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leftsharkhypocrite · 6 months ago
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"Funny" sketches
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arkanacore · 3 months ago
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sometimes i wanna put ef and augus in a saw trap together and sometimes i want them to explore each other's bodies. something something duality. anyway!!
characters by @not-poignant
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beluosus · 5 months ago
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beachy--head · 4 months ago
We are headed home (3)
For as long as he could remember, the name ‘Avery’ had represented everything he was struggling with - legacy, fatherhood, high expectations and stiff meetings.
It had taken him a long time, but he finally felt like maybe he could try to take it on.
Jackson navigates his new life in Boston as a son, a father, and everything in between.
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Trust me, I'm as surprised as you probably are, but chapter 3 is finally here! I'm sorry it took so long, and I hope you'll enjoy it!
Just so you know, the rating of this fic has been raised to M because of this chapter. 👀
In the few years when they'd been apart, Jackson had missed a lot of things about April. He'd missed the smug expression she usually sported when telling him about a bargain she made during a purchase, the way she would swat him when he made a joke, her laugh and the way her dimple would slowly appear or sometimes just pop. He'd missed seeing her with Harriet, cuddling her or playing with her, he'd missed her both in his professional and his personal life. But he was man enough to admit that one of the things he'd missed the most was the look she was sporting right now.
Read more on ao3 or ff.net
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zeroducks-2 · 9 months ago
There are some really out of place things a character has done maybe once or twice that are obviously OOC, and written by either someone who does not understand that character, or because the directors at DC central wanted a specific outcome and did not care about the process.
Bruce hitting Dick is not one of them. It is not character breaking or lore breaking or anything breaking, it's been happening since the 40s, it's in fact so consistent it kept happening even in the Silver Age which everyone considers all fun and games and nothing serious ever happened, it is not out of character.
I'm sorry it breaks the illusion that Bruce is a Tired Good Dad UwU but please get a grip and stop pretending you understand this character because by saying that Bruce would never hit his kids you have clearly not one idea what you're talking about.
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vertigoartgore · 4 months ago
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The New Fantastic Four (Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk, Ghost Rider) by Arthur Adams. Interior art from 1990's Fantastic Four Vol.1 #347.
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sweetnnaivete · 7 months ago
my [least] favorite thing about the marauders fandom is when people hate on regulus and act as though he didn't quite literally choose to do good in the end, and clearly show compassion not only for other wizards but for a house elf most people — even the PROTAGONISTS OF THE STORY — would simply disregard and treat poorly
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holdingoutforapiratehero · 8 months ago
This is 100% @burning-daylight fault! Addi, you bitch. You're going to poke someone's eye out with your Janeford gifs and you should be ashamed of yourself! Basically, Addi decided to gif their entire first time and my hand slipped as bad as Guildford's. There are no excuses for my actions. Just smutty death.
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arttsuka · 3 months ago
I don't know who needs to hear this but, being ok with portraying a character as a brutal murderer because they're killing a 'bad' guy but attacking someone for portraying SA (that was implied in canon) in any way or form is just. No. Wrong.
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arttrampbelle · 10 months ago
Shang tsung doesn't need to be a "good guy" to be sympathetic or do nice or "good" deeds.
Y'all should understand that not everyone needs to be a hero to be redeemed.
That's some bullshit propaganda that y'all tend to fall for.
It's like that feeling of "if you pray to jesus,all you're sins in OUR eyes will be forgiven" type indoctrinated shit. Like no shade thrown,even as someone who is spiritual myself. I find people thinking that a villain in a story should become a hero in order to be redeemed,kinda suspicious.
Shang tsung,to me,has ALWAYS BEEN NUANCED. And already had benevolent qualities and traits. Y'all just only see one damn part of it because the writers suck at showing them properly.
Not to mention if a character isn't obnoxiously nice or mean,y'all don't pay attention to them.
It's like most of mk fans I've noticed,at least as of late. Feels like I'm talking to 3yr olds in media literacy.
So no. Shang tsung needs to be a NEUTRAL CHARACTER. not good,not evil,just self serving and even quite helpful as a tournament master as he is supposed to fucking be.
He is supposed to be that "keep your friends close,keep you enemies closer" type. He is the "the enemy of my enemies are my friends" type. He's scary intelligent,cunning,a master martial artist,a brilliant alchemist,and one badass mofo you do not wanna cross.
But most of all,he is courteous,a gracious host on his island,and his punishments are as great as his rewards. He does keep his end of the bargain,but he also gets compensation.
If anything you need to worry about earthrealms warriors more than him. Half of them now(due to piss poor writing) are hiding behind heroic deeds and false statements of peace yet they have unclean hands too.
With Shang tsung you know what you are dealing with,it's on the table. If you cant read the obvious,you are indeed a foolish one.
No matter what iteration of shang tsung you have. One thing is clear,made clear,and that is when you deal with him. You deal with the devil so to speak.
So if you're not smart nor prepared. That's on your ass honey. Not his. Do not blame him for your stupidity.
But if you know how to play the game,play chess with the serpent. And know these archetypes. Then you may have a better shot. But that's all on you.
Either way,in your favor or not. Do not blame him for telling you exactly what is needed to be said,not what you wanna hear. Honeyed words or not,there's always a sliver of truth and bitter pill of truth in his words. And he's good at making either people hate his guts or bow and worship him.
THAT IS WHY HE'S DANGEROUS. not because of magic,or experiments and other trival bullshit.
It's because shang tsung is good at talking. Good at trades and making you believe whatever is what he wants you to see.
Even if it may go against him. He wants you to fuck up,get angry at him,attack,be unbalanced,so he can fuck your shit right up!
Holy shit this mans whole ass moveset is zoning and keeping you in a certain place in the stage even!
It's part of his whole damb character.
I could go on and on. But do not blame to serpent for telling you information for questions you ask him. You're the one who chose to bite his apple of enlightenment and knowledge so to speak.
Which is why the gods,titans,etc want these kombatants,warriors to be stupid. So they are easy to control,to get what they want.
Like it's glaringly obvious that mortal kombats story has these type of tropes and symbolism in it. But people are too blind,for various reasons. To see it.
I could get deep. It's a videogame,i know. It is what it is.
But the more i look at mk12/mk1 shang tsung. The more i feel its a missed opportunity to showcase these themes better for him.
Like holy shit dude. Shang tsung pointing out the hypocrisy of the gods. And whispers in our earthrealm warriors ears. And maybe convincing a few to join his side. Or even better. Our heroes,kung lao and mortal raiden to question liu kang and not blindly follow like fucking idiots. Sure just trust this dude right? Bruh.
Shang tsung is the only one with a brain once again. And i hate them making everyone else so stupid to make him seem better in the shithole plot of theirs. If you can call it a plot.
It burns me,that it's a waste of potential.
But i digress.
Anyways. Shang tsung,way more than an evil conjurer of tricks my dudes. Waaaaaay fucking more.
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mishy-mashy · 3 months ago
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best-character-named-x-poll · 3 months ago
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have you done your daily click
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morgandarcyarts · 2 years ago
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Bonus pic:
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This took me ages to finish because the summer heat is slowly killing me, but still! Totally my hc, with Nat and Surana wandering across Thedas, looking for a cure, while Justice, Compassion and their lovely cat are actually a roaming family, happy and boundaries free.
Until this.
Still hoping to see them again one day👀💖
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beachy--head · 8 months ago
Wish I could turn you back into a stranger
"Cautiously, he sits beside her and stays silent. They've been so distant these past weeks, haven't shared more than a few sentences ever since she moved out of his place, that he knows better than trying to touch her to comfort her. He even wonders if she would be comforted by him, and the thought makes him sick."
Set in season 14. April treats a patient that brings back memories, and Jackson goes on a hunt. One shot.
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Note: Sometimes you want to write sweet, tooth-rotting fluff, and sometimes you just want to embrace the angst and lean into it. Guess which option I chose.
trigger warning: child loss, grief, abysmal communication.
Oh, and even though this takes place at the beginning of season 14, Stephanie is still there, just roll with it.
“Edwards, Wilson, you’re on plastics again tomorrow. Deluca, you're free to join us in the burn center?” “Sorry Dr. Avery, I'm with Dr. Kepner in the ER all day again tomorrow.” Jackson nods to show he's heard the resident’s answer and starts reviewing the paperwork for the procedures he’s done today. The burn center, once Mark Sloan's brainchild, is something he's very attached to, and perhaps the only department for which he doesn't mind managing the admin side, even after a long day of gruesome surgeries, which mobilized most of the residents and several attendings. Next to him, at the nurses' counter, Deluca stops where Jo and Stephanie are charting and where Arizona, who operated on a 10-year-old burn victim with him, is reviewing a file. Deep in his paperwork, Jackson hears them more than he listens to their conversation. “If you're too busy to help us, go away,” Stephanie grumbles. “I’m just waiting for some lab results, and then I’m back in the pit. I still have to log more hours in trauma. Which is great, because something cool always happens when you're on Dr Kepner's shift in the ER. She has the coolest cases,” Deluca gushes, and Jackson thinks to himself while signing a form, what is it with Deluca that he always sounds like an enthusiastic golden retriever?
Read more on ao3 / ff.net
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traumatizedbymay2016 · 11 months ago
I think the real thing that upsets me, as someone who fell in love with the Avengers and the X-Men before I even realized it was an option for them to exist in the same place at the same time, is that "Two superhero groups that hate each other because of a history of writers contriving conflicts between them in the hope of Being Deep and/or creating drama" is way less fun that "Two superhero groups that do nearly the same thing but actually have two very specific specializations and have to balance working with each other in something between 'professional esteem' and 'disdainful rivalry'," which is one of the funniest ideas on the freaking planet.
Like, yes, it's frustrating that it creates a fandom space where liking one group implies disliking the other group. It's frustrating that it results in my favorite characters being mischaracterized over and over again to force a conflict. But it's even worse that we could still be having dorky super hero banter between two teams instead of just one and we keep getting robbed of that in favor of threatening the X-Men's existence.
What I'm trying to say is that Wolverine being an Avenger should be a scandal because Scott is offended and shocked that the Avengers think Logan would be more useful in a world-ending conflict than he is, not because one of the Avengers said that mutants don't deserve rights and another one of the Avengers is heading up a government initiative that forcibly discloses the identities of people with superpowers to the world.
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xmencovered · 2 years ago
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The Dark Phoenix Saga TPB / Published: 1984 / Artist: Bill Sienkiewicz
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