#part of being a comics fan is learning to just roll with it
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traumatizedbymay2016 · 11 months ago
I think the real thing that upsets me, as someone who fell in love with the Avengers and the X-Men before I even realized it was an option for them to exist in the same place at the same time, is that "Two superhero groups that hate each other because of a history of writers contriving conflicts between them in the hope of Being Deep and/or creating drama" is way less fun that "Two superhero groups that do nearly the same thing but actually have two very specific specializations and have to balance working with each other in something between 'professional esteem' and 'disdainful rivalry'," which is one of the funniest ideas on the freaking planet.
Like, yes, it's frustrating that it creates a fandom space where liking one group implies disliking the other group. It's frustrating that it results in my favorite characters being mischaracterized over and over again to force a conflict. But it's even worse that we could still be having dorky super hero banter between two teams instead of just one and we keep getting robbed of that in favor of threatening the X-Men's existence.
What I'm trying to say is that Wolverine being an Avenger should be a scandal because Scott is offended and shocked that the Avengers think Logan would be more useful in a world-ending conflict than he is, not because one of the Avengers said that mutants don't deserve rights and another one of the Avengers is heading up a government initiative that forcibly discloses the identities of people with superpowers to the world.
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bowandbrush · 1 year ago
things I liked about the episode “Bad hair day”
Leo just wanting a day to relax and take a break from being comic relief. Me too man
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And his little outfit is just ashahsgsbbsvavgh
The fact that he wears more clothes is just hilarious to me. Like
The Octopus man is literally an Elton John reference
The “I’m still learning special” made me bust out laughing on first and every rewatch
The name “last resort” is genius
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And him laying in the sun is such an (unintentional) turtle thing. Soaking in rays and absorbing warmth just reflects the fact that he’s a turtle. Little man.
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I had to add this picture of Raph doing the same I mean LOOK AT HIM ^v^
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Silly boy <3
he just consumes chocolate off of his feet like nobody’s problem.
I can relate when watching the hair start to strangle him. Personally I have very long and thick hair and it deserves its own zip code. My hair will get into my food, my mouth, eyes, and rip regular rubber bands. I have to tie my hair down so it doesn’t strangle me
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^that’s me
Also. When I was watching this ep for the first time and watched him say
“Looks like this tortoise…beat the hair”
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I started to laugh and wheeze so hard that I had to lean onto my dresser for support. I started coughing and choking and crying and rolling on the floor pounding my first into the floor and my sister thought I was dying. Maybe it’s just me being hysterical but in my opinion that joke was THE BEST JOKE In the entire show.
there are probably some other things I missed or forgot but that was it for the most part. Seriously, I love this show, I could gush on about it forever. You hear that, Nickelodeon? Where are all the SpongeBob fanfics and fan comics and AU’s and AMV’s, huh? Wait, THERE IS’NT ANY. Just Rerun old SpongeBob episodes and bring back what the CROWD DEMANDS. Because we all have our pitchforks in hand
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If I don’t get rise back I will disintegrate
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zepskies · 1 year ago
Why We Love the Boys
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As promised, here is my review of Supes Ain’t Always Heroes. I actually used to write book reviews in my high school journalism days, so here we go!  
What this book is: A masterful deep dive. A study on character psychology, the source of the comic and show’s inspiration, and the narrative themes illustrated in The Boys that parallel American culture and our real lives.
It includes interviews from one of the comic’s creators, Darick Robertson, The Krip himself (Eric Kripke), and actors Jim Beaver (Robert Singer), Aya Cash (Stormfront), Chace Crawford (The Deep), Jessie T. Usher (A-Train), Nathan Mitchell (Black Noir), and of course, Jensen Ackles (Soldier Boy).
It also includes a small but significant ode to the creativity of fans and fandom (with a mention of fanfic writers)!
I’ll admit, I felt seen. 😊
Who wrote it: Psychologists Lynn S. Zubernis and Matthew Snyder, among several other contributors. Zubernis is a self-proclaimed fangirl of not only this show, but also of Supernatural and Eric Kripke in general. (That aspect definitely comes through in her writing.)
She is also editor of Family Don’t End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Changes Lives and There’ll Be Peace When you Are Done: Actors and Fans Celebrate the Legacy of Supernatural—both of which I now want to read.
As I mentioned, several other authors also contributed to this book, as their expertise and backgrounds lend to the subjects they’re covering, such as racism, sexism, the entertainment industry, the comic’s inception, and more.
Who wants to read this book: Anyone who enjoys learning about what makes characters tick. What drives their choices, their sense of morality and justice, and their trauma and strife that lead them to do heinous things. This book will help you better understand your favorite characters (and how to write about them).
Perhaps most importantly, this book is for anyone who wants to read it put into words, why many of us love The Boys, as well as Supernatural.
In a way, the latter is more escapism entertainment than The Boys. Because in this show, there isn’t much, if any escape.
Despite this being a “superhero show,” as we all know, it’s so much more than that. It’s a mirror held directly into our own faces: about why we enjoy heroes and antiheroes, and excuse the “bad behavior” of the ones we like.
About mental health, grief and loss, nature and nurture, coping mechanisms and the importance of choice in dealing with trauma; of racism, sexism, misogyny, weaponized social media, politics, corporate greed, and the power (and cruelty) of good marketing.
This book explores the true villain of the story...and it ain’t Homelander.
I’m going to get into my favorite aspects of this book—as well as an amazing chapter on Soldier Boy’s character study (and why we love him, perhaps too much).
There was also one small, but key thing I would add to that argument. But first...
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The Mirror of The Boys on Screen
This world is a gritty, bloody, and at times all-too realistic take on how superheroes would be if they lived in our world.
They are the worst of celebrities, professional athletes, and politicians all rolled into one. They are the shiny products of a company and are marketed as such—and worst of all, they often buy into their own hype.
Some of my favorite quotes on this topic:
“The Boys often reflects darkness in our real world that is uncomfortable to watch. While we go through the tedium of our daily lives, trying to get by and using television or comics as an escape, it can feel difficult and overwhelming to confront the very real and insidious sources of authoritarianism, nationalism, and corporatism that are not just part of a story. “This show holds up a mirror and forces us to catch a glimpse of things we need to question, and asks us why we so easily believe the talking points of systems with marketing departments and press flacks behind them that carefully massage every word in order to get us to feel enamored with their product or policy.” (p. 227-228)
“The Boys works to reveal the nonaltruistic, sociopathic nature of contemporary US corporate culture. In a sense, The Boys uses the behavior of its characters to diagnose not an individual, but a culture.” (255)
In studying narrative I’ve learned that the best fiction and art serve to reflect the human experience. In this case, it’s something The Boys does expertly, even though it’s packaged in extreme, shocking, and often uncomfortable ways. But also in brutal, hilarious satire that’s fun to watch.
It “exposes real-world abuses, revealing many” of our own frustrations in American culture and in life in general (267).
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Major Themes & Questions Explored
Several Boys themes are explored from a psychological, cultural, and narrative point of view, as I mentioned earlier. These are some of my favorite segments:
Toxic Masculinity & Narcissism
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A whopper in The Boys, and the main theme of season 3. This book defines clearly what both of these words actually mean from a psychological point of view.
It also takes the bad taste out of your mouth that you might get from just hearing the words “toxic masculinity,” as it’s a phrase that can be carelessly thrown around to describe men and character traits that aren’t truly toxic...
How being emotionally available to your loved ones and not repressive of your feelings doesn’t make you weak, or less of a man. And how “being strong” doesn’t mean being physically violent and domineering. (AKA: the Big Swinging Dick™️ in the room.)
Narcissism is explored in a very interesting way. The book gives a diagram of different aspects of narcissists and how each character (Soldier Boy, Homelander, Butcher, and the Deep) falls into them.
Soldier Boy, for example, is classified as a “Classic Narcissist,” while Homelander a “Malignant Narcissist.” <- This will play into Soldier Boy’s character study, and the main difference between Soldier Boy and Homelander.
Butcher, however, displays narcissistic tendencies but is not, in fact, a narcissist. (More of an antisocial sociopath. Yay for him.)
Misogyny & Sexism
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The classic superhero world of comics dates back to the 1930s and ‘40s. It has been, and in many respects still is a (White) male-dominated industry, where in narrative, female superheroes typically work under a male leading the team, as in Justice League, Teen Titans, and the Avengers.
As much as I love DC and Marvel comics, female characters have also been depicted wildly sexual for male readers and the male gaze, and non-supe characters have been written primarily as love interests and damsels for the hero to save. (Think Lois Lane, Lana Lang, and Mary Jane.)
Modern adaptions have given female characters more agency, but their foundations were rooted in underlying sexism and the mythic hero—an Odysseus-type with certain characteristics of male strength and heroism; and that goes all the way back to classic literature, like The Odyssey, Beowulf, and the Epic of Gilgamesh.
In The Boys, the female supes go through the same issues as their comic counterparts. They are treated how women are treated in the real world—marketable as sexual objects. Starlight’s forced costume change is a prime example.
Author Danielle Turchiano argues in the book that the women in power at Vought (Madelyn Stillwell, later Ashley) are given only so much power as men like Stan Edgar and Homelander give to them.
Stillwell, Ashley, and even Stormfront “drink the Kool Aid” of the misogynistic infrastructure of Vought, but they’re not truly “powerful” in and of themselves (112).
I would add that the only female characters that have or find true agency are Grace Mallory, Annie January/Starlight, and Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve. Even Victoria Neuman is trying to work the political schematic and Vought by operating within the system Vought has created.
Mental Health, Trauma & Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
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This is a huge section, and rightly so. It kind of spans throughout the book, really, because all of these characters have traumas that inform who they are as adults making the (often grotesque) choices they make.
For many of these characters, it stems from their upbringing and fraught relationships with their parents, whether explicitly or implicitly explored in the show.
Butcher: Is an antisocial sociopath with narcissistic tendencies. Arrogant, emotionally manipulative, violent, and obsessive. He was also physically and emotionally abused by his father, led to use drinking and violence as a means to cope and express himself. His rage is so deep under his skin—he loathes himself for it (and his father), but struggles immensely to escape it.
Homelander (John): A malignant narcissist, the height of arrogance, and emotionally manipulative. He lacks empathy for others' pain, and in fact enjoys inflicting it. Yet according to Jonah Vogelbaum, "John" was a sensitive, gentle child who only wanted connection and love. Vogelbaum raised him like a lab rat and fostered him in a cold, detached cell. He was raised to be entitled and to believe he was an all-powerful god, the lord of his own kingdom within his mind, excused from the responsibility of his actions.
Soldier Boy (Ben): Also a narcissist; violent, arrogant, misogynistic, and often indifferent to the damage he causes, emotional or physical. Yet he was also emotionally abused by his father, who set high and exacting standards for what it meant to be a man. It drives Ben to try and prove his worth to his father, though he’s never able to. It fosters the lack of self-worth he probably feels as he seeks validation through fame, and what he believes power to be.
These three characters have many similarities, but also notable differences that set them apart from one another. And both Butcher and Soldier Boy use substances like drugs and alcohol to cope with their traumas—ones that their forced stoicism and sense of manhood won’t allow them to easily express.
“We see Soldier Boy use substances almost continuously in season three to deal with his PTSD from the childhood emotional abuse he received from his father, the betrayal and assault from his team, and the torture he endured from the Russian scientists.
“In the short term, the use of drugs and alcohol to avoid thoughts and feelings about traumatic experiences can be felt as helpful, but in the long term, it hinders one’s ability to process emotions and can cause a deeper depression from the guilt and shame of both avoidance and substance abuse.” (27)
Heroes, Antiheroes & Villains
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This book explores two key questions that the show encourages you to think about:
Who the hell is the hero of this story?
And who is the villain?
The surface-level answer is that Homelander and other supes like him are the villains, and Butcher and his band of bros are the heroes (or antiheroes). But they commit just as questionable, sketchy, and downright murderous acts as the supes they’re trying to take down.
“Butcher is not really a good guy. He’s manipulative and self-centered. His reasons for wanting to take down Homelander are utterly personal. That it serves the greater good is almost a coincidence.” (9)
And if Butcher is not a hero, but a vengeful vigilante, then why do we root for him so much?
Well, we see his incredible flaws, of course, but I sympathize with his struggle in losing his wife and the life he could've continued to have with her. I root for the underdog going against the hydra head of Vought and the psychopathic Homelander.
I see in Butcher, as I also do with Homelander and Soldier Boy, their traumas and their internal conflicts, their deep-rooted self-loathing, and a desire, deep, deep down…to be loved.
(And to foster connection with others, even if they’re unable to sustain them.)
On the flipside, we have antagonists in this show who do truly heinous things. What makes them compelling even sympathetic at times, yet again, are their painful upbringings that have shaped them to be who they are. The supes of this show are byproducts of being treated like products.
Like the saying goes: Villains aren’t born, they’re made.
That’s why the real villain of this story is Vought International. It’s an allegory, and an indictment of the ruthless corporate greed that pervades American culture—and much of the world.
It’s why Stan Edgar is sometimes scarier to me than even Homelander (and was the true villain of my story, Break Me Down), if far more insidious.
Speaking of BMD, let’s get to it, shall we?
Here’s a (lot) bit about the Soldier Boy section of the book.
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Soldier Boy: Why We Can’t Hate Him
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I had to laugh out loud at the title of Soldier Boy’s chapter:
Loving the Villain: The Confusing Case of Soldier Boy
I’m not gonna lie. I felt called out. 😂
It is a confusing dichotomy. Soldier Boy is an absolute asshole. Misogynistic, narcissistic, arrogant, callous, violent…
But also deeply traumatized, a man-out-of-time, emotionally abused, a byproduct of the historically and culturally different time he was raised in, a man who just doesn’t get it…
And also charming, adorably grumpy, and undoubtedly attractive.
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It’s hard to indict “Ben” as an unredeemable villain in the same way I do Homelander, the psychologist-labelled Malignant Narcissist.
Therein lies the main difference between Soldier Boy and Homelander: Soldier Boy doesn’t seem to take joy in harming others the way Homelander does...but, Soldier Boy still harms people, whether he means to or not. He is arrogant and callous, deeply traumatized and vengful.
Zubernis confirms many of my own conclusions and ideas about Soldier Boy, and why I still rooted for him to be better, and didn’t want him to die at the end of season 3.
As Zubernis rightly exclaimed during her own watch of the finale: “Noooo, don’t kill the Danger Grandpa Baby Murder Kitten!” (175)
Because Jensen did what he does best in his roles: He made us feel Ben��s pain.
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“What’s funny is, in regard to Jensen playing Soldier Boy, you know he’s fucking fantastic, he’s just so good at bringing the audience, and it’s almost like—what I laugh about is, he was probably a little too good at his job!” Kripke said. (180)
And he continues, “In part it’s because of the fandom. So many people took his side in the finale, they’re like, Were’s on his side, fuck everyone! And you’re like, but he’s the bad guy and he’s trying to kill a ten-year-old.”
Were there fans who held this viewpoint? I’m sure. There are some radicals who don’t care about the humanity of characters or story and will side with their favorites, come whatever. But while I can’t speak for others, that’s not how I interpreted that moment in the season 3 finale when I watched it for the first, second, and even third time.
Yes, I think Soldier Boy was wrongfully willing to fight Ryan after cruelly batting him away. Do I think he would’ve killed him? I’m not sure. I think he would’ve continued to do what he had to do to get Ryan out of his way in his fight with Homelander. Maybe he would’ve been more violent than he intended, in the callous collateral damage he’d shown throughout the season. Maybe he would've held back at the last second. Or maybe he would’ve gone that far, if provoked.
It’s a tough call, as I think this character can go one way or the other in terms of his “villain” nature. We just haven’t seen enough of him in the series yet for me to make that conclusion on the canon-version of Soldier Boy. (In fanfic, I’ve explored my own interpretation.)
But overall, I think The Krip underestimated the power of Jensen’s acting.
…And the ardent nature of his mostly female fanbase. 😂
Why We Love Soldier Boy
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The author cites multiple reasons for why we love Ben more than we probably should:
It’s Jensen Ackles: Fair enough. His talent speaks for itself.
Soldier Boy’s backstory: He was emotionally abused by his father and as a result, he has a complex regarding his self-worth, “something to prove,” and I would imagine a secret need for attention, validation, and praise.
He has trauma and PTSD: He is displaced from what is familiar to him and confused when the boys find him, and that is the least of it. He’s been tortured for 40 years. Can you even wrap your mind around that? (*cough cough Dean Winchester in Hell cough*)
He’s charming: In a sexy grandpa, adorably grumpy, lovable asshole kind of way.
We’re drawn to danger: Dangerous “edgy” types are fun, especially when you’re physically attracted to the character.
He has his moments of vulnerability: Jensen’s ability to play the nuance in the character is the ultimate draw. I felt his pain, could see his torture, and his resulting PTSD. He even admits that he longs for a family, even if his ability to bring up those children is questionable at best. 😅
But I think the one aspect that can also be considered is the character’s capacity for change.
Soldier Boy’s Potential
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Again, I don’t think you can write off Soldier Boy’s potential for positive character development the same way you can Homelander, or even Butcher.
For one thing, we just haven’t spent enough time with the character. In season 3, a lot of his collateral damage after he escapes imprisonment has been accidental, or PTSD-induced. Though we can’t discount how he murdered M.M.’s grandfather via collateral damage (and was callous about it).
I think this is what drew me to write about Soldier Boy. For all his arrogance, his chauvinism, his massive ego and general bastardry, there’s still humanity in Ben.
In the book, Nathan Mitchell says something amazing about his own character (Black Noir) that resonated with me about Soldier Boy as well:
"One of the ingredients of a compelling character is contradiction. How does one aspect of our personality contradict with one another? [...] Who is he underneath? How might his true nature contrast with the demands of his job?"
Or coded for Soldier Boy/Ben: The pressures he puts on himself to be the type of man he thought his father wanted him to be.
Again, his sexist, misogynistic ideals are shaped by the time he was raised in, by being a product of Vought, and of his father’s emotionally abusive upbringing. Does this excuse or justify all of his behavior? Of course not.
But I do think those 40 years in captivity changed him from the careless alpha dog we saw in 1984 Nicaragua…
He admits to Crimson Countess, with tears in his eyes, that he’d loved her. That he waited for her and his team—arguably the only social system he had in his life—to save him. He’s gutted to realize that not only did she and the rest of the team never love him, they hated him. They traded him for nothing. Just to get him out of their lives.
For all he claims to be afraid of nothing, tough as shit, he is afraid when he goes to face Mindstorm. He knows what the supe is capable of, and he visibly takes a shaky breath and tries to steel himself.
For a moment, he drops the “Soldier Boy” persona that he wears like that fine tailored suit, and he tells Butcher that the backstory Vought created for him was a lie; he grew up a rich kid who got sent to boarding school, but flunked out, because "he was a fuck up." And his father couldn’t be bothered to lay a hand on him, implying he didn’t care enough about his own son to "discipline" him.
He is reluctant to kill Homelander when he finds out he’s Ben’s son (sort of). He even claims that he would’ve been willing to share the spotlight “with his own son.” — Something I doubt even Homelander would do.
Ben even seems to be fighting tears when he levies the same vitriol at Homelander that his own father did at him:
Homelander: “Weak? I’m you.” Soldier Boy: “I know. You’re a fucking disappointment.”
Let me be clear. I don’t think it’s up to someone to change him (like a love interest). I don’t subscribe to that thinking, that a woman can “change” a man.
For example: In season 2, Butcher tells Becca, “Who was I before you? Nothing.”
And yet, she tells him that he put her on an unrealistic and unsustainable pedestal, in which she felt like she wasn’t allowed to fully be herself, unable to keep him from flying off the handle in rage. That kind of relationship (where one is dependent on the other to “keep them in check”) doesn’t work as a lasting, satisfying redemption arc, and it often doesn’t work in real life either.
I do think, however, that a person is capable of change if they’re broken down enough (pun intended), and if they themselves have a desire to change. Someone they encounter can inspire them to be better, like Butcher with Hughie. That person can help support the other.
At the end of the day, however, it’s Ben that has to want to change.
If he wants love and connection, he’ll have to somehow want it, and try (and sometimes fail) to get it, thereby giving him agency and a redemptive character arc.
Now, obviously, it’s up to The Krip where Ben goes from here. He seems to have a more indicting vision of the character than I do (at least, so far). But we’ll see! The fan demand to bring back the character has already had Kripke confirming that Soldier Boy will be back.
Maybe it will encourage him to give the character a more satisfying ending than Dean Winchester got in Supernatural. Though granted, that one wasn’t his doing, apparently he was in favor of that ending, which ultimately culminated 15 years of monster slaying and broments under Baby's roof.
Comparing Dean & Ben
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In his interview segment, Jensen talks about what, if any, are the comparisons between Dean Winchester and Soldier Boy. AKA: Wanting a father’s approval, and an undercurrent of “John Wayne”-esque masculinity in John Winchester that Dean sought to emulate.
Jensen also talks about where he drew from to not only embody the character of Soldier Boy, but bring nuance to him—and show the peeks of vulnerability under the bravado and stoicism.
“He’s so fragile and his ego is fragile. Just like Homelander. These bigger-than-life powerful heroes really have a glass jaw… “And everyone walks on eggshells around him [Soldier Boy], and they tell him that they love him, and it’s the same with Homelander. Then when all of a sudden he faces his old team and Crimson Countess says we never loved you, we hated you—that’s a gut punch for him. Because even though on some level he may have known that, he never thought he would hear it. “And he probably propped himself up around trying to believe otherwise, because how can you walk around knowing everyone you’ve ever cared about hates you? It’s too painful.” (191)
It really is. I inherently felt this about Soldier Boy (Ben) when I watched season 3 for the first time. That’s exactly what I got from his performance and thought, there’s more to this guy than the toxic masculinity he represents.
This guy just wants to be loved, like everyone else. He wants to feel important, and even after his father’s dead, “show him” that Ben is the man his father wanted him to be. And so, he bought into the illusion Vought painstakingly crafted for him.
Whether he can come back from that remains to be seen, but I choose to be optimistic until evidence points to the contrary. 😅 (Maybe we’ll see in season 4!)
So that’s my personal take on Soldier Boy and this awesome book. 💚 Thank you again @kaleldobrev for recommending it to me! I hope you all enjoyed my long-winded review and want to check this out.
And if you do read it, let me know! I hope to read your thoughts as well!
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Tagging people who said they wanted to read my review on this book: @venus-haze @jessjad @kristophalis @sl33pylilbunny
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popculturebuffet · 1 month ago
Belated MLK Day Special: Our Friend Martin AKA Martin Luther King: Time Jesus (Commission for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people and a happy very belated MLK day to you all. What happened was the slot only opened up for this review on the day itself and it took me a while to watch it but frankly any day is good for honoring Martin Luther King. And today we're honoring the good doctor, hero, legend, and man of peace with a look at a bizzare educational film that attempts to do the same. It... it certainly tried.
Our Friend Martin comes to us from 1999 and from 90's animation and home video giant DiC. I don't have much more: the film was shown in classrooms as my friend cory has vauge memories of it and was nominated for the outstanding animated program emmy, but wikipedia didn't have much more. It does have an absolutely STACKED cast: LaVar Burton, Jaleel White, Ed Asner, Angela Basset, Whoopi Goldberg, Samuel L. Jackson, James Earl Jones, Ashly Judd, Susan Sarandon, John Travolta, Adam Wylie and current at the time of this writing Behind the Bastards subject Oprah Winfrey. Most of these are small rolls, a scene a piece, but it's still impressive and heartwarming just how many big names showed up for this.
Our Friend Martin is a lot. It has a child's shirt being ripped off as a running gag in the same film as an entirely accurate look at the Birmingham Riot. It's a film that's geninely educational as I learned some stuff from this specail.. but also uses time travel and has Martin Luther King sacrifice himself to save the future. It's a film that despite being behind I still badly wanted to review as it's something you just kinda have to get out of your system. Something so singularly weird yet exactly what you'd expect of it's time. it's our friend martin and it' under the cut.
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Our Friend Martin is the story of Miles, an enthusastic young boy who dearly loves baseball and is a huge Hank Aaron fan but is bad at school. What I like is that there's some nuance to it, as Miles later tells his teacher part of why he focuses on it is he figures there's no real out for black people besides being famous and thus isn't focusing.
He's also 12 so his mom threatens to take away baseball and his teacher admits the principal wants to hold him back if his grade keeps up. Miles knows what most kids, and this grown ass man tend to know about Martin Luther King: he was a good man, did a lot of great things for civil rights. I know a bit more, his orignization of the march on washington.. but the fact I don't know much more than a fictional 12 year old is fucking damming and something that shamed me as I watched this. I mean.. I should know more about a man who helped make the world far better and was taken far too soon than what I barely remember from school. Granted my missouri education whitewashed a lot of stuff about the civil war, so i'm not super surprised we didn't have a big deep dive into martin luther king and all the horrible shit racist assholes did to him.
Miles is played by Robert Ri'chard. As I learned thanks to the magic of wikipedia, the child cast here all went on to do stuff, and Ri'chard went on to be the love intrest in One on One, a sitcom I dearly remember for being great fun when it was on the N, starring Proud Family's Kyla Pratt and having a bitching theme song.
His mom isn't in the movie much but is played by film legend and 911 superstar Angela Basset, one of many big names here for about 5 seconds but doing a terrific job.
Miles has other problems too in this case Kyle, his bully who as is standard for 90's bullies, wants to beat on him because shut up, is mildly dumb, has a weird haircut and gets comically humilated. In most cases this would be tripping in a puddle or having a dog bite him or getting escorted out of a ballet school after chasing Alfalfa and Spanky in there. In this case he chases Miles to the bus every day where he gets on just in time and the crazy old buss driver shuts the door on his shirt and drives off. This does not as you'd guess lead to Kyle being drug along the road to school to think about what he did and possibly be scarred for life, but instead his shirt just gets ripped off.
Now this is already fucking weird. When descirbing this to my good friend Jess, her response was an understandable
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But it gets weirder, as Kyle now needs a ride in the car from his chainsmoking dad. His chainsmoking dad is only in one scene smoking it up, berating his son for being a half shirted looser and because they could get John Trevolta for a cameo. Weirdly he does not return later when they come back and the future is a back to the future part 2 style hellhole. Yes we're going full biff tanen for this one.
So on top of this, not only does this bus driver rip shirts off, but he also nearly runs children over. A lot. To the point miles is used to it. His name is Wild Man Willis and he's voiced by Richard Kind though we don't hear him till he shows up in the biff tanen timeline. Now granted all but one white person in the Biff Tanen timeline is a violent racist but the fact Mad Dog nearly runs over a black child every day tells me that maybe he always was and this is just plausable deniablity. Not all that plausable mind you as "I hit a child with a bus because I can't publicly do hate crimes again yet" isn't a defense in 1999, but hey.
So yeah already we have attempted comedy and attempted manslaughter and while it won't get WEIRDER it certeainly comes close.
For now let's meet the rest of the main cast as they prepare for a field trip: First up is Randy, Miles Token White best friend with a questionable southren accent, played by future fast in the furious tokyo drift star Lucas Black, once again in a roll he just was not ready for. Tokyo Drift speaks with a horrible southren accent they shoudl've just abandoned as young mister black cannot keep it up. Randy is a skateboarding cool dude who unforutnately is in most of this movie. I do not blame his voice on BLack whow as a children at the time, but more on the voice directors for not getting a better performance or dropping the southren accent.
Filling out the class is Maria, played by Jessica Cruz of On my Block and Liv and Maddie fame, both shows I haven't watched but I will give credit where it's due for. Maria is poorly written as the brains. She's not stupidly written but she is a know at all type a who constantly downtalks the main cast and whines constantly. It's a case of me appreciating that they made the only latina member of the cast smart.. but then being annoyed that she's that sort of smart that grates. The kind of person who just ahs to waggle their brain in your face.
Teaching these annoying children is Mrs. Dale, a hippie teacher who is wise and kinda there and played by Ashley Judd. That's about it.
Now we've met our cardboard cutouts their taken to visit Dr. Martin Luther King's home, and meet the curator, Mrs. Peck.
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Yup Whoopi Goldberg taking a break from the Enterprise and the View to help with time travel. Or maybe this is Guinan as she is hundreds of years old. Point is Whoopi Goldberg is helping children travel through time so we should get back to that. When shown MLK's childhood bedroom miles notices some sparks and decides to visit the roped off room.. and is let in when Whoopi notices he has the touch, winds the magic time watch and off we go.
First stop is Martin Luther King Age 12, whose playing some baseball. We get the usual "We've traveled back in time?!" stuff you expect, not realizing it, realizing this is young version of person, etc. You get it.
It's also one of the more effective segments as young martin is playing with some white kids... whose racist mom shows up, berates them for playing with the "colored" and tells Randy, whose also here, point blank if he keeps hanging out with black people "he'll hang from the same tree as them" I... I don't have a pithy reaction image for that this special went fucking hard and it won't be the last time. For all it's flaws and weirdness.. this specail dosen't sugarcoat racisim. It isn't as blunt as it could be, but it's still blunt enough to make it clear just how bad it was. While most kids films, especailly edutainment like this, woudlnt' shy from the racisim part, the mention of hangings and some of the later stuff is pretty damn blunt, as well as the whole biff tanen future.
Next they join a teen martin on a train, finding out about segregation first hand. Danny Glover is the train conductor. That's.. not the best use of your Danny Glover film. They do make better use of their other stars for this bit: Jaleel White plays teen martin very well and I appricate having a diffrent performer for each time period. I"m already a fan of Jaleel as a voice actor, and i'd say he's my faviorite of the martins, injecting some energy into him. James Earl Jones plays Martin's father Reverened King, who the boys meet as they join MLK for supper and I like emphasising that his father made rounds, visting the sick and those who can't leave the home for prayer and such, imparting WHY MLK was like this: he had a good role model who taught him to look out for people. It's simple, sure, but it works and makes me want to learn more about the good reverened, which is what an educational film should do: teach you but also make you want to learn MORE about the thing. To make you enjoy the subject.
Next up is the Mongomery Bus Boycott, the famous one inspired by the rosa parks incident and something I had heard of because who hasn'.. and this is where the film once again goes hard. After the film's usual repitive round of our heroes trying to get martin to remember them, it happens almost every time and never stops being annoying and it's clear he dosen't from timeline to timeline, Martin gets some horrifying news from his friend Turner, played by Samuel L. Jackson himself who unlike a lot of the cameos in this film, actually gets a decent chunk of time to do stuff. Martin's house has been bombed
I had not heard of this and frankly this should be taught in more classes: The reverend's house is bombed. It woudln't even be the last time as the Birmigham Riots we'll get to next were caused by a bombing in a hotel room Doctor King had stayed at and the bombing of his brother Dexter's house. It's not at all suprising there were attempts on the good doctor's life before the one that sadly succeeded. It dosen't make it any less horrific as his wife , played by Behind the Bastards Subject Oprah Winfrey, Coretta is in deep fear.. and his friend Turner wants blood. It's understandable frustration: all Martin did was the right thing, boycotting the busses for equal rights.. and he was attacked for it. And it's telling his response isn't to join them in the attack (If hammily called by Jackson calling for people to use "guns and bricks") but for peace like Ghandi. IT's overwrought sure but I get the message: we are not them. The sad part is sometimes.. that just dosen't work. I respect dr king, he was a truly wonderful man who fought with peace despite how much he went through, how many hoses were turned on him how much time he spent in jail he persisted. I respet him. I wish peace always worked. I really did and I wish the world he dreamnt of would exist... but even if I don't agree that peace is the only option... I can agree that it should be the main one, and that he's one of the most courageous, kind and brave people i've ever known for fighting for it so damn hard, for fighting for what everyone should've had all along.
So to hammer this in our heroes are transported to the Birmingham Riot of 1963, something I dove into on wikipedia and was.. ugly. The short version is that Civil Rights Protestors were targeted and after bombings on Dr King's brother and an attempt on his life the people took to the streets and riots broke out, not unfairly given .. everything. What the special cuts is that John F Kennedy decided to quell the riots.. after all the violence against black people essentially sending the national guard to beat up black people rightfully upset that racists attempted to murder people just doing the right thing and had already taken several firehoses to the face from Bulll Connor, racist politican bafflingly voiced by Frank Welker here.
It's.. a bizzare experince to be sure. I don't doubt frank as a voice actor, he's one of the best in the buisness. He's scooby fucking doo, nuff said. And he has played villians, most famously president megatron
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But it's very werid to hear one of his staple voices coming out of historical monster bull connor. He's a pitch or two from Megatron turning the fire hose on protestors. It's .. a lot.
The rest is fantastically done.. a horrifying panoply of dogs, fire hoses and bottles broken as violence spirals and our heroes are just.. lost in it. Their not hurt because edutainment, but I apricate the effort. It's a truly horrifying scene.
So it's back to the present and while he's genuinely learned some stuff Miles main takeaway is "time travel is rad" and "Martin Luther King is my friend now" so he plans to go back with randy tommorow.
The next day in class we get one of the weaker scenes. After a quick check that yup Kyle lost his shirt again and escaped death once again, our heroes chime in on a discussion of MLK and narrate over a video shown historical facts about King's arrest by bull connor, his being held and how after days of hearing nothing his wife called JFK who while a piece of shit about the riots, let's not mince words, did the right thing here and put pressure to get the good doctor released. IT's interesting stuff but I question both why this wasn't another stop on their time journey. Was it because King woudl've been absent if theyd idn't visit the jail itself? I dunno. It's weird.
Speaking of weird we have the weird way a lot of historical footage is used.. with a lot of color filters over grainy old footage. It looks weird isn't great and is mostly there to paper over where they didn't have the budget to animate something.
During the footage miles and co are spotted by Maria. Suspcious she tails them to the king house.. and brings Kevin because.....
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So Miles and skrateboard get let back in while Whoopi Goldberg warns them about alterting witht he fabric of time. With a vauge warning instead of saying "Don't change the past dumbass". She lets Maria and Kevin in because why not send more dumbass children through time, and they end up in the room and end up traveling to the march on washington.
Kevin looses his shirt, again and he and miles prepare to throw hands but are stopped by Dr King. He was played by Levar Burton in the previous flashback and now by King's son Dexter, who does a great job especailly for someone who dosen't voice act regularly. The kids encounter their teacher as a younger woman, a bit I love, and Miles buys kevin a shit to bury the hatchet. The running gag comes full circle.
So we get the I Have a dream Speech.. which is done via archival footage but is still as stirring as ever and is the only time the use of historical stock footage works. The man's audio himself is the only way this really coudl've gone and while i'ms ure his son could've recited the speech well, and by heart, it feels right to use Martin's own words.
The kids are inspired and return and Miles is ready for more adventures.. till he finds out the awful truth... Martin Luther King was assassinated. And here's where I feel the film slips up: while the idea of this last act isn't horrible.. I question why it was necessary. The film's already nearly an hour long, it's more than long enough to fill up a class period or tv schedule. Why did we need Miles to go back in time to save Martin Luther king but destroy the present? It dosen't really add much... we get from the various flashbacks how important martin is, and Miles hearing the I have a dream speech in person feels like a better climax. Or if you have to touch on his assination have him be too late and instead go to the funeral. Or talk to martin shortly before and have MLK comfort him. THere were other methods
but instead miles grabs 12 year old martin.. whcih itself is just.. why? I get it was th efirst he met but woudln't it make more sense to grab him BEFORE he died? As a result time is destroyed and everyone else looses their memory.
So after ominously hinting at it all review, let's talk about the Biff Tanen Timeline. With MLK disappearing at age 12 miles is living in a beaten down apartment, MLK"s childhood home is rubble, and Randy's now Racist Randy, while Miles stupidly goes to his school and gets shooed out by the racist principal played by Ed Asner in a wasted part. Also maria can no longer speak english which... kay.
I'm... very mixed on this. I do like some touches like Randy being racist, showing had things just been slightly diffrent he woudln't be the kind annoying dullard we know but a racist asshole. And I may fucking hate randy but Racist Randy is even worse. Kevin would largely be the same but without his shirt based face turn from the sacred timeline.
My two big issues are
Miles is a fucking dumbass the whole segment and while I get not all fictional kids are going to be Marcy Wu levels of genre savy and spot the tropes, it's too blindingly obvious for him to not get, let alone for Martin alone to figure out.
While the present would be worse, which yes is possible, if MLK never existed, it feels insulting to all the other brave men and women (And probably a few nbs) in the civil rights movement, men and women who I wish I knew more names of and feel like researching more after this entirely due to this section of the film, to insuiate NO PROGRESS would be made without him. I get it, this is a late 90's edutainment specail. It's not going to be subtle. But MLK, while one of the biggest faces of civil rights was not the only one who fought for them. History would not be the same, things would've taken longer to set on the right course. It would not be good.. but I refuse to belivie all those involved would've done nothing. That Malcom X would've done nothing had MLK not existed. That's bullshit. It dosen't mean things wouldn't be much worse, or that Randy might be racist or what have you, but it wouldn't be the same as it was in the 60s. For all the fuckery we have now, I have to belivie humanity's better than that.
So Martin realizes he has to go back and die and become time jesus. Miles begs him not to.. but Martin returns and so does all of time. The actors play it very well and the moment is done shockingly well. As for why he can't just go back in time and save MLK... it's because the creators realized having Whoopi Goldberg explain MLK Has to die because time reasons goes against the message just the time. She also has ripple effect proof memory so she lived through all the horrors of the biff tanen timeline are left glued to her memory.
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Miles is left sad though, if happy his friends are back to normal, but takes a good message: that we still do what we can and the work continues. Granted the work in this case.. is painting a mural of mlk while a bunch of acid washed clips of king are filtered in and a very 90s cover of ain't no mountain high enough plays
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There are not enough drugs in the world to explain this ending, and i'm not on enough of those drugs to explain this ending. So with that inspiring acid trip done, our heroes stare at their handiwork as the movie ends.
Our Friend Martin means well. It does teach a lot about Dr King and to it's credit got me intrested in the man's life on a deeper level. Part of it is wanting the full story without the editing down for children, but i'm still intrested in something I shoudl've studied long ago and that counts.
This special's still trapped in the confines of it's time, being incredibly 90s and thus not having the budget something like this really deserved or the time it needed. This specail REALLY needed to be a full movie to get the full impact of things and truly use it's cast, but they barely had the budget for 40 minutes, and would've been better served shaving it slightly. We didn't need the biff tanen timeline or the montage at the end.
Our Friend Martin is a decent special, easy for me to poke fun at, fun too, but I can't deny that unlike a lot of other edutainment specials it does the best it can for it's time to be honest about it's message and about the horrific times MLK lived in and a good reminder of what the "good old days" many a jackass wants to go back to meant for the bulk of Americans. I can mock Martin Luther King being made into time jesus all I want, but I still give credit where it's due. This specail may be choppy, on the nose and with one timeline too many.. but it's heart was in the right place. Thanks for reading
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oncillabrigade · 1 year ago
I feel like I see a lot of fan authors/artists depicting Jason and Tim (and sometimes Steph) as unrelentingly mean to Damian in public, and that doesn't ring true to me. I haven't read the comics since before Damian was introduced (Wayne Family Adventures pulled me back in, and oh man there are fun DC comics these days!) so maybe I'm missing some canon examples of that... but I feel like every single child in that family gets how awful it is to be in the spotlight at a young age. They remember how awkward and exhausting it was to always smile for the camera, always be perfectly behaved, always uphold the ideal of what a Wayne adoptee should be. It didn't matter how you felt; you had to act the part. And they wouldn't make that harder for anyone.
Detailed thoughts below the fold!
Acting like a Perfect Wayne Kid™️ must be easier for Tim than for his siblings, because he was already playing that game as a Drake. But that doesn't mean it wasn't excruciating, especially for someone as introverted and wonderfully weird as Tim. Honestly, I think he'd be a mine of useful information for the later additions to the family!
I can see him at a charity dinner next to Cass, indicating which utensil comes next, murmuring, "I know, it's ridiculous. And there's no real reason, which makes it so hard to remember. But you're doing great." I can see him helping Duke practice the "right" laugh before a party: "Not too loud, not too real, not too many teeth showing. These people are terrified of genuine emotion, but in a shittier way than Bruce is." And I can most certainly see him talking Damian through how to leave a room when there are TOO. MANY. PEOPLE and the walls are closing in, showing him escape routes at different venues, explaining, "you don't want to use the bathroom excuse too many times in a row. People notice and tabloids start saying you have an eating disorder. I'll text you a list of alternate reasons to leave a conversation."
What I cannot see is Tim leaving anyone out to dry in the hell of high society. Even if Dami were driving him NUTS, I don't think Tim would call him a brat, insult him outright, or badmouth him to others. I think the worst thing he'd do is roll his eyes with humorous exaggeration and say, "okay, Damian, you've done your little brotherly duties--go talk to your friends, okay?" He could be SEETHING about a horrific fight 30 minutes before their appearance and play it off as, "haha, well, all brothers bug each other sometimes." And then he'd pivot, flawlessly, to a positive comment about the whole family, Dami included. Tim Drake, world champion of compartmentalization, fiercely loyal and kindhearted, is not giving the press a single bad word about his siblings. He is smiling and saying all the right things.
And then... then, there's Jason.
Jason understands, firsthand, how hard being inducted into the world of Perfect Wayne Behavior™️ is. Can you imagine Jason Peter Todd going through that? It's not just that he was in a new world, where money and food and clothes were a given, not a hard-won prize. It's not just that there were a million new rules to memorize (how to wear a suit, inscrutable dining etiquette, passive aggression instead of speaking your mind when angry, etc.). It's not just that he was suddenly thrust in the limelight at a young age, thrown in at the deep end of child stardom. It's not just that he was inevitably compared to Dick, who's naturally charismatic in a way that made his rambunctiousness forgivable by Gotham's elite. It's not just that he was simultaneously learning to be a Wayne AND a Robin, which was both mentally and physically exhausting.
No, it was all that PLUS who Jason was when he had just been adopted. Picture him: a kid from Crime Alley, recently out of a school for troubled youth, mourning the loss of his mother, and WAY too fucking smart not to see the condescension in the eyes of his new dad's peers. He was treading water constantly in every aspect of life, occasionally managing to float... all while the press and high society watched intently and judged him like he was swimming in the Olympics. Being Robin gave him magic, but god, he must have used so much of it up on just getting through public appearances.
I refuse to believe that someone who went through that would belittle or humiliate anyone doing the same. Especially when it comes to Damian. Damian, who comes from a world where physical prowess is the ultimate trump card, now trapped in a conversation where mentioning that prowess means he loses status. Damian, who knows the worst physical pain you can imagine and takes it as all in a day's work, struggling to contain his disdain for someone complaining about their tennis elbow. Damian, who was exposed to the worst aspects of humanity before he could form permanent memories, staring in disbelief at a kid his age saying the teacher who gave them an hour of detention is SO evil. Damian, who had mastered the rules of the League, discovering that the rules of Gotham high society are SO different that his prior knowledge is actively disadvantaging him.
I cannot imagine Jason seeing Damian as anything other than a fellow kid trapped in the pool with all eyes on him.
So Jason will do what he's always done: stand up for someone in need. Because Damian IS in need, no matter how much of a pain-in-the-ass he might be. That means Jay is telling the press about how smart Damian is, how good he is with animals, how proud the whole family is of his art. It means he's wearing suit pants with deep pockets so Damian's emotional support plushie is on hand at all times. It means he's using his bulk to clear the way to the balcony when the kid needs air and quiet. It means he's verbally eviscerating the posh knob who called Dami a brat, because NO ONE outside the family gets to say that shit about Jason fucking Todd's baby brother.
I don't care how annoyed they are with each other--bat kids hang together in the face of danger. And make no mistake: being a Perfect Wayne™️ is one of the most dangerous missions they face.
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justsomeoneintoomanyfandoms · 6 months ago
Hey! I got a matchup a while back, and lately I have been craving another one😭 so if it's alright could I get romantic matchups for tears of themis, genshin, and atla? If not that's fine ofc💕
I use She/her pronouns but I've never really cared very much, I'm Bi but I'd like Male matchups for this one if that's alright (I love women but idk none of the women in these fandoms are like my type??? Idk)
Not sure if you use looks to pick, but I'm 5'7, longish brown hair and brown eyes, kinda chubby I'd say, and I wear glasses!
Ok so for the good stuff, I'm an enfp and a virgo and I have gad and adhd so I am very all over the place lol, I'm usually very energetic and loud (got called a human pep rally once) but every once in a while I take a hard turn the other way and do absolutely nothing lol.
Taking thing seriously is kinda hard for me, idk why but I'm very much the deflect and cope using comedy kind of person.
Personal life wise I'm the oldest of four (love my siblings) so loud is kinda the default in my life so I'm pretty comfortable in loud environments, but if I get a chance at peace and quiet I am JUMPING for it.
I have a few plants, I bake quite a bit (I make BOMB brownies), I'm very much a nerd lol, I love comics (fandom request gave that away tho), I play dnd, I love video games (rdr2, mk11 and mass effect are the current ones), I watch cartoons and build legos, and I'm learning how to draw.
I'm big into flowers and flower language, and I play guitar, alto saxophone, steal drum, and I have a violin I'm gonna start working on soon.
This turned out alot longer then I thought so the speedrun of the rest is although I dont often, I really like putting work into how I look (I just got a treble cleft claw clip with some dangly thingys and I like it I just wanted to mention that), no clue how to to makeup tho, I'm planning on going into communications, and uhh my favorite colors are pink and blue.
Thank you so much if you get to this
Hi Abby! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Tears of Themis, I match you with...
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If there’s one thing that drew Luke to you, it’s the fact that you enjoy peace and quiet. He loves being in your presence when it’s quiet around. He just finds it soothing.
Definitely understands you using humour to cope. He does the same so he knows when it turns from just making jokes to coping and will check in when needed.
Please invite him to do gardening together some time. He likes being able to do something where he’s creating and nurturing life. It’s a good change from what he usually does.
Flower language is a big part of your relationship. I see Luke as someone who’s well versed in flower language so every bouquet he gives you has a hidden meaning behind it.
He also enjoys drawing so it’s not uncommon for you to find a sticky note beside your bed with a little drawing on it when he has to leave early in the morning. If you return the gesture, he’ll keep all your drawings in a safe place so he can look back over them.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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You and Itto are both the definition of human pep rallies so when your powers combine, no one can stand in your way. You can both be a lot sometimes but you get along well.
He also struggles to take things seriously so he’s a lot more understanding in that regard than others are sometimes. You just get each other.
In a modern au, Itto would be a huge fan of cartoons. He’s a firm believer than cartoons aren’t just for kids and still loves watching all those “childhood” shows.
In the same vein, he also loves Lego. I can’t see him being a big fan of tricky sets but he enjoys all of the bright colours. He’d love to make a set or two with you sometime.
I can see Itto being a fan of D&D as well. I think it might take him a bit to get his head around the different types of rolls and doing so much maths but he loves the roleplay elements and thinks it’s great fun. (I actually wrote this while playing a D&D session!)
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, I match you with...
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You’ve got to be a certain level of energetic to keep up with Sokka’s plans. And you certainly meet that criteria. Sokka loves being around someone who can match his energy.
In a modern au, he’s definitely a fan of comics. He’s the type of person who buys two of every comic, one to read and one to keep in pristine condition.
For all his self-awareness, Sokka does have a tendency to deflect so he can easily recognise when you’re doing the same. He hopes you know you can rely on him if things get too much.
When he does run out of energy, there’s nothing that Sokka loves more than relaxing while listening to you play music. He finds it soothing both because of the music and because of your presence.
Please do lots of baking for him! Sokka will never admit it but he does have a soft spot for snacks, especially if you’ve made them.
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dizaryswrites · 9 months ago
I have a confession to make!
I don’t know how obvious it is, but I actually haven’t read any comics 😅 I know, I know haha, it’s just I haven’t had the time! Luckily, I mostly follow blogs that I know are comic readers so I know what’s fanon and canon mostly. But since I will have free time in the summer, I was wondering if you have any recommendations on what to read and where to start?
Oh man I WISH I could be one of those blogs who snaps out the long scroll that just rolls down the hallway with a concise cross referenced list of top hits from every era and where to start with each character! But I am a book hoarder with not enough time on my hands so I haven't even read half of what I have, let alone all the back issues 😅
Here's some stuff that I really enjoyed as a new-to-comics-and-DC reader and in general (in mostly chronological order because that's how I arrange my comic books):
Batman: Dark Victory
I really enjoyed the mystery and early Batman days, plus Dick Grayson's debut! He is a delight. I didn't read Long Halloween which comes before this so I missed some context but I picked it up easy enough (also according to some reviews the mystery can be repetitive if you have read Long Halloween sooo win for me ig?)
Robin: Year One
I am determined to read this one soon. I've heard great things about it though so it's being added
Batman: Prodigal
I read this without reading a single page of Knightfall because I was getting interested in Nightwing and this was the earliest book that my library had available (I have given up on a chronological reading order since those early foolish days). I knew nothing and still really enjoyed Dick!Bats and Robin!Tim together. I need to reread this soon
Formerly Known as the Justice League
A limited run, 6 issues I think. Honestly I should just say Justice League International in general but I started with this mini for Booster Gold and Blue Beetle after seeing some funny panels online and I fell in love with that whole cast of losers (affectionate). It's not BatFam but so so fun to read (and JLI has some really poignant moments too)
Young Justice: A League of Their Own
SO FUN. Tim and friends dealing with just ridiculous scenarios LOL I'm only halfway through but it's great
Batman: Hush
I haven't read a lot of just Batman titles but I enjoyed Hush. It had some good character moments for Bruce that helped me understand the way he thinks a little more. I also hear Bruce Wayne: Murder/Fugitive is very very good but I haven't gotten around to it yet (a running theme)
Batgirl: Point Blank
Cass is a treat. This was the first volume I found of her's, haven't read the others yet, but even lacking context I really enjoyed her as the main character and her interactions with Steph, Babs, and Bruce.
Teen Titans (Geoff Johns)
This was one of the first series I started reading and it was a good intro for me, a completely new DC fan. It's Tim and his friends but more serious than YJ. I've read vol 1-2 and part of 3
Under The Red Hood
Classic for good reason. I haven't finished it yet (teehee) but the first half has been entertaining. Jason has had some um... interesting writing in his time. But I really enjoy the way he's written here. It's a good baseline imo. I've heard Lost Days is also good
Nightwing (Tomasi run)
I love Tomasi and this run was a lot of fun. Dick is funny while not losing his serious, capable edge, he interacts with people in his circles, and has some interesting introspection moments. There's a weird part of the plot about midway that definitely uses bad Asian stereotypes which is so disappointing. But after that it gets normal again 😅
Batman & Robin
This comes right after Tomasi's run and it's a mixed bag for me. It's definitely interesting seeing Dick and Damian learning to work together but I was still new to DC with little context for things and was also *so* put off by the art style that I don't remember it well. But I thought I'd add it anyway since it's an iconic moment for Dick!Bats
Batman and Robin (Tomasi)
I adore Bruce and Damian struggling together to discover what being father and son looks like for them. I adore Damian having growth. That's volumes 1-3. 4 is post Damian's death (and damn issue 1 is a well written look at grief), I haven't read 5 or beyond yet.
Nightwing (Rebirth)
The first Nightwing title I read. Looking back, the characterization is a bit weak in some areas, doesn't quite match how he's written in older runs, but it had good moments and kept me entertained. Especially!!! In vol 3 with Humphries's Judge arc
For more current runs, I'm really enjoying World's Finest. Waid's writing is good and Mora's art is just *cartoon heart eyes*. Bats, Supes, and teenage Dick Grayson are a fun trio. Amid other runs that had me tearing my hair out in disappointment or frustration, WF is a breath of fresh air.
Titans United: Bloodpact is a 6 issue limited that was also a really nice read. It's Dick's Titans but Tim is there too and I enjoyed everyone's writing.
The Human Target (Tom King) but honestly I was just losing my mind over Greg Smallwood's art and paneling the entire time. A masterpiece. I want to frame every page. I cheered when he posted inspiration threads on Twitter.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
It's not Batfam but hear me out!!!! This comic had some of the sweetest moments between Supes and Jimmy and I wanted to grab literally anybody by the shoulders and shake them until they looked at the Lois, Clark, & Jimmy in the helicopter panel and GOT IT!!! Also it is so delightfully wacky and funny, I was genuinely laughing out loud. Steve's Lieber's art is the perfect pairing with Matt Fraction's writing.
This isn't DC at all but it's the series that made me (and so many others) really love comics and their storytelling potential. Matt Fraction's Hawkeye run, volumes 1-4. Between his writing and David Aja's artwork and color theory (and Steve Lieber's guest issue that literally gut punched me and changed how I saw later parts of the story, it was never just a filler issue to me, Steve) you get a great story that says so much with so little (in the best way) and is a visual treat as well. Chef's kiss.
Some other non-DC comics I really enjoyed are Die (imagine Jumanji but D&D and novels and oh look the consequence of your actions has grown up), Something is Killing the Children Vol. 1 (I am not a horror girly but I really enjoyed this, in no small part because of Dell'edera's art), Eight Billion Genies (the world population hits 8 billion and now everyone gets a genie, what could go possibly wrong), and Paper Girls which I'm about 2/3 through (picture stranger things but with time travel, spaceships?, and oh shit is future me lying??)
Damn, I guess I really did have a scroll's worth. 😭 Anyway, my recommendation for where to start with this list is...what does your library have available? Don't forget about the Hoopla app too, that's where I read some of these digitally. Or the used bookstore which is where I got 90% of my comics from.
But seriously! Just pick whatever sounds the most fun or has the character(s) you're the most interested in and go from there. Skip around on the timeline or go in chronological order. Whatever floats your boat! I think that's the really unique thing about comics. Plus if you can't figure out the context of what you're missing or what is happening simultaneously (because writers & editorial used to care a little more) you can do a quick google or (and I wish I had this with Batgirl) @cephalog0d has a pinned timeline master list. Incredible.
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no1ryomafan · 8 months ago
now it’s time for no reason at 2 fucking am for me to give my opinions about every mega man series ✨ (again this is my opinion and also my time to expose how much of a fake fucking fan I am in some regards) imma go in chronological release order to my memory.
Classic: I don’t hate it but I’m the only person who doesn’t feel strongly about it. I just can’t get invested into not only the gameplay but any of the robot masters besides a select few-I’m sorry I just don’t see the appeal-I do like the significant characters like rock, roll, blues and bass obviously, and learning about what influenced mega man as a whole made me appreciate it a little more but I don’t advise it as the series people should get into or like they don’t need to play every single game cause it suffers the most from being samey. (Really just play 11, but I also say this as the only classic game I actually finished 💀) Liked the Archie comics though and wish it continued… Tempo was neat.
X: Mixed feelings galore oh booooy. X and Zero shaped me to be the person who I was for ALL the wrong reasons- I still ship XZero I’ll just never admit to it cause if it’s a overrated pair and the fans can be bad, I just love the most basic fucking yaoi pairs. I like a lot of the other characters like Vile, Axl, Iris-for little she gets-etc. Besides that the X series has been tainted for me cause MAN it has the worst fandom out of the series. I’m sorry X fans are so fucking vicious and I don’t know why, I sometimes wonder if you guys like your own series even if I get it’s super flawed. X discussion can get so annoyed at points especially with the crowd of “oh the games after X5 suck so I don’t count them as canon” (yes people like that fucking exist. Ignoring how X6 CHANGE THE SCOPE OF HOW MMZ1 CAME TO BE) X is definitely that series of “interesting ideas but bad execution” wish MHX got to continue cause the first game had potential to fix the story. Also I never beat a single game but I keep telling myself I’ll beat X1 or X4…
Legends: The only series I haven’t played whatsoever BUT I did watch the cutscenes so I’m up to speed on the lore. Really find the lore cool and the characters are charming, it’s just a series that’s hard to talk about cause it’s all “WHERES MEGA MAN LEGENDS 3” and man I get being salty about that sequel being canned and I wish it happened too but can we talk about the actual series… Also Roll Caskett best Roll don’t @ me.
Battle Network: Okay controversial time this is the Mega Man series I give the least fucks about and it’s gonna shock you when you guys see how I feel about Star Force. Idk why but this series just- doesn’t appeal to me. I want to give it a chance, before the LC even came out I got BN5DS but I didn’t like liberation missions so never got passed the first one, and I still never got the LC and heck is the only LC I didn’t get because I’m sorry no matter HOW much you tell me BN good the pricing is not worth it. I couldn’t be bothered to get into the anime or manga too. Idk just mega man but ai seems like a cool idea and I don’t mind it being a rpg it’s cool mega man changed what it was yet still retained its appeal but BN doesn’t do it for me. It might just be because of the designs and characterization honestly.
Zero: Another mixed bag but NOWHERE near as bad as MMX, and this one I did finish! I like a lot aspects of Zero the story telling and the refinements to the gameplay but the reason I can’t be super invested is when people consider it the best part of the franchise when all of the games have a glaring flaw. I love Z1, it’s unironically my favorite but it’s also the most flawed entry, Z2 is overhated but you can also tell this game was rushed, which it was, Z3 is considered the best and it’s good but I think it’s overhyped to shit-X4 has the same issue tbh-it makes good changes but it’s level design threw me off even if it’s more fixed than Z2 and *sigh* Z4 was a necessary ending narratively but I FUCKING HATE EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT IT. (Don’t make me talk about Z4, very few things make me mad like that game- it only gets some points for making me cry at the ending even when I knew what was going to happen though) Also the fandom opinions about the story aspect of this game makes me not trust anyone LOL. Zero is better written here then mmx and Ciel doesn’t deserve hate don’t @ me! Anyways my favorite asshole here is Harpiua. Basic pick but I just wanna put him in a jar and shake him.
ZX: YIPPPPPIE- Sorry that was the sound of me getting excited about my favorite entry of the series. I love this game- so much it’s unreal. Everything about it I fucking adore. Art style, characters, music, gameplay, THE LORE even if it’s something they didn’t expand on enough I still love the setting of ZX. Biometals are such a cool concept that I can’t be mad at the idea of X and Zero being rocks unlike other people, there’s so much potential with them. I will always be sad ZXC never happened but the games we got are so replayable to me and I go on a monthly replay- yes I have a problem LOL. I don’t really have a favorite between them- I def get why people prefer the first game but advent isn’t that bad you guys just suck. Favorite character is hard I love everyone. (I’m kidding, it’s Prometheus. But I do like everyone)
Star Force: So remember how I said my opinions on this would confuse you about why I don’t care for BN? Yeah it’s because I’m the one mega man fan who isn’t a coward and also fucking ADORES this series LOL. I understand it’s a huge diversion from mega man and BN at least still uses some characters but I think star force not having AU characters is why I like it more- and also I’m biased for aliens LOL. Omega-Xis one of the best characters in this series and you guys fucking sleep on him, love the general cast too though. Star Force 1 is also a game that means a lot to me, the story touch me and made me cry like Z4. Honestly I’d like it more then ZX if it weren’t for the fact I don’t fuck with the gameplay too hard cause I never replayed it and story wise it really peaked at 1. I don’t think star force 2 is as bad as everyone saids but I get why people don’t like it, star force 3 has the X4/Z3 problem: good but still has plenty of flaws. There’s a lot of changes 3 made I didn’t like and while the story was decent there was some missed potential. The ending was really nice though but after how some aspects of 3 turned out I couldn’t give a shit if star force 4 happens, if I’m being honest it’s the one canceled game I’m glad didn’t happen cause I think it could’ve actually ruined the series. (Sorry I don’t fuck with the geo being bad plot, it sounded like ass) Also yes if you ask I DO own all the games physically cause I’m fucking insane lol.
So given like- 3 of series I really finished I can’t really rank them but I just wanted to yap and give my opinion. Maybe one day I’ll try battle network or beat a x game…
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all-eyes-lead-to-the-truth · 9 months ago
All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Post-Modern Prometheus (5x05)
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He watches as Dr. Pollidori is quickly shoved into the back of the local police cruiser. The crowd gathered around glares menacingly at the scientist as he’s driven away. 
“Good riddance,” Izzy says, standing guard beside the FBI agent’s car where the Great Mutato is slumped over in the back seat. He has to fight a sudden urge to smuggle the guy a jar of peanut butter. 
Pushing himself off the car, he shoves his hands in his pockets and sighs. Izzy Berkowitz may look dumb to some. He may be obsessed with comics while struggling to survive a hicktown childhood with nowhere to go but conventions, but he is far from stupid. Looks can be deceiving. The Great Mutato has surely proven that to everyone here. And looking at the would-be mob milling about, like something straight out of a scene from Frankenstein, Izzy feels ashamed of his judgment.
Mutato being created by his crazy scientist brother wasn’t his fault. He was innocent in that act. Though Mutato knew what his father was doing to women within those fumigation tents while he danced to Cher and learned of the world — did he really understand how messed up it was? That a farmer artificially inseminated unknowing women to try to create his son a mate? 
Izzy cringes at that thought. Everything about this is messed up. 
He strides into the house where Agents Mulder and Scully are, about to tell them exactly that, when Agent Mulder asks, “Where’s the writer? I want to speak to the writer.”
Izzy blinks. “Huh?”
“This isn’t how the story is supposed to end.” Agent Mulder looks at him as if he holds all the answers. He almost laughs, but it’s clear within the agent’s wild-eyed stare that he’s used to being laughed at. Izzy can relate.
“Just because I wrote stories about the Great Mutato, doesn’t mean I know anything about the real him,” he admits, glancing over his shoulder at Mutato’s bowed head. “I think… I think maybe it’s his turn to write what comes next.”
Agent Scully frowns. “What does that mean?” 
“Let’s ask and find out,” Agent Mulder nods at the car. 
The agent shoulders past Izzy, flinging open the car’s back door. Mutato looks up with two sets of sad eyes and holds out his wrists, waiting for the cuffs Izzy hopes never come. 
Agent Mulder shakes his head. “If you could write a story for yourself, an ending that doesn’t involve experiments and isolation, what would it be?”
���I…” Both of Mutato’s mouths gape open. “Other than living in a world of acceptance alongside someone else like me, I’ve only ever dreamed of one thing…”
Then I'm walking in Memphis
I was walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel?
Izzy’s smiling directly behind the FBI agents as the Cher sings to the Great Mutato in the front row. It’s like a dream: the claw-like hands of her biggest fan clapping to the beat and waving excitedly at the woman on stage. 
He looks around the crowded concert hall and chuckles at the irony. Many of these people are the same ones who’d questioned Izzy’s own creativity for years, yet had no idea they are part of a similar kind of creation: a genetically altered town borne of a father’s misguided love for his adopted son. The simple folk of this rural Indiana town are no different than the man they’d called Monster and chased with pitchforks. 
Maybe they’re all monsters.
Izzy kind of likes that. 
But there's a pretty little thing
Waiting for the King
Down in the Jungle Room
As the disco ball spins and the spotlight shines down on the Great Mutato shimmying in his seat, Izzy catches Agent Mulder reach across the table to squeeze his partner’s hand. “Something wrong?”
She leans over, a tiny smirk tugging at her lips. “Just curious if Jerry Springer is hiding behind that curtain too.”
“You think?” he teases, and she rolls her eyes. “Come on, Scully, have a little fun.”
Izzy can see Agent Scully’s brow arch as her soft smirk turns playful. “Only a little?”
“Ah, Scully,” he gives a lopsided grin, and Izzy nearly rolls his own eyes at their blatant flirting. For a guy who gets laughed at, women sure love him. Agent Mulder turns then and gives the Great Mutato a high five. 
And I sang with all my might
And he said "Tell me, are you a Christian, child?"
And I said "Man, I am tonight!"
The energy in the room swells with the chorus, urging Izzy to stand and sway with the rest of the town. As Cher walks down the stairs and reaches her hand out for the Great Mutato to hold, welcoming him onto the stage beside her, Izzy feels that warm sense of acceptance Mutato had mentioned wash over him. 
Walking in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel?
Agent Mulder suddenly stands, bowing his head and reaching out his hand for his partner. Agent Scully seems as awed as Mutato had moments ago before sliding her hand into his, grinning gorgeously at him as he tugs her close, his one hand grasping hers as the other dips down to palm her lower back. They dance slowly, their eyes locked and noses nearly touching. 
Izzy snorts.
Dang, the way they’re practically swooning in each other’s arms reminds him of the covers on his mom’s romance novels. He does roll his eyes then, looking up at the Great Mutato as he joyfully dances with his idol on stage. But if this is how this story of a man-made monster who’s never harmed a living soul is supposed to end, then he’s happy to watch two FBI agents gaze at one another under a disco ball. 
Put on my blue suede shoes
Izzy shuts his eyes and says, “The End.”
Read the rest of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on AO3!
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kordifm · 1 year ago
Dragons Rising S1 No Spoiler Review
Dragons Rising was truly amazing. For context, my brother and I stayed up until 2 am to binge-watch the season after I got home from classes for the day. We initially wanted to split the season in half for our watch through, but every episode, we found ourselves drawn in by the lore and the world building and all the silly little funny moments in between that could just exist because of the 20 20-minute episodes.
The opportunity to watch a season that isn’t capped at a short runtime due to corporate meddling is honestly a dream come true for Ninjago fans. The season felt so full and well-rounded, and I felt like the writers really were able to get everything they wanted in to the season. Obviously not every idea makes the final draft for any piece of creative work, but this one felt so much less bare bones than the previous seasons as far as time goes.
But my favorite part is the character development, hands down. I was so on the fence about Arin and Sora when the trailer first came out, not because I didn’t want to like them; but because I was afraid that they would seem too much like next-gen replacements in comparison to the OG ninja. Boy, was I wrong. They felt so real as characters and were absolutely written beyond my expectations.
Arin is such a pure cinnamon roll who looks up to the ninja and then gets to be one in his own right. He has this air of humility, always wanting to do what’s right as he learns what it takes to be a hero. And he just loves his new family all the while maintaining his hopes for seeing his parents again one day.
And Sora…well, I could write paragraphs about her character development. She honestly reminded me of myself in quite a few ways, so seeing her grow from being very non-involved and on the run from Imperium to conquering her initial doubts about the ninja and her own insecurities was such a treat to watch. She’s a character that is cynical about the world in many senses, but her heart is open to her new family and later in the season, herself and who she wants to be.
Needless to say, I loved them both, and I can’t wait to see where their stories go from here.
Alright, I have to talk about the OG ninja. Gone are the days when they are sidelined to be comic relief. Each episode had a very accurate picture of who they are as mentors and young adults (I will never get over Lloyd calling Arin and Sora “teens,” thereby distancing the OG ninja from that label). I love how Lloyd, Nya, and Kai get to be guides for Arin, Sora, and Wyldfire; albeit in their own ways. I could also spend an exorbitantly long amount of time on this topic, but the highlight for me is that they all had a different answer when their apprentice, if you will, asked them “Is that a Master Wu saying?”
I won’t write about the other three ninja at length here because I want to keep this non-spoilery, but I will say it’s great to see everyone once again, even for a little bit.
My brother likened the original Ninjago being a circle, and this season being the outer circle. We get to take a step back and see a bigger picture of the world and the characters, and we’re not even done yet. I want to make a list of all the open-ended questions that the season left us with because I am totally hyped up here. And of course, credits to everyone who worked on this project. I cannot wait to see what comes next.
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paperboy-pb · 1 year ago
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Now that the prologue is done, I can't thank the fans of this series enough.
No, we haven't hit any particular follower milestone. The story has just begun. And most of you haven't given me any sort of financial support to help me out, either. (And that's alright! I haven't asked, lol.)
I'm thanking you for just being apart of the audience.
I started PB in a little blue notebook during the summer of 2015. It was originally meant for my eyes only. And a big part of the reason why was that, when I googled things like "Special Ed makes me feel bad," there wouldn't be much of anything coming up. There were Quora forums! A couple of YouTube videos. Articles here and there.
But it wasn't a lot. Not enough to help me out for long. And it only hammered the idea further into my head that I was alone in what I endured. As I got older, grew up, and away from the program and people who took my disabled youth, I constantly felt this urge to talk about it. What SpEd had put me through. What I'd lost. What I'd seen & heard. The things I did and didn't learn. Even though I was never a very open kid, let alone teenager.
I hated that no one was talking about it. And how nobody knew what happened to kids like me behind closed doors. At 13 and 14, almost none of the new friends I made had ever heard a life story like mine. And I've always found that wild: I had a LOT of friends! (Still do!)
So I kept drawing it out. Kept working on the story in notebooks, sketchbooks, my friends' DMs, and anywhere else words could go. Sometimes, my family would catch glimpses of the concept art. Sad sketches of Matthew crying, freaky drafts of Monster, or tense moments between what would become Class 7-C.
And one of my parents would be like, "Why is your art so depressing?" They'd roll their eyes. And they'd add on, "People's parents aren't gonna like it!"
No, I never told them what the story was about. I never even told them it was a children's media (because it kinda isn't! I'd personally put PB as 13+?) These were judgments made with just one glance at computer papers covered in pencil strokes; sketchy and shapey little kids who didn't look like they were having fun.
I knew they were wrong. But the audacity still pissed me off. There aren't many times where it's appropriate to boss somebody else around in how to tell their story, you know? Not only that, but I also worried about not having an audience back then. Sure, all my friends loved my work. But at the time, I was the only one who'd really experienced anything "Special Education" in life. Thus, these were General Ed kids watching it unfold. Able-bodied eyes and (as far as I knew back then) neurotypical minds, watching and learning from whatever I made.
And I liked that. But that wasn't the only group I wanted to be seen by. I wanted disabled people, especially youth in their teens and twenties, to see it. That's my primary audience. And shit like that made me wonder if I'd ever find it. Had me second-guessing myself a little, you know?
But I shook it off. It's like that thing teachers always say in class. "If you're confused or have a question, ask: whatever it is, you probably aren't the only one thinking it!"
And I searched for stuff like PAPERBOY, hadn't I? Yeah. I had. So by that logic, other people definitely would be, too.
So I stuck to my guns, and... check it! Y'all showed up!
One thing I've noticed ever since publishing part 1 is that the PB Nation is pretty damn devoted. You guys have been patient, passionate, silly, and unapologetically yourselves since the get-go. And the response to every old promotional comic or post I've made has been OVERWHELMINGLY positive and curious. I've gotten fucking fanart, man! More than once! I've had the honor of meeting a few of you in person already! And for the ones who haven't caught me out with my friends in New York, believe me, I REMEMBER who comments what.
By the way, you guys should spam my comments more. Fuckin' love that shit. SPEAK TO ME, lmao. Even if it's like, the most irrelevant PB question ever. Keyboard smash in my comment sections. Send me disability reels you like. Tell me what you wanna see from the story. Whatever, as long as it doesn't bleed into parasocial territory!
I've gotta have one of the best audiences out there. So thank you! For just... being around. Here's to hoping y'all enjoy the journey we're aboutta go on.
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changelingsandothernonsense · 11 months ago
20 Questions for Writers
Got tagged by both @throughtrialbyfire and by @redyn-nerevarine to do this fun questionnaire. Thanks for tagging me. :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 9, though one of them is a collection of first person character studies that are technically each a separate story.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
274,802... thats a lot considering I only started writing a year ago.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Elder Scrolls atm, Mostly focusing on Morrowind.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Serious Mistakes, Sleepers Awake, Adherence, On Apocrypha, The Properties of Ash Hoppers and Slaughterfish.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, though sometimes I get too overwhelmed by what to say and subsequently forget to reply. I swear if that has happened it's not because I don't appreciate them, I do, I'm just really sick atm and don't have a lot of energy to formulate a decent reply that isn't <3 <3 <3. I do try to reply.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
...Oh that's hard, all of them are like that. Adherence might take the cake though.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't write happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't want to get to into it, but I did experience it once. It was pathetic on their end and I'd rather forget it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have included smut within fics, though I've never written one with that as the focus....that I've published. My kinks stay secret...
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've written?
Never quite been a fan of crossovers to be honest. I'm also not so into isekai as a genre. So it's unlikely I'd ever dabble in it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
It's in the works ;)
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Arg, it's 100% Josh and Erra . Give me my dumb cinnamon roll Ashlander OC and my kidnapped Skyrim NPC/ Nerevarine who I OCafied to a ridiculous degree any day and I am happy. Erra is a friend group favourite.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a pov from Joshi's father that I'm so close to finishing but I need to be in the mood to write 1st person.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know to be honest, I have trouble with these kinds of questions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm a new writer, only really started up with writing fan fiction last year. I still have a lot to learn.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
If done well it's great. I love seeing Dunmeris being used within fics. I use a lot of Ashland, which I've compiled using the Akkadian and Sumerian languages as a the root with some Dunmeris mixed in. Assyiology has its benefits- namely I can pick up half the shit going on in Morrowind and Chimeris ;)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Trinity Blood. (I made a comic as a teen that never actually put that online).
20. Favorite fic you've written?
A tie between Sleepers Awake (ongoing, main Morrowind fic) and Arkanis: Teldryn (which covers Teldryn (Josh) going through Kogoruhn as part of the Warrior Trial for Sul-Matuul.)
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retroghouls-if · 1 year ago
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Sorry, this took me so long to answer. I had to think about things that wouldn't be too spoilery.
After having done on and off gigs with a bunch of different small bands as a fill-in, Ilim got their big break into the music scene when they got hired as the drummer for the rock band Mouthpiece. While it didn’t last very long – they were with the band for just over a year – it definitely got the ball rolling for them. Which is where things get a little complicated because Ilim (before Mouthpiece) apprenticed at a tattoo parlor so now they have this strange, limbo image of a celebrity tattoo artist who also drums sometimes.
Tuesday started out playing the guitar. However, their main band needed a bassist who could on occasion contribute rhythm guitar stuff depending on the song. So, they learned the bass and it’s just sort of stuck to them. They love both instruments but for different reasons. At the start of the story, Tuesday will be a part of Mouthpiece although they will have joined sometime after Ilim left.
Micky comes across to some as very soft. They have a quiet voice, light footsteps, and they always seem to be trying to take up as little space as possible, which allows them to be super sneaky. They’ll never admit it, but they get a kick out of popping up behind people and scaring the shit out of them. They’re a big fan of horror too, be it movies, games, or comics. Micky also plays into an image of being passive and shy when the reality is much less cut and dry.
Up until they turned fourteen, J would spend each weekend with their grandparents. On Saturdays, their grandmother taught them how to sew and on Sundays their grandfather would take them on a drive after church. Because of this, J is extremely talented at tailoring (they could have made a living off it) and an absolute maniac on the road. To this day, whenever they get too stressed out they’ll go for a drive.
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gamertwins13 · 2 months ago
The Volume of Excitement: A Call for Calm in Fandoms
Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice.
Growing up, my brother Jamie and I were taught that screaming is reserved for genuine emergencies—like a dog attack, an abduction attempt, or a house fire. We learned early on that expressing excitement or frustration can be done without raising our voices to an extreme level. However, it seems that not everyone has had the same guidance. During our time on the internet, we've encountered many individuals—primarily girls, but some boys too—who express their excitement through loud screams, regardless of their age.
While we understand that excitement can be overwhelming, the sheer volume of their reactions often leaves us feeling frustrated. It can be jarring to witness someone shriek over what seems like a trivial matter, and it’s hard not to roll our eyes at such displays. We recognize that not all fans behave this way, but the prevalence of this kind of reaction, especially on social media, can feel inescapable.
Screaming fangirls have been a part of pop culture for decades, from the days of Frank Sinatra to Elvis Presley and the Beatles. However, the scope of what prompts these outbursts has expanded significantly. Nowadays, fans scream not just over music stars but also over movies, TV shows, books, comics, video games, and even mundane social media posts. The list goes on, and it can be overwhelming to witness.
While we appreciate the joy that fandoms bring, the volume of these reactions can be excessive. It’s not just loud; it can also come across as immature or undignified. We often wonder why such extreme expressions of excitement are necessary.
We understand that some fans may feel an intense rush of emotions when they see their favorite idol in person, discover new fanart, or hear a new song. It’s natural to feel elated about these moments. However, there are healthier ways to express that excitement without resorting to screaming.
Jamie and I can relate to being passionate about our interests, but we choose to express our enthusiasm in a more measured way. We often find ourselves scrolling through social media, only to be startled by sudden outbursts of excitement from others. It can be jarring and even lead to feelings of anxiety or irritation.
We want to clarify that our intention is not to insult anyone or cause offense. We simply feel frustrated by the unnecessary volume of these reactions, which can be harmful to our ears and the ears of those around us.
There are certainly valid reasons to scream—like when faced with a genuine threat or danger. But when the trigger is something as ordinary as fanart, a new episode of a favorite show, or a social media post, it raises questions about the appropriateness of such reactions. We believe that finding a balance in expressing excitement can lead to a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
Here are some examples of overzealous excitement Jamie and I have encountered on the Internet in the past few years, mostly over illogical things that don't justify all that noise (we're not going to mention any names for the sake of privacy):
YouTube Users: It’s not uncommon to see creators on YouTube who express their excitement with lengthy, loud reactions—like celebrating subscriber milestones with an overwhelming scream during a livestream.
Fandom Wikis: Some fans engage in enthusiastic shouting in community posts when discussing things like personal milestones, leading to curiosity about emotional regulation in fandom spaces.
Art and Community Platforms: It's frequently observed that fans leave exuberant comments or posts on art-sharing sites, expressing delight over fanart of their favorite characters, often in a way that is difficult to follow due to the sheer volume of excitement.
Discussion Boards: On various fandom wikis, certain users have been known to react with extreme excitement to announcements about new character forms or expansions of their favorite series, resulting in multiple outbursts in comment sections.
Streaming Platforms: Enthusiastic fans often erupt in excitement when seeing beloved characters or content creators, sometimes making comments that are overwhelmingly lengthy and difficult to decipher due to repetitive exclamatory remarks.
Celebratory Reactions: Some individuals exhibit intense reactions during milestones, such as the release of much-anticipated content—like animated series or game updates—often leading to discussions that spiral into chaotic emotional exchanges.
Social Media Platforms: It's not rare for users on platforms like Twitter and Instagram to vociferously express excitement over new projects or appearances, which can sometimes overshadow the actual content they’re excited about.
Multi-Platform Reactions: Across various platforms, some fans express their passion for a particular series or game through excessive exclamations and reactions, often in a back-and-forth screaming match, creating an environment that can sometimes feel overwhelming to others.
Event Announcements: Whether on comic or anime platforms, individuals may react vocally to new season announcements or art reveals, leaving others to wonder whether such reactions could be expressed in less jarring ways.
Creative Platforms: Users often showcase their reactions to new content on platforms like DeviantArt and Newgrounds, where emotional expressions sometimes take precedence over a more thoughtful interaction with the ongoing discussions.
While we understand that excitement can be intense, the sheer volume of these reactions often feels excessive. I've been genuinely concerned about these users' behaviors and want to help them find healthier ways to express their enthusiasm. However, I worry that if I reach out with suggestions, they might not respond positively, as evidenced by some previous interactions.
Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "What's the big deal? It's just a little screaming." But the truth is, excessive screaming can have some serious consequences. For one, it can be incredibly annoying and discomforting for others who may not share the same level of enthusiasm. It can create a negative atmosphere and make others feel uncomfortable or irritated. In extreme cases, it can even escalate into online harassment or bullying, targeting those who don't share the same opinions or feelings. Furthermore, constant screaming can lead to social isolation. Others may avoid interacting with you online if they know that you're going to scream and freak out over every little thing. It can also damage your credibility and authority on a particular topic, making you come across as immature or attention-seeking. But that's not all. Excessive screaming can even have physical and mental health consequences, such as headaches, anxiety, or stress. And for public figures or influencers, it can be seen as unprofessional and damage their reputation. Perhaps most importantly, screaming can reinforce negative self-image and low self-esteem. If you feel like you need to scream to validate your own feelings or opinions, it can create a toxic cycle of behavior that's hard to break.
Now, I know it can be hard to resist the urge to scream and freak out when something amazing happens in your favorite fandom. But here's the thing: there are healthier ways to express your excitement and enthusiasm. 
Allow me to introduce a little step-by-step guide for you to help calm down and control your need to scream:
Awareness - Recognize when you are becoming excited and anticipate the urge to scream. Being aware of your emotions can help you prepare to manage them.
Breathing Techniques - Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to help calm yourself down. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this for a few times until you feel calmer.
Count to Ten - When you feel the urge to scream, try counting to 10 slowly in your head. This can help you pause and regain control over your emotions.
Physical Movement - If possible, engage in physical activities like walking, stretching, or even clenching and releasing your fists to release pent-up energy.
Channel Your Energy - Instead of screaming, redirect your excitement into a creative activity, such as painting, playing music, or engaging in a hobby you enjoy.
Mindfulness Meditation - Practice mindfulness meditation to stay present in the moment and observe your feelings without judgment. This can help you manage your excitement more effectively.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation - Tense and relax different muscle groups in your body one by one. This can help release tension and calm your mind.
Positive Affirmations - Repeat positive affirmations to yourself to focus on the good feelings associated with your excitement. Try some affirmations like "I am calm," "I am centered," "I am grounded," "I can manage this energy," "I choose to breathe deep," "I am capable of handling this," "I choose to be mindful of my emotions," and "I am releasing any unnecessary tension."
Practice Gratitude - Take a moment to appreciate what is making you excited and express gratitude for it. This can help you shift your focus to positive emotions.
Practice Self-Control - Remind yourself of the impact that screaming may have on others around you. Practice self-control and consider expressing your excitement in a more controlled manner.
Know Your Triggers - Being aware of what triggers you can help you take back control. Pay attention to situations that typically lead to screaming and try to anticipate them to manage your response.
Celebrate With Words - Instead of screaming or gushing, express your excitement verbally in a calmer tone. Phrases like "I'm so excited!" or "This is amazing!" can convey enthusiasm without overwhelming those nearby.
Think Of Others - Remember that the way we express joy can impact those around us. Taking a moment to reflect on how your actions may affect others can help cultivate a more respectful fandom culture.
Seek Professional Help -  If you're still struggling to manage your emotions, consider talking to a therapist.
Remember to practice self-awareness, respect boundaries, and find healthy outlets outside of fandoms. With a little practice and patience, you can learn to express your enthusiasm in ways that are respectful, considerate, and positive for everyone involved.
In conclusion, let's all strive to express our enthusiasm and excitement in a respectful and considerate way. Let's create a positive online community where everyone feels welcome and valued. Remember, we can be passionate and enthusiastic about our favorite fandoms without screaming at the top of our lungs. Let's promote positive behavior online and celebrate our shared interests in a way that brings people together, rather than driving them apart. Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and we hope you'll join us in promoting respectful online interactions. Share this post with your friends, and let's work together to create a better online environment for everyone where we can celebrate passion without the need for noise.
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benchisanidiot · 1 year ago
I've watched the first episode of the atla live action now, and I am not impressed so far. The first 20 minute exposition dump is giving us information that would have been learned organically trough like 2 and a half seasons of interactions and cunning and the characters actually DOING things. Which is another point that a lot of the things that happen in the first episode of the netflix season just sort of. happened. Not as a result of the characters having motivations and personalities and relationships that made THem affect the plot. Which was a core part of the original show and part of why I think so many people love it; the focus is not so much on lore or plot but on the characters and their relationships. The lore and plot is very much still there they just aren't primarily what drives the show forwards and creates tension and release. The netflix show so far has lacked that, and it shows. It's boring at times, there's practically no comic relief, they just kinda made Sokka a doofus who's also a bit mean. They never show the characters Caring for others or for themselves or for the world. They just sort of say it without showing it to be true. It lacked that whimsy and fun and hope that shined trough the animated show.
I think it would have been fine if they had removed Sokka's sexism, I've seen a Inuit fans of the show being iffy about it too, but then they should have made his interactions with Katara and Suki different, and actually GIVEN HIM AGENCY. But they just take out the CHARACTER MOTIVATION that makes the plot make sense and let the plot roll on as relatively normal.
Aang is also just. Weirdly serious. We don't see any of his whimsy or fun loving nature apart from those 5 seconds in the flashback that was the weird start of the first episode. Where's my little guy? I see his face but he's just not there inside. He's 12! He's naive and whimsical and unserious and a CHILD.
With all the character's Iøve had multiple moments of HE WOULD NOT SAY THAT GODDAMNIT and I just stopped watching cause I thought "why waste my evening doing this I could be doing literally anything else"
I think it looks really really cool. I'm loving what costume design has done, and what the cgi artists have done (not with the animals though but the backgrounds and settings are absolutely gorgeous), it just feels like the made it look really good and forgot about the core of the show...
So overall a lot of telling and not showing (like everything) weird set up's that never really got pay off, character decisions that I don't really get what they want with, and just in general a bit boring. Again the first 20 minutes is just exposition dumping. With like so much information that we in the show would have learned along side the character's naturally, and would have given them AGENCY and would have given us at least some suspense, but that they just decided to hand to us. Idk I don't really think it's worth using 8-9 hours of your life on. Just go watch the original.
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spatio-rift · 2 years ago
I just found your account and as a devoted zanark simp for almost 3 years now i MUST talk about him or else i will explode and die.
I would love to hear any headcanons you might have for him🙏
Also your art is absolutely adorable!!
HELLO MY FELLOW ZANARK FAN vigorously shakes ur hand 🤝🤝🤝
i think youve probably seen a bit of that here and there on my blog already but um if were talking about my favorite hcs when it comes to zanark... i read a pixiv comic once where it turned out as a result of his upbringing and the kind of childhood he had as an outcast who was always alone + then going to prison zanark never learned how to read and write and its something i like a lot 🥺 i try to casually incorporate that into everything i do w him... (i think the same thing probably goes for a lot of second stage children who had to fend for themselves since they were very young...!! who would have taught them..? though they might have learned while in feida later from other kids!! obviously that wouldnt apply to zanark though!!)
erm i always wonder what kind of relationship he has with zanark domain and i just dont think it would make sense for him to see them as friends or even just sort of part of His Gang cuz hes a loner so ive been assuming theyre actually fellow mugen prisoners who were offered a lighter sentence or other such things for helping him out against raimon after omega 3.0 got sent to loser baby jail so far. most of them really respect his strength so there arent any issues abt his attitude mostly but like yeah i just cant see him respect them enough to be his friends or even associates lawl theyre like his fans to me. lord zanark fanclub pal pack and all that
also i think he doesnt care to learn most peoples names because its funny to me and hes just that self centered. he knows raimon as a unit and nishiki personally by name but like thats it. not his full name though which really annoys nishiki because hes got this whole thing about having the same name as sakamoto ryouma and that was when he saved his life and stuff he should KNOW this.
OH WAIT i do actually have actual hcs about him and shit. i just checked my notes. i like to think hes not completely bullshitting everyone when he calls himself a nameless nobody from nowhere (this rolls off the tongue way better than what he literally says in jp you have to admit) so imo he did actually grow up on the streets (see first paragraph) after being abandoned (and specifically abandoned i dont think hes an orphan i think his parents left him behind like fei cuz he was freaky lol) and he really did not have a name until he got caught by el dorado and they had to put a name on his file and zanark avalonic was just what he thought of in the moment. but it slaps so hes allowed to do his bit about being nameless with a name. if i thought of something that good i would also add it to my catchphrase even if it makes it not make sense anymore.
and i also thought about his crimes before and personally what i think is. its mostly stuff like stealing and property damage, maybe specifically the theft of a timecraft and unlicensed time travelling + modifications to the time route as separate heavier offenses, and i wont rule out some fisticuffs and injuries to other people but its definitely not something Huge like killing people. i think he mostly is considered That dangerous a criminal bc of his attitude and of course his being a second stage child and not because he did some Massive Awful crime or something. but thats also kind of related to what i think about el dorado and second stage children which isnt necessarily what canon suggests near the end... but well thats a whole other subject. all this to say that i DID ponder his crimes for a while.
UM I WILL STOP THERE LAWL thank you so much for liking my art and finding it cute <3 i know his design and voice dont help his case but it was really upsetting for me to find out that some people dont even seem to realize he is a child 😭 calling him a grown ass man and whatnot so im making it my lifes mission to draw him looking ever so slightly more his age🥴
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btw heres my favorite pic of him from baku gaidenshuu. CHOMP
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