turning to her own crossword.  The sooner they were in Qanniq, Alaska, away from those memories, and in whatever passed for the League’s version of protective custody, the better.  She would certainly breathe easier, and she would bet that Jay would too.
Marcelo watched the small plane come sailing in, landing as smooth as it possibly could on the old airstrip and slowing quickly. It was the kind of airstrip that was more comparable to a gravel lot, but Ed, the pilot, was accustomed to it and knew how to land without kicking up too much debris or make the ride too bumpy. Before long, the plane was pulling up in front of the mayor, his wife, and the intimidating figure of the Rogue, who stood next to Marcelo. 
"Welcome to the little town of Qinniq!" He spread his arms wide as the door to the plane opened, the ladder had been lowered, and its occupants were exiting.
Beth stepped out of the plane first.  She tried to comb her hair into some semblance of civility, but soon gave up.  She waited at the end of the stairs for Jay who, despite the warm weather, wore a worn green sweater.  They pulled at the sleeves as they walked, their blue eyes taking everything in even as they defaulted to the ground.
The Rouge moved swiftly to Beth’s side. They were a tall Superhero, though few had heard of them.  They lived their life shrouded in mystery, only really appearing in major events for serious team-ups when explosive personalities were involved.  Marcelo figured that it fitted the super’s enigmatic apparel.  They seemed to take Carmen Sandeigo as a fashion icon with tall red boots disappearing beneath a scarlet trench coat, thick red gloves and an expansive hat and scarf combination that completely hid their face from the public.  The Rouge was old school, one of the few supers left to use a voice modulator so no one knew who they were, or even if they were male or female.
As Rogue approached the plane, both Beth and Jay noticeably relaxed.
“Who won the puzzle game?” the Rouge asked quietly, leaning down to brush a strand of hair away from Beth’s ear.
“Who do you think?”
“Poptarts it is!” they chortled and somehow Marcelo felt like he was intruding on something familial.  Finally, the trio broke away from each other.
“May I introduce Marcelo, the mayor of our lovely new home and its closest League contact, as well as his wife, Cynthia.” the Rogue said.  “They’ve been briefed on our circumstances and are here to help.”
"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Marcelo smiled warmly, holding out his hand in greeting. "Welcome to our little town, we're happy to have you!"
"You came at a perfect time of year! Besides the mosquitoes, the weather doesn't get any better than this!" Cynthia smiled brightly, stepping around them to go help Ed, the pilot of the plane, take bags out of the plane's cargo hold.
“D...Don’t touch that!” Jay said suddenly, lurching to the side to clutch at a small black bag Cynthia was unloading.  “I’m sorry.  It’s just...important?”
"Oh, of course, my apologies," She dipped her head in acknowledgement, seemingly unperturbed. 
“Thank you so much for everything: the red carpet welcome, your plane.  Hell, just letting us come here when we’re a bit of a security risk!” Beth said.  She stole a glance at Jay who was holding their bag close, rocking slightly, and counting under their breath.  “I just hope you won’t be insulted if we make a bit of a break for it.  We’re a little...fragile at the moment and could use some time settling into our new home.”
"Don't worry yourself at all about it, I understand your situation and it's no problem. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.  You're welcome to use any of my cabins, my summer homes, whatever you'd like," Marcelo said warmly, opening the door of the large, black SUV for Beth and gesturing inside. 
“You ready for those Poptarts, Jay-bird?” Beth whispered.  Jay shook their head.  They’d come here.  They could do this.  They took a deep breath and handed their case to Beth before approaching Marcelo.
“Thank you,” they said as steadily as they could, grasping the mayor’s hand and looking him squarely in the eye.  I’ll be worth this, they thought silently.  All the fuss and bother, I’ll be worth it, I will be.  “I hope to see you again on a less...less stressful day.”
"Of course! Name the day, I'll make time for you." Marcelo nodded, his grip as firm as Jay's was weak. "It's an honor to have you three here, I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us." 
Beth and Jay climbed carefully into the SUV as Ed finished loading their bags in the back and Rogue stepped into the driver’s seat. Marcelo watched them go before he got into his own vehicle, Cynthia getting in the passenger seat. 
"Damn airstrip is garbage. Downright embarrassing, having people land on that glorified gravel road! How often do we use it? Would it be worth getting it repaved?" He glanced at Cynthia, who was typing something on her phone. 
"Honey, I think you worry too much," she replied evenly, finishing her message and lowering her phone. "We ought to have them for dinner sometime."
"Dammit! I should have invited them to dinner tonight!" Marcelo frowned, slapping the steering wheel. "Guhhh I screwed it up, didn't I?" 
"Again, I think you worry too much. Jay seemed rather agitated, and they both seemed very focused on them, so I don't think they suspected anything. You did fine, honey, don't worry." She scoffed, laying a hand on his, and he smiled sheepishly. 
"You're right, as always." There was a brief silence, both thinking. "...I'll call them tomorrow, ask when would be best to have them over."
"Just give me a day's warning, I'd be happy to cook for them."
Meanwhile, a very different conversation transpired in the black SUV:
“You okay, Jay-bird?” Beth asked as the doors closed.
“My scars…” Jay said quietly.  “Marcelo… I know he could feel them, on my hands I mean, but he didn’t...he didn’t say anything about it. He just treated me like a person.”
Jay looked at Beth and smiled. 
“I think here is going to turn out okay.”
Tag List (I’m including those of you who enjoyed the original Broken Pieces story, but if you want to be taken off, please just let me know!):  @stoic-whumpee​​​​​​, @whatwasmyprevioususername​​​​​​, @whumpty-dumpty-fell-off-the-wall​​​​​​, @straight-to-the-pain​​​​​​, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog​​​​​​, @0idril0​​​​​​, @fallingstormphoenix​​​​​​, @whump-fantasies​​​​​​, @imagination1reality0​​​​​​, @whumpback-wail​​��​​, @whump-tr0pes​​​​​, @untilthepainstarts​​​​​, @captivity-whump​​​​, @burtlederp​​​​, @redwingedwhump​​​​, @whumpiary​​​​, @captivity-whump​​​​, @blue-flare10
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jewishsnickets · 5 years
I was tagged by @drpinkky​!!
nickname: kam
zodiac sign: gemini sun pisces moon
hogwarts house: damn idk
the last thing i googled: celebrities shop too
fave musicians: the scary jokes, darren korb/ashley barrette 
song stuck in ur head: gashina - sunmi
following: 490
followers: 701 on main (!!!) 373 here
do u get asks: sometimes
amount of sleep: 7ish
lucky number: 37
what ur wearing: shirt, skirt, red and black patterns
dream job: chris fleming
dream trip: friend world tour
instrument: no thx
languages: wait oh no i forgot to edit this one. english and (bad) hebrew
fave songs:  guhhh i cant think
random fact: i just found out psychopomp means death-related and not ‘psychologically pompous’ the other day does that count
aesthetic: thick outlined comics, eye patterns, fakedeep quotes taken seriously, smooth colors, stars
i tag: whomstover whats
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21 Questions
Thanks @clarissafics @ladynonsense @brightpinkpeppercorn
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
I’m just gonna tag a handful of random people because I don’t know if I even know 21 of y’all, and apologies if you’ve already been tagged/don’t wanna do it/already done it
@kennaxval @thehonorarybeaumont @endlessly-searching-for-you @noahmarrshal @indiacater @justendlesssummerfeels @queerchoicesblog
Nickname: Lar or Lou or Clarke
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 5’4″
Last movie I saw: Into The Woods (the credits are literally rolling as I’m typing this)
Last thing googled: Kingdom Hearts 3 release date
Favorite musician: guhhh don’t make me choose... based on my Spotify listening history, it’s probably Florence and the Machine
Song stuck in my head: Wolf by First Aid Kit
Other blogs: You can find my main blog over at @thatapostateboy where it’s mostly just me crying about Dragon Age
Do I get asks: Occasionally with prompts and some ask meme stuff
Following: 359
Amount of sleep: 7 hours on average, sometimes more or less
Lucky number: 28
What I’m Wearing: Blue jeans, grey t shirt and a white and grey flannel shirt
Dream Job: Writing for video games
Dream Trip: A remote cabin somewhere surrounded by trees and mountains where I can sit and finish my novel
Favorite Food: Garlic bread
Play Any Instruments: I learned violin for a year when I was 8 so naturally I remember nothing, and very very very basic piano. Like I can play the very basic tune of My Heart Will Go On and nothing else.
Languages: English and enough French that I could read road signs and menus that weren’t translated when I went, but I would struggle with a conversation
Random Fact: My family own and run a pub where I work
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: soft flannel shirts, salted caramel milkshakes, fairy lights, old maps,  walls covered with photographs, novelty tote bags, a dragon shaped lamp
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shirorozutriea · 6 years
WRW 2018 Day 6: Kids/Pregnancy (or them as kids)
Day 6: Kids/Pregnancy (or them as kids)
           There was a huge explosion coming from the laboratory of Beacon Academy that startled the whole studentry, including our resident Ice Queen, Weiss Schnee. Weiss was currently heading out to the cafeteria to meet her friends and teammates to hang out as Ruby puppy eyed at her pleading for her to go, and of course, as expected she succumbed to the eyes of our beloved Rose. As she was heading to the cafeteria, a horde of students came running towards where the explosion had happened with the teachers in tow.
           Weiss rolled her eyes in annoyance as how much of a tattler these people can be. She walked towards where the others are and sat at their table. Yang nudged Weiss and whispered at her.
“Did you hear the explosion?” Asked Yang.
“Obviously. It was heard all around Beacon. What am I, deaf?” Retorted Weiss.
“Gee, Weiss. I was just asking.” Said Yang, putting a hand on her chest as if she was hurt.
“Well, you’re asking a stupid question.” Said Weiss, crossing her arms and gave Yang a deadpanned look.
“What had gotten you so riled up, Weiss?” Asked Blake.
Weiss sighed and closed her eyes, a habit she picked up when something is on her mind. “It’s Ruby. I’ve tried calling her lately, but she doesn’t respond. We we’re supposed to meet after class before coming here.”
“Don’t worry about Ruby so much, Weiss. You’re going to have wrinkles.” Teased Yang, jabbing Weiss’ side.
Weiss rolled her eyes in annoyance. She then looked around, only to find that Team JNPR wasn’t with them.
“Where’s Team JNPR?” Asked Weiss. Yang just shrugged.
“We don’t know. They weren’t here when we arrived.” Informed Blake.
“Maybe, they’re just running---“
           Yang was cut off when her scroll began to ring. She picked it up and saw a message from Team JNPR. She opened it and her eyes widen as her jaw dropped. Blake looked at Yang in concern, while Weiss looked confused.
“We should probably go to the dorms right now. Ruby’s with team JNPR and… she might be not what she used to be.” Said Yang in concern. Weiss and Blake looked at each other, then at Yang before tilting their heads in confusion.
“You’ll soon find out. Let’s go.” Said Yang.
           At the dormitory of Beacon, a certain team leader was pacing around one of the dorm rooms, namely team RWBY’s room. Jaune paced around the door as he waited for Yang and the others to arrive at the dorm. He suddenly heard footsteps and he let out a sigh of relief as he saw the remaining members of team RWBY. Yang went to Jaune’s place and put a hand on his shoulder asking for him to explain the whole situation in hand.
“Remember the explosion lately.” Asked Jaune. The trio nodded questioningly. “Well, to put it simply, Ruby was caught up in the explosion.”
“WHAT?!” Yelled Weiss. The three looked at her in shock, surprised at Weiss’ sudden outburst.
“Ahem. Continue.” Coughed Weiss, looking away.
“Well, it was not an ordinary explosion with fire and other stuff, it was a dust explosion and it kinda affect Ruby in some ways.” Said Jaune looking at the three nervously. Yang looked at him with a death stare.
“Where is she?” Said Yang in a low voice, almost growling.
“At your room.” Gulped Jaune.
           The three went inside with Jaune in tow, only to stop at their tracks on what they have witnessed inside the room. Right there, sitting at Weiss’ bed, sat a kid version of Ruby with Nora and Pyrrha playing with her. The three looked at Jaune, then at Ruby, then at the other two individuals in the room, then onto each other.
“WHAAAAATTTT?!!!” They exclaimed in unison.
           The two teens and Kid Ruby looked at the three, startled. Kid Ruby stared at the three before giggling at the three, pointing at them.
“Oh! Big Sister Yang! Big Sister Blake and Big Sister Weiss!” Exclaimed Ruby, gleefully. The three looked at Kid Ruby in surprise. Big Sister… ermm… Weiss…? That you?
           The two looked at their certain Ice Queen teammate in recognition. Well… she did call Winter, Big Sister. Ruby went down from the bed and ran over Weiss, hugging her legs.
“Hello, Big Sister Weiss, can we play?” Said Kid Ruby with her puppy eyes. Weiss felt her throat dry at the statement. Weiss then pick up Ruby and hugged her, then smiled at her.
“Sure, Ruby. What do you want to play?” Said Weiss in a sisterly manner. Yang jaw dropped at the sight, feeling a little bit jealous at the fact that Ruby went to Weiss first.
“Hide and seek!” Giggled Ruby. Weiss cooed at Ruby and pinched her nose lightly.
“Alright alright. Are you going to invite more? The more the merrier, right?” Said Weiss. Ruby nodded and looked at the other present in the room.
“Big Sister Yang, Big Sister Blake, Big Sister Nora, Big Sister Pyrrha, Big Brother Jaune, can we play hide and seek, please?” Said Kid Ruby looking at them with her puppy eyes. The group immediately nodded and went outside to play.
           On the other hand, Ren went to Professor Ozpin’s office to report the sudden explosion and result of said explosion to him. Ozpin nodded as Ren finished his report.
“I see. In any case, you and your teammates including the remaining team RWBY must guard her, as she’s a child right now. The effects will disappear tomorrow, I’m sure of it. This wasn’t the first time that this happened here in the academy. Mr. Ren, you’re dismissed.” Said Ozpin. Ren nodded before heading out to meet the others.
“Catch me if you can!” Giggled Kid Ruby.
“No fair, Ruby! Using you’re semblance.” Exclaimed Yang.
           The group chased at Ruby as they changed their play to tag. The group came up of various strategies to ‘capture’ the ‘run away’, but all Kid Ruby did was manipulate her steps as she used her semblance to get away from the catchers.
“So sloooooww!!” Yelled Kid Ruby as she disappear every minute.
           This continue until the group got tired and instantly lay on the grass beneath them.
“Has she always been this hyper?” Panted Weiss.
“Yeah, I guess. She was hyper, but not this hyper.” Exclaimed Yang.
           The group continue to regain their breaths as Kid Ruby came to them, giggling.
“It was fun playing with you, Big Sisters and Big Brothers. I hope we could play like this again.” Said Kid Ruby as she started to glow.
           Suddenly, a bright light burst out of her and illuminated the surroundings almost blinding the group not until they closed their eyes at the sudden blinding light. As the light cease, they saw Ruby, the original Ruby sprawled in the grass sleeping soundly. The group giggled at the sight. Yang went ahead and carried Ruby in a piggy bank ride.
“Let’s go. It was a long day.” Said Yang.
The next day…
           There, stood in front of the classroom, Kid Ruby grinning at the other students.
“Can we all play, Big Sisters and Big Brothers?” Giggled Kid Ruby.
“The effects hasn’t cease yet?!” Exclaimed Weiss as she watched Kid Ruby practically skip everywhere in the classroom.
“I guess it hasn’t worn of yet.” Said Yang.
“Can somebody explain to me what is going on?” Asked Sun, looking at Kid Ruby who’s playing with his tail.
“You got a cute tail, Big Brother Sun.” Grinned Kid Ruby, showing her pearly white teeth. Sun blushed and hugged Kid Ruby and place her on his shoulders.
“Welp, I ain’t complaining.” Grinned Sun as he walk around with Kid Ruby in his shoulders, giggling.
“Big Sister Weiss, Big Sister Weiss!” Called Kid Ruby. “Can you carry me too?”
           Weiss looked at Kid Ruby biting the insides of her mouth as she stops herself from squealing from the cuteness.
“S-sure, Ruby.” Smiled Weiss. Kid Ruby went down from Sun’ shoulders and she jumped to Weiss’ arms.
“Yay! Up up and away!” Giggled Kid Ruby.
           The whole class cooed at Kid Ruby’s cuteness, even Cardin has a blush in his face as he tries to not look at Kid Ruby’s cuteness.
“Big Sister Weiss, Big Sister Weiss.” Said Kid Ruby calling the attention of her carrier.
“Yes, Ruby?” Said Weiss.
“I love you sooooo much. From the bottom of my heart, Big Sister Weiss.” Said Kid Ruby as she spread her arms and hugged Weiss’ head.
           There was a moment of silence as they stare at Weiss’ facial expression. Then suddenly, there was a drop of blood coming from Weiss. The remaining members of team RWBY stared at Weiss, shocked.
Weiss looked up and blood was dripping from her nose. “Must… resist…”
Weiss suddenly looked at Yang. “Yang if I die, tell Ruby I love her.”
           And with that she fainted on the spot as Yang caught Kid Ruby in the air looking at Weiss in shock.
“Is Big Sister Weiss, okay?” Asked Kid Ruby.
“She will be… I hope.” Said Yang, muttering the last phrase.
“Err… that happened.” Said Blake, looking at Weiss’ body in a pool of blood.
Weiss’ Thoughts
Kid Ruby hugging her legs
“Oh my gosh. Ruby is so cute! I want to cuddle her all day!”
Kid Ruby with puppy eyes
“Weiss! Must resist!”
Other Weiss: “Resist, fool!!”
Kid Ruby giggling
*cue blood spurts*
“Must. Not… *Kid Ruby looking at her smiling* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Kid Ruby falling from the tree
*cue magical knight music*
“Ruby!!!” *trips* Kid Ruby falls on her face “MMMPFFFHHH!!!” *translation: UWAAAAAAHHHH!!!* *cue Mari from LLS!: SHINNNYYYYY!!!*
Kid Ruby saying ‘I love you’ to Weiss
“Now I can die in peace.” *soul went to heaven*
 “Err… I didn’t know Weiss could be…” Trailed Blake.
“A pervert?” Suggested Yang while nodding. “Me neither.”
“Uhh… guys what happened here? And why is Weiss bleeding?!” Panicked Ruby, seemingly had returned back to normal.
“Too… much… cuteness… guhhh…” Moaned Weiss fainting again.
“Weiss? Weiss?! WEISS!!!”
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taxacum-officinale · 6 years
Guhhh I got tagged by @solus-manet
Nickname: Stinky but some folks in a server call me Yiffy & it makes me want to die
Gender: Trans dude
Star sign: Cancer
Height: 5'4? 5′5? Somewhere in there
Favorite feature: I’m a dumbass & don’t know what this is referring to
Favorite color: Yellow or cyan
Favorite animal: Any kind of hyena
Average hours of sleep: Anywhere between 2 & 8
Dogs or cats: Both are incredibly valid but cats just by a smidge
Number of blankets: I’ve got maybe. 6 on my bed at any given time? But only use 2 at the most at once
Dream trip: Either to that one Studio Ghibli museum or Iceland
Dream job: That one thing where NASA puts you in a coma for 8(?) months and then pays you for it
When did I make this account: I honestly don’t know- Maybe 5 yrs ago? Less? It was around 2012-13
how many followers do i have: 288
Best place to visit in home town: There’s not really anywhere to go here tbh so I guess the park
Favorite ice cream: Death by Chocolate is my favorite of the carton stuff but otherwise, hot fudge brownie sundaes
How often you read: I haven’t sat down and read a book in. Ages
Favorite study location: I also haven’t studied in years
Favorite book series: I think the only full book series I’ve actually ever sat down and read all the way through was Eragon so that by default
Tag 20 followers: If y’all want @awkwardthingcalledarin @thegreatdot @anistare @star0rice @disillusioned--delusion @trans-punk @i-hate-all-pedophiles @transfiend @skysailstar @imabitscarednow @lemememeringue @literatemermaid @tfbpetals @memejockey @harus-hetero @thejellybeanboy @smollie-ollie @stellarplanet @kukup-il @mabasekid 
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Drarry Fic Rec Masterlist
I’ve been meaning to put this together properly for some time now, so finally, here is a list of my top Drarry fics. Definitely read through all the other works of these amazing writers. These are just my personal favourites.  Enjoy! Hahahahah good luck ever doing anything else ever again.
First and foremost comes Saras_Girl like, I CAN’T EVEN. So, my top favourites of theirs:
Turn (E) The Foundations series GUHHH: Part 1: Reparations (E) Part 2: Foundations (E) Helix (E) Catfished (T) It Takes a Village (M) Salt on the Western Wind (M) All Life is Yours to Miss (M) (I don’t need to say anymore to pitch these. They are your bread and butter. READ THEM.)
Tales From the Special Branch by femmequixotic (E) When Gawain Robards asks him to form Special Branch seven-four-alpha, Harry Potter knows they'll have to work outside the confines of the law--even though they are the law.
(Aurors!Harry and Draco, forbidden fruit, case fic, lots of excellent smut, incredibly complex and well-written plot. I can’t even with this fic it’s so freaking good. Most recent in the series has just started posting but each individual fic is brilliant stand-alone. MASTERFUL. And so satisfyingly long. They have so many great fics, go read them allllll!)
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrimson (E) Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes.
(7th year AU. Really well developed and reworked to include Draco. One of my drarry firsts and an all-time love.)
Running on Air by eleventy7 (T) Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.
(So, I’m not great at reading T-rated fics... I actually read this one by accident. I am so glad I did. Beautiful fic. Melancholy and lovely and just yes.)
Against All Odds by momatu (E) Beauxbatons is hosting the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe, and Harry has promised to enroll Teddy as his birthday present. Meanwhile, Draco is stuck in his office, putting together the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe during, when he should be enjoying summer holidays.
(Momatu really does their research and creates a vivid world with great development between Harry and Draco. Highly recommend trawling through their work and reading it all. Massive thanks to @siriusly-not-over-remus​ for reccing this to me!)
One Touch by Fleetofshippyships (M) An unexpected incident late one night sets off a series of events that could save one young man in desperate need of help, even if doing so may destroy the other.Harry commits an act of great violence, but doesn’t remember why. Malfoy urges him to run, and takes the blame instead. The most obvious explanation makes no sense, and it only gets more complicated from there.What follows is their struggle to trust and open up to one another while dealing with dangerous and invasive magic; when stepping wrong and losing control, even if only for a few moments, could have severe consequences for them both. 
(8th year AU. Fantastic concept for plot and really well developed idea. Another one to absolutely check out a load of their work. I also highly recommend by them:
Restraint (E) Someone casts the Imperius curse on Draco Malfoy, and whatever the instructions may be, Harry finds himself an unwilling target. The encounter leaves him torn between pleasure and revulsion. As they fight in the aftermath, a tense game begins. Harry fights to convince Malfoy, and himself, that he was not affected by that initial encounter, or any of those following it. Faced with a series of escalating encounters, Harry must come to terms with desiring things he never thought he could, things he wishes he didn’t respond to. They each use signs of arousal as weapons against each other in a mad struggle to finally shame the other into backing down for good. But it’s only after the game is over that Harry starts to understand.
(8th year AU. Great angst and enemies to lovers progression. Drinking. Games. A hella lot of rough sex. This is a smuuuuut fic. I also helped beta this fic because it was so good and I couldn’t wait for updates.)
Balance, Imperfect by bixgirl1 (E) When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
(Auror!Harry, Physiotherapist!Draco. I totally got @sirussly​ to read this and she loved it, closet hardcore Drarry shipper right there. I LOVE @bixgirl1 I cannot explain. All the stuff by them is just fantastic. Especially: The Shape of the World (E) and: In Evidence of Magical Theory (E)
They are also in the middle of a collab with the wonderful @l0vegl0wsinthedark on a super cute and super smutty Virgin!Draco series on here (search either of their blogs under the ‘virgin draco’ tag.)
Speaking of! l0vegl0wsinthedark has a whole load of great fics (all the good smut). Absolutely worth working your way through it all!)
Draco Sodding Malfoy by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed (M) Harry finds Draco outside a pub and takes him back to his place, only to find out that Draco is in an abusive relationship. Harry invites Draco to stay until he can get back on his feet. They go to Draco's ex-boyfriends house, and come back with more than they bargained for.
(So. Cute. Domestic bfs. Also very worth checking out @shewhomustnotbenamed​ and their drarry videos hallooooooo) 
Azoth by zeitgeistic (E) Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care. (Hogwarts Apprentices!Drarry. Animagus magic. SO GOOD GUH. I really love the idea for Harry’s animagus and the progress is so excellent.) 
Any Instrument by dicta_contrion (E) Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can't control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify.
The Vanishing Department (E) The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, even if that involves a lot more form-filling, bickering, covert glancing, miscommunication, and flying furniture than we might expect.
(Brilliant characterisation of Draco and really interesting idea. YES.)
House Proud by astolat (E) His house liked Draco Malfoy more than him.
“I’m twenty-eight!” Harry said. “I’ve been an Auror for ten years! You want me to go back to Hogwarts now?" (Harry has to go back to Hogwarts before he can be promoted, Professor!Draco. Yisssssss.)
- Timeshare (BONDING FIC YES)
Eclipse by Mijan (T) Draco swore his revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and Harry all but laughed at him. But Draco is planning more than schoolyard pranks this time. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. It's the perfect plan, guaranteeing revenge, power, and prestige, all in one blow. But when Draco's world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins, and the battle will take them both through hell and back. If they come back. (6th year AU. Pre-HBP. Another accidental T read with 0 regrets. I LOVED this, SO MUCH.)
A Year In Training by Omi_Ohmy (M) Harry is finally living his dream and training as an Auror, but nothing seems to be going right: he’s just so angry all the time. And Draco Malfoy’s presence on the programme really isn’t helping with that, either.
(Aurors!Drarry: Harry’s pissed off Draco is better than him. I’m sure you can see where this goes...)
Eternally Consistent by kitsunealyc (E) Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter assumed they would never be anything but civil enemies, until Potter lands on Malfoy's doorstep, bleeding, covered in curses, and acting very strangely indeed.
(Unspeakables!Harry&Draco: Nice swift enemies to lovers progression, goooood!)
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (E) It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him?
(Really nice development of Draco, and fun plot! Definitely worth going through their other works too, some really great stuff!)
Strangeness and Charm by FeelsForBreakfast (E) One November night during his eighth year at Hogwarts, Draco ends up in the forbidden forest. That’s how it starts. or: If two boys fall in love in a magical forest, does it still make a sound?
(8th year AU. Dreamlike and sweet. Check out their other works too. I especially recommend 'Like Holly or Blood' (M) and 'Open for Repairs' (M).)
Strange Bedfellows by hurt_mod and ravenclawsquill (E) When Harry encounters a frail and fidgety Draco Malfoy at the Ministry, he just knows something is wrong and he’s determined to get to the bottom of it. A story about Deadly Nightshade, crippling insomnia, excellent wine … and finding what you need in the strangest of circumstances. (Addict!Draco. All the good angsttttt.)
Boom Clap (The Sound of my Heart) by femmequixotic and noeon (E) Post-war Hogwarts has been energized by its new teaching fellows program. Where once bitter enmity divided the wizarding community, Malfoy and Potter chummily patrol hallways together whilst Granger and Zabini seek lost parts of the castle at McGonagall’s behest and Chang supervises Quidditch when not lecturing in Charms. It’s a veritable wizarding utopia and life is predictable for the first time in years. Which is, of course, when everything blows apart as the result of a drunken dare and Malfoy’s life is ruined beyond his capacity to repair it. Ever. In a million years.
(TeachingFellows!Harry&Draco: Drinking games wohooooo!) 
Lift Your Open Hand by firethesound (M) With Draco Malfoy as his assigned partner for the next six weeks of Auror training, Harry had been prepared for things to go poorly. But getting themselves accidentally bonded to each other in the first twenty minutes of their very first assignment seemed going above and beyond, even for them.
(Aurors!Drarry. Who doesn’t love a good magical bonding fic?? Lots of great works, also recommend:
A Convenient Impracticality (E) Somehow Harry ends up agreeing to a fake relationship with his ex-nemesis-turned-friendly-acquaintance-with-benefits, except for some reason it involves an awful lot of actual dating and, sadly, not much sex. Confused? Harry is too, but when has anything with Draco Malfoy ever been as straightforward as it seems?
(Aurors!Drarry, That good fake relationship trope. *thumbs up*) The Light More Beautiful (E) Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter's help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn't been enough to dim Draco's obsession with him.
(Sort of 6th year AU, then post-war Aurors!Drarry. Really interesting speciality for Draco and great development)
I will keep updating this as I remember more/find more great fics.  If you have any requests for specific types of fic, hmu and I’ll see if I can help :)
Happy reading! <3
M x
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mangopit · 6 years
A-Z Tag Meme
i was tagged by @ofsuchchemistry ! thank ya pal~
A - Age: 17
B - Birthplace: california :>
C - Current time: 9:33 pm
D - Drink you last had: water
E - Easiest person to talk to: mmMm it’s a tie between @dismayedcactus and @waffleducks64
F - Favorite song: guhHh probably promiscuous by nelly furtado ft. timbaland haha
G - Grossest memory: uh when i was a kid i used to scratch at my inner elbows but i guess i was a bit too aggressive with my super fragile skin so i’d get rashes there and there’d be small bumps with clear liquid inside so YEAH sorry you had to read that
H - Horror yes or horror no: usually no
I - In love?: nah
J - Jealous of people?: not normally, but yeah sometimes
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: walk by lmao
M - Middle name: it’s my mom’s maiden name, so i’m not saying it lol
N - Number of siblings: one brother
O - One wish: i wish my life could sort itself out so that i could just do what i want pfff
P - Person you called last: my dad
Q - Question you are always asked: what college are you going to?? what do you want to major in???
R - Reason to smile: i watched a jse video earlier and that made me smile a bunch
S - Song you sang last: in the kitchen by mree! such a pretty song
T - Time you woke up: 6:05 am
U - Underwear color: black with pink hearts!
V - Vacation destination: my room lol. love vacations, hate traveling.
W - Worst habit: comparing myself to others over trivial stuff. but also, procrastination
X - X-rays: at the dentist, i suppose
Y - Your favorite food: american comfort food tbh
Z - Zodiac sign : leo
i tag anyone reading this who wants to do it!! i’m always down to learn more about you guys~
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shootymcshoot · 7 years
got tagged by @alluruh, thank’s ciel, i love u sm ♥ 
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
guhhh, it’ll beeeeee @true-lab, @apoll-oh-no, @queerksilver, @spinachbeetle, @ohlance, @imnotgoinganywhereok, @red-everdeen, @tfw-all-good-usernames-are-taken, @cimderslla
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller · I wear glasses · I have at least one tattoo · I have at least one piercing · I have blonde hair · I have brown eyes· I have short hair · My abs are at least somewhat defined · I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people · People tell me that I’m funny · Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me · I enjoy physical challenges · I enjoy mental challenges · I’m playfully rude with people I know well · I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it · There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well · I can play an instrument · I can do over 30 pushups without stopping · I’m a fast runner · I can draw well · I have a good memory · I’m good at doing math in my head · I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute · I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling · I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports · I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else · I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else · I have learned a new song in the past week · I work out at least once a week · I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months · I have drawn something in the past month · I enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion · I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss · I have had alcohol · I have scored the winning goal in a sports game · I have seen an entire season of a show in one sitting · I have been at an overnight event · I have been in a taxi · I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year · I have beaten a game in one day · I have visited another country · I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” · I live close to my school · My parents are still together · I have at least one sibling · I live in the United States · There is snow right now where I live · I have hung out with a friend in the past month · I have a smartphone · I have at least 15 CDs · I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship · I have a crush on a celebrity · I have a crush on someone I know · I have been in at least 3 relationships · I have never been in a (serious) relationship · I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · I get crushes easily · I had a crush on someone for over a year · I have been in a relationship for at least a year · I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: I have breakdanced · I know a person named Jamie · I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce · I have dyed my hair · I’m listening to one song on repeat right now · I have punched someone in the past week · I know someone who has gone to jail · I have broken a bone · I have eaten a waffle today · I know what I want to do with my life · I speak at least 2 languages · I have made a new friend in the past year
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lastbluetardis · 7 years
I was tagged by @sequencefairy​ and kinda sorta by @chocolatequeennk​. Thanks loves <3
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 some people  
This has made its rounds, I think, so I won’t tag anyone, but if you see this and haven’t been tagged but want to do it, say I tagged you :)
1. drink: water 2. phone call: errrr... Oh! My internet provider last week when my internet stopped working. 3. text message: my mom 4. song you listened to: Perfect by Ed Sheeran 5. time you cried: Uhhh... I can’t remember. Which means I’m probably due for a breakdown soon :-/ 6. dated someone twice: Nope, never dated 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Nope, never kissed anyone 8. been cheated on: Nope, see above 9. lost someone special: Yup 10. been depressed: Yup  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope
3 FAVOURITE COLOURS 12. purple 13. blue 14. green
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU 15. made new friends: Yep 16. fallen out of love: Nope 17. laughed until you cried: Yep 18. found out someone was talking about you: Sigh. Yep.  19. met someone who changed you: Everyone changes me. But there haven’t been any substantial changes, I don’t think? 20. found out who your friends are: Yep. 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Nope
GENERAL 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: A large majority of them 23. do you have any pets: Heidi/Hydie/Hidey (my cat, whose name I spell a bajillion different ways for fun) 24. do you want to change your name: I used to when I was growing up, and there were 10 million Ashleys in my class with me. But now I’m fairly fond of my name. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: worked in the lab, then went out to dinner with my mom, and the day after, we went to a Phillies game. 26. what time did you wake up: 7:55am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping (or trying to) 28. name something you can’t wait for: Financial stability 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Saturday 31. what are you listening to right now: Pandora 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yep! I had an uncle named Tom. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: My gen chem lab kids not reading before they ask a question 34. most visited website: tumblr and AO3 35. hair colour: brown 36. long or short hair: medium? 37. do you have a crush on someone: Meh. Sorta 38. what do you like about yourself: Errrr... I guess my sense of humor? 39. want any piercings: nope 40. blood type:  I am ashamed to admit I don’t know my blood type :-/ 41. nickname: Ash, Ashy, Smash (mostly by just one friend), Yo TA  42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: gemini 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: Let’s say Broadchurch, because I just rewatched it and it’s still fresh in my mind 46. tattoos: none 47. right or left handed: righty (my left hand is quite useless) 48. surgery: Tubes in the ears, molar excisions and two wisdom teeth, pin in the ankle, other two wisdom teeth 49. piercing: one hole in the lobes, but I’m 99.999999999% sure they’ve closed up because I haven’t worn earrings in 150 years. 50. sport: I played softball for about 15 years growing up 51. vacation: Not for awhile. I was supposed to visit DC for a few days earlier this year, but that was during the Pi Day Blizzard of 2017. 52. pair of trainers: I love me some Converse
MORE GENERAL 53. eating: just had a salad 54. drinking: I enjoy a good cup of coffee 55. i’m about to: shower then get a bit of writing done 56. waiting for: my masters classes to be finished 57. want: financial security 58. get married: probably not. my personality isn’t really compatible with marriage. unless they’re the world’s most patient person and understand all of my stupid quirks and know that I often need alone time. 59. career: perpetual student
WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger:  older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms (forearms though, when sleeves are rolled up... guhhh) 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: neither
HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: nope 68. drank hard liquor: yup 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 70. turned someone down: nope (never been (seriously) asked out) 71. sex on the first date: nope 72. broken someone’s heart: I hope not 73. had your heart broken: yep 74. been arrested: nope 75. cried when someone died: yep 76. fallen for a friend: yep. still sort of harboring feelings, but it will Never Work
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: not as much as I probably should 78. miracles: meh 79. love at first sight: not really 80. santa claus: what he represents << yes << yesing the yes 81. kiss on the first date: sure 82. angels: sure
OTHER 83. current best friend’s name: Toni 84. eye colour: blue 85. favorite movie: currently, Beauty and the Beast
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