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tignntand4koa · 25 days ago
I decided to make this part solely for holy knights and co since Nakaba made them so goddamn irrelevant it becomes astonishing even.
So here we go!
So they're first because Nakaba cared about them all first. I think they need to have an entire detective arc about them interrogating all the things about military junta built by Hendrickson and Dreyfus.
Also, I do believe that all of them, especially Gilthunder, were interrogated by Pleiades and Denzel himself, since they're were pretry high ranked and close to the usurpers. They were all spared and even looked at offices of ex great knights.
Also about their inner conflicts:
• Gilthunder thought about leaving Holy Knights thinking himself being really bad bad scum for everything he did despite the fact that it was what let Margaret live. He is the melancholic one
• Howzer got a hint that he'd be next Great Knight for his strong morals and being not afraid of doing right things, even if it means to fight against his commander. So he is anxious does he suit of leader positions
• Griamore also blames himself for failing protect Veronica and also wonders about his father like WTF is happening with him and uncle Hendrickson, this is not that Dreyfus he knew. He wants to see his father and ask him, also wandering who's right snd who's not.
Give Guila and Jericho justice! They both deserve much more! Especially I love idea about them taming remainings of demon blood what's inside of them and sometimes driving them crazy.
• Guila tries to become more confident to protect her little brother but she deeply inside is insecure. Also she learns about being not too sheltered and that she can rely on other and even be honest with some people.
• Jericho is fighting internal misogyny, like she really wants to be holy knight but she doesn't really believe in herself because she's girl. Also dealing with her feelings to Ban, not knowing is it true love or just grateful very for showing true herself.
Idk but Jericho and Diane would he total gossip friends like both really emotional and has their crushes they can't confess to them about them because SHY. Jericho is also sorry for being unstable in past.
Guila is more sheltered and calm, Diane thanks her for protection, I think and Guila that one friend who wants to hang out but mostly like silent because not understanding when to interrupt.
I think this platoon is underrated, like it was formed by Denzel, brother of Barthra and uncle of Elizabeth. And also one of the members is Veronica, Elizabeth's sister.
• Denzel is the local investigator and scholar at the same time, I think I'd be cool if he'd say some part of lore and foreshadowing for future. I do believe that he's one of the first people who found out about Meliodas being ex-commandment and Elizabeth is reincarnaton of legendary "Bloody Eli".
• Veronica trains to be shield of her sister and also she'd be Denzel's heir as the leader of Pleiades, also all Liones family is really talented.
• Deathpierce is probably that one unpleasant and very sceptical man, "душнила" (stuffy). But it's because he is like mom for all younger Pleiades while Denzel is his mentor whom he respects A LOT
• Can't say anything about tall and short ones
• DELDRY AND ARDEN AND THEIR LOVE ARC PLEASE PLEASE!!! I see them know each other from childhood because only the closest ones would treat each other that way, teasing each other and funny child like argues even. Btw I can see Arden being more anxious about his true feeling while Deldry is too shy too speak about it, two silly kittens who don't understand that their feeling are MUTUAL. I think they'd confess to each other only in DANGEROUS situation.
Also I can see Deldry talking with Veronica about her feelings while blushing and etc, telling everything about him. It must be adorable idk. Veronica also loves to talk about her experiences and etc.
Lmao, Arden is little brother for Dogedo and Waillo, like he's so small and silly who tries to be all confident it's just funny for me. Also he'd hang out with Three Brats when they're working with pleiades.
Also for all those groups there'd be arc about Hendrickson and Vivian catacomb laboratory, where they did all the experiments with demon blood, animals and people. And there's not only injecting, sometimes reanimation and even stitching them together. ("Undertale OST - amalgam" ahh moment).
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caram3lla · 2 years ago
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Trio of tropical troublemakers 😼
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mechadeimos · 2 months ago
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cookiecandy22 · 2 years ago
Practicing faces (to avoid same face syndrome lmao) with my favourite human boys of nnt!
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I’m not very proud of poor Zaratras I made him dirty
Also, the hairstyle of Howzer is a nightmare to draw, cut your hair dude
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ampedupkaon · 7 months ago
August Writing Challenge Day 7: Griamore/Veronica
AN: This one happens in early season 3. We're more focussed on what's happening with Sins in the early episodes; this could have been happening elsewhere.
Griamore was nervous. He shouldn't be nervous, but he was. He'd done this before. And yet his nerves froze him at the door. He'd slept with Veronica before why was... N-Not like that! He'd been stuck in his little adorable child form and she'd kept him calm. They'd shared the bed, her lying one side and him at the other. And he'd had great sleep when that had been happening. She hadn't slept well without him there either, which was possibly why she suggested they shared her bed.
Why am I nervous? We've shared the bed before. He then had the thought of 'not while you're like this' and shivered. He was in his adult form. Veronica might be a tomboy... but she was still a woman. He wasn't her husband; it would be seen as wrong for him to be in bed with her. Though... she had kissed him. A soft smile crossed his face at the memory. Both of the first time, which had reverted him back to adult form and shown her exactly how male he was, and of the few times after that. The fondest one was of the time she'd kissed him before he'd headed home for the night.
Almost like she's your girlfriend. He shuddered. She'd not asked and he thought he shouldn't. Though... it did feel like they were. She'd started leaning on him if they were sitting together. He'd slid his arm over her shoulder and it wasn't shaken off. He'd tentatively pecked his lips to her cheek or her forehead and she hadn't told him off for doing it. It was... comfortable. And he was reaching for the door and knocking on it before he could stop himself.
“Coming.” Veronica said and he stiffened, torn between running and being told off. Veronica appeared at the door, a pair of leggings and a tank top covering her form. She did wear night dresses, he knew that, but to see her dressed like this...
“What's wrong?” He jumped, caught admiring her.
“Am I going to get in trouble for being in bed with you?” Veronica grinned.
“Possibly. I'm not going to tell if you don't though.” She gestured for him to come inside. He glanced around, saw no one and did as she wanted. He closed the door and stood nervously beside it. Veronica gave him a look and he wondered what she wanted.
“Not going to get ready for bed?” Griamore swallowed. Was she... asking him to get undressed? He normally slept only covered by his underwear but... he couldn't take off his clothes in front of her!
“It's not proper for me to...”
“Griamore... you know I saw you naked.” He did know that but... he'd gotten quite the telling off from Guila for being naked in front of her. Even though Veronica had told him later she liked what she saw. He swallowed, before starting to take off his clothes. She wanted him to undress and he would do it for her. He became aware she was watching him do it with a smirk on her face when he was lifting the bottom hem of his top, just enough to expose a strip of his tummy. His cheeks turned pink.
“C-Can you not...” Veronica licked her lips, enjoying the tease.
“What? I like it.”
“It... I'd rather you turned your back and gave me a moment.” Veronica did no such thing, of course. Griamore's cheeks darkened and he closed his eyes. He dragged his top off, unaware of the look Veronica turned on him. One of desire. His trousers found the floor as well and she made a noise of approval.
“Would you sleep in the nude?” He knew he made an embarrassing noise at the question.
“Are you trying to court trouble? I'll get enough of a telling off for being in your bed without being naked as well!”
“I've got to be trying to court trouble. I'm courting you.” Griamore's jaw dropped. He hadn't expected her to just... casually say that they were courting. Though... it did make sense with the way they went on. Veronica gestured for him to come over and he did, looking rather nervous. She lifted the cover and he saw she'd shed her leggings, only a pair of briefs protecting her modesty. He forced his eyes up to her face and scrambled in to bed. She shuffled closer and he reflexively pulled her in for a cuddle. She smiled against his chest.
“You're really warm. It... it feels nice.” He was sure she'd feel his heart pounding against his ribcage. Her arms had slid around him, cuddling him like he was cuddling her.
“Is this alright, Veronica?” He asked, aware he was much larger than her. He was a little frightened of squashing her with his bulk.
“Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?” Because I'm huge and might squash you. He thought. His body refused to move though, comfortable curled up with Veronica. Griamore felt his eyes growing heavy and let them shut.
“Griamore...” He forced his eyes open, looking down at Veronica. She smiled up at him.
“Sweet dreams.” Her eyes closed and he let his fall closed too.
“Sweet dreams, Veronica.” He brushed his lips to the top of her head before dozing off. He didn't see the soft smile on her face at the action. He also didn't feel the soft kiss she pressed to his chest before she dozed off in his arms.
AN: Griamore gets all flustered in the morning when Howzer asks where he was last night. It doesn't stop him and Veronica from sleeping together again though.
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somthing-lavender · 2 years ago
Head canon: Veronica has a second child, who's about 6 or something. This child adores Tristan (not in a Chion way, probably) and sees him as an older brother. She probably thinks Chion, with his faces, is hilarious.
Thing is they have no clue that Tristan isn't fully human. For the sake of angst I imagine they first find out after witnessing Tristan brutality fight someone with his demon powers, and they're lowkey scared of him, which Tristan feels horrible about. After this they get the "so your cousin is half demon and part goddess, but we still love him anyways and there's nothing to be afraid of" talk.
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whosyourfavevoicedby-polls · 8 months ago
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animeyanderelover · 2 years ago
Could you make Yandere Holy Knights(Gilthunder, Griamore, Howzer, Hendrickson, Guila, Jericho, Zaratras, Dreyfus and Gustaf)?
I already did Gilthunder in previous Hc's. Also, some Holy Knights didn't have that much screen time so my characterization of them might be a bit off.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, clinginess, obsession, delusion, manipulation, controlling behavior, protective behavior, stalking, threats, death
Yandere Holy Knights Hc's
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🛡️Griamore is down quite bad for his darling, as loyal and devoted as a man can be with the person he loves. There’s unfortunately one big obstacle and that is the fact that he is unable to express his adoration as he’s weak with his words. Just imagine a giant of a man feeling so shy and embarrassed in front of you to the point where his thoughts just jumble together into a mix of nonsense which he blurs out then, earning a confused glance from you. His movements get all awkward and stiff too, he’s bumped into objects and people around you and has only made a fool out of himself even more in front of you. It’s gotten so bad to the point where he’s too anxious to meet you, horrified to make a clown out of himself even more. Griamore has in fact attempted to stalk you one or two times but sadly a man with a built like his is simply not suited to serve as a stealthy stalker as he’s always spotted by you as soon as you turn around. The man is probably half-delusional as he belongs into the sort that justifies more violent and morally wrong actions.
🛡️The half-delusional side probably steams from Griamore’s overprotective side. His strong sense of loyalty and devotion obviously has awoken the strong urge inside of him to protect you as it has become his most important duty. He can get very aggressive if something threatens your well-being, be it mental or physical. With his inability to tell you how he feels, he tends to get a bit depressed as you might mistake his awkwardness and shyness as him disliking you, if you aren’t already slightly intimidated by his sheer built alone. To still express his fondness and adoration somehow, Griamore has resorted to gifting you secretly things as it is one of his main ways to express his love. You receive wildflowers, jewels and even things he has knitted himself. It he sees you wearing anything he has made for you, he feels like fainting out of happiness.
🛡️It’s probably not his intention to make your counterpart uncomfortable but by god, does he still do it. Oftentimes they just catch him staring at them with a conflicted look on his face, jaw clenched and in his eyes a glimmer reminding of a sulking puppy. He just stares and stares though until you take notice of Griamore in which case his eyes automatically snap somewhere else, blood rushing to his face. Considering that Griamore is incredibly tall and muscular, almost anyone would be a bit intimidated if he would ever approach you and tower over whoever elicits again and again this uncomfortable feeling deep inside the pit of his stomach. He is sultry and unhappy until he either gets over it or his s/o somehow soothes him by reassuring him. Even if they aren’t in a relationship at that point, Griamore would still feel better in the end if you would reassure him.
🛡️I feel like Griamore would fit the classic Yandere very well in the sense that he’s very shy and careful around you but can get very aggressive and ruthless around others, specifically when your health is on the line. Even without his magic he is very strong if we’re just counting physical strength alone, he’s definitely able to murder someone with one heavy punch alone. Under normal circumstances he is sane enough to know that he should be careful because you’d be frightened of him if you would witness such a violent scene in front of your eyes. If worst comes to worst though and he knows that you’re in troubles, he loses his mind just a bit though and might focus more on getting rid of the source of harm. On the self-sacrificing side too, he shields you with his own body to save you from any blow although luckily his body is very tough and his magic allows him to create a barrier around his own body.
🛡️Considering that he can create very strong magical barriers, I definitely see him using his magic to trap you inside one if something happens and he snaps. Whilst that mostly counts for any case where your life is in danger and he wants to protect you, he could use it just as well in a case where you try to leave him or distance yourself from him and he’s reached the end of his patience. The chance of an abduction is likely in case he’s triggered, most likely the case if either your life is in danger or you ignore him and attempt to leave him, a devastating scenario even if you weren’t even his lover before. Griamore knows that he has to keep an eye on you after abduction though because even he might get in troubles if someone would find out.
🛡️Being around you is like walking on eggshells for Griamore as he does not want to embarrass himself nor displease you in any way. Most of the time he is a very tame choice of a Yandere to have though although he is clumsy to verbally express his adoration, you might even hear him stuttering. Physical affection is kept to a minimum for a while as he’s incredibly flustered with the thought at first so he sticks with gift-giving in the beginning and protecting you. Since he’s so tall and strong though, with time he grows very fond of the idea to give you a piggy back or to carry you around. It’s hard to truly anger him and he’s against the idea of hurting you yet if you do manage to displease him, Griamore does try to act strict so you know that you shouldn’t overstep any boundaries and try to fool him. His facial expression grows cold in such a case and whilst he wouldn’t dare hurt you, he will use his physique to his advantage.
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🌪️Despite Howzer's somewhat stupid and naive antics at times, it should be a mutual realization for both him and his comrades that he feels very attracted to his darling. A rather easy-going and quite optimistic individual, Howzer likes to focus on the positive instead of focusing on the negative. The same can most likely be applied to how he views the relationship between you two, or the one he hopes to have with you. He likes to only focus on the good parts instead of the bad ones and that mindset alone already classifies him as a more delusional person. Everything you might have a problem with when it comes to him or the way he behaves around you, he tries to make you dismiss by appeasing you. Let's just focus on the good stuff instead!
🌪️On a more protective side of things although it isn't that escalated as it is in some other cases. I'd feel like after the incident with Holy Knights consuming Demon blood to get stronger though and after realizing that Gilthunder was suffering because his lover had been imprisoned, Howzer harbors some sort of regret and guilt because he didn't know. That lingering feeling occasionally dwells up inside of him and leads him to acting more protective. Sure, when it comes to you having a problem with him, he'll brush it off. If it's you having a problem with something or someone else though, it's an entirely new story. He isn't necessarily as manipulative as some other characters are but if it ever comes to a discussion because you tend to have a problem with him, he will try to avoid discussing the topic any further and change the subject, doing his best to keep your mind occupied with something else and make you forget about the stupid argument.
🌪️He demonstrates a lot of self-confidence most of the time although I do think if he isn't officially your lover at that time, he has a small complex. He's never been necessarily popular with women before and even if his darling is no women, he tends to feel a bit worried that he's unpopular with them as well. Howzer is a small pain in the ass when he's jealous though as he can't stop himself from inserting himself into every interaction and trying to gain your attention somehow. That is in case you aren't his darling at the time. If you are, he's more smug although still very annoying as he basically flaunts into everyone's face that you're his s/o, emphasizing his point by throwing an arm around your shoulder or grabbing you by your waist and pulling you closer.
🌪️It's been shown that Howzer is a bit of a fight enthusiast, at least when it comes to tournaments. He's also a bit proud of the fact that he is a Holy Knight and can use his powers very good so he does act a bit like a show-off at times around you, especially during a tournament. Looking on how he is rathe laid-back most of the time, Howzer isn't someone who is very impulsive nor feels the constant need to act rather violent around others. He limits serious fighting for the amount someone actually poses a serious threat to his darling or their relationship with him. Even then it's important to mention that in most cases he will give a good and serious warning.
🌪️He brings the aspect of living together up at one point, obviously he would like to share a home with you at one point. He's usually very respectful though so if his darling asks for some more time, he will give it to them. If his wish to live together with you grows bigger, Howzer probably resorts to being more clingy as he wants to spend more time with you. It never escalates to something serious but it can definitely get a bit annoying for you as he is up your arse as soon as you two see each other. Now, obviously the Holy Knight stays on the optimistic side of things so he still keeps hope that you will agree one day. An abduction is a delicate topic to even consider after all and most likely a bigger option if his delusion and with that his optimism is somehow shattered by you.
🌪️He likes to drink, especially after work, and every time he manages to drink a few bottles too much, he always comes stumbling to your house. He's just extremely annoying and tiring when he's in a drunken state as he essentially just clings to your side and makes constant demands. Those demands mainly include getting your attention and your affection and he doesn't stop until you've given in only to make the next request seconds after. Luckily he's a fast sleeper. Considering that this is the first time for him in a relationship, Howzer doesn't know at times how to deal with you and that is most likely a main focus if you do get into an argument with him.
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🔷As an experienced Holy Knight, expectations would probably be that Hendrickson would be quite level-headed and calm in his approach for his s/o yet reality often doesn't match expectations. He's never had any partner in his life before nor is he experienced in the art of courting so Hendrickson is actually rather shy and careful when in your presence. He gets easily flustered when his darling shoots him a smile and stiffens up the moment they decide to engage in a conversation with him. More than often he just stands at a decent distance and stares at you, at times follows you around and stalks you a bit. Obsessive and protective would be good words although in his case they're taken in a more harmless context as he's just for the first time in his life in love with someone. Dreyfus often teases him for it.
🔷That is if we're talking before the murder of Zaratras or after he has been freed from the corruption of darkness. If we're still talking about the days where he was his most ruthless self, things would look very much different for you. Hendrickson is in this case far more possessive, manipulative and very controlling. You're rarely allowed to leave the house without him or his permission and if you do leave without him, you need to inform him exactly where you plan to go and have to be back at a certain time. Darkness and the more twisted love of his are somewhat obvious for you even if Hendrickson isn't openly violent nor shares his plans with you. In fact he does his best to keep the image of a happy relationship and a happy marriage in tact but he's not above slightly threatening you, your social standing or even your family if you ever try to leave the suffocating relationship.
🔷Jealousy before his corruption is as awkward as it is uncomfortable for Hendrickson as he does not know by all means how he should act, only knows that he doesn't like seeing the events unfolding in front of his own eyes. At the same time he's fearful of angering you by trying to join your little discussion with your companion. After the encounter with Fraudrin, jealousy is not as much a problem for him as his possessive streak is. He expects his s/o to know that they belong to him and expects from others to know that they shouldn't even jokingly suggest anything to you. In this case going against him is just scary as he is anything but friendly to the other person and you just know that you'll get scolded from him later on too. Forbidding you to meet someone is very common during those days if you don't know how to behave yourself around others and vice versa.
🔷In a normal state of mind, killing would be the last solution if nothing else can be done. Although a young Hendrickson is still quite inexperienced and an post-corruption Hendrickson has taken too many lives to feel confident to kill once more. A prime of his killing counts is obviously during the days where he's possessed and is ruthless, cruel and even sadistic with his enemies. Everyone who gets in the way of his plans or in the way of his relationship with you will either be thrown into prison or set up with passing time. He's unforgiving and even the pleads of his darling won't do any good as he's cold to punish everyone who doesn't know better.
🔷An abduction is likely after he's murdered Zaratras and has gone down the path of corruption, although he attempts the more indirect path at first via manipulation. A marriage is always a good way to live together with someone and additionally a ring on your finger and the knowledge that he's your husband would be a very excellent way of telling others that they shouldn't try anything and you shouldn't either. This can admittedly also include subtle threats from him to you to speed up the process. Hendrickson is after marriage not afraid to lock you away in your shared house, forbid you to leave it so you can only wait at home for him. If you ever try to escape or, worst scenario, find out about his plans and how he was the one who framed the Seven Sins back then, you can expect to be imprisoned in the house for good with some loyal Holy Knights guarding you when he has to continue his schemes.
🔷If you've known him for a long time already, you've seen Hendrickson change more than just once. You get to know him as a shy man who can't look you straight into the eyes, see how he transforms into a cold, possessive and manipulative Holy Knight who pushes you into a marriage with him and doesn't allow you to leave him to a matured man full of regrets after his mind has been set free. There's a lot of conflicting feelings inside of you even after you've found out the truth from all those years agao that led to his rapid change as Hendrickson decides to tell you the truth you deserve. A part of his young self has returned to him though as you find him getting flustered when you get too close or spacing out whilst looking at you.
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🟣Dreyfus is with his overall behavior around his darling much more dignified than Hendrickson would be even with Fraudrin using him as his vessel,a testament to the strength of his obsession. The urge of protective and possessive feelings bleed through even when Fraudrin has full control over his body as Dreyfus has already lost his first wife Anna in an attack. Despite those emotions, Dreyfus does stay away from his darling a lot more than he is comfortable with and that is both his and Fraudrin's decision. For the demon who controls his body, you're a nuisance who always manages to throw the Holy Knight's feelings into a turmoil and giving him by extension troubles to keep Dreyfus down and Dreyfus wants to avoid you percisely because he has no real control over his own body during that time. Whilst he is more dignified and respectful, it's still hard for you to get close to him as he draws a clear line, for your own protection at that time.
🟣It's around the time where he believes that his son has died that Dreyfus shatters and loses some of his determination to keep you away from him. He grows paranoid as he believes that he has lost now not only his first wife but also his son, the last reminder she had of him. It's that certain paranoia that causes his possessive and protective side to suddenly increase tenfold to the point where even Deyfus struggles against his willpower. The man all of a sudden has lower Holy Knights looking after you and reporting on your activities, you find him approaching you in public more often as he insists on accompanying you around the city when he finds the time to do so. Even if it is all done under his paranoid mindset, it's undeniable that Dreyfus is very diligent in his task to keep a watchful eye out for you.
🟣Jealousy is a tricky topic to tackle for him as Dreyfus has his own pride and would hate to give in to such pity feelings. Jealousy can't be helped though, even if he knows that he's the one avoiding you for your own protection since he knows that Fraudrin dislikes you. His face hardens when he catches someone else with you though, someone you seem to be very open with. That prickly emotion inside his chest tainting his thoughts to do about just anything to separate them from you is almost unbearable yet he just stares for a good while, an intimidating look decorating his face. You might be a bit startled when he the Holy Knight suddenly approaches you and greets you, throwing the person with you a harsh glare as he starts a small conversation with you whilst not missing out on constantly glaring at the other person.
🟣Without Fraudrin, Dreyfus would surely be a bit more forgiving. He'd still be someone who would punish someone if they were to hurt you in any way, shape or form but it's worse when Fraudrin is possessing his body. He's far more ruthless and cold-hearted, not hesitant to kill someone if they pose a threat to you somehow. With him being a vessel for Fraudrin, there's the genuine danger that he might start mistaking his own darker moments and feelings when his obsession escalates as something that the demon inside of him triggers. I doubt that he uses it as a constant excuse to justify lives he takes for you since Dreyfus is on the more lucid spectrum but it probably happens a few times that he does use the demon as a scapegoat to make peace with what crime he has committed.
🟣I'd say that after Griamore's death, a time where he is emotionally devastated and broken, would be a potential trigger phase for him where you might get kidnapped by him. He's after all in the belief that he has lost all the people he has loved and now only you remain. He can't lose you too. There's a small part of his consciousness that still tells him that it's wrong but it is weak compared to the sorrow and the fear poisoning his mind and heart after hearing the news of his son's death. You, who were for the most part not aware of his feelings for you, are for that reason all the more terrified when he abducts you and locks you away one day. Maybe it's because Dreyfus is still able to understand your feelings that he's so calm and tries to put your mind at ease, although that is hard given the circumstances you're in.
🟣You become a weak point for Dreyfus as he crumbles under the aspect of your life being in danger. Chances are that Fraudrin, who has possessed his body for so many years, gets partially infected with this obsession as well just as much as he also feels an attachment to Grimamore, the son of Dreyfus. After Fraudrin is killed and Dreyfus has full control over his body back, he feels more secure when approaching you. That is if he hasn't done anything possibly traumatizing to you during the time where Fraudrin still existed within him. He's still rather strict and possessive with you at times but it's less intense now that he's trying to atone for the sins he has done. Most of the times at least.
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💥Guila is already very dedicated when it comes to her younger brother Zeal just as much when it comes to her position as a knight so you could say the same counts when she happens to fall very badly in love with her darling. She's very dedicated. So much to the point where her normally calm demeanor crumbles with the amount of times you float around in her head. Guila is the obsessed type who is likely to memorize about everything and anything she can find out about her darling and she most likely has a diary hidden somewhere in her room, pages filled with all information she has gathered or simple rantings of how adorable you are. She really is immersed in you as discovering more about you becomes a fatal hobby of hers to the point where she threatens others around you mildly with an unsettling smile to fill her in on you. Around you, Guila keeps her sweet facade though.
💥She appears most of the time confident to the point where people genuinely believe that she's just that sure that she can court you and end up being your partner. The woman herself feels for a large part the same although this dips more into the delusional side of her than in her confident one. In reality she has deluded herself precisely because she just isn't that confident as she may look like. Additionally she isn't patient and if she wouldn't tell herself that the both of you will end up together at some point in time, she'd probably burst and do something terrible. Her impatience can show at times in which case she reveals the uglier side of herself, even to you at times. That luckily isn't a common occurrence though as she manages to keep her sweet facade up when around you. She isn't trying as hard around others though as she has less problems threatening people around you.
💥Considering that she is more inscure, jealousy is prone to hit her multiple times for the silliest reasons but feelings have rarely been something that can be tamed with logic. It truly is a hideous emotion that causes her stomach to twist and her blood to boil as she is pushed to the limits of her self-control to not lose her temper whilst you're still there as it's so important for her that you perceive her in a positive light. A twisted smile that just screams fake and stiff body movements, fist clenching and unclenching whilst she considers drawing her rapier yet doing her best to hold back. Her feelings have to be let out in some form though and even if she might not burst in front of you, she'll definitely cause a small rampage somewhere else to gain a little bit sanity back, or at least the semblance of it.
💥Guila dabbles in threats and violence here and there for numerous reasons that really only classify her more as a hopeless case. Her insecurities whether or not she can even charm you might not be acknowledged by her consciousness, but subconsciously those feelings definitely drive her possessive side up a bit higher and do tend to make her just act a tad bit unhinged. Her smile is one of the scariest things, this closed-eyed smile and the sweet facade she keeps up even whilst cornering and threatening someone before everything is dropped and an utterly disgusted look crosses her face. Long story in short, Guila isn't afraid to dirty her hands with blood here and there if it guarantees that she can be with the one person she loves the most.
💥Continuing her all so sweet act whilst still believing in her delusional hopes, you'd be surprised to find out that the Holy Knight has less qualms to be a bit more forceful to convince you. That already starts with the way she seems to worm her way into your daily life, whether you want her there or not. Guila is at one point just always there, visits the same shops as you and even actively waits for you outside only to run into you then and tag along. She often invits you over to her house too and you have not the heart to say no to her as she looks so excited. It's not like she gives you a chance either to reject her offer. I fear she's ready to use more extreme methods to have you permanently stay in her house, that might include certain accidents that make your own house for a while uninhabitable.
💥I can see her either trying to hide her darker side from her younger brother due to the last bit of awareness she has left inside of her or trying to justify everything to him and make him believe that this is still all normal. She picks up the passion of cooking and baking as soon as she starts gaining such strong emotions her you since she makes you come over to visit her so much and insists that you stay for lunch or dinner. Hearing you complimenting her food makes her heart flutter. Honestly, she's quite the two-faced person as she tends to be sweeter and to an extent even bashful around you yet keeps her calm and cold-hearted behavior around everyone who isn't you as she has little to no problems threatening them too.
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🟪Jericho is more of a Tsundere when it comes to her feelings and a rather proud individual so you can't expect a confession from her any time soon. No, she would like to keep her face and that is quite difficult when she finds herself around you as her brain basically just stops functioning and a blush is constantly covering her cheeks. So the young woman is doing her best to stay out of your way for a while as she'd be way too embarrassed to face you whilst acting like an idiot. Especially since she's a woman and aspires to be Holy Knight, something that isn't as common in the kingdom nor fully accepted. Due to her being a female Holy Knight, Jericho tends to suffer from low self-esteem at times which unconsciously serves as another reason why she's for a while so keen to avoid you. The purple-haired girl ends up being a stalker, something that still fills her with shame but it's more bearable than making a clown out of herself when around you.
🟪She's protective of her darling and her low confidence in herself at times kind of influences that urge of hers. Jericho wants to prove herself to you as much as to herself so she's taken the responsibility to keep you safe. It wouldn't be all that bad if she wouldn't be so zealous with this task which leads to her acting very overbearing at times, all in an attempt to show you what she can do for you. The girl is more possessive in certain moments too an that all is also partially influenced by her not so good view on herself at times. Even if she strays away from you for a long while, it's also safe to say that she won't let anyone else get closer to you during that time where she's just stalking you. She knows that this is quite low of her and that this probably goes against the ideals of a Holy Knight but seeing you smiling with someone else has to be one of the worst feelings ever.
🟪Similiar to Guila, Jericho is also quite open to experience jealousy thanks to her self-esteem not being as good at times despite her confident act. Differently from her fellow female knight, Jericho won't have the courage to step out of her spot at most moments. Instead she can only clench her fists and her jaw and glare daggers at whoever is the victim of her brooding jealousy in that moment. Watching you two is unbearable for her after a while and in most cases she just finds herself leaving you two with quick steps. She doesn't want to interrupt, doesn't want to cause a scene and give you the wrong impression about her but she surely will search for your partner and have a talk with them.
🟪She's brash and rude but luckily she's more barking than biting. Her possessive side leads her at times to tracking someone down and threatening and intimidating them but Jericho would rarely pick up a weapon or use her magic to injure someone seriously. She tries to not harm innocent people and hopes that her warnings will be enough to stop someone from getting any closer to you. Her hesitation to damage someone more than that gradually fades away as she grows older and gains more experience with her abilities though which does mean that she is far more stern and strict if someone doesn't head her warning.
🟪Secretly fawning over the thought of living together with you, on the outside keeping it tough and playing it off as good as she can. A domestic life with her darling sounds very enchanting, all the more since it would mean that she can protect you better. That would require her suggesting the idea to you though and before that she would have to be in a relationship with you too. Both are things that Jericho struggles with for a longer while. Differently from Guila though, Jericho is a honest soul so she wouldn't want to resort to any cheap methods to have you under the same roof as her. It would be far more rewarding if you'd feel the same as her.
🟪After drinking the demon blood, Jericho is for a while overly possessive and even quite controlling when it comes to you as this marks the darker phase for her but after she's been freed from it, she starts maturing. She slowly attempts to interact normally with you and not stalk you, gives you a chance to know her better. You don't have to know that she already knows quite a bit about you due to all of the times where she was just casually stalking you. I'd say she's quite tame overall even if she's at times just a tad bit more possessive over you. She still likes to play the tough woman and still acts overall very boyish around you but she finds herself growing more comfortable to be girlish with you at times.
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🌨️ Gustaf is delusional and his delusion makes him quite confident when it comes to approaching and courting his lover since he basically sees them as his soulmate or something along the lines of destiny. Unfortunately that ultimately transforms him into a rather pestering and downright overbearing person at times since he won't leave you alone an won't listen nor believe you even when you reject him. Instead that only pushes him into believing that he knows something that you don't know just yet, otherwise you'd surely feel the same way about him. So there might just be something slightly condescending about the way he treats you since he thinks that he knows better and that you just don't know yet what's good for you.
🌨️ Protective and possessive and maybe just a tiny bit controlling over his darling. There's probably not much need to explain why. He's a Holy Knight confident in his skills and on top of that he also sees you as his soulmate so it should be fairly obvious why he would want to protect you and make sure that no one else tries anything with you whilst he's still working on courting you. The need to monitor you and your daily life a bit more than he should starts when he realizes that you probably don't know yet that fate has brought you two together so in his mind he's just stopping you from making a mistake you might regret later on.
🌨️ It's an uncomfortable topic to tackle, even for someone delusional like Gustaf. You can at least feel at ease knowing that he at the end of the day feels a bit more confident that even if you do get along with someone very nicely, you're still meant to be with him. So you might graciously call him forgiving when you make him jealous or someone else makes him jealous because he always tells himself that neither you nor that someone else are probably aware of the connection you have with him. Obviously Gustaf will still do something if the situation escalates, straighten up the misunderstanding and prevent you from doing a stupid mistake. That act of forgiveness is over the moment he has told someone that you two belong together though, that counts for you just as much as it counts for others.
🌨️ He's more of a risk than his younger sister is simply because Gustaf doesn't have that same hesitation as Jericho. He doesn't need to prevent to be tough simply because he's confident in his skills and in himself which makes him more threatening. Now, he does have his honor and he won't just injure and harm everyone as he only gets more violent if he perceives someone as a threat to your relationship with him or to your life. Most people who he thinks might try to interfere with his love story are often excused as not aware of the fate that ties him and his darling together, hence why he gives such people most of the time a warning, a reminder to not try to take what is meant to be his. The Holy Knight is not as forgiving when it comes to people who are out to harm you as he handles such threats much more brutally.
🌨️ He has a domestic life with his darling already envisioned and he is very fixated on making it happen as he sees this as only natural. Your own opinion and your own thoughts are dismissed in some shape or form as he once again pulls the "I know better than you" card to excuse any actions he might take. This is a guarantee that you might find yourself being forced in a situation where you have to live with him. Believe me, it will definitely happen if you deny him his request of living together for too long. Not like he would understand why you wouldn't want to live with him together as he could move in with you at any moment.
🌨️ Honestly, he does say that he respects you and your opinion but you only have to observe him for a bit to realize that he isn't speaking the truth. Whilst Gustaf might try, he ultimately fails to fully accept all of your wishes and your thoughts. He sees himself as your protector and he would like you to stay away from all sorts of fights and just let him handle the problems. This doesn't have to mean that he just thinks that you aren't strong but might rather come from his concern that you might get hurt. Gustaf wants his darling safe and sound, away from all harm so he tends to be very overprotective around his lover. He isn't the worst but the fact that he won't take you seriously if you don't feel the same as he does due to his delusional belief definitely makes him hard to handle as he's very stubborn.
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🌩️ Upon first glance, Zaratras appears to be rather tough and serious, especially considering his reputation as the strongest knight in Liones who is even on par with the Seven Deadly Sins. Around his lover tough, Zaratras is almost a completely different person as he's soft, silly and very lovingly. He's probably a tad bit too obsessed with his darling as he deems it as very important that he knows about everything about them to give them as much happiness and treat them as best as possible. He also keeps everything you give him and treats it with utter care and whilst he doesn't have a shrine yet, Zaratras sees your gifts as lucky charms he has to polish and worship a bit.
🌩️ What starts as a lucid obsession for Zaratras in the beginning turns sooner or later into something that strays away from reality. Is he ultimately a tad bit delusional in his head? Most definitely. You see, the more this man gets to know you, the more he starts to think that he can't possibly love anyone as much as he can love you. Eventually this thought of his turns into genuine conviction that he won't be able to love anyone romantically besides you. From that moment on his eyes are only set on you and he goes actively out his way to court and spoil you. Luckily he isn't completely gone in his head though as he still knows that stealing things from you or forcing you into anything with him is still wrong and cares too much for you to harm you in any way such as this.
🌩️ Zaratras is unintentionally bound to startle people when he feels jealous but not because he tries to scare them or intimidate them. In fact he tries to stuff his swirling emotions down but the end result is that he stiffens up, his face goes all blank and that he can't help but stare rather intensely at you and whoever you're with at the moment. He feels sorry almost every time when he realizes that he has made you and your companion uncomfortable, apologizes multiple times to you. Jealousy triggers sadness inside of him though as it only becomes more obvious for him each time that he really can't love anyone besides you. At the same time it strengthens his determination to court you and become your lover.
🌩️ All his overemotional and silly behavior around you aside, there is a reason why he's hailed as the strongest Holy Knight in the whole kingdom of Liones and that shouldn't be forgotten. Zaratras is additionally very protective of his lover, only enhanced by the fact that his first wife was attacked and killed, and finds himself often making a fuss over the smallest things that either hurt you or sadden you in any way. He isn't the type to abuse his power nor his position as he's kind and refined but no one wants to make an enemy of him as it won't end well. If someone harms someone else, they should be prepared to get harmed as well, that's what Zaratras believes. So if he warns someone beforehand to not scheme anything to hurt his lover and they still do it, they should be fully aware that he will protect his darling and inflict serious damage.
🌩️ He's daydreaming about waking up in the morning with his darling in his arms and spending each day together with them under the same house and it makes him feel all fuzzy on the inside. At one point he's mentioning it nearly every day to his darling as well, observing how they react to the suggestion. I can't really see him forcing such a decision upon you though since your happiness and comfort are his priority. He's bound to turn stricter when he's in his position as a Holy Knight and has to adapt a more serious and tough side of his. This only happens when there's something dangerous going on that could harm you but in such cases Zaratras tends to startle his darling as he isn't the same silly and goofy man they normally know but fully immersed in his role as a Holy Knight of Liones in which case he won't listen to any protest from you as he is worried for your safety.
🌩️ He coddles his darling a lot since he hates seeing them sad and whilst the attention he gives them can be flattering, it can at times also be a bit smothering. If he knows that you are unhappy or unwell, Zaratras has a hard time leaving you alone which normally results in him being very clingy and staying with you. Gilthunder probably makes fun of him because Zaratras is very obviously trying his everything to impress you and to make himself look as good as possible when he's spending time with you. During Gilthunder's younger years he's often asking his darling to babysit for a bit, an excuse to have you coming over and to see you more frequently. It always warms his heart to see that his son and you get along so greatly.
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theoriesnnt · 1 year ago
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thenntrewrite · 8 months ago
Holy shit, thank you!
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caram3lla · 2 years ago
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Drawing practice of the trio of trouble makers 😮 (click for better quality I think⁉️)
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tignntand4koa · 1 month ago
Hey hey hey, I'm back and this is continuation of my Nanatsu No Taizai Rewrite, sooo
Since it's a saga that are made from the scratch, the 2.1 part is only concepts. Next parts would be more detailed
Well, first of all, it starts with celebration after defeating usurpers (Hendrickson and Dreyfus) so the ultimate beginning is relatively not that different but I still wanna add some differences.
• First of all in case of having a saga between Holy Knight and Ten Commandments saga, The Coffin of Eternal Darkness is still held by Meliodas.
• No that weird Guila/Gowther because I don't even know why did it exist like I slightly even remember that shit.
• In celebration we see not only Deathpierce and co, we are introduced to Denzel. With hin there would be scenes that he was secretly chained while Liones were under military junta. The Pleiades of Azure Sky didn't know that Denzel was arrested and not on some important mission.
• Denzel is Acting Great Holy Knight while there's a power vacuum. Veronica is the part of The Pleiades.
• Also I want to give some character development to fellow holy knights. I see Nakaba tried it but because of power level gap they are so irrelevant, so they just couldn't do anything significant (I'll write about them separate post)
• There would be an arc for Howzer, Gilthunder and Griamore, they're investigating all the weird facts about Dreyfus.
• Jericho and Gustaf also would get their arcs (and Gustaf will see that his sister CAN be holy knight)
• Main antagonist of saga: Baldour. Major antagonists: Hengist and Horsa (Hengist will change a side in final, while Horsa will die in the end of middle of saga)
• The main plot starts from Ban visiting Fairy Forest like in canon, everything like in canon, even attack of albion. But if in canon it was because of resurrection of Ten Commandments, in my AU both albions were found by Baldour and activated. They're not full power because I think for demonic weapons they're kinda weak in canon.
• After defeating albions, Ban, King and Jericho are decided to go back to sins, understanding that danger is near and they still need to protect everything they care about.
• Other group of sins was attacked when they moved to Camelot and unlike canon the albion appeared behind them, ambushing them. Everything else went canon way.
• In fact they moved to Camelot as the centre for britts to defend their lands against Anglo-Saxon army and their leaders: brothers Hengist and Horsa and their mentor Baldour.
• For some time Elizabeth would be trained by druids to use her powers, fortunately because of her being reincarnation of Goddess, she fastly gets how to use the unlocked fraction of her power, so she will not be a damsel in distress.
• I didn't come up with every arc separately but I wish for sins to be in different groups, this time it would be canon way duos. King and Diane, Merlin with Gowther, Ban and Meliodas.
• Also, Arthur will face Hengist as his rival. They are the same age and both with some unique potential. I wanna make them parallels how they both want the best for their people and both face a dozen of problems, real life and mental traumas
• Horsa is fighting, surprisingly, Escanor. I found it's weird that Merlin didn't make any artifact or device that restricts Escanor's grace power but lets him not face a significant damage for his organism so this fight is pretty much balanced. And if Escanor's strength connected to the Sun, Horsa is just very willingful to support his brother + his strength are increasing with gotten damage and by how much attacks he did use.
• Dreyfus and Hendrickson are hiding in Britannia, trying to find where's to better to create their new stronghold or which kingdom to take down. They're both feeling not very good from their internal conflict so Fraudrin is really pushing buttons here.
• King and Diane starting to feel that their feelings are mutual, also they both remember that they met each other before! It was that boy/girl back then! (They're the same age, King was just REALLY YOUNG... King. Yeas repeating). Jericho and Guila with them, for Jericho this trip also shows that it doesn't matter that she's girl and she's really strong.
• With Merlin and Gowther there's Vivian. And while Merlin os schooling her student, for Gowther she becomes interesting partner. Both of them are WEIRD, and while the one is kinda too yandere, the other is detached and can't understand what feelings he feels (alexithimia moment RAAAH). And they both are seeking how to better to behave since both of them also lacking of boundaries (btw Merlin also). Also it's them who find Escanor
• And Ban with Meliodas are followed by Elizabeth (of course) and... Gustaf. I think Gustaf would fit here good, for him it'd be really important to say every his concerns about him being older brother. Poor Ban he listened both siblings btw
• I think Gustaf is overprotective for Jericho and he doesn't want even that Jerich could be a holy knights. I think both of them are orphans and lot of problems came from that period.
• Guila and Jericho also training their control over new demonic part of their powers.
• Some Anglo-Saxon knights are using demonic blood.
• After reuniting Meliodas and Merlin are talkingz remembering past and giving hints about their lives back then and also mentioninf of commandments and curse
Also, somewhere in middle of saga, trio of holy knights (Howzer, Gilthunder and Griamore) find Dreyfus and Hendrickson. Dreyfus (& Fraudrin) doesn't want to harm his son while Hendrickosn is still weakened after fight with sins, so they're both captured. The reason why they wasn't arrested and thrown to rot in some hole or even executed was the fact that they need more info about past and also they want to help to defeat Anglo-Saxons and Baldour in particular.
Horsa dies while fighting group of sins but he was killed by Baldour because Horsa started to question all Baldour's decisions and was very not happy with his influence over his brother (like manipulative and very abusive father and his son).
Baldour is revealed as monster who is even stronger than gray Hendrickson despite not using any demon blood. Imagine being that durable and endure monster that keeps fighting even after getting Break right in face by both Dreyfus and Griamore (yes, he taught his son this technique).
Hengist only agreed to ally with Arthur only after revealing secret catacombs/labs of Baldour which contains unalived atrocities of humans, animals, plants and all experiments involved demon's blood and sometimes their body part. Even on more deep level there was a grave of demon bodies. Hengist also found out that were not sins who killed his brother but Baldour.
The final contains a big raid-like boss fight but without fighting statists. Just everyone vs Baldour. And the fight is hard, sins knocked out or barely standing on their legs, knights are almost dead and Baldour went demon-hybrid mod. He didn't just become partly demon, he infused with silver demon blood and mastered it in no time.
Also Baldour gives Meliodas, Merlin and Fraudrin evil vibes, like for human it's very weird to have such skills, it looks like he was alive for more than ten millenniums.
Baldour is killed by Arthur and Hengist in pretty brutal way. Being head exploded, cut on two part, without hand and giant hole in chest, he must be died). But before die he was smiling because he broke some orb that speaks some "chances"
Bonus facts:
Also, when Hendrickson fought everyone in previous saga, even on gray form he got damage from all attacks. In my AU even the strongest one could be scratched or even got some more serious damage if it was good synergy
I redone Gowther from emotionless to just very autistic person with alexithimia
The Pleiades Of Azure Sky would also have their arc
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winterlogysblog · 1 year ago
Liones University
Founder - Bartra Liones President - Meliodas Vice President - Gilthunder Prefect of Disipline - Dreyfus School Doctor - Hendrickson Middle School Principal - Guila Highschool Principal - Howzer Drama Teacher - Gowther PE and Science Teacher - Derieri PE Teacher - Griamore
Known Groups (Past):
The Seven Deadly Sins - Delinquent Gang led by Meliodas (yes, the president of the school) Members: Meliodas - Former Leader of The Ten Commandments; President of Liones University Ban - Owner of Fox's Sin (Bar & Resto) Escanor - Veteran Soldier Harlequin - Alias: King; Fashion and Costume Designer; Owner of Chastiefol (Fashion Clothing Brand) Diane - Former Ballerina; Model for Chastiefol Gowther - Drama Teacher of Liones University; Producer and Owner of Nadja Theater Merlin - Former Vice President of Camelot Academy
The Ten Commandments - Delinquent Gang led by Zeldris Members: Zeldris - Owner of Underworld Corp. Mael - Former Member of The Four Archangels Derieri - PE and Science Teacher of Liones Academy Monspeet - In the US Gloxinia - In France Drole - Also in France Melascula - Professor at Camelot University Galland - Professor at Camelot University Grayroad - <No information found> Fraudrin - <No information found>
The Four Archangels - Student Council Group Members: Ludociel - President Mael - Former Vice President turned member of the Ten Commandments Sariel - Secretary Tarmiel - Comittee Chairman
Known Groups (Present):
The Four Knights of the Apocalypse - just a gaggle of individuals Members: Lancelot - Captain of the Basketball Team; Models for Chastiefol in his free time (either he gets paid or he gets free stuff); Straight A Student (he doesn't even try); Subject of expertise - Math Percival - The most innocent bean known around Campus; Subject of Expertise - Foreign Language (doesn't know why he's good at it) Gawain - Former Camelot University Student; Captain of the Women's Volleyball team; Straight A Student; Self proclaimed chick magnet; Subject of Expertise - Science Tristan - Student Council President; Straight A Student (you're doing great sweetie); Subject of Expertise - Science and History
Percival Platoon - 4kota sub-group led by Percival Members: Anne - President of Fencing Club; Straight A Student; Subject of Expertise - English Donny - Varsity Basketball Player; Subject of Expertise - PE Nasiens - Hendrickson's assistant; Models for Chastiefol in his free time (automatic free stuff); has an obvious crush on Percy; Straight A Student; Subject of Expertise - Science and Geography
Tristan Platoon - 4kota sub-group led by Tristan Members: Isolde - Cheer Captain; has an obvious crush on Tristan; Subject of Expertise - Art and Design Chion - Campus A-hole; Does not care about anybody except for Tristan (Isolde and Jade too but mainly Tristan); Subject of Expertise - Science and History Jade - The tolerable one; has an obvious crush on Isolde; Subject of Expertise - Geography
Lancelot Platoon - 4kota sub-group led by Lancelot Members: Sixtus - Foreign Exchange Student (currently in France staying with Uncle Glox and Drole); Subject of Expertise - History (really good at memorizing specific dates) Tioreh - Member of the Gymnastics Club; Subject of Expertise - Arts and Design
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spacehostilityy · 2 years ago
rewatching the OVAs (netflix s2)
low key one of my fave intros art wise (we all know howling by granrodeo is my fave intro song lol) like the suits !! are so !! cute!!!
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and this frame is adorable !!
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I love the search for hawk sm theyre all so fucking cute
Meliodas casually dropping “you are my purpose in life” to Elizabeth like a month after they met is INSANE. Bc from his side, makes sense. Fell in love when they were young from opposite sides of a war, risked everything to be together, have been finding and losing each other for 3000 years. But from her side, he is a cool guy she has a crush on (who is at least 15ish years older than her) who she might have known as a child. He also just described her as his entire life’s purpose. Like bro THATS CRAZYYY
Seeing Meliodas destroy the horn of cernunos is such a badass moment to me. The way he responds to her taunting with direct action and violence rather than his usual merciful beating around the bush. My favorite Mel moments are when he is using his silly goofy little guy façade and suddenly has to drop it. This is when we see a glimpse of who he was when leading the 10 commandments: arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage
it just so happens that arrogant, powerful, and constantly full of rage are my most prized qualities in any character
maybe everyone knew this and im late to the game but damn that would be so cool
im pretty sure ban switches out his red leather for the long burgundy coat is bc he keeps getting stabbed front to back and the coat has a hole in the back so the weapon wont tear it lolll😭
i feel like their faces (esp meliodas’s) look a tiny bit janky in the OVAs
once again appreciating the intro 😌
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They’re so fucking cute !!
Merlin and Ban clearly don’t rlly like each other much yet and it’s so funny to me
Like these are Meliodas’s closest friends and they just kinda annoy each other a lot
it’s like fuckin icarly
Gustav: the captain and one of his fellow sins going one on one? We might neve see something like this again!
hahahahaha nooo. i mean gustav didn’t, he’s dead. but the rest will el ol el
Gil is the biggest dork to ever live and howzer is concerned. Mans is crying at watching them fight and howzer is just like … ok ??
Bartra: where the fuck is my daughter
his daughter: literally watching a cage fight
theyre literally the cutest
bestiesss (boyfriends)
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every one of these bitches is a fucking alcoholic
ban’s whole character is that he’s a depressed, violent alcoholic and I love him
my horrible secret is that im skipping through a lot of ova 3 bc im just not a kiane girlie😔
i do love diane tho she so babygirl
nakaba’s not even thinly veiled size kink strikes again. Seriously, i can fuck with it, but its so funny that every single main ship has a significant/abnormal height difference
hendy and dreyfus are so gay for each other im genuinely surprised it’s not canon
like look at this scene and tell me something lgbt is not happening here
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omg my pfp !!
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Howzer’s dad is such a dick i love it
Meliodas using the sugar spoon to full counter is literally so fucking cute, i love when they have to use dumb weapons
but also vivian lost to a tiny spoon hehe
bet gil regrets not killing vivian after she kidnaps and permanently fucks up his son ahaha🥲
Merlin being fucking terrifying saying that vivian should have realized that she is a monster is why im gay
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Meanwhile Meliodas:
I love when his face does that he’s so baby
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anyway time to start season 2!!
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sevendeadlyheadcanons · 11 months ago
Au where everything is normal but instead of Meliodas and Elizabeth being king and queen it's Gilthunder and Margaret also hawks mama stays but she's just a big pig :)
YES!!! They did Hawk Mama so dirty, give me back my big pig!!!
-Gil and Margaret would be loved by all of Liones for how kind and compassionate they are. I believe they would really do a lot to solve some of their political problems and ensure that the youth who are likely to turn to crime are given homes and food to prevent them from turning to this path.
-The crime rate significantly lowered. I believe Meliodas would be a bit of a carefree king whereas Gilthunder is constantly anxious about doing the right thing (not to say Meliodas is a bad king- he just wouldn’t care about the job as much as Gil. Gil would put his whole heart and soul into it)
-He has Howzer and Griamore as his right hand men.
-Margaret always has to pull Gil away from his duties if he’s getting overwhelmed because he won’t take care of himself over the country sometimes.
-They both ensure Liones is a safe space for people of all races. The first kingdom to create a discrimination act. They also take in people who are seeking asylum from Camelot and Arthur and make sure they’re safe and well.
-Meliodas and Elizabeth are still riding around on Hawk Mama and keeping their tavern operational
-This is to both raise spirits around their country and so that Elizabeth can have a de facto healing clinic inside to help people who may be injured
-They also use it to gain intel on Arthur (I believe Meliodas would help the 4KOTA in any way he possibly can)
-Hawk Mama is lonely with her boy living in purgatory, so they make sure to take extra time to talk to her and feed her.
-Whenever other sins visit they always bring a gift for Hawk Mama as a thanks for all the help she has provided
-I suppose chaos still exists in this AU but it wasn’t Hawk Mama. She is too good to be chaos leave my girl alone >:(
-They often take Hawk Mama to farms so she can make friends with the smaller pigs. She seems to be able to communicate with them.
-She likes letting Tristan climb on her snout
-Hawk brings Wild back to visit her and befriend her from time to time. She adopted Wild too and they’re a happy piggy family :)
I hope you’re having an amazing day 💙💙💙
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whosyourfavevoicedby-polls · 8 months ago
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