#grey's s16
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taskmastersource · 1 year ago
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TASKMASTER OUTFITS (2/?) ↳ Sam Campbell • S16
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howertism · 2 years ago
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when u boypussy so hard u start getting scared…
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appleelevengreen · 1 year ago
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oh fuck guys it was not grey this time
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autumnoakes · 4 months ago
falling back into an old special interest thanks to clips on youtube and i feel like i'm 12 years old again
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strangelullabies · 2 years ago
Ugh. Although I love that Alex gets his happy ending and kids. Jo didn’t deserve that 😭
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m1lfsh4ke · 2 months ago
Oh I’m feeling things
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Hmmm… plotting… potentially including this in a fic…
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colorlessjay · 2 months ago
A thought:
I love the idea is S6 Cas being both comforted and horrified at the same time by S16 Dean.
Like, he’s grateful to know that despite Dean’s work and how reckless he can sometimes be, he will live and seemingly come out of it at more comfort with himself.
However, the signs of age on him are a reminder of just how limited Dean’s time in compared to his. He hasn’t been around Dean enough to see those sort of signs yet really and now he’s confronted with them all at once.
Ya know, I actually had a lil think about this, but not from S6 Cas' perspective, but actually S16 Cas
Like, S16 Cas chooses to grow old with Dean, but at the same time, their life time together is merely a BLINK compared to the knowledge and millenniums Cas has lived through
I mean, Cas watched the rise of humanity. He was there when the first fish came onto land
In a sense, despite how much he loves the idea of growing old on earth with Dean, there's a sense of security in knowing that death means their eternity in heaven
But also a sense of dread knowing he'll have to watch Dean take his father breath later down the line. That for Cas, 'later down the line' feels so short, feels too soon. Cas has known of Dean's many deaths, but to witness it will break him, regardless of where he will end up.
Often Cas contemplates on asking Jack to erase his millennia old knowledge, so he can enjoy human years as they are intended
But at the same time, those memories shape who he is and who he has become. Gives him the perspective of the stages he's gone through to get to who he is now. And he likes change. He likes knowing he can still change and age like any other human
So when Dean one day comes up behind him, kissing that spot on the back of his neck his husband loves so much and says "Looks like you're going grey" in that teasing tone
Cas feels a sense of comfort
Because he's growing older
and he's doing it with Dean
Okay good night
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polymona · 1 month ago
How spn s16 should start:
…heat of the moment ♪
Sam’s eyes flew open. He glanced around in confusion.
♫ Telling me what my heart meant ♪
It’s his old room in the bunker. How? What? Last he remembered he was an old man on his deathbed. Dying. Wait. He did die.
♪ The heat of the moment showed in your eyes ♫
Is this heaven? No. He flailed his arm wildly at the clock radio trying to silence that infernal song. No, Asia would be the last thing playing in Sam’s personal heaven.
The music just wouldn’t stop, even after several attempts of hasty button mashing in the dark.
♫ 'Cause it's the heat of the moment The heat of the moment The heat of the moment ♪
Giving up on the alarm clock, Sam scrambled out of bed to click on a light—and caught his reflection in the mirror.
♪ The heat of the moment showed in your eyes ♫
He’s young again. Not a single grey hair in sight. Oh god, his family, his wife! Wait, what was her name again? Did he marry Eileen? The memories of an entire life were fading so quickly now. He was left with only a blurry face when he tried to picture the woman he married.
♫ And when your looks have gone and you're alone ♪
Okay this is freaky. Who is doing this? What is going on?
♪ How many nights you sit beside the phone? ♫
That raises a good question, Sam thought. Where even is my phone? It wasn’t on the bedside charger, or anywhere on his person. The one thing that could clear up many of his uncertainties such as what year it is was mysteriously nowhere to be found.
♫ What were the things you wanted for yourself? ♪
That’s enough, Sam thought, unplugging the clock radio entirely and returning silence to the room.
It was quiet enough that he could hear footsteps outside.
"Planning on sleeping all day, Sammy?"
"Dean." You’re alive. I haven’t seen you in years. I lived a whole life without you in it.
"You alright, Sammy?" Dean asked carefully, as he took in the disheveled look of the room that Sam had practically torn apart trying to locate his phone. That and Sam was looking at Dean like he could cry. "Rough night?"
"Fine. Everything’s fine." Sam said stiffly. "How are you?"
"Awesome," Dean replied, stretching in his hotdog jammies and dead-guy robe. "Or I would be if someone would quit hogging all of the hot water." He gestured down the hallway. "Anyway, coffee and breakfast awaits."
"Wait, what?" Sam said, quickly tossing on a hoodie and following Dean down the hallway.
"…says he likes the way the water molecules feel, but we all know that the only reason anyone takes that long is…" Dean punctuated his sentence with a rude gesture with his fist and a waggle of his eyebrows.
"Dude," Sam frowned, but then had a sudden realization. "Cas is in the shower?"
This was all happening so fast. Sam couldn’t even begin to process that not only was he suddenly young again, Dean didn’t die years ago on a rusty nail, and Castiel was alive and well and thoroughly enjoying the bunker’s facilities.
"Hello Dean," Castiel greeted warmly, appearing in the hallway still dripping wet from his shower wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. "Apologies, I forgot to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom."
Sam watched as his brother fought to keep his eyes on Castiel’s face, but kept flicking over his expansive bare chest to his wide shoulders and back around to his lips. Huh.
"No problem, sunshine," Dean said, quickly averting his eyes. "Just get your ass to the kitchen table before your omelet gets cold."
"Yes, Dean." Castiel replied, eyeing Dean like he was the only breakfast menu item he was interested in devouring today.
If I’m dead, there’s no way this is my personal heaven because I would not want to be reliving my brother and his best friend eye-fucking each other every damn day for the rest of eternity.
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puffle-fuzz · 1 year ago
God this scene was both heart breaking and just flat out awkward. Tom is in the presence of his ex wife (who he obviously banged, they have a dead son) and Teddy who he also banged.
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stormtheartistsstuff · 10 months ago
I FINALLY got to watch the latest season of Dragons Rising and I have a theory about who Ras’ master is, so for anyone who hasn’t caught up on Ninjago please keep scrolling because this is gonna have a lot of spoilers:
I believe there is a chance that Ras’ master may be the First Dragon, due to the similarities between his and Lloyd’s visions among other reasons.
To get this out of the way, I am not referring to Firstbourne. I am aware she is technically the “mother of all dragons”, but I believe her namesake gives it away that she may not be the very FIRST dragon. She is the first dragon BORN, perhaps not the first in existence.
Besides, do you really think the most powerful dragon in all of the worlds, the one supposed to be as powerful as the Overlord, would be defeated so easily by a small group of Oni, with other dragons AND riders on her side?
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I mean THE Dragon, the one depicted in Mistake’s story. The antithesis of the Overlord. The Yang to his Yin. The Creation to his Destruction.
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This sounds a bit far fetched, I am aware, but I do have a base for this theory.
In Mistake’s story, the Dragon was also fighting over the First Spinjitsu Master, just like the Overlord was. What is interesting to me is that the FSM chose to run from both instead of choosing the Dragon, despite the dragons always being depicted as “the good guys” and the Oni as “the bad guys.”
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This means that the dragon most likely didn’t want to use him for the right reasons either, maybe even to eliminate the Overlord and overturn the balance of the world in its favor. The FSM is the balance, and he most likely knew that siding with one or the other would be disastrous.
The Dragon also has not been seen for the entirety of the series, despite the fact that the Overlord had been rampaging in Ninjago over and over. It isn’t like they could not come to stop him, we knew from the very beginning that dragons can traverse realms (I know this is probably because the dragon hadn’t been introduced in the plot yet, let me dream). Perhaps the Dragon had been sealed away by the FSM, not unlike the Overlord was when the FSM split Ninjago in two to keep him at bay.
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It would explain the Dragons absence throughout the years.
Now, onto Ras.
He receives visions in a very similar way to Lloyd, almost to a T with the floating and glowing eyes, but with a GOLDEN background, which not even the Sources have, despite their connection to creation.
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As for the “evil” masks, remember that the Forbidden Five that his master wanted to bring back are ELEMENTAL MASTERS, people who have been commonly paired with the dragons throughout history, as seen by the ninja themselves. Despite the corruption of their powers, it isn’t Destruction: it is simply warped Spinjitsu, corrupted Creation.
Perhaps the dragon needs the Sources to regain its strength, or hell, its powers were divided to CREATED the Source dragons, each one acting as a seal to keep it at bay. This is may be why they want to conquer the Sources, to free the First Dragon.
Another detail I have noticed, this might be a bit of a stretch but tigers and dragons tend to be a motif I have seen in mythology a lot, it would make sense for it to occur at least once in the show.
To wrap it all up, Creation can be used for evil and Destruction can be used for good. They are not black and white, but shades of grey. We have seen this in the show itself, for example, Gardamon in s2 with the Megaweapon for evil, a weapon that can only create:
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And in s16 when Lloyd used his destruction to fight the Overlord for good (and in the original ending before it was changed, kill him):
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Creation and Destruction have no morality, and no one shows this better than the FSM himself:
The First Spinjitsu Master chose neither Oni nor Dragon for a reason. Light can be just as blinding as the Dark.
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privatehousesanatomy · 11 months ago
i'm going to ramble for a minute because i am both greys anatomy's biggest fan while simultaneously being their biggest hater and i have a lot to say.
the show is terrible. i love everything up to s8 and then tap out after s11. i physically cannot watch anything after derek dies. i've watched up to s16 completely and now for the last 4 seasons have been keeping up through spoilers and clips on tiktok but i cannot will myself to keep going. and it's not because it's been renewed for s21 but because it's just so bad.
the last good season was in 2012, which is when it should have ended. the plane crash should have been the end of the series. it would have been a good year to end it. private practice ended in 2012, house md ended in 2012. those shows knew when enough was enough, and given the fact that private practice was a spin off of greys anatomy let's me know that the show runners know when enough is enough, they just don't know how to figure it out for greys.
i understand that it's one of those shows that fans are clinging to because it's a comfort show, but recycling storylines and character arcs just aren't cutting it anymore. they've killed off all of their good characters and are now trying to patch it up with characters that will never compare to previous cast members. they have no original storylines left because there's nothing left to do. and don't even get me started on the fact that they've been trying to replace derek since the moment he died. i don't even think meredith got a full season before they were throwing new love interests at her, and while yes, i liked other more love interests than other ones, there's no replacing derek. yes derek might have been a walking mcredflag but i am a derek shepherd girlie 100% and killing him off should have been the end. like if they were going to extend it past the plane crash, derek's death should have been the end.
another thing that bothers me - ellen pompeo's status on the show. she is the main character. if the main character has to step back because her brain "feels like scrambled eggs" and becoming a recurring guest star rather than in the main cast, that should be a major sign that it's over. enough is enough. you can tell in the last few seasons that she's become so monotone and robotic. she's not meredith anymore. it's obvious that she doesn't want to be there, and yet she keeps getting roped in to more episodes.
like i understand keeping the show going for the super fans who will binge the entire series and for the new watchers who started watching the newer seasons but it's to a point where seeing the announcements for another season actually angers me. bringing back old characters doesn't change how shitty the show is. did i love the beach scenes during the covid season? yes. do i love that they've brought addison back a few times recently? yes. was arizona's episode last week make me a little excited? perhaps. but it's not enough.
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backjustforberena · 11 days ago
WIP Ask Game
Big thanks to @ragana62 for tagging me - sorry it took so long.
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I'll seperate them out into fandom. Which is just two: Holby City & House of the Dragon. I've not touched a lot of them in a while, but oh well. Not including the ones that are, sadly, just called "Untitled Document". And another called "dialogue from fics I'll never write", which has random things like Nurse Jackie, Maryland, and Holby as well, since the show ended and I pivoted away from starting new fics for that fandom.
House of the Dragon:
HOTD Fic Ideas - subtle, right? It's my major, master one that's clocking in at over 30,000 words.
Modern AU - which, actually, encompasses seperate documents, labelled "MODERN AU??", "GRAVESIDE VISIT - MODERN AU", "MODERN AU" and "CHAPTER TWO: Baela packs for both Rhaenys and herself..."
Sue For Peace, Tempted to Strike
Persuasion - which also has a counterpart called "Persuasion AU Outline".
Lay My Body Down - 1x10 Extra Scene
(also I'm tempted to write a little thing about Rhaenys picking Laena up from her walk with the King and I always liked the fact that she was escorted by her father and collected by her mother but now I could have Rhaenys thinking about splitting the duties and not wanting to look at Corlys because it's like looking in a mirror and she doesn't want to see herself doing this - look I haven't picked a title yet, okay?
Seasmoke Flashback WIP - this is also attached to a document called "Pale Grey Beast". It's me writing the same thing but trying to jumpstart it by starting it on a different document but keeping the original. And another just called "Seasmoke" which, ironically, features bits of High Valyrian and little bits and pieces to be used as flashbacks for this piece.
We Cannot Hide From It: Baela escapes
Your Grace
A Good Day - Rhaenys x Corlys Wedding Celebrations
Upon inheriting the title of Lord of the Tides, Corlys set upon the building of High Tide immediately, and stayed till all plans were finalisaed and foundations had begun to be built - again, I have not picked a title, I just saved the damn thing.
I Must Stand Alone
Cousins, Kings.
Aemon and Rhaenys
Never Was, Never More: Laena and Rhaenys discuss the Capital & TQWNW
What Goes Too Long Unchanged Destroys Itself
Way Down We Go - Extended 1x10 Scene
Married In Vegas AU
Turning Page - Visiting High Tide
Holby City:
Me Before You - also attached is a document called "MB4U CHAPTER TWELVE"
Good Dreams WIP
Run and Hit C9 WIP
Collide WIP (Bernie and Serena take it slow.)
My Tears Ricochet
Berena Tears
The Not-Date WIP
Berena Juliet Roof Chat
Henrik & Bernie Post-Ep
Bernie Capture
Berena, Nicky & Juliet
Telling Jason
What If?
Director of Improvement
S17 E30/S18 E36
Berena Amnesia WIP - two documents, both called this
Someone You Love (Kill List AU) WIP
Berena Transfer AU WIP
Home Now - and another document entitled "Home Now C8 etc WIP"
Serena hadn’t had a home in months
S16 E40
Adrienne and Berena WIP
Berena Reunion 001
Jason dies
Spanish Kiss WIP
Reading the Journal WIP
Bloody hell, I'd forgotten about most of these Holby ones. I wonder if I should re-read any of them, see what sparks? Lord knows I left enough unfinished fics on A03.
Anyway, tagging: @leia-stark, @houseofthetides, @alicent-archive and whoever else would like to do it.
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perfectthewayyouare · 4 days ago
somedays you sit down and watch your silly lil show and smile and laugh and cry and then move on with your day and then other days you watch greys anatomy s16 ep16 and decide to kill yourself
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if you could write a role for jared's next job, what would it be? (this could also double as a 'what arc/plot would you write for sam in a supernatural reboot?' question but that's tew easy)
Ohhhhh *Jared voice* that's a GREAT question!
I'd definitely like to see him doing something that plays to his strengths whilst also challenging him (in that Soulless Sam kinda way). I think maybe doing something in the realm of like conceptual science/speculative fiction could be interesting to me. Something that gets WEIRD. Honestly if Orphan Black Echos hadn't been cancelled I could maybe have dreamt up something for him there. I also like the idea of him playing someone not necessarily a straight-up villain but an extremely morally grey, a very ends justifies the means kind of character (though in a different way to Soulless - maybe more like what people think Sam is a "bad things for good reasons" kind of approach). (In terms of a S16 arc - what I want is entirely unrealistic but if I were writing it I would explore all the ways half a lifetime away from Dean and out of hunting and with his own family has affected their dynamic). Thaaannnkkkkss for the ask Sam x
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waitaminuteashh · 1 year ago
rewatching criminal minds s16 and the things I want grey-hair prentiss to do to me
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colorlessjay · 2 months ago
S6 Dean finds a gray hair on S16 Cas and pokes fun at him. Cas has fun with how repressed Dean is in retaliation. 😏
Ya know something
I like to think that when Dean discovers a grey hair on Cas and makes fun of him for it, Cas shrugs it off, even rolling his eyes at how childish it was
"You make it sound as though it's a bad thing" Cas would say, pushing his hair back only to show more greying hairs that are usually hidden. "They are physical proof of change and aging. Both things I am proud of and get to share with my family"
And obviously, Dean feels like a dick for teasing him about it
But deep down I think seeing Cas age is scary for S6 Dean cause it means he can die. That he's not all the way angel. Aging means eventually, Dean is gonna lose him...
but he's not gonna voice THAT
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