#great soft jelly thing vibes
iamkittywizard · 2 months
POV: AM when he's bored after the other four humans died
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#4 on your enemies to lovers prompts is giving Eris vibes
Loose Lips — Eris Vanserra x Reader
Enjoy! 💕
✧: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・
Rhysand was going to kill you. 
And so was Cassian.
Probably Azriel, too.
Maybe even Amren.
And Mor — sweet, lovely Mor — would be disappointed. Hurt.
You’d fucked up.
The realisation dawned on you upon waking. The rain that drizzled outside felt painfully fitting. 
You sat up in bed, clutching the sheet to your naked body. Your eyes crept over to the sleeping figure at your side.
Eris Vanserra’s hair was tousled on the pillow, mussed from sleep. His bare, chiselled chest rose and fell evenly in his slumber. His milky skin looked soft as cotton.
In a state of sleep, with no snarl or grimace or glare twisting his face, he was actually quite…beautiful.
And vulnerable. There was nothing stopping you from reaching for your dagger and plunging it into his heart right now. Something you’d fantasised about doing countless times. Something you’d promised him you would one day do. 
The male infuriated you something chronic. His history with your friends made your loathing of him a living, tangible thing.
And yet here you were in bed with him. Naked. You peeked beneath the sheet just to be sure — but the memory of the previous night was clear in your brain.
You were only supposed to deliver a message on Rhysand’s behalf. That was one of many tasks as his courtier. You were good with wielding words, with gleaning information. So rarely did you represent him without returning with something for him to turn over in his mind. 
The problem was that you hated Eris Vanserra so ferociously, your tongue always seemed to run away with you. 
Somehow…somehow, last night, your vicious, barbed words had turned into hungry kisses. To stumbling up the stairs of the concealed house you always met in to exchange information. To ripping each other’s clothes off and moaning until your voices were hoarse.
You’d crossed a damn line. And you didn’t know how.
You weren’t going to stick around to find out. 
With Eris still sleeping, you rose from the bed, keeping your movements quick and silent. You shucked your creased shirt on, making fast work of the buttons. Tugged your breeches on and shoved your feet into your shoes. 
You didn’t know how you were going to explain to Rhys where you’d been all night. How a simple message had kept you away for so long.
You’d have to find a stream to bathe in. To wash away the smell of sex. And the Autumn lordling.
Your legs feeling like jelly, you crossed the room in quick strides, not caring to lace your boots up.
“Going somewhere?”
Eris’s voice was decorated with a morning rasp. The sound took you right back to the breathy moans he’d whispered into your ear. You shook off the shiver that danced over your skin, clenching your jaw.
“I’m leaving.” Was all you offered.
“Shame.” Eris sat up in bed, stretching his arms above his head. “And you were such tantalising company, too.”
“Last night was a mistake.”
There was something positively lupine in the way he appraised your unkempt appearance and cocked an eyebrow. Amusement danced on his lips.
“That’s funny. I don’t recall you saying no.” His amber eyes raked over you. “You said yes a lot. And gods, yes. Oh fuck, yes—”
“So you’re a great lay.” You gritted your teeth. “It was still a mistake. And it’s never happening again.”
He said nothing. Merely stared at you with that hint of a smile on his lips. It incensed you so much that you wanted to launch something at him. Before you could make any more rash decisions, you turned—
“You know,” Eris lay back, resting his arms behind his head. “You may just have the prettiest orgasm face I’ve ever seen.” 
“You’re despicable.” 
He chuckled. “Perhaps. But I’m also very clever. You see, while you view last night as a mistake, I view it as an advantage.”
Walk away, your mind screamed at you. Don’t even entertain him. Last night wouldn’t have happened if you’d just walked away.
You couldn’t stop yourself grounding out, “How.”
“Because, darling, I now have leverage against you, don’t I?” Those amber eyes glittered. “Your friends would positively lose their shit if they knew you’d bedded me. Rhysand would probably toss you out on your ass, and where would you go?”
Prick. Gods, the delight you’d take in throttling him—
“What do you want, Eris? For me to get on my knees and beg you not to tell them?”
He smirked. “Pretty as you are on your knees — no, that’s not what I want.” He was enjoying every second of this. “You’re just going to have to start being a bit nicer to me, is all. You know — so I don’t slip up and accidentally blurt something.”
You snorted. “That’s what you want? For me to be nice to you? Does my hatred for you cut deep?”
“Hatred.” He chuckled. 
You stared at him, a muscle in your jaw ticking. Your mind still pleaded with you to just leave.
But there was something dangerously challenging in Eris’s eyes. Something you couldn’t yet walk away from.
He gazed back at you, cocking his head. “Do you want to know what I think?”
“Not particularly.”
“I think,” he ignored your retort, “that being nice to me won’t be as hard a feat as you like to pretend.”
“I think that somewhere, deep down, in that cold, emotionally-constipated heart, that you quite like me.” He grinned, flashing teeth. “And I think it fucking tortures you.”
Your body was taut.
You didn’t care that he’d won this round of verbal sparring. That he’d had the last word.
You only cared about getting out of there. Far, far away from him.
Without uttering another syllable, you turned on your feet and stalked out of the room. Before the truth could show on your face.
“Until next time, then, love!” Eris yelled after you.
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professorofcosplay · 2 days
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I made you all a friend! It’s Hate Slate AM! And he’s looking so glAM so far! I’m torn between keeping him in this bowl with the crystals or moving him into like a little terrarium with sand and more drab rocks like the book/comic maybe even finding some mini people from the hobby store... what do you think?
I’m planning on finishing the rest of the Hate monologue on his back after I wrap up some gift and owed art but I figured I’d put the iconic part on the front since it’s a bit of a squeeze. Of course he’d want to make Ted go through all the trouble of walking around to read the rest! Fun backstory fact: the crystals and bowl were gifts from my shitty non-consent-respecting ex so this suits “wonderful” memories we have together! Hate! Hate!
1 like= 1 kiss on AM’s head
1 reblog = 1 ex given to AM as a birthday present to make into a great soft jelly thing
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dungbeatposse · 6 months
turns out i am diligent enough to complete the series! thanks again for reading my rambles!! it's been really fun writing like this, using my thinker to delve deep into stuff. again, i'll try to keep it simple and short.
i'd love to here other's thoughts on what colour they think the rmpg member's are, and maybe i'll do another for other groups too :DDD
if you hadn't read part 1 yet, go here. there i covered likiya, zin, riku, kenta, rui, yamasho, kazuma and hokuto. now, i'm gonna finish it off with the last 8 members. note, these were harder to think about than the first post (and when i say hard, i mean fucking HARD). so buckle up yall.
shogo - celeste (#95bfbc)
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initially, i wanted to give shogo a warm colour. maybe a yellow or orange, but it didn't feel like it suited shogo for me. i knew i wanted to choose a colour with very vintage vibes. then, celeste caught my eye. it's a bright blue that looks well on its own, but when paired with warmer colours, it shines brighter. shogo might not be one of my favourite members, but he is his own work of art. calmer, but still with a bright presence.
shohei - pale chartreuse (#cde37f)
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it was either yellow or green for him. bouncing between two, i had a difficult choice to make. then, i went "why not the middle?" chartreuse is very striking and is mostly a colour that looks amazing on its own. however, it's also strong with other colours, being able to stand out amongst them. shohei is not just his goofiness, or his more hard-working side. for me, chartreuse is a colour that combines both of his strong aspects into a vibrant person that is shohei.
itsuki - ginger (#f0a748)
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ok, i'm gonna be honest. i chose ginger because of mars. i couldn't help it! i also thought about giving him a white colour, but it didn’t really fit as well as orange did. i think that he also has very orange cat energy. he very much does his own thing and has a tiny bit of a chaotic side too, though his initial vibe is cool, calm and collected. like itsuki is a cat trapped in a human body.
kaisei - sea green (#43a36d)
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when i think about kaisei, i think of strong. not just physically (gaddamn that man is CUT), but also how mentally strong he is. pairing that with how his soft and friendly his character is, i just knew i wanted to give him a nice natural colour. something that matches his growth and resilience while also maintaining a nice calmer shade to match his softer side. i think something like sea green that was rich and vibrant was perfect for kaisei.
makoto - royal blue (#3238b3)
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i know, ruby red is probably a better choice, but here me out. makoto always gave me a very regal vibe, with his strong features and the way he carries himself. considering his h&l character having a blue theme, the cooler aura he tends to have and the regality he was giving me, i think royal blue suits him well. the deeper, richer blue tone that sticks out elegantly matches what i think of makoto.
ryu - wine red (#521e1c)
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ryu was always going to be wine red for me. it’s a colour that’s not too obvious, but also not something that’s going to disappear into the background. along with the fact that ryu looks fucking great with darker reds, i specifically chose wine red because it’s a colour that isn’t bold but still manages to have a strong impact. it matches his less outspokenness, but his beautiful aura of both maturity and softness.
takuma - peach orange (#f0654d)
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i think i default creativity as a shade closer to pink/peach. i initially wanted to go for salmon red, but i settled on something closer to orange because 1) his hair and 2) it’s closer to a spring colour that suits him. i admire his creativity and his interests in art and fashion. for me, takuma has a refreshing aura that’s both sweet and soft without being too subtle. which kind of made me think of peach flavoured konjac jelly.
takahide - light green (#83bd68)
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oof. takahide… he was like the final boss. i cycled through several options before settling on this one. there was yellow, orange, light pink, red, even pastel purple. i started to look through his older looks, tsuji looks etc. i thought about giving the whole ass rainbow but that would be a cop out.
then, i thought about his relationship with ryu. where ryu is shyer and reserved, takahide is the opposite. making them mirror each other would be perfect! giving him a light green was a choice i never saw myself making. but somehow, it worked. maybe it’s because of how naturally charismatic takahide is (i always tend to associate charisma with green), maybe it’s because he does quite a few green hair looks, or maybe it’s because his emoji is a goddamn frog.
but it works!
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fastfur07 · 2 years
How Everyone Tastes
(an exhaustive study by fastfur07)
I'm not going to tag so many people, but I went ahead and tasted everyone who reblogged this post (and wasn't a NSFW/kink blog). Note that this was based on blog vibes only. Here we go.
23iamtryingmybest: Kicking things off, you’re spicy like an exotic vegetable soup. Great appetiser; my taste buds are all warmed up now.
better-with-dragons: Refreshing and cool; smooth texture that really slips down your throat. No, hang on, I accidentally swallowed. Oh no.
bug-on-the-floor: Hang on, give me a minute… *sips water* yeah, nice and savoury with sweet hints. Not too hard, not too soft. Top-tier snack here.
cardnompfs: Smells like fresh linen or something, but the taste is better. Warm and comfortable mouth feeling. 
cursedexbf: Bitter and weirdly metallic. Doesn’t taste like you should be edible, but there you go.
fruitydraws: Very sweet and juicy! A great palate cleanser. I think I’ll savour you a bit longer– oops.
glassmice-blog1: Okay, I promise I won’t swallow anyone else. You’re actually almost tasteless, but the little hints I’m getting go well. There’s nothing wrong with mildness.
gulo-gulottun: Similarly to the last one, you’re like a little pick-n’-mix of some other tastes; it’s hard to make any out individually. It’s like a big mouthful of jelly beans.
ineedtherapyrn224: Mysterious, almost like licorice or aniseed but a little more appetising (at least to me).
jackthenibbler: Soft like a muffin, and a weird fruity taste alongside it. I can’t quite tell exactly what fruit, but it’s nice.
lemonblackberrytart: A lemon blackberry tart, obviously. Tangy and strong. Tarts were never my favourite pastry, but friends always taste better.
nightmarevore: Cool again, and I’m picking up some of that metallicness from earlier.
nomminmothdragon: Creamy and vanilla-ish. (I know you didn’t technically reblog the post, but I wanted to include you anyway, and it was worth it; you’re delicious.)
nompunhere: Tangy again, kinda like sour candy, and… new car smell? Iunno, that’s just what I’m picking up.
novorehere: Sweet and fluffy, very tasty indeed… aargh… CAN’T RESIST… MUST SWALLOW–
owo-vore-time: Savoury with a soft and familiar texture. Faint scent of pizza rolls.
roseytoesy: Turkish delight (the original one, like Narnia), but milder. Definitely an esoteric taste.
saltedgutz: Fresh and minty, and tickly like hard candy. Hey, stop wriggling so much.
standusermoment: Mildly sour like blueberries. Very piquant.
tinystarwatch: A nice cup of Earl Grey. 
toothsome-troodont: A little bland, but that’s to be expected from a new blog. Faint fruitiness.
totallyvore: Crispy and a little chalky to finish off. 
Damn, all those weird tastes. Remind me not to try so many new snacks at once in future. I need something to settle my stomach: I think I'll go eat Mango Anon.
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lizavet · 8 months
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Welp, might have to go through my tumblr settings to fix that, but anyway-
favorite thing about them
His motivations. Special Episode 5 is the best thing to happen to Dusknoir, cuz it gave him so much character. At first, we all thought he was just an evil villain, but naw, he's just... scared. Like, he's a ghost type. Dying is probably no big deal to him. But being completely erased? Removed from reality? That's different. That's terrifying.
Plus, you can tell that he does care about people. He's kind to everyone in the past. He goes out of his way to save Hero and Partner from the Luxray/Manetric tribe, even though he gains nothing from it. He's a genuinely nice person. He just... doesn't want to be erased.
I love a good pure evil villain every now and then, but characters like Dusknoir will always find a place in my heart. People who aren't cruel or malicious, but misguided or scared, who just need someone to be kind and give them a second chance. Always gonna grab my heart.
least favorite thing about them
...listen man, dragging kids into the future and immediately moving to execute them isn't a good look for you. Really puts a damper on your dad vibes. Especially since Partner really wasn't a threat to your survival. Hero you can kinda justify, but c'mon man, Partner did nothing but be kind to you. They don't deserve that.
favorite line
Do I even need to say it?
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(Art by https://butchosprey.tumblr.com/post/625378639697100801/its-pok%C3%A9mon-mystery-dungeon-day-over-on-twitter btw)
I really like the idea that Dusknoir and Partner get close. Both because it makes sense that the person he spends the most time with in the past becomes a genuine friend, and because it makes his betrayal even more heartbreaking.
I am not immune to Future Trio Polycule propaganda.
Hmmmm... nothing comes to mind really? Dusknoir doesn't really have any ships outside of the Future Trio. Which makes sense, cuz why would he? Those three are great together!
random headcanon
I love the idea that Dusknoir used to be friends with Hero before they met Grovyle, but turned his back on them to work for Dialga once they started talking about changing the past out of fear. Just really drive that nail in a bit further, ya'know?
unpopular opinion
Listen, I love DadNoir, but I do think people can make him a bit too soft with Hero & Partner every now and then. He's still a pretty grizzled gay (That was supposed to be "guy" but I mistyped and I'm leaving it cuz it's still true but anyway). There are ways to soften him up and give him dad vibes without turning him into a puddle of marshmallow jelly.
song i associate with them
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears. Especially once SE5 kicks in and we get to see who Dusky Boi really is. Talking about how nothing lasts forever, then immediately singing "Everybody wants to rule the world"? Peak vibes.
favorite picture of them
Ah c'mon, is this even a question? It's gotta be the classic.
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magnumdays · 1 year
Magnum PI 5.01+02 - ‘The Passenger’ + ‘The Breaking Point’ review
It’s been a while... an epic season finale, cancellation, a whole new network, lots of promotions and two amazing episodes to start the season off with. And boy did it deliver! This was the perfect start to Magnum PI and hopefully everyone felt just how fun, smart and just all around good-feel the show is and we got some new people tuning in to watch next week!
The Miggy
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Let’s just start with the best part. I mean, there were a lot of great parts but for the die hard shipper, this was like dying and going to heaven. Only maybe better because I get to go back and re-watch it :P No but honestly, I was prepared to be annoyed we didn’t get some build up to actually *devil’s tango* because mostly, I think, I figured there would be a time jump. Like I thought it would have been like a week or two and we’d just not get them having their little morning after talk.
Also Magnum and Higgy in the shower bantering and kissing... I’m dead. Like did I hit my head and this is just a wild coma dream I’m having. 
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(Soft morning after Higgy is just so adorable!)
My favourite part was probably them after talking “I would like to set out a few ground rules!” so Higgy. The 5.02 with Magnum making fancy toast and then Rick showing up... also a good moment. Magnum being all ‘come to the win cellar’ and prepping a date - why is there not a Thomas Magnum in my life doing stuff like this for me? I live on an island with a military base and everything!
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Or maybe the whole post- sun screen lady talk “the fact that you’re bothered that I’m not bothered is starting to bother me” is so them. And the discussion ending with “I think your ego was ever so slightly bruised bruised because I trust you, implicitly’ which I think was really interesting and good point.  (And Perdie’s American accent just always cracks me up, especially when she does it to mock someone else...)
Especially with the bit we got from Jay and Perdie talking about jealously and stuff. So far Juliet is not doing anything green-eyed-monster-ish, even if there was some vibes about the manicurist but that was more of a... not surprised since I know you, is this going to be weird for us? thing but I do still feel like Thomas Magnum would be a bit jelly, him being the emotional one and all. So we shall see, perhaps it was all misdirect in that interview and we will get jealous Magnum. (Perhaps Ethan could come back for a minute and be like ‘Hi babe, I’m back, what’s up’. That would be peek drama... I mean a girl can dream right?)
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Also, why was there no scene of Miggy buying the baby car seat? I need that scene and if my muse permits I will be writing the ‘deleted scene’ fic for that.
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Gordon’s ‘I deserve nothing’ feels
I get where our stand up guy Gordy was coming from with this and I felt pretty good about how it’s going so far. I do hope for some dark-depressed Gordon going down the wrong path before the Ohana saves the day and makes him see what he’s doing because I do love that shit, but him deciding he want to fight to be a cop was real nice too there at the end.
The Ohana 
I was a little worried they wouldn’t nail the dynamic between everyone but so far I think it’s pretty great. Jin and TC in 5.02 was a little unexpected but I like them as weird as them as a duo was for me somehow. Jin always having new schemes is fun, but I have been wishing since like last season (I do believe It was one of my season 4 hopes) for him to actually find something he likes and is sort of midly legal and he enjoys. Like actual character development for the goofy sidekick? I know, it might be too big of an ask.
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But everything from Magnum calling favours while Rick is with the baby, Kumu bartending at La Marina to give him some time, Gordon getting them their undercover gigs with the coast guard, Jin suggesting he and Juliet make babies for the good of the world, just all around the fun and good feels they all bring. I’m just hoping for some Cade too, he is coming back this season right?
The Green / Someone Out to Get the Gang storyline
So far that is the only thing I have to say. Just a big Yes. Someone is out the get the guys, we’re getting some seriously bad guys killing a character we’ve actually spent time with (and kind of like even if he did send our favorit boi off to get killed...)
It seems were getting straight into this if the summary for next week is anything to go by, with Magnum starting to look into Green’s death.
Just a question
My one mild dislike/question mark was the fact that the cases started off so very similar. With the whole client wanting to know the truth about their dead loved one who has died accidentally / by her own hand and then it turns out ‘wham’ not so accidental and then our favourite PIs have to find the truth.
It’s not a bad formula and we’ve had it before on the show a couple of times to be sure. Just a tiny bit weird that they were just right after each other and being so alike. Maybe they could have varied them a little by meeting the client somewhere else? Like IDK, it was just something that felt a bit same-same at the start, probably extra so because I watched them back to back.
Anyways, other than that, no complaints. 
Passenger case/story-line
This one was nice, lots of twists and turns and it all came together so very nicely at the end. New cop guy whose name escapes me seems kind of fun. Like clearly he’s going to use his two new PI ‘friends’ to do stuff he can’t get done, while also seeming like a hardass. So yeah, I’m excited. 
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(So many more fun ways they could have combined Miggy and handcuffs... just saying).
I did feel like Higgy (or Perdie) was very passionate about the abused lady and I might have enjoyed that if there was some personal antidot with her helping some friend or other situation. Just to anchor it or something. It didn’t need it, it’s just I love Higgy backstory.
The lifeguard on duty case/story-line
So is there anything better than seeing Magnum squirm after putting sun screen on a random woman at the beach. Maybe seeing our babies show up rocking red swim suits, ready to save the day.
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Did not 100% see the whole ‘killed to keep the secret because the boss is in on it’ thing, though boss guy seemed shady from first second on screen. Still, this one was more about just them being undercover (even if it didn’t cover that much...)
Side note: Did I sort of almost get one of my wishes with the lifeguard thing with the call back to ‘Blood in the Water’? I feel like I did, even if there was no heartfelt feels about it, I might still count it.
Next week
The promo and the summary makes me pretty sure we’re getting the Rick and Juliet kidnapped episode. Which you know, feels to me like it should be the episode everyone finds out about Miggy. Maybe. Like at the same time, sneaking around sexy-times also fun. I do really hope we get some little bit of anxious BF Magnum screen time. Because if not, then what was it all for???
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Rick trying to get Juliet to spill the beans on who TM’s new GF might be - that is going to be so hilarious. But I feel like he must already know, because Thomas did confess to feels for Juliet back in season 4. Even if baby induced amnesia could be a thing, I feel like it’s just him having figured it out, trying to get her to tell him. So he can win the bet on ‘when will Magnum and Higgins get together’ which don’t tell me there isn’t a bet? If there is a text chain there is a bet.
So yeah, I want it to be a week from now, thank you! 
(Also nextepisode.net says 17 episodes for this season and the scrip seen to sugest the same... does that mean 17+10 or 17 +3 or just 17 or 17 + 100 more eps. because our show is the best and they realised and are going to keep making season until the end of time? Asking for a friend...)
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analyzingadventure · 2 years
Why did I refollow the official Twitter when I know I just end up seeing GG spoilers
Anyways catching up, episodes 52 to 56!
52, Mysterious Lake!
There’s something about the whole kids really trying to hide the Digimon and trying to convince people they’re holograms to the Digimon just walking around visible to everyone and all the people buy that they’re holograms with ease... Like something about this transition makes me sad
(Is it just that the kids having to put in effort every episode would get old and we get it by now so they’re intentionally trying to just smooth that out for the sake of convenience, or is writing around that “plotpoint” an inconvenience to the writers that they just don’t want to deal with anymore?)
(IDK it doesn’t matter really) anyways Ruri is getting dragged into the lake wheee)
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He looks so sad when wet lmao
Man I miss the mid-episode analyzer bits, it’s more fun to get to know the Digimon during the episode rather than AFTER everything is said and done :(
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Moisturized once again
“The factory promised this wouldn’t happen again” oh honey, you sweet little thing, you naïve baby
Yeah a kinda mediocre episode
53, King of Knowledge
Wait is this the episode with all four of Koushirou’s VAs
Oh yeah this is the episode, obviously we got Tamura Mutsumi (teen Koushirou in tri.+Kizuna) as Hiro and Kobayashi Yumiko (Psi Koushirou) as Espimon, BUT we ALSO got Takahiro Sakurai (adult Koushirou in 02) as “god of knowledge” (I know who it and yes that’s fun but we’ll get there), as well as the OG Koushirou herself Tenjin Umi as one of the spirit
I love that the staff saw the chance to just bring the Koushirou Levels to the Absolute Max (in a Kiyoshiro episode none the less) and fucking took it, thats fucking funny and great
Kiyo honey you have a problem...
Man this episode is horrifying but in like, a real way...
“You’ve been cheating on me” LMAO JELLYMON
54, Second Sight
God I am not jelly of Hiro’s vibe check ability, whoever the fuck is possessing hito give him that ability pls stop
Okay but Hiro got horns? That’s fucking cool bro, just like, get rid of the migraines and the foresight and Hiro will become Extremely Popular when he’s older
Gammamon’s so worried about Hiro!!
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Poor kiddo ;A;
I fucking love the set up of this episode, like this mess happened because of a Heated Gaming Moment and these two Octomon are absolute idiots. I fucking love this
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Look at that mofo, lil shit does not have a single care in the world lmao
Angoramon pwease just carry Hiro in your big soft arms this baby boy is in so much pain ;__;
Where are the Octomon why aren’t they helping?! Same for Clockmon, dude was helping out like five minutes ago why’d he bail out?!
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Oh there we go the Octomon came out
Okay please take Hiro to rest, baby boy is so tired
This episode would’ve been pretty mediocre, but genuinely the Octomon part was so fucking funny it turned into a good episode
55, Bakeneko
Oh man the animation is so unsettling right off the beginning what the fuck
Gammamon likes cats?! TRULY THIS BABY BOY IS PERFECT
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Man this episode has really nice animation
Oh, did Bastemon recognize Gammamon? OWO
So why are Ruri and co just not doing anything and are allowing this continue??
And Bastemon’s scheme as been busted!
I don’t like this animator (still) but the battle animation is still fun
And all the meow meows have been freed of Bastemon’s control and they’re all happy lil meow meows ;w;
56, Impurity
Aaand here we go, the reason I’m up at 5 am catching up with GG rn, the thing Twitter spoiled
Aaand we got great animation again this episode, wheeeee
Like, damn the animation is good
“White is the only pure color” hilarious to hear that considdering the color palette of the MotW isn’t white on white lmao
You know you’d think that after like 50 weird incidents were Digimon were making people Do Weird Shit, you’d think the kids could figure out when a Digimon was up to some shit before it was too late
Oh lmao the kids aren’t even safe in the Digital Field due to the mannequins lmao
Ah yes, one of the two things Twitter spoiled
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Boy she lookin’ purdy (also it’s so fun to see Miko Mode)
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This episode is looking so fucking good like god the animation-- Toei really fucking loves Kuzuha/Sakuyamon huh (it’s what she deserves)
It’s honestly kind of funny how they casually decided to make Miko Mode just A Giant Woman just for funsies
Awe boo combat mode is like average size
Man Kuzuhamon is just whooping ass with absolute fucking ease
I need to pause for a second because I actually thought for a second they were doing fucking Matrix Evolution and I was about to lose my fucking mind but no no no, Hiro isn’t merging with Gammamon, Baby Boy is evolving on his own, oki, oki
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Okay. I’m going to try to be nice. Siriusmon looks cute and fine, there isn’t anything wrong with him
But god I did not need another Royal Knight-ass looking Digimon 😭 He looks like a bootleg Omegamon nnnooooooo I wish they just let him turn into a bigger dragon or something
Okay okay okay I need to let go and enjoy this dope ass battle animation ‘cause this fucking slaps
The one who sent you to this world? OWO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
Oh also BTW since Kuzhamon is a black variant does this mean she’s with Black Agumon and the other variants?? Probably not?? But also no one was there stalking Gammamon at the end of this episode despite his evolution
Yeah it was an alright episode, the animation is really what made it shine
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bestbudscolorado · 21 days
Elevate Your Vibes: Mastering the Art of a Positive Cannabis Experience
Cultivating a High-Quality Set and Setting with Cannabis- By Best Buds Dispensary
When it comes to elevating your cannabis experience, the concept of "set and setting" is like the peanut butter to your jelly—it just makes everything better! Your mindset (set) and your physical and social environment (setting) can significantly influence how you vibe with Mary Jane. Here are some tips to help you create a positive set and setting for your next session, sprinkled with a bit of Best Buds humor to keep things light.
1. Prepare the Environment
A comfy, clean, and chill space sets the tone for a dank experience.
Clean and Comfortable Space: Keep your space tidy and inviting. A clutter-free environment helps foster peace and relaxation—plus, you won’t trip over last week’s laundry hella high.
Lighting: Opt for soft, warm lighting, or glow in the dark lighting. Harsh, bright lights are a buzzkill, while gentle lighting sets the mood for relaxation.
Music and Sounds: Curate a playlist of mellow tunes, or nature sounds or positive vibe soundtracks with good memories.
Aromatherapy: Pleasant scents like lavender, chamomile, or sandalwood can promote relaxation. But scents like Tangerine or Citrus can elevate your creative vibes.
2. Choose the Right Strain
Selecting the appropriate strain is like picking the right tool for the job. You wouldn't use a chainsaw to butter your toast, right? Ask your Best Buds budtender about the effects of each strain.
Effects: Different strains, different gains. Choose a strain that matches your goals (e.g., Indica for relaxation, Sativa for creativity and energy, Hybrid for balance).
Dosage: Start low and go slow, especially if you’re a newbie. Gradually increase as you become more familiar with how it affects you—because nobody wants to become a couch potato.
3. Choose Your Companions Wisely
The people you share your cannabis experience with can make or break your session- no annoying or depressing Karens allowed.
Supportive Company: If you're with others, make sure they're on the same wavelength.
New Companions: Have a variety of open ended topics to discuss or an activity to in engage in together (art, video games, movie, hiking trail).
4. Hydration and Snacks
Taking care of your body is essential for a top-notch cannabis experience. Snack attack, anyone?
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your session. Cottonmouth is real, folks.
Snacks: Embrace the munchies—no judgment here! Or opt for healthy snacks. But EAT.
5. Reflect Post-Experience
Taking time to reflect on your experience can provide valuable insights. Or at least some funny stories.
Reflect: After your session, take some time to think about your experience. Write down any insights or thoughts you had, or just doodle a bit.
Restock: Tell your budtender what you liked and didn't like about your cannabis experience, how it made you feel physically/ mentally, and which products/ methods you used to consume. They can make some great recommendations for your next cannabis adventure to tailor to your needs.
Best Buds has you covered
By thoughtfully preparing your environment and mindset, you can elevate your cannabis experience and maximize its benefits. Whether you're seeking relaxation, creativity, or some deep philosophical insights (like why is pizza round but comes in a square box?), a positive set and setting can make all the difference. Know your limits and tolerance and adhere to them. Best Buds budtenders are here to help, so ask us how we can be of service.
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papercutsunset · 1 year
Hi lacelight
What colors do you favor in your writing? Which show up the most? If you color-code your characters at all, which colors are the most prevalent?
Hey hey! I forgot to answer this yesterday, so I'm getting to it today.
I'm actually a big fan of color coding things. TTRPG characters, writing characters, and characters who are both (like a good chunk of my Lake Wonder characters) all get a specific color with specific vibes and reasoning. I think Tiff's is the most obvious-- bright, neon green, the kind that looks great under black light. She's a character who spends a lot of time in the woods and a lot of time doing "weird science," her best friend and stepmom are both aliens, and she's haunted by pine needles-- it's a green, and it's going to be bright.
I actually have assignments for basically everyone that I'll put under the cut, but, to answer the questions: I think, in my writing, greens, purples, and blues show up a lot. It's kind of funny, because blue is my absolute least-favorite color. I absolutely love warm colors (my favorite is orange), and I know they came up a fair few times in Impish, but it usually falls into camps of cool colors and oversaturation, depending.
As for color-coding, I know I've assigned teal twice, pink at least twice, a couple oranges, and more than a few greens. Apparently I made a list forever ago, so there's going to be an amended version of it below the cut.
Lake Wonder:
Tiff Sheridan: neon green
Denny: either a rusty or mac and cheese orange
Zane Shade: light shade of red
Stacey Blake: the most feminist shade of fuschia-pink you can muster (post-zombification, gray-pink)
Bloodsaw: dark red (almost black)
Laura Mandarin: gold (was originally a soft purple, but gold fits better)
Kay Clark: cherry red (yellow is also important)
The Aetherium:
Alf Armstrong: a very rich teal
Feminist Icon Gwen Krantz: a faded, crusty teal (like her hair)
Note: they're both teal on purpose! Canonically, it would come from Alf just having an affinity for the color and Gwen's hair being a semi-permanent washed-out teal, but it's also a little link between them, since Gwen's kind of their aunt! (Gwen as kind-of-aunt to both Alf and Indy is delightful to me. Imagine your aunt being wizard Tony Hawk.)
Other Games/writing:
Frankie Burns/Winona Whatever: electric blue (though red will factor in)
Carter Arcadia: "mellow" red
Valentina Valentine: magenta
Elle Duffy/Teen Valentine: hot pink
Heskel Hokum: a very goopy red
Jex Itura: yellow-orange
Farley Hallow-Stein: army green
Gonk Hanklin III: spring green
Chrissy Rome: soft yellow
Dr. Pepsi Calculus: bubblegum pink
Vance Bloodgood: dark metallic red
Sir Trishany the Unkillable: asphalt gray
Human Sexuality the Lesbian Raccoon: denim gray
Non-game writing:
Iph Jelly: a very vibrant blue
Mikey Marks: bright yellow
Roux Marks: lime green
Rory Skiff: her color has actually changed quite a bit! at the moment, it's a rotting sort of red
Sloane Blackthorn: navy blue
Eve Hardy: dark pink (think about the dressing scene with Rosie)(Rosie's a fluorescent pink, BTW)
Chuck: brown. just brown. be normal about it.
Jules Myers: gold-green
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iamkittywizard · 4 months
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This took about 5 minutes because I knew if I told myself it would take longer I would forget it. AM is just a silly guy. Apologies for the quality.
*AM's design belongs to @egg-on-a-legg PLEASE check out their much better versions*
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yhfjmn51 · 1 year
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Puppet On A String
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Puppet On A String
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ only
Kink: Suspension - a form of sexual bondage where a bound person is hung from one or more overhead suspension points.
Warnings: subspace, spider anatomy, soft fluffy feelings, slight dom/sub vibes, blindfold, finger sucking, objectification (feeling like an object, but in a good way), lots and lots of love, aftercare,
Relationships: Wanda Maximoff x GN!Reader
Word Count: 2038
A/N: Drider - a race of centauroid creatures with the upper bodies of dark elves (drows) and the lower bodies of giant spiders. But make it soft and lovey, cause even though it’s the spoopy season, I won’t make spiders any spoopier than they already are.
This work has Adult Content. By clicking “Keep Reading” you have agreed that you are over the age of 18 and are willing to view such content. My work is not to be copied or translated onto any other platform. I have discontinued my taglist - follow @slothspaghettilibrary to be notified of when I post new fics
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The first time you felt it, it had been an accident. Wanda, for all her love and support and growth since joining the team, never liked to train without at least two other Avengers around. If she wasn't training completely alone, spending hours in the gymnasium mixing magic and with her own special abilities. She would come back to your shared apartment on shaky limbs, pale and covered in sweat, before spending a good chunk of the evening on her web only to emerge at the call for dinner. Her web was her space, as sacred to her as her magic.
Getting webbed nearly upside down in the training room, your limbs held up by the tight, soft silks that Wanda shot at you was an accident. The first time.
The second time was deliberate.
"You are really okay with this?" You asked, standing on the threshold of Wanda's private space, the one thing she asked for when you got together, when she officially moved into your apartment, the room that held her web.
In the low red lighting, you could see the spell books dangling on strings, the photos of her family and Pietro carefully framed in webbing on the walls, and old DVDs of I Love Lucy casually tossed on the great expanse of her web. Everything in the room screamed Wanda. The object held an unspoken rule, do not touch.
You wanted to be one of those objects.
That first time had been short and caught you both by surprise. You'd never been secured by her webs before, only held the daintily made crafts she would give you for holidays and special events. You could feel the magic thrumming through the threads of her webs, you could feel the warmth and control that radiated from Wanda. Your muscles relaxed into the safety of her presence instantly. It was so natural, so easy for you. You let go, brain floating off into some cloud, you were helpless to do anything but hang there like just another piece of equipment.
You had bruises for almost a week, your joints ached for a few days, your muscles were jelly for a few hours, but your mind couldn’t stop drifting. Every time you saw your girlfriend you were reminded of the feeling. How, for a brief moment, you were nothing and nothing mattered. You wanted that again.
“Yes, puppet.”
Even now, the simple pet name sent a new thrill down your spine. It had always been an inside joke between the two of you that meant nothing, but now… now it was something more. It made the blood rush to your cheeks every time she uttered the word. Her soft, husky voice uttered the word and you were sent careening down a path of no return. She controlled you perfectly, easily, when she called you that.
“Despite my better judgment, I’m willing to indulge you. But we are following my rules.” Wanda said, crossing her arms over her chest, legs dancing across her web as she came to stand in front of you. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” you saluted her with a smile. “Besides, this is just, ya know… a test. Like we talked about, if either of us aren’t feeling it, we don’t have to do it again.”
“You seem nervous, why?”
She was right, of course. You were nervous. What if she regrets letting you in? This was a big step in your relationship. What if she doesn’t like this? What if you fuck up? What if-
“You are thinking too loud.” She tugged you over the threshold and into her room.
Instantly your arms wrapped around her, burying your face in her shoulder. Her mandibles clicked together softly, before curling in and making space for her lips to find yours. Wanda kissed you softly, silencing your thoughts for a moment as your body relaxed. Her front legs hooked under your legs in a swift pull to get to wrap them around her waist.
She carried you closer to the web, with every step further into the room the nervousness melted away. The part of you that was scared of rejection just got caught at the door. Wanda’s hands on your face, on the back of your neck, guiding and coaxing you only helped lower your guard. Not that you really needed it, your girlfriend was magic in more ways than one.
Her mouth, for starters, was always sweet and soft. Wanda’s tender kisses, cautious at the start, her fangs carefully tucked away, to the way she devoured you by the end of it. She covered you in beautiful marks that left the rest of the team blushing. You lived for those heated moments where her mandible would get tangled up around your head, to see her lost in the moment.
Secondly, there were the touches. Not just with her hands, though, Wanda was tactile with every limb. Her hands, her palps, her legs, would wrap around you like they owned you. You could always count Wanda holding your hand, grazing your shoulder, or tapping your butt. She made you feel loved and desired, always, but sometimes that's not what you need.
And those two weapons were doing their worst. So wrapped up in her hands and mouth, you missed the way she stripped you of your clothes. Efficient, that’s what she was. She easily worked through the tasks of carrying you to her web, disrobing you, and turning you into a soft pudding she could mold into whatever she wanted.
A tug, your head being pulled back from her soft lips, brought you back to the surface. You blinked, refocusing and seeing her eyes flash with a spark, red surrounding her irises for a second before they settled again. But you felt the rush of magic and static in the air.
Wanda moved you again and slowly began the process of spinning her silks until you were wrapped up, surrounded in a cocoon so soft and warm. It was the perfect blanket. Your arms were tucked securely behind your back, gentle tension in your chest at the muscles being pulled. Your legs were bent back so your knees were spread and your ankles were tied together near your butt.
“How are you feeling, puppet?” She asked.
You tested the silks, giving a good wiggle where you laid on her web. “Good, not too tight. Just a bit exposed, but in a good way.”
“This next part goes around your eyes, do you still want that?” For a second, nervousness flashed across her features.
“Hey, c’mere,” you nodded, trying to get her within reach. She pressed her hand on your cheek, allowing you to turn and kiss her palm and wrist. “I want this and I want you. I trust you, baby.”
“Close your eyes.” She commanded.
You followed orders, silk wrapped around your head delicately. The world went dark, your breath caught in your throat for a moment but it didn’t last. Soon enough you were floating. The whispers of Wanda’s webbing being shot echoed in your ears as you felt your body being hoisted up. Your muscles pulled and tensed at the joining points. Butterflies erupted in your stomach. A rush of adrenaline and fear coursed through your system before a warm, fuzzy feeling settled inside your mind.
Wanda kissed your forehead, so sweet and gentle. The action caused you to rock ever so slightly, the only sensation you were left with as the helplessness and fear evaporated.
You took a deep breath, leaned into the feeling of falling almost. If you wanted to fly, you knew you had to let go, to allow yourself to be free despite being nothing. For the first few moments, every sound Wanda made in the room made you flinch. Every time a page in The Darkhold was turned, a shiver shot up your spine. Every click and purr from Wanda as she worked caused a soft gasp to come from your lips. But soon they all just became white noise, like cotton had been stuffed in your ears because no matter what, you were just another object caught in the web. Nothing to be concerned about.
The muscles in your stomach were the first to give out, quivering from the strain of holding the arch of your position. But once they relaxed, it was easy for the rest of your body to slip into the nothingness. To be just like the books hanging from the ceiling. Like sand slipping through an hourglass, you slipped from reality, thoughts sliding down the funnel until all that was left was warmth. You were weightless, flying away from your body. Your limbs tingled and buzzed and thrummed with existence, but it didn’t register to release.
You were free.
Pressure leaked from the base of your skull, pulsing through your body before settling between your legs. Your mouth fell open, a shuddering breath drawn in as freedom twisted into a heated arousal. It swirled in the background of your consciousness. You didn’t need to satiate it. That molten feeling seeping into your bones was just sending you higher, further from the room, the apartment, the planet.
But you could feel Wanda everywhere. She surrounded your very existence. No part of you was distant from her. She kept you safe while you were flying, floating through space and time like nothing mattered. She was your watcher.
A weight settled on you, warm and present and encompassing. You hummed at the feeling of it. It swept across you, slowly rolling up your body until it settled under your jaw. There was a swoop in your belly, lowering you closer to earth when fingers teased your slack mouth. A realization, stunted and too late, came to the forefront of your mind. Drool cooled on your chin, leaked from your lips as you closed them around the fingers. You sucked them as much as you could, let them slide across your tongue more than anything.
“...perfect, puppet, come back to me.”
Her honey-sweet voice, tinged with pride and lust, pushed your own arousal to the surface. What was fine swirling in the background was now spiraling out of control. You ached for more touch, for Wanda to intervene and make it go away. You whimpered around her fingers, lapping at the seam of the two in your mouth.
“Oh, puppet,” her hushed voice washed over you. “You're a desperate thing aren’t you. Just waiting to be used by me aren’t you?”
You choked around the fingers, gagging on the idea of being used, being treated like a toy for Wanda to find her pleasure from.
The fingers were slowly removed from your mouth, and the weighted feeling returned to you. Gently moving you, bringing you back to the room, Wanda unwrapped your limbs from their silk confinement. Your ankles, legs, hands, and arms became yours again. Your body became yours again, but she moved it like it was still just hers. With each part of you revealed to the world, Wanda kissed the flesh. She held your weight like it was nothing.
Lips pressed against yours, drawing a weak, small moan from them. It was all coming back so quickly, it had all happened so fast. The blindfold pulled from you revealed a warmly lit room, a soft red glow from Wanda’s eyes acting as gravity and pulling you completely back to yourself.
You smiled at her, trembling lips and limbs struggling to cooperate with you. A straw was placed between your lips and you sucked up the juice greedily.
“Easy, love, you did so well. So beautiful.” She brushed her palps across your body, tucking them into her body so she could fully wrap her legs around you.
“S’good?” You slurred, blurry eyes searching for her.
A hand guided your cheek up so you could see her properly. She beamed at you, the sweetest smile on her lips and nose scrunching up with pure joy. Warmth burst in your chest, head rushing at the sheer amount of love you could feel around you.
“Next time, I will use you like you are my treasure, but for now we sleep.”
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hii, how are you doing?? I just saw the new prompts and ran to ask if you could please do the NSFW Alphabet with Ace?
Thank you, hope you have a nice day/night! :)))
Yesss you may have the lad, the firefly, the match stick.
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A - Alone time He's in his 20s, he defiantly enjoys alot of alone time. He can't sleep? bored? just because yes, all of that. He would have a few magazines laying around.
B - Bondage He could be talked into being tied up, only a little bit though, he needs to have 100% trust and faith in his partner first.
C - Crying He's probably had a little cry after sex if it was very intimate and when it was his first time, him feeling loved.
D - Dominance He's a switch, it depends on his partner if he will top or bottom, he'll get the vibe of where it's going and lean one way or another though he does like to be a little scrappy with some tops.
E - Extra info Won't say it to anyone but is very curious about pet play
F - Food play He tried once, he did, food got everywhere, Thatch was livid certain things went missing and Marco was even more pissed he had to treat to people for 'problems' related to putting food 'in places'
G - Group sex Oh yeah, why not? more attention on him, more valid and wanted he feels and also the man has alot of love to give and feels he has much to prove. I also headcannon Ace as poly and into threesomes. Not to say he's against one on one though.
H - Humiliation He likes a little light hearted teasing but anything that becomes degrading is a no, he has too many self esteem issues as it is and wouldn't want to make someone he cared about feel any sort of negative emotion.
I - Impact play Didn't hear it from me but he likes his bottom smacked abit.. just with a hand, a firm whap.
J - Jelly Sometimes he thinks anything slippy if appropriate lube, he tries to just wing it with what's at hand or his own spit. He needs a little more education at times.
K - Kissing Love, love, loves when someone kisses his cheeks, his freckles, saying how handsome he is how cute they are. He enjoys his neck being kissed too and down his back. He's not much of a kisser himself though, when he's drunk he's full of sloppy horny kisses that are messy and sometimes awkward.
L - Lighting Off, it's more his own issues with himself then anything to do with others.
M - Masochism He likes a slap or two on his bare ass cheeks, biting, marking, rope burns on his wrists.
N - Not yet This man is too impatient to make anyone wait, he wants his partner to feel the best pleasure of their life right away plus when he really gets going himself he has little control over the situation.
O - Outdoor sex God, when he's int he mood and has a partner who is equally eager he'll fuck them pretty much anywhere, though everyone else would really rather not bump into his naked freckled ass bopping in the air when they just want fresh air.
P - Photography He's too shy in certain ways. You could send him nudes though, he'd love them, you'd need to tell him how handsome he was before he felt confident enough to send a dick pick. Drunk though? a flood of cock.
Q - Quiet please Gosh he's loud, sometimes you'd get a headache, he is not shy who hears him having fun. He also likes when his partners can match him. People in rooms either side of him however don't share that sentiment.
R - Routine Not really? he's just kinda vibing and is chaos.
S - Sleepy sex LOVES IT, it's one of the best things, being half awake in the morning, holding his partner softly or being held? the gentle rocking of bodies and soft little moans.
T - Top or bottom Aggressive little switch.
U - Underwear He defo doesn't always wear underwear, not for being 'sexy' but he's a little gremlin.
V - Voyeurism it's not a kink, he just doesn't mind being watched or getting to watch someone as long as it's all consenting.
W - Water He's not great at shower sex, gets too carried away to remember he's the one holding someone up. Marco didn't enjoy having to treat those injuries either.
X - X-dressing
Y - Yes, Master Likes to say things like 'babe' 'love'. Likes to be called 'good boy' 'dirty boy' 'pet'
Z - Zones Sensitive nipples, loves having his ass groped.
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levisgirll · 3 years
Hi! Can you do a headcanon of Levi being jealous/posessive when someone tries to flirt with his crush?
𝐦𝐲 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
text: Hello anon! Thank you so much for the request🥺 Of course I can! and I hope you like what I wrote💞 (also I’m sorry this took some time! this week and last week was just so stressful ahhh) incoming some cute jelly levi boi, I also realized now we need more of this- ALSO will be using this fact stated by Isayama about levi getting jealous which is he wouldn’t get jealous over his lover because he would trust them, although if he were to be jealous he’d stay low about it then by time explode. in this case it would be his crush and not lover as requested! (incoming some real cute fluff and levi being a cutie who is a bit jealous <3)
synopsis: Levi Ackerman isn’t the one who would get easily affected by others, he wouldn’t care most of the time what people would do and say to him. But....he has a crush on y/n for the longest time now and it seems his feelings is growing too with time. He notices some scouts trying to tease and flirt with his crush, he starts to feel something about it and pushes the thought away, but the feeling is still present. One day, something happens and he can’t take it anymore and becomes a bit possessive and clingy towards y/n!
fluff, aot world, headcanon fanfic ♡ —
You let out a long sigh as you were heading back to the survey crops headquarters from your training. Today was a really busy and stressful day as you had to train a lot and also manage to keep up with everyone.
You joined not long ago and you still were trying to fit in, learn new skills from others, and kept on training to catch up with others. Many saw you as a really hard worker.
But, you recently been getting some help and advice from Captain Levi! The strongest solider that everyone talks about and with that, you both got close and Levi seemed to like your attitude, and would usually ask you for your opinion on things.
Everyone was quite shocked how Levi seem to show a little bit of interest in you and even spoke to you. Y/N was different, unique more like it and how they never gave up and still kept on going amazed Levi. He was a bit worried about you though cause you could be reckless, but he had your back always watching without you even noticing. Later then, he realized after sorting out this emotions and feelings he had....he actually had a crush on you instead!
It was a fact that Y/N was quite attractive and good looking, everyone had eyes on Y/N and Levi would sometimes be quite annoyed and pissed about how some guys who seemed to have bad intentions always trying to get a chance to talk to you and get you alone but Y/N would usually avoid them and leave the scene before it happens.
You were just such a likeable person though! Who wouldn't like you? and many tried to make a move on you but you made the scouts that you were hard to read. But instead for one guy.
A scout was keeping his eyes on you for a while, and with his friends telling him that 'he would never get a chance with y/n' made him take the bet and go for it.
"Hey there! I see you training hard? My name is Roy, nice to meet you" He said with a big smile and gave you a little wave while coming up to you. You were setting up your ODM gear and glance at him. "Oh, I see it's Y/N." You said normally, but you weren't going to lie, the guy did look kind of cute but you had a gut feeling something was up.
"Of course, you are the great Y/N everyone talks about." He said with a smirk, "You look so much prettier." You were taken aback by the comment and thanked him, it was not everyday you would hear this comment and someone saying that bluntly.
"Haha, you don't have to be shy! It's the truth so own it. Anyways, I'll see you later yeah? Bye!" He shouted out and ran back to his friends, and you stood there quite shy.
You did not notice that Levi was actually standing near the entrance of the headquarters and watched the whole thing. You could tell by his gaze towards Roy he was...glaring at him? "Tch." He scoffed and walked away from the training area, looking rather pissed but you managed to go over to him and caught up with Levi. There your bright energy opened up, and you gave Levi a bright big smile that you would only usually do for him. "Hi Captain Levi! How was your weekend? I haven't seen you for a while." Y/N said in a cheerful tone, they looked rather happy to see Levi and that made him relax and warmed his heart since his crush has always greeted him this way. "Hey Y/N, it was alright I guess. And Oi, didn't I tell you to just call me Levi? Drop the captain, don't wanna hear that from you." He said and crossing his arms and looking slightly away to hide his faint little blush on his cheeks.
He observed you for a while, and he realized that you were the only one who would talk to Levi like this and he was the only man you ever showed your cute and gentle side to! And the same goes to him, you were the only one who he showed his soft and nice side by his small actions and words. So, he felt really lucky and somehow was assured and felt trusted that you might not be interested in anyone else, and maybe....just maybe he had a chance!
"My bad, Levi" Y/N said after a small giggle which was one of his favorite sounds, hearing his crush laugh a little was one of the main things he wanted to achieve. "I'm going to do hand-to-hand combat training later. Could you perhaps train m-" Before Y/N was going to finish talking, Levi cut them off and said "Yea sure, don't ask me and just tell me what it is and I'll help you train."
Levi didn't notice, but he was becoming rather tender and considerate only to Y/N these days which not only shocked them but also made them happy. "Thanks Levi, you are the best! I'll see you later!" Y/N waved at Levi with a joyful expression and ran off. After that small interaction and chat, it seemed like all Levi's worries and stress was relieved and he gave a small smile. Not only that, but also another feeling he had earlier was gone, but he couldn't figure just what was that feeling from earlier?
Later on, training for hand to hand combat has started and you were there, ready and waiting for none other than Levi to show up. But, someone else showed up instead of him. "So we meet again, Y/N." You turned around and it was Roy, he looked rather excited and he was checking you up with a gaze that made you slightly uncomfortable. "Um...yea cause we still have training?" You gave him a confused look and raised your eyebrow at him 'Just what does this guy want...' you wondered.
"You aren't pair up with anyone, so let's train together!" He said cheerfully and was in his fighting stance, all ready without you even having the time to respond to his offer.
"W-Wait...I'm waiting for Levi to train me!" You finally said in a stuttering tone. "Levi? Ha....since when did you start calling him that? Anyways, I don't see him? So, train with me instead sweetheart." He gave you a flirtatious smile, and you sighed and brought out the wooden dagger which you took your stance and took charge at him. He somehow let you take the hit and you looked up at him "Wow, you are good!". He was not taking you seriously, and was playing around with you, teasing you more like it. While you were training with Roy, without any warning he made you trip and you fell on the ground which you felt your knee starting to hurt. "Oh no. Are you okay?" Roy said and bent down, to check your knee. You felt it was done on purpose just to get you off guard, and so he can get closer to you.
With your surprise, he brought his hand out and pushed your hair back and behind your ear and then touched your cheek which made your eyes wide "No one should be allowed to look that good. How do you do it?"
"Huh...what do you mean?" Y/N said, all confused and tried to get up but Roy's grip made you not get up so easily. "Say, tell me how are you still Single?"
Before you could respond, someone quickly grabbed Roy by his wrist and pulled him up quickly. "You....The fuck do you think you are doing?" It was....Levi! He gave a death glare to Roy who now seemed to have been displeased. "I'm helping them up...What do you think you are doing holding me like this?"
"Did I ask you a question? It a command, answer it. What. Were. you trying to do." Levi said now in a very serious tone that gave off a scary vibe and everyone had stopped their training and were all frightened. Levi was not dumb, he clearly knew what Roy was up to, seductively flirting with you which he ignored before he knew you would not respond to it but.... he then purposely made you trip which he noticed and was not able to hold it in any longer.
"Do you want me to fucking break your leg to answer me?" Levi was being impatient and without any hesitation and not giving Roy any time to respond, he knee kicked him right up his chin and that made him fall down on his knees and covered his nose which was now bleeding. "You little shit, and you dare even question me after disrespecting Y/N? You have a death wish for sure."
Levi was about to kick him when Y/N quickly held on his arm and pulled Levi a bit back, holding on to his arm. "Stop! That's enough Levi. Don't bother with him, I'm fine now!" Y/N said, trying to calm Levi down and reassure him.
He stayed silent, and looked back at Roy, deciding on what to do. "Hm...Alright. I'm only stopping cause of Y/N." Levi took Y/N's hand which shocked everyone in the training area, including Roy and Levi turned around while saying in a cold tone. "Roy, you have cleaning duty for all the toilets at the HQ for a month and it better be fucking clean or I will make you redo it. You are nothing but a piece of trash so be useful and clean them."
Levi still, holding your hand tightly, pulled you and you both were walking away from the training area, away from everyone else. Y/N was blushing now and was looking at Levi's back head where they clearly saw his neat underhair cut. 'Levi why did he do this....' You wondered and Levi then stopped walking when you both reached near the stable. "Are you...hurt?" He said, turning around to look at you with a slight worried expression. "N-No, and thanks for back there." Y/N said, blushing even harder and looked down. "But, why..." They finally said looking directly at his grey eyes which soften, this was a question that kept killing Y/N's curiosity.
He stayed quiet, and looked away from your gaze. He seemed to refuse to respond. 'Wait....don't tell me!' Y/N then jolted their head up which caught Levi by surprise (worried if they noticed-) and they immediately said in a hyper tone.
Y/N: "Oh Levi....were you-"
Levi: "No."
Y/N: "You sure? Cause I swear you-"
"Shut it. I was just being annoyed by him, alright?" He would say and ruffle your hair gently. He wanted to hold you, hug you. You were just too adorable to him! But he knew he couldn't do any of that.
"Weird...I don't recall saying anything about that. But you just proved to me you were actually jealous!" Y/N said, and let out a happy and cheerful laugh. He would not admit it, but he felt embarrassed right now.
"Tch, brat are you gonna actually keep saying it now?" He said with a slight blush and turned around, "Well...Not till you be honest with yourself." Y/N told Levi in a shy tone, and still with a smile that was too big it hurted their cheeks, they were just too happy to see Levi like this!
You weren't going to lie, but seeing Levi jealous really made you feel something and so did he!
He took your hand gently and caressed your hand with his thumb. "If you want to know....come to my office?" Levi, was now a blushing mess, he was being nervous but he knew that at some point he had to let his feeling out because it was not an easy one to handle despite him being emotional he was able to control that but this was a special case and today proved that to him. He had to let you know.
You both went to Levi's office, and he pulled you closer and looked at your eyes which was filled with lust and love just for you "Please....Could I?" Levi said softly which had a little bit of nervous and tense tone. You then realized and confirmed, you both did actually shared the same feelings and behind closed doors while the evening was approaching you both slowly started to kiss each other even though you both were new to this sort of thing you took it slowly, and kept trying it again and again, till you both got the hang of it. Levi did that just to show that he wanted to make you his starting tonight and not having anyone else flirt with you anymore and that that he was capable of being romantic to u too! You never saw him this clingy, it was super cute.
With your reassurance and talk with Levi, your words would comfort him and calm him down and he then started to trust you even more which he was since the beginning but now that he got your approval he never felt such a lucky man.
Now, no scout with bad intentions ever dared to come up to you and Levi does not take it lightly next time if he even sees someone checking you up, or making you uncomfortable. With this, he promised to protect you from any harm and swore to that, he wanted to be your protector.
So poor them who ever tried to flirt with you and poor Roy stuck with a broken nose and having cleaning toilets duty!
But thanks to Roy, Levi finally was able to explain and show/say his true feelings to Y/N and now he can keep Y/N close to him only and cherish and protect them without any hesitation. He truly did value and care for Y/N.
This was actually so fun to write up ahhh and I find Levi acting sort of like this when he explodes at the person trying to flirt with his crush and the one responsible making him jealous! (I don’t think he would explode or lash out on his crush/lover, he is too mature for a situation where someone flirts with them, he would lash out on whoever is hitting on them instead of his lover ofc) I hope you enjoyed this anon and sorry this was late but hope you enjoyed it and if you did or anyone else please leave a like or a reblog!🥺 ♡♡♡
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luluwiie · 3 years
My writers academia
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My readings full masterlist
Or: just Lulu-stan praising her fav writers (❤ = My dearest ones) + Masterlist links + my very fav work from them ❤ The "ranking" logic goes crescendo, from growing writers to the "greatest" and most experienced ones, aka my favs ♥!
✏ Aspiring - Promising pencils ~
Aspiring heroes - Some writers I recently discovered or who just started creating some really great works. Show them some love, they deserve it !
@matts-writing - How you got together -
@thesweetestkimberry - Mlist - Chocolate
@daenqyu - Masterlist - Promise me
@veenxys - Masterlist - Todoroki & Bakugo falling for you - Mel is honestly such an adorable person, and a really funny one too ! I just love her Hcs, and the way she mixes humor with angst in her stuff. Honestly, I'm a fan :')
@shinsorokiri - Masterlist - Losing memory - Their hcs are just soooo deeply touching my heart. I wish I could read more ! Good angst content 😳
@bkgmaid - Masterlist - Shinso falling in love - New Tumblr I just discovered an fell in love with ! The slow burn process depicted there are.the.best ❤ Love the way growing feelings are depicted ! Touches my soul ❤
@yaomomvs - Masterlist - Ten duel commandments - I just love this girl's writings. I dunno what to say I JUST WANT MOOORE FIZNEKC (Shouto lover High five)
@atsumiyass - Masterlist - Simphony - Mars and Venus are new in BnHA fandom but are just So. Talented. I just love their writings. Simple yet very touching. Just go check their art ♡
@shotos-noodles - Masterlist - If we tried - There are definitely some sweet poetical vibes in this adorable person writings. Cue some adorable Shoto moments and I'm melting. I just love this cutie works ❤
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🖋 Pro writers - plumes ~
Pro heroes - Some more or less famous yet very talented and experienced writers, whose works are undeniably qualitative.
@sam-writs- Masterlist - Candles - I want to read more touching poetry like this ! ♡
@tsuhika - Masterlist - Saturdays are for the boys -
@fruggykitty - Masterlist - Trying to confess - BEST TAMAKI CONTENT. LUV IT.
@lovers-liability - Masterlist - I keep my promises - FF + The Beauty of it all - Ongoing FF - Lu' is such an adorable person and an incredibly gifted writer. She really has a thing with words; her own special way of depicting emotions and mental / physical states. She writes some of the deepest angst drabbles I've ever read, like you can feel the intense emotions she depicted. And considering her FF prologue, I can tell you she's as good in Fluff ! She deserves SO much love, recognition an fame for her art. I just can't wait to read more of her works! In two words, I highly recommend her Tumblr and whole great person ❤
@duskjelly - Masterlist - Lovestruck - This adorable jelly has such a good appreciation of BnHA characters. Every single thing I read there was full of small yet very significant details that make their work unique. I just love falling in their lovely / lively hcs !
@lovely-angst - Masterlist - This whole account is just what I ADORE reading on Tumblr. Intertwined Angst + Fluff moments. LOVE-IT.
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🖌 Top 10 artists - brushes ~
Top heroes- The very best writers I know so far. I absolutely worship their works. Their art never fail giving me chills and emotions. I highly recommend ♥
@katimagines - Masterlist - Kat is just the author responsible for my BnHA fandom adoration. Her works made me fall in the fandom, and for that I'll be eternally gratefull !
@songbirdsingingthings - Masterlist - Ice Skating + Polka-dotted Bandages - This writer is honestly underrated, she deserves SO MUCH love and fame. I just love the way she writes for my fav characters (aka Shoto, for BnHa). I'm just in love with her writings and details, that's all ❤
@izukulus - Navigation - Do you want some tea ? - There is something in Izukulus writings. A mix between psychological writings and pure fluff / soft moments. I just love their sweet writing. ❤
@meliorist-midoriya - Navi- the meaning of “i love you” + sing me to sleep - Kelley's whole masterlist was in my reading list since quite some weeks now... And I recently literally FELL in her whole ART. 'Cause honestly, it's about art (and a lot of emotions, too). First, just look at her tumblr theme ? It screams ART. Then read her psychological works ? it screams FEELS, EFHGRGIH I just love how she writes, I discovered this way too late and now that I've fallen for this, I'll never stop supporting her and reading her work è.é LUV
@blkladyelle - Masterlist - Unforgettable -Ongoing FF - One of my very favorite Dabi / Hawks fanfic. Honestly, with Midnight, these are the two Fanfics who made me fall in Dabi and Hawks works. I'm just in love with these two Fanfics. Just read it, it worths the journey! ❤
@elysianseraph - Masterlist - How they say I love you / Arrythmia - Poetry. Just emotional poetry. Nothing more to say, these works are often masterpieces. Deserves fame!
@oikawaplssteponme - Masterlist - 7 signs you're in love - I only discovered this Tumblr recently, yet I'm already sooo deeply invested in it. Willow is just the cutest person on earth. She deserves all the support and love ♥ The little Fanfiction with Todoroki learning what love is.. is just a blessing for our feels. Honestly, it's so well written, so sweet, so full of good vibes, I just love it 💕❤ -
@thelawofmixingcolors - Princess and Hero + Midnight - Ongoing FF - ❤ Realllly one of my top favs. A really sweet person and an amazing author. Their work never fails moving me, they do really have a gift for writing. I highly recommend ❤❤
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Wherever you're on this crescendo list, regardless of the number of followers and interactions of your tumblr, it doesn't matter : just know that your art helps people. I'll quote @melloyellobeth post, 'cause it encapsulates my thoughts and feelings about Fandom writings :
“There will always be someone who enjoys your writing [and I’m one of them]. Remember that every like, reblog, and comment is one person who enjoyed what you wrote and i can assure you they (and I) want more! and remember, not everyone remembers to leave evidence that they liked your writing or they might just be too nervous to interact with you. invisible fans exist, and you’ve got them.
Going along with that last one, your writing has the potential to help others! you could write about a minority, or maybe you could publish a little something comforting at the exact time someone else needs it. ”
This is what your writings gave me. Comfort. Feels. A perfect exit from reality / anxiety / any bad moment in my life. Honestly, I would never have thought I’d become addict to the whole fandom’ universe, and yet here I am, unable to sleep correctly if I didn’t have my bed-time FF reading.
To put it shortly : your writings move, comfort, help, bring bliss, feels and amazing moments to people. So thank you for that. Thank you for everything. ♥
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