#grinning to myself about this okay ahahahaha
jaebeanie · 1 year
The absolute PEAK of my DinLuke editing so far has been receiving a comment where someone actually thought they were clips from the show.
Gonna have to break it to them that it’s all fake BUT makes a whole lot of canon sense, as we all know.
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intheticklecloset · 8 months
Motivational Squeaker (Black Clover)
Summary: Finral unintentionally finds himself without an assigned chore during a work day, so Magna takes it upon himself to give him a way to be useful.
A/N: Finral is undoubtedly one of my favorite Black Clover characters! He's such a sweetheart, and watching his character development has been amazing. Poor boy tends to get brushed off a lot, though, hence the desire to write a Finral appreciation fic! Short but sweet - enjoy!
Word Count: 1018
Winter had come to the Clover Kingdom, and with it came all of the chores associated with winter. Insulating the headquarters, gathering firewood, pulling out the heavier blankets for everyone’s rooms, and so on. Today was the day designated to getting it all done, and everyone was on the move.
Asta had been sent out to chop the firewood with his sword, giving him the opportunity to train and get work done at the same time. Magna and Luck were making trips back and forth from him to the storage space inside the Bulls’ headquarters where they kept it all once it was chopped, Noelle and Vanessa were swapping the sheets and blankets on everyone’s beds, and even Gray and Charmy had found things to do to help.
Finral, meanwhile, found himself without an assigned chore, through some miracle (or curse) or other.
Honestly, he was surprised he hadn’t been assigned to firewood duty with the others; Yami almost always had him taxi the firewood from the forest to the base itself to save everyone the extra hassle, but not this time, for reasons unknown. He wanted to help somehow, but with everyone seeming so efficient already, he also didn’t want to get in the way.
He was just beginning to wonder if maybe he should try to do some general cleaning when Magna burst through the door with an armful of logs just a minute after Luck had departed to get another round himself.
“Yo, Finral,” Magna grunted as he lay his stack in the storage area and stretched his back. “What are you doing to help, lazy bones? Just standing there watching us all work?”
Finral wilted a little, but he tried to shrug it off. “Captain Yami didn’t assign me anywhere, so I was just about to start dusting or mopping or…or something.”
Magna gave him a disbelieving look. “Captain Yami didn’t assign you anywhere. Are you sure he didn’t want you to be our taxi like usual and you’re just trying to get out of it?”
“No!” Finral snapped, then realized how it sounded. “I mean, yes, I’m sure! He didn’t, so I’m…I’m trying to find a way to make myself useful. I swear I’m not…lazy.” The brunette let out a huff and dropped his eyes. “Just forgotten.”
“Ouch, dude.” Magna’s voice had softened, and he brushed off his hands as he walked over to his teammate. “I’m sure you’re not forgotten. Listen, I didn’t mean to come off so harsh, okay?”
“It’s fine. I’m used to it.”
“Hey.” The fire mage put a hand on his shoulder and shook him once, looking over the rims of his sunglasses to make eye contact. “I’m sorry. You’re not lazy. Well, you are, but I know you’re not trying to be now.”
Finral hated how his insides felt like they were being crushed the more Magna showed pity on him. The delinquent never showed pity on him; he must really be showing off how pathetic he was to get this kind of attention from his teammate.
“It’s fine,” he said again, shrugging him off. “I’ll just go get the cleaning supplies and get to work.”
Magna caught his arm as he turned to leave. “I have a better way you can be useful.”
“Yeah. Like this,” Magna said before shoving his hands up into the brunette’s underarms and wiggling.
“Ah! Ahahahaha, wahahahahahait!” Finral squealed, clamping his arms to his sides futilely, squirming and twisting. “Nohohohohoho, whahahahahat are you dohohohohoing?!”
“Messing with you is giving me motivation to keep working hard. It’s like a reward for doing so well out there.” Magna’s grin was wicked, but his voice was playful. He caught Finral by his shirt when he tried to twist away and wrapped an arm around his waist, hugging him close and digging his fingers into his side. “Ah-ah-ah, where do you think you’re going?”
“Plehehehehehehease!” Finral cackled, hands gripping Magna’s arm weakly.
The fire mage chuckled and wormed his fingers underneath his teammate’s hoodie to squeeze his hip. Finral shrieked and arched so hard Magna nearly lost his grip on him.
Magna held him tighter and growled playfully, “Never tell me my fingers are cold, you little pipsqueak. Fire is my specialty.”
“Nah. If it makes you laugh like this, I think I’ll let them stay a little chilly.”
Finral screeched with laughter and squirmed helplessly in Magna’s arms, trying and failing to shove him away from his hips and waist. He didn’t know how he’d found himself in this situation, but he was losing his mind from the ticklish sensations and was more than ready to get out.
Thankfully his friend seemed to understand he meant it, and he ceased his tickling but didn’t loosen his grip on Finral until he knew he would be able to stay upright on his own. Then Magna chuckled and punched his shoulder lightly.
“There, see? Don’t you feel better now? I’ll make sure to tell Luck that you’re our motivational squeaker for today, and to make sure and see you when he comes back in.” With that, Magna offered a smile and a salute and turned to head back out into the cold.
“M-Motivational…don’t you mean speaker?” Finral stammered, confused.
“No, I mean squeaker. Because when we tickle you, you squeak like a mouse. But today, it’s motivational!”
Then he was gone.
Finral felt his heart race in nervous anticipation. His immediate instinct was to hide, but then he knew Luck would just come hunting him down, and that would be even more terrifying than simply standing there waiting for him to come tickle him; Luck was even more ruthless than Magna when it came to tickle fights.
He really should go find those cleaning supplies and get to work. Then again, if he was in the middle of something and Luck – or anyone, really – started tickling him by surprise…
Finral shivered, a hesitant smile playing at his lips.
This was going to be a very interesting winter work day.
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thebluestbluewords · 1 month
scheming. plotting, even.
"Maleficent. Charmed, I'm sure."
Red shakes the outstretched hand as quickly as possible. No biggie, just shaking hands with the most evil villain of all time, the person who's eventually going to be responsible for getting not just Red and her mom, but literally every interesting villain and henchman and sidekick exiled from Auradon. Forever.
"Yeah, you could say that. So, what are you doing here?"
Young Maleficent arches one perfect eyebrow up towards her horns. "Attending class. And you?" 
"I mean, same. Obviously," Red scoffs "I'm just here, in class...attending class." 
The corner of Maleficent's mouth twitches. "On a cosmic level, I'm here because I was compelled by the stars to attend class today." 
This is getting her nowhere.
“Yeah, okay," Red agrees, even though she's pretty sure she understands even less about Maleficent's motivations since they started this conversation. "I don't really do astrology, so if you wanna tell me what that actually means..." 
"It means I'm here because the fates aligned to bring me here today. And you're here because of magic."
"No, I’m totally not.”
They're gonna be found out for sure if Maleficent is on to them. So long, Wonderland. Bye-bye, Auradon. Red's going to a special layer of hell. the one reserved for idiots who reveal their whole plan to the biggest, baddest villains ever to walk the earth. 
Maleficent laughs, and reaches out to grab Red's hand again. "Child, I can smell it on your skin. You're here for exactly the same reason as myself and my companions." 
"I'm pretty sure I'm not..." 
"Don't play stupid. It's the time discrepancies. There's a...what do you humans call it?" 
So Maleficent isn't human. 
Cool. Cool cool cool. 
"Um?" Red squeaks "I don't? Know?" 
"A time distortion. A bubble." 
Oh, no. 
"Nope, I don't know anything about any time travel," Red says, quick as can be. "I'm here because my--our father, he, um, he fell on some hard times, and he-- that is, he didn't send in our transfer paperwork, so if I smell like I shouldn't be here, that's gotta be it, nothing like time travel, who said I know anything about time travel?" 
"You did. Just now." 
"I meant to say that I've never even heard of time travel," Red lies through the biggest smile she can plaster on her face and still speak through. "But if you know anything, then I want to learn it too. You can tell me." 
Maleficent's eyes narrow. "Funny. You're a funny one, Red. Ulyana doesn't like her lackeys being too smart, but funny... I can work with that." 
"Please. Don't play the fool. We're here because of the time manipulation going on in this iteration of the Merlin Academy timeline, as are yourself and your sweet little blue companion. I don't know what you want out of the changes, but I know that you're here because of them. Hades and myself are here to... well." 
"I don't know if I can trust you with that information yet," Maleficent says, flickering a forked tongue out to lick her lips. "Not unless I know I can trust you." 
"I'm trustworthy." 
Maleficent grins, and Red gives herself a singular moment to wish that she hadn't looked at the pointed teeth in that awfully wet mouth. Ugh. Dragons are worse than jabberwocky when it comes to oral hygiene, apparently.  "Mm, no you’re not. At least, not yet."
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Edit: This may have been a Selfship event story, but it is also a major part of the Sapphire Heartverse: Sugar Crash Void Bash canon!
Day 1: Share your very first romantic kiss
Well, it's already known how Vanilla and Tippy had their first kiss! (here!) But here's a short story on how Vanilla and Tippy had their first kiss with Bel!
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It's a crisp, calm, delightful autumn evening. The three gentlemen are walking down the sidewalk, taking in the scenery, breathing in that nice fall air, watching the leaves twirl off the branches of trees, and… they're trying to find a way to break the silence! Bel glances up at Vanilla, who's in the middle of the other two. Xe locks eyes for a brief moment with the tall man and averts xis gaze to the trees beside xem. Vanilla, who has been the unfortunate victim of having to wear pants this season, puts his hands in his pockets and looks down at Tippy,
"It's quiet. Pretty peaceful out this evening, hm?"
"Oh yeah." Tippy smiles. Bel wants to chime in and say something. They're a little nervous because of everything that happened about a year ago… they used to be influenced by an evil gemstone…and yet these two not only wanted to be their friend but also take them out on a date. Tippy looks over at Bel, noticing xe's a little shy at the moment. He pipes up and smiles at Bel,
"So, what are you gonna get at the cafe, Bel? Are you more of a sweets kind of person or savory?"
"Me? Oh, huh… I mean, like, I do enjoy a nice treat here and there. But, like, I guess I could just go with anything, you know? I mean, I can be pretty picky, not going to lie about that," Bel chuckles and touches his own chest, gesturing to himself, "Okay, honestly, I am a more than just a little picky… but, I'm willing to try almost anything once honestly. Ahahahaha!" Vanilla tries to add to the conversation, but Bel continues, "Sometimes I even think about trying random foods from all around the world, like, I'll probably try to do a little country to country taste testing, you know? Maybe, like, get one thing from each country-" Bel puts their hand up, "WAIT. Maybe I could get one of the same thing from each country I go to. Or wait, maybe I should get something different-? I don't know, it's all so confusing, like-" Bel laughs and looks over at Vanilla and Tippy. 
He instantly feels self conscious. Shit, I'm talking too much about myself again. Why do I keep doing this? Bel thinks to himself. He clears his throat,
"Uh hum…yeah…"
"I think that would be fun, heheh!" Tippy grins at xem. Vanilla nods,
"Hey, we're here." He opens the cafe door for the other two fellas. 
"Thank you so much, Vans! Oh you're such a sweetie pie." Tippy touches Vanilla's arm as he walks inside. Bel checks xis nails as xe walks in, but catches xemself,
"O-oh! Thank you, Nilla. You always were the better servant boy." Bel attempts to make a little joke, but as that sentence came out of their mouth, they instantly felt like a jerk saying it, "Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way."
"You're fine." Vanilla tells them. 
As the three get to their table next to the window, they all admire the autumn view. The leaves blow in the slight breeze. Tippy takes a sip of his pumpkin spiced hot chocolate, then squeaks.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" Vanilla looks concerned.
"Yeah, I just got my tongue burned!" Tippy says. "At least I can just lick the whipped cream until it cools off though, heheh."
"OMG, that reminds me of this one time back when I was working at that crusty old mansion, one of the guys that used to work there found a scorpion? And he like, grabbed it? I was like, 'what are you doing put that thing down right now' and he was like, 'watch this' and I was like 'okay' and he freaking… puts this creature in his mouth and it like, bites his tongue- well, it didn't bite his tongue, it stung it," Bel interjects. As xe continues xis story, Vanilla daintily puts a spoonful of sugary whipped cream covered in caramel and chocolate sauce in his mouth. The other two listen to Bel talk and tell stories. Not only about his time working at the mansion, but also about what happened while he was under the jewel's influence. 
Bel suddenly realizes, after about 20 minutes of talking nonstop, that they didn't let either of the two say a single word. They feel self conscious once again and try to wrap up their story. They end up stumbling over their words and embarrassing themself. They sip their equally as sugary coffee and stare down at their drink.
Tippy's brows frown, understanding what Bel might be feeling right now. He just has a lot to say… maybe the reason he talks so much is because he just needs somebody to listen… Tippy thinks to himself. Vanilla isn't very talkative and he's introverted, where Bel is extroverted, and Tippy is ambiverted. Unbeknownst to Bel, Tippy has empathy for xem while Vanilla is happy to listen to other people talk. It's true that Bel has some problems involving selfishness, carelessness, and the need for popularity…but all of that stems from poor self esteem yet at the same time, his inflated self image. 
Tippy reads them like a book,
"Yuh huh?" Xe looks at Tippy curiously.
"You're not bothering us, you know. You can talk as much as you'd like." Tippy gives xem a gentle and knowing smile. Vanilla nods,
"It's true. I know back when we disliked each other, I would say pretty nasty things. We were both at each other's throats… I want you to know that I take it all back. I don't hate you anymore, and I genuinely enjoy your company, Beleza."
Bel looks back and forth between the two fellas. He smiles and politely nods his head, then takes a drink from his coffee. Tippy softly touches the back of their hand,
"We mean it. You fit right in with us, you know? You're always welcome at our house."
"He's right. We're misfits. Look at us, we were all outcasts and outsiders. We didn't work at Lord D- I mean, Dio's mansion for no reason. If you ask me, I would call that fate." Vanilla tells them, "Bel, it's true. Anyone who has ever worked at Dio's mansion is an outcast in some way or another. But we found security in each other. We found comfort and safety in one another. To hell with the ones who shunned us for who we are." 
"Well said, Vans!" Tippy lightly claps, then he jokes at Bel, "You can tell he's a little passionate about this kind of stuff, haha!"
"I guess you guys are right… ugh, it just… I dunno." Bel sighs and looks at his coffee. Vanilla reaches for Bel's hand and caresses the back of it softly,
"You're always welcome in our home, Beleza. We mean that."
As the three of them walk out of the cafe, all smiles and laughs, Tippy lightly bonks his head on Bel’s shoulder. Bel giggles and playfully bonks xis head on top of Tippy’s. Vanilla smiles at the other two and teasingly bumps his shoulder into Bel. They look up at him, give a shy chuckle and touch his bicep,
“You guys are, like… really affectionate. I kind of figured since I’ve seen you two nuzzling and kissing all over each other all the time, ahahahaha!” 
“Yeah.” Vanilla rubs his neck with a slight smile, “It’s funny. I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. I never thought I would find a kindred spirit such as Tippy… and hm, now you.”
“Nilla! You should have known I can never get enough attention.” Bel teases. 
They all walk back to Vanilla’s black SUV. Bel feels a great sadness wash over him, he really enjoyed spending more time with his potential partners. Vanilla opens the passenger’s side for Tippy, then the middle door for Bel.
“I guess it’s time for you to take me back to the hotel, huh?” Bel gives them both a bittersweet smile. Vanilla and Tippy look at xem forlornly, then at each other. Vanilla speaks,
“That is correct… but it doesn’t mean we can’t still hang out for a while after that.” Bel looks up into Vanilla’s eyes, his smile still a little sad,
“I would really like that.” 
The three sing along to songs and make jokes the entire way back to the hotel where Bel is staying for a while. Xe takes them both up to his room, where Tippy proceeds to leap face first on xis bed and lays there for a while.
Bel and Vanilla both look at each other with an amused face, then burst out laughing. Bel jumps on the bed next to him, and Vanilla just sits down daintily on the bed. Tippy sits up and giggles with Bel. They both end up playfully wrestling with each other while Vanilla watches. He covers his mouth and chuckles at the two goofing around. Bel holds onto Tippy and watches him try to wriggle free,
“Hey! No fair, you’re stronger than me!” Tippy laughs. Bel smirks,
“Well, maybe you should hit the gym, little man!”
Vanilla chuckles at the two of them then crawls over,
“Don’t make me come over there. I’ll sit on you both!”
“Sounds good to me.” Tippy teases. Bel playfully tugs on Vanilla’s sweater, 
“Why don’t you join us, big guy?”
Vanilla leans over and lays next to them both. After a lull in the conversation, Bel speaks up,
“So… um…” They lean up and look over at the other two, “Ugh, this is so awkward…”
“What’s up, Bel?” Tippy asks.
“Well, like… you guys are so cute.” Bel covers his face, “I want to ask… for… like… a kiss… or something.”
Vanilla leans up and gently takes Bel’s hands away from their face. The two of them stare deeply into each other’s eyes. Vanilla lightly touches Bel’s chin and tilts his head,
“I’ve been thinking the same thing… Beleza…”
Tippy covers his mouth and watches the other two share a tender moment. Bel feels his cheeks get hotter as Vanilla leans in with his eyes closed. Their lips meet finally. Bel feels Vanilla’s warm, glossed lips, the taste of vanilla sugar flavored lip gloss glides over his mouth. Bel holds onto Vanilla’s shoulders and kisses him back. Vanilla slowly pulls away and gazes down at Bel with hooded eyelids. Bel is in a daze from kissing this man who he finds to be very very handsome. Vanilla smirks and gives a low chuckle,
“You look pleased…”
“O-oh! Yeah, I… oh my god, I just… that was uh… yeah.” Bel covers xis mouth, still tasting Vanilla’s lip gloss. Xe glances over at Tippy, wanting to kiss him as well. Silently, the two of them make their way to each other. Tippy leans up and Bel leans in. Their lips lock, even more gloss gets mixed in. The taste of Tippy’s raspberry flavored gloss glides over Bel’s lips, making xem lightly lick Tippy’s bottom lip. Tippy gets surprised but welcomes it, kissing xem deeper. Bel melts into Tippy’s kiss and softly touches his arm. The two of them pull away for breath, looking each other in the eyes. Bel averts his gaze, catching his breath a bit,
“Wow… you both really know how to kiss a guy, huh?”
Tippy smiles and wraps Bel up in a hug, which Bel enthusiastically returns, falling backwards and having Tippy lie on top of him. Vanilla jokingly lies on top of the other two, not putting his full weight on them though.
“Waugh! Vans, you’re crushing us!” Tippy teases him.
“I’m crushing you both with my love.” Vanilla kisses Tippy’s cheek and leans down to kiss Bel’s forehead. Tippy and Vanilla end up peppering Bel’s face with kisses on either side of his face, making him giggle.
“Oh yeah, I could get used to this!” Bel squeaks with delight.
The End
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lilianlay · 2 years
Tickletober day 30 - halloween party/costumes
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Seven brothers
- You all look perfect! - Asmo looked at his brothers and their suits.
- Of course! This Halloween will be the most memorable. - Mammon chuckled.
- It will be most memorable if we finish with the scenery. - said Lucifer and hung another garland with pumpkins.
- Does he really want to impress Lord Diavolo? - Belphie quietly turned to Satan.
- And before whom else should he impress? - the blond smiled slyly and the brothers giggled.
- Beel no! Not now. - Levi ran out with snacks in his hands.
- But I'm hungry, give me at least one. - the redhead ran after his older brother.
Each of the boys was at his own place to prepare for the holiday. But of course, not everyone was interested. Mammon yawned again as he hung up the new ornament. Asmodeus stood next to him and worked on the decor and their ideal arrangement. The white-haired raised an eyebrow and imperceptibly approached his brother and poked him in the side. Asmo squeaked and turned around.
- W-what are you doing?!
- I'm bored. - the Avatar of Greed chuckled and poked a few more times.
- Ehehe nohohot nohow Mahahahammon - peach-haired tried to escape from the fingers.
- Why not now?
- Neehehehed to wohork
- Work? Ha, look, they all need a tickle right now. - the white-haired winked and stoped.
- Hmm, maybe you're right. - Asmo giggled softly.
They separated and Mammon went to the kitchen where Levi and Beel were.
- Oh, hi, what are ya doing?
- I'm trying to finish the ghost cookies, if Beel doesn't interfere with me. - the violet-haired rolled his eyes.
- But they look so delicious. - whimpered the Avatar of Gluttony.
- Guys, you just need to relax. - Mammon smiled and stepped closer.
- How? - Leviathan looked at him.
The Avatar of Greed quickly hugged their sides and began to tickle their stomachs and the reaction was instant.
- Mahahahahammon, I'll kihihill yohohohou! - Levi started squirming and squeaking.
- It's nohohot faihir, we dihihidn't expehehehehect it. - the redhead giggled.
- Oh, but that's the most important thing~" the white haired chuckled and continued.
Just a few minutes later, the laughter of two more demons was heard.
- Hehe, it looks like Asmo was also able to tickle Satan and Belphie at the same time.
- Ahahahahahasmo - was heard from the main room.
- Whyhahhahaha? - it was the voice of Belphegor.
- Because it's funny~
Mammon was distracted by Avatar of Lust's attack that he forgot about his victims and they quickly freed themselves.
- Hey, we're not done yet. - but he saw their burning eyes.
- Looks like it's our turn now.
The white-haired squealed and ran back to Asmo. But he saw that the Anti-Lucifer League had already grabbed the peach-haired, thrown him to the floor and tickled him.
- Nohohohoho, Mahahahahammon hehehehelp - Asmodeus squeaked.
- I have a problem myself - he felt like he was grabbed and pressed next to his portrait for a surprise tickle.
- Um, guys, we need to finish preparing for the Halloween party hehe. - the Avatar of Greed tried to distract the brothers.
- You yourself told us to relax and we will do it~ Levi wiggled his fingers in air and quickly began to tickle his older brother.
- Ahahahaha nohohoHOHOHOH AHAHAH STOHOHOP! - he has already begun to squirm furiously.
- Wow, he said "no stop", how can we refuse him? - the redhead grinned and helped the Avatar of Envy.
- I'm really glad that you came before the others, but I'm not sure that everything is ready. - Lucifer and Diavolo entered the House of Lamentation.
- Hehe, it's okay, and I can help. - Dia smiled.
- Thank you, but I think my brothers are already finishing..
They heard screams and loud laughter.
- ..Or not. - the Avatar of Pride crossed his arms.
The demons entered the main room and saw that all the brothers were on the floor and they had a serious tickle fight and every minute everything could change dramatically.
Lucifer was about to stop them, but the prince put a hand on his shoulder.
- Let them have some fun. - he smiled.
The dark haired sighed and nodded.
- Okay, but then they will work non-stop on the decor of the house.
- Haha of course. - he winked.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
OK OK OMG so i saw you started taking requests for enstars so. one word. lee mayoi. the ler dosen't matter. just lee mayoi. OKAY MAYBE THAT WAS TWO WORDS BUT-
Ice breaker
Ok but like we are now besties KSKAKSJAKS. Mayoi has quickly become one of my faves so you can imagine my excitement when I saw this. Such a scrunkly weirdo, he definitely needs lots of tiggles~
For the ler I decided to go with Hiiro 'cause if I remember correctly he said he enjoys physical touch + I find it funny how he just asserts his friendship onto the others forcefully lol
Anyways hope you like it!
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Mayoi x Hiiro (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Mayoi
Ler: Hiiro
Warnings: Tickles!
After a long day of hard idol work, the members of Alkaloid were finally free to do whatever they pleased. It was already late at night so the others called it a day, but Hiiro was still feeling fired up and decided to follow Mayoi into his room. After all, he wanted to get to know him better and become good friends. Mayoi tried getting him to leave, he really did, but Hiiro looked like a lost 'lil pup trailing behind him, how could he deny him entry into his room?! That's easy, he can't.
The purple haired male settled down on his bed, Hiiro doing the same but more energetically. "So what do you like to do for fun?!" he asked with a big smile on his face.
"Uhm...sometimes I like to make sweets..." replied Mayoi as he fiddled with his fingers. He was feeling nervous and a bit shy, he wasn't used to having company over, especially this late at night. Hiiro noticed the way he would awkwardly shift under his gaze, he didn't want to make his friend uncomfortable.
He started thinking on how he could make Mayoi feel relaxed and then it hit him... "Hey Mayoi, are you ticklish?" asked the redhead with a mischevious grin.
Mayoi was instantly taken aback by the sudden question, his face starting to heat up "W-why would you ask that?!". Hiiro gave no response, he only wiggled his fingers teasingly towards the purple haired male. Mayoi let out a squeak at the sight and tried to bolt on out of there, but Hiiro was too fast and tackled him across the bed.
They both struggled around but Hiiro managed to pin his arms above his head. "You didn't answer my question, are you gonna tell me or do I have to find out myself?" he looked down at him with a teasy smirk.
Mayoi felt like he was about to errupt from how flustered he felt. "D-do your wohorst..!" he blurted out without thinking. Hiiro grinned at him, accepting the challenge. He then started squeezing at Mayoi's side with his free hand.
"MPH!" Mayoi chocked on a laugh as he tried his best to hold it in, he didn't want to give in so easily. Although his plan was flawed considering how horribly ticklish he is so it wasn't long until he started laughing. "Wahait Hiiro- NAHAT THEHERE!" he screeched out when Hiiro started poking at his tummy.
"Wow! You're so ticklish here, how cute~!" the redhead playfully teased as he started scratching at the tickle spot.
"AM NAHAHAT CUHUTE! AHAHAHAHA!" Mayoi threw his head back in laughter as he started kicking his legs out.
"Of course you are! So don't start talking bad about yourself...or else~" Hiiro playfully threatened him as he started squeezing at his hip.
"GYAHAHAHA! I-I'M SAHHAHARRY!" poor Mayoi bucked around but Hiiro's stubborn hand wouldn't stop squeezing that dreaded spot.
"You suuuure~?" he then gave his tummy a few playful pokes, enjoying the cute squeaks that escaped the purple guy.
Hiiro noticed how his eyes were starting to get watery, not wanting to push his boundaries he got off of him, giving him a well deserved break. Mayoi just layed there all limp, panting and taking deep breaths as if he had ran a marathon. His face was fully flush and a few tears ran down his cheeks, but there was a big genuine smile plastered on his face. The redhead smiled fondly down at him as he wiped away some of the stray tears.
Once Mayoi regained his composure, Hiiro bombarded him with yet another flustering question "Hey Mayoi...do you like being tickled?".
Well... if Mayoi wasn't flustered before, he definitely was now. He had to be honest, he wasn't always fond of others touching him, but with tickling it was a bit different... it felt nice. "Uhh... I-I guess...?" he answered with an awkward smile.
Hiiro looked at him for a moment before speaking up "Cool! I like tickling too!". The redhead said with zero shame. "It's fun getting to make others laugh, including you~" he said as he playfully poked Mayoi's side.
"Eek!" the purple guy jumped at the sudden poke. Not gonna lie, he felt a bit better after that exchange.
Before he could even think of a response, Hiiro was already saying his goodbyes. "Well I should get going now, don't wanna disrupt your rest. But we should totally do this another time!".
"Yeah... that'd be nice" Mayoi spoke without thinking, a soft smile grazing his lips. Hiiro couldn't help but smile back as they both waved goodbye. This weird yet wholesome situation made the two of them feel a bit closer.
Sorry if this isn't supper accurate. But I still think it ended up pretty cute~
Feel free to leave me more enstars reqs. 'cause I'm too obsessed atm LOL
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fanfic-chan · 3 years
Hi! Really cool to see you opening requests! (It took me a while to choose something) but if you're comfortable with it, could I request something with Deku and Kirishima, either of them as the lee or ler? And maybe as a prompt/sentence starter, something like "you're amazing" :D
Ahhh tysm for sending this request! You actually ended up picking my literal two favorite comfort characters, so this request was super relaxing for me to write! I hope you like it! ❤️
You're Amazing!
Ler: Deku
Lee: Kirishima
(Bonus at the end)
"You're Amazing Kirishima!"
Said red haired boy might have tried to protest such 'undeserved' high praise from someone as manly as Midoriya, if not for the fact that he was currently busy laughing his head off, face down in the carpet, as his green haired classmate dug into his sides with vigour.
How had he ended up in this situation in the first place? Well, it had started innocently enough. The two of them had been sitting next to each other on the common room floor, working on an English assignment that Kirishima had been struggling with.
He would usually ask Bakugou or Momo for help with such things, but the two of them had been busy that day, and Midoriya was pretty good at the subject, and seemed more than happy to help when he'd asked for his assistance.
Things had been going well up until the 12th problem, at which point Kirishima had gotten frustrated and had called himself, and I quote, 'a useless idiot."
That had been a mistake apparently, because as soon as the words left his mouth, Midoriya had flinched rather violently, and before Kirishima even had a chance to ask what was wrong, the boy had already tackled him to the floor and straddled him from behind, digging into his sensitive sides so ruthlessly that it reminded him a lot of how Bakugou had gotten ahold of him a week prior.
The one difference was the fact that instead of the mean teasing that his explosive friend preferred, Midoriya was practically singing him praises even as he tortured him. His teasing was so gentle and sweet, and it somehow flustered him even more.
"Say it then! Say you're Amazing!"
"That's not what I meant and you know it."
"I'm not stopping until you say it Kirishima~"
He really was trying, but between the tickling and his own self doubt, he couldn't manage to force the words past his lips. Suddenly though, to his surprise, it all stopped, and he gulped in mouthfuls of air greedily.
"Fine. I didn't want to resort to this, but you leave me no choice."
Eijiro actually shuddered a bit at that. It wasn't over? And what did he mean by-
"I'm calling Kacchan."
Oh heck no.
"W-Wahahait! Midoriya nohoho!! I'll say it! I'll sahay it!!"
The green haired boy paused as he reached over for his phone. 
"I'm waiting." He said after a few seconds, and though he couldn't see him while he was pinned down like this, the redhead was pretty sure his classmate had an eyebrow raised expectantly.
He took a couple steadying breaths, and after another moment, muttered, "I- I'm amazing.."
"What was that?"
"I'M AMAZING! OKAY THERE! HAPPY?" He blurted out.
Bonus part because I have no self control when it comes to my comfort characters.^^`
Finally, once Midoriya got off of him, he immediately curled into a ball, giggling softly while his classmate went quiet behind him.
It took a few minutes, but eventually he sat up and turned to face his friend, grinning, but his smile quickly faltered when he saw tears silently streaking down the boy's face, looking stunned.
"Heyheyhey! Midobro what's the matter?" Are you alright?.."
"I- I'm sorry! I shouldn't have- I shouldn't have done that, I'm so sorry! It's just- you- you called yourself useless andIjustreallyhatethatwordandIdidn'twantyoutothinkaboutyourselfthatwayand-"
"No dude it's fine! Calm down! I… I actually really needed that! I… Wanted to thank you, honestly. I shouldn't have been saying that stuff about myself. I've been trying to stop, but sometimes I still do it, even though it's wrong. I'm not mad at you ok? I'm really not, so don't cry anymore, alright? C'mere."
He held his arms out expectantly, and slowly, Midoriya crawled into them, hiding his face in his chest as he whimpered softly. After a bit, the smaller teen seemed to calm down a little, but he was still tense. That's when an idea popped into the spiky haired boy's head, and he smirked mischievously.
"Hey Midoriya?" 
He spoke casually, to avoid suspicion, and the boy hummed in response, unsuspecting. Heh. Got em.
"I just realized something. It doesn't seem quite fair to me that I had to say that I was amazing, and you didn't despite how manly you are. I think we should fix that. What do you think?"
The boy seemed to catch on to what he was implying pretty quickly, and started giggling nervously. He tried to lean back and out of his classmates grip, but it was already to late. He had him.
"K-Kirishima wait! Come on, we can t-talk about thi- Eek! Ohoho nononohohoho!! AHAHAHAHA!!"
He squeeled adorably as the redhead started squeezing up and down his sides gently, laughter once again filling the common room.
"Sorry Midobro, but you know what you have to say to make me stop. If I'm amazing, then so are you! It's only fair, haha!"
Midoriya tried, he really did, to squirm out of his lap, but given how emotional he'd been a few minutes ago, along with how ridiculously ticklish he was, it was a useless attempt, so after a while he just leaned forward into his friend's chest again and accepted his fate, laughing freely.
It wasn't until his classmate reached his hips and his eyes were teary that he finally gave in, and started screaming,
Over and over again.
By the time they'd gotten back to their studies, both students were feeling a lot more confident, especially knowing that they had a friend that would always remind them how special they were, even when they didn't feel it.
I really hope I did well on this! I really tried my best for my two favorite cinnamon rolls!
Requests are: Open
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Chronicles of Galar - Chapter 2 Part 1: Your Past & a “kidnapping” case
I’ll split this chapter into two parts, because this chapter is kinda longish. I apologize for any dumb grammar mistakes, because this was especially hard to translate from my first language. Well, to make a short summary, this is a full-Leon featured chapter and a little fluff :3 Also a little insight about your past in Amila.
You kinda felt bad about lying to your new friends. But after Taiko had speculated almost too much about your feelings for the Galarian champion, you had to make sure that it didn't spark any more rumors.
Because you actually had something else in mind than going back to the hotel. Your brother was actually in Amila, along with President Rose, his assistant, and your father, the retired Professor of the Region of Amila. The reason you'd left the cafe so quickly was because of Leon. He really didn't looked very healthy and even if Raihan tried to talk it down, you were convinced that Leon was overwhelmed by being in the spotlight everywhere and being so in demand.
You ran around the corner of the cafe, where all the reporters had gathered around Leon and showered him with questions. You were close enough to overhear a little. “Unbeatable champion Leon, that was a masterpiece of a battle! Defeating a Gigantamax Toxtricity while Charizard was completely at a disadvantage! How did you manage that? "
"Ahahahaha ... ha .. As I already explained to your predecessor .. and those before that, Pokemon types are no guarantee for a win! Charizard and I knew we were at a disadvantage and we only eradicated this disadvantage with tactics! Nothing else. Toxtricity was very strong! ”Leon laughed and scratched the back of his head in disgrace. Who knows how often he was allowed to answer these and similar questions today ... "Champion Leon! Allow us to take a few more snapshots at the scene! Please lead us to the place where you defeated Toxtricity! ” one of the journalists demanded. You only shook your head slightly at the insolence and intrusiveness of these people. Leon also seemed to be in need of explanation. You could tell that this interview was becoming increasingly uncomfortable for him.
"So .. uhm .."
You had to step in. "Unfortunately that is impossible.", you began and stepped out of the alley. The reporters turned to you, puzzled. Leon recognized you and blinked slightly perplexed. "And why is it impossible?" One of the reporters wanted to know and eyed you suspiciously. “Because the Toxtricity are currently breeding and mating. That is exactly why the accident with the Gigantamax happened. The Toxtricity only protected its babies. Right, Champion Leon? ” You asked, winking at him. Leon looked at you completely taken aback before he cleared his throat. “U-Uhm yes, I accidentally fell into a Toxtricity nest and the mother must have thought I was an enemy! We- We should leave them alone! ”He nodded. Now that Leon confirmed it, the journalists believed you.
“Well, then of course that won't work. But we still have some questions for- "
"I have to disappoint you there too, gentlemen.", You quickly intervened directly and fought your way through the crowd until you reached Leon and grabbed his arm. "But our champion has a very important appointment that he is way too late because of you." “Who are you anyway?” One of the men finally wanted to know.
“I am the daughter of the CEO of Aerial Industries, Amila's largest commercial company. And the manager wants to speak to Leon immediately. And your uncooperative behavior will only get him into trouble. So please excuse us now. “, You spoke then and simply dragged Leon past the reporters and onlookers. "Hold on, wait. Aerial Industries is interested in Champion Leon? We'd like to know more about that! ”One of them shouted, but you were already starting to run with Leon. “I'm really sorry, gentlemen. But it's still confidential between Leon and Aerial! We are not authorized to give further information! ”You shouted before you let go of Leon at some point after you were sure that the men weren't following you.
"I thought your father was Amila's professor? You didn't say he's also the CEO of Aerial Industries? ”Leon mumbled, perplexed.
"He isn't." You smirked, which made Leon even more confused. "But I couldn't get you out of there any other way." "You have ..", Leon started in shock, pointing at you with his gloved hand. “I took you out of this interview on purpose, yes. Because they pushed you pretty hard. You've already explained everything and they just haven't left you alone. And you looked so burned out I just had to act. Sorry. ", You said and clasped your hands apologetically. Leon just stood there, speechless, blinking. Then he started to laugh sincerely and put his hands on his hips. "I see. So that's how it was. Well, thank you very much for saving me. ", He smiled and when you looked into his face, you only noticed happiness and serenity. "Then you are not mad that I interfered?", You asked. Only now did you realized that you had acted on an impulse and that you had already intervened before your thought process was over. "Of course not.", The purple-haired smirked and put his hand on your head. “To be honest, that really came in handy for me. Who knows how long that interview went without you .. ", he sighed exhausted and took off his cap to fan himself with it. "Mmm, it must be exhausting to have so much hustle and bustle around you all the time.", You lamented. Leon laughed lightly and nodded. "That's it. Sometimes ... I don't want to be a champion anymore. I would just like to have some time for myself again .. A .. Mhm yes a short break .. and if it's only one day .. Does that sound selfish of me? ", He asked you. “No, why should it be selfish? You work almost non-stop, you go all over Galar for press conferences, photo shoots, while you make sure that Galar stays in balance and protect people and Pokemon. You really deserve a day off. ",You nodded. Leon then smiled in relief. “Thank you for seeing it that way too. Unfortunately, I can't allow myself to do that. ", He sighed. "Why not?"
"Well, I don't know where to go .. Everyone in Galar knows me .. and .. I wouldn't have a quiet minute," Leon mumbled. "What if you just spend the day off somewhere else?" You suggested. "Somewhere else..?"
You didn't answered him at all and just grinned when you grabbed his hand again and ran to the nearest Corviknight taxi. "Ah, hello there, where do you want to go?"the taxi driver asked and fed two Corviknight some berries. "Do you fly overseas?", You wanted to know and Leon looked at you questioningly. “You mean in other regions? Well, we have special taxi couriers for that. Which region do you want to go to? ”He asked. "Alola."
"Heh? Alola? ”Leon asked surprised. You smiled and paid the taxi driver. "Yep. A short trip to a vacation paradise. Perfect for our little break. ", You giggled. "Break? So it's not your honeymoon, sweeties? ", The taxi driver smiled and saw the young couple blush and gesticulate with their hands in panic. "No, no, no .. We are not .. So .. Haha .. Come on, let's just get in.", You laughed embarrassed and dragged a blushing Leon behind you.
You took a seat in the large gondola that was carried by the birds and tried to forget the embarrassing situation as quickly as possible. As a result, there was initially a rather uncomfortable silence while the gondola with the Corviknights started moving and the approximately four-hour flight to Alola began. You thought about how you had spontaneously persuaded Leon to run away with you, even though you didn't know each other very well. At this realization you gripped your head with a sigh. This action caught the champion's attention, and he looked at you when he became slightly concerned about your strange behavior. "Are you okay ..?" He asked. TYou blinked before you realized that you had sighed audibly and waved embarrassedly. "Yes everything is fine. I ... just feel a little bold. After all, I almost kidnapped you, didn't I? ”You asked with a slight laugh. Leon smiled and crossed his arms. “You could almost call it that. But .. As I said, this little break is very convenient for me, that's why .. you will be forgiven that you 'kidnapped' me. ", He said and winked slightly. You smiled at his answer and relaxed again. Even if you didn't know each other as well as you thought, the mood between you had been quite exuberant and relaxed since you had met in the Slumbering Weald. It was a sympathy that was hard to explain. "I am happy about that. Now it's time to go to Alola. How long did the taxi driver think the flight would take? ”You asked. “About 4 hours. Maybe half an hour more, in case the Corviknight need a break and have to rest. ", The purple-haired man thought and crossed his arms. “It's still a long time. Now that we have to sit around here anyway .. how about if we use the time wisely? ”He asked. "With pleasure. What do you mean with 'use our time wisely'? A fight is hardly an option. “, You thought and looked around. There was really not much space in the gondola ..
"That's probably true .."Leon answered with a slight grin. “I was also more likely to think that it would be a good opportunity for us to find out more about each other. We already know a few things from the phone calls and other meetings, but .. there is still a lot that concerns me, ”he then admitted. "What are you concerned about? About me? “, You asked perplexed and pointed to yourself. Leon nodded. "Yes. For example, you said you were born in Amila. But you grew up in Sinnoh for several years of your life. You even started your journey as a trainer in Sinnoh. Why? Why not in Amila and why did you live in Sinnoh? Please forgive me if these questions are too private. Basically we're just acquaintances, ”he added quietly and scratched his bearded jaw. “Don't be silly, Leon. We are no longer acquaintances. We are friends. Well .. at least that's how I see it. ", You then spoke lightly. Leon then gave you an illegible look before smiling and showing you his signature grin. "Yes. I see it that way too. I was just a little worried about whether it was still too early to tell me something like that, "he added. You shook your head slightly at him. “But I want to tell you. I know that you can be trusted, champion. ", You started with a smile and then leaned back on your seat. "Well .. In our family, we were a bit short on domestic bliss for a very long time. But .. that is a bit longer story .. ", You sighed. “But we have time. You know, in Amila there was a trainer school academy in Sonnfelden. And every child had to go to this school when they turned 5. There you were trained and prepared to be a trainer for 5 years. That's where I met Cynthia too, you know. "
“Ah, the champion from Sinnoh? She was in the semifinals of last year's Champion Cup. That was a close match between Steven Stone and her. ", Leon remembered. You nodded. “She is not only the champion of Sinnoh, but also something like my big sister. But I'll get to that in a moment. In any case, she also attended the academy when she was younger, since her family was also from Amila, you know. And when I came to the academy, of course, she had been outside for a few years. But she stayed as a visiting professor and taught us a lot. For example, she helped me back when we got a loaned Pokemon in our second year. You get a Pokemon egg that you have to take care of and so that you get a feel for the Pokemon. During this time, Cynthia and I became very good friends, although of course she was much older than me. I just saw her as a big sister. Unfortunately, she had to go back to Sinnoh a year before I graduated, but she assured me that I could always go to her if I had worries .. And I made use of that faster than we both would have liked .. ”, you began and looked at your hands. Leon noticed the slight change in your mood. "What happened?" He asked, taking off his cap to place it on yours in a comforting gesture. You smiled and adjusted the cap before sighing deeply. "My parents were about to get divorced," you explained. “Although they could probably pull themselves together again to some extent. But suddenly they started arguing again and .. the evening before my final exam  .. I found out the real reason I as born. ", You said and bit your lip lightly. Although the events were in the past, it still seemed to be a burden somewhere. And now that you thought about it, Leon was the first person to tell all this to. “Our parents' marriage was about to end before I was born. The harmony had long been gone and my father took refuge every now and then in the arms of other women because my mother just didn't gve him what he needed anymore. Anyway, my mom decided to just stop taking the pill and get my dad to ... sleep with her one night when she was particularly fertile. The result came quickly and ... yes. And believe me, it's not a nice feeling to hear that your parents only got you to save their marriage. ", You sighed. "I understand that .. Above all, you were very young. That must have been a shock .. ", Leon said quietly and put his hand on your shoulder. You just nodded slightly. "That was. I just felt so misunderstood and of course confronted both of them with what they meant by that. And then ... I found out the true circumstances of their marriage and ... that I have an older brother in addition to Kaito. "
"Wait ... you didn't even know before that Mamoru was your brother? Did he grew up somewhere else too? ”Leon sounded confused, but at least one could understand that. You smiled sadly. “Well, Mamoru had drawn an even worse fate with these people than I did. Or it was more of a benefit to him who knows. Anyway .. after my brother was born, there was an attack from a wild Gengar in Sonnfelden. There was an university too, where father studied archeology and mother studied medicine. They tried to stop the Gengar, but it got out of hand and used.. Dream Eater on my hypnotized mother. She lost her memories ... of her entire life because of this. Her husband and son. Then father decided to get my brother to his brother, our uncle Brian, in Bad Lavastadt, Hoenn. They wanted to get him back when the therapies made Mother able to remember and feel better. But .. after seeing how happy my brother was with Uncle Brian and his wife, they no longer had the heart to do it. Since then, the harmony between our parents had diverged. They barely had anything to say to each other, they also no longer exchanged loving gestures and gradually the marriage of the two broke up more and more, until my father finally thought of a divorce .. ", You mumbled. "... and to avoid the divorce, your mother thought, a child would somehow save the marriage or keep them together?" Leon asked and squeezed your shoulder slightly affectionate in an attempt to give you further comfort. "Yes. That was the ulterior motive of my conception. And somehow they made me feel that quite often, but I never thought anything about it .. Until I found out why I was born .. "
"What happened after that?"
“The relationship with my parents was down. And I hadn't passed the final exam either, precisely because my nerves were so shaky and the whole situation at home just finished me off. I just had to get out of there. That was the only thing I could think of. Then I remembered what Cynthia had said to me before she left .. That she would always have her arms open for me and that I could always come to her .. Just .. how should I travel to Sinnoh as a 9 year old child? … Father's Alakazam .. “, you then began. “Father's Alakazam can read the minds of us humans. And if you imagine a place very strongly and your wish is big enough ... then the powerful teleport from Alakazam will manage to transport you there. And you can surely guess who I was thinking of, right? ", "Cynthia?"
You nodded. “You should have seen her puzzled face when I suddenly appeared in front of her. I told her everything and afterwards she took me to her grandmother in Celestic Town. So that's how it started, that's why I went to Sinnoh. That's why I started my career as a trainer there, and that's why Cynthia and Professor Carolina are like a family to me. " "And your brother? I mean .. You are in good contact with your parents again, don't you? Did Mamoru know about it too? I mean that the people who raised him weren't his real parents? ”Leon wanted to know. “I think Uncle Brian couldn't take it anymore and told him. At the time, however, I had been in Sinnoh for a long time. Mamoru and I didn't even knew each other until then. We met after I got home because Mother got sick. Very sick. But don't worry, she's fine. But he should tell you himself how it is with Mamoru and our parents. If I do that, he'll surely get angry. ", You laughed a little. Leon nodded and smiled. “Thank you for this private glimpse into your life and your family. I want to return this favor and ... that's why I'll tell you something about myself that nobody else knows. Not even my best friend, Raihan. ”Leon began. "Wait .. If even your best friend doesn't know about it, then you shouldn't tell anyone else ..", You mumbled, embarrassed. Leon laughed softly and waved. "But I want to show you that I trust you as much as you trust me."
“That's nice of you, but you don't need that. If I didn't knew that you trust me, I wouldn't have told you the story in the first place. ", You smiled. "Fine. But at some point I'll tell you whether you want to or not. ", Leon laughed and winked at you charmingly. "Thanks for the warning."
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Tropical Vacation pt. 5
Hey hi hello! I'm back at it again with another chapter! I'm scheduling this one to post so I don't forget. I really really liked this one, I put two of my favorite ships In here because of course I did. Kuzuhina and Komanami honestly make my gay heart happy. <3
Characters In this part: Lee!Hajime, Ler!Fuyuhiko, Chiaki, Nagito, Chihiro
Word count: 2,177
Part 1: [Click or tap here!] Part 2: [Click or tap here!] Part 3: [Click or tap here!] Part 4: [Click or tap here!] Part 5: You are here.
After the sun went down, Chihiro found that they couldn’t sleep, so they decided to sneak out of their room to go get something to drink. They took a detour down the stairs after they heard some soft murmuring coming from the lobby.
Upon investigating they found Chiaki playing video games while Nagito watched, chatting to her all the while. As they stepped closer to see what the game was, the floorboards creaked, Nagito and Chiaki’s attention snapped over to The Programmer who blushed in embarrassment for having interrupted them.
“I-I’m sorry! I was just on my way to get something to drink and… I was just curious what you were playing.” they sheepishly explained, looking down at the floor.
Chiaki smiled. “It’s okay,” she said softly, glancing back at the arcade machine. “I’m not sure what the game Is called, The letters are too faded for me to make out. You can come look If you want.”
“Ah! N-No I’ve distracted you enough, I don’t want to be In your way or anything.”
“Really, It’s okay.” She reassured them. “Come join us, Nagito doesn’t bite. If he says something that weirds you out, I’ll handle him.”
Nagito glanced at her nervously before looking at Chihiro. “Chiaki doesn’t bite either… She just tickles.” He smiled in exasperation.
Chihiro hesitated for a moment longer before approaching the two sitting on the bench.
It was a custom bench that Kazuichi made for her and Nagito. He made it after constantly seeing Chiaki sitting playing the game while Nagito either stood next to her or sat on the edge of the machine out of her way and watched. The two had become nearly inseparable over the last month, No one understood why. Chiaki never gave a straight answer when asked, always coming up with a joking answer to their question.
She scooted over, her leg pressing up against Nagito’s as she patted the seat next to her. He put his arm behind her back, his hand resting against the edge of the bench on the other side of her.
Chihiro sat down, studying the machine curiously. “What Is it like?”
“There’s a couple of games programmed into it, But this one is like Pac-man, with Monokuma’s head instead of Pacman. And the ghosts are different colored Usami’s.” Chiaki explained, hitting the start button on it.
The blue lights lit up the dim room and soft 8 bit sounds filled the quiet space, Chihiro smiled as they watched the game enthusiastically. It’s been so long since they’ve seen a video game.
After a few minutes Chiaki paused and turned to Chihiro. “Do you want to play?”
“Wh-What? No, I couldn’t. You’re playing, I don’t want to take over.”
“It’s no problem, It might be nice to watch someone else play for once.” she smiled, to get out of Chihiro’s way, she crawled up into Nagito’s lap, startling him. Apparently he had been zoning out.
“Are you sure…?”
“Mhm. Just hit that button to start.” She replied, pointing to the bright blue button.
Chihiro scooted over so that they were directly in front of the screen now, and hit the button to start. Instantly they were flooded with nostalgia as they remembered all those times they went to the arcade with friends.
They were pretty decent at the game too, once they figured out the A.I’s algorithm they were even able to get a high score.
“Wow, You beat one of my scores.” Chiaki remarked, surprised. Albeit pleasantly so.
“Ah! I-I’m sorry! You probably spent really long trying to fill up the leaderboard!”
“No, No, you’re okay. Really. It’s only a couple of numbers.” She reassured with a gentle smile. “I’m just glad you’re having fun… You really do apologize a lot, Don’t you?”
“I-I’m sorry.” Chihiro blushed. “W-Wait, No. I just… I guess I do apologize a lot… I’m sorr--”
Chiaki poked their side, causing them to squeak and stop mid apology. “That’s exactly my point. You don’t have to apologize so much… You’re okay.”
“Still, It’s impressive how quickly you were able to catch on to the A.I’s patterns and use It against It.” Nagito commented with a smile. “I guess that’s why you’re the Ultimate Programmer! You’re able to spot those things pretty easily I would imagine.”
Chihiro smiled sheepishly at the praise. “Yeah, I’m used to analyzing any kind of coding I can find. I like to deconstruct the coding and see how It works.”
“Kind of like Kazuichi when he finds something well built.” Chiaki replied, nodding In understanding.
“I’m glad there’s someone else here that understands these video games and how they work, I’m pretty useless when It comes to them.”
Chiaki narrowed her eyes as she turned to look at Nagito. “You aren’t useless.”
“Ah! Nonono- I didn’t mean It like that! I just meant I’m not good at games!” He quickly put his hands up in defense.
“I’ve got my eyes on you…” Chiaki mumbled, slowly looking away from him.
Chihiro giggled at the two, blushing and squeaking when they realized that they had giggled out loud and Chiaki and Nagito were now looking at them. “I-I’m sorry! I just-- eep!”
They yelped as Chiaki squeezed their side. “Stop apologizing, I mean It. If you apologize one more time, I’ll give you the same treatment I give him when he talks badly about himself.” She warned playfully.
“O-Okay, S-Sor…” They stopped themselves.
Chiaki climbed out of Nagito’s lap as he went to stand up and stretch. “Hey, You wanna try a multiplayer game?” She asked, Chihiro nodded eagerly and the two began to play a new game.
Nagito curled up on the couch, watching his girlfriend happily playing with her new friend. He smiled to himself as he whispered. “It’s moments like these that give me the most hope, watching you be happy Is the best hope of all.”
“Huh? Did you hear something?” Chihiro asked.
Chiaki shrugged. “Must’ve been the game…” though she glanced over her shoulder at Nagito and smiled at him, seemingly she heard him.
Later on In the night Fuyuhiko jolted awake as he heard his doorbell ring, that uneasy feeling was returning to him as he slowly approached the door. Upon checking his e-handbook he discovered It was two In the morning. He jumped when whoever was at his door knocked.
“You’re a yakuza for fucks sake.” He muttered to himself. “Stop being such a little bitch.”
He swung the door open quickly, immediately relaxing upon seeing It was just Hajime. “Oh… It’s just you…” He sighed softly, stepping aside to let him in.
“Sorry Hiko, I know It’s really late… But I couldn’t get to sleep.” Hajime apologized as he came Inside and shut and locked the door behind him.
“Yeah, I can’t really sleep either. I just dozed off for a couple of minutes.” He replied, setting down on the foot of his bed.
Hajime came over and sat down next to him. “You still worried about the students too?” He asked quietly, Fuyuhiko nodded silently.
Hajime smiled a little, putting his hand on top of his. “Yeah me too.” He said. “But for what it’s worth, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Hiko blushed, though he would vehemently deny such a thing. “H-Hey, I’m not a damn kid! I don’t need to be protected!”
The depressed student put his arm around the Yakuza’s shoulders and pulled him into his side in an affectionate half hug. “Fuyu, There Is nothing you can do that’ll convince me not to protect you.”
Fuyuhiko smirked slyly as he rested his head on the taller man’s shoulder. “Nothing, huh?”
“Nope, Sorry.”
Hajime closed his eyes, finally feeling himself relax a bit now that he was with Hiko. He'd had some horrible dreams of Fuyuhiko getting hurt or… worse.
However as usual, his relaxed state didn’t last long before It was ruined. The feeling of fingers ghosting against his sides under his shirt made him jolt back to reality with a string of tired giggles. “Hehehehiko Ehehehehehe… w-what ahahare you doing?”
“What’s It look like, Dumbass? I’m tickling you.” He retorted, amused.
Hajime continued to giggle as he squirmed, gently pushing at the Yakuza. “I cahahahan seehehehehe that, but whyhyhy?”
Fuyuhiko began to tickle Hajime’s belly, causing his giggling to quickly turn into laughter. “I’m showing you I can protect myself.”
“Byhyhyhy tickling mehehehe?! Ahahahaha!” He laughed, doubling over to try to block his stomach.
“If I can take you down, Imagine what I could do to someone else.” He grinned cheekily, tweaking his hips.
“GAHA! Ahahahahahahaha! Thahahahahat doesn’t prohohove anything! Ihihihi’m eheheheasy to tahahake down!” Hajime complained, falling backwards on the bed.
Fuyu was quick to settle himself on the brunette’s hips, his fingers nimbly dancing all across his sides. “Then how are you gonna protect me?? You should just let me protect you.”
“FUHUHUHUYU! NAHAHAT THE SIHIHIHIDES!” He yelped as he switched tactics to squeeze at the sensitive spot. “AHAHAHAHAHAA! STAHAHAAP!”
“Then stop all that crap about protecting me,” Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes.
Well, mistakes were made.
“No?? No!?” Hiko repeated as he leaned down, blowing a raspberry against his side. “What do you mean, No!?”
Hajime screamed, his laughter going up an octave as he arched his back from the sensation. “GAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAT THAHAHAAT! PLEHEHEHEASE!”
“I’m a Yakuza, I can protect my damn self!” He reminded him with another raspberry to his side. “Just cut that crap out, It bothers me.”
“Because when you say that It makes me think that--” Fuyuhiko stopped, his fingers resting on Hajime’s side as he suddenly grew silent.
Hajime giggled tiredly as he recovered from the tickle attack, he looked up at Hiko with a questioning look. “I-It makes you think what?”
He shook his head slightly, looking away from the taller man’s gaze.
The trapped Ultimate reached his hands up, gently cupping the Yakuza’s face as he turned his face back to look at him. “What does It make you think?” he repeated softly.
“It makes me think that something Is going to happen… to you…” He said quietly, reaching his hands up to rest against his.
Hajime frowned as Fuyu pulled out of his gentle hold and got off of him, opting to sit next to him instead. “Hiko, nothing Is gonna happen.”
“Then why would you say that?” The blond asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Because… I had horrible nightmares about something happening to you, and It makes me feel better to say that. It makes me feel like I have some kind of control over this.” He explained, sitting up.
Fuyuhiko’s face softened as he looked Into Hajime’s eyes. “Is that why you came over…?”
“Yeah.” He sighed, pulling him into his lap. “I had to see with my own eyes that you were okay.”
Hiko frowned as he wrapped his arms around Hajime, resting his head against his chest. “I couldn’t sleep because I was scared as soon as I did I would be woken up to the body discovery announcement…”
Hajime pecked a kiss to the top of his head, silent. He wasn’t sure how to make this situation better for either of them, the fact of the matter is that they’re never safe. Monokuma is always throwing out motives to try to tempt the students into killing, and there’s always that fear in the back of his mind that someone might fall for it one day.
“Hajime? Can you…” He trailed off, stopping his train of thought.
“N-Nothing. Nevermind.”
“Hiko…? What Is It?”
“Forget I said anything.”
Hajime frowned, reaching his hand up the Yakuza’s sleeping shirt and brushing his fingers against his side. “Tell me, Or I’ll tickle you.” He gave an ultimatum.
Fuyu flinched at the gentle touch, his body shivering. “Fucking hell,” He muttered under his breath. “F-Fine! I was going to ask you If you’d stay with me tonight.”
Fuyuhiko blushed bright pink as he buried his face in Hajime’s chest without waiting for a response.
“That’s why I told you to forget I said anything. Because It’s stupid.” He mumbled.
Hajime smiled warmly as he soothingly ran his fingers up and down the smaller man’s back. “It’s not stupid.” He said softly. “Yeah, I’ll stay the night with you.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to…”
“Hey, Look at me.” Hajime gently pulled the blond back to look in his eyes. “There’s no place I’d rather be than with you. Besides, I might actually get some sleep If I know you’re safe.”
Fuyuhiko blushed even more as he smiled. “Yeah, Me too.”
Hajime leaned in and planted a soft kiss to his forehead, stroking his cheekbone with his thumb. “You’re so cute, especially when you smile.” he teased lightly.
The blond narrowed his eyes as his neck turned pink from embarrassment.
“Hiko? H-Hey… Wait! DOHOHON’T! AHAHAHAHA!”
Welp, It was worth It to harass his boyfriend. At least Hajime didn’t mind being tickled, At least not by Fuyuhiko.
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fluffy-lee · 4 years
Q and A
This is a TICKLE fic
Platonic Tom Holland x Reader
Requested by: @itzme1762​
Summary: While doing a live Q and A with your Marvel co-star Tom Holland, the fans ask him a very interesting question about you that he is also curious to know the answer to.
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You and Chris Evans had just wrapped on your scene, and you were finished for the day. You were walking with him to go eat dinner with some of the cast and crew who were on set this particular day. You were really excited to finally have a break and sit down and visit with everyone. The past three days since you began shooting had been very busy and tiring, yet you were so happy. You loved what you were doing. Marvel was like your second family. 
  As you and Chris walked next to each other, he told you all about his dog, Dodger, and how much he already missed him. You told him about your dog as well and you showed each other pictures and videos on your phones until you made it to dinner. 
 “Hey everyone!” You said excitedly. Everyone replied with smiles and waves. Downey jumped to his feet and came over giving you a hug and kisses on the cheek. 
  “How are you, Y/n/n?” Robert asked, squeezing you to his side. 
You sat next to him at dinner and talked to him, as well as Scarlett, Hemsworth, Lizzie, Mark, and Sebastian. There were a lot of other cast and crew members at other tables as well. You had been listening to their conversations as you ate, but the whole time you had been wondering where someone was. This person you had missed like crazy- Tom Holland. He was younger like you, so you could relate to each other. Your families had become good friends as well. You thought about texting him to see if he was here, but you figured he was really busy and didn’t want to bother him. Probably with Spider-Man stuff. 
  “Robert?” You asked, leaning in to your co-star. 
  “Is Tom here?”
Just then, Tom Holland walked in with his brother, Harry, chatting up a storm with everyone. Robert smiled at you and you jumped to your feet, making your way over to him. 
 “Y/N!” Tom shouted, running over to you and picking you up in a hug.
You couldn’t help but giggle, and you were smiling ear to ear. 
  “I missed you!” 
  “I missed you too, darling!” Tom said, setting you down. 
You instantly hugged Harry and he lifted you up as well. They were like big brothers to you.
  “The food is so good. You guys should get some and sit down.” You told them. You could just tell they were ready to eat. 
  Tom sat down next to you at the table with his food, Harry on his right. 
    “You wrapped for the day?” Tom asked you. 
    “Yep! My schedule says that my next scene will film at noon tomorrow. What about you?” You answered, already eating your dessert. 
    “Well, we actually flew in today, so my first scene will be at 10:00am.” Tom answered. 
    “And that scene is with me. You better not mess me up.” Robert joked, making Tom blush and smile. 
   “Y/n, we need to catch up. After dinner you should come hangout in my trailer. My fans want me to do a Q and A. You can be in it if you want.” Tom offered.
  “I’d love to!” You answered.
 After dinner, you changed into some regular clothes in your trailer, and made your way to Tom’s, which was directly across from yours. You knocked on his door and Harry answered it. He had his mom on FaceTime, and you talked to her for a bit while Harry helped Tom set up his live. 
  After the FaceTime, Tom asked you if you wanted anything to drink. 
   “Do you have root beer?” You asked. 
Tom crossed his arms and gave you a stern look. 
  “What?” You asked, confused. 
  “You aren’t old enough to have alcohol, and I don’t know what that is.”
  “Alcohol? YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT ROOT BEER IS?” You exclaimed, shocked. 
Tom grinned and shook his head. 
  “It is NOT actually beer!” You laughed. 
  “Then I don’t want anything to do with it.” Tom said with a silly grin, making you laugh. 
  “It’s starting.” Harry said, and Tom sat on his couch and turned his attention to the stream. 
He had been live for a few minutes when he introduced you. You blushed as you saw the excited comments flood in. You had been working on Marvel even longer than Tom. You answered a few questions with Tom, and then you got up to go get something to drink. You settled on water, and ended up lost in conversation with Harry while Tom continued to answer questions. 
  Tom noticed a particularly random question that made him smirk, but he decided not to answer it. The question was “Is Y/n ticklish?” He decided to ignore it, and answered other questions, but then a bunch of people all caught on, and started asking that same question. Tom leaned in and quietly read the question out loud. 
  “Um, I think she is, but I have never tested it myself. Should I?” He said quietly with an evil smirk. 
People began commenting “yes” and Tom laughed. 
  “Y/n, come here, I have another question for you.” 
  “Okay!” You said, sitting back down next to him, having no clue what he was going to ask. 
Tom looked at you with a mischievous face, and you became suspicious. 
  “The question is… Are you ticklish?” He asked, raising his eyebrow with a smirk. 
Your heart dropped and butterflies swarmed in your stomach. You smiled and got up to run away, but before you could get anywhere, he wrapped his strong arms around your waist and pulled you down to the couch, and quickly crawled his fingers all over your sides and tummy, making you burst into adorable squeaky laughter and everyone on the live stream saw, and talked about how cute it was.
 “Woahohoho!” Tom chuckled, surprised by your reaction.
 Tom didn’t tickle you for longer than ten seconds, but it was enough to make you turn pink and giggly. 
  “Well, I guess we have our answer!” Tom smiled, letting you go. You sat next to him, still giggling, and held a pillow to your torso, in case he tried again, but he moved on to his next question and after a while, you relaxed and didn’t expect him to do it again. You were still blushing though, and it kept replaying in your head. You were actually really happy that just happened, because you secretly really liked to be tickled. You thought about tickling him back, but you didn’t want to ruin his stream, because he was now answering a little more serious questions and there were a lot of people watching. 
  When he ended his live stream, he turned to you with that same grin and your whole face flushed.  
  “So… you’re ticklish!” He cooed. 
  “I was just acting!” You lied, but your smile gave it away. 
  “Mhm yeah, sure!” He teased. 
  “Ugh!” You exclaimed, covering your face. 
  “I think this is some very useful information!” He teased some more, scooting over to you and grabbing your wrists away from your face. 
You curled in on yourself, already beginning to feel ticklish. Tom picked up on this and immediately darted his hands all over your sides and tummy as you squealed with laughter.
  “Tickie tickie tickie tickie tickie tickie!” He teased over and over while you absolutely lost it. 
  “Aww Tom stop torturing the poor girl!” Harry urged, knowing what you were currently going through, being Tom’s younger brother and all. 
  “Ha! No way! I’m just getting started!” Tom exclaimed, straddling your waist. “I gotta find out where else you’re ticklish!” 
  “Nohohoho! Nohohowhere else!” You lied, again, crossing your arms over your tummy. 
  “Oh we’ll see about that.” Tom smirked, digging into your ribs. 
You instantly threw your head back in laughter, while Tom laughed along with you, tickling all over your rib cage. You felt him wiggle each one as you squirmed side to side, unable to get away because he had you trapped. After a minute or so, Tom let you catch your breath, and you already began to try to prepare yourself for his next strike. 
  “You have the cutest laugh! I think I’m just gonna keep tickling you!” He teased in a baby voice. You couldn’t get any redder. 
  He suddenly began tickling all over your neck and collar bones. This tickled you so much that you broke in and out of silent laughter. You tried to push at his chest, but he grabbed your wrists and pinned them to your sides, before nuzzling into the left side of your neck. You already knew what was going to happen next. He blew a giant raspberry that tickled like crazy.
He blew another one, causing the same hilarious reaction. 
  “Whahat? Does that tickle or something? Hmm?” Tom teased ruthlessly. 
You couldn’t answer, you just nodded with your bright smile, only for him to blow another one. 
  “Y/n, have you ever had butterfly kisses?” He asked teasingly. 
You hadn’t heard that term in so long. “Yehhehees!” 
 Tom leaned down and gave you tickly butterfly kisses all over your cheek, while you giggled. His eyelashes fluttered against your skin and it tickled a lot. You thought it was so cute… and then he blew another raspberry. His ruthlessness had returned and you were not expecting it. 
  “Ohohohoho noohohoho.” You laughed while he gave you his squinty smile. You could tell he had so much affection toward you, which made you really happy. He began tickling your tummy again. 
  “I guess your tummy has been your best spot so far! Oh, I have an idea!” He said, lifting your shirt a little bit above your belly button. 
He blew raspberry after raspberry until you both had to catch your breath. 
  “Are you alright?” He asked a little more seriously, giving you a break, and making sure he wasn’t taking it too far. 
  “Yes!” You answered with a playful smile, before scribbling your fingers all over his sides and tummy. He definitely got his answer- you were having fun.
  “AAAAHHHHHAAHAHA!” Tom scream-laughed, much to your surprise. He laughed and squirmed until he finally caught your hands, and pried them off his tummy. You giggled while he gave you a death glare. 
  “That was a mistake.” He growled in a low voice. Your eyes went wide, and he shot his hands under your arms, ruthlessly tickling while you laughed so hard that your eyes pooled with mirth. 
  “YOU BETTER BE!” He shot back, continuing to dig and scritch under your arms. It was too much and your laughter fell silent while you just laid there and took it. He finally quit tickling you there and reached down to your thighs, gently squeezing them, making you squeal. Tom just cracked up, mercilessly tickling your thighs. 
  “Tom Holland! STAHAHAHAAA!” You tried to demand, but failed due to your silly laughter. 
  “Or else what?” He sassed, squeezing your super ticklish knees. 
  “STOP STOP STAHAHAP! TOO MUCH! NOT THERE I CAN STAHAHAND IT!” You shouted through your laughter, a smile still plastered on your face. Tom thought it was just the funniest thing in the world, yet he still quit after just a few more seconds. 
  “What about your feet?” He asked. 
  “I will kill you!” You threatened, but that smile still played on your lips as you fought to hide it. 
  “I’ll take that as a challenge!” He declared. 
Your thoughts flooded your head. There is no way that Tom Holland is about to tickle your feet. You were so flustered you felt like you were just going to die of embarrassment right there. That’s when you felt him scribble onto your feet for just a second, which felt like electric shocks throughout your nervous system, and you made the funniest squeak noise, and your ears flushed as you heard yourself and looked up at him. Tom froze and tilted his head with a smile. 
 “Whahahat was thahat?” He asked, chuckling. 
 “I don’t know!” 
He tickled again and you made the same noise. You covered your face, embarrassed. 
 “How odd!” was all he said before scribbling all over your feet. Your weird squeaks eventually turned into laughter, but he let up not long after. 
  “Hmm. Well I think your tummy is the most ticklish!” He stated, going back to tickling your tummy and sides. 
 Harry had opened the door only for Robert to walk in and see Tom reducing you to a ticklish puddle, and he giggled at the scene. 
  “Oh hey Robert! What’s up?” Tom asked casually, shaking your tummy with all 10 of his finger tips. It tickled you so bad and you thought he was never going to stop. 
  “Just came to see how you’re doing. You guys want to watch a movie?” He asked. 
  “That sounds great!” Tom answered, widening his eyes at you in a teasing way when he dug into your belly button. 
You were red faced and your laughter was becoming hoarse. 
  “Y/n, I didn’t hear an answer from you.” Robert said, joining in on the teasing. 
  “I’ll take that as a yes.” Robert shrugged. 
  “MERCY!” You shouted. 
  “Alright fiiiine.” Tom grinned, stopping the tickling, and plopping down next to you while you recovered. 
  You curled up on the couch to watch the movie with Harry, Tom, and Robert. You all had a great time, and you couldn’t be happier. By the time the movie ended, Tom had fallen asleep. You could tell he was tired from travel. You gave him a kiss on the cheek, and you saw him smile a little.
 Robert walked you back to your trailer and you said your “good nights.” When you got into bed, you checked your Instagram to see you were tagged in tons of videos from the live stream where Tom tickled you. You watched it with a huge smile and saved the clip to your phone, before drifting off to sleep.
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mlim8 · 4 years
You may call me Sirius - AMOR VINCIT OMNIA (by pixelated)
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He raises a hand in a parting gesture, and with a contented grin, Remus waves back at him.
*collapses to the floor because this project took me a month LMAO* - I’m so sorry, RJ, my turnover use to be so good... I’m blaming AUs, work and laziness ahahahaha 
AMOR VINCIT OMNIA (love conquers all) by @remus-john-lupin​ is one HECK of a GOOD FIC. It’s beautiful, set in a fantastic setting, has love, forbidden romance, mutual pining, skillful lyre playing and singing, action and battles, plotting, anarchy and these two beautiful babies as the lovely (and in love) things they are.... (Please also note the tags for some trigger warnings. Each chapter denotes chapter specific warnings) I had so much fun reading this fic - all the twists and turns and badass characters. I’ve gushed about this fic before LMAO And I see no end in sight --- Please give the fic a read...! RJ puts so much detail and love into his words that I couldn’t even begin to do justice here, this is literally just the tip of the iceberg of an amazing journey Remus and Sirius go on to be with each other.
I’ve done fanart for AVO before as well! Because I have no self control and love laurel crowns :3
So when I first came into the fandom, RJ asked if I would be interested in making one of these comics for AVO and I was like “OH I LOVE THAT FIC BUT ALSO - NIWBYD?????” I said that I wanted to do one for AVO someday AND I FINALLY DID!! Thank you for your patience and your kindness, RJ :D I had a lot of fun when this finally came together, even though I was bitching about storyboarding for a week LMAO (RJ: Yes but imagine... The Apple scene from Ch 1. CLEANING HIS BOO BOOS -- Me: STOP IT ---)
Things to Note:
a) Plot goat is my favourite goat in the world (it was originally gonna say ‘bah bah motherfucker’ but I didn’t have room for it and thought it PROOOOBABLY wasn’t appropriate for the scene lol)
b) Remus is wearing green, as he’s owned by Voldemort. His embroidery took the longest - it’s an S pattern that interlocks with each other and it’s the worst LMAO why did I do that to myself? It’s a pattern I’ve noticed with RJ’s Remuses... I always give him the most complicated patterns xD NIWBYD had that stupid plaid pattern that took me ages to draw...!
c) Sirius’ sandals!! Finally got to draw those red bastards!!! His embroidery design is based off the fanart I made before (they’re T-shapes at 180 degree angles from each other lol), but decided to make it my Gryffindor red colour, along with the gold :) 
d) I didn’t want to draw Snape. LOL But drawing his swollen-shut eye was at least a redeeming situation. (His tiny little beady eyes that have like no eye shine... *cue me zooming hella in on my canvas to give some eye shine so he doesn’t look... dead.*) His embroidery is a squiggle LOLLLLLLLLL His took the least amount of time. *shrugs*
e) I’m really proud of my fountain and water-drawing ahahaha so much unnecessary time spent making the water look so blue and pretty -
f) The pink apple is the 4th character in this comic, seeing as it shows up just as many times as Snape, if not more ahahaha
g) Me and RJ at like 10pm last night: .... 
h) I’m writing all this nonsense at 2am before I queue it so if it doesn’t make sense, I’m sorry
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snickiebear · 3 years
yo nadia <3333 i'm bored in my online classes and u reblogged the questions thingy at the right time lmao, so get ready: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23, 24, 28, 30!!!, 34, 38, 39, 40 (the intimacy of being understood) (imma stop here lol) (also i'm sorry u're not feeling well, ily and hope u'll feel better soon!! <33333)
ELE ILY. (and thank you, i’m stayin home today cause,,, yeah. i appreciate you sm.) you’re the literal best, i adore you. 
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
The first fanfiction i read was for The Lunar Chronicles when I was like 11?? and it was 100% on accident and it scarred me because it was a hardcore porn one with a period kink and i was like WHAT IS THIS??? OH MY GOD???? LMAOOOOO i didn’t pick it back up until i was 13-14 and really got into the Fairy Tail fandom. I still reread my favorites on ff.net cause i love them. 
As for writing, I wrote a horrible, terrible x-men fanfiction when I was twelve. (my friend still brings it up and REFUSES to delete it so it still gets comments and views, that shit HAUNTS ME ELE.) then tried again for Fairy Tail, posted like two chapters before taking it down cause i wasn’t really feeling it. And then I posted The Intimacy Of Being Understood and here we are. 
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
OMGG okok 
@mouseymightymarvellous ‘s We Were Screaming In Color (Only A Possibility) yes, yes I KNOW. i always point into mousey’s direction but i WILL always advocate that everyone reads her fics, they’re literally so beautiful???? i just happen to be rereading WWSIN rn 
@safelycapricious ‘s Shaking Up And Breaking Down series. I found this like?? idfk but i’ve been raving about it ever since. ALSO CHECK OUT THEIR FICS IN GENERAL. 
fuck i have more than three but also check out @ambivalens999 ‘s Masks
i do wanna make a fic rec thing where i just rav about my favs,,, might do that later or sum
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Omniscient third person. I don’t like it. Like I can understand that it can be a little hard to stay in one person’s perspective but, in my opinion, if you can, it shows how disciplined you are as a writer. Plus, i just get so confused when I go from A’s thoughts to suddenly what B is thinking about A. 
When writers use ‘ ‘ instead of “ “. When writers put thoughts in ‘ ‘ instead of just italicizing them. It’s small things but like they just bother me sO MUCH. most of the time i can ignore it and try to enjoy but other times i just dip. 
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
@espoir-et-reves !!!!! THEIR SHISAKU FICS ARE SO SO SO SO SO GOOD. And they have a warring states one going on THAT I AM SO OBSESSED WITH. 
@writer168 idk if they’re really “underrated” but THEY HAVE SUCH GREAT FICS ON AO3. Like theres an AU with sakura, kiba, and shino that i reread constantly because it just. is. so. fucking. GOOD. and they posted a new one that i’m YELLING about. 
@eggtoasties okay they only have 2 in the naruto fandom (one shisaku which is still ongoing) BUT THEIR WRITING STYLE IS SO NICE?? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I still go back and reread their shikasaku one cause UGH i can’t get enough. I love it. 
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Fandoms: Naruto, Soul Eater, The Old Guard, ATLA
Parings: KakaSaku/ShikaSaku/ShiSaku/MultiSaku, SoMa, Joe X Nicky, Zukka
Character: SAKURA. I will read anything with Sakura as the main character and her being a fuckin badass or becoming a badass. I love her.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
aha.. haha.. well. I check my email like three times an hour. its the first thing i check in the mornings too. I’m literally a whore for praise and literally eat up feedback like its going out of style. I also reread a lot of my stuff because i make so many mistakes and spelling errors, or the spacing is weird oR SOMETHING. plus, literally any and all comments make my day, i go back and reread them cause they just make me feel so tingly and warm like “wow. this person enjoyed the fic/my writing enough to tell me. thats HUGE!”
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Angry, feral, bloodied, morally gray women. They aren’t bad guys, they’re probably the good guy, but that doesn’t mean they cant be fucking raging at the world with raw knuckles and blood on their teeth. I just love an angry woman who struggles with her emotions and just has so much inner conflict but that doesn’t take away from her character or badassery, it adds to it. 
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
The fake dating or miscommunication troupe. LIKE GUYS JUST TALK. AND TELL EACH OTHER OMFG. the entire like obliviousness of “nah they dont like me” while the They holds their hand and kisses their cheek. MOFO WHAT. it makes me so impatient and like mad HAAHHAHA. its probably because i’m a pretty confrontational person so seeing stuff like that just “cmon bro, USE YO HEAD.”
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
I have yet to receive a negative comment! Which i was really surprised about tbh. As for deadlines or pressure to update, i just kind of do whatever. I do set goals, but i set them flexible enough that hey, if i can’t do it, that’s okay. 
I have a lot of mini goals, like “i want to write this chapter and get it done this week” and then the large goal is “FINISH BY END OF MAY” so i have time. 
Actually, now that I think on it, the entire pressure to update thing is probably why i’m waiting until I have all of OL&W written to post it weekly,, cause well. I wouldn’t wanna leave you guys waiting as I tried to write and work out the next chapters and stuff, you know?
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Have you seen the way the dead dance, World Breaker? They roar, half mad and starving. Do you not wish, do you not hope to see them twist and bend and dance to your will?
Shikamaru snarls, looking behind his shoulders to where his Shadows lay. “Patience.” He spits. “Is of the essence, Things of Ancient. Know your place as the dark you are.”
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
None of my experiences match up to anything I write tbh,,, probably the only thing that is me in my writing is maybe the emotional turmoil? I’m pretty emotionally and mentally mature because from a pretty young age i started forming my own opinions, started looking into the world around us and being like “dude what the fuck this is not what disney advertised”. Then i started talking (read: arguing and debating) with my dad about a lot of it. So, like emotions are kind of hard for me. Like i’m pretty good at controlling them or understanding them, but still. idk its hard to explain ig.
Like the weight of stress, the anger, the sadness. It’s kind of therapeutic to write. Cause i don’t know how to put those feelings to verbal words so writing them really helps. 
As for my readers’ image? Probably like some kind of hunched over figure typing away in the dark with a maniacal grin on their face. I honestly don’t know AHHAHAHA but it is fun to think about. I think they’d see me as someone with potential but a lot of room to grow and someone who is imperfect but in a charming way LMAOOOO
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
I’m gonna be real honest. Its probably like a 2. I’m a bit of a control freak so I almost always go in chronological order, my writing is pretty linear. Unless, i get bored and jump to one of my fav parts. It's pretty much i sit down, i open the doc, read over my notes and just start writing. 
It’s a little boring to explain AHAHAHA but once i get into the groove of things its really fucking great, I can like feel myself in the world, I can feel what i want the characters to, i love it. I catch myself mouthing the words as i type too, which i find hilarious.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I rather like how raw my writing is sometimes. Which might sound really vain, but i do like the way i word things or describe things. I love juxtaposition and repetition, or making a good ole circle back to some minute detail that wouldn’t stand out until i repeat it at the end and you’re like “omg” AHAHAHAHA.
Like those little poetic snippets or certain wording i just sit back and go “damn thats kinda good nadia! go you!’ HAHAHA  
40. How did you come up with the idea for The Intimacy Of Being Understood?
AAAAA this fic is like my first child, my pride and joy LMAO
so the idea initially came when i was reading some fic, idk if it was even naruto, but i was like “i don't like this, but i do like the rain symbolism.” And I knew i wanted to write something kind of slow paced, something a little sad and angsty, but would show KakaSaku slowly but surely falling in love.
Idk if you’ve noticed but a lot of my fics, the pairings don’t change each other dramatically. They accept each other as they are and then they grow with together. Like that acceptance is something i just love writing, its so subtle, it isn’t something you declare. Its simply “I am going to love you. I am going to love you despite your flaws and faults. I am going to love you unconditionally because I know you, I understand you, and there is nothing you could do to drive me away.” 
The fic kind of wrote itself after that first scene. I kept going back to the rain, go being ghosts, and resurrection, and the small epiphanies one gets. I wanted to focus on each character’s growth with each other. They didn’t find light in life because of each other, but with each other. And i think that’s my favorite thing about that fic. 
I wanted something raw and real and just something beautiful. I’m actually really proud of it tbh. Would i go back and rewrite/edit it? Oh of course! I’d do that with every single one of my fics, but i’m not gonna cause i think its in its rawest form right now. :))))
ask me shit plz
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intheticklecloset · 4 years
Works Every Time (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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You guys are full of fun ideas! It was neat to be able to combine the first two suggestions with the other two prompts, not to mention have Denki and Todoroki face off in a tickle fight! Enjoy! ^^
10. “I’m not going to do anything.” “Then why are you smirking?”
33. “Don’t wiggle your fingers at me like that.”
“How can he read like that?” Jirou asked, nodding at the figure lying in the grass several yards away from them. The others followed her gaze.
“I don’t know,” Denki replied. “I’m not a big reader myself, though. Maybe it’s more comfortable than it looks.”
“I’m an avid reader,” Momo said, “and I can assure you, it is not.”
Jirou grunted. “He’s been at it for a while. Isn’t it kind of odd that he’s not enjoying the beautiful day?”
They were talking about Todoroki, who had been silently reading his manga for the past half hour in solitude. He was lying on his back in the grass, holding the volume above him the entire time without so much as shifting. Jirou, Denki, Momo, and Tokoyami were hanging out in a group on the grass nearby, all in their summer clothes – a bit premature, perhaps, but it was so nice outside and everyone was ready for a break in the cold weather.
“I think he’s enjoying it in his own way,” Momo offered. “It’s not wrong to want to read. At least he is outside instead of in his room or something.”
Tokoyami nodded. “I can understand his revelry in solitude. It is good to get away from the constant drone of everyday life whenever possible.”
“I wish he’d hang out with us, though.” Denki frowned. “I know he’s not a big talker but he’s a cool dude. No pun intended.”
Jirou nudged him, smirking. “Then go convince him, you dork.”
“Yeah, right. How?”
“I don’t know. Zap him or something.”
Suddenly Denki’s face lit up, and both Jirou and Tokoyami’s eyes widened.
“No, not like that,” Jirou protested, but Denki was already getting to his feet.
“Wait, not like what?” Momo frowned, glancing between the blonde and Todoroki. “What’s he doing?”
Jirou glanced at her. “You haven’t heard of him going around shocking people?”
Momo blinked. “No?”
“It’s a rather irritating habit he’s picked up recently,” Tokoyami muttered, frowning after the electric hero as he went. “He has some name for it, too, I think.”
“Tickle-shocks,” Jirou confirmed.
Momo couldn’t help but laugh. “‘Tickle-shocks?’ Really?”
“I know, it’s stupid.”
At this point, Denki was almost to their half-and-half classmate.
“I don’t know.” Momo smiled. “This might actually work really well for Kaminari.”
Todoroki turned his head when he saw Denki appear in his periphery. “Whatever you’re planning, I don’t want any part of it.”
Denki held his hands up innocently. “What? I’m not going to do anything!”
“Then why are you smirking like that?”
“I was just going to come invite you to hang out with us instead of being over here by yourself all day. It’s so nice out! Come hang out with your friends.”
Todoroki glanced at the small group watching them, then back to Denki. “I’d rather read. This volume is particularly good, and I’m almost done. I’ll join you later.”
Denki sighed dramatically. “They thought you might need some convincing, which is why they sent me to do the job.” He slapped his palms together and began rubbing vigorously.
Todoroki quirked a brow. “Now you’re definitely doing something.”
“I am.”
In a flash Denki had descended, dropping to his knees and placing both hands over Todoroki’s stomach, using the static he’d built up to help him deliver an extra strong tickly shock directly to his abdomen. He grinned in satisfaction when Todoroki screeched, tossed his manga to the side, and started laughing.
“Tickle shocks, baby!” Denki proclaimed, grabbing onto his sides and still giving him little zaps to ignite his ticklish nerves. “Works every time.”
His initial burst laughter having died down to a long, unstoppable string of giggles, Todoroki rolled onto his side and tried pushing Denki away. “Hehehehehehey! This ihihihisn’t fahahahahair!”
“Isn’t fair?”
“Y-Yohohohohohou got the juhuhuhump on me!”
“Well, yeah, that’s kind of the point.” Denki smirked, moving up to his ribs now. “Bakugou says you’re super ticklish, but so far all I’m getting are giggles.”
Todoroki started to blush. “Thahahahat’s all you’ll gehehehet!” he declared, suddenly lunging for the electric hero and tackling him into the grass, grabbing onto his sides and squeezing.
“Ah! Ahahahaha c-cold, cohohohohold! Nohohohohoho!” Denki squealed, equal parts snickering and shivering. Todoroki glanced down and noticed that his right hand had managed to find a sliver of bare skin from where Denki’s shirt had ridden up. He smirked, slid his hand up further, and made his fingers even colder. Kaminari squealed again, louder this time. “Nahahahahahahaha! Cohohohohohold!”
“Does it make it tickle more?” Todoroki asked, genuinely curious despite his teasing tone.
“S-Stahahahahahap! Cold, cold, cohohohohohold!”
“Go for his knees, Todoroki!” Jirou called suddenly, drawing the half-and-half hero’s attention to the group nearby, who were all watching their tickle fight in amusement.
“No!” Denki cried, his efforts to escape tripling. “No, nohohohohot the knees, not the knehehehehehees!”
Taking her advice without question, Todoroki reached his right hand back to grab at Kaminari’s exposed kneecap and squeeze, pleasantly surprised when the blonde burst into shrieking laughter.
“Hmm.” Todoroki smiled, grabbing his other knee as well. “Who’s laughing now, Kaminari?”
Much as the icy-hot hero would have liked to continue, he sensed genuine distress in his friend’s cries, and so stopped immediately, sitting back. “I’m sorry.”
“W-What?” Denki asked breathlessly, sitting up. “Why are you sorry?”
“I didn’t mean to go too far.”
“You…you didn’t. You actually stopped when I asked you to. No one else has ever done that.”
“Oh.” Todoroki glanced at the others, then absentmindedly searched for his fallen manga.
As soon as his back was turned, Denki pounced, shoving him to the ground face-first and plunging his fingers into Todoroki’s underarms.
That got him the reaction Bakugou had told them about.
“AGH NO, NO WAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!!” Todoroki laughed, kicking his legs frantically as Denki moved to sit on his lower back and trap him. The usually calm boy was suddenly anything but, his laughter loud and explosive, his cheeks heating up in a blush. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! WAIT, THAHAHAHAHAT REHEHEHEALLY TIHIHIHICKLES!! K-KAMINARIEHEHEHEHE!!”
The others beamed at the sight.
“Join us!” Denki demanded playfully. He hesitated a moment, then decided to try his tickle-shocks again. “Join us! Join us! Join us!”
Todoroki let out a sound that could only be classified as a scream, losing all sense of control as hysterics exploded from him, his arms and legs flailing uselessly. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STOP, STOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!! OKAY I’LL JOHOHOHOHOIN YOU GUHUHUHUHUYS J-JUST – AGH – STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Satisfied, Denki released him, sitting back with a megawatt grin. “Like my tickle-shocks, Todoroki?”
“T-Tickle…what?” Todoroki sat up breathlessly, still smiling wide. “Is that what that strong feeling was? I knew something seemed different.”
“Yep, that was me! Pretty cool, huh?”
“It’s…certainly effective,” Todoroki admitted. Once again he glanced around for his manga. “Where did I drop it?”
“Come on, man, you said you’d join us!” The blonde held up his fingers and wiggled teasingly. “Do you need more convincing?”
“Don’t wiggle your fingers at me like that.” Todoroki averted his eyes, blushing a little. “I will join you. But I’d still like to find my book first.”
They found it a few moments later, and after brushing it off and dog-earing the page he’d left off on, Todoroki happily joined Denki and the others, smiling and laughing and enjoying the beautiful day with his friends.
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underfell-crystal · 4 years
HAHA TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY. I'll most likely write a third one today. Make sure to check out the art I've done for this series with the hashtag #StoryGlitch: UnderFell or #SG: UF !
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I do not own any of the characters other than Crys, the girl with the white hair.
~~~Chapter Two: Meeting the Boss~~~
When Crys awoke, she was immediately assaulted by the smell of mustard. She blinked blearily at her surroundings, and heard a VERY loud snore from right next to her. She jumped, then looked to the side. She was greeted with Sans' sleeping face. Or, rather, she assumed he was sleeping. He still had a grin on his face, but his eyesockets were somehow closed. Fascinated, Crys squirmed into an upright position in his arms and pressed a small hand to his cheekbone. The bone was surprisingly warm, and tingled lightly under her touch. Sans grunted and snorted again, shifting at her touch. Crys touched the bone covering his eyesockets, and one opened, revealing a red light inside it.
Sans blinked at the small human child that was inches away from his face. "Uh.... kiddo? Whatcha doing?"
Crys tapped the bone above his eyesockets.  "How?"
"How do your eyes close? You're just bone."
Sans chuckled, the rumble shaking Crys' entire body. "Well, babybones, I'll tell ya a secret."
Crys looked at him with large, curious eyes. Sans continued as she hung on his every word. "Now, ya can't tell anyone about this, okay? The secret is..... It's.... magic."
He winked conspirationally, grinning as Crys frowned, disappointed with his lack of explanation.
"That's not a real answer!"
"'Course it is, babybones, ya just don't like it."
Sans stretched and yawned. Immediately, Crys reached out her tiny hands and touched the edge of one of his sharp teeth.
"Ah... kid?? Wha ar ya 'oin?"
Crys was too busy poking his shark teeth to answer. His large hands carefully took hold of her wrists and pulled her hands away from his mouth. Crys huffed, and Sans chuckled nervously.
"Uh... don't go around pokin' into people's mouths, okay kiddo?"
Crys nodded and sat back on Sans' 'stomach'. Sans grinned at her.
"Want some food now?"
Crys nodded eagerly, and Sans picked her up again and shuffled into the kitchen, reheating a plate with two hot dogs on it. After they were done, Sans set her on the couch and gave her the plate. Upon further inspection, Crys noted that the hot dogs had tiny cat ears and a feline face carved into it, and solemnly ate the cute little thing. She was almost done with her first hot cat when a faint shout broke the silence. Sans jumped, then swore.
"Shit! I forgot Boss' shift is over!"
Sans scooped her up, looking down at her apologetically. "Sorry kid.. I'm gonna keep ya hidden, okay? Jus' don't move around too much."
Before she could protest or question him, Sans lifted up his red sweater and dispensed Crys into the cavity beneath his ribcage and above his pelvis. A moment later, his sweater went down, leaving Crys with very little light. The shouting was quite close now, and she heard the sound of a door being slammed open, a sharp, grating voice ringing through her ears.
"Sans! Why the fuck weren't you at your post earlier?!"
Sans coughed. "Well, Boss..... I uh.... jus' overslept is all."
The grating voice got shriller, and Crys winced, covering her ears. "Sans, you lazy ass, what if a human came through?! We must be on guard at all times! Do not let me catch you slacking off again, or I'll dust you!"
Loud, stomping footsteps made the stairs groan, and a door slammed somewhere. Sans let out a breath, his shoulders sagging. He lifted up his sweater and removed Crys from his ribcage.
"Sorry, kiddo... that was m' bro."
Crys blinked owlishly at him. "He didn't seem very nice."
Sans chuckled, though it seemed empty. "Yeah.... but he's a real softie."
Sans ascended the stairs, human child secure in his arms. He shuffled past the first door, entering the door with odd colorful flames coming out from under it. He closed the door and set Crys on the mattress on the floor. He sat down in front of her.
"Okay, babybones... we need to get ya a disguise."
Crys tilted her head. "What for?"
Sans looked nervous. He rubbed the back of his 'neck', looking away. "Listen, babybones, people.... aren't very nice down here."
"But you're nice," Crys pointed out. Sans let out an amused huff.
"Yeah, well.... everyone else isn't. And they'll likely want ta hurt ya and take yer Soul."
"My Soul?"
Sans gave her an odd look, before a look of understanding crossed his face. "Okay, babybones, don't panic, okay? I'm gonna show you yer Soul."
Crys nodded slowly, still confused. Sans leaned forward and pressed a large hand against the front of the red sweater, and when he drew it back, he was holding a blue heart. Sans sucked in a sharp breath, and Crys looked up at him. His gaze was locked on the heart in front of her. "Babybones.... what happened to yer Soul? Who hurt ya?"
His tone was low, almost a growl. Crys looked back at the blue heart and saw that it was cracked- a single white crack down to the center of the heart. Crys couldn't find it in herself to answer him. Sans cupped his hands around the blue heart gently, like he was holding a baby bird. Finally, his gaze lifted and met hers. "Babybones.... yer Soul is damaged... 's halfway through shatterin'... what happened to ya?"
Crys' throat was dry. She licked her lips and looked down, fidgeting with the hem of the sweater. She saw a couple white particles floating around her legs. "I.... I dunno... there was a man with blue strings... I kept going back, until I found a way to.... to escape... it hurt so much... I..... my momma..... I couldn't- I couldn't..."
Sans flinched as her eyes welled up with tears, his gaze darting down to the small blue Soul in his hands. He carefully moved closer and let the heart go back into Crys' chest. He picked her up and sat down on the bed, stroking her hair as she started to cry into his sweater, murmuring soothingly to her. More white particles appeared as she cried, the memories of the pain and the screaming resurfacing and hitting her like a tsunami. Finally, when she was all cried out, the particles slowly disappated. Sans rested his skull on top of her head, still running his bone-fingers through her hair. "Shh, babybones.... 's okay.... yer okay..."
Crys gulped and took a shaky breath, tilting her head back to look at him. "I-Is that why m-my.... Soul is broken...? 'Cuz of the man with the strings?"
Sans looked regretful as he nodded. "'Fraid so, babybones... and I dunno if ya can be healed... never seen a Soul halfway through shatterin'."
Crys sniffled, a couple white particles appearing around her arms. "So I'm gonna be broken forever?"
Sans shook his head, sensing her growing distress. "Yer not broken, babybones... yer strong. Ya lived through a huge amount of trauma. That's crazy!"
Crys looked up at him, tears slowing their waterfall down her face. Sans grinned at her. "Yer the strongest li'l human I know, babybones."
Crys smiled shakily at him, wiping away her tears. Sans nuzzled the top of her head, still cradling her protectively in his arms. "Let's get ya somethin' new to wear, yeah?"
Crys nodded, and he stood up, walking over to a messy closet. He began sorting through the clothes with one hand, holding her with his other arm. He grunted, pulling out a few articles of clothing and a pair of shoes that were far too large for her. He shuffled back to the bed and laid out his findings on the bed. There was another sweater- a black one-, a red hoodie that looked it could drown her in the amount of fabric, a pair of thick yellow socks, and a pair of black trousers. Sans turned away as she pulled off the tear-stained sweater and dressed in her new garments. She struggled to tie the shoes with the long sleeves covering her hands, but Sans came to her rescue, lacing them up tight enough so she wouldn't trip over her feet every time she took a step. He chuckled.
"Yer tiny, babybones... ya need some actual kid-sized clothes."
Crys nodded. She knew she looked ridiculous, with the huge shoes on her feet and the hoodie that was obviously meant for a person much bigger than her. Sans shuffled over to the closet again and came back with a white cloth mask with a cartoon smile printed onto it. Crys stared at it, then at Sans. "What's that for?"
Sans let out his rumbly laugh. "So ya won't be immediately recognized as a human, babybones."
He tied the mask around her nose and mouth. Some of her skin was still showing, and Sans moved her hair so most of her forehead was covered. He surveyed her with a 'this is good enough' look on his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but an angry shout interrupted whatever he was going to say.
"SANS!! Get your lazy cocyx down here before I drag you out myself!!"
Sans turned towards the door, grumbling. "I'm comin', I'm comin'!"
Apparently he wasn't going fast enough, because as he was reaching for the door, it was slammed open, a very, VERY tall figure looming in the doorway. A pair of cold red lights locked onto Crys before turning to Sans.
"Sans..... what the fuck is that?"
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~AHAHAHAHA NOW I AM THE WIELDER OF ANGST AND FLUFF. Feel free to ask questions about the story, share your thoughts, ask headcanons, or send fanart! Make sure to check out the cover art and other drawings I've done for the series with the story tags! Thanks for reading, my gems!~
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littencloud9 · 4 years
a (long) rant on why i love promare
warning: contains spoilers
| the animation/art style
BROOO THE ANIMATION IS FREAKING FIRE I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING. ik it’s an action movie, but everytime a fighting scene comes on it just,, blows my mind. there’s so many things going on but somehow you know where and what to focus on and i think that’s really cool. also the colours?? the vibrancy and everything. i love love LOVE how the fire looks, or when there’s a sad scene and everything turns white and black and grey, or even the fact that everyone has colourful hair XD. even those scenes where the burnish are being used for fuel or when they’re dying/turning to ash/whatever you wanna call it, it all feels so magical. there’s a really special vibe in this movie which is amazing imo
| the storyline
as if this wasn’t obvious, but the storyline!! the plot!!! the characters!!!! everything is PERFECT. the part where galo realised that kray isn’t the hero he always thought he was, or when galo watches the lives of the burnish and realised through lio how terrible their fate is (ik lio said it’s a blessing but it’s kinda sad?? to just be burned up by the fire within yourself), or when aina learns about what heris is really working for.... gosh. this also brings me to my next point
| aina and heris’s relationship
okay i’m a SUCKER for interesting sibling relationships and promare DEFINITELY delivered. even though aina feels like she’s living in the shadow of her sister, she still loves her and it makes me 🥺. also, everything heris does, even if she knows it’s wrong, is all for protecting her sister. you can really see her conflict bc she knows what she’s doing is terrible but it gives aina a chance to be one of the 10,000 people to be on the spaceship, and she struggles between her morals and her sister’s safety. there’s also that badass scene where heris jumps off the building and reappears with aina in the helicopter like ???? okay queens??? go off LMAO. but yes their relationship was wonderfully shown and it’s fantastic
| kray’s character
honestly, kray reminds me of lysandre from pokémon xyz lol. he has this mentality that if someone doesn’t do something, the earth is gonna explode or whatever and everyone will die and he takes it upon himself to do it. ig he kinda sees himself as the hero?? (which we al know is wrong but whatever). and when he was revealed to be a burnish and he tries getting lio to join him by saying how he understands the feeling of wanting to burn the world down? or that he only saved galo as an excuse to build up his reputation? and then sent galo to be a firefighter bc it had the highest mortality rate?? he’s a terrible guy BUT he makes for a perfect villain and i’m here for it
| the soundtrack
OKAY COME ON I COULDN’T NOT INCLUDE THIS. THE SOUNDTRACK FREAKING  S L A P S. also you can’t listen to the lyrics of inferno and tell me that it isn’t just a romance song for lio and galo LOL
| the characters
okay tbh i really wish we could’ve gotten more of the burning rescue team. esp lucia!! she’s probably one of my favourites out of the team, alongside varys. she’s got this crazy science kid vibe and vinny (the lil mouse that’s always with her) makes it twenty times better. but anyway, i love how each of the characters have their own quirks and personalities and i really wish we could’ve gotten more of them
| the burnish 
as tragic as their lives were, i think it’s super cool how they all lent their power to make the core explode LOL that’s probably one of my favourite scenes in the movie. also lio’s generals? when they held back the ice just to send lio to the volcano in an attempt to protect him... 🥺 and the line ‘forget about us! the burnish's flame won't fade as long as you live!’ oh my GOD. RIGHT IN THE FEELS
| the humour
when lio captures galo and galo witnesses the life of the burnish and galo’s like ‘y’all eat???’ i have never laughed harder. lio’s FACE omg. or anytime someone jabs and insults the other,,, lio’s just like ‘you’re an idiot’ half the time and galo’s like ‘:((‘ LMAO. or the names of all the inventions and robots? it’s so silly but it really gives a breath of fresh air to the movie!! even if you don’t like romance/action, i’d 100% recommend it simply for the comedy
| galo and lio’s relationship 
alright, saving the best for last XD. there’s just,, so much i love about them? pushing the romance aside first, the way they work together is FANTASTIC. they’re both kinda reckless, but their fighting styles complement each other so much!! and when galo stuck their names together LMAO he’s so silly and lio knows it. they’ve got the same beliefs despite being on opposite sides (at first) and oh my god even the fist bump at the end was so CUTE what a bunch of dorks. 
romance wise, you’re lying if you say you don’t ship these two even just a little bit. throughout the WHOLE movie, even their first interaction where they’re just heavily glaring at each other,, the TENSION these two have omfg. lio figures out that galo really doesn’t know anything about kray and so he’s just like ‘i’m about to ruin your life sorry bro’ and galo is SHOOK but straight after that he’s like ‘the burnish. aren’t bad people?’ he’s seen the tragedy of them, even when lio attempts the burnish cpr thing and it fails and he just watched while the ash... fades. AND THEN HE DOES IT TO LIO AHAHAHAHA. but also, the way they work together is fan-freaking-tastic i said it already but i’ll say it again they COMPLEMENT each other so WELL. 
there’s also the part where lio’s flames protected galo and MY HEART... i think i uwued on the spot. to put in simple terms:
kray: attempts to kill galo
galo: doesn’t die
galo: lol actually my boyfriend gave me his flames to protect me so i won’t scorch to death and he’s also being burned from the inside so brb while i eat the flame he gave me and give it back to him through cpr kissing. yeah bye
lio wakes up/resurrects/whatever you call it, RIPS OFF HIS SHIRT, JOINS GALO IN THE ROBOT HALF NAKED. this is especially funny to me bc lio at first dissed galo for being naked and now he joined??? LMAO THAT’S GAY YOU CAN’T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. and then the robot flew off and THE SMOKE THING TOOK THE SHAPE OF A HEART DHSKDHSK I SCREAMED. CAN THEY GET ANY MORE OBVIOUS???? 😭😭😭😭😭
i haven’t talked much about it yet but the kiss. the KISS. say what you want about it being cpr but that scene SCREAMED ‘ily pls wake up i will kiss you like there’s no tomorrow bc this is my last chance WAKE UP’ to me. and when lio wakes up he’s like ‘...galo? you saved me?’ MY HEART PLEASE 😭😭😭. these two DORKS. and the little fist bump at the end oh god. it’s okay y'all can kiss we all know you want to. the smirks/smiles they send to each other.......... 
AND AND AND NOT TO MENTION THEIR DYNAMIC. listen lio can call galo an idiot however many times he wants BUT we all know lio admires galo and is totally willing to go on with his plans. ‘what’s your strategy?’ ‘grinning and bearing it!’ PLEASE that’s such a galo thing to do and lio’s like: are you serious i have to work with YOU 
and even at the end he’s like ‘you really are an idiot’ LMAO I COULDN’T HELP MYSELF I LITERALLY BLURTED OUT ‘but he’s your idiot’ AND ALMOST STARTED CRYING RIGHT THERE AND THEN
um this is WAY longer than i intended it to be but yeah here. this is me screeching over promare :)
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forkanna · 4 years
WARNING: Very N S F W. Includes sisterly incest, cunnilingus, anal play, tickling, foot worship, and as you probably expected... food kink.
Notes: HAPPY CORONATION DAY! I've been hanging onto this since I posted chapter 5 both because I wanted to make sure it was just right, and I thought it deserved to be released on an important day in the fandom's history: the date Elsa was crowned Queen of Arendelle in 1844. (We know this thanks to some smart cookies on Reddit haha)
So I know this should technically be from Elsa's POV if I continued to follow the convention I set up for myself, but I decided to keep writing it as Anna. It's been her story from the beginning and it should end as her story. Plus it's an epilogue, so it doesn't have to follow the rest of the fic's format! So there! AHAHAHAHA… I don't know, I'm tired.
And YES, this is the end. No sequels, no Epilogues-To-Epilogues; the MSB grand finale. I know a lot of you may have not seen my mention of an epilogue in the notes for last chapter, so hopefully you'll see this! If any of you want to continue Elsa and Anna's story in your own spinoff fanfics, be my guest (but please credit me); otherwise, I consider MSB to be at its natural ending. Hope you all enjoy the last slice!
In all seriousness, thanks to everyone who has waited this long for what is essentially a one-off smutty fic about D*sney sisters to be finished. I owe so much to this story; it changed my life in a very literal, very unexpected way. Elsa and Anna's true love thawed my jaded heart and encouraged me to keep writing, even when I was sank deep in the darkness of a miserable life, and to explore who I am in ways I never felt brave enough to do. I'm in such a better place now than when this began. It's been a pleasure being part of this fandom, and hopefully I will continue to enjoy it for a long time to come.
Until we meet again,
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                              Min Søsters Bursdagsmadrass: Anna
                                         ~ Five Months Later ~
Okay, okay, not quite five months have passed since we saved our kingdom from my sister's magic. Closer to four-and-a-half. But the time has flown by so much that it feels more like a week.
Kristoff and Sven came galloping up to the gates just as we were exiting. The ice boy was a lot less shocked that I was arm-in-arm with Elsa than I expected; probably because he pretty much already caught us in flagrante delicto before. He tried to offer congratulations, and I gave him a big hug to cut through all that awkwardness.
Olaf showed up not long after. Well, we came across a puddle that used to be Olaf; I'd know that carrot nose anywhere. Before I could start sobbing, Elsa calmly created a little ice-flurry and rebuilt him as easy as if she were breathing; he was disoriented, but didn't take long to be back to his cheerful self, hugging us and congratulating us on figuring out that we belonged together. That made sense the more I thought about it. Seriously, why wouldn't our snow-baby always know his parents should stay together?
Naturally, there were a few people who came to the levee that didn't condone our love. I wish I could say differently. Most of them were either too afraid to speak out against us — probably because my sister was some kind of ice witch, that tends to make even the bravest of men need a change of underwear — or they were genuinely happy we were happy, and summer was back. But one or two tried to shame us. Didn't go well, considering we were the monarchy and surrounded by supporters. More insisted we needed a king, at the very least for the purpose of heirs. I tried to tell them that Olaf was our heir, which got a lot of weird looks, but Elsa insisted that it was our decision if and when we crossed that bridge. I guess that's why she's the queen, right? I mean, can you imagine me as the queen of Arendelle? No way!
Hans was tried and convicted of treason against the kingdom. I didn't even go; I didn't want to look at him again if I could help it. But I watched from the castle walls with my sister as they led him away to a ship bound for the Southern Isles. We figured his family would make sure the sentence was severe if they wanted to maintain a good trade partnership with Arendelle. Plus, we wouldn't have to deal with him still being in our home. Win-win.
We also shipped old Weaseltown out. He can peacock-strut and backstab on his own turf.
Everything flew by a lot faster after those first few days. Kristoff was our new icemaster general — totally a real title, thank you — and Olaf's cheery presence got everyone used to the idea of magic. The people slowly grew to accept that their queen had a queen of her own. At first, we tried not to be too open with our relationship, but even though everybody thinks of me as the free spirit, it was Elsa who decided we should begin taking walks through the kingdom, hand-in-hand. At first, we got a few stinkeyes, but little by little, they saw we were happy, and not hurting anyone with our taboo love, and… it just became normal, I guess.
Which is fantastic! I mean, if they didn't I would have bought a whole collection of lutes to start smacking them with, but that didn't turn out to be necessary. Good thing; a co-queen shouldn't brawl with her subjects. Looks kinda bad.
As we hit the middle of December and the weather was turning colder without my sister's influence, I started scheming. We had enjoyed four wonderful months of getting to know each other all over again. Even though I'm basically a big ball of libido, somehow Elsa convinced me that we shouldn't just start banging each other's brains out every day. How dare she! But I have to admit, having that sex-free courtship time was somehow a magic all its own.
Because we were behind. By thirteen years. I found out just how well-read my sister was, since she had ploughed through book after book when she wasn't trying to practice controlling her magic. That was something we had in common, since I was often equally bored; it turned out we had read a lot of the same books, and we could compare our thoughts and feelings about them over many, many cups of tea. She never did start talking to paintings like I did, but when I introduced them to her, at least she was bemusedly giggling behind her hand instead of openly mocking me, or telling me I needed medical attention. And we went horseback riding, and swimming, ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. Started going through our parents' things at last, painful though it was. Learned about the kind of adults we had become since we last knew each other as children.
And kissed, sure. Just because we didn't start rolling around in the bed sheets right away didn't mean I was going to let us be complete prudes.
However… my sister's birthday was fast approaching, and I knew I had to do something big. Maybe in a literal sense. So the scheming turned to plotting, and the plotting turned to planning. And then the plans got put in motion leading up to her big day.
                                                      ~ o ~
"Alright, alright, Olaf! I'm going!"
"Sorry, Elsa, but there's no time to waste!" I could hear him replying to her from the other side of the door. I could just barely see her slippered feet and his snow stumps through the crack underneath. So weird doing that from the inside this time… "I guess. I've never had a birthday, but Anna told me this is your biggest one yet, and we got a schedule to keep!"
"Okay, little guy," she laughed at him easily. Even though I couldn't see, I could just picture her petting over his head. "Thank you."
"Yep! And oh, I was supposed to do something else, it was… yeeeessss! Anna told me I should 'get lost for the rest of the day'. So I guess my question is, does that mean until sundown? Or midnight? And how lost do I have to get? I can get lost just in this castle, it's so big, but she was pointing at the gates when she said it…"
"Tell you what. Why don't you go pay Kristoff and Sven a visit? That should be far enough."
"But I won't be lost if I know where I'm going," he told her in a patient tone, as if she were the one who was missing something instead.
"My mistake," she laughed fondly. "Just have a little adventure outside of the castle and we will see you in the morning."
"Okie-dokie! Have fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do! Or do, because you're not me, so you should be doing things I wouldn't do? Maybe? Especially if I'm going to be getting lost and you don't need to be lost. I don't know if that's exactly…"
He was still talking by the time his voice started to fade around the corner. The rest of the sentence was cut off by Elsa knocking on my door.
"Go away, Elsa," I called back at her in an exaggeratedly pouty tone.
"Anna," she sighed. "Yes, I know I was the one saying that to you for a decade of our lives, but this joke is starting to get a little old now."
"Whaaaaaat? No, I don't think so."
"It's officially old as of today. Now, may I come in, or will you be coming out?"
"Think we both already did that last part," I giggled. "Did you, um, prepare?"
"For the love of- yes! Though I don't know why, I let Gerda bathe me thoroughly, and now I am standing outside your door, scrubbed raw and regretting that I listened to her, because you are being a pain in the-"
She didn't finish that thought because I unlocked the door just then. But I didn't open it for her. I was too busy scampering across the floor of my chambers to stand by the bed, grinning from ear-to-ear like a loon. And don't judge, okay? I'd been planning this for a long time.
"Um…" The door creaked open, and one of her baby blues peered around the inside of the darkened room. The sun had already set, so it was only the moonlight and the single candle on my bedside table providing illumination. "A-Anna?"
"Please enter," I said in a pretentiously royal tone.
"Oh, your robe is like mine," she said with a small smile as she eased the door shut behind her.
"Yep! Silk, from the East! I mean, you fill yours out a little better — especially up top. But that's one of the gifts. And I figured, hey, might as well get one for me, too!"
Barely glancing down at the blue silk covering her sizable assets, she shook her head with a small laugh. "It's very nice, thank you. But I thought I told you I didn't want you to make a big deal about my birthday; we should be focused on the Yule festivities for the kingdo-"
"No, no, no," I teased her with a wave of my index finger, bouncing on my heels excitedly. "This is the first time in thirteen years I have been able to celebrate this with you. Give me this one, okay?"
"When can we stop saying the number thirteen and start really enjoying our lives again?"
"When it's been fourteen years. Now… can you take that robe off and hop up on the bed for me?"
Oh, that shrewd little smirk that blossomed on my sister's face. It was both breathtakingly beautiful and super sexy. She was all the time, anyway, but there were moments that it stood out a lot more. "Ahhhh. So that's what all this is about, is it? You think tonight we are going to break our courtship."
"Mmmmaybe. But even if we don't, I still want more with you tonight. If that's okay," I added hastily, fidgeting with my hands behind my back.
"I see." Elsa stepped forward to smooth her hands up and down the green silk covering my chest, teasing her fingernails over my neck. Definitely not making it any easier to stop my lady parts from launching a hostile takeover of my brain, I can tell you! "And… this is very important to you, isn't it?"
"Y-yeah." Clearing my throat, I said, "And I understand why courting was important to you. And it's been great! Really, I loved getting to know you all over again, and we have been having so much fun. But… maybe just a little playing tonight? Please?"
As she glared across into my eyes, I brought my thumb and forefinger up between our faces, half an inch apart. That was all it took to make her burst out laughing.
"That little, hmm?" she finally chuckled as my cheeks burned. "Okay. I assume once I am in position, you will tackle me on this bed?"
"Yeah. Well, not 'tackle', but I'll join you. I just want you to feel how soft it is first."
That got Elsa's eyebrows raising in slight surprise. "Soft, hm? Did you get yourself a new bed for my birthday?"
"I dunno, did I?" I gasped. Hoping my acting skills were at least good enough to hide how excited I was.
Not quite. But at least Elsa hadn't fully figured out my cunning scheme. She pointed at my face and hissed under her breath, "There had better not be anyone hiding in here."
"Hiding? Wait, why would I stick anybody else in here and then tell you to take off your clothes?"
"How should I know? Sometimes you have a really strange sense of humour, Anna."
"Not that strange! Surprise creepy people sounds plain old mean!" But before she could say anything else, I placed a hand over my heart and raised the other one. "I do hereby solemnly pledge that nobody is going to jump out of the wardrobe at you. Or anything else like that."
"Fine, I believe you," she laughed as she stepped from her slippers and let the silk fall from her shoulders, exposing her smooth, pale back. Even now that we had been going for walks and rides, she was still white as alabaster, despite the alternating tans and sunburns I had.
"Again, my birthday seems to be full of gifts for you," she accused playfully with a little glance over her shoulder at me as she approached the bed, moving to climb atop it. "Little pervAAAHHH?!"
Nope, I definitely couldn't hold back anymore. I wrapped my arms around my middle and burst out into gales of laughter, shaking all over and trying my best not to fall down. "ELSA! Your face — you should see your face!"
"I'm- what is- ANNA!" my poor sister finally burst out as she slipped and slid everywhere, defiling all my hard work. "What is the meaning of this?! What IS this, where did- is this CAKE?!"
Cackling and bouncing up and down as I clapped my hands, I finally crowed, "YES! Isn't it incredible?! Doesn't it look just like my bed? I mean, it did before you jumped on it, but even still, the rest of it!"
God, she looked hilarious. I was laughing, but was doing my best not to actually point at Elsa while I did it. And anyone would have laughed; her face covered in so much chocolate and frosting, a huge chunk falling from her chin to splash onto her right breast even while she blinked at me in wonder. Never had our regal queen looked so un-regal.
"You… made… a bed-sized cake… just to play this prank on me." She scraped some of the frosting from her eyelids and flicked it away, turning slightly so she could kneel on the layers of confection. That only made me laugh so hard I snorted like a pig. "This is… I have no words. I literally have no words, I could never have anticipated this."
"Aww, don't be grumpy," I teased breathlessly as I got rid of my own robe, dropping it right next to hers. "Just because I got you good this time! You freaked out, it was the most amazing thing I've watched in my whole life!"
"Yes, well, the show is ov- Anna, what are you doing now? Don't tell me- are you going to jump into this cake with me?! That's insane!"
I hesitated. "Well… I was before you called it 'insane'…" But then I approached the edge of the bed, hands on my hips. No way was I going to chicken out that easily. "This wasn't just a prank. I really wanted to do this for you."
That finally got her to laugh, and when she started she found it hard to stop. I laughed with her, watching her slap her caked thigh a few times. But before I could join her on the bed, she suddenly breathed, "Insane… but beautiful. I've never seen a woman more lovely in the entire world."
My heart skipped over a beat, and I hoped she couldn't tell how hard my nipples were in the low light. "Ahhhhh, now you're just lying. We both know you own a mirror."
"Nice try," she laughed, biting her sugar-coated lip for a moment to weather my counter-compliment. Then she tilted her head slightly while asking, "Why? This is the strangest surprise I have ever received — and that includes that certain birthday of yours. But I can tell it means a lot to you, so could you help me…?"
Great. Now I had to actually face the music, and it was going to take a lot of exposing of feelings. So I took a deep breath before throwing my inhibitions to the wind... and letting my knees sink into the cake.
"That is so wrong," I groaned, feeling one of my eyes twitch.
"I know. But once you get used to it, it's… still wrong, but interesting." She was leaning slightly on one arm, moving her legs out to one side. Always so ladylike, even in a big mound of baked sweetness.
"So here it is," I sighed. "You and me, even when we were really little… chocolate was our soft spot. We could never resist it. And especially after my birthday, when we bonded over it again… I knew your birthday had to be something big, since I could finally celebrate it with you. Something that mattered to both of us. And fun! I thought fun was really important, too. Took me a while to figure out just how I wanted to do this, but once I had this idea, I just… I knew. This was the only thing that would be good enough."
Though she had been listening with a small smile, my last sentence wiped it away. Why? What did I say wrong? Her cake-slicked hand lifted to caress my cheek.
"Anna, anything would have been good enough. Even if this had turned out to be a normal bed, I would have been so happy. How much you spend, how much you plan these gifts, it's sweet but you don't have to go to so much trouble. Don't you know my favourite gift is you?"
My lips only got the chance to part very slightly — when she booped me. She booped my nose with frosting on that finger. The Queen of Arendelle, everybody.
"You little stinker." But her words kept me from retaliating. "You… you mean that, huh? That I'm enough?"
"I do." Her lips pecked mine. "You always have been. I'm just sorry I wasn't able to show you until these past few months. But now, I get to make up for lost time."
Sliding closer, I whispered, "Same here."
And that was as far as I could get before I was attacking her mouth. Elsa welcomed me gratefully, humming as she pulled my body closer. I knew she was getting cake all over me, but I had kind of resigned myself to that when I concocted this whole crazy scheme. Literally concocted.
Which was what she asked about next. "How long did this take to bake?"
"Oh, a couple of days. The trick was keeping the parts we already made fresh so they wouldn't spoil before we finished the rest of it. Kristoff helped me with that, grabbed me a few blocks of ice; normally I would ask you to do it with a little magic, but I mean, since it was a surprise for you that would have been pretty stupid."
"Yes, I suppose so," she giggled, rubbing her fingertips against each other experimentally. "Smooth frosting… buttercream?"
"Of course! And I wanted to add a bunch of berries, but then it wouldn't have looked like my bed, because I don't normally have a bunch of berries on it." While Elsa laughed again, I slipped my arms around her waist. "And yeah, I know you still think it's weird I wanted to be in a cake like this. Plus it's a big waste of food. But for just this one birthday, the first one since we reunited, I wanted to give you something so big it was literally all around us. Like we're part of the cake instead of just the other way around."
Her voice was so gentle and warm when she responded, "I believed you the first time, Anna. But thank you for elaborating. I love knowing how you think, how your mind works. My amazing, clever sister."
Again, we kissed, deeper and longer and with no inhibitions. We tried to restrain ourselves when we were out in public, of course, but alone in my room? Nobody looking over our shoulders? Free as wild horses.
By the time we came up for air, I was no longer the clean one because we had been rolling around in the cake-bed. Sure, I still felt guilty for putting the castle cooks through so much work just so we could wreck it, but at least Kristoff and I gave them a hand — and I gave them the day off once they were through. Anyway, basically the only places where chocolate and frosting hadn't accumulated multiple layers was our faces, because they were so close to each other that nothing could get in between them.
"Are we supposed to be eating any of this?" Elsa laughed, running her finger through some on my shoulder.
"Well, yeah. I wouldn't have done this if it was just for show; this might as well have been a big frosted mud pie." Then I held up…
"Anna, where could you possibly have been hiding that?!"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Elsa merely blinked at me for a few seconds until I caved. "Okay, I had it in my butt."
"What- that sounds incredibly painful!"
"No, no, I was just clenching my cheeks on the handle. Obviously! Like I used the handle outside your door that first time. Come on, do you really think anybody would stick the pointy part into anywhere that sensitive?"
"Well, it is you," she laughed as she reached for the fork. Our fork. "Though I suppose I admire the control you have over your muscles back there." Then she hesitated, her brow furrowing. I could figure out what was holding her back.
"I also took one of Gerda's very thorough baths," I informed her to put her fears at ease. Which made her finally take it with a slight shake of her head. "Oh — and I helped one of the servants mop the floor before we got started in here. Trust me, when I say you can eat off the floor, I really mean it this time."
"You really have thought of everything; such attention to detail. It's almost a little scary."
"Love makes you a little scary sometimes, I guess."
"I guess." Then she slid the fork through some of the cake that we hadn't already rolled in, bringing it up to my lips. "After you."
"Oh! Wait… you first, it's your birthday."
"Diving into it counted as me going first," she chuckled. "Besides, I tasted a little on your lips once they caught some from my lips. Go on." And since I had no argument against that, and she was looking at me with those bemused, insistent eyes, I took the bite into my mouth.
"Ohmyghob, ibzo goob!"
"Anna, manners." Which I could appreciate the irony, since there were very little manners involved in rolling around in a giant cake. Probably. Maybe they do that more often in Corona…
"You have GOT to try this," I gushed once I had swallowed, grabbing the fork and scooping up another big bite for my sister.
"Can't I have a different fork?" But I wasn't budging. And she knew how important that particular utensil was to the both of us. "Gerda bathed you the same way she bathed me, didn't she?"
"It was like standing in a geyser."
"Fine." She accepted her first proper bite. Her blue eyes slid closed in ecstasy as she hummed her approval, eventually nodding after she had chewed for a moment.
"Amazing, right?" All she did was nod, raising a hand to give the okay symbol. So I helped myself to another bite, clutching my hand to my chest as tears welled up in my eyes.
Seriously, it was that good. Best cake I ever had in my life, up to and including the one with my sister's extra frosting.
"Okay," Elsa panted a couple minutes later when we had eaten our fill for the moment. "I was teasing you before, but I take it all back; I do want to live here and sleep here."
"Surrounded by layers of chocolatey goodness?" I giggled as I flopped onto my back, spread eagle in piles of sweet perfection. It was like Heaven, or Valhalla or whatever you believe is the good afterlife.
"Exactly. Fun and function." I glanced over to see she was lying on her side, propped up on one elbow so she could look down at me with a smile full of so much affection that my heart skipped a beat. "So very you."
At first all I did was chuckle a little and smile up at her. But then when she leaned down to kiss my chest, I let my eyes fall closed as a little sigh escaped my lips. "Mmm…"
"You were after something like this, I believe?"
Opening my eyes again, I was just in time to see her tongue slide across the meat of my right breast, the one closest to her. The track of freckled skin she revealed by cutting through the chocolate confection gleamed from her saliva, and it was somehow both offensive and arousing at the same time.
"Y-yeah. Something like that." I cleared my throat and caressed along her back, through cake and hair. "But you don't have to. If that whole courting thing is so-"
"We can take a break," she interrupted with an impish smile. "One night, for both Yule and my birthday. And for you, because I know how hard it has been to keep your hands off me."
A blast of air exploded from my lungs as she licked again. "HAH! W-wow, somebody's conceited in here, and I think her name rhymes with… with, uh…"
"With what? Jelsa?"
"No, that's not a thing."
I was still trying to think of a rhyme for her name when she found my nipple, and my squeal blasted every thought out of both of our minds. My chest was a feast for my sister for the moment as my conscious thoughts faded, simply letting her enjoy me. Because I enjoyed it just as much. A few times, she hit the nerves just right that I twitched, digging my nails briefly into her back and making her hiss in response. Some extra added fun.
Then she started moving down my stomach. I knew where she was going; this wasn't our first time trying this particular activity. But the butterflies were as fresh as ever, and my thighs tried to trap her head there.
"Oh, not tonight?" she purred.
"Reflex," I panted shortly, trying not to laugh at the cake all over her face now. Because even though it was funny, it also wasn't… since she was about to go to town on me.
Oh, she did. She really, really did — and it blew my mind so much more this time, somehow. Maybe it was because for the past few months, I only had that fork handle for company in my bed. Being pent up and needy tends to make the release ten times stronger, you know.
"Elsa!" I whined after a few hours. Okay, it was probably a minute or two, but it felt like so long! "You're really… how did you… get this good?!"
By the time she came up for air to answer me, she was gripping my ass cheeks to hold my pelvis closer to her face. "You're worth trying my best for, Anna. And… I may have practiced on an ice-replica." When I laughed at that, a frosting-smeared eyebrow arched. "Ooh…"
"Oh, nothing. Your backside is so firm, and I felt it flexing in my hands. Powerful."
"Y-yeah, I exercise a lot. Could probably pick up a gold coin with it."
"Really?" I felt her poking around back there, and I clenched — again, reflex. "Wow. Do you think… you could squeeze this?"
Before I had any chance to ask a question or protest, I felt a finger sliding between my cheeks. What in the fjord was Elsa doing?! It felt wrong, and disturbing… and hot? Was it hot somehow?! Maybe, but only because it was her, and she had already been going down on me, I'm pretty sure; if anybody else had tried that, especially when I wasn't already chomping at the bit to get off, their hand would be kindling for the fireplace in the corner.
So don't let anybody tell you Elsa is a prude who would never do anything like that. That whole regal facade is just a smoke screen. She can get just as wild as me.
"Wow, your muscles really are strong," Elsa breathed in honest surprise, not just teasing me. "I'm impressed."
Freya, I tried so hard to hold it together. To control my reaction. But as she dragged her finger back from my crack, brushing the little forbidden spot that I had been trying not to think about, I shivered and let out a little moan. Dooming myself.
"Yes! I m-mean, hello, yeah, you can… you can start back in on the goods now! Remember my goods? Right there in front of you?"
"No, wait. Did you enjoy…?" Probably trying to spare me some embarrassment, she didn't finish the sentence. Instead, she raised her frosting-covered finger and flexed it in my field of vision.
"Oh, did I really get cake in there, too? Sheeze, we've really been going crazy!"
My nervous laughter made it way too obvious I was just trying to distract my sister. Why was I so bad at that sometimes? She looked at me suspiciously for a moment, then glanced at the finger, then back at me.
"Please, can we not-"
"Anna, it's okay. If you want me to leave that alone, I will; I was only asking how you felt about it. That's all."
Though her words didn't dial back my embarrassment, it soothed away the anxiety spike. "Oh. Well… no, I didn't mind that much. Not really. It's just because… like, after all you've been doing to my clit and tits, I'm kind of sensitive… everywhere. So it was pretty interesting, but I would never ask you to do it again! That's too big a favour!"
Elsa thought that over for a moment, and I finally started to relax. Then she kissed my inner thigh. "Just relax, my love. My Lord Anna." I groaned, thinking back to the coronation ball. Even though it all worked out okay. "I'll take care of you. And all you have to do is ask, and I will stop or change what I am doing. You can always talk to me, alright?"
"Okay," I said, completely relieved. My queen was so sweet to me, always taking care of me as much as she could. Making me feel safe.
Well, I did feel a little less safe when she started kissing closer to my behind. And then when I felt two thumbs pulling the cheeks apart, I wriggled all over and gasped out, "WHOA! Elsa, are you- you're not gonna-"
"Just going to try to get the cake in here," she laughed softly. "Unless you have objections."
Did I? The whole thing was too weird to have any objections. And while I was still trying to come up with one, I felt that wriggling tongue press somewhere I had never wanted or needed it to go. Was Elsa really doing this? She really didn't mind? We did enough wrong and taboo things already that this just seemed like one step too far! But the way she was going at my ass suggested she didn't agree.
And it was… different. Not good, not bad; just unsettling even while it was stimulating. When she was still at it a minute later with no signs of stopping, one of my hands started trailing the handle of that trusty fork down my stomach. Maybe, if I could take care of the main attraction, a little sideshow in the back room wouldn't be so bad.
"Mm?" she hummed, tongue still sliding over my taut skin. She must have seen my fingers moving, because she drew back with a chuckle. "Oh, did you need me to move along?"
"Y-yeah, Elsa, I… we could try that again later, but right now I'm…"
With a solemn nod, she went right back to going down on me. Who could complain about a girlfriend like that? Just takes care of my needs without any complaint. What an angel.
"Oh ffff- MMM!" Yeah, I had to scream into my hand to let out some of my energy. Luckily, it wasn't the one holding the fork or I might have stabbed myself in the face. A minute later, I gasped, "Elsa! I'm almost there! Almost there!"
My sister did not slow down until I actually was there. It felt like she had six tongues instead of two — which she might actually have been able to pull off if she used her ice powers, but I didn't feel her mouth get any colder. I came so hard and shook all over, and the whole time Elsa just held onto my hips and devoured me like I was the best cake she had ever tried. Which was probably how she felt.
Once my heat faded, she lowered me into the cake again and smirked. "That happened awfully quickly for someone who didn't like me playing with her a little lower than usual."
"Y-yeah! Well… you… let me get pent up for multiple months!"
"That is fair. I hope my apology was satisfactory."
Pretending to think real hard about it, I screwed up my face and tapped my chin. Elsa laughed. "Weeeeeelllllllllll… on one condition."
"What condition?" She started when I moved to pin her to the bed. "Oh!"
"This one." My chosen target was her neck. She shivered a little when I ran my tongue along it, enjoying the rich chocolate mixing with the light purity of her skin. I wanted to eat Elsa whole.
"Anna… you… make it hard to breathe."
"N-no, I… I'm really-!"
With a shock, I realized she meant the way my hand was pushing into the middle of her abdomen. "OH! Shit, Elsa, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" As she took a deep breath, I caressed her side. "Better? Man, I am just really dumb sometimes…"
Elsa pulled me down into her embrace. "We already covered that. You are not dumb. You have never been dumb."
"You sure? I mean, not that I'm trying to argue with you, but you keep saying that and then I keep doing dumb things."
"Because you're excited. I am, too; I've just had a lot more practice... controlling myself."
For good reason. But since she wasn't judging me, I pushed myself back up to begin devouring the cake covering her ribs and stomach. She giggled a couple of times, and I smiled at the way her abdominal muscles flexed under my lips, bumping up against my nose. I could have kept eating off her and exploring her for hours and never got bored. Not once.
"Mmhhh, this really is so good," I sighed as I got closer and closer to the finish line. "The cake, you… who could ask for more?"
"I'm glad you… approve." But I could tell she was nervous. Why? It's not like this was the first time we had done anything like this; just the first in a little while.
"Elsa?" She didn't answer right away. Watching her bite her lip and look anxious was cute, but I still prompted her, "Hey. You okay?"
"What? Oh… yes, I'm fine." My face must have looked extra unconvinced, because a second later, she relented. "I'm still a little afraid of losing control of my powers when I…"
"When you what? Oh, wait, you're- right, got it, you don't need to explain. But hey, even when you've done that before, all you did was give me a little extra blast of snow. I don't mind a cold cake."
Tittering the slightest amount, despite the fear in her eyes, she reached down to run her fingers through my sugar-matted fringe. "Neither of us do. And I know you're probably right, but I can't help but worry I will hurt you for a third time. I don't think I could take that."
"Me, either. But you won't. I hear you, I do, but I know you have a handle on this now. You've been doing so good! Nobody in Arendelle is scared of you anymore. So just… let me do the magic this time."
That was that. Even though she was still biting her lip, her brow still creased, she didn't protest further as I kissed the inside of her thigh, devouring the frosting I found there. But I still didn't like that she was wound up so tight. So I figured hey, why not try to loosen her up?
"So, if I get a couple of fingers in you and really start going to town… does that make this pound-cake?"
Oh, now she looked mad. I barely had enough time to register the movement before her foot was pushing into my face, trying to shove me off the bed entirely.
"Hey, whoa whoa, Elsa! Come on, I'm sorry!"
"Why don't I believe you?" she demanded in a would-be stern voice. The answer might have been because I was laughing up a storm. But I caught sight of her smile, which told me she was just trying to mess around with me. One of the many things I had been missing over the past thirteen years.
"Truce! I'll keep my corny jokes to myself if you don't shove me the rest of the way off this bed!" Really, I already had to whip one leg back and brace against the floor to keep from falling as it was. But she slowly began to relent. "Thank you."
"I ought to put my finger back in your 'fork holder' for that one," she grunted.
"It was one time! I don't go around carrying forks back there all the time, you know!"
"Actually, no, I don't know that. Because I never inspect the back of your dress when you are casually walking down the halls."
"You could, though…" As she just shook her head at me, I decided to get a little more playful.
"AH! Not my feet — don't bite my feet, you know how ticklish iyyyahahahhaaaa!"
Too late. My teeth were nibbling all over her chocolatey toes in retaliation for almost being knocked on my butt. The way she began kicking was extremely dangerous, but at least now my childhood memories were intact; I remembered learning by watching our father that you had to hold her leg steady when you tickled her, or you were asking for an eyeful of flailing heel.
"STOP!" she cackled. "I'm- I am about to ruin this cake! Anna!"
Right away, I broke off with a laugh. No matter how much fun I was having, it wasn't worth ruining an entire cake-bed by making her wet herself. "Okay, okay. Yellow frosting is as bad as yellow snow, I guess."
"You… monster!" But she was still laughing a little, cheeks flushed, chest rising and falling in an attempt to regain her breath. Which looked like she had been doing something else.
Flawless. I was head over heels, alright.
"Sorry. But do you know how cute you are when you get tickled?"
Clearing her throat, she pushed up onto her elbows before answering me. "That is… because I didn't get to run around outside the way you did. Not after my ninth birthday. So my feet are…"
Oh. Well that was a sad reason for them to be extra sensitive. But I decided to simply kiss the one I had been attacking and say, "Perfect. You were gonna say 'perfect' right? Because that's the only answer I'm accepting right now."
Shaking her head a little at me, she let out an exasperated sigh that was followed by a small smile. "You're too kind to me."
"Nah. Just know you deserve the best."
Again, I kissed, and she hummed as her smile grew. When my lips parted to let my tongue slide between two of her toes, she rolled her eyes and pulled her foot away. "Fine, I get it, you love every inch of me."
"Glad we got that straightened out. Now, I have my eye on a couple of pastries… one sec."
Her hand raised up to rest on the back of my head when I attacked her chest. I figured she would probably appreciate having some time to recover before I went back between her thighs. The sounds floating out of her lungs were every bit as enthralling as if I had gone straight for the crux of her thighs, of course, but at least this way I could enjoy my cake a little longer.
"You are… so persistent." I switched to the other peak, my hand wrapping around the mountain below and kneading just enough to add pressure and pleasure without causing pain. "Mmmhh, and I almost want to ask if you have been practicing on someone else!"
"Maybe I made an ice-replica," I shot at her as I moved back down. Her grin was so huge. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's do this."
"You make it sound like you're about to go cliff-diving!" she laughed.
"Oh, I am. I'm about to dive down deep into your sound."
Elsa's lips parted, probably to reprimand me for another corny line. But all that came out was a moan when I pressed my mouth tightly against her soft folds through the frosting and chocolate. And I intended to clean every speck of that from her by the time I was finished.
My Elsa. My queen of snow and ice, grace and beauty and power. The only woman in the world. My mind and heart were full of desire for the goddess I was making writhe with my every teasing touch. And it wasn't just that she was the most beautiful girl in Arendelle, not that she had given me an orgasm so recently. This was about way more than repaying a debt or physical beauty; it was my sister. The one person who had always been a part of me, and who always will.
"A-Anna!" she gasped — well, she had been doing that for a couple of minutes, but this one was louder and stronger. Somehow, I just knew what she meant. "I'm… I'm still scared! I love you!"
I loved her, too. But I wanted to show her in some way besides slowing down to tell her with words. So I moved one hand from her hip to push our fork into hers, which had been clutching uselessly at another pile of birthday cake. And wow, did she respond! My hand was caught with the fork between our fingers, and it was such a tight grip that I felt like she would never let me go again.
Which did as much for me as I might have been doing for her.
There was more snow this time. Somehow, I had kind of expected that; I mean, when you tell an ice witch that she shouldn't hold back with her power, you're going to get more power. Makes sense, right? But even while I was still feeling her flesh pulse against my lips and tongue, her juices running down my chin, tiny pinpricks of cold were dusting my back in the spots that weren't covered by chocolate.
"Oh," I panted when I finally came up for air, satisfied that she no longer needed little licks for little aftershocks. "Snow! See? I told you everything would be fine. And this isn't even that bad!"
Though of course, we were both looking around at the winter wonderland filling the room. It was only a couple of inches deep, but spread over that large an area it still added up to a decent amount.
"It's… a lot," she panted. "But at least there aren't any… nothing dangerous."
Scoffing, I crawled up to lay my head on her shoulder, curling my entire body around hers as tightly as I could. Needing to be that close to her now. "Dangerous? You? Come on, you're a big pussycat."
"We both know… that's… a stretch." Finally, she cleared her throat and simply took in a couple of deep breaths so she wouldn't be so winded. Then she turned to look into my eyes with a smile full of afterglow and affection. "Thank you. For that, for all of this; for my perfect birthday night."
"Yeah. You got it. I'm always going to show you how much I love you, no matter how big I have to go to get the point across."
"Anna, you don't have to. I already know." We shared a firm kiss. Then she crinkled her nose. "Oh, that's… did you really enjoy me adding that to your cake? It's so strange."
"Maybe I wouldn't have if I didn't know what it was," I admitted with a giggle. "But knowing? Oh yeah. Totally hot."
"If you say so." Then she suddenly looked horrified. "Oh no — my lips have- you were kissing-"
"All I tasted was Sister-Queen and cake," I headed her off before she actually said it out loud. "Don't have to make it even more gross. Seriously, you didn't run away from my butt? I thought that would be a fate worse than death!"
"No, no," she reassured me, completely contented now that we had both enjoyed ourselves and could relax. "I wasn't lying for your benefit; it wasn't that bad. Especially when mixed with chocolate cake. Though I agree with you about my essence on this subject; probably wouldn't have enjoyed it not knowing what it is, or by itself. Well…"
Running my index fingertip in small circles on her stomach, I prompted, "Well?"
"I could try it by itself. Maybe. Someday."
"Go ahead. I won't… well, I might judge a little, but since we're already sisters who knock boots, it's not gonna hold a lot of water."
"Mmhmm. I suppose that's a valid point."
"Ohhhhh, I just wanna lay here forever!" I burst out as I curled even harder around Elsa, and she laughed again, nuzzling into my hair. "Though I do have another bath ready in the next chamber. I'm no doctor, but it's probably not the best idea for us to leave cake in some of the places we have cake right now."
Nodding, she whispered, "In a minute. This is so comfortable. Actually, I'm surprised we're not sinking all the way down to the floor."
"Oh — yeah, that's because we took a bed-sized wooden box and made the cake on top of that. Like, it's pretty much a bunch of little cakes smushed together in a grid pattern to make one huge sheet cake, and then we just put the icing all over it and down the sides with the right colours and patterns. So it looked like a real bed, with a quilt and all."
"Clever," she chuckled, scratching at my rib cage just enough to prompt a giggle from me before she stopped. "Really, I was flabbergasted at first, but now I really admire all the work you did for this. Because it turned out to be a lot of fun."
Her praise made my heart glow. "It did, didn't it? Chocolate cake slumber party. Go me."
We both fell into the kind of comfortable silence you can only have with family. Lover, sister, friend… Elsa was all of those things to me. And we had beaten all the odds and found our way back to each other, and we were alive, and our lives were wonderful. There wasn't much else I could ask for.
"I love you, my Anna," she breathed into my hair before rolling over to prop herself up on her elbow and look at me. I mirrored the gesture, gazing into her eyes.
"Love you, too, Majesty. And I always will."
Elsa kissed me hard and long, and held me close for such a long time that time itself ceased to hold meaning. Definitely not your run-of-the-mill anniversary of being born, but I finally knew: what we had? Different-good. The best kind of different a princess could ask for.
                                                      ~ Takk for Reisen ~
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