#cody clone wars
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gorlicberd · 10 months ago
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happy star wars day!!
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amandamadeathing · 19 days ago
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@theonion headline paired with Commander Cody.
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charliezzzz · 9 months ago
I need to know what happened to Cody. And why is Wolffe so wary of Jedi? And what happened to Echo? I NEED TO KNOW
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Where are you when Omega joins the Rebellion, Echo? WHERE??
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jedi-lothwolf · 6 months ago
Augusnippets Day 11: Whumpee wearing Caretakers clothes
Fandom: The Clone Wars
Summary: While in a mission on a frozen planet, Cody falls into a lake. Obi-wan knows it's important to keep him warm.
    "Cody!" Obi-wan sled over to him as he fell under the ice. The thickness of the ice was hard to see under the snow. One of the men helped the jedi grab a hold of Cody and pulled him back to the surface. They dragged him away from the opening.
"Are you alright?" Kenobi asked. Cody didn't answer at first. Suddenly being submerged in freezing water had taken his breath away. He just listened to Obi-wan talk. Talking to the men, he told them to find a place to shelter them from the harsh and cold winds. They agreed and went to find a place to set up camp for the night.
As Obi-wan wrapped his clock around the man, Cody finally snapped back to reality. "Obi-wan?"
"Yes love?"
"You're going to get cold" he shivered.
"Oh I'll be alright. Let's get you someplace a little warmer. Then men are.teying to find cover."
Cody pulled the cloth closer to his body. It made him feel a little better. While he couldn't feel the clock's soft texture, he knew it was there. After all, he had felt it many times before.
Helping Cody stand, Obi-wan pulled him close. "Let's find the men."
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 1 year ago
Hi <3
May I have Cody with f!Jedi reader and the prompt 15 and 35?
(I hope I memorized the numbers correctly 😂)
Hello love @your-local-jedi-commanderThank you for the love and participating, it's so sweet of you.
I hope you enjoy the story.
The General
Warnings: Fighting, blood, wound, medical procedure, bantering, discussions of death and violence, explosions, mud. I think that's it, if I miss any please let me know.
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The battle was enduring much longer than anyone anticipated, it didn’t help that this god-forsaken planet wouldn’t stop raining. Cody crouched down behind a boulder doing his best to provide cover for the General who joined their operation. It’d been three months since they’ve been fighting and they barely made any advancement. 
The blood from the gash on his forehead was trickling down and into his eye, he kept wiping it away, trying to get a line on where you stood and where the droids were; but it was all starting to blur. He closed one eye, aiming as best he could; force, how he missed his helmet, but a stupid mortar shell damaged his HUD and now he had to deal with the elements. A new one was on its way, but it wouldn’t get to him until he made it back to the FOB, so for now squinting and wiping had to do. 
He wiped one more time, taking aim, and fired. Only to see his laser beam, pass by only an inch from where you were, nearly hitting you. You dismantled the droid, with one swing, and spun to look at him, “What are you doing!”
“Sorry, General. My eyes …”
You shook your head, “Commander, do me a favor. Just sit there and look pretty, let me handle this.”
He felt embarrassed by that embarrassing shot. His embarrassment grew, when he saw you call the force and push all the droids away, somehow simultaneously igniting all their grenades. You turned and walked away as the explosion ricocheted behind you, making you look ethereal. Cody wished he had his helmet so he could’ve captured the image.
You didn’t even bother to look back, your only concern was Cody. It wasn’t like him to be sloppy with his shots, he was either in a lot of pain, or his vision was getting worse, which was even more worrisome.
You couldn’t help but worry about the Commander, ever since you joined Obi-wan’s fleet, he’d been a breath of fresh air in the force. With all the violence and death surrounding you because of the war, the dark side of the force swallowed up all that was good. It drained you more than you realized, that was until the moment you met Cody, it was as though someone brought out the sun, and breathed life back into your life. 
As you walked over to Cody, you noticed the gash on his forehead was still bleeding pretty profusely, “Why didn’t you get this taken care of?” You kneeled beside him, your fingers gently prodding the wound.
“I wanted to watch your back.”
You tilted your head as you smiled at him, “And who’s watching yours, while you’re watching mine?”
He smirked as he looked at you, “Doesn’t matter.”
“It does to me.” 
You looked him in the eye, wanting to tell him what he really meant to you, even if it was against the code. Even if he wasn’t allowed to have relationships, you didn’t care. You just wanted to let him know, but somehow it never came out. Sure variations of what you wanted to say, made it past your lips, but never exactly what was pressing on your heart.
“It’s not that bad.”
“I beg to differ, Commander.” Your hand slid down the side of his face, as you gently cupped his cheek, it lasted for a brief second, but that brief second could’ve been an eternity for all you cared. You pulled your hand away slowly, reluctantly. 
Cody almost chased the warmth of your hand, feeling your fingers, your palm, your skin on his, made it feel like a dream come true. Ever since you stepped off that shuttle, and joined General Kenobi’s fleet, it was as though life had shown him there was more than to simply exist. It wasn’t just about the war and his brothers. There was you. You brought meaning to his life, something he never quite understood, but was happy to accept. 
Maybe it was when he first saw you take down twenty droids on your own, maybe it was when you used the force to protect him and his brothers, when you shielded them from the explosions, or maybe it had to do with that laugh that somehow made his heart want to lurch forward, and made his stomach flutter, all he knew was at some point he fell in love with you. 
“Come on, I’ll take you back to the med tent. Get you cleaned up.” You guided his arm around your shoulder as you helped him up. 
“I can walk, General.”
“You nearly shot me. Right now, I don’t trust you to take a pee without assistance. Just accept the help.”
“You always this stubborn?”
“Says the quacta calling the stifling slimy.”
“I have to be, have you met my General.”
You laughed that laugh that made his heart feel as though it had wings, he tightened his arm around your shoulder, wanting to pull you in close. “Obi-wan does have a knack for getting into trouble, I will grant you that.”
“You can blame him for my stubbornness.”
“Oh, I will.” 
You pulled him in closer, wanting to take as much advantage of the warmth from his body as you could. Before you helped him sit on a med cot. Although you weren’t a healer, you did make it a point to learn how to perform certain medical treatments on the field. Oftentimes there were not enough medics and one more extra hand, meant one more soldier was saved. So you did what needed to be done. You moved away from Cody to grab a suture kit, placing it on the cot beside him, and grabbing a santizing wipe. 
“Alright, I’m going to need to clean this first.” You prepared him, hoping he understood the pain that was about to happen.
“You don’t have trouble yourself, General, I can wait for another medic.”
“The other medics are dealing with more severe cases, I can handle this. Now, this is going to hurt, okay?”
Cody simply nodded, gripping his knee, as you started to wipe away the rain, the blood and even some mud that had splashed on to his face. His face twisted in pain, you leaned forward and blew gently on the wound, it shouldn’t have seemed as romantic or even as sensual as it did, but somehow the both of you found it to be rather intimate. 
His eyes opened and looked into yours, in that moment he was saying all the things he couldn’t, as he looked into your warm, kind, beautiful eyes. 
You took a shuddering breath, when it felt as though time stopped as you looked into his eyes, you wanted to lean forward, to press your lips to his, to let him know how much of your heart was already his. 
Before the distance could be closed, a noise from outside the tent startled the both of you, when you realized how close you were. Cody could feel his cheeks flushing, as you slowly pulled back looking aside for a second, before you moved to grab the needle and thread. You looked into his eyes one more time, a smile on your face, that told him, you knew.
He simply smiled back and whispered, “Me too.”
The smile on your face grew, before you started to stitch him up. 
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lapseinrecs · 1 year ago
Golden Boy
By hallotheism
On Archive of Our Own
Status: Complete; Oneshot; 2,149 words
Summary: “I lived on Tatooine before the Jedi bought me. Oh, hey, that was a pretty good shot of my first barrel roll! Can we rewind?” Throughout the bridge, every clone in the room goes still.
My thoughts: shit hits hard.
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lauana · 2 years ago
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They are literally sun and moon/stars couple.
I will make them kiss but I don't know how to drawing kissing.I hope I will learn.
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sappho-ilmarinen · 2 years ago
For anyone who is wondering: let me illustrate the difference between the 212th and 501st.
This is Cody and the 212th:
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And this is Rex and the 501st:
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I am not taking criticism.
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ominouspuff · 1 month ago
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Pt I
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stealingpotatoes · 11 days ago
What would it be like if Star Wars characters played DnD?
it would go about as well as you'd expect
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(commission info // tip jar!)
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secretly-a-trekkie · 2 months ago
this is so niche but I believe I've just peaked
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gorlicberd · 9 months ago
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meandtheyeehaws · 5 months ago
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have some uhhhhh clone content based on sth from one of @tattycoram 's incorrect quotes :]
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journen · 3 months ago
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Drew this for @notthestarwar 's Cody Pikmin au, which I LOVE! 🤣 Cody trying to give the little guys orders , and they are doing their best!!! 😄
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months ago
Congratulations Mimi on your 700 followers 🥳🥳🥳🥳!!! THAT IS AMAZING!
For your prompts, would either of these spark your fancy?
"I've always dreamed of watching a sunset like this." For Cody!
"Where will you go now that the war is over?" For Wolffe!
Ahhh my lovely! Thank you so much @ulchabhangorm for submitting such awesome requests.
I apologize for the delay, my keyboard decided to die on me yesterday, so I had to wait for the delivery today. I hope you love these two stories for you. I'll be posting them separately.
I hope you love them.
Love oo,
Warning: sand, annoyance, friendly banter, slight flirting, guilt, seeking forgiveness, rumours, slight touching, voyeur, I think that's all the warnings. If I miss any please let me know.
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Whether it was the heat, the sand, or maybe it was the aches from old wounds you suffered throughout your less than glorious career as a salvager, but everything in your body was screaming at you to stop and making walking that much harder. Your feet felt as though they were being dragged through sand. You stopped walking and looked down at the sand surrounding your feet. Right. You were walking through sand, it felt like you’d been walking through it for a millennia, and you’d be beyond happy if you never see another rock, bramble, or desert, beach, anything containing sand for a long long time. 
God, how could there be so much sand, you shifted your clothes, feeling the little grains in between your clothes. 
“Don’t fall behind.”
You glanced up to look at Cody, glaring at your relatively new companion, “Does it look like I’m falling behind?” You asked exhausted, annoyed, and at the end of your tether.
“Yes. Hence why I said, don’t fall behind.” He chuckled as he started walking again, shaking his head. When he went awol from the Empire, the last thing he ever expected was to be found floating adrift, in the ship he had absconded with; and regardless of how much effort he put into fixing the derelict spacecraft nothing helped. The hyperdrive was damaged beyond repair, and if it hadn’t been for you showing up, trying to salvage what you could, he would’ve been dead now. For that alone he would be eternally grateful.
A sigh escaped your lips as you kept trudging behind him, “You know the only reason I’m here is because you owe me for saving your life, and you said you needed to find your friend, and once you found your friend you’d be able to pay me back. However, in all that fancy talk, not once did you mention anything about trudging through this gods-forsaken wasteland of a planet. Which is not my idea of you paying me back.”
He let out a laugh, as he stopped and turned to look at you, “Cyar’ika, you know I’m good for it. I promise, I will pay you back, and I will even try and help you find your brother.”
You let out another sigh of resignation, “Fine, whatever. I’ll choose to believe in you.”
“There’s the spirit.”
“Who are you looking for anyway? I mean I know you said a friend, but if your friend is all the way out in the recesses of human cohabitation maybe they don’t want to be found. Ever thought of that?”
Cody just hummed. Truth was that ever since he heard the rumour that Obi-wan might be alive, all he wanted, no, all he needed was to find out if that was true. He needed to know he hadn’t killed his General, the man he looked up to, the man who … opened his eyes to a world he never expected. 
“I have cyar’ika and honestly …” he stood on the ridge of the dune, the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine laying there before him, “it scares me to know that he might not want to see me. Things … didn’t end well between us, the last time we saw each other.”
You stood beside him as you looked out at the wasteland, “What happened?”
“I tried to kill him.”
Silence filled the air between the both of you, shock and surprise radiating off you, “Oh.”
“I wasn’t in my right mind … doesn’t excuse what I did, regardless.”
“So you’re … hoping for what? Forgiveness?”
“Maybe. Or maybe I’m just hoping that we can eventually make it back to just being friends. He was like a brother to me. Clones take brotherhood very seriously, and I betrayed his trust.”
“But you said you weren’t in your right mind.”
“Doesn’t change the fact I gave the order to fire.”
Your eyes took in Cody’s countenance, he looked apprehensive, his hands were balled into fists, his shoulder was squared off, everything about him screamed he was either getting ready to fight or he was scared. You slowly reached over and held his hand, moving his fingers away from the tightened fist. 
He glanced down as he felt your fingers loosening his, he couldn’t help smile as his eyes slowly met yours. It was a simple gesture, and that meant more to him than anything he’d ever experienced before. 
“If he is as good a friend as you say he was, and he viewed you as a brother too, it might take some time, but I’m sure he’ll forgive you eventually.”
“I hope you’re right, cyar’ika.”
You couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your lips, “You will have to tell me what that means eventually.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Mmm, yeah, you do. Especially if you want to keep flying in my ship,” you laughed, your smile slowly fading. “Is that why you didn’t want to fly the ship out here, afraid he’d hear the engines and go into hiding?”
You gave a slight nod in understanding, at least you were able to leave your ship with someone you trusted. If only your speeders actually lasted for the whole trip, your legs wouldn’t have been feeling like they were about to fall off. 
“What do you think? Camp for the night here, and then make our way into the labyrinth of the Jundland Wastes? Or should we just try and see what we can find before night falls?”
“No, let’s camp …” he pulled out his binocs and searched the area, he pointed to an elevated rock face, the ridge line looked flat enough, “that should work, and provide us with an unobstructed view.”
“Alright,” you nodded, “lead on.” You adjusted your pack, pulling your hand away from his, following him to the campsite.
It wasn’t long before you both had set up your camp, you were finishing up the stew you were making for dinner, when your eyes fell on Cody, sitting on the edge of the cliff, his feet dangling over the edge. You passed him a bowl as you sat beside him, “What are you thinking?”
Cody smiled as he looked at you, he reached up and gently wiped away some dust and dirt from your hike, “I’ve always dreamed of watching a sunset like this, but I never thought it would’ve been possible.” He focused back on the twin setting suns, “It’s beautiful.”
Your eyes simply focused on his face, and the smile he had on his lips, your heart clenched in your chest, your breath quickened, as you watched him enjoy his freedom, feeling so much in that moment. “Yeah, it is.” You whispered, focusing back on your stew, as you both sat in silence eating your dinner, as your knees touched.
Obi-wan watched the two of you from a distance, his thumb and forefinger stroking his beard. A small smile on his lips as he saw his Commander, his friend, his brother-in-arms, happy and not alone.
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boggsart · 6 months ago
audio seemed fitting
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