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major-x-blog · 2 years ago
Se ne stanno Accorgendo???
Ma no.... non c'è da preoccuparsi, forse è il cambiamento climatico!!!!
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humpreybumprey666 · 2 years ago
BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film
Animowany film krótkometrażowy 3D o niezbyt odległej, ale dystopijnej przyszłości. Spekuluje na temat potencjalnych konsekwencji niesławnego Wielkiego Resetu, medycznej tyranii, kultury woke i zielonej agendy. Wszystkiego, co planuje dla nas Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne (WEF) 
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tmarshconnors · 18 days ago
Thousand-Year Gap
It’s 4 AM. I’m sitting up in bed, iPad in hand, absorbed in Timaeus and Critias Plato’s legendary dialogue about Atlantis. This has always been a deep fascination of mine. The idea of a lost advanced civilization, a society that supposedly thrived before being swallowed by the sea, has captivated countless minds for centuries. But as I read, another thought lingers: 
Are we a thousand years behind where we should be?
Yes, I know we have modern technology, smartphones, AI, space travel. But step back and truly consider it. Shouldn’t we be far beyond this point? Shouldn’t we have flying cars as standard, sprawling lunar cities, underwater metropolises? The 1965 TV program Tomorrow’s World envisioned so much of what we now take for granted computers, touchscreens, automation. Yet, I still feel we’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible. 
What slowed us down? Wars? Politics? Misplaced priorities? A complacency with what we have rather than a drive for what could be? We put men on the Moon in 1969, but over fifty years later, we’re still messing about with incremental upgrades rather than giant leaps. The Atlanteans, according to Plato, had a mighty empire, remarkable knowledge, and perhaps even technology lost to time. Were they real? A myth? A cautionary tale? Regardless, their story reminds us that progress isn’t guaranteed it can be erased in an instant. 
No, I wasn’t born in the 60s (before anyone suggests it). I was born in 1993, thirty-two years ago. And even in my lifetime, I’ve seen incredible advancements. But I can’t shake the feeling that we could be so much more if only we had the vision, the ambition, and the will to push forward. 
Atlantis may be lost, but our future doesn’t have to be. The question is are we willing to rise above our own limitations?
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datenarche · 19 days ago
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ungeheuerliches · 4 months ago
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sachsenmikrofon · 1 year ago
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rockinjohnny · 1 year ago
ONE SMALL TOWN - Full Video - Motivation & Plan Of action
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axel-b-c-krauss · 1 year ago
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getnotesonlife · 2 years ago
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Jesus reminded us of another great reset from centuries ago when in the days of Noah - just like today - the world had descended into perversion and debauchery. Yet despite the state of that world people continued living life large “…eating, drinking, and marrying until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.” (Luke 17:26-27)
After the flood, mankind continued to defy God. Under Nimrod, the world was united 'in one language' they built a tower into heaven, and just as technological wonders amaze us today through the brilliance and creativity in our high-tech world, those people also crafted amazing things such that the Bible says “Nothing was restrained from them of which they have imagined to do.”
Then as now, history is repeating itself!
Today the world is also united in 'one language' via the Internet, seeks to build the world back better with AI, clean energy in a non-polluting world that even also has a tower that reaches into heaven (the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.) But this reset is not what today’s scripture verse is referring to, but God’ ultimate restoration of the world he always intended mankind to live in in peace, harmony and love.
Friend, do not look to the world, its leaders or popular philosophies to be the answer to a better future (Colossians 2:8) but put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ. He is the only one that not only can but will save the world and all those that place their hopes in Him and Him ALONE.
To what RESET are you placing your trust?
Please Share Freely For The Propagation of the Gospel
Read 700+ other "Your Daily Note" articles at NotesOnLife.org/archive
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georgecrabb7 · 2 years ago
Want To Know How God Will End It? A Great Reset.
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satyrus77 · 2 years ago
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datenarche · 1 month ago
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ungeheuerliches · 4 months ago
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sachsenmikrofon · 1 year ago
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greatreawakening · 2 years ago
The Next Mess
The Next Mess The Next Mess by Geoffrey Allen and Nathan Charlesfrom The Silent CravingAvailable on Amazon: GR Website:great-reawakening.com GR Patreon:patreon.com/TheGreatReawakening GR Online Store:greatreawakening-store.printify.me Linktree:https://linktr.ee/princeheart #greatreawakening, #spiritualawakening, #awake, #nwo, #illuminati, #globalism, #wef, #greatreset, #agenda21,…
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get-notes-on-life · 2 years ago
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Turmoil is the nature of today’s tempestuous world.
Today everywhere we look we see financial collapse, fear of war and nuclear conflict, flash mobs, riots, increasing earthquakes and volcanoes, widespread corruption in government leadership and soaring inflation that has many on edge. Here’s the truth:
This is EXACTLY as the world is supposed to be at this time in history.
Yet today, just like the people in this picture casually playing golf while a fire rages nearby, many likewise are blissfully ignoring the ominous emerging signs that the Bible said would be hallmarks of the end times before the return of Christ and a period the Bible refers to as “THE GREAT TRIBULATION.”
Jesus said of this time:
“For then shall be GREAT TRIBULATION, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:21
The signs are all around us and as Christ said these things will escalate even more. By contrast the much enthusiastically anticipated 'Great Reset' promises a world where all are equal regardless of race, gender or sexual presence, the planet is free from pollution and advanced technology promises flourishing wealth and freedom, but just as today’s verse has prophesied, while now 'they spring up (prosper) like grass' in the end those without God will perish.
Friend, safety from the calamities of the world are not found in gold & silver, brass & lead, bug-out bags, bunkers, or bureucrats but in Christ alone.
The reality is the Bible is TRUE, Christ is coming again, and for those that trust in Christ, the Bible promises: “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9)
If you have not done so, put your trust in Christ TODAY.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org/archive
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