#grievous x obi wan
prequelsnet · 3 months
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Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005) | dir. George Lucas
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diaphene · 4 months
tiktok ... how dare ?
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Y/n meeting Grievous: General Grievous...you're uglier than I expected..
Grievous: ...
Grievous: Excuse me?
Y/n: I mean. Think about your name. How people call you. "General Grievous". It sounds so badass!! And only hot people can have such a cool name...like Obi-Wan!
"General Kenobi". My god it's so hot-
Obi-Wan: Don't mind them *facing you* Thank you y/n! *turns towards Grievous again* happens all the time, don't take it personally
Anakin, whispering and pouting: General Skywalker is cool too..
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dontyoufeelitangel · 4 months
Well thought out villains with incredible backstories being turned into children’s toys:
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They look so stupid I love it😭🫶
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Omg😭 what’s got maul so mad☹️☹️ he’s plotting something,,
His horns being little nubs will never not be funny
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jakegyllenbaalz · 2 months
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natalie portman as padmé amidala
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yandere-wishes · 9 months
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What Lana Del Rey songs do you associate with what Star Wars characters? This is field research for a playlist I'm making...
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spicypepperjack · 9 months
I'm just imagining Gwen dropping into Miles' room like when Obi-Wan dropped in on General Grievous:
Gwen: Hello there!
Miles: Gwen Stacy! You are a bold one!
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rubinaitoart · 1 year
“Hello there.” “General Kenobi…”
I’m losing my mind actually, someone send help.
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thegreymarveljedi · 1 month
It’s Not Your fault
Anakin (x Padme) + Daughter! Reader
So, this is something different from what I normally write because I am usually an x Reader type of writer only but this idea popped into my head and I couldn’t let it slip away.
This is another AU where the war has gone on a lot longer than the clone wars canonically is. Anakin and Padme have another daughter before Luke and Leia and she is the same age as Ahsoka. She is Obi-wan’s padawan (like father, like daughter) and the council knows about Anakin and Padme. (Don’t try and work out the time line, for the sake of the story don’t question it🤣)
Metric is my, I guess, OC! Medic for the 212th. This is also a story where Echo didn’t die at the citadel. Yes Obi-wan and Cody are a couple in this story, ANY HATE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! You will be blocked and bared from my account.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Warning: 18+ ANGSTY AF, near death experience, wounds, blood, gunshots, General grevious is a coward, tears, self doubt, insecurity, feelings of failure, hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence, happy ending, the force works how I need it, Anakin and Padme have a healthy relationship.
Words: 6359
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Frail, fragile, pale and lifeless
The only words to describe how she looked laying on the bed in the med bay. A ventilator and a heart monitor, hooked up to the wall as well as her. Her once vibrant blue and brown eyes, the ones she got from her parents, were now hidden beneath her eye lids. Her once long, tame, soft brown hair was now tousled and hidden under a bandage.
Her injuries were bad. Even after three rounds in a bacta tank, she still had not woken up and it’s been almost a week. Anakin sat beside her in a chair, his hands folded and eyes closed, meditating and trying to figure out what to do.
Padme had not been able to visit yet, with everything happening in the senate until this point. Anakin had been here for more time then he should have been but it was his daughter laying in that bed.
The council knew of the relationship between the three but had let it slide on grounds that no one had done anything to harm the order or the republic. After the news broke, the council had taken a deeper look into the order. They found that half the Jedi of the order including certain members of the high council had broken the code. It was a scandal really, but because they could not just expel half the order, the code was amended and changed to allow for attachments.
The only condition to that new rule was that the attachments will not interfere with the Jedi’s business. Thus far, not many Jedi had taken advantage of this new found freedom. Some had, and it had not affected their work at all. Even Master Windu had begun to see someone and he seemed a lot happier and more relaxed.
The accident had happened on a mission with the 212th and 501st together.
Obi-wan and (Y/N) had been fighting Grevious while Anakin and Ahsoka had been gather intel. There was a scream from behind (Y/N), Cody being hit by a stray shot from a clanker.
“Cody!” (Y/N) screamed and that split second distraction allowed Grevious the upper hand.
He separated him left arm, pulling one more lightsaber from his back and turning it on. Obi-wan noticed a little too late and couldn’t warn his padawan before the blade found its way through her midsection.
Everything seemed to slow down as (Y/N) looked down at where she had been impaled. There was pain, but it felt so dull. The lightsaber retracted before (Y/N) was thrown by Grevious, hitting a near by rock and falling face first into the grass.
“(Y/N)!!” Obi-wan screamed. His padawan lying there lifeless. There was a collective roar from the 212th and 501st as they watched their commander be tossed around like a rag doll, the clones all pushing themselves more. The droids began falling faster then flys in mist, being driven back by the ferocity of the clones battalions.
Grevious watched as his army was decimated, the clones advancing as the remaining droids retreated. Now it was Grevious turn to get distracted, Obi-wan taking advantage of this fact and moving faster than lightning, chopping off one of Grevious arms from the joint.
Grevious yelled and stepped back, using his unharmed arm to try and block Obi-wan’s strikes. As Grevious looked at Obi-wan, he noted that there was no emotion in the Jedi’s eyes. His eyes were dull and he moved with a determination that Grevious had only seen from Dooku. That frightened the droid army’s leader, causing him to withdraw from the frey and run, his evacuation shuttle landing a few feet away.
“Until we meet again Kenobi!” Grevious laughed as the shuttle flew away, the droid army withdrawing its forces. Obi-wan watched for a moment longer before he retracted his saber and ran to where his padawan had landed. Kix and Metric, the 212th medic were already there, tending to (Y/N) as fast as they could.
Obi-wan came to a sliding stop, dropping to his knees next to his padawan. There were no words exchanged as more of the 212th and 501st gathered around, knowing that their friend was fighting for her life.
“Come on vod’ika. You’re not dying on us now,” Kix muttered, doing everything he could to save the generals daughter. Her eyes were open and trained on Obi-wan, her hand slowly inching toward his. Obi-wan immediately took her hand, gently cradling it in his own. His eyes were tearing up as he looked at his padawan, her eyes conveying acceptance.
Obi-wan shook his head, silently pleading with (Y/N) to stay awake as his com went off, Anakin’s hologram popping up.
“Hey master! We got the intel and are on our way back… what’s wrong?” Anakin started, his positive attitude turning sour as soon as he saw his masters tears.
“Anakin…” Obi-wan whispered and his former appearance knew almost immediately.
“No!! No no no,” Anakin yelled as he began running, the muffled voices of Ahsoka, Rex, Fives and Echo following him.
“D-dad…” the strained voice of his daughter coming through the com.
“(Y/N) stay awake! That’s an order! You’re not allowed to die on me you hear. Your mother would never let me live it down. I’d never let myself live it down,” Anakin said frantically as he ran like he never had before, pushing himself harder than ever. “I’m almost there honey. Don’t you go anywhere,” He continued as his hologram disappeared.
(Y/N) smiled at Obi-wan, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. She managed to mouth the words, ‘it’s not your fault,’ as Kix placed a breathing mask over her face, Metric doing what he could to stitch up the wound as the medvac finally arriving. (Y/N)’s hand went limp and her eyes closed as she was lifted onto the stretcher, the medical staff quickly taking her the gunship. Anakin came to a stop outside of the gunship as the doors closed, taking off immediately.
Obi-wan sat there on his knees, his thoughts running wild as tears streamed down his face. Cody came up next to him, his shoulder having been patched up. Waxer and Cody tried to help Obi-wan to his feet as Anakin came over, but their general made no effort to stand.
“What happened?” Anakin asked as calmly as he could, Rex and Ahsoka coming over as well. They had been filled in on the situation by Boil, both of them terrified for their friend.
“She got distracted,” Obi-wan whispered and tilted his head back, blinking rapidly to try and get the tears out of his eyes. “Grevious took advantage of her distracted state and…he..” Obi-wan couldn’t finish his sentence, the grief overwhelming him.
Anakin looked down at his feet, his fists clenched and eyes burning with tears. Before he did anything too rash he turned away from Obi-wan and began walking towards the gunships.
Anakin wasn’t angry at Obi-wan, the tensions of the battle were high and there were so many variables. Anakin wasn’t even angry at any of the clones, he was angry at himself. For not being there to protect his daughter, for not being there to keep her safe. With his head bowed and tears running down his cheeks as he walked, all he could think about was how he failed.
He needed to be with his daughter.
“MOVE OUT!” Anakin’s voice boomed over the field, the remaining 501st troopers standing at attention and walking towards the gunships coming to get them. Obi-wan stayed still for a little while longer before Waxer and Boil each took hold of one of his arms, helping him towards the gunships. Cody ordered the rest of the battalion to follow, making their way over to the gunships.
Cody entered the gunship that Obi-wan, Waxer and Boil entered, the four men being the only ones in this particular gunship. Waxer and Boil sat Obi-wan down on a crate, moving away to let him have some space. Cody came over to Obi-wan, kneeling down in front of him and taking his hands in his own
“I failed her, Cody,” Obi-wan whispered, resting his forehead on Cody’s shoulder. Tears continued to stream down his face, his mind racing and heart pounding. Cody nodded in understanding, his helmet long forgotten in the other corner of the gunship. He placed one of his hands on Obi-wan’s head, the other remaining by his side still in a little pain from being shot.
“There was nothing you could’ve done, Ben,” Cody said softly and Obi-wan’s eyes closed at the sound of the name. “(Y/N) knew the risks. And I’m sorry I got shot and distracted her. It was my fault,” Cody said, tears gathering in his eyes. Obi-wan shook his head and lifted it, looking into Cody’s eyes.
“It was not your fault Cody. Do not dare place this burden on your shoulders,” Obi-wan said and Cody looked away, catching Waxer and Boil’s eyes as they nodded along to their generals words.
“I will try my best not to general but I can’t help but feel partially responsible,” Cody said and Obi-wan pulled his face closer, laying their foreheads together.
“Please do not blame yourself my love. Please I can not bare it,” Obi-wan replied, hearing Cody sigh and close his eyes. They took in this rare moment of affection, even if there were others around. The moment was unfortunately interrupted by Waxer who cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry to you both for interrupting but we’re coming up on the cruiser now. Kix has already moved (Y/N) to a bacta tank and for now she’s stable,” Waxer said, a sigh of relief falling from Obi-wan and Cody’s lips.
“Thank you Waxer,” Cody said and stood up to retrieve his helmet, stopping short when he felt a hand grip his wrist. Cody turned back to Obi-wan, a pleading looking in the Jedi’s eyes for him to stay. Cody smiled softly and came back over to Obi-wan, cradling the generals head against his stomach.
“I’m not going anywhere Ben. And neither is (Y/N). She’s a fighter and she will make it through this,” Cody said and scratched at Obi-wan’s scalp. Giving him a massage to ease some of the tension from the battle. Obi-wan could only nod as all four of them felt the gunship slowly descend into the cruiser. Cody bent down and gave Obi-wan a gentle kiss to the top of his head before reluctantly pulling away. The latter made a soft noise of protest but didn’t push any further as the doors opened.
~ With Anakin~
The ride to the cruiser was quiet, no one wanted to speak and disrupt the already tense atmosphere of the gunship. Rex and Ahsoka stood with Fives and Echo on one side as Anakin sat on the other side with his head and his hands. Even with the small space of the ship, the Arc troopers and captain wanted to give their general as much space as possible. It was his daughter who got hurt after all.
Ahsoka was more reluctant to stay away, not wanting to see her master fall down a path of grief and distress. She had an idea of what he was going through, her best friend had almost been killed but she was not a parent. She didn’t understand what that was like. Seeing her master sit there with his head down and silent, she looked towards Rex for any hint of what she should do. However, Rex’s eyes were downcast as well, trying his best to hold himself strong.
Ahsoka turned back to Anakin and walked over to him, sitting next to him and gently taking his hand. No words were exchanged but Anakin responded in his own way, resting his head against Ahsoka’s. He gave her hand a squeeze, showing his appreciation for her presence.
“I have to tell Padme,” Anakin said, his voice so quiet she almost missed it. Ahsoka sighed softly and nodded, understanding that the senator needed to know about what happened.
“That can wait, for now, just breathe. Please,” Ahsoka said, no demand or malice in her voice. All she wanted was for her master to stop and process, even if it was difficult because of the situation.
“I-I failed her Snips. She’s my daughter and I failed to protect her,” Anakin whispered, no matter how much rage he was feeling, grief and sadness overwhelmed him even more.
“She’ll pull through Skyguy, I know she will,” Ahsoka reassure her master, positive that (Y/N) would be okay. “She’s too stubborn to stop fighting,” Ahsoka continued, giving Anakin’s hand another squeeze. That got a small forced chuckle out of Anakin, his hand falling limp now.
“She gets it from her mother,” Anakin said and Ahsoka laughed. She nodded and looked to Rex, Fives and Echo, whose eyes were trained on the duo. There were smiles on their faces as they watched Ahsoka bring Anakin’s mood up just a little, but it was something.
“I think she also gets it from her father,” Fives added and Anakin chuckled again, lifting his head a little and giving Fives a look.
“Stow it trooper,” Anakin said, though his word were playful because he knew the Arc trooper was right. (Y/N) had two very stubborn parents so she wouldn’t go down that easily. “Thank you guys,” he finished and squeezed Ahsoka’s hand one finally time before slowly letting it go, trying to stand up. Echo and Fives came over to help, Rex pulling Ahsoka to her feet.
“I’m sure she’ll pull through general. Our vod’ika is a tough one to crack,” Rex said and Anakin gave his captain a small smile, knowing that the captain’s words were true.
(Y/N) was a sister to all the clones. They all treated her with such respect not just because she was a generals daughter, but because she treated them like human beings. She treated them like people and not objects. She had a special bond with the 501st and the 212th, both being units she worked along side so well. She was an extremely bubbly, beautiful and kindhearted Jedi, her heart big and determination unmatched. They were all sure she would be okay.
“I need to tell Padme,” Anakin said again, his mood quickly falling once again at the idea of telling his wife about what happened to their daughter. The tears came back again and began running down his cheeks, his anger and sadness off the situation overwhelming.
“Do you want me to be with you,” ahsoka offered and Rex, Fives and Echo stepped up as well, wanting to support their general in any way possible. Anakin only nodded as he took out his personal commlink, pressing the centre button and placing it on the floor. It beeped for a moment before Padme’s hologram came to life, a smile on her face before she noticed the tears running down Anakin’s cheeks.
“What wrong Ani?” She asked immediately and before Anakin could even get the words out, the tears began to run faster down his cheeks. His fell immediately and Padme’s worry ramped up to a new level.
“Anakin what’s wrong?” She asked again and Ahsoka took her master’s hand as Rex came to stand next to his general on the other side.
“It’s (Y/N), senator. She was injured during our battle,” Rex said, ripping the bandaid off no matter how painful it was to watch Padme’s face turn panicked. Her eyes darted to Anakin who looked at her with so much regret and sadness. Padme turned away from the hologram for a moment and nodded to someone behind her. There was another moment of silence before she turned back, tears now gathered in her eyes.
“H-How bad?” Padme asked, voice cracking as she watched her husband break down.
“We’re not sure ma’am,” Echo spoke up, pulling Padme’s attention away from Anakin for the moment. She turned to face the two Arc troopers who had stayed quiet until now.
“Our medic Kix and Metric, the 212th medic went with her when the medvac came. As of right now she’s in a bacta tank and stable but that’s all we know right now,” Echo finished, bowing his head in apology to the senator.
“Thank you, Echo,” Padme said and turned back to Anakin. He was leaning against Rex, Ahsoka trying her best to be there for support as well. Padme found Anakin’s eyes and called his name softly. His eyes met hers and behind them there was no negativity or anger, only understanding and compassion.
“It’s not your fault Ani. I promise you that,” she said and that caused Anakin to break down a little more, shaking his head and trying to disagree. “Don’t fight me on this,” she continued and Anakin’s eyes met hers again, hoping that he would find some comfort in them. “She knew the risk. We all did. And I know she’ll pull through. She your daughter after all, stubborn man,” Padme finished and that got a laugh out of all of them present on the gunship.
“That’s what we all told him ma’am,” Fives piped up and Padme giggled, knowing that her husband was in good hands. Anakin managed to compose himself long enough to stand on his own. He turned to face his wife again, wiping his eyes with his robe sleeve.
“I failed her Padme. I didn’t protect like I promised I would,” he said, self doubt and insecurity seeping into his mind. Padme shook her head and raised her right hand, looking at Anakin expectantly. Anakin sighed and raised his left, placing it against Padme’s as if she was there.
“Anakin Skywalker,” she started and everyone knew she was serious. Anakin met her eyes once more and the love in them overwhelmed his senses for a moment, calming him down and allowing him to breathe.
“I want you to repeat after me okay?” She said and Anakin nodded.
“It is not your fault.”
“It is not my fault.”
“It’s not my fault.”
“Good, now I want you to be with her and keep telling her that you’re there for her. Rest and be with her and I will try my best to come visit once you return to Coruscant okay?” Padme said and Anakin nodded before turning to look at the others in the gunship.
“Thank you all for looking out for him. Keep doing it,” she said and everyone nodded before Padme smiled at Anakin.
“I love you Ani,” she said and lifted her hand again, Anakin instinctively raising his again and connecting them.
“I love you too,” he replied before her hologram disappeared. Just as the hologram disappeared, The gunship came to a slow descent into the hanger, Anakin took a deep breath as the gunship doors opened.
Anakin quickly took off toward the medbay, knowing the way there off the top of his head. He passed by Obi-wan’s gunship as it touched down, not having time to spare a glance at him master. He needed to get to (Y/N). He ran down the winding halls, caming to a stop outside the door as two 501st stood at attention. Anakin nodded to them before the doors opened to reveal the medbay, the white walls were unsettling. He scanned the room before his eyes landed on the other door that lead to the Bacta tanks. He made his way over just as Kix and Metric came out.
“How is she?” Anakin asked, taking a moment to catch his breath, Kix and Metric gave each other a nod before Metric left, Kix beckoning Anakin to follow him.
“She stable for now general,” Kix said as they made their way into the room. There in one of the four bacta tanks was (Y/N), having been stripped down to her underwear tunic and leggings. There was a clear hole in her stomach, one that Anakin could almost see right through. The sight almost brought him to his knees, but Kix kept him upright.
“Oh my god,” Anakin whisper, not being able to his eyes off his daughter. She looked so fragile and pale. Kix held onto Anakin and they neared the tank, helping his general as much as he could. Anakin slowly lifted his hand to the glass of the tanks, placing it there and trying to convey through the force that he was there. Once Kix was sure Anakin would fall over, he took a step back.
“I’ll leave you be General. If you need anything just give me a call,” Kix said and Anakin nodded, thanking his Medic before he walked out. Anakin was now left alone with (Y/N) and his thoughts. The self doubt began to creep in again, his mind swirling and his insecurities coming back.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N). I failed you, and now you’re hurt because of me. It’s my fault,” Anakin whispered as he rested his forehead on the glass next to his hand. The only response he got was the steady beeping of the monitor, telling him that you were alive. That was the only comfort he found at the moment, knowing you were alive by the beeping of the monitor. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
Just then the doors opened and Obi-wan walked in slowly, not wanting to disturb the atmosphere of the room. Anakin turned his head slightly to acknowledge his master before he went back to looking at (Y/N), praying that she would open her eyes.
Obi-wan walked up to Anakin and stood beside him, his eyes landing on his Padawan.
“She looks so peaceful,” Obi-wan whispered, his voice filled with worry.
“Too peaceful almost,” Anakin responded, his voice just as quiet.
“I’m so sorry Anakin.”
“I know. But it’s not your fault master.”
“It’s not yours either, my friend.”
“Everyone keeps saying that. But I don’t feel like it’s true,” Anakin said with a sigh. He couldn’t bring himself out of his turmoil, his mind racing. His anger was rising, but so was the defeat. He felt like a failure.
“Anakin,” Obi-wan began, taking his former apprentices hands in his own. Anakin looked conflicted, like he wanted to put away but refrained, knowing that he needed his master now. “This burden is not on you. It is squarely on that coward Grevious. He is who did this and he is the one who will die in the end,” Obi-Wan’s words held so much venom that Anakin was taken aback, only ever hearing such Venomous words spoke by himself.
“Master,” Anakin started but Obi-wan held up his hand, indicating that he was not yet finished.
“I know she is your daughter and that you blame yourself for this tragedy but it is not your fault. Grevious is to blame and I will make him pay. He will suffer far worse than we are suffering right now, and I will make sure of it,” Obi-wan finally finished, his eyes dark and the aura around him clouded. Anakin, for once in his life, was scared of what Obi-wan would do. This was not like his master at all.
“Obi-wan please,” Anakin pleaded and pulled his former master into a hug, holding him as if he was a lifeline. Obi-wan’s heart beat was erratic and his breath came out in short bursts, his forehead burning up and his eyes dark with rage. This was different side of him. Before Anakin could comfort his master more, there was a rapid beeping that brought both men out of their conversation. Their eyes snapped up to the bacta tank that (Y/N) was in and could see she was convulsing. Kix and Metric quickly ran in along with a few other Medics as they rushed to get (Y/N) out of the tank.
“What’s happening?” Obi-wan questioned, panic clear on his face as Anakin stood frozen.
“General, you need to leave,” one of the medics said and stood in front of Anakin and Obi-wan as Kix and Metric got (Y/N) out of the tank.
“What’s going on?” Obi-wan asked again, this time his voice was demanding, scaring the medic in front of them a little but he stood his ground.
“I’m going to have to ask you both to leave,” he said again, his voice more firm.
“That’s my daughter, I can’t,” Anakin said, his voice pleading. Cody and Rex came rushing in as well, each standing next to their generals.
“Captain, commander, you need to take your generals now,” the medic said, turning to look at Kix and Metric who were now performing CPR.
“I’m not leaving my daughter!” Anakin yelled, his anger palpable and his worry clear. Rex gently grabbed hold of his arms, Ahsoka rushing is as she heard the yelling.
“Ben, we have to leave,” Cody said quietly and Obi-wan shook his head, shaking off Cody’s hands as her took hold his arms the same way Rex did with Anakin.
“Leave now! Let us do our job to save the commander!” Another one of the medics yelled. It took more struggling than anticipated but Cody, Rex and Ahsoka eventually managed to get the two Jedi out of the room and to the resting area.
~End Flashback~
It had been a scary feeling not knowing what was going on but Kix and Metric had been able to get (Y/N) back. Anakin had been on the verge of a panic attack as he could feel his daughter’s life force slipping away but he reached her through the force and begged her not to accept it.
He could feel her life force returning slowly, fighting as much as she could. It was another hour or so before Kix and Metric came out to give the news. Having let the other medics take over. Anakin and Obi-wan had both breathed a sigh of relief when they were informed, Obi-wan collapsing into Cody’s arms and Anakin falling to his knees. There was more waiting but eventually (Y/N) was brought to the resting area with a heart monitor, IV, breathing mask and many more wires and machines.
Obi-wan had left after the second day in the medbay, not being able to bare the sigh of his padawans struggling. Anakin had stayed put. Only leaving to shower but even then he used the medbay showers only while Rex or Ahsoka were there to take over watch.
They had arrived back on Coruscant on the third day, (Y/N) being rushed to the halls of healing at the temple and placed back into a bacta tank. She was taken out again on the fourth day and ever since, she had been laying in the bed to rest ever since. The monitors and machines as well as the IV had been reconnected but now it was up to (Y/N) to pull through.
Anakin had stayed here for almost a week straight, not wanting to be away from his daughter. Master Yoda had allowed it even with the protest of Master Windu and Master Mundi. Anakin was greatful for the grandmasters kindness and lenience, making sure to thank him as much as he could. Master Yoda only smiled and nodded before he turned to walk away, Anakin being left alone with (Y/N).
Obi-wan had come to visit not long ago but he was called to a council meeting and then shipped off to find Grevious. The council had no idea how angry Obi-wan was in this moment, even for a Jedi who never let his emotions cloud his judgement, he was seething. He was ready to kill Grevious and Anakin knew it.
His thoughts were interrupted when the doors to (Y/N)’s room slid open and Padme came rushing in, coming to Anakin first and hugging him from behind. Anakin immediately melted into his wife’s arms, his tears coming back as he looked to (Y/N) lying lifeless on her bed.
“I failed her Padme,” he whispered, feeling Padme’s arms tighten their hold.
“You didn’t fail her Ani. This is not your fault at all and she knows it. She knows that this is no one’s faulted but the separatists,” Padme said but her words fell on mostly deaf ears.
“She been in and out of the force three times since the accident and I haven’t been able to do anything but beg her not to give in,” Anakin said and Padme gasped, not knowing what to say. The thought of Anakin fighting with their daughter to keep fighting was heart breaking. Padme came to kneel in front of Anakin, taking his face in her hand and forcing him to look at her.
“Ani,” Padme pleaded and Anakin looked into her eyes, finding only love and adoration. “She’s your daughter. I know she won’t give up. She’s strong and capable and she will pull through. I know she will,” she encouraged and Anakin’s eyes drifter to (Y/N). He took hold of Padme’s wrist gently and stood from the chair he had been sitting in, pulling Padme up with him. He brought her closer to the bed and Padme was horrified at how pale (Y/N)’s usually surmised face was. Tears pricked her eyes as she looked at her daughter, her hands cold and chest moving slowly.
“She looks so peaceful,” Anakin said and Padme nodded, taking (Y/N)’s hand in her own. She held it between her hand and Anakin’s hand, hoping to convey the warmth of a parents love.
“(Y/N),” Padme spoke quietly, using her other hand to brush some of the hair out of (Y/N)’s face. “It’s mom and dad… we’re here for you. We’ll always be here for you, no matter what you choose to do,” Padme’s words hit Anakin like a speeder, his eyes closing as he listened to his wife speak softly to their unconscious daughter.
“You’ve always been a strong, smart, amazing kid with a heart of gold and a soul so warm it can turn even the hearts of the coldest people soft. Even if you’re stubborn sometimes, you’re so sweet and fun to be around. Everyone you meet is drawn in and they all want to be around you because of the friendly Aura you give off. We all love you (Y/N) and we want you here (Y/N),” Padme finished speaking and Anakin wrapped his other arm around her, Holding her as they continued to just be present with (Y/N).
~Time Skip~
It was a few hours later when Anakin felt a tugging in his mind, a signature pulling at his own. He had returned to the chair he had sat in while Padme had pulled up another one to sit next to him. They had stayed like that for a little before Padme left to get them some food. She had been gone for about twenty minutes now but all Anakin could focus on was the pull of the force.
He could feel warmth and love curling around his force signature, like a hug on a cold day. He looked over to (Y/N)’s bed and saw that her head had tilted slightly towards him, eyes still closed. However, her breathing had began to speed up to a more normal pace, her heart rate on the monitor beginning to level out as well. Anakin sat up straighter, moving his chair closer to (Y/N)’s bed so that he could hold her hand.
“Sweetheart?” Anakin asked quietly and he felt another small tug against his mind. His eyes went wide and he brought (Y/N)’s hand closer, clasping it in both of his own and closing his eyes. He focused all of his energy on her signature in the force. What was once a fading consciousness was now visible connection, strong and unwavering.
Anakin grasped onto (Y/N) in the force, holding onto her like he was her life line and in this case, he had been.
“It’s not your fault dad,” he could hear (Y/N) say to him through the force and that brought Anakin to tears again. He sobbed as he felt her signature hug his own, a light illuminating them in the force together.
Anakin’s hand tightened their grip on (Y/N)’s, remaining firm yet gentle as his eyes opened. The sight that greeted him made him cry out in joy. (Y/N)’s eyes slowly opened and found her fathers own vibrant blue eyes, the tears continuing to fall.
(Y/N) smiled from under the breathing mask, taking a deep inhale and exhale as she looked at her father. With as much strength as she could muster, she squeezed his hand in, indicating to him that she was alright. Anakin laughed and brought her hand to his lips, giving it a kiss before he brought out his comm. Padme responded almost immediately, he voice coming through a little panicked.
“Is everything okay Ani? What’s wrong,” She asked and could only register a sob from Anakin before he spoke the words that made her almost drop the food she had gotten for them.
“She’s awake,” Anakin whispered, keeping his eyes on (Y/N) who smiled and nodded. There was no verbal response from the other end, only the sound of rapid footsteps as Padme ran through the halls of the temple back to the halls of healing.
“I’m almost there,” she said and Anakin spoke a gentle ‘okay’ before he ended the transmission. A minute later the doors slid open and Padme rushed, making her way to (Y/N)’s other side.
“Honey?” Padme asked and (Y/N) slowly angled her head in Padme’s direction, reaching her hand out for her mother to take. She quickly got the hint and took hold of her daughter’s hand, giving it a squeeze as tears of joy pricked her eyes.
“You’re okay!” Padme exclaimed happily and (Y/N) nodded as best she could, returning the squeeze that Padme had given her. Anakin and Padme made eyes contact with one another, their faces lit up with happiness at finally having their daughter back with them. Anakin pushed one of the buttons on the wall by (Y/N)’s bed to request a medic to their room, wanting to make sure (Y/N) was really okay.
The Jedi medic walked in a few minutes later, followed by Master Yoda. Anakin and Padme stepped away from (Y/N) bed as the medic got to work, closing the curtains around the bed to give them privacy. The couple turned to the grandmaster and bowed in respect, Yoda smiling at them.
“Happy I am, to see young (Y/N) is alright,” He said, smiling as Anakin brought Padme closer to him.
“So are we, Master Yoda,” Padme said. Anakin remained quiet, thinking over everything that had happened in the last week and a bit. Master Yoda could sense that Anakin was still spiralling, grappling with his emotions and the fact that he almost lost his daughter.
“Young Skywalker, loud your thoughts are. Sense your turmoil I can. Nothing to fear have you, safe (Y/N) is,” the grandmaster said and Anakin sighed, knowing that he couldn’t hide much from the wise elder.
“I know master. It’s just been a very stressful week,” Anakin said, feeling anxious before Padme took hold of one of his hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Stressful yes. Blame yourself, you do, yet you should not,” Master Yoda continued and Anakin hung his head.
“You’re the tenth? Or so person to tell me that but I still feel responsible,” Anakin quipped. Master Yoda just looked at him before shaking his head slightly.
“Say something that should, that no one, not even (Y/N), blame you for this,” Master Yoda reiterated to Anakin. The Jedi knight took a deep breathe before he met the gaze of the grand master, then Padme who looked at him with love and adoration. His eyes fell to the curtains around (Y/N)’s bed, knowing that his daughter was in there receiving what help she needed. Before Anakin could respond to master Yoda, the curtains were pulled back by the Jedi medic.
There, sat up slightly with the help of the bed was (Y/N), a smile on her face. Her skin looked to have more colour in it, her eyes shining once again and her hair having been placed into a high ponytail. Her eyes met Anakin’s and she gave a him an even bigger smile.
“Dad..” (Y/N) said and Anakin rushed over to her, pulling her into a very gentle hug, being mindful of her still fragile and injured body.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” Anakin asked. (Y/N) nodded and gave Anakin a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m okay dad. I promise,” she said. Anakin gave a big sigh of relief and sat down in the chair that had remained next to her bed. Padme came over as well and sat on the other side, taking one of (Y/N)’s hands. (Y/N) turned to her mom and gave her hand a squeeze.
“Hi mom.”
“Hi honey. I’m glad you’re okay,” Padme said.
“I know mom. Have you told dad it’s not his fault?” she asked making Padme giggle, as she looked pointedly at her husband.
“I have and so has everyone else but he still doesn’t believe it,” Padme said.
“Hey, he’s right here!” Anakin said exasperatedly and the women giggled.
Master Yoda smiled at the family of three and made his way out of the room, knowing that Anakin would eventually come to terms with how this situation was not his fault.
There we go! I hope this was enjoyable for you readers out there! This is something different from my normal and I’m actually very happy with how it turned out!
With this story I wanted to make Anakin less angry and a little more sad and doubtful of himself. Chop it up to him having a daughter he loves and cares for.
See you guys soon!
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liltaireissocute · 1 year
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TWITTER FOR NO GRIEVOUS!!!! and a full art lol
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
I'm gonna end up doing all of these anyway throughout the month, but I wanna see what people want me to write first 👀
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 27: Stepped On
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Warnings: Violence and major character death
Summary: Cody had a run in with General Grievous.
    When Commander Cody saw General Grievous he knew things were about to go down hill and fast. His general hasn't been there and the clones by themselves couldn't really do much against him. He ordered a retreat. What else could he really do?
    This didn't spare his men. One by one the small group was killed off. With Cody the last one standing he backed himself into a corner. He shot at the Separatist but of course it couldn't help him.
    Grievous grabbed him and forced him to the ground. Helplessly Cody looked up at the cyborg. He stepped on the clone, tightening his foot around his body. Cody couldn't breathe. The metal started penetrating his armor then skin. He felt something breaking. Tears welled in his eyes from the pain.
    Obi-wan entered the hallway. His heart felt like it stopped when he saw the scene in front of him. He retched his arm out and stopped the attack with the force.
    As gently as he could he pulled Grievous from his commander. He pushed him into a nearby wall and ran to the clones side. "Cody. Hold on, okay?"
    The Jedi removed the chest plate from the other tenderly. Then he grabbed his cape and pressed it into the injuries. He grabbed Cody's arms and pressed them against the wounds. "Try to hold that for me dear."
    Kenobi stood. He ignited his lightsaber and walked towards Grievous. The two engaged in a duel and before long Grievous would retreat.
    Cody struggled to stay awake. He was in pain and still couldn't breathe well. The force from the man felt like it would be the end of him.
    After the dual Obi-wan quickly moved back to Cody. He gently picked him up and took him to Wooly. "He needs help." The Jedi's voice was shaky.
    Wooly grabbed him. He set him down quickly. He pressed two fingers to the commander's neck. Nothing. That can't be right.
    Wooly checked again. Nothing. He felt colder than normal. The clone looked up to his general. He had tears in his eyes. "How is he?"
    "Sir. He's gone." Wooly motioned to Cody's body and two soldiers came to move him.
    "That can't be right. He's gonna be fine." Obi-wan spoke.
    "General, I'm sorry." Wooly knew that the two were close but he didn't expect denial.
     "Are they going to help him?" Obi-wan asked when the two soldiers took Cody away.
    "Yeah, they will help him." Should Wooly have lied, no. But they needed their general. It wasn't ideal but if Wooly kept on pushing then he would crush the jedi. Huh ironic.
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archduke42 · 1 year
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Barriss Offee/Conradin Hadranus, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Asajj Ventress Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Asajj Ventress, Dooku (Star Wars), Padmé Amidala, Yoda, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Darth Plagueis, Darth Tyranus, Mace Windu, Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Conradin Hadranus, Panaka (Star Wars), Jango Fett, Nute Gunray, Poggle the Lesser, C3PO, R2-D2, Grievous | Qymaen jai Sheelal, Zam Wesell, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Shaak Ti, Aayla Secura, Captain Tarpals, Corde, Saché, Sabe Additional Tags: Jedi, Jedi Code, Jedi Temple, Pre-Attack of the Clones, Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Sith, Romance, Action/Adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy Series: Part 5 of The Star Wars Saga by Lordhadrian Summary:
An AU version of Attack of the Clones, an ensemble piece that follows the adventures of multiple characters, leading up to the tragic but inevitable start of the Clone Wars.
Secrets of the Jedi prophecy get revealed, and Barriss Offee discovers a revelation that has been kept from her, one that could shatter her devotion to the Jedi.
The Republic and the Separatists begin a religious war to claim the true Chosen One for their own agendas.
Dooku, convinced he must destroy the Republic to save it, continues his obsession to hunt down Darth Sidious, even if it means destroying former friends.
Politics and circumstances force various characters to take sides, friendships will be tested, and some lives will be ended in the tragedy that is destined to send the galaxy into war.
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yandere-wishes · 1 year
Why can't all my favorite evil Star Wars characters (+ Obi-Wan and Ahsoka) all live in Vader's castle together with their darlings😭😭
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gsandoval882 · 1 year
Star Wars episodio lll
Obi Wan Kenobi vs General Grievous
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radiantvader · 8 months
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Pairing : Anakin Skywalker x Jedi Master!Fem Reader
Warnings : 18+ (MINORS DNI) !! | Slight Enemies to Lovers | Dirty Talk | Unprotected Sex (wrap it before you tap it babes) | Degradation Kink | Slight Choking | Dom!Anakin | Sub!Reader | Let me know if I missed something :)
Word Count : 2.3k
Summary : In which you and Anakin are on a mission to sneak onto General Grievous' ship and capture him. Your constant banter and teasing throughout the mission frustrates Anakin, and in the end, he finds a way to let out all of his pent-up anger and frustration.
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The starfighter hummed with anticipation as you and Anakin soared through the vastness of space, lightspeed blurring the stars into streaks of light, en route to General Grievous' ominous flagship. Inside the cockpit, the hum of the engines was accompanied by the low murmur of Anakin and Obi Wan discussing details about the mission. Anakin shot you a sideways glance, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.  
“So, Master" he began, the title dripping with irony, eyes fixed on the star maps. "Any brilliant ideas on how we're going to sneak onto Grievous' ship?" you smirked while leaning back, studying the holographic blueprints you had received. "Well, Master Skywalker, it seems we have a spy to thank for these detailed plans. You see that hanger over there?" Anakin scowled at the use of the title 'Master' but kept his mouth shut, trying to avoid conflict. You reactivated the holographic blueprints and showed them to him, a smirk etched onto your face. He nodded, eyes burning with impatience and anger. 
"That hanger is our way in. This is General Grievous we're talking about, so we already know that every square inch of this ship is going to be on lock. 20 droids guarding every access point are signal rotated. So once they're on the move, we only have 35 seconds until the next round of 20 droids replace them, we need to be quick. The eyes and ears are in a security room in the west hall, there are 97 motion-sensitive 8K cameras with an overlapping field of vision so there are no natural blind spots. They are always watching, always listening, blasters ready to fire. Getting through the corridors and reaching the command center is going to be easy. Now, here's where things get a little tricky, the doors to the command center have been improved, they're military-grade biometric portals made of a foot and a half of solid titanium. So we can't blow them up, we'll need to use the heat of our lightsabers to melt a hole big enough for us to go through, which might take time considering the thickness of the doors. So while I do that, I need you to cover me from the droids. Once we get into the command center, General Grievous will already be alerted to our presence and will probably have called for backup. So, the moment we enter the command center, we need to drop a smoke bomb, use the force to sense the droids, take 'em down, and then capture Grievous before the smoke clears." You explained the plan and relished Anakin's perplexed face. 
"What? Not used to having a good plan? It must be an honor to be in the company of a highly intelligent Jedi with a higher rank. Perhaps some of my brilliance will rub off on you." Anakin's perplexed face dropped and his scowl deepened, his annoyance palpable. "Brilliance, huh? We'll see about that." You smirked as Anakin sassily rolled his eyes.
As you approached Grievous' ship, you used the Force to mask your presence from the patrolling droid fighters. Anakin expertly piloted the starfighter, dodging and weaving through the asteroid field that surrounded Grievous' vessel and you couldn't help but admit that despite his impulsiveness, he was a formidable pilot. "Nice flying, Skywalker" you complimented, a hint of genuine admiration in your voice. "Save the praising for after we're inside" Anakin quipped. You rolled your eyes, about to retort, but quickly shut your mouth as you approached the hangar bay. Your starfighter hovered in front of the hanger; you were waiting for the perfect moment to go in. The moment the battle droids were switching posts, you and Anakin slipped into Grievous' hangar undetected. And as the ship's bay doors closed behind your starfighter, you both breathed a momentary sigh of relief. 
Stepping out of the starfighter, you and Anakin moved through the dimly lit corridors of Grievous' ship, lightsabers ignited and senses heightened. The air was heavy with tension as you encountered patrols of battle droids. You deflected oncoming blaster shots, not hesitating to take jabs at Anakin. "Careful Skywalker, wouldn't want you tripping over your own bravado." you quipped, voice laced with sarcasm. He shot you an irritated look, "I've handled tougher situations than this." Anakin muttered, deflecting blaster bolts effortlessly. "Of course you have, Chosen One" you snorted, swiftly dispatching a pair of droids with calculated strikes. His jaw clenched, but you caught a glimpse of a smirk he couldn't suppress. Your banter echoed through the metal corridors as you navigated through the labyrinthine ship. The occasional sparks of your lightsabers illuminated the path, creating an otherworldly dance of light and shadow.
As you both neared the command center, the droid resistance intensified. Waves of battle droids surged forward, blasters firing in unison. You and Anakin moved with synchronized precision, your contrasting styles weaving together seamlessly. But when you both reached the command center doors, you quickly got to work. You thrust your lightsaber into the titanium doors and hummed, pleased when the lightsaber melted through the titanium quicker than expected. You drew a decently sized circle with your lightsaber and with a powerful kick, a large circular piece of the titanium doors fell onto the floor, the command center coming into your view. Grievous, who was alerted to your presence, awaited both you and Anakin with his spinning lightsabers, surprisingly with no reinforcements. 
The battle with Grievous unfolded like a chaotic dance, Anakin's acrobatic moves clashed with Grievous' relentless onslaught. Meanwhile, you circled around Grievous, strategically analyzing his patterns, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. "Now!" Anakin shouted, distracting Grievous for a split second. Seizing the opportunity, you lunged forward, lightsaber slashing through the air and delivering a powerful strike that sent Grievous reeling. With a few swift moves, Anakin cut off Grievous' mechanic arms and legs. 
Returning to the Jedi Temple, you both faced the Council. Yoda and Obi-Wan listened intently as you recounted the details of the mission. Yoda's wise eyes bore into yours, assessing not just your words but the unspoken dynamics between you and Anakin. "Hmm, impressive, your teamwork is," Yoda noted, a twinkle in his eyes. "Learn from each other, you must." he continued, and Obi Wan, ever the diplomatic voice, added "Your cooperation has proven fruitful. May the Force continue to guide you both." When the debriefing concluded, you and Anakin made your way back to your quarters in contemplative silence. However, the tension lingered. You leaned against a wall in the secluded hallway and crossed your arms, a teasing smirk etched onto your face.
"Hey Skywalker, do you ever wonder what it's like to be a true master?" He clenched his jaw, balling up his fists, knuckles turning white. "I've got enough on my plate without you constantly annoying me, shut the fuck up for once." He jeered at you, but you just stepped closer, voice dropping to a teasing whisper "Perhaps you're just afraid you'll never measure up."  
Anakin snapped. In an instant, he had you pressed against the wall, his eyes ablaze with fury and frustration. "Enough! I don't care about official titles, I will not allow you to talk to me like that. Learn your fucking place." He seethed, his hand wrapping around your throat painfully. Yet in the charged atmosphere of your conflict, a different kind of energy simmered, a potent blend of unresolved tension and the unspoken truth. And in an inexplicable twist of fate, your shared animosity acted as an irresistible force, leading to a momentary pause that culminated in an unexpected collision of your lips—a fierce, passionate kiss born from a volatile mix of anger and desire, leaving you breathless and conflicted. Like opposing magnets pulled by an invisible force, your bodies surged together.  
The kiss deepened and your breathing became ragged. As the hallway filled with your gasps and fervent whispers, you felt your resistance crumbling completely as Anakin's lips claimed yours with a hunger that mirrored your untamed passions. It was as if the world around you had vanished, leaving only the two of you entangled in the most primal of embraces. "You make me feel things I shouldn't..." you whispered, voice rough and hoarse. Anakin only responded by deepening the kiss, his lips and tongue exploring yours with a zealous intensity that left you breathless. Your bodies continued to strain against one another, their tempo growing more desperate with each passing second. Your breathing grew shallow, the only sounds in the empty hallway were the soft moans of pleasure and the frantic rustle of your clothing. Anakin, driven by an insatiable desire, reached out and grabbed your hips, lifting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. As you continued to kiss passionately, Anakin unbuckled your belt and hurriedly undressed you, the sound of your lightsaber hitting the ground filled the hallway as Anakin tossed your attire aside with a harsh motion, his eyes never leaving yours. He was certain you could feel his heart beating rapidly. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt the cool air against your skin, the sensation heightening your desire for him, nipples hardening. You reached for the fastenings of Anakin's pants, your fingers deftly unbuckling and unzipping him with ease. His erection sprang free, standing rigid and throbbing before you. He groaned into your mouth, his own hands now exploring the areas of your body that his fingers had only briefly touched. He reached between your legs, his fingers brushing against the wetness that had begun to seep through your underwear.  
"Fuck" he whispered, his voice a hoarse growl, as he felt the evidence of your own arousal. You let out a soft moan as Anakin’s lips brushed against your neck, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. He grasped your underwear, sliding it down your legs, his gaze never leaving yours. As the fabric slipped away, exposing your wetness to the cool air, you felt a shiver of anticipation ripple through your body. Anakin's hands traced the curve of your hips, his fingers brushing against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs as he guided himself towards you. He felt your warmth, your wetness, and the knowledge that you were about to be one with each other sent a surge of desire coursing through him. With a deep, shuddering breath, Anakin positioned himself at the entrance to your core.  
He looked into your eyes, his own mirroring the raw intensity of your passion. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself, but right as he was about to slide in, he stopped, "Beg for it." You looked up at him with wide eyes, "What?" you asked perplexed. "I said beg for it." He smirked, toying with you. "C'mon Anakin, please... I need you..." you muttered, embarrassment seeping through your bones. "Oh come on, you and I both know that you can do better than that." He smiled mockingly, the tip of his cock teasing your entrance. Tears prickled the edges of your eyes as you looked up at him desperately, considering throwing your pride away for a moment. "Anakin please, I'm begging you. I need you so badly... It hurts..." your face flushed in embarrassment and Anakin let out a pleased hum, grinning wickedly. Then, with one swift, powerful thrust, he drove himself into you.  
You gasped, your eyes widening in amazement and pleasure as you felt the fullness of his size fill you, the stretch sending shockwaves of pleasure through your entire body. "'s too big..." you whimpered when Anakin started thrusting, both pain and pleasure coursing through your veins, "Take it like a good girl and stop whining" Anakin grunted, his thrusts growing steadily more frenzied as the passion of the moment consumed you both. Your bodies moved in a symphony of ecstasy, each thrust a testament to your shared hunger and unspoken longing. Anakin thrust into you with vigor, your fingers dug into his back, the press of his hips against your clit causing you to moan softly with each stroke. Your own arousal grew, your inner walls tightening around him with every thrust, your body eager to take him deeper, to draw him in.  
His tip delightfully hit your cervix, causing you to throw your head back as a moan of pure ecstasy was ripped from your throat. Your hands travelled upwards and grabbed Anakin’s hair, tugging harshly, eliciting a groan from him. “Fucking slut.” He growled lowly while his movements sped up. Anakin gripped onto your hips, roughly pulling you closer to him with each thrust. “Look at you, not so talkative now, are you?” Anakin jeered with a coarse voice, but the only response he got back was a soft mewl. “Aw, did I fuck you dumb already?” He mocked you, enjoying the way your eyes rolled back into your head.  
Anakin's pace was relentless, he had a bruising grip on your hips, thrusting fast, deep, and hard into you. You could feel the pressure build in your lower belly and your walls clenched around Anakin. As his own climax approached, Anakin’s thrusts got sloppier, sweat dripping from his hair and forehead. But as he reached down to fiddle with your overly-sensitive clit, you broke. You clenched around him, letting out a sputtering moan as you came. The feeling of you squeezing around him, soaking him, was enough to send Anakin over the edge.
Heavy and ragged breaths came out of your mouths as Anakin slowly dropped you down from his arms and helped you get dressed. The silence that ensued wasn't awkward, it was tense. Both of you knowing how this could change everything. 
A/N : Guys please don't expect my writing to be perfect, I'm not a professional writer, and It'll take time for me to learn and progress. Also btw the plan in the beginning was inspired by that one scene in the movie 'Red Notice'. It's a great film, you guys should definitely watch it! Anyway, I hope you guys liked this, if I made any mistakes or if you have any tips, please don't hesitate to let me know! <3
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